Start the Week 12 June 2023

Defund the Far Left Anti British BBC please ..

how will the BBC deal with the arrest of one of their approved favourites – Nichola Sturgeon ? Will it displace the resignation of Boris Johnson and his gang ? A civi war inside the governing Party ?

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404 Responses to Start the Week 12 June 2023

  1. digg says:

    600 grand goes missing inside the SNP and as far as the BBC is concerned it’s pretty much tumbleweed… someone eats cake in 10 Downing Street and gets the boot.

    Get the picture?


    • Dickie says:

      Well, 600 grand is peanuts to the BBC hence tumbleweed.


      • Scroblene says:

        Around 3,775 tv tax payments to be less than exact…

        We’ve saved well over a hundred notes since ditching the beebonic scabbery…

        All gone on proper expenditure at home!


  2. Terminal Moraine says:

    Signs of cultural sabotage 1: “How Across the Spider-Verse blazes a trail with first hijabi Spider-Woman”

    “One particularly trailblazing feature was the first ever Muslim, hijab-wearing Spider-Woman […] Marvel and Sony have been making strides to include Muslim characters lately, with the Spider-Man universe at the forefront.”

    (Complete with Radio Times rainbow logo)



    • MarkyMark says:

      Saudi Arabia’s religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers.
      In a rare criticism of the kingdom’s powerful “mutaween” police, the Saudi media has accused them of hindering attempts to save 15 girls who died in the fire on Monday.

      About 800 pupils were inside the school in the holy city of Mecca when the tragedy occurred.

      Saudi hospital staff carry a victim of the girl school fire to an ambulance in Mecca
      15 girls died in the blaze and more than 50 others were injured
      According to the al-Eqtisadiah daily, firemen confronted police after they tried to keep the girls inside because they were not wearing the headscarves and abayas (black robes) required by the kingdom’s strict interpretation of Islam.

      One witness said he saw three policemen “beating young girls to prevent them from leaving the school because they were not wearing the abaya”.


      • Thoughtful says:

        Mark you’re doing it again, this was over 20 years ago at least say you are posting historical issues and why they are of interest?


        • Fedup2 says:

          Does my head in – I wonder if it drives people away from this site ? Same old comments again and again …


  3. Terminal Moraine says:

    Signs of cultural sabotage 2:


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      Given the way women are treated in India, you’d have to be mental indeed to want to “change sex”.


    • MarkyMark says:

      India, the world’s second-largest country by population, has the highest number of people (732 million) without access to toilets, according to a new report. The report by WaterAid, titled Out Of Order:The State of the World’s Toilets 2017, further stated that 355 million women and girls lack access to a toilet.16 Nov 2017


  4. tomo says:


  5. Fedup2 says:

    Qasa Alom. What could this be ? Is it part of NASA ? Is it an illness ? A flower ? No it’s the lead for the Far Left BBC for Wimbledon . Imported from the BBC Asian Network ….Nuff said …. Go woke …. Go get peoples’ taxes …


  6. StewGreen says:

    BTW for the Any Answers bit against Boris, on June 6th Alastair Campbelly tweeted a conspiracy theory that the episode had been taken away to hide it

    It was more boring than that It’s edited because when broadcast live a caller who had asked not to be named, Anita professional Rani then named the caller. they took it down to edit that call out.


    • StewGreen says:

      Campbelll has not again tweeted the story from the account called “HATE The Tories”
      I don’t think I am the cynical one
      It is a super power section of audio, however the crying mother mist know dam well that Boris was down with Covid when her daughter died, and still in hospital at the funeral
      so he cannot have been partying.
      There was no ban on visiting suicidal people so either the police misinformed her
      Or incredibly that part is not true
      It seems she has only been publish about this month.. and never mentioned it in the past 3 years


  7. Up2snuff says:

    TWatO Watch #1 – ooh a great opportunity to attack both Donald Trump and Boris Johnson!

