Start the Week 12 June 2023

Defund the Far Left Anti British BBC please ..

how will the BBC deal with the arrest of one of their approved favourites – Nichola Sturgeon ? Will it displace the resignation of Boris Johnson and his gang ? A civi war inside the governing Party ?

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404 Responses to Start the Week 12 June 2023

  1. Up2snuff says:

    Might be a good week for weather but definitely will be a good week to avoid the BBC TV – defund the Beeb, don’t pay the Telly Tax – or listen to BBC Radio. Reluctantly I will probably try to listen to TOADY or TWatO but may instead just enjoy the peace and quiet together with good laughs from Radio4 Extra.


  2. StewGreen says:

    Breaking : Monbiot makes a huge huge claim , but doesn’t supply huge evidence evidence.

    ‘Everyone who tweets against me is paid by Big Oil to run 50 accounts”

    Projection is a libmob characteristic.


  3. Jeff says:

    Let’s just hope that if Nicola does have to do a term inside she’s not sharing a cell with some hairy arsed transgender sex offender who now goes by the name of Rachel.

    That would be unfortunate…


  4. Fedup2 says:

    Hey Mariana Verify / Lie – had a walk on part in the 10 pm news – she doesn’t like ‘The Light ‘ which apparently is an unapproved newspaper . Mariana doesn’t like unapproved views – Mariana wants free speech to end . She’s doing very well …
    The piece ended with an advert for a podcast by Marianna – there is also a Marianna doll available on Amazon ….


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      There’s a saying from WWII: ‘If you’re not getting flak, it means you’re not over the target’. Here’s the online version of the current issue of ‘The Light’. Much of it seems to draw from published sources and is innocuous, if somewhat inconvenient, for regime hacks like the BBC’s VeryLie wimmin.

      Click to access Light-33-May-23-Web-Final.pdf


      • G says:


        Page 2 of the publication you give a link to:

        “IN 2020, I decided to look at the 86
        experts in SAGE to see what their
        expertise actually was.
        I divided the members into five groups
        based on their area of expertise: medical
        (37), psychology (11), epidemiology /
        statistics / mathematical modelling (16),
        (Health Data Research) (5).
        Although this suggests a larger medical”.

        Wow! So the WEF are manipulating directly in Government advice………….


      • Banania says:

        I looked carefully through The Light (thank you) and listened to a couple of Radio 4 episodes of Marianna in Misinformationland, or whatever it is called, and could see no justification for accusing the editors of The Light of hateful or dangerously Far Right tendencies. If anything it is a rather highbrow, intellectual publication, certainly not an “easy read”. Some of the advertisements are “alternative”, but the whole thing contains nothing that should alarm Totnes Man. What is Marianna on about?


  5. tomo says:

    77th Brigade Rupert opines…


    • MarkyMark says:

      The Great Leap Forward of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) was an economic and social campaign led by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from 1958 to 1962. CCP Chairman Mao Zedong launched the campaign to reconstruct the country from an agrarian economy into a communist society through the formation of people’s communes. Mao decreed that efforts to multiply grain yields and bring industry to the countryside should be increased. Local officials were fearful of Anti-Rightist Campaigns and they competed to fulfill or over-fulfill quotas which were based on Mao’s exaggerated claims, collecting non-existent “surpluses” and leaving farmers to starve to death. Higher officials did not dare to report the economic disaster which was being caused by these policies, and national officials, blaming bad weather for the decline in food output, took little or no action. Millions of people died in China during the Great Leap, with estimates ranging from 15 to 55 million, making the Great Chinese Famine the largest or second-largest[1] famine in human history.[2][3][4]


    • Fedup2 says:

      As well as a greta and Mariana and krankie doll – Amazon also offers a Toby Elwood doll – it features various orifices from which vapours emit – batteries included …. The sunak doll comes with free Green Card ….


  6. tomo says:


    Not going to happen… The poisonous swines running the DNC and their funders see Trump as an existential threat.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      Geraldo is an idiot. Even if that were on offer (it isn’t), it would be illegal. It would actually be an obstruction of justice. He just doesn’t get it. The aim is to destroy Trump. They want him dead and buried. They are too corrupt to take any risks. When Trump said “lock her up” about Hillary, it was rhetoric. Now they know that if he wins again, it will be reality, so it is vital they do not let him win. The people? Who gave them a say?


  7. tomo says:

    Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as not to offend the imbeciles


  8. tomo says:


    • MarkyMark says:

      Just In: Alex Soros is taking control over his father $25 billion empire and is already in charge of all political activities.

      Both members of the Soros family sat down with the WSJ and Alex said he’s excited to take over. One of his primary goals will be to pump as much money as he can into leftist candidates.

      He has visited the White House on multiple occasions and appears to have more influence over US decisions than any other non elected person.

      Around the country US cities have seen their crime rise to staggering levels as Soros pumped money into far left District Attorneys and Judges who believe minorities shouldn’t be held to the same standards as whites people.


    • G says:


      The whole family is evil.


