525 Responses to Midweek 14th June 2023

  1. tomo says:


  2. Sluff says:

    Relief in the BBC news room.
    The ‘suspected’ murderer of people in Nottingham was of West African origin………but……..guess what……..had mental health issues. Another immigrant not to blame for anything at all.
    Trebles all round in Frankie Howard.


  3. vlad says:

    While the BBC continues to prevaricate, GB News announces the Nottingham suspect is a West African migrant.
    Let’s see how the BBC spins this one.
    My bet is mental health. Plus our systemic racism, perhaps.


    • Grim Upnorth says:

      So, a series of racially motivated murders by an African savage who should not have been allowed anywhere near a civilised country.

      No more excuses BBC, Gary Lineker and the rest of the weak liberal mob, the victim’s blood is on your hands.


    • Doublethinker says:

      There are only two possible categories for the perpetrators of such terror attacks in the UK.
      A. If white they have at least links to the far right if not fully blown Nazis white supremacists.
      B. If non white they have mental issues but were previously lovely people who wouldn’t harm a fly and helped old ladies across the road.

      These categories have been in existence for the past ten years and if they are violated then the authors of such violations are themselves far right racists.


  4. Zephir says:

    Don’t worry, Nottingham students have got the candles (out as one of their own was a victim this time).

    Blessed are the candle burners, to coin a phrase.

    NO holding power to account on this one though (or maybe just the mental health services.)


    • Charlie Farley says:

      Zephir ,
      BBC are disgusting , R4 6.00am News starts with Doctors strike……then apparently something happened in Nottingham and it Definitely wasn’t a Terrorist attack or anything to do with Cuddly Migrants…and now the Weather ! …..a white local stabber the reporting would be so very different and surprisingly no mention of the Far Far Right or Brexit to blame !


      • Up2snuff says:

        Charlie, apparently according to ‘some people’ Brexit was to blame for the Coronavirus – well, the state of Britain’s preparedness – and I was surpised to hear the BBC reporting on R4 this morning that ‘some have said’ the Covid Inquiry is too full of Remainers.


    • G says:


      Not forgetting, probably: ‘MI5 flagged the suspect on his arrival but took no further action’


  5. Scroblene says:

    Beebonic Publications present a new range of leaflets…

    1) How to become a victim after 24 hours in British hospitality.

    2) How to complain and win compensation in Britain because all the other countries you’d passed through didn’t believe you!

    3) Twenty ways to be offended.

    4) The benefits of ‘losing’ a passport at Calais.

    5) Hotel etiquette in three star buildings and how to complain about the food.

    6) How to contact your Lib Dem MP for increased benefits.

    7) Ways to bring your neighbour’s children with you and multiply the ‘family’ members threefold for larger council houses.

    8) Tips on exaggerating ‘mental illness’.

    All these are available for free, as they’re funded by the TV tax!


  6. Zephir says:

    No need for the above, ….

    Right to remain.org

    “Our famous No One Is Illegal t-shirts are back on sale for a limited period. Make a statement of solidarity, and raise funds for migrants’ rights. We also have tote bags and These Walls Must Fall t-shirts.

    Our groundbreaking self-help resource, the Right to Remain Toolkit, is ten years old. The Toolkit was born at the start of the hostile environment, and today it is more important than ever.

    To mark this anniversary we’re planning a programme of events to celebrate community solidarity, to help more people to use the Toolkit, and to raise funds to develop this unique and vital resource further.

    All money raised goes directly to funding our vital legal education and community organising work.



  7. andyjsnape says:

    Sharp decline in appetite for news in recent years, Reuters Institute says

    Maybe the bbc has something to do with that, could they do a bbc verify to verify


    • tomo says:

      Reuters output is self evidently largely pants propaganda these days.

      Circle jerking


    • moggie63 says:

      If they do verify it, would you trust that verification? Or would further verification prove necessary?


  8. JohnC says:

    Nottingham: Students among three killed in knife and van attacks

    Just checking to see what the BBC have reported for this.

    First I see the article is very short. Just basic facts only – as they always do for stories they don’t want to talk about.

    Then we get to the weasel wording:

    ‘Counter-terrorism police are involved in the investigation, but no link to extremism has been confirmed.’

    Deliberately worded to make us think he is not an extremist. But in fact it only means they haven’t found any direct links to ISIS.

    ‘Reporting from the scene, the BBC’s Daniel Sandford says he understands the suspect has a history of mental health issues.’

    Absolute classic BBC trick to present us something which is absolutely unaccountable to any facts. Did Daniel hear a policeman mention it ?. Or did he ask a passer by ?. Seems the BBC’s committment to verify what they report doesn’t apply in cases like this.

    ‘That is why at this stage, while counter-terrorism police are assisting the investigation, they are not running it, he adds.’

    Again, no reason to put this in the article except to make people think it has nothing to do with terrorism.

    Seems that this is just another black Muslim immigrant who decided to indiscriminantly murder completely innocent white people because that’s what the Koran tells him to do. But the BBC write it up like he is just someone with mental issues.

    Why do these murderers always get special treatment by the BBC ?. Just imagine how many articles and follow on articles we would be getting if he was a white male.

    Just for reference, I checked a similar story about the Jo Cox murder by the BBC (who really was murdered by someone with mental issues) and it was 1,189 words. This one is 310.


    • tomo says:

      36 versions of two stories….



      • Scroblene says:

        I must be the last normal person to ever see this website, Tomo! Thank you!

        Seems like the Beebolic and the Gruntian are foremost for mucking around with the innuendo in UK stuff, I hardly ever read anything from the Yank rags as they all copy each other’s stories, rather like the BBC does with CNN etc!


