According to one expert, the end of the licence fee is almost inevitable, as new research has shown 51 percent of Britons asked believe the payment should be scrapped.
Jeff Richey, TV and film analyst at, said: “The licence fee’s days are numbered and Auntie has a fight on her hands.
“The simple truth is that the BBC and its funding model were creatures of another time.
The odious pair’s Netflix programme was reviewed and discussed on BBC1’s Newscast, broadcast across the midnight hour.
Adam Fleming, Chris Mason, Jonny Dymond and Katie Razzall all gave it a sympathetic hearing, especially Razzall. From her article below:
‘Harry describes trying to deal with the loss of his mother “without much support or help or guidance”, and describes his “second family” in Africa, a group of friends “that literally brought me up”.’
Oh, yes Africa, the source of all that’s good in the World.
‘He talks about how male royals tend to marry women “who fit in the mould” instead of for love. Is he inferring that’s what his brother did?’
There’s a campaigning org with a Twitter account Schools of Sanctuary 🧡 @SchsofSanctuary
A growing network of 370+ schools, nurseries & sixth forms promoting welcome, inclusion & awareness for people seeking sanctuary with @CityofSanctuary UK.
They raise money which ends up in someone’s pockets
The fundraising page is on a website which hasn’t updated its security certificate , so Google gives you a warning.
I look at tweets with that account and I see “sanctuary schools” in their network campaigning against the Rwanda plan.
Well that is using CHILDREN to push a political agenda.
The org is part of CityofSanctuary
which in its tweet listing its aims openly says
“🗳️campaigning for political change”
alongside a photo of kids at a school
Congratulations to @OLSK for becoming the latest awarded school with @BrumSchOfSanc! What a great visit we had, and a tour of the school led by two experts from Year 6. Great work going on in the school and in the community!
— Birmingham Schools of Sanctuary 🧡 (@BrumSchOfSanc) November 28, 2022
Or put another way the weather is crap and no one will notice more or less “ramping up”
Next week figures will show less invaders came, but the actual reason is it -2 degrees at the moment. Roll on the summer months and an increase of invaders, again
Renewed frenzy, but the story remains the same. One economist said edition
The BBC online press line up today likes the Royal soap opera for its headline quotes: ‘Palace anger’ and ‘direct hit’ at Queen’s legacy (BBC)
Meanwhile, the formerly patriotic Times, having recently given credence to Sir Keir’s vague motherhood and apple pie promises to train more doctors (not that he’s been required to define motherhood or as yet to fetch that apple pie out of the sky) now has his wholesomeness further fluffed in the same organ: Labour ‘willing to talk’ about higher pay rises for NHS staff
The Times agrees with Mr AsI as to Harry’s game being a soap opera: Palace and Netflix clash over Sussexes soap opera – but the old thunderer apparently coming out for Labour is a bit rich.
The original OG Labour-supporting paper, the Daily Mirror, never quite seems to hit the mark these days. On the one hand splashing the Royal clash story all over their frontpage then brazenly complaining of same: Stop this Royal circus
Leftist politics as ever being the fall back story: Meanwhile, thousands of ordinary Brits are chosing between eating and heating (Mirror) – it is not however explained quite how Harry and Meghan and William and Kate burying the hatchet would feed and warm the poor.
The Mirror’s lefty campaigners might be better employed calling for a peace treaty to end the war with Russia or for calls for a return to cheap reliable energy here in the UK.
Of course the Royal kerfuffle suits republicans and anti-British leftists. The Mirror complains of the story’s real life unimportance but splashes with it anyway.
The Guardian coming from a similar political outlook addresses the story rather frankly – under the heading of TV Review but nonetheless with a huge frontpage photo of the Duke and Duchess of Netflix: Renewed frenzy, but the story remains the same
And that will be why the BBC also likes the story.
The story being: racism, mean Royals and: Netflix story brands the Commonwealth as Empire 2.0 (Telegraph) adding a rather transatlantic Obama/Biden tinge to the general air of anti-Britishness
The hypercondriac left-leaning ‘i’ paper ingnores the rather sensible second opinion of Dr John Campbell about the fallacy of their shock horror claims that bog standard antibiotics are somehow in dangerous short supply here in the UK by doubling down on their alarmism today: UK to import Strep A drugs amid supply concern. Death toll rises to 15
The Britain is rubbish theme is a constant refrain for the globalist FT: Spending squeeze tighter than in other countries… FT analysis has shown. One economist said the data were ‘remarkable and worrying’ Gloomy outlook page 5
A nice grammatical point there being that data is plural. The economist being singular rather detracts from the message, however.
Lefties don’t condemn Biden for allowing Harry Dunn’s killer Anne Sacoolas to stay in the US
He’s been president for 2 years
I checked Twitter for any condemnation from lefty blue tick accounts
.. Yet when Trump was president
there were loads.
Of course you can’t bring the kid back, and the act was momentary negligence rather than intentional
And the US is right to give special protection to intelligence workers.
I had ‘her’ down as spoof creation to undermine the whole Greenta thing, but then she cropped up at COP27 speaking at stuff and being hugged by old men. If Photoshop well done.
If not, whoever thought she was a good idea for the cause clearly enjoys Champion level benefits in the green rooms.
