Arrested – A 28-year-old man has been charged with a public order offence after an egg was allegedly thrown at the King during a walkabout in Luton.
Forgiven – UK’s Prince Charles received $3.2m from former Qatar PM: Report. The Sunday Times reports there was no suggestion that payments for the prince’s charity over a four-year period were illegal.26 Jun 2022
Because it’s quite long, I’m posting this in 2 parts: what the BBC IS reporting from America today, and what the BBC is NOT reporting. Apologies for the length.
What the biased BBC is reporting from America.
– A black senator wins in Georgia, giving the Democrats control of the Senate. THREE separate stories, including “My mom picked cotton”. (Hurrah, black, Democrat, slavery: a triple win in BBC-Land).
– Trump Organization found guilty of tax crimes. (Hardly surprising: with the entire deep state apparatus, and particularly the Judiciary, biased and weaponised, they were bound to find something sooner or later. Troll through the accounts of any large corporation and, if you’re looking for it, you’ll find some irregularities.)
– Harry and Meghan win (bogus) human rights award for their (bogus) fight against (bogus) racism.
– US Capitol riot committee to make criminal referrals. (The Dems are dragging out this fake investigation as long as possible to do maximum damage to the GOP and in particular Orange Man. BBC happy to oblige and keep reporting it.)
– The Colorado shooting in a gay club. (The liberal media love this story, of course, and have tried to link it to the popular movement of parents to stop the LGBT/Trans indoctrination of their children in schools. Parents whom the rotten Biden administration and his weaponised Justice Department labelled as domestic terrorists).
– ‘How I escaped my father’s militia’. (All about one of those terrifying right-wing militias that do press-ups in the woods and that was involved with – shock horror – the January 6th ‘riot’. Incidentally, evidence is mounting that the demonstration was known about beforehand, that the Democrats REDUCED police presence deliberately and encouraged the march into the Capitol.)
– Handshake snub for top Republicans at award ceremony. (BBC loves that story, natch.)
The bias is in the choice of stories, the prominence they’re given, and the spin.
What do MPs do?
The UK public elects Members of Parliament (MPs) to represent their interests and concerns in the House of Commons. MPs consider and can propose new laws as well as raising issues that matter to you in the House. This includes asking government ministers questions about current issues including those which affect local constituents.
What do MPs do? – stay in the jungle for £400K
What do MPs do? – build nightingale hospitals that don’t get used.
For the life of me I don’t know why the BBC have so
many presenters, commentators , pundits and jobsmiths
out in Qatar. It must be costing us license fee payers millions.
They aren’t showing live that many matches. BUT they have
plethora of hangers on who dont do sweet f**k all.
I suppose the reason is “quotas.”
For every “job” for a white presenter there has to be at least
one ethnic one. And all through the line this seems to be
their position. Of course there has to be a fair proportion
of women . Some do know at least something about men’s
football. But others are just there for the sake of diversity,
positive discrimination, inclusiveness . Call it what you like.
I reckon millions could of been saved if at least half of
what we see and hear . Came from a studio in the UK.
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
The BBC are complicit in the public service strike mania. Their constant unsubstantiated attacks on the tories with the sole aim of replacing them with the Labour party has helped fuel the lefty public employees to take totally unacceptable action.
The unions are in this to out the Tories, pay is secondary to them right now. They want prolonged strikes with much public suffering which they think will be reflected at the nasty Tories and not at them.
A clue to this is that they are not even discussing it with members in many cases, simply the red union bosses dictating that a strike it will be.
Now we are beginning to see sick people dying for want of swift or any action. This must have been considered by the union bosses calling the strikes but obviously the decision was that they would be “fallout” and therefore an acceptable price to pay for their political ambitions.
I hope these people can sleep with a clear conscience as they see the death toll rise.
The truth is that these fatalities were someones mother or father or child or brother or sister.
I can only see this despicable union behaviour as motivated by power and greed.
What is needed now is a full inquest into every death caused by the action with responsibility planted with all those implicated including the Union bigwigs.
But that’s in a fair, caring just World not the schism ridden one we are currently evolving into as a nation.
One for Justin now Matt is no longer impartially propagandising.
635 comments, and counting, all asking the same question, why isn't the UK not using its own shale gas? It would be both environmentally and financially better…
BBC Editorial Guidelines on anything bear inspection. There are fair questions raised here.
Illegal immigrants from the Middle East blocking roads in Paris are DEMANDING new homes because of the cold they aren't used to.
Curiously, their placards are all in English so no guesses as to what their eventual destination will be the minute sea conditions improve!!!
— UK Justice Forum 🇬🇧 Latest Video News Updates! (@Justice_forum) December 7, 2022
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {youtube – Jordan Peterson}
Migrant …. “a person who moves from one place to another in order to find work or better living conditions.”
Dreamer … a migrant with better dreams than anyone else.
Irregular … a migrant that is different to those who live in the place they are heading.
Undocumented .. a migrant who destroyed their documents for some reason.
Iranian Migrant .. a migrant leaving the wonderful world of Tolerant Islam to live in the Intolerant Western World.
‘groomed’ …. There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent r*pes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone. Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators. {Jay report}
Racist…. a word to hide 1400(estimate) child rapes over 16 years in 1 Town.
Islamophobe …. a word to stop you getting angry when 22 are murdered at a concert and your Prime Minister calls these people LOST.
Hate Crime .. words to stop you hating the government and leaders.
Brexit …. a word to describe racists and Islamophobe and people who like to hate things that are stupid.
“US doubling its UK gas exports in deal to end dependence on Russia”
FakeNews as the UK has zero dependence on Russian gas
Proper headline
“US doubling its UK gas exports in deal to end EUROPE’S dependence on Russia,
by funneling fracked gas into LNG tankers, into UK LNG ports and then into Europe’s gas grid
, cos Europe has limited LNG ports”
What’s curious here is that Lineker feels the need to comment at all.
Why say or tweet anything? What does it achieve? His expertise is in football, not international politics, so he could tweet about the World Cup but his second-hand opinions on coverage of the Ukraine war are of little interest.
Does he suffer from a kind of Tourette’s Syndrome, like former team mate Paul Gascoigne, which compels him to make comments? Or is he simply currying favour with those who have the power to keep him on £1.36 million per annum funded by the TV poll tax? And this is before we get to the issue of the BBC’s and their staff’s supposed impartiality!
Will the BBC comment on this Time cover from 2020 or has the Springster overlooked it?
Just in case you think the Great Reset was a "conspiracy theory", please go tell that to Time Magazine which published several articles on it for their November 2/November 9 2020 magazine.