    And the Montacutie took it with both hands. The death of Silvio Berlusconi was announced during the 1 p.m. News and so ‘far right’ and ‘populist’ and ‘scandal hit’ and ‘criminal’ were the adjectives bandied around by Sarah and various commentators. ‘Bunga bunga’ was mentioned a couple of times with delight.


  8. StewGreen says:

    Local BBC newsPR
    It’s time to talk Covid so again they bring on the fat lesbian couple one of whom died.


  9. Fedup2 says:

    Whatever happened to the Krankie arrest story ? Buried …. The biased editorial style of the BBC at its ‘ very worse . Scottish Far Left nationalism – Good – England and the English – Bad …..


  10. tomo says:

    Every faucet on Twitter is gushing “doom by heat”


    • BigBrotherCorporation says:

      Don’t those photos just show the rather obvious, that on the same day, at precisely the same moment you can have a massive difference in temperature depending on the immediate surroundings?

      Does it not also show how much difference where you place your thermometer and how you take your readings…in the shade or in bright sunlight, over grass or over tarmac, etc… not to mention what kind of thermometer you use to measure the local temperature can make?

      Considerably more of a difference than 1.5 oC, perhaps?

      How many ‘weather stations’ recording ‘climate’ are now located in urban heat sinks, and how many in unspoilt countryside? There are a lot less measurements taken than there used to be, and my feeling is that many which have been lost were those out in the sticks… and, given the ‘development’ of this country in recent decades, how many which were in open country are now in built up areas?

      Wonder how that computes with measured, ‘average’ increases in temperature and ‘global warming’?


  11. Dickie says:

    Alex Christoforou, commentator and blogger from The Duran (dam sight more entertaining and informative than the BBC)


  12. taffman says:

    Was our Home Office run by Albanians?


    • Dickie says:

      Probably. All a bunch of thieves, spivs and pickpockets


      • Fedup2 says:

        Can’t cost too much to bunge the dummies in the Home Office or get gang people in there – I’m sure any vetting would be considered racist – just like plod ….


  13. tomo says:

    Marijuana is getting some push back.


    • StewGreen says:

      If I immediately picked that up and posted here this morning
      how come none of the 4 producers noticed

      I tweeted Radio4 ..but no one noticed my tweet except Ratiowatch
      But I noticed that with Benjamin gaving 300K followers I notoced there are more tweets to him than there are to Radio 4 these days
      His tweet has 4,000 Likes
      She’s lucky if she gets 1,000

      Why did Marianna block him ?
      A few weeks ago he made a debunk video about her


  14. StewGreen says:

    Panorama : It’s either a hate-a-thon or a love-in advert
    Tonight It’s electric cars
    Guess which one it is ?

    “The Electric Vehicle revolution”
    .. no loaded words there …/sarc


    • tomo says:

      Kryten’s on it


  15. G.W.F. says:

    Warning. Pooing in the street is not tolerated in London.
    Perhaps doggy style poo bags could be issued to newcomers.
    Hear that Rasheed.



  16. tomo says:


  17. Fedup2 says:

    Perhaps it should be published in a few 3rd world languages ….


  18. tomo says:

    A senior official within the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), which is one of the most influential Washington, D.C. policy shops, is calling on the Biden Administration to deliver nuclear weapons to Ukraine.

    One Michael Rubin


    • TrickCyclist says:

      In the words of Governor Connally on November 22nd 1963. . .

      “Oh, no, no, no. My God. They’re going to kill us all!”


  19. tomo says:

    Me not much of a Gorka fan but also no fan of the Kyiv crew either.


  20. taffman says:

    Go woke and go broke !
    Comments could be going better?


    • StewGreen says:

      Why the heck does the BBC have a story for such a tiny firm ?
      “Leeds corp Meatless Farm on brink of collapse
      In 2021 at its peak, it sold over £11m worth”
      … That’s less than £1m per month …

      They add
      “Sausage producer Heck, also based in Yorkshire, recently reduced its vegan range citing lack of consumer demand.

