492 Responses to Midweek 26 October 2022

  1. tomo says:


  2. MarkyMark says:

    Rishi to allow fracking inside his swimming pool which he will only heat on odd days to beat putin.


  3. MarkyMark says:



  4. StewGreen says:

    Is BBC on board with the COP27 PR blitz ?
    .. Is the Pope .. Catholic ?


    • MarkyMark says:

      Kill all humans? That far? Ask them …

      The Ugandan capital Kampala ranks among the world’s most polluted cities, and around 28,000 people die each year in the country as a result of air pollution.9 Jun 2022


  5. tomo says:

    and in one fell swoop – stops me from voting Conservative.

    He could have left it alone and had his minions kill it with 1000 officious cuts but as an indicator that he’s a lightweight doing others bidding – pretty full on.

    Far too dangerous to allow it to go ahead – it might just work – in fact the effort going into hobbling it shows that on the actual evidence – it will work at scale = bye-bye “renewables”


  6. MarkyMark says:

    From a capital of US$250, we have grown to become a US$ 71.41 billion company



  7. G.W.F. says:

    It seems that Rasheed’s government is cutting its place . Fracking ban to please the eco loons and gay football fans told not to upset the Islamic dictators in Qatar.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Relationships outside of marriage
      Any intimacy in public between men and women (including between teenagers) can lead to arrest.

      Living together whilst unmarried is prohibited in Qatar, and sex outside of marriage, regardless of whether this is same sex couples or opposite sex couples, is illegal. This can lead to arrest and a potential court case where the judgement can include a fine, a custodial sentence and deportation once the sentence is complete. This is especially so where the behaviour has caused offence. See Local laws and customs page.



  8. Fedup2 says:

    Journo comment in the telegraph that coming budget may require 10% plus cuts to all government departments – with a view that as a result the government will not last the Winter .

    The economy cannot fund such a huge public sector – the sooner some of this funding is cut the better ….


    • MarkyMark says:

      The National Health Service (NHS) is one of the largest employers in the world, and is the biggest in Europe, with over 1.3 million staff. For the NHS a typical day includes: over 835,000 people visiting their GP practice or practice nurse. almost 50,000 people visiting accident and emergency departments.


  9. MarkyMark says:

    Where does Rishi Sunak live? Inside the prime minister’s multimillion pound homes
    The PM and his wife have a combined net worth of £730m

    Saman Javed
    10 hours ago


    The largest property in their collection is Manor House, a 19th-century, heritage-listed two-story countryside mansion in the village of Kirby Sigston in north Yorkshire, which they purchased in July 2015 for $2.3 million. The couple is reportedly spending $450,000 to install a leisure center with a 40-foot swimming pool, a gym and an outdoor tennis court. In London, their main residence is at 16 Hesper Mews in upscale Kensington, a four-bedroom terraced house which they acquired for $7.1 million in 2010. Sunak also owns an apartment on Old Brompton Road in nearby south Kensington, which he bought for about $300,000 in September 2001. In California—where Sunak and Murthy met as students at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business—they reportedly own an oceanfront penthouse at 1705 Ocean Ave. in Santa Monica, valued at $7.5 million.


  10. MarkyMark says:

    LGBT football fans who attend the World Cup in Qatar should show “a little bit of flex and compromise”, Foreign Secretary James Cleverly has said.
    Ehsan Abdulaziz: Saudi millionaire who said he ‘accidentally tripped and penetrated’ teenage girl cleared of rape
    He said it was possible he had semen on his hands from having sex with a 24-year-old woman earlier

    Emma Henderson
    Wednesday 16 December 2015 10:07


    Since we are speaking about abortion costs in Qatar in this post, the cost may come to you in the form of legal punishment. Abortion in Qatar is illegal and punishable by law. Any woman and her helper(s) are liable for a legal punishment if they are found to be involved in illegal pregnancy termination.



  11. s.trubble says:

    There is a considerable Brexit Dividend to be had from Public Sector Procurement now that EU rules no longer need apply.

    While working in the p sector after 30 years in the private sector I asked major suppliers what the EU procurement process was costing….not one of them flinched in admitting an absolute minimum
    of 10 % was achievable in terms of cost reduction.

    I haven’t seen a single example where a public sector body has
    claimed a reduction or cost saving due to Brexit.
    But will confess there may be some.

