21 May 2022 — The former Linton-on-Ouse, North Yorkshire RAF base will undergo an extensive programme of refurbishment, with asylum seekers being moved into completed rooms
9 Aug 2022 — An advanced plan to house up to 1,500 male asylum seekers at a former RAF base in North Yorkshire has been abandoned in another immigration policy climbdown by Conservative ministers.
Mujaheddin e Khalq (MeK)
The MEK, also known as the Peoples’ Mujaheddin of Iran (PMOI), was removed from the list of proscribed groups in June 2008 as a result of judgments of the POAC and the Court of Appeal.
International Sikh Youth Federation (ISYF)
ISYF was removed from the list of proscribed groups in March 2016 following receipt of an application to deproscribe the organisation.
Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin (HIG)
HIG was removed from the list of proscribed groups in December 2017 following receipt of an application to deproscribe the organisation.
Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG)
LIFG was removed from the list of proscribed groups in November 2019 following receipt of an application to deproscribe the organisation.
Current Northern Ireland Related Terrorism in Northern Ireland threat level
The threat to Northern Ireland from Northern Ireland-related terrorism is SEVERE.
LOW means an attack is highly unlikely
MODERATE means an attack is possible, but not likely
SUBSTANTIAL means an attack is likely SEVERE means an attack is highly likely
CRITICAL means an attack is highly likely in the near future
National Threat Level
Date Threat Level
9 February 2022 SUBSTANTIAL
15 November 2021 SEVERE
4 February 2021 SUBSTANTIAL
3 November 2020 SEVERE
4 November 2019 SUBSTANTIAL
23 July 2019 SEVERE
Its a disgrace to all those that once lost their lives defending our nation.
We are being run by a government that puts illegal invaders in front of the people of Great Britain. We are a sovereign nation that is need a competent leader and a competent government .
Do we still have any Tories on this site ?
We are reluctant landlords, due to complications on title after a parent in a property on our grounds passed.
Since then we have been mostly ok, breaking even, with a couple of nightmares clearly from the Jeremy Corbyn school of entitlement.
Our latest is, fingers crossed, good, and after a year we decided to hold the rent as an encouragement to stay, despite rising costs across the board. Keeps the council/utility costs off our back (an interesting imposition if upgrade costs were an issue, as this would force many into debt) and the place lived in and ticking over.
However, if this little fun pack gets added we will simply have to hike, essentially passing the costs on, if bearing the amortisation burden.
If it proves unsustainable we will need to look at selling.
If it proves unsustainable we will need to look at selling.
They’ve thought of that. A well-placed source of mine advises that the long term plan is to make it a legal requirement that any property being sold meets these conditions, too. But fear not – there will be a grace period of 5-10 years when unsuitable properties can be sold, albeit it will have to be at a heavy discount. There’s a reason that the likes of Blackrock have moved into the housing market, plus it will stop the ordinary folk from passing on property (=wealth) to their offspring.
You are lucky Guest Who. We own an old farm cottage which we let. We spent £30k on it just before lockdown improving insulation putting it into band D. A stone kitchen floor and a propane gas supply as it is off grid leaves it there. The estimate of the cost by the chap who assessed it for its certificate was only another £120,000 to lift it into band c otherwise we can very shortly have to leave it empty. As more rented properties are taken off the market, rents will become so high that all tenants will be in arrears or homeless.
Paul O’Grady suddenly died unexpectedly but peacefully. Paul O’Grady was having problems with his heart. In his final intervew he said “I’d had all the jabs, but it just finished me off”. O’Grady said he got severe and long COVID after his third jab. O’Grady’s cousin Maureen died in 2021. O’Grady said: “Maureen was only four years older than me and she went to bed and didn’t wake up”.
Evidence from Switzerland, Australia and studying the hearts of American pilots prove that all people who received mRNA jabs have slight to major heart damage. The very large excess deaths observed from the data imply that the mortality risk/benefit ratio from COVID injections is very high. That is, the harm or risk realized has far outweighed any benefit from COVID injections: https://thewhiterose.uk/freedom/uploads/2023/02/AustralianIatrogenicCOVIDPandemic.pdf
The risk/benefit ratio is infinity. Why? There is no SARS-CoV-2. I suggest you watch some Sam Bailey stuff or Tom Cowan. If people understood what these ‘virologists’ meant by isolation they would not believe you. That is how the trick works. They hide it in plain sight. They are coming now with the next one. My money is on the avian flu, as they have been destroying billions of chickens across the world over the last couple of years after testing them positive with their fraudulent PCR assay.
kingkp, try and explain to all those people who died in 2002 and 2003 and 2004 and to their relatives that there is no SARS-CoV-1 & 2 a.k.a. Chicken ‘flu’ and Bird ‘flu’.
@Richard I think he stacked the odds against himself, the jabs + two heart attacks + refused to stop smoking + family history of deaths from heart problems. Probably had DEATH following him for quite a while.
Richard, then there are the athletes who have had heart problems or dropped dead, esp. in the USA, although one of the recent AFL/NFL incidents followed a helmet impact to the chest of another player.
Someone in the BBC must have shares in Hatrick Productions – the viewing figures must be dire – I think I stopped watching about 20 years plus ago ….
But viewing figures are of no matter to an outfit which pretends to be ‘non commercial ‘ when it wants to …
We have such a long haul to destroy it .
I used to think the participants were genuinely witty. Then I found out they are given the questions beforehand and have hours to think up their “off the cuff quips”.
Added to which, Hislop is now paid so much by the BBC that he has ruined Private Eye. It is now a left liberal, anti-Brexit whingefest.
The last time I watched this pair on YT, I noticed (you couldn’t miss it), the body language of Mercouris who was all out for condemning Ukraine and the West for supplying them. It was all to do with ‘major’ advances on the Russian side and how individual operations were succeeding very successfully toward a victory. Mercouris was obviously very uncomfortable with having to lie with the Russian propaganda he had been fed.
Jeremy Corbyn says he regrets calling Hamas and Hezbollah ‘friends’
This article is more than 6 years old
Labour leader tells home office select committee that with hindsight he would not have used same phrase
Hamas is a militant Islamist movement that was established in 1987, following the first Palestinian intifada. Its ideology is related to that of the Muslim Brotherhood combined with Palestinian nationalism. Its main aims are to liberate Palestine from Israeli occupation, the establishment of an Islamic state under Sharia law and the destruction of Israel (although Hamas no longer demands the destruction of Israel in its Covenant). The group operates in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Hamas formally established Hamas IDQ in 1992. Hamas IDQ was proscribed by the UK in March 2001. At the time it was HM government’s assessment that there was a sufficient distinction between the so called political and military wings of Hamas, such that they should be treated as different organisations, and that only the military wing was concerned in terrorism. The government now assess that the approach of distinguishing between the various parts of Hamas is artificial. Hamas is a complex but single terrorist organisation.
Oh Silva turned replies OFF
That’s how the #BiasedBBC roll
You are forced to give them YOUR money
to make THEIR propaganda
and YOU are NOT allowed to contest THEM
his tweet got 5 Likes
"The government's lack of urgency on climate resilience is in sharp contrast to the recent experience of this country", said the @theCCCuk's Baroness Brown: https://t.co/LEdjUihgDm
Marco Silva 🌍
Senior journalist for
reporting on climate change mis/disinformation.
investigations 🔎 Love a gif 👾 DMs are open 👋
JournalistLondon, United Kingdombbc.co.uk/news/science-e…Joined April 2009
6,685 Following
I watched a video on Youtube where a black American
professor was articulating at a school’s parents, teachers ,
governor’s meeting in a school. Why it was so wrong for teachers
to indoctrinate 7 -10 year old children with ” Critical Race , Theory ” at the school.
He spoke about the foundations which originate in anarchist
Marxist doctrine. When these extremists realised they could never get rid of western democratic values at the ballot box .
They turned to subterfuge. Using fifth columnists university
lecturers to help do their bidding for them. And in two
generations they have succeeded in spreading their virus
all across the USA . And of course the Atlantic was no barrier
to stop the virus reaching our shores.
The paradox of this in the USA is that 23 out of 24 of the largest
cities in the USA now have black local government. And the
plight of the black population in education is worse than it was in the 1950’s
The purpose of CRT is to destroy capitalism and to make white folk ,far from having privilege . Go down on their knees and
beg for forgiveness for the crimes of their ancestors. But
not only that . They should rid themselves of any wealth they have in reparations.
The leaders of this subterfuge in the UK . Is amongst others are
the BBC. I expect before long the rest of the BBC’S output
will follow the blatant presentation and programming of
the London Programme on BBC. TV, where you could be watching news on a parallel to
TV news from any extreme Marxist country.
Theresa May The Secretary of State for the Home Department 12:37 pm, 20th April 2016
The first priority of government is the safety and security of its citizens, and the Government have always made the integrity of the UK border a priority. We will never compromise on keeping the people of this country safe from terrorism, criminality and illegal immigration.
“Mostly young men of military age arriving”. Give them an option: Military training and a posting in Ukraine although I think most have already had military training by Wagner.
“People in Russia have been irradiated by propaganda,” Dmitry Muratov says
‘Bonkers’ NHS Charities advert that shows ‘Santa being struck down by coronavirus’ before medics save him is condemned by critics for ‘upsetting children’ and ‘looking for reasons to make this Christmas worse’
BBC loves this trannie thing – which I neither understand nor want to . It seems that schools are ‘counselling’ kids on changing gender without referencing something called a ‘parent ‘ .
Comrade Robinson spent 15 minutes on this with – unusually – 2 interviewees . Okay it was early in the day but I was no better informed on the issue afterward . This might be a good thing .
Let’s face it – if kids are screwed up then encouraging them to undergo some form of ‘sex change ‘ ain’t gonna improve things is it ?
No wonder there’s more mental cases …
In my direct experience of people in my workplace messing with testosterone in particular the drugs used in this space (is there even one trans “man” who isn’t munching it?) are psychoactive and that manifests in aggression that causes what I describe as “small yappy dog syndrome” where combativeness is the default setting for everything.
Salty is one of my favourites. Often incandescent with rage at the woke insanity going on, but funny too.
Enjoy him while you can before he gets shut down on YouTube.
TOADY Watch #1 – you are talking rubbish and the BBC Business Correspondent doesn’t correct you!
During the first half-hour of TOADY Sean Farrington was talking with Dan Brady (hope I remembered the first name correctly) who was from BlackRock, the US investment management corporation, (I assume in the UK) who claimed that the recent interest rate rises were because the UK was producing too much and the economy was overheating because it was producing too much.
Mr Brady, if you are demonstrative of the quality of the investment team at BlackRock, then BlackRock is about to fail. Inflation comes about when there is a scarcity of a good and too much money chases a scarce good and definitely not when an economy of a country is producing too much! What is more worrying, from the BBC point of view is that Sean Farrington, BBC Radio Business Correspondent(!) did not know enough about the basic economics of business to correct Mr Brady.
Maybe he meant ‘producing too much money ‘ ….. I can’t see any way that inflation will be controlled this year – the pressure on personal finances – increasing costs – must mean a government change .
But as this is getting more ‘real ‘ the prospect of even higher taxes by red Labour gets really frightening ….
Fed, ” I can’t see any way that inflation will be controlled this year ” I think you have evidence that Jeremy Hunt is in the wrong job is in pole position on the front page of your Daily Telegraph this morning. Hunt has exempted the haulage industry from some of the increased taxes placed on the rest of motorists but where those motorists have power to ask or even award themselves an inflationary pay rise then they will.
Hunt would be far better at Health where he could be finishing people off er, I mean where he could be ending the Junior Doctors strikes – a battle he has fought and won before. So I agree with you that inflation will go on rising. It could be that the Conservatives see leaving chronic inflation behind is ‘a poison pill’ for an incoming Labour Government but there is no guarantee, imv, that Labour will win the next General Election.
Fed, yes producing too much money, especially State debt as well as personal debt, is another cause of overheating an economy. Forgot to post that above. Maybe we should ask the Ukrainians for a ‘sub’ and no, I do not mean a submarine?
Alllllll held to account by…. Springster’s minions.
This proper windfall tax (oil now $80 a barrel) has paid for:
Free tits for children Replacement dinghies for people smugglers High quality green jobs in China A national day of thanksgiving for the NHS Insulation for tower blocks Replacement of roads with rainbows https://t.co/GQVKzhdDq5
Guest and Flotsam, I think maybe the voters are starting to twig that Labour, Lib Dems, Greens and SNP can easily outdo the Conservatives at ‘pathetic’.
Nazis …. In Mecca, only Muslims are allowed, while non-Muslims may not enter or pass through. Attempting to enter Mecca as a non-Muslim can result in penalties such as a fine; being in Mecca as a non-Muslim can result in deportation.
The anti-ULEZ have been penetrated by nazis is a standard smear tactic by the little khant and antifa.
They tried the same trick in Cranebridge where several thousand folk (mostly old codgers like me) were protesting the congestion charge.
We had a bunch of antifa turn up handing out leaflets suggesting we had been penetrated by nazis. The average age of these twats was about 12 and since they were all wearing muzzles it was pretty easy to identify them and take the piss. Seeing them hyper-ventilating in their muzzles when accused of being ageist was brilliant.
BTW has the wife of the little khant being giving him black-eyes because it looks like it.
Thank you for contacting us about the BBC News website. We note and appreciate your concerns.
