Isn’t it great when the BBC show themselves to be totally out of touch with a throwaway remark that reveals their true mindset?
On Toady they were talking about the train strikes and how in Scotland a deal has been struck (anti- English pro-Scottish overtones needless to say). Then there was a commentary that travel between Scotland and England is still difficult.
Then the Bee Lady said this…’unless you have a car’ with a sneer.
It may be news to the BBC but most people do. We rather like them. We can get around. Take the family. Make all kinds of journeys. Carry a lot of shopping or luggage. Really they are very useful And 30 million of them are on the roads, so they are pretty popular.
And for those living just south of Glasgow and driving down to Lancashire or Yorkshire and all points in between, they are quicker too. None of that time-consuming nonsense having to get to the city centre to catch the train in the first place.
All news to the public transport loving BBC, who seem to think you have to be very lucky or rich to have a car. Politics of envy stuff.
I see the darlings of the Left Wing wealthy Elites, Apple in all its woke pomp have come out against the protestors in China and sided with its oppressive Communist government disabling features on its products which might assist protestors to organise and communicate, and also assisting China in its Social credit scoring system.
I suppose it should come as no surprise that Apple and all the woke crap it supports, is all about control and forcing those who value freedom to accept what it says regardless of their own moral values.
Interesting factoid — their top specced Mac Pro, which is a desktop model and available on their website, costs £59,000. The stand for the display alone is £949.
I still remember the 1984 ad when Apple were going to save us from an Orwellian future.
he Dragonfly project was an Internet search engine prototype created by Google that was designed to be compatible with China’s state censorship provisions.[1][2][3] The public learned of Dragonfly’s existence in August 2018, when The Intercept leaked an internal memo written by a Google employee about the project.[4][5] In December 2018, Dragonfly was reported to have “effectively been shut down” after a clash with members of the privacy team within Google.[6] However, according to employees, work on Dragonfly was still continuing as of March 2019, with some 100 people still allocated to it.[7]
Despite all the woke oppression he unloads on us he is prepared to work for the Salfist Islamic regime in Qatar to enrich himself to the tune this time of £1.6 million.
The red top Sun and Star do the obvious thing today and present on thier frontpages the iconic visage of respective England and Wales football heroes Harry Kane and Gareth Bale
Responding to the widespread local patriotic interest in this match the Sun puns: First all-British World Cup clash… Do or Dai
The Star goes with: Two teams, two proud countries and one Battle of Britain
This isn’t simply a tabloid thing. The reproduction of the faces of football in their respective regional domains – images recognisable frankly beyond the football fanatic fraternity – Gareth and Harry – that man-bun and that chin – serve as visual shorthand for the World Cup clash equally well as badges or flags on the covers of The Times, Telegraph, Express, giveaway Metro (where the rainbow masthead advertising sheet copies the Sun pun – It’s Do or Dai) and, goodness me, this pair of famous faces even appear on the frontpage of the Guardian
Mind you, the measured neutrality observed throughout the above mentioned national titles is broken by the Gruan where it’s a celtic fringe sympathetic case of anyone but England (Trade Mark Andy Murray circa 2006 & further antipathy to the cross of St George patented by Emily Thornberry 2014 ): Dragans v Lions Wales hope for bravura Bale against England
No matter the Guardianista word bravura is surely more at home at the opera than in the pubs airing the match this evening.
The Daily Mail, famed for their online saucy sidebar of shame break ranks and leave Harry and Gareth on the bench, so to speak, fielding instead for us a pair of female fan hotties as subs – however, these two girls are keeping their respective white and red shirts on.
And what one may ask does the BBC do?
World Cup 2022: Wales and England to go head to head in Group B (BBC) – pictorially represented not by the famous mugs of Bale and Kane – but by a pair of black Wales and England players. Unfortunately, I’m sure, like many in the audience, I don’t instantly recognise these two. It’s quite sometime since I dealt seriously in Panini stickers and could pick nearly every top player out of a line up.
The BBC’s utter obsession with the imagery and promotion of blackness at every possible turn defies logics and has gone beyond a joke.
AsISeeIt- BBC image watch- Getty;s Images who supply most
of the Iimaging , especially the public interest issues, such as
the HEADLINE image on IT today. I suspect are told by BIG BROTHER
of the divesity department of the BBC. That they must use black
models for these features.
AsISee It- Just as an appendage, Do you think that the BBC
is just trying to wind up the likes of you and me.? Of
course they are by far not the only ones who believe that
3% of the population should be featured in nearly every
public interest feature or advert we see on TV. I did
think that Barclays Bank had at long last stopped
their wokery. But I expect to see one of the “usual suspects”
as the feature on their main page of their internet banking
for the next six months at least.
It’s a tricky question and probably calculated to be so. If one calls it out – then you’re racist in their terms. They say it’s all about representation but we’re not supposed to notice the over-representation. Commercial interests will tend to hope to cater for the US market where this black issue is bigger than it is here in the UK – both proportionally and by cultural significance.
Politically, although they shouldn’t, the BBC boys & girls swallow the latest leftist trends – it’s not enough not to be racist – they have to be anti-racists.
When there are enough wind and solar farms that can give an equivalent power output to conventional power stations they cannot take over because we will still need power stations as backup using gas, nuclear and coal for when the wind and sun don’t do their bit.
For every wind and sun power station we also need a fossil fuel power station.
We have to have 2 complete power stations available as one will be on and off depending on the weather.
How does that work out when totalling up green, net zero and carbon sums.
There is an alternative scenario. It’s possible to identify periods where wind power is at its lowest. There is always a bit of wind somewhere. So the question then is how much more wind power would be needed to replace gas at those low points.
The clues are on the graphs here.
The answer is an approx. 7 fold increase in wind farms would be needed. That’s a lot of land. The redundancy and surplus cost would be vast. When it was windy they would have to stop most of them – an interesting variant on the cancel culture.
Trump lives in their heads rent free #LITHRF
9am R4 Jonathan Freedland takes the long view of political leaders making a comeback.
Comparing Donald Trump with Justinian II from 7th century and the US President Grover Cleveland
Justinian II generated enormous opposition during his first reign from 685 to 695 with unfair tax rises, military defeats and ultimately ordering mass murder in Constantinople.
He was overthrown, had his nose cut off by way of punishment and banished in exile to modern day Kherson, in Ukraine.
Now known as ‘Slit Nose
Oh lets compare Trump to a mass murderer who had his nose cut off !
Two things have influenced Benin’s culture more than anything else: voodoo and slavery. Some 60 percent of Beninese follow the voodoo religion – with many cultural aspects and religious syncretism spilling over into other aspects of culture as well.
Other forms of traditional slavery exist in parts of Ghana, Benin, Togo and Nigeria.[10] There are other, non-traditional forms of slavery in Africa today, mostly involving human trafficking and the enslavement of child soldiers and child labourers, e.g. human trafficking in Angola, and human trafficking of children from Togo, Benin and Nigeria to Gabon and Cameroon.[11][12]
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
The civil service response: “We only like to go for the easy targets because we lack the courage of our convictions and, we don’t like to offend muslims.”
The protests of the people against their governments , sometimes supposedly democratically elected ones sometimes not, across the world in China, Iran, Holland , Canada sadly demonstrate why the Right to Bear Arms has now become an essential right of anyone who wishes to live in a free democratic society.
These governments , whether it be because of their supposed need to protect their citizens from Covid or from the alleged impact of climate change , are seeking to impose draconian measure on their people. These governments wish to control every aspect of the lives of their populations.
But they couldn’t do this is gun ownership was wide spread. They simply don’t have enough force to impose their will on an armed and resistant population.
Once I used to regard the second amendment in the US Constitution as an anachronism held on to by men who liked to go hunting because they felt macho. Now I see it as being essential to preventing governments from imposing their will on an unwilling population and I regret that across most of Europe gun ownership s extremely low.
Whitee now down to 81% apparently. No public uprising on the horizon. Me? As I’ve declared before, no family, no living relatives, no wife and far into the winter of my years in ill health. I’ve joined the ranks of the ‘Couldn’t give a sh*t’ contingent. It’s all academic to me with just a very small hint of interest in where it’s all going. And that, just to confirm my own conclusions.
You’re not alone G. Only tonight conversing with my younger brother who is in his early 60’s, we were saying the same thing. We have views at ‘furious level’ about the state of the country and where its going, but there is nothing WE can do about it ! so the best we can hope for before we leave this mortal coil, is that we don’t get mugged by a foreigner, and keep all access doors to the house locked, day and night !