    But there again the entire Public sector is about spending not saving.
    Any cost reduction programme in this sector needs to be externally managed.
    The fiefdoms that control them will erect barriers.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Imagine if they were given bonuses for saving money – starting with the NHS and MOD ….


    • Thoughtful says:

      The most useless Tory of all Foggy Moggy, supposed minister of Brexit opportunity appears to have done absolutely nothing in his time as minister, not one single thing positive has come out of it.


  12. MarkyMark says:

    Two members of the Rochdale grooming gang have lost an appeal against deportation after a seven-year legal battle.

    Adil Khan, 51, and Qari Rauf, 52, were told they would be sent back to Pakistan after release from jail for the public good.

    They were both convicted of a catalogue of child sex offences in May 2012.

    Immigration judges ruled their challenge against deportation on human rights grounds had failed.


    Khan had told the hearing he wanted to stay in the UK to
    be a “role model” for his son.

    Khan had told the hearing he wanted to stay in the UK to be a “role model” for his son.


    The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.


    • Zephir says:

      Should have been hung after his balls cut off and buried in a pile of pig sh?t


    • Fedup2 says:

      Nice £ for the lawyers – relatives by chance ?


    • Wild Bill says:

      Mark I will believe it when we see some genuine deportations.
      Meanwhile when are we going to see the councillors and Police( that let these girls down) in court?
      Never I will bet.


  13. Up2snuff says:

    TWatO Watch #1 – word has obviously gone out among the LibbyLeftMob ….

    … Suella Braverman was not sacked, she resigned because she realised she had broken the Ministerial Code. In the usual run of things, the BBC and the Labour Party and all other members of the LibbyLeftMob would praise that ‘as the honourable thing to do’. But no, not with a new Conservative PM heading the Government and leading the country. It is something with which to attack M/s Braverman and the PM.

    The change of language from TOADY to TWatO and PMQs was interesting, though.


  14. micknotmike says:

    Thee bbc are trying to tiptoe around a statement made by James Cleverly advising lgbt-doh-ray-me football supporters to tone it down a little when in Qatar. This is a tough one as it features two “untouchable” groups, namely p4kis and p0ffs. They have decided to mention that the latter group are up in arms and, as you would suspect, play the “yooman rights” card. I have some advice for them. If you want to stick it where the sun don’t shine on the beach, in the pool, in the middle of the pitch during a match, then you go right ahead. You are old enough to make your own decisions and take responsibility for them. If you get into trouble you’ll have to be quick with your appeal and calls to the UK government though, (AKA playing the “Zagari-Ratcliffe” defence) as you’ll be swinging from a crane within a week.


  15. StewGreen says:

    ITV local newsPR is doing the same item the BBC did a few days ago
    “Local girl is going to do a 5 month placement as postmistress in Antarctica”
    The same soft style of question
    “So you studied Earth Science, I guess you’ll be doing some research into Climate Changes”
    “That’s right I’ll be involved in the famous penguin count…”
    … They didn’t go too deep.

    AFAIK there is no great concern with Antarctica
    most was getting colder.
    but most activists rush on to talk about one peninsula
    that’s different cos an underwater volcano has warmed some seawater etc.


  16. StewGreen says:

    Lincoln Cathedral must gave good PR connections both ITV and BBC news progs carry an item
    “Bags of coats for the homeless have been stolen from the church”


  17. Zephir says:

    Two clear examples here of why the world has gone insane:

    “Son who stabbed to death drunk intruder who smashed his way into family home and attacked the 17-year-old in his bedroom is jailed for 3½ years in Ireland”


    “Medical school dropout, 21, who poured FAECES over Captain Sir Tom Moore statue in fury-sparking eco protest is spared jail”



  18. Terminal Moraine says:

    Darrell Brooks who mowed down and killed 6 on the streets of Waukesha found guilty on all counts.

    Trip down memory lane to Nov 21 when the BBC used the old “car ploughed into a Christmas parade” deceit. Nearly every other news outlet has photos and video but the BBC don’t — and you’re 7 paragraphs in before he’s even named. But they’re not totally colour blind, they manage to tell us he had a red car.



  19. taffman says:

    “Cardiff: Tomasz Waga murdered for stealing cannabis – court”
    ” address unknown”

    How did these guys get across the Channel ?


  20. Guest Who says:

    Toenails, Brando, Beff… all taking notes?


  21. Guest Who says:

    Not Maxine, BS, Naga and Kay?

