Top BBC presenters including Huw Edwards, Reeta Chakrabarti, Clive Myrie and Sophie Raworth get bombshell redundancy letters as the Beeb tries to save millions
Nearly half a million quid for reading a tele prompter and having a left wing attitude. Why do they have to be payed this much, are they constantly being head hunted by other news outlets with similar sums?
— The Ghost Shirt Society (@daveguitarclark) April 16, 2023
Had to check the date, but the 1st April was several days ago!
Getting rid of that lot will only save the beeboids about a couple of mill!
Surely getting the bloke with the big ears to bugger off, (and that funny girl who seems a bit of an airhead can go as well), will save them the same sort of government-funded squillions!
It’s a beeboid PR stunt, they’re only being ‘asked’ if they’ll go, so that’s their storyline settled for the next day or so, while real news is ignored as usual!
Morning Scrobs,
That is fantastic news IF, and only IF, they are not taken on under a similarly priced contract the following week.
Meet the new boss……
Being of a suspicious demeanour I wonder about both the true motivation and timing of this ‘announcement ‘.
Is the BBC trying to gauge the outcome of its’ popularity with the suffering taxfunder ? Is there to be a public outcry over the prospect of Huw or Rita vanishing to Classic FM .?
They will be replaced by some younger version of the third world with the fashionable ‘street ‘ accent so loved of the current continuity types – innit….
… or maybe the two ethnics who do the R4 stuff – making the base in me loudspeakers boom will get the gig….
In any event – who cares – ? I look elsewhere for decent news rather than watch Sophie – or even worse ‘Clive’ innit .
Sunday News Watch #1 – or listen to be more correct
7 a.m. R4 News had an item on the large numbers of ‘animal rights’ protestors arrested at Aintree yesterday or over the course of the three day meeting. Guess what? You’ll never believe it but the person the BBC chose to interview was a squeaky, high pitched voiced, American woman.
The BBC did not speculate about how many of the 118 would be charged and prosecuted, and maybe, if found guilty; sent to prison or be deported. Some of my best and oldest friends are American but how come we let so many American women into the UK to act as agent provocateurs for some organistion or other, disrupting UK life for UK subjects?
I seem to recall that if as a Brit you are in the USA, if you engage in any sort of disruptive behaviour, you get slung out of the country. Why don’t we do that here? Oh! The dreaded HRA, no doubt, which costs us taxpayers billions.
It is very analogous to what happened during the Cold War era. Trade Union, CND, Labour Party militiants and other activists would initially deny their communist credentials, but when exposed would claim to be independent and not aligned with the Soviet Union. But, a little digging would reveal the Moscow connections. These day, the troublemakers are often American, and the digging will reveal links to charities and NGOs which receive money from (nominally) American foundations and philanthropic (sic) organisations. These, in turn, work with the State Department, CIA and other groups to pursue globalist interests. The same methodology is used throughout the world, whether we are discussing ‘animal rights’ (in reality, the vegetarian/food control agenda) or fostering so-called colour revolutions (regime change) in the Middle East and in former Soviet states.
Curiously the ‘news review ‘ didn’t mention the pieces on overpaid news readers being encouraged to leave …
I wonder if the evil Dr Sweet ( the vermin who campaigned against Mark Steyn ) or that idiot who got fried by Elon musk are on the ‘invitation to leave ‘ list….?
I’d really hope the BBC is under severe financial challenge . ….
It’s not really a financial challenge, Fed, it’s a fact that they use government money to fund a lifestyle for rather uninteresting autocue-readers, and know they’ll get away with it via Ofcom every time!
Their website is now a pale imitation of some comic we used to buy when we were kids, but only when we got a free whizzer or something!
I think it was called Beezer, but that’s a bit close to Beebzer, so I may be wrong there…
How does the BBC know that conspiracy theorists turned up at the demo ? Did they wear badges and luminous jackets . ? Is being a ‘conspiracy theorist ‘ automatically ‘bad ‘.
The language is rapidly becoming East European – they’ll start labelling the ‘unapproved ‘ as ‘counter revolutionary reactionaries ‘ soon.
The infantile ‘easy hit ‘ stazi appproach the BBC uses now really is an insult . There is no attempt at neutrality . Who ever writes that stuff must have the mental age of a 14 year old …
How does the BBC know that conspiracy theorists turned up at the demo?
Because they use a circular or self-referencing definition. Anyone who opposes any aspect of ‘The Message’ (globalism, climate change, endless wars, LGBTQWERTY, immigration) must be, by their definition, a conspiracy theorist/Far Right/White supermacist etc.
Again, analogous to the Soviet Union. Dissidents were placed in psychiatric units, on the basis they must be mad to oppose the wonderful Marxist-Leninist system in the first place.
Grand National: 118 people arrested over protests that delayed start of Aintree race (BBC) – we’re not told how many cops had to be deployed from other duties but local Scouse scallies must have had a field day thieving.
Oh, I’m sorry Liverpudlians. I do apologise. But it turns out I’m in pretty good comic company.