— Winnipeg South Centre PPC EDA (@SouthCentrePPC) August 28, 2022
Classic legal formalism: he avoids the perjury trap, like HRC, by saying he doesn’t recall. Yet if his memory really is that poor, then he should never have had the powers he did during the US response to SARS-Cov-19. He can’t have it both ways!
Can you imagine if he hadn’t switched camps after DJT exited ?
In essence that means you cannot believe a word he says – and that “amnesia” should’ve been danced on and given a kicking for the ages. Each bit of selective forgetfulness pursued with multiple questions from different angles – he absolutely deserves no quarter.
The swine deserves to spend most of his retirement in prison.
Kary Mullis’s low opinion of Fauci is the gold standard assessing the git’s antics.
Remember “follow the science”? They were cutting so many corners no wonder he’s decided not to recall.
“We got creative — we couldn’t wait for data, we had to do so much ‘at risk’. We flew the aeroplane while we were still building it. All the bureaucracy fell away…”
Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse…they have.
Railmen, postal workers, doctors, ambulance staff, firemen and now the real horror story…Border Force are going on strike!
For the love of God, how are we going to cope without these hard-working men, women…and those that identify as non-binary… stopping all those hordes of illegal aliens from entering these shores.
BBC news show the Harry/Meghan trailer which includes the now-known fake inserts from scenes which have nothing to do with them but we’re taken from coverage of other people and situations.
Needless to say, the seditious BBC made no comment at all.
It appears the BBC and their fellow eco-warrior travellers would rather have us import coking coal for steel production from…..errr…. Russia, than mine it ourselves in Cumbria.
They could always go to Russia and campaign against coal mining. Let’s see how successful they are with that one.
They could even take St Greta with them. Hahaha.
In the absence of footy – I watched the first half of the 6 pm bbc news . I haven’t seen it for a very long time . Maybe I’m just getting old but it seems even more dumbed down and biased than when last seen .
A ‘cold snap ‘ in the winter ….. which doesn’t start until 21 December – full welfare state stuff –
Then the PM being interviewed about the NHS. Not his job . It’s the CEO of the NHS … and being required to apologise for something or other.
What is it about the BBC – they seem to think an ‘apology ‘ is valuable currency – when coming from a politician it has no value …. What do they care ?
The off switch came then they advertised the ex royal documentary .___ with the Queen not long in the grave …
Fedup putting my psychologist’s hat on here, I think the currency of apology is a consequence of the need to put shame at the centre of life.
Every time I spend 5 minutes looking at the Guardian I’m left with the overriding knowledge that what they want most is for me to come away with guilt and self-reproach, more than information. Now governments openly prescribe nudge tactics to push new social norms, the resistance to thought reform won’t come from critical thinking or reasoned debate, but by not taking part in shame as far as possible.
(Meanwhile the western Judeo-Christian societies, who are more susceptible to these tactics, are busy importing large numbers from cultures who haven’t been so conditioned.)
Terminal – yes I suppose the ‘apology ‘ is linked to the ‘lessons will be learned ‘ and the cousin ‘do whatever it takes ‘….- this country is certainly a socialist one – dependency of The State – Welfare is so deep – it used to be called’ a safety net ‘ now it is a horrible snare to tie its’ victims down ..
The cold snap is now
9am this morning our road was still frozen so when of the bike I tried to turn the corner the bike just fell over throwing me to the ground.
So the greedy socialst f@ckers on gold plated pensions insist on a wage rise every year regardless of performance of them or their employers fueling inflation which will hit the poorest hardest
It gets worse – civil servants – they go out of their way to steal women’s pensions and use procedural trickery and blatant abuse of process to evade coughing up when purportedly brought to book by The Ombudsman.
What’s the point of an Ombudsman if public bodies can stick two fingers up and then thumb their noses at accountability?
Wimmin have been demanding equality, so it was only right to equalise their pension ages with men. After all last time I looked the wimmin lived on average 7 years longer.
Earlier I posted what the BBC was reporting from America today; the woke, tendentious news it approves of and deems the hoi polloi should hear.
What the BBC is NOT reporting, is the biggest story of our time, namely Elon Musk bringing back free speech to social media. Nor is it reporting the damning revelations of the Democrats’ criminal intervention with Big Tech to influence the last election, in particular the censorship of Hunter’s laptop revelations of Biden’s criminal financial dealings, many with regimes of huge security importance to the West such as China, Russia, and Ukraine. Nor, perhaps most shameful of all, the vitriolic attacks by the msm against Musk, and now journalist Matt Taibbi for simply doing his job as a journalist.
In case anyone hasn’t been paying attention to the REAL news for the past few years, as opposed to the Matrix-style gaslighting by the BBC: there is a culture war raging in the West. In America, the Dems, the Deep State including most government agencies, Big Business, Academia, the msm, Big Tech and assorted globalists have formed a cosy monopoly of thought, with a stranglehold on the entire political and social discourse.
Heroically, Musk is exposing the scandal and opening up at least Twitter to genuine free speech and open debate.
Naturally, the enemies of free speech, i.e. all the institutions mentioned above, are incandescent with rage and squealing like pigs while doing all they can to thwart him, including demanding the government shut him down in some way, and pressuring business not to advertise on Twitter.
It’s no exaggeration to say that Musk’s life is at risk, given the enormity of the sinister forces opposed to him.
This is a historical turning point in the life and death struggle for democracy and free speech in the West… and the BBC is absolutely silent about it.
A crowded field, but this weasel and the media he selectively decries are about as tedious as it gets.
Labour MP Chris Bryant said news coverage of Harry and Meghan “knowingly monetises hatred” of the couple.
In a speech on Tuesday night Bryant said the incentives of social media had made this “a profoundly dangerous moment for British journalism”
Another back-to-nature idea would be to put them in a pen in an area where George Monbiot had reintroduced wolves. That would help to reduce population and save on CO2 emissions.
Former cabinet minister @NorwichChloe, who held the role of Secretary of State for Work and Pensions for 45 days, tells @emmabarnett that she is concerned about the impact Liz Truss had on people as Prime Minister.
They are censoring replies, so someone uses Quote Tweet
“Hiding all the comments in a childish attempt to avoid criticism.
@Care4Calais this whole tweet is a lie and you know it,
twitterverse knows it, the world knows it.”
Killing of Emily Jones
On 22 March 2020, 7-year-old Emily Grace Jones was stabbed at Queen’s Park in Bolton, Greater Manchester, England, while riding her scooter and died shortly afterwards. Eltiona Skana, a 30-year-old Albanian woman unknown to the Jones family, was arrested on the scene and later charged with murder. Wikipedia
Start date: 22 March 2020
NOT on the BBC: It emerges that Anthony Fauci’s daughter worked for Twitter during the pandemic. I don’t supposed she tweaked the algorithms to silence vaccine skepticism by any chance?