    • Guest Who says:

      Mixed messaging meets that ‘association’ thing the media like.


  9. Fedup2 says:

    Today watch
    The least story is that the Hattie Harmon star chamber is meeting this afternoon . The arrest of the former Scot’s first minister comes second . During the first hour of Today she barely got a mention . If a politician is approved – the treatment is easy . The bias here screams out . There is no explanation as to why the former First Minister and current MP has been arrested . Nothing . No reprise of recent arrests of SNP senior members – nothing .

    Would anyone else get this ‘easy ‘ treatment ? It’s actually quite shocking and shows how controlled the output of BBC News is . Those ‘journos ‘ involved – meesh – our Justin should be ashamed …

    There’s no legal reason why the nature of the allegations cannot be explained – I’d like to know ….. but won’t be hearing this from the BBC with its ‘ pro Republican Scotland independence stance ….


  10. andyjsnape says:

    Ukraine counter-offensive: Kyiv says it has liberated villages in Donetsk region

    One of the small settlements has or had a population of 733. bBC rejoices

    I wonder what is actually going on over there, as we only get the bBC spin


    • JohnC says:

      That article tells me the counter offensive is going very badly. It’s been a week now and if this is the biggest headline the BBC can cobble together, it means every other attempt has failed.

      It seems that despite the billions of dollars of advanced weapons we have graciously donated, the traditional minefields and artillery to halt advances followed by picking them off with missiles and aircraft still reigns supreme on the battlefield.

      We won’t be told when it has failed, it will just stop being reported.

      I am wondering what happens in the aftermath. Will people start questioning why all this money has been wasted – or will the USA get more desperate and raise it up another notch.


      • Fedup2 says:

        I think they’ll dump their boy – leaks about finances or past ‘comments ‘ or just give him the IED treatment and allow the Russians to claim the credit – new regime – new thinking – negotiations – end of …. Suitcases of cash all around …


        • JohnC says:

          Yes – it’s got to end some time and there is no way whatsoever that Russia will pull out from Crimea and the East.

          After all the North Korean rhetoric from this lot, only a change of leader can do it.

          I wonder if the Americans have realised what a huge mistake they have made with their gamble that Russia would make lots of noise but give in and let Ukraine join NATO.


      • Rob in Cheshire says:


        If you remember your history, no battle is easily won. It took two weeks to break out at El Alamein. It took two months to break out of Normandy. The battle for Okinawa took three months. It is very rare for an enemy to break and run. Anyone who expects Ukraine to roll over the Russians in a few days is highly optimistic.


        • JohnC says:

          You may be right Rob, but this conflict is unlike any other.

          I have the feeling that the longer Ukraine take, the more Russia will destroy their new equipment with drones and artillery. Plus Ukraine are under great pressure to make large gains quickly for the world to see they haven’t wasted their money. Particularly as the Western media are telling everybody that Ukraine are winning whilst not reporting stories which show they aren’t.

          I have absolutely no idea what will happen next.


    • G says:


      Try the Times reports on YT. All the UK retired Generals and other senior retired NATO people cannot all have it wrong in view of their contacts and their own military experience.



  11. andyjsnape says:

    bbc reports on people fleeing “war torn” albania

    UK immigration: No clear case for routinely accepting Albania asylum claims – MPs

    Obviously I made up the war torn

    What is it with the establishment wanted to constantly give away all we made great in the United Kingdom. All our families fought for in WW1 & WW2 – just to give it all away to any old toss pot from the 3rd world and all the disgusting standards they bring here

    This country is done for and I can only imagine what another 20+years will turn this country into a cesspit


  12. Guest Who says:

    Beyond the sick tragedy of a presumed murder, that ‘reportedly’ on this report resonates.


    • StewGreen says:

      An 11-year-old British girl was shot dead “as she played on the swings” and her father is in a critical condition after the family was attacked in the garden of their home in Brittany.

      Their 71-year-old Dutch neighbour has been arrested


    • Fedup2 says:

      Anything to distract from ‘crankie arrested ‘…


    • MarkyMark says:

      Pictured: British boy, eight, who died after a GRENADE was thrown into his bedroom while he was visiting relatives in Sweden
      The eight-year-old boy was sleeping in an apartment on Gothenburg
      A hand grenade exploded after it was thrown yesterday into his bedroom
      Police claimed the attack was part of a feud involving Somali criminals
      Officers believe the grenade attack was in response to an earlier murder

      Published: 16:16, 22 August 2016 | Updated: 15:31, 23 August 2016


  13. AsISeeIt says:

    Scot free and mad dogs and Englishmen – plus the consequences of blowing too hard on a trombone edition

    Sturgeon arrested in SNP fraud probe – so reads this morning’s Daily Express top headline.