    Guess it is her turn.


  22. Docmarooned says:

    Christ! Very low bar set for these.


  23. Tabs says:

    BBC1 The Repair Shop is doing a Royal Special.

    I missed the start but it appears King Charles has got the Repair Shop to fix some broken items for him.

    So TV license payers are paying a man with a £700m fortune to have free repair bills?!?


  24. Up2snuff says:

    TWatO Watch #2 – well played, Ma’am

    The Montacutie interviewed Maria Caulfield MP (Con), MP for Lewes in Sussex hoping for angle or quote, especially on the appointment of Suella Braverman as Home Secretary that could be repeated in later News broadcasts. Maria Caulfield controlled the game and acquitted herself well. I scored it as Sarah Montague BBC 0 : 2 Maria Caulfield Conservatives.


  25. harry142857 says:

    K7ki75k8iikK7ki75k8iikkNot the BBC, but the Daily Express.

    And then the point gets proved by vile lefties in the comments.


    Why is it always the Left which stoops to disgusting abusive language? asks CAROLE MALONE

    Just where does Gary Neville get off calling the Tories ” a cancer to the UK”? And why hasn’t the weasel Starmer suspended him from the Party for this kind of incendiary talk? Because at best it encourages and incites abuse against the Tories. And at worst it incites violence against them.
    It’s precisely why at the recent Tory Party conference Lefty activists felt justified in screaming at, spitting at, harassing and intimidating Tory party delegates as they walked into conference. It was the most appalling display of yobbery which happened with police looking on. But, of course, vile abusive language is what we’ve come to expect from inside the Labour Party. Look at its appalling record on antisemitism. Look at members and MP’s who have been suspended, reprimanded or made to apologise for racist, sexist and antisemitic comments.

    So he [rightly] wants this country to behave properly in regard to women. But he’s not so worried about what his paymasters in Qatar are doing to them.

    Neville has vowed to shine a light on human rights issues while working in Qatar. What like when he was interviewing his pal, David Beckham, and failed to shine a light on the fact Golden Balls had signed a multi-million deal with Qatar where homosexuality is illegal and women have to ask permission to marry, travel or get an education?

    That was a chance to shine a light on what’s happening there but he didn’t even mention it in the interview.

    When asked why not he said: “I just wouldn’t ask him about human rights in Qatar.”

    So what kind of principles are those then

    If Starmer has any sense – and we know that isn’t necessarily a given – he should suspend Neville from the Party or at the very least tell him to button it.

    But we know from experience – he won’t. And that kind of weasliness is exactly why there is still so much toxicity in Labour’s ranks.


  26. Sluff says:

    BBC webshite.
    A story telling us that the government (I.E. taxpayers) are forking out £7m a day for hotels for asylum seekers.

    But strangely, considering their willingness with anything and everything about the Tory failings, the BBC cannot bring themselves to run a Have Your Say on the above story.

    I wonder why not?,


    • Deltic says:

      Sluff, the £7m a day figure for hotels for so called asylum seekers is just the tip of the iceberg. Last year I submitted a FOI request for the total cost of dealing with these illegals to include Border Force operations in the Channel, payments to the RNLI, weekly pocket money, etc and the Home Office refused to deal with the request on the grounds that it was outside the cost limits specified in the legislation to gather the data. I appealed and received the same reply. Does this mean that the Home Office don’t know the true cost or are they just trying to hide the truth from the taxpayer?


  27. Tabs says:

    BBC are full on climate change today. The BBC 1 weather forecast opens with the line, “you don’t have to look very far to see the signs of climate change” because it is warmer than average tomorrow.

    Perhaps if they did look a bit further they may realise that one warm day is not in fact proof of climate change but that wouldn’t suit their narrative.


  28. TrickCyclist says:

    I’ve seen this Home Office video – “Enough – How We Can All Tackle Violence Against Women and Girls” – two or three times in the telly ad breaks today.
    Of course, all the transgressors are white men. The black guy is a positive role model – in common with every other advert.


  29. tomo says:

    BBC Planning for blackouts – reported from Australia rather than a bit closer to hiome….


    I see that the UK PM’s WEF affiliation is the subject of selective amnesia in the MSM …



  30. Nibor says:

    A quote from Thomas Sowell

    Immigration laws are the only laws that are discussed terms in how to help people who break them .