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We accept that not everyone will agree with each decision, however, we can assure you these decisions aren’t indicative of bias.
We have highlighted in our reporting that Labour MP Barry Gardiner has received over £420,000 in donations from Christine Ching Kui Lee’s company over 5 years. I have provided links to some of this coverage below:
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Net zero is a fantasy, even if it mattered. I saw that they are talking about large scale carbon capture this morning. The technology exists but is very expensive to implement, it will result in manufactured goods and energy becoming even more expensive. Where do they get these buffoons from?
Taffman ,
“Export or Die” in the 1950s…..that can now apply to get rid of Migrants , I fear for my Grandchildren especially the Girls….this once Great Britain is Finished with the Daily Invasion !
the council initially tried to downplay rumours that those being housed at the Belmont Road hotel would all be men, saying most asylum seekers were not men.
“The best comment in this report is that they are all free to come and go at their will.”
Ever decreasing circles and support for homosexuality edition
One doesn’t tend to credit the French with much these days but perhaps we do owe some thanks to those street protesting, teargas lobbing, vehicle burning gaulois for this minor climbdown: State pension age rise to 68 will not be brought forward yet (BBC)
Parliament – especially post-Brexit – is the sovereign law maker. The sudden draconian imposition of Lockdowns ought to have reminded us of this. And so it irks this observer to read guff of this sort: By law the government is required to examine planned changes to the system every six years (BBC) – No! That is an example of the alien Blairite notion that parliamentary law makers can constrain or bind future parliaments. Nonsense. What this really amounts to is MPs giving themselves convenient excuses for what they do or don’t do for us. That’s why our MPs loved the EU. They could deploy the excuse – it’s not me, it’s Brussels. But I digress. I have other deeper digressions to be getting on with.
Ever Decreasing Circles was a 1980s sitcom featuring Richard Briers as Martin Bryce, the rather unsympathetically portrayed obsessive, middle-aged, middle class Englishman at the centre of his local suburban community in Mole Valley, East Surrey.
The Guardian appositely described it as having “a quiet, unacknowledged and deep-running despair to it that in retrospect seems quite daring” (thank you Wiki)
Naturally Guardian types would be rooting for the stuck in the mud Martin’s nemesis – his new next-door neighbour, ex-British Army officer and Cambridge Blue Paul Ryman (Peter Egan). Paul is everything Martin is not – adventurous, laissez-faire, flippant, witty, handsome and charming; in the words of Martin, a “couldn’t care less, come on life … amuse me, merchant” (thank you again Wiki)
If, like the TV character Martin Bryce, you should feel the need to track the value of your ever decreasing pension you might find yourself alighting on the pink pages of the FT.
Before you get to turn to the market numbers the frontpage Datawatch feature will catch your eye and therein you will be told about: Broadminded Britain… % who say the following are justifiable… Homosexuality, Divorce, Abortion, Casual sex… The UK is becoming more liberal according to the latest World Values survey. Since 2008 there has been double-digit increases in tolerance of divorce, abortion and casual sex. Support for homosexuality has also increased.
Support Your Local Sheriff was a 1969 American comedy Western film
Support you local homos? I’ll just tolerate, if you don’t mind.
Evidently it wasn’t only Hoodies that the incoming David Cameron Tories back in 2010 were hugging.
So you see nowadays we’re all supposed to be let it all hang out Paul Rymans and definitely not uptight Martin Bryces.
But oddly, this “couldn’t care less, come on life … amuse me…” attitude comes along with our liberal media fascination with apocalypticism. From the BBC’s: Climate change: World’s top court to weigh in – another notable example of Blairite legalism there… right down market to the comic Daily Star: Sun’s falling to bits… A HUMONGOUS hole the size of 20 Earths has ripped through the sun…
You have to love the purported corollary dread outcome for us earthdwellers: … and could cause havoc with our mobile phones tomorrow (Daily Star) – talk about hitting us where it hurts.
In Ever Decreasing Circles the signature running gag (which appeared in almost every episode) was Martin walking past the telephone in his hallway and turning the receiver around. (kudos oncemore to Wiki)
Interfering with our cell phone reception… how dare the cosmos do such a thing!
Government Emergency Alerts system – what you need to know… The UK government’s new Emergency Alerts system is now live… On Sunday 23 April there will be a national test, which will be received on compatible mobile phone handsets. (Warwickshire Police)
How to turn off the ‘armageddon’ emergency alert texts to your phone… It will see extremely loud alarms go off on devices, accompanied by an alert message… If you wish to unsubscribe for the free service, you can opt out of the system in your phone’s settings, just search for “emergency alerts”, and turn off ‘severe alerts’ and ‘extreme alerts’. You can find this under the ‘Notifications’ tab on your iOS device. (Thank you Manchester Evening News)
AISI and Mogs, this HMG ‘initiative’ (dreamt up by a CS as a promotion ploy, no doubt) pre-supposes 1. that you carry a mobile phone at all times, 2. that it is always switched on, and 3. said mobile phone has a good battery life.
‘They’ really haven’t thought this through, have ‘they’?
If I was thinking of attacking Blighty I think I’d choose 23 April -.. but apart from the Islamics I don’t think anyone would bother going for such a burnt out ‘country ‘…
Re the non extension of the pension age toward 70 – I’m surprised they aren’t raising it again . Coupled with a disfunctional ‘health ‘ system it’s the ideal recipe for killing people off before their time – aim to cut life expectancy by 10 years – save a fortune –
– also – all this crap about keeping the over 50s in the ‘workforce ‘ – with huge numbers in public sector pensions schemes -which mean they get there’s before the private sector … maybe red labour will be looking at this when they get power…
… I bet they’ll know how to use an 80 majority …..
Guest and ajs (great motorcycles, make motorcycles great again), I can remember when Blair and Brown during a previous cost of living crisis 2005/2006 onwards, were locking up pensioners for not paying their Council Tax bills.
I remember a quote from one imprisoned OAP woman who said: “It’s great, I’m in a warm cell, have my own TV and I get three meals a day cooked for me.”
An article describing how “polls” show uk folk have more trust in the EU than the UK government…
Obviously a couple of tame probably lefty professors get quoted..
The hilarious bit is right at the bottom where for some reason they show a graph demonstrating that the UK has the second lowest trust in “The Press” of any country in the World!!!
But embarrassing to say the least considering the article preceding it.
How Qatar used a secret deal to bind itself to the EU Parliament
POLITICO has obtained a cooperation pact between a Parliament subcommittee and a Qatari organization. Officially, however, the deal doesn’t exist.
Qatar looking to buy major English Premier League football club
Qatar holds talks with Tottenham Hotspur as it eyes up possible stake in English football clubs
As the centre piece of the coronation ceremony, Charles will swear ‘The Coronation Oath’, essentially pledging his allegiance to the people of Great Britain and to protecting the sovereignty of the country and its traditions.
If Charles does not break his relationship with the World Economic Forum before this point, he will be performing an act of treason. The implications of this are profound.
No ambiguity in the headline. They are heading for collapse.
The article has 8 ‘could’s and 3 ‘suggests’.
“Our modelling shows that if global carbon emissions continue at the current rate, then the Antarctic overturning will slow by more than 40 per cent in the next 30 years – and on a trajectory that looks headed towards collapse,” study lead Professor Matthew England said.
The trickery here is that their MODELLING says it will – but the article implies it is fact. Their modelling can be anything they like which makes their work more critical and gets attention. Just ask Neil Ferguson (who should be in prison for what he did) how that works.
It’s the same all the way through. Briefly introduce something as implied fact based on the models they produced themselves then talk about it as if it IS fact.
As their models cannot predict the weather more than 3 days in advance, I take it all with the same pinch of salt as those continuous predictions since the 70’s which tell us the world will end in 10 years if we don’t give them more money.
And we end it all with some splendid whatifery:
‘The effect of Antarctic meltwater on ocean currents has not yet been factored in to IPCC models on climate change, but it is going to be “considerable”, Prof England said.’
(meaning it’s going to require a lot more funding and BBC interviews)
John as I recall Imperial College were reluctant to release the source code for their modelling, but eventually were pressured into doing so sometime in 2021. Turned out it was 13yr old code originally written to model influenza, not Covid. There were also tells that showed it had been patched up by Microsoft engineers prior to public release — the suggestion being to make it look less awful and save embarrassment.
Imperial College’s death estimates over the years have some things in common: flawed modeling, hair-raising predictions of disaster that missed the mark, and no lessons learned.
The chosen candidate, if hired outside the capital, can expect a salary of around £50,550. A good salary for important government work… although potentially not as important to the Treasury as the Government Internal Audit Agency’s “Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Advisor“, who was offered £53,324 late last year. The House of Lords’ Head of Inclusion and Diversity was offered even more, at a generous £66,440 per annum. In the civil service diversity is more valued than security…
I have a regular email circular from an outfit representing IT professionals globally.
Apparently the IT industry, particularly in the US is currently shedding staff at an enormous rate.
It would seem that the economic downturn has been seen as an opportunity to cut away much dead wood by these companies and particularly staff hired purely for reasons of diversity are becoming the ones to hit the road first.
This is happening because many companies who were blackmailed into diversity hire did so because otherwise they would gain bad reputations.
Now however because they can point to all the other companies shedding staff, they can let the people go without incurring kickback.
Lets hope this gains more traction, particularly in the toxic public services which must be stuffed full of token people and hence the parlous financial state many are now in …in particular nt least the NHS!
I own a leasehold flat, the freeholder is a Housing Trust. The Trust is basically an ex Council housing department ported into a Trust. The Trust is run in true Socialist, woke
diverse lines, the ethos is basically public sector. Our “Leasehold Lead”, the person who was our point of contact in the Trust was a black girl who was a pleasant sort but totally out of her depth. I became involved in a service charges dispute with the Trust, it went to the Tribunal and I won. That was probably the trigger for our girl to be made redundant. Her loss is scarcely noticed and her position and hiring should never have happened. It’s typical public sector.
As an aside, the Trust has a policy of hiring ex prisoners as maintenance staff. Just the sort you need visiting old people in their homes. Still, it keeps the red flag flying
I represented someone at a tribunal – in a ‘lay ‘ capacity – it was an experience – it was a club – all known to each other and not prepared for me at my fiercest – we won – it saved the leaseholder £29000 …. No legal fees – a socialist council – at least my studying of land and procedures law wasn’t wasted ….
You’re right about the capability of council staff though – and the corruption of organised sub letting – q jumping – jobs for relatives – just like parliament …
One point I couldn’t argue because I didn’t have proof is that the tendering process was corrupt. I’m sure there was collusion and there seemed to be a certain degree of “steerage” towards a certain contractor.
I bought the property at auction after repossession after a right to buy purchase. The Trust were suggesting there was a £57,000 potential liability for major works. The problem for them was that it had been sold to the previous owner a year before without declaring defects, there is a 5 year rule regarding service charges after right to buy.
What it amounted to is that the Trust were trying to manipulate the value realised at auction and put people off bidding so they could buy it back cheaply.
The Trust are a corrupt shower of bastards
Flotsam – I mentioned the demand for’ major works ‘ which has on £29k- 25% of which was ‘admin ‘ …. I was so pleased to win as a number of lease holders – who met in desperation – would have been destroyed if they had to put a charge on the lease to pay off the communist council – many tears were shed .
I only wish I could have got some retribution after I beat the lefty council ….
It’s a racket I’m afraid, a David and Goliath situation. Contesting service charges is a specialised technical activity involving legal know how as well as knowledge of building construction, costing methods etc etc. One can employ Lawyers, QS’s, Surveyors etc but it’s very costly to do so. The facts are that most Solicitors know very little about this area of Law anyway. When I was investigating my own case I found that most Solicitors have poor knowledge of Right to Buy resulting in people paying tens of thousands more for their property than they should have done.
Perhaps the BBC should take an interest instead of pedaling the usual line that people on right to buy are stealing houses from the poor.
There are still many who no doubt trust in the authority of science, that governments really were “driven by the data”, that scientific journals publish only the purist empiricism and pressure groups affecting research outcomes is just a conspiracy theory.
New Scientist, via those jolly philanthropists Club of Rome: “Reducing inequality could see world population fall to 6 billion” […] if the world invested in a “Giant Leap” to reduce poverty and inequality, the world population would peak at around 8.5 billion people in 2040 and decline to 6 billion by the end of the century.”
It’s based on more thinktank modelling, and I seem to remember some bloke also fond of ‘giant leaps’ try to restructure his society a while back. It didn’t end well. Are they even trying to hide it any more?
The Great Leap Forward (Second Five Year Plan) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) was an economic and social campaign led by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from 1958 to 1962. CCP Chairman Mao Zedong launched the campaign to reconstruct the country from an agrarian economy into a communist society through the formation of people’s communes. Mao decreed that efforts to multiply grain yields and bring industry to the countryside should be increased. Local officials were fearful of Anti-Rightist Campaigns and they competed to fulfill or over-fulfill quotas which were based on Mao’s exaggerated claims, collecting non-existent “surpluses” and leaving farmers to starve to death. Higher officials did not dare to report the economic disaster which was being caused by these policies, and national officials, blaming bad weather for the decline in food output, took little or no action. Millions of people died in China during the Great Leap, with estimates ranging from 15 to 55 million, making the Great Chinese Famine the largest or second-largest[1] famine in human history.[2][3][4]
Labour now claims a backdated windfall tax, at an astronomical 78%, would raise £10.4 billion – back in August they were saying it was worth £8 billion and in January they briefed it would raise £13 billion. Even the most charitable reading doesn’t scratch the surface of Guido’s estimate of £43 billion total spending.