John Cleese under fire for joke about offensive Liverpool stereotype… by making a joke about the old stereotype that Scousers are thieves… responding to the news that car manufacturer Ford is investing £230m at its Merseyside factory. Cleese tweeted: “Delighted to see Ford is creating 500 more jobs on Merseyside. “Let’s hope nobody half-inches the plant.” (Yahoo! Life)
People these days can be so sensitive. There’s so many new ways they’ve dreamt up so as to take offence: 31 outdated and offensive Liverpool stereotypes everyone is sick of hearing (Liverpool Echo) – 31! That’s verging on paranoia.
Anyway, I sense you’re asking have our police suddenly toughened up their response and set a posse to round up these hobbyist protesters – the likes of which previously happily block our roads and perform their stunts in our museums and galleries, as the coppers stand by and offer them light refreshments?
The Mail on Sunday is keen to take credit for this apparent turn of the tide: MoS saves the Grand National – riding in to save the day like the US cavalry of old: Undoubtedly it was only because The Mail on Sunday infiltrated an animal activist group planning to sabotage the Grand National that authorities were prepared – or perhaps the Busies were shamed into action for once, lest the MoS call them out with a resounding – we warned you?
Naturally other press titles neglect to mention the Mail playing a part akin to all those FBI agents in Washington on January 6th – infiltrators, informers and – perchance – agent provocateurs (here’s one for the conspiracy theorists) – the mainstream media may cover things up but as we always like to say – remember folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory, if it’s true
Type ‘agent provocateur‘ into google and it’ll hit up first an ad for: bras and knickers & more – sponsored of course
And they’re off – I’ll wager you’re wondering where we’re going here? Calm down, calm down (outdated and offensive Liverpool stereotype number one) – this is the Sunday Express: And they’re off …eventually. Protest fails to halt National
The left-leaning Sunday People is somewhat Delphic in precise meaning of its screamer headline: National disgrace… 118 arrested as protesters delay £115m race – the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi was renown for ambiguously phrased pronoucements – apparently in order to show the oracle in a good light regardless of the outcome. Such prophecies were admired for their dexterity of phrasing – constructed perhaps so as to sound to the hearer like something he desired to hear.
The People further back both horses (their headlines could be construed as supporting protesters or race fans) with: STICK IT Woman tries to glue herself to fence AND SHE’s OFF Police drag away protester – cue either boos or cheers from the audience
The race started 14 minutes late after its scheduled start time of 17:15 BST. (BBC) – somewhat over-doing their news povider of record bit.
Dango in flames
There was another sporting event subject to a similar delay yesterday: Bournemouth “took a huge step” towards Premier League survival as substitute Dango Ouattara scored a stoppage-time winner in a stunning finish at Tottenham… Kick-off was delayed by 15 minutes after Bournemouth’s coach got stuck in traffic following a crash (BBC) – not that the actual team coach was involved in a crash – as the BBC implies – and perhaps not actually a crash – but: A10 Great Cambridge Road vehicle fire: severe delays… The vehicle fire took place on the Great Cambridge Roundabout… A van caught on fire earlier this afternoon on Great Cambridge Roundabout in Edmonton. (Tottenham & Wood Green Independent) – electric van, we wonder?
Struggling British electric vehicle start-up Arrival faces delays to its first working van after one caught fire during demonstration for delivery firm UPS – its largest customer (Daily Mail, November 2022)
Lithium battery sparks electric vehicle blaze in Bramdean… Firefighters tackled a garage fire this morning which destroyed two vehicles… Be careful when charging electrical items in your home, making sure they are safe to use (Incidents of interest, Hampshire & Isle of Wight Fire & Rescue Service)
Florida’s electric vehicles are catching fire after Hurricane Ian… State has seen eight EV fires from “saltwater intrusion”… thousands more could be at risk… Unlike traditional cars, EVs are powered by lithium-ion batteries… Florida Chief Financial Officer and State Fire Marshall Jimmy Patronis warned Floridians that EV fires are “uniquely dangerous, because unlike a combustion engine, the fire will keep reigniting.” (Insurance Business)
Why are electric vehicle fires so hard to put out? Electric vehicles don’t catch fire often, but when they do, things get spicy (American Chemical Society)
Credit where credit is due spot – jokeying for jokes
Newman in the Sunday Times is not our favourite cartoonist but we did enjoy his cameo of a race horse faced with an enormous Grand National fence to jump turning to his jockey with the comment: “Now might be the moment to mention a 35% increase in sugar lumps”
No such kudos is due the Sunday Mirror for their naff puns: It’s Paintree 118 held as protests delay the Grand National – you’ll perhaps note the varying emphasis between the various ‘delay‘ and ‘failed to halt‘ takes available in our media.
If you disliked that pun you’ll wince at this one: Corona-nation heroes… King’s invites for NHS staff… But still no pay rise from Tories (Sunday Mirror)
There’s just time for a quick palate cleanser after that
Returning to that extensive list of outdated and offensive Liverpool stereotypes – despite their often toe-curling leftism some Liverpudlians can still be witty and we enjoyd this riposte: “That we’ll steal your hubcaps. Everyone’s got alloys now you scruffs”
A nice ‘hit piece ‘ about the growing wealth of Charles Windsor . There is no mention of King Windsor received suitcases from Arabs of £ 3 000 000 for ‘charitable purposes ‘ but – every little helps right Chas?