      Sausage maker cuts vegan range as appetite drops
      In March industry giant Nestle said its Garden Gourmet plant-based vegan brand would no longer be sold in UK shops, less than two years after it first appeared on shelves”

      They fail to mention
      Dec 9, 2020
      NEW FACTORY: Plant & Bean set to open Europe’s largest plant-based meat production facility in the UK. The multi-million pound Lincolnshire factory will help international brands and retailers meet growing global demand #UKmfg

      It went bust last week too


      • tomo says:

        As an aficionado of the discount shelves – I can declare that tubes of brightly coloured weirdly flavoured wet sawdust aren’t being picked up around here – even at a fraction of the original price – seems like my experience is’t unique.


        • Scroblene says:

          Just about all of the’green/vegan’ signery has been taken down here as well!

          Somehow, normal citizens are being treated like real customers, not manic loonies wanting to intake vile composty trash at exorbitant prices…

          Looks like the vegreens have had their day, and it only takes the mind-blowing aggression of proper supermarkets to chuck out the fraud!

          The same thing happened with all those margarines which were supposed to be ‘healthy’! You don’t see ads for that sort of slop these days!


  21. tomo says:


  22. tomo says:

    US MSM – Trump’s going arrive at Miami court in a flying saucer?


  23. StewGreen says:

    “They’re hiring”
    But local radio just sacked a load of staff ?


  24. tomo says:

    Somebody is flogging your mobile phone location data

    £1 / hit


  25. tomo says:


  26. tomo says:



    • StewGreen says:

      Cage the dodgy Muslim charity retweeted
      adding “@UK_CAGE 11h
      The Regulators were politicised many years ago to suppress muslim civil society and dissent.

      *Current far right govt* is the beneficiary of those policies.
      And they will exploit regulators, BBC etc etc to push the parameters to normalise a Corporate Security State.”

      em if you go around using bullying language like calling your opposition Nazis, then that probably indicates you are a Nazi.
      Projection is a libmob characteristic.

      PS how many TV presenters become politicians ?
      eg Soubry


    • StewGreen says:

      It’s common for journalists and TV presenters to become politicians
      from Anna Soubry to Churchill to Boris

      Honourable mentions for Ian Gilmour, Iain Macleod, Georges Clemenceau , Martin Bell , ‏Lord Beaverbrook, Leo Amery, Norman Fowler, Chris Huhne (Mr Memory), Nick Clegg and ‏Al Gore


      • Guest Who says:

        Al ‘Hurricane’ Gore of beachfront billions fame, yer honour?

        And Lord Clegg of Facesmack of course became the Newsnight anti Brexit roving report pre vote.

        With customary success.

        Still, we can only hope for Lewis Goodwill, Paul Mason, etc.


  27. tomo says:

    Good piece at JoNova about the putrid releationship between public bodies and Big Pharma

    When the government agencies that approve drugs are actually 96% funded by Big Pharma

    Some good comments too.


  28. Fedup2 says:

    BBC in full baby killing mode after a woman who killed her unborn baby using tablets illegally obtained was locked up . Maybe it would he better to get her sterilised if she can’t control herself .
    The baby killing industry is on the case – Stella Creasy is up for it as usual and ‘family planning ‘( baby killing ) organisations are on the case .

    I surprised abortion clinics are not calling for more abortions – good for the industry – creates jobs …..

    No doubt the Satanists will want to push the limit to maybe 8 months – a matter of choice ….

    .. meanwhile – Scottish politics has been tippexed out of the news . No speculation of where the fraud inquiry will go – who will be arrested yet – what will be the consequences if the characters are charged ? Nothing ….. can you imagine any other politicians being supported by silence in this way ? Apart from Obama Biden of course – oh yeah – and corruption in the Reich EU ….


  29. andyjsnape says:

    Hang on, the bBC keeps telling us about this counter offensive?

    Russia strikes buildings in Zelensky’s home city and
    Drone attack hits Kharkiv buildings,

    But yesterday Ukraine liberated a few villages


  30. StewGreen says:

    7am local news “plans for discharge lounges in local hospitals, there’s already one in Hull and there will be one in Scunthorpe”
    .. em For the last 2 years I have known people come out via the Scunthorpe Discharge Lounge.
    So what’s going on ?

