People’s inability to afford essential hygiene products is leaving many too ashamed to go to work, a charity says.
A report suggests 3.2 million UK adults are affected by so-called hygiene poverty – with 12% saying they have avoided facing colleagues as a result.
Their struggle to buy basic items such as soap and deodorant is having a devastating effect on their daily lives, it says.
Yes, it’s those ‘reports’ again.
If the BBC were really worried about poverty they would campaign to abolish the licence fee, one of the most regressive tax measures in the system that directly hit the poor most.
Sluff, it is true that there is a shortage of soap at present. But if someone is determined to wash and to work there are alternatives: washing up liquid on the flannel, shampoo ditto. Aldi have not had their cheap soap available for months. They only have Dove @£1.99 for four bars.
Lidl have cheap soap again on sale, although it is described as bath soap on the packet it is usable for face washing. The price has gone up but it is 95p for four bars. Deodorants have changed at both Aldi and Lidl and they are now bodysprays but are still cheap at 55p in both shops.
Combine that with a very usable (I have tested it) shampoo for 75p and toothpaste for 80p, both from Tesco, and there is no reason why anyone in the UK should face so-called ‘hygene poverty’ and be ashamed to go to work. Especially as we have 1.3million unemployed in the UK and who have to be supported by the taxpayer. I wonder whether Rishi and his Chancellor may get Iain Duncan-Smith to re-visit Universal Credit next month and see if I D-S can get more people working?
I visit the fragrances section at tesco each week and test them all before not buying..
.. then i retire to the rest room and use their complementary soap – followed up by some casual shoplifting..
Then its back to 11 downing street for the day job . I always nick some whiskers for Larry ..
It now costs 1p to boil a kettle whereas it used to cost 0.5p
BBC local news was panicking about pasta prices the other day
FFS Aldis pasta is 21p and 35p for 500g
AFAIK Tesco’s price match that
whereas the radio was making out pasta costs £1.60
I always buy bars of ‘scrub’ soap – (for the uninitiated it has ‘bits’ in it that exfoliates the skin as well as cleanses) – I started using it around April time, and its still going strong with daily use. Around £3 per bar.
Bizarre headline there
“‘World’s dirtiest man’ dies aged 94, months after first wash in decades” “Iranian man”
Is it news that a 94yo dies “months after” anything ?
Old people die , end of story
“according to the Iranian National news agency” .. well that’s a reliable source.
Tweeters point “‘World’s dirtiest man” applies to BBC staff like Savile … and Biden
However the vast majority of replies just gormlessly take the premise that a wash killed him as true.
Article ends with ‘oh there was this other man in India who maybe been unwashed for longer, but we have no update’
Nobody sits down with those who say they can’t afford this and can’t afford that. Where does their money go? A detailed spreadsheet of income v outgoings could be revealing, but we are asked to accept their word for the situation. I have no doubt that some people will be struggling, but the proverbial ‘nurse forced to go to foodbank’ seems unlikely to me. NHS staff get discounts at many local shops and some supermarkets, that I can’t get. These ‘perks’ are never mentioned.
We are the discount service for the emergency services, NHS, social care sector and armed forces, providing our members with thousands of amazing discounts online and on the high street.
For just £4.99, members of the Blue Light community can register for 2-years access to more than 15,000 discounts from large national retailers to local businesses across categories such as holidays, cars, days out, fashion, gifts, insurance, phones, and many more.
Isn’t it warming to be paying 20% more for stuff than that long list – which I see includes ‘border force Uber drivers ‘….
Mugged by the public sector …
Spot on ND. If you work in the NHS you can apply for a Costco card as well. !
Also has anyone noticed the SIZE of those interviewed about eating/heating ? and the nurses who ‘use’ foodbanks ? they are the size of barrage balloons, not exactly skeletal, which those who really cant afford to eat would look like.
TOADY Watch #1 – BBC thinks ‘Can we keep this going for a couple of weeks?’
The BBC are back on the Bashing Braverman trail again this morning. Nadim Zahawi is the Conservative ‘sacrificial goat’ for the atonement of Tory Government sins. I have a strange feeling that we are into another Damian ‘Maltby Knee’ Green situation with the BBC. The BBC tried and failed to remove another Conservative Home Secretary, Priti Patel. Priti enjoyed the backing of her then PM, Boris Johnson.
I hope Rishi Sunak is made of strong stuff and will not give in to the BBC and other LibbyLeftMob hysterics and will fully support his Home Secretary.
Tory MP Nadhim Zahawi admits taxpayers paid power bill for his stables
This article is more than 8 years old
MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
Nadhim Zahawi MP with David Cameron
Nadhim Zahawi with David Cameron. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA
Press Association
Sun 10 Nov 2013 06.46 GMT
I reckon the msm will be targeting braver man’s SPADS to find another breach – undermine a ‘right wing ?’ Home sec to get to the main target – any vehicle to get to the early General Election …
… 3 weeks to the Budget – so the coming stories will be ‘leaks ‘ about public spending cuts – not before time … food bank taxes – no free school dinners – road charges up – pension age up – freezing NHS funding increases- council taxes up – benefits not linked to inflation – ….
Fed, I thought you were going to get your spending cuts the day after Truss’s & Kwarteng’s non-Budget/’fiscal event’. Instead, there was a deafening silence from No.10 and No.11 Downing Street. You were disappointed, no doubt, and so was I.
Well they ve run out of money trees – the market has decided that . I think it is inevitable that they’ll do some of the things I listed – although some are personally against my interests .
In the end it’s all about how much you have and personal circumstances – the woke stuff is just our version of hippydom.
The big challenge has too be making the public sector more efficient – but if they can afford non core stuff like ‘diversity managers ‘ and ‘ ‘overseas aid ‘ things will only get worse .
I notice that Andrew – plebgate Mitchell – a pal of Rashad – is in as a minister again . I’d put a bet on him being the first to resign – how – morally – the Uk government can justify borrowing taxpayers ‘ money to give away – is beyond me . 13? Billion saved at a stroke …
I assume Sunak’s appointment of Braverman is some sort of feint since it is unlikely she will be allowed by officials to do anything meaningful.
Starmer, being in cahoots with the establishment, knows this full well Have officials raised concerns about his decision to appoint her? .
Therefore what are Labour expecting to gain in their blatant attempts to get rid of her, other than further taunting their former supporters in the red wall who they know support her (alleged) attempts to reduce immigration?
Why were Labour not worried about ‘national security’ when their EUrophile chum Angus Lapsley was appointed the UK’s most senior person at NATO?
5 May 2017
Juncker: English language is ‘losing importance at EU’
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker is greeted with applause as he explains why he decided to give his State of the Union speech in French, not English.
JHB just had a doctor on in favour of strikes
He sounded North American
.. “we have to strike cos the government has no plan to recruit and retain workers”
“Its EASY all we have to do is put a 1% wealth tax on all wealth over 1%”
..Things that are EASY tend to work out as not being easy.
The bloke seemed to be a Socialist Worker type guy.
Stew, first difficulty in a Wealth Tax is defining wealth. Then, if you have an elderly widow, living on the State Pension plus Pension credit, in a London suburb do you include the value of the house she occupies as ‘wealth’ when if you tax it, her – and the nation’s – Benefits Bill increases due to the tax. There are plenty of problems around the introduction of new taxes, not least the inability of Civil Servants and Cabinet Ministers to ask the difficult ‘what if … ‘ questions.
typo 1% tax on all wealth over £5m
That’s assets not , income
So people who own big companies
are forced to sell 1% of their shares and magically find buyers, at the same time as everyone else is.
.. what will that do for share prices ?
In May last year NHS Test and Trace (NHST&T) was set up with a budget of £22 billion. Since then it has been allocated £15 billion more: totalling £37 billion over two years.
Did you get that from the video I posted earlier? It doesn’t say which company is behind the software which enables that digital currency does it?
It’s Infosys his wifes fathers company, and it doesn’t say they are also behind the software for the social credit system used in China to monitor and control the people there.
