Let’s hear it for Lucy Fraser . Lucy is the new ‘culture secretary ‘ – the last one lasted about 4 months . Good for your pension Lucy – let’s be sure you’ll be a good / bad as previous ‘culture secretaries ‘ …. It may be a sign that the current socialist government doesn’t care too much about stuff like the BBC or OFCOM or the end of free speech . Just imagine – they still have a great big majority …
Midweek 8 February 2023
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Oh look, the RAFs answer to Tom Cruise
Hard stares? Paddington Bear’s in trouble then.
Just reflecting a bit on the zelensky show love in – you’d have never known the liberal establishment was so war loving . Give zelensky tanks – planes – make Salisbury a target for Russians ( again ) cos that’s where the army is being trained .
Putin must be working up options to punish UK above the rest for being so enthusiastic and unquestioning about Ukraine . Don’t get me wrong – I see Russia as a toilet – putin should be dead – and that country should be punished for the Cold War – and always treated at a distance ….
But the sort of fan worship on display today was a bit sickening …
… it’s called motive force. The alternative is inertia – the normal stance for those too blind to want to see …
No crown for King Charles on new stamp
Among King Charles’s many titles are Defender of the Faith – a title bestowed on Henry VIII by the pope, and retained after England broke with Rome – and supreme governor of the Church of England. His mother took these roles seriously.
Not BBC, but I notice that “Vera” is still on a march to become the wokest cop show on TV.
The last episode included a white and black lesbian couple, a tranny being beaten by her horrible white boyfriend, a black African sergeant-major, and a woman commanding an infantry regiment (she was white and therefore a bitch).
I may have missed a few. The show’s depiction of the multiracial, multicultural LBGTQIA+ wonderland which is Newcastle never ceases to amaze.
Quite a few tweets
I forgot the dwarf woman! There is just too much woke BS in “Vera” now to keep up with!
Dwarf woman in a wheelchair Rob !!!. And don’t forget the middle-aged racist/bigot pale-and-stale token male member of the team.
I gave up on it ages ago because of how woke it went. If you saw any black people within the fist 5 minutes, they ALWAYS turned out to be major characters in the plot.
I did try a newer one – but within 2 minutes, we had another mixed race couple. In Newcastle where the black population is <1%.
An email from GAB.
Totally Neil monologue Oliverish. Much of which applies equally to the UK. Discern the difference if you can and If you or anyone else remains sceptical of the rise of Communism via Socialism, read and ask yourself why all Western countries are simultaneously under attack.
“The social collapse is quantifiably happening. Every sociological indicator, from marriage and divorce rates, to single parenthood, to birthrates, is alarming. It is nearly impossible to bury your head in the sand and pretend it is not happening. Everyone can see it. Our cities are uninhabitable slums surrounded by ugliness, trash, crime, and mentally ill vagrants. The high-trust communities you once knew, the Mayberry’s where you could leave your door unlocked at night, seem like the stuff of legend. The stable, orderly, high-trust civilization your ancestors built is gone.”
MH17: Putin supplied missile that downed plane – investigators
The wording.. Putin in the title, suggesting its Putin’s fault
BAe (British Aerospace) for example sells/supplies arms worldwide – based on this BAe are liable for missiles/arms they supply
Biased, suggesting Putin in the headline
Outrageously misleading more like.
They confirmed it by stating the missile was Russian-made. They didn’t mention that they are all Russian-made, including the ones Ukraine has.
It’s pretty obvious it was a mistake by someone on the ground who was in a war zone. A mix of criminal negligence and incompetence by some grunts in positions they should never have been. But nobody (except Muslims) deliberately shoots down an airliner full of civilians.
The real question which should be asked (and isn’t) is why this plane was flying over there in the first place. I read it was because Ukraine didn’t close down the airspace because they wanted the money the airlines pay to use it.
The 77th Brigade, digital IDs, secret state surveillance, misinformation & propaganda – with the new frameworks that are being put in place by our governments their power to exert control will grow exponentially.