    Well despite the pickets saying “Save BBC local radio, we know the area”
    They are often metropolitan centred so are clueless about most of the area they serve, apart from PRasNews they get from Labour and their Green Subsidy biz mates
    They make mistakes pronouncing the names of local villages and streets in Scunthorpe etc.

    Here reporters like tge ITV woman are cutNpasting a government press release
    “The government has announced £8m of funding for new discharge lounges in our region’s hospitals.
    It’s aimed at cutting waiting times and includes Hull, Scunthorpe, Dewsbury and Doncaster”


  31. StewGreen says:

    When I looked at the local ITV reporter’s tweet, Twitter insisted on pushing on me her black health tweet.


  32. harry142857 says:

    Not the BBC.

    Dozy Lammy wrong again.

    Labour embarrassingly fact-checked by Twitter over inaccurate claim about first black MP
    Elon Musk’s new tweet fact check verification system has caused a headache for Labour, after users were quick to call out the party’s inaccurate claims.

    The Labour Party has sparked a row about transparency in politics after putting out a video claiming the very first black MPs were elected 36 years ago for the Labour Party.

    A glossy video promoting its “Bernie Grant Leadership Programme” saw Dawn Butler and shadow foreign secretary David Lammy reminiscing about Labour’s history of black parliamentary representation.
    However, the accompanying tweet from the party said: “It has been 36 years since the first black MPs were elected
    The claim quickly prompted keen-eyed history-loving users to accuse the party of falling short on their historical knowledge.

    According to records, the first-ever black MP was elected in 1767 – 220 years before Labour’s claim.
    James Townsend was a mixed raced man, who served as an MP from 1767 until 1774 and from 1782 before dying in office in 1787.
    While the now-defunct Whig party saw the first two Bame MPs elected, the Tories followed quickly behind, seeing their first mixed-race MP Ralph Benson elected in 1812, followed shortly after by John Stewart in 1832.
    PPE lecturer Adrian Hilton said: Black MPs didn’t begin with Labour. The first were: James Townsend (Whig, 1772), John Stewart (Tory, 1832), Henry Redhead Yorke (Whig, 1841) and Peter McLagan (Liberal, 1865). Unless, of course, Labour considers these to be somehow the ‘wrong’ type or only ‘superficially black’”.


  33. andyjsnape says:

    bBC reports on illegals and the total for yesterday of 600

    Channel migrants: More than 600 people cross in one day

    These figures are only the known amounts, I wonder what the true amounts arriving actually is

    Maybe 1000+. Lets face it 600 is what RNLI ferries illegally bring to the UK and processed by immigration, then given housing, schooling etc, then follows the rest of the family

    Will this, or any future government defend the UK, I doubt it

    The country has had it


    • taffman says:

      “Stop the boats” Rishi stop the boats, means stop them physically. Now get on with it!


  34. taffman says:

    Anything on AL Beeb about coal fired power stations presently meeting energy demand because of solar panel and wind farm failures due to present weather conditions?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Taffman – please go away and look at something important like why the airhead Nadine Dorries can’t plant her backside in the £Lords £ ….
      Actually I think such self serving moaning highlights we are really at the dregs of the blue labour rubbish ….


    • StewGreen says:

      BTW people often shout that UK has been running without coal for 40 days
      They mean Britain, cos in fact Northern Ireland’s Kilroot COAL power station runs normally daily at reduced output
      & doesn’t close to get converted to gas until after September 30th 2023


  35. Fedup2 says:

    In passing the BBC mentions that the average rise in pay is over 7% – so here’s to inflation staying high . Will the outgoing unelected PM be able to fix the inflation rate to meet his target ? Betcha …
    Unemployment is also down – it seems – but no one cares about this … at the moment ….


  36. JohnC says:

    Covid inquiry: The questions we really want answers to

    ‘I asked a range of people who were in the eye of the Covid storm what one question each of them most wants answered.’