Im sorry – I just had to – I don’t listen to dessert island discs any more because they have complete unknowns who must be friends of the staff ….
…….. the off switch came with ‘the first man to edit vogue – followed by “ the first coloured to edit it “- put up a statue for jeez sake …
….. the BBC ‘social justice ‘ thing is so hung up on racism and sexism – so what if the coloured chap is good at the job – if he deserved it fine – but if it’s tick box – that’s wrong ….. I suspect I know the answer …. I’ve now cancelled my life long subscription to Vogue ….
I don’t know if Kirsty asked chap “where are you really from ?”
Woman’s hour has a thing about a woman who makes theatre more accessible for deaf people – and – how to spot if your man is cheating – and why winters are cold …..
“and why winters are cold …..”
Global Warming ?
Something the Green fanatics have not encountered before . Perhaps their children will witness a snow fall after all?
Those paintings of the Thames frozen – complete with fayres and the like from maybe 200 years ago suggests winters may have been cold before serious carbon burning got going …. Im sure such ‘extremes’ can be explained away by all knowing green crap disciples …
…. Burn that carbon – especially on more handouts …( not referenced to you taff )
Everyday the temperatures are below zero, (forecast well into next week) it will obviously reduce the yearly average temps. If that has a negative effect on the Climate Change lies/mantra, the ways of collating the stats will, no doubt change to readjust the emphasis………… Compliments of the Met Office.
Notice the BBC nor the MSM are reporting on the demonstrations regarding the fraudulent election results taking place in Brazil and the possible intervention of the military.
Russell Howard is one of the more obnoxious “comedians” much in favour at the BBC.
Well of course he is, being a woke, leftist activist like all the other so-called comedians that infest and infect the airwaves.
Recently he put out a video denying that the culture war even exists, and viciously mocking those who warn of it. Depressingly, it received over half a million views on YouTube.
It’s important to refute such nonsense as, if people don’t even know there’s a war raging, they won’t fight it, and we really are doomed.
Here is Andrew Laurence’s response, in which he states that the war is very real indeed and has ruined lives and poisoned debate. Optimistically, he also suggests that the people have had enough and the tide is turning.
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
The Team Howard video ends
“It’s all a bunch of manipulated BS”
em, they’ve just spent a lot of time & money constructing the video story
that pushes a conspiracy theory
that people’s REAL WORLD concerns are not rooted in truth
1st world problems – have a ice cream and put weight on
Getty image has been replaced with DA PING LUO. and luckily this image has a black persons arm in it, wouldn’t want the statistics for the minority of the population to be reduced to less than 80% viewing
3rd image – TARA DARBY (not GETTY again, perhaps the bbc and getty have fell out) – looks like a blurred black person walking, so all okay with keeping the minority as a majority
Sorry Fed, later noticed your contribution on same above.
Tuned in to the 0900 R4 news and promptly sat on loo. News over, ‘Desert Island Discs’. Guest? Black editor of some unknown publication. First tune? Some Ghanaian folk tune…………… Impossible to get to ‘off’ switch at that point.
I now know what being on the receiving end of music inflicted as a torture whilst restrained from movement feels like.
The sentencing of WNBA star Brittney Griner to nine years behind bars and a fine of 1 million rubles – between US$10,000 and $20,000 depending on the exchange rate – should come as no surprise to those familiar with Russian law.
Re Britney Rice. Putin lost on the deal. All he got was an arms dealer in return. He could have had so much more.
Think. Britney ticks all the boxes.
1. Black
2. Lesbian
3. A woman.
4. Hates America
5. A sports person.
6. Druggie
In its 2011 World Report, Human Rights Watch noted the following about Ethiopia under the rule of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi: The ruling party had won parliamentary elections with 99.6 percent of the vote. Supporters of opposition parties endured months of constant intimidation. Journalists and human-rights activists had been forced to leave the country. And hundreds of political prisoners were “in jail and at risk of torture and ill-treatment.”
Meles died the following year. Susan Rice, then the Obama administration’s ambassador to the United Nations, flew to Addis Ababa to deliver a eulogy. “Prime Minister Meles was an uncommon leader, a rare visionary, and a true friend to me and many,” she said. While briefly allowing that the two could disagree on issues of democracy and human rights, she showered the deceased strongman with praise. He was, she said, “uncommonly wise,” “brilliant” and “selfless.”
Susan Rice Will Leave Netflix Board to Join Biden Administration
The judiciary has so far announced that at least 11 other people have been sentenced to death by Revolutionary Courts on the charges of “enmity against God” or “corruption on Earth” in connection with the protests. The defendants’ identities have not been disclosed.
BBC Red-io Humberside seem to have a close relationship with Labour PR
So today each news bulletin contains a report about a campaign by Unite The Union in Grimsby today,
featuring audio of Michael Agboh-Davison saying
“The workers who kept our country running through the pandemic have been told now,
we have to accept low wages and rocketing food and energy prices
but at the same time we are seeing corporate profits going through the roof”
A fine PR-meme there
but I am interested to know what Grimsby corps are seeing “corporate profits going through the roof”
apart from heavily SUBSIDISED wind biz
corps seem to be having losses and closing factories.
