247 Responses to Start the Week/Year 2 January 2023

  1. StewGreen says:

    BBC 2 6:30-7:30pm Instead of Come Dine with me, it’s “Come Walk With Me”
    Titled #TakeAhike each episode starts with a map error
    “This week we are in Yorkshire”
    No the area on the map is Yorkshire & the Humber

    The area shaded grey south of the Humber
    is traditionally Lincolnshire.
    Now under N. Lincs & NE Lincs councils



  2. Eddy Booth says:

    Damar Hamlin: Why do some young athletes suffer cardiac arrest?

    Let me guess: a debunking hit piece against people saying vaccine side effects might be at play in these cases and needs further investigation.
    And as this athlete got hit on his chest by a helmet wearing opponent it’s hardly the fairest example


  3. Up2snuff says:

    BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – why does the BBC keep relating scientific rubbish ….

    …. and worrying children and young adults sick, when they then produce pages like this? : https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/64135806 The BBC on RadioFlaw have produced numerous reports in the year past of areas of forest devastated in the Amazon, species extinction, coral bleaching and under threat from AGW, etc., etc., yet there are more species just waiting to be discovered in 2023.


  4. Up2snuff says:

    BBC WEB-SITE Watch #3 – hmmmn, the BBC are after your children ….

    “Waterloo Road ticked other boxes for BBC executives. Given its school setting, it attracts sought-after young viewers who identify with the characters and the setting. The show was first filmed in Rochdale, then moved to Greenock near Glasgow, and is now in Swinton.

    “It’s so relatable,” Adam Thomas believes. “Not just the storylines and the plots, but also just the characters. There are so many different characters that people can go, ‘Oh my gosh, she reminds me of that person.'”

    The series will also start conversations among its young viewers about some of the difficult subjects it covers, the actor hopes.

    “I think we need shows like this, for the kids especially,” he says. “They will go back to school and talk about these topics, and there are some topics that you wouldn’t necessarily talk about. I think it’s important to ask those questions.”

    Waterloo Road is on BBC One and iPlayer on Tuesdays from 3 January. You can also find Waterloo Road – The Official Podcast now on BBC Sounds.”


    • BRISSLES says:

      I immediately switch channels if I see a film / show / drama / or any programme with kids in it. Invariably the scriptwriters forget to put PLEASE and THANK YOU coming out of their mouths, so its always “can I have …… ? or “I want……..” or “will you get me …….”.
      Little wonder today’s children have little or no manners when they don’t see politeness portrayed on the screen.


  5. StewGreen says:

    2009 The One Show 3 BBC lefties interview Morissey
    They are gobsmacked when he said going on the dole was a happy lazy thing to do
    Their lefty faces scour

    FFS his famous song was “I was looking for a job and then I found a job and heaven knows I’m miserable now”


    • Fedup2 says:

      From 2009 …. I wonder what mr morrisey is saying now – you can see the fear the beeboids are feeling because even back then he was ‘unapproved’….


  6. StewGreen says:

    2023 Journalism = Churnalism
    .. They take PR material that pushes agendas
    & lazily cutNpaste it into articles
    “left Italy’s ski resorts”
    changed to “left French ski resorts”



  7. StewGreen says:

    libmob “We don’t want to see any CHEMICALS in farming .. go organic like Sri Lanka”

    libmob “My arm .. vaccinate the Hell out of it with Glaxo, Moderna, vaccinati0on CHEMICALS”


  8. Flotsam says:

    Has anyone seen anything about this book. “Undercover Killers at the BBC” author Paul Atkinson?


    There was a vicious murder in Cheshire. Two of the killers had carried out work for the BBC, notably an episode of “Crooked Britain”. The killers had “set up” the owner of a print company into printing forged banknotes in order to secretly film him for the BBC. There seems to have been improper use of Police data etc etc, please read the link.

    The murder of Brian Waters was particularly brutal.


  9. StewGreen says:

    The BBC article implies the Barrow woman Ellie Williams invented a made up Asian grooming gang and smashed herself with a hammer.
    Guilty of 8 counts of perverting the course of justice.
    Including one she plead guilty to.

    It did seem remarkable at the time that the police said they didn’t believe her.