Covid lockdowns.
Looking back on how Covid played out, I’m finding my memory of it really weird. Did it really happen? Was it all a dream? Did the Government really pay people to stay at home? Did we really obey?
That ‘approved fact checker ‘ girl – Marian thingy was on early crowing over the Twitter policy change enabling more free speak – which she describes as ‘conspiracy theorys’ – particularly in relation to the Chinese virus .
The fact checker girl spoke rapidly bordering on uncontrolled way suggesting she either takes too much coffee or other substance to pep her up .
Anyway – as she gabbled on she claimed ( fact check the fact checker ) that those engaging with ‘conspiracy theories ‘ about the Chinese virus often make claims about other subjects such as terrorist attacks ….
This lady is a true threat to freedom of speech – but in her world this comment would amount to a conspiracy – of false information . She’d make a great nazi .
This account @James_BG keeps asking for explanations but has probably muted 99% of the people he’s ever got an explanation from
I watched a very interesting video recording with the Physicist Prof. William Happer who I always enjoy listening to on his views. Well worth a watch for the ‘down to earth’ summary and explanation of the so-called, ‘Climate Change’. A bit of reality.
Not only that but the ‘scary eyed’ interviewer worth a look…
Can’t wait for a QT panel of Moonbat, Millipede, Javid, Dr. Shola, Femi and Vile all ‘debating’ the best way to obliterate a culture in just a few decades, before shunting even Amy Rutland and that nurse into the basement.
I wonder if mr Murray is keeping count of the number of times National Grid is issuing ‘supply warnings ‘ – that the lights might go out …? ( on my count it’s 2 – but then HMG tells them to cancel )
Anyway in mr Murray world the sun shines at night and those wind mills work in the fog …. Prepare not to be cold this winter …
In political jargon, a useful idiot is a term for a person perceived as propagandizing for a cause — particularly a bad cause originating from a devious, ruthless source — without fully comprehending the cause’s goals, and who is cynically used by the cause’s leaders.The term was originally used during the Cold War to describe non-communists regarded as susceptible to communist propaganda and manipulation.
It’s a term the refers to brainwashed marxists who blindly support any ideology that gets themselves out of real work and causes others to pay their way.
Just been listening to Toady.
It was wall to wall coverage of the Wales football team who lost last night. The supporters were great, with lots of singing. Everyone seemed to enjoy the great adventure but apparently they just were not quite good enough.
Sluff- I live in Londonistan. However I turned on my TV
this morning and on Chanel 101 I usually receive the
main BBC national channel. This morning I must of got
The BBC Wales channel.
When Wales were in the semi-final of the 2016 Euros. I
and my family were in Portugal. We saw their semi final
in a restaurant and we all wore the colours of Wales and
cheered them on. That’s what most English folk do when
one of the home nations are in any sports competition
competing against foreigners. BUT for the rest of the
the United Kingdom especially Scotland and it appears
Wales as well now they are willing us to LOSE.
On Channel 101 this morning this morning . You would of
thought that the BBC had joined the club.
We used to be like that and support the home nations teams but after a certain Andy Murray so called joke “anyone but England” and too many other remarks from non English celebrities we called time and now support anyone but ( insert nation here) as they mostly lose we have a great time.
I gradually changed like that too. My diztdr was working in Germany in 1974 and she and her friend got tickets for Scotland against Zaire. They went with the intention of supporting Scotland but changed their .minds when the Scottish fans booed the National Anthem. That was the last tournament where Scotland used God Save the Queen. The Germams around them were highly amused.
I did read that we did a very good ‘knee’, but also that Wales almost, but unluckily, didn’t quite score just before half-time, the shot skimming only 5 feet over the bar.
Main Toady news is a drug which can halt Alzheimer’s disease.
If you listened really carefully amid all the dross, it turns out that after trials, a quarter of patients had the disease slowed by 6-7 months. The drug requires a fortnightly trip to hospital to get an infusion, and it will cost tens of thousands of pounds.
Among questions not asked by Amol were.
1. How much is the taxpayer going to cough up for this drug with extremely limited benefits?
2. In what way do patients who benefit actually benefit? Do you just get a few weeks to put your affairs in order or can you watch Strictly and be more understanding of what’s going on?
2. What happens later to the patients after the seven months of benefit? Do they go downhill even faster?
3. Is it the job of the state to keep us alive for as long as possible with no regard to quality of life until we become empty shells with severe dementia?
In other words, no journalism whatever. Pathetic.
Mr S snr and Mrs S snr both died of dementia. I’m definitely not taking BBC bulls*** on this topic.
These articles (and all other ‘breakthrough’ science related ones like robots and drones) are almost always nothing but free advertising for someone who is deliberately mis-representing their product through some gullible idiot at the BBC while they look for funding.
And the BBC ‘science’ correspondents just lap it up because they don’t really understand what on earth they are talking about and just want clickbait for their articles.
… the science comunity has become adept at securing funding . It’s nothing to do with ‘doing good’, only securing ongoing development contracts to sustain their company/lifestyle usually at tax payers expense. The not very bright government do-gooders don’t even realise what is being done unto them; and only seize the opportunity to be seen ‘doing good’. The waste and wasters makes you want to cry …
Sluff – me too – I am an ‘ambassador ‘ for the charity Dementia UK – a rare – small – efficient dementia charity – and this news is just so badly reported that it is worthless …..
‘Yes!😀💯🦾❤️ And remove hate!
12345679 × 1 × 9 = 111111111
12345679 × 2 × 9 = 222222222
12345679 × 3 × 9 = 333333333
12345679 × 4 × 9 = 444444444
Without « Hate » X any number of people X divINE number = beauty!’
AI ? – bollocks. Another complete farce being sold to gullible twitter idiots.
So you are correct Guest : could be any of those in your list.
John-It’s time for Getty’s images to supply the BBC with
a white face. Even if BIG BROTHER from the Divesity demands
that Getty’s always send the BBC black faces for public
interest features.
If you read the mission statement for Getty (where they use capital B for ‘black’), you will realise that isn’t going to happen any time soon. In any sane world, they would be labelled anti-white racists.
Which makes it all the more amazing that he campaigned so effectively about free school meals during covid and was quoted often and signed long letters to government so wonderfully well and eruditely. He even got an MBE for his work.
Personally I’m sure it was all his own work and not created by the management agency RocNation he joined just a few months before. But others may disagree.
Please refer to St Marcus by his correct name – also can St Marcus get another gong ? Surely a peerage is on the cards …?
The BBC is interviewing someone who knows someone who served him in a shop once … or someone who looked like him …
A wonder drug for Alzheimer’s . Very confused . As usual the difference between dementia and Alzheimer’s is not explained – nor whether the drug has long term positive or negative effects and who can actually benefit from it .
The science correspondent should hang his head in shame . But I suppose it’s just the dumbed down kidult bbc – should not expect more …
A “university lecturer” who finds the time to stand on gantries and in the roads for days at a time
sack him
“Just Stop Oil protester who sparked fury by bringing M25 to a standstill is jailed for SIX MONTHS
Jan Goodey, 57, was one of those who brought the motorway to a standstill
The Kingston University lecturer was given a six-month jail sentence yesterday”
Why, oh why does every jumped up tech. college have to call itself a “University”, it just degrades the language (sorry “dilutes”).
As for this “lechturer” lecturer, he deserves everything he gets.
And unlike most criminal records this won’t affect his job which will be waiting for him when he gets out after about two weeks. Probably a promotion into the bargain! Lefties look after their own!
Excellent news – the ambulances are going on strike – this will release pressure in A and Es – less people will be admitted to hospital – meaning they will kill less people .
Taxpayers dying at home or in the street then does not become a concern of the NHS so the staff can concentrate on dancing and shopping .
Could the border force and RNLI go on strike please ?
My wife has been in the clutches of the NHS in the past few weeks and I have watched with interest some of their practises ( she is out now and recovering well) .
On ambulances I noted that she and another lady were to go from one hospital to another twenty miles away for tests. They were both wakened at 0600 to be ready for transfer at 0630. The ambulance arrived more or less on time but said that they could only take one patient per trip , even though they could easily have two patients and an attendant in the rear of the vehicle , because that was the rule! My wife was eventually transferred at 10:00.
Both ladies were due to be returned to the local hospital at 17:00 but no ambulances were available . Eventually at 0200 the next morning the duty manager of the hospital waived the ‘one patient only rule’ and both ladies were transported together back to base.
In A&E one night an old lady was brought in by ambulance and the two crew members stayed with her chatting away drinking coffee whilst waiting for a triage consultation with a nurse for 90 minutes!