I wonder how the MSM is going to whip up interest in the crowning thing ? Apparently there is a ‘pop gig ‘ at the end with a variety of Top Class Acts .
Here’s a little montage of clips that the BBC won’t show you, of the Imbecile-In-Chief mumbling and stumbling and bumbling his way through Ireland, on his important mission to garner the Paddy vote back in America.
🔥 Top BBC presenters including Huw Edwards, Reeta Chakrabarti, Clive Myrie and Sophie Raworth get bombshell redundancy letters as the Beeb tries to save millions
Have not heard the programme so cannot comment directly. But until relatively recently, when the West invented ‘mutilate them for money’ treatments, Iran performed the second highest number of sex-change surgeries in the World. The policy from the mid 80s was that homosexuals could be saved from the usual persecutions in Islamic countries if they agreed to become ‘women’.
🔥 The BBC is dying a death by 1000 cuts. There is a steady drip-drip of payment failures and cancellations that has reduced the BBC's revenue by £11.3 Million per month, on average, for the last 12 months.
Here's one by me from 11 years ago, almost to the day, on one of the many ways the middle class can pull a lever, and create loads of new non jobs. There are many more.
Why not point out to animal rights protestors that :
No horseracing means no racehorses .
These Animal rights protestors are disgusting . They are doing worse than killing animals , they are denying their right to exist before any calamity befalls them .
Not specifically BBC although they are of course complicit in Big Government control- the emergency alert on 23 April to mobile phones will sound even if your phone is switched to silent and you will not be allowed to use your phone unless you acknowledge the alert- how the hell are they allowed to do this and why have phone companies given Government our data? I have disabled emergency notifications on my phone but fear this might not be enough. Is there no end to this nannying Big Brother government?
Rather curiously, the sound of the alert is the same one that was used by Civil Defence to warn of impending nuclear attack, until the system ended in 1992…
On a wider point, the authorities have had the capability to selectively disable the mobile phone system since at least 1997 (I attended a security course covering this topic during that year). The ability to break in to the radio (and later television) networks has existed since the end of WWII, and the government can take over all aspects of the BBC in emergencies courtesy of the BBC’s Charter and the Broadcasting Act 1980.
In principle, whilst it is not unreasonable for the government to have some sort of capability along these lines, the likelihood is that it will be used more frequently and for increasingly trivial purposes (“Inclement weather expected – DO NOT LEAVE THE HOUSE”, “Climate Crisis increasing, please do not consume meat this week”, “Possible hate incident in your town, do you need to refer your neighbours to the police for investigation?”, “Pride Parade this weekend, will you be attending and if not why not?” etc).
Ian Rushlow
All about control – It could be the command for all to go to the next “Lockdown”? We are all being ‘nudged ‘ into being an obedient nation.
You cannot watch this video against the backdrop of others equally as serious and not think that Governments + WEF have not been attempting to kill people off.
I’ve only watched half so far but would be interested to know if Prof Burkhardt is vaccinated, and has Dr John ever revealed if he is?
I truly wish I hadn’t, but wasn’t strong enough to believe in my doubts and follow my gut feeling. If this govt wanted to panic the population, it could admit that they made a mistake and that the vaccine is dangerous – if people over reacted to Covid, imagine their response to that revelation.
I seem to recall back in the dark days, he was vaccinated. In fact, he has since referred, on a number of occasions, to no longer planning to take the, ‘Boosters’ as an when presented by the Chinese.
Here’s another one, quite horrific where comparisons are made with the Third Reich’s medical experimentations. Naomi Wolf (or her team of researchers) also make the connection between Pfizer and the Chinese Government. All a stitch up for the Western World I’m afraid. It would be interesting to know how many/who of our illustrious China sponsored team of red MP’s received either the Pfizer or Moderna jab and all the boosters…………..
It’ll make you damn annoyed. But at least it confirms why Bidon and the EU are rushing to import as many immigrants as they can before Western fertility takes a massive drop. Only time will tell.
@Loobyloo I am surprised people here don’t know Campbell was vaccinated THREE times
However he now says he considers he has a serious vaccine injury
From his Musk video this past week
Campbell plays the Musk clip “does the BBC uh hold itself at all responsible for misinformation regarding masking and side effects of vaccinations ?
And not reporting on that at all
and what about the fact that BBC was put under pressure by the British government
to change the editorial policy
Are you aware of that ?”
