I wish I was first …. I thought I’d catch the BBC 10 pm news – not seen it for a very long time – it felt like a party political for the Red Labour Party .
Mistakes were made- billions spent protecting the jobs of millions of people during covid . Maybe they should have let the economy and people just die .
Then there is the fuel subsidy scheme – maybe best to let people freeze – it would free up the housing market – cut the population – reduce borrowing – increase the value of the pound and make undertakers rich ….
The BBC is now full on making the blue tories responsible for everything – it was cautious but not any more – next week it will go ballistic over the budget and then a 1% interest rate hike …
The second story was an anti Israel job because the Israelis went after terrorists in Palestine …
The ilford slaughter made 15 seconds of ‘other news ‘ – the same as the football results …
The fuel subsidy scheme was and remains ridiculous. It shows just how dependant people have become on a nanny state to give them free stuff to protect them from reality.
A small conservative state would not interfere with the market, and allow people to make the choices they want to make, and they would live or die by those choices.
Truss, the ultimate Socialist decided on an unlimited energy subsidy for two years, she could and should have devised a self funding scheme which would have allowed the average household to warm the house to 16C and then charged the full price plus a premium thereafter to fund the subsidy for those who believed it appropriate to swan around in their underwear in the middle of January.
I wonder if this gradual decline of democracies into statism and ultimately socialism is inherent to the system . Ordinary voters are always on the lookout for stuff that is free , at least for their generation, the future price of this short termism is unpleasant and ignored by all. Politicians are usually willing to offer jam today in exchange for votes. Slowly the state grows , hand outs increase and it ultimately consumes everything .
At present the UK, in common with much of the rest of the West, has borrowed so much money that it doesn’t have and can’t feasibly repay , that it is in is to the international money lenders , the globalists , and must do as it is told. Of course there could be a default and we don’t repay what we have borrowed which collapses our currency. Or , assuming we borrowed in £s , we could instigate rampant inflation which has the same effect. Either way people’s savings and pensions are wiped out and democracy collapses and chaos ensues.
Alternatively if the globalists get their way and we end up with a one world government and the people accept being disenfranchised and Dias the WEF orders, it may stave off chaos in the short term but it is difficult to see how the current system of spending a lot more than the government tax take can be sustained. Once everyone starts to get poorer year on year things will become dangerous.
Either way democracy is dead.
DT I once asked a retired city investor how we could continue increasing public debt year on year when it was unsustainable. Reply — it is unsustainable, but we’ll just carry on doing it.
Now it looks like there are different plans in place. I think the ‘powers’ want to avoid chaos… like the frog in slowly boiling water (but with occasional heat spikes). People may accept it and trade in democratic rights rather than face the fear of chaos.
My BT broadband died this morning and is still off. The engineer is ‘allegedly’ coming tomorrow- I have more confidence in the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.
Brissles, I have seen a surfeit of BT’s Open Reach vans around of late and wondered whether that name for a service provider is a wise choice. Americans will probably quickly come up with Highway Hurl* as an alternative.
* For those that don’t know, hurl is the American slang for ‘reach’ (or retch) in British.
9pm BBCfour a strange trailer
It was a montage of films where everyone was black
then the words
“Together we stand .. Thursday films in BBCfour”
.. Interesting the audio omitted the word black
When I check the webpage “Thursday Night Film Club”
not all the films are black
but they seem disproportionately represented https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p08s981v
When you have a real Indian prime minister and not a diversity hire globalist puppet, whose currently dreaming of his rite of passage trip to Ukraine, checkbook in hand, to meet Zelensky:
“India-Russia trade
India’s bilateral trade with Russia has risen to a record high of US$18.2 billion between April and August, according to India’s Commerce and Industry Ministry. Compounded, that indicates a 12 monthly level of US$43.2 billion. This has been fuelled by a surge in the import of oil and fertilizers.
2 days ago”
So India has a PM that looks after his country’s interest. A novel idea in the IK.
But there is a change. Sueella Braverman is openly against mass immigration, specially illegal and “open boat” immigration. I think she means it.
If she can implement this, even in part, against opposition of the Globalists in the “c” party, Jeremy etal, she will have achieved more then all previous Tory governments (which was none).
So let us hope that this new government is different from the tedious ditto “c” governments.
If media cared about diversity
Reports would contain not only people who suffered in recent economy, like foodbank users
but also those who benefitted
Are there any ?
Yes cos UK house prices rose so much our area is full of people who have surplus cash
usually older people who sold a house either here and downsized
or in another area where houses are much more expensive and moved here.
I’ve never seen TV news mention these winners
they only mention losers.. we get foodbank reports almost every day.
But Harry, it means the gormless lumpen layabouts have to actually cook something for themselves and not spend all their benefits on Macdonalds and KFC!
That would never do now, would it!
The supermarkets are already drastically increasing their prices so that they can give away worthless trumped-up ‘sell-by’ stock to food banks each day and still make eye-watering profits! It’s taxation by stealth, a sort of theft that all red governments do, especially the blue ones. (The yellow and green ones are irrelevant).
As soon as pensioners realise that the over 75s will get much less than the next tier down, Sunak’s shenanigans will cause the Tories a great deal of grief at the next GE, because he isn’t capable of getting the UK Inc’s finances back on course in two years! It cant and won’t be done!
I see the virtual genocide of white males in adverts and TV shows is now increasing with the bloody racist buffoons showing at least 70% white females with black husbands.
This demographic complete and utter lie is becoming extremely offensive (if it were real, many of the females would either have two black eyes or be a single mother with three kids)
I am sometimes tempted to make a list and email each and every one of the racist twats and tell them what I, and I suspect so many others, of the EIGHTY FIVE percent of white indigenous people think of this racist genocide and their product or show.
Mixed race couples of this kind are at the most 2 or 3 % of the population in major cities and virtually NON EXISTENT elsewhere.
Black stabbers and gang members are mostly from single parent families with the father off serially inseminating as many others as he can.
These are not just my opinions there is clear social and demographic evidence of all of the above that is very quietly acknowledged in local authorities etc
Why don’t we see that in the sofa / bank / insurance ads ?
Also, what commercial sense does it make to offend the vast majority of the population whilst appealing to a sector that the wokes also tell us are so economically so disadvantaged ?
White males exist? In which BBC nature program were they filmed?
The group that gave the world everything – engineering, science, medicine literature, philosophy and learning, and music to name a few, is now the most disparaged in the media.
But there will be a reaction- be sure of it. In the meantime, when debating anti-men sexists, take no hostages.
Getting rid of the Dad is really good for business. It guarantees jobs for the girls: social workers, plastic police wimin, court welfare officers, judges, probation officers, lawyers, journalists, etc etc.
The problems caused by mothers marrying the state is then said to need even more state until every one of them is sucking at the teat of a loving government.
90% of schools will run out of money we are told. The fact is that most schools routinely run over budget. The Unions and mostly left wing teaching staff ensure that spending money like water and waste lead to overspending. I know this to be a fact because my son is a headteacher and runs the only school in his local authority that has a surplus. Run with an iron fist I might add.
The local authority itself is incapable of running it’s finances and has a multitude of highly paid people doing non jobs. The whole of the public sector is rife with poor management and overspending. Businesses know how ineffective financial control is in the public sector and routinely overcharge for goods and services.
Oh yes I know, worked for a local authority for a short while, 10am meetings people would be wandering in at 10.15 and commence to eat breakfast at the table talking about the telly last night etc.
Approved suppliers, what a joke there was a catalogue we HAD to use a company called pig I believe and the prices !!!!
Yes and after the meeting ended at 11.30, they’d take lunch! I’ve seen this happen myself in LA’s and central government. The waste is stupendous. They have utter disregard for taxpayers money. I imagine it’s like this at the BBC.
Not forgetting the Holy grail that is the NHS, when Pharma companies arrive with lunch food you would get flattened by already obese nurses in the scrum to
the buffet table !
Anyone would think they hadn’t seen food for days !