I assume ambulances are high capital cost and ought to be on the road working with their crew. They are said to be very short supply . So why have a rule were two people who were very happy to share , were taken only one at a time using only half the potential of vehicle and crew? Why not have a junior nurse looking after old and vulnerable people allowing the ambulance crew back on the road?
I have gleaned many more examples of what seem to me to be poor management practise in the NHS over the past fortnight. No one seems to realise that a managers job is to get the most out the assets that they have control over. They waste resources , our resources, hand over fist. Socialism writ large where no one seems accountable for anything.
Sorry, Mr AsI just couldn’t resist his own take on a tabloidese headline to match this report from the BBC today: Lack of ethnic diversity among egg and sperm donors – more on tabloidese headlines later
Our BBC seemed somewhat put out by the fact Elon Musk, the new owner of Twitter, wasn’t quite as compliant a lefty as they would like. Meanwhile, the rather prissy Rachel Schraer (BBC Reality Check) observes: Twitter ends Covid misinformation policy under Musk
Well, to be fair, luv, it’s not as though the official expert scientific information given to us has been 100% consistent and reliable, is it?
Previously… (as they often used to announce at the start of a serial TV show followed by the recap sequence. Nowadays, when you’re binge-watching on Netflix, you get the recap, but are offered the option to skip intro – but I digress)
Previously… we were told catagorically that this ‘novel’ virus was absolutely naturally occuring – but just happened to have jumped from bats (or was it pangolins – whatever they are?) over to humans and been spread from that wet market, just down the road from the Dr Fauci-funded Chinese virus lab that just happened to be working on gain of function research.
Five Eyes network contradicts theory Covid-19 leaked from lab… No current evidence to suggest coronavirus leaked from Wuhan research lab, agencies say (Guardian, May 2020)
UK experts helped shut down Covid lab leak theory – weeks after being told it might be true. Sir Patrick Vallance among scientists behind paper that stifled debate into the origins of the virus (Telegraph, 6 days ago)
Fauci dismissed Wuhan lab leak theory as ‘shiny object’ in April 2020 email… Dr. Anthony Fauci pooh-poohed the theory that COVID-19 may have emerged from a Chinese lab shortly after the onset of the pandemic in the US, calling it a “shiny object that will go away,” according to an email made public Tuesday by House Republicans (New York Post, January 2022)
And what about all that interminable testing of the otherwise healthy that we subjected ourselves to and paid for? How reliable was that?
Nowadays (which can be the following week, where certain media narratives are concerned) even the chronically compliant coronaphobic ‘i’ newspaper concedes: Mistakes at Covid-19 testing lab may have led to deaths during pandemic
Come to think of it, I’m sure I saw a clip of Matt Hancock the then Health Secretary expaining to someone like the BBC’s Jo Coburn (good training for our Matt there for his future career crawling through muck and dodging the creepy crawlies) why our government couldn’t bring in a ban on airport foreign arrivals early in the pan-panic – and that, he said, was because testing wasn’t up to snuff. Seems it never was.
Anyway, back to sex. Our female journos are absolutely obsessed with it: My mid-life sex adventures. ‘I didn’t want to know his name or speak again’ (‘i’) – they do say contrary to the popular narrative it is in fact the chaps who are really the romantic ones. Think about it – guys go for looks whereas women consider status to be more important.
Seems the left-leaning ‘i’ would happily pack all of us blokes off to war: Nato fears weapons shortage in Ukraine could stall fight with Putin – yes you read that right – this left-liberal paper is concerned there’s not enough military weaponry being deployed in combat.
It’s like John Lennon never died for us – all he was saying was give peace a chance.
Speaking of long-haired messianic peaceniks – seems we don’t want to follow them anymore these days: UK Christians in minority for first time since the Dark Ages (‘i’)
The Guardian is on it like a car bonnet: Census puts church’s role in the spotlight… It triggered calls for urgent reform of laws requiring Christian teaching and worship in schools… – Dark Ages indeed.
The FT just can’t do headlines
As something of a connoisseur of the art of concise catchy expressions above a news report one reads this one and weeps: Banks set for release from ringfencing rules in drive to free competitive spirit
Back to war and rumours of war: Nato backs up Nordic hopes – says the FT in that inimitable barely comprehensible headline-style of theirs. What they mean to say in long form is that: The western military alliance’s foreign ministers reaffirmed the commitment to the Nordic countries accession (to Nato – which will be a big win for the US State Department and Military-Industrial Complex)
Naturally the FT illustrates the story with a pic of: A Finnish soldier… and of course it’s a gal soldier.
Imagine the TV series Dad’s Army where instead of that amusing collection of comic personas we only ever get to see just the one character from the platoon. I doubt it would have run and run for years.
Calling all pretty girls out there – like having your photo taken? Don’t bother with a modelling career – get yourself into the army. Not only will you have a new outfit (khaki) and brand new boots but you’ll be assured of getting your picture in the press far more often than your mates.
Blackness? Its all a ruse, a façade, “in yer face”, to hide the clandestine developments to take over the country by muslims. Its the ‘look there’s a squirrel’ con.
Like most major tourism hotspots around the world, Bali suffered vast economic turmoil during the pandemic. But the Island of the Gods is recreating itself along lines that are dictated by the demands of more conscious post-pandemic traveling.
Todays so called Greens really are a bunch of complete fantasists alas taking a lot of the hard of thinking political elites with them for the ride on the train to fairy land !
The Green philosophy is a simple one of denying reality, exaggeration and virtue signalling over non actions which move an issue they claim to be a problem somewhere else where it is actually worse, and then claiming to have achieved something because they moved the problem from A to B
Such is the case in Germany where the nutters are trying to force meat producers out of business and then importing the meat from other countries where conditions are worse, but the simple minded easily led German people are going to pay the price for allowing the Greens to follow their dreams and they will be forced against their will to become vegetarians.
Because of restrictions imposed by the Green nutters Germans are going to be facing a critical meat shortage which might well end up with no meat at all in the shops:
It gets worse though because despite the nutters destroying Germanys meat industry they are now proposing to stop the idiotic German people buying imported meat as well by imposing taxes on it.
So not only will meat be difficult to get it will be prohibitively expensive even if you can find it, and all of it needlesly imposed by Socialist malefactors who only know how to destroy and have never managed a single positive constructive act in their entire existance.
I have a weakness ( many ) . I love BBC irony . They are putting on the Reith lectures . Nigerian woman – tick that box .
She speaks about the dangers of ‘self censorship’. And then cites those dire salmon Rushdie books . She says the Iranian put a death sentence on him …but guess what ? She self mention of Muslim terrorism – murder .you can imagine the bbc ‘sensitivity ‘ officer censoring her very speech on …censorship ..
Yet she says that those who censor have an absolute self belief in their version of the world . Cue Mariana . Cue internet censorship . Cue twitter wars .
Jesus said, “If a man asks you for your shoes give him your cloak also.” Okay, I think we all get the gist of this, but…
Yesterday I had a nostalgic trip to one of my old stomping grounds, Croydon, on the outskirts of south London. It was a gloomy, grey, miserable day, but even if the sun had been shining, I could see that Croydon has gone downhill. Blimey, what a bloody mess.
There are homeless people all over the place. I’d wager there are more beggars in Croydon than there are in Cairo. To follow Jesus’ advice you’d need to buy up both Dolcis and Debenhams.
When I was a lad Croydon was the hotspot for nightclubs in my area. We young lads had some cracking times there. Now the”disco” we used to frequent is derelict, the old sign hanging off the wall and all about is discarded detritus.
The lovely old stores my gran and mum used to visit are boarded up, but they do have a Primark and a Lidl’s and there are lots of phone shops.
I noticed that the men sleeping rough seem to be mainly native Brits, the ones begging clearly aren’t. Are they Romanians? Albanians? I don’t know…
As I sadly took my leave, vowing never to return, a rather distressed young lady approached me. “Can you help me please?” she asked in broken English. I thought, naively, she might be lost and of course I’d try to help, but no, she wanted money. Of course she did…
I’m afraid that I refused to assist her. I’m still not sure I did the right thing. I like to think I’m a Christian, I like to think I’d help any genuine person, but… there are just so many of these foreigners begging. Who do you trust? Who do you help? And more to the point, what the bloody Hell are they doing here?