The digital currency is going to phase out cash which is why the demand for physical precious metals is so high especially in America where they are running out at the metals exchanges.
There is a huge potention problem brewing in the metals markets which is the silly traders shorting Gold and Silver and other metals which they don’t actually physically have and cannot purchase. These trades in the vast majority of cases are settled for cash before the trader has to actually deliver on the promise, but the time is approaching when they are going to have to come up with the goods to customers who want to see the physical substance they have been promised.
At that point when they are trading pieces of paper well in excess of what is available in the USA they are not going to be able to complete the contracts and the prices of these futures is going to skyrocket as the scrabble about desperately trying to find it!
The futures markets are being used to artificially depress the prices of precious metals. This has been known about for years, but nothing is done, because it helps to conceal the effects of QE on the true value of money.
Gold is still less than $2000 per ounce, in a true free market it would be many times that.
That’s a strange idea that gold is too cheap
There’s loads of it, corps dig up gold then the vast majority of it is then put back underground in bank vaults.
It’s capitalism being unecological.
Anyway the article has this line that contradicts Rob’s point
“I’m NOT arguing that manipulation is a principle component of today’s depressed gold price.
But it is something to keep in mind”
I think he put that line in to avoid being called a “conspiracy theorist”.
The fact is that massive sales of “paper gold” are dumped on the market to push the price down. This is done by bullion banks such as JP Morgan or Goldman Sachs, and I am sure it is at the behest of central banks. They never get investigated for it, even though it is blatant market manipulation.
Medialand is generally theatre
TalkTV just played the clip of Trevor Noah
He did this big theatrical piece saying the general reaction in the UK has been a huge BACKLASH against Sunak on account of his skin colour, cos generally the UK is full of white people who are very fond of oppressing people of other skin colour.
Thread ..
In the USA – it’s hard not to perceive statements like the one proffered by this bureaucrat are indicators that the mid term elections are going to go pear shaped?
BREAKING: New PA Secretary of State warns of ‘delays’ in counting midterm votes
They just have to keep on counting until they get the right result. Much more of this and the USA will be destroyed. If your vote doesn’t count, nothing counts.
Makes you wonder if Americans will notice the elections being stolen from them again – although I guess the intelligent ones look at CNN and believe the lies – again …
( I understand the democrats are rolling out the vile Obama again – I thought he’d be too busy pulling bidens’ strings )..
Crazy footage from Sept 2021, The Asians have just all be found guilty in court.
The court doesn’t seem to have accepted their claim. that the van driver had first driven over someone’s foot.
Given that the NHS is the worst it has ever been despite billions and billions being poured into it, surely it needs to be cut back and the money directed either to reducing the deficit or going into all the other public services which have been starved of cash for years, in favour of being placed on the sacrificial altar of the NHS.
How about tax relief on private medical treatment?
NHS to benefit from £13.4 billion debt write-off
Health Secretary announces over £13 billion of debt will be written off as part of a major financial reset for NHS providers.
Department of Health and Social Care
2 April 2020
I remember a time, living outside London, when the NHS really didn’t have the need to rely on migrant workers. In fact the only ‘strange’ accent we heard was probably Irish/Scots or Welsh !
Now we hear that the NHS couldn’t have survived without migrant workers ! Hasn’t anyone joined up the dots, that like more roads create more cars, the millions of migrants allowed in since the 1950s, created more use of the NHS, thus migrants were needed to work within it – to essentially look after themselves.
I often wonder what our country would be like as per the status quo of the 1950’s. Would our children have a choice of affordable housing? because they all had jobs, would we still be seeing a GP on demand ? and being seen immediately in A & E ? Would there be not much violent on street crime ? would the police be more pro-active because the cries of racism wouldn’t be an issue.
Who knows.
Putin and the Saudis like the status quo
cos that gives high oil prices
However in the long term if there was a revolution in Iran and it came to represent its more secular people, that would bring world oil prices down.
Yep If you are registered that puts you in band 5
then you get wages rises for service years
So about £5K more after 4 years
.. unless you moved up into the senior pay band 6 : £33,700
Does Mark White – the slow speaking ‘Security’ Editor of GBN, ever do research ?
His report of the migrants landing then being to taken to Manston airport, then mentioned “before they are moved on to COUNCIL HOUSING” !!!! really ??? er, where ? there are no council houses available – anywhere, which is why low grade / middle cost / and now high end hotels / castles are being commandeered to house these bastards !
Strange true crime story in the Manchester Evening News last week.
It claimed in the 1990s the National Front was driven out of Manchester, cos the Socialist Worker gang brought in a violent white gangster family.
NF had traction in Manchester “until a few young working-class activists, mainly drawn from the Socialist Workers Party and the Anti-Nazi League, decided to fight back.
The ‘Squads’, as they became known, responded to the NF in kind – with violence. And Dessie Noonan, left wing, Irish republican, proudly anti-racist and handy with his fists, was exactly what they were looking for.
.. the ‘squads’ evolved to Anti-Fascist Action, with Dessie at the helm.
He got addicted to crack cocaine and was killed by a drug dealer.
His brother died in an accident in Dominica
Thus leaving the other brother in charge .. then he was jailed for historic sex abuse against young boys.
The article is PR for a new book
In the comments the newspaper is criticised for glorifying the thugs
“next week Reach/ Manchester Evening news can glorify and document Jimmy Saville’s charity work”
The publisher’s description of the book’s author, which is likely to appear on the inside flap of the front cover, reads: “Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, is a husband, father, humanitarian, military veteran, mental wellness advocate, and environmentalist. He resides in Santa Barbara, California, with his family and three dogs.”
Prince Harry and his Jacinda-Ardern-style performative empathy remind me of a joke song on Monty Python’s “Contractual Obligations” album. There are various causes of concern for the anxious singer of this song, e.g.
“I’m so worried about modern technolo-gy-y
I’m so worried about all the things that they dump in the sea-ea”
and also
“I’m so worried about being so full of doubt
about everything a-a-any way”
and the show-stopper for me was the constant refrain:
“I’m so worried about the baggage retrieval
system they’ve got at Heathrow”.
Times also reports the rapid and happy decline of Today listeners . I know the answer – get in younger ‘more diverse innit’ presenters – you know geezers and babes – and a bit of rap and drill …. That will do it …
Meanwhile – in passing – GBNews figures went up 50% in 6 months …. No doubt the wakes will say from 1 to 1.5 people – yeah ?
I stopped listening to Today when President Trump had the election stolen from him. Like Martine Croxall, they could not contain their glee. Now I feel much better every morning for not listening to it.
Public sector pay & pensions, public services, and other state run operations should have annual pay awards linked to the growth of the UK’s GDP. This would encourage those in these sectors to want to see a thriving growing economy, and discourage strikes etc. that reduce or suffocate growth.
Just a thought. My pay always depended on the success of the company I worked for.
Longish piece on home page: ‘China Covid: Videos emerge of rare protests in Tibet’
“There has been no official comment or state media reports on the protests, although local officials on Thursday said eight new Covid cases had been reported in Lhasa… [lockdowns have] exacted a punishing toll on the Chinese people and economy, with increasing public fatigue over lockdowns and travel restrictions.”
I attended several Covid protests in central London during 20/21 which were so rare the BBC missed them entirely. Even the one estimated to have 0.75-1 million people on the streets. Just like in China, there was no official comment or state media reports on the protests here.
The Chinese gov are anti-democratic so no doubt this is speaking truth to power or something… but rest assured no such issue with the UK, hey BBC?
World Oil Reserves
See also: List of countries by Oil Reserves
There are 1.65 trillion barrels of proven oil reserves in the world as of 2016.
The world has proven reserves equivalent to 46.6 times its annual consumption levels. This means it has about 47 years of oil left (at current consumption levels and excluding unproven reserves).