  31. Zephir says:

    The democrat election theft has started early this year:

    BREAKING: Biden administration to hold press conference tomorrow afternoon on “threats to nation’s 2024 Presidential Election.” An ongoing intelligence bulletin will be issued this week, and if President Trump ever wins re-election, it will be due to Russian interference.
    — Internet Bill Of Rights (@WikiLeaksUS) October 24, 2022


  32. Zephir says:


    ” Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin are sharing with the U.S. attorney leading the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden more than 200 pages of bank records related to his and the Biden family’s alleged “connections to the Chinese regime and persons connected to its military and intelligence elements”.

    Fox News Digital independently reviewed the bank records Grassley and Johnson obtained throughout the course of their investigation into Hunter Biden’s business dealings. The more than 200 pages of records come from Cathay Bank, the oldest operating bank in the U.S. founded by Chinese Americans.

    Grassley and Johnson obtained the records from a U.S. bank in the course of their investigation into Hunter Biden’s business dealings. The records reveal transactions between Hunter Biden-linked business entities and Chinese energy firm CEFC, which reportedly had ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

    Some of those transactions were previously revealed in Grassley and Johnson’s 2020 reports, which they say showed that the Biden family’s “extensive links to foreign governments and questionable foreign nationals posed counterintelligence and extortion concerns.”

    Grassley and Johnson have been sounding the alarm on these business transactions with Chinese-linked associates CEFC Chairman Ye Jiangming and Gongwen Dong, which “resulted in millions of dollars in questionable transactions.”

    In a letter Grassley and Johnson wrote to U.S. Attorney for Delaware David Weiss, exclusively obtained by Fox News, the GOP senators notified him of the hundreds of pages of records, and slammed him and the Justice Department for ignoring their attempts to ensure that the criminal probe into Hunter Biden is “thorough and free from political interference.
    federal investigators are weighing whether to charge Hunter Biden with various tax and foreign lobbying violations, false statements and more. ”



  33. taffman says:

    “Asylum seekers: UK spending almost £7m a day on hotels”
    Useless and wasteful Tory Government !
    What next ? Offer to pay house owner to put them up in our homes?
    A recipe for disaster.


    • taffman says:

      We have been invaded by Albania. Thanks to the ‘home’ office.


      • Guest Who says:

        Avi Yemeni and Andrew Bolt pose the question:

        “ WATCH: Would you be let in under NZ’s ‘opposing views’ ban?”

        Well, if St. Jaq had a border farce like Sue Ellen’s, only if a cocaine dealing hit man, or Royal Navy ushered concert goer.


  34. Eddy Booth says:

    Warning! the following bbc story contains upsetting and heart wrenching accounts of people facing
    – wait for it –
    soap poverty…
    Hard to believe people can’t manage to buy products costing so little, but I guess anything is possible when we have so many adults that are still basically children.

    “Many skip work over hygiene poverty shame, charity says”


    “She also suffers bouts of acne from being unable to wash her face”

    “One student, named as Adam, was a college student whose attendance had fallen to 18%, in part because he could not afford basic hygiene products, and whose grades were suffering as a result.

    His support worker approached Hygiene Bank in the summer of 2020 and they were able to provide deodorant and shampoo. Adam’s attendance rose to 100%, and he is now attending university.”


    • harry142857 says:

      Adam can barely afford the £46 monthly phone bill for his IPhone or £275 for third generation Airpods.


    • andyjsnape says:

      Hello Eddy, savings are easily made, tele tax = £159 immediately saved


    • Guest Who says:

      The BBC’s ‘news’ is just an endless stream of stuff sent to idiots in cubicles to cut and paste.

      That linked story and one in the side bar… mirrored in the Emole.


      Study investigates hygiene poverty

      The struggles many of us are facing due to the cost-of-living crisis have been well documented. People have been sharing their stories and others have been offering ways to try to help. There have been various warnings, and a new report has revealed more about what is known as hygiene poverty. “By the time you’re not switching on your heating or you’re going to a food bank for food essentials, you’ve stopped buying essential hygiene products weeks before,” says Ruth Brock, Hygiene Bank chief executive. The study found being unable to afford essential products like toothpaste, shampoo, soap and deodorant has left some people too ashamed to go to work. Read more here.


      ‘Us’? ‘Shared stories’? Uh huh.