After the clip Campbell speaks
Mr musk has previously spoken about having major side effects after the second covid vaccination
I became aware of my assumed adverse reaction to the vaccine after my uh third dose
um Mr musk was aware of his after his uh second second dose
and he says this um left him feeling as if he was dying for several days
so I really hope he’s made a full recovery
What I consider to be my vaccine injury
I haven’t made a full recovery I need to take blood pressure medications now
And that just started a few months after my third dose
temporal correlation of course of course
(He means it could all just COINCODENCE)
temporal correlation but many other people seem to have the same temporal correlation strangely enough
More on that on another video when we look at that in there
I’m collecting evidence on that now um
So Mr musker had uh unfortunate effects there
the BBC’s liberal bubble is finally burst
… huge thanks to Mr musk for exposing the corporation’s group think with such forensic dancing wit
That’s just one view
Now BBC have come back of course um um with a what you might call a counterpiece
\\six things we’ve learned from Elon Musk interview //
(He adds it’s just an attempt to get back at Musk)”
It wasn’t a mistake. It was planned a long time ago. This is the decade of plandemics. There is another one coming and the next time, it will make the fake Covaids look like a picnic. It will probably be in 2025 at least this is what Gates and the rest of the psychopaths behind this depopulation program appear to be suggesting. Currently, we have 2,000 excess deaths in this country every week and no one even mentions it. This is the scandal. It has been ongoing since after the roll out of the jabs. This is the only thing that counts. This is democide. They, The Tavistock Institute aka The BBC, and those controlling it want you dead.
An interview with the Comrade in charge of the misnamed ‘royal college of nursing ‘ – drop the royal . In passing she said the government was unelected – the vote to continue killing patients was about 54% 46% so she was a bit touching .
Maybe they should just concentrate on killing babies in maternity units – they are pretty good at that .
It might be hard to starve them back to work with all those tins of quality street hoarded from the food banks ….
George Soros Leaks – The RT broadcast news of the leak of over 2,000 documents proving the responsibility of George Soros and Open Society in rigging elections in all European countries.
This morning I catched a brief article on Radio 4 about two people killed on a SMART piece of motorway on the M1 in Sheffield .
The two people were killed when a HGV ploughed into them as they were exchanging details after a minor collision but had to do it on the motorway “proper” as there wasn`t a hard shoulder .
The widow of one of the victims , Mrs Mercer , is campaigning to abolish so called smart motorways .
Two things the BBC omitted ; the van that hit Mr Mercer was driven by a foreigner , and the truck that killed them was driven by a foreigner .
Relevant ? perhaps .
Censored out of the scenario ?
“EU rejects Ukraine grain bans by Poland and Hungary”
A polite note to the BBC, – we have left the EU. (well, sort of because the Consocialists have kept us one foot in) .
It will take The Reform Party to get the job done properly by ditching the Consocalists and their ‘Windsor Framework’ .
Pat Cullen… henceforth to be remembered as the lefty who succeeded in converting the nursing profession into a left wing political movement thus destroying their standing with the public for ever.
Saturday BBC local NewsPR Show
A charity is giving 1000 free meals to carers
Is that news ?
Well they’ve been doing it since January
And is it a big number ?
It’s like a take awaythat gives away 7 meals a day over 140 days
This winter @CISSHull alongside @emsyorkshire & @Hullccnews are providing 1000 FREE meals for unpaid carers in #Hull. Carers can ring EMS on (01482) 709810 to order their meal and arrange collection.
Antiques Roadshow – Another repeat of the Aston Hall, Birmingham edition with Benjamin Zephaniah.
“Aston local Benjamin Zephaniah is a passionate collector of money – in the form of unusual banknotes and currency, including a gold medal honouring Ethiopian emperor Haile Selassie.
Raj Bisram is thrilled to see a collection of football memorabilia …
.. Chris Yeo hears the moving story of a woman found who a new life in the UK after being abandoned as a baby in Hong Kong in the 1960s.”
“THE World Health Organisation (WHO) is proposing the adoption of a ‘Pandemic Treaty’, or ‘Pandemic Accord’ as it is now being called. On Monday, 11 months after a UK petition calling for a debate on the matter reached the threshold of signatures to require a debate in Parliament, this will take place at last.”…
Worth a read on what the globalists of DAVOS have planned next.
JohnCMar 12, 01:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 What really bothers me about the MSM these days Deborah is how their reckless partisan left-wing bias affects the whole…
DeborahMar 11, 23:54 Midweek 12th March 2025 I have never been totally sure that Reform was the answer. However I watch as the MSM take Trump’s words…
JohnCMar 11, 23:18 Midweek 12th March 2025 Not just the UK : they now have the power to rig every election of EU member states. Final ruling…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s funny when you think someone is a genuine commentator and then you find out how wrong you were. For…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I wonder if this is the reason Farage and his moslom paymaster want to get rid of Lowe. If it…
Fedup2Mar 11, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yes Taffman – really with you there – their intro question is ‘are you mr / Mrs x – ?…
JonathanRMar 11, 21:58 Midweek 12th March 2025 It is now becoming obvious to me that there can never be a Trump like government in Britain Even if…
Top BBC presenters including Huw Edwards, Reeta Chakrabarti, Clive Myrie and Sophie Raworth get bombshell redundancy letters as the Beeb tries to save millions
It looks like the TV tax strike is working?
Go woke go broke .
It does Taffman – its nice to have good news.
When Toenails walks past the writing on the wall.
Had to check the date, but the 1st April was several days ago!
Getting rid of that lot will only save the beeboids about a couple of mill!
Surely getting the bloke with the big ears to bugger off, (and that funny girl who seems a bit of an airhead can go as well), will save them the same sort of government-funded squillions!