The BBC is splashing £1.2 million a year in taxpayers’ cash on equality and diversity officers, an FoI request has revealed. In research published by Conservative Way Forward, the publicly-funded broadcaster admits to 15 members of staff employed on issues predominantly related to equality, diversity, and inclusivity – with an average salary of £80,000. More than twice as much as the average nurse…
Perhaps this shouldn’t come as a surprise. After all, in 2020 the BBC announced it would spend a whopping £100 million over three years to produce more “diverse” and “inclusive” content. Then-Director General Tony Hall claimed it would help to address “the stain of systemic racism”. The good news is they’re on track to exceed their target: between April 2021 and April 2022, they spent £44 million. The bad news for the 400 staff working at the World Service is they had to lose their jobs in a cost-cutting restructure earlier this year…
After the show and then Harry’s book, Spare, is published in January, the couple’s “truth” will be fully out there. Will that be enough for them?
Their currency might begin to wane as they struggle with the law of diminishing returns. They may still want to battle royal institutions and the media, but it may turn out that their real battle will be with ongoing relevancy.
Can planned power cuts go ahead during the cold snap?
“We’re now joined by Prof David Glew, an energy efficiency and policy expert…
Prof Glew says: I’m afraid I am not aware of special laws …
….you will need to contact citizens advice for more information about this.”
Wheel in the de rigueur expert who knows naff all👍😀
“What can people do to try and stay warm?
Michelle Roberts
Wearing lots of layers, rather than one thick piece of clothing, can help you stay warm by trapping body heat.”
Didn’t Scott of the Antarctic buy into that theory, Vrs Amundsen who wore eskimo style fur clothing..
The leftylib BBC makes progs
: FOR its leftylib mates BY its leftylib mates
Today’s Radio 4 Feedback
#1 BBC radio changes : novelist Claire Allan who has been adding her voice to the protests about the proposed cuts to Radio Foyle in Northern Ireland.
And Three Counties Local Radio presenter Edward Adoo shares his concerns that the reorganisation of Local Radio in England is going to affect programmes aimed at African, Caribbean and Asian audiences.
#2 football fan Rob Crossan tells us why the 5 Live radio commentary has been a winner for him at the World Cup.
#3’We hear what listeners have to say about Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Reith Lecture,
#4 making an impact on our inbox this week was Justin Webb’s interview with RMT leader Mick Lynch on R4 Today
In this article the BBC drag up two old misandrist agenda stories just to remind us of them it seems because neither has anything whatsoever to do with the ‘harassment’ headline:
‘The murder of Sarah Everard, who was abducted and killed by a serving policeman while walking home in south London last year, has also increased concerns over women’s safety and attitudes towards women.’
‘Six months later, primary school teacher Sabina Nessa, 28, was murdered in south London by a man she had never met.’
And just look how they give us information about who did the first murder (and writing ‘serving policeman’ is intended to make us all implicitly assume he was white), but the fact that the second was done by an Albanian immigrant has been completely left out.
A direct example of their blatant agenda-based double standards. Deliberate omission of facts like that is lying.
“And just look how they give us information about who did the first murder (and writing ‘serving policeman’ is intended to make us all implicitly assume he was white)…”
Huh? You think ‘they’ were trying to make us all implicitly assume that the white murderer of Sarah Everard was actually white; but (at the same time) were trying to hide the fact that the white murderer of Sabina Nessa was also actually white?
Why Mariah Carey was wrong to play Saudi Arabia
This article is more than 3 years oldOwen Jones
Owen Jones
When pop stars are duped into performing in the Arab country, they merely help the regime’s propaganda machine
Carey has famously always had a devoted gay fanbase: in Saudi Arabia, homosexuality is punishable by death.
Pop stars such as Mariah Carey may well be fooled by publicists into thinking that, by performing in countries ruled by abhorrent regimes, they will advance progressive causes. They do no such thing: they simply help legitimise tyranny. They became pop stars because of their love of music. They must surely ask themselves if they really ever aspired to become the propaganda devices of one of the worst regimes on Earth.
Paul Joseph Watson video about shadow banning, er, visibility filtering on Twitter.
I’m really just posting it because the “woman” who appears at the end – Melissa Ingle – was on ITV News last week giving evidence about the rise in hate speech under Elon Musk. Obviously, “she” has no axes to grind. This is the crap they serve up as news on telly these days.
“I really think you should press the button to wipe Jews off the face of the Earth… I care about white people and not sand nig*er Pa*i Jew fag*ot co*ns”
If you dont like Paul Joseph Watson you shouldn`t post at a tale end of a thread but at the start of one with a link to where you allegded he said it .
The fact you wait until you think people would have moved on says volumes about you Maxi . For a start you are cowardly .
#2 It made a huge claim about PJW
but supplied no evidence or context
There is no video of PJW ever saying anything like that.
Rather in May2022 the wacky conspiracy theory website The BylineTimes said they had an audio recording of a voice like PJWs saying that,
they claimed it was off the cuff at a party.
AFAIK they never gave more evidence than, ‘oh some people say it was him’
I wonder when posting links such as “Spike Milligan – Pakistani Daleks” will be constituted as a ‘Hate Crime’? Once the Hate Crime Hub starts end of the year by Amber Rudd?