Radio 4 I`m Sorry I Haven`t A Clue 18.30 to be repeated Sunday at 12.30 pm .
” The antidote to panel games ” .
A comedy show that has been going for decades . It used to be funny , now it wouldn`t be missed if taken off air . Like a lot of institutions such as the BBC itself .
The programme relies heavily on double meanings such as ;
A competition between a product of Swan Vestas versus Bryant and May – so thats Test Match Special at 1100 .
But now they have the likes of Marcus Brigstocke ( Prigstocke ) on the show and their politics just have to be aired . Another is that Throw Battery Acid At Nigel Farage panellist Jo Brand !
And her take on the humour –
Some old men complaining about immigration in mid Berkshire .
So thats racists in Newbury at 1300 .
Get it ? Racing at Newbury .
And there is the prejudice of the likes of Jo Brand allowed to be aired on the BBC .
Old men – stereotype . No doubt in her mind its white old men .
No women , minority ethnics , gays etc . It`s The Gammons .
Nibor – having listened through the decades of ‘humph ‘ I gave up when the ‘jack ‘character took over . I don’t bother any more – – particularly now barry cryer has gone
Talk of Barry Cryer reminds me that Andrew Lloyd Webber is currently preparing his new London show, which is an underwater musical version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
It’s going to be called Ringing in the Seine.
Sluff- I was in Italy 22 years ago helping the Italian government
legalize gambling on football which had always been run by
the Mafia. I was based near to where Puccini the opera
composer lived . And loving operas such as La Boheme and
Madame Butterfly myself and my wife went to visit the
Puccini estate.
We were shown round by a very old lady. Who after the tour
asked if there were any questions. I asked ” Madame what
do you think the Maestro would of thought of Andrew Lloyd
Webber?” she looked at me with a stern face , and answered
” He would be suing him for plagiarism. I am the grand-daughter
of Puccini .Lloyd Webber settled out of court .
Listen on Youtube to ” Quello che tacete” from Puccini’s
” La Fanciulla del West( The girl of the golden west)
And see if you recognize one of Lloyd Webbers most famous
songs.Listen to Daniele Barioni . I will give you a clue.
” silently the senses/abandon their defences” from a man with
a mask.
Related joke.
Sir Tim Rice is using a public toilet. While he’s washing his hands, another bloke comes out of a cubicle and walks to the basins whistling “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina.”
Sir Tim starts to laugh, and says, “You know, you’re actually standing next to the man who wrote the lyrics to that song!”
Bloke replies:
“I wasn’t whistling the f***ing lyrics.”
Sluff, thanks for the laugh! What worries me is that I at first assumed you weren’t joking about the underwater musical version of The Hunchback. There’s just no end to the weird and woke entertainments around these days.
This morning, the trendy team who present the breakfast TV programme I watch were raving about a new musical. Apparently it presents an alternative version of the lives of Romeo and Juliet. The clip of it shows characters (many ethnic minority) in Tudor costume, to a rock music sound track.
I wonder what happens. My money is on Romeo turning gay and getting together with Friar Laurence. As for Juliet, maybe she transgenders into Julian and marries her nurse? Anyone know?
Hi Nibor!
Many moons ago I went to the recording of “I’m sorry, I haven’t a clue” in Hull, I was naive enough to not know that the two shows from any location are recorded on the same night! I laughed so much my face ached; I doubt I’d even chuckle now. We had Barry, Graeme and Tim, with Andy Hamilton. Likeable chap, but I was really hoping for Linda Smith. Now there was a seriously funny lady. Met them all in the foyer after recording. Still laughing long after recording had finished. Couple of classics from Humph:-
The bridge over the Humber is the longest single-span bridge between two places nobody wants to go to.
There has been a spate of vandalism being carried out by nuns from the nearby town of Beverley. Not for the first time the region has been terrorised by the Beverley Sisters.
I would guess this was around 2000, maybe a little later. It says so much that I can recall and still chuckle about it now.
Micknotmike, I was also at the New Theatre for that recording. I think it was Sven rather than Samantha with the scoreboard.
I used to listen to My Music, My Word (not as good as My Music) and lots of other 6.30 Radio4 comedies. But My Music was my favourite with the lovely gMicknotmike, I was also at the New Theatre for that recording. I think it was Sven rather than Samantha with the scoreboard.
I used to listen to My Music, My Word (not as good as My Music) and lots of other 6.30 Radio4 comedies. But My Music was my favourite with the lovely gentleman who used to sing G&S patter songs. The BBC in their wisdom took it off at 6.30 and broadcast at 11pm, then said audience numbers had dropped and took it off altogether. entleman who used to sing G&S patter songs. The BBC in their wisdom took it off at 6.30 and broadcast at 11pm, then said audience numbers had dropped and took it off altogether. used to listen to My Music, My Word (not as good as My Music) and lots of other 6.30 Radio4 comedies. But My Music was my favourite with the lovely gentleman who used to sing G&S patter songs. The BBC in their wisdom took it off at 6.30 and broadcast at 11pm, then said audience numbers had dropped and took it off altogether.
Nibor I listened to the first fifteen minutes of it on the way to work and was quite shocked at what I was hearing bellend sh!t and something about muck in gussets just purile drivel.
The only saving grace was that Graeme Garden was on (I didn’t catch where it was recorded but seems only to appear if it’s close to where he lives) I can’t recall him being too political in the past unlike the other Goodie who used to appear Tim Brooke-Taylor who regularly took swipes at Daily Mail readers and Donald Trump.
Thanks Sluff and Mick those jokes did make me chuckle something I didn’t manage to do whilst listening to yesterdays episode!
To think Cryer and Humph have been replaced by the likes of Brigstock and Brand what an insult to two comedy greats.
I couldn’t see any old episodes on the sounds app but there’s quite a few clips of Barry Cryer jokes on YouTube which I will take a look at later….probably after the footy as most likely will need cheering up by then.
BBC assemble their damage limitation team now that the census results are out: “Leicester one of first cities in UK with no ethnic group majority – data”
The white population has dropped 10% since the last census. Sometimes called “white flight”, but in W1A any serious analysis is ignored and it’s straight to the vox pops… “BBC News has spoken to four people in Leicester who have welcomed the news.” I can’t imagine BBC know how to find four people who don’t welcome the news.
Maz Mashru thinks “Leicester is the most harmonious city in all of Europe”. Again totally realistic that the BBC find an Asian man who completely missed all the recent internecine cricket tomfoolery going on in the city. Pure PR.
Samantha Cameron: Chinese factories can be better than British ‘sweat shops’
Cameron said her fashion label Cefinn is manufactured in China because British factories failed the audit
Anita Singh,
26 June 2020 • 7:27pm
Yes, Leicester must be the first city to have race riots entirely between the ethnics, no whites need apply. A template for the future, which I’m sure has the support of the BBC.
from the above Spanish Coastguard article – for the uninitiated – “rudders……which are large blade-like fins found under ships and used for steering.” Well, thanks for that info. One learns something new every day.
With only 49% of the UK confessing to be Christians.
Does that give the opportunity for BIG BROTHER , being a
he, she or it . The opportunity that it has been waiting for .
To begin the morning programmes on the BBC to begin
with the adhan?
Definately time to dump ‘thought for the day ‘ if only because it is ‘approved thought ‘- ‘songs of praise ‘can go as well – unless it’s some south lundun coloured happy clappy baptist lot – ‘Sunday ‘ can be replaced by ‘any day’ based on the Green Religion / Star Wars / or mentally disturbed ‘witch’ type ..
‘Bells on Sunday ‘? Can die on the vine as the churches are torched or used for Albanian crime teams –
No need for a ‘religion editor ‘ – and that kills off God . Although I think God might have a view about this . These days – though – God is ‘not approved ‘ and may be cancelled ….
Absolutely insane watching The Machine go after @elonmusk for defending free speech. This whole exchange is kabuki theater, from the ridiculous leading question by the “journalist” to KJP’s obviously pre-planned response.
Lucky for the US that it was a constitution and a non woke Supreme Court – otherwise it would be the UK…where freedom can be ended via a campaigning dad of a dead 14 year old daughter ….
I can’t remember the figures posited for the number of teenagers who end themselves because of internet content – or how this can be measured amongst the other factors which might push young people to end it – including the BBC .