Dear Darren Henry,
Parliament’s £13 billion restoration.
HS2 £150 billion, original budget £36 billion.
Track and Trace £37 billion – no tracking or tracing where this money went.
£1.1bn of COVID small business loans identified as fraud
£4 billion of unusable PPE bought in first year of pandemic will be burnt “to generate power”
12 minutes spent on a copper being refered to the CpS for murder – the victim was a 24 year old coloured ‘saint’ . No mention of criminality. No explanation of what happened .
Apparently the victim was to become a baby daddy .
The BBC – on behalf of the ‘ family’ want charge conviction execution. Otherwise thete will be no ‘justice ‘ … the bias is so obvious .. wouldnt it be something if the guilty plod is coloured … ?
I wonder what would happen if the firearms guys handed in their guns ?
I had to do a bit of research about the coloured man shot dead by police – he’d done 4 years for being convicted of possessing an imitation firearm – there was a restraining order on him relating to the girl he had impregnated …. And other criminal stuff the bbc chose not to tell its’ audience …..
Can also watch here https://www.steynonline.com/13360/burning-the-evidence
Mark Steyn Show Tuesday 28 March.
Funeral director John O’Looney (with an interesting story about Graham “it’s above my pay grade” Brady, and Stats Man Jamie Jenkins.
Speaking to Beth Rigby on Sky News, David Lammy got defensive when pressed about his outside earnings. The Shadow Foreign Secretary is Labour’s top earner, and had a robust response when pressed by Beth over a potential crackdown:
“I don’t think- no-one’s complaining about those hours. No-one is suggesting I’m in the pocket or LBC or anyone else”.
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
The BBC rightly allocating memories of the late Paul O Grady who had a truly remarkable career on TV.
Of all the high points in his long and distinguished career they choose to run a story on their front page about how he was arrested early in his career over 40 years ago by the plod while performing in a pub. Making sure they get the boot in as hard as possible to the plod who we all know they generally despise.
Here is a post which send shivers up my spine to have to post, but I think readers have to be informed and to take notice of this.
Rtd Col MacGregor (USA) says that the Ukrainian army almost 500000 strong and the best equipped in Europe has been all but anihilated.
The European states which backed it have sent what stocks they had and have utterly failed to take seriously the defence of their countries by refusing to rearm or even reorder what was used to supply Ukraine.
Putins army is not advancing because of the condition of the soil which is a quagmire at this time of the year and unsuitable for machanised warfare until around May.
At that point Putin has the chance to rush through Ukraine like a dose of salts and there is precious little anyone can do to stop him.
In fact if he decided to advance all the way to the channel, how would any of the faries on their rainbow unicorns we laughingly refer to as a ‘government’ propose to stop him?
We have tiny reduced armies, and they have enormously reduced capability because we sent their weapons to Ukraine! The only thing we have now is the threat of nuclear anhilation but that would kill everyone.
Here is a prediction. Over the next few weeks you will notice a change in the way the media cover the Ukraine situation from the pro Ukraine propaganda to a more equivocal stance then to resignation as they attempt to de-couple Bidens socialist folly from reality on the ground.
The sheeple will be told a story which they will accept, and most will never question the manipulation, but we as observers and critics of the media get a front row seat to watch them engage in this and it should be of great interest to all of us.
Oh Thoughtful how many retired US colonels and generals must there be ?
The idea of putin doing a Von schliffen? Plan for the third time ? Besides – putin ‘s tanks wouid never get anywhere near the channel because they’d be stopped dead by prospective asylum seekers with the dinghies …..
I’m sure that retired colonel – Provenance ? – knows plenty about the capacity of the Russians / Ukrainians from his armchair ….
…there is always AirPower – and an opportunity for top gun 3 …..
Personally I’d go simpler – who runs out of soldiers first ? The ‘math ‘ would suggest the limit is Ukraine – is there any sign of real dissent against putin? ( don’t know ) …
.. it would be nice to get a sort of ‘objective ‘ read of what’s going on as opposed to pretty crude propaganda …
It’s not the fact that he would do that, but the fact that he could and total incompetent people in charge.
The problem here is that Russia is now in full war mode, factories at capacity reserves all mobilised and West asleep at the wheel.
The thing is to see how the media turn it all around though from a full on charge behind Zelinsky to an acceptance he isn’t going to win without making Biden and Boris look complete idiots.
Thoughtful – thinking about it – if Russia co ordinated its’ interests with China and Taiwan then U.S. / NATO really would have a nose bleed ….
I suppose if Vladimir s aim is to reconstruct the USSR he’d be after the immediate states buffering Russia – but even he has limits to trained people and kit – whether the U.S. could gear up in the same way after 1941 is another issue -even the dirty japs k new that after a year the US wouid be out producing on everything – maybe it’s different now ….
Vladimirs aim is not the reconstruction of the USSR, it’s the Catherine the Great replay and if you recall that led to the Crimean war.
As the video I posted by Willem Middelkoop the worst outcome for the West is Russia / China combined which they now are.
The US can’t outproduce anything now because they fell prey to the globalists and moved all their production to China.
The US knows Ukraine is burning through ammunition at a rate of knots and cannot produce enough to keep up. God help us if there is an invasion because the muppets were more concerned with rainbow unicorns, reparations pronouns and womens lib than they were with defence which they clearly saw as too masculine for their tiny minds.
Beyond just providing tampons in male toilets, Welsh Labour seem intent on further strengthening the Senedd’s safe space credentials. Jenny Rathbone yesterday called for a ban on GB News from the estate:
“On a wider issue, GB News, which has been found in breach of Ofcom guidelines around COVID vaccines, has many items broadcasting disinformation or hateful views, and it’s currently broadcast on our internal televisions. I just wondered if any thought had been given to whether it was appropriate for an organisation that might continue to disseminate disinformation to be broadcast through our systems to our staff and Members.”
Complaint Summary: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
Full Complaint: “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed (May and Corbyn’s old speeches): everything else is public relations.” – Orwell
Theresa May … being put forward as Prime Minister and issuing a general election on implementing Brexit which was about immigration and sovereignty. … these speeches were never mentioned on the BBC £3.5bn news or other media outlets …
1978 … “The moment the minority threatens to become a big one, people get frightened.” – Margaret Thatcher 1978
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
Jeremy Corbyn … with all the news on BBC £3.5bn Service regarding the Iran Nuclear Deal, Jeremy Corbyn has not been asked why he backs Al Quds protests and has spoken at them or why his is not vocal on Iran’s ‘death to’ position with Israel.
2012 … Jeremy Corbyn speaks at Al Quds march, Al Quds is the protest for all the oppressed but was initiated by an oppressor Ayatollah Khomeini. Jeremy Corbyn does not chastise the Iranian regime.
2018 … Iran release a ‘Death to Israel’ and ‘Death to America’ Government approved emoji. But this is not mentioned when talking about Iran by the BBC or other outlets.
MPs expenses …. it was in 2008 that MPs used expenses to fill their own pockets or shredded. UK MPs on both sides have talked about reducing expenses and recession and austerity. Yet, since 2010 MPs have enjoyed a pay increased of 18%. How come the BBC news has not reported on this when talking to MPs?
“The omission is the most powerful form of lie, and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies do not creep into the history books.” – George Orwell
Thank you for getting in touch regarding BBC News.
I understand you have concerns about the integrity of BBC News reporting over the last few years.
BBC News aims to show the political reality and provide a forum for discussion on issues, giving full opportunity for all sides of the debate to be heard and explored. Senior editorial staff within BBC News and the BBC’s Executive Board ensure that editorial guidelines are adhered to.
Our News editors ensure that over a reasonable period of time we reflect the range of significant views, opinions and trends on particular issues, but it’s important to add here that our published Editorial Guidelines explain that not every issue or viewpoint necessarily has to be included in each individual report.
The key point is that the BBC as an organisation has no view or position itself on anything we may report upon – our aim is to identify all significant views, and to test them rigorously and fairly on behalf of our audiences.
In dealing with any controversial issue, we are required to give a fair and balanced report, but balance cannot be judged simply on the basis of the amount of time allocated to the representatives of either side of an argument. One spokesperson may make their points concisely, while another needs rather longer to explain a point of view or a complex issue, plus a change to the existing position or status quo may take longer to clarify.
Account also needs to be taken of the way a subject is covered over a period of time; perfect balance is difficult to achieve on every single individual occasion, while overall it is a more achievable goal taking into account our coverage as a whole over a period of time.
That said, we do value your feedback about this issue. All complaints are sent to senior management every morning and I included your points in this overnight report.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future programmes.
How delicious that the BBC’s favourite rag – and I mean rag – has discovered past links to slavery. Yes, the achingly woke Grauniad, of all people. And they’re going to pay out millions as reparations. Complete waste of money, of course, but if it hastens their bankruptcy and demise, bring it on.
In AD 43, the Roman emperor Claudius launched an invasion of Britain, and over the next 45 years the Roman army gradually extended its control over much of present-day England and Wales and ventured into territory now in Scotland.
Danegeld (/ˈdeɪnɡɛld/;[1] “Danish tax”, literally “Dane yield” or tribute) was a tax raised to pay tribute or protection money to the Viking raiders to save a land from being ravaged. It was called the geld or gafol in eleventh-century sources. It was characteristic of royal policy in both England and Francia during the ninth through eleventh centuries, collected both as tributary, to buy off the attackers, and as stipendiary, to pay the defensive forces. The term danegeld did not appear until the late eleventh century. In Anglo-Saxon England tribute payments to the Danes was known as gafol and the levy raised to support the standing army, for the defense of the realm, was known as heregeld (army-tax).
The did a Mia culpa on this a couple of years back. Maybe it was before their current staff got into long trousers. This is simply an attempt in damage limitation as this ridiculous travesty of blaming people for the actions of their long dead ancestors gets going again. Every country in the world could find at least one target to go after right back to the Stone Age.
It simply boils down to compen culture…. In other words, show me the money.
“UK Column recently reported a £320 million media buy-in contract awarded to OMD Group, the brief for which was redacted from the publicly available information on the UK Government’s Contract Finder website. This represents just 20% of the £1.6 billion in media buy-in contracts the Government has awarded to Omnicom since 2018.
Headquartered in Manhattan, Omnicom is a global media, marketing and corporate communications holding company. It is currently considered the second largest advertising agency in the world, eclipsed only by WPP.
Omnicom is an advertising giant which specialises in public relations, lobbying, communications strategy, and the planning and purchasing of targeted advertising space. It builds comprehensive media campaigns for its extensive client list. Omnicom heads a North America-based network of prominent advertising and public relations agencies with a world wide collective reach.” https://www.ukcolumn.org/article/buying-a-single-version-of-the-truth
David Cameron’s ‘nudge unit’ aims to improve economic behaviour
This article is more than 12 years old
Cabinet office team will look at how to create environments that help people choose what’s best for themselves and society
When the BBC identify an enemy to the existence the targeting really gets going – I bet when the next election comes they’ll make a special effort to smear and unseat him ….
This ancient Catalan oath of allegiance was sworn by the leaders of the council to theI swear…. monarch of Catalonia and Aragon..
who are as good as you
swear to you,
who are no better than we,
to accept you as our king and sovereign lord,
provided you observe all our liberties and laws;
but if not, not.
Isn’t it just amazing how this makes a BBC ‘live update’ feature when the EU Qatargate gets the bare minimum of coverage ?.
And who is covering this story ?.
Anthony Zurcher, disinformation and social media correspondent Marianna Spring, US special correspondent Katty Kay and Radio 4 president Justin Webb
‘Katty Kay’ at the BBC is positively wetting her knickers over this. Her twitter is stuffed with every irrelevant detail she can think of.
But WTF has it got to do with ‘disinformation and social media correspondent Marianna Spring’ ?.
I think the BBC are now so far up their own backsides in the Leftist bubble they have withdrawn into, they cannot see just how ridiculous and out-of-touch they have become.
Just look at this:
Caption ‘A woman talks to a doorman outside Trump Tower following news of the indictment by a Manhattan grand jury’
Andy McFarlane
31 March 2023
While Donald Trump makes history for unenviable reasons stateside, here in the UK we’re examining gun culture. We look at how coders are reacting to advances in artificial intelligence and hear how a cow found fame after “faking sleep” to avoid being milked.
Striking doctors hold placards
Trump to be charged over ‘hush money’ payments to porn star
Out of office but rarely out of the public eye, Donald Trump has been facing four major legal investigations since leaving the White House. And overnight it was confirmed he will become the first former US president to be indicted on criminal charges, probably on Tuesday. It’s in relation to alleged hush money paid to ex-porn star Stormy Daniels, with whom Mr Trump denies an adulterous affair. Details of the charges have yet to be released but Mr Trump is calling it “political persecution”. He remains the leading Republican contender to fight the next presidential election and his campaign responded by sending out fundraising emails. If found guilty – even jailed – nothing in US law would prevent him running. Our live page has reaction.
The worst thing about it is that when more people die because fewer officers can do the hard stuff, the BBC will keep quiet about it because the agenda is far bigger than plebs burning to death. They probably voted for Brexit anyway and won’t be wanted in the brave new world the BBC think they are engineering.
And where have all those women soldiers in Ukraine disappeared to ?. They were in every picture at one time. Haven’t seen a single one since the war started.