P.s. Fauci also was in contact with Facebook’s Zuckerberg, despite earlier denials.
vlad – she could and I feel it’s a slam dunk that she did interfere.
The Twitter files aren’t being reported big time – there’s so much poison there that those few reporting on it are overwhelmed and outside of Twitter itself few are covering it. It wasn’t just vaccines – the origins of the virus have been heavily suppressed by Twitter under the prior regime.
Since communications on Twitter itself were a key part of dissemination of findings – I followed several people who were pivotal in work on Chen and Ridley’s “Viral” book. Twitter wasn’t updating my follows and all sorts of chicanery were deployed to limit the reach and perception of the content.
Thursday sees the Netflix documentary on the ex prince and American actress ( I won’t be seeing this ) but I bet the BBC goes wall to wall on it – and the allegations . There will be no criticism of the victim couple – no question over the ex prince ‘mental health – no question whether the American actress may be so vile that response to her isn’t racial – it’s that maybe she is not a nice person
Me thinks it is an ‘off switch day ‘ ……
Sky’s Portrait of the year competition
The WokeSupremacist judges decided that the winner had to be a portrait of Lenny Henry
even though it’s crap
Feel quite sorry for Lenny Henry having that awful portrait of him from #PAOTY It was so obvious that she was the worst of the 3, her painting was bloody awful compared to the other 2 women yet once again the judges went for their bias instead of what was in front of them.
The most embarrassing thing about this show, is how all the presenters, judges, etc pretend this was a great portrait when everyone knows it's absolutely shite and has zero resemblance to Lenny Henry. Embarrassing to be putting this in the National Gallery #PAOTY
Story quickly switches to keeping babies warm and even bedroom advice-
“The UKHSA reiterated its long-standing advice for people who cannot heat every room – saying they should warm the living room during the day and bedrooms just before going to sleep, ideally to at least 18C.”
I feel so stupid now, I was turning the bedroom heater on as I left the house for the day.
BBC seems to be part of some campaign to portray that there’s billions of job vacancies in the UK ( and you know what the solution is..)
So might as well lay that narrative on here too-
“But many local councils in England and Wales – who have collectively stockpiled 1.4 million tonnes of salt for this winter – said they were struggling to attract and retain gritter drivers.”
Message to Al Beeb, Boris Johnson, all Tory MPs and supporters on this site , who voted for ‘Net Zero’ and the mass invasion of Great Britain ?
They’ve got it all wrong, it should have been Net Zero Immigration.
Over to you Tory MPs & supporters.
Your end is nigh.
Vote for The Reform Party who are already talking about defecting . .
Having not seen any BBC output for a considerable time, ( why I don’t post much anymore)
I happened flick on the 10 o’clock news to catch a report on the “right wing” terrorist attack in Germany.
Being mildly curious as to BBC ‘ take on the Aforementioned report I refrained from hitting the change channel button, and let it run.
I nearly fell out of the sofa and choked on my malt whisky
Somehow the “chief disinformation editor” Marianna Spring, managed to equate the disinformation spread by the terrorist’s, with the disinformation spread about the covid epidemic.
How does that work ???
Do the British public really pay this silly young girl to broadcast this bullshit?
Absolutely unbelievable…..
Is this a practical example of intersectionality? That is, every trendy issue (climate, race, LGBTQI+, immigration, etc) has to be linked to every other trendy issue, so that the drum-beat of propaganda never abates.
A recent example was Hanoi Jane causally linking sexism to climate change. Yes, really.
The last few times I have seen headlines about murder in our country which is particularly brutual and savage, the people who did them have always been imports.
These two worked in an abbatoir and practised their same work methods of disembowelling pigs (‘making incisions in the bellies of pigs’ if you want the ‘not so bad’ BBC version) on their victims.
Their names ?
Ionut-Valentin Boboc
Jacob-Bebe Chers
These stories are why people like that police chief who insists immigrants tend to be the victims of crime make my blood boil. The crimes they receive and the crimes they commit simply cannot be compared.
As I always say, it’s not the people specifically I object to. It’s the culture they bring with them. Import 3rd world, get 3rd world.
“While we may never know why these defendants chose to murder two innocent men, it remains abundantly clear they both have a dangerous propensity for violence and cruelty, and our communities are a safer place with them behind bars.”
Not much safer. Two down, hundreds of thousands to go.
An Andrew Ash article (of 7/12/22) on Gatestone’s site criticizes the awful BBC over its coverage of Shamima Begum:
“… … …
Although forgiveness is not high on the BBC’s to-do list when it comes to trashing figures whose politics they oppose, female jihadis are apparently another matter altogether. Essentially, people at the BBC and other outlets would like the British public to join them in rebranding her as a victim as opposed to her actual role as an oppressor.
… … …
All these people in ivory towers or at the BBC have one thing in common: they appear to have little idea of what Islam actually is.
“Prince William’s godmother Lady Susan Hussey was forced to resign from Buckingham Palace role after asking black charity founder what part of Africa she is from. Is free speech dead?
I was born and brought up in Nigeria
I am not entitled to a Nigerian passport, because, and I’m using a far less dishonest mental calculus than Ms. Fulani, I am white. That is what the Nigerian law says.
Research the requirements for a Nigerian Passport if you wish. Ius soli vs. Ius Sanguinis, but not in the case of black skinned Nigerians born abroad – they’re allowed dual nationality. As a white man, I am not. Stop and think about that. Reverse the roles. Don’t fudge and come back with “what about” or “yes but”. Think about that when you talk about institutionalised racism.
I experienced racism in Independent Nigeria because I am white. This includes being stopped by a traffic policeman on a motorcycle and fined for speeding. Whilst in a traffic jam. All the cars with white people in were pulled over by the same policeman and and “fined”. This was a far from unique occurrence.
When walking through remoter villages, children would follow me pointing and shrieking out loud at the colour of my skin, and daring one another to run up and touch the “baturé” – white -man – and even to touch his hair.
I could have put this down to appalling racism and have no doubt that with a role reversal then Ms. Fulani would be so traumatised that heaven would have had to fall before she would be mollified. I suspect she would still be nursing a grievance, and to carefully tend it to the grave.
I have experienced racism from Afrikaner whites when I lived in South Africa because I am English. This was a far from unique occurrence. I have had to leave places.
I have experienced racism and the threat of violence from young Kenyan blacks in a bar in Namibia, because I am white English. I had to leave.
I had stones thrown at my car in Lesotho because the youths saw a white man driving.
I have had to pay a bribe to buy a train ticket in Zambia because I am a white man.
I could continue.
Edited to add:
The question doesn’t make sense. I am answering to what I suppose the question to have been. I know racism when I see it, and I’m pretty sure I know when someone is synthetically outraged. Some people go around actively looking for offence, and will cry foul at the slightest imagined smear.