I’m sorry for your visit … but you could have guessed . I find it tricky when approached by beggars . I like to see myself as a weak follower of Christ – and I always wince when the gospel refers to money ( and giving it away ) … maybe when the Big Day comes I’ll just have to plead guilty …
The rapid decline of londonistan – founded on the rapid importation of the third world is the explanation for the plight of Croydon and the rest of the city … its lost …
BTW – I’m reading the gospels as ‘books ‘ and trying to ‘extract ‘ my prejudice . The first 3 are ‘hard reads ‘ having been bought up on them – but the final – John – is …. Different … and advent has crept up on me …
You will find the Bible contains a lot of references to the first person giving to help the poor, what you will not find in the Bible is a single reference to stealing from other people to give to the poor, nor forcing those more fortunate, to do so regardless of whether they wish to or not.
The Devil (the deceiver) tempted Christ by offering to turn stones into bread, Christ being the Son of God resisted this temptation but our current Socialists who claim to be bishops and archbishops are not even Christian and are very easily persuaded by the devils temptations.
So when Satan comes to them with offers to assist the poor, in which they have to actually do very little themselves, nor actually offer up their own riches, they gladly reach for Satans offer without a second thought, and curse the government for failing to steal sufficient money from those they regard as ‘rich’.
Sadly Jeff, us of a certain vintage who can still remember our weekend entertainment haunts, are always saddened to see the once glittery clubs and discos now long gone to be replaced by a car park or an Indian run tat shop.
I’m a Mod babe of the 60’s so Saturday and Sunday evenings were in Margate’s Dreamland, dancing to Georgie Fame, Marmalade, Alan Price etc etc. then it was up to ‘posh’ Cliftonville for a late coffee. I think the ballroom has had a revamp, but dear God, Cliftonville was a no go area of Romanians filling all the frail B & Bs in the area, the last time I went.
I’m still to be convinced that migrants/foreigners – whatever, bring riches to our society. Its more like the tax payer giving ‘riches’ to those who pitch up here. The degredation of this country can be traced back to all the aliens who live here.
Afia Hersch and Harry miller (bad law project ) got to ask questions of the reith lecture …. she fobbed off mr miller with ‘life is too short ‘.. and got a round of applause ….
.. the reith lady is very ‘approved ‘ and we will be hearing a lot more from her ….
David baddiel – bbc luvvie – then got to say his bit …. Sounding like a proper islingtononian…
It’s jam packed full of ambiguous and meaningless statements all designed to lead you to come to a completely unsubstantiated conclusion.
‘When asked if there had been genuine threats to Meghan from the far-right, he added: “Absolutely.
“We had teams investigating it. People have been prosecuted for those threats.”‘
So how many ? And how many convicted ?. And of what ?.
And another:
He said he had previously spoken publicly about the threat of “extreme right-wing terrorism”, saying it was the “fastest growing” threat that he dealt with.
“When I started in counter-terrorism in 2015, it was about 6% of our total workload. When I left 15, 16 months ago, it was over 20% of our workload.”
Wikipedia tells me there were 14 terrorist attacks since 2015.
12 were by Muslims with at least 41 dead and hundreds injured. The remaining 2 included the Jo Cox and Finsbury Park attacks with a grand total of 2 dead and 10 injured. Neither of which would be classed as ‘terror related’ by the test they apply to Islamic terrorists where they must find evidence they were acting on behalf of a larger group. Otherwise they are just ‘lone wolf’ attacks.
What a disgusting and lop-sided interview.
He added: “I speak about race because I know something about race because I’m a 54-year-old mixed-race man.”
Yes. And it seems to me that THAT is the reason you got the job instead of someone who could get the whole terrorist/race issues into perspective.
And who was the home sceretary who appointed him ?.
Theresa May.
All it proves to me is that when you appoint people for reasons other than ability for the job – particularly just because of their race, it all turns to sh1t. This interview tells me he was not fit to be in that position because of his inherent bias. These forced multicultural experiments fail every test.
These people and their extreme double standards really make my blood boil.
You may be right : he’s been sidelined into the ‘police college’ staff now.
That’s what happened to all the completely useless managers at BAE SYSTEMS when I worked there. They got moved into the personnel and ‘Quality’ departments where they could not screw up anything else.
He is obviously ambitious and thinks he deserves something better so he’s putting himself out there and is canny enough to know how much the establishment hate the Right.
I now believe nothing that emanates from the authorities , Covid , Climate Change , Crime stats , immigration stats , health stats .
I am firmly convinced that the elites who run our country are knowingly acting against our best interests.
James Murray is a gaslighting Green blobber – I watch what he puts out to his 55,000 followers and cannot recall him ever engaging with challengers – he merely mutes them it seems, while simultaneously repeating a carnival of untruths and lobbing insults.
A billion hamsters are ready to run on their wheels, linked to the national grid, the moment the wind stops blowing or the sun stops shining. Take that, deniers!
BBC must do more to serve audiences on lower incomes
The BBC needs to do more to reach and resonate with viewers and listeners on lower incomes, Ofcom has found in its annual report on the BBC’s performance.
*How do you find something in your own report?*
Our report finds that people in lower socio-economic groups – who account for almost a quarter of the UK population – are less engaged and less satisfied with the BBC.
*Shocked, one advises… shocked*
To understand why, Ofcom will launch an in-depth review into how the BBC connects with audiences on lower incomes.
*Sending Vile out on his bike?*
We also want the BBC to set out, clearly and publicly, its overall strategy for improving perceptions among disenfranchised audiences – including how it is drawing and acting on viewer and listener research.
*Boat long sailed*
Holding the BBC to account
*The BBC is a vast power that claims to hold power to account, and is overseen by its ex employees*
The BBC faces a challenging market and economic climate. The BBC is seeking to address these challenges in a strategy to become a ‘Digital First’ organisation.
*Bang goes another £100,000,000*
As it undergoes this transition, Ofcom expects the BBC to continue to deliver for all audiences, and will hold it to account in areas where it needs to do more.
*How’s that worked out so far?*
These include: protecting local audiences as it seeks to make changes to its news and current affairs; improving its complaints handling; and being more transparent about changes it intends to make to its licence-fee funded public services.
*So, more mistrust, more complaints crushing and even more opacity.*
1. Tories are useless, can’t and don’t want to prevent an invasion of these islands. PS: I have been informed that almost another 1,000 invaders arrived yesterday! The useless Tories and Labour will let them stay, and Labour will make sure they get a vote (voting labour) 3-4 years from now.
2. Oldham probably has a large ‘asian’ populace who are more than sympathetic to labour.
3. Tories are economically inept.
4. Tories have been in power for 12 years and do not appear to have coherent policies (e.g energy strategy, one for short-term, medium term and long term).
5. Tories are not a party of law and order.
In summary the Tories are ineffective because either they are spineless, useless or don’t care enough. I personally think all 3 of these. I also hope that they are completely wiped out across the country even though it means labour get in. Labour will be as bad or worse but will find themselves unable to stop the slide of the UK. We might then, only then, see the rise of a right-wing party who looks like a conservative party. Hard times ahead.
All are rich, most have families, and like to do nice things.
MAD as concept worked because even the most barking Kremlin type gasped the ‘assured… mutually’ bit.
Seems none of the above do.
Even if you live in a gated compound the kids have to go to school, the teens want to hit the clubs, the MPs want to enjoy a cheeky £75 red in the bars and all of the above want to join Soaf at the next Bali jolly.
If the entire planet is reduced outside certain pockets of safety to a feral scorched earth wilderness of roving gangs holding territory around the local Premier Inn, how does that make for a pleasant or indeed secure existence?
These fellows can scale a wall, as evidenced in recent US riots.
And I very much doubt a tranny Dept. of Boom Secretary screaming they voted for more bi-teachers will cut much ice as the horde bears them to the top of W1A.
Does NOTA now stand for Nihilism Obviously The Aim?
The eu is a big family of Nations with no borders so when we pick up boatloads of channel crossers we should be able to return them to anywhere in the eu, it being, in essence, one big place.
They may all be heading out from France after being dropped off at their departure point by the French shuttle bus but we could drop them back in the Netherlands or Germany seeing as they are all in it.
Of course, I know we will not do this but if we ever get a government which actually listens (and acts) for the UK people this should be a legal option.
Most of Europe is becalmed. Wind speeds in the Baltic/German Bight/Irish Sea are just fast enough to turn a turbine. In related news, electricity prices are above EUR 600 everywhere. But don't worry says the Green Blob, there is a "detailed plan".
I was just imagining what a pleasant, less stressfull, less divisive and honest place this Country would be to live in if the BBC and The Guardian both went bust.
Some excellent race baiting shit stirring going on, someone called Ngozi refuses to acknowledge the natural curiosity about her heritage:
“Black charity founder accuses Buckingham Palace staff member of quizzing her about ‘what part of Africa she is from’ at Camilla’s domestic abuse event – as row threatens to overshadow William and Kate’s landmark US tour today”
“what part of country “xxx” are you from” has triggered the woke for decades – but *only* when there’s a skin colour thing going on.