For a moment I didn’t think the bBC would mention about ONLY white people being racist, its okay:-
“You couldn’t walk on your own. If I was walking on my own and I saw a few white guys, I had to turn in another direction because they would attack you – it was a common thing.”
Luckily things like this still dont go on, in place like Africa for example. As long as we keep reminding people its only the whites, so glad I dont fund the likes of the bBC!
Just a thought, how about the bBC commission a report/survey into how many WHITE people pay the tele tax, compared to other people – percentage wise the figures would be interesting, and i’m sure most muslims for example do not relate to the British way of life or the propaganda the likes of the bBC spew out
I have listened to the decline of Radio 2 with some sadness. However the BBC have now surpassed themselves- the album of the week, announced with probably false glee by Ken Bruce, is by none other than the racist talentless thug Stormzy. Ken I would imagine will soon leave for a station that plays good music. Are the BBC deliberately trying to lose listeners? Well they’ve certainly lost this one.
I’m sure the rajar? Figures reflect the rapid decline of R2. There was be a plan to dump it and convert it into another ethnic station or ‘radio Islam ‘…
Talking of Islam … I get the feeling the corrupt World Cup has a whole censorship thing going on due to the hyper sensitivity of the dirty Arabs and their cash ….
…. But will any version of the truth come out once people are out of qatar airspace … FIFA certainly needs to be either cleaned up or ended ….
A sane Country … where a man called Stormzy who shouts out the name of his beloved “Oh Jeremy” and refuses to turn up to sing for his beloved is said to be the equal of Beethoven.
A sane Country where the wrong words can get you arrested or lose you your job from ASDA, just using a comedians views on a religion that is so sensitive it demands a word is created to stop any criticism, but will not create other words for other religions.
A sane Country where beating a drum and rubbing your crotch at Notting Hill with the police joining in is deemed as worthy as ballroom dancing and a symphony of Beethoven.
A sane Country the genital mutilation of girls is said to evil but the police cannot arrest anyone because that would be more evil and yet children as young as 4 are told they can have their genitals removed as a trans gender on the NHS so they can be who they really are even though they have no idea who that is yet.
A sane Country that has a border to protect by its Government but lets 66 migrants sail freely onto its shores then classes them as undocumented without worrying that criminals would do this very thing to escape jail in Iran.
Like many other recidivist and habitual offenders in the public sector the BBC cultivates the legal profession to try and time out actions concerning improper behaviour…
BBC trying to build the anticipation for the ‘big game.’ Sorry but I see little evidence of any excitement round my way.
I’ve seen one (one!) house with an England flag – but the same put out flags for the pharmaceutical arms race that is the Olympic Games as well.
My local Morrisons Daily has a forlorn display of England tat – car flags, balloons etc – seemingly undisturbed by customers. I might buy the red & white party candles when they’re reduced, they’ll probably come in handy.
With the news of the census, I wonder about those holdouts who permanently fly a St.George or Union Flag because their neighbourhoods have been taken over by foreigners. Might any of these lonely patriots actually take their flags IN because they don’t want to be associated with Gareth and the Knee-Takers?
Trick – being in NE London there are still a few geezers who haven’t taken the one way trip up the M11 yet …. But I notice the absence of St George’s flags anywhere – compared to my memory of previous cups ….
I think a lot of decent sensible people are less than impressed with woke united ….
… if woke united progress I suppose the msm will try to brainwash enthusiasm into those watching ….
…and as I ve said before – there are a lot of low skill – low interest games …
They still think that science can be separated from the corruption of politics and crime. Science is best defined as what scientists do, and what they do is very questionable
Noting the jump from ‘will’ to ‘could’, that first line may be correct.
In our county Citizen’s Climate Assembly it rapidly became bizarre as the loopiest ambitions of Mrs Boris complemented all the idiot old dears in charge of the executive who got in whiner hubby’s predecessor made the party brand poison.
And darn near top of the propaganda list was ‘you must have a heat pump’.
And darn near every one selected… young, old, working, retired, affluent, struggling… told them to go and get bent.
So they pulled a BBC and ignored the representatives in a new form of rigging… a new form of democracy.
In other news my missus texted me to ask that I get a prescription filled; the waiting rooms of surgery and hospital pharmacy were heated to a 100 degrees f.
He reminds me of one of those nazi scientists ( Von Braun ) who had no concern about the outcome of their work ( v1 v2 v3 v4(the saturn rocket ) apart from ‘the science ‘….
Actual Nazi era mass slaughter required a delicate mix of competent engineers, conniving hack sociopath bureaucrats and a sprinkling of power mad psychos at the top, or tucked just behind them to keep the wheels turning.
So for every Adolph, Heinrich or Hermann, there was a Werner, Martin, Joseph, Albert, Willy, etc, and behind them with and making the dosh those lovely chaps running Krupps, etc. And a young George on the Hungarian Youth front.
In Fauci’s case I feel he’s been mendacious enough to warrant arraignment to answer for his actions.
Like I said – Mullis calls Fauci out and Fauci was / is member of the American DC nomenklatura – and they protect their sinecures regardless of merit or serial failure.
I’m in the Mullis camp – seen similar. I can accept genuine mistakes and well meaning miscalculation – Fauci is another type of creature.
The censorship being referred to has come from Socialism, and the only thing Socialism has been succesful at is in killing people, so as Jay Battacharia says censorship killed people, I would say, Socialism has done what is always does and killed people.
Nothing and I do mean nothing has been more succesful at ending lives than Socialism which since its invention around 170 years ago has managed to kill more people than even Malaria has managed in the same timescale.
In 2023, the BBC will launch BBC News globally, merging its two 24-hour broadcast news services: the UK news channel and the international BBC World News. This merger will challenge the BBC to balance its coverage of both international and local news.
As a result of cuts to licence fee funding there is now little leeway when deciding where best to invest for a digital-first news future. Efficiencies are seemingly all sought out and only cuts to services and output are left.
Older viewers may lose access to in-depth 24-hour coverage of UK news stories from the BBC—the UK’s most trusted and valued provider of news.
Competitors will fill the breach, with any impact felt later.
Why Ms Enders is a frequent ‘expert’ on the BBC is a mystery.
The BBC and other leftist media have been clamouring for a windfall tax on the profits of energy companies who are clearly ripping off consumers – according to them at any rate, but that’s not what’s really happening:
Centrica chief warns of more UK energy supplier failures this winter. The head of British gas owner Centrica has warned that more UK retail energy suppliers are likely to go bust this winter, as some who are already “struggling for cash” are likely to trade while technically insolvent.
Chris O’Shea, head of Britain’s largest energy supplier, said some of the UK’s biggest energy providers were also at risk of folding after 30 suppliers failed in the past 18 months, even as government support for household bills was helping to prop up the market.
“I think we are going to see suppliers fail,” O’Shea told the Financial Times during a visit to Easington Gas Station in Yorkshire.
Asked if he thought some suppliers were trading while technically insolvent, he answered “yes,” and warned that the “cash flow” created by government support schemes was one of the few things keeping “liquidity-struggling companies” afloat.
Britain’s retail energy market plunged into chaos last year, as sharp increases in wholesale electricity and gas prices exposed the weak business models of many companies.
The demise alone of Bulb Energy, the largest supplier to have collapsed, is expected to cost taxpayers up to £6.5bn after it was put into private administration in November last year and funded by government loans.
O’Shea said the UK energy regulator’s decision last week not to force suppliers to impose limits on customer funds was “deeply flawed” and in recognition that “there are companies in our market that are unable to raise the capital required to properly support their business”.
He also predicted that the sector as a whole would have incurred losses as a result of the warm weather in October and November, saying companies would have bought electricity and gas futures to meet expected demand, but would have incurred losses when this level of consumption was not achieved. .
For a company like Centrica, our shareholders bear that loss. For other companies including very large companies where they do not have enough capital. . . Every day this happens they become more dangerous,” he said.
Ofgem last Friday laid out a series of reforms for the retail energy market and said it would “closely” monitor the company’s use of customer funds, but stopped short of forcing suppliers to impose limits on those deposits. Fencing proposals have been consulted.
Households that pay their energy bills by direct debit typically build credit with their suppliers in the summer when consumption is lower, but eat into that buffer in the winter when their usage is higher.
O’Shea also criticized the government’s decision to raise unexpected taxes on energy producers and said it hurt investor confidence in the UK.
So there you have it, there are no mythical huge profits being made by energy companies on which to levy a windfall tax, in fact the reverse is true and they are in a loss making situation where many are on the edge of bankruptcy.