      ‘I fell pregnant on a banned contraceptive pill’

      When Susan Wamaitha started feeling sick a year ago, she thought it was the side effects of a contraceptive pill she had started taking a few months earlier – but it turned out that she was eight weeks pregnant. The 32 year old is now a mother of three children. Unbeknown to her, the pill that she began using in June 2021 was banned in Kenya.

      Its street name in Kenya is “Sofia” but it is manufactured in China and all the details about the product on the packaging are written in Chinese. A translation of the first line says it contains “Levonorgestrel Fast Tablets”. The sale of the pill was prohibited by Kenya’s authorities 10 years ago because of high levels of levonorgestrel – more than 40 times the recommended levels.

      Read full article >

      Evelyne Musambi
      BBC News, Nairobi

      Panic in a 4* hotel?

      Or drinks all round at the 4x benefits being sent for?


    • MarkyMark says:

      SOAP …. The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.



  35. Guest Who says:

    The bbc bubblehead bubble is contracting to the point they speak only to each other and do not even care about hearing from the nation.

    Meanwhile that clown Rowlatt is in his happy place having flown to the UN.


  36. Guest Who says:

    Channel 5 News presenter Dan Walker opened up about members of his own family “freezing in their house” due to the cost of living crisis, in an exclusive interview with Express.co.uk.


    A few things…

    ‘Opening up’, especially to a tab, is code for ‘desperate agent’.

    So far, due to global warming caused by Rowlatt flying to NYC, we have not needed to put on the heating yet.

    And finally, Dan, as a overpaid celebrity clown, maybe bring forward the Xmas plans and buy the fam a jummie each.

    Clown. Another politicised ex BBc voice finding one, too.


  37. andyjsnape says:

    Ukraine war: Russian tactics on eastern front ‘crazy’, says Zelensky

    Daily propaganda brought to you by the bBC

    Would be so nice to find a news/report which was impartial, unbiased and does not have its own agender, sorry agenda


  38. Guest Who says:

    If you read one thing today

    Racing to save the fastest-warming place on Earth


    I’ll pass, bbc.


  39. Guest Who says:

    The Liz Truss gags flowed like No 10 plonk: Friday Night Live proves our best satirists are in their 60s


    So, Fatcha! And hydrochloric acid smoothies all round.

    Bet all the ex bbc gang wished they could be there too.


    • andyjsnape says:

      Hello Guest

      Support the Guardian from as little as £1 – it only takes a minute. If you can, please consider supporting us with a regular amount each month. No Thank you.


  40. Fedup2 says:

    The BBC is advertising a short series next week reporting on potential voting problems in the coming US elections . Can you predict the narrative ?< yes it will be nasty Republican Trump supporters trying to fix votes . And that those lovely Democrats – always fair – are gonna be victims ….

    …. Talking of victims – the Pennsylvania vote which tucker Carlson focused on – will be a test . Apparently the gimp democrat – who is so brain damaged by a stroke that he needs subtitles – ‘crashed ‘ in a live one hour debate a couple of days ago …
    Bet he wins though ( I might sound unsympathetic but surely you need someone fully brained to represent voters not someone brain damaged – even if rich ( see Biden ))


    • Fedup2 says:

      There was a program yesterday about how people are reacting to the ‘cost of covid crisis ‘. This ranged from a lady who doesn’t boil her kettle beyond the ‘boil’ to a chap whose dining out every evening being cut to only a few times a week ….he also now doesn’t do his own ironing . He thinks paying a lady £25 a week to do it is ‘cheaper ‘….

      Underlying narrative was ‘nasty blue labour ‘ – and it’s all their fault … but as we know – some of it is – but the whole political /medical class has responsibility ….


  41. Fedup2 says:


    Looks like the BBC is campaigning to have the illegals arriving on the south coast not getting nice treatment . Me ? I think they are lucky not to get thrown into the sea into the middle of the Channel – which might start to deter them from investing in the trip .


    • G says:


      Maybe our mercenary leaders could ‘do a deal’ with our Iranian bedfellows and buy their Kamikaze drones to patrol the centre of the channel. Armed of course.


  42. Guest Who says:

    This country is now ‘run’ by folk like this and the unholy cabal currently giving each other awards and inviting Rayner, Bryant and Lammy on their shows.

    She and Femi need to be given their own LBC show on speed dating at marches.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
      The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
      Amy Gibbons
      Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23


  43. Thoughtful says:

    Two days and already corruption allegations along with some other stuff worth watching:


    • G says:

      Yes, the relentless pecking and condemnation has already started. Doesn’t help to put jelly-livered MP’s up for interview by our Marxist State Broadcaster. Those who lack any ability to practice repartee, that in the same vein as the interviewers efforts to demolish.