Seen it literally dozens of times – a useful indicator that the offended have a partial vacuum between their ears which is plumbed in to Guardian-BBC rightspeak balloon.
So sistah turns up at Buck House looking like she just came from Wakanda. I think it was perfectly reasonable to ask where she was from. She sure doesn’t look like she is celebrating her British heritage to me.
They are scum who only tell us half the story. Isn’t it amazing all the news now reporting how in China they are freedom fighters standing up against the terrible lockdowns. But when hundreds of thousands were protesting the same thing in this country the BBC reported us as anti vaxers and terrorists. I hate them with a passion and they should be defunded
Of course all such have to be viewed with a cranked eyebrow too.
That said, the sheer number of these ‘state’/MSM ‘misinformation’ tie-ups is beyond a` joke, especially given the sheer volume of proven examples of their own misinformation, inaccuracy, suppression and lack of transparency themselves.
Who are they, and their masters, trying to kid?
Twitter is a swirling morass of claim and counter at the best of times, but those I see trying to discredit Musk trying to sort it out it telling.
Especially when they get called out and the bots and banshees pile in.
He is no angel. And I do recall the stunts he pulled before, not fondly.
But as with politics here, I look at the tangibles of what he is doing now, vs. these flying monkeys out in swarms…
Imagine Bryant and Emma Kennedy and the entire BBC complement ruling the world via Mastadon.
Storytellers do not give us the real world
#1 It’s not the political agenda they want
#2 They rush to easy tricks to make the story EXCITING
Just now on JHB’s TalkTV show the guest said ‘the official price rises are underestimated it’s different to people’s lived experience like the price of PASTA shooting up’
(Jasmine Birtles of Money Magpie )
I went to point out that Aldi/Tesco pasta is 23p per 500g
but today’s check shows it’s now gone up to 28p
Is it right to go around shouting that pasta has gone up 20% ?
FFS it’s 5p per half kilo
It’s not the 5p that worries people
It’s the £50-100 extra per month through accommodation costs etc.
I notice Tesco Bitter is still £1.13 for 4 cans
There seems to be a dearth of chicken, bacon, potatoes, lettuce
so I am able to find them at way below the normal price.
Someone on Twitter pointed out that the radio item was two posh women talking about poverty
and that they then cooed over Jack Monroe as an example of a poverty guru.
Yet fact checker has found that Jack Monroe’s narrative about her being a poor WORKING class person seems to be storytelling rather than truth
cos it is at odds with her older blogs and tweets
Full analysis
The first female Four-Star Admiral of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps on the left. A petty criminal on the right. And if you don’t agree that this is a sign of progress, you are a bigot.
Overnight ECMWF model run once again going for a dramatic push from the north into N and NW #Europe in particular next week! But once again details are to be firmed up on, as well as possible snow risks!!!
Reporting on the scene from a fan park outside Doha where you can drink and watch the football, says it’s like a little slice of home, then feels he has to add “not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing…”
The W1A shame-conditioning is so deep that — no matter how innocuous an observation — it must be followed up with the insinuation that the home nation is potentially ‘problematic’. It doesn’t need qualifying, just an auto-response that all BBC reporter-bots are required to carry out.
Meanwhile other home nations populating our cities can’t be problematic, because they never seem to generate these type of open-ended queries.
Has this been posted yet? Sajid Javid getting quite a kicking on Twitter for his response to the census results:
Party member here & lifelong Conservative voter. Those two words finished that. Been unhappy for some time with this most unconservative Conservative government & this is absolutely the most sour cherry on the cake. This is my homeland, there is nowhere else for me to go. 🤬
Javid’s reply doesn’t surprise me in the least. With so many half British half BAME people in prominent positions, the last thing they are going to do is come down on the side of the country that took in their parents from 3rd world countries !!!! Like the Albanians running riot in London, its a V sign to us who are of pure British heritage, and by that I mean those of us that can trace our ancestry way beyond 1900. Not those who came here by dint of entitled passport in the mid-century.
Nothing to see here – move along. Bankman Fried is getting the Ovaltine and biscuits treatment from the MSM – why might that be?
So BlockFi is a creditor to FTX that lent to Alameda that lent to Emergent which is a shell company owned by SBF that bought Robinhood shares that were pledged as collateral to guarantee to BlockFi the loan to FTX that was used to bailout BlockFi itself
11:20am Radio Humberside phone in
Presenter basically gave caller Jim the shunning treatment
cos he mentioned “There would be enough jobs and enough housing, but now we’ve got too many people , just look at em coming in over the channel”
As if the producer was shouting “get the UKIP caller off the air”
There was non of the usual friendlyness from the presenter
just “sigh, Right if you have a point on this just call in.
Then later he read out a tweet from a listener who accused him of being terse with Jim
Andy- I would like the BBC to a reality check on
what percentage of their Getty’s imaging for the internet on
public interest on features such as mortgage payments,
utilities, cost of living etc use black models. I say
around 75-80% . But a friend says is nearer 90%.
Yes BBC do a reality check on this !!
This week the captain of one team was an Irish tranny, and of the other a camp gay doing a degree in queer teenage literature. This doesn’t happen by accident does it?
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 After banning elected President Călin Georgescu and ruling he can never run again, Romanian authorities are now using brute force…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel it’s their best…
Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: No need to get them back. This…
But you’re allowed to forget, Fed!
Top of the morning to you!
Covid lockdowns.
Looking back on how Covid played out, I’m finding my memory of it really weird. Did it really happen? Was it all a dream? Did the Government really pay people to stay at home? Did we really obey?
Thanks Scroblene – And to you…
That ‘approved fact checker ‘ girl – Marian thingy was on early crowing over the Twitter policy change enabling more free speak – which she describes as ‘conspiracy theorys’ – particularly in relation to the Chinese virus .
The fact checker girl spoke rapidly bordering on uncontrolled way suggesting she either takes too much coffee or other substance to pep her up .
Anyway – as she gabbled on she claimed ( fact check the fact checker ) that those engaging with ‘conspiracy theories ‘ about the Chinese virus often make claims about other subjects such as terrorist attacks ….
This lady is a true threat to freedom of speech – but in her world this comment would amount to a conspiracy – of false information . She’d make a great nazi .
She needs a chum.
Then they can block everyone together.
I watched a very interesting video recording with the Physicist Prof. William Happer who I always enjoy listening to on his views. Well worth a watch for the ‘down to earth’ summary and explanation of the so-called, ‘Climate Change’. A bit of reality.
Not only that but the ‘scary eyed’ interviewer worth a look…
That video was at the top of ones YouTube is suggesting to me today
.. that usually happens when someone has already posted it here.
Happer makes a lot if sense to me
Scary eyes?
Can’t wait for a QT panel of Moonbat, Millipede, Javid, Dr. Shola, Femi and Vile all ‘debating’ the best way to obliterate a culture in just a few decades, before shunting even Amy Rutland and that nurse into the basement.
I wonder if mr Murray is keeping count of the number of times National Grid is issuing ‘supply warnings ‘ – that the lights might go out …? ( on my count it’s 2 – but then HMG tells them to cancel )
Anyway in mr Murray world the sun shines at night and those wind mills work in the fog …. Prepare not to be cold this winter …
Useful Idiot.
In political jargon, a useful idiot is a term for a person perceived as propagandizing for a cause — particularly a bad cause originating from a devious, ruthless source — without fully comprehending the cause’s goals, and who is cynically used by the cause’s leaders.The term was originally used during the Cold War to describe non-communists regarded as susceptible to communist propaganda and manipulation.
It’s a term the refers to brainwashed marxists who blindly support any ideology that gets themselves out of real work and causes others to pay their way.
And now, the Graun…
She has written a guide to Mastadon, on Twitter, exclusively for Emma Kennedy and Moby.
Quite lively elsewhere Moonbat. He secretly got a thing for Shamima?
Mental issues George ? Thinking of taking yourself out of the gene pool to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions … ? No loss ..
Moonbat is free to spend as much time in Mogadishu as he likes. I wish he would.
All-female referee team to take charge at men’s tournament for first time
Another hideously sexist BBC article.
Just been listening to Toady.
It was wall to wall coverage of the Wales football team who lost last night. The supporters were great, with lots of singing. Everyone seemed to enjoy the great adventure but apparently they just were not quite good enough.
Does anyone know how England did?
Sluff- I live in Londonistan. However I turned on my TV
this morning and on Chanel 101 I usually receive the
main BBC national channel. This morning I must of got
The BBC Wales channel.