    Yet another BBC article where they cherry pick the questions they want to suit their bigger agenda and thus make the entire article worthless. This is another of the BBC’s latest tricks : taking the opinions of suitable individuals then weaving whole stories around them as if they are proven facts.

    Top of the heap ?. These two:


    ‘Lobby Akinnola wants to ensure the death of his father, Femi, and others were not in vain’

    Black lives only matter to the BBC when they can be used for the agenda. If they stab each other in Londonistan, they are ‘unhelpful’ for the anti-white/anti-right agenda and so are brushed under the carpet.

    ‘A crucial part of that will be looking at why people belonging to ethnic minorities were at such greater risk. There is no “physiological reason” why they had worse outcomes, Lobby says. Instead, it is linked to society – the jobs and housing conditions people belonging to ethnic minorities experience.’

    Now this is not the result of any actual facts : it is the opinion of ‘Lobby’ – a young black man who we have no idea about.

    You missed the real reason out there BBC+Lobby and it’s just one word : culture.

    They live in their own sub-culture. If white man says jump, they squat and call him racist. I remember one reason being that they thought the government could track them if they had the vaccine – and we all know why they were so scared about that.

    Another classic BBC piece which is as far away from proper journalism as you can get. They all seem to be competeing with each other to see who can cram the most empathy into each article.


  37. AsISeeIt says:

    How Starmer could make things a bit worse edition

    As per usual – it’s all outrage, devastation and conviction from the left – while from the right we get: Rishi in furious attack on Bojo (The Sun)

    How dare we let them come over here – with snow still on their boots?

    No doubt inadvertantly, the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper this morning brings us a rather strong argument for more stringent checks on those supposed refugees arriving here prior to inviting them into our country: The Russian ‘agent’ living in UK with his family… thanks to Homes for Ukraine… Alleged Russian intelligence asset is living in London and his family used the British Government’s refugee scheme to join him

    We await the media spotlight shone as brightly on all those ISIS – and the like – assets arriving daily and gifted refugee status.

    Meanwhile, since Russophobia is the permissible sin, the youthful audience demographic-aimed ‘i’ newspaper can go off effing and blinding about this chap’s right to be here: ‘How the **** is he in UK? FBI concerns revealed

    Well, to be fair the ‘i’ exclaims their outrage by proxy of the US FBI – which is rather fitting on the subject of the Russia v Ukraine/USA/UK/FBI/CIA by proxy war

    There’s more mainstream media brazen brass-necked shameless cant – but from t’other side of politics, so to speak, in the Daily Mail today.

    Offering a supposed helping hand to drowning manlet Rishi Sunak, the Mail frontpage purports to draw back the curtain on: A vision of Keir’s Britain – one notes that à la the Labour-supporting Mirror we’re all now apparently abbreviating the stuffed-shirt personality by-pass Sir’s name to the simple affectionate one-syllable – only his mother could love him – initial moniker ‘Keir

    616 cross Channel in a day – the most this year while Labour oppose crackdown on small boats… As Just Stop Oil cause havoc again, Starmer’s MPs vote against new powers to limit protests – threatens the Mail – but wait a moment… seemingly unstoppable illegal and moreover legal hyper immigration and green eco nutter nonsense – this is not just a vision of a year or two down the downward political track to perdition – but the every day reality of Rishi’s Britain – here and now.

    All the Mail warns us is how Starmer could make things a bit worse. There’s a general election slogan for you Rishi – you can have that for free.

    The Telegraph habitually whistles in the wind and delivers to us the odd rare shred of conservative common sense counter to the prevailing reams of left-leaning column inches… nay yards: Davina means well but menopause isn’t a sickness – Celia Walden making her point most politely – only to be comprehensively ignored, no doubt.

    The left show us how you properly fight the culture war – take no prisoners and with all guns blazing: Outrage as woman jailed for abortion after legal cut-off… ‘I am devastated for the woman in this case… the conviction serves no one’ (The Guardian there more than happy to quote Mandu Reid of the Women’s Equality party) – do note the Gruan lead headline story suddenly, mind you, able to properly deploy and define the word ‘woman’


  38. Fedup2 says:

    One of those ‘fixed ‘ 0810 interviews where the speakers are a retired judge and a red labour wimmin MP – Diana Johnson . The subject ? Killing babies . Call it Abortion if it sounds better .

    Anyway – there wasn’t much of a debate Diana says if a law such as the offences against persons act 1861 says someone killing an unborn baby should go to prison – the law is old and should be repealed . The 1967 abortion / baby killing act is old as well so that should go .

    So Diane wants unborn babies to be killed more easily – and anything old to be ‘gone ‘ too .. so if you are getting on a bit … maybe it’s time to go … think of the NHS . ..

    Diane wants to decriminalise baby killing – maybe issue Fixed Penalties for self about babies at 8 months – I understand the criminal case which fired this debate – the baby was at 8 months when it was killed ….

    Don’t get me wrong – as a chap I don’t have direct skin in the game .. but the way liberals dress up baby killing really does point to their amorality ….

    .. I’m sure I’d go on a list of ‘unapproved ‘( right 77 Brigade ?) to be rounded up for the cattle trucks when the time comes … …’society will be better without you ‘… now a piece from Mariana and Verify ….

    BTW – the judge just said he wouldn’t have banged the mother up – but someone did …


  39. andyjsnape says:

    Grim weekend for London after five stabbings, woman fighting for life and body pulled from canal

    Surely this can’t be right, we import doctors usually, apparently!


  40. taffman says:

    Serious incident, Nottingham ? Those “men” again ? Has Al Beeb caught up yet ?


    • StewGreen says:

      There’s a news blackout
      lots of police and fire brigade standing around.
      Martin Daubney 🇬🇧 @MartinDaubney
      “Major incident” reported in Nottingham City Centre. I’ve just been sent a dramatic video by an eyewitness that might explain.

      see GBnews


      • StewGreen says:

        @GBNEWS from witness footage, has shown at 5.30am a man from a white van has been tasered, shots heard. & arrested(?)

        He said the guy was obscured by his hat and carried a big knife

        armed police ran off to other place to deal with stabbing
        His footage just after 9:02am on GBnews live feed

        Twitter mentions a scooter
        as if 2 people involved


        • StewGreen says:

          Police have opened up ..all media now say
          “Three people have died in Nottingham major incident.

          At just after 04:00 two people were found dead on Ilkeston Road.
          Another man was found dead on Magdala Road.

          Police were then called to Milton Street where a van tried to run over three people.

          A 31 yo man has been arrested”


          • StewGreen says:

            I’ve not heard skin colour mentioned
            but normally police hold back if the suspect is non white


    • taffman says:

      “White van” man 3 dead ?


  41. StewGreen says:

    As @Fed trailed at 6:14pm the BBC has changed its face of Wimbledon
    Paul Homewood quotes the Telegraph article

    A YouTube filmmaker with a passion for climate change and sustainability documentaries will be the most prominent new face of the BBC’s Wimbledon coverage next month when Clare Balding takes over from Sue Barker as the main presenter.

    Qasa Alom, who was a BBC reporter during last summer’s Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, has a background in current affairs as well as sport and will replace Balding as host of the Today at Wimbledon highlights show, which she has anchored since 2015

    According to his website, he has a “keen passion” for environmental conservation and was a host at Cop26 and Cop27


    • Guest Who says:

      People with passions really have helped objective news entities like the BBC traditionally.


  42. Up2snuff says:

    BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – is this right or is it a load of hogwash?
    Ignore the Climate Change aspect and the lurid title to the article: it just doesn’t ring true to me from what I know of motor sport and the workings of the internal combustion engine.


    • Guest Who says:

      BBC, so, going with… porcine cleansing?

      Seems odd they are ‘on’ motorsport still after decades of enthusiastic support and now… Lewis’ baggy bloomers.

      Not my thing but impressive engineering. And I imagine this, plus the thrill and maybe some driving skills attracts the punters. Not the first trans wheel knob twiddler.

      However, the local chavs round here do like their post whatsit banging tune ups, which scares the horses mostly. Might attract a hefty mare of the desperate variety for a bit of rear seat slap and tickle too.. who knows?


  43. Guest Who says:

    Moonbat is back.

    And the spotlight shines again on Springster and her merry band.

    Carl Benjamin will be thrilled.


    • Up2snuff says:

      “It is weather George but just not as we (recently) knew it”.

      It is summer at last after a long cold winter and spring.

      Fortunately, the easterly/nor’easterly winds have eased a bit and maybe Europe is getting a little warmer, too, so that should help us stay warm in the UK even though those winds are forecast to pick up speed again as the week progresses.


    • MarkyMark says:

      ” the greatest predicament humanity has ever faced”




  44. taffman says:

    “Channel migrants: More than 600 people cross in one day”
    Our so called government should “declare a state of emergency” because we are being invaded and ‘our’ lives are at risk . They did it when COVID hit our shores but slow to do it now .
    Close the borders and start removing illegals. Things are really getting very serious!


  45. Dickie says:

    Myocarditis and newborns. Perhaps BBC Verify should investigate the WHO.


  46. Thoughtful says:

    Very often news comes out of investment channels which is not on anyones radar other than the very clever people who seek to maximise gains, or to otherwise protect their clients assets, here is one from this morning telling things about the USA I didn’t have a clue was going on.

    For a start many many have heard of the 7 states now looking to move to a gold backed currency note known as a “Goldback” These notes are now in circulation in these states and contain a sliver of gold to denote their value. They are works of art, well worth looking at, but it demonstrates that even Americans in America have little confidence in their own currency.

    Then there is the issue of a federal purchase tax which currently doesn’t exist, but is left to individual states. Why is this necessary? Because people can’t afford to pay their taxes, and because of the tax strike.

    The Tax Strike, not the first time the US has experienced one of these, but it shows the levels of dissatisfaction with Bidens mal administration of the country it gets worse though

    Cessetion of Union States We now have several counties looking to leave Democrat controlled states, and states like Texas contemplating leaving the union altogether this is an unheard of development.

    The USA is begining to collapse under the evil ideology of Soclialism not surprising as it destroys everything it comes into contact with!

    These are the first small cracks in the dam, but you watch and see if you think what I’m seeing is right.


  47. micknotmike says:

    Relax folks, the Nottingham incident isn’t that serious. However, if somebody had their orange banner ripped, or a motorist decided to push someone the rozzers would be right on to it.


    • Guest Who says:

      Clearly, looks like not much is being sent, via The BBC.


      • StewGreen says:

        Why are all MSM running with “Keir Starmer says ” as if he’s the PM ?


    • JohnC says:

      ‘Sources have told GB News that the incident is not currently being treated as terrorist related at this early stage.’

      That usually means he is from the religion of peace, but didn’t shout ‘Alan’s Snackbar’ repeatedly while he did it.

      This is another of the monumental double standards we have today. If the far-right do it, they are instantly terrorists. When Muslims do it, it is only ‘terror related’ (note the different, specific wording) when they have definite proof of a link to one of their major terrorist organisations.

      I just saw this:

      ‘I looked out of the window and saw a black guy dressed all in black with a hood and rucksack grappling with some people. It was a girl, and a man or boy she was with – they looked quite young.’

      ‘I saw him stab the lad first and then the woman. It was repeated stabbing – four or five times. The lad collapsed in the middle of the road’

      Oh dear. Not easy for the BBC to sweep this under the carpet like those from Londonistan because everyone else has latched onto it.

      I confidently predict their narrative will switch to be empathy-laden stories about the victims – just like the Syrian immigrant story from France did.


  48. taffman says:

    “Channel migrants: Home secretary declares major incident”
    That was nearly four years ago !


    • tomo says:

      Major incidents huh?

      – seems a common term for provincial plods to deploy to big themselves up ?


  49. Guest Who says:

    5 News has appointed Lexi Iles as assistant news editor. Lexi previously served as a reporter at MyLondon and prior to that as regional editor at Nub News.

    Getting your news from 5 just had a real upgrade with the Nub input.