    • Banania says:

      “Jo Cox … really was murdered by someone with mental issues.” Or so we are told.


  9. taffman says:

    As the invasion continues unabated, our security services are probably becoming overwhelmed in keeping tabs on all the dangerous unknown, illegals arriving every day. Expect more incidents like the recent events. Will we hear the words “lessons to be learned” after the inquest?


  10. harry142857 says:

    Meanwhile back in my once lovely town.

    Lovely cuddly Albanians


    A man has told a jury how he was ‘stabbed and slashed’ with a knife outside Costa in central Reading.
    Ervis Kola, 34, of Brighton Road, is on trial at Reading Crown Court charged with wounding Jetmir Noka in Butter Market on December 19 last year.

    He has denied the offence, claiming he did not have a ‘weapon’ or anything similar in his hands at the time of incident.
    Mr Nova said the pair, both from Albanian, had first met a month before when Kola allegedly held a knife at him and his cousin for allegedly no apparent reason.
    Prior to the alleged stabbing, Mr Nova said he had approached Kola seeking an explanation.

    Opening the case, prosecuting barrister Neil King said: “Jetmir Noka and his friends were in Costa coffee and while they were there they saw the defendant who was there with his girlfriend.


  11. JohnC says:

    Covid inquiry: Failure to consider ‘potentially massive impact’ of lockdown pre-pandemic

    You know, after the BBC were one of the biggest supporters of lockdowns (and free money for the workers), it’s becoming clear that they are now going to switch 180 degrees and use this enquiry to attack the government for it as much as possible.

    Because getting a Leftist government so we can rejoin the EU (along with the funding and perks it brings without the taxpayer realising they are paying for it) justifies anything they do.

    Ideological activists always think ‘The ends justify the means’. Just like those other socialists throughout history did when they started murdering their opponents.


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      DT reports Covid enquiry likely to cost over £500 million.

      Lord Faulkner is reported as describing covid as “the gift that keeps on giving”


  12. tomo says:

    “US Government Sources”

    – have reasons …

    – and those are likely unconnected with any real accountability – note that the “official” info carefully swerves any mention of EcoHealth Alliance or US taxpayer funded GoF tinkering.


  13. AsISeeIt says:

    Random events, caution and preventative measures and no self-reflection edition

    Our BBC pickers for their online line-up of press frontpages like the freebie Metro for their top spot this morning.

    Of all the many ways to describe events in Nottingham yesterday the Metro prefers to plump for the word random: Random rampage in uni city

    A second random appears in another left-leaning younger metropolitan audience-targeted title further down the BBC’s stack of papers: Students murdered at random in Nottingham attack (‘i’)

    And yet another random – from an older demographic aimed title is clear evidence (two’s a concidence three’s a trend) the term isn’t randomly plucked from the air but rather some officially approved phrasing – and this crops up in the screamer headline in the Express: Killed at random… just five minutes from home

    Not since overnight we were all taught to term those illegal Channel migrant dinghies by the cutsie name ‘small boats‘ has a word been matched so uniformly and so suddenly to an unpleasant novel phenomenon – the Times (shuffled well into the middle of the BBC pack of press titles) blows the gaff, so to speak: Migrant held over deaths of students and man in his fifties

    Coming so hot on the heels of: Annecy stabbing: British girl one of four children stabbed by Syrian asylum seeker (Evening Standard) – our media needed to put an appropriate name to such events tout suite

    It was Churchill who in 1941 announced: “We are in the presence of a crime without a name” – our wartime PM no doubt having been tipped the wink having read decrypts of German communications as reference in this ‘i’ newspaper feature: Codebreaking sisters kept war secrets for decades – even from each other

    A word was found – these things moved more slowly in those days: ...the United Nations adopted the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum)

    We still mistakenly believe the insurance industry – through our force of habit – terms random events such as flooding, lightning strikes and the like an acts of god being defined as ‘any accident or event that is not influenced by man‘ – mind you, given the prevalence and big corporate preference for our new religion of man-made global warming acts of god are officially ditched for: …a simpler way to put it is ‘events that occur through natural causes and could not be avoided through the use of caution and preventative measures’ (Budget Insurance Services) – because of course mankind could have prevented that freak storm that blew down that tree on your new garden conservatory – if only we’d listened to Greta – how dare we – but we digress

    Now, happily, an immigrant goes murderously doolally tap and we have just the word for it… Random

    And the further away that word is from act of god the better.

    May your god go with you – as Irish comic Dave Allen was wont to say.

    In economic news Mr AsI is becoming somewhat irritated that the media persistantly purveys the impression that UK interest rate rises are an isolated (random?) UK national occurance: Mortgage stress to hit levels last seen in 1980s – as interest rate heads for 5.75% (‘i’)

    Let’s be clear about this our interest rates are US-led: Economists forecast at least two more US rate rises to quell inflation (Financial Times)

    Mr AsI understands that a third of all the money in circulation was printed since Lockdowns – the vast majority of it by the Fed – no wonder we have rampant (not random) global inflation

    And as we leave it there our BBC appears to wish away all the demoralising doom and gloom they enjoy giving us – perhaps not the latest Nottingham news – they’d prefer perhaps we turn off for that particular type of news: Sharp decline in appetite for news in recent years, Reuters Institute says

    And our BBC cuts n pastes and puts it out there without much thought and with absolutely no self-reflection.


  14. andyjsnape says:

    The key questions over Phillip Schofield affair as ITV bosses face MPs


    Have MPs really nothing better to do!


  15. tomo says:


    in Wales….