BBC are there to manipulate the mass’s. What the mass’s don’t realise is an increase in WT won’t touch shell because they hardly operate in the uk, it will just wipe out the smaller uk producers who provide everyone with energy and cut off investment for the future
It is ridiculous, with everything going on in the world now, for Radio 4 to lead its 6 p.m. news with Mr Sunak’s decision not to go to the latest COP in Egypt and Labour’s scientifically illiterate moral posturing over it. They never explain why it’s so important for the UK (1/20 of the population of both China and India, and only 1.1% of the largely harmless global CO2 emissions) to give a lead when Green policies have already cost us so much. This is pure propaganda and should lead to defunding if they don’t immediately start giving more balanced and realistic assessments.
Talking of which, any news of Roger Harrabin since he left?
The BBC use the cost-of-living stick to beat the government, yet their own propaganda (anti-fracking, pro wind/solar, anti-coal) has contributed to some of the shortages and higher prices. They can’t have it both ways.
Lots of people are dead in Ukraine
Putin might well not have attacked
if the UK had kept energy independence
instead of rushing into banning fossil fuels.
Mad green policies have consequences
Mad green policies have a body count.
And to show just how sorry they are, they will be offering free one-way tickets back to Africa where the descendants of the victims can finally find peace and be rid of the mental suffering of imperial oppression completely.
They’ve deliberately over-purchased the tickets just in case demand is higher than expected. It will be available from Monday.
Opening item on local news
“Why the political world is turning against onshore wind”
crafted item from Sarah Sanderson
First voice pro onshore wind local councillor at Rousse (spelling ?) wind farm
Now Melanie Onn head of PR group Renewables UK
Now Herb Eppel head of pro wind farm org
Presenter falsely states “they are the cheapest form of energy bar none”
Eppel “people like they them, they get built and ignored
all surveys show that people like them”
Presenter ended the item and then suddenly came back with more big wind farm PR
“You know I was looking the other day and wind was producing 40%
that’s four times more than nuclear power !”
… FFS does anyone actually talk like that ?
it sounds like someone has fed him that PR line
Stew – veracity and truth are not part of the Green Blob PR efforts – they’re given a free pass and never challenged by the BBC in particular – so their ever bolder lies just sail through.
Some serious humiliation is long overdue for the PR swines and their gormless / spineless fanboys.
The annual self indulgent get together, when the great and the good fly in from all over the planet to lecture us about our carbon footprint, will have to get on without our PM. Charlie can’t go either Brilliant.
“Well let me be very clear…”…about not answering that question.
Keir Starmer twists himself in knots to avoid a simple question about the problem some Labour MPs, and others on the left, have with non-white Conservatives.
So the answer is ‘no’ – I prefer the response which goes “that’s not the question you should be asking – “then pivot to a distracter statement …. Ending in a slag off the opposition …
Mark Steyn with Sammy Smith on …..she is a very articulate young woman with a Horrific history of Abuse and Rape by those wonderful diverse Pa#ky Bastards ! , BBC IGNORE AND BURY THE IMPORTANT NEWS … but then we all know this don’t we .
Halal Certification Organisation (HCO) is an independent certification body .
We comprise of a multitude of industry experienced professionals and experts in their disciplines who oversee the vision, progress and governance of the organisation. The independent Halal Certification Advisory Board includes Islamic Theologians, Medical Practitioners, Veterinary Surgeons, Pharmacists, Food Technologists, Microbiologists and a Social Scientist.
About half of the Albanians coming over the channel are getting granted asylum.
I saw on (either GBNews or talktv) that Germany and Sweden who are both subject to the same laws as us (echr stuff) have both granted 0 Albanians asylum.
That is…none, zero, 1 less than 1, nobody.
How can they do it but we can’t.
The truth is that our politicians WANT all these people coming in.
It seems that having tens of thousands living in hotels and castles, getting spending money, free meals and full nhs service, all paid for by the taxpayer, apparently raises GDP somehow.
ActionAid are pumping out ads on TV asking everyone to commit to paying £3 a month to help protect young girls in Asia from suffering sexual abuse. It doesn’t of course include protection for English girls in the UK suffering sexual abuse from Asian men….
What is it about Asian men?
BTW the chief exec of ActionAid scooped £114,000 last year so that’s 30,000+ donations gone up in smoke right away. I hesitate to think how many other ActionAid “officers” are on the gravy train.
The London Violence pages have three murders/satbbing/general barbaric behaviour stories from the last 3 days.
I didn’t see any on the front page. But a lengthy, very positive artilce about Anglea Rayner called ‘Angela Rayner: I’m relaxed about the rich… if they pay tax’ does. I would think it was a party political broadcast if it wasn’t the ridiculously biased BBC.
Anyway, that isn’t why you called : the article at the top is only 10 hours old and doesn’t even make the front page either. Despite it being ‘what police described as “an unspeakable act of extreme violence”‘
Why is such extreme murder in our capital not even worthy of a front-page sub-pane ?.
Perhaps the names of the two victims will help:
‘Saydi Abu Sheikh, 23, and Zakariya Jeilani Mohamed, 32’
Then we have:
‘Appealing for information, the Met Police said the perpetrators should not be “protected by a wall of silence”.’
And therein lies another extremely significant fact which the BBC will never go near. They do not live by our laws.
Finally and inevitably we are not giving any details whatsoever about these particularly viscious and nasty murderers they want information about.
These are articles which belong in 3rd world shitholes.
Never to be heard on the bbc: How will a Labour government solve the economic crisis?
Starmer is not answering it…… He just says the Tories are doing it wrong (even after the reversal of the budget a few weeks back that effectively did exactly what Keir said should be done).
“We will get those rich people to pay, we are the 5th largest economy in the World and can have all the golden services we need”!!
“Oh shit that didn’t raise enough”
“£50k is rich and those with the broadest shoulders must pay!
“Oh shit that didn’t raise enough”.
Those with household incomes of £50k (two people making £25k) is rich and in hard times those with the broadest shoulders must pay”!
“Oh shit that didn’t raise enough”!
“Those with jobs should count themselves lucky, yes we are in recession but many have lost their jobs so these lucky few who remain must hold the burden”!!
EXCLUSIVE: Two years AFTER Meghan quit Deal or No Deal for feeling like a ‘bimbo’ she took raunchy 90210 cameo giving character Ethan oral sex in a car, newly resurfaced clip shows
Meghan Markle has stated that she left her job as a briefcase babe on Deal or No Deal because it made her feel like a ‘bimbo’
‘I didn’t like feeling forced to be all looks. And little substance,’ she said
But less than two years later she took on a tiny cameo on 90210 where she was seen giving oral sex in a car to actor Dustin Milligan who played hunky Ethan Ward
That scene has now resurfaced on social media as Meghan is called out for hypocrisy
‘She must have forgotten she was BJ girl in that show AFTER she left her briefcase girls stint due to being objectified,’ wrote one user
Markle says she didn’t want to take on the small role but felt ‘struggling actresses can’t be picky.’
I dare not even think about how much of the money workers pay in tax is spent giving benefits to people who think it is their God-given right to get it.
She has been waiting for 10 months, and said: “I just want a home in an area that I’ve chosen, where I can hop 10 minutes on a bus to see friends and family – somewhere I can call home.”
‘Ceri’ is a single parent mother with a new born baby who ‘says she has been left isolated in a rural location that is 20 miles (32km) away from her support network.’
No discussion whatsoever of what utter irresponsibility and/or complete stupidity which might have brought this on herself. The BBC only want victims to write stories full of empathy about.
The BBC – with their public funding – have no concept of what it means to have to survive without handouts. Perhaps their attitudes will change when nobody wants to read their socialist guff and aren’t forced to pay for it.
Here’s an author. Standard for these articles at the BBC.
An Arsenal footballer was among those injured in a stabbing incident at an Italian supermarket that left one person dead and at least five others wounded. Spanish defender Pablo Mari, who is on loan at Serie A club Monza, suffered a stab wound to the back. His injuries are not life-threatening. The incident happened at a Carrefour store in a shopping centre in Assago, near Milan, where a 30-year-old cashier is reported to died. A 46-year-old suspect has been detained, with local media reporting customers held him until police arrived. Authorities have ruled out any terrorist motive. Here’s the latest.”