BBC News between the footy . East Kent NHS trust . The medical mafia covering up the harm to a pregnant lady who a surgeon nearly killed . Left her sterile . The surgeon is not named – . Still works at the Trust . Notes of the failure were surpressed and found by accident .
The CEO of the NHS trust refuses interviews (£200 k pa ?)…
Just caught the end of a BBC London News feature on the World Cup, they were talking to French, Moroccan and Brazilian fans in the capital.
Any England fans? Oh, they followed one on his journey to Qatar – he”s black, of course.
Gareth Southgate on the news is wearing a shirt with the EE network logo on either shoulder. At first glance I thought they were dollar signs.
It amounts to the same thing I suppose.
‘He was stabbed in the neck, chest and abdomen, post-mortem tests found.’
Now that is a particularly viscious and nasty way to murder someone. It wasn’t an unfortunate death from a single wound to the chest, it was a frenzied, bloody murder.
But the BBC have downplayed it ever since a man got charged and he was black. There are plenty of pictures available, but they choose not to include one in this article.
Here he is:
Murders like this should carry the death sentence. But the racist BBC don’t even want us to know what he looks like.
UK much worse than opening a new coal plant BBC plans to go internet/streaming TV only TV viewing is a relatively low source of emissions. One hour of viewing TV via terrestrial networks has an energy consumption of 9.1Wh. For streaming, this is 54Wh
At home with the Hewitts – the new Netflix thing still getting a lot of attention on the twitter – I bet underprevious ownership any criticism would have been blocked ….
If they ever come to Blighty again I think they really will need protection ….who cares?
Having worked for the BBC I tend to go with cock-up over conspiracy, but you're right, too many mistakes undermines their credibility. Editorial demands to humanise a story collide with lazy/pressured journalism, especially if people are urged to fill their inbox with examples.
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “As a candidate for prime minister, however, he said he intended to renounce his British and Irish citizenships. Carney told…
tomoMar 11, 17:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I posted earlier but it deserves some repetition
tomoMar 11, 17:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The fall of the Daily Telegraph…. [img][/img]
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney’s Leadership Win Smells 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter. Mark Carney will…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 0 March 2025 261 5 0 …………………………………………… The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:55 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Why protest in China when you can wait for China to come to you …. HA HA HAH AH “Last…
AlthepalerpMar 11, 16:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Great Replacement continues.. . . .
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Odour test aside, I noted this too: 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter.…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The scholarly literature on emotions and politics tells us that anxiety holds people back from political involvement, while enthusiasm pushes…
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:40 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I have little faith in all media, I read around. On occasion I get a laugh. ‘Throng’.
From the Daily Express (story by Rebekah Evans):
“… … …
According to one expert, the end of the licence fee is almost inevitable, as new research has shown 51 percent of Britons asked believe the payment should be scrapped.
Jeff Richey, TV and film analyst at, said: “The licence fee’s days are numbered and Auntie has a fight on her hands.
“The simple truth is that the BBC and its funding model were creatures of another time.
… …”
The odious pair’s Netflix programme was reviewed and discussed on BBC1’s Newscast, broadcast across the midnight hour.
Adam Fleming, Chris Mason, Jonny Dymond and Katie Razzall all gave it a sympathetic hearing, especially Razzall. From her article below:
‘Harry describes trying to deal with the loss of his mother “without much support or help or guidance”, and describes his “second family” in Africa, a group of friends “that literally brought me up”.’
Oh, yes Africa, the source of all that’s good in the World.
‘He talks about how male royals tend to marry women “who fit in the mould” instead of for love. Is he inferring that’s what his brother did?’
No, he’s not “inferring” it, he’s implying it.
The decision making processes of women who marry male royals not discussed?
Seems… an omission.
Yeah I suppose you’d class Mohammed Fayad as a father figure …. Me thinks his comments point to mental unwellness … so what …
Brittney Griner: Russia frees US basketball star in swap with arms dealer Viktor Bout
Great news, for the bbc, they are so excited about Griner
Any news? How about more important issues, invaders in dinghies
There’s more, think I know why the bBC like the following
Emancipation movie: The true story of ‘Whipped Peter’ in Will Smith’s new film
Vlad need Vic to do the deal with the Taliban on the kit Sleepy kindly donated in exchange for getting a bunch of US soldier blown up?
6:50am The first two BBC radio stations were banging on about some Netflix thing
The third had a long item about a Scunthorpe primary school winning an award as “a school of sanctuary for refugee children”
What the heck is that ?
Schools should of course serve all the pupils they are sent … fairly.
So this is PR people using children in PRtrickery
to push a POLITICAL agenda.
A schools job is simply to educate all children, not get involved in using the children for PR games.
There’s a campaigning org with a Twitter account
Schools of Sanctuary 🧡 @SchsofSanctuary
A growing network of 370+ schools, nurseries & sixth forms promoting welcome, inclusion & awareness for people seeking sanctuary with @CityofSanctuary UK.
They raise money which ends up in someone’s pockets
The fundraising page is on a website which hasn’t updated its security certificate , so Google gives you a warning.
I look at tweets with that account and I see “sanctuary schools” in their network campaigning against the Rwanda plan.
Well that is using CHILDREN to push a political agenda.