To help support this channel & get extra, exclusive content every week sign up to Neil Oliver’s Patreon site,
Ben Wallace announces probe into claims by a 77th Brigade whistleblower that the military unit had covertly spied on Brits posting about Covid on social media
Officials previously claimed operations had “never conducted any kind of action against British citizens”
But in a parliamentary statement, Ben Wallace this week admitted the 77th Brigade scours social media to “assess UK disinformation”
openDemocracy reveals another government “misinformation” unit logged journalists who tweeted about their clearing house exposé
The most serious “misinformation” comes from OFCOM. OFCOM insists that GB News presenters follow findings that mRNA jabs are injuring and killing millions of people world-wide from cardiologists, virologists, statisticians and victims of the mRNA jab, with misinformation that the jab is “Safe & Effective”. Neil Oliver says “Safe & Effective” and then “there you are” with a smile. Dan Wootton says “Safe & Effective” while rolling his eyes. Laurence Fox says “Safe & Effective” with a robotic voice. But Mark Steyn refused to say “Safe & Effective” and had to go. But Mark could have stayed at GB News if he put on a “false Pinocchio nose” before saying “Safe & Effective” with a robotic voice.
But Mark could have stayed at GB News if he put on a “false Pinocchio nose” before saying “Safe & Effective” with a robotic voice.
The “hockey stick” graph of global temperatures is the single most influential icon in the global-warming debate, promoted by the UN’s transnational climate bureaucracy, featured in Al Gore’s Oscar-winning movie, used by governments around the world to sell the Kyoto Accord to their citizens, and shown to impressionable schoolchildren from kindergarten to graduation.
And yet what it purports to “prove” is disputed and denied by many of the world’s most eminent scientists. In this riveting book, Mark Steyn has compiled the thoughts of the world’s scientists, in their own words, on hockey-stick creator Michael E Mann, his stick and their damage to science. From Canada to Finland, Scotland to China, Belgium to New Zealand, from venerable Nobel Laureates to energetic young researchers on all sides of the debate analyze the hockey stock and the wider climate wars it helped launch.
Why in this country do we call it a hockey stick when, quite clearly, it’s not a hockey stick but a ice-hockey stick.
Hi guys and gals from the 77th – hope you find something interesting reading this site – could you let us know what proportion of site users still have TV licences ? I’m sure you have database access …
Hello Boys in the 77th
Just in case you need extra support – let’s face it you need it.
Ben Wallace The Secretary of State for Defence
Colleagues may have read reports this weekend about activity conducted by the Army’s counter-disinformation unit in 77th Brigade.
Online disinformation from foreign state actors is a serious threat to the United Kingdom. That is why during the pandemic we brought together expertise from across Government to monitor disinformation about covid.
The 77th Brigade is a hybrid unit of regular and reserve personnel that was established in 2015. It delivers information activities as part of broader military effects against hostile state actors and violent extremist organisations based outside the UK. It uses publicly available data, including material shared on social media platforms, to assess UK disinformation trends. It is not to be involved in regulating, policing or even reporting opinion that it may or may not agree with.
David Davis Conservative, Haltemprice and Howden
The Secretary of State referred to the allegations in the weekend press about 77th Brigade. I know him well enough to know that when he told us that he gave clear instructions and guidelines to the brigade, which operates only against foreign powers and extremists, he was telling the exact truth. However, will he review the issue and ensure that his guidelines have been followed in all cases?
Link to this speech
In context Individually
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(Citation: HC Deb, 30 January 2023, c24)
Photo of Ben WallaceBen Wallace The Secretary of State for Defence
I thank my right hon. Friend for the compliment. I have already instructed that we not only look into the story but check that the instructions that I issued after a visit were carried out.
A former Labour MP has been found guilty of making fraudulent expenses claims – with the money being used to fund a cocaine habit while in office.
Jared O’Mara was convicted of six counts of fraud after attempting to claim roughly £24,000 of taxpayers’ money on his “extravagant lifestyle”. The 41-year-old operated as an MP for the Sheffield Hallam constituency from 2017 to 2019.
Salary £89K
Date Annual salary
April 2022 £84,144
April 2021 £81,932
April 2020 £81,932
April 2019 £79,468
April 2018 £77,379
April 2017 £76,011
April 2016 £74,962
May 2015 £74,000
April 2014 £67,060
April 2013 £66,396
April 2012 £65,738
April 2011 £65,738
April 2010 £65,738
… and the BBC didn’t report that hewas a Labour MP
Cost of living: GP concerns over rise in signs of malnutrition
9 hours ago
Taxpayers charged £17m to subsidise MPs’ food
Exclusive: Restaurants and bars in the House of Commons cut prices for MPs, as they were bailed out by taxpayers
Hang on that’s a bit disingenuous, the period is over 3 years of the pandemic, and no one was actually there, and the figures are the losses as a result.