When Wales were in the semi-final of the 2016 Euros. I
and my family were in Portugal. We saw their semi final
in a restaurant and we all wore the colours of Wales and
cheered them on. That’s what most English folk do when
one of the home nations are in any sports competition
competing against foreigners. BUT for the rest of the
the United Kingdom especially Scotland and it appears
Wales as well now they are willing us to LOSE.
On Channel 101 this morning this morning . You would of
thought that the BBC had joined the club.
We used to be like that and support the home nations teams but after a certain Andy Murray so called joke “anyone but England” and too many other remarks from non English celebrities we called time and now support anyone but ( insert nation here) as they mostly lose we have a great time.
I gradually changed like that too. My diztdr was working in Germany in 1974 and she and her friend got tickets for Scotland against Zaire. They went with the intention of supporting Scotland but changed their .minds when the Scottish fans booed the National Anthem. That was the last tournament where Scotland used God Save the Queen. The Germams around them were highly amused.
I did read that we did a very good ‘knee’, but also that Wales almost, but unluckily, didn’t quite score just before half-time, the shot skimming only 5 feet over the bar.
Main Toady news is a drug which can halt Alzheimer’s disease.
If you listened really carefully amid all the dross, it turns out that after trials, a quarter of patients had the disease slowed by 6-7 months. The drug requires a fortnightly trip to hospital to get an infusion, and it will cost tens of thousands of pounds.
Among questions not asked by Amol were.
1. How much is the taxpayer going to cough up for this drug with extremely limited benefits?
2. In what way do patients who benefit actually benefit? Do you just get a few weeks to put your affairs in order or can you watch Strictly and be more understanding of what’s going on?
2. What happens later to the patients after the seven months of benefit? Do they go downhill even faster?
3. Is it the job of the state to keep us alive for as long as possible with no regard to quality of life until we become empty shells with severe dementia?
In other words, no journalism whatever. Pathetic.
Mr S snr and Mrs S snr both died of dementia. I’m definitely not taking BBC bulls*** on this topic.
These articles (and all other ‘breakthrough’ science related ones like robots and drones) are almost always nothing but free advertising for someone who is deliberately mis-representing their product through some gullible idiot at the BBC while they look for funding.
And the BBC ‘science’ correspondents just lap it up because they don’t really understand what on earth they are talking about and just want clickbait for their articles.
… the science comunity has become adept at securing funding . It’s nothing to do with ‘doing good’, only securing ongoing development contracts to sustain their company/lifestyle usually at tax payers expense. The not very bright government do-gooders don’t even realise what is being done unto them; and only seize the opportunity to be seen ‘doing good’. The waste and wasters makes you want to cry …
Sluff – me too – I am an ‘ambassador ‘ for the charity Dementia UK – a rare – small – efficient dementia charity – and this news is just so badly reported that it is worthless …..
…and people have to pay it
Jacinda Ardern and Sanna Marin dismiss claim they met due to ‘similar age’
‘She is in New Zealand on her first official tour and is the first Finnish prime minister to visit the country.’
Just coincidence then.
Of course she chose to go there for the reasons they suggest. But the BBC article desperately tries to state otherwise.
These people amaze with just how easily they lie when it suits them. They don’t bat an eyelid.
Here’s the author:

It’s all beyond ridiculous.
Her, Soaf, or Spingster?
Her next post is to Elon Musk and reads:
‘Yes!😀💯🦾❤️ And remove hate!
12345679 × 1 × 9 = 111111111
12345679 × 2 × 9 = 222222222
12345679 × 3 × 9 = 333333333
12345679 × 4 × 9 = 444444444
Without « Hate » X any number of people X divINE number = beauty!’
AI ? – bollocks. Another complete farce being sold to gullible twitter idiots.
So you are correct Guest : could be any of those in your list.
Does she do the ironing?
I imagine they met when Klaus Schwab introduced them in his secret volcano HQ.
He’ll be gutted when it is handed to Amol.
The beauty of this is that it has Ch4, Graun, Indy and BBC perfectly amalgamated.
Mr S says it is time for a white presenter of a Channel 4 news programme.
I say it’s time a white couple were given a job in a furniture advertisement.
Hello JohnC
ASA won’t allow such things in adverts
John-It’s time for Getty’s images to supply the BBC with
a white face. Even if BIG BROTHER from the Divesity demands
that Getty’s always send the BBC black faces for public
interest features.
If you read the mission statement for Getty (where they use capital B for ‘black’), you will realise that isn’t going to happen any time soon. In any sane world, they would be labelled anti-white racists.
Which is why the BBC fund them.
Particularly in the bedroom department.
Of course it’s no coincidence that all the people who demand extra things for BAME are in reality BAME who want it for themselves.
Precisely as in #oscarssowhite
All, must have prizes.
Even Geri Halliwell has one.
Why do I think “stupid c***” every time I see him?
I….really……enjoyed…….the…..interview……with…..errr…….Marcus…….Rashford…….after ……the ……footie.
Errr,,,,,,,,,,it………is ……such……errr……a…….treat……..listening …….to ……..errr……..him…….speak.
Which makes it all the more amazing that he campaigned so effectively about free school meals during covid and was quoted often and signed long letters to government so wonderfully well and eruditely. He even got an MBE for his work.
Personally I’m sure it was all his own work and not created by the management agency RocNation he joined just a few months before. But others may disagree.
Please refer to St Marcus by his correct name – also can St Marcus get another gong ? Surely a peerage is on the cards …?
The BBC is interviewing someone who knows someone who served him in a shop once … or someone who looked like him …
… his brains are in his feet. Media training would make him appear insincere …
BBC News
A wonder drug for Alzheimer’s . Very confused . As usual the difference between dementia and Alzheimer’s is not explained – nor whether the drug has long term positive or negative effects and who can actually benefit from it .
The science correspondent should hang his head in shame . But I suppose it’s just the dumbed down kidult bbc – should not expect more …
A “university lecturer” who finds the time to stand on gantries and in the roads for days at a time
sack him
“Just Stop Oil protester who sparked fury by bringing M25 to a standstill is jailed for SIX MONTHS
Jan Goodey, 57, was one of those who brought the motorway to a standstill
The Kingston University lecturer was given a six-month jail sentence yesterday”
Why, oh why does every jumped up tech. college have to call itself a “University”, it just degrades the language (sorry “dilutes”).
As for this
“lechturer”lecturer, he deserves everything he gets.Jez been made a Hon. Vile Chancer of Bradford U. yet?
And unlike most criminal records this won’t affect his job which will be waiting for him when he gets out after about two weeks. Probably a promotion into the bargain! Lefties look after their own!
Course Director MA Magazine Journalism
Excellent news – the ambulances are going on strike – this will release pressure in A and Es – less people will be admitted to hospital – meaning they will kill less people .
Taxpayers dying at home or in the street then does not become a concern of the NHS so the staff can concentrate on dancing and shopping .
Could the border force and RNLI go on strike please ?
‘Could the border force and RNLI go on strike please’
What an utterly brilliant idea.
Maybe put Sajid Javid in charge?
He could improve Sue Ellen’s efforts on behalf of the So What? political classes.
My wife has been in the clutches of the NHS in the past few weeks and I have watched with interest some of their practises ( she is out now and recovering well) .
On ambulances I noted that she and another lady were to go from one hospital to another twenty miles away for tests. They were both wakened at 0600 to be ready for transfer at 0630. The ambulance arrived more or less on time but said that they could only take one patient per trip , even though they could easily have two patients and an attendant in the rear of the vehicle , because that was the rule! My wife was eventually transferred at 10:00.
Both ladies were due to be returned to the local hospital at 17:00 but no ambulances were available . Eventually at 0200 the next morning the duty manager of the hospital waived the ‘one patient only rule’ and both ladies were transported together back to base.
In A&E one night an old lady was brought in by ambulance and the two crew members stayed with her chatting away drinking coffee whilst waiting for a triage consultation with a nurse for 90 minutes!
I assume ambulances are high capital cost and ought to be on the road working with their crew. They are said to be very short supply . So why have a rule were two people who were very happy to share , were taken only one at a time using only half the potential of vehicle and crew? Why not have a junior nurse looking after old and vulnerable people allowing the ambulance crew back on the road?
I have gleaned many more examples of what seem to me to be poor management practise in the NHS over the past fortnight. No one seems to realise that a managers job is to get the most out the assets that they have control over. They waste resources , our resources, hand over fist. Socialism writ large where no one seems accountable for anything.