A lesser mortal to a footyballist reported to dying is not the only tragic aspect.
“A&E chaos: ‘I wouldn’t bring a relative to my own hospital’ (BBC “quote”)
NHS England chief executive Amanda Pritchard predicts a “very, very challenging winter”. But the health service is already struggling. Only 57% of people who turned up at major accident and emergency departments in England last month were seen, admitted or discharged within four hours. The national target is 95%. The government says “intensive work” is under way in the 15 most under-pressure hospital trusts in England, to speed up ambulance delays, free up beds and reduce waiting times in A&E. At one of them, our health reporter Jim Reed hears about a patient stuck in the “chaotic” casualty wards for more than 24 hours and another who waited for hours in an ambulance outside. “I wouldn’t bring a member of my family to this hospital,” a medic admits. Read the full report.”
Maybe ‘a medic’ could, in Jim’s hearing, task a likewise well rewarded Mandy about their hospital’s management team’s role in all this? No doubt the diversity levels are 103%.
He looks the same as every other black man in a 10 pixel facial jpg.
But I can’t say that of course – because even if they do look very similar, the Leftists hypocrites have designated it a racist thing to say.
The astute observer will notice the difference in the type of attacks we see which generally differ between the scumbag subsets of Muslims, Blacks and Whites.
This one is typical of it’s type. It’s pure, barbaric evil with no motive except for sick personal gratification. It’s a primitive level of the desire to cause suffering and is done without conscience or remorse. Like a wild animal which should be put down.
Muslims tend to be based on a hate trigger – invariably based on Islamic rules but also because they consider the rest of us infidels. It’s sinister because they really think their target deserves to get it and truly believe it is what God wants them to do.
White scumbags tend to be more random and it’s basically the release of animal aggression. The kind of desire for violence we see in football hooligans who give anyone they meet a good kicking.
What a shame the Leftists in our universities will never do a study to expose such truths. Which – for me – makes all their other work worthless because it’s written by hypocrites who only tell the parts of stories which suit their left-wing ideology.
Yet the bbc persist in bringing out Lammy ad nauseam.
I cannot accept that you still refuse to publicise what you discussed at this year’s elitist Bilderberg Meeting in Washington D.C. You only attended on the merits of you being an elected MP. As such, do you not have duty to inform your constituents of what took place there?
I don’t care whether Braverman is fit for th ejob or not : I think I missed the day that it became up to TV presenters and civil servants to decide who a PM puts in his cabinet.
This is all a concequence of the utter farce we have had to endure where the media (led by the BBC) managed to oust a properly elected Prime Minister on the basis of something as absolutely trivial as ‘Partygate’. It has moved the line of what they consider acceptable.
They need a short, sharp shock to remind them how democracy works. Boris was too weak and flabby to do it, Truss was a completly useless wet-lettuce and I have to say I haven’t even heard Sunak speak yet.
Maybe we need WW3 to remind everyone what is actually important. We’ve completely lost the plot.
I disagree – the s’shock’ should not be short or sharp – in fact it shouldn’t be a ‘shock ‘ – it should be more profound and personal to these people …..
……I don’t think these politicians realise – personally – what the effect of constant erosion through bias the BBC and those infesting it achieve ….
10 seconds of Toady ….poor nurses unable to feed their Children and then thought for the day….brave women in Iran…OFF SWITCH , Biased BBC as usual if only ” Brave Raped and Abused White Girls by Pakistanis in Rotherham / Telford this Appalling practice must Stop ” nah never to be uttered on the BBC !
I bet the BBC is wondering why the `today programme is losing huge numbers of listeners .
Today our Justin tried being Robinson beating up coffee – the government minister – over whether Rashid should go to the COP jolly … he’s said he is too busy to go to Mexico .
On and on went Justin – as if rashid not going will end the world . No mention of the biggest player – China – but that’s the BBC ….
If rashid had gone to the jolly he’d have been criticised because there are serious problems here . But that’s the ‘game ‘…..
The tone of Elon musks take over of twitter is negative – ‘his brand of free speech won’t impress all ‘ said the BBC droid .
Yes – that brand involves non approved voices being heard – certain subjects and people not being ‘banned ‘…. As the BBC and the rest of the Far Left would prefer …
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 21:03 Start the Week 24th February 2025 In the lecture, Rand admonishes American businessmen for apologizing for capitalism and for, in some cases, directly funding detractors of…
non-licence payerFeb 23, 21:03 Start the Week 24th February 2025 bBC still chosing to ignore the visit you get from the Greater Manchester Police if you choae to criticise your…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 20:46 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Books for the future … [img][/img]
non-licence payerFeb 23, 20:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Fed that was a sneaky early bird new thread. Five weeks now before phase two of Storm Rachel (Brian Monteith…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 20:28 Start the Week 24th February 2025 wwfc – Your claim has upset me so that means I can get you arrested and then I can be…
Just when you thought the BBC had run out of victims…..
People’s inability to afford essential hygiene products is leaving many too ashamed to go to work, a charity says.
A report suggests 3.2 million UK adults are affected by so-called hygiene poverty – with 12% saying they have avoided facing colleagues as a result.
Their struggle to buy basic items such as soap and deodorant is having a devastating effect on their daily lives, it says.
Yes, it’s those ‘reports’ again.
If the BBC were really worried about poverty they would campaign to abolish the licence fee, one of the most regressive tax measures in the system that directly hit the poor most.
Awaiting a queue of MPs from certain constituencies in local studios bemoaning the paucity of Growler Topiary Practitioners.
Or the Asst Marketing Director of a new charity promoting same.
Sluff, it is true that there is a shortage of soap at present. But if someone is determined to wash and to work there are alternatives: washing up liquid on the flannel, shampoo ditto. Aldi have not had their cheap soap available for months. They only have Dove @£1.99 for four bars.
Lidl have cheap soap again on sale, although it is described as bath soap on the packet it is usable for face washing. The price has gone up but it is 95p for four bars. Deodorants have changed at both Aldi and Lidl and they are now bodysprays but are still cheap at 55p in both shops.
Combine that with a very usable (I have tested it) shampoo for 75p and toothpaste for 80p, both from Tesco, and there is no reason why anyone in the UK should face so-called ‘hygene poverty’ and be ashamed to go to work. Especially as we have 1.3million unemployed in the UK and who have to be supported by the taxpayer. I wonder whether Rishi and his Chancellor may get Iain Duncan-Smith to re-visit Universal Credit next month and see if I D-S can get more people working?
I visit the fragrances section at tesco each week and test them all before not buying..
.. then i retire to the rest room and use their complementary soap – followed up by some casual shoplifting..
Then its back to 11 downing street for the day job . I always nick some whiskers for Larry ..
15p a bar in Tesco
Soap poverty, I’m not going to waste too much time in their fantasy world
Soap seems to 4 bars for less than a pound
Tesco sell 100g bar for 15p
It now costs 1p to boil a kettle whereas it used to cost 0.5p
BBC local news was panicking about pasta prices the other day
FFS Aldis pasta is 21p and 35p for 500g
AFAIK Tesco’s price match that
whereas the radio was making out pasta costs £1.60
‘The Poor’ could always eat rice or potatoes.
Anyone thought of that?
Less affected by the Ukraine war and the poor Canadian durum wheat crop in 2021, just in case the BBC would like some background.
I always buy bars of ‘scrub’ soap – (for the uninitiated it has ‘bits’ in it that exfoliates the skin as well as cleanses) – I started using it around April time, and its still going strong with daily use. Around £3 per bar.
MPs get bumper £2.2k pay rise NEXT MONTH as Britons crippled with eye-watering tax hikes
That was the year after they took no pay rise at all
It’s the BBC who usually omits such big contexts.