I accept this award on behalf of all the fine teachers I’ve known over the years who’ve struggled to make their transactions with children honorable ones, men and women who are never complacent, always questioning, always wrestling to define and redefine endlessly what the word “education” should mean. A Teacher of the Year is not the best teacher around, those people are too quiet to be easily uncovered, but he is a standard-bearer, symbolic of these private people who spend their lives gladly in the service of children. This is their award as well as mine.
We’ve all had a bellyful of authorized voices mediated by television and the press – a decade long free-for-all debate is what is called for now, not any more “expert” opinions. Experts in education have never been right, their “solutions” are expensive, self-serving, and always involve further centralization. Enough. Time for a return to democracy, individuality, and family. I’ve said my piece. Thank you.
They’ve decided to attack the new PM because he appointed a coloured female as a minister – in this case – the Home Office .
As usual they get that lefty Tory mouthy Gavin Barwell to saw approved things but speaking as a red labour traitor. I think he has been on x3 in the last 3 week .
The BBC did its ‘ best to destabilise the Tory governments and now expresses surprise that they were destabilised . Sooner or later the BBC needs to be defunded .
Yes, that’s interesting, Fedup. Last week on GB News I saw mega-gob, former MP, David Mellor, telling us that “Braverman had to go. It’s an incredibly serious offence. What was she thinking of?”
I was half expecting to see the poor woman carted off to the Tower of London…
This week she’s back, in her old job and all is forgiven.
The old saying “a week is a long time in politics” has never been more apt…
TOADY Watch #1 – already the gloves are off, the BBC gleefully report criticism of Rishi Sunak, our brand new PM
The paint isn’t even dry on our new PM and the BBC are trying to undermine his Cabinet choice, to wit, the re-appointment of Suella Braverman as Home Secretary. Suella Braverman resigned (BBC and other media, please note) recently for a technical breach in Government security. So what did the BBC do? Question her appointment not once but twice in the first hour of TOADY this morning.
The first time was a general discussion over the subject of the ‘row with Liz Truss’ ie. illegal immigration, and the Rwanda policy. At least a contributor from Migration Watch was allowed to comment. The second time, the contributor was Gavin Barwell, who was Chief of Staff to Theresa May. Now Nick Robinson is interviewing James Cleverly, Foreign Secretary, and the main subject is ….. the PM’s appointment …. or re-appointment, of Suella Braverman as Home Secretary.
The BBC are despicable, some way below deplorable.
For some reason the Foreign Secretary goes on Today to receive the comrade Robinson treatment .
Apparently Somalia is starving again – the Uk government used to give them £200 000 000 two hundred million pounds of taxpayers ‘ borrowed money – now it ‘only ‘ give Somalia
£50 000 000 fifty million …. ‘That’s not good enough is it mr cleverly ‘ says nick – such a neutral approach by comrade Robinson .
I wouldn’t send a penny of tax money overseas . If people care that much donate it through charity – but not state money …
Anyway – the 3 hours attack on re appointing suella braverman as Home Secretary shows lack of integrity – is the BBC narrative Despite a coloured female getting a top job – that doesn’t mean diddly –
The BBC is already starting the process of eroding the new PM through the thousand cuts method they used against Johnson …
Questions about people? – oh yes – questions about policy ? Not so much .
I’m more interested in our energy and food supply but that doesn’t count for the likes of comrade Robinson …
BBC Children in Need . Grant Funded Projects . London and South East England
As at November 2017
Word Search:
Islington x 38; Somali x 21;
Refugee x 33;
Young x 532;
Afghan x 3;
Arts x 43;
Football x 9;
Disabled x 64;
Autism x 12;
Literacy x 8;
Inclusion x 15;
Mental x 54;
The Mayor’s Fund for London
The project will deliver healthy food and activities to children
in 132 local projects across 33 London Boroughs during
Easter, Summer and half term school holidays.
The passive voice installed PM and as our estate agents tend to say of dilapidated properties… it’s a fixer upper
Sunak crowned new prime minister and promises: we will fix Britain – that’s the giveaway corporate advertising sheet Metro’s suitably passive voice take on Rishi’s somewhat mysterious elevation to the top job. His pledge to fix Britain – a nice undertaking and big of him, considering he broke it: Chief Secretary to the Treasury from 2019 to 2020; Chancellor of the Exchequer from 2020 to 2022
As for fixing stuff in this Britain of ours it takes an old white duffer like King Charles, under the union flag at the Daily Express masthead mind you, to observe: Lack of teenagers learning Repair Shop skills is a ‘tragedy’…
Don’t worry about it, Chas… get with the programme… if we can outsource the PM we’ll outsource all remaining manufacturing to the subcontinent and import our managers and the unskilled labour.
When he refers to fixing Britain our Rishi of course has the economy uppermost in his mind – the cultural demise, ever-leftward slant of institutions, plummeting educational standards, social malaise, crime wave and hyper-immigration – we’ll soon find those NOT to be significant issues for this chap.
As for Sunak’s apparently well-oil leg up the greasy pole… our modern Tories eh? Quentin Letts gets his political sketch on the frontpage of the formerly patriotic Times this morning and we did enjoy this vignette: Gove hastened towards the back door with his jacket vents flapping, scooting along as if on oiled casters.
Miaow do you do… Larry the cat greets new PM in Downing Street yesterday – observes the cheerful Sun
However, the usual suspects are like a dog with a bone… a big Brussels-shaped bone: Patrick Cockburn: Why Brexit support will come back to bite PM (‘i’); Janan Ganesh: His backing of Brexit raises questions of what other eccentric choices PM might make (FT)
The Guardian raises the racial issue: History man. But was this really the UK’s Obama moment? – asks Aamna Mohdin
You mean like the precurser to race relations in the country becoming ten times worse thay they were before?
The Labour-supporting Mirror are perhaps influenced by memories by Jeremy Corbyn at the despatch box reading out missives from the likes of: stalking victim named ‘Elizabeth’; Marie on the lack of affordable housing; a housing association worker, Stephen, who warned about a reduction in staffing levels; and Paul on the cuts in tax credits.
Today we have: Trish, 58, wants PM to help with cost of living; Student, Feisa, 29, is worried about bills; Mavis & Bob cut out meat.
Mavis and Bob are of course doing sterling work for the climate and since still studying at 29 Feisa is surely looking forward to a either a comfortable career in academia or some very highly qualified and well remunerated profession?
The BBC’s tabloid-friendly online press line up frontpage reproduction format once again cuts off the bottom portion of the Telegraph’s cover page. Several stories and features are lost – dramatically severing the text mid-headline. So we are left in doubt as to what it was: The sadistic burglar left…; what exactly: Covid causes rise in…; what: Left-wing Democrats… might be doing; and in sport how and what exactly it is that: Trump is out of the… ?
The FT gets a similar tabloid excision to its frontpage, taking off half the premium bottom righthand corner advert so we have to guess from which learned institution: Beth, 22, Zoology Graduate… hails and what exactly it is she is selling? By the way, here’s a question – why don’t we spell that word Zoo-ology? Or pronounce it Zoo-logy?
A strange thing – rasheed sinook is thinking of delaying the budget so that he can mull it over – yet up until about a few months ?Ago he was chancellor – so surely has an idea of the state of the finances ?
Perhaps the real reason is to let the Bank of England ( the UK) do its thing next Thursday before announcing the ‘cuts’ and tax increases ?….
To atone, here is Justin from across the pond adding a million hashtags to his airmiles and still being a laughing stock from those who can still be bothered to give him time.
Prince Charles given €3m in cash in bags by Qatari politician, according to report
This article is more than 3 months old
Money was passed immediately to one of the prince’s charities, says Clarence House
One of the first 50p coins marking 50 years of Pride UK has been released into circulation at a post office run by a gay couple who received hate mail.
9 a.m. BBC local radio news
“Climate change is affecting lives across the planet
A new report says that heat waves are causing deaths all around the world” paraphrase
..Em the obvious is that if the Earth was really getting hotter there would be a huge decrease in cold weather deaths
because generally people die more often from cold weather than from hot weather.
This is a good example where Greenpeace have used a figure ’40K deaths’, but the interviewee says it’s ’40K premature deaths’. But they don’t say that it’s lives cut short – i.e. pollution takes say 30 days off live expectancy.