  16. G says:

    2200 R4 News last evening reporting on Trumps first day in court. A small group of supporters gathered outside the court. The only interviewee says: “He should be locked up….”. Next, our “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” moves on to interview, clearly a clone of the Democrats, who eventually concluded that Trump can expect decades in prison…………..

    No bias there from our “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster”. OFCOM will be relieved.


    • tomo says:

      Is Ray Epps or a relative in Miami?

      – sounds like there’s a bunch of agitating gits lurking …

      The BBC’s coverage is predictably skewed in a way that anybody who’s ever read The Guardian will instantly recognise.


    • StewGreen says:

      The writer should start with fact the Light editor is his mate.
      Not put it in 2 pages down

      “I know Darren Nesbit and have found him to be a man of integrity and insight.
      He is primarily motivated not by money but by a mission of enlightenment (hence the title of his production).
      He is not a typical editor – he does not necessarily agree with all of the content published in The Light. “


    • JohnC says:

      ‘This is a thoroughly nasty campaign by Spring, who is protecting the establishment and its cronies from transparency and playing her part by smearing contrary information as disinformation.’

      This part is definitely wrong and giving credit where it is not due. Marianna is not nearly intelligent enough to run any campaign herself. Everything she does and says is most certainly as a result of consultations + meetings with her unmentioned BBC peers.


  17. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1 – it is a tough, chewy, world out there, apparently ….

    … for the Vegan Meat imitators. Sean Farrington in the pre-6.30 a.m. Business segment reports on how one has closed or filed for bankruptcy amid reports that other companies are in trouble. The vegan meat imitators have bitten off more than they can chew, ho ho, apparently, as their products are expensive (during ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ !!!!!) and do not taste as good as proper meat. In addition young people who are keen to save the planet are now, post-Pandemic, concerned about their health and do not want Ultra Processed Foods which of course vegan meat imitations are.

    If any young Vegans are reading this I hope you are buying and taking vitamins to replace what you would consume naturally when eating meat. (Note from an old meat eating consumer: I have found that organic vegetables are generally more expensive than their conventionally grown equivalents and when I have purchased them from the discount shelf at the supermarket have found them to lack flavour compared to non-organic equivalents. George Monbiot, well known-vegan, reckons he can make water flow uphill. It is impossible to make economic water flow uphill.)


    • G says:


      I think Lidl have overstepped the mark. Freezers loaded with, ‘veggie’ matter substitute for meat. Not selling not moving. I wonder why.

      The, “Meat imitators” as you describe have yet to be challenged on the essential vitamins meat and dairy products provide. Just look at the B vit range. Virtually all coming from………meat and dairy would you believe. Perhaps the “Meat imitators” should provide a bottle of B range vits with every ‘veggie’ item sold.


      • Up2snuff says:

        G, have just been to Tesco. There are a lot of obese people shopping there who ought to be only eating vegetables. I did wander along one aisle that had shelves stacked with meat substitues but strangely only one obese person there. Tesco were obviously not shifting the meat substitutes and the Coronation hasn’t done much for sales of quiche as I expected.

        Think you have a good idea about the bottle of B complex free with every stash of veggie burgers or meat substitutes.

        On a Pandemic note I saw one thin masked man, not there to rob and who paid for his shopping. It could be he was ‘shielding someone with a condition’ or like another shop worker I know he maybe was about to go on the holiday of a lifetime and did not want to catch anything from his colleagues before sailing off on a cruise. Perhaps he had just not heard that WHO have declared the Pandemic ‘Over’.


        • kingkp says:

          You have to laugh. An unelected group of fascists gets to declare when a pandemic starts and ends. Clown world.


        • Banania says:

          The pandemic is apparently not over for people attending the Covid inquiry.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      The BBC is always lecturing us on how much better the Europeans do things. In Italy, parents have a legal responsibility to make sure that children under 16 do not have a vegetarian diet, so as to help ensure proper nutrition during the crucial developmental years. So, let’s hear it for Italy then, BBC!


      • Scroblene says:

        ‘Sources say’ and ‘it’s been heard’, (Beebojarg), that vegans should definitely not take alcohol in any form!

        It’s strange that Moonbat Plastic Food Industries never seem to discuss this, so perhaps it’s one for Viognierify to look at very closely indeed…

        This lack of interest in processed vegan ‘food’ is tailing off pretty quickly as it’s over-priced, under-flavoured, extremely bad for the system as it omits the chemicals and vitamins required to sustain human life, and it looks like a bowl of cold sick however you prepare it!

        No wonder the supermarkets only chuck a few bits and pieces of nasty-looking brown-papered vegan ‘objects’ down the end near the bog rolls, where the two selling points are certainly inter-related!

        At the risk of boring everyone here again (what’s different – Ed), I play this regularly as it’s so funny: –


        • Up2snuff says:

          Scrobie, I did try ‘Quorn’ (other meat substitooots are available) not long after it came out. My meat eating family were a bit underwhelmed by it. I cannot remember whether I tried any of that McCartney woman’s stuff but if I did it was not a memorable experience.


          • Scroblene says:

            Uppers, Sir Paul lives only a few miles from here, and has been a great asset and friend to the area, but getting to like this vegan muck is out of the question!

            We had a baked spud with real butter and real cheddar cheese for lunch, so are feeling all smug and fat, but that’s becasue it’s so damned hot, we just aren’t hungry!