Egg and sperm race
Sorry, Mr AsI just couldn’t resist his own take on a tabloidese headline to match this report from the BBC today: Lack of ethnic diversity among egg and sperm donors – more on tabloidese headlines later
Our BBC seemed somewhat put out by the fact Elon Musk, the new owner of Twitter, wasn’t quite as compliant a lefty as they would like. Meanwhile, the rather prissy Rachel Schraer (BBC Reality Check) observes: Twitter ends Covid misinformation policy under Musk
Well, to be fair, luv, it’s not as though the official expert scientific information given to us has been 100% consistent and reliable, is it?
Previously… (as they often used to announce at the start of a serial TV show followed by the recap sequence. Nowadays, when you’re binge-watching on Netflix, you get the recap, but are offered the option to skip intro – but I digress)
Previously… we were told catagorically that this ‘novel’ virus was absolutely naturally occuring – but just happened to have jumped from bats (or was it pangolins – whatever they are?) over to humans and been spread from that wet market, just down the road from the Dr Fauci-funded Chinese virus lab that just happened to be working on gain of function research.
Five Eyes network contradicts theory Covid-19 leaked from lab… No current evidence to suggest coronavirus leaked from Wuhan research lab, agencies say (Guardian, May 2020)
UK experts helped shut down Covid lab leak theory – weeks after being told it might be true. Sir Patrick Vallance among scientists behind paper that stifled debate into the origins of the virus (Telegraph, 6 days ago)
Fauci dismissed Wuhan lab leak theory as ‘shiny object’ in April 2020 email… Dr. Anthony Fauci pooh-poohed the theory that COVID-19 may have emerged from a Chinese lab shortly after the onset of the pandemic in the US, calling it a “shiny object that will go away,” according to an email made public Tuesday by House Republicans (New York Post, January 2022)
And what about all that interminable testing of the otherwise healthy that we subjected ourselves to and paid for? How reliable was that?
Nowadays (which can be the following week, where certain media narratives are concerned) even the chronically compliant coronaphobic ‘i’ newspaper concedes: Mistakes at Covid-19 testing lab may have led to deaths during pandemic
Come to think of it, I’m sure I saw a clip of Matt Hancock the then Health Secretary expaining to someone like the BBC’s Jo Coburn (good training for our Matt there for his future career crawling through muck and dodging the creepy crawlies) why our government couldn’t bring in a ban on airport foreign arrivals early in the pan-panic – and that, he said, was because testing wasn’t up to snuff. Seems it never was.
Anyway, back to sex. Our female journos are absolutely obsessed with it: My mid-life sex adventures. ‘I didn’t want to know his name or speak again’ (‘i’) – they do say contrary to the popular narrative it is in fact the chaps who are really the romantic ones. Think about it – guys go for looks whereas women consider status to be more important.
Seems the left-leaning ‘i’ would happily pack all of us blokes off to war: Nato fears weapons shortage in Ukraine could stall fight with Putin – yes you read that right – this left-liberal paper is concerned there’s not enough military weaponry being deployed in combat.
It’s like John Lennon never died for us – all he was saying was give peace a chance.
Speaking of long-haired messianic peaceniks – seems we don’t want to follow them anymore these days: UK Christians in minority for first time since the Dark Ages (‘i’)
The Guardian is on it like a car bonnet: Census puts church’s role in the spotlight… It triggered calls for urgent reform of laws requiring Christian teaching and worship in schools… – Dark Ages indeed.
The FT just can’t do headlines
As something of a connoisseur of the art of concise catchy expressions above a news report one reads this one and weeps: Banks set for release from ringfencing rules in drive to free competitive spirit
Back to war and rumours of war: Nato backs up Nordic hopes – says the FT in that inimitable barely comprehensible headline-style of theirs. What they mean to say in long form is that: The western military alliance’s foreign ministers reaffirmed the commitment to the Nordic countries accession (to Nato – which will be a big win for the US State Department and Military-Industrial Complex)
Naturally the FT illustrates the story with a pic of: A Finnish soldier… and of course it’s a gal soldier.
Imagine the TV series Dad’s Army where instead of that amusing collection of comic personas we only ever get to see just the one character from the platoon. I doubt it would have run and run for years.
Calling all pretty girls out there – like having your photo taken? Don’t bother with a modelling career – get yourself into the army. Not only will you have a new outfit (khaki) and brand new boots but you’ll be assured of getting your picture in the press far more often than your mates.
Asiseeit your final paragraph only refers to coloured girls – preferably who prefer girl chaps to chap chaps …
I’m also shocked you have not referred to the big World Cup news – that the USA won ….
Is the championship wales team back in wales yet ? I remember bale at spurs used to have the nickname ‘sicknote”….
Newcastle: Father’s ashes thrown out in flat clearance blunder
Would you really want the likes of the bBC to inform the nation
Scumbags after compensation.
The Save the BBC PR woman is promoting the 9am show
It’s THEIR bbc.
Laz getting more hits than Newsnight?
Or most bbc platforms.
… what are the facts that constitute ‘best selling’?
Freedom of Speech ? that’s if you can negotiate the pronunciation of her name first.
Blackness? Its all a ruse, a façade, “in yer face”, to hide the clandestine developments to take over the country by muslims. Its the ‘look there’s a squirrel’ con.
CNN knows where it likes.
I wonder how most of their audience would get there?
Especially Soaf. And her sugar daddies.
They’ll be there.
Todays so called Greens really are a bunch of complete fantasists alas taking a lot of the hard of thinking political elites with them for the ride on the train to fairy land !
The Green philosophy is a simple one of denying reality, exaggeration and virtue signalling over non actions which move an issue they claim to be a problem somewhere else where it is actually worse, and then claiming to have achieved something because they moved the problem from A to B
Such is the case in Germany where the nutters are trying to force meat producers out of business and then importing the meat from other countries where conditions are worse, but the simple minded easily led German people are going to pay the price for allowing the Greens to follow their dreams and they will be forced against their will to become vegetarians.
Because of restrictions imposed by the Green nutters Germans are going to be facing a critical meat shortage which might well end up with no meat at all in the shops:
It gets worse though because despite the nutters destroying Germanys meat industry they are now proposing to stop the idiotic German people buying imported meat as well by imposing taxes on it.
So not only will meat be difficult to get it will be prohibitively expensive even if you can find it, and all of it needlesly imposed by Socialist malefactors who only know how to destroy and have never managed a single positive constructive act in their entire existance.
I have a weakness ( many ) . I love BBC irony . They are putting on the Reith lectures . Nigerian woman – tick that box .
She speaks about the dangers of ‘self censorship’. And then cites those dire salmon Rushdie books . She says the Iranian put a death sentence on him …but guess what ? She self mention of Muslim terrorism – murder .you can imagine the bbc ‘sensitivity ‘ officer censoring her very speech on …censorship ..
Yet she says that those who censor have an absolute self belief in their version of the world . Cue Mariana . Cue internet censorship . Cue twitter wars .
This lecture is so poor as to be an insult .
Jesus said, “If a man asks you for your shoes give him your cloak also.” Okay, I think we all get the gist of this, but…
Yesterday I had a nostalgic trip to one of my old stomping grounds, Croydon, on the outskirts of south London. It was a gloomy, grey, miserable day, but even if the sun had been shining, I could see that Croydon has gone downhill. Blimey, what a bloody mess.
There are homeless people all over the place. I’d wager there are more beggars in Croydon than there are in Cairo. To follow Jesus’ advice you’d need to buy up both Dolcis and Debenhams.
When I was a lad Croydon was the hotspot for nightclubs in my area. We young lads had some cracking times there. Now the”disco” we used to frequent is derelict, the old sign hanging off the wall and all about is discarded detritus.
The lovely old stores my gran and mum used to visit are boarded up, but they do have a Primark and a Lidl’s and there are lots of phone shops.
I noticed that the men sleeping rough seem to be mainly native Brits, the ones begging clearly aren’t. Are they Romanians? Albanians? I don’t know…
As I sadly took my leave, vowing never to return, a rather distressed young lady approached me. “Can you help me please?” she asked in broken English. I thought, naively, she might be lost and of course I’d try to help, but no, she wanted money. Of course she did…
I’m afraid that I refused to assist her. I’m still not sure I did the right thing. I like to think I’m a Christian, I like to think I’d help any genuine person, but… there are just so many of these foreigners begging. Who do you trust? Who do you help? And more to the point, what the bloody Hell are they doing here?