    The advantage our BBC online news has over the print press is their minute by minute response to unfolding events so that they could run their version of the: Nic Nicked (The Sun) headline – or a rather this being the BBC some staid watered-down version substituting the dread word fraud for some happier legalese: Nicola Sturgeon arrested in SNP finances inquiry – and that for just a few hours and then go with the SNP-friendly: Police release Nicola Sturgeon without charge – for another few hours… and then there it was gone as top story

    Replaced of course – via a bit of BBC-favoured simon says – with: Ukraine counter-offensive: Kyiv says it has liberated villages…

    Whole villages? Wow. Anywhere we’ve heard of like… Bakhmut?

    Let’s not mock obscurely named little paces – all countries have got them.

    Much like the rest of the UK, Scotland has its fair share of odd place names such as Twatt, Brokenwind and Butts Wynd. (thank you the Scottish Daily Record) – for holiday suggestions – given theratened airport strikes – one could consider touring such places… in a campervan?

    The Guardian lead decides that perhaps Rishi Sunak’s dripping wet Tory regime isn’t so bad afterall – at least as some form of seat-warmer for their man Starmer. What the Guardianistas are really properly averse to is a come back of that blonde discheveled chubby chap who promised to get Brexit done: Senior Tories tell Johnson to ‘shut up and go away’

    Mr AsI says a pox on all their houses

    Top of the pox – runs the title of the FT’s Datawatch feature – you’ll recall they tried it with monkeys: Monkeypox: WHO declares global emergency over (BBC, 11 May 2023) – and it’s not quite over and out just yet: Monkeypox: London sees rise in cases in last month (BBC, 25 May) – but we digress…

    FT Datawatch laments: England experienced a surge in sexually transmitted infections in 2022

    How’s that then? FT Datawatch – despite the name of the feature apparently has no interest in data which for example suggests what groups might be over-indexing.

    Whereas… looking beyond the mainstream

    ‘men who have sex with men’ (2.5% – 3% of male population) are infected at more than twice the rate of other groups… and account for 68% of total cases – the general rate of increase is 10% while the chaps exclusive group are up 44% – rates in women as a whole are low compared with rates in men… ethnically speaking – Asian population infections up 57%… mixed heritage up 40%… white up 49% – accountung for 69% of all infection – whites under-indexing for their proportion of the population.

    By the way, other figuers suggest there’s more than a doubling of gay men 2014 to 2020

    (Hat tip to Academic Agent [via ONS granular STI data] on YouTube)

    In rather safer healthier weather-related news

    The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper picks up that photo from the Times yesterday of the passed out guardsman at the Trooping the Colour rehearsal: What the heat does to you, and how to stay safe

    How very on point. There’s the matriarchal therapeutic state for you – as coincidentally on the same ‘i’ newspaper frontpage done to a tee: How big sister’s jungle know-how kept her siblings alive

    Now, cynical old Mr AsI in guessing the proclivities of the King’s young guardsmen – no not that sort of proclivity as referenced above – assumed just possibly a previous night’s drinking and consequent dehydration might have contributed to the subsequent embarrassing on parade faint. No names no pack drill as the old military phrase goes.

    But taking global warming alarmism inspired hot weather advice at face value – this summer, let’s all try our very best to avoid going out in the mid-day sun, marching up and down dressed in heavy woollen tunics, large bearskin caps and blowing too hard on our trombones.


    • moggie63 says:

      “Let’s not mock obscurely named little paces – all countries have got them.” I’ve lived in my local area for most of my 60 years but am constantly surprised at the number of places in the county mentioned on the local news that I’ve never heard of.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Asiseeit – a very good one – first point – are you suggesting that the number of men who enjoy putting their part into other men has doubled in 6 years ?are you implying that hoards of dinghy borne chap arriving on the coast prefer other chaps- ?is that the link ?

      Or has there been a huge increase in closets from which such chaps might be emerging ?

      Judging by the fixation with queerdom the BBC has there’s no wonder sodomy is on the increase – together with those viral punishments for being unnatural ….

      And as for the fainting trombonist – reader – if you haven’t seen it – you should – to collapse in the heat and carry on blowing in the horizontal definately deserves a New Years / Truss Honours list thingy …unless it was a bet off course….


  14. StewGreen says:

    I just looked at the rain radar, yep most places have the big dry
    but all Wales seemed to have had rain which is now tracking to Ireland.
    London’s supposed to have a bit of rain this afternoon


  15. StewGreen says:

    R4 9:45am It’s supposed to be the daily advertise your book show
    but it’s changed to 10 episodes of Marianna in Conspiracyland
    “Totnes : A conspiracy theory newspaper called The Light seems to have played a key part in the division there”

    Doh Totnes has been the centre of wooly hippy thinking for 50 years mostly abou green dreaming
    Why only investigate now ?

    Why do the show’s credits list 4 producers ?


    • Guest Who says:

      Assuming that is direct from the blurb, “..seems to have…” is a very BBC way to address a conspiracy.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Some say

        The bbc has learnt

        Calling for more / less ….

        It’s been alleged ….

        White men are evil – a charity has claimed

        Researchers have found ….

        A ‘respected ‘think tank says …..


    • Guest Who says:

      ‘Why do the show’s credits list 4 producers’.