            Mind you, we also had two carafes of the red, so all is well, and as always, we espouse the real pleasures of life at our age…


  18. StewGreen says:

    9am R4 There’s been a lot of coverage about the risks electric cars may pose to infrastructure like bridges and car parks.
    (Expect their Green PR mates are using this BBC show to push back)

    Plus we look at a new study that suggests a link between breastfeeding and improved grades at GCSE level.
    (sounds BS to me)

    Also is throat cancer now *primarily* caused by a sexually transmitted disease
    (probably not)

    and are 600 million bottles going to litter Scotland because of disagreements with the UK government over the new Deposit Return Scheme
    (SNP PR ?)


    • andyjsnape says:

      Hello StewGreen

      The risk is also the price, and how long this takes to recoup

      For example a new electric Vauxhall Corsa starting at £33,000
      or petrol model £19,000

      hmmm difficult decision


      • StewGreen says:

        mate The RISK is when a EV hits you it’s 17% heavier
        so hits you harder
        So more people will die
        The prog didn’t mention that

        All Green policies have such negatives
        However a conventional truck is much more harmful
        but they are involved in much fewer human impact accidents.


  19. tomo says:

    Are the Navy going to play catchup/trump the pongos and find an “Admiral Rachael Levine”?


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      I have forwarded this to Uncle Vladimir, asking him to make sure when his boys capture any British military personnel who are helping the Ukrainians, they respect their gender-neutral titles and personnel pronouns.


    • MarkyMark says:



  20. markh says:

    Another item on BBC’s webshite this morning aimed at eliciting our sympathy- a refugee has complained that the year spent in a detention camp in Wales was the worst of his life. Well boo-bloody-hoo, bugger off back to whatever cesspit you came from. The world is laughing at us.


    • StewGreen says:

      The very long new BBC article, probably PR from an agenda pushing charity
      uses fictitious name
      “It was the worst period of my life because I thought it would never end.”

      Very similar 2 year old story
      Daily Mail 19 Mar 2021
      The Asylum seeker describes Welsh camp as ‘worst experience of my life’

      a refugee charity ran something similar dated
      23 DECEMBER 2020


    • MarkyMark says:

      “It was the worst period of my life because I thought it would never end.”

      Hassan – not his real name – was one of hundreds of asylum seekers housed at an army camp in Pembrokeshire in 2021.

      Penally, run by Clearsprings Homes, was later closed after a scathing report, but Hassan is concerned plans to house more men at two new sites, including Stradey Park in Llanelli, will involve that company.

      Clearsprings Homes said it was unable to comment.

      The Home Office said any new sites would provide asylum seekers with food and other essentials.





      • taffman says:

        Why is the Home Office* more caring for the invaders than its own people ?
        Its almost as if it is attracting them in with “Four Star hotels” while our own people, including ex forces are living and sleeping on the streets .
        “Reality” is about to hit this government , lets hope sooner rather than later .

        * Home Office – means looking after this country not , repeat , not “Working from Home”


        • Up2snuff says:

          TWatO Watch #1 – as James Naughtie has been on a TellyTaxpayer funded jolly to France ….

          …… and found refugees from somewhere sleeping in tents by the side of a road or even in the open, HMG could empty the 3* and 4* hotels of asylum seekers, illegal migrants and terrorists and put them all in tents somewhere in the open. They could fend for themselves as they do in France or concerned charities could help them out.

          After all the UK’s military men lived in tents in Crimea and Africa and India.


          • Banania says:

            And they could camp along the south coast waiting for entrepreneurs to come and ship them across the Channel for a large fee.


        • MarkyMark says:

          Taffman – “Reality” is about to hit this government , lets hope sooner rather than later .

          They are now untouchable citizens – top the systems – no cause and effect.

          Tory MP Nadhim Zahawi admits taxpayers paid power bill for his stables
          This article is more than 9 years old
          MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables



  21. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    The Covid enquiry should be scrapped.

    Nobody will believe any conclusions they come to as everybody knows it will be a whitewash.
    It will be ‘answering’ questions nobody is bothered about at the same time as ignoring the questions we actually do want answered.

    In the end nothing will change. A typical ‘lessons will be learned’ (but they never are) whitewash.

    Save the money to spend on something worthwhile.


    • Doublethinker says:

      Inquiries are used to cover up the mistakes of the establishment , in this case the entire liberal left hyperglobalist political caste in the UK. This often requires that the innocent get the blame and the guilty get the praise. But in this particular case I think that we already know who the scapegoat will be , Mr Johnston, because the establishment want him dead and buried. Dissenters from the approved establishment line will also be punished, the spreading of truth is a particularly horrendous crime.
      It just goes to show how much the establishment hate Brexit . The only time that Boris has strayed from the woke establishment line was on Brexit . On everything else he dutifully toed the line, he increased immigration, he imposed ridiculous Net Zero on the country , he even cooperated on Covid . Only on Brexit did he stray from the fold and yet he must be,punished.


    • MarkyMark says:

      The Conduct of Mr Keith
      Presented to the House of Commons
      pursuant to House of Commons Standing Order No 150A
      Ordered by the House of Commons
      to be printed 23 September 2021
      HC 731
      Published on 23 September 2021
      by authority of the House of Commons

      Click to access hc-731—the-conduct-of-mr-keith-vaz.pdf


    • moggie63 says:

      I’ve noticed that when ‘lessons will be learned’, the nature of the lessons is never clarified or even mentioned.


  22. G.W.F. says:

    Welby wants Floyd George to be a saint – for diversity.



  23. tomo says:

    Sam Bankman-Fried’s gone all quiet – eh?

    Billions of dollars don’t just disappear….


  24. digg says:

    A West African migrant slaughters 3 people in Nottingham for no reason but not to worry says the BBC he just had mental issues so nothing to see here let’s move on.