It’s just all so pathetic – like spiteful children playing a game.
Before you go
When the alarm goes off in the morning, have you ever just closed your eyes and pretended the day hasn’t really started yet? That’s pretty much what Doris, a dairy cow at an Isle of Wight farm, gets up to every morning at milking time. Watch the video that made the “sleep-faking” Friesian famous. And it’s Friday again already. So take our quiz of the week.
And then sense every remaining brain cell left die.
Fantastic day for the BBC – president trump being charged to divert from a dementing democrat false president
An opportunity to slag brexit by the signing of a pacific trade deal – which heard some bbc droid called ‘darsheenee’ spend a good time slagging off
A woke inspectorate giving the fire brigade a kicking because it’s full of blokes . By the sound of it – it would be best to not speak to coloured or queer fire types at all because they live in a world of ‘offended ‘
Some crap about pakis with chips getting at whitee in Yorkshire
In summary – not a day to use bbc services at all
BTW – apparently -our Justin – Zucker ? Christian – Katty and springer have all done a ‘podcast ‘ – what joy that must be ….
Been on the BBC news site twice today looking at the news and maybe something to comment on – and have been so infuriated at the over-the-top anti-Trump agenda pushing and emotive-style of all their useless ‘journalists’ I’ve just closed it down.
I’ll quickly give you one example : instead of just reporting on the smog in Thailand they have to do this:
‘Telling my daughter about Thailand’s poisonous air’
Where a man attempts to explain the inhumanity of the world to his 4 year old daughter.
They are also trying to infer it’s about illegal forest-burning by evil men destroying nature but it isn’t : it’s farmers burning the rice straw to plough it back into the soil.
It’s a classic BBC ‘lie by equivalence’ : mix an agenda thing and the real-life thing together as a reason and it implies they are both equally true.
I wonder how the BBC engineer groups of lefty teachers to infest the whole audience on that show week after week ?
I don’t watch it – but if an extract like that is put up I’ll view out of politeness . What the blue labour government should have been doing was to force local councils to do core functions like elderly social care ‘ whilst cutting so much other crap like closing roads and cycle lanes costing millions ….
TOADY Watch #1 – the BBC almost ‘besides themselves with joy’
Former President Trump is to be the first former US President to face criminal charges. What a strange world we live in. In the normal course of the law, a blackmailer, that is the so-called Stormy Daniels, would be the one facing criminal charges. Instead it is former President Trump who paid off the blackmailer.
Somehow I cannot see this one standing up in Court. But we are living in a crazy upside-down world and there is no doubt that China Joe or Beijing Biden, if he runs in 2024, fears Donald Trump as an opponent and will do all he can with fellow Democrats to make sure Donald Trump is jailed and cannot run for the Presidency.
Prove your innocence, says the world's best insider trader. That's not how it works, Nancy; we assume one's innocence and prove their guilt. https://t.co/NhY3K9Pao6
Fed, if you are refering to the good ol’ USA, I think Ron de Santis might give China Joe a good run for his money. Politics is a young man’s game these days.
The nightmare must be a flu pandemic similar to 1918 1919 which I understand tended to kill the young .
But when the dust settles on the current Chinese virus it will be useful to know the profile of those it killed / seriously hurt …
I sort assume it’s – olders – fatters – pre existing conditions –
But I understand the broad blanket panic approach they took – together with ‘caution wars ‘ about lock downs and curfews …. I live in the shadow of captain hindsite …
Salad days and now it’s the stupid economy edition
Torment of our screaming tomatoes
No, it’s not some 1950s shoestring budget schlock horror production B-movie
Nor yet some BBC panic buying inducing, cost of living crisis, how we wish we were back in the EU, just in time supply chain, watch out for global warming, lament for our lost salad
That was in fact the jokey Daily Star’s way of headlining their article about which the measured tones of the world weary broadsheet Telegraph more poetically relates: Plants cry out if they are not watered
Whereas our conservative press and indeed the UK population at large tend to act more like the proverbial boiling frog than these complaining thirsty tomatoes who we now know might at least put up some protest – as government induced inflation, hyper immigration and a corrosive general liberal social malaise take effect and evaporate the Britain we once knew.
Corrosive general liberal social malaise, really Mr AsI? Surely you go too far, sir!
Well, one presents exhibit A – pictured frontpage of today’s Daily Mail: …drug dealer seen here in vile gun pose with Queen waxwork
That was just our Merseyside child killer doing his tribute to Spitting Image
We once smiled as the former Prince of Wales and proto-hippy Charles was reported as chatting regularly with his greenhouse plants.
Who’s laughing now?
King of comedy… cheeky Charles charms the Germans on tour (freebie Metro)
Our new minted but not yet on the bank notes King is famously a Monty Python fan. I think we can guess what John Cleese might advise on his German tour…
Whatever you do, don’t mention the EU
The Brexit diplomat: King begins to reshape monarchy… Finally, Charles can embrace his German ancestry (the left-leaning ‘i’ newsaper, where leanings are republican and that organ would no doubt wish to abolish the monarcy in a trice)
And surely do away with the Vatican and the Papacy, come to that – there’s a supranational European institution the left don’t admire: Battle for soul of Catholic Church has already begun (‘i’)
Our PM Rishi Sunak (we like to refer to him as our regional branch manager) recently made the Keynesian slip of referring to Britain as an “Economic Zone”
Quick burst of William Shakespeare, Richard II is needed at this point
“This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle, This earth of Majesty, this seat of Mars, This other Eden, demi-paradise; This fortress built by Nature for herself, Against infection and the hand of war, This happy breed of men, this little world, This precious stone set in the silver sea, Which serves it in the office of a wall
Or as a moat defensive to a house, Against the envy of less happier lands, This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England…. this Economic Zone
UK-Asia trade deal to boost UK economy by 0.08% (BBC)
Treasury tries to sink Braverman’s clampdown on foreign students (‘i’)
Asiseeit – I think rishi will be looking at LA real estate in about a years ‘ time and renewing the green card . Good for him I say …I don’t think we will see too much expression of sadness when he does the number 10 walk – but will be more stylish than Mary Elizabeth Truss ….
Apparently there is a ‘black hole ‘ the BBC – here is a Telegraph piece talking about it … April 1 tomorrow …
STARTS The BBC said it will make 1,000 hours less original programming next year as it warned of more “difficult choices” ahead over an expanding black hole in its funding.
BBC cost-saving targets come alongside plans to reinvest £300m into digital output as more audiences move online and viewers flock to streaming rivals such as Netflix and Disney.
The broadcaster has also pushed ahead with cuts to local radio stations, prompting a walkout by disgruntled staff on Budget day earlier this month.
Other cost-saving measures include a controversial merger of the BBC News and BBC World News channels, and closure of a number of World Service broadcast channels.
The U-turn on the BBC Singers once again highlighted the difficulties the BBC faces in shutting services. It has previously planned or threatened to close the 6 Music radio station and last year revived BBC Three after closing it in 2016 and seeing an exodus of younger viewers.
Yet in a sign of growing urgency over costs and technological shifts, the BBC warned that the “pace and scale” of changes will increase in the coming years as audiences give ever more of their attention to online media platforms.
The broadcaster said it would increase its focus on TikTok, despite concerns over the viral video app’s Chinese ownership. Senior Tories, including Sir Iain Duncan Smith, urged the BBC to “reconsider” its TikTok push amid fears Beijing could use the app to access user data.
The broadcaster also reiterated the need to plan for the switch-off of terrestrial broadcasts. Mr Davie has previously suggested the BBC could move to a streaming-only model by the end of the decade.
Alongside cuts, the director general has outlined plans to boost the BBC’s commercial revenue by producing its own shows and licensing content around the world.
The broadcaster has pumped money into original programmes including Happy Valley and Frozen Planet and last year inked a deal with Disney to show Doctor Who on its streaming service.
Despite the cost-cutting, bosses insisted the corporation was entering the year in a “strong financial position”.
Richard Sharp, chairman of the BBC, said: “The BBC’s performance in delivering against its strategic priorities has been outstanding, particularly in such a challenging financial setting and against a backdrop of increased competition.
“This plan sets out how we will best serve all audiences by making the most of our resources in the coming year.”
Days after the broadcaster was forced to U-turn on its decision to axe the BBC Singers by a backlash from musicians and the public, it revealed plans to rely more on repeats and imports in its Annual Plan.
The deepest cuts will hit BBC Four, which will commission fewer original arts and culture shows and air more archive material. A quieter sporting calendar following the World Cup and Commonwealth Games last year will also mean less original programming for viewers.
The BBC said: “There will be more of these difficult choices to come this year, but we will make them with audience value at the forefront of our thinking.”
The broadcaster, which receives £3.7bn from the licence fee each year, said it expects to rack up a deficit of £352m in the coming year, up from £271m this year. As a result, it increased its cost saving targets by around 40pc to £400m by 2027.
The BBC is being squeezed by soaring cost inflation, with the licence fee set to remain frozen at £159. However, it is scheduled to rise in line with inflation for the following four years.
The increases, which could result in a £13 increase for households in 2024, has sparked a backlash from former culture secretary Nadine Dorries, who called for no further increases in the licence fee until changes to BBC funding are considered.ENDS
tomoMar 11, 17:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img]https://i.ibb.co/CpHpqmyS/chrome-l8-Oi-OLB2j8.png[/img] well, Mike Wendling – a two jobber deep state mouthpiece writes up JD Vance. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cly82yx09zeo Most of us peons…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “As a candidate for prime minister, however, he said he intended to renounce his British and Irish citizenships. Carney told…
tomoMar 11, 17:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I posted earlier but it deserves some repetition https://youtu.be/b1KiL59uQv8
tomoMar 11, 17:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The fall of the Daily Telegraph…. [img]https://i.ibb.co/bjCBYhVt/chrome-Zhi-OU3-Eth-I.png[/img]
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney’s Leadership Win Smells 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter. Mark Carney will…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 0 March 2025 261 5 0 …………………………………………… The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:55 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Why protest in China when you can wait for China to come to you …. HA HA HAH AH “Last…
AlthepalerpMar 11, 16:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Great Replacement continues.. . . . https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/migrants-detected-crossing-the-english-channel-in-small-boats/migrants-detected-crossing-the-english-channel-in-small-boats-last-7-days
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 https://thankyoutruckers.substack.com/p/mark-carneys-leadership-win-smells? Odour test aside, I noted this too: 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter.…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The scholarly literature on emotions and politics tells us that anxiety holds people back from political involvement, while enthusiasm pushes…
There’s even gonna be a funfair …
1,500 eh? That takes us up to Friday lunchtime at the present rate of invasion. What’s the next plan?
Terrorism in the UK: number of suspects tops 40,000 after MI5 rechecks its list
Any one called Mohammedddd ?
Mujaheddin e Khalq (MeK)
The MEK, also known as the Peoples’ Mujaheddin of Iran (PMOI), was removed from the list of proscribed groups in June 2008 as a result of judgments of the POAC and the Court of Appeal.
International Sikh Youth Federation (ISYF)
ISYF was removed from the list of proscribed groups in March 2016 following receipt of an application to deproscribe the organisation.
Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin (HIG)
HIG was removed from the list of proscribed groups in December 2017 following receipt of an application to deproscribe the organisation.
Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG)
LIFG was removed from the list of proscribed groups in November 2019 following receipt of an application to deproscribe the organisation.
Is he (Charley) visiting some not so distant relatives?
re: numbers of potential suicide bombers
Be kind-of handy if they (MI5 / Special Branch) let people know who’s in the neighborhood?
– any town with more than say 100 goons on the loose gets a namecheck? (London boroughs get split out)
Current Northern Ireland Related Terrorism in Northern Ireland threat level
The threat to Northern Ireland from Northern Ireland-related terrorism is SEVERE.
LOW means an attack is highly unlikely
MODERATE means an attack is possible, but not likely
SUBSTANTIAL means an attack is likely
SEVERE means an attack is highly likely
CRITICAL means an attack is highly likely in the near future
National Threat Level
Date Threat Level
9 February 2022 SUBSTANTIAL
15 November 2021 SEVERE
4 February 2021 SUBSTANTIAL
3 November 2020 SEVERE
4 November 2019 SUBSTANTIAL
23 July 2019 SEVERE
If the BBC ran this story, they would certainly mention ‘far-right’ in the article but definitely not ‘muslim’.
They would do that so the casual reader mentally associates 40,000 terrorists with the far-right. Though they would not explicitly say that.
Because that’s the way they lie without lying a hundred times a day.
Its a disgrace to all those that once lost their lives defending our nation.
We are being run by a government that puts illegal invaders in front of the people of Great Britain. We are a sovereign nation that is need a competent leader and a competent government .
Do we still have any Tories on this site ?
BBC just reporting on the WEF King’s visit to Germany. Mentioned the two country’s shared history and values, um, er like the two world wars
Maybe they’ll offer the kaiser the Habsburg throne ….
We are reluctant landlords, due to complications on title after a parent in a property on our grounds passed.
Since then we have been mostly ok, breaking even, with a couple of nightmares clearly from the Jeremy Corbyn school of entitlement.
Our latest is, fingers crossed, good, and after a year we decided to hold the rent as an encouragement to stay, despite rising costs across the board. Keeps the council/utility costs off our back (an interesting imposition if upgrade costs were an issue, as this would force many into debt) and the place lived in and ticking over.