I have had my hair and skin touched by black people, I have been treated differently by policemen because of my skin colour. I have been in danger because of my skin colour.”
Reading the completely vague accusations and liberal sprinkling of words like terrorists, Russia, far-right and AfD, it sounds more like ‘The night of the long knives’ to me. Or Jan 06 prosecutions part 2. They get ‘far-right in there 4 times and ‘extreme-right’ in once.
But I almost spat out my coffee when I read the next part:
A modern-day conspiracy coup?
By Marianna Spring
Disnformation and social media reporter
WTF does this clueless idiot know about any of this ?. What a joke you are BBC.
Whats the odds that this story just disappears having served it’s propaganda purposes ?.
Is this is @UKLabour MP who has been suspended for 3 months & the reason kept secret from us? Fiver says this card's been done on expenses. And we're paying for it.
It is a symbol of the U.K. Political Establishment’s decadent mismanagement & delusion this century that the opening of a smallish coal mine is a matter for Govt. Have politicians & journalists no access to world news?
Coking coal is necessary for making steel, which in turn is necessary for a modern economy. And thermal coal is increasingly being used in Europe as renewables are intermittent. Yet Peston thinks this obvious & wise decision is “extraordinary”. 🙄🤦♂️
Pollution of the Ganges, the largest river in India, poses significant threats to human health and the larger environment.[1] The river, which is severely polluted with human waste and industrial contaminants, provides water to about 40% of India’s population across 11 states,[2] serving an estimated population of 500 million people, which is more than any other river in the world.[3][4]
“Staff at Oxfordshire hotel are made redundant before Christmas as bosses agree private Government contract to take in asylum seekers and cancels all reservations and weddings
Whately Hall Hotel in Banbury, Oxfordshire, dismissed 20 of its employees
Staff said they were sacked on November 25 without pay, despite reassurances
It came as the hotel accepted a Home Office contract to house refugee orphans”
‘This is actually coming out of the United Nations and a lot of so called reports on the issue.’
Editor of the Spectator Australia, Alex Marshall reacts to American actress Jane Fonda saying ‘If there was no racism, there would be no climate crisis.’
Saudi Arabia: Treatment of racial minorities, particularly black African Saudi nationals, by society and authorities (2012-2013)
Several sources indicate that there is racial discrimination in Saudi Arabia (The Guardian 28 Sept. 2012; US 19 Apr. 2013, 34; The New York Times 10 Apr. 2009). According to Freedom House, there is “substantial prejudice” against ethnic and national minorities (2013). In a telephone interview with the Research Directorate, a professor of political science at the University of Vermont (UVM), who conducts research on and has written books about international relations in the Persian Gulf region, noted that Saudi Arabia is a “race-conscious society” where “colour is a factor in social standing” (13 Jan. 2014).
According to the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)’s World Factbook, “Afro-Asians” constitute 10 percent of the population of Saudi Arabia, while the remaining 90 percent are Arab (4 Dec. 2013).
Sometimes I listen just to bear witness . Today it is politicians like selwyn gummer ( unelected former Tory now loopy lord £) and Timmy Farron going on about the terrible idea of opening a coal mine .
These characters are infected with a green virus which demands we are returned to some pre industrial age . They are well off . They know best .
Our Justin interviews Farron – too much coffee ? Farron goes on about tidal range and green energy , tidal range is not coking coal for export ( money – jobs ) or for making steel .
These characters are frightening in their beliefs ,. They think a little country can make a difference to their version of ‘climate change ‘. Delusion .
Amid skyrocketing prices of gas, oil and electricity, Germans are increasingly turning to wood to heat their homes, causing prices to nearly double compared to last year.
For weeks, gas has stopped flowing through Nord Stream 1, Germany’s nuclear power plants are set to shut down, and the government is bailing out energy companies left and right.
Despite warnings of potential blackout scenarios, consumers continue their rush to buy electric space heaters. The Germans are anxious.
I’d like to propose readers watch ‘My Unorthodox Life’ on Netflix.
I haven’t watched it and don’t know anything about it. I have picked it at random.
But in the interests of balance I thought you should watch it.
Because in contrast the BBC are still endlessly plugging the Meghan Harry drivel as if Netflix is one of their channels. They regard as ‘news’ that the MeghanHarry rubbish is ABOUT TO BE launched shortly. That, to the BBC, is news.
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Vaccine surveillance discussion at Robert Malone’s substack place (podcast format)
Arrested – A 28-year-old man has been charged with a public order offence after an egg was allegedly thrown at the King during a walkabout in Luton.
Forgiven – UK’s Prince Charles received $3.2m from former Qatar PM: Report. The Sunday Times reports there was no suggestion that payments for the prince’s charity over a four-year period were illegal.26 Jun 2022
Because it’s quite long, I’m posting this in 2 parts: what the BBC IS reporting from America today, and what the BBC is NOT reporting. Apologies for the length.
What the biased BBC is reporting from America.
– A black senator wins in Georgia, giving the Democrats control of the Senate. THREE separate stories, including “My mom picked cotton”. (Hurrah, black, Democrat, slavery: a triple win in BBC-Land).
– Trump Organization found guilty of tax crimes. (Hardly surprising: with the entire deep state apparatus, and particularly the Judiciary, biased and weaponised, they were bound to find something sooner or later. Troll through the accounts of any large corporation and, if you’re looking for it, you’ll find some irregularities.)
– Harry and Meghan win (bogus) human rights award for their (bogus) fight against (bogus) racism.
– US Capitol riot committee to make criminal referrals. (The Dems are dragging out this fake investigation as long as possible to do maximum damage to the GOP and in particular Orange Man. BBC happy to oblige and keep reporting it.)
– The Colorado shooting in a gay club. (The liberal media love this story, of course, and have tried to link it to the popular movement of parents to stop the LGBT/Trans indoctrination of their children in schools. Parents whom the rotten Biden administration and his weaponised Justice Department labelled as domestic terrorists).
– ‘How I escaped my father’s militia’. (All about one of those terrifying right-wing militias that do press-ups in the woods and that was involved with – shock horror – the January 6th ‘riot’. Incidentally, evidence is mounting that the demonstration was known about beforehand, that the Democrats REDUCED police presence deliberately and encouraged the march into the Capitol.)
– Handshake snub for top Republicans at award ceremony. (BBC loves that story, natch.)
The bias is in the choice of stories, the prominence they’re given, and the spin.
Book deal. Jungle deal. Pod casts.
Matt Hancock to stand down at next election
What do MPs do?
The UK public elects Members of Parliament (MPs) to represent their interests and concerns in the House of Commons. MPs consider and can propose new laws as well as raising issues that matter to you in the House. This includes asking government ministers questions about current issues including those which affect local constituents.