Yes the bars and restaurants are subsidised, but MPs are supposed to entertain their visitors there, often at their own expense and that can mean ordinary members of the public like you and me.
How well do you know LGBT+ history?
LGBT+ History Month is an annual celebration that aims to commemorate the lives and achievements of those who have fought for equality throughout the years.
Mushroom Clouds …what creates them ? , are we about to find out first hand now Rishi Rich has given the comedian our full Military support……umm !
Jared O’Mara: Former MP found guilty of fraudulent expenses claims
I knew the answer because it doesn’t say Tory in the headline – but I looked anyway and you have to go a loooong way down the article to discover this dishonest scumbag is Labour.
It will be no surprise to anyone that the BBC didn’t cover this at all until it got into court last month. I wonder how many others there have been.
No ‘Labour sleeze’ to be found anywhere.
Logged in just to post the same. You know 100% tother way it would read
They really are something else !!!!
I take it he is still relying on the white powder excuse . His electorate must be so proud – but presumably are happy with the benefits and free stuff …
Jared … what a surprise … not
Foisted on locals by the utter scum Labour NEC divvying out gigs to their grateful malleable mates / fellow travelers.
Faulty Towers to return. Will it be woke. Diversity. Alphabet people?
Unfortunately the Major is no longer around, his views would be a welcome change
Hello Zephir
And the sketch with the Major trying to use his shotgun out the bar window, would definately have warning at the start. Something like “Sensitive snowflakes should switch off immediately”
In full: Rowan Atkinson on free speech
Look, I have to be honest, I didn’t watch the first episode of the BBCs new ten week, woke propaganda piece, The Shamima Begum Story, complete with violin accompaniment… I was busy washing my hair… All three of them…
This has to be a new all-time low even for our state broadcaster…and there have been quite a few… Giving airtime to a terrorist! FFS, It’s beyond disgusting. I’d go as far as saying it’s actually treacherous. It’s just as well the Yanks took out Jihadi John otherwise, by now, he’d be hosting a comedy set on BBC2. I can just see him sitting there, between Jo Brand and Ian Hislop, swapping quips about beheading infidels and Tory cuts. What a laugh…
The same people that applaud the “Beeb’s bravery” and open-minded approach and tell us that we have hear all points of view are spitting nails at Jeremy Clarkson and wanting him given a lifetime ban from our TV screens.
Do I detect just a hint of double standards?
Still, in the interests of balance, impartiality and fair play, next month the BBC have promised us a sympathetic biographical piece on the life and times of Tommy Robinson.
And if you believe that…
So sad that the drone only got 2 out of the 3 who joined ISIS – the BBC is running a full propaganda campaign to prepare her to be ‘returned ‘ to the `uK by the coming red labour government .. then she can do all those bbc shows …
The BBC? It is a beacon for every ‘bent’ individual or organisation existing. Its demented sickness knows no bounds.
If they are going to do a modern version of Fawlty Towers then I for one can’t wait to see how Basil deals with a Hotel crammed full of enrichers fresh from France.
EG – lol – ‘manwell’ will be a gay coloured chip carrier looking for a payout ….the wife will be a trannie – Polly will be ..?
Just don’t do it Mr Cleese -however much Netflix pays …
If it were not for Surkeer likely asking to have his babies, stuff like this makes it very hard to stick with the Conservatives as the least worst option.
What nobody is saying is that supplying these jets and tanks will absolutely cause Russia to transform to be 100% at war. They are halfway there already.
Then when Ukraine start losing again, what next ?. Send in our troops ?.
Is half of Ukraine really worth the price ?. The scaremongering that Russia will continue across Europe is absolute nonsense. They will not attack any major NATO or EU country after the bloody nose they have been given unless they absolutely consider it to be a case of life or death. And then it really is game over.
And are Ukraine paying for any of this – or are we just giving them away ?.
Jeremy Hunt. Rhymes with …..
Working on the assumption that we only get the approved version of propaganda /lies -it seems to me that Russia will ‘win’ ( gain and keep some territory ) just on the numbers of fighters – unless = of course – young Russian boys are no longer attracted by the excitement and glamour and medals and glory which always fools them in the first place ….
We prebs don’t know how good the propaganda is in Russia – and whether Russians think they are the underdog up against the soulless west – led by an election thief .
Can anyone really see our tanks getting there and doing much ? Yet alone fighter jets ? 2025?2026 ?