My advice is now to transfer your account to one of the largest ones if you are not with one of them and take what ever balance you can with you before what happened to the customers of Bulb Energy happens to you.
Thoughtful – wise words as almost always – I’m glad I stopped around last year …. There is also a case for not building up a lot of cash in the energy account – if you are fixed and not a big energy user ….
…..the case for a privatised energy market gets weaker in such ‘unforeseen ‘ circumstances . But the failure of The State to insure energy independence – in what ever form that might take – should be on the political tombstone of many a failed politician – cue nick clegg …
Bulb had brilliant marketing strategies for sales, which ‘convinced’ many people – incuding me…
They couldn’t come up with a better price than EDF a year ago, so I changed, but still got a huge hike which luckily I can afford, but I know so many people who just can’t, and also expect that the sixty-six quid will go on Christmas presents etc.
The whole energy policy of Sunak’s on the issue is unsustainable, and worthy of the way any old labour government just chucked money at the problem, then tried to justify the problems a year later. Brown was always doing this, but back then, the banks really did dish the dirt on SME’s and we’ve never forgiven them for it!
Yes England (population 55 million) get equal coverage, treatment, and time as Wales ( population under 4 million) on the 5 pm news referencing tonight’s footie.
Funny, that.
In other news, there are still a few Christians left in the country.
Perhaps mr wakeford would stay quiet about the cost ordinary taxpayers have to stump up for a pint of beer compared to the subsidised liquor in the House of Commons
There is a shocking price list on the parliament – House of Commons website which might appear here ( I don’t have the technical know how ) …lager is about£3.50 …
The BBC are so useless that sometimes it is cretinous and hilarious at the same time.
Shortly after a report on the 2021 census showing a huge increase in the Muslim population (but guess what- no mention of mass immigration) they move on to the next eat or heat whingeathon.
A school in Bradford has been carefully chosen. There is not a single white child. We hear from the white headmistress that she sees leftovers from the previous nights restaurant meal in lunchboxes.
Yes, these families can afford to go to restaurants but can’t afford a hot school dinner for their children. The BBC clearly want us to get out the hankies.
Needless to say, the ‘journalist’ is on message and definitely not wanting to ask any awkward questions. The article finishes with a visit to a non-white family who have to turn off the upstairs heating. We do that all the time when we are downstairs. It’s called being sensible, But we are white and as we all know #whitelivesdontmatter on the BBC.
BBC London celebrates that the white population of London is now less than one third of the total. Down from 3.7 million to 3.2 million in 10 years. Perhaps the BBC could interview some of those half million to ask why they have left. But then again pigs might fly. Meanwhile, 22% of the London population do not regard themselves as British (but presumably enjoy the NHS, schools etc).
Cue an interview with a veil wearing woman who is proud to state her first point of identity is her Muslim religion.
The BBC seem to regard the whole thing as marvellous.
When we on this site describe ‘Londonistan’ the census would strongly appear to bear us out.
No wind again today. Day-ahead electricity prices for the evening peak are hitting £1200/MWh, perhaps 25 times where they would be if the country wasn't run by insane people.
“Channel migrants: Man arrested in UK over 27 dinghy deaths”
That’s one trader out of the system and probably 200 to go ?
Man but NOT guilty of rape
BBC could have used the word MAN in the headline
but didn’t
That’s gaslighting.
BBC headline “Trans woman jailed for sex with 14-year-old girl – BBC News”
Hinckley, Leicestershire
A trans woman who groomed and had sex with a 14-year-old girl, making her pregnant, has been jailed.
I see smartarses jumped in without reading the story
the text does say this
“The defendant was also charged with raping the girl, but was found *not guilty* of this following the trial.”
“He was found guilty of penetrative sexual activity with a child following a trial.”
“a family friend who often stayed over at the victim’s house.
The girl’s parents became suspicious of a sexual relationship, police said, but the girl refuted those concerns.”
Just checking the final results of the midterm elections which the BBC seemed to drop the second it was clear the Republicans won the House.
Apparently Democrats ‘retain control of the senate’ with 50:49 and one left to play – which means they may still only control it purely through the casting vote by Harris.
But the Republicans won the house ‘with a razor thin majority’ by winning 220 seats to 213.
It’s this kind of lopsided reporting which means I don’t take a single thing the BBC tell me at face value any more.
‘Asian egg and black sperm donors were under-represented by 50% compared with the population, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) found.’
Isn;t it absolutely amazing how the BBC are only interested in stories about BAME representation ‘compared with the population’ when it suits the agenda of them being in some way disadvantaged.
The staggering and shameless hypocrisy of the Left still amazes me.
‘Families of Iran football team ‘threatened with torture’ if the players misbehave’
Just saw this on the DT. Perhaps someone knows which BBC activist tw@t who tried to get a player to comment on Qatars ‘human rights’ I should forward it to ?.
c the jug-eared activist in the studio as well of course.
The astute observer will notice that none of these extreme hypocrites will associate any of the abuses the people of Qatar receive with the rules of their religion.
I would laugh at their extreme double standards if it wasn’t so sickening.
There is the sickness in the Biden US in a picture right there:
“Picture emerges of Biden’s non-binary nuclear waste guru grinning at LGBTQ engineering conference after he stole woman’s $2,325 luggage at Minneapolis airport
Biden’s non-binary nuclear waste guru has been photographed at an LGBTQ engineering conference – the weekend they stole a suitcase
Sam Brinton, a senior DOE official, stole the suitcase from the baggage carousel at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport on September 16”
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
Kneel? Clap? Invade? Buy more? Buy less?
Dis Iranian rapper fit face death penalty – dis na why
Isn’t it great when the BBC show themselves to be totally out of touch with a throwaway remark that reveals their true mindset?
On Toady they were talking about the train strikes and how in Scotland a deal has been struck (anti- English pro-Scottish overtones needless to say). Then there was a commentary that travel between Scotland and England is still difficult.
Then the Bee Lady said this…’unless you have a car’ with a sneer.
It may be news to the BBC but most people do. We rather like them. We can get around. Take the family. Make all kinds of journeys. Carry a lot of shopping or luggage. Really they are very useful And 30 million of them are on the roads, so they are pretty popular.
And for those living just south of Glasgow and driving down to Lancashire or Yorkshire and all points in between, they are quicker too. None of that time-consuming nonsense having to get to the city centre to catch the train in the first place.
All news to the public transport loving BBC, who seem to think you have to be very lucky or rich to have a car. Politics of envy stuff.
Talk about being out of touch.
I see the darlings of the Left Wing wealthy Elites, Apple in all its woke pomp have come out against the protestors in China and sided with its oppressive Communist government disabling features on its products which might assist protestors to organise and communicate, and also assisting China in its Social credit scoring system.
I suppose it should come as no surprise that Apple and all the woke crap it supports, is all about control and forcing those who value freedom to accept what it says regardless of their own moral values.
Fighting on two fronts? Brave.
At least Tim has the Indy digging up bitter ex squeezes and… the other cheek…
Imagine if all these clowns had stuck to producing a decent product?
Jeremy Vine?
It’s all about the Benjamins, comrade.
Interesting factoid — their top specced Mac Pro, which is a desktop model and available on their website, costs £59,000. The stand for the display alone is £949.
I still remember the 1984 ad when Apple were going to save us from an Orwellian future.
he Dragonfly project was an Internet search engine prototype created by Google that was designed to be compatible with China’s state censorship provisions.[1][2][3] The public learned of Dragonfly’s existence in August 2018, when The Intercept leaked an internal memo written by a Google employee about the project.[4][5] In December 2018, Dragonfly was reported to have “effectively been shut down” after a clash with members of the privacy team within Google.[6] However, according to employees, work on Dragonfly was still continuing as of March 2019, with some 100 people still allocated to it.[7]
In July 2019, Google announced that work on Dragonfly had been terminated.[8]
Never really been an Apple fan
Had to use them since 1980s
Hard to disagree with this video’s title.
And here’s another story of yet another Left Wing virtue signalling walthy elite:
Despite all the woke oppression he unloads on us he is prepared to work for the Salfist Islamic regime in Qatar to enrich himself to the tune this time of £1.6 million.