What do MPs do? – stay in the jungle for £400K
What do MPs do? – build nightingale hospitals that don’t get used.
Perhaps he wants a new career as a midazolam salesman
Bearded children just maybe?
Typical Guardian victimhood angling – daresay it’ll be recycled at Broadcasting House.
For the life of me I don’t know why the BBC have so
many presenters, commentators , pundits and jobsmiths
out in Qatar. It must be costing us license fee payers millions.
They aren’t showing live that many matches. BUT they have
plethora of hangers on who dont do sweet f**k all.
I suppose the reason is “quotas.”
For every “job” for a white presenter there has to be at least
one ethnic one. And all through the line this seems to be
their position. Of course there has to be a fair proportion
of women . Some do know at least something about men’s
football. But others are just there for the sake of diversity,
positive discrimination, inclusiveness . Call it what you like.
I reckon millions could of been saved if at least half of
what we see and hear . Came from a studio in the UK.
I’m confident that that’ll work out well – eh?
No mention of this breaking story on BBC web site ….
who the f does she think she is? Nelson Mandela the second?
A character from Disney’s Lion King seems a fair bet?
Wonder if she’ll take some eggs with her
The really grotesque aspect of this fake race row isn’t that this ghastly creature has offered her services to enlighten Buckingham Palace.
No, it’s that King Charles will probably accept…
Oh, BTW do you think this brave woman might be joining Lady Lawrence in The House of Lords?
Perhaps that might pacify her…
Caving-in to libmob generally works.
.. they always praise you, for accommodating them
and never spit in your face and ask for even more.
Given that Princess Punani’s aim is to aid Meghan in overthrowing the monarchy, she should be, at the very least, deported forthwith.
How do we start to decolonize science? @0:10
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
The BBC are complicit in the public service strike mania. Their constant unsubstantiated attacks on the tories with the sole aim of replacing them with the Labour party has helped fuel the lefty public employees to take totally unacceptable action.
The unions are in this to out the Tories, pay is secondary to them right now. They want prolonged strikes with much public suffering which they think will be reflected at the nasty Tories and not at them.
A clue to this is that they are not even discussing it with members in many cases, simply the red union bosses dictating that a strike it will be.
Now we are beginning to see sick people dying for want of swift or any action. This must have been considered by the union bosses calling the strikes but obviously the decision was that they would be “fallout” and therefore an acceptable price to pay for their political ambitions.
I hope these people can sleep with a clear conscience as they see the death toll rise.
The truth is that these fatalities were someones mother or father or child or brother or sister.
I can only see this despicable union behaviour as motivated by power and greed.
What is needed now is a full inquest into every death caused by the action with responsibility planted with all those implicated including the Union bigwigs.
But that’s in a fair, caring just World not the schism ridden one we are currently evolving into as a nation.
Inquests into any deaths should identify those who supported this manslaughter such as the union leaders, far left agitators and the bbc
Charges should be brought for conspiring
One for Justin now Matt is no longer impartially propagandising.
BBC Editorial Guidelines on anything bear inspection. There are fair questions raised here.
Do they ever actually practice journalism?
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {youtube – Jordan Peterson}
Migrant …. “a person who moves from one place to another in order to find work or better living conditions.”
Dreamer … a migrant with better dreams than anyone else.
Irregular … a migrant that is different to those who live in the place they are heading.
Undocumented .. a migrant who destroyed their documents for some reason.
Iranian Migrant .. a migrant leaving the wonderful world of Tolerant Islam to live in the Intolerant Western World.
‘groomed’ …. There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent r*pes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone. Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators. {Jay report}
Racist…. a word to hide 1400(estimate) child rapes over 16 years in 1 Town.
Islamophobe …. a word to stop you getting angry when 22 are murdered at a concert and your Prime Minister calls these people LOST.
Hate Crime .. words to stop you hating the government and leaders.
Brexit …. a word to describe racists and Islamophobe and people who like to hate things that are stupid.
“US doubling its UK gas exports in deal to end dependence on Russia”
FakeNews as the UK has zero dependence on Russian gas
Proper headline
“US doubling its UK gas exports in deal to end EUROPE’S dependence on Russia,
by funneling fracked gas into LNG tankers, into UK LNG ports and then into Europe’s gas grid
, cos Europe has limited LNG ports”
and we have no storage
TIME gets away with this because it’s not whether they are good or bad, but TIME chooses.
BBC gets away with it because they are uniquely funded, unaccountable and so what?
They were involved, no white folk in the final.
Woah. Gaz going risky here.
Third cousin Marlene and step aunty Shola will be wagging fingers now.
What’s curious here is that Lineker feels the need to comment at all.
Why say or tweet anything? What does it achieve? His expertise is in football, not international politics, so he could tweet about the World Cup but his second-hand opinions on coverage of the Ukraine war are of little interest.
Does he suffer from a kind of Tourette’s Syndrome, like former team mate Paul Gascoigne, which compels him to make comments? Or is he simply currying favour with those who have the power to keep him on £1.36 million per annum funded by the TV poll tax? And this is before we get to the issue of the BBC’s and their staff’s supposed impartiality!
previous winnahs:
1938 Adolf Hitler
1939 Joe Stalin
1942 Ioseb Jughashvili
2007 Vlad Putin
Will the BBC comment on this Time cover from 2020 or has the Springster overlooked it?
Border Farce to go on strike.
Wait for exceptions …. to bring in dingy people.
Or Rasheed will find a way to bring in his illegals
Dinghy taxi service will remain as normal.
They may be dingy, but they arrive in dinghies.
If it was Joe Biden then the amnesia claims might have some credence …
as it stands – not so much from this POS
Classic legal formalism: he avoids the perjury trap, like HRC, by saying he doesn’t recall. Yet if his memory really is that poor, then he should never have had the powers he did during the US response to SARS-Cov-19. He can’t have it both ways!
Well, yeah… but 174 times?
Can you imagine if he hadn’t switched camps after DJT exited ?
In essence that means you cannot believe a word he says – and that “amnesia” should’ve been danced on and given a kicking for the ages. Each bit of selective forgetfulness pursued with multiple questions from different angles – he absolutely deserves no quarter.
The swine deserves to spend most of his retirement in prison.
Kary Mullis’s low opinion of Fauci is the gold standard assessing the git’s antics.
Remember “follow the science”? They were cutting so many corners no wonder he’s decided not to recall.
“We got creative — we couldn’t wait for data, we had to do so much ‘at risk’. We flew the aeroplane while we were still building it. All the bureaucracy fell away…”
— Ex-Head of Vaccine R&D / Pfizer
WOW!!! Trudeau Sets World Record In Avoiding Questions!!!
Well, that’s really torn it…
Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse…they have.