    That’s one in France and one in the UK in the last week, I expect this will become a new leisure activity for these welcome guests to our countries or maybe they view prison conditions as being better than Premier Inn’s?

    Meanwhile deafening silence from the usual migration luvvie suspects!


    • StewGreen says:

      @Digg silence ? Nope after a migrant killed 3 people they aye shouting that the BBC should not talk about illegal migrant entry.

      All stats that begin with “97%” are dodgy


      • StewGreen says:

        The 97% stat is from the BBC Simon Jones saying only 3% of launches are for migrant rescue
        “Figures released by the RNLI show it was called out 290 times last year to rescue migrants in the Channel.
        That represented 3% of the total number of lifeboat launches”

        so 300 launches = 3%
        so 10,000 = 100%
        but many of them will be testing and training exercises.

        I expect the RNLI transports/trafficks 6,000 migrants
        and 600 genuine rescue customers per year

        Even the Guardian says the split is 33% vs 66%
        “Almost a third of all people saved by lifeboat crews in the UK and Ireland last year were rescued from the Channel as they tried to cross in dinghies and other small vessels, the RNLI has revealed”
        They mean they saved 290 lives and 108 of those were migrants


        • StewGreen says:

          2014 : lifeboats in big tourist town towns would rescue 80 people per year
          Volunteers at Mumbles lifeboat station in Swansea rescued the most people, with 82 brought to safety, closely followed by Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan, with 81 people rescued.

          So if this years Channel migrant rescue is 6,000
          that is at least equivalent to the total from all tourist towns I guess.


      • MarkyMark says:

        RNLI buys burkinis for Africans as it axes 100 UK jobs: How £3.3million of donations to lifeboat charity are spent abroad including aid for Tanzania swimmers and creches in Bangladesh



      • StewGreen says:

        Oh this dodgy 3% RNLI stat was used on the 1p news just now


  25. Eddy Booth says:

    Discrimination biggest concern from AI – EU


    So It’s not authoritarian governments, like the globalist EU, using it to rule us..no it’s discrimination!


  26. Charlie Farley says:

    With all these Random Stabbings and Murders it must be time to Randomly Ram and Sink all the Dinghys before more Random Murderers arrive ……I still don’t understand why the RNLI and Border Farce haven’t been stopped running the Taxi Services…..utter madness , this once Great Britain is Finished !
    So many died to keep us Free …..and for what ?


    • andyjsnape says:

      “So many died to keep us Free …..and for what ?”

      About sums it up


  27. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Todays nostalgic bit.
    They weren’t always bad.


    • Doublethinker says:

      Born 1951 . I remember this tune well and all through childhood and adolescence the BBC was as familiar and comforting as a sofa or a fire in the grate. Began to have doubts about theBBC 1982 . Doubts grew to certainty by 1990. Certainty grew to loathing by 2000 and the loathing grew stronger from then on.


    • Banania says:

      That brings tears to the eyes as a reminder of what has happened to the country in general and to the BBC in particular. Alas! Alas!


  28. andyjsnape says:

    You couldn’t make it up, a fairy tale brought to you by the bbc

    Asylum seeker’s fear over new sites after Penally stay

    “It was very dark when we arrived at the camp,” he said. “We were all scared.”

    Presumably traveling half way around the world was like a dream, but traveling on a bus for the evening is very scary!


  29. G says:

    Farage + Johnson?

    Why would the, normally straight talking Farage, want to join forces with Johnson the natural-born liar?


    • MarkyMark says:

      Farage is bending to the money – I think –

      “Tony Blaire as Vaccine Leader”
      “Boris – back down to let him get an 80 seat majority – 0 conservative polices.”


  30. taffman says:

    “UK economy grows in April but house market weakens”

    I understand that the UK is not in recession as is the case in Europe.
    So Brexit is not doing so bad after all, as ‘they’ tell us ?
    It must be remembered, we have not unleashed the full benefits of the Brexit that we voted for so long ago.
    This nation is in need of Reform UK.


  31. StewGreen says:

    Monday about 500MW of coal was helping keep the GBgrid stable all day
    cos of the way you can have it spinning and ramp it up and down

    #2 In future such info will be more difficult to find
    cos Twitter just took anti-bot action against the account that tweets hourly coal use.



    • StewGreen says:

      In the middle of the night, if a gas power plant fails
      the grid can simply switch on a solar farm and a wind farm.

      Oh no they can’t cos solar and wind power are not proper power
      they only turn up when they feel like it.


  32. Zelazek says:

    The BBC reassures us:

    This West African did not have a criminal record.

    He was not known to the security services.

    He has a history of mental health issues.

    So, does this analysis of the incident mean there is really nothing to worry about? No, it doesn’t.

    It means that our security services have no idea where the next attack may come from. It suggests that our mental health services are hopeless at identifying unbalanced patients who may be a danger to the public. The gruesomeness of the attack adds to the perception that blacks are a violent and dangerously disturbed race and so reduces the trust between communities in what is already a low trust society.

    If we want a safe and peaceful society, we must return to a homogeneous society. We must start talking about repatriation.


    • Guest Who says:

      The BBC is more of a state hit team to silence off narrative voices.



      • Ian Rushlow says:

        Very disappointed in GB News. Why didn’t the other 21 hosts make statements casting doubt on climate ‘science’? If I wanted to know about the scientific consensus (sic) I could refer to the BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Sky, Daily Mail, Daily Express, Daily Mirror, Independent, Guardian, Times, Telegraph, CNN, MSNBC, Euronews, CBS, ABC, Financial Times, Le Monde, Figaro, Washington Post, New York Times, the Government, European Union, United Nations, World Economic Forum, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Joe Biden (that’s enough Establishment fraudsters – Editor).


