Start the Week 12 June 2023

Defund the Far Left Anti British BBC please ..

how will the BBC deal with the arrest of one of their approved favourites – Nichola Sturgeon ? Will it displace the resignation of Boris Johnson and his gang ? A civi war inside the governing Party ?

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404 Responses to Start the Week 12 June 2023

  1. Guest Who says:

    Ex Newsnight thug JO’bsworth hits twitter to suggest someone is ‘ignorant, dishonest & abusive’.

    Seems the media do like their own on a personal and professional basis.


  2. tomo says:



    • MarkyMark says:

      Angela Merkel disgusted by German Flag Throws it away at Victory Celebration of own Party


  3. andyjsnape says:

    Covid inquiry: The questions we really want answers to

    A question i’d like to know, why did certain people not bother to clean their hands and use hand sanitizer also, but then complained they were in a higher risk category based on colour of their skin


    • MarkyMark says:

      For him, the key question is: How can we better protect people when there is another pandemic?

      So they want to know: How did the UK get to have such complex and confusing rules?

      So her big ask is: How are we going to support children to recover and avoid such harm in future pandemics?

      For Association of Directors of Public Health president Prof Jim McManus, it comes down one basic question: How do we avoid lockdowns in future pandemics?

      So his key question is: What should be done to tackle staffing shortages, so we don’t face the situation again?

      So they want to know: How should the system be changed “so we can work out the trade-offs” of the decisions we make?



  4. Jeff says:

    Meanwhile the latest attack in Nottingham…

    I’ve been glancing at GB News and Talk TV as this tragedy unfolds…so far three dead…

    Talk TV have been interviewing “Intelligence expert”, Anthony Glees. He’s being really careful, slipping in the old red herring about this might be “a neo-Nazi…” I mean, okay, it’s possible, but it’s “possible” Fulham could win the Premiership next season…it’s just bloody unlikely. Then he said “It might not be terrorism at all.” Well, it might not be political, but it’s certainly an act of terrorism, I’d have said.

    GB News have another expert informing us that this could be “gang related”. They’re doing their darndest to make sure we don’t think this is an attack by, Shh, you know who…

    What we always get now is the smoke and mirrors of obfuscation and confusion before the assailant is identified. By mentioning neo-Nazis Glees has given the false impression that these people are carrying out attacks on our streets on a regular basis.



  5. StewGreen says:

    A lot of dumb TV speculation about Nottingham
    The fact is there were 3 attacks in the middle of the night in locations far apart

    “maybe he was attacking students coming out of nightclubs” .. what on a Monday night

    “Is it like the mosque attack ?”
    .. no one is near any mosque unless it’s sunrise

    Could be a guy attackng takeaway workers
    but could be a drug gang thing .. they operate in the miiddle of the night


    • tomo says:

      The furtiveness of the authorities – or not – will be the tell – seems like 24 hours to marshal the evidence is prudent.


      • Fedup2 says:

        The heat will be blamed – ban the heat ….


        • tomo says:


          – good point – that’d escaped me.

          I see (or rather, I don’t) see a gender angle – that’ll obviously be rectified later.


          • Fedup2 says:

            So much thought by criminologists into the ‘causes of crime ‘ – street disorder increases with the weather in Blighty – mainly – I think because it is so rare . The phew heat wave stuff coupled with the feral streets and lost tempers .

            Dehydration causes short tempers too …. I’m sitting in an air conditioned business lounge on the Shiraz so no worries zzzz..😜

            What concerns me is whether death was caused by a gun – in which case the ‘take the guns “ choir will be out in force ….


      • Kaiser says:

        24 hours to fix the narrative


  6. vlad says:

    The entire BBC ‘news’ team must be on their knees praying to Karl Marx, Allah and Saint George Floyd that the Nottingham attacker was a white supremacist, preferably Christian and preferably with a convenient swastika in his van.


    • Fedup2 says:

      It’s one of those ‘look away now ‘ stories which will be regional by tonight if Mohammed is to blame – or will run and run if it’s a whitee and the victims are coloured … ( as usual news agenda )


    • G.W.F. says:

      Also a social media account indicating support for Trump


  7. vlad says:

    Andrew Lawrence on Nottingham


  8. Guest Who says:

    Rather specific.

    They are blinded by a hate for anyone or thing not conforming to their world view. Or displeasing their more secretive masters.

    Especially a certain £5Bpa state broadcaster.

    Targeting pols is ok, if it is done on an even basis and for legitimate reasons.

    Possibly vocal high profile influencers on the same basis.

    Targeting folk you don’t like only, and with smears, allusions, critics who say, context free associations, etc is not.

    Yet that is the very basis of BBC Editorial Guided for staff or Just Good Friends present and past.