Anyway, I’m right out of cloaks…
I’m sorry for your visit … but you could have guessed . I find it tricky when approached by beggars . I like to see myself as a weak follower of Christ – and I always wince when the gospel refers to money ( and giving it away ) … maybe when the Big Day comes I’ll just have to plead guilty …
The rapid decline of londonistan – founded on the rapid importation of the third world is the explanation for the plight of Croydon and the rest of the city … its lost …
BTW – I’m reading the gospels as ‘books ‘ and trying to ‘extract ‘ my prejudice . The first 3 are ‘hard reads ‘ having been bought up on them – but the final – John – is …. Different … and advent has crept up on me …
You will find the Bible contains a lot of references to the first person giving to help the poor, what you will not find in the Bible is a single reference to stealing from other people to give to the poor, nor forcing those more fortunate, to do so regardless of whether they wish to or not.
The Devil (the deceiver) tempted Christ by offering to turn stones into bread, Christ being the Son of God resisted this temptation but our current Socialists who claim to be bishops and archbishops are not even Christian and are very easily persuaded by the devils temptations.
So when Satan comes to them with offers to assist the poor, in which they have to actually do very little themselves, nor actually offer up their own riches, they gladly reach for Satans offer without a second thought, and curse the government for failing to steal sufficient money from those they regard as ‘rich’.
Sadly Jeff, us of a certain vintage who can still remember our weekend entertainment haunts, are always saddened to see the once glittery clubs and discos now long gone to be replaced by a car park or an Indian run tat shop.
I’m a Mod babe of the 60’s so Saturday and Sunday evenings were in Margate’s Dreamland, dancing to Georgie Fame, Marmalade, Alan Price etc etc. then it was up to ‘posh’ Cliftonville for a late coffee. I think the ballroom has had a revamp, but dear God, Cliftonville was a no go area of Romanians filling all the frail B & Bs in the area, the last time I went.
I’m still to be convinced that migrants/foreigners – whatever, bring riches to our society. Its more like the tax payer giving ‘riches’ to those who pitch up here. The degredation of this country can be traced back to all the aliens who live here.
They don’t call it “the Cronx” for nothing.
It’s all coming to a town near you as Britain slips between our fingers.
Afia Hersch and Harry miller (bad law project ) got to ask questions of the reith lecture …. she fobbed off mr miller with ‘life is too short ‘.. and got a round of applause ….
.. the reith lady is very ‘approved ‘ and we will be hearing a lot more from her ….
David baddiel – bbc luvvie – then got to say his bit …. Sounding like a proper islingtononian…
Duchess of Sussex: Meghan faced very real threats, says Met chief
Just read this article for a far-Left wokefest.
It’s jam packed full of ambiguous and meaningless statements all designed to lead you to come to a completely unsubstantiated conclusion.
‘When asked if there had been genuine threats to Meghan from the far-right, he added: “Absolutely.
“We had teams investigating it. People have been prosecuted for those threats.”‘
So how many ? And how many convicted ?. And of what ?.
And another:
He said he had previously spoken publicly about the threat of “extreme right-wing terrorism”, saying it was the “fastest growing” threat that he dealt with.
“When I started in counter-terrorism in 2015, it was about 6% of our total workload. When I left 15, 16 months ago, it was over 20% of our workload.”
Wikipedia tells me there were 14 terrorist attacks since 2015.
12 were by Muslims with at least 41 dead and hundreds injured. The remaining 2 included the Jo Cox and Finsbury Park attacks with a grand total of 2 dead and 10 injured. Neither of which would be classed as ‘terror related’ by the test they apply to Islamic terrorists where they must find evidence they were acting on behalf of a larger group. Otherwise they are just ‘lone wolf’ attacks.
What a disgusting and lop-sided interview.
He added: “I speak about race because I know something about race because I’m a 54-year-old mixed-race man.”
Yes. And it seems to me that THAT is the reason you got the job instead of someone who could get the whole terrorist/race issues into perspective.
And who was the home sceretary who appointed him ?.
Theresa May.
All it proves to me is that when you appoint people for reasons other than ability for the job – particularly just because of their race, it all turns to sh1t. This interview tells me he was not fit to be in that position because of his inherent bias. These forced multicultural experiments fail every test.
These people and their extreme double standards really make my blood boil.
I think that tick box plod is looking for a gong / new job . I reckon new year ‘gong ‘ – ticks the colour box …
You may be right : he’s been sidelined into the ‘police college’ staff now.
That’s what happened to all the completely useless managers at BAE SYSTEMS when I worked there. They got moved into the personnel and ‘Quality’ departments where they could not screw up anything else.
He is obviously ambitious and thinks he deserves something better so he’s putting himself out there and is canny enough to know how much the establishment hate the Right.
BBC subbing at its best.
And the name of the Met Chief ? Basu.
I now believe nothing that emanates from the authorities , Covid , Climate Change , Crime stats , immigration stats , health stats .
I am firmly convinced that the elites who run our country are knowingly acting against our best interests.
“Climate Change” charlatans
Cunning, no doubt.
James Murray is a gaslighting Green blobber – I watch what he puts out to his 55,000 followers and cannot recall him ever engaging with challengers – he merely mutes them it seems, while simultaneously repeating a carnival of untruths and lobbing insults.
A billion hamsters are ready to run on their wheels, linked to the national grid, the moment the wind stops blowing or the sun stops shining. Take that, deniers!
OFCOM Wibble:
BBC must do more to serve audiences on lower incomes
The BBC needs to do more to reach and resonate with viewers and listeners on lower incomes, Ofcom has found in its annual report on the BBC’s performance.
*How do you find something in your own report?*
Our report finds that people in lower socio-economic groups – who account for almost a quarter of the UK population – are less engaged and less satisfied with the BBC.
*Shocked, one advises… shocked*
To understand why, Ofcom will launch an in-depth review into how the BBC connects with audiences on lower incomes.
*Sending Vile out on his bike?*
We also want the BBC to set out, clearly and publicly, its overall strategy for improving perceptions among disenfranchised audiences – including how it is drawing and acting on viewer and listener research.
*Boat long sailed*
Holding the BBC to account
*The BBC is a vast power that claims to hold power to account, and is overseen by its ex employees*
The BBC faces a challenging market and economic climate. The BBC is seeking to address these challenges in a strategy to become a ‘Digital First’ organisation.
*Bang goes another £100,000,000*
As it undergoes this transition, Ofcom expects the BBC to continue to deliver for all audiences, and will hold it to account in areas where it needs to do more.
*How’s that worked out so far?*
These include: protecting local audiences as it seeks to make changes to its news and current affairs; improving its complaints handling; and being more transparent about changes it intends to make to its licence-fee funded public services.
*So, more mistrust, more complaints crushing and even more opacity.*
Woo. P. Doo.
Uncle Klaus married to Aunty Beeb
Justin Castro must be ovulating at these scenes.
Where do all these redundant volunteers end up?
There was a by election yesterday in Oldham? I never heard anything about this !
Council seat by the looks. On 17 November? 1604 votes cast – I wonder who they were.
Why labour held Oldham.
1. Tories are useless, can’t and don’t want to prevent an invasion of these islands. PS: I have been informed that almost another 1,000 invaders arrived yesterday! The useless Tories and Labour will let them stay, and Labour will make sure they get a vote (voting labour) 3-4 years from now.
2. Oldham probably has a large ‘asian’ populace who are more than sympathetic to labour.
3. Tories are economically inept.
4. Tories have been in power for 12 years and do not appear to have coherent policies (e.g energy strategy, one for short-term, medium term and long term).
5. Tories are not a party of law and order.
In summary the Tories are ineffective because either they are spineless, useless or don’t care enough. I personally think all 3 of these. I also hope that they are completely wiped out across the country even though it means labour get in. Labour will be as bad or worse but will find themselves unable to stop the slide of the UK. We might then, only then, see the rise of a right-wing party who looks like a conservative party. Hard times ahead.
I really don’t see the end game here.
Tory, Labour, BBC… any of them.
All are rich, most have families, and like to do nice things.
MAD as concept worked because even the most barking Kremlin type gasped the ‘assured… mutually’ bit.
Seems none of the above do.
Even if you live in a gated compound the kids have to go to school, the teens want to hit the clubs, the MPs want to enjoy a cheeky £75 red in the bars and all of the above want to join Soaf at the next Bali jolly.
If the entire planet is reduced outside certain pockets of safety to a feral scorched earth wilderness of roving gangs holding territory around the local Premier Inn, how does that make for a pleasant or indeed secure existence?
These fellows can scale a wall, as evidenced in recent US riots.
And I very much doubt a tranny Dept. of Boom Secretary screaming they voted for more bi-teachers will cut much ice as the horde bears them to the top of W1A.
Does NOTA now stand for Nihilism Obviously The Aim?