    • Flotsam says:

      It’s a well known fact that there is a higher incidence of psychosis and scitzophenia in black immigrants than in native whites. There are some identifiable reasons for this such as isolation, not feeling part of this society etc. It might also be genetic or it might be that there is a culture of casual violence in their native communities. Islam as practised by some groups does not appear to be a religion of peace. It’s worth remembering that Christianity was a brutal religion in many cultures and eras. Religious certainty can be a useful justification for barbaric conduct.

      In any case in recent decades our society matured into a caring and coherent society. Why ruin it with third world imports? Stop the boats


    • Doublethinker says:

      Let’s not get confused here. The tag of ‘mental health issues’ is just a diversion , an excuse because the BBC and the rest of the MSM and establishment don’t want us , the public, thinking that all this third world detritus that they keep stuffing into our country is anything other than wholesome and good for us. These migrants are a blessing , we should be grateful , we should be nice to them , they represent no danger to anyone and of course their culture is much superior to our own. After all they invented the mud hut and a hole in the ground to defecate in. What have we got to match that?


    • Banania says:

      Is he a Moslem? Why is no one talking about this?


  33. vlad says:

    Earlier this morning, the BBC was devoting most of its US section to Donald Trump’s indictment, revelling in his misfortunes.
    And zero to Biden’s criminal activities, or the FBI involvement and scandalous cover-up.

    So, to redress the balance, here’s Ted Cruz excoriating the FBI, Biden and the corrupt media.
    Somehow, I don’t think the BBC will be showing this anytime soon.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “I’m going to answer in the parameters we operate in” @3:44


    • G says:

      If these sort of things happen on a day-to-day basis in Russia, Venezuela, China and other Marxist/Communist countries there is ONLY ONE connection to make………………


  34. MarkyMark says:

    Rupert Murdoch is reportedly eyeing a bid for The Spectator, now that the coveted title is on the market after Lloyds seized control of the Barclay family’s shares last week.

    “It’s now universally accepted that the press is parti pris (a preconceived view; a bias).” {youtube} – Christopher Hitchens circa1993

    “Yes, it is true that Conrad Black once threatened to buy the Spectator, of London, because he objected to an article I had written in it. And I laughed for quite a long time, until he did buy the Spector. ” {Christopher Hitchens – youtube – @0:39}




  35. Dickie says:

    Article from UK Column:

    Kariuki Kabuki – UK statement at the UN Security Council
    Profile picture for user purple hoaxP
    purple hoax
    14/06/2023 – 08:23
    Read the statement by prize lying moron Kariuki at the UN ‘Security’ Council meeting. The hypocrisy is overwhelming. The FCDO waffling on about the dangers of Climate Change whilst simultaneously salivating over war and supplying depleted uranium shells to Nazis is sickening. There is also tacit admission that the whole financial system is to be ‘reformed’. It’s sick theatre.


    We must integrate climate reduction efforts into our early warning responses: UK statement at the Security Council

    Statement by Ambassador James Kariuki at the UN Security Council meeting on climate change.

    Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office and James Kariuki
    13 June 2023

    First, is the need to increase and improve access to finance for countries most affected by climate change, as highlighted so powerfully by Secretary Kerry just now. We are working to reform the international financial system and to scale up public and private finance for climate resilience and sustainable peace, including for countries on this Council’s agenda. Regional risk pools founded by the UK have transferred $1 billion of risk from Africa, with Somalia receiving a first payout from drought insurance this year. In July, we will convene events on climate finance in the UK and New York including for countries with humanitarian needs to contribute to this theme at COP28.

    Second, we need to ensure drivers of conflict are considered within climate interventions. Conflict-sensitive climate adaptation needs to be part of the solution for destabilised countries. And women, girls and local actors need to be meaningfully included in formal systems and negotiations.

    Finally, climate and conflict risk reduction and early responses should be integrated into humanitarian, peacebuilding and development programmes, in line with the Sendai Framework and the UN Secretary General’s Early Warning for All initiative. Reducing risk and impact of disasters is critical to ensuring continued progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals – especially SDG13 for climate and SDG16 for conflict.

    The UN system is well-positioned to coordinate climate, development, peacebuilding and security efforts, including through existing CPS Advisers in UN Missions. This Council should support this by helping to drive a more coherent and integrated response to stabilisation, peacebuilding and climate-resilient development across UN activities.


    1 user thanked author for this post.


    • G says:

      I will keep saying this until I am blue in the face!

      If the money flow stops its inward direction to the coffers, no Government will be able to afford the luxury of the wilfully reckless spending they’re all indulging in. Its as if they are spending because, somehow, they know that not long off, they will have to promptly stop on penalty of the Gallows.


  36. andyjsnape says:

    Sainsbury’s cuts toilet paper prices as pulp drops

    Unbelievable, world class reporting and advertising

    I couldn’t be ars*ed to read it all


  37. Charlie Farley says:

    Dickie ,
    We all know Climate Change is continuous and its been happening for Millions of Years and nothing we do will stop the natural process , just another Scam for making money 💰 .. Thinking about starting a new protest group ” Just Stop Volcanic Activity ” ……JSVA …..Might catch on and get Green Millionaire Dale Vince to fund it ….could be an earner !


    • MarkyMark says:

      A Net Zero RAF by 2040
      The RAF are on a mission to reduce carbon emissions and achieve Net Zero by 2040.