One always admires those funny little unintentional juxtapositions of articles:
Many skip work over hygiene poverty shame, charity says (BBC today)
Iranian man who didn’t wash for half a century dies at 94 (BBC yesterday)
Bizarre headline there
“‘World’s dirtiest man’ dies aged 94, months after first wash in decades” “Iranian man”
Is it news that a 94yo dies “months after” anything ?
Old people die , end of story
“according to the Iranian National news agency” .. well that’s a reliable source.
Tweeters point “‘World’s dirtiest man” applies to BBC staff like Savile … and Biden
However the vast majority of replies just gormlessly take the premise that a wash killed him as true.
Article ends with ‘oh there was this other man in India who maybe been unwashed for longer, but we have no update’
Nobody sits down with those who say they can’t afford this and can’t afford that. Where does their money go? A detailed spreadsheet of income v outgoings could be revealing, but we are asked to accept their word for the situation. I have no doubt that some people will be struggling, but the proverbial ‘nurse forced to go to foodbank’ seems unlikely to me. NHS staff get discounts at many local shops and some supermarkets, that I can’t get. These ‘perks’ are never mentioned.
We are the discount service for the emergency services, NHS, social care sector and armed forces, providing our members with thousands of amazing discounts online and on the high street.
For just £4.99, members of the Blue Light community can register for 2-years access to more than 15,000 discounts from large national retailers to local businesses across categories such as holidays, cars, days out, fashion, gifts, insurance, phones, and many more.
Isn’t it warming to be paying 20% more for stuff than that long list – which I see includes ‘border force Uber drivers ‘….
Mugged by the public sector …
Spot on ND. If you work in the NHS you can apply for a Costco card as well. !
Also has anyone noticed the SIZE of those interviewed about eating/heating ? and the nurses who ‘use’ foodbanks ? they are the size of barrage balloons, not exactly skeletal, which those who really cant afford to eat would look like.
You can buy a bar of soap at Tesco for 15p. How poor are these people?
TOADY Watch #1 – BBC thinks ‘Can we keep this going for a couple of weeks?’
The BBC are back on the Bashing Braverman trail again this morning. Nadim Zahawi is the Conservative ‘sacrificial goat’ for the atonement of Tory Government sins. I have a strange feeling that we are into another Damian ‘Maltby Knee’ Green situation with the BBC. The BBC tried and failed to remove another Conservative Home Secretary, Priti Patel. Priti enjoyed the backing of her then PM, Boris Johnson.
I hope Rishi Sunak is made of strong stuff and will not give in to the BBC and other LibbyLeftMob hysterics and will fully support his Home Secretary.
Tory MP Nadhim Zahawi admits taxpayers paid power bill for his stables
This article is more than 8 years old
MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
Nadhim Zahawi MP with David Cameron
Nadhim Zahawi with David Cameron. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA
Press Association
Sun 10 Nov 2013 06.46 GMT
I reckon the msm will be targeting braver man’s SPADS to find another breach – undermine a ‘right wing ?’ Home sec to get to the main target – any vehicle to get to the early General Election …
… 3 weeks to the Budget – so the coming stories will be ‘leaks ‘ about public spending cuts – not before time … food bank taxes – no free school dinners – road charges up – pension age up – freezing NHS funding increases- council taxes up – benefits not linked to inflation – ….
Fed, I thought you were going to get your spending cuts the day after Truss’s & Kwarteng’s non-Budget/’fiscal event’. Instead, there was a deafening silence from No.10 and No.11 Downing Street. You were disappointed, no doubt, and so was I.
Well they ve run out of money trees – the market has decided that . I think it is inevitable that they’ll do some of the things I listed – although some are personally against my interests .
In the end it’s all about how much you have and personal circumstances – the woke stuff is just our version of hippydom.
The big challenge has too be making the public sector more efficient – but if they can afford non core stuff like ‘diversity managers ‘ and ‘ ‘overseas aid ‘ things will only get worse .
I notice that Andrew – plebgate Mitchell – a pal of Rashad – is in as a minister again . I’d put a bet on him being the first to resign – how – morally – the Uk government can justify borrowing taxpayers ‘ money to give away – is beyond me . 13? Billion saved at a stroke …
I assume Sunak’s appointment of Braverman is some sort of feint since it is unlikely she will be allowed by officials to do anything meaningful.
Starmer, being in cahoots with the establishment, knows this full well Have officials raised concerns about his decision to appoint her? .
Therefore what are Labour expecting to gain in their blatant attempts to get rid of her, other than further taunting their former supporters in the red wall who they know support her (alleged) attempts to reduce immigration?
Why were Labour not worried about ‘national security’ when their EUrophile chum Angus Lapsley was appointed the UK’s most senior person at NATO?
5 May 2017
Juncker: English language is ‘losing importance at EU’
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker is greeted with applause as he explains why he decided to give his State of the Union speech in French, not English.
He was speaking in Florence, Italy.
5 May 2017
Perhaps he should learn to speak in his masters tongue – Turkey !
Excellent news – anything which distances us from the ReichEU is a good . Make French the official language – even better ….
Are you one of those who have been unable to be Europeanised?
JHB just had a doctor on in favour of strikes
He sounded North American
.. “we have to strike cos the government has no plan to recruit and retain workers”
“Its EASY all we have to do is put a 1% wealth tax on all wealth over 1%”
..Things that are EASY tend to work out as not being easy.
The bloke seemed to be a Socialist Worker type guy.
1% –
How much has Owen Jones made?
Owen Jones’ salary is not a matter of public record.
However, his second book sold well according to politcal blog Media Guido.
The website estimated Owen made around £471,489 from his second book in 2015.
At the time the right wing blog claimed the books had sold 143,212.
Stew, first difficulty in a Wealth Tax is defining wealth. Then, if you have an elderly widow, living on the State Pension plus Pension credit, in a London suburb do you include the value of the house she occupies as ‘wealth’ when if you tax it, her – and the nation’s – Benefits Bill increases due to the tax. There are plenty of problems around the introduction of new taxes, not least the inability of Civil Servants and Cabinet Ministers to ask the difficult ‘what if … ‘ questions.
typo 1% tax on all wealth over £5m
That’s assets not , income
So people who own big companies
are forced to sell 1% of their shares and magically find buyers, at the same time as everyone else is.
.. what will that do for share prices ?
CGT on primary residence – that’s the best election loser …
Didn’t you put Fedup Towers into a family trust
and therefore it doesn’t belong to an individual and therefore escapes the wealth tax.
I’m waiting for a request / compulsory purchase from HMG to install dinghy types in it ….
In May last year NHS Test and Trace (NHST&T) was set up with a budget of £22 billion. Since then it has been allocated £15 billion more: totalling £37 billion over two years.
Central Bank Digital Currencies Explained
16,321 views 1 Nov 2021
Chancellor Rishi Sunak explains what CBDCs are and how they could benefit businesses and consumers.
Did you get that from the video I posted earlier? It doesn’t say which company is behind the software which enables that digital currency does it?
It’s Infosys his wifes fathers company, and it doesn’t say they are also behind the software for the social credit system used in China to monitor and control the people there.
Yes – was interested in seeing it raw.
Probably will not happen until we have a world government.
Use cash whenever possible…………Otherwise………………
The digital currency is going to phase out cash which is why the demand for physical precious metals is so high especially in America where they are running out at the metals exchanges.
There is a huge potention problem brewing in the metals markets which is the silly traders shorting Gold and Silver and other metals which they don’t actually physically have and cannot purchase. These trades in the vast majority of cases are settled for cash before the trader has to actually deliver on the promise, but the time is approaching when they are going to have to come up with the goods to customers who want to see the physical substance they have been promised.
At that point when they are trading pieces of paper well in excess of what is available in the USA they are not going to be able to complete the contracts and the prices of these futures is going to skyrocket as the scrabble about desperately trying to find it!
The futures markets are being used to artificially depress the prices of precious metals. This has been known about for years, but nothing is done, because it helps to conceal the effects of QE on the true value of money.