Meanwhile putin has huge resources to call on flogging oil to anyone who wants it and planning revenge on NATO .
the more I think of the zelensky show in their Westminster the more I think it reminds me of when that mental scandanavian teenage girl turned up to talk green crap and ‘politicians ‘ fell over trying to get effing selfies ….
If that war escalates – either intentionally or accidentally – this sort of spectacle might well be seen to be a link in the chain of causation .
And to repeat before anyone accuses me of being pro putin – far from it – I wish him dead – I wish Russia finally crushed …. ( but it’s too big – even with not much of a population )
What a pit.
Prevent counter-terror scheme lambasted in review
A very interesting read and I wonder if the BBC recognise their own guilt in the complete farce ‘Prevent’ is.
Of particular note is the line:
‘While eight out of 10 plot investigations were linked to Islamist causes, less than a fifth of Prevent’s caseload was in the same area, he said. Too often, he argued, there was “a culture of timidity” when it came to tackling Islamism.’
Hot on the heels of the BBC informing us a couple of weeks ago that the far-right are responsible for 59% of something or other directly inferring they are the biggest threat.
Hang your heads in shame BBC. You have a lot of blood on your hands.
Sorry, I forgot. The Leftist hypocrites never feel shame for anything they do. No matter how many die. It’s always somebody else’s fault.
Edinburgh bin strikes: Scottish minister blames rubbish-strewn streets on Labour council
Edinburgh’s rubbish-strewn streets and overflowing bins has been blamed on the city’s Labour-led council as a Scottish Government minister waded into the row.
By Rebecca McCurdy and Dan Barker
23rd Aug 2022, 11:40am
Guess this won’t be discussed by the BBC or MSM:
When I consider the ‘facts’ as I know them:
1) Lots of reasons for the USA to do it.
2) No sensible reasons I can think of for Russia to do it.
3) Statement from our government: ‘Russia probably did it’. No justification given whatsoever.
4) A major story quickly dropped.
= The USA did it. Primarily to remove any possibility of Europe weakening on Ukraine and doing a deal for the gas.
Before the party political broadcast by the Conservative Party.
Did anybody else watch the four times a day party political
broadcast by the anarchist Marxist , woke, non binary party?
We are lucky enough in the London area to watch this political
education four times a day !! It’s called the London Programme
on the BBC. Assad Ahmad , Liz Rateef etc do a wonderful job
reading the autocues written for them by their editors. I
particularly liked the feature about the virtual reality , non binary feature. With that Toreeeee scumbag so far as the
programme is concerned , Margaret Thatcher , being facetiously
Not the BBC – but the missing dog walking lady is still in the news – there is no mention that she might have done a ‘Reggie Perrin ‘ or even still be alive – instead it’s fixation on all the publicity seekers hanging on the story ….
In the inevitable socialist paradise on its way, rules for thee and not for me:
Mail online:
Liverpool Labour politicians get 51 parking tickets cancelled with ‘breathtaking disregard for the rules’
‘Liverpool £ Labour £ Politicians £” – ( whatever happened to that mayor ?)
Did you ever see the drama “GBH” with Robert Lindsey playing that mayor ?
Zeph – yes I did – a time when C4 was worth something . . But I recall a labour mayor in trouble last year and suspended …. Property deals …. Family …. Allegedly …
The series was controversial partly because Murray appeared to be based on Derek Hatton, former Deputy Leader of Liverpool City Council. After the first episode was aired, Channel 4 declined to provide preview tapes of the remaining instalments to Merseyside Police, who were concerned the programme could affect Hatton’s court case regarding corruption. Bleasdale downplayed the connection, leading Hatton to comment “the only person in the world who does not seem to think that Michael Murray is me, is Alan Bleasdale
BBC interviews Labour MP six years ago as *rising star*
But times do change… The Guardian seem unimpressed.
O’Mara was said to be “shit-faced” when he was interviewed by BBC Look North. Arnold accused him of drinking a whole bottle of vodka before it. The MP denied being drunk but footage of the interview, tracked down by the Guido Fawkes website, does not help his cause. O’Mara is clearly slurring as he speaks of his intention to stand in the 2019 election. Arnold recalled O’Mara’s parents telling him that O’Mara was not just drunk, he was “hammered”.