      The UK and our allies face threats in an uncertain world, from unauthorised aircraft entering protected airspace, to cyber attacks.

      Our Quick Reaction Alert (QRA) Force based at RAF Lossiemouth (north east Scotland), RAF Coningsby (eastern England), and the Falkland Islands (south Atlantic), are ready to scramble state of the art Eurofighter Typhoons in minutes to intercept threats.


      The UK and our allies face threats in an uncertain world, from unauthorised aircraft entering protected airspace, to cyber attacks.

      A Net Zero RAF by 2040

      The UK and our allies face threats in an uncertain world, from unauthorised aircraft entering protected airspace, to cyber attacks.

      A Net Zero RAF by 2040


      • Ian Rushlow says:

        …state of the art Eurofighter Typhoons…

        State of the art, eh? That will be state of the art as it was nearly 40 years ago, given that the Typhoon is a 4th generation fighter designed in the 1980s. It’s quite a good plane but the current state of the art would be 5th generation fighters such as the Lockheed Martin F-22 (entered service in 2005), the Sukhoi Su-57 (entered service in 2020) and the Chengdu J-20 (entered service in 2017). Britain’s successor to the Typhoon – the 6th generation Tempest – is under development and scheduled to enter service in 2035. Assuming enough engineers can be persuaded to cross the Channel in small boats…


    • G says:

      But Charlie,

      You don’t mention that to give the Ban on Volcanic Activity any force, it needs legislation. If you can persuade a Green Loon to take up the cause, I’m sure they would take it forward. Any stupidity these days, gains credence with the right backers………………


      • Ian Rushlow says:

        Right backers = American billionaires and American foundations financed by billionaires.


  38. MarkyMark says:

    “The RAF works with partners around the world to strengthen national and international security and to protect the interests and influence of the UK and our allies.”

    “Migrants detected crossing the English Channel in small boats – last 7 days”

    11 June 2023 616 12 0

    ” strengthen national and international security ”

    616 migrants in 12 boats


  39. andyjsnape says:

    bbc in mourning

    Dozens killed as migrant boat capsizes off Greece

    Most British people have had enough of illegals


    • harry142857 says:

      The RNLI to patrol the Med next, maybe the South China Sea in 2024 ?????


    • Eddy Booth says:

      Died, hardly killed.


      • Banania says:

        “Lost” is the favoured word, even when “killed” would be more accurate.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Migrants as a weapon … from 2017 …. 2010 ….

      Gaddafi wants EU cash (£4bn) to stop African migrants {bbc.co.uk aug2010}

      “Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a ‘black Europe’.

      ‘We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,’ Col Gaddafi said…

      He told them that Islam should become the religion of Europe and gave them free copies of the Koran, after he had lectured them for an hour on the freedoms enjoyed by women in Libya.”

      Aug 2010 … fast forward … Nov 2016

      Migrant crisis: Turkey (Erdogan) threatens EU with new surge (EU Tax Payers are paying Erdogan £2.6 billion) {bbc.co.uk nov2016}
      “Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that he will let hundreds of thousands of migrants travel on to Europe if pushed by the EU.

      ‘Listen to me: these border gates will be opened if you go any further,’ he warned the EU on Friday.”

      Sluff – why did they (NGOs?) burn the rubber boats (environmentally a bad idea) when they could just rip a hole in the middle to sink it?



  40. andyjsnape says:

    The terrorist attack by the black man in Nottingham

    Has anyone noticed no comment from this government or labour and keeping their distance, but helping to create a melting point


    • Terminal Moraine says:

      Distance… even Nottingham university says “sudden and unexpected death”


      • Docmarooned says:

        Say the truth – it was murder. Typical woke university bs.


        • MarkyMark says:

          22 Lost in Manchester …. why is this a terrible statement?

          Lost … so they will be found?

          Lost …. weasel words rather than killed or murdered so as not to upset anyone or cause HATE.

          Lost ….. a child given a Western education and opportunity decided Islam was better, but we cannot look into this problem because all cultures are EQUAL.

          Lost …… children killed for an ideology, but that ideology cannot be criticised.

          Lost …….. 1400+ kids were “transformed” over 16 years in 1 town, why not use the word groomed rather than raped.

          Lost ……… the UK has lost the ability to state the actual events, so it is the UK that HAS LOST.



  41. Terminal Moraine says:

    BBC’s Wendling here with some bold statements showing a distinct anti-democratic, anti-evidence bent. He’s really grasping at straws trying to suggest the NHS100k protest against vaccine mandates backfired. Wishful thinking no doubt.

    I had a friend on the protest who also reports numbers in the thousands. LBC, Yahoo News, Metro and the Express all agree. But Mike doesn’t just doubt, he highly doubts… based on absence of evidence and an overbearing ideology; which is all that’s needed to perform ‘reality checks’ at the BBC.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Health Secretary announces over £13 billion of debt will be written off as part of a major financial reset for NHS providers. From 1 April, over £13 billion of NHS debt will be scrapped as part of a wider package of NHS reforms announced by the Health Secretary today.2 Apr 2020


    • Guest Who says:

      A BBC masterclass by him.

      And how not by those he has engaged with rather than blocked.

      Note how he steers the whole thing. Not tackling the point but asking a question (the irony).

      And then presuming to ‘parse’ it, by making to another claim in guise of a question (the irony).

      They guy is slime level low.

      “I’m open to other interpretations though”

      Flat. Out. Misinformation.

      Try an FOI to the BBC on how many get blocked by him and Marianna without cause.