Andrew Neil vs Greenpeace – Air Pollution (car crash interview)
Oh there’s a UN study too
Anyone would think it’s part of the PR onslaught you get before a COP conference.
COP27: Climate change threatening global health – report https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-63386814
Would such a PR article happen to feature backlit chimneys to make the plumes look very dark and gloomy ?
.. Yep of course
Also two BBC tweets
“Heat killing many more Indians now, Lancet study finds”
“India heatwave: High temperatures killing more Indians now, Lancet study finds”
Pollution of the Ganges, the largest river in India, poses significant threats to human health and the larger environment.[1] The river, which is severely polluted with human waste and industrial contaminants, provides water to about 40% of India’s population across 11 states,[2] serving an estimated population of 500 million people, which is more than any other river in the world.[3][4]
Apropos Suella’s resignation. Was it a self inflicted firing ? Did she throw the towel in because there was no backup on her intended immigrant policy?
To my mind such an intelligent woman wouldn’t make a mistake like using her personal email in error. None of it rings true.
Yes that’s how I read it ..and posted here a few days ago.
that she was really resigning cos she was allowed to implement the manifesto
and the email error was an excuse.
UK Gov ban gay conversion therapy.
NHS push young trans therapy.
‘My first thought as I came round was Oh God! What have I done?’: Man suing the NHS over trans surgery he bitterly regrets has bravely waived anonymity to share his ordeal
Ritchie Herron, 35, says life has been unbearable since surgery four years ago
His case first emerged after he shared experience on Twitter under pseudonym
He claims NHS failed to take mental health crisis into account before procedure
PUBLISHED: 22:11, 25 June 2022 | UPDATED: 17:16, 28 June 2022
On 13 February 2022, I accepted two tickets (used by a staff member) to Strictly Come Dancing Live from BBC Studios. The value was below the registrable threshold. (Registered 31 May 2022)
How the Albanian mafia conquered the cocaine market in UK
Albanian mafia manages to carve out a prominent place in the UK criminal landscape in the supply of cocaine to other crime syndicates in the country
March 3, 2022
According to the NCA, Albanian criminal groups have also favoured the creation of the so-called “county lines”; capillary networks used to move drugs that run throughout the United Kingdom, moving drugs from large cities into the coastal and inland provinces. These commercial routes are not only used by Albanian criminal groups, but also by local and foreign ones. During October 2021 alone, the police carried out a series of raids that led to the arrest of 1,468 people across the territory, seizing drugs and cash for the value of more than 2 million pounds, and confiscating an arsenal consisting of 49 guns.
Prince Charles to get funding from ‘blot on the landscape’ windfarms
This article is more than 10 years old
Upkeep of Clarence House and some travel costs to be paid from income on crown estate, which rents out land for turbines
Prince Charles at Clarence House, his London home. From next year its upkeep will be funded through income from the crown estate. Photograph: Ben Stansall/AFP/Getty Images
Robert Booth
Tue 28 Feb 2012 09.00 GMT
Taffman – think positive – the population of Albania is only 2.88 million – if the UK population has grown only 10 million in the last 10 years the whole of Albania will be here by 2025 and the immigration crisis will be over – apart from Africa and Asia of course – but we’ve a long history of accepting people …
Although slavery is recognized as being illegal around the world by international treaties and conventions, evidence has shown that there is still existing slavery in Yemen, and the number of slaves is in fact growing. Slavery affects and inhibits many basic human rights, and was specifically abolished by Yemen in 1962. That slavery is alleged to still exist is a major human rights issue.
EDDIE: I was born in February ’62 in South Yemen. Dad was a fifties hippy with very short hair. He wrote essays on communism and stuff when he was sixteen. He joined BP as a filing clerk, not really knowing what he wanted to do. One of the first things he did was redesign the whole filing system so no-one knew where anything was except him, which I thought was a good move.
Just think – if you put the wrong words on the twitter those six smiling muppets would come round and ‘ check your thinking ‘- or put handcuffs on ‘for your safety ‘….
Mark Steyn sometimes mentions the Canadian Conservative party in 1992 that ended up losing the election and got only 2 seats.
If something similar happened here I bet the conservatives would completely miss the reason and blame it on things like ‘the voters don’t like a party that is not United’ or ‘we didn’t get our message across properly’
These are the things they will come out with yet everybody knows the most important things are stopping mass immigration, stopping the daily invasion coming across the Channel and the unwanted net zero which is the root cause of the energy price hikes and possible blackouts and the pc/woke rubbish which is destroying sensible lifestyles and law and order.
We all know this but the politicians, those in control of them and a small percentage of daft lefties cannot (or will not) see this.
I occasionally look at the BBC Newsround pages, to get a sense of the wave of propaganda the state are programming into the next generation. This article is in ‘Business’ but quite frankly could have been written by any one of the Marianna clones who seem to be self-generating in journalism these days… like the sinister tale of the sorceror’s apprentice, except with lippy and mochaccinos instead of brooms and buckets.
“Rishi Sunak: The Star Wars fan who rocketed to power.” Not worth reading, but one line stuck out about when Sunak rolled out the gigantic waste that was furlough “his personal poll ratings went through the roof.” This is in the Business pages, not CBBC.
We all know the boundaries between serious analysis and comics for kids are being dissolved. When Starmer’s in I expect the BBC to be on hand telling us how many likes he’s got on Instagram, while the IMF declare the UK bankrupt.
Anger among Mansfield and Ashfield residents over MPs’ £2.2k pay rise
Readers have slammed a £2,000 pay rise for our MPs as ‘disgusting’ and ‘disgraceful’.
BBC RadioHumberside has these factoid trailers one bit says “the Humber has the highest carbon dioxide emissions of any region in the UK”
Really ? That seems suspicious
The key is that no numbers are given , that indicates it’s PR
Now the Humber does have power stations at Keadby and Immingham , and Scunthorpe steelworks and The Conoco oil refinery South Ferriby cement works was shut You could bump up figures by including Drax wood emissions, but are supposed to be counted as zero.
After 1 hour of fact checking I see it’s PR trickery
The actual written claim is
“The Humber is the UK’s largest *cluster by industrial emissions*,
emitting more than 12 million tonnes of CO2 per year (or 37% of emissions from the UK’s *six largest industrial clusters*)
.. It’s NOT about actual UK manmade CO2 of 341.5m tonnes
And it’s NOT actual region
rather it’s CO2 from 6 selected/cherrypicked “industrial clusters”
They say Humber cluster is 12m tonnes
yet fail to give the context that is only about 3% of total UK manmade CO2 which is 341.5m tonnes by ONS data)
Of course if you pick a city like London or Birmingham etc.
their total manmade CO2 emissions are much bigger than the Humber’s
10:47am trailer for the Kofi Smiles breakfast show
Kofi “We’ll be here to bring you all the info you need to know”
Female voice “The Humber emits more CO2 than any other region in the UK
And it’s therefore critical that we all come together and lead the way to tackle the threats of climate change”
Japan is upping the coercion and bullying on digital ID “telling a reluctant public they have to sign up for digital IDs or possibly lose access to their public health insurance.”
More nudge unit stuff to come no doubt. It’s not on the BBC Japan pages, but instead you can watch a documentary on “the change that is being created in Japan by women forging new partnerships in femtech, politics, sport and media”.
Libmob BBC spit in your face again
They take money from the whole of the public, and use their special platform to push their own pet agendas
BBC-Future #ImpartialMyAss
This is beyond a doubt the most compelling & thorough article + argument for climate storytelling in scripted TV / film that I've ever read – thank you for exploring this critical topic @beccawarner & @BBCNews (and for the @goodenergystory shout outs!) https://t.co/qTdYtDBZAm
Every day, around three million litres of sewage is emptied into the Ganges – and only about half of that has undergone any kind of treatment. The river’s waters are so dirty that it’s considered one of the most polluted waterways in the world.20 Jan 2022
R4 now new smartmeter “discounts” to balance the grid
traditional energy cos the grid 3.5p per KWh to generate.