Sorry, it’s another football edition
The red top Sun and Star do the obvious thing today and present on thier frontpages the iconic visage of respective England and Wales football heroes Harry Kane and Gareth Bale
Responding to the widespread local patriotic interest in this match the Sun puns: First all-British World Cup clash… Do or Dai
The Star goes with: Two teams, two proud countries and one Battle of Britain
This isn’t simply a tabloid thing. The reproduction of the faces of football in their respective regional domains – images recognisable frankly beyond the football fanatic fraternity – Gareth and Harry – that man-bun and that chin – serve as visual shorthand for the World Cup clash equally well as badges or flags on the covers of The Times, Telegraph, Express, giveaway Metro (where the rainbow masthead advertising sheet copies the Sun pun – It’s Do or Dai) and, goodness me, this pair of famous faces even appear on the frontpage of the Guardian
Mind you, the measured neutrality observed throughout the above mentioned national titles is broken by the Gruan where it’s a celtic fringe sympathetic case of anyone but England (Trade Mark Andy Murray circa 2006 & further antipathy to the cross of St George patented by Emily Thornberry 2014 ): Dragans v Lions Wales hope for bravura Bale against England
No matter the Guardianista word bravura is surely more at home at the opera than in the pubs airing the match this evening.
The Daily Mail, famed for their online saucy sidebar of shame break ranks and leave Harry and Gareth on the bench, so to speak, fielding instead for us a pair of female fan hotties as subs – however, these two girls are keeping their respective white and red shirts on.
And what one may ask does the BBC do?
World Cup 2022: Wales and England to go head to head in Group B (BBC) – pictorially represented not by the famous mugs of Bale and Kane – but by a pair of black Wales and England players. Unfortunately, I’m sure, like many in the audience, I don’t instantly recognise these two. It’s quite sometime since I dealt seriously in Panini stickers and could pick nearly every top player out of a line up.
The BBC’s utter obsession with the imagery and promotion of blackness at every possible turn defies logics and has gone beyond a joke.
AsISeeIt- BBC image watch- Getty;s Images who supply most
of the Iimaging , especially the public interest issues, such as
the HEADLINE image on IT today. I suspect are told by BIG BROTHER
of the divesity department of the BBC. That they must use black
models for these features.
AsISee It- Just as an appendage, Do you think that the BBC
is just trying to wind up the likes of you and me.? Of
course they are by far not the only ones who believe that
3% of the population should be featured in nearly every
public interest feature or advert we see on TV. I did
think that Barclays Bank had at long last stopped
their wokery. But I expect to see one of the “usual suspects”
as the feature on their main page of their internet banking
for the next six months at least.
It’s a tricky question and probably calculated to be so. If one calls it out – then you’re racist in their terms. They say it’s all about representation but we’re not supposed to notice the over-representation. Commercial interests will tend to hope to cater for the US market where this black issue is bigger than it is here in the UK – both proportionally and by cultural significance.
Politically, although they shouldn’t, the BBC boys & girls swallow the latest leftist trends – it’s not enough not to be racist – they have to be anti-racists.
Its the 1st of April…
BBC announces changes to simplify its complaints process
Under the heading “Entertainment” news lol
Ministry of Truth rebrands as Ministry of Trust.
Anything that comes out of Timmeh!’s mouth via a bbc droid who says he says…. 😂
According to their own survey…. 😂😂😂😂😂
When there are enough wind and solar farms that can give an equivalent power output to conventional power stations they cannot take over because we will still need power stations as backup using gas, nuclear and coal for when the wind and sun don’t do their bit.
For every wind and sun power station we also need a fossil fuel power station.
We have to have 2 complete power stations available as one will be on and off depending on the weather.
How does that work out when totalling up green, net zero and carbon sums.
There is an alternative scenario. It’s possible to identify periods where wind power is at its lowest. There is always a bit of wind somewhere. So the question then is how much more wind power would be needed to replace gas at those low points.
The clues are on the graphs here.
The answer is an approx. 7 fold increase in wind farms would be needed. That’s a lot of land. The redundancy and surplus cost would be vast. When it was windy they would have to stop most of them – an interesting variant on the cancel culture.
Trump lives in their heads rent free #LITHRF
9am R4 Jonathan Freedland takes the long view of political leaders making a comeback.
Comparing Donald Trump with Justinian II from 7th century and the US President Grover Cleveland
Justinian II generated enormous opposition during his first reign from 685 to 695 with unfair tax rises, military defeats and ultimately ordering mass murder in Constantinople.
He was overthrown, had his nose cut off by way of punishment and banished in exile to modern day Kherson, in Ukraine.
Now known as ‘Slit Nose
Oh lets compare Trump to a mass murderer who had his nose cut off !
BBC and Mostly Getty stories.
Benin Bronzes: Nigeria hails ‘great day’ as London museum signs over looted objects
Such a great day, they can be found at:-
Two things have influenced Benin’s culture more than anything else: voodoo and slavery. Some 60 percent of Beninese follow the voodoo religion – with many cultural aspects and religious syncretism spilling over into other aspects of culture as well.
Other forms of traditional slavery exist in parts of Ghana, Benin, Togo and Nigeria.[10] There are other, non-traditional forms of slavery in Africa today, mostly involving human trafficking and the enslavement of child soldiers and child labourers, e.g. human trafficking in Angola, and human trafficking of children from Togo, Benin and Nigeria to Gabon and Cameroon.[11][12]
The Channel is relatively calm.
03:33 Mid Channel – For a second day after a period of bad weather BF Typhoon is again out trafficking illegals.
Listen to the truly sickening collusion between our border farce and French navy ships recorded earlier this month.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
Yet strangely when you give evidence in court you swear on the Bible. How long will that last?
The protests of the people against their governments , sometimes supposedly democratically elected ones sometimes not, across the world in China, Iran, Holland , Canada sadly demonstrate why the Right to Bear Arms has now become an essential right of anyone who wishes to live in a free democratic society.
These governments , whether it be because of their supposed need to protect their citizens from Covid or from the alleged impact of climate change , are seeking to impose draconian measure on their people. These governments wish to control every aspect of the lives of their populations.
But they couldn’t do this is gun ownership was wide spread. They simply don’t have enough force to impose their will on an armed and resistant population.
Once I used to regard the second amendment in the US Constitution as an anachronism held on to by men who liked to go hunting because they felt macho. Now I see it as being essential to preventing governments from imposing their will on an unwilling population and I regret that across most of Europe gun ownership s extremely low.
Less than half of England and Wales population Christian, Census 2021 shows
“It may feel like a pivotal moment, with the census showing fewer than half of people in England and Wales identifying as Christian”
Census carried out every 10 years. Muslims 4.9% to 6.5% (known), next?
Eleven top gags from Edinburgah ….
#1 “My name is Mo, short for Mohamed. No relation” – Mo Omar
Whitee now down to 81% apparently. No public uprising on the horizon. Me? As I’ve declared before, no family, no living relatives, no wife and far into the winter of my years in ill health. I’ve joined the ranks of the ‘Couldn’t give a sh*t’ contingent. It’s all academic to me with just a very small hint of interest in where it’s all going. And that, just to confirm my own conclusions.
You’re not alone G. Only tonight conversing with my younger brother who is in his early 60’s, we were saying the same thing. We have views at ‘furious level’ about the state of the country and where its going, but there is nothing WE can do about it ! so the best we can hope for before we leave this mortal coil, is that we don’t get mugged by a foreigner, and keep all access doors to the house locked, day and night !
……and don’t have to visit a hospital in an emergency………
Sorry if a bit late .
Radio 4 I`m Sorry I Haven`t A Clue 18.30 to be repeated Sunday at 12.30 pm .
” The antidote to panel games ” .
A comedy show that has been going for decades . It used to be funny , now it wouldn`t be missed if taken off air . Like a lot of institutions such as the BBC itself .
The programme relies heavily on double meanings such as ;
A competition between a product of Swan Vestas versus Bryant and May – so thats Test Match Special at 1100 .
But now they have the likes of Marcus Brigstocke ( Prigstocke ) on the show and their politics just have to be aired . Another is that Throw Battery Acid At Nigel Farage panellist Jo Brand !
And her take on the humour –
Some old men complaining about immigration in mid Berkshire .
So thats racists in Newbury at 1300 .
Get it ? Racing at Newbury .
And there is the prejudice of the likes of Jo Brand allowed to be aired on the BBC .
Old men – stereotype . No doubt in her mind its white old men .
No women , minority ethnics , gays etc . It`s The Gammons .
Hear for yourself this Sunday .
Nibor – having listened through the decades of ‘humph ‘ I gave up when the ‘jack ‘character took over . I don’t bother any more – – particularly now barry cryer has gone
Avoid ….