The org is part of CityofSanctuary
which in its tweet listing its aims openly says
“🗳️campaigning for political change”
alongside a photo of kids at a school
The Birmingham regional account tweets a lot
‘Some Netflix thing…’ via the bbc you say?
BBC Moaning Emole:
“ Does the Harry and Meghan series live up to the hype?”
Courtesy of Katy Razzle.
The hype being pretty much driven by the bbc.
Maybe they need to rename top of the hour programming?
“And now, here is the BBC Hype”.
“France ramps up Channel migrant patrolling”
Does this mean that they will be shipping more invaders in while Border Force are on strike?
Hello Taffman
Or put another way the weather is crap and no one will notice more or less “ramping up”
Next week figures will show less invaders came, but the actual reason is it -2 degrees at the moment. Roll on the summer months and an increase of invaders, again
SpaceX moon flight to include DJ, YouTuber and K-pop rapper
Its basically a load of non-important people, who the bBC likes
For example
Karim Iliya is a photographer and filmmaker dedicated to protecting Earth’s threatened wildlife, and delicate ecosystems.
Maybe Karim can delicately catch a happy snap of the stuff popping out the stern of his sweet ride that drives it onward.
Renewed frenzy, but the story remains the same. One economist said edition
The BBC online press line up today likes the Royal soap opera for its headline quotes: ‘Palace anger’ and ‘direct hit’ at Queen’s legacy (BBC)
Meanwhile, the formerly patriotic Times, having recently given credence to Sir Keir’s vague motherhood and apple pie promises to train more doctors (not that he’s been required to define motherhood or as yet to fetch that apple pie out of the sky) now has his wholesomeness further fluffed in the same organ: Labour ‘willing to talk’ about higher pay rises for NHS staff
The Times agrees with Mr AsI as to Harry’s game being a soap opera: Palace and Netflix clash over Sussexes soap opera – but the old thunderer apparently coming out for Labour is a bit rich.
The original OG Labour-supporting paper, the Daily Mirror, never quite seems to hit the mark these days. On the one hand splashing the Royal clash story all over their frontpage then brazenly complaining of same: Stop this Royal circus
Leftist politics as ever being the fall back story: Meanwhile, thousands of ordinary Brits are chosing between eating and heating (Mirror) – it is not however explained quite how Harry and Meghan and William and Kate burying the hatchet would feed and warm the poor.
The Mirror’s lefty campaigners might be better employed calling for a peace treaty to end the war with Russia or for calls for a return to cheap reliable energy here in the UK.
Of course the Royal kerfuffle suits republicans and anti-British leftists. The Mirror complains of the story’s real life unimportance but splashes with it anyway.
The Guardian coming from a similar political outlook addresses the story rather frankly – under the heading of TV Review but nonetheless with a huge frontpage photo of the Duke and Duchess of Netflix: Renewed frenzy, but the story remains the same
And that will be why the BBC also likes the story.
The story being: racism, mean Royals and: Netflix story brands the Commonwealth as Empire 2.0 (Telegraph) adding a rather transatlantic Obama/Biden tinge to the general air of anti-Britishness
The hypercondriac left-leaning ‘i’ paper ingnores the rather sensible second opinion of Dr John Campbell about the fallacy of their shock horror claims that bog standard antibiotics are somehow in dangerous short supply here in the UK by doubling down on their alarmism today: UK to import Strep A drugs amid supply concern. Death toll rises to 15
The Britain is rubbish theme is a constant refrain for the globalist FT: Spending squeeze tighter than in other countries… FT analysis has shown. One economist said the data were ‘remarkable and worrying’ Gloomy outlook page 5
A nice grammatical point there being that data is plural. The economist being singular rather detracts from the message, however.
Lefties don’t condemn Biden for allowing Harry Dunn’s killer Anne Sacoolas to stay in the US
He’s been president for 2 years
I checked Twitter for any condemnation from lefty blue tick accounts
.. Yet when Trump was president
there were loads.
Of course you can’t bring the kid back, and the act was momentary negligence rather than intentional
And the US is right to give special protection to intelligence workers.
Why does she need a mic?
The right kind of Whitee wimmin……
‘with fewer animals, the climate will become more extreme’ Fact check anyone?
Good old Sophia! Where would the world be without the wisdom of these unqualified morons? She should team up with the Springster.
“Animals are critical to our ecosystems: our forests, our seas, our rivers all depend on them”
Well, why would the World want to kill them all off and/or the food they eat, with “net Zero”?
It needs about >70ppm CO2 as a minimum to support some sort of basic life on the planet.
Emit a ton of CO2 and then pretend to be an “activist”.
I had ‘her’ down as spoof creation to undermine the whole Greenta thing, but then she cropped up at COP27 speaking at stuff and being hugged by old men. If Photoshop well done.
If not, whoever thought she was a good idea for the cause clearly enjoys Champion level benefits in the green rooms.
Im sorry – I just had to – I don’t listen to dessert island discs any more because they have complete unknowns who must be friends of the staff ….
…….. the off switch came with ‘the first man to edit vogue – followed by “ the first coloured to edit it “- put up a statue for jeez sake …
….. the BBC ‘social justice ‘ thing is so hung up on racism and sexism – so what if the coloured chap is good at the job – if he deserved it fine – but if it’s tick box – that’s wrong ….. I suspect I know the answer …. I’ve now cancelled my life long subscription to Vogue ….
