The BBC have been reporting the Critics Choice Awards across their platforms. Top billing goes to former action movie star Brendan Fraser, who blubbed in his acceptance speech for his comeback performance in The Whale.
Beyond that though, from the Beeb website, ‘Other Critics Choice winners included Cate Blanchett, who was named best actress for her role in Tar as fictional conductor and perfectionist Lydia Tar. . .’ Fictional conductor, eh? You don’t say.
It’s a cliche to say that actors should only speak when they have a script but that didn’t stop Blanchett from delivering this masterpiece – ‘an impassioned speech’ – according to the BBC:
‘. . .describing her award as “extremely arbitrary considering how many extraordinary performances there have been by women not only in this room”.
She added: “It’s like, what is this patriarchal pyramid where someone stands up here?
“Why don’t we just say there’s a whole raft of female performances that are in concert and in dialogue with one another, and stop the televised horse race of it at all?
“Because can I tell you, every single woman – whether it’s television, film, advertising, tampon commercials, whatever – you’re all out there doing amazing work that is inspiring me continually.
“So thank you. I share this with you all.” ‘
Oh bog off, Galadriel. Next time get a man to write you a proper speech.
From Singin’ in the Rain:
Rod (Monumental Pictures publicist):
“The studio’s gotta keep their stars from looking ridiculous at any cost.”
Cosmo Brown:
“Nobody’s got that much money.”
I miss Diane Abbott … so here we go … “Abbott speaks out on school row: Diane Abbott has been critical of colleagues’ school choices. Labour MP Diane Abbott has said sending her son to a £10,000-a-year private school instead of a comprehensive is “indefensible”. { oct2003}”
In her first detailed comments on the controversy, she told BBC One’s This Week programme: “Private schools prop up the class system in society.”
“It is inconsistent, to put it mildly, for someone who believes in a fairer and more egalitarian society to send their child to a fee-paying school.”
But, she added: “I (Diane Abbott) had to choose between my reputation as a politician and my son.”
When Prime Minister Tony Blair sent his eldest son, Euan, to the London Oratory, a selective school, she criticised him, saying people voted Labour because they believed in equality.
And when Solicitor General Harriet Harman sent her son to a selective grammar school in Orpington, Kent, Ms Abbott said: “She made the Labour Party look as if we do one thing and say another.”
The Hackney North and Stoke Newington MP, who became Britain’s first black woman member in 1987, told the programme her constituents would understand – “particularly black mothers who know the position I’m in”.
– reputation or moral high ground when saying what other people should do?
– how come we could not choose between having her as an MP or doing what she tells other people to do?
– reference – found this on by hohum
– The People Love Her in 2017 – GE#17 // Labour(Hackney) // Diane Abbott // Votes 42,265 // share 75.1% // change+12.2
BBC fails to follow up on a refugee related News story … BBC £3.5bn Search for ‘Maria Freiburg’
… sorry if this makes you feel sick or generates hatred, but why aren’t the BBC interested in Maria Ladenburge’s killer being brought to justice and why the killer did it ….
The Trial of Hussein Khavari (murdered Maria Ladenburge) Becomes Even More Sordid { sep2017}
The accused entered the courtroom with shackles on hands and feet at 9:05am. First he read out loud a letter of apology, and he asked the family of the murdered Maria Ladenburger for forgiveness, Focus reports.
“I wish I could undo everything. What I have done, I am deeply sad about that from the bottom of my heart.” (Hussein K.)
Then he went on to recount the events of the night of the murder:
He had been drinking with three friends and he had smoked hashish. Because he was extremely drunk, he was thrown out of the bar. At some time after that, he was on his way home. At the [river] Dreisam, the girl on her bicycle approached him.
He kicked against the bicycle, which caused the girl to fall off. She screamed. He held her mouth shut. Then he strangled her with her shawl until she was unconscious.
“When I saw how pretty she was, I wanted to have sex with her.” (Hussein K.)
Apparently he thought that he had already strangled her to death. The judge questioned him concerning “sex with a dead girl,” and the offender said:
“It didn’t bother me to have sex with a dead girl.” (Hussein K.)
According to his testimony he was too drunk to achieve an erection, so he inserted his hand. Since he had a previous injury from a bicycle accident, he pulled her into the river to wash his blood from her body. There he left her and fled.
BBC Last Touched on this story “Afghan murder suspect in Germany was jailed in Greece (convicted of attempted murder in Greece)” { dec2016}
Germans were outraged by the murder of Maria L, a student in Freiburg who volunteered for a refugee charity.
He was given a 10 year-sentence but was apparently freed after about 18 months.
– BBC £3.5bn News Service Search for ‘Maria Freiburg’ found wanting, the real world is just to horrible to report
– Lady Gaga reveals chronic illness, with fibromyalgia featuring in her new documentary (sales pitch!)
go to Google search
type .. “Hussein Khavari”
There are stories dated 2018, 2019
OK the 2019 page is listed only cos it comtains a link to the March 2018 one
An asylum seeker has been jailed for life for the rape and murder of a woman in Germany in a case that fuelled tensions over the influx of migrants.
Hussein Khavari, who claimed to be Afghan, admitted to attacking student Maria Ladenburger, 19, in October 2016 in the south-western city of Freiburg.
She was raped and strangled – but alive when she was left on the bank of a river to drown, the judge said.
Khavari was arrested weeks later and DNA tests linked him to the crime.
The anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party entered the federal parliament for the first time, while Mrs Merkel’s CDU party had its worst electoral performance in almost 70 years.
It’s 2023 grandad
Top secret information: when a tweet comes out of the PM’s account that doesn’t mean the PM has just typed it himself.
The PM’s dept creates a page about the legislation
then tweets the link
Or would you prefer to have your news filtered through BBC, Sky, ITV ?
A bit earlier, I did say that I get all my news from everywhere else but the awful BBC, ITV, etc, and usually skim the online rags, read Guido, and look at comments here, so I don’t really need Twotter or Bookface…
Got a great blog though, and you’re always welcome to comment!
Teacher still in hiding a year on after Prophet Muhammed Batley Grammar School controversy
Kim Leadbeater MP has provided words of support a year on from the Batley Grammar School protests, which saw a teacher embroiled in controversy for showing an image of the Prophet Muhammad
ByConnor TealeReporterRia TesiaTrending Writer
11:25, 25 MAR 2022
The antitrust lawsuit filed on Tuesday 10th January in a federal court in Texas, targets the British Broadcasting Corp (BBC) lead Trusted News Initiative (TNI), a self-described “industry partnership” formed in 2020 among legacy media giants and big tech companies.
Prior to being censored, shadow-banned, and ultimately de-platformed, Kennedy’s use of Internet platforms owned and operated by TNI members Facebook, Google, and Twitter allowed him to publish COVID-related news and opinion reaching millions of people, which in turn drove traffic to The Defender and was critical to fundraising and to sales of Kennedy’s books. Kennedy had 800,000 followers on Instagram and millions of viewers on YouTube. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is joined by Creative Destruction Media, Trial Site News, Truth About Vaccines founders Ty and Charlene Bollinger, independent journalist Ben Swann, Health Nut News publisher Erin Elizabeth Finn, Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft, Dr. Joseph Mercola, and Ben Tapper, a chiropractor. The plaintiffs, the lawsuit alleges, are among the many victims of the TNI’s “group boycott” tactic, defined as a coordinated effort to facilitate monopoly by cutting off the competitors’ access to supplies and necessities. In this case, the TNI members are accused of engaging in group boycott—in concert with their big tech partners—against small, independent news publishers by denying them access to internet platforms they need to compete and even survive in the online news market. This alleged effort by the BBC to establish a dominant media narrative by shutting off nonestablishment outlets, according to the lawsuit, has violated both American federal antitrust and freedom of speech laws. “Federal antitrust law has its own name for this kind of ‘industry partnership,’” the lawsuit states. “It’s called a group boycott and is a per se violation of the Sherman Act.” The BBC’s criminal censorship and propaganda operation of its U.S. online website,, reaches an American audience of over fifty million and transacting substantial business in every American state and district. It started in July 2019, when the BBC director-general Tony Hall announced, “Last month I convened, behind closed doors, a Trusted News Summit at the BBC, which brought together global tech platforms and publishers. The goal was to arrive at a practical set of actions we can take together, right now, to tackle the rise of misinformation.” By March 2020, these “global tech platforms and publishers” had formed the TNI. As described by a high-ranking BBC executive in 2020, the TNI is an “international partnership initiative convened by the BBC, which links media organisations and social-media platforms. The group has developed a shared early-warning system to alert partners. According to the BBC, TNI members agreed in early 2020 that their “ground-breaking collaboration” would target online news relating to COVID-19 and that TNI members would “work together to ensure harmful disinformation myths are stopped in their tracks.”
The antitrust lawsuit, filed in a US district court in northern Texas, also mentions interference in the US presidential election by the BBC. The BBC’s Director General, Tony Hall, committed the BBC/TNI to a shared early warning system of rapid alerts to combat the spread of disinformation during the US presidential election.
In late 2020 and 2021, the BBC’s Jessica Cecil, then the head of the TNI, made numerous public statements in print and at TNI conferences describing how the TNI functioned. Cecil stated that the TNI’s members work together “in the fight against disinformation” by “agreeing” to “standards” and to a “system” making possible a suppression of news content that, individually, TNI members “couldn’t do on our own.” She stated that the TNI’s members had agreed to adopt, and did adopt, a “fast alert” system in which members would alert one another to items of supposedly “unreliable” information that had appeared online. She stated that TNI members had “signed up” to a set of “expectations” about the actions they would take on their own to suppress reporting identified by the TNI as “misinformation.” There were “clear . . . expectations,” said Ms. Cecil, that all members had “signed up” for to “choke off” such reporting online. These “clear expectations” included a commitment by the TNI’s Big Tech Members to censor such reporting on their platforms, to shadow-ban such content, to deplatform publishers who persisted in such reporting, and to work in tandem with one another. The goal of this cooperation “between tech and media” and “across platforms,” according to Cecil, was to find “practical ways to choke off” the online publishing of news deemed by TNI members to be misinformation. Cecil took evident pride in the assertion that the TNI’s suppression of others’ online reporting did not “in any way muzzle our own journalism”; it was apparently of no consequence that the BBC through the use of the TNI, muzzles other news publishers, except GB News (see Neil Oliver, Mark Steyn and Laurence Fox).