Cos libmob have so screwed up the UK energy market by being anti-gas
this winter there will be times when the grid can’t deliver
so customers will be paid £3 yes 300p for each KWh they reduce
Yes 80 times normal wholesale cost.
Don’t worry magic unicorns will pay that 300p to you
It won’t get added to other people’s bills …/sarc
I guess that for every £1 you spend directly on energy, £5 is spent on your behalf elsewhere in schools, hospitals, pubs factories charities etc.
So that 300p is taken back off you elsewhere.
Stew, have just taken a cold call phone call asking me to have a Smart Meter installed (I’m with Scottish Power), I have refused – yet again, because they don’t have a good press. The young man confidently informed me that the problems were with the Model 1 but now the Model 2 are ok. When I asked how long the Model 2s had been out, he said 4 years. I told him to come back in another 4 years when Model 3s were out !
But I’m interested to know the views of my ‘colleagues’ on here, as to whether they are a ‘smart’ installation, or not.
The difference between 1st generation meters and 2nd generation is huge. The 1st gen where all not compatible with other suppliers and often a load of crap.
2nd gen are all compatible and made to an industry standard so you can change suppliers and it will work as before.
The problems these days are with the in-house-display (often called IHD). Either they take 10 weeks (in my case) to get it configured by the supplier or they have poor signal strength and cannot communicate with the smart meter.
As long as your area is covered by a mobile phone signal your smart meter should be OK to upload its data to the supplier daily.
Currently ultimately you pay for the person who sends your meter readings to the corp
Often that person is YOU.
If it’s the meterman then the corp saves that salary if you take a smartmeter.
With a smart meter ultimately the cost of the meter and the installer is paid by the pool of customers, not by magic unicorns.
So each smart meter installation raises electricity prices, and therefore the costs of everything across the country.
Many people get one installed and then find a problem like their meter cannot connect to the mobile phone network etc.
Never. Ever. If the power company can monitor your usage so can anybody else. They can be hacked. “Ah, they’ve not used much electricity this week, must be on holiday”, etc. And barely any mobile signal here in this remote bit of North Wales (been off completely for a week now, nothing unusual).
And if you could accurately measure by smart meter the consumption by the second you could profile their TV channel choice and if it was tuned to the BBC you could cut the power to the property.
Someone recorded three Dem bigwigs using racist language in a meeting then made the recording public.
So the police get called, not as you might think to investigate the racist behaviour of the Dems but to see if they can find and prosecute the person who made recording!
This illustrates how close the police are to the Dems. The whole stinking Country needs shaking up and these partisan public officials need the boot!
Sunak has received an inordinate amount of publicity following his coronation. Overhead camera shots to the Palace, salivating journalists outside no10 counting down the minutes for his return. Everything in high anticipation and media excitement. Why ? was it because of his background ?
Ok, Truss was a disaster, but compare Sunak’s exulted PR job to that of Truss, which comprised a few photographs of her shaking the Queen’s hand, and then a disinterested media covering her speech outside no.10. Again, why ?
If the picture is on a website
you rightclick over it (on touchscreens long press over it)
that gives you a menu to copy the image URL
Then you come back here and use the “add images” link in blue, that’s below the comment button.
I tweet the image
then I rightclick over the image in my own tweet.
Be careful not to open click the actual image cos if you do that first Twitter opens up the image but right clicking gives you a URL which doesn’t end in jpg etc.
If you don’t use Twitter
You need to either find the same image on a website
OR upload it to an image storage site.
like https://postimages.org then pick up the link (use the second option “direct link”)
Lucy PevenseyFeb 23, 14:51 Weekend 22nd February 2025 https://twitter.com/TheBabylonBee/status/1893360180022133117 MUNICH, DE — Following Vice President J.D. Vance’s speech condemning Europe for failing to do its part alongside America…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 14:40 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “What about the NHS – they want to charge people to use it.” (c) Starmer https://youtu.be/SnLNtx3zOY4?si=T5_z1l6NK5InEwwu&t=117 “They were only truly…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 14:34 Weekend 22nd February 2025 You should not vote against Keir – or you are the enemy! https://youtu.be/SnLNtx3zOY4?si=plHMmtPCKZZnjmeq&t=84 CANNOT STOP ONE BOAT. CAN STOP PUTIN!
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 14:32 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Reform are the FAR RIGHT NASTY PARTY (c) Starmer https://youtu.be/SnLNtx3zOY4?si=MI_iC9oUb3XDAmTM&t=41 “A dangerous right wing politics.”
Fedup2Feb 23, 14:15 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Hope so EG – but I suspect any ‘count ‘ these days to be modelled on the Obama/biden model …
wwfcFeb 23, 14:04 Weekend 22nd February 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkalM-JP_48&ab_channel=LancashireLarks
StewGreenFeb 23, 14:00 Weekend 22nd February 2025 There are two entrance doors on police stations these days One door is marked “for normal people” … go through…
StewGreenFeb 23, 13:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 UK law says a baby is British through parentage. US law says ANY baby born in the US is American…
Emmanuel GoldsteinFeb 23, 13:33 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I predict that the AfD will do much better than the msm are saying. There will be lots of people…
Fedup2Feb 23, 13:31 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I think ‘councillor Sedgwick ‘ needs to be looked at with their political control of plod – was it phone…
me me me me
I won something
the warm glow of success will help me thru this cold northern night without the heating on
Well done. But does it make up for losing WW1?
🙂 Only ‘cos I got distracted and had a broadband drop-out 😉 but I’m glad it warmed the cockles of your heart.
I wish I was first …. I thought I’d catch the BBC 10 pm news – not seen it for a very long time – it felt like a party political for the Red Labour Party .
Mistakes were made- billions spent protecting the jobs of millions of people during covid . Maybe they should have let the economy and people just die .
Then there is the fuel subsidy scheme – maybe best to let people freeze – it would free up the housing market – cut the population – reduce borrowing – increase the value of the pound and make undertakers rich ….
The BBC is now full on making the blue tories responsible for everything – it was cautious but not any more – next week it will go ballistic over the budget and then a 1% interest rate hike …
The second story was an anti Israel job because the Israelis went after terrorists in Palestine …
The ilford slaughter made 15 seconds of ‘other news ‘ – the same as the football results …
Yes, Fed the BBC are already attacking Rishi indirectly, I wonder when the direct criticism will commence?
They need to rally the troops.
The fuel subsidy scheme was and remains ridiculous. It shows just how dependant people have become on a nanny state to give them free stuff to protect them from reality.
A small conservative state would not interfere with the market, and allow people to make the choices they want to make, and they would live or die by those choices.
Truss, the ultimate Socialist decided on an unlimited energy subsidy for two years, she could and should have devised a self funding scheme which would have allowed the average household to warm the house to 16C and then charged the full price plus a premium thereafter to fund the subsidy for those who believed it appropriate to swan around in their underwear in the middle of January.
I wonder if this gradual decline of democracies into statism and ultimately socialism is inherent to the system . Ordinary voters are always on the lookout for stuff that is free , at least for their generation, the future price of this short termism is unpleasant and ignored by all. Politicians are usually willing to offer jam today in exchange for votes. Slowly the state grows , hand outs increase and it ultimately consumes everything .
At present the UK, in common with much of the rest of the West, has borrowed so much money that it doesn’t have and can’t feasibly repay , that it is in is to the international money lenders , the globalists , and must do as it is told. Of course there could be a default and we don’t repay what we have borrowed which collapses our currency. Or , assuming we borrowed in £s , we could instigate rampant inflation which has the same effect. Either way people’s savings and pensions are wiped out and democracy collapses and chaos ensues.
Alternatively if the globalists get their way and we end up with a one world government and the people accept being disenfranchised and Dias the WEF orders, it may stave off chaos in the short term but it is difficult to see how the current system of spending a lot more than the government tax take can be sustained. Once everyone starts to get poorer year on year things will become dangerous.
Either way democracy is dead.
DT I once asked a retired city investor how we could continue increasing public debt year on year when it was unsustainable. Reply — it is unsustainable, but we’ll just carry on doing it.