      Fluffer. Mike Wendling on FaceTime. Her Mum. A minion in a cubicle on Google and Wikipedia.

      Uncredited: the online Twitter account blocking team.


  16. StewGreen says:

    10am Woman’s Hour
    Yasmeen Lari, Pakistan’s first female architect, Recurrent miscarriage

    11am Windrush: A Family Divided
    Part Two: Identity and Culture
    3 episodes

    13:45pm more London and black
    “Edward Enninful and Naomi Campbell”

    8:30pm Ruth Sunderland, the group business editor of the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday, asks if companies are for making money or if they have a wider responsibility to the planet

    22:45pm Daily Book “Eleanor Catton’s gripping thriller explores capitalism, corruption and environmental disaster


  17. Fedup2 says:

    Stew – following on from what the kidult said on the 10pm national news last night I took a look at ‘The Light ‘ website ( note that brigade 77 ) and it just seems to show a magazine with an alternative view .

    It clearly must be suppressed and those responsible ‘cancelled. ‘….but I’m sure the ‘traffic ‘ to The Light went – er – skywards .
    The Far Left – embodied by state employees like Marianna lack the confidence of their cause – hence the rabid reaction to anything ‘unapproved ‘…. They are poison .


    • Guest Who says:

      Another very BBC manipulation and hit trait is extending selectivity to focussing on one niche that is then ported to ‘represent’ way beyond what it actually does.

      Given the BBC claims to speak for the nation and be trusted, ironic if a concern.

      £5,000,000,000 pa propaganda PR can throw a lot of mud to try and see some stick.


  18. andyjsnape says:

    bBC still banging on about Partygate, front page and top of the news

    But just about manage to find this
    Why was Nicola Sturgeon arrested and what happens next?


    • Guest Who says:

      BBC ‘no smoke without fire’ allusion TNI Editorial Guidelines are very different this side of the Atlantic to the other.


      • Guest Who says:

        No one is laughing.

        Well, Heels Up, maybe.


        • MarkyMark says:


          • Dickie says:

            I read somewhere (may have been on this website) that Kamala Harris loves to daub her favourite perfume behind her ears with her ankles. Perhaps BBC Verify could, er, verify.


        • MarkyMark says:

          BBC Look North
          BBC One Yorkshire, Wednesday 6 June 2018
          On 6 June 2018 BBC Look North Presenter Amy Garcia introduced a studio guest to discuss a piece about US tariffs on steel using the phrase “as if Brexit wasn’t bad enough”. We are sorry for the impression which may have been conveyed by this brief unscripted remark. Her intention was to convey the sense of the complexity of Brexit adding to the complications of tariffs from Donald Trump not to comment on its merits.



        • gb123 says:

          Dream team? More like the nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue.


        • Scroblene says:

          Here’s your anthem for that sorry lot of hick, useless yanks…

          Senora O’Blene and I had only been married a few months when this fabulous track appeared while we were getting tinctured, then even more afterwards…

          Whatever happened to a once great nation, which after all, lent us all that money when it was safe to do so for them, to make their country great, then let the democrats f**k it all up…


  19. andyjsnape says:

    Danone boss calls for higher taxes on unhealthy food

    Or the heading should be Danone calls for more revenue

    How about reducing “heathly” food – more people would buy


    • Up2snuff says:

      ajs, “How about reducing “heathly” food – more people would buy”

      Some of the supermarkets, notably Tesco and ASDA in my experience did that, but then came the Pandemic and ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’. I don’t think Tesco has the low cost fruit and vegetables angled toward the customer at the entrance any more. Cannot speak for ASDA as I haven’t been there in ages. Aldi always have some cheapo fruit and vegetables in their ‘bargains of the week’ and I think Lidl do likewise.


  20. andyjsnape says:

    bBC doesn’t like this

    The Light: Inside the UK’s conspiracy theory newspaper that shares violence and hate

    Even has bbc verify to back it up

    But prints 100,000 copies a month, so not everyone agree with the BS corp

    How about the image of Marianna in Conspiracyland – you couldn’t make it up lol


    • MarkyMark says:



      • Fedup2 says:

        Nice lippy … I wish I was Marianna – she is so like Greta . I like Greta too – she’s my role model . I’m gonna be 15 next birthday….


        • Guest Who says:

          Unlike Greta she is aging fast.

          Soaf looks ok and dirty old world leader hot still too.

          Maybe green types have god, or Gaia on their side?

          Springster’s loft mirror must be struggling each blocking.


    • kingkp says:

      It’s hilarious. The Light is nothing more than a paper that prints stories not paid for by Kill Gates. In other words, they have no agenda and will be inclined to print the truth about say, the climate change nonsense which we all know is the brainchild of Maurice Strong and Evelyn de Rothschild.
      “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” – Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)


  21. digg says:

    Lewis Carroll wrote a book about a young girl who went to sleep and dreamed she fell down a rabbit hole and woke up in a strange world where everything was ridiculous and unbelievable. However odd the turn of events, Alice was convinced it was all really happening.