  42. Docmarooned says:

    Watched an ancient episode of the Likely Lads last night on bBBC 3 (i think) last night. Seen it many times since it was first shown 50 years ago. Dated obviously but still raised a chuckle. Great actors including the legendary Brian Glover. The missus said to me – wonder what comedy on now will be shown in 50 years time. Absolutely none – woke shite!


  43. Terminal Moraine says:

    “Tate Britain employs ‘vibe checkers’ during Pride events”

    “The London attraction hosted a festival to mark Pride month and outlined some ‘community vibes’ for the occasion, ‘vibes’ being a term referring to both a general atmosphere and the impression made by an individual’s deportment.”

    Checks on deportment, always a sign of a healthy society.



    • Zephir says:

      There are many reports of alien abductions and sexual probes etc.

      I wonder how many drank a bottle of vodka at a pride event, experienced missing time and woke up miles away with a sore bottom.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      They’ve spelled the name incorrectly. The gallery is actually called ‘Tat Britain’


    • Doublethinker says:

      Look everyone, when I used to go the London fairly often 20 to 30 years ago the Tate Modern was somewhere I went regularly . The Tate was and I’m sure remains a great cultural treasure, so good for your mental health. It was the best free laugh in the town. Some of the ‘art’ on display was side splittingly funny. Of course it wasn’t supposed to be funny but it was . I enjoyed guffawing at one of the installation when some arty farty type was close by and hear them sneering about philistinism or some such thing. They made the whole experience even more enjoyable.
      It’s probably even dafter now . I would enjoy winding up their vibe checkers and musing aloud about where they could put their rainbows.


  44. StewGreen says:

    Please take pity on Labour activists
    Alastair Campbell tells them
    #1 The BBC have put out a story, which is NEGATIVE towards Tory economics
    #2 The evil Tory press office Robbie Giib and Sharp have phoned
    #3 The compliant BBC change the story to a Tory POSITIVE that the economy won’t go into recession

    The Labour activists just take Campbell’s tweet at Face value and clap like seals
    except for 1 or 2 who say “if that story was deleted how come I can still see it ?”


    • StewGreen says:

      Does Campbell have any morals ?
      Does he play by Alinsky rules that say it’s OK to cheat ?
      That you win by any means possible.
      Would he amplify a tweet that has the truth 100% the wrong way around ?

      The truth is it didn’t happen 1,2,3 but rather 3,2, 1

      It started with the Tory positive
      “uk to avoid recession, say Hunt”
      then progressed to become the Tory NEGATIVE title


      0 UK economy to do better than expected, says Hunt
      1-2 UK economy to avoid recession, says Hunt
      3-5 UK economy set to shrink but avoid official recession
      6-9 UK faces biggest fall in spending power for 70 years
      is it still has the negative and has mostly always had the negative

      Time has proved the negative wrong I think


    • MarkyMark says:

      Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022

      Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.

      Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show

      Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent

      Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.

      Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States

      Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)

      Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV

      Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.

      Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines

      Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)

      Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables

      MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year

      Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts

      Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022

      Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022


    • Guest Who says:

      Playing to the gallery.

      BBC to studio regular Mad Al.

      Mad Al to the the BBC.

      They need him.

      He still uses them.


  45. Dickie says:

    US to provide depleted uranium shells to Ukraine. Can’t let the UK have it all their own way eh Biden.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:


      Putin is full of shit, and DU shells are not radioactive, so that photo is a fake. DU cuts through armour like a hot knife through butter. If you are facing a Russian tank that is your immediate concern. A rather nasty death faces you in seconds unless you take it out.


      • StewGreen says:

        DEPLETED ie Uranium which has already lost a chunk of its radioactivity
        “It is only weakly radioactive because of the long radioactive half-life of millions of years ”

        Having a bit stuck in your body, is a bit different from eating radioactive banana (they all are)


        • Eddy Booth says:

          Gets into the atmosphere and causes birth defects.


        • MarkyMark says:

          Did Iraq use depleted uranium?
          Depleted uranium – Wikipedia
          In a three-week period of conflict in Iraq during 2003, it was estimated that between 1,000 and 2,000 tonnes of depleted uranium munitions were used. More than 300,000 DU rounds were fired during the 2003 war, the vast majority by US troops.


  46. Emmanuel Goldstein says:


    I find it sickening when they get up on their hind legs and start saying their usual “our thoughts and prayers etc” (Nottingham this time) and we then hear the murmurs of agreement from the rest of them.
    It is them who have caused this contamination of our population and they are the only ones who can stop it.

    The vast majority have told them they want this mass immigration stopped but they just sit twiddling their thumbs.
    They must think we are just worthless pieces of shit.

    They keep saying they will do something and they are ‘on it’ but nothing ever happens.

    I bet Farage could sort it out.


    • MarkyMark says:

      On 15 October 2021, David Amess, a British Conservative Party politician and Member of Parliament for Southend West, died after being stabbed multiple times at a constituency surgery at Belfairs Methodist Church Hall in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. Ali Harbi Ali, a 25-year-old British man and Islamic State sympathiser, was arrested at the scene. He was found guilty of murder and the preparation of terrorist acts in April 2022, and was sentenced to life imprisonment with a whole life order.



    • MarkyMark says:

      2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012

      2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015

      2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018


  47. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    If anybody from the health service deserves a pay rise it must be those who deal with people who have mental issues.
    It sounds like they will be lucky to get through their days work without being killed given the high number of killers we now have with ‘mental issues’


    • moggie63 says:

      It must be terrible to deal with the total nutters like Brexiteers and UKIP voters. For 3rd world scum murder is nothing to do with mental illness and more about being a simple means of expression of views. It’s a great strategy in an argument. Kill the opponent, argument won. Simples.