O’Mara almost never went to the constituency office in Sheffield and very rarely went to parliament, the court heard. His friend John Woodliff, a former bouncer and milkman who said he acted as a kind of personal assistant, would go to O’Mara’s house and “pretty much get him up because he just lay in bed all day”.
Woodliff told police he was in effect a dogsbody who would drive O’Mara to the shops and tidy up his used pizza boxes. Sometimes he had to get O’Mara ready, putting his shoes and socks on, because the MP had ripped tendons in his arm and was incapacitated on one side.:
I don’t usually read The ‘Grauniad’ but when the BBC is involved, you know it makes sense. Plus the fact they are struggling due to being hacked my the Chinese gangsters. Lack of security, apparently…
The BBC are just as complicit:
How much coverage will the BBC give to the report on the PREVENT counter terrorist strategy by William Shawcross?
I’ve not read it yet – but it seems he found that 80% of terrorism investigation is Islam – with 10% ‘far right ‘. Even then the ‘far right ‘ stuff can amount to ‘views ‘ as opposed to crime …
… so the lie we are constantly told by plod that far right terrorism is the biggest threat is just a dumb lie – recited to box tick and deflect from the real threat (which every one knows )…..I suspect Easton – Carrara – sandford – casciani – the geezer in the wheelchair – and the rest – will be silent on the truth …
Charlies portrait on the new stamps is remarkably similar to Norwegian traitor Vikdun Quisling’s stamp portrait.
“Nicola Bulley: Dive team pull out as search extended”
“Mr Faulding, who was called in by the family to help with the search, said: “We’ve done very thorough searches all the way down to the weir. Police divers have dived it three times, extremely thoroughly.”
That weir is only a few hundred yards away, but for whatever reason it’s never shown..
I bet that “missing” mixed race couple with the newborn, who the police are bizarrely hunting, are in a way relived, as they’re no longer the centre of attention.
The rozzers offered a £10,000 reward on that one…
A poor precedent to set.
I wonder if someone knows something in the Nicola Bully case , and might be waiting for a coin enticement.
The level of obfuscation and vague reporting lead me to conclude this case involves one of the MSM/Government pet causes.
If anyone wants to scare themselves about what mmight have happened last week, just take a look at operation hardtack, and operation newsreel as a sub operation within it.
There are partisan lies and there are partisan whoppers..
I would force these bloody newspapers to publish figures of people murdered by far right v Islamic twats in this country.
They are trying to invent far right bogey men who don’t actually exist to provide cover for the evil forces of the real despicable twats of Islam. It’s a left wing tactic that is used over and over again.
How on Earth could any reputable UK news outlet possibly stick up for a murderous bunch of maniac zealots who’s ambition is to eradicate or subjugate western society?
The Guardian is pretty much a traitorous anti UK organisation and sadly supported by the elite liberals who’s heads will be amongst the first to lose attachment to their bodies should their favoured mates ever seize control.
No doubt when that moment comes they will all welcome and applaud the nasty white blokes trying to save their hideous hides.
Bloody idiots!
The BBC are proud to announce the return of Fawlty Towers, giving the story some prominence in the Entertainment section of their webshite.
But they might not be so pleased when they see the remake. John Cleese leans conservative and is known to despise Wokeness in all its forms, including Auntie.
In a recent interview, he had this to say:
‘Cleese, 82, said he had not been offered a BBC show but would definitely turn it down if he was.
“The BBC have not come to me and said, ‘would you like to have some one-hour shows?’ And if they did, I would say, ‘Not on your nelly.’ Because I wouldn’t get five minutes into the first show before I’d been cancelled or censored.”
Cleese said he had instead accepted an offer to host a show on GB News.’
This looks interesting. Will anybody watch it?
“It is growing (gang r*pe culture), there’s no doubt about that. A large amount of the growth in my view is about raised awareness.” – Cressida Dick @1:40 {youtube}
“I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38
Why is Nigel acting surprised?
Ukraine war: Zelensky asks France and Germany for fighter jets
In the bBC eyes the “world” supports Zelensky, but forget the world is a far bigger place than the west, and millions don’t
‘Should there be a cap on local ‘holiday lets ?( sez Martha ). Laugh out loud . Is the BBC now anti ‘asylum seekers’ – does it want to drown them as they cross into UK waters? Or is it something else – such as their second homes at the sea side being ‘blighted’.?
I was looking old photos of Letchworth Garden City / Hertfordshire yesterday and there were some nice memories and interesting websites.