Now it looks like there are different plans in place. I think the ‘powers’ want to avoid chaos… like the frog in slowly boiling water (but with occasional heat spikes). People may accept it and trade in democratic rights rather than face the fear of chaos.
My BT broadband died this morning and is still off. The engineer is ‘allegedly’ coming tomorrow- I have more confidence in the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.
Brissles, I have seen a surfeit of BT’s Open Reach vans around of late and wondered whether that name for a service provider is a wise choice. Americans will probably quickly come up with Highway Hurl* as an alternative.
* For those that don’t know, hurl is the American slang for ‘reach’ (or retch) in British.
9pm BBCfour a strange trailer
It was a montage of films where everyone was black
then the words
“Together we stand .. Thursday films in BBCfour”
.. Interesting the audio omitted the word black
When I check the webpage “Thursday Night Film Club”
not all the films are black
but they seem disproportionately represented
When you have a real Indian prime minister and not a diversity hire globalist puppet, whose currently dreaming of his rite of passage trip to Ukraine, checkbook in hand, to meet Zelensky:
“India-Russia trade
India’s bilateral trade with Russia has risen to a record high of US$18.2 billion between April and August, according to India’s Commerce and Industry Ministry. Compounded, that indicates a 12 monthly level of US$43.2 billion. This has been fuelled by a surge in the import of oil and fertilizers.
2 days ago”
So India has a PM that looks after his country’s interest. A novel idea in the IK.
But there is a change. Sueella Braverman is openly against mass immigration, specially illegal and “open boat” immigration. I think she means it.
If she can implement this, even in part, against opposition of the Globalists in the “c” party, Jeremy etal, she will have achieved more then all previous Tory governments (which was none).
So let us hope that this new government is different from the tedious ditto “c” governments.
If media cared about diversity
Reports would contain not only people who suffered in recent economy, like foodbank users
but also those who benefitted
Are there any ?
Yes cos UK house prices rose so much our area is full of people who have surplus cash
usually older people who sold a house either here and downsized
or in another area where houses are much more expensive and moved here.
I’ve never seen TV news mention these winners
they only mention losers.. we get foodbank reports almost every day.
BBC news.
Pasta up 60% in the last year. Shock, horror.
Which takes it from about 5p a portion to 8p.
That’s OK, I am trying to reduce my carbonara footprint
But Harry, it means the gormless lumpen layabouts have to actually cook something for themselves and not spend all their benefits on Macdonalds and KFC!
That would never do now, would it!
The supermarkets are already drastically increasing their prices so that they can give away worthless trumped-up ‘sell-by’ stock to food banks each day and still make eye-watering profits! It’s taxation by stealth, a sort of theft that all red governments do, especially the blue ones. (The yellow and green ones are irrelevant).
As soon as pensioners realise that the over 75s will get much less than the next tier down, Sunak’s shenanigans will cause the Tories a great deal of grief at the next GE, because he isn’t capable of getting the UK Inc’s finances back on course in two years! It cant and won’t be done!
I see the virtual genocide of white males in adverts and TV shows is now increasing with the bloody racist buffoons showing at least 70% white females with black husbands.
This demographic complete and utter lie is becoming extremely offensive (if it were real, many of the females would either have two black eyes or be a single mother with three kids)
I am sometimes tempted to make a list and email each and every one of the racist twats and tell them what I, and I suspect so many others, of the EIGHTY FIVE percent of white indigenous people think of this racist genocide and their product or show.
Mixed race couples of this kind are at the most 2 or 3 % of the population in major cities and virtually NON EXISTENT elsewhere.
Black stabbers and gang members are mostly from single parent families with the father off serially inseminating as many others as he can.
These are not just my opinions there is clear social and demographic evidence of all of the above that is very quietly acknowledged in local authorities etc
Why don’t we see that in the sofa / bank / insurance ads ?
Also, what commercial sense does it make to offend the vast majority of the population whilst appealing to a sector that the wokes also tell us are so economically so disadvantaged ?
White males exist? In which BBC nature program were they filmed?
The group that gave the world everything – engineering, science, medicine literature, philosophy and learning, and music to name a few, is now the most disparaged in the media.
But there will be a reaction- be sure of it. In the meantime, when debating anti-men sexists, take no hostages.
Google Search and Douglas Murray book ‘The madness of crowds’
Getting rid of the Dad is really good for business. It guarantees jobs for the girls: social workers, plastic police wimin, court welfare officers, judges, probation officers, lawyers, journalists, etc etc.
The problems caused by mothers marrying the state is then said to need even more state until every one of them is sucking at the teat of a loving government.
Getting rid of “Aunty” would be better …
Someone should make a website with contact details of the worst offenders and encourage active feedback to the racist advertisers
90% of schools will run out of money we are told. The fact is that most schools routinely run over budget. The Unions and mostly left wing teaching staff ensure that spending money like water and waste lead to overspending. I know this to be a fact because my son is a headteacher and runs the only school in his local authority that has a surplus. Run with an iron fist I might add.
The local authority itself is incapable of running it’s finances and has a multitude of highly paid people doing non jobs. The whole of the public sector is rife with poor management and overspending. Businesses know how ineffective financial control is in the public sector and routinely overcharge for goods and services.
Oh yes I know, worked for a local authority for a short while, 10am meetings people would be wandering in at 10.15 and commence to eat breakfast at the table talking about the telly last night etc.
Approved suppliers, what a joke there was a catalogue we HAD to use a company called pig I believe and the prices !!!!
Yes and after the meeting ended at 11.30, they’d take lunch! I’ve seen this happen myself in LA’s and central government. The waste is stupendous. They have utter disregard for taxpayers money. I imagine it’s like this at the BBC.
Not forgetting the Holy grail that is the NHS, when Pharma companies arrive with lunch food you would get flattened by already obese nurses in the scrum to
the buffet table !
Anyone would think they hadn’t seen food for days !
I accept this award on behalf of all the fine teachers I’ve known over the years who’ve struggled to make their transactions with children honorable ones, men and women who are never complacent, always questioning, always wrestling to define and redefine endlessly what the word “education” should mean. A Teacher of the Year is not the best teacher around, those people are too quiet to be easily uncovered, but he is a standard-bearer, symbolic of these private people who spend their lives gladly in the service of children. This is their award as well as mine.
We’ve all had a bellyful of authorized voices mediated by television and the press – a decade long free-for-all debate is what is called for now, not any more “expert” opinions. Experts in education have never been right, their “solutions” are expensive, self-serving, and always involve further centralization. Enough. Time for a return to democracy, individuality, and family. I’ve said my piece. Thank you.
Today watch
They’ve decided to attack the new PM because he appointed a coloured female as a minister – in this case – the Home Office .
As usual they get that lefty Tory mouthy Gavin Barwell to saw approved things but speaking as a red labour traitor. I think he has been on x3 in the last 3 week .
The BBC did its ‘ best to destabilise the Tory governments and now expresses surprise that they were destabilised . Sooner or later the BBC needs to be defunded .
Yes, that’s interesting, Fedup. Last week on GB News I saw mega-gob, former MP, David Mellor, telling us that “Braverman had to go. It’s an incredibly serious offence. What was she thinking of?”
I was half expecting to see the poor woman carted off to the Tower of London…
This week she’s back, in her old job and all is forgiven.
The old saying “a week is a long time in politics” has never been more apt…
Suella Braverman deliberately fell on her sword to avoid being accused of betrayal.
uella Braverman’s reappointment as home secretary
Does that mean the boat people carry on arriving and nothing changes!?
Does that mean the boat people carry on arriving and nothing changes!?
I dont think so.
Blimey, Getty needed a massive search.
But that word… ‘aggressive’. Problem?
Cancer is racist !!!
TOADY Watch #1 – already the gloves are off, the BBC gleefully report criticism of Rishi Sunak, our brand new PM
The paint isn’t even dry on our new PM and the BBC are trying to undermine his Cabinet choice, to wit, the re-appointment of Suella Braverman as Home Secretary. Suella Braverman resigned (BBC and other media, please note) recently for a technical breach in Government security. So what did the BBC do? Question her appointment not once but twice in the first hour of TOADY this morning.