Railmen, postal workers, doctors, ambulance staff, firemen and now the real horror story…Border Force are going on strike!
For the love of God, how are we going to cope without these hard-working men, women…and those that identify as non-binary… stopping all those hordes of illegal aliens from entering these shores.
In the words of Private Fraser, We’re doomed…
I m hoping that the BBC will go on a long strike again ….
BBC news show the Harry/Meghan trailer which includes the now-known fake inserts from scenes which have nothing to do with them but we’re taken from coverage of other people and situations.
Needless to say, the seditious BBC made no comment at all.
It appears the BBC and their fellow eco-warrior travellers would rather have us import coking coal for steel production from…..errr…. Russia, than mine it ourselves in Cumbria.
They could always go to Russia and campaign against coal mining. Let’s see how successful they are with that one.
They could even take St Greta with them. Hahaha.
Clap for the nurses
Sheffield : ‘Perverted’ nurse who filmed unconscious patients jailed
In the absence of footy – I watched the first half of the 6 pm bbc news . I haven’t seen it for a very long time . Maybe I’m just getting old but it seems even more dumbed down and biased than when last seen .
A ‘cold snap ‘ in the winter ….. which doesn’t start until 21 December – full welfare state stuff –
Then the PM being interviewed about the NHS. Not his job . It’s the CEO of the NHS … and being required to apologise for something or other.
What is it about the BBC – they seem to think an ‘apology ‘ is valuable currency – when coming from a politician it has no value …. What do they care ?
The off switch came then they advertised the ex royal documentary .___ with the Queen not long in the grave …
Fedup putting my psychologist’s hat on here, I think the currency of apology is a consequence of the need to put shame at the centre of life.
Every time I spend 5 minutes looking at the Guardian I’m left with the overriding knowledge that what they want most is for me to come away with guilt and self-reproach, more than information. Now governments openly prescribe nudge tactics to push new social norms, the resistance to thought reform won’t come from critical thinking or reasoned debate, but by not taking part in shame as far as possible.
(Meanwhile the western Judeo-Christian societies, who are more susceptible to these tactics, are busy importing large numbers from cultures who haven’t been so conditioned.)
Terminal – yes I suppose the ‘apology ‘ is linked to the ‘lessons will be learned ‘ and the cousin ‘do whatever it takes ‘….- this country is certainly a socialist one – dependency of The State – Welfare is so deep – it used to be called’ a safety net ‘ now it is a horrible snare to tie its’ victims down ..
The cold snap is now
9am this morning our road was still frozen so when of the bike I tried to turn the corner the bike just fell over throwing me to the ground.
“Sorry you have to spare your special day with Jesus.”
So the greedy socialst f@ckers on gold plated pensions insist on a wage rise every year regardless of performance of them or their employers fueling inflation which will hit the poorest hardest
It gets worse – civil servants – they go out of their way to steal women’s pensions and use procedural trickery and blatant abuse of process to evade coughing up when purportedly brought to book by The Ombudsman.
What’s the point of an Ombudsman if public bodies can stick two fingers up and then thumb their noses at accountability?
and a transcript at:
Wimmin have been demanding equality, so it was only right to equalise their pension ages with men. After all last time I looked the wimmin lived on average 7 years longer.
Earlier I posted what the BBC was reporting from America today; the woke, tendentious news it approves of and deems the hoi polloi should hear.
What the BBC is NOT reporting, is the biggest story of our time, namely Elon Musk bringing back free speech to social media. Nor is it reporting the damning revelations of the Democrats’ criminal intervention with Big Tech to influence the last election, in particular the censorship of Hunter’s laptop revelations of Biden’s criminal financial dealings, many with regimes of huge security importance to the West such as China, Russia, and Ukraine. Nor, perhaps most shameful of all, the vitriolic attacks by the msm against Musk, and now journalist Matt Taibbi for simply doing his job as a journalist.
In case anyone hasn’t been paying attention to the REAL news for the past few years, as opposed to the Matrix-style gaslighting by the BBC: there is a culture war raging in the West. In America, the Dems, the Deep State including most government agencies, Big Business, Academia, the msm, Big Tech and assorted globalists have formed a cosy monopoly of thought, with a stranglehold on the entire political and social discourse.
Heroically, Musk is exposing the scandal and opening up at least Twitter to genuine free speech and open debate.
Naturally, the enemies of free speech, i.e. all the institutions mentioned above, are incandescent with rage and squealing like pigs while doing all they can to thwart him, including demanding the government shut him down in some way, and pressuring business not to advertise on Twitter.
It’s no exaggeration to say that Musk’s life is at risk, given the enormity of the sinister forces opposed to him.
This is a historical turning point in the life and death struggle for democracy and free speech in the West… and the BBC is absolutely silent about it.
Defund the rotten Corporation NOW!
A crowded field, but this weasel and the media he selectively decries are about as tedious as it gets.
The Government has approved a new coal mine in Cumbria.
In view of the pantomime over Russian energy etc. the most sensible decision this Government have made since day one..
However just wait for the superglue and orange paint loonies to go to town over this…
If they show up I would pen the lot up in an open cage in a field and let them sample a UK winter night without power.
Another back-to-nature idea would be to put them in a pen in an area where George Monbiot had reintroduced wolves. That would help to reduce population and save on CO2 emissions.
Here’s the Facebook post of the local BBC
Comments are overwhelming supportive of the mine
BBC do like a former.
*Wimmin Edition
2 days impact – ha ha ha haha
Marlene was getting eager, too.
Possibly Megharry and ‘team’.
They are censoring replies, so someone uses Quote Tweet
“Hiding all the comments in a childish attempt to avoid criticism.
@Care4Calais this whole tweet is a lie and you know it,
twitterverse knows it, the world knows it.”
Killing of Emily Jones
On 22 March 2020, 7-year-old Emily Grace Jones was stabbed at Queen’s Park in Bolton, Greater Manchester, England, while riding her scooter and died shortly afterwards. Eltiona Skana, a 30-year-old Albanian woman unknown to the Jones family, was arrested on the scene and later charged with murder. Wikipedia
Start date: 22 March 2020
If the striking Border Farce have a picket line , will they give every help to those that want to break through it ?
If the Border Farce go on strike they won’t be able to pick up the economic chancers 2 feet beyond the French UK border in the channel.
So the mass immigration rate may actually reduce!
Nope , the French will deliver them here gratis .
First UK coal mine in decades approved
‘The proposed mine in Cumbria would dig up coking coal for steel production in the UK across the world”
Article just a school level debate about jobs and co2.
Nothing about number of jobs, likely construction start and finish date etc.
……and nothing about the Russian coal that may otherwise be needed, nor the cost of importing finished steel products.
That’s the eco-loons for you.