      I was musing earlier on the skills and thought processes the BBC employ in their well crafted propaganda, ‘News Broadcasts’. A re-phrase here, just a touch-up there to change the emphasis. They are the Worlds Masters at manipulating propaganda. The WEF/China/Soros are no doubt so pleased.


  44. andyjsnape says:

    Gender recognition reforms to face Holyrood vote

    One of many campaigns brought to you by the bBC

    So glad I dont pay the tele tax for this rubbish to be promoted often


  45. Fedup2 says:

    BBC applying the same method to undermine Rashid soonik and braverperson by the ‘breach of ministerial code’ swamp thing …
    They are running this for the second day running – pure swamp stuff .

    I’d rather hear about how the UK gas supply is holding up ?
    ( no one cares at the moment because it’s a bit mild ) but there is always the ‘tradition ‘ that we land up paying for good weather ….
    Back to the swamp ….will it be –

    1 gay Tory touching up some chap
    2 Tory takes bung
    3 Tory says nasty racist thing about rashid
    4 failure to declare income
    5 one of rashids’ relatives does bad thing

    Same old same old


    • Thoughtful says:

      You should watch the above video, because the allegations contained in that are far more serious, but I don’t expect the BBC to be airing them.


  46. Thoughtful says:

    Europe including Germany state that their gas storage capacity is now full and they are prepared for the Winter, but the big question not being asked is where that gas came from?

    We know that it didn’t come from Qatar, or Norway, nor the USA or any of the other European countries reaching capacity and passing it on to Germany.

    And then there are the mysterious billions which have appeared in the Turkish state banks and yes you guessed it. Like an old drug addict the German loons have gone back to their old dealer Russia and been supplied with their gas via Turkey, allowing in the process another malefactor to gain leverage over them and by extension the EU.

    Not that you will see any of this in the British or European media. It will all be quiety ignored, and you won’t even hear about the dangers the Russo Turkish alliance poses, nor the stupidity of the German Political elite and the credulous easily led people of Germany.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I bet India has plenty of discounted Russian gas available for export – business is business – need is need …


  47. Thoughtful says:


    BBC today program reported as having lost 500 000 listeners in a year other programs heading in the same direction too.


  48. Guest Who says:

    Comments… could not get funnier.

    On a less hilarious note, this is classic bbc.

    Idiot #prasnews picked up by cubicle garden diversity droid and then copy pasted as ‘news’.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Inspiring .. web3-am112818-pope-francis-general-audience-november-28-2018-antoine-mekary-i-media-am_45111.jpeg


    • MarkyMark says:

      Summary – Nuns have been found to have porn on PCs, Pope is seeding the ground ready for the report to be released.


    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      Bet that image is a lot of people’s Room 101.


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      Two nuns in a bath.

      First nun: “Where’s the soap?”

      Second nun: “You’re right, it does!”

      Already got me coat on, in case you’re wondering … …


  49. MarkyMark says:

    “After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.”


  50. AsISeeIt says:

    How Britain fell “Don’t worry ’bout it” edition

    Last week our press were apparently concerned what the wider world thought of us: ‘Something resembling hell’: how does the rest of the world view the UK? (Guardian) – ah, but I cheated with that headline… it wasn’t one from last week, instead it was dated August 2019 and the Gruan article goes on: Three years after the referendum, and hovering on the brink of a no-deal Brexit, international journalists share their thoughts – and of course it wasn’t so much the no deal but the referendum itself, or rather the outcome, that really irked.

    “Are they talking about us?” was that old Fleet Street man’s mantra when reviewing the foreign press.

    Yesterday, as amusing, casually racist, memes kept popping up on my mobile including Larry the Downing Street cat wearing a turban and the windows of Number 10 lit up and rocking within to the sound of what should perhaps bring a smile to our Italian friends who might term it a bangra-bangra party…

    The memes weren’t entirely kidding. Our own formerly patriotic Times presents frontpage a large pic of: Rishi Sunak at No 10 for a Diwali celebration

    That’s one in the eye for our traditional Guy Fawkes. Another of our peculiar ancient national customs now no more than a rare damp squib. Gone out with not so much a bang as a whimper. On that seasonal theme the Guardian gloats: How Britain fell for Halloween – oh, how Britain fell…

    I’m guessing the French now see us as a nation of corner shop keepers? Of course our european neighbours are not really out to curry favour with us.