I wonder how many were postal votes ….
Wow blue Labour come second ? ….how ?
Reasonable to assume the US MSM (and most of the Anglophone MSM) is running with what Fauci says away from / outside sworn testimony ?
The eu is a big family of Nations with no borders so when we pick up boatloads of channel crossers we should be able to return them to anywhere in the eu, it being, in essence, one big place.
They may all be heading out from France after being dropped off at their departure point by the French shuttle bus but we could drop them back in the Netherlands or Germany seeing as they are all in it.
Of course, I know we will not do this but if we ever get a government which actually listens (and acts) for the UK people this should be a legal option.
One has to wonder if (when imho) power cuts happen that they will be reported even…
Apols as this will duplicate the above, but… Justin?
How can they be reported? There will be no power.
I was just imagining what a pleasant, less stressfull, less divisive and honest place this Country would be to live in if the BBC and The Guardian both went bust.
It would be a joy waking up each day!
link request…Mail on Sunday 27/11
18 Months?
That’s ECU territory.
That the BBC exists still with this level of hypocrisy when it comes to holding power to account explains a lot but excuses nothing.
“Last night the BBC apologised for wrongly claiming the documents did not exist.”
“The Corporation initially told Mr Webb that it had documents but that it did not have to release them.”
Some excellent race baiting shit stirring going on, someone called Ngozi refuses to acknowledge the natural curiosity about her heritage:
“Black charity founder accuses Buckingham Palace staff member of quizzing her about ‘what part of Africa she is from’ at Camilla’s domestic abuse event – as row threatens to overshadow William and Kate’s landmark US tour today”
Maybe she should have been asked which part of Africa did the animal whose fur is portrayed on her dress come from.
“claimed she was ‘violated’ and ‘insulted’ by a royal aide ‘What part of Africa are you from?’.”
With an African name what a surprise.
“what part of country “xxx” are you from” has triggered the woke for decades – but *only* when there’s a skin colour thing going on.
Seen it literally dozens of times – a useful indicator that the offended have a partial vacuum between their ears which is plumbed in to Guardian-BBC rightspeak balloon.
This is what she was wearing at Buck House (in the middle). The Mail claims the aide has resigned.
Classic British tailoring on display and if you don’t agree, you’re out of a job. Them’s the rules now.
Perhaps a safer comment would be “and what part of the country do you come from ?” – that could mean anywhere.
It looks like its one of Qeen Elizabeth’s old ladies in waiting – Lady Susan Hussey. All grist to the mill for Ms Markle.
So sistah turns up at Buck House looking like she just came from Wakanda. I think it was perfectly reasonable to ask where she was from. She sure doesn’t look like she is celebrating her British heritage to me.
She must be really proud of her British heritage the way she’s dressed.
What tribal costume is that ?
It goes to show where her allegiance lies .
BBC has scalp. Requires more.
A much better question to ask would have been: Is Londonistan a Sh1thole?
Did the teeth in the necklace come from the same animal that provided its skin for the dress?
Came across this today, confirms what many on here already suspected about the BBC.
They are scum who only tell us half the story. Isn’t it amazing all the news now reporting how in China they are freedom fighters standing up against the terrible lockdowns. But when hundreds of thousands were protesting the same thing in this country the BBC reported us as anti vaxers and terrorists. I hate them with a passion and they should be defunded
Of course all such have to be viewed with a cranked eyebrow too.
That said, the sheer number of these ‘state’/MSM ‘misinformation’ tie-ups is beyond a` joke, especially given the sheer volume of proven examples of their own misinformation, inaccuracy, suppression and lack of transparency themselves.
Who are they, and their masters, trying to kid?
Twitter is a swirling morass of claim and counter at the best of times, but those I see trying to discredit Musk trying to sort it out it telling.
Especially when they get called out and the bots and banshees pile in.
He is no angel. And I do recall the stunts he pulled before, not fondly.
But as with politics here, I look at the tangibles of what he is doing now, vs. these flying monkeys out in swarms…
Imagine Bryant and Emma Kennedy and the entire BBC complement ruling the world via Mastadon.
Scary times.
Storytellers do not give us the real world
#1 It’s not the political agenda they want
#2 They rush to easy tricks to make the story EXCITING
Just now on JHB’s TalkTV show the guest said
‘the official price rises are underestimated it’s different to people’s lived experience like the price of PASTA shooting up’
(Jasmine Birtles of Money Magpie )
I went to point out that Aldi/Tesco pasta is 23p per 500g
but today’s check shows it’s now gone up to 28p
Is it right to go around shouting that pasta has gone up 20% ?
FFS it’s 5p per half kilo
It’s not the 5p that worries people
It’s the £50-100 extra per month through accommodation costs etc.
I notice Tesco Bitter is still £1.13 for 4 cans
There seems to be a dearth of chicken, bacon, potatoes, lettuce
so I am able to find them at way below the normal price.
Someone on Twitter pointed out that the radio item was two posh women talking about poverty
and that they then cooed over Jack Monroe as an example of a poverty guru.
Yet fact checker has found that Jack Monroe’s narrative about her being a poor WORKING class person seems to be storytelling rather than truth
cos it is at odds with her older blogs and tweets
Full analysis
America is swirling round the plughole of history, and we are close behind. Caligula would love it here now.
Speaking as a bigot – does the bloke on the left know he is wearing a frock ? Joke ….
Phobe! You are hereby cancelled. They are both beautiful wimmin, with the penises to prove it.
May not be able to answer the question about the bloke on the left due to not being able to work out left from right – because Wimmin.
Xmas Snowgeddon?
Rick Edwards on World Cup R5 yesterday —
Reporting on the scene from a fan park outside Doha where you can drink and watch the football, says it’s like a little slice of home, then feels he has to add “not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing…”
The W1A shame-conditioning is so deep that — no matter how innocuous an observation — it must be followed up with the insinuation that the home nation is potentially ‘problematic’. It doesn’t need qualifying, just an auto-response that all BBC reporter-bots are required to carry out.
Meanwhile other home nations populating our cities can’t be problematic, because they never seem to generate these type of open-ended queries.
Has this been posted yet? Sajid Javid getting quite a kicking on Twitter for his response to the census results:
Javid’s reply doesn’t surprise me in the least. With so many half British half BAME people in prominent positions, the last thing they are going to do is come down on the side of the country that took in their parents from 3rd world countries !!!! Like the Albanians running riot in London, its a V sign to us who are of pure British heritage, and by that I mean those of us that can trace our ancestry way beyond 1900. Not those who came here by dint of entitled passport in the mid-century.
Nothing to see here – move along. Bankman Fried is getting the Ovaltine and biscuits treatment from the MSM – why might that be?
The bBC is upset
Buckingham Palace aide resigns over remarks to black charity boss
Surely some actual news to report?
Coffee prices jump as food inflation hits new high
I’m so glad the British Retail Consortium told the bBC, that their members are increasing prices and ripping off the consumer even more.
Thanks for the price increase promotion.
bBC why dont you just ask them to increase the price, 20% sounds a nice figure!
And still blaming the situation in Ukraine. Its more likely you aren’t being honest, and the exchequer is reaping the rewards, VAT etc
11:20am Radio Humberside phone in
Presenter basically gave caller Jim the shunning treatment
cos he mentioned “There would be enough jobs and enough housing, but now we’ve got too many people , just look at em coming in over the channel”
As if the producer was shouting “get the UKIP caller off the air”
There was non of the usual friendlyness from the presenter
just “sigh, Right if you have a point on this just call in.
Then later he read out a tweet from a listener who accused him of being terse with Jim
Audio available after 2:10pm
Why Nigel Farage is wrong about London being ‘minority white’
Because the bBC said?
Who are you going to believe, the BBC or your lying eyes?
Andy- I would like the BBC to a reality check on
what percentage of their Getty’s imaging for the internet on
public interest on features such as mortgage payments,
utilities, cost of living etc use black models. I say
around 75-80% . But a friend says is nearer 90%.
Yes BBC do a reality check on this !!
BBC use a sleight of hand to ‘fact check’ Farage; because ONS include 4 additional categories of white (Irish, Gypsy or Irish Traveller, Roma, Other).
In London, this adds another 17%. That seems like a lot to me — but it allows the BBC to say London is still a white majority city.
It’s a typically ambiguous use of stats by our trusted ‘experts’.
I was watching University Challange earlier.
This week the captain of one team was an Irish tranny, and of the other a camp gay doing a degree in queer teenage literature. This doesn’t happen by accident does it?
No comrade, it doesn’t happen by accident. It takes decades of planning.
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