    He called it Alice in Wonderland.

    Picking up on this storyline as part of their much vaunted new witch finder series “Verify” the BBC have created a new production starring a young girl called Marianna Spring and with no sense of irony the have titled it Marianna in Conspiricyland. A secondary school level attempt to be relevant and control the narrative in my opinion.

    Not a good look BBC, why not just show everybody how to behave by cutting out the bullshit and half truths you unload on the public every hour of every day while blanking everything you don’t want people to see?


    • MarkyMark says:

      “The Public paying the BBC TV Tax under threat of prison Alice laughed: “There’s no use trying,” they she said; “one can’t believe impossible things.”

      “I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the BBC Queen.

      “When I was younger, I always did it for 24 hours a dayhalf an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast BBC News Report.”

      Alice in Wonderland.


      • digg says:

        Ha, Ha, Ha…. Well found Marky….Absolutely perfect fit, bet they didn’t see that coming!


  22. MarkyMark says:


    Victoria Derbyshire
    BBC Two and BBC News Channel, Friday 19 January 2018
    During an item about the film Pad Man the programme used a graphic that said ‘90% of Indian women use rags, ashes or newspapers instead of sanitary products.’

    This figure was taken from a 2011 survey and more recent studies give a different picture. For example in 2016 one survey of girls showed 74% use cloths and a different survey of teenage girls published in India in 2017 showed over 90% used either sanitary pads, cloths or tampons.



  23. MarkyMark says:

    Covid denial to climate denial: How conspiracists are shifting focus




    • kingkp says:

      They are getting desperate. It’s actually funny to watch. The truth is their biggest fear. Once the masses arise from their slumber it’s all over for them.


  24. StewGreen says:

    30 seconds into Mariana’s prog
    voice “I saw hippies cross over to FFFFFar Right”
    Within in 2 mins she’s saying “Conspiracy driven RIOTs at the Capitol”

    AFAIK most of the people at the Capitol were demonstrators and there were very few window smashers etc.


    • StewGreen says:

      Whoa “Carl Benjamin’s use of rape threats”
      Of course that is fake news of course he never threaten rape
      In an offhand way he said about a politician “no one would even rape her”

      Marianna said “Mili is associated with the far right”

      Tosh since he’s a guy guy living with a black guy.

      She said Benjamin’s Sargon of Aakad account on YouTube is banned

      em no it’s still there ..


      • StewGreen says:

        typo Milo is a gay guy living with a black guy
        Yet Marianna calls him Far Right


      • TrickCyclist says:

        For a minute there I thought you’d invented your own form of Newspeak. A “guy guy” – someone who identifies as a guy and has a guy’s body.


    • Guest Who says:

      There’s a new FFFFFar in town…


  25. gb123 says:

    I made the mistake of looking at the weather forecasts from the BBC and MSN over the weekend and today.
    Apart from the over exaggerated colour schemes for temperature, the forecast for thunderstorms was the main theme. Headlines with lightning and black cloud logos. The rest of the day (Sunday) was shown as grey cloud with a tiny bit of sun called partly sunny. The reality where I lived was sun for most of the day with high level clouds. Later on it rained with some thunder. Used to be called sunny with scattered showers. Also, the thunder lasted for about 30 mins and rain for about 2 hours . Seems like I have found where the ex tabloid headline writers have their new home.


  26. StewGreen says:

    Tomorrow R4 “Refugee Week” programmes


  27. tomo says:



  28. MarkyMark says:

    “Boris Johnson asked me to do something that I wasn’t prepared to do, because I didn’t think it was right. That was either overrule the HOLAC committee, or make promises to people… now I wasn’t prepared to do that, as I said, I didn’t think it was right. And if people don’t like that, then tough…”

    As only Rishi Sunak received the nominations required by Monday 24 October, he automatically became party leader. The timetable was much shorter than the previous leadership election, with a higher bar for nominations.


  29. StewGreen says:

    I think chemtrails and 5G conspiracies are wacky
    but BBC disinformation folk seem just as wacky

    Anyways The Lightpaper kept his own unedited video


    • Up2snuff says:

      Stew: “but BBC disinformation folk seem just as wacky”

      They sure do, but can they be trusted? I have my doubts.


      • Terminal Moraine says:

        Wacky eh? Marianna’s busy once again retweeting all her fans, including those adding important contextual detail. (Have team Verify dispatched a team yet to confirm this kebab house?)


        • Guest Who says:


          You’re unable to view this Tweet because this account owner limits who can view their Tweets. Learn more

          Bubble head already ensuring she only gets validated by her bubble.

          The BBc gets more laughably propagandist hourly.

          How can they claim to represent the nation in holding power to account when they start by cutting out anyone with questions on their abuses of power?


        • Guest Who says:

          Did she fly to Berlin, Mish-style, as folk there were busy?

          And to save the planet. ish.


    • Guest Who says:

      Elon needs to get a grip.

      The following media includes potentially sensitive content.

      At this rate there will only be warnings and threats.