The first time was a general discussion over the subject of the ‘row with Liz Truss’ ie. illegal immigration, and the Rwanda policy. At least a contributor from Migration Watch was allowed to comment. The second time, the contributor was Gavin Barwell, who was Chief of Staff to Theresa May. Now Nick Robinson is interviewing James Cleverly, Foreign Secretary, and the main subject is ….. the PM’s appointment …. or re-appointment, of Suella Braverman as Home Secretary.
The BBC are despicable, some way below deplorable.
Today again
For some reason the Foreign Secretary goes on Today to receive the comrade Robinson treatment .
Apparently Somalia is starving again – the Uk government used to give them £200 000 000 two hundred million pounds of taxpayers ‘ borrowed money – now it ‘only ‘ give Somalia
£50 000 000 fifty million …. ‘That’s not good enough is it mr cleverly ‘ says nick – such a neutral approach by comrade Robinson .
I wouldn’t send a penny of tax money overseas . If people care that much donate it through charity – but not state money …
Anyway – the 3 hours attack on re appointing suella braverman as Home Secretary shows lack of integrity – is the BBC narrative Despite a coloured female getting a top job – that doesn’t mean diddly –
The BBC is already starting the process of eroding the new PM through the thousand cuts method they used against Johnson …
Questions about people? – oh yes – questions about policy ? Not so much .
I’m more interested in our energy and food supply but that doesn’t count for the likes of comrade Robinson …
Repeat tomorrow …off switch
( up2 – ditto – as I understand ‘some say ‘)
Budget: £79,637,564
Spend to date$31,253,071 (0%)
BBC Children in Need . Grant Funded Projects . London and South East England
As at November 2017
Word Search:
Islington x 38;
Somali x 21;
Refugee x 33;
Young x 532;
Afghan x 3;
Arts x 43;
Football x 9;
Disabled x 64;
Autism x 12;
Literacy x 8;
Inclusion x 15;
Mental x 54;
The Mayor’s Fund for London
The project will deliver healthy food and activities to children
in 132 local projects across 33 London Boroughs during
Easter, Summer and half term school holidays.
The passive voice installed PM and as our estate agents tend to say of dilapidated properties… it’s a fixer upper
Sunak crowned new prime minister and promises: we will fix Britain – that’s the giveaway corporate advertising sheet Metro’s suitably passive voice take on Rishi’s somewhat mysterious elevation to the top job. His pledge to fix Britain – a nice undertaking and big of him, considering he broke it: Chief Secretary to the Treasury from 2019 to 2020; Chancellor of the Exchequer from 2020 to 2022
As for fixing stuff in this Britain of ours it takes an old white duffer like King Charles, under the union flag at the Daily Express masthead mind you, to observe: Lack of teenagers learning Repair Shop skills is a ‘tragedy’…
Don’t worry about it, Chas… get with the programme… if we can outsource the PM we’ll outsource all remaining manufacturing to the subcontinent and import our managers and the unskilled labour.
When he refers to fixing Britain our Rishi of course has the economy uppermost in his mind – the cultural demise, ever-leftward slant of institutions, plummeting educational standards, social malaise, crime wave and hyper-immigration – we’ll soon find those NOT to be significant issues for this chap.
As for Sunak’s apparently well-oil leg up the greasy pole… our modern Tories eh? Quentin Letts gets his political sketch on the frontpage of the formerly patriotic Times this morning and we did enjoy this vignette: Gove hastened towards the back door with his jacket vents flapping, scooting along as if on oiled casters.
Miaow do you do… Larry the cat greets new PM in Downing Street yesterday – observes the cheerful Sun
However, the usual suspects are like a dog with a bone… a big Brussels-shaped bone: Patrick Cockburn: Why Brexit support will come back to bite PM (‘i’); Janan Ganesh: His backing of Brexit raises questions of what other eccentric choices PM might make (FT)
The Guardian raises the racial issue: History man. But was this really the UK’s Obama moment? – asks Aamna Mohdin
You mean like the precurser to race relations in the country becoming ten times worse thay they were before?
The Labour-supporting Mirror are perhaps influenced by memories by Jeremy Corbyn at the despatch box reading out missives from the likes of: stalking victim named ‘Elizabeth’; Marie on the lack of affordable housing; a housing association worker, Stephen, who warned about a reduction in staffing levels; and Paul on the cuts in tax credits.
Today we have: Trish, 58, wants PM to help with cost of living; Student, Feisa, 29, is worried about bills; Mavis & Bob cut out meat.
Mavis and Bob are of course doing sterling work for the climate and since still studying at 29 Feisa is surely looking forward to a either a comfortable career in academia or some very highly qualified and well remunerated profession?
The BBC’s tabloid-friendly online press line up frontpage reproduction format once again cuts off the bottom portion of the Telegraph’s cover page. Several stories and features are lost – dramatically severing the text mid-headline. So we are left in doubt as to what it was: The sadistic burglar left…; what exactly: Covid causes rise in…; what: Left-wing Democrats… might be doing; and in sport how and what exactly it is that: Trump is out of the… ?
The FT gets a similar tabloid excision to its frontpage, taking off half the premium bottom righthand corner advert so we have to guess from which learned institution: Beth, 22, Zoology Graduate… hails and what exactly it is she is selling? By the way, here’s a question – why don’t we spell that word Zoo-ology? Or pronounce it Zoo-logy?
A strange thing – rasheed sinook is thinking of delaying the budget so that he can mull it over – yet up until about a few months ?Ago he was chancellor – so surely has an idea of the state of the finances ?
Perhaps the real reason is to let the Bank of England ( the UK) do its thing next Thursday before announcing the ‘cuts’ and tax increases ?….
Extra funding for the NHS, with 50,000 more nurses and 50 million more GP surgery appointments a year.
20,000 more police and tougher sentencing for criminals.
An Australian-style points-based system to control immigration.
Millions more invested every week in science, schools, apprenticeships and infrastructure while controlling debt.
Reaching Net Zero by 2050 with investment in clean energy solutions and green infrastructure to reduce carbon emissions and pollution.
We will not raise the rate of income tax, VAT or National Insurance.
The UK Labour Party is missing a trick and being ableist (allbeit in homeopathy related way)
Look at what the US Democrats are trying to push on US voters….
= Mrs Fetterman, when you look a little closer.
Buying Europe Brick by BRIC.
Germany allows China’s Cosco to take 24.9% stake in largest port -sources
The ‘old gang’ Coverupcast between Sopes in Japan, Rowlatt in NYC, BS at a photoshoot and Lurch in his bunker on this will be a hoot.
Unless… they decide to ease past.
Sopes likely still selling his TDS manual to gullible Tokyo subway types.
Edit: repetition for Edfect.
To atone, here is Justin from across the pond adding a million hashtags to his airmiles and still being a laughing stock from those who can still be bothered to give him time.
Questions selected, vs. #bbcblocked will be noteworthy.
Prince Charles given €3m in cash in bags by Qatari politician, according to report
This article is more than 3 months old
Money was passed immediately to one of the prince’s charities, says Clarence House
Hate mail post office launches Pride UK 50p
One of the first 50p coins marking 50 years of Pride UK has been released into circulation at a post office run by a gay couple who received hate mail.
9 a.m. BBC local radio news
“Climate change is affecting lives across the planet
A new report says that heat waves are causing deaths all around the world” paraphrase
..Em the obvious is that if the Earth was really getting hotter there would be a huge decrease in cold weather deaths
because generally people die more often from cold weather than from hot weather.
This is a good example where Greenpeace have used a figure ’40K deaths’, but the interviewee says it’s ’40K premature deaths’. But they don’t say that it’s lives cut short – i.e. pollution takes say 30 days off live expectancy.
Andrew Neil vs Greenpeace – Air Pollution (car crash interview)
See how that was a very short item
As if they did it to tick a box
I guess thhey mean a report from the Lancet’s alarmist Climate PR dept
… https://www.twitter.com/LancetCountdown/status/1585037405836673025
Oh there’s a UN study too
Anyone would think it’s part of the PR onslaught you get before a COP conference.