It’s a beeboid PR stunt, they’re only being ‘asked’ if they’ll go, so that’s their storyline settled for the next day or so, while real news is ignored as usual!
Morning Scrobs,
That is fantastic news IF, and only IF, they are not taken on under a similarly priced contract the following week.
Meet the new boss……
Being of a suspicious demeanour I wonder about both the true motivation and timing of this ‘announcement ‘.
Is the BBC trying to gauge the outcome of its’ popularity with the suffering taxfunder ? Is there to be a public outcry over the prospect of Huw or Rita vanishing to Classic FM .?
They will be replaced by some younger version of the third world with the fashionable ‘street ‘ accent so loved of the current continuity types – innit….
… or maybe the two ethnics who do the R4 stuff – making the base in me loudspeakers boom will get the gig….
In any event – who cares – ? I look elsewhere for decent news rather than watch Sophie – or even worse ‘Clive’ innit .
Classic FM is getting a bit rammed with the offloads.
Huw might be OK. Rita… no. Humpty and Groper do Sundays. Actually both stay with the DJing so ok, but Humpty does stray into the pompous.
Clive of Kviv was likely one ‘star’ too many in ditches after TankBoy Jez…. and a good voice for rain doesn’t work for the diversity stats.
Wonder if Clive of Kiev is going to have to hand in his helmet and body armour.😂😂😂
Will Myrie still do the Mastermind rubbishy prog, or is it someone else?
Who cares anyway, maybe they’ll get Lammy, and read out the answers to him beforehand so he has an inkling…
(Scrobs – Inkling is a waaaaaycist word and won’t be tolerated here in the beeboidness)!
Afternoon Micknot Mike,
Yup, it’s certainly a stunt dreamed up by the Labour party’s leftie airhead ad machine!
Clueless isn’t the word, but evil certainly is; they’re all at it – trying to sponge the proles at every turn!
I mean, where would Toenails go? Radio Leicester Nightdrive or somewhere?
Sunday News Watch #1 – or listen to be more correct
7 a.m. R4 News had an item on the large numbers of ‘animal rights’ protestors arrested at Aintree yesterday or over the course of the three day meeting. Guess what? You’ll never believe it but the person the BBC chose to interview was a squeaky, high pitched voiced, American woman.
The BBC did not speculate about how many of the 118 would be charged and prosecuted, and maybe, if found guilty; sent to prison or be deported. Some of my best and oldest friends are American but how come we let so many American women into the UK to act as agent provocateurs for some organistion or other, disrupting UK life for UK subjects?
I seem to recall that if as a Brit you are in the USA, if you engage in any sort of disruptive behaviour, you get slung out of the country. Why don’t we do that here? Oh! The dreaded HRA, no doubt, which costs us taxpayers billions.
It is very analogous to what happened during the Cold War era. Trade Union, CND, Labour Party militiants and other activists would initially deny their communist credentials, but when exposed would claim to be independent and not aligned with the Soviet Union. But, a little digging would reveal the Moscow connections. These day, the troublemakers are often American, and the digging will reveal links to charities and NGOs which receive money from (nominally) American foundations and philanthropic (sic) organisations. These, in turn, work with the State Department, CIA and other groups to pursue globalist interests. The same methodology is used throughout the world, whether we are discussing ‘animal rights’ (in reality, the vegetarian/food control agenda) or fostering so-called colour revolutions (regime change) in the Middle East and in former Soviet states.
Ian, I wouldn’t be surprised if the American woman with the squeaky voice on the BBC Radio News was a Professor at some British University.
Curiously the ‘news review ‘ didn’t mention the pieces on overpaid news readers being encouraged to leave …
I wonder if the evil Dr Sweet ( the vermin who campaigned against Mark Steyn ) or that idiot who got fried by Elon musk are on the ‘invitation to leave ‘ list….?
I’d really hope the BBC is under severe financial challenge . ….
It’s not really a financial challenge, Fed, it’s a fact that they use government money to fund a lifestyle for rather uninteresting autocue-readers, and know they’ll get away with it via Ofcom every time!
Their website is now a pale imitation of some comic we used to buy when we were kids, but only when we got a free whizzer or something!
I think it was called Beezer, but that’s a bit close to Beebzer, so I may be wrong there…
Nasty bBC pol-pot airhead smearing peaceful ULEZ ‘together’ protesters in Londonistan:
‘conspirwaciths and far-wight’
How does the BBC know that conspiracy theorists turned up at the demo ? Did they wear badges and luminous jackets . ? Is being a ‘conspiracy theorist ‘ automatically ‘bad ‘.
The language is rapidly becoming East European – they’ll start labelling the ‘unapproved ‘ as ‘counter revolutionary reactionaries ‘ soon.
The infantile ‘easy hit ‘ stazi appproach the BBC uses now really is an insult . There is no attempt at neutrality . Who ever writes that stuff must have the mental age of a 14 year old …
How does the BBC know that conspiracy theorists turned up at the demo?