Don’t dig it up or make things here but import it instead, and undermine the economy in the process. Which is what the Far Left want of course.
NOT on the BBC: It emerges that Anthony Fauci’s daughter worked for Twitter during the pandemic. I don’t supposed she tweaked the algorithms to silence vaccine skepticism by any chance?
P.s. Fauci also was in contact with Facebook’s Zuckerberg, despite earlier denials.
vlad – she could and I feel it’s a slam dunk that she did interfere.
The Twitter files aren’t being reported big time – there’s so much poison there that those few reporting on it are overwhelmed and outside of Twitter itself few are covering it. It wasn’t just vaccines – the origins of the virus have been heavily suppressed by Twitter under the prior regime.
Since communications on Twitter itself were a key part of dissemination of findings – I followed several people who were pivotal in work on Chen and Ridley’s “Viral” book. Twitter wasn’t updating my follows and all sorts of chicanery were deployed to limit the reach and perception of the content.
Thursday sees the Netflix documentary on the ex prince and American actress ( I won’t be seeing this ) but I bet the BBC goes wall to wall on it – and the allegations . There will be no criticism of the victim couple – no question over the ex prince ‘mental health – no question whether the American actress may be so vile that response to her isn’t racial – it’s that maybe she is not a nice person
Me thinks it is an ‘off switch day ‘ ……
a WGAF day ?
The German Government has sent a very clear message to its citizens….
Disagree with our direction and we will unperson and punish you.
Marianna Spring totally agrees with them.
Dark days ahead for both Europe and Democracy.
This will certainly end in civil war and started by the establishment.
This will follow in all nations that are part of the evil European Project run by self elected masters.
The covid lockdowns were a dummy run for this.
Sky’s Portrait of the year competition
The WokeSupremacist judges decided that the winner had to be a portrait of Lenny Henry
even though it’s crap
Don’t laugh you the taxpayer have paid £10K for it, via the National Portrait Gallery
Run for the hills – the winter is coming
Bbc fridophobia episode 77 this week.
“UK weather: Drivers warned of risks as Arctic blast begins”
Story quickly switches to keeping babies warm and even bedroom advice-
“The UKHSA reiterated its long-standing advice for people who cannot heat every room – saying they should warm the living room during the day and bedrooms just before going to sleep, ideally to at least 18C.”
I feel so stupid now, I was turning the bedroom heater on as I left the house for the day.
BBC seems to be part of some campaign to portray that there’s billions of job vacancies in the UK ( and you know what the solution is..)
So might as well lay that narrative on here too-
“But many local councils in England and Wales – who have collectively stockpiled 1.4 million tonnes of salt for this winter – said they were struggling to attract and retain gritter drivers.”
Message to Al Beeb, Boris Johnson, all Tory MPs and supporters on this site , who voted for ‘Net Zero’ and the mass invasion of Great Britain ?
They’ve got it all wrong, it should have been Net Zero Immigration.
Over to you Tory MPs & supporters.
Your end is nigh.
Vote for The Reform Party who are already talking about defecting . .
Having not seen any BBC output for a considerable time, ( why I don’t post much anymore)
I happened flick on the 10 o’clock news to catch a report on the “right wing” terrorist attack in Germany.
Being mildly curious as to BBC ‘ take on the Aforementioned report I refrained from hitting the change channel button, and let it run.
I nearly fell out of the sofa and choked on my malt whisky
Somehow the “chief disinformation editor” Marianna Spring, managed to equate the disinformation spread by the terrorist’s, with the disinformation spread about the covid epidemic.
How does that work ???
Do the British public really pay this silly young girl to broadcast this bullshit?
Absolutely unbelievable…..
Is this a practical example of intersectionality? That is, every trendy issue (climate, race, LGBTQI+, immigration, etc) has to be linked to every other trendy issue, so that the drum-beat of propaganda never abates.
A recent example was Hanoi Jane causally linking sexism to climate change. Yes, really.
“Senior Tory MP suspended after complaint to police”
Hello, hello what’s this all about ?
“Mr Knight becomes the fifth MP to currently have the Conservative whip removed”
We can’t assume guilt but 5 is a lot.
Maybe there is something in the parliamentary water because there are a good few MPs in all parties on the naughty step ….
Watching the BBC report on the NHS deplorable service.
So, we have the biggest ever spend on the NHS.
The highest ever number of NHS staff.
Yet more people are dying waiting for treatment.
Only two conclusions…. All the money is going on stupid diversity jobs or the current staff are lazy shits.
The service is overburdened with ‘bean counters’ & ‘penpushers’.
Its also run by managers who could not run a bath.
Hello taff
100% agree, I worked for the NHS and saw this 1st hand
Bristol abattoir workers guilty of ‘sadistic’ double murder
The last few times I have seen headlines about murder in our country which is particularly brutual and savage, the people who did them have always been imports.
These two worked in an abbatoir and practised their same work methods of disembowelling pigs (‘making incisions in the bellies of pigs’ if you want the ‘not so bad’ BBC version) on their victims.
Their names ?
Ionut-Valentin Boboc
Jacob-Bebe Chers
These stories are why people like that police chief who insists immigrants tend to be the victims of crime make my blood boil. The crimes they receive and the crimes they commit simply cannot be compared.
As I always say, it’s not the people specifically I object to. It’s the culture they bring with them. Import 3rd world, get 3rd world.
“While we may never know why these defendants chose to murder two innocent men, it remains abundantly clear they both have a dangerous propensity for violence and cruelty, and our communities are a safer place with them behind bars.”
Not much safer. Two down, hundreds of thousands to go.
It’s about time we put doctor’s receptionists at the border controls. Let’s see how many illegals get past them!
Twitter hiccupping on the web on Virgin Media (Liberty Global / Telefónica) look to be blocking content as trivial (Opera) VPN works….
An Andrew Ash article (of 7/12/22) on Gatestone’s site criticizes the awful BBC over its coverage of Shamima Begum:
“… … …
Although forgiveness is not high on the BBC’s to-do list when it comes to trashing figures whose politics they oppose, female jihadis are apparently another matter altogether. Essentially, people at the BBC and other outlets would like the British public to join them in rebranding her as a victim as opposed to her actual role as an oppressor.
… … …
All these people in ivory towers or at the BBC have one thing in common: they appear to have little idea of what Islam actually is.
… … …”
The people at the BBC think Muslims are all like that Pakistani doctor from the rich family who lives on the next street.
Of course they’ve never seen him at home and how he treats his wife.
Hey, bbc here’s some racism to investigate !!
From Quora:
“Prince William’s godmother Lady Susan Hussey was forced to resign from Buckingham Palace role after asking black charity founder what part of Africa she is from. Is free speech dead?