    Small boats bring 10,000 Albanian men to UK (Times) – thank you Schengen.

    Regarding Rishi as a bit of a Mr Spock from Star Trek lookalike one can’t help but recall Doctor Leonard McCoy’s choice line: “It’s worse than that, he’s dead Jim”

    Whether or not our old notion of Britain shows any life signs at all these days is moot. The Daily Mail certainly reckons it’s worse than does the Times: New report reveals 38,000 migrants crossed the Channel this year – 12,000 from Albania alone ++ £7m-a-day bill to house arrivals in hotels

    Looking at those numbers and being a bit of a WW1 history buff one recalls how Britain wrangled with Germany over the release of our respective civilian internees. The Kaiser held a few British tourists who lingered too long in the summer of 1914, whilst we netted thousands of merchant sailors, restaurant waiters, German brass bandsmen, etc. The Germans offered a full exchange of civilian prisoners but Britain did the maths and calculated our enemies would gain enough manpower for a full army division, whilst we would hardly net enough men for a battalion. Makes you think, no?

    Rent your home to migrants… Homeowners are being offered lucrative deals to house illegal migrants (The Sun)

    Which tends to remind us of our lovable (literally in some celebrated tabloid cases) Ukrainian refugees (mostly women of nubile age if the red tops are to be believed) and brings us to a surprising and extraordinary veritable surfeit of white faces on the frontpage of the Daily Mirror: United front: Ukrainian heroes at the Mirror’s Pride of Britain awards last night

    The Labour-supporting Mirror is in self-celebratory mood: Mirror wins newspaper of the year

    Daily Mirror wins 3 gongs at Press Awards including Scoop of Year for Cummings exposé… – sorry, tricked you again, that was July 2021

    Let’s bring this up to date and just slightly rephrase that former headline: Daily Mirror crowned Daily Newspaper of the Year after hat-trick of top press awards…

    Judges praised our coverage of the ‘Partygate’ scandal, our ground-breaking series on disability in the UK which was edited and written exclusively by people with disabilities, and our cost-of-living coverage – including work to expose soaring executive pay

    Talking of a surprising and extarordinary veritable surfeit of white faces… snapped at the London Press Club we see a pic of the Mirror staff line up: Daily Mirror’s Michael Rye, Paul Cockerton, Alison Phillips, Clare Fitzsimons, Tom Carlin, Pippa Crerar, Jason Beattie and Andy Whitaker – tribunes of the horny-handed workers and celebrants of diversity.

    That award seems to have the Mirror’s name on it…

    Named after former Mirror Group chairman Hugh Cudlipp, the prize celebrates the country’s best investigative and campaigning journalism.

    Partygate resulted in Johnson becoming the first serving Prime Minister to be issued with a police fine and played a pivotal role in his subsequent departure from office.

    But wasn’t Rishi also there at that celebrated Lockdown party?

    What controversies has Rishi Sunak been involved in? New PM not immune to scrapes with notoriety during time in government (Independent)

    Rishi Sunak’s partygate fine is personally wounding for a chancellor who finds himself in a funk (Sky News) – this report explains the quandary of his not being able to resign as chancellor because his US Green Card had expired and so he couldn’t bugger off to the States to continue his lucrative corporate financial career instead.

    “Don’t worry ’bout it” – was something of an Italian gangster catchphrase in many of those Martin Scorsese movies…

    Rishi Sunak ‘unlikely to appear’ before Commons partygate inquiry… PM may avoid scrutiny, despite saying he is willing to co-operate with panel investigating Boris Johnson’s conduct (Telegraph)


    • MarkyMark says:

      A February 2008 Freedom of Information Act request for the release of details of MPs’ expenses claims was allowed by an Information Tribunal but challenged by the House of Commons Authorities on the grounds that it was “unlawfully intrusive”.


      “unlawfully intrusive”

      “unlawfully intrusive”

      “unlawfully intrusive”

      nited Kingdom parliamentary expenses scandal


    • Fedup2 says:

      Tiresome really isn’t it ? The mirror will spend the next year digging into rashid and wife and then bang on with the BBC / guardian to bring down The First Coloured South Asian Millionaire ex Goldman Sacks PM ….