COP27: Climate change threatening global health – report
Would such a PR article happen to feature backlit chimneys to make the plumes look very dark and gloomy ?
.. Yep of course
Also two BBC tweets
“Heat killing many more Indians now, Lancet study finds”
“India heatwave: High temperatures killing more Indians now, Lancet study finds”
Here’s an idea.
Let’s turn the gas off all winter.
Good for the environment !!!!!!
And then let’s see all the ‘excess deaths’ from hypothermia, pneumonia, covid, elderly, etc etc.
And then let’s decide how good an idea is reducing fossil fuels a la ER and Just Stop Oil,
And let’s see how the BBC cover the story.
Pollution of the Ganges, the largest river in India, poses significant threats to human health and the larger environment.[1] The river, which is severely polluted with human waste and industrial contaminants, provides water to about 40% of India’s population across 11 states,[2] serving an estimated population of 500 million people, which is more than any other river in the world.[3][4]
Guy went into Justin Rowlatt’s thread to chastise him for misleading on R4Today
The tweet has the cold weather deaths
.. https://www.twitter.com/Wailway7/status/1585167970007150594
Apropos Suella’s resignation. Was it a self inflicted firing ? Did she throw the towel in because there was no backup on her intended immigrant policy?
To my mind such an intelligent woman wouldn’t make a mistake like using her personal email in error. None of it rings true.
Brissles – dear – I think there is a ‘story ‘ there which we will never hear – probably something to do with advisors …..
RE Braverman, did not the Clinton bitch get a free ride by the bbc for the very same thing ?
holding power to account my backside
Yes that’s how I read it ..and posted here a few days ago.
that she was really resigning cos she was allowed to implement the manifesto
and the email error was an excuse.
Speaking for the nation.
Fruitcake ? Where does the law say we have to be ‘pro trans ‘ or have ‘trans ‘ at all ?
Equal law for all or different laws for special people.
Does Lala not have a conviction for domestic violence?
Anti trans? We are all equal.
UK Gov ban gay conversion therapy.
NHS push young trans therapy.
‘My first thought as I came round was Oh God! What have I done?’: Man suing the NHS over trans surgery he bitterly regrets has bravely waived anonymity to share his ordeal
Ritchie Herron, 35, says life has been unbearable since surgery four years ago
His case first emerged after he shared experience on Twitter under pseudonym
He claims NHS failed to take mental health crisis into account before procedure
PUBLISHED: 22:11, 25 June 2022 | UPDATED: 17:16, 28 June 2022
I’m disgusted that the BBC give Lala free gifts.
ame of donor: BBC
Address of donor: Broadcasting House, Whiteladies Road, Bristol BS8 2LR
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Two tickets to BBC Radio 1’s Big Weekend, value £43
Date received: 29 May 2022
Date accepted: 29 May 2022
Donor status: company, registration RC000057
(Registered 31 May 2022)
I’m disgusted that she takes money from Saudi backed companies.
Name of donor: BBC
Address of donor: Broadcasting House, Whiteladies Road, Bristol BS8 2LR
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Two tickets to the Emirates FA Cup Final, value £290
Date received: 14 May 2022
Date accepted: 14 May 2022
Donor status: company, registration RC000057
“Whiteladies Road”. In Bristol, just South of, “Blackboy Hill.
Just saying.
PinkNews is using a smear label against Badenoch
Being pro womens rights is not being “anti-trans”
I’m disgusted she gets free tickets.
On 13 February 2022, I accepted two tickets (used by a staff member) to Strictly Come Dancing Live from BBC Studios. The value was below the registrable threshold. (Registered 31 May 2022)
Changes to the Register of Members’ Interests
Layla Moran
Cancel the Direct Debit for the TellyTax, Marky.
Not a single rubber boat made it into Afghanistan (stolen from elsewhere)
Serco are offering £600 / day cash and an iPhone 14+ joining bonus for Albanian interpreters (fake news)
Diversity is our strength ….
How the Albanian mafia conquered the cocaine market in UK
Albanian mafia manages to carve out a prominent place in the UK criminal landscape in the supply of cocaine to other crime syndicates in the country
March 3, 2022
Shouldn’t they hire the Australian who solved their problem . ?
The navy didn’t want to get their hands dirty … too busy pulling their crap aircraft carrier back to the dry dock …
Afghans have state of the art helicopters and Humvees. They dont need rubber boats.
According to the NCA, Albanian criminal groups have also favoured the creation of the so-called “county lines”; capillary networks used to move drugs that run throughout the United Kingdom, moving drugs from large cities into the coastal and inland provinces. These commercial routes are not only used by Albanian criminal groups, but also by local and foreign ones. During October 2021 alone, the police carried out a series of raids that led to the arrest of 1,468 people across the territory, seizing drugs and cash for the value of more than 2 million pounds, and confiscating an arsenal consisting of 49 guns.
Renewables are 9x cheaper than other energy
– and if you don’t believe that then you’re a denier.
Prince Charles to get funding from ‘blot on the landscape’ windfarms
This article is more than 10 years old
Upkeep of Clarence House and some travel costs to be paid from income on crown estate, which rents out land for turbines
Prince Charles at Clarence House, his London home. From next year its upkeep will be funded through income from the crown estate. Photograph: Ben Stansall/AFP/Getty Images
Robert Booth
Tue 28 Feb 2012 09.00 GMT
We are fast becoming Albania’s Alcatraz.
We have had a supine government for the last 20 years or more, and now we are payng the price .
Taffman – think positive – the population of Albania is only 2.88 million – if the UK population has grown only 10 million in the last 10 years the whole of Albania will be here by 2025 and the immigration crisis will be over – apart from Africa and Asia of course – but we’ve a long history of accepting people …
…right ?
Think positive ? OK .
Perhaps the UK can pay Albania to take all our illegals instead of Rwanda ?
They can bid for them.
Meanwhile in China – they don’t, it seems – do things by halves….
And If Mr Hunt had his way ?
If he pushes his luck the crane might get repurposed?
The end of society – so you can do some other stuff.
Shaunagh Brown column: Deciding to have a baby would end my rugby career
Although slavery is recognized as being illegal around the world by international treaties and conventions, evidence has shown that there is still existing slavery in Yemen, and the number of slaves is in fact growing. Slavery affects and inhibits many basic human rights, and was specifically abolished by Yemen in 1962. That slavery is alleged to still exist is a major human rights issue.
EDDIE: I was born in February ’62 in South Yemen. Dad was a fifties hippy with very short hair. He wrote essays on communism and stuff when he was sixteen. He joined BP as a filing clerk, not really knowing what he wanted to do. One of the first things he did was redesign the whole filing system so no-one knew where anything was except him, which I thought was a good move.
Just think – if you put the wrong words on the twitter those six smiling muppets would come round and ‘ check your thinking ‘- or put handcuffs on ‘for your safety ‘….
House of Commons
Wednesday 26 October 2022 Meeting started at 11.34am
Mark Steyn sometimes mentions the Canadian Conservative party in 1992 that ended up losing the election and got only 2 seats.
If something similar happened here I bet the conservatives would completely miss the reason and blame it on things like ‘the voters don’t like a party that is not United’ or ‘we didn’t get our message across properly’
These are the things they will come out with yet everybody knows the most important things are stopping mass immigration, stopping the daily invasion coming across the Channel and the unwanted net zero which is the root cause of the energy price hikes and possible blackouts and the pc/woke rubbish which is destroying sensible lifestyles and law and order.
We all know this but the politicians, those in control of them and a small percentage of daft lefties cannot (or will not) see this.
EG my fear is in the 30 years since 92 the state machinery for propaganda is so much more sophisticated and widepsread.
I can imagine not only that they would miss the reason, but that they’d successfully be able to convince the masses to miss it too.
Just watching PMQs.
Angie Raynor was wearing trousers the other week when Liz Truss was PM.
Now Rishi is PM and today Raynor is back in the short skirts.
Just saying.
Is Starmer flashing his cervix?
She has balls, I think thats the expression 🙁
They need to install modesty screens. Full burqa style.