Gold is still less than $2000 per ounce, in a true free market it would be many times that.
That’s a strange idea that gold is too cheap
There’s loads of it, corps dig up gold then the vast majority of it is then put back underground in bank vaults.
It’s capitalism being unecological.
Anyway the article has this line that contradicts Rob’s point
“I’m NOT arguing that manipulation is a principle component of today’s depressed gold price.
But it is something to keep in mind”
I think he put that line in to avoid being called a “conspiracy theorist”.
The fact is that massive sales of “paper gold” are dumped on the market to push the price down. This is done by bullion banks such as JP Morgan or Goldman Sachs, and I am sure it is at the behest of central banks. They never get investigated for it, even though it is blatant market manipulation.
Medialand is generally theatre
TalkTV just played the clip of Trevor Noah
He did this big theatrical piece saying the general reaction in the UK has been a huge BACKLASH against Sunak on account of his skin colour, cos generally the UK is full of white people who are very fond of oppressing people of other skin colour.
Thread ..
In the USA – it’s hard not to perceive statements like the one proffered by this bureaucrat are indicators that the mid term elections are going to go pear shaped?
They just have to keep on counting until they get the right result. Much more of this and the USA will be destroyed. If your vote doesn’t count, nothing counts.
I’d bet there wouldn’t be a delay if her salary depended on delivering rapid and transparent accounting of votes.
Makes you wonder if Americans will notice the elections being stolen from them again – although I guess the intelligent ones look at CNN and believe the lies – again …
( I understand the democrats are rolling out the vile Obama again – I thought he’d be too busy pulling bidens’ strings )..
Overall CNN audience figures aren’t very good.
I mean … look at CNN+
= less than one month on air
Makes you wonder what’d happen to the BBC if it went subscription.
iirc Sky Osterly are a serious loss maker for their mothership ComCast….
The baboons are already shrieking.
Expect BBC Amarica troupe to start up real soon now.
Tomo, it’s a ‘whoop’ of gorillas, and a ‘flange’ of baboons!
Ask Rowan Atkinson and the late lamented Mel Smith!
I seriously thought that the bloke in the middle at the end was going to give them each a banana!
Meanwhile Mr. Musk turns up at Twitter HQ
Crazy footage from Sept 2021, The Asians have just all be found guilty in court.
The court doesn’t seem to have accepted their claim. that the van driver had first driven over someone’s foot.
Given that the NHS is the worst it has ever been despite billions and billions being poured into it, surely it needs to be cut back and the money directed either to reducing the deficit or going into all the other public services which have been starved of cash for years, in favour of being placed on the sacrificial altar of the NHS.
How about tax relief on private medical treatment?
NHS to benefit from £13.4 billion debt write-off
Health Secretary announces over £13 billion of debt will be written off as part of a major financial reset for NHS providers.
Department of Health and Social Care
2 April 2020
I remember a time, living outside London, when the NHS really didn’t have the need to rely on migrant workers. In fact the only ‘strange’ accent we heard was probably Irish/Scots or Welsh !
Now we hear that the NHS couldn’t have survived without migrant workers ! Hasn’t anyone joined up the dots, that like more roads create more cars, the millions of migrants allowed in since the 1950s, created more use of the NHS, thus migrants were needed to work within it – to essentially look after themselves.
I often wonder what our country would be like as per the status quo of the 1950’s. Would our children have a choice of affordable housing? because they all had jobs, would we still be seeing a GP on demand ? and being seen immediately in A & E ? Would there be not much violent on street crime ? would the police be more pro-active because the cries of racism wouldn’t be an issue.
Who knows.
bBC interferes (sorry reporting) on Iran
What can go wrong when the west interferes, Iraq for example, nothing to see here 🙁
Putin and the Saudis like the status quo
cos that gives high oil prices
However in the long term if there was a revolution in Iran and it came to represent its more secular people, that would bring world oil prices down.
Iran Oil
Summary Table
Barrels Global Rank
Oil Reserves
157,530,000,000 4th in the world
Barrels per Day Global Rank
Oil Production
4,376,194 7th in the world
Oil Consumption
1,803,999 12th in the world
Daily Surplus
+ 2,572,195
Oil Imports
Oil Exports
Net Exports
Just so that we all know, the starting salary (without adding various allowances). for an nhs nurse is £27,055
Why do they need food banks.
shut up and clap
Yeah – clap – it’s world beating – right ?
Yep If you are registered that puts you in band 5
then you get wages rises for service years
So about £5K more after 4 years
.. unless you moved up into the senior pay band 6 : £33,700
NHS & Clap, luckily we have them with things like clap
Radio 4’s Today programme loses half a million listeners in a year, new data shows.
Am I surprised? – the dust on the volume control of my car radio suggests not.
Does Mark White – the slow speaking ‘Security’ Editor of GBN, ever do research ?
His report of the migrants landing then being to taken to Manston airport, then mentioned “before they are moved on to COUNCIL HOUSING” !!!! really ??? er, where ? there are no council houses available – anywhere, which is why low grade / middle cost / and now high end hotels / castles are being commandeered to house these bastards !
Strange true crime story in the Manchester Evening News last week.
It claimed in the 1990s the National Front was driven out of Manchester, cos the Socialist Worker gang brought in a violent white gangster family.
NF had traction in Manchester “until a few young working-class activists, mainly drawn from the Socialist Workers Party and the Anti-Nazi League, decided to fight back.
The ‘Squads’, as they became known, responded to the NF in kind – with violence. And Dessie Noonan, left wing, Irish republican, proudly anti-racist and handy with his fists, was exactly what they were looking for.
.. the ‘squads’ evolved to Anti-Fascist Action, with Dessie at the helm.
He got addicted to crack cocaine and was killed by a drug dealer.
His brother died in an accident in Dominica
Thus leaving the other brother in charge .. then he was jailed for historic sex abuse against young boys.
The article is PR for a new book
In the comments the newspaper is criticised for glorifying the thugs
“next week Reach/ Manchester Evening news can glorify and document Jimmy Saville’s charity work”
Happy ending on that one ?
The Noonans were complete criminal filth, we would be better off if they were all dead.
BBC Don’t do adverts ….
rince Harry memoir to be called Spare, publishers reveal
8 minutes ago
The publisher’s description of the book’s author, which is likely to appear on the inside flap of the front cover, reads: “Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, is a husband, father, humanitarian, military veteran, mental wellness advocate, and environmentalist. He resides in Santa Barbara, California, with his family and three dogs.”
Prince Harry ‘overwhelmed’ with world’s problems, says he finds it ‘hard to get out of bed’
Francesca Specter
Francesca Specter·Yahoo Style UK deputy editor
25 September 2019
Prince Harry and his Jacinda-Ardern-style performative empathy remind me of a joke song on Monty Python’s “Contractual Obligations” album. There are various causes of concern for the anxious singer of this song, e.g.
“I’m so worried about modern technolo-gy-y
I’m so worried about all the things that they dump in the sea-ea”
and also
“I’m so worried about being so full of doubt
about everything a-a-any way”
and the show-stopper for me was the constant refrain:
“I’m so worried about the baggage retrieval
system they’ve got at Heathrow”.
That’ll be in the “middle of Lidl” in time for Christmas.
What a Wayne Kerr that man is.
I must say I like Marky’s typo “rince Harry.”
He certainly married a “rinser,” that’s for sure!
Times also reports the rapid and happy decline of Today listeners . I know the answer – get in younger ‘more diverse innit’ presenters – you know geezers and babes – and a bit of rap and drill …. That will do it …
Meanwhile – in passing – GBNews figures went up 50% in 6 months …. No doubt the wakes will say from 1 to 1.5 people – yeah ?
What I thought was the average age of the listeners is in fact the audience numbers.
I stopped listening to Today when President Trump had the election stolen from him. Like Martine Croxall, they could not contain their glee. Now I feel much better every morning for not listening to it.