I don’t know if Kirsty asked chap “where are you really from ?”
Woman’s hour has a thing about a woman who makes theatre more accessible for deaf people – and – how to spot if your man is cheating – and why winters are cold …..
“and why winters are cold …..”
Global Warming ?
Something the Green fanatics have not encountered before . Perhaps their children will witness a snow fall after all?
Those paintings of the Thames frozen – complete with fayres and the like from maybe 200 years ago suggests winters may have been cold before serious carbon burning got going …. Im sure such ‘extremes’ can be explained away by all knowing green crap disciples …
…. Burn that carbon – especially on more handouts …( not referenced to you taff )
Everyday the temperatures are below zero, (forecast well into next week) it will obviously reduce the yearly average temps. If that has a negative effect on the Climate Change lies/mantra, the ways of collating the stats will, no doubt change to readjust the emphasis………… Compliments of the Met Office.
Notice the BBC nor the MSM are reporting on the demonstrations regarding the fraudulent election results taking place in Brazil and the possible intervention of the military.
Russell Howard is one of the more obnoxious “comedians” much in favour at the BBC.
Well of course he is, being a woke, leftist activist like all the other so-called comedians that infest and infect the airwaves.
Recently he put out a video denying that the culture war even exists, and viciously mocking those who warn of it. Depressingly, it received over half a million views on YouTube.
It’s important to refute such nonsense as, if people don’t even know there’s a war raging, they won’t fight it, and we really are doomed.
Here is Andrew Laurence’s response, in which he states that the war is very real indeed and has ruined lives and poisoned debate. Optimistically, he also suggests that the people have had enough and the tide is turning.
Hello Vlad
“views” – doesn’t mean the viewer agrees/enjoyed
I’ve clicked on youtube content and thought what a load of sh*t after watching it 🙂
That’s true but there’s no denying the creep is popular, with 1.4 million subscribers.
Vlad maybe 23,000 bBC employees clicked apprx 608 times each 🙂
Zuckerberg tells Rogan FBI warning prompted Biden laptop story censorship
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
In a reply to Howard’s video. a tweeter points out he is being hypocrite
cos he himself tweets HATE against Tories
yet now he blames hate on others
The Team Howard video ends
“It’s all a bunch of manipulated BS”
em, they’ve just spent a lot of time & money constructing the video story
that pushes a conspiracy theory
that people’s REAL WORLD concerns are not rooted in truth
Talking therapy: How ice cream is helping people discuss difficult topics
1st world problems – have a ice cream and put weight on
Getty image has been replaced with DA PING LUO. and luckily this image has a black persons arm in it, wouldn’t want the statistics for the minority of the population to be reduced to less than 80% viewing
3rd image – TARA DARBY (not GETTY again, perhaps the bbc and getty have fell out) – looks like a blurred black person walking, so all okay with keeping the minority as a majority
Sorry Fed, later noticed your contribution on same above.
Tuned in to the 0900 R4 news and promptly sat on loo. News over, ‘Desert Island Discs’. Guest? Black editor of some unknown publication. First tune? Some Ghanaian folk tune…………… Impossible to get to ‘off’ switch at that point.
I now know what being on the receiving end of music inflicted as a torture whilst restrained from movement feels like.
Oh no – I missed a Ghanaian folk tune – I’ll can’t the repeat …. Im guessing the favour disc wasn’t ‘my way ‘….
…… lol .. so predicable ….
Brittney Griner lands in US after prisoner swap with Russia
An update to the update, about the update I mentioned earlier
bBC move on, very few people are bothered
Ten months after she left the US to play basketball in Russia, WNBA star Brittney Griner has landed in her home state of Texas.
Griner was jailed for carrying cannabis oil at a Moscow airport in February, and was exchanged for Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout on Thursday.
The sentencing of WNBA star Brittney Griner to nine years behind bars and a fine of 1 million rubles – between US$10,000 and $20,000 depending on the exchange rate – should come as no surprise to those familiar with Russian law.
The country has long enforced strict drug laws and has a well-deserved reputation for zero-tolerance jurisdiction.
Re Britney Rice. Putin lost on the deal. All he got was an arms dealer in return. He could have had so much more.
Think. Britney ticks all the boxes.
1. Black
2. Lesbian
3. A woman.
4. Hates America
5. A sports person.
6. Druggie
Was Meg there with Hunter to greet her with spliff and a Netflix Adult contract?
Susan Rice Was a Diplomatic Disaster
Joe Biden doesn’t need a running mate who has shown such poor judgment.
Aug. 10, 2020
In its 2011 World Report, Human Rights Watch noted the following about Ethiopia under the rule of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi: The ruling party had won parliamentary elections with 99.6 percent of the vote. Supporters of opposition parties endured months of constant intimidation. Journalists and human-rights activists had been forced to leave the country. And hundreds of political prisoners were “in jail and at risk of torture and ill-treatment.”
Meles died the following year. Susan Rice, then the Obama administration’s ambassador to the United Nations, flew to Addis Ababa to deliver a eulogy. “Prime Minister Meles was an uncommon leader, a rare visionary, and a true friend to me and many,” she said. While briefly allowing that the two could disagree on issues of democracy and human rights, she showered the deceased strongman with praise. He was, she said, “uncommonly wise,” “brilliant” and “selfless.”