Jamie Angus, Former Senior News Controller for BBC News (now working for Saudi Arabia’s state broadcaster) said he was fighting a “tidal wave of unchecked, incorrect, or in fact explicitly-malicious nonsense that’s being piped out mainly through digital platforms.
That explains all we need to know about this pernicious organisation and quite probably directly led to the creation of tactical non-jobs such as that occupied my MS Spring etc.
I wonder if this will run ? I remember when I read the US constitution not seeing the word ‘misinformation ‘ …. I suppose if the action was in the UK the BBC / TNI would rely on some ‘public interest ‘defence – but in the US it sounds like a conspiracy to subvert free speech ….
I am currently reading “The Real Anthony Fauci” by RFK Jr. An excellent book which reveals the way Fauci operates to stifle research into AIDS and Covid. He’s killed untold numbers of people in his support of Big Pharma. I’d never have heard of this book if I hadn’t seen Mark Steyn talk to RFK on GB News.
Try telling that to the relatives of people who have died because there was not enough medical staff on duty to treat them in time Ange!
Sometimes laws may upset some people but generally they are only implemented when vitally required to protect the innocent vast majority in some cases who will suffer the consequences.
What for instance would have been the result if millions of servicemen decided to withdraw their Labour in 1939?
Part 156? of BBC’S occasional series encouraging young people not to drink; they must be sponsored by a certain religion or something.
This episode dressed up as cost of living crisis issue.
“For Grace, the £50 to £60 she’d spend in pubs, bars and clubs could buy her two weeks’ worth of groceries:
How about not going to festivals and using the £250
For ten weeks groceries?
How about not buying novelty hats and buying a weeks grub?
“If you’ve been affected by the issues raised in this article, help and support is available via BBC Action Line.…” Biasedbbc..
To make sure the correct narrative is followed, the BBC now makes its own news!
It commissions a poll into the famous ‘cost of living crisis’ ( their words) and then runs a news item on the results!!
Guess what? 97% of all the people surveyed are eating their own children and living in the corner of one room covered in blankets as they can’t afford to put the gas on.
Completely pathetic.
In other news, because of the ‘cost of living crisis’ ……errr…..Marks and Spencer are opening 20 new shops and creating 3000 jobs.
Are the BBC capable of using the words ‘cost of living’ without appending the word ‘crisis’ to it? Clearly not.
ITV local newsPR show “this shop in Boston is having to close cos of £30K energy bills”
That sounds fake to me the business price cap is 60p leccy and 18p for 1KWh of gas
So a shop using £1,000 per day is using 1,700KWh
or say 170KWh per hour for 10 opening hours
1KWh electric fire will do good a job of heating a room
so why use 170 times more ?
“A whole section of the nine-storey block collapsed and authorities say at least 40 people died. Rescue efforts are continuing.”
We’ll never know what happened, Russia’s missile just hit it , shot at Russians missile crashed in it, or Ukrainian air defence missile did a u-turn or something.
Not nice whatever the cause, but the BBC still manages to be less than truthful?
Using a photo, making it look like the whole middle section of one large building was demolished, when perhaps it’s two towers with their corners damaged and lots of smoke/ dust in the middle..?
Wait for it, wait for it- ‘Lingerie expert explains the right way to put on a bra’, proudly trumpets the Lifestyle section of the BBC webshite (one of many sections that I have tried to opt out of but can’t find a way how). FFS is this what the licence fee pays for? Utter, utter drivel.
Radio 2 now going large on the artists for their upcoming ‘Piano Room’, whatever the hell that is. They have taken another opportunity to promote their favourite talentless racist thug Stormzy. Out of touch? The BBC? Never! Another nail in the coffin of what was a very good radio station.
If the politicians, bureaucrats and activist nutters do not pay attention – we are going to see a lot more of this:
Well done people of Oxford for standing up to the CCP style of @OxfordCity "BOLLARDS in low traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs) have again been vandalised and removed"
TORONTO- Stephanie Warriner, 43, went to Hospital with chronic beathing issues but because she had her mask under her nose she “ended up in an altercation with 4 security guards that led to her death”
A judge ruled no rules were broken. Just her life🤷♀️
Mistake mouthing off and mistake apologising . Surely he must know it could never be enough – does he need more money – is it ego ?
It would be a shame if the farming show got cancelled but woke prime is woke prime ….. and we are at ‘peak Amazon ‘….
“over 30” specialist Hate Crime Support Officers
“over 30” specialist Hate Crime Support Officers
“over 30” specialist Hate Crime Support Officers
twelve-year-old girl who had been having
sex with up to five and Asian males
because he said she had been quote 100%
consented consensual in every incident
tory’s of age I think that’s just I
think that’s unbelievable to be honest
have you worked as it have you
identified who that officer was and
Not BBC but AP — bizarre, illogical attempt to normalise the Davos gathering of elites as nothing troublesome at all… and anyone who thinks otherwise is a tin-hat wearing weirdo.
Except the author acknowledges that “the four-day conference is also known for secretive backroom meetings and deal-making by business leaders” and the 2020 Great Reset “envisioned sweeping changes to how societies and economies would work to recover from the pandemic and build a more sustainable future.”
And yet she concludes that “in increasingly mainstream corners of the internet and on conservative talk shows, ‘The Great Reset’ has become shorthand for what skeptics say is a reorganization of society, using global uncertainty as a guise to take away rights.”
It wasn’t long ago that the media were completely silent on the WEF/Great Reset; now they’re approaching point 3 on the globalist revision chart:
Ah of course. The author’s a ‘News Verification Journalist’ at Associated Press; aka BTEC in Frappuccino Studies from the Marianna College of Bullshit.
Loathsome though Harry and Meghan are, cynics might find a tiny bit of satisfaction in watching woke Charles be attacked by even woker Ginge and Whinge.
The serial plod rapist story is now going through the next ( final phase ?)
This involves the ‘experts ‘ defined as people who don’t actually do anything but feel equipped to say what should be done and how – and make a living from it .
Todays candidate was an American ? Lady called ‘Betsy stanko. Now Betsy has apparently worked with the Met plod . This automatically qualifies her to pronounce on whaf should be done .the idea of an American advising British plod must surely be a joke .
Can you guess what Betsy suggests ?
Yes – get more outsiders ( like Betsy ) to be inside the plod watching it and telling it how to change – they’ll have to be paid well of course .
She was against a public inquiry ( presumably no money in that ) .
There are noticeable absences from this story – eg – the number of women in the plod now – compared to – say – 20 years ago . Does this make a material change .
But I think the real story is the sacrifice of expertise and commitment in plod for ‘diversity ‘ . Standards were dropped to ensure certain groups would get in – so vetting must have been relaxed – making it easy for various degenerates of various types – to join .
The Met – apparently – is investigating 900 of its own – 1 in 50 of the organisation . No wonder – thankfully – we don’t see them. …..
Interesting that the big plod story of yesterday was some hsirbrained lefty charity calling for plods to be removed from coloured schools …. But at least the schools will be closed soon …
“Standards were dropped to ensure certain groups would get in”
This applies to just about every organisation nowadays.
My Chambers’s (sic) Etymological Dictionary 1907 defines ‘Discriminate’ as to note the difference: to distinguish: to select from others and ‘Discrimination’ as act or quality of distinguishing: acuteness, discernment, judgement.
The problem with the Equality Act is that it has been misused so that employers are in effect prevented to use discernment (if they have any) to select the right person for any job by virtue of a list of ‘protected characteristics.’
And the religion of peace and it’s adherents would do well to read Aldous Huxley, maybe:
“Morality is always the product of terror; its chains and strait-waistcoats are fashioned by those who dare not trust others, because they do not dare to trust themselves, to walk in liberty.”
Home Office staff have been told to be careful about pronouns when addressing colleagues and to avoid using words such as “mate” and “homosexuality”
Guest Who- IMAGE WATCH I believe you are referring to Getty’s.
The more I see of their imaging . The more I consider it to be
inverted racism. Today’s image from their “partners” the BBC
on increase of wages. Sums it up for me. But am I becoming
paranoid ? I think not.
Just as an appendage. That’s me the old pale stale male
lumbering behind the black product manager on the latest main page “educating” Getty’s imaging for the BBC on “Pay rises at fastest pace for over 20 years” The main feature on the BBC internet pages today.
We are so lucky ,the unwashed to be given this inclusion,
diversity, positive discrimination “education” by the BBC and
its partners for only £158 a year.
(Black Panther) “Houston activists call for arrest of armed taqueria diner who shot, killed robbery suspect
The activists say the shooter went from being a law-abiding citizen to a lawbreaker when he continued to fire despite there being no threat”
No surprise there, with another black armed robber shot in action, terrorising diners.
So, it turned out to be a fake gun, did the victims know this ? NO
The man’s attorney released a statement saying: “In Texas, a shooting is justified in self-defense, defense of others, and defense of property.”
The BBC gives the SNP a free pass ( in England anyway ) and favours the breakup of the UK . So the strategy being applied by the SNP to kick the UK constitution through the courts .
The latest gig is the queer one – which I care nothing for and do not want to know about .
But it’s the free pass that gets me – as an Englishman – where is the full scrutiny ? Criticism of the Scottish government ? Nowhere ….
Do you know about the following which will have a big impact on the World’s climate and our future planet?
China allows three children in major policy shift
Published 31 May (BBC)
– Large population growth China currently has 1.4 billion people at present.
China’s Monster Three Gorges Dam Is About To Slow The Rotation Of The Earth
Cutler Cleveland , The Energy Watch Jun 18, 2010, 2:23 PM (Business Insider)
– Rotation of the Earth can change weather patterns and climate.
China is the largest developing country in the world. China is still considered a developing country based on the criteria of the World Bank and the United Nations. (World Atlas)
– Thus China can get cheap loans and be exempt from impositions put on developed countries.
China has banned BBC World News from broadcasting in the country, its television and radio regulator announced on Thursday. 12 February (BBC)
– I guess you if you cannot report on a Country then it can do no wrong.
Did you know about the above and if not then what are you opinions on them and their impact on the World?
I was a bit surprised by the tone of the BBC with the news that the Chinese are not breeding like they did . Surely – on all counts – particularly green crap – it’s a good thing . And we can send the surplus third worlders to China to fill in gaps – win win …
Let’s not forget that part of the “developing country” thing is the colossal benefit from subsidised shipping rates that China gets – stuff delivered to UK addresses from literally the other side of the world – compare shipping from Germany say to shipping from China….
Never mind Germany. A couple of years ago I was looking to buy something for a few pounds on eBay. Found it and it was £5 delivery from up the road in Nottingham. Another seller had it marginally cheaper, with free delivery from China. The UK can’t compete.
The competition is savaged by the UK delivery end – all the Chinese need to do is get the bulk parcels to a Royal Mail sorting deport and from there onwards there’s no cost d/t reciprocal agreement – coz developing country status.
The rub come when you want to send something to China!
MM, actually the rotation of the earth has been speeding up and every few years a ‘leap second’ has to be added to the atomic clock here in the UK and any in other countries.
Well, you’d add a leap second if the Earth were marginally slowing in its axial rotation. One instance of this was midnight on 30/6/1992, when an official clock would have shown (by convention) 23:59:59, then 23:59:60 and then 00:00:00 to accommodate the extra second, i.e. the 61st second of the final minute of June. This kept official time in sync with terrestrial dynamic time.
With the earth very marginally accelerating, as it has been recently, official clocks might need to lose a second, i.e. have only 59 sec’s in the last minute of the time period (usually on 31/12, or 30/6 as in my example above). So in that case, the clocks would show 23:59:58 and then, one second later, 00:00:00.
London has remained the region with both the largest proportion of people born outside the UK and the largest proportion of people with non-UK passports. In 2021, more than 4 in 10 (40.6%) usual residents in London were non-UK born, and more than 1 in 5 (23.3%) had a non-UK passport.2 Nov 2022
The head teachers cannot strike because they didn’t get to the required percentage . They blame the Post Office union for striking during their strike ballot .
So guess what – another vote ….. so teachers are too thick to put a vote together ….
All that hot air about kids being damaged because of no school – All that hot air about parents taking their kids on holiday during term time ….
Make it a long strike – cut the pensions they all dream of. Cut the summer holidays to ‘catch up ‘…
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
They reported that mark rowley – the outgoing commissioner of met plod -was doing the media rounds but had declined the ‘today ‘ gig .
But 0815 up he pops – apology ( yawn) blah blah ( yawn ) . Then meeshal compares to the Met to the RUC – disbanded because the Irish republicans didn’t like it .
Wimmin – then – are the equivalent of Irish nationalists …. Nice one meeesh …
‘Is it time to end the metropolice ?” Sez meeesh …. Wow – so that’s the BBC agenda …. Are you gonna fix your force ? Sez meeesh …. Mark burbles something about problems and stuff and… ( yawn ) ….
‘Can wimmin be confident to report something to a plod who might be on your ‘internal investigation ‘ list ? Sez meeesh
Wow she really knows how to hurt , …..
Meanwhile the police commissioner for the met – the emir of londonistan is …quiet … so often up he pops to tell us how it’s gonna be …. Maybe he is busy closing roads and building cycle lanes …..
There it dribbled to an end …. The commish must be counting down the days to his pay off and peerage … until the next plod rape trial ….
As Amazon @primevideouk have cancelled Jeremy Clarkson's Grand Tour and Clarkson's Farm, I strongly suggest everyone cancels their direct debit to them.
In the Daily Express today there’s an article about electric cars and their batteries.
It says you should stop charging when it’s 80% charged to look after your battery and if you go to 100% charged it damages your battery long term.
This means the range will drop to 80% of whatever the manufacturer says.
Then, as you start looking for a charging point when you’re down to a quarter charge that means the range is about half what the manufacturer claims.
In this cold weather the range drops.
The car also loses charge overnight.
Where will all the used batteries be sent?
Some third world country probably, to be piled up and left to leak into the environment.
Of course, we will not have the infrastructure to power all the chargers and wind/solar is not the answer.
Despite the undoubtable benefits of electrifying our transport fleet – from reduced air pollution to enabling us to achieve the essential net-zero targets – among the EV community there is a growing sense of concern about the dangers and apparent spontaneity of EV fires.
apparent spontaneity of EV fires
apparent spontaneity of EV fires
apparent spontaneity of EV fires
‘Then because of this heat, a chemical reaction takes place which generates more heat, which then causes the chemical reaction to go even faster, and as you can see it’s a vicious cycle.
This is a process called thermal runaway and it can lead to ignition, or in some cases even explosion.’
Data obtained by Air Quality News through a Freedom of Information (FOI) request revealed that in 2019 the London Fire Brigade dealt with just 54 electric vehicle fires compared to 1,898 petrol and diesel fires.
Great points. The whole electric car thing really saddens me as a missed opportunity to reform these things about cars:
Shape: To make them more aerodynamic. Only 90W are required to transport a single occupant at 60 mph. Modern electric cars require many kW because they have the aerodynamics of a brick.
Weight: It is easily possible to reduce the weight from many 1000’s of kg to under 100kg which is very beneficial as the road is destroyed by many powers of the weight. Also stop-start of a heavy object wastes energy even when this gets recovered.
Size: By reducing the size material costs are reduced and parking problems greatly reduced.
Speed: Conventional Chelsea tractors are very slow for city to city journeys. I can only manage 30.6 mph average between two cities under the best conditions (i.e. leave at 5:00am on a Sunday). This is because our road network is very disjointed and requires stop-start. Smaller cheaper and direct tracks would allow direct non-stop journeys and tracks to be built at a fraction of the cost and take up less of the countryside. There would also be less accidents.
IMHO Sinclair was right, but, his C5 was unable to share the same tracks. The design of cars AND roads needs to be changed.
As the great and the good congregate in Davos to self-flagellate over global warming, we in this country will surely be invited to ‘give a lead’ and self-flagellate even more.
But I notice that China produces 29 times more CO2 than the UK. And if we reduced our CO2 to zero the World production would go down by a magnificent….1%.
So I look forward to the Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil protests in Tiananmen Square. No doubt a BBC camera crew will be there to film the results. I can’t wait to see how the Chinese Police go out of their way to protect that pink boat.
“Attention seekers who months ago couldn’t wait to post pictures of their own jabs, or to stand in front of a camera and urge others to do likewise for the greater good, have mysteriously found other things to preach about.”~Neil Oliver @thecoastguy
We have to ask – will the dam break and the msm discuss / debate the effect of the jabs ?
If this happens what will they say ?- after so long colluding with the medical mafia / politicians about the total perfection of the jabs ?
The public inquiry won’t – I suggest – look at rising numbers of sudden unexplained deaths . But for every one – there is another grieving family – more people to start asking ‘why ?’
Will the UK governments fall back on a disfunctional NHS ? I think that’s more likely than blaming the jabs.
I still think they knew how many would die or be injured by the jabs – but decided to cover it up as a price worth paying to avoid sobbing angels moaning about doing their job in hospitals ….
The FAA has very quietly tacitly admitted that the EKGs of pilots are no longer normal. We should be concerned. Very concerned.
After the vaccine rolled out, the FAA secretly widened the EKG parameter range for pilots so they wouldn’t be grounded. It looks like the vax gave at least 50M Americans heart damage.
Future of company hailed by Boris Johnson as key to green industrial revolution hangs in the balance, as the first in our Electric dreams series on Britain’s fledgling battery industry reveals
by Jasper Jolly
Thu 29 Sep 2022 07.00 BST
Champagne flowed freely as Orral Nadjari courted bankers and potential business partners in a private box, against a soundtrack of V12 supercar engines, at the Goodwood festival of Speed.
Nadjari had hit the big time: his Britishvolt battery startup was gatecrashing the annual petrolheads’ gathering at the historic West Sussex circuit in June with plans to power cars of the future using British-made batteries.
Britishvolt’s pricey sponsorship of the “Electric Avenue” battery car showcase at the festival was not the only instance of the fledgling company’s extravagant approach, according to insiders.
I used to work with drones until they started to take off (ha ha) and the Chinese got stuck in. They were selling stuff cheaper than it could even be built here – without including all the R&D costs.
I suspect this company were hoping to tap into the ‘climate change’ budgets and get some free money then sell it before the bubble burst. And I suspect there are a LOT more doing the same.
JohnC ,
I expect some bright spark Director has emptied the Bank Account of the Millions of Tax Payer’s and Lottery funds….Green Dream what a result !
Witnessed 30 seconds of some kids bake off thing today…agenda agenda ….very sad to see youngsters being brainwashed .
… and right at the top, a completely random picture which is yet another complete fake Getty image featuring women in charge and BAME. It has 100% been chosen simply for agenda racist, sexist and pro-ginger-minorities reasons.
It’s pathetic beyond words. I would expect 6th formers to display more integrity.
I am pretty sure that the underlings in the BBC are doing this on purpose, not to advance the cause of diversity but to spit venom and spite in the faces of the majority of the UK population who they despise.
No one hates more or spews more venom than a brainwashed lefty hidden activist which sums up the overwhelming makeup of the BBC..
Hi John- I commented on this image earlier this morning. However
you are 100 times more IT literate than me. There is some later imaging on the BBC website ” 5 tips asking for a pay rise.” I expect the BBC and Getty’s and their other imaging suppliers continue
to supply us “unwashed” 85% of the population on how we need
to be” educated ” on diversity etc. I often “contribute” on what I
call IMAGE WATCH. Perhaps you and others can download this
“inclusive” imaging or should I say non inclusive imaging
so far as 85% of the population is concerned . Day after day after
day, after day.
John- Thanks for downloading. To be honest here the BBC
is being more “inclusive.” Not all the images are afro-caribbean.
And we do see a whitie in the background on the rare occasion.
And even a old pale stale male . Such as the bloke in the earlier
image you posted.He is there right at the back.
And where’s her Hi-Viz?
Had a quick look at the BBC news website last night whilst on break at work and noticed the distinct lack of white males…apart from Andrew Tate and that Met police officer charged with rape.
She has no high-viz because – like almost all the Getty pictures the BBC use – it is entirely fake. Getty stage them to promote the far-Left agenda.
In another universe, the BBC would be up in arms at the fact fake pictures are being used to infer lies are true in national news. But they are such incredible hypocrites, they turn a blind eye to these.
It seems the news about a former chancellor Zahowi? Swerving his tax liability – and then paying up – is getting a bit more attention ….
Why ?
Surely a chancellor should be able to dodge tax if he can …( technically called legal tax avoidance )
….what a great musical it will make ….
Meanwhile nut nut gets a 7 figure advance for his book – it will be called ‘going spare ‘…
I always take the view with these of “We are highly-paid professionals, and yet we still cock it up, get paid a fortune for doing so and we actually want you to see how crap we really are.”.
Ken Bruce leaving Radio 2 comes as no surprise to me. If anything, I’m surprised he has hung on for so long. When it gets to the end of a record and he says “Well, that’s three minutes of my life I won’t get back” I knew he was not enjoying it.
Moving to Greatest Hits Radio and taking PopMaster with him, apparently. Good for him. Out of the cesspit at last.
Since wokeness hit the BBC and all the other pale-and-stale whiteys went, I’ve noticed Ken has become ultra politically correct to the point of me feeling embarassed for him.
Clearly he has been told his contract will not be renewed and he will probably be replaced by a shallow, fawning, witless idiot who wets their panties if anyone famous is within 50 yards (like ‘text in what you had for breakfast’ Zoe Ball).
Clearly, there won’t be any recognisable ‘names’ doing stuff at the bbc soon, and they’ll be just a sour bunch of numpties, wandering around and getting nowhere…
Any real business would have sorted out the problems years ago, but the various woke bandwagons, opinions, diversity issues etc., have made the whole lot of them a laughing stock!
I ocasionally look at their website for some sort of hope, but the items are always stale, uninteresting, and boring, as their mindset is to keep spitting at the British public with stereotyped leftie drivel and tiresome twaddle.
There used to be some fabulous programmes which were a joy to look forward to, but all those opportunities have gone now!
Rats – sinking ship methinks when I read (here) about Ken Bruce…
EXPOSED: Global elites will be doing more than discussing climate change and the Great Reset at this year’s World Economic Forum. Every single escort in the city is busy tonight.
Prime Minister David Cameron:
We meet today at a perilous moment for economies right across Europe.
Growth has stalled. Unemployment is rising. The prospect of Europe getting left behind is all too apparent.
While China grows at 8%, India at 7% and Africa at 5.5%, the European Commission forecasts the EU will grow by just 0.6 per cent in the whole of 2012 – and even that is assuming the problems in the Eurozone get better not worse.
Yesterday in Britain we had the official figures for the final quarter of last year – and they were negative.
Other large economies of Europe are forecast to have a similar outcome.
In just four years Government debt per EU citizen has risen by 4,500 euros. Foreign direct investment has fallen by around two-thirds.
And in more than half of EU Member States, a fifth of all young people are now out of work. So this is not a moment to try and pretend there isn’t a problem.
We put forward an aggressive set of plans to get to our economy back on an even keel. £5.5 billion saved in the first financial year.
Prime Minister’s Office did not have the information requested.
Dear Prime Minister’s Office,
I write to you today under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the disclosure of information regarding the UK’s ties to the Davos Agenda.
Having read all three books written by Klaus Schwab and his co-authors, I have to say Prime Minister I am rather alarmed by what is being proposed. For the last 11 months the UK’s public has been led to believe life will eventually return to normal as we knew it to be before, when in fact if we are to believe the words of Schwab and numerous other world leaders that is not the case. In fact it is quite the opposite, isn’t it Mr. Johnson?
So these are the points I would like for you to outline within your response.
1. To what extent is the United Kingdom involved in “The Great Reset”?
2. What effects will “The Great Reset” have on our rights, privacy and civil liberties as British citizens?
3. If it is true that we shall never return to normality as we know it, why has the cabinet consistently dangled the carrot of freedom and normality to the general public if we obey the rules?
4. Why has the likes of the BBC and ITV refused to cover the Davos Agenda, is there something to hide?
If you’re anything to do with property, Tomo, you may remember the great days of MIPIM, when thousands descended on Cannes to get p****d as f***s and bonk as many of these types as they could before they fell a**e over head on the way back to Nice Airport…
Been there many times, seen the problems, (stayed loyal to Senora O’Blene of course), enjoyed the craic, did a load of business, had enough alcohol to last a month and generally behaved myself, as I was usually too addled to do much else, except work…
I guess WEF is the same, but the old harridans charge more!
Famous story…
“A company had a huge demolition contract to place. Demolition company used the obvious choice of female contact and got the exec away upstairs for half an hour! Text arrived soon after, ‘Job’s ours’!
After uprooting his life in search of adventure, aristocrat-turned-pirate captain Stede Bonnet must go to new lengths to tame the mutinous motley crew of his ship, the Revenge. But when his efforts to impress the boisterous buccaneers lead to a raid on a vessel with ties to his former life, Stede is left to question whether he’s tough enough for the high seas.
“As Andrey Medvedev dashed towards the remote Russia-Norway border, he could hear the sound of attack dogs snarling behind him.
Their arrival meant the men hunting him were closing in. But the border – and the Western world – were in reach.
At around 2am local time on Friday, Medvedev says he finally scrambled over the barbed wire guarding the Norwegian border as Russian guards closed in.
As he climbed, he says he could hear dogs behind him. And, as spotlights from the guard towers picked him up, the shrill whistle of Russian bullets shot past him, he claims.”
So basically he finished his 4 month contract, says he was forced to extend that, managed to “flee Ukraine ” and get 700 miles to St Petersburg, where for some reason he handed in his dog tags to a Wagner training centre –
“This appears to have attracted the group’s attention.” –
went another 700 miles to the Norwegian border, where Wagner dogs chased him across the border …🙄
BBC will print any bullshit dressed up as an adventure story, that fits their agenda..
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
The BBC have been reporting the Critics Choice Awards across their platforms. Top billing goes to former action movie star Brendan Fraser, who blubbed in his acceptance speech for his comeback performance in The Whale.
Beyond that though, from the Beeb website, ‘Other Critics Choice winners included Cate Blanchett, who was named best actress for her role in Tar as fictional conductor and perfectionist Lydia Tar. . .’ Fictional conductor, eh? You don’t say.
It’s a cliche to say that actors should only speak when they have a script but that didn’t stop Blanchett from delivering this masterpiece – ‘an impassioned speech’ – according to the BBC:
‘. . .describing her award as “extremely arbitrary considering how many extraordinary performances there have been by women not only in this room”.
She added: “It’s like, what is this patriarchal pyramid where someone stands up here?
“Why don’t we just say there’s a whole raft of female performances that are in concert and in dialogue with one another, and stop the televised horse race of it at all?
“Because can I tell you, every single woman – whether it’s television, film, advertising, tampon commercials, whatever – you’re all out there doing amazing work that is inspiring me continually.
“So thank you. I share this with you all.” ‘
Oh bog off, Galadriel. Next time get a man to write you a proper speech.
From Singin’ in the Rain:
Rod (Monumental Pictures publicist):
“The studio’s gotta keep their stars from looking ridiculous at any cost.”
Cosmo Brown:
“Nobody’s got that much money.”
She can break her award down to pieces and give it to everyone – then it will mean nothing.
BBC Politics going near an explanation of the Labour Leader’s position… from Diane Abbott?
I miss Diane Abbott … so here we go … “Abbott speaks out on school row: Diane Abbott has been critical of colleagues’ school choices. Labour MP Diane Abbott has said sending her son to a £10,000-a-year private school instead of a comprehensive is “indefensible”. { oct2003}”
In her first detailed comments on the controversy, she told BBC One’s This Week programme: “Private schools prop up the class system in society.”
“It is inconsistent, to put it mildly, for someone who believes in a fairer and more egalitarian society to send their child to a fee-paying school.”
But, she added: “I (Diane Abbott) had to choose between my reputation as a politician and my son.”
When Prime Minister Tony Blair sent his eldest son, Euan, to the London Oratory, a selective school, she criticised him, saying people voted Labour because they believed in equality.
And when Solicitor General Harriet Harman sent her son to a selective grammar school in Orpington, Kent, Ms Abbott said: “She made the Labour Party look as if we do one thing and say another.”
The Hackney North and Stoke Newington MP, who became Britain’s first black woman member in 1987, told the programme her constituents would understand – “particularly black mothers who know the position I’m in”.
– reputation or moral high ground when saying what other people should do?
– how come we could not choose between having her as an MP or doing what she tells other people to do?
– reference – found this on by hohum
– The People Love Her in 2017 – GE#17 // Labour(Hackney) // Diane Abbott // Votes 42,265 // share 75.1% // change+12.2
Breathtaking hypocrisy and – she just doesn’t care!
BBC gel working from home?
BBC fails to follow up on a refugee related News story … BBC £3.5bn Search for ‘Maria Freiburg’
… sorry if this makes you feel sick or generates hatred, but why aren’t the BBC interested in Maria Ladenburge’s killer being brought to justice and why the killer did it ….
The Trial of Hussein Khavari (murdered Maria Ladenburge) Becomes Even More Sordid { sep2017}
The accused entered the courtroom with shackles on hands and feet at 9:05am. First he read out loud a letter of apology, and he asked the family of the murdered Maria Ladenburger for forgiveness, Focus reports.
“I wish I could undo everything. What I have done, I am deeply sad about that from the bottom of my heart.” (Hussein K.)
Then he went on to recount the events of the night of the murder:
He had been drinking with three friends and he had smoked hashish. Because he was extremely drunk, he was thrown out of the bar. At some time after that, he was on his way home. At the [river] Dreisam, the girl on her bicycle approached him.
He kicked against the bicycle, which caused the girl to fall off. She screamed. He held her mouth shut. Then he strangled her with her shawl until she was unconscious.
“When I saw how pretty she was, I wanted to have sex with her.” (Hussein K.)
Apparently he thought that he had already strangled her to death. The judge questioned him concerning “sex with a dead girl,” and the offender said:
“It didn’t bother me to have sex with a dead girl.” (Hussein K.)
According to his testimony he was too drunk to achieve an erection, so he inserted his hand. Since he had a previous injury from a bicycle accident, he pulled her into the river to wash his blood from her body. There he left her and fled.
BBC Last Touched on this story “Afghan murder suspect in Germany was jailed in Greece (convicted of attempted murder in Greece)” { dec2016}
Germans were outraged by the murder of Maria L, a student in Freiburg who volunteered for a refugee charity.
He was given a 10 year-sentence but was apparently freed after about 18 months.
– BBC £3.5bn News Service Search for ‘Maria Freiburg’ found wanting, the real world is just to horrible to report
– Lady Gaga reveals chronic illness, with fibromyalgia featuring in her new documentary (sales pitch!)
go to Google search
type .. “Hussein Khavari”
There are stories dated 2018, 2019
OK the 2019 page is listed only cos it comtains a link to the March 2018 one
Germany migrant jailed for life for murdering Freiburg student
An asylum seeker has been jailed for life for the rape and murder of a woman in Germany in a case that fuelled tensions over the influx of migrants.
Hussein Khavari, who claimed to be Afghan, admitted to attacking student Maria Ladenburger, 19, in October 2016 in the south-western city of Freiburg.
She was raped and strangled – but alive when she was left on the bank of a river to drown, the judge said.
Khavari was arrested weeks later and DNA tests linked him to the crime.
The anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party entered the federal parliament for the first time, while Mrs Merkel’s CDU party had its worst electoral performance in almost 70 years.
Why is our ‘Prime Minister’ resorting to twatter stuff to say something!
Hasn’t he got more important things to do, like, run the country, do a bit of work here and there, make UK Inc. a better place?
Surely this is fake stuff?
It’s 2023 grandad
Top secret information: when a tweet comes out of the PM’s account that doesn’t mean the PM has just typed it himself.
The PM’s dept creates a page about the legislation
then tweets the link
Or would you prefer to have your news filtered through BBC, Sky, ITV ?
Ha ha ha, Stew!
A bit earlier, I did say that I get all my news from everywhere else but the awful BBC, ITV, etc, and usually skim the online rags, read Guido, and look at comments here, so I don’t really need Twotter or Bookface…
Got a great blog though, and you’re always welcome to comment!
Teacher still in hiding a year on after Prophet Muhammed Batley Grammar School controversy
Kim Leadbeater MP has provided words of support a year on from the Batley Grammar School protests, which saw a teacher embroiled in controversy for showing an image of the Prophet Muhammad
ByConnor TealeReporterRia TesiaTrending Writer
11:25, 25 MAR 2022
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. versus the BBC:
The antitrust lawsuit filed on Tuesday 10th January in a federal court in Texas, targets the British Broadcasting Corp (BBC) lead Trusted News Initiative (TNI), a self-described “industry partnership” formed in 2020 among legacy media giants and big tech companies.
Prior to being censored, shadow-banned, and ultimately de-platformed, Kennedy’s use of Internet platforms owned and operated by TNI members Facebook, Google, and Twitter allowed him to publish COVID-related news and opinion reaching millions of people, which in turn drove traffic to The Defender and was critical to fundraising and to sales of Kennedy’s books. Kennedy had 800,000 followers on Instagram and millions of viewers on YouTube. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is joined by Creative Destruction Media, Trial Site News, Truth About Vaccines founders Ty and Charlene Bollinger, independent journalist Ben Swann, Health Nut News publisher Erin Elizabeth Finn, Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft, Dr. Joseph Mercola, and Ben Tapper, a chiropractor. The plaintiffs, the lawsuit alleges, are among the many victims of the TNI’s “group boycott” tactic, defined as a coordinated effort to facilitate monopoly by cutting off the competitors’ access to supplies and necessities. In this case, the TNI members are accused of engaging in group boycott—in concert with their big tech partners—against small, independent news publishers by denying them access to internet platforms they need to compete and even survive in the online news market. This alleged effort by the BBC to establish a dominant media narrative by shutting off nonestablishment outlets, according to the lawsuit, has violated both American federal antitrust and freedom of speech laws. “Federal antitrust law has its own name for this kind of ‘industry partnership,’” the lawsuit states. “It’s called a group boycott and is a per se violation of the Sherman Act.” The BBC’s criminal censorship and propaganda operation of its U.S. online website,, reaches an American audience of over fifty million and transacting substantial business in every American state and district. It started in July 2019, when the BBC director-general Tony Hall announced, “Last month I convened, behind closed doors, a Trusted News Summit at the BBC, which brought together global tech platforms and publishers. The goal was to arrive at a practical set of actions we can take together, right now, to tackle the rise of misinformation.” By March 2020, these “global tech platforms and publishers” had formed the TNI. As described by a high-ranking BBC executive in 2020, the TNI is an “international partnership initiative convened by the BBC, which links media organisations and social-media platforms. The group has developed a shared early-warning system to alert partners. According to the BBC, TNI members agreed in early 2020 that their “ground-breaking collaboration” would target online news relating to COVID-19 and that TNI members would “work together to ensure harmful disinformation myths are stopped in their tracks.”
The antitrust lawsuit, filed in a US district court in northern Texas, also mentions interference in the US presidential election by the BBC. The BBC’s Director General, Tony Hall, committed the BBC/TNI to a shared early warning system of rapid alerts to combat the spread of disinformation during the US presidential election.
In late 2020 and 2021, the BBC’s Jessica Cecil, then the head of the TNI, made numerous public statements in print and at TNI conferences describing how the TNI functioned. Cecil stated that the TNI’s members work together “in the fight against disinformation” by “agreeing” to “standards” and to a “system” making possible a suppression of news content that, individually, TNI members “couldn’t do on our own.” She stated that the TNI’s members had agreed to adopt, and did adopt, a “fast alert” system in which members would alert one another to items of supposedly “unreliable” information that had appeared online. She stated that TNI members had “signed up” to a set of “expectations” about the actions they would take on their own to suppress reporting identified by the TNI as “misinformation.” There were “clear . . . expectations,” said Ms. Cecil, that all members had “signed up” for to “choke off” such reporting online. These “clear expectations” included a commitment by the TNI’s Big Tech Members to censor such reporting on their platforms, to shadow-ban such content, to deplatform publishers who persisted in such reporting, and to work in tandem with one another. The goal of this cooperation “between tech and media” and “across platforms,” according to Cecil, was to find “practical ways to choke off” the online publishing of news deemed by TNI members to be misinformation. Cecil took evident pride in the assertion that the TNI’s suppression of others’ online reporting did not “in any way muzzle our own journalism”; it was apparently of no consequence that the BBC through the use of the TNI, muzzles other news publishers, except GB News (see Neil Oliver, Mark Steyn and Laurence Fox).
Jamie Angus, Former Senior News Controller for BBC News (now working for Saudi Arabia’s state broadcaster) said he was fighting a “tidal wave of unchecked, incorrect, or in fact explicitly-malicious nonsense that’s being piped out mainly through digital platforms.
That explains all we need to know about this pernicious organisation and quite probably directly led to the creation of tactical non-jobs such as that occupied my MS Spring etc.
I wonder if this will run ? I remember when I read the US constitution not seeing the word ‘misinformation ‘ …. I suppose if the action was in the UK the BBC / TNI would rely on some ‘public interest ‘defence – but in the US it sounds like a conspiracy to subvert free speech ….
I am currently reading “The Real Anthony Fauci” by RFK Jr. An excellent book which reveals the way Fauci operates to stifle research into AIDS and Covid. He’s killed untold numbers of people in his support of Big Pharma. I’d never have heard of this book if I hadn’t seen Mark Steyn talk to RFK on GB News.
For some reason I thought this week might be unusually busy –
So far
Serial plod rapist
Teachers to go on strike
Uk government to strike down Scottish queer law
And it’s only 6pm …
Of course it’s a bloke
Rishi Sunak’s anti-strike laws aren’t just insulting, they are stupid too says Angela Raynor in her party supporters rag, The Guardian.
Try telling that to the relatives of people who have died because there was not enough medical staff on duty to treat them in time Ange!
Sometimes laws may upset some people but generally they are only implemented when vitally required to protect the innocent vast majority in some cases who will suffer the consequences.
What for instance would have been the result if millions of servicemen decided to withdraw their Labour in 1939?
Good value our Di.
I doubt she knows what day it is.
Reform – a service you pay for but cannot us?!
“Cost of living: The young people saving money by going sober”
Part 156? of BBC’S occasional series encouraging young people not to drink; they must be sponsored by a certain religion or something.
This episode dressed up as cost of living crisis issue.
“For Grace, the £50 to £60 she’d spend in pubs, bars and clubs could buy her two weeks’ worth of groceries:
How about not going to festivals and using the £250
For ten weeks groceries?
How about not buying novelty hats and buying a weeks grub?
“If you’ve been affected by the issues raised in this article, help and support is available via
BBC Action Line.…” Biasedbbc..Spot on Eddy!
Mummy and daddy pay for the TV tax, so it’s all good for newokers…
I’ve not had a drink since May but I still don’t have any bloody money spare.
To make sure the correct narrative is followed, the BBC now makes its own news!
It commissions a poll into the famous ‘cost of living crisis’ ( their words) and then runs a news item on the results!!
Guess what? 97% of all the people surveyed are eating their own children and living in the corner of one room covered in blankets as they can’t afford to put the gas on.
Completely pathetic.
In other news, because of the ‘cost of living crisis’ ……errr…..Marks and Spencer are opening 20 new shops and creating 3000 jobs.
Are the BBC capable of using the words ‘cost of living’ without appending the word ‘crisis’ to it? Clearly not.
ITV local newsPR show “this shop in Boston is having to close cos of £30K energy bills”
That sounds fake to me the business price cap is 60p leccy and 18p for 1KWh of gas
So a shop using £1,000 per day is using 1,700KWh
or say 170KWh per hour for 10 opening hours
1KWh electric fire will do good a job of heating a room
so why use 170 times more ?
“A whole section of the nine-storey block collapsed and authorities say at least 40 people died. Rescue efforts are continuing.”
We’ll never know what happened, Russia’s missile just hit it , shot at Russians missile crashed in it, or Ukrainian air defence missile did a u-turn or something.
Not nice whatever the cause, but the BBC still manages to be less than truthful?
Using a photo, making it look like the whole middle section of one large building was demolished, when perhaps it’s two towers with their corners damaged and lots of smoke/ dust in the middle..?
Hello Eddy
Thats reminds me, remember when the terrorists attacked the twin towers, the bbc doesn’t – never gets mentioned (maybe offensive to muslims)
The Trots welcome migrants
Wait for it, wait for it- ‘Lingerie expert explains the right way to put on a bra’, proudly trumpets the Lifestyle section of the BBC webshite (one of many sections that I have tried to opt out of but can’t find a way how). FFS is this what the licence fee pays for? Utter, utter drivel.
Radio 2 now going large on the artists for their upcoming ‘Piano Room’, whatever the hell that is. They have taken another opportunity to promote their favourite talentless racist thug Stormzy. Out of touch? The BBC? Never! Another nail in the coffin of what was a very good radio station.
If the politicians, bureaucrats and activist nutters do not pay attention – we are going to see a lot more of this:
Meanwhile in Canada…
Mistake mouthing off and mistake apologising . Surely he must know it could never be enough – does he need more money – is it ego ?
It would be a shame if the farming show got cancelled but woke prime is woke prime ….. and we are at ‘peak Amazon ‘….
Vile is stirring.
A bottom feeder’s bottom feeder.
“The number of hate crimes has gone up, and that means the police have to do something about it.”
Gwent police said they have a team of “over 30” specialist Hate Crime Support Officers.
“over 30” specialist Hate Crime Support Officers
“over 30” specialist Hate Crime Support Officers
“over 30” specialist Hate Crime Support Officers
twelve-year-old girl who had been having
sex with up to five and Asian males
because he said she had been quote 100%
consented consensual in every incident
tory’s of age I think that’s just I
think that’s unbelievable to be honest
have you worked as it have you
identified who that officer was and
“over 30” specialist Hate Crime Support Officers
“over 30” specialist Hate Crime Support Officers
“over 30” specialist Hate Crime Support Officers
Not BBC but AP — bizarre, illogical attempt to normalise the Davos gathering of elites as nothing troublesome at all… and anyone who thinks otherwise is a tin-hat wearing weirdo.
Except the author acknowledges that “the four-day conference is also known for secretive backroom meetings and deal-making by business leaders” and the 2020 Great Reset “envisioned sweeping changes to how societies and economies would work to recover from the pandemic and build a more sustainable future.”
And yet she concludes that “in increasingly mainstream corners of the internet and on conservative talk shows, ‘The Great Reset’ has become shorthand for what skeptics say is a reorganization of society, using global uncertainty as a guise to take away rights.”
It wasn’t long ago that the media were completely silent on the WEF/Great Reset; now they’re approaching point 3 on the globalist revision chart:
Ah of course. The author’s a ‘News Verification Journalist’ at Associated Press; aka BTEC in Frappuccino Studies from the Marianna College of Bullshit.
Yep, Frappuccino studies may be right, her employers saw barrister on her CV but it really read barista
Coffee artist for Stabucks ?×900
Ukraine yellow kitchen: Shock at image of apartment wrecked by strike
I was shocked and saddened when I saw the colour
My sympathy’s to the bBC
Loathsome though Harry and Meghan are, cynics might find a tiny bit of satisfaction in watching woke Charles be attacked by even woker Ginge and Whinge.
‘Brixton Academy security guards regularly ‘took bribes”
What – certain communities indulging in Third-World style corruption? Surely not; after all, diversity is our strength.
Today watch
The serial plod rapist story is now going through the next ( final phase ?)
This involves the ‘experts ‘ defined as people who don’t actually do anything but feel equipped to say what should be done and how – and make a living from it .
Todays candidate was an American ? Lady called ‘Betsy stanko. Now Betsy has apparently worked with the Met plod . This automatically qualifies her to pronounce on whaf should be done .the idea of an American advising British plod must surely be a joke .
Can you guess what Betsy suggests ?
Yes – get more outsiders ( like Betsy ) to be inside the plod watching it and telling it how to change – they’ll have to be paid well of course .
She was against a public inquiry ( presumably no money in that ) .
There are noticeable absences from this story – eg – the number of women in the plod now – compared to – say – 20 years ago . Does this make a material change .
But I think the real story is the sacrifice of expertise and commitment in plod for ‘diversity ‘ . Standards were dropped to ensure certain groups would get in – so vetting must have been relaxed – making it easy for various degenerates of various types – to join .
The Met – apparently – is investigating 900 of its own – 1 in 50 of the organisation . No wonder – thankfully – we don’t see them. …..
Interesting that the big plod story of yesterday was some hsirbrained lefty charity calling for plods to be removed from coloured schools …. But at least the schools will be closed soon …
“Standards were dropped to ensure certain groups would get in”
This applies to just about every organisation nowadays.
My Chambers’s (sic) Etymological Dictionary 1907 defines ‘Discriminate’ as to note the difference: to distinguish: to select from others and ‘Discrimination’ as act or quality of distinguishing: acuteness, discernment, judgement.
The problem with the Equality Act is that it has been misused so that employers are in effect prevented to use discernment (if they have any) to select the right person for any job by virtue of a list of ‘protected characteristics.’
Ethnic segregation in England and Wales at all-time low – study
Much of a community spirit? or just loads of foreigners thrown together
BBC Komla Dumor Award 2023 launched
Tele tax being spent wisely, again
As any fule no, it is Yvette Cooper.
Can think of better names such as evil deluded psychotic Lady Macbeth type.
The wokes at the bbc should be taught a little Oscar Wilde, maybe:
““Morality is simply the attitude we adopt towards people we personally dislike.”
An Ideal Husband, 1895
6 year olds getting married?
And the religion of peace and it’s adherents would do well to read Aldous Huxley, maybe:
“Morality is always the product of terror; its chains and strait-waistcoats are fashioned by those who dare not trust others, because they do not dare to trust themselves, to walk in liberty.”
Getty has all covered.
Border Force?
Guest Who- IMAGE WATCH I believe you are referring to Getty’s.
The more I see of their imaging . The more I consider it to be
inverted racism. Today’s image from their “partners” the BBC
on increase of wages. Sums it up for me. But am I becoming
paranoid ? I think not.
Just as an appendage. That’s me the old pale stale male
lumbering behind the black product manager on the latest main page “educating” Getty’s imaging for the BBC on “Pay rises at fastest pace for over 20 years” The main feature on the BBC internet pages today.
We are so lucky ,the unwashed to be given this inclusion,
diversity, positive discrimination “education” by the BBC and
its partners for only £158 a year.
(Black Panther) “Houston activists call for arrest of armed taqueria diner who shot, killed robbery suspect
The activists say the shooter went from being a law-abiding citizen to a lawbreaker when he continued to fire despite there being no threat”
No surprise there, with another black armed robber shot in action, terrorising diners.
So, it turned out to be a fake gun, did the victims know this ? NO
The man’s attorney released a statement saying: “In Texas, a shooting is justified in self-defense, defense of others, and defense of property.”
BBC and Scotland
The BBC gives the SNP a free pass ( in England anyway ) and favours the breakup of the UK . So the strategy being applied by the SNP to kick the UK constitution through the courts .
The latest gig is the queer one – which I care nothing for and do not want to know about .
But it’s the free pass that gets me – as an Englishman – where is the full scrutiny ? Criticism of the Scottish government ? Nowhere ….
Maybe because of this ?
“BBC Scotland radio host calls Nicola Sturgeon ‘our leader'”
“BBC slammed after Nicola Sturgeon called ‘our leader’ by presenter in new bias row
During an interview with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, BBC journalist Laura Maciver made the blunder.”
Every so often the mask slips …..
Seems a bbc thing.
Dear Darren Henry,
Do you know about the following which will have a big impact on the World’s climate and our future planet?
China allows three children in major policy shift
Published 31 May (BBC)
– Large population growth China currently has 1.4 billion people at present.
China’s Monster Three Gorges Dam Is About To Slow The Rotation Of The Earth
Cutler Cleveland , The Energy Watch Jun 18, 2010, 2:23 PM (Business Insider)
– Rotation of the Earth can change weather patterns and climate.
China is the largest developing country in the world. China is still considered a developing country based on the criteria of the World Bank and the United Nations. (World Atlas)
– Thus China can get cheap loans and be exempt from impositions put on developed countries.
China has banned BBC World News from broadcasting in the country, its television and radio regulator announced on Thursday. 12 February (BBC)
– I guess you if you cannot report on a Country then it can do no wrong.
Did you know about the above and if not then what are you opinions on them and their impact on the World?
Yours sincerely,
Mr H
I was a bit surprised by the tone of the BBC with the news that the Chinese are not breeding like they did . Surely – on all counts – particularly green crap – it’s a good thing . And we can send the surplus third worlders to China to fill in gaps – win win …
Let’s not forget that part of the “developing country” thing is the colossal benefit from subsidised shipping rates that China gets – stuff delivered to UK addresses from literally the other side of the world – compare shipping from Germany say to shipping from China….
Never mind Germany. A couple of years ago I was looking to buy something for a few pounds on eBay. Found it and it was £5 delivery from up the road in Nottingham. Another seller had it marginally cheaper, with free delivery from China. The UK can’t compete.
The competition is savaged by the UK delivery end – all the Chinese need to do is get the bulk parcels to a Royal Mail sorting deport and from there onwards there’s no cost d/t reciprocal agreement – coz developing country status.
The rub come when you want to send something to China!
MM, actually the rotation of the earth has been speeding up and every few years a ‘leap second’ has to be added to the atomic clock here in the UK and any in other countries.
Well, you’d add a leap second if the Earth were marginally slowing in its axial rotation. One instance of this was midnight on 30/6/1992, when an official clock would have shown (by convention) 23:59:59, then 23:59:60 and then 00:00:00 to accommodate the extra second, i.e. the 61st second of the final minute of June. This kept official time in sync with terrestrial dynamic time.
With the earth very marginally accelerating, as it has been recently, official clocks might need to lose a second, i.e. have only 59 sec’s in the last minute of the time period (usually on 31/12, or 30/6 as in my example above). So in that case, the clocks would show 23:59:58 and then, one second later, 00:00:00.
What does Census 2021 data mean for Norwich’s bisexual community?
Luckily the tele tax again is being spent wisely on giving out this information
London has remained the region with both the largest proportion of people born outside the UK and the largest proportion of people with non-UK passports. In 2021, more than 4 in 10 (40.6%) usual residents in London were non-UK born, and more than 1 in 5 (23.3%) had a non-UK passport.2 Nov 2022
……….many of whom are entitled to vote.
I just wonder which way ?
I suspect we all know.
Talking of voting . …
The head teachers cannot strike because they didn’t get to the required percentage . They blame the Post Office union for striking during their strike ballot .
So guess what – another vote ….. so teachers are too thick to put a vote together ….
All that hot air about kids being damaged because of no school – All that hot air about parents taking their kids on holiday during term time ….
Make it a long strike – cut the pensions they all dream of. Cut the summer holidays to ‘catch up ‘…
They think of nothing else in Norwich!
A fact meets an opinion.
Springster to check?
Nhs Equality Diversity JOBS
NHS to benefit from £13.4 billion debt write-off
Public sector pay must never be equivalent to the private sector – total plot loss …
Ukraine war: Russia’s Wagner Group commander requests Norway asylum
“Andrey Medvedev, 26, crossed the border into Norway last Friday, where he was detained by border guards.
He is currently being held in the Oslo area where he faces charges of illegal entry to Norway, his lawyer Brynjulf Risnes told the BBC”
Maybe something we could start in the UK with the illegals arriving in Dover – detain on illegal entry?
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
Today watch 2
They reported that mark rowley – the outgoing commissioner of met plod -was doing the media rounds but had declined the ‘today ‘ gig .
But 0815 up he pops – apology ( yawn) blah blah ( yawn ) . Then meeshal compares to the Met to the RUC – disbanded because the Irish republicans didn’t like it .
Wimmin – then – are the equivalent of Irish nationalists …. Nice one meeesh …
‘Is it time to end the metropolice ?” Sez meeesh …. Wow – so that’s the BBC agenda …. Are you gonna fix your force ? Sez meeesh …. Mark burbles something about problems and stuff and… ( yawn ) ….
‘Can wimmin be confident to report something to a plod who might be on your ‘internal investigation ‘ list ? Sez meeesh
Wow she really knows how to hurt , …..
Meanwhile the police commissioner for the met – the emir of londonistan is …quiet … so often up he pops to tell us how it’s gonna be …. Maybe he is busy closing roads and building cycle lanes …..
There it dribbled to an end …. The commish must be counting down the days to his pay off and peerage … until the next plod rape trial ….
Apparently a number of BBC employees are ‘Wanted’
The general public appear to be showing their appreciation at 6 BBC Centres oop North.
Hello Atlas
If the bBC mentions this, i’m sure its the far right at it again
In the Daily Express today there’s an article about electric cars and their batteries.
It says you should stop charging when it’s 80% charged to look after your battery and if you go to 100% charged it damages your battery long term.
This means the range will drop to 80% of whatever the manufacturer says.
Then, as you start looking for a charging point when you’re down to a quarter charge that means the range is about half what the manufacturer claims.
In this cold weather the range drops.
The car also loses charge overnight.
Where will all the used batteries be sent?
Some third world country probably, to be piled up and left to leak into the environment.
Of course, we will not have the infrastructure to power all the chargers and wind/solar is not the answer.
Despite the undoubtable benefits of electrifying our transport fleet – from reduced air pollution to enabling us to achieve the essential net-zero targets – among the EV community there is a growing sense of concern about the dangers and apparent spontaneity of EV fires.
apparent spontaneity of EV fires
apparent spontaneity of EV fires
apparent spontaneity of EV fires
‘Then because of this heat, a chemical reaction takes place which generates more heat, which then causes the chemical reaction to go even faster, and as you can see it’s a vicious cycle.
This is a process called thermal runaway and it can lead to ignition, or in some cases even explosion.’
Data obtained by Air Quality News through a Freedom of Information (FOI) request revealed that in 2019 the London Fire Brigade dealt with just 54 electric vehicle fires compared to 1,898 petrol and diesel fires.
Mushroom cloud on the m25 …
Great points. The whole electric car thing really saddens me as a missed opportunity to reform these things about cars:
Shape: To make them more aerodynamic. Only 90W are required to transport a single occupant at 60 mph. Modern electric cars require many kW because they have the aerodynamics of a brick.
Weight: It is easily possible to reduce the weight from many 1000’s of kg to under 100kg which is very beneficial as the road is destroyed by many powers of the weight. Also stop-start of a heavy object wastes energy even when this gets recovered.
Size: By reducing the size material costs are reduced and parking problems greatly reduced.
Speed: Conventional Chelsea tractors are very slow for city to city journeys. I can only manage 30.6 mph average between two cities under the best conditions (i.e. leave at 5:00am on a Sunday). This is because our road network is very disjointed and requires stop-start. Smaller cheaper and direct tracks would allow direct non-stop journeys and tracks to be built at a fraction of the cost and take up less of the countryside. There would also be less accidents.
IMHO Sinclair was right, but, his C5 was unable to share the same tracks. The design of cars AND roads needs to be changed.
As the great and the good congregate in Davos to self-flagellate over global warming, we in this country will surely be invited to ‘give a lead’ and self-flagellate even more.
But I notice that China produces 29 times more CO2 than the UK. And if we reduced our CO2 to zero the World production would go down by a magnificent….1%.
So I look forward to the Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil protests in Tiananmen Square. No doubt a BBC camera crew will be there to film the results. I can’t wait to see how the Chinese Police go out of their way to protect that pink boat.
Nuke China! End the Climate Crisis!
Thank you for the posting .
We have to ask – will the dam break and the msm discuss / debate the effect of the jabs ?
If this happens what will they say ?- after so long colluding with the medical mafia / politicians about the total perfection of the jabs ?
The public inquiry won’t – I suggest – look at rising numbers of sudden unexplained deaths . But for every one – there is another grieving family – more people to start asking ‘why ?’
Will the UK governments fall back on a disfunctional NHS ? I think that’s more likely than blaming the jabs.
I still think they knew how many would die or be injured by the jabs – but decided to cover it up as a price worth paying to avoid sobbing angels moaning about doing their job in hospitals ….
I guess it’s moving goalposts ?
The FAA has very quietly tacitly admitted that the EKGs of pilots are no longer normal. We should be concerned. Very concerned.
After the vaccine rolled out, the FAA secretly widened the EKG parameter range for pilots so they wouldn’t be grounded. It looks like the vax gave at least 50M Americans heart damage.
Steve Kirsch
3 hr ago
Tesla Slash prices, Britishvolt EV battery manufacturer startup goes into insolvency….
Bubble bursting?
UK battery hopeful Britishvolt may sell factory site to Slovak startup
Future of company hailed by Boris Johnson as key to green industrial revolution hangs in the balance, as the first in our Electric dreams series on Britain’s fledgling battery industry reveals
by Jasper Jolly
Thu 29 Sep 2022 07.00 BST
Champagne flowed freely as Orral Nadjari courted bankers and potential business partners in a private box, against a soundtrack of V12 supercar engines, at the Goodwood festival of Speed.
Nadjari had hit the big time: his Britishvolt battery startup was gatecrashing the annual petrolheads’ gathering at the historic West Sussex circuit in June with plans to power cars of the future using British-made batteries.
Britishvolt’s pricey sponsorship of the “Electric Avenue” battery car showcase at the festival was not the only instance of the fledgling company’s extravagant approach, according to insiders.
Britishvolt founder quits in wake of leaked documents that say battery cell company is on ‘life support’
It follows Britishvolt winning money from the government last month via the £850m Automotive Transformation Fund.
from the government = tax payer
from the government = tax payer
from the government = tax payer
from the government = tax payer
More like going flat ( sorry )
Gone flat Fed
Nothing to do with the Chinese making them much cheaper, …..
Apparently they just ran out of money…Ha ha.
I used to work with drones until they started to take off (ha ha) and the Chinese got stuck in. They were selling stuff cheaper than it could even be built here – without including all the R&D costs.
I suspect this company were hoping to tap into the ‘climate change’ budgets and get some free money then sell it before the bubble burst. And I suspect there are a LOT more doing the same.
JohnC ,
I expect some bright spark Director has emptied the Bank Account of the Millions of Tax Payer’s and Lottery funds….Green Dream what a result !
Witnessed 30 seconds of some kids bake off thing today…agenda agenda ….very sad to see youngsters being brainwashed .
Bubble bursting?
We can but hope.
Once we have no option but to cough up whatever they want to charge, all the incentives will be replaced by taxes.
Pay rises at fastest pace for over 20 years, but below inflation
… and right at the top, a completely random picture which is yet another complete fake Getty image featuring women in charge and BAME. It has 100% been chosen simply for agenda racist, sexist and pro-ginger-minorities reasons.
It’s pathetic beyond words. I would expect 6th formers to display more integrity.
Hello JohnC
Re image:- On your right, these are called pallets
I am pretty sure that the underlings in the BBC are doing this on purpose, not to advance the cause of diversity but to spit venom and spite in the faces of the majority of the UK population who they despise.
No one hates more or spews more venom than a brainwashed lefty hidden activist which sums up the overwhelming makeup of the BBC..
Hi John- I commented on this image earlier this morning. However
you are 100 times more IT literate than me. There is some later imaging on the BBC website ” 5 tips asking for a pay rise.” I expect the BBC and Getty’s and their other imaging suppliers continue
to supply us “unwashed” 85% of the population on how we need
to be” educated ” on diversity etc. I often “contribute” on what I
call IMAGE WATCH. Perhaps you and others can download this
“inclusive” imaging or should I say non inclusive imaging
so far as 85% of the population is concerned . Day after day after
day, after day.
You mean these:

In an article written by someone called Noor Nanji.
Working hard to remove the first B in BBC …
John- Thanks for downloading. To be honest here the BBC
is being more “inclusive.” Not all the images are afro-caribbean.
And we do see a whitie in the background on the rare occasion.
And even a old pale stale male . Such as the bloke in the earlier
image you posted.He is there right at the back.
And where’s her Hi-Viz?
Had a quick look at the BBC news website last night whilst on break at work and noticed the distinct lack of white males…apart from Andrew Tate and that Met police officer charged with rape.
BBC in discrimination row after opening trainee role only to ethnic minorities
She has no high-viz because – like almost all the Getty pictures the BBC use – it is entirely fake. Getty stage them to promote the far-Left agenda.
In another universe, the BBC would be up in arms at the fact fake pictures are being used to infer lies are true in national news. But they are such incredible hypocrites, they turn a blind eye to these.
It seems the news about a former chancellor Zahowi? Swerving his tax liability – and then paying up – is getting a bit more attention ….
Why ?
Surely a chancellor should be able to dodge tax if he can …( technically called legal tax avoidance )
….what a great musical it will make ….
Meanwhile nut nut gets a 7 figure advance for his book – it will be called ‘going spare ‘…
How they laughed
BBC Breakfast: Forty years of early morning bloopers
I always take the view with these of “We are highly-paid professionals, and yet we still cock it up, get paid a fortune for doing so and we actually want you to see how crap we really are.”.
Ken Bruce leaving Radio 2 comes as no surprise to me. If anything, I’m surprised he has hung on for so long. When it gets to the end of a record and he says “Well, that’s three minutes of my life I won’t get back” I knew he was not enjoying it.
Moving to Greatest Hits Radio and taking PopMaster with him, apparently. Good for him. Out of the cesspit at last.
Maybe it’s a job for one of those fired news presenters …or surely the down with the kids myrie ….who cares ?
Myrie is a good call, or the appalling Amol Rajan as he seems to be flavour of the month at the moment.
Since wokeness hit the BBC and all the other pale-and-stale whiteys went, I’ve noticed Ken has become ultra politically correct to the point of me feeling embarassed for him.
Clearly he has been told his contract will not be renewed and he will probably be replaced by a shallow, fawning, witless idiot who wets their panties if anyone famous is within 50 yards (like ‘text in what you had for breakfast’ Zoe Ball).
Clearly, there won’t be any recognisable ‘names’ doing stuff at the bbc soon, and they’ll be just a sour bunch of numpties, wandering around and getting nowhere…
Any real business would have sorted out the problems years ago, but the various woke bandwagons, opinions, diversity issues etc., have made the whole lot of them a laughing stock!
I ocasionally look at their website for some sort of hope, but the items are always stale, uninteresting, and boring, as their mindset is to keep spitting at the British public with stereotyped leftie drivel and tiresome twaddle.
There used to be some fabulous programmes which were a joy to look forward to, but all those opportunities have gone now!
Rats – sinking ship methinks when I read (here) about Ken Bruce…
Meanwhile in Davos …
paaarty on down!
PM Davos Speech
David Cameron’s speech at Davos in Switzerland, January 2012 (draft).
Prime Minister David Cameron:
We meet today at a perilous moment for economies right across Europe.
Growth has stalled. Unemployment is rising. The prospect of Europe getting left behind is all too apparent.
While China grows at 8%, India at 7% and Africa at 5.5%, the European Commission forecasts the EU will grow by just 0.6 per cent in the whole of 2012 – and even that is assuming the problems in the Eurozone get better not worse.
Yesterday in Britain we had the official figures for the final quarter of last year – and they were negative.
Other large economies of Europe are forecast to have a similar outcome.
In just four years Government debt per EU citizen has risen by 4,500 euros. Foreign direct investment has fallen by around two-thirds.
And in more than half of EU Member States, a fifth of all young people are now out of work. So this is not a moment to try and pretend there isn’t a problem.
We put forward an aggressive set of plans to get to our economy back on an even keel. £5.5 billion saved in the first financial year.
Welfare bills – cut.
The cost of government – cut.
Public sector pay – frozen.
The state pension age – increased.
Prime Minister’s Office did not have the information requested.
Dear Prime Minister’s Office,
I write to you today under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the disclosure of information regarding the UK’s ties to the Davos Agenda.
Having read all three books written by Klaus Schwab and his co-authors, I have to say Prime Minister I am rather alarmed by what is being proposed. For the last 11 months the UK’s public has been led to believe life will eventually return to normal as we knew it to be before, when in fact if we are to believe the words of Schwab and numerous other world leaders that is not the case. In fact it is quite the opposite, isn’t it Mr. Johnson?
So these are the points I would like for you to outline within your response.
1. To what extent is the United Kingdom involved in “The Great Reset”?
2. What effects will “The Great Reset” have on our rights, privacy and civil liberties as British citizens?
3. If it is true that we shall never return to normality as we know it, why has the cabinet consistently dangled the carrot of freedom and normality to the general public if we obey the rules?
4. Why has the likes of the BBC and ITV refused to cover the Davos Agenda, is there something to hide?
Is that why Boris was so keen to go?
Let me guess – another picture of Chrissy Bryan MP …
If you’re anything to do with property, Tomo, you may remember the great days of MIPIM, when thousands descended on Cannes to get p****d as f***s and bonk as many of these types as they could before they fell a**e over head on the way back to Nice Airport…
Been there many times, seen the problems, (stayed loyal to Senora O’Blene of course), enjoyed the craic, did a load of business, had enough alcohol to last a month and generally behaved myself, as I was usually too addled to do much else, except work…
I guess WEF is the same, but the old harridans charge more!
Famous story…
“A company had a huge demolition contract to place. Demolition company used the obvious choice of female contact and got the exec away upstairs for half an hour! Text arrived soon after, ‘Job’s ours’!
Anyone never heard of this scenario…;0)
Our Flag Means Death
bBC seems to like it, but guess the majority of tele tax payers probably will find it a waste of money
After uprooting his life in search of adventure, aristocrat-turned-pirate captain Stede Bonnet must go to new lengths to tame the mutinous motley crew of his ship, the Revenge. But when his efforts to impress the boisterous buccaneers lead to a raid on a vessel with ties to his former life, Stede is left to question whether he’s tough enough for the high seas.
I saw the trailers. I shan’t be watching.
“Andrey Medvedev: How Russian mercenary made an icy escape to Norway”
“As Andrey Medvedev dashed towards the remote Russia-Norway border, he could hear the sound of attack dogs snarling behind him.
Their arrival meant the men hunting him were closing in. But the border – and the Western world – were in reach.
At around 2am local time on Friday, Medvedev says he finally scrambled over the barbed wire guarding the Norwegian border as Russian guards closed in.
As he climbed, he says he could hear dogs behind him. And, as spotlights from the guard towers picked him up, the shrill whistle of Russian bullets shot past him, he claims.”
So basically he finished his 4 month contract, says he was forced to extend that, managed to “flee Ukraine ” and get 700 miles to St Petersburg, where for some reason he handed in his dog tags to a Wagner training centre –
“This appears to have attracted the group’s attention.” –
went another 700 miles to the Norwegian border, where Wagner dogs chased him across the border …🙄
BBC will print any bullshit dressed up as an adventure story, that fits their agenda..