Extra funding for the NHS, with 50,000 more nurses and 50 million more GP surgery appointments a year.
20,000 more police and tougher sentencing for criminals.
An Australian-style points-based system to control immigration.
Millions more invested every week in science, schools, apprenticeships and infrastructure while controlling debt.
Reaching Net Zero by 2050 with investment in clean energy solutions and green infrastructure to reduce carbon emissions and pollution.
We will not raise the rate of income tax, VAT or National Insurance.
I occasionally look at the BBC Newsround pages, to get a sense of the wave of propaganda the state are programming into the next generation. This article is in ‘Business’ but quite frankly could have been written by any one of the Marianna clones who seem to be self-generating in journalism these days… like the sinister tale of the sorceror’s apprentice, except with lippy and mochaccinos instead of brooms and buckets.
“Rishi Sunak: The Star Wars fan who rocketed to power.” Not worth reading, but one line stuck out about when Sunak rolled out the gigantic waste that was furlough “his personal poll ratings went through the roof.” This is in the Business pages, not CBBC.
We all know the boundaries between serious analysis and comics for kids are being dissolved. When Starmer’s in I expect the BBC to be on hand telling us how many likes he’s got on Instagram, while the IMF declare the UK bankrupt.
Is Starmer flashing his cervix?
Anger among Mansfield and Ashfield residents over MPs’ £2.2k pay rise
Readers have slammed a £2,000 pay rise for our MPs as ‘disgusting’ and ‘disgraceful’.
By Jon Ball
4th Mar 2022
BBC RadioHumberside has these factoid trailers one bit says “the Humber has the highest carbon dioxide emissions of any region in the UK”
Really ? That seems suspicious
The key is that no numbers are given , that indicates it’s PR
Now the Humber does have power stations at Keadby and Immingham , and Scunthorpe steelworks and The Conoco oil refinery South Ferriby cement works was shut You could bump up figures by including Drax wood emissions, but are supposed to be counted as zero.
After 1 hour of fact checking I see it’s PR trickery
The actual written claim is
“The Humber is the UK’s largest *cluster by industrial emissions*,
emitting more than 12 million tonnes of CO2 per year (or 37% of emissions from the UK’s *six largest industrial clusters*)
.. It’s NOT about actual UK manmade CO2 of 341.5m tonnes
And it’s NOT actual region
rather it’s CO2 from 6 selected/cherrypicked “industrial clusters”
They say Humber cluster is 12m tonnes
yet fail to give the context that is only about 3% of total UK manmade CO2 which is 341.5m tonnes by ONS data)
Of course if you pick a city like London or Birmingham etc.
their total manmade CO2 emissions are much bigger than the Humber’s
10:47am trailer for the Kofi Smiles breakfast show
Kofi “We’ll be here to bring you all the info you need to know”
Female voice “The Humber emits more CO2 than any other region in the UK
And it’s therefore critical that we all come together and lead the way to tackle the threats of climate change”
So that is a misleading POLITICAL CAMPAIGNING claim in a BBC trailer
Japan is upping the coercion and bullying on digital ID “telling a reluctant public they have to sign up for digital IDs or possibly lose access to their public health insurance.”
More nudge unit stuff to come no doubt. It’s not on the BBC Japan pages, but instead you can watch a documentary on “the change that is being created in Japan by women forging new partnerships in femtech, politics, sport and media”.
Libmob BBC spit in your face again
They take money from the whole of the public, and use their special platform to push their own pet agendas
BBC-Future #ImpartialMyAss
Of course BBC Science us about delighting Greenpeace.
They are chuffed with the BBC article
… https://www.twitter.com/Greenpeace/status/1584786835737395201
Rishi – UK has the greatest anti pollution ….
Every day, around three million litres of sewage is emptied into the Ganges – and only about half of that has undergone any kind of treatment. The river’s waters are so dirty that it’s considered one of the most polluted waterways in the world.20 Jan 2022
R4 now new smartmeter “discounts” to balance the grid
traditional energy cos the grid 3.5p per KWh to generate.
Cos libmob have so screwed up the UK energy market by being anti-gas
this winter there will be times when the grid can’t deliver
so customers will be paid £3 yes 300p for each KWh they reduce
Yes 80 times normal wholesale cost.
Don’t worry magic unicorns will pay that 300p to you
It won’t get added to other people’s bills …/sarc
I guess that for every £1 you spend directly on energy, £5 is spent on your behalf elsewhere in schools, hospitals, pubs factories charities etc.
So that 300p is taken back off you elsewhere.
Stew, have just taken a cold call phone call asking me to have a Smart Meter installed (I’m with Scottish Power), I have refused – yet again, because they don’t have a good press. The young man confidently informed me that the problems were with the Model 1 but now the Model 2 are ok. When I asked how long the Model 2s had been out, he said 4 years. I told him to come back in another 4 years when Model 3s were out !
But I’m interested to know the views of my ‘colleagues’ on here, as to whether they are a ‘smart’ installation, or not.
The difference between 1st generation meters and 2nd generation is huge. The 1st gen where all not compatible with other suppliers and often a load of crap.
2nd gen are all compatible and made to an industry standard so you can change suppliers and it will work as before.
The problems these days are with the in-house-display (often called IHD). Either they take 10 weeks (in my case) to get it configured by the supplier or they have poor signal strength and cannot communicate with the smart meter.
As long as your area is covered by a mobile phone signal your smart meter should be OK to upload its data to the supplier daily.
Currently ultimately you pay for the person who sends your meter readings to the corp
Often that person is YOU.
If it’s the meterman then the corp saves that salary if you take a smartmeter.
With a smart meter ultimately the cost of the meter and the installer is paid by the pool of customers, not by magic unicorns.
So each smart meter installation raises electricity prices, and therefore the costs of everything across the country.
Many people get one installed and then find a problem like their meter cannot connect to the mobile phone network etc.
Never. Ever. If the power company can monitor your usage so can anybody else. They can be hacked. “Ah, they’ve not used much electricity this week, must be on holiday”, etc. And barely any mobile signal here in this remote bit of North Wales (been off completely for a week now, nothing unusual).
Just tell the cold caller you have asbestos in your walls that should do it, worked for me
And if you could accurately measure by smart meter the consumption by the second you could profile their TV channel choice and if it was tuned to the BBC you could cut the power to the property.
This article on Fox News illustrates perfectly the despicable state of democracy in the USA.
Someone recorded three Dem bigwigs using racist language in a meeting then made the recording public.
So the police get called, not as you might think to investigate the racist behaviour of the Dems but to see if they can find and prosecute the person who made recording!
This illustrates how close the police are to the Dems. The whole stinking Country needs shaking up and these partisan public officials need the boot!
Sunak has received an inordinate amount of publicity following his coronation. Overhead camera shots to the Palace, salivating journalists outside no10 counting down the minutes for his return. Everything in high anticipation and media excitement. Why ? was it because of his background ?
Ok, Truss was a disaster, but compare Sunak’s exulted PR job to that of Truss, which comprised a few photographs of her shaking the Queen’s hand, and then a disinterested media covering her speech outside no.10. Again, why ?
maybe just the colour of someones skin, bit like President Khan of london, he does nothing wrong on his watch
Tory MP includes the BBC in his description of the gutter media
How can I upload a picture onto here? i’ve never mastered it
thank you
If the picture is on a website
you rightclick over it (on touchscreens long press over it)
that gives you a menu to copy the image URL
Then you come back here and use the “add images” link in blue, that’s below the comment button.
Generally the URL must end in jpg, gif, png etc.
thank you Stew
The imagine is on my pc
I tweet the image
then I rightclick over the image in my own tweet.
Be careful not to open click the actual image cos if you do that first Twitter opens up the image but right clicking gives you a URL which doesn’t end in jpg etc.
If you don’t use Twitter
You need to either find the same image on a website
OR upload it to an image storage site.
like https://postimages.org then pick up the link (use the second option “direct link”)
Rashi Soonik (re)bans fracking
– get your pitchforks while you still can
Rishi is both for and against fracking whilst investing in both and against them to edge his bets.
vlad putin must be laughing his balls off right now