Until I came across one infected with usual the ubiquitous socialist, twisted shite, (I found out it was hosted by Herts Council, who must have insisted on infecting it with their poison).
It seems one cannot avoid it nowadays regardless of the subject matter, even a website dedicated to pictures and memories of long ago.
See if you can spot which one among the below:
Stevenage Caribbean and African Association visiting the archives
Zelensky is ‘on tour’ – today he’s meeting the slime at the ReichEU. He is to meet the Helga in charge of the ReichEU and reminisce about the last times the Ukrainians fought together with the Germans – and she ll be presented with a Ukrainian SS badge .
There’ll be tears – but not much else – maybe a few first aid kits ….
………but will the EU lot out clap the Westminster lot ?
BBC not covering the latest rape charges against plod – one in the Met – one in Scotland – separate cases – but a bit of a ‘theme ‘… – I realise reporting is limited but being reported as alll…?
Once upon a time – before standards were trashed – such an incident would be huge news – now it barely makes the local news ….
Maybe they can offer a Leopard 2 dangling from a balloon per the ‘A Team’ reboot?
“I love it when a military-industrial complex scam comes together”
Ukraine invasion starts the 2nd Word War …not just with Germany invading but the Soviet Union invading…..
Plus Ca Change ?
Some days I love ‘today ‘ .
Comrade Robinson interviewing a comrade – a dragon – from The Whitby Community Collective -( I could see the red flag ).
She wants people to not buy homes . No holiday lets – or compulsory registration – rationing – added taxes – declared businesses . Just Stopped .
Her interests are more important than disgusting people with money ( outsiders ) coming in and buying houses . Families can’t get homes – the school has closed ….
Comrade Robinson didn’t say whether any BBC have second homes – but was very sympathetic . There was no challenge – no criticism – good socialist stuff
( declaration – I do not have a UK second holiday home )
I think the community dragon might have more to moan about when the Turks / Albanians start getting dumped on Whitby …
It’s bad enough in Whitby when the vampires invade once a year…
(Satanism good / Christianity bad, just see the fawning headlines )
“We’ve just broken the GUINNESS WORLD RECORD for the Largest Gathering of People Dressed as Vampires with 1369 vampires!” tweeted English Heritage.
“We’d like to say a BIG thank you to everyone who has come along to Whitby Abbey to help make this happen – you all looked fang-tastic!”
Seems sometimes ‘outsiders ‘ are welcome – but most of the time they are not – unless there is £….
Where’s Van Helsing when you need him ?
(Maybe busy with the Clintons and others in Epstein’s conveniently forgotten black book)
The Digital Epstein’s Little Black Book
Epstein’s Private Jet’s Flight Manifests
The flight manifests for Epstein’s private jet was used as evidence in a trial against him, and is as such a public document. His plane was dubbed the “Lolita Express” as young girls often traveled on the plane to and from Epstein’s private island and other locations.
The manifests are particularly disturbing, as the passenger entries confirm that several VIPs, including president Bill Clinton, who is logged together with passengers just recorded as “female”
“When a man stops believing in God,” said GK Chesterton, “he doesn’t then believe in nothing, he believes anything.”
Today -third world earthquakes
Confused report – someone on a dodgy cell phone
Local ‘corespondent ‘ says its bad
Not enough response? Why? Racism
Hotels booked
BBC royalty arrive
Emotive pictures of dead / injured
Hospitals overwhelmed / sobbing doctor
And then…. Whip round time …
Celebs / charities after your money
Later … where did all that money go ?
Corruption – lessons
Oh yeah – bring some survivors to the UK – always welcome – always room …..won’t do it ? Racists . Allah da da
Now, the vast majority of UK residents concerned about benefit thieves, also known as “asylum seekers” are, according to the socialist libtard council, “right wing extremists”
Right-wing extremists target Herts hotels sheltering asylum seekers
29th November 2022
“There has been an extreme right-wing presence at several hotels in Hertfordshire,” says the report.
“This has included filming of hotels and hotel residents, which is then subsequently posted online on group channels, as well as leafletting anti-immigration narrative in residential areas to alert residents to the fact that asylum seekers are being accommodated in their area. ”
Reported in the same newspaper that has no qualms about publishing pictures of other criminals breaking the law, and from a council that does the same with benefit claimants claiming what they are not entitled to.