Talk of Barry Cryer reminds me that Andrew Lloyd Webber is currently preparing his new London show, which is an underwater musical version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
It’s going to be called Ringing in the Seine.
I’ll get me coat.
Sluff- I was in Italy 22 years ago helping the Italian government
legalize gambling on football which had always been run by
the Mafia. I was based near to where Puccini the opera
composer lived . And loving operas such as La Boheme and
Madame Butterfly myself and my wife went to visit the
Puccini estate.
We were shown round by a very old lady. Who after the tour
asked if there were any questions. I asked ” Madame what
do you think the Maestro would of thought of Andrew Lloyd
Webber?” she looked at me with a stern face , and answered
” He would be suing him for plagiarism. I am the grand-daughter
of Puccini .Lloyd Webber settled out of court .
Listen on Youtube to ” Quello che tacete” from Puccini’s
” La Fanciulla del West( The girl of the golden west)
And see if you recognize one of Lloyd Webbers most famous
songs.Listen to Daniele Barioni . I will give you a clue.
” silently the senses/abandon their defences” from a man with
a mask.
Related joke.
Sir Tim Rice is using a public toilet. While he’s washing his hands, another bloke comes out of a cubicle and walks to the basins whistling “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina.”
Sir Tim starts to laugh, and says, “You know, you’re actually standing next to the man who wrote the lyrics to that song!”
Bloke replies:
“I wasn’t whistling the f***ing lyrics.”
Sluff, thanks for the laugh! What worries me is that I at first assumed you weren’t joking about the underwater musical version of The Hunchback. There’s just no end to the weird and woke entertainments around these days.
This morning, the trendy team who present the breakfast TV programme I watch were raving about a new musical. Apparently it presents an alternative version of the lives of Romeo and Juliet. The clip of it shows characters (many ethnic minority) in Tudor costume, to a rock music sound track.
I wonder what happens. My money is on Romeo turning gay and getting together with Friar Laurence. As for Juliet, maybe she transgenders into Julian and marries her nurse? Anyone know?
Hi Nibor!
Many moons ago I went to the recording of “I’m sorry, I haven’t a clue” in Hull, I was naive enough to not know that the two shows from any location are recorded on the same night! I laughed so much my face ached; I doubt I’d even chuckle now. We had Barry, Graeme and Tim, with Andy Hamilton. Likeable chap, but I was really hoping for Linda Smith. Now there was a seriously funny lady. Met them all in the foyer after recording. Still laughing long after recording had finished. Couple of classics from Humph:-
The bridge over the Humber is the longest single-span bridge between two places nobody wants to go to.
There has been a spate of vandalism being carried out by nuns from the nearby town of Beverley. Not for the first time the region has been terrorised by the Beverley Sisters.
I would guess this was around 2000, maybe a little later. It says so much that I can recall and still chuckle about it now.
Micknotmike, I was also at the New Theatre for that recording. I think it was Sven rather than Samantha with the scoreboard.
I used to listen to My Music, My Word (not as good as My Music) and lots of other 6.30 Radio4 comedies. But My Music was my favourite with the lovely gMicknotmike, I was also at the New Theatre for that recording. I think it was Sven rather than Samantha with the scoreboard.
I used to listen to My Music, My Word (not as good as My Music) and lots of other 6.30 Radio4 comedies. But My Music was my favourite with the lovely gentleman who used to sing G&S patter songs. The BBC in their wisdom took it off at 6.30 and broadcast at 11pm, then said audience numbers had dropped and took it off altogether. entleman who used to sing G&S patter songs. The BBC in their wisdom took it off at 6.30 and broadcast at 11pm, then said audience numbers had dropped and took it off altogether. used to listen to My Music, My Word (not as good as My Music) and lots of other 6.30 Radio4 comedies. But My Music was my favourite with the lovely gentleman who used to sing G&S patter songs. The BBC in their wisdom took it off at 6.30 and broadcast at 11pm, then said audience numbers had dropped and took it off altogether.
Nibor I listened to the first fifteen minutes of it on the way to work and was quite shocked at what I was hearing bellend sh!t and something about muck in gussets just purile drivel.
The only saving grace was that Graeme Garden was on (I didn’t catch where it was recorded but seems only to appear if it’s close to where he lives) I can’t recall him being too political in the past unlike the other Goodie who used to appear Tim Brooke-Taylor who regularly took swipes at Daily Mail readers and Donald Trump.
Thanks Sluff and Mick those jokes did make me chuckle something I didn’t manage to do whilst listening to yesterdays episode!
To think Cryer and Humph have been replaced by the likes of Brigstock and Brand what an insult to two comedy greats.
I couldn’t see any old episodes on the sounds app but there’s quite a few clips of Barry Cryer jokes on YouTube which I will take a look at later….probably after the footy as most likely will need cheering up by then.
BBC assemble their damage limitation team now that the census results are out: “Leicester one of first cities in UK with no ethnic group majority – data”
The white population has dropped 10% since the last census. Sometimes called “white flight”, but in W1A any serious analysis is ignored and it’s straight to the vox pops… “BBC News has spoken to four people in Leicester who have welcomed the news.” I can’t imagine BBC know how to find four people who don’t welcome the news.
Maz Mashru thinks “Leicester is the most harmonious city in all of Europe”. Again totally realistic that the BBC find an Asian man who completely missed all the recent internecine cricket tomfoolery going on in the city. Pure PR.
Samantha Cameron: Chinese factories can be better than British ‘sweat shops’
Cameron said her fashion label Cefinn is manufactured in China because British factories failed the audit
Anita Singh,
26 June 2020 • 7:27pm
Midland Correspondent was one of the co-authors, here he is along with 3 other new recruits in 2021:
Keir Starmer: It’s wrong to say ‘only women have a cervix’
None look over 20. The 21 replies are all fawning.
Yes, Leicester must be the first city to have race riots entirely between the ethnics, no whites need apply. A template for the future, which I’m sure has the support of the BBC.
Spanish coastguard finds stowaways on ship rudder
bBC to seek the filming rights 🙂
Jumped on around the corner?
from the above Spanish Coastguard article – for the uninitiated – “rudders……which are large blade-like fins found under ships and used for steering.” Well, thanks for that info. One learns something new every day.
Soon to be on the Channel coastline.
With only 49% of the UK confessing to be Christians.
Does that give the opportunity for BIG BROTHER , being a
he, she or it . The opportunity that it has been waiting for .
To begin the morning programmes on the BBC to begin
with the adhan?
Definately time to dump ‘thought for the day ‘ if only because it is ‘approved thought ‘- ‘songs of praise ‘can go as well – unless it’s some south lundun coloured happy clappy baptist lot – ‘Sunday ‘ can be replaced by ‘any day’ based on the Green Religion / Star Wars / or mentally disturbed ‘witch’ type ..
‘Bells on Sunday ‘? Can die on the vine as the churches are torched or used for Albanian crime teams –
No need for a ‘religion editor ‘ – and that kills off God . Although I think God might have a view about this . These days – though – God is ‘not approved ‘ and may be cancelled ….
America is screwed.
This is like a BBC interview with the airheads. Or Starmer himself.
Lucky for the US that it was a constitution and a non woke Supreme Court – otherwise it would be the UK…where freedom can be ended via a campaigning dad of a dead 14 year old daughter ….
I can’t remember the figures posited for the number of teenagers who end themselves because of internet content – or how this can be measured amongst the other factors which might push young people to end it – including the BBC .
Repeating myself … but KJP is at some stage going to have an epic meltdown for the ages on the WH press podium.
– and it’s going to be wonderful.
I hope its triggered by somebody who’s happy to burn their press pass to these ludicrous events.
KJP has that combination of dimness and determined, imperious dogmatism that just has to crash and burn.
Leicester one of first cities in UK with no ethnic group majority – data
For a moment I didn’t think the bBC would mention about ONLY white people being racist, its okay:-
“You couldn’t walk on your own. If I was walking on my own and I saw a few white guys, I had to turn in another direction because they would attack you – it was a common thing.”
Luckily things like this still dont go on, in place like Africa for example. As long as we keep reminding people its only the whites, so glad I dont fund the likes of the bBC!
Just a thought, how about the bBC commission a report/survey into how many WHITE people pay the tele tax, compared to other people – percentage wise the figures would be interesting, and i’m sure most muslims for example do not relate to the British way of life or the propaganda the likes of the bBC spew out
India … How can India stop Racism against Africans?