Because they use a circular or self-referencing definition. Anyone who opposes any aspect of ‘The Message’ (globalism, climate change, endless wars, LGBTQWERTY, immigration) must be, by their definition, a conspiracy theorist/Far Right/White supermacist etc.
Again, analogous to the Soviet Union. Dissidents were placed in psychiatric units, on the basis they must be mad to oppose the wonderful Marxist-Leninist system in the first place.
Flaming van man and when things get spicy edition
Grand National: 118 people arrested over protests that delayed start of Aintree race (BBC) – we’re not told how many cops had to be deployed from other duties but local Scouse scallies must have had a field day thieving.
Oh, I’m sorry Liverpudlians. I do apologise. But it turns out I’m in pretty good comic company.
John Cleese under fire for joke about offensive Liverpool stereotype… by making a joke about the old stereotype that Scousers are thieves… responding to the news that car manufacturer Ford is investing £230m at its Merseyside factory. Cleese tweeted: “Delighted to see Ford is creating 500 more jobs on Merseyside. “Let’s hope nobody half-inches the plant.” (Yahoo! Life)
People these days can be so sensitive. There’s so many new ways they’ve dreamt up so as to take offence: 31 outdated and offensive Liverpool stereotypes everyone is sick of hearing (Liverpool Echo) – 31! That’s verging on paranoia.
Anyway, I sense you’re asking have our police suddenly toughened up their response and set a posse to round up these hobbyist protesters – the likes of which previously happily block our roads and perform their stunts in our museums and galleries, as the coppers stand by and offer them light refreshments?
The Mail on Sunday is keen to take credit for this apparent turn of the tide: MoS saves the Grand National – riding in to save the day like the US cavalry of old: Undoubtedly it was only because The Mail on Sunday infiltrated an animal activist group planning to sabotage the Grand National that authorities were prepared – or perhaps the Busies were shamed into action for once, lest the MoS call them out with a resounding – we warned you?
Naturally other press titles neglect to mention the Mail playing a part akin to all those FBI agents in Washington on January 6th – infiltrators, informers and – perchance – agent provocateurs (here’s one for the conspiracy theorists) – the mainstream media may cover things up but as we always like to say – remember folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory, if it’s true
Type ‘agent provocateur‘ into google and it’ll hit up first an ad for: bras and knickers & more – sponsored of course
And they’re off – I’ll wager you’re wondering where we’re going here? Calm down, calm down (outdated and offensive Liverpool stereotype number one) – this is the Sunday Express: And they’re off …eventually. Protest fails to halt National
The left-leaning Sunday People is somewhat Delphic in precise meaning of its screamer headline: National disgrace… 118 arrested as protesters delay £115m race – the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi was renown for ambiguously phrased pronoucements – apparently in order to show the oracle in a good light regardless of the outcome. Such prophecies were admired for their dexterity of phrasing – constructed perhaps so as to sound to the hearer like something he desired to hear.
The People further back both horses (their headlines could be construed as supporting protesters or race fans) with: STICK IT Woman tries to glue herself to fence AND SHE’s OFF Police drag away protester – cue either boos or cheers from the audience
The race started 14 minutes late after its scheduled start time of 17:15 BST. (BBC) – somewhat over-doing their news povider of record bit.
Dango in flames
There was another sporting event subject to a similar delay yesterday: Bournemouth “took a huge step” towards Premier League survival as substitute Dango Ouattara scored a stoppage-time winner in a stunning finish at Tottenham… Kick-off was delayed by 15 minutes after Bournemouth’s coach got stuck in traffic following a crash (BBC) – not that the actual team coach was involved in a crash – as the BBC implies – and perhaps not actually a crash – but: A10 Great Cambridge Road vehicle fire: severe delays… The vehicle fire took place on the Great Cambridge Roundabout… A van caught on fire earlier this afternoon on Great Cambridge Roundabout in Edmonton. (Tottenham & Wood Green Independent) – electric van, we wonder?
Struggling British electric vehicle start-up Arrival faces delays to its first working van after one caught fire during demonstration for delivery firm UPS – its largest customer (Daily Mail, November 2022)
Lithium battery sparks electric vehicle blaze in Bramdean… Firefighters tackled a garage fire this morning which destroyed two vehicles… Be careful when charging electrical items in your home, making sure they are safe to use (Incidents of interest, Hampshire & Isle of Wight Fire & Rescue Service)
Florida’s electric vehicles are catching fire after Hurricane Ian… State has seen eight EV fires from “saltwater intrusion”… thousands more could be at risk… Unlike traditional cars, EVs are powered by lithium-ion batteries… Florida Chief Financial Officer and State Fire Marshall Jimmy Patronis warned Floridians that EV fires are “uniquely dangerous, because unlike a combustion engine, the fire will keep reigniting.” (Insurance Business)
Why are electric vehicle fires so hard to put out? Electric vehicles don’t catch fire often, but when they do, things get spicy (American Chemical Society)
Credit where credit is due spot – jokeying for jokes
Newman in the Sunday Times is not our favourite cartoonist but we did enjoy his cameo of a race horse faced with an enormous Grand National fence to jump turning to his jockey with the comment: “Now might be the moment to mention a 35% increase in sugar lumps”
No such kudos is due the Sunday Mirror for their naff puns: It’s Paintree 118 held as protests delay the Grand National – you’ll perhaps note the varying emphasis between the various ‘delay‘ and ‘failed to halt‘ takes available in our media.