Public sector pay & pensions, public services, and other state run operations should have annual pay awards linked to the growth of the UK’s GDP. This would encourage those in these sectors to want to see a thriving growing economy, and discourage strikes etc. that reduce or suffocate growth.
Just a thought. My pay always depended on the success of the company I worked for.
SNP minister resigns over gender recognition plans
So what, really news worthy?
Surely governments have more to worry about
Yet another example of Sturgeons staggering ineptitude.
Longish piece on home page: ‘China Covid: Videos emerge of rare protests in Tibet’
“There has been no official comment or state media reports on the protests, although local officials on Thursday said eight new Covid cases had been reported in Lhasa… [lockdowns have] exacted a punishing toll on the Chinese people and economy, with increasing public fatigue over lockdowns and travel restrictions.”
I attended several Covid protests in central London during 20/21 which were so rare the BBC missed them entirely. Even the one estimated to have 0.75-1 million people on the streets. Just like in China, there was no official comment or state media reports on the protests here.
The Chinese gov are anti-democratic so no doubt this is speaking truth to power or something… but rest assured no such issue with the UK, hey BBC?
Footage has emerged showing what appear to be rare large-scale protests against strict Covid-19 measures in the Tibetan regional capital, Lhasa.
But rights groups say China continues to violate human rights, accusing Beijing of political and religious repression. Beijing denies any abuses.
World Oil Reserves
See also: List of countries by Oil Reserves
There are 1.65 trillion barrels of proven oil reserves in the world as of 2016.
The world has proven reserves equivalent to 46.6 times its annual consumption levels. This means it has about 47 years of oil left (at current consumption levels and excluding unproven reserves).
The BBC and oil.
It is ridiculous, with everything going on in the world now, for Radio 4 to lead its 6 p.m. news with Mr Sunak’s decision not to go to the latest COP in Egypt and Labour’s scientifically illiterate moral posturing over it. They never explain why it’s so important for the UK (1/20 of the population of both China and India, and only 1.1% of the largely harmless global CO2 emissions) to give a lead when Green policies have already cost us so much. This is pure propaganda and should lead to defunding if they don’t immediately start giving more balanced and realistic assessments.
Mustapha #GreenBlob PR work within the BBC news rooms
BBC take money from the public and spend it to #GreenBlob PR
Talking of which, any news of Roger Harrabin since he left?
The BBC use the cost-of-living stick to beat the government, yet their own propaganda (anti-fracking, pro wind/solar, anti-coal) has contributed to some of the shortages and higher prices. They can’t have it both ways.
Lots of people are dead in Ukraine
Putin might well not have attacked
if the UK had kept energy independence
instead of rushing into banning fossil fuels.
Mad green policies have consequences
Mad green policies have a body count.
aaand … Twitter are dumping huge volumes of Just Stop Oil and XR into my feed….
Didn’t Dawn Butler invent the Internet with Al Gore?
Force people to be hired into a workplace for reasons other than ability then watch the output turn to shit.
Exactly like what happened at the BBC and is ‘in-progress’ for the whole country.
BBC : ‘leading the way’.
Talking cities are the best.
Pathetic virtue signalling.
And to show just how sorry they are, they will be offering free one-way tickets back to Africa where the descendants of the victims can finally find peace and be rid of the mental suffering of imperial oppression completely.
They’ve deliberately over-purchased the tickets just in case demand is higher than expected. It will be available from Monday.
Toenails doing a #gettingaboutright gig
Beyond satire.
Opening item on local news
“Why the political world is turning against onshore wind”
crafted item from Sarah Sanderson
First voice pro onshore wind local councillor at Rousse (spelling ?) wind farm
Now Melanie Onn head of PR group Renewables UK
Now Herb Eppel head of pro wind farm org
Presenter falsely states “they are the cheapest form of energy bar none”
Eppel “people like they them, they get built and ignored
all surveys show that people like them”
Presenter ended the item and then suddenly came back with more big wind farm PR
“You know I was looking the other day and wind was producing 40%
that’s four times more than nuclear power !”
… FFS does anyone actually talk like that ?
it sounds like someone has fed him that PR line
Stew – veracity and truth are not part of the Green Blob PR efforts – they’re given a free pass and never challenged by the BBC in particular – so their ever bolder lies just sail through.
Some serious humiliation is long overdue for the PR swines and their gormless / spineless fanboys.
This going to be a lead item on the BBC Soap Poverty Editor beat?
Blimey, some good news…
Rishi ISN’T attending Cop 27.
The annual self indulgent get together, when the great and the good fly in from all over the planet to lecture us about our carbon footprint, will have to get on without our PM. Charlie can’t go either Brilliant.
So, who are we sending?
Michael Gove’s stunt double.
Hell they’ll probably send that one who got all blubby at the Glasgow gig and liked knocking down coal power stations …..
Looking set to be BBC #notnews
So the answer is ‘no’ – I prefer the response which goes “that’s not the question you should be asking – “then pivot to a distracter statement …. Ending in a slag off the opposition …
Mark Steyn with Sammy Smith on …..she is a very articulate young woman with a Horrific history of Abuse and Rape by those wonderful diverse Pa#ky Bastards ! , BBC IGNORE AND BURY THE IMPORTANT NEWS … but then we all know this don’t we .
The BBC does, however… have…
Halal Certification Organisation (HCO) is an independent certification body .
We comprise of a multitude of industry experienced professionals and experts in their disciplines who oversee the vision, progress and governance of the organisation. The independent Halal Certification Advisory Board includes Islamic Theologians, Medical Practitioners, Veterinary Surgeons, Pharmacists, Food Technologists, Microbiologists and a Social Scientist.
About half of the Albanians coming over the channel are getting granted asylum.
I saw on (either GBNews or talktv) that Germany and Sweden who are both subject to the same laws as us (echr stuff) have both granted 0 Albanians asylum.
That is…none, zero, 1 less than 1, nobody.
How can they do it but we can’t.
The truth is that our politicians WANT all these people coming in.
It seems that having tens of thousands living in hotels and castles, getting spending money, free meals and full nhs service, all paid for by the taxpayer, apparently raises GDP somehow.
We have a rotten Parliament . That needs “Reform”………
I think it’s more that they have an EU army already landed, kept in hotels and barracks, just give them a uniform and a baton.
UK Terrorists on Watch List (known) 40K.
UK Army 80K.
ActionAid are pumping out ads on TV asking everyone to commit to paying £3 a month to help protect young girls in Asia from suffering sexual abuse. It doesn’t of course include protection for English girls in the UK suffering sexual abuse from Asian men….
What is it about Asian men?
BTW the chief exec of ActionAid scooped £114,000 last year so that’s 30,000+ donations gone up in smoke right away. I hesitate to think how many other ActionAid “officers” are on the gravy train.
This encapsulates the absurdity of modern Britain better than most of what we see in the media. Dickens’ telescopic philanthropy once again.
It’s 3000+, not 30,000+. £3 per month is £36 per year.
ActionAid chief executive
The replies…
Ilford triple shooting: Two men shot dead named by police
The London Violence pages have three murders/satbbing/general barbaric behaviour stories from the last 3 days.
I didn’t see any on the front page. But a lengthy, very positive artilce about Anglea Rayner called ‘Angela Rayner: I’m relaxed about the rich… if they pay tax’ does. I would think it was a party political broadcast if it wasn’t the ridiculously biased BBC.
Anyway, that isn’t why you called : the article at the top is only 10 hours old and doesn’t even make the front page either. Despite it being ‘what police described as “an unspeakable act of extreme violence”‘
Why is such extreme murder in our capital not even worthy of a front-page sub-pane ?.
Perhaps the names of the two victims will help:
‘Saydi Abu Sheikh, 23, and Zakariya Jeilani Mohamed, 32’
Then we have:
‘Appealing for information, the Met Police said the perpetrators should not be “protected by a wall of silence”.’
And therein lies another extremely significant fact which the BBC will never go near. They do not live by our laws.