    • StewGreen says:

      Twitter warning there “The following media includes potentially sensitive content.”
      .. No it doesn’t .. Twiitter is imposing a gate to discourage you from watching it.


  30. tomo says:

    Earlier this month, the Home Office launched an advertising campaign to deter Albanians from coming to Britain.


    • Up2snuff says:

      tomo, we have 1.2 to 1.35 million unemployed in the UK at present.

      Do the MPs seriously expect those people to be happy living on Benefits (at the taxpayers’ expense) when they could be earning a decent wage during ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’?

      If they are Labour, Lib Dem, SNP, then I guess the answer is yes.


    • andyjsnape says:

      Hello Tomo

      RNLI ferries, changed its name to DFDS

      Pretty scary how many illegals that ferry would hold


    • MarkyMark says:



  31. JohnC says:

    Warning UK mortgage rates set to rise further


    Racist discrimination at the BBC : where the 3% dominate the 97%.


  32. JohnC says:

    And to compliment their racism, we also get a healthy amount of sexist discimination from the BBC. And if they can, both at once.

    WTF is this story doing on the front page ?.

    Birmingham commuter’s car stripped of parts twice in two months


    ‘After the first theft on 15 March she found a bumper via Facebook Marketplace, only for it to be stolen again weeks later on 10 May.’

    No suggestion she bought someone elses stolen bumber of course. Nor any information on what people are stealing all this stuff..

    ‘A man is due in court in April 2024 charged with 10 offences related to car stripping’

    First: 2024 !!! WTF ???.

    Second: the name of the man is freely available but the BBC don’t tell us. Because it is Mohammed Khan.


  33. JohnC says:

    Dmitry Mishov, Russian airman who defected, gives BBC interview

    Goodness me : this is extreme propaganda even by the BBC’s standards.

    All I can say is that Dmitry has exceptional English and conveniently speaks in the standard sappy style the BBC like to report and uses all their usual keywords.

    Just to give you a taste of the whole article, this is from it:
    ‘A reconstruction of the moment Dmitry felt he could breathe freely’

    Isn’t it amazing how all these people run straight to the BBC.


    • Guest Who says:

      Gave this exclooosiv to the same kind of nice young blonde who got the scoop on matters Military in Talinbanistan from the kindly old village elder with the AK and IED’s under his sofa?


  34. andyjsnape says:

    Driverless cars: Researcher disguises himself as car seat in study

    Mr Large does some research

    how much money did the bbc waste of producing this


  35. Terminal Moraine says:

    SNP news (not Sturgeon) but “Kate Forbes says people of faith are fearful of politics”

    “Ms Forbes feels that her own religious views were “100%” scrutinised more than those of Mr Yousaf – who has describes [sic] himself as a proud Muslim who fasts during Ramadan. During the leadership campaign he was asked about his religious views and about gay marriage, something he said he supported even though he missed the vote on the issue in 2014.”

    Here’s Alex Salmond on missing that vote… I’m no body language expert but Yousaf’s doing quite a lot of blinking in that last interview. BBC of course leave these questions out, thus supporting Forbes’ claim that Yousaf’s views are indeed not being scrutinised to the same level.

    Article by BBC Religion editor, Aleem Maqbool.


    • Mart says:

      Oh the shame! my house is too warm!

      Now that’s a weapon if ever I saw one!


    • MarkyMark says:

      “A novel British satellite is set to go into orbit later on Monday, designed to map the heat signature of buildings.”

      ** all houses found to not be up to scratch taken away by gov?

      maybe map other things …

      ‘The meat was for personal use only’: ‘Muslim family celebrating Eid’ who turned their east London garden into a makeshift butchers insist ‘none of the hacked carcasses were sold on’
      Family celebrating Muslim festival of sacrifice seen hacking up animal carcasses
      They now face hygiene probe after being filmed by neighbours in Dagenham


      • Guest Who says:

        A few years ago our eco-council hired a plane to fly around the county with a thermal camera.

        In theory it was about helping identify poor insulation, but some had doubts.

        The data was released ages later. No one ever got in touch; no surprise as we are insulated and loft board up the wazoo.

        I decided to check our house out, and at the time of the overflight it was glowing like a Reeperbahn hooker window. Turns out it was the time a valve in our heating system had gone nuts and we had a steam sauna up there.

        Just glad the rozzers were not worried about any indoor gardening activities some others in the ‘hood have been known to conduct.


  36. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    A bit of nostalgia.


  37. tomo says:

    EV PR circle jerk


    • MarkyMark says:

      olkswagen has made headlines in China following an incident on Monday in which a VW electric vehicle crashed into a motorway toll station and caught fire in Hangzhou, resulting in the death of four people, according to a report in financial media outlet Caixin.5 days ago


    • MarkyMark says:

      How many EV fires are there in China?
      Over 3,000 EVs Fires per Year in China, Insurance Premiums Leap 20% – EnergyTrend. As fuel vehicles gradually withdraw from the market, the world is chasing electric vehicles but the biggest risk of electric vehicles is not mileage anxiety, but fire.18 Oct 2022


    • Docmarooned says:

      Who is paying Quentin for his blatant ev propaganda? Used to quite like the guy years back – now just another green tosspot.