Susan Rice Will Leave Netflix Board to Join Biden Administration
By Todd Spangler
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The judiciary has so far announced that at least 11 other people have been sentenced to death by Revolutionary Courts on the charges of “enmity against God” or “corruption on Earth” in connection with the protests. The defendants’ identities have not been disclosed.
BBC Red-io Humberside seem to have a close relationship with Labour PR
So today each news bulletin contains a report about a campaign by Unite The Union in Grimsby today,
featuring audio of Michael Agboh-Davison saying
“The workers who kept our country running through the pandemic have been told now,
we have to accept low wages and rocketing food and energy prices
but at the same time we are seeing corporate profits going through the roof”
A fine PR-meme there
but I am interested to know what Grimsby corps are seeing “corporate profits going through the roof”
apart from heavily SUBSIDISED wind biz
corps seem to be having losses and closing factories.
I note the bloke’s initials.
The BBC is splashing £1.2 million a year in taxpayers’ cash on equality and diversity officers, an FoI request has revealed. In research published by Conservative Way Forward, the publicly-funded broadcaster admits to 15 members of staff employed on issues predominantly related to equality, diversity, and inclusivity – with an average salary of £80,000. More than twice as much as the average nurse…
Perhaps this shouldn’t come as a surprise. After all, in 2020 the BBC announced it would spend a whopping £100 million over three years to produce more “diverse” and “inclusive” content. Then-Director General Tony Hall claimed it would help to address “the stain of systemic racism”. The good news is they’re on track to exceed their target: between April 2021 and April 2022, they spent £44 million. The bad news for the 400 staff working at the World Service is they had to lose their jobs in a cost-cutting restructure earlier this year…
I see the communist newspaper Morning Star are promoting the same event
The local media have put up a 15 min video of the protest
The sign is bigger that the entire protest crowd
about 10 to 15 people.
After the show and then Harry’s book, Spare, is published in January, the couple’s “truth” will be fully out there. Will that be enough for them?
Their currency might begin to wane as they struggle with the law of diminishing returns. They may still want to battle royal institutions and the media, but it may turn out that their real battle will be with ongoing relevancy.
Intriguing. Bit long but well worth a watch. Another facet / perspective of where things add up in the big picture.
“The Energy Cliff Will Drive Investors Into Gold and Silver.” Don’t be put off by this title.
‘We’ve Got To Lie’ – BBC Dr. Who Producer Wants To Insert Black People At Points In History
‘Speaking to BBC journalists about positive discrimination …’
The whole article starts with a typical Leftist lie which is never questioned.
There is no ‘positive discrimination’. Only discrimination. By definition one party benefits at the expense of the other.
Can planned power cuts go ahead during the cold snap?
“We’re now joined by Prof David Glew, an energy efficiency and policy expert…
Prof Glew says: I’m afraid I am not aware of special laws …
….you will need to contact citizens advice for more information about this.”
Wheel in the de rigueur expert who knows naff all👍😀
“What can people do to try and stay warm?
Michelle Roberts
Wearing lots of layers, rather than one thick piece of clothing, can help you stay warm by trapping body heat.”
Didn’t Scott of the Antarctic buy into that theory, Vrs Amundsen who wore eskimo style fur clothing..
The leftylib BBC makes progs
: FOR its leftylib mates BY its leftylib mates
Today’s Radio 4 Feedback
#1 BBC radio changes : novelist Claire Allan who has been adding her voice to the protests about the proposed cuts to Radio Foyle in Northern Ireland.
And Three Counties Local Radio presenter Edward Adoo shares his concerns that the reorganisation of Local Radio in England is going to affect programmes aimed at African, Caribbean and Asian audiences.
#2 football fan Rob Crossan tells us why the 5 Live radio commentary has been a winner for him at the World Cup.
#3’We hear what listeners have to say about Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Reith Lecture,
#4 making an impact on our inbox this week was Justin Webb’s interview with RMT leader Mick Lynch on R4 Today
Street harassment to be banned in crackdown, government says
In this article the BBC drag up two old misandrist agenda stories just to remind us of them it seems because neither has anything whatsoever to do with the ‘harassment’ headline:
‘The murder of Sarah Everard, who was abducted and killed by a serving policeman while walking home in south London last year, has also increased concerns over women’s safety and attitudes towards women.’
‘Six months later, primary school teacher Sabina Nessa, 28, was murdered in south London by a man she had never met.’
And just look how they give us information about who did the first murder (and writing ‘serving policeman’ is intended to make us all implicitly assume he was white), but the fact that the second was done by an Albanian immigrant has been completely left out.
A direct example of their blatant agenda-based double standards. Deliberate omission of facts like that is lying.
This trend has continued in year ending March 2022, suggesting that overall hate crime has increased broadly in-line with non-hate crime offences.
non-hate crime offences
in both use of the murders there
and omitting the perp of the second murder
“And just look how they give us information about who did the first murder (and writing ‘serving policeman’ is intended to make us all implicitly assume he was white)…”
Huh? You think ‘they’ were trying to make us all implicitly assume that the white murderer of Sarah Everard was actually white; but (at the same time) were trying to hide the fact that the white murderer of Sabina Nessa was also actually white?