I was born and brought up in Nigeria
I am not entitled to a Nigerian passport, because, and I’m using a far less dishonest mental calculus than Ms. Fulani, I am white. That is what the Nigerian law says.
Research the requirements for a Nigerian Passport if you wish. Ius soli vs. Ius Sanguinis, but not in the case of black skinned Nigerians born abroad – they’re allowed dual nationality. As a white man, I am not. Stop and think about that. Reverse the roles. Don’t fudge and come back with “what about” or “yes but”. Think about that when you talk about institutionalised racism.
I experienced racism in Independent Nigeria because I am white. This includes being stopped by a traffic policeman on a motorcycle and fined for speeding. Whilst in a traffic jam. All the cars with white people in were pulled over by the same policeman and and “fined”. This was a far from unique occurrence.
When walking through remoter villages, children would follow me pointing and shrieking out loud at the colour of my skin, and daring one another to run up and touch the “baturé” – white -man – and even to touch his hair.
I could have put this down to appalling racism and have no doubt that with a role reversal then Ms. Fulani would be so traumatised that heaven would have had to fall before she would be mollified. I suspect she would still be nursing a grievance, and to carefully tend it to the grave.
I have experienced racism from Afrikaner whites when I lived in South Africa because I am English. This was a far from unique occurrence. I have had to leave places.
I have experienced racism and the threat of violence from young Kenyan blacks in a bar in Namibia, because I am white English. I had to leave.
I had stones thrown at my car in Lesotho because the youths saw a white man driving.
I have had to pay a bribe to buy a train ticket in Zambia because I am a white man.
I could continue.
Edited to add:
The question doesn’t make sense. I am answering to what I suppose the question to have been. I know racism when I see it, and I’m pretty sure I know when someone is synthetically outraged. Some people go around actively looking for offence, and will cry foul at the slightest imagined smear.
I have had my hair and skin touched by black people, I have been treated differently by policemen because of my skin colour. I have been in danger because of my skin colour.”
Germany arrests 25 accused of plotting coup
Reading the completely vague accusations and liberal sprinkling of words like terrorists, Russia, far-right and AfD, it sounds more like ‘The night of the long knives’ to me. Or Jan 06 prosecutions part 2. They get ‘far-right in there 4 times and ‘extreme-right’ in once.
But I almost spat out my coffee when I read the next part:
A modern-day conspiracy coup?
By Marianna Spring
Disnformation and social media reporter
WTF does this clueless idiot know about any of this ?. What a joke you are BBC.
Whats the odds that this story just disappears having served it’s propaganda purposes ?.
and why do they keep banging on about nazis when the group started just after WW1? In other words before the nazi party even existed.
Now, which bbc tv studio whore quote machine might this be?
Ah. Bryant.
A beacon of professional probity via an entity who drives propaganda with a £5B budget.
Other bbc favoured quotees are available.
Boris is busy in Egypt at the bar.
Can’t put the sound on as missus still snoring, but VD’s pen wag looks interesting.
Why she got the gig.
Another from the bbc stable.
If only policy was run by ideological media gobs.
Oh, it is.
Pollution of the Ganges, the largest river in India, poses significant threats to human health and the larger environment.[1] The river, which is severely polluted with human waste and industrial contaminants, provides water to about 40% of India’s population across 11 states,[2] serving an estimated population of 500 million people, which is more than any other river in the world.[3][4]
Other angry and fearful countries are available.
Maybe Yvette will be there to greet him at Dover?
Will Cherie BLiar want to pin a medal for bravery on him? After all she has form in awarding bravery medals to convicted cold blooded killers.
“Staff at Oxfordshire hotel are made redundant before Christmas as bosses agree private Government contract to take in asylum seekers and cancels all reservations and weddings
Whately Hall Hotel in Banbury, Oxfordshire, dismissed 20 of its employees
Staff said they were sacked on November 25 without pay, despite reassurances
It came as the hotel accepted a Home Office contract to house refugee orphans”
BBC Hanoi issued a statement yet?
Wait until Jennifer Lawrence’s people contact their people.
Racism in Saudi ….
Saudi Arabia: Treatment of racial minorities, particularly black African Saudi nationals, by society and authorities (2012-2013)
Several sources indicate that there is racial discrimination in Saudi Arabia (The Guardian 28 Sept. 2012; US 19 Apr. 2013, 34; The New York Times 10 Apr. 2009). According to Freedom House, there is “substantial prejudice” against ethnic and national minorities (2013). In a telephone interview with the Research Directorate, a professor of political science at the University of Vermont (UVM), who conducts research on and has written books about international relations in the Persian Gulf region, noted that Saudi Arabia is a “race-conscious society” where “colour is a factor in social standing” (13 Jan. 2014).
According to the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)’s World Factbook, “Afro-Asians” constitute 10 percent of the population of Saudi Arabia, while the remaining 90 percent are Arab (4 Dec. 2013).
Has Hanoi Jane been embalmed?
Today watch
Sometimes I listen just to bear witness . Today it is politicians like selwyn gummer ( unelected former Tory now loopy lord £) and Timmy Farron going on about the terrible idea of opening a coal mine .
These characters are infected with a green virus which demands we are returned to some pre industrial age . They are well off . They know best .
Our Justin interviews Farron – too much coffee ? Farron goes on about tidal range and green energy , tidal range is not coking coal for export ( money – jobs ) or for making steel .
These characters are frightening in their beliefs ,. They think a little country can make a difference to their version of ‘climate change ‘. Delusion .
Burn that coal – gas – oil . Burn …
What is it with the bBC and the facination of “reporting” on the NHS
Is it so the British public feel like the bBC is on our side, and want to feel its value for money
Alternatively we could channel 3BN from the bbc budget, into the NHS, just an option
But somehow the BBC doesn’t mention the huge population increase over the last few years – both ‘legal ‘ and illegal ….
… but it does give airtime to companies demanding more foreign workers to make their profits ….
Vs. the politicians and activists the bbc serves up.
Amid skyrocketing prices of gas, oil and electricity, Germans are increasingly turning to wood to heat their homes, causing prices to nearly double compared to last year.
For weeks, gas has stopped flowing through Nord Stream 1, Germany’s nuclear power plants are set to shut down, and the government is bailing out energy companies left and right.
Despite warnings of potential blackout scenarios, consumers continue their rush to buy electric space heaters. The Germans are anxious.
I’d like to propose readers watch ‘My Unorthodox Life’ on Netflix.
I haven’t watched it and don’t know anything about it. I have picked it at random.
But in the interests of balance I thought you should watch it.
Because in contrast the BBC are still endlessly plugging the Meghan Harry drivel as if Netflix is one of their channels. They regard as ‘news’ that the MeghanHarry rubbish is ABOUT TO BE launched shortly. That, to the BBC, is news.
Totally cretinous.