If you disliked that pun you’ll wince at this one: Corona-nation heroes… King’s invites for NHS staff… But still no pay rise from Tories (Sunday Mirror)
There’s just time for a quick palate cleanser after that
Returning to that extensive list of outdated and offensive Liverpool stereotypes – despite their often toe-curling leftism some Liverpudlians can still be witty and we enjoyd this riposte: “That we’ll steal your hubcaps. Everyone’s got alloys now you scruffs”
Read the article. Couldn’t agree more:
A nice ‘hit piece ‘ about the growing wealth of Charles Windsor . There is no mention of King Windsor received suitcases from Arabs of £ 3 000 000 for ‘charitable purposes ‘ but – every little helps right Chas?
I wonder how the MSM is going to whip up interest in the crowning thing ? Apparently there is a ‘pop gig ‘ at the end with a variety of Top Class Acts .
Personally – I’ve got a big garden to sort out ….
Since its a Sunday, I thought this article would be apt:
Here’s a little montage of clips that the BBC won’t show you, of the Imbecile-In-Chief mumbling and stumbling and bumbling his way through Ireland, on his important mission to garner the Paddy vote back in America.
What’s the betting that some of these ‘top talents’ might be more at risk than others.
The white males especially. Well those that still remain.
Please also Lineker and his overpaid footie mates who contribute zero of value.
Was I dreaming or did I hear a feature on Toady on Sunday about transgender Muslims?
The BBC. Where the agenda well has no bottom.
One might easily assume the function of the two entries to the gut are reversed as a condition of employment at the BBC?
Have not heard the programme so cannot comment directly. But until relatively recently, when the West invented ‘mutilate them for money’ treatments, Iran performed the second highest number of sex-change surgeries in the World. The policy from the mid 80s was that homosexuals could be saved from the usual persecutions in Islamic countries if they agreed to become ‘women’.
Sluff- my favourite ‘off switch moment ‘ of the week …..
Why not point out to animal rights protestors that :
No horseracing means no racehorses .
These Animal rights protestors are disgusting . They are doing worse than killing animals , they are denying their right to exist before any calamity befalls them .
Not specifically BBC although they are of course complicit in Big Government control- the emergency alert on 23 April to mobile phones will sound even if your phone is switched to silent and you will not be allowed to use your phone unless you acknowledge the alert- how the hell are they allowed to do this and why have phone companies given Government our data? I have disabled emergency notifications on my phone but fear this might not be enough. Is there no end to this nannying Big Brother government?
Rather curiously, the sound of the alert is the same one that was used by Civil Defence to warn of impending nuclear attack, until the system ended in 1992…
On a wider point, the authorities have had the capability to selectively disable the mobile phone system since at least 1997 (I attended a security course covering this topic during that year). The ability to break in to the radio (and later television) networks has existed since the end of WWII, and the government can take over all aspects of the BBC in emergencies courtesy of the BBC’s Charter and the Broadcasting Act 1980.
In principle, whilst it is not unreasonable for the government to have some sort of capability along these lines, the likelihood is that it will be used more frequently and for increasingly trivial purposes (“Inclement weather expected – DO NOT LEAVE THE HOUSE”, “Climate Crisis increasing, please do not consume meat this week”, “Possible hate incident in your town, do you need to refer your neighbours to the police for investigation?”, “Pride Parade this weekend, will you be attending and if not why not?” etc).
Ian Rushlow
All about control – It could be the command for all to go to the next “Lockdown”? We are all being ‘nudged ‘ into being an obedient nation.
You cannot watch this video against the backdrop of others equally as serious and not think that Governments + WEF have not been attempting to kill people off.
I’ve only watched half so far but would be interested to know if Prof Burkhardt is vaccinated, and has Dr John ever revealed if he is?
I truly wish I hadn’t, but wasn’t strong enough to believe in my doubts and follow my gut feeling. If this govt wanted to panic the population, it could admit that they made a mistake and that the vaccine is dangerous – if people over reacted to Covid, imagine their response to that revelation.
I seem to recall back in the dark days, he was vaccinated. In fact, he has since referred, on a number of occasions, to no longer planning to take the, ‘Boosters’ as an when presented by the Chinese.
Here’s another one, quite horrific where comparisons are made with the Third Reich’s medical experimentations. Naomi Wolf (or her team of researchers) also make the connection between Pfizer and the Chinese Government. All a stitch up for the Western World I’m afraid. It would be interesting to know how many/who of our illustrious China sponsored team of red MP’s received either the Pfizer or Moderna jab and all the boosters…………..
It’ll make you damn annoyed. But at least it confirms why Bidon and the EU are rushing to import as many immigrants as they can before Western fertility takes a massive drop. Only time will tell.
Well worth watching:
@Loobyloo I am surprised people here don’t know Campbell was vaccinated THREE times
However he now says he considers he has a serious vaccine injury
From his Musk video this past week
Campbell plays the Musk clip
“does the BBC uh hold itself at all responsible for misinformation regarding masking and side effects of vaccinations ?