I have listened to the decline of Radio 2 with some sadness. However the BBC have now surpassed themselves- the album of the week, announced with probably false glee by Ken Bruce, is by none other than the racist talentless thug Stormzy. Ken I would imagine will soon leave for a station that plays good music. Are the BBC deliberately trying to lose listeners? Well they’ve certainly lost this one.
I’m sure the rajar? Figures reflect the rapid decline of R2. There was be a plan to dump it and convert it into another ethnic station or ‘radio Islam ‘…
Talking of Islam … I get the feeling the corrupt World Cup has a whole censorship thing going on due to the hyper sensitivity of the dirty Arabs and their cash ….
…. But will any version of the truth come out once people are out of qatar airspace … FIFA certainly needs to be either cleaned up or ended ….
A sane Country … where a man called Stormzy who shouts out the name of his beloved “Oh Jeremy” and refuses to turn up to sing for his beloved is said to be the equal of Beethoven.
A sane Country where the wrong words can get you arrested or lose you your job from ASDA, just using a comedians views on a religion that is so sensitive it demands a word is created to stop any criticism, but will not create other words for other religions.
A sane Country where beating a drum and rubbing your crotch at Notting Hill with the police joining in is deemed as worthy as ballroom dancing and a symphony of Beethoven.
A sane Country the genital mutilation of girls is said to evil but the police cannot arrest anyone because that would be more evil and yet children as young as 4 are told they can have their genitals removed as a trans gender on the NHS so they can be who they really are even though they have no idea who that is yet.
A sane Country that has a border to protect by its Government but lets 66 migrants sail freely onto its shores then classes them as undocumented without worrying that criminals would do this very thing to escape jail in Iran.
An insane Country ….
See the bBC have lost a long running FOI matter going back to 2007 regarding the Bashir business.
It is another example of the sheer disregard this lot have for the people who are forced by law to fund their extravagant lifestyles.
How much have the rats spent on legal fees to prevent legal FOI disclosures.
On a positive note they are beginning to resemble the SNP in Scotland…..everything they touch turns to failure.
s.trubble – got a link?
Like many other recidivist and habitual offenders in the public sector the BBC cultivates the legal profession to try and time out actions concerning improper behaviour…
BBC trying to build the anticipation for the ‘big game.’ Sorry but I see little evidence of any excitement round my way.
I’ve seen one (one!) house with an England flag – but the same put out flags for the pharmaceutical arms race that is the Olympic Games as well.
My local Morrisons Daily has a forlorn display of England tat – car flags, balloons etc – seemingly undisturbed by customers. I might buy the red & white party candles when they’re reduced, they’ll probably come in handy.
With the news of the census, I wonder about those holdouts who permanently fly a St.George or Union Flag because their neighbourhoods have been taken over by foreigners. Might any of these lonely patriots actually take their flags IN because they don’t want to be associated with Gareth and the Knee-Takers?
Trick – being in NE London there are still a few geezers who haven’t taken the one way trip up the M11 yet …. But I notice the absence of St George’s flags anywhere – compared to my memory of previous cups ….
I think a lot of decent sensible people are less than impressed with woke united ….
… if woke united progress I suppose the msm will try to brainwash enthusiasm into those watching ….
…and as I ve said before – there are a lot of low skill – low interest games …
It is utterly shameful that this sort of public debate is not happening in the UK
They still think that science can be separated from the corruption of politics and crime. Science is best defined as what scientists do, and what they do is very questionable
On that note…
Noting the jump from ‘will’ to ‘could’, that first line may be correct.
In our county Citizen’s Climate Assembly it rapidly became bizarre as the loopiest ambitions of Mrs Boris complemented all the idiot old dears in charge of the executive who got in whiner hubby’s predecessor made the party brand poison.
And darn near top of the propaganda list was ‘you must have a heat pump’.
And darn near every one selected… young, old, working, retired, affluent, struggling… told them to go and get bent.
So they pulled a BBC and ignored the representatives in a new form of rigging… a new form of democracy.
In other news my missus texted me to ask that I get a prescription filled; the waiting rooms of surgery and hospital pharmacy were heated to a 100 degrees f.
Fauci – “I Represent Science”
and there … in a nutshell is the problem.
He reminds me of one of those nazi scientists ( Von Braun ) who had no concern about the outcome of their work ( v1 v2 v3 v4(the saturn rocket ) apart from ‘the science ‘….
Yeah – but Von Braun was actually a competent engineer as I understand it.
Fauci is a mendacious power drunk self serving conniving hack bureaucrat – and that’s been common currency outside Washington for decades.
Trouble is … inside The Beltway he was indistinguishable from dozens of others of the same ilk.
I’d take Cary Mullis’s opinion on Fauci every.single.time
Actual Nazi era mass slaughter required a delicate mix of competent engineers, conniving hack sociopath bureaucrats and a sprinkling of power mad psychos at the top, or tucked just behind them to keep the wheels turning.
So for every Adolph, Heinrich or Hermann, there was a Werner, Martin, Joseph, Albert, Willy, etc, and behind them with and making the dosh those lovely chaps running Krupps, etc. And a young George on the Hungarian Youth front.
Nowadays there’s Klaus, Bill, Sleepy’s Minders, Timmeh!, etc… and, an older George.
The Nazis weren’t alone…
In Fauci’s case I feel he’s been mendacious enough to warrant arraignment to answer for his actions.
Like I said – Mullis calls Fauci out and Fauci was / is member of the American DC nomenklatura – and they protect their sinecures regardless of merit or serial failure.
I’m in the Mullis camp – seen similar. I can accept genuine mistakes and well meaning miscalculation – Fauci is another type of creature.
Amnesia … Eh?
The censorship being referred to has come from Socialism, and the only thing Socialism has been succesful at is in killing people, so as Jay Battacharia says censorship killed people, I would say, Socialism has done what is always does and killed people.
Nothing and I do mean nothing has been more succesful at ending lives than Socialism which since its invention around 170 years ago has managed to kill more people than even Malaria has managed in the same timescale.
Enders Analysis
In 2023, the BBC will launch BBC News globally, merging its two 24-hour broadcast news services: the UK news channel and the international BBC World News. This merger will challenge the BBC to balance its coverage of both international and local news.
As a result of cuts to licence fee funding there is now little leeway when deciding where best to invest for a digital-first news future. Efficiencies are seemingly all sought out and only cuts to services and output are left.
Older viewers may lose access to in-depth 24-hour coverage of UK news stories from the BBC—the UK’s most trusted and valued provider of news.
Competitors will fill the breach, with any impact felt later.
Why Ms Enders is a frequent ‘expert’ on the BBC is a mystery.
As an older potential audience… sorely missed.
Losing access to ‘in depth ‘ propaganda is a definite plus …
The BBC and other leftist media have been clamouring for a windfall tax on the profits of energy companies who are clearly ripping off consumers – according to them at any rate, but that’s not what’s really happening:
Centrica chief warns of more UK energy supplier failures this winter. The head of British gas owner Centrica has warned that more UK retail energy suppliers are likely to go bust this winter, as some who are already “struggling for cash” are likely to trade while technically insolvent.
Chris O’Shea, head of Britain’s largest energy supplier, said some of the UK’s biggest energy providers were also at risk of folding after 30 suppliers failed in the past 18 months, even as government support for household bills was helping to prop up the market.
“I think we are going to see suppliers fail,” O’Shea told the Financial Times during a visit to Easington Gas Station in Yorkshire.
Asked if he thought some suppliers were trading while technically insolvent, he answered “yes,” and warned that the “cash flow” created by government support schemes was one of the few things keeping “liquidity-struggling companies” afloat.
Britain’s retail energy market plunged into chaos last year, as sharp increases in wholesale electricity and gas prices exposed the weak business models of many companies.
The demise alone of Bulb Energy, the largest supplier to have collapsed, is expected to cost taxpayers up to £6.5bn after it was put into private administration in November last year and funded by government loans.
O’Shea said the UK energy regulator’s decision last week not to force suppliers to impose limits on customer funds was “deeply flawed” and in recognition that “there are companies in our market that are unable to raise the capital required to properly support their business”.
He also predicted that the sector as a whole would have incurred losses as a result of the warm weather in October and November, saying companies would have bought electricity and gas futures to meet expected demand, but would have incurred losses when this level of consumption was not achieved. .
For a company like Centrica, our shareholders bear that loss. For other companies including very large companies where they do not have enough capital. . . Every day this happens they become more dangerous,” he said.