      • Guest Who says:

        Me Too.

        Saw a Tesla outside a supplier’s office; asked the bloke inside if it was his and what it was like.

        ‘Glad I’m not paying’ sums it up.


        • tomo says:

          Two weeks ago while taking caffeine stop in Tiverton I looked at the pricing of EV “fuel” – 75p kW/h from the fast charger that a local Tesla Model 3 taxi was filling up from

          – that’s about twice the fuel cost for an equivalent sized vehicle.

          It’s noticeable the the EV fanbois are increasingly falling back on the “save the planet” rhetoric and flooring the mendacity pedal….


        • JohnC says:

          I read something the other day about a guy who’s 5 year old Tesla now has a range of 190 miles instead of the 280 it is supposed to have because of battery degradation.

          But what makes it bad is that when he charges it, it says he has 280 miles of range – which he doesn’t.


          • TrickCyclist says:

            An electric car is something I’ll never own, do they come with instructions about ‘conditioning’ the Li-ion battery like a laptop does?
            Surely people expect to drive a car, not babysit it.


          • tomo says:

            The range estimates from the software can be risibly over-optimistic.

            That Tesla is likely worse than that – since Tesla actively manage driver expectations…


    • Guest Who says:

      Eco PR by the media, for the media.

      No consumers were involved, or cared.


    • StewGreen says:

      Quentin Wilson is an EV man
      He says “What About petrol cars ???? people complain about them.”


      • tomo says:

        Quentin is a tosser who’s been frozen out by the mainstream car hacks.


    • gb123 says:

      If you take the EV element out of the Tesla Y and 3 for a critique, They are both squidgy little saloon cars. Even British Leyland cars had more character.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      I used to have some respect for Quentin Willson as a motoring journalist, but now he is just a shill for EVs. His suggestion that some shady figure is paying for anti-EV propaganda is pathetic.


      • Scroblene says:

        Sob – my electric bike is at the menders because I can’t make the front disk brake work properly!

        Can I apply for a grant to get it mended, or maybe some sort of compensation from my local authority, after all, they, (Tunbridge Wells), chuck our poll tax at all sorts of their stupid crackpot ideas, so perhaps I have a case…

        Surely there’s a sort of clause in battery-powered vehicles legislation which lets me have a shed-load of money for keeping my petrol Golf off the road, and using my bike to go to Tesco instead!

        I demand an enquiry, and as long as Harriet Harman isn’t involved, I expect to get at least a squillion splonders for the pain from the reduction of my rights and ever so hurt feelings…

        (sob- again)…


        • StewGreen says:

          Look up your local repair cafe
          they often repair bikes

          ‘Fix Your Bike’ £50 voucher scheme quietly axed 23 Dec 2021
          The Scotland scheme may still be running


  38. Terminal Moraine says:

    R5 now — Naga Munchetty breaks off an interview with R F Kuang (author of book ‘Yellowface’, about racism and cultural appropriation in publishing) to go to Navtej Johal for an update on a woman in Stoke on Trent suspected of murdering two children aged 7 and 11.

    Somehow feels like a snapshot of life in England in 2023.


    • StewGreen says:

      That double murder happened in back to back terrace house on Sunday.


  39. TrickCyclist says:

    Extraordinary outburst from ITV’s James Mates on the Lunchtime News. Describing Berlusconi as a ‘Godfather’ – not at all a loaded term – he goes on to compare him to other ‘populists’ like Trump and Johnson. “Internationally, people say how can you elect someone like that?”


    • MarkyMark says:

      Labour suspends Jeremy Corbyn over reaction to anti-Semitism report
      29 October 2020


    • Flotsam says:

      Funny really. It seems reasonable for the BBC, ITV and MSM media to snipe at what they call “populist” or “extreme right” leaders like Trump, Johnson, Farage etc. What about extreme MMGW/climate change propaganda, extreme Wokeism, extreme Socialism, extreme Remoanerism?


      • Scroblene says:

        Aaaah ‘populist’!

        The term woke lefties apply to the majority of normal citizens
        working in the private sector – to make themselves feel in control through their failed socialist wet dream.

        It’s so easy to spot the lefties’ piddling squealing when they resort to the term ‘populist’! It’s as if they have suddenly arrived at their goal of ridicule for their poll-tax funders and the rest!

        Luckily I don’t ever have to meet or speak to such idiots, and while I do need my bins emptying, I don’t mind giving them a few bob to keep the place clean, but that’s about it!

        I guess that in Tunbridge Wells, the stupid term ‘populist’ goes down like a cold cup of sick; well, it does here Chez Scrobs anyway!

        There’s some sort on Beebonic ‘studio’ opposite the station, but it’s always empty, so the rent just piles up for bugger-all…


  40. tomo says:

    The poisonous old swine struggling (again) ….