Finally and inevitably we are not giving any details whatsoever about these particularly viscious and nasty murderers they want information about.
These are articles which belong in 3rd world shitholes.
Never to be heard on the bbc: How will a Labour government solve the economic crisis?
Starmer is not answering it…… He just says the Tories are doing it wrong (even after the reversal of the budget a few weeks back that effectively did exactly what Keir said should be done).
“We will get those rich people to pay, we are the 5th largest economy in the World and can have all the golden services we need”!!
“Oh shit that didn’t raise enough”
“£50k is rich and those with the broadest shoulders must pay!
“Oh shit that didn’t raise enough”.
Those with household incomes of £50k (two people making £25k) is rich and in hard times those with the broadest shoulders must pay”!
“Oh shit that didn’t raise enough”!
“Those with jobs should count themselves lucky, yes we are in recession but many have lost their jobs so these lucky few who remain must hold the burden”!!
“MPs still deserve this pay rise”!
“Oh shit”……
“Dear IMF, I am writing to you for a bailout”.
Or this…
EXCLUSIVE: Two years AFTER Meghan quit Deal or No Deal for feeling like a ‘bimbo’ she took raunchy 90210 cameo giving character Ethan oral sex in a car, newly resurfaced clip shows
Meghan Markle has stated that she left her job as a briefcase babe on Deal or No Deal because it made her feel like a ‘bimbo’
‘I didn’t like feeling forced to be all looks. And little substance,’ she said
But less than two years later she took on a tiny cameo on 90210 where she was seen giving oral sex in a car to actor Dustin Milligan who played hunky Ethan Ward
That scene has now resurfaced on social media as Meghan is called out for hypocrisy
‘She must have forgotten she was BJ girl in that show AFTER she left her briefcase girls stint due to being objectified,’ wrote one user
Markle says she didn’t want to take on the small role but felt ‘struggling actresses can’t be picky.’
‘I didn’t like feeling forced to be all looks. And little substance,’ she said
Nobody is forcing you dear.
Housing in Wales: Mother and baby placed in hotel due to shortage
I dare not even think about how much of the money workers pay in tax is spent giving benefits to people who think it is their God-given right to get it.
She has been waiting for 10 months, and said: “I just want a home in an area that I’ve chosen, where I can hop 10 minutes on a bus to see friends and family – somewhere I can call home.”
‘Ceri’ is a single parent mother with a new born baby who ‘says she has been left isolated in a rural location that is 20 miles (32km) away from her support network.’
No discussion whatsoever of what utter irresponsibility and/or complete stupidity which might have brought this on herself. The BBC only want victims to write stories full of empathy about.
The BBC – with their public funding – have no concept of what it means to have to survive without handouts. Perhaps their attitudes will change when nobody wants to read their socialist guff and aren’t forced to pay for it.
Here’s an author. Standard for these articles at the BBC.

Is that a €300 coat. Plus tax?
The BBC Moaning Emole ventures further afield..
“ Arsenal player hurt as one dies in stabbing
An Arsenal footballer was among those injured in a stabbing incident at an Italian supermarket that left one person dead and at least five others wounded. Spanish defender Pablo Mari, who is on loan at Serie A club Monza, suffered a stab wound to the back. His injuries are not life-threatening. The incident happened at a Carrefour store in a shopping centre in Assago, near Milan, where a 30-year-old cashier is reported to died. A 46-year-old suspect has been detained, with local media reporting customers held him until police arrived. Authorities have ruled out any terrorist motive. Here’s the latest.”
A lesser mortal to a footyballist reported to dying is not the only tragic aspect.
Mental illness pervades.
Also molesworthy…
“A&E chaos: ‘I wouldn’t bring a relative to my own hospital’ (BBC “quote”)
NHS England chief executive Amanda Pritchard predicts a “very, very challenging winter”. But the health service is already struggling. Only 57% of people who turned up at major accident and emergency departments in England last month were seen, admitted or discharged within four hours. The national target is 95%. The government says “intensive work” is under way in the 15 most under-pressure hospital trusts in England, to speed up ambulance delays, free up beds and reduce waiting times in A&E. At one of them, our health reporter Jim Reed hears about a patient stuck in the “chaotic” casualty wards for more than 24 hours and another who waited for hours in an ambulance outside. “I wouldn’t bring a member of my family to this hospital,” a medic admits. Read the full report.”
Maybe ‘a medic’ could, in Jim’s hearing, task a likewise well rewarded Mandy about their hospital’s management team’s role in all this? No doubt the diversity levels are 103%.
“Maybe it’s because I’m a….”
The plods / authorities are absolutely taking the urine with all these blurry screen captures from video
Image enhancement is seemingly never used – it’s almost like they aren’t interested in actually catching the perps.
Cultural …
He looks the same as every other black man in a 10 pixel facial jpg.
But I can’t say that of course – because even if they do look very similar, the Leftists hypocrites have designated it a racist thing to say.
The astute observer will notice the difference in the type of attacks we see which generally differ between the scumbag subsets of Muslims, Blacks and Whites.
This one is typical of it’s type. It’s pure, barbaric evil with no motive except for sick personal gratification. It’s a primitive level of the desire to cause suffering and is done without conscience or remorse. Like a wild animal which should be put down.
Muslims tend to be based on a hate trigger – invariably based on Islamic rules but also because they consider the rest of us infidels. It’s sinister because they really think their target deserves to get it and truly believe it is what God wants them to do.
White scumbags tend to be more random and it’s basically the release of animal aggression. The kind of desire for violence we see in football hooligans who give anyone they meet a good kicking.
What a shame the Leftists in our universities will never do a study to expose such truths. Which – for me – makes all their other work worthless because it’s written by hypocrites who only tell the parts of stories which suit their left-wing ideology.
Yet the bbc persist in bringing out Lammy ad nauseam.
Believe it.
I wonder if he introduced himself a ‘Hi, I’m David Lammy and the only reason I am here is because I’m black.’.
I guarantee he did not add anything useful to any discussion for the whole meeting.
The first thing I want to know is how much he cost us.
Imagine if Groper ever sought election?
I don’t care whether Braverman is fit for th ejob or not : I think I missed the day that it became up to TV presenters and civil servants to decide who a PM puts in his cabinet.
This is all a concequence of the utter farce we have had to endure where the media (led by the BBC) managed to oust a properly elected Prime Minister on the basis of something as absolutely trivial as ‘Partygate’. It has moved the line of what they consider acceptable.
They need a short, sharp shock to remind them how democracy works. Boris was too weak and flabby to do it, Truss was a completly useless wet-lettuce and I have to say I haven’t even heard Sunak speak yet.
Maybe we need WW3 to remind everyone what is actually important. We’ve completely lost the plot.
I disagree – the s’shock’ should not be short or sharp – in fact it shouldn’t be a ‘shock ‘ – it should be more profound and personal to these people …..
……I don’t think these politicians realise – personally – what the effect of constant erosion through bias the BBC and those infesting it achieve ….
Door to Narnia?
10 seconds of Toady ….poor nurses unable to feed their Children and then thought for the day….brave women in Iran…OFF SWITCH , Biased BBC as usual if only ” Brave Raped and Abused White Girls by Pakistanis in Rotherham / Telford this Appalling practice must Stop ” nah never to be uttered on the BBC !
Today watch
I bet the BBC is wondering why the `today programme is losing huge numbers of listeners .
Today our Justin tried being Robinson beating up coffee – the government minister – over whether Rashid should go to the COP jolly … he’s said he is too busy to go to Mexico .
On and on went Justin – as if rashid not going will end the world . No mention of the biggest player – China – but that’s the BBC ….
If rashid had gone to the jolly he’d have been criticised because there are serious problems here . But that’s the ‘game ‘…..
The tone of Elon musks take over of twitter is negative – ‘his brand of free speech won’t impress all ‘ said the BBC droid .
Yes – that brand involves non approved voices being heard – certain subjects and people not being ‘banned ‘…. As the BBC and the rest of the Far Left would prefer …