Ofgem last Friday laid out a series of reforms for the retail energy market and said it would “closely” monitor the company’s use of customer funds, but stopped short of forcing suppliers to impose limits on those deposits. Fencing proposals have been consulted.
Households that pay their energy bills by direct debit typically build credit with their suppliers in the summer when consumption is lower, but eat into that buffer in the winter when their usage is higher.
O’Shea also criticized the government’s decision to raise unexpected taxes on energy producers and said it hurt investor confidence in the UK.
So there you have it, there are no mythical huge profits being made by energy companies on which to levy a windfall tax, in fact the reverse is true and they are in a loss making situation where many are on the edge of bankruptcy.
My advice is now to transfer your account to one of the largest ones if you are not with one of them and take what ever balance you can with you before what happened to the customers of Bulb Energy happens to you.
Thoughtful – wise words as almost always – I’m glad I stopped around last year …. There is also a case for not building up a lot of cash in the energy account – if you are fixed and not a big energy user ….
…..the case for a privatised energy market gets weaker in such ‘unforeseen ‘ circumstances . But the failure of The State to insure energy independence – in what ever form that might take – should be on the political tombstone of many a failed politician – cue nick clegg …
Bulb had brilliant marketing strategies for sales, which ‘convinced’ many people – incuding me…
They couldn’t come up with a better price than EDF a year ago, so I changed, but still got a huge hike which luckily I can afford, but I know so many people who just can’t, and also expect that the sixty-six quid will go on Christmas presents etc.
The whole energy policy of Sunak’s on the issue is unsustainable, and worthy of the way any old labour government just chucked money at the problem, then tried to justify the problems a year later. Brown was always doing this, but back then, the banks really did dish the dirt on SME’s and we’ve never forgiven them for it!
BBC have suddenly become amazingly impartial.
Yes England (population 55 million) get equal coverage, treatment, and time as Wales ( population under 4 million) on the 5 pm news referencing tonight’s footie.
Funny, that.
In other news, there are still a few Christians left in the country.
ICYMI – I know you all will welcome the opportunity to participate in the last few days… yes…
November = Islamophobia Awareness Month
It’d passed me by until looking for the original of this tweet from Bury South MP Christain Wakeford which is a fake or has disappeared.
Shadow Chancellor material there.
Tweets by Christian4BuryS
He and this lady could be study buddies.
Perhaps mr wakeford would stay quiet about the cost ordinary taxpayers have to stump up for a pint of beer compared to the subsidised liquor in the House of Commons
There is a shocking price list on the parliament – House of Commons website which might appear here ( I don’t have the technical know how ) …lager is about£3.50 …
The BBC are so useless that sometimes it is cretinous and hilarious at the same time.
Shortly after a report on the 2021 census showing a huge increase in the Muslim population (but guess what- no mention of mass immigration) they move on to the next eat or heat whingeathon.
A school in Bradford has been carefully chosen. There is not a single white child. We hear from the white headmistress that she sees leftovers from the previous nights restaurant meal in lunchboxes.
Yes, these families can afford to go to restaurants but can’t afford a hot school dinner for their children. The BBC clearly want us to get out the hankies.
Needless to say, the ‘journalist’ is on message and definitely not wanting to ask any awkward questions. The article finishes with a visit to a non-white family who have to turn off the upstairs heating. We do that all the time when we are downstairs. It’s called being sensible, But we are white and as we all know #whitelivesdontmatter on the BBC.
BBC London celebrates that the white population of London is now less than one third of the total. Down from 3.7 million to 3.2 million in 10 years. Perhaps the BBC could interview some of those half million to ask why they have left. But then again pigs might fly. Meanwhile, 22% of the London population do not regard themselves as British (but presumably enjoy the NHS, schools etc).
Cue an interview with a veil wearing woman who is proud to state her first point of identity is her Muslim religion.
The BBC seem to regard the whole thing as marvellous.
When we on this site describe ‘Londonistan’ the census would strongly appear to bear us out.
Given the composition of the W1A cubicle gardens, their marvelling is understandable.
How is the only true Marvel superheroine doing BTW?
On par with Disney’s latest smash?
The scale of it
WE’RE SAVED!!!!!!!!
Clearly, the future is female.
No surprise she’s not too interested about the mistreatment of Christians in Qatar though is there?
Caroline Lucas is a pixie
Looks like Greta needs a makeover – maybe do the jungle or that dancing show
Good news (if you’re a beeboid).
“Less than half of England and Wales population Christian, Census 2021 shows”
Rejoice, Hallelujah!
Just yer typical Leicestershire lass…
“Channel migrants: Man arrested in UK over 27 dinghy deaths”
That’s one trader out of the system and probably 200 to go ?
Man but NOT guilty of rape
BBC could have used the word MAN in the headline
but didn’t
That’s gaslighting.
BBC headline “Trans woman jailed for sex with 14-year-old girl – BBC News”
Hinckley, Leicestershire
A trans woman who groomed and had sex with a 14-year-old girl, making her pregnant, has been jailed.
I see smartarses jumped in without reading the story
the text does say this
“The defendant was also charged with raping the girl, but was found *not guilty* of this following the trial.”
“He was found guilty of penetrative sexual activity with a child following a trial.”
“a family friend who often stayed over at the victim’s house.
The girl’s parents became suspicious of a sexual relationship, police said, but the girl refuted those concerns.”
At the start of the footy game the app was saying 2.8% of nationsl energy was wind . Solar was nil . If there was no gas we d be in the dark …
The BBC could do with this – some good old fashioned british Christmas entertainment:
Group w@nk at the bbc:
Lunchbox Rashford scores 2
Demands to be sanctified yet ?
Sorry taffman and others, I thought maybe England would find a way for England AND Wales to go through to the last 16 in the World Cup footie.
I’ve just seen the Albanians celebrating their Independence Day with their flags on their cars.
All the cars looked nice and clean.
they seem very keen on the oppressive place they’ve run away from
Its a big V sign to the British.
It’s coincidence
Well gosh… Justin sides with protesters in China….
It’s some kind of globalist theme – a mind game they’re all playing
Apparently CNN too
Before and now..
BBC “And the word of the year is… gaslighting”
FFS BBC are the experts
They get battered in the replies
“Typical. Picks a word for something we can’t afford.”
Just checking the final results of the midterm elections which the BBC seemed to drop the second it was clear the Republicans won the House.
Apparently Democrats ‘retain control of the senate’ with 50:49 and one left to play – which means they may still only control it purely through the casting vote by Harris.
But the Republicans won the house ‘with a razor thin majority’ by winning 220 seats to 213.
It’s this kind of lopsided reporting which means I don’t take a single thing the BBC tell me at face value any more.
BBC criticised for ‘nonsense’ claims
BBC loves to do wind PR
Their article Onshore wind: Grant Shapps criticised for ‘nonsense’ claims
.. is an epic work
Lack of ethnic diversity among egg and sperm donors
‘Asian egg and black sperm donors were under-represented by 50% compared with the population, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) found.’
Isn;t it absolutely amazing how the BBC are only interested in stories about BAME representation ‘compared with the population’ when it suits the agenda of them being in some way disadvantaged.
The staggering and shameless hypocrisy of the Left still amazes me.
‘Families of Iran football team ‘threatened with torture’ if the players misbehave’
Just saw this on the DT. Perhaps someone knows which BBC activist tw@t who tried to get a player to comment on Qatars ‘human rights’ I should forward it to ?.
c the jug-eared activist in the studio as well of course.
The astute observer will notice that none of these extreme hypocrites will associate any of the abuses the people of Qatar receive with the rules of their religion.
I would laugh at their extreme double standards if it wasn’t so sickening.
It was the usual shit stirring bbc muzzie this one an Egyptian:
Shaimaa Khalil
Australia Correspondent – BBC News at BBC News
Waiting for some forged bank statements or other documents to appear now to get an interview
There is the sickness in the Biden US in a picture right there:
“Picture emerges of Biden’s non-binary nuclear waste guru grinning at LGBTQ engineering conference after he stole woman’s $2,325 luggage at Minneapolis airport
Biden’s non-binary nuclear waste guru has been photographed at an LGBTQ engineering conference – the weekend they stole a suitcase
Sam Brinton, a senior DOE official, stole the suitcase from the baggage carousel at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport on September 16”
Precisely the kind of thing which happens when people are given jobs for reasons other than suitability.
I’ve said it a thousand times and I’ll keep on saying it : the Left are a cancer which will destroy our society if it is allowed to.
They are half way there already.