However, if this little fun pack gets added we will simply have to hike, essentially passing the costs on, if bearing the amortisation burden.
If it proves unsustainable we will need to look at selling.
If it proves unsustainable we will need to look at selling.
They’ve thought of that. A well-placed source of mine advises that the long term plan is to make it a legal requirement that any property being sold meets these conditions, too. But fear not – there will be a grace period of 5-10 years when unsuitable properties can be sold, albeit it will have to be at a heavy discount. There’s a reason that the likes of Blackrock have moved into the housing market, plus it will stop the ordinary folk from passing on property (=wealth) to their offspring.
Remember: You will own nothing and be happy.
You are lucky Guest Who. We own an old farm cottage which we let. We spent £30k on it just before lockdown improving insulation putting it into band D. A stone kitchen floor and a propane gas supply as it is off grid leaves it there. The estimate of the cost by the chap who assessed it for its certificate was only another £120,000 to lift it into band c otherwise we can very shortly have to leave it empty. As more rented properties are taken off the market, rents will become so high that all tenants will be in arrears or homeless.
BBC ecstatic to announce a new family moving into the square….
Two guesses!
You may only need one!
Is this guy a stooge for Putin?
Paul O’Grady suddenly died unexpectedly but peacefully. Paul O’Grady was having problems with his heart. In his final intervew he said “I’d had all the jabs, but it just finished me off”. O’Grady said he got severe and long COVID after his third jab. O’Grady’s cousin Maureen died in 2021. O’Grady said: “Maureen was only four years older than me and she went to bed and didn’t wake up”.
Evidence from Switzerland, Australia and studying the hearts of American pilots prove that all people who received mRNA jabs have slight to major heart damage. The very large excess deaths observed from the data imply that the mortality risk/benefit ratio from COVID injections is very high. That is, the harm or risk realized has far outweighed any benefit from COVID injections: https://thewhiterose.uk/freedom/uploads/2023/02/AustralianIatrogenicCOVIDPandemic.pdf
Stop the Death Jab: https://thewhiterose.uk/say-no/
One for BBCOFCOM and
its’bitch - Matthew Sweet -
The risk/benefit ratio is infinity. Why? There is no SARS-CoV-2. I suggest you watch some Sam Bailey stuff or Tom Cowan. If people understood what these ‘virologists’ meant by isolation they would not believe you. That is how the trick works. They hide it in plain sight. They are coming now with the next one. My money is on the avian flu, as they have been destroying billions of chickens across the world over the last couple of years after testing them positive with their fraudulent PCR assay.
kingkp, try and explain to all those people who died in 2002 and 2003 and 2004 and to their relatives that there is no SARS-CoV-1 & 2 a.k.a. Chicken ‘flu’ and Bird ‘flu’.
@Richard I think he stacked the odds against himself, the jabs + two heart attacks + refused to stop smoking + family history of deaths from heart problems. Probably had DEATH following him for quite a while.
Richard, then there are the athletes who have had heart problems or dropped dead, esp. in the USA, although one of the recent AFL/NFL incidents followed a helmet impact to the chest of another player.
Mail reports that the ‘comedy show ‘ Have I Got News For You is to return for its 65th year / series …
Surely trades description act comes into play here. I am so glad you put “comedy” in “ “ . BBC doesn’t do comedy or satire
Someone in the BBC must have shares in Hatrick Productions – the viewing figures must be dire – I think I stopped watching about 20 years plus ago ….
But viewing figures are of no matter to an outfit which pretends to be ‘non commercial ‘ when it wants to …
We have such a long haul to destroy it .
I too stopped watching years and years ago.
I used to think the participants were genuinely witty. Then I found out they are given the questions beforehand and have hours to think up their “off the cuff quips”.
Added to which, Hislop is now paid so much by the BBC that he has ruined Private Eye. It is now a left liberal, anti-Brexit whingefest.
“Have I Got Remoaners For You”
“Have I Got Metropolitan Wokies For You”
“Have I got a Green Islington Socialist Audiences For You”
“Oh my God! The Daily Mail!”
The Duran
The last time I watched this pair on YT, I noticed (you couldn’t miss it), the body language of Mercouris who was all out for condemning Ukraine and the West for supplying them. It was all to do with ‘major’ advances on the Russian side and how individual operations were succeeding very successfully toward a victory. Mercouris was obviously very uncomfortable with having to lie with the Russian propaganda he had been fed.
I concluded the pair must be on Putins pay list.
G – still flying the Ukranian flag then
Try watching summit different although he could also be one of Putin’s stooges:
Yawn. Nice red tie……………..
He concludes, the West is failing and, summarising, should throw the towel in.
University called on to cut ties with billionaire who offered Bentleys to Saudi bombers
28th October 2018
Critics yesterday called on the University to distance itself from Saudi money amid growing concerns over the state’s human rights record.
Jeremy Corbyn says he regrets calling Hamas and Hezbollah ‘friends’
This article is more than 6 years old
Labour leader tells home office select committee that with hindsight he would not have used same phrase
Hamas is a militant Islamist movement that was established in 1987, following the first Palestinian intifada. Its ideology is related to that of the Muslim Brotherhood combined with Palestinian nationalism. Its main aims are to liberate Palestine from Israeli occupation, the establishment of an Islamic state under Sharia law and the destruction of Israel (although Hamas no longer demands the destruction of Israel in its Covenant). The group operates in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Hamas formally established Hamas IDQ in 1992. Hamas IDQ was proscribed by the UK in March 2001. At the time it was HM government’s assessment that there was a sufficient distinction between the so called political and military wings of Hamas, such that they should be treated as different organisations, and that only the military wing was concerned in terrorism. The government now assess that the approach of distinguishing between the various parts of Hamas is artificial. Hamas is a complex but single terrorist organisation.
Oh Silva turned replies OFF
That’s how the #BiasedBBC roll
You are forced to give them YOUR money
to make THEIR propaganda
and YOU are NOT allowed to contest THEM
his tweet got 5 Likes
Marco Silva 🌍
Senior journalist for
reporting on climate change mis/disinformation.
investigations 🔎 Love a gif 👾 DMs are open 👋
JournalistLondon, United Kingdombbc.co.uk/news/science-e…Joined April 2009
6,685 Following
Might be why they also have so few as an audience.
I watched a video on Youtube where a black American
professor was articulating at a school’s parents, teachers ,
governor’s meeting in a school. Why it was so wrong for teachers
to indoctrinate 7 -10 year old children with ” Critical Race , Theory ” at the school.
He spoke about the foundations which originate in anarchist
Marxist doctrine. When these extremists realised they could never get rid of western democratic values at the ballot box .
They turned to subterfuge. Using fifth columnists university
lecturers to help do their bidding for them. And in two
generations they have succeeded in spreading their virus
all across the USA . And of course the Atlantic was no barrier
to stop the virus reaching our shores.
The paradox of this in the USA is that 23 out of 24 of the largest
cities in the USA now have black local government. And the
plight of the black population in education is worse than it was in the 1950’s
The purpose of CRT is to destroy capitalism and to make white folk ,far from having privilege . Go down on their knees and
beg for forgiveness for the crimes of their ancestors. But
not only that . They should rid themselves of any wealth they have in reparations.
The leaders of this subterfuge in the UK . Is amongst others are
the BBC. I expect before long the rest of the BBC’S output
will follow the blatant presentation and programming of
the London Programme on BBC. TV, where you could be watching news on a parallel to
TV news from any extreme Marxist country.
“Migration dilemma leaves Rishi Sunak confronting an expensive mess”
For once I agree with their headlines.
Theresa May The Secretary of State for the Home Department 12:37 pm, 20th April 2016
The first priority of government is the safety and security of its citizens, and the Government have always made the integrity of the UK border a priority. We will never compromise on keeping the people of this country safe from terrorism, criminality and illegal immigration.
If it costs more than £1,000 per refugee per week, they could have put them on a Saga river cruise for less.
Surely, only > 50’s need apply to Saga? Unlike:
“Mostly young men of military age arriving”. Give them an option: Military training and a posting in Ukraine although I think most have already had military training by Wagner.
well…. yeah….
Dmitry Muratov: The Russian journalist refusing to be silenced
“People in Russia have been irradiated by propaganda,” Dmitry Muratov says
I say people in the UK have propaganda c/o the bs corp
Methinks Dmitry must work for the BBC.
“People in Russia have been irradiated by propaganda,” Dmitry Muratov says
‘Bonkers’ NHS Charities advert that shows ‘Santa being struck down by coronavirus’ before medics save him is condemned by critics for ‘upsetting children’ and ‘looking for reasons to make this Christmas worse’
BBC loves this trannie thing – which I neither understand nor want to . It seems that schools are ‘counselling’ kids on changing gender without referencing something called a ‘parent ‘ .
Comrade Robinson spent 15 minutes on this with – unusually – 2 interviewees . Okay it was early in the day but I was no better informed on the issue afterward . This might be a good thing .
Let’s face it – if kids are screwed up then encouraging them to undergo some form of ‘sex change ‘ ain’t gonna improve things is it ?
No wonder there’s more mental cases …
Salty Cracker (NSFW) commentary on the topic…
In my direct experience of people in my workplace messing with testosterone in particular the drugs used in this space (is there even one trans “man” who isn’t munching it?) are psychoactive and that manifests in aggression that causes what I describe as “small yappy dog syndrome” where combativeness is the default setting for everything.
Salty is one of my favourites. Often incandescent with rage at the woke insanity going on, but funny too.
Enjoy him while you can before he gets shut down on YouTube.
TOADY Watch #1 – you are talking rubbish and the BBC Business Correspondent doesn’t correct you!
During the first half-hour of TOADY Sean Farrington was talking with Dan Brady (hope I remembered the first name correctly) who was from BlackRock, the US investment management corporation, (I assume in the UK) who claimed that the recent interest rate rises were because the UK was producing too much and the economy was overheating because it was producing too much.
Mr Brady, if you are demonstrative of the quality of the investment team at BlackRock, then BlackRock is about to fail. Inflation comes about when there is a scarcity of a good and too much money chases a scarce good and definitely not when an economy of a country is producing too much! What is more worrying, from the BBC point of view is that Sean Farrington, BBC Radio Business Correspondent(!) did not know enough about the basic economics of business to correct Mr Brady.
Maybe he meant ‘producing too much money ‘ ….. I can’t see any way that inflation will be controlled this year – the pressure on personal finances – increasing costs – must mean a government change .
But as this is getting more ‘real ‘ the prospect of even higher taxes by red Labour gets really frightening ….
Fed, ” I can’t see any way that inflation will be controlled this year ” I think you have evidence that Jeremy Hunt is in the wrong job is in pole position on the front page of your Daily Telegraph this morning. Hunt has exempted the haulage industry from some of the increased taxes placed on the rest of motorists but where those motorists have power to ask or even award themselves an inflationary pay rise then they will.
Hunt would be far better at Health where he could be finishing people off er, I mean where he could be ending the Junior Doctors strikes – a battle he has fought and won before. So I agree with you that inflation will go on rising. It could be that the Conservatives see leaving chronic inflation behind is ‘a poison pill’ for an incoming Labour Government but there is no guarantee, imv, that Labour will win the next General Election.
Fed, yes producing too much money, especially State debt as well as personal debt, is another cause of overheating an economy. Forgot to post that above. Maybe we should ask the Ukrainians for a ‘sub’ and no, I do not mean a submarine?
Isabel reducing her chances of being poached by the bbc.
Alllllll held to account by…. Springster’s minions.
And Toenails, telling you what the bbc wants you to think.
“ New UK net zero plan targets emissions and costs”
Who voted for this nonsense?
Another nail in the Tory coffin.
It’s pathetic.
Then you look at Labour.
Then you look at London Labour propped up by its core.
He’s been watching too much Match of the Day.
Guest and Flotsam, I think maybe the voters are starting to twig that Labour, Lib Dems, Greens and SNP can easily outdo the Conservatives at ‘pathetic’.
Nazis …. In Mecca, only Muslims are allowed, while non-Muslims may not enter or pass through. Attempting to enter Mecca as a non-Muslim can result in penalties such as a fine; being in Mecca as a non-Muslim can result in deportation.
The anti-ULEZ have been penetrated by nazis is a standard smear tactic by the little khant and antifa.
They tried the same trick in Cranebridge where several thousand folk (mostly old codgers like me) were protesting the congestion charge.
We had a bunch of antifa turn up handing out leaflets suggesting we had been penetrated by nazis. The average age of these twats was about 12 and since they were all wearing muzzles it was pretty easy to identify them and take the piss. Seeing them hyper-ventilating in their muzzles when accused of being ageist was brilliant.
BTW has the wife of the little khant being giving him black-eyes because it looks like it.
Thank you for contacting us about the BBC News website. We note and appreciate your concerns.
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We accept that not everyone will agree with each decision, however, we can assure you these decisions aren’t indicative of bias.
We have highlighted in our reporting that Labour MP Barry Gardiner has received over £420,000 in donations from Christine Ching Kui Lee’s company over 5 years. I have provided links to some of this coverage below:
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Unfortunately Labour will be even more ridiculous
Net zero is a fantasy, even if it mattered. I saw that they are talking about large scale carbon capture this morning. The technology exists but is very expensive to implement, it will result in manufactured goods and energy becoming even more expensive. Where do they get these buffoons from?
How about ‘net zero’ illegal immigration? That would be an election winner for The Reform Party.
Taffman ,
“Export or Die” in the 1950s…..that can now apply to get rid of Migrants , I fear for my Grandchildren especially the Girls….this once Great Britain is Finished with the Daily Invasion !
A local paper actually delves…
the council initially tried to downplay rumours that those being housed at the Belmont Road hotel would all be men, saying most asylum seekers were not men.
“The best comment in this report is that they are all free to come and go at their will.”
Ever decreasing circles and support for homosexuality edition
One doesn’t tend to credit the French with much these days but perhaps we do owe some thanks to those street protesting, teargas lobbing, vehicle burning gaulois for this minor climbdown: State pension age rise to 68 will not be brought forward yet (BBC)
Parliament – especially post-Brexit – is the sovereign law maker. The sudden draconian imposition of Lockdowns ought to have reminded us of this. And so it irks this observer to read guff of this sort: By law the government is required to examine planned changes to the system every six years (BBC) – No! That is an example of the alien Blairite notion that parliamentary law makers can constrain or bind future parliaments. Nonsense. What this really amounts to is MPs giving themselves convenient excuses for what they do or don’t do for us. That’s why our MPs loved the EU. They could deploy the excuse – it’s not me, it’s Brussels. But I digress. I have other deeper digressions to be getting on with.
Ever Decreasing Circles was a 1980s sitcom featuring Richard Briers as Martin Bryce, the rather unsympathetically portrayed obsessive, middle-aged, middle class Englishman at the centre of his local suburban community in Mole Valley, East Surrey.
The Guardian appositely described it as having “a quiet, unacknowledged and deep-running despair to it that in retrospect seems quite daring” (thank you Wiki)
Naturally Guardian types would be rooting for the stuck in the mud Martin’s nemesis – his new next-door neighbour, ex-British Army officer and Cambridge Blue Paul Ryman (Peter Egan). Paul is everything Martin is not – adventurous, laissez-faire, flippant, witty, handsome and charming; in the words of Martin, a “couldn’t care less, come on life … amuse me, merchant” (thank you again Wiki)
If, like the TV character Martin Bryce, you should feel the need to track the value of your ever decreasing pension you might find yourself alighting on the pink pages of the FT.
Before you get to turn to the market numbers the frontpage Datawatch feature will catch your eye and therein you will be told about: Broadminded Britain… % who say the following are justifiable… Homosexuality, Divorce, Abortion, Casual sex… The UK is becoming more liberal according to the latest World Values survey. Since 2008 there has been double-digit increases in tolerance of divorce, abortion and casual sex. Support for homosexuality has also increased.
Support Your Local Sheriff was a 1969 American comedy Western film
Support you local homos? I’ll just tolerate, if you don’t mind.
Evidently it wasn’t only Hoodies that the incoming David Cameron Tories back in 2010 were hugging.
So you see nowadays we’re all supposed to be let it all hang out Paul Rymans and definitely not uptight Martin Bryces.
But oddly, this “couldn’t care less, come on life … amuse me…” attitude comes along with our liberal media fascination with apocalypticism. From the BBC’s: Climate change: World’s top court to weigh in – another notable example of Blairite legalism there… right down market to the comic Daily Star: Sun’s falling to bits… A HUMONGOUS hole the size of 20 Earths has ripped through the sun…
You have to love the purported corollary dread outcome for us earthdwellers: … and could cause havoc with our mobile phones tomorrow (Daily Star) – talk about hitting us where it hurts.
In Ever Decreasing Circles the signature running gag (which appeared in almost every episode) was Martin walking past the telephone in his hallway and turning the receiver around. (kudos oncemore to Wiki)
Interfering with our cell phone reception… how dare the cosmos do such a thing!
Government Emergency Alerts system – what you need to know… The UK government’s new Emergency Alerts system is now live… On Sunday 23 April there will be a national test, which will be received on compatible mobile phone handsets. (Warwickshire Police)
How to turn off the ‘armageddon’ emergency alert texts to your phone… It will see extremely loud alarms go off on devices, accompanied by an alert message… If you wish to unsubscribe for the free service, you can opt out of the system in your phone’s settings, just search for “emergency alerts”, and turn off ‘severe alerts’ and ‘extreme alerts’. You can find this under the ‘Notifications’ tab on your iOS device. (Thank you Manchester Evening News)
You know what to do, dear readers.
I don’t even answer phone calls from anybody not in my contacts list so the emergency alert would have no chance. Disabled it.
AISI and Mogs, this HMG ‘initiative’ (dreamt up by a CS as a promotion ploy, no doubt) pre-supposes 1. that you carry a mobile phone at all times, 2. that it is always switched on, and 3. said mobile phone has a good battery life.
‘They’ really haven’t thought this through, have ‘they’?
If I was thinking of attacking Blighty I think I’d choose 23 April -.. but apart from the Islamics I don’t think anyone would bother going for such a burnt out ‘country ‘…
Re the non extension of the pension age toward 70 – I’m surprised they aren’t raising it again . Coupled with a disfunctional ‘health ‘ system it’s the ideal recipe for killing people off before their time – aim to cut life expectancy by 10 years – save a fortune –
– also – all this crap about keeping the over 50s in the ‘workforce ‘ – with huge numbers in public sector pensions schemes -which mean they get there’s before the private sector … maybe red labour will be looking at this when they get power…
… I bet they’ll know how to use an 80 majority …..
Well, they can try, but I’m not sure my Nokia 2310 will cope. I have to charge it once a month, you know.

Council tax would be frozen for a year, Labour propose as campaign launches
Your not in government, so just a load of rubbish and no story to see
#LabourSez is a pointless a bbc propaganda piece as it is obvious.
Hello Guest
I often see with the bs corp that their output is deliberately trying to overturn the elected government of the day
Guest and ajs (great motorcycles, make motorcycles great again), I can remember when Blair and Brown during a previous cost of living crisis 2005/2006 onwards, were locking up pensioners for not paying their Council Tax bills.
I remember a quote from one imprisoned OAP woman who said: “It’s great, I’m in a warm cell, have my own TV and I get three meals a day cooked for me.”
I preferred the poll tax.
Man plus 4 wives.
Bins not emptied?
Council tax would be frozen for a year ….
Or bother watching.
It’s a mystery, Ade.
Perhaps because Chiles is a f****** thick clueless brummie.
This made me smile in the Guardian.
An article describing how “polls” show uk folk have more trust in the EU than the UK government…
Obviously a couple of tame probably lefty professors get quoted..
The hilarious bit is right at the bottom where for some reason they show a graph demonstrating that the UK has the second lowest trust in “The Press” of any country in the World!!!
But embarrassing to say the least considering the article preceding it.
Mistake or trying to hide that nugget?
How Qatar used a secret deal to bind itself to the EU Parliament
POLITICO has obtained a cooperation pact between a Parliament subcommittee and a Qatari organization. Officially, however, the deal doesn’t exist.
Qatar looking to buy major English Premier League football club
Qatar holds talks with Tottenham Hotspur as it eyes up possible stake in English football clubs
The WEF king and agriculture:
As the centre piece of the coronation ceremony, Charles will swear ‘The Coronation Oath’, essentially pledging his allegiance to the people of Great Britain and to protecting the sovereignty of the country and its traditions.
If Charles does not break his relationship with the World Economic Forum before this point, he will be performing an act of treason. The implications of this are profound.
No surprise they do it, over and over, or that they know they will get away with it, but folk will notice.
Antarctic ocean currents heading for collapse- report
No ambiguity in the headline. They are heading for collapse.
The article has 8 ‘could’s and 3 ‘suggests’.
“Our modelling shows that if global carbon emissions continue at the current rate, then the Antarctic overturning will slow by more than 40 per cent in the next 30 years – and on a trajectory that looks headed towards collapse,” study lead Professor Matthew England said.
The trickery here is that their MODELLING says it will – but the article implies it is fact. Their modelling can be anything they like which makes their work more critical and gets attention. Just ask Neil Ferguson (who should be in prison for what he did) how that works.
It’s the same all the way through. Briefly introduce something as implied fact based on the models they produced themselves then talk about it as if it IS fact.
As their models cannot predict the weather more than 3 days in advance, I take it all with the same pinch of salt as those continuous predictions since the 70’s which tell us the world will end in 10 years if we don’t give them more money.
And we end it all with some splendid whatifery:
‘The effect of Antarctic meltwater on ocean currents has not yet been factored in to IPCC models on climate change, but it is going to be “considerable”, Prof England said.’
(meaning it’s going to require a lot more funding and BBC interviews)
Ban hollywood?
John as I recall Imperial College were reluctant to release the source code for their modelling, but eventually were pressured into doing so sometime in 2021. Turned out it was 13yr old code originally written to model influenza, not Covid. There were also tells that showed it had been patched up by Microsoft engineers prior to public release — the suggestion being to make it look less awful and save embarrassment.
A good read if you can find it.
“The implication for Ferguson’s work remains clear: the primary model used to justify lockdowns failed its first real-world test.”
Imperial College’s death estimates over the years have some things in common: flawed modeling, hair-raising predictions of disaster that missed the mark, and no lessons learned.
The chosen candidate, if hired outside the capital, can expect a salary of around £50,550. A good salary for important government work… although potentially not as important to the Treasury as the Government Internal Audit Agency’s “Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Advisor“, who was offered £53,324 late last year. The House of Lords’ Head of Inclusion and Diversity was offered even more, at a generous £66,440 per annum. In the civil service diversity is more valued than security…
NHS spends £40m a year on 800 ‘diversity officers’ as furious campaigners argue money could be spent on extra 1,200 nurses as they demand resources focus on frontline services
No Chinese money mentioned – omission it the BBC’s greatest weapon of choice …
She then gave donations to politicians, including Labour MP Barry Gardiner, who received more than £420,000 from her.
^^ this story is not linked to Barry Gardiner in the search results! HA HA HA !
I have a regular email circular from an outfit representing IT professionals globally.
Apparently the IT industry, particularly in the US is currently shedding staff at an enormous rate.
It would seem that the economic downturn has been seen as an opportunity to cut away much dead wood by these companies and particularly staff hired purely for reasons of diversity are becoming the ones to hit the road first.
This is happening because many companies who were blackmailed into diversity hire did so because otherwise they would gain bad reputations.
Now however because they can point to all the other companies shedding staff, they can let the people go without incurring kickback.
Lets hope this gains more traction, particularly in the toxic public services which must be stuffed full of token people and hence the parlous financial state many are now in …in particular nt least the NHS!
I own a leasehold flat, the freeholder is a Housing Trust. The Trust is basically an ex Council housing department ported into a Trust. The Trust is run in true Socialist, woke
diverse lines, the ethos is basically public sector. Our “Leasehold Lead”, the person who was our point of contact in the Trust was a black girl who was a pleasant sort but totally out of her depth. I became involved in a service charges dispute with the Trust, it went to the Tribunal and I won. That was probably the trigger for our girl to be made redundant. Her loss is scarcely noticed and her position and hiring should never have happened. It’s typical public sector.
As an aside, the Trust has a policy of hiring ex prisoners as maintenance staff. Just the sort you need visiting old people in their homes. Still, it keeps the red flag flying
I represented someone at a tribunal – in a ‘lay ‘ capacity – it was an experience – it was a club – all known to each other and not prepared for me at my fiercest – we won – it saved the leaseholder £29000 …. No legal fees – a socialist council – at least my studying of land and procedures law wasn’t wasted ….
You’re right about the capability of council staff though – and the corruption of organised sub letting – q jumping – jobs for relatives – just like parliament …
One point I couldn’t argue because I didn’t have proof is that the tendering process was corrupt. I’m sure there was collusion and there seemed to be a certain degree of “steerage” towards a certain contractor.
I bought the property at auction after repossession after a right to buy purchase. The Trust were suggesting there was a £57,000 potential liability for major works. The problem for them was that it had been sold to the previous owner a year before without declaring defects, there is a 5 year rule regarding service charges after right to buy.
What it amounted to is that the Trust were trying to manipulate the value realised at auction and put people off bidding so they could buy it back cheaply.
The Trust are a corrupt shower of bastards
Flotsam – I mentioned the demand for’ major works ‘ which has on £29k- 25% of which was ‘admin ‘ …. I was so pleased to win as a number of lease holders – who met in desperation – would have been destroyed if they had to put a charge on the lease to pay off the communist council – many tears were shed .
I only wish I could have got some retribution after I beat the lefty council ….
It’s a racket I’m afraid, a David and Goliath situation. Contesting service charges is a specialised technical activity involving legal know how as well as knowledge of building construction, costing methods etc etc. One can employ Lawyers, QS’s, Surveyors etc but it’s very costly to do so. The facts are that most Solicitors know very little about this area of Law anyway. When I was investigating my own case I found that most Solicitors have poor knowledge of Right to Buy resulting in people paying tens of thousands more for their property than they should have done.
Perhaps the BBC should take an interest instead of pedaling the usual line that people on right to buy are stealing houses from the poor.
There are still many who no doubt trust in the authority of science, that governments really were “driven by the data”, that scientific journals publish only the purist empiricism and pressure groups affecting research outcomes is just a conspiracy theory.
New Scientist, via those jolly philanthropists Club of Rome: “Reducing inequality could see world population fall to 6 billion” […] if the world invested in a “Giant Leap” to reduce poverty and inequality, the world population would peak at around 8.5 billion people in 2040 and decline to 6 billion by the end of the century.”
It’s based on more thinktank modelling, and I seem to remember some bloke also fond of ‘giant leaps’ try to restructure his society a while back. It didn’t end well. Are they even trying to hide it any more?
The Great Leap Forward (Second Five Year Plan) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) was an economic and social campaign led by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from 1958 to 1962. CCP Chairman Mao Zedong launched the campaign to reconstruct the country from an agrarian economy into a communist society through the formation of people’s communes. Mao decreed that efforts to multiply grain yields and bring industry to the countryside should be increased. Local officials were fearful of Anti-Rightist Campaigns and they competed to fulfill or over-fulfill quotas which were based on Mao’s exaggerated claims, collecting non-existent “surpluses” and leaving farmers to starve to death. Higher officials did not dare to report the economic disaster which was being caused by these policies, and national officials, blaming bad weather for the decline in food output, took little or no action. Millions of people died in China during the Great Leap, with estimates ranging from 15 to 55 million, making the Great Chinese Famine the largest or second-largest[1] famine in human history.[2][3][4]
If the likes of India got clean reliable running water and sewage treament …. And electricity …. Think the models might be wrong ..
£10.4 billion
£10.4 billion
Labour now claims a backdated windfall tax, at an astronomical 78%, would raise £10.4 billion – back in August they were saying it was worth £8 billion and in January they briefed it would raise £13 billion. Even the most charitable reading doesn’t scratch the surface of Guido’s estimate of £43 billion total spending.
Dear Darren Henry,
Parliament’s £13 billion restoration.
HS2 £150 billion, original budget £36 billion.
Track and Trace £37 billion – no tracking or tracing where this money went.
£1.1bn of COVID small business loans identified as fraud
£4 billion of unusable PPE bought in first year of pandemic will be burnt “to generate power”
13 + 150 + 37 + 1.1+ 4 = £205 billion
Nuclear reactor = £6 billion
BBC news radio –
12 minutes spent on a copper being refered to the CpS for murder – the victim was a 24 year old coloured ‘saint’ . No mention of criminality. No explanation of what happened .
Apparently the victim was to become a baby daddy .
The BBC – on behalf of the ‘ family’ want charge conviction execution. Otherwise thete will be no ‘justice ‘ … the bias is so obvious .. wouldnt it be something if the guilty plod is coloured … ?
I wonder what would happen if the firearms guys handed in their guns ?
I had to do a bit of research about the coloured man shot dead by police – he’d done 4 years for being convicted of possessing an imitation firearm – there was a restraining order on him relating to the girl he had impregnated …. And other criminal stuff the bbc chose not to tell its’ audience …..
Lefty bias in all its ‘ effing glory ……
Can also watch here
Mark Steyn Show Tuesday 28 March.
Funeral director John O’Looney (with an interesting story about Graham “it’s above my pay grade” Brady, and Stats Man Jamie Jenkins.
“This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Terms of Service”
Yes Mark expressed his annoyance with YouTube about it on last night’s show.
Gary Lineker to support Mark Steyn!
Speaking to Beth Rigby on Sky News, David Lammy got defensive when pressed about his outside earnings. The Shadow Foreign Secretary is Labour’s top earner, and had a robust response when pressed by Beth over a potential crackdown:
“I don’t think- no-one’s complaining about those hours. No-one is suggesting I’m in the pocket or LBC or anyone else”.
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
Does MP David Lammy cycle to work still? If not then why not when he claimed a bike on expenses?
Lammy on a bike!!
The BBC rightly allocating memories of the late Paul O Grady who had a truly remarkable career on TV.
Of all the high points in his long and distinguished career they choose to run a story on their front page about how he was arrested early in his career over 40 years ago by the plod while performing in a pub. Making sure they get the boot in as hard as possible to the plod who we all know they generally despise.
A leopard never changes its spots.
Paul O’Grady gave up drag dress up when he grew up?
Will the people carrying his coffin be known as “Paul bearers” and now he is dead will be be known as Paul Degrady ?
Here is a post which send shivers up my spine to have to post, but I think readers have to be informed and to take notice of this.
Rtd Col MacGregor (USA) says that the Ukrainian army almost 500000 strong and the best equipped in Europe has been all but anihilated.
The European states which backed it have sent what stocks they had and have utterly failed to take seriously the defence of their countries by refusing to rearm or even reorder what was used to supply Ukraine.
Putins army is not advancing because of the condition of the soil which is a quagmire at this time of the year and unsuitable for machanised warfare until around May.
At that point Putin has the chance to rush through Ukraine like a dose of salts and there is precious little anyone can do to stop him.
In fact if he decided to advance all the way to the channel, how would any of the faries on their rainbow unicorns we laughingly refer to as a ‘government’ propose to stop him?
We have tiny reduced armies, and they have enormously reduced capability because we sent their weapons to Ukraine! The only thing we have now is the threat of nuclear anhilation but that would kill everyone.
Here is a prediction. Over the next few weeks you will notice a change in the way the media cover the Ukraine situation from the pro Ukraine propaganda to a more equivocal stance then to resignation as they attempt to de-couple Bidens socialist folly from reality on the ground.
The sheeple will be told a story which they will accept, and most will never question the manipulation, but we as observers and critics of the media get a front row seat to watch them engage in this and it should be of great interest to all of us.
Oh Thoughtful how many retired US colonels and generals must there be ?
The idea of putin doing a Von schliffen? Plan for the third time ? Besides – putin ‘s tanks wouid never get anywhere near the channel because they’d be stopped dead by prospective asylum seekers with the dinghies …..
I’m sure that retired colonel – Provenance ? – knows plenty about the capacity of the Russians / Ukrainians from his armchair ….
…there is always AirPower – and an opportunity for top gun 3 …..
Personally I’d go simpler – who runs out of soldiers first ? The ‘math ‘ would suggest the limit is Ukraine – is there any sign of real dissent against putin? ( don’t know ) …
.. it would be nice to get a sort of ‘objective ‘ read of what’s going on as opposed to pretty crude propaganda …
It’s not the fact that he would do that, but the fact that he could and total incompetent people in charge.
The problem here is that Russia is now in full war mode, factories at capacity reserves all mobilised and West asleep at the wheel.
The thing is to see how the media turn it all around though from a full on charge behind Zelinsky to an acceptance he isn’t going to win without making Biden and Boris look complete idiots.
Thoughtful – thinking about it – if Russia co ordinated its’ interests with China and Taiwan then U.S. / NATO really would have a nose bleed ….
I suppose if Vladimir s aim is to reconstruct the USSR he’d be after the immediate states buffering Russia – but even he has limits to trained people and kit – whether the U.S. could gear up in the same way after 1941 is another issue -even the dirty japs k new that after a year the US wouid be out producing on everything – maybe it’s different now ….
Vladimirs aim is not the reconstruction of the USSR, it’s the Catherine the Great replay and if you recall that led to the Crimean war.
As the video I posted by Willem Middelkoop the worst outcome for the West is Russia / China combined which they now are.
The US can’t outproduce anything now because they fell prey to the globalists and moved all their production to China.
The US knows Ukraine is burning through ammunition at a rate of knots and cannot produce enough to keep up. God help us if there is an invasion because the muppets were more concerned with rainbow unicorns, reparations pronouns and womens lib than they were with defence which they clearly saw as too masculine for their tiny minds.
The shuffling of narratives started about a week ago
Beyond just providing tampons in male toilets, Welsh Labour seem intent on further strengthening the Senedd’s safe space credentials. Jenny Rathbone yesterday called for a ban on GB News from the estate:
“On a wider issue, GB News, which has been found in breach of Ofcom guidelines around COVID vaccines, has many items broadcasting disinformation or hateful views, and it’s currently broadcast on our internal televisions. I just wondered if any thought had been given to whether it was appropriate for an organisation that might continue to disseminate disinformation to be broadcast through our systems to our staff and Members.”
Complaint Summary: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
Full Complaint: “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed (May and Corbyn’s old speeches): everything else is public relations.” – Orwell
Theresa May … being put forward as Prime Minister and issuing a general election on implementing Brexit which was about immigration and sovereignty. … these speeches were never mentioned on the BBC £3.5bn news or other media outlets …
1978 … “The moment the minority threatens to become a big one, people get frightened.” – Margaret Thatcher 1978
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
Jeremy Corbyn … with all the news on BBC £3.5bn Service regarding the Iran Nuclear Deal, Jeremy Corbyn has not been asked why he backs Al Quds protests and has spoken at them or why his is not vocal on Iran’s ‘death to’ position with Israel.
2012 … Jeremy Corbyn speaks at Al Quds march, Al Quds is the protest for all the oppressed but was initiated by an oppressor Ayatollah Khomeini. Jeremy Corbyn does not chastise the Iranian regime.
2018 … Iran release a ‘Death to Israel’ and ‘Death to America’ Government approved emoji. But this is not mentioned when talking about Iran by the BBC or other outlets.
MPs expenses …. it was in 2008 that MPs used expenses to fill their own pockets or shredded. UK MPs on both sides have talked about reducing expenses and recession and austerity. Yet, since 2010 MPs have enjoyed a pay increased of 18%. How come the BBC news has not reported on this when talking to MPs?
“The omission is the most powerful form of lie, and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies do not creep into the history books.” – George Orwell
Thank you for getting in touch regarding BBC News.
I understand you have concerns about the integrity of BBC News reporting over the last few years.
BBC News aims to show the political reality and provide a forum for discussion on issues, giving full opportunity for all sides of the debate to be heard and explored. Senior editorial staff within BBC News and the BBC’s Executive Board ensure that editorial guidelines are adhered to.
Our News editors ensure that over a reasonable period of time we reflect the range of significant views, opinions and trends on particular issues, but it’s important to add here that our published Editorial Guidelines explain that not every issue or viewpoint necessarily has to be included in each individual report.
The key point is that the BBC as an organisation has no view or position itself on anything we may report upon – our aim is to identify all significant views, and to test them rigorously and fairly on behalf of our audiences.
In dealing with any controversial issue, we are required to give a fair and balanced report, but balance cannot be judged simply on the basis of the amount of time allocated to the representatives of either side of an argument. One spokesperson may make their points concisely, while another needs rather longer to explain a point of view or a complex issue, plus a change to the existing position or status quo may take longer to clarify.
Account also needs to be taken of the way a subject is covered over a period of time; perfect balance is difficult to achieve on every single individual occasion, while overall it is a more achievable goal taking into account our coverage as a whole over a period of time.
That said, we do value your feedback about this issue. All complaints are sent to senior management every morning and I included your points in this overnight report.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future programmes.
Once again, thank you for contacting us.
Kind regards
Gareth Murray
BBC Complaints Team
You racist pig! I bet the family weren’t white at all, you just saw what you wanted to see. We all know the UK is 90% black.
How delicious that the BBC’s favourite rag – and I mean rag – has discovered past links to slavery. Yes, the achingly woke Grauniad, of all people. And they’re going to pay out millions as reparations. Complete waste of money, of course, but if it hastens their bankruptcy and demise, bring it on.
In AD 43, the Roman emperor Claudius launched an invasion of Britain, and over the next 45 years the Roman army gradually extended its control over much of present-day England and Wales and ventured into territory now in Scotland.
Danegeld (/ˈdeɪnɡɛld/;[1] “Danish tax”, literally “Dane yield” or tribute) was a tax raised to pay tribute or protection money to the Viking raiders to save a land from being ravaged. It was called the geld or gafol in eleventh-century sources. It was characteristic of royal policy in both England and Francia during the ninth through eleventh centuries, collected both as tributary, to buy off the attackers, and as stipendiary, to pay the defensive forces. The term danegeld did not appear until the late eleventh century. In Anglo-Saxon England tribute payments to the Danes was known as gafol and the levy raised to support the standing army, for the defense of the realm, was known as heregeld (army-tax).
The did a Mia culpa on this a couple of years back. Maybe it was before their current staff got into long trousers. This is simply an attempt in damage limitation as this ridiculous travesty of blaming people for the actions of their long dead ancestors gets going again. Every country in the world could find at least one target to go after right back to the Stone Age.
It simply boils down to compen culture…. In other words, show me the money.
“UK Column recently reported a £320 million media buy-in contract awarded to OMD Group, the brief for which was redacted from the publicly available information on the UK Government’s Contract Finder website. This represents just 20% of the £1.6 billion in media buy-in contracts the Government has awarded to Omnicom since 2018.
Headquartered in Manhattan, Omnicom is a global media, marketing and corporate communications holding company. It is currently considered the second largest advertising agency in the world, eclipsed only by WPP.
Omnicom is an advertising giant which specialises in public relations, lobbying, communications strategy, and the planning and purchasing of targeted advertising space. It builds comprehensive media campaigns for its extensive client list. Omnicom heads a North America-based network of prominent advertising and public relations agencies with a world wide collective reach.”
David Cameron’s ‘nudge unit’ aims to improve economic behaviour
This article is more than 12 years old
Cabinet office team will look at how to create environments that help people choose what’s best for themselves and society
.. persuade citizens to behave in a more socially integrated way.
persuade …. socially integrated way
Here is someone saying that the bBC is completely accurate and wonderful, and that butter would not melt in their mouths – NOT:
It is about the bBC hit piece on Bridgens recent speech in parliament.
When the BBC identify an enemy to the existence the targeting really gets going – I bet when the next election comes they’ll make a special effort to smear and unseat him ….
Omission is the greatest lie.
Kirkpatrick Virgo told Reading Crown Court he bought the horseshoe as a “lucky charm”
“lucky charm”
This ancient Catalan oath of allegiance was sworn by the leaders of the council to theI swear…. monarch of Catalonia and Aragon..
who are as good as you
swear to you,
who are no better than we,
to accept you as our king and sovereign lord,
provided you observe all our liberties and laws;
but if not, not.
King Charles to be Defender of the Faith but also a defender of faiths
“Donald Trump to be charged over hush money”
Something tells me he will get off and will make a bid for the POTUS ?
The US of A needs someone to get them out of the mess they’re in.
Trump to be charged over hush money payment to porn star
Isn’t it just amazing how this makes a BBC ‘live update’ feature when the EU Qatargate gets the bare minimum of coverage ?.
And who is covering this story ?.
Anthony Zurcher, disinformation and social media correspondent Marianna Spring, US special correspondent Katty Kay and Radio 4 president Justin Webb
‘Katty Kay’ at the BBC is positively wetting her knickers over this. Her twitter is stuffed with every irrelevant detail she can think of.
But WTF has it got to do with ‘disinformation and social media correspondent Marianna Spring’ ?.
I think the BBC are now so far up their own backsides in the Leftist bubble they have withdrawn into, they cannot see just how ridiculous and out-of-touch they have become.
Just look at this:
Caption ‘A woman talks to a doorman outside Trump Tower following news of the indictment by a Manhattan grand jury’
Whispers “It’s all a sham, man”
Or… a sign that a media driven politicised legal system is pretty pants?
I can’t even begin to imagine the 8-year old child level of excitement in the BBC offices over this.
They haven’t wet their panties this much since someone read out the wrong name as a winner at the Oscars.
BME Andy gunning for an award.
Andy McFarlane
31 March 2023
While Donald Trump makes history for unenviable reasons stateside, here in the UK we’re examining gun culture. We look at how coders are reacting to advances in artificial intelligence and hear how a cow found fame after “faking sleep” to avoid being milked.
Striking doctors hold placards
Trump to be charged over ‘hush money’ payments to porn star
Out of office but rarely out of the public eye, Donald Trump has been facing four major legal investigations since leaving the White House. And overnight it was confirmed he will become the first former US president to be indicted on criminal charges, probably on Tuesday. It’s in relation to alleged hush money paid to ex-porn star Stormy Daniels, with whom Mr Trump denies an adulterous affair. Details of the charges have yet to be released but Mr Trump is calling it “political persecution”. He remains the leading Republican contender to fight the next presidential election and his campaign responded by sending out fundraising emails. If found guilty – even jailed – nothing in US law would prevent him running. Our live page has reaction.
The Trump arrest saga in 70 seconds
What happens when he is arrested?
What are the porn star claims?
Will I get my own podcast with Marianna?
“Explosive” – 1400+ raped kids.
“Fire services: Shocking bullying and abuse widespread, report says”
All the result of women trying to do a man’s job in a men’s world.
Go woke go broke .
Come on. Lets have a Pink fire brigade. You know it makes sense.
Then people can choose who to call in an emergency: Pink or Classic.
Paul Brand is going big on this.
The worst thing about it is that when more people die because fewer officers can do the hard stuff, the BBC will keep quiet about it because the agenda is far bigger than plebs burning to death. They probably voted for Brexit anyway and won’t be wanted in the brave new world the BBC think they are engineering.
And where have all those women soldiers in Ukraine disappeared to ?. They were in every picture at one time. Haven’t seen a single one since the war started.
It’s just all so pathetic – like spiteful children playing a game.
The more serious stuff is the failure to prepare for the likes of the tower block fire or the Manchester bombing ….
Tipoftheicebergism is a scourge.
Before you go
When the alarm goes off in the morning, have you ever just closed your eyes and pretended the day hasn’t really started yet? That’s pretty much what Doris, a dairy cow at an Isle of Wight farm, gets up to every morning at milking time. Watch the video that made the “sleep-faking” Friesian famous. And it’s Friday again already. So take our quiz of the week.
And then sense every remaining brain cell left die.
Also. BBC Moaning Emole Top Story
Today watch
Fantastic day for the BBC – president trump being charged to divert from a dementing democrat false president
An opportunity to slag brexit by the signing of a pacific trade deal – which heard some bbc droid called ‘darsheenee’ spend a good time slagging off
A woke inspectorate giving the fire brigade a kicking because it’s full of blokes . By the sound of it – it would be best to not speak to coloured or queer fire types at all because they live in a world of ‘offended ‘
Some crap about pakis with chips getting at whitee in Yorkshire
In summary – not a day to use bbc services at all
BTW – apparently -our Justin – Zucker ? Christian – Katty and springer have all done a ‘podcast ‘ – what joy that must be ….
Been on the BBC news site twice today looking at the news and maybe something to comment on – and have been so infuriated at the over-the-top anti-Trump agenda pushing and emotive-style of all their useless ‘journalists’ I’ve just closed it down.
I’ll quickly give you one example : instead of just reporting on the smog in Thailand they have to do this:
‘Telling my daughter about Thailand’s poisonous air’
Where a man attempts to explain the inhumanity of the world to his 4 year old daughter.
They are also trying to infer it’s about illegal forest-burning by evil men destroying nature but it isn’t : it’s farmers burning the rice straw to plough it back into the soil.
It’s a classic BBC ‘lie by equivalence’ : mix an agenda thing and the real-life thing together as a reason and it implies they are both equally true.
A podcast is when the people in each video they made watch each others video and hope someone else does too.
And Springster complains about not being taken seriously as a journalist. Lurch and Kay have twigged that is a boat long sailed.
Wow – someone watched it . I’m afraid I don’t know or care what a podcast is ….
BBC chooses the quotes too.
She ranted for 1 minute 45 seconds .
I wonder how the BBC engineer groups of lefty teachers to infest the whole audience on that show week after week ?
I don’t watch it – but if an extract like that is put up I’ll view out of politeness . What the blue labour government should have been doing was to force local councils to do core functions like elderly social care ‘ whilst cutting so much other crap like closing roads and cycle lanes costing millions ….
Who is that ‘mouth ‘?
TOADY Watch #1 – the BBC almost ‘besides themselves with joy’
Former President Trump is to be the first former US President to face criminal charges. What a strange world we live in. In the normal course of the law, a blackmailer, that is the so-called Stormy Daniels, would be the one facing criminal charges. Instead it is former President Trump who paid off the blackmailer.
Somehow I cannot see this one standing up in Court. But we are living in a crazy upside-down world and there is no doubt that China Joe or Beijing Biden, if he runs in 2024, fears Donald Trump as an opponent and will do all he can with fellow Democrats to make sure Donald Trump is jailed and cannot run for the Presidency.
Lurch use the same hairdresser as Nance?
Fix the trial judge – fix the jury – done job – fix the election already done …
Fed, if you are refering to the good ol’ USA, I think Ron de Santis might give China Joe a good run for his money. Politics is a young man’s game these days.
I find anyone still believing the US voting system to be not fixed quite – touching … 4 more years Joe …
Fed, sure but will people fall for (get sick from) a virus next time?
The nightmare must be a flu pandemic similar to 1918 1919 which I understand tended to kill the young .
But when the dust settles on the current Chinese virus it will be useful to know the profile of those it killed / seriously hurt …
I sort assume it’s – olders – fatters – pre existing conditions –
But I understand the broad blanket panic approach they took – together with ‘caution wars ‘ about lock downs and curfews …. I live in the shadow of captain hindsite …
Salad days and now it’s the stupid economy edition
Torment of our screaming tomatoes
No, it’s not some 1950s shoestring budget schlock horror production B-movie
Nor yet some BBC panic buying inducing, cost of living crisis, how we wish we were back in the EU, just in time supply chain, watch out for global warming, lament for our lost salad
That was in fact the jokey Daily Star’s way of headlining their article about which the measured tones of the world weary broadsheet Telegraph more poetically relates: Plants cry out if they are not watered
Whereas our conservative press and indeed the UK population at large tend to act more like the proverbial boiling frog than these complaining thirsty tomatoes who we now know might at least put up some protest – as government induced inflation, hyper immigration and a corrosive general liberal social malaise take effect and evaporate the Britain we once knew.
Corrosive general liberal social malaise, really Mr AsI? Surely you go too far, sir!
Well, one presents exhibit A – pictured frontpage of today’s Daily Mail: …drug dealer seen here in vile gun pose with Queen waxwork
That was just our Merseyside child killer doing his tribute to Spitting Image
We once smiled as the former Prince of Wales and proto-hippy Charles was reported as chatting regularly with his greenhouse plants.
Who’s laughing now?
King of comedy… cheeky Charles charms the Germans on tour (freebie Metro)
Our new minted but not yet on the bank notes King is famously a Monty Python fan. I think we can guess what John Cleese might advise on his German tour…
Whatever you do, don’t mention the EU
The Brexit diplomat: King begins to reshape monarchy… Finally, Charles can embrace his German ancestry (the left-leaning ‘i’ newsaper, where leanings are republican and that organ would no doubt wish to abolish the monarcy in a trice)
And surely do away with the Vatican and the Papacy, come to that – there’s a supranational European institution the left don’t admire: Battle for soul of Catholic Church has already begun (‘i’)
Our PM Rishi Sunak (we like to refer to him as our regional branch manager) recently made the Keynesian slip of referring to Britain as an “Economic Zone”
Quick burst of William Shakespeare, Richard II is needed at this point
“This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle, This earth of Majesty, this seat of Mars, This other Eden, demi-paradise; This fortress built by Nature for herself, Against infection and the hand of war, This happy breed of men, this little world, This precious stone set in the silver sea, Which serves it in the office of a wall
Or as a moat defensive to a house, Against the envy of less happier lands, This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England…. this Economic Zone
UK-Asia trade deal to boost UK economy by 0.08% (BBC)
Treasury tries to sink Braverman’s clampdown on foreign students (‘i’)
Asiseeit – I think rishi will be looking at LA real estate in about a years ‘ time and renewing the green card . Good for him I say …I don’t think we will see too much expression of sadness when he does the number 10 walk – but will be more stylish than Mary Elizabeth Truss ….
Apparently there is a ‘black hole ‘ the BBC – here is a Telegraph piece talking about it … April 1 tomorrow …
STARTS The BBC said it will make 1,000 hours less original programming next year as it warned of more “difficult choices” ahead over an expanding black hole in its funding.
BBC cost-saving targets come alongside plans to reinvest £300m into digital output as more audiences move online and viewers flock to streaming rivals such as Netflix and Disney.
The broadcaster has also pushed ahead with cuts to local radio stations, prompting a walkout by disgruntled staff on Budget day earlier this month.
Other cost-saving measures include a controversial merger of the BBC News and BBC World News channels, and closure of a number of World Service broadcast channels.
The U-turn on the BBC Singers once again highlighted the difficulties the BBC faces in shutting services. It has previously planned or threatened to close the 6 Music radio station and last year revived BBC Three after closing it in 2016 and seeing an exodus of younger viewers.
Yet in a sign of growing urgency over costs and technological shifts, the BBC warned that the “pace and scale” of changes will increase in the coming years as audiences give ever more of their attention to online media platforms.
The broadcaster said it would increase its focus on TikTok, despite concerns over the viral video app’s Chinese ownership. Senior Tories, including Sir Iain Duncan Smith, urged the BBC to “reconsider” its TikTok push amid fears Beijing could use the app to access user data.
The broadcaster also reiterated the need to plan for the switch-off of terrestrial broadcasts. Mr Davie has previously suggested the BBC could move to a streaming-only model by the end of the decade.
Alongside cuts, the director general has outlined plans to boost the BBC’s commercial revenue by producing its own shows and licensing content around the world.
The broadcaster has pumped money into original programmes including Happy Valley and Frozen Planet and last year inked a deal with Disney to show Doctor Who on its streaming service.
Despite the cost-cutting, bosses insisted the corporation was entering the year in a “strong financial position”.
Richard Sharp, chairman of the BBC, said: “The BBC’s performance in delivering against its strategic priorities has been outstanding, particularly in such a challenging financial setting and against a backdrop of increased competition.
“This plan sets out how we will best serve all audiences by making the most of our resources in the coming year.”
Days after the broadcaster was forced to U-turn on its decision to axe the BBC Singers by a backlash from musicians and the public, it revealed plans to rely more on repeats and imports in its Annual Plan.
The deepest cuts will hit BBC Four, which will commission fewer original arts and culture shows and air more archive material. A quieter sporting calendar following the World Cup and Commonwealth Games last year will also mean less original programming for viewers.
The BBC said: “There will be more of these difficult choices to come this year, but we will make them with audience value at the forefront of our thinking.”
The broadcaster, which receives £3.7bn from the licence fee each year, said it expects to rack up a deficit of £352m in the coming year, up from £271m this year. As a result, it increased its cost saving targets by around 40pc to £400m by 2027.
The BBC is being squeezed by soaring cost inflation, with the licence fee set to remain frozen at £159. However, it is scheduled to rise in line with inflation for the following four years.
The increases, which could result in a £13 increase for households in 2024, has sparked a backlash from former culture secretary Nadine Dorries, who called for no further increases in the licence fee until changes to BBC funding are considered.ENDS
Surely any hole of color at W1A can be filled by Lineker alone?
Climate scaremongering:
Surprised Trump or Putin not being blamed