    Here’s hoping his feet get held to the fire wrt Hunter et al.


  41. tomo says:


    • tomo says:


      • MarkyMark says:

        Rishi plan is just starting ha ha ha ha

        2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012

        2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015

        2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018


      • MarkyMark says:

        The immigrants make their way north, having no desire to assimilate to French culture, but continuing to demand a First World standard of living, even as they flout laws, do not produce, and murder French citizens, such as factory bosses and shopkeepers, as well as the ordinary people who do not welcome them. They are also joined by the immigrants who already reside in Europe, as well as various left-wing and anarchist groups. Across the West, more and more migrants arrive and have children, rapidly growing to outnumber whites. In a matter of months, the white West has been overrun and pro-immigrant governments have been established, while the white people are ordered to share their houses and flats with the immigrants. The village containing the troops is bombed flat by airplanes of the new French government, referred to only as the “Paris Multiracial Commune”. Within a few years, most Western governments have surrendered.


    • G says:

      If possible, eventually, I want to be one of those people who volunteers to clear out the unwanted, back to France. If the French let them in, it is for the French to deal with our returnees. No expensive flights to Rwanda. We have all seen the massive numbers of rubber boats stored in Dover. Just top up the engines, make sure they’re pumped up and take them back over the mid-way line and direct the French to pick them up. Job done. Inexpensively.

      Fu**k the international ‘Treaties’


  42. StewGreen says:

    When I randomly switch on R4 , half the time I seem to catch them pushing woke agendas
    But often a woke person is selected to choose Pick Of The Week, thus it’s an absolute wokefest

    During Covid there was no ban on visiting suicidal people
    It was one of those exceptions you use your judgement about.
    A call comes in so you jump on the bike and go.
    But yesterday’s Radio Gold item on depended on you believing that Evil Boris and his Evil Police banned you from helping a suicidal relative.

    It was an excerpt from June 3rd Any Answers phone in.
    A tearful mother in Worcester told how her and her husband were concerned about her daughter but felt the police were banning her from driving down to London check she phoned the Met and they said they’d go around to check.
    Only they didn’t they took hours and hours
    and finally they did go round and found the daughters body

    It was lefty Radio Gold .. “Our daughter was dead and he Evil Boris was partying and drinking .. I will NEVER forgive him

    And then the police said only 3 of us could go to the funeral
    and that we weren’t allowed to make another journey, but rather had to clear the house on the same day as the funeral”

    I did check , it’s not fake . The name leads you to a just giving page that shows you the daughter was a “a BBC journalist working on Instagram Stories Natasha’s passion and drive was to try to find a platform for those who needed their voices to be heard; the people who might otherwise be overlooked”
    (She’d worked at the BBC for 10 years.

    To me that was the whole point of the Cummings case : There was a general instruction to stay at home, but you have to make your own judgement about keeping your family safe.

    I do wonder if the mothers extreme anger at Boris, is deflection from her blaming herself, and thinking if she had gone she would have saved the daughter.

    People in the field tell me that self blame is common, but the type of person who is going to commit suicide, usually does anyway no matter ho much effort you put in.

    a load of people on Twitter tweeted how angry they were with Boris after hearing the item.

    The mother said she died in March 2020
    Since the first lockdown began in England on 23 March 2020. that was within the first week of lockdown

    The parents business is listed as “Experienced social entrepreneur and expert in income generation for non profit organisations.”


    • MarkyMark says:

      BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
      BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018

      During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.



    • StewGreen says:

      Hang on a minute she said Boris was partying whilst her daughter died.. That is almost certainly not true
      The mother said Natasha “daughter ended her own life in March 2020” in lockdown
      Timeline : the first lockdown began in England on 23 March 2020

      but Friday 27 March Boris Johnson announces that he has tested positive for coronavirus and is self-isolating in his Downing Street apartment.
      Monday 5th April Boris has gone into hospital
      then it worsened


      • StewGreen says:

        Her friend posted on Facebook that he heard of the death on March 30
        So she died before then, probably 29th


      • StewGreen says:

        Oh Karl Turner the Hull thug Labour MP who endorses throwing milkshakes at political opponents
        has just started to make anti-Boris capital out of the death

        He took the audio from an account named
        “Love Britain, Hate Tories ℹ @realtoryparty”


  43. tomo says:


  44. TrickCyclist says:

    I don’t know if anyone has posted about this previously, it doesn’t involve the BBC but that other woke corporation from across the pond, Disney.
    Disney purchased 20th Century Fox in 2019 and is the licence holder for movies made by them.
    Under Disney it looks like 1971 film The French Connection has been “Dambustered.” A scene where ‘Popeye’ Doyle uses the “n” word has been excised on digital platforms like Apple TV and the Criterion Channel.
    Hang on to your DVDs, they can’t retroactively censor them.


  45. Dickie says:

    This woman could be the next Bank of England governor:


  46. tomo says:


  47. tomo says:

    Well, there’s interesting …

    Piles of pro Ukranian tweets suddenly arriving uninvited to a twitter account I run…