    Hence an O’Brien or Lammy gets a pass, but Scott Adams gets the full D’Unit treatment.

    The Silvio obit might be a bit different to a Nelson (several planeloads to SA version); the Begum hagiography to a Tommy (real name Toenails).


  9. tomo says:

    ‘ole Joe thinks believes he’s fire proof…

    The craven MSM will try to prove him correct?


  10. andyjsnape says:

    About the black man (obviously this isn’t mentioned)

    Under the above webpage the bBC quotes

    BBC Verify quotes
    “There are still some gaps in what we know about these incidents in Nottingham, which we’re working hard to fill”

    So the bbc verified some gaps and its had to fill! What a joke of an organisation it has become


    • Fedup2 says:

      Ok – let’s run the lines – pick and choose

      Known to police / security services
      Could have been prevented
      Security failure
      Why not stopped ?
      Local man
      No fixed address
      Long history of blah blah
      Recently released
      On bail
      far right
      Isolated incident
      One off
      Kept himself to self
      Extremist website
      Lone wolf
      Held under mental health
      Reassurance patrols
      Thoughts and prayers


      • andyjsnape says:

        Hello Fedup


        Have a concert
        Wave lighters in the air

        and forgot about


        • Fedup2 says:

          Andy -,where I live in londonistan this time of year – heading toward the shortest day – the ferals are up all night – no control – so it comes as no surprise that someone goes on a ‘spree ‘ …a long night for a lot of people though ….

          .. has the story gone from national to local so they can get back to plunging the knife into nut nut …?


  11. Terminal Moraine says:

    Gov asking for personal experiences of Covid for the public enquiry:

    “We know that some of the stories we most need to hear are the hardest to tell. By sharing your experience with us, you are helping us to understand the pandemic and the impact it had on the people of the UK.”

    At least you can let off some pent up steam from the last three years.


    • Terminal Moraine says:

      … e.g. share your views about making a C-19 Inquiry Tapestry as a suitable use of public money:

      “Renowned art curator Ekow Eshun has been appointed to oversee the co-creation of a modern tapestry for the UK Covid-19 Inquiry that will capture the experiences and emotions of people across the UK during the pandemic […] Ekow will curate the tapestry, which will feature panels produced by different artists over the coming months. The Inquiry is working with a range of organisations and individuals across the UK to identify stories to inspire each panel.”


    • Fedup2 says:

      Chocolate teapot comes to mind

      I’m looking forward to the testimony of a certain Jeremy hunt – the sec state for health for 10 ? Years before covid …. Hancock will use the ‘I was only there for 100 days defence – and I didn’t mean to kill thousands in care homes ‘ defence .


    • Fedup2 says:

      I understand that a lot of breaches of Chinese virus regulations are still going through courts and that sinners are getting some serious punishments .
      That to me is a scandal – forget it – it’s done ….


      • Terminal Moraine says:

        Fedup, quite. Even the inquiry is scheduled to run til 2026 with reporting coming possibly in 2027.

        That’s another scandal… they go on and on.


  12. Zephir says:

    I seem to recall in reports about the recent the attack in France by an immigrant, he was widely touted in the MSM as a Christian.

    No doubt the bbc et al will be shouting “muslim or rastafarian etc” from the rafters if that is found to be the case here.


  13. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    One thing we know for sure regarding the Nottingham attacks and that is it definitely was not a white person doing it and it was not the ‘far right’

    If it was we would have been told about it 6-8 hours ago.

    They do tell us the van is white and they say that the van ‘tried to run over several people’ which may mean it is AI doing it as opposed to the driver trying to run over several people.

    Obviously a racist van, a white supremecist white van.


  14. micknotmike says:

    Worry not, EG. The bbc are moving in their new “top slot” story seeing as the Nottingham one is not going their way. One thing always confuses me, if I’m minding my own, and some big ni66er comes running my way with a machete, my first thought isn’t going to be “I hope this isn’t terrorism related”.
    Get to the point mick. The new story is about covid. I remember when that was a thing. Apparently, “Race must be at the centre of the enquiry”, “Racism is pervasive in every aspect of life”. Before this gravy-train enquiry kicked off, I just knew it was going to all be my fault.


    • moggie63 says:

      It’s nice to be proved correct though, isn’t it.


      • micknotmike says:

        Well you aren’t paranoid if they actually are all out to get you.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Sorry but is that the Gordon brown rant about how the UK has to vaccinate the whole world or we won’t be ‘all safe ‘ crap?


  15. tomo says:

    Jeremy Hunt wants UK public sector to emulate private sector growth

    ye-gods …the man would put fertiliser on Japanese knotweed.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022

      Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.

      Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show

      Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent

      Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.

      Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States

      Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)

      Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV

      Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.

      Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines

      Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)

      Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables

      MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year

      Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts


  16. Fedup2 says:

    J Hunt – the leader of the kings’ loyal opposition – with the charisma of a toilet roll .. we re gonna cut taxes – ha ha …


  17. tomo says:

    Remember when they deleted 1984 from all Kindles?


    • MarkyMark says:

      Hard to believe this – but then again …. LabourBroadbandMasonIran.jpg


      • tomo says:

        You saw that Alexa incident where Amazon’s software recorded a couple’s kitchen conversation, did speech to text and emailed the text to the subject of the conversation?


  18. tomo says:


  19. Dickie says:

    Article posted on UKColumn

    So, you’re thinking about killing yourself? That’s great!” said suicide assistance operator Dr. Jan Rellis. “We can definitely help. How does Thursday sound?”

    Please note that this is a Babylon Bee satirical story – even though one might be forgiven in thinking that the BB staff had been inspired by Turdeau’s recent shenanigans.…


  20. tomo says:


    • MarkyMark says:

      325 … More than 325 classified files – including some marked with Secret and Top Secret designations – were discovered over the course of last year at Mr Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.

      SOME ….The documents discovered in Mr Biden’s office were marked “sensitive compartmented information”, according to CNN, indicating the material could involve intelligence-gathering methods and sources.

      They reportedly included information about Ukraine, Iran and the UK and dated from his time as vice-president and, before that, senator.

      113 … The FBI said there were 113 Clinton emails which contained classified information but they did not reveal the nature of them.


    • MarkyMark says:


      Channel 4 to screen comedy that shot Volodymyr Zelensky to fame
      Ukrainian president played the role on Servant of the People before entering politics


    • JohnC says:

      Whereas the BBC have the main headline:

      ‘BBC goes inside village just freed from Russian forces’

      Including the line:

      ‘The BBC is among the first media organisations to gain access to some of the first villages liberated in Ukraine’s counteroffensive.’

      Implying there are a lot more to come.

      It’s these kind of stories which a complete mockery of the ridiculous ‘Mariana Spring’ and the farcical agenda-based ‘verify’ team. This is gross misinformation and deliberate obfuscation of possibly the most important story there is : the run up to WW3.

      I for one think the people who are being led by the nose should know the truth of what is going on.


      • MarkyMark says:

        To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle. One thing that helps toward it is to keep a diary, or, at any rate, to keep some kind of record of one’s opinions about important events. Otherwise, when some particularly absurd belief is exploded by events, one may simply forget that one ever held it.


  21. andyjsnape says:

    bBC website
    Counter Terror team on Nottingham case – but police keep an open mind

    Would state far right if a whitey, how un-honest will the bbc be in its “reporting”


    • vlad says:

      Probably just another White Supremacist shouting Allahu Akbar.

      Crazy world, eh?


      • jazznick1 says:

        BBC Website version – 15.21.

        What do we know about the suspect?
        Honestly, not very much at the moment. With this being a live investigation, police have to be careful with how many details they give out and when. For now, though, here’s what we know.

        The suspect is a man, aged 31. We don’t know if he’s from or lives in Nottingham.

        According to quoted witness in the Telegraph.

        Murder suspect described as ‘black man with dreadlocks’
        The suspect being questioned by police on suspicion of a triple murder in Nottingham is a 31-year-old local man, The Telegraph understands

        Eyewitnesses have described the man as being black, with dreadlocks and a beard who was dressed in a hooded top, reports Martin Evans.


        • Ian Rushlow says:

          When I worked in television, live programmes went out with a 7 second delay. The idea was that if anything unexpected happened i.e. an ‘incident’ or someone saying ‘the wrong thing’, then the button could be pressed to stop it being broadcast. The BBC have now extended that delay to 24 hours where the incident is counter to the regime narrative…


          • jazznick1 says:

            Hi Ian,

            That may work when ‘live’ but pressing an internal ‘edit’ button an hour AFTER another mainstream news outlet has provided the info is rather blatant ‘nothing to see here’ non-reporting !.

            As you say, the story is now running counter to the regime’s
            wishes, so BBC reporters are in Nottingham – but walking backwards, ‘mikes off’ having learned what the ‘perp’ was.

            It really is getting obvious now.


    • vlad says:

      Remember how quick the BBC were to tell us that the Syrian knifeman in France was a Christian (allegedly)?


  22. tomo says:

    Tinkers …

    The locals still cleaning up a week later

    The perps having moved on to provide “surprise!” copy for another local rag…

    Am I being unreasonable to expect these gits to be confronted – I don’t know in this case but I do wonder if they originated from Ireland and Dublin gifted them to us?


  23. MarkyMark says:

    A large group of travellers who broke into a Trowbridge recreation field left behind toilet paper and soiled nappies, say a group who cleaned up the area afterