Heaven for the Far Left BBC – a fired Conservative Chairman and minister . Inquiries into that ‘Tory’ minister and this ‘Tory ‘ minister . Spoilt for choice . And still no sign of the need for the BBC to br shown to be fair and neutral .
Start the Week 30 January 2023
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Copied from Leilani Dowding on Facebook a few minutes ago.
Great news.
I can’t wait. Mark will be back on the Mark Steyn Show very soon, I will join him along with many of his regular contributors!! @MarkSteynOnline. Go to his website for more details. Amazing B’day news for me that THE man, THE anchor is back..!!
EG – I notice that GBNews gets no mention … I think that channel is toast ….
Review of BBC economic coverage finds concerns but no systematic bias
First thing which seems odd is how it focused on ‘economic coverage’. And when something seems odd in a BBC headline, it always means skullduggery and trickery.
How can that be possible I wondered. Who did this review ?.
‘Commissioned by the BBC’s board, it is the first review arising from a 10-point impartiality plan.’
‘The review was chaired by Sir Andrew Dilnot and Michael Blastland, who created BBC Radio 4’s More or Less programme.’
Right. Commissioned by the BBC and done by BBC types. And they decided they are not biased.
I’m quite certain the other 9 points will all find something to criticise (so it isn’t so obviously a whitewash) but there will be no systematic bias found anywhere.
I wonder how much this complete waste of time is costing the license fee payer.
In other news, the BBC awarded themselves more awards for being excellent.
The Times item says it found the BBC is politically biased
but in economics they suffer bias
cos they are all arts students and resort to groupthink.
There is a mountain of evidence the BBC is biased towards the left and remain
Easy to find staff the criticise Brexit. Trump, Farage
almost impossible to find staff that have expressed support for them.
Poor old BBC, you can feel their pain around the police killing of Tyre Nichols in Memphis.
They’re just aching to portray it as racist, thereby hopefully triggering more months of Burning, Looting and Murdering.
Sadly, the cops were all black so it doesn’t quite fit the bill.
Mind you, you’d never know the cops were black from the latest update on the BBC webshite. Not one mention of the colour of the killers, nor photos.
They do, however, manage to remind us that the killer of St Floyd of Fentanyl was white.
“Mr Floyd was killed by a white police officer kneeling on his neck for more than nine minutes”.
Selective reporting of facts to fit agenda.
No it’s not, it’s downright lies! The court found that Derek Chauvin did not directly kill Floyd who died as a result of a Fentanyl overdose (on the record of the US court show trial).
Chauvin was convicted of murder by failing to recognise the medical emergency and allowing responders to come to Floyds aid.
It had nothing to do with him kneeling on Floyd and if I recall he wasn’t actually kneeling on his neck either!
I did predict when this story broke the BBC were going to do this.
BBC News Channel, Friday 23 July 2020
We referred to George Floyd’s death as occurring during an encounter with white police officers. The officer who knelt on his neck is white, but two of the other three involved are not.
I suspect ‘Lord Hague of Richmond’ is quite happy creaming it off the taxpayer where he is without any actual reponsibility.
Billy remainer traitor Hague is being mentioned as the new £chairman£ of the blue Labour Party – another blue who went red …
Isn’t Gates paying ABC enough?
I am reading R F Kennedy’s book on Dr Fauci. He also deals with Gates, who is an awful human being. He pushes “vaccines” which kill more people than the disease they are meant to cure, usually in Africa where life is cheap. He poses as a philanthropist, but is heavily invested in Big Pharma. He has bought control of the WHO, and uses it to promote his “vaccines”. He is making out like a bandit, yet people seem to think he is a good guy. Even Dominic Cummings was in thrall to him, for some reason. In reality he is an utter bastard.
UK Government and Gates Foundation Partner to Support Agricultural Research, Boost Productivity of Poor Farmers
World Bank, Gates Foundation, DFID Join Forces to Improve Education Quality Around the World
Click to access Payments-Bill-Melissa-Gates-Foundation.pdf
The new £38 million of UK aid will contribute to a portfolio of projects which will receive additional funding from the Gates Foundation.
Bill Gates Met With Jeffrey Epstein Many Times, Despite His Past
Prince Andrew admitted to staying in Epstein’s mansion for three days in 2010, after Epstein’s conviction for sex offences against a minor, describing the location as “a convenient place to stay”.
“CNN just notched its lowest ratings in nine years across all its day parts for the week of Jan. 16 through Jan. 22, 2023, according to Nielsen averaging just 444,000 viewers in primetime, 93,000 in the all-important age 25-54 news demographic and 417,000 in viewers and 80,000 in the demo for total day. It’s the first time since May 2014 that the network failed to reach 450,000 viewers.”
By comparison, during the same period Fox News drew 1.4 million viewers and 176,000 in the demo while MSNBC notched 629,000 total viewers and 69,000 in the demo. In primetime, Fox News had 2 million viewers, 256,000 in the demo and MSNBC had 943,000 viewers and 91,000 in the demo.
“I’m just going to have to learn to hesitate
To make sure my words
On your Saxon ears don’t grate
But I wouldn’t know a single word to say
If I flattened all the vowels
And threw the ‘R’ away”
– The chorus of “Throw the ‘R’ Away” by The Proclaimers.
Posting the above regarding BBC News social affairs correspondent Michael Buchanan, who really gets on my tits.
Like The Proclaimers, his Scottish accent is ridiculously po-faced and exaggerated. Not only that, John Laurie’s Private Fraser seems like a sodding ray of sunshine in comparison.
Another freakin’ bbc Perfesser.
She only got the gig for her surname!
The BBC investigates itself for bias in its Economic reporting and finds, surprise surprise, that any weaknesses due to “gaps and assumptions” lean, “curiously, both left and right”.
“That makes a charge of systematic political bias in this area hard to sustain.”
So that’s all right then.
Interestingly, the report is filed under ‘Entertainment’. They should have specified “Comedy”.
Love it when they turn on each other.
When the flagship weekday evening current affairs program employs Paul Mason as “economics editor” it’s clear that arithmetic rigor, careful research and honest reportage are not tick boxes that the BBC institutionally cares about.
“Not fit for purpose” – all carrots and no sticks, jobs for offspring / mates, editorial lead handed over to The Guardian.
The BBC is an embarrassment.
Too true TOMO!
More on that in Telegraph today…
Commissioner quits investigation into Richard Sharp’s appointment as BBC chairman!
Oh! its all hotting up to with the BBC its clear line to the upper ‘deserved’ civil-service elite blob. An elite jobsworth centre for the maintenance of the public Quango. Those who run the BBC (clearly badly) avoid all blame.
“William Shawcross has recused himself from the inquiry into Richard Sharp’s appointment as chairman of the BBC.
Mr Shawcross, the Commissioner for Public Appointments who would have been responsible for reaching a judgment, confirmed his decision in a letter published this afternoon.
He wrote: “As I have met Mr Sharp on previous occasions, I have decided to recuse myself from this particular investigation.
“I will be delegating my powers as Commissioner under the 2019 Order in council to an independent person, who will be appointed by my office for this one investigation.”
The investigation into Mr Sharp is taking place following claims that he helped Boris Johnson arrange a guarantee on a loan of up to £800,000 while Mr Johnson was the prime minister.
In addition some bright spark has noticed:
BBC impartiality at risk because journalists ‘lack understanding of basic economics’
“BBC journalists “lack understanding of basic economics”, according to an independent review of the corporation’s economics coverage.
Impartiality is at risk because some journalists at the corporation make assumptions and have gaps in their knowledge, the review found.
The thematic review into the broadcaster’s coverage of taxation, public expenditure, government borrowing and government debt was commissioned by the BBC board.”
““Several general assumptions seem to lurk like this, either unnoticed or uncorrected. Others that outsiders observed in BBC coverage were ‘more public spending is good’ and ‘tax cuts are good’.”
“The authors also identified “an occasional temptation to hype – and we think hype an is impartiality issue. We don’t want to be bored either, but see breathless stories or headlines that seem to chase excitement by slanting data or evidence”.
“The board said it had asked Tim Davie, the director general, and his executive team to address the issues raised and put together a plan of action.”
x1400 comments ( on how hopeless the BBC has become…!)
Don’t hold your breath! on ANY independent inquiry. Its net zero remember. No bias at all.
But not a jot on inability to distinguish themselves from left wing bias and sexual and political perversions that they still deny they have any knowledge of. A corporate dementia that happens when your overpaid far too much dosh. Deny any knowledge, ‘Smithers’ – or you loose your bonus payment and BBC career prospects. ‘We deny everything’, until sacked. and that’s a rarity owning up too being corporate greedy and stupid. A SAFE space for lefties to hide in.
Well said.
Only Connect ..is only doing woke trolling.
“no the answer is .. They all changed their names due to the BLM campaign”
eg the Dixie Chicks
The only BBC output i have anything to do with, and I was unusually pleased not to know the answer to that one. Only watched because MrsL insists on paying the TV Licence Tax, must have a word with her.
I got that one. I must be woke!
I see BBC 1 are promoting the sainted NHS and how the nurses were our saviours. Obviously only aware from Googling as I have not had a TV Licence for some time.
From http://www.sickipedia.net
Great news for parents.
Hard working, underpaid teachers have promised never to strike on inset days, weekends, after 4pm, the summer, Easter or during half term holidays.
GBnews have a debate about 20mph urban speed limits
video https://twitter.com/GBNEWS/status/1620159640678932496
To add balance they’ve asked Just Stop Oil’s main spokesperson Alex De Koning
He just introduced himself as “I’m a climate scientist”
It actually doesn’t matter if a person has an academic record, it’s what evidence and logic they present that counts
but is he much of a scientist, he’s only 24 and was until recently always described as a student ?
Newcastle University events list says 23rd Feb
“Alex De Koning (doctoral student, Newcastle University) will speak on ’Green Hydrogen’.”
Has he published any papers ?
Nope he did reach the lowest level . At a conference where scientists presented big papers he was whats called a “poster presenter” (also green hydrogen)
That means that you don’t speak but rather your project is put on a wall in the form of a poster with 10 or 20 similar posters.
Of course the guy basically as hyperbolic “Oh we have a climate crisis, people don’t need cars”
Greta says
Derby are playing West Ham in the FA cup . There is an awful commentary on 5 live by a screeching girl – another commentary on Radio Derby and another on Radio. lundunistan… each with a ‘helper ‘- so a minimum of 6 people on one game …
Anyone paying for the bbc – good luck …
Steyn, I’m coming back
But not on GBNews ( unless I missed the reference ) …..
Yes, of course he’ll be back on GB News, where else would he go back to?
I can’t see him being made welcome at the BBC or Sky.
Nope, he’ll be back in the hot seat on GB News in the next few weeks.
Excellent news…
Jeff – I think it will be the same format but online . BBCOFCOM referrals put investors off . And I reckon the GBNews owners will pay for a silent exit ….
dunno that picture is a very similar set
In the old pic the centre drumm has a metal front
.. https://twitter.com/GBNEWS/status/1589735052547497984
TWatO Watch #1 – has the ONS gone over to Labour?
According to TWatO the Office for National Statistics are singing from the BBC’s lefty hymn sheet about millions suffering in the UK from ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’. I have demonstrated where that is fake from hundreds of thousands going on winter skiing holidays (Times), queues at airports and Dover & Folkestone for continental holidays in the summer, hundreds (thousands?) of Liverpudlians in Paris for footie, hundreds (thousands?) in Qatar for more footie (all evidenced on the BBC). Stew Green has also demonstrated that a lot of the claims made by the BBC about people suffering from ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ are really exaggerated or even possibly fake. Now the ONS are talking this ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ up.
I wonder why?
The BBC ran a sob story on the 6 pm news about a woman ( obese, naturally) who stayed at home watching the TV because they were so poor.
The 50 inch flat screen TV on the wall above the mantelpiece of her living room was, surprise surprise, not commented on.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – funny, I cannot find any reference to it at all on the BBC web-site.
What? Lucy Powell MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport has announced the Labour Party’s policy for the BBC Licence Fee at the next General Election. You would think the BBC would be really keen for us to know all about it. You would, wouldn’t you?
Cannot find a reference to it anywhere on the BBC web-site. In the i newspaper it is behind a paywall.
Ms Powell is truly dangerous . A while ago she came out with some madness about ‘licencing the internet ‘ – with only approved sites being ‘allowed’ – all in the name of ‘community safety ‘ of course …
Quick scan of Guardian’s politics pages on-line – nothing. The Conservatives seem to get more mentions there!
The-i interview is NOT paywalled for me
Previously the i-articles seem to be paywalled but there is a small “I don’t want to pay” button
and you click that
Thanks, Stew!
Part of her blurb here…
When the Conservatives agreed the last renewal, they told the BBC it should prepare for the end of the licence fee and that it would be phased out. Ms Powell says Labour is “very firm” in its commitment to a “universally funded, publicly owned model” for the long term but does not rule out changing the fee so that richer households pay more.
“The licence fee might not be the model you’d start with that everybody pays the same whether you’re rich or poor. But I think the core principle of everybody contributing and it being a universal service that everybody contributes is absolutely right.”
So fence-seat, seat-fence, just like her boss…
Stew, aah but you are a computer ace while I’m merely handicapped by the devices – highly handicapped. (Congrats, btw, to Rory McIlroy for his desert win.)
Nothing on BBCnews website yet
but Sep 6, 2021 they had a falling out
“Privacy watchdog Big Brother Watch has blasted the BBC after the state funded broadcaster announced that vaccine passports are to simply “start” taking effect in England this month.”
TWatO Watch #2 – ahaa! Now I have heard of him and his songs
The BBC’s obsession with Americans and America continues. I am told that Barrett Strong has died aged 81. I think he made much more of a contribution to popular music and ‘Motown’ than Tom Verlaine did to punk music. May have been a better guitarist, too! Writer of the hits ‘Money, that’s what I want’ and ‘I heard it on the Grapevine’. Will be missed in Motown.
The BBC’s priorities are clear, the propaganda relentless.
Front page webshite story.
‘How Egyptian police hunt LGBTQ+ people on dating apps’
Of great interest to……..almost no-one in the real world.
UK economy only G7 nation to shrink in 2023 – IMF
#probablyWontHappen its a prediction
Hows the Christine Lagarde fraud investigation going?
Democratic process ? not for us, the minority dictating to the rest of the country:
“Watch as Extinction Rebellion eco-zealots storm House of Lords as peers debated new protest laws to crackdown on guerrilla tactics used by climate activists
The 12 demonstrators from Extinction Rebellion were escorted from the building . All the activists were wearing t-shirts which bore slogan ‘Defend Human Rights’ .
The action happened during House of Lords debate around the Public Order Bill”
XR are very keen on the ‘new form of democracy’ that are Citizens Assemblies.
As are Sir Boaty and Net Zero councils.
Even though nowhere like democracy, they can also be ignored by organisers to push their agendas if results don’t suit.
BBC News back on track with doom – this time it’s a prediction by the less than accurate IMF that the Blighty economy will tank whilst everyone else will live in the sunny uplands .
Pretty poor stuff to lead with . Surely there must be another blue labour politician caught with their hand in the till – how is that Michelle £ Moan one getting on ?
Do you notice the bbc never explains the real personal consequences of bad economic news … ?
And in 2 days time interest rates are likely to rise by 0.5% ( although they’ll probably bottle it and make it 0.25%)
BTW – Happy Brexit Day ….
By chance the BBC Moaning Emole just arrived, headlined…
“Economic gloom”
Hello Guest
If anyone knows how to talk us into a recession the bBC does
The full piece, by Andy, is a masterpiece.
By Andrew McFarlane
UK only major economy forecast to shrink this year
A man checks his phone, while carrying a basket in a supermarket freezer aisle
The economic outlook was already gloomy. But now the International Monetary Fund has downgraded its forecast for the UK, suggesting that instead of experiencing weak growth, its economy will shrink by 0.6% this year. Of the world’s advanced and emerging economies, only the UK’s is expected to suffer a year of declining GDP – a measure of how well (or badly) an economy is faring. Read what’s behind the bleak assessment.
If GDP falls for two quarters in a row, it becomes a recession – typically meaning companies make less money and unemployment rises. The forecast raises questions as to why the UK is expected to miss out on improved global prospects, with even sanctions-hit Russia expected to grow, says our economics editor, Faisal Islam. However, the IMF does believe the UK economy is “on the right track” after the Autumn Statement. And Chancellor Jeremy Hunt argues “short-term challenges should not obscure our long-term prospects”. The government says the UK is forecast to grow faster than Japan and Germany from 2022-24.
Methinks Andy is gunning for a BBC Bleak Editor slot.
Rest now piling in:
Indy (paid audience of six): Britain the only G7 economy set for recession in 2023, IMF warns
#prasnews copy paste.
Wait to see who oozes into the studios later.
Used to know a rugby song about such a line up.
The lady in red …..
God help us if that is the talent!
General election 2019: Corbyn concedes lower earners could pay more tax
Subtle, it is not.
UK expected to be only major economy to shrink in 2023 – IMF
The UK economy will shrink and perform worse than other advanced economies, including Russia, as the cost of living continues to hit households, the International Monetary Fund has said.
Christine Lagarde avoids jail, keeps job after guilty verdict in negligence trial
This article is more than 6 years old
Judges opt not to give any punishment to head of International Monetary Fund, who was given support of IMF board after the verdict
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
On the other hand.
Great to see a country that believes in capitalism and the market economy and even fossil fuels powering ahead whilst all those super-regulated European ones soaking in bureaucracy and woke grow sclerotically.
But remember. The UK does have the ‘finest healthcare system in the world’.
Police examine 600 cases after damning NHS baby deaths report
This article is more than 9 months old
Inquiry into maternity practices at Shrewsbury and Telford hospital trust finds 201 babies could have survived with better care
Today watch
Yes it’s more hillsborough – decades after the footy crush the full time Liverpool victim industry is alive and well . Plenty of ‘I want justice …’and even better – public employees must have a ‘duty of candour ‘ to ‘tell the truth ‘… that will go down well with the medical mafia …
Even after everyone involved in this disaster is dead and gone they’ll still be pushing ‘for justice ‘…
Home Office to resume control of tackling migrant Channel crossings
Whats that coordinating RNLI ferry service to the UK
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
TOADY Watch #1 – it is all lies, lies ….
Interesting early business segment with Sean Farrington, discussing the IMF report on the UK economy with someone who is a Brexit Leaver, sorry forgotten name, and Guy Hands who is a Remainer. First opportunity for the latter to contribute: “We were lied to.” This appears to be the Alastair Campbell narrative or slogan for the Rejoin Campaign that started in mid-2021 on the BBC. Now you know why Boris Johnson is no longer PM; so that the Rejoin Campaign can point to Bojo’s defenestration as an example of: ‘We were lied to.’.
In his turn Guy Hands came out with some ridiculous lies of his own: Brexiteers wished to privatise education and the NHS. Laughable but the Rejoin Campaign will be really dirty.
I think I might give ‘today ‘ a rest for a while – it’s already gone ‘off’…. I listened from 6am . I cannot recall a single positive piece ( of news?) .
It’s lucky that kids don’t listen to it because ‘ the mental health crisis ‘( get a grip ) would be even worse . So it was – economy – Liverpool – nature – kids watching porn – coloureds – more coloureds – queers in Egypt (wtf?) inflation – even more inflation …..
Meanwhile – as mentions here – there was a ‘classic ‘ piece on the TV news about an old dear who claimed she couldn’t afford anything and went to bed at 6pm and watched TV all day ( and ?) – and then she said she spent £170 on a pair of specs …. That’s £170 …..
I instantly said ‘should have gone to xxxx ©️’ where you can get a cheap pair for £15….
Ps – for reference by our ‘watchers ‘ you really can get a £15 pair of specs at a high street shop ( not ‘store ) – buy then cos I break and lose so many ….. ( one for the 77 brigade file )
Fed, I know the feeling. Listening for the first half hour sort of gives me an idea of how the whole programme will go. For me Tuesday, it is Goon Show day and was a good one today: The Shifting Sands of Fort Waziri.
Guy Hands is a funny one.
He was a red blooded capitalist when he ran Terra Firma and made millions. He lived in the Channel Islands for years and missed his family growing up. Now he says he regrets it, and reckons he is a “socialist”.
Proof that you do not have to be a deep thinker to make money in the City. He ought to know that he can pay HMRC all those taxes which he avoided if he wants. Somehow I doubt it.
Rob, indeed he is but he was introduced as still running Terra Firma.
IMAGE WATCH- Do you think that BIG BROTHER from the
BBC Diversity dept tells Getty’s that he, she , they, or it wants
Getty’s Afro-Caribbean imaging models to hold phones when
modelling when doing their washing, shopping, looking at their
utility bills, bank accounts etc? It’s a shopping main image feature today,
Divas and doyens edition
Our BBC online press review likes their old favourite the Guardian for top spot this morning.
Turns out everything in the country is a shambles – from the ecomomy, to dentistry, via childhood innocence – it’s all gone wrong – if you read the frontpage of the Gruan: UK faces ‘sharp correction’ amid Truss budget fallout, warns IMF; Zoe Williams Dentistry is in crisis and I have a wobbly tooth; One in 10 children see porn by age of nine… according to “disturbing” new research
Oh, and one more thing: ‘B movie may have killed my career’ – Eva Green (Guardian)
You’ll perhaps have noticed the qualifying element in each of these dire pronouncements is that there is a varying degree of opinion involved – plus there’s a lot of assumption of blame attached.
Read this one from the BBC – at a time, mind you, of the corporation’s strenous claims of lack of bias it still yet puts up what reads as a somewhat desperate and plainly biased in a certain direction rearguard action: Covid support measures ‘saved 40,000 jobs’ – really, BBC? So, where’s the report telling us how many jobs Lockdowns destroyed? Surely that’s newsworthy in these times of economic woe?
The apropriate meme there would be “hey look, a squirrel!”
The NHS is obviously a socialist model solution for the delivery of healthcare – and yet when it continually fails to cope with the major issue of fast rising expectations and demand from an over-expanded population – it is however the fault of the Tories.
The old Labour Daily Mirror resurrects the ghost of Kinnocks past this morning – so as to help tee things up for the coming of Sir Keir: 40 years after his thundering speech predicted life under Tory rule, Neil Kinnock relives it to highlight Britain’s modern crisis
The sight of Neil Kinnock on the frontpage – there’s one for the teenagers. “The first Kinnock in a thousand generations…” remember that one? I’m oddly reminded of the line from that old black and white Frankenstein movie [1931] “It’s alive!”
So the Tories screwed things up and Kinnock was right all along?
Blimey, it’s as though Tony Blair and his Labour government never existed… what with his open borders, proliferation of qangos and subsuming of democratic politics into managerial legalism… then there was his mate Gordon Brown… setting public debt timebombs with his expansion of the welfare state into the client state, PFI, bank bailouts, destroying of our pensions, flogging our gold reserves on the cheap – at least his personal rivalry with Blair kept us out of the Euro
It is the Italian-derrived word ‘diva’ that comes to mind with this one: Eva Green: Actress gives evidence in High Court over bitter film dispute… Referring to another message describing two of the film-makers as “weak and stupid”, she said: “It’s my Frenchness coming out sometimes.” (BBC)
The globalist FT – first point of call for the City boys – goes to town on the UK economy: UK alone in heading for recession as other big economies grow, IMF says – let’s have a look at the graph… while, suprisingly, Germany, the very doyen of EU economic propriety chalks up a prospective nil points of growth (by the by, our BBC has the new upcoming Liverpool Eurovision logo for us today – what’s that cost us?) back to the graph… poor old blighted Blighty is in the negative territory – IMF forecasting -0.5% GDP growth. Up there with a bit more growth are Italy and Japan.
The conclusion? Perhaps we ought to get ourselves a “far-right” premier like Italy… or implement a practically zero inward immigration policy and ban the notion of dual nationality like Japan?
Ms. Verde surely should have offered it was ‘The Frenchness in Her coming out’… for full media outrage longevity?
The revitalisation is plain to see in this tweet alone.
That said, the core audience of Middle Eastern studs seem to be erring on Soaf.
She loves herself.
Italy woman marries herself in ‘fairytale without prince’
27 September 2017
Oh Abdul – say something like that here and you’ll get the full plod treatment … less red meat mate ….
BBC local news leads with a report from One Home
@OurOneHome is a one woman NGO (I suspect)
OMG the soft cliffs of the East Yorkshire coast are continuing to erode like they’ve done for thousands of years
That’s cos they are ancient seabed, left from when the ocean was higher.
It will eventually stop cos there’s a limit line when you get back to original hard rock,
and in some places that’s already happened.
The org hasn’t even tweeted its own report.
Someone calls her a grifter, a reply points out that once the BBC paid her to do a report.
BBC news has a very close relationship with Green PR.
.. https://www.twitter.com/gonzondeck/status/1593308984039063552
It must be due to global warming over the last…..errr……2000 years
Can’t this coastal erosion thing be banned ?
Seems Labour are proposing £5trillion to extend beaches so their voter base does not have to be inconvenienced by rowing so far.
All paid for by a tax on fossils. And any cars they drive.
BBC have put up their version now #PRasNews
BBC production explained.
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
Hi traitor Dave – how’d that last election go for ya? But the BBC still puts him on to do his Ted heath disgruntled act
Knock me down with a feather. You’re not saying BBC Newshite gave prominence to an arch remainer who tried everything to undermine the will of the people?
I can’t believe it.
Sluff- and the dodgy expenses claims – and the £40k he had to ‘give’ to parliamentary standards …and … and …. Easy ‘mistake ‘ – even for a first sec for the treasury ….£
BBC salivating this morning as the IMF announce the UK will have the lowest growth of any major economy this year.
Cue JustRemainin using his name to expected effect.
Mmm. Low growth. I don’t suppose throwing £200 bn a year of taxpayers money at the sinkhole that is the NHS including paying their long covid staff to stay at home on full pay ad Infinitum might possibly be contributing to this lack of growth?
Maybe use some of that money instead to promote R and D and invest in useful infrastructure – and I don’t mean cycle lanes.
Dear Darren Henry,
Parliament’s £13 billion restoration.
HS2 £150 billion, original budget £36 billion.
Track and Trace £37 billion – no tracking or tracing where this money went.
£1.1bn of COVID small business loans identified as fraud
£4 billion of unusable PPE bought in first year of pandemic will be burnt “to generate power”
13 + 150 + 37 + 1.1+ 4 = £205 billion
Nuclear reactor = £6 billion
Yours sincerely,
Mr H
The ugly sisters in lockstep today running the top article all about how everyone else in the EU and the World will have a better economic outlook this year, the UK being the only one to suffer.
Of course as usual you have to read the story way down to see it’s all based on words like ‘expected” etc. and largely down to abandoning fossil fuels too quickly not to mention the story was supplied by some French EU goon.
They also fail to point out that the UK is the only European nation to ditch our own gas and coal like lemmings going over a cliff while countries like Germany continue to heave it out of the ground as fast as they can.
Oh and they also found some “senior Tory” who has announced Brexit was a disaster!
I guess they are flanking their fire while they look for some more dirt on Sunak?
“To judge by past experience, no-one should take IMF forecasts too seriously”
Maybe the UK should buy oil from China? via Russia.
China is buying Russian ESPO crude oil at the deepest discounts in months amid weak demand and poor refining margins. The effective prices refiners pay could exceed the $60 per-barrel cap, set by the Group of Seven (G7) nations, the European Union and Australia, that came into effect on Monday.8 Dec 2022
Maybe we should buy cheap oil from Russia?
Russia has reportedly sold oil to India at a heavy discount below the price cap imposed by the west in December. The development comes after a European ban on Russian oil imports. India is the second largest consumer of oil in Asia and is better located for buying Urals because of a shorter transport route.15 Dec 2022
Nord Stream 2 was so critical to the future of Europe, we were told, that German and Finnish taxpayers were required to help fund the $11bn project. Now that it is no longer critical, and may never be used despite its completion, German and Finnish taxpayers must instead help mop up the losses.
Nord Stream 2 is now dead, with 745 miles of pipeline lying unused on the bed of the Baltic Sea ever since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February. Large parts of that redundant infrastructure was paid for by Finland and Germany, both of which are having to pick up an enormous bill.
‘We were all wrong’: how Germany got hooked on Russian energy
Good work by Steve Laws. Here. 2 minute video.
Picked up by GB News
A Freedom of Information request was submitted by the activist Steve Laws, who documents cross-Channel arrivals and asylum seeker issues in an online and social media blog.
The request asked how much was paid out to asylum seekers under the Aspen system last year.
In response, the UK Visas and Immigration department confirmed that between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2022 £159,200,000 was paid out to recipients of the card.
[Apologies if already posted].
A brutal showing for Minister-turned-showbiz star Matt Hancock this morning. It turns out the “substantial” charitable donation from his jungle fee was £10,000 – or rather, 3% of the cool £330,000 sum. Good Morning Britain hosts Susanna Reid and Richard Madeley didn’t let him off lightly. Always difficult to say you didn’t eat testicles for the money… and then keep 97% of the money:
“The primary reason is because I have… I developed over the pandemic, over lockdown, and over my resignation, […] a very public figure. And I felt that what the public knew about me was through a particular lens, you know, through coming on this programme and Piers Morgan shouting monologues at me for over 20 minutes… it was totally ridiculous.”
“I didn’t primarily do it for the money, I primarily did it to try to show who I really am… and I gave a five-figure sum to charity…”
Of course, Hancock is free to do with his money as he pleases. Most people would gladly take the cash for chewing on a kangaroo’s anus. Although clearly definitions of “substantial” donations vary…
Nadine Dorries apologises to MPs over I’m a Celebrity appearance fee
This article is more than 9 years old
Tory MP forced to register £82,000 profit made by her company after ruling by parliamentary standards committee
How many nurses, ambulance drivers and teachers would our cash they put on cards for illegal immigrants to spaff have paid for?
On Economies vs. Ecological telling folk what they want to hear vs. polls vs. #prasnews.
Look out in case a Beauty Based Cubicoloid picks it up and runs it as ‘news’.
Looks like an attempt to tackle the COP467 China/India problem.
I support nothing ‘costly’ if it does not add up just because a twerp in media or politics or glued to a bank door wants it for her next Lear hop with Kerry.
Have I missed something? When was this ‘Brexit’ that the left blame everything on?
Constance Marten: Police offer £10,000 in missing couple and baby hunt
So we have a nationwide manhunt, extensive news coverage and now a £10,000 reward for information to find these people.
And why are so many resources being put onto this search ?.
‘Investigators are “extremely concerned” for the welfare of the weeks-old baby and say locating the child is their “top priority”.’
Are we seriously supposed to believe this cover story ?. What are they really wanted for ?. I’ve not seen anything in any reports of what they have actually done wrong to warrant this much police activity. And is seems they have plenty of money to support themselves.
Doesn’t sound the like the mixed-race couple fairy story our TV screens are full of these days. I suspect the truth behind this story doesn’t support the failed multicultural experiment.
“Britain is a loser” is one of the media’s favourite chants.
“Growth will be worse than sanctions hit Russia”
Doh Russia has been making mega profits selling oil/gas
has loads of foreign business
cos the wests crazy green policies pushed up energy prices.
#2 I suspect growth stats can be fishy
Like if UK grew first , then EU might be just catching up
Like if they have big inflation the price rises make it look like they doing MORE biz, when in fact they are doing the same.
Mean Times runs this story
BTW mutiple accounts use the exact same wording ..bot ?
Greta say great!
Interesting that the Germany recession is recorded fact
and the IMF “UK will perform badly” line is mere a PREDICTION.
World at one
The sainted Liverpool supporters – lessons from 1989 will be learned . There will be a ‘culture change ‘…. There will be a duty of candour …..
I mean – what crap people – a duty to self incriminate ? What planet ?
And culture change from 1989 ? Maybe amongst footy supporters . I’ve had some horrible experiences with Liverpool supporters which colours my view about sainthood – charging barriers to get in ….
Naturally the BBC is full on for ‘change ‘…. The reflex action . But hillsborough now ? Sad . So many dead . But 1989 …? Senior plod will always cover themselves and pass the blame downward – every organisation – except maybe aviation – will cover up ….. and shift blame … including the BBC
Rant done
BTW – quote from Lady Brooke – “ on brexit – we ll be hearing a European perspective “ – look in the mirror – what’s new ?
It has been going on since before my neice started School , she has since moved house twice and has two children, that is quite long enough , we know there were some dreadful foul ups but no one deliberately set out to cause what happened ,even if the supporters on that day were totally innocent , there was still a whole culture of football Hooliganism below the surface , although it had passed its peak of the 70s it was still there.
Nobody ever seems to recall the Ibrox disaster, when the safety rails collapsed and everyone fell down the stairs, finishing up in a heap at the bottom!
I remember that horrible one at the same time as Hillsborough, as during the Liverpool game, we’d just moved house the day before, and the girls were sat watching the box to keep out of our bloody way…
Hiesel Stadium
Last years Oscars.. “Oh they are elitist , they never choose black actors from *fringe* films”
Today’s racebaiting from black director Chinoye Chukwu
‘Oh the Oscars are racist, they’ve chosen a white actress from a *fringe* film, not my black mates from big budget films’
WEF GreenSupremacist overlords again
Have grey squirrels replaced “the native red”?
It is true that grey squirrels are not native to this country (in the sense in which it is appropriate to talk of “native” on territory that was scraped clean by ice 10 000 years ago). They were introduced from American in the 19th century, at a time when it was fashionable to move animals between continents. Now there are between 2 and 3 million greys and between 150 and 200 thousand reds, which represents a substantial difference. So, on the face of it, it seems to be an open and shut case: the greys replaced the reds.
The reality, however, is not as straightforward as that. To properly unravel the accusation, we have to consider the actual history of red squirrels in Great Britain.
15 minutes from a Mosque?
The first mosque to be built in the Western Isles is proving to be a huge hit with tourists. The Stornoway temple opened its doors in May to provide a place of worship for the area’s 80-strong Muslim community.30 Sept 2018
“15 minutes from a Mosque?”
They’re excluded from the rest.
They’ve named the dead dog walker as “Natasha Johnston” but media show zero photos
Until now they had taken the unusual step of suppressing her name
stoll the media show no photos.
They say she was new to the job and with 8 dogs was breaking the byelaw that says the max is 4 or 6
Times TMS says that BBC lost Ken Bruce, cos although they were prepared to offer him more money and terms, they didn’t send the paperwork in time.
“according to reports” ..that is no proof of course.
That’s a bit like saying the cheques in the post or the dog ate my homework
They’ll make up any old tosh story to cover their arses; this rates a 2 out of 10, Savile 12 out of 10, Rolf 3 out of 10 etc etc…
Luckily hardly anyone ever believes them these days!
The anti-british broadcaster has opened forums on these:-
UK expected to be only major economy to shrink in 2023 – IMF
What impact has Brexit had on the UK economy?
Best give the losers somewhere to vent off – when will the likes of the bBC united?
I remember the bBC saying we would run out of sandwiches if we voted for Brexit. Still waiting
I wonder if the EU sponsorship dried up when we voted out and the beeb needs the money to continue its propaganda