Nigeria election 2023 in Katsina: ‘You let kidnappers take me, now you want my vote’
Luckily the British tele tax payer is funding important information about the Nigerian elections, i’ll sleep tonight knowing this
The government review of the effectiveness of the PREVENT strategy is surprisingly published so that those who funded it – taxpayers – can see it .
William Shawcross has done a fine job on it – but no gong for him. This is because – he implicitly identifies that we are at war with extreme Islam .
He describes the sort of stuff regularly described here – and includes the methods used by out Muslim enemies to undermine prevent and those trying to divert ‘young Muslim men’ from blowing up the ‘unapproved ‘ . I don’t think apologists like the bbc get a mention because of terms of reference –
But even by not reporting – sufficiently – in detail – what the report says – proves what side of this war the BBC is on – having been infiltrated long ago ….
There will be no ‘mark Eastons’ popping up – no documentaries – just a gap between the next Manchester bombing ….
2017 …..
Rudd’s refusal to publish full report into extremist funding ‘unacceptable’
This article is more than 5 years old
Opposition parties criticise ‘security-led’ decision to release only summary, saying mention of Saudi Arabia is being buried
Sweetie Pie is on a mission.
Funny old werld.
Let us speak for ourselves
This article is more than 16 years old
Faisal Bodi
he Muslim Council of Britain, the closest thing the country has to an official Muslim representative body, is no stranger to criticism. Most of the time it’s from fellow Muslims troubled by its weakness for New Labour and its failure to put up stiffer opposition….
But what is Matthew Sweet? Why did he feature so prominently in attacks on GBNews / mark Steyn ?
He does not seem to be on the far left political side of things . Nor an expert on the Chinese virus / vaccine ? Yet up he pops to wage war against unapproved views . No freedom of speech with this ‘journo ‘ – has he just taken a bung from WEF / big pharma ?
But we ll never know …
I’m guessing (not hard) that Mister Sweet thinks rather highly of himself and as a consequence his his presumption is as boundless as his arrogance. AC Grayling comes to mind…
The Guardian is owned by Guardian Media Group, which has only one shareholder – the Scott Trust. The Scott Trust, named after our longest serving editor, CP Scott, exists to secure the financial and editorial independence of the Guardian in perpetuity.
Who gets to decide what, and why.
As Facebook used to offer… ‘it’s complicated’.
The problem with #propagandabackedbycensorship is when those in power are guided by ideology rather than principles.
A political estate led by a Starmer held to account by a Springster makes the B Ark seem all too credibly near.
Reference CAS-6617681-T3R8R9
Dear Mr H
Thank you for contacting us about Beyond 100 Days on the BBC News Channel. We note and appreciate your concerns.
We can assure you that the scheduling of Beyond 100 Days has no relevance to the recent US Presidential elections. We would also highlight that you can continue to watch BBC News with Katty and Christian on the BBC New Channel.
BBC News never takes a position on any story that we cover.
We do value your feedback about this. All complaints are sent to senior management and we’ve included your points in our overnight report.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the company and ensures that your concerns have been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future content.
Kind regards,
Darren Loughlin
BBC Complaints Team
I love the extent of the BBC hypocrisy in this story:
MP Lee Anderson: New deputy Tory chairman clashes with radio presenter
But a microphone picks up Mr Anderson telling a voter not to tell the film crew he is a friend when they knock on his door.
“There is a worry by some that you might be a bit dishonest,” Cowley says.
“I’m talking about that video that you did where you asked a friend to pose as an anti-Labour swing voter.”
“We’ve established you’re dishonest and you tell lies.’
This from the BBC who have been caught numerous times using Left wing activists as ‘general public’ for major topics like Brexit to an audience of millions !!. A thousand times worse. And nothing whatsoever from OFCOM.
The BBC are the most breathtaking of hypocrites. They have no ethics or sense of shame whatsoever.
YOU are the biggest, most dishonest of liars of anyone BBC. And you are the lowest of snakes in what you do to prevent anybody knowing.
All must have prizes.
Only valid if issued by mates.
Politics and media… where the country gets screwed over.
despite ban on donating expensive gifts
despite ban on donating expensive gifts
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
despite ban on donating expensive gifts
despite ban on donating expensive gifts
Government data about the UK’s different ethnic groups. 82% of people in England and Wales are white, and 18% belong to a black, Asian, mixed or other ethnic group (2021 Census data). Find information about the experiences and outcomes of people from a variety of ethnic backgrounds.
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{bbc.co.uk 14sep2017}”