Paid your TV licence yet maxi ?
That’s the Licence that robs the poor to give to the rich ?
I’m dreaming of a white wimmin, black man Xmas
Nope I’m awake.. but they do hide themselves well on the streets and towns and villages of the UK
Anyone else notice that the Fairy ‘baby’ logo in its napkin, is not white anymore. Its more of a ‘biscuit’ colour.
Peak BiasedBBC.
“Anyone else notice that the Fairy ‘baby’ logo in its napkin, is not white anymore.”
Paid your TV licence yet maxi ?
That’s the Licence that robs the poor to give to the rich ?
Brissles this is the back of one new pack from Wilko
I thought one of the leftists’ mantras was about respecting other cultures…..
Unless you are a black race-baiting grifter attacking the British culture
Before Qatar there was …..
Why Mariah Carey was wrong to play Saudi Arabia
This article is more than 3 years oldOwen Jones
Owen Jones
When pop stars are duped into performing in the Arab country, they merely help the regime’s propaganda machine
Carey has famously always had a devoted gay fanbase: in Saudi Arabia, homosexuality is punishable by death.
Pop stars such as Mariah Carey may well be fooled by publicists into thinking that, by performing in countries ruled by abhorrent regimes, they will advance progressive causes. They do no such thing: they simply help legitimise tyranny. They became pop stars because of their love of music. They must surely ask themselves if they really ever aspired to become the propaganda devices of one of the worst regimes on Earth.
Paul Joseph Watson video about shadow banning, er, visibility filtering on Twitter.
I’m really just posting it because the “woman” who appears at the end – Melissa Ingle – was on ITV News last week giving evidence about the rise in hate speech under Elon Musk. Obviously, “she” has no axes to grind. This is the crap they serve up as news on telly these days.
“Paul Joseph Watson video about shadow banning…”
Also from Paul Joseph Watson;
“I really think you should press the button to wipe Jews off the face of the Earth… I care about white people and not sand nig*er Pa*i Jew fag*ot co*ns”
If you dont like Paul Joseph Watson you shouldn`t post at a tale end of a thread but at the start of one with a link to where you allegded he said it .
The fact you wait until you think people would have moved on says volumes about you Maxi . For a start you are cowardly .
#1 The comment was whataboutery
#2 It made a huge claim about PJW
but supplied no evidence or context
There is no video of PJW ever saying anything like that.
Rather in May2022 the wacky conspiracy theory website The BylineTimes said they had an audio recording of a voice like PJWs saying that,
they claimed it was off the cuff at a party.
AFAIK they never gave more evidence than, ‘oh some people say it was him’
Paid your TV licence yet maxi ?
That’s the Licence that robs the poor to give to the rich ?
UK Police are now influencing their own crime statistics and hate related work by generating videos that produce feelings of hate.
For the Many (Haters), Not the Few (Lovers).
I wonder when posting links such as “Spike Milligan – Pakistani Daleks” will be constituted as a ‘Hate Crime’? Once the Hate Crime Hub starts end of the year by Amber Rudd?
Brazil OUT of world cup…
Czech mate ha ha
🎼They don’t feel like dancing
Distinct lack of that bleeding samba in extra time
It wasn’t ‘disrespectful ‘ it was cultural …..bye Brazil … lol
Bbc slipping, two white males out of 4 to comment on game, still found another black wimmin though
BBC News between the footy . East Kent NHS trust . The medical mafia covering up the harm to a pregnant lady who a surgeon nearly killed . Left her sterile . The surgeon is not named – . Still works at the Trust . Notes of the failure were surpressed and found by accident .
The CEO of the NHS trust refuses interviews (£200 k pa ?)…
Don’t forget to clap ….
Maybe Brazil team can join the NHS dancing Tik Tok team
Just caught the end of a BBC London News feature on the World Cup, they were talking to French, Moroccan and Brazilian fans in the capital.
Any England fans? Oh, they followed one on his journey to Qatar – he”s black, of course.
Gareth Southgate on the news is wearing a shirt with the EE network logo on either shoulder. At first glance I thought they were dollar signs.
It amounts to the same thing I suppose.
Mobility scooter death: Man denies Thomas O’Halloran murder
The bit which got my attention here was:
‘He was stabbed in the neck, chest and abdomen, post-mortem tests found.’
Now that is a particularly viscious and nasty way to murder someone. It wasn’t an unfortunate death from a single wound to the chest, it was a frenzied, bloody murder.
But the BBC have downplayed it ever since a man got charged and he was black. There are plenty of pictures available, but they choose not to include one in this article.
Here he is:

Murders like this should carry the death sentence. But the racist BBC don’t even want us to know what he looks like.
Not a problem. If he was white you can bet they’d tell us. Since they don’t, it’s obvious.
Where was he from?
Jug eared clown! Absolutely pathetic virtue signalling asshole. Where does he think Qatar get their money from.
At home with the Hewitts – the new Netflix thing still getting a lot of attention on the twitter – I bet underprevious ownership any criticism would have been blocked ….
If they ever come to Blighty again I think they really will need protection ….who cares?
That word. Again.
Now, this…. THIS… is journalistic next level.
How it is.