And not reporting on that at all
and what about the fact that BBC was put under pressure by the British government
to change the editorial policy
Are you aware of that ?”
After the clip Campbell speaks
Mr musk has previously spoken about having major side effects after the second covid vaccination
I became aware of my assumed adverse reaction to the vaccine after my uh third dose
um Mr musk was aware of his after his uh second second dose
and he says this um left him feeling as if he was dying for several days
so I really hope he’s made a full recovery
What I consider to be my vaccine injury
I haven’t made a full recovery I need to take blood pressure medications now
And that just started a few months after my third dose
temporal correlation of course of course
(He means it could all just COINCODENCE)
temporal correlation but many other people seem to have the same temporal correlation strangely enough
More on that on another video when we look at that in there
I’m collecting evidence on that now um
So Mr musker had uh unfortunate effects there
the BBC’s liberal bubble is finally burst
… huge thanks to Mr musk for exposing the corporation’s group think with such forensic dancing wit
That’s just one view
Now BBC have come back of course um um with a what you might call a counterpiece
\\six things we’ve learned from Elon Musk interview //
(He adds it’s just an attempt to get back at Musk)”
It wasn’t a mistake. It was planned a long time ago. This is the decade of plandemics. There is another one coming and the next time, it will make the fake Covaids look like a picnic. It will probably be in 2025 at least this is what Gates and the rest of the psychopaths behind this depopulation program appear to be suggesting. Currently, we have 2,000 excess deaths in this country every week and no one even mentions it. This is the scandal. It has been ongoing since after the roll out of the jabs. This is the only thing that counts. This is democide. They, The Tavistock Institute aka The BBC, and those controlling it want you dead.
Good find G. Hopefully YouTube won’t take this one down.
One wonders if Marcus will get named + shamed by the remaining BBC wokesters for this egregious act of climate sabotage?
How many years of refugee children school meals is that?
Bugs, they could eat bugs
An interview with the Comrade in charge of the misnamed ‘royal college of nursing ‘ – drop the royal . In passing she said the government was unelected – the vote to continue killing patients was about 54% 46% so she was a bit touching .
Maybe they should just concentrate on killing babies in maternity units – they are pretty good at that .
It might be hard to starve them back to work with all those tins of quality street hoarded from the food banks ….
If more proof were required that the little Khant and his minions at TfL are mendacious parasitic filth?
The BBC’s take on it…
The BBC hates us lorry drivers .
This morning I catched a brief article on Radio 4 about two people killed on a SMART piece of motorway on the M1 in Sheffield .
The two people were killed when a HGV ploughed into them as they were exchanging details after a minor collision but had to do it on the motorway “proper” as there wasn`t a hard shoulder .
The widow of one of the victims , Mrs Mercer , is campaigning to abolish so called smart motorways .
Two things the BBC omitted ; the van that hit Mr Mercer was driven by a foreigner , and the truck that killed them was driven by a foreigner .
Relevant ? perhaps .
Censored out of the scenario ?
Then vote for The Reform Party .
How to frighten children:
“EU rejects Ukraine grain bans by Poland and Hungary”
A polite note to the BBC, – we have left the EU. (well, sort of because the Consocialists have kept us one foot in) .
It will take The Reform Party to get the job done properly by ditching the Consocalists and their ‘Windsor Framework’ .
“Police attacked during Birmingham Ramadan stalls crackdown”
The benefits of diversity ?
H/t to Sickipedia
Animal welfare protesters glue themselves to motorway after Aintree.
Wonder what the glue was made of.
Pat Cullen… henceforth to be remembered as the lefty who succeeded in converting the nursing profession into a left wing political movement thus destroying their standing with the public for ever.
From here on in you are on your own nurses!
Good luck!
Well done Pat!
Saturday BBC local NewsPR Show
A charity is giving 1000 free meals to carers
Is that news ?
Well they’ve been doing it since January
And is it a big number ?
It’s like a take awaythat gives away 7 meals a day over 140 days
The rest of the prog was similar charity PR
Like some Puffin artworks are to be auctioned etc,
Antiques Roadshow – Another repeat of the Aston Hall, Birmingham edition with Benjamin Zephaniah.
“Aston local Benjamin Zephaniah is a passionate collector of money – in the form of unusual banknotes and currency, including a gold medal honouring Ethiopian emperor Haile Selassie.
Raj Bisram is thrilled to see a collection of football memorabilia …
.. Chris Yeo hears the moving story of a woman found who a new life in the UK after being abandoned as a baby in Hong Kong in the 1960s.”
I wonder if he’d be interested in a jar of 1/2p coins?…
“THE World Health Organisation (WHO) is proposing the adoption of a ‘Pandemic Treaty’, or ‘Pandemic Accord’ as it is now being called. On Monday, 11 months after a UK petition calling for a debate on the matter reached the threshold of signatures to require a debate in Parliament, this will take place at last.”…
Worth a read on what the globalists of DAVOS have planned next.
You can sign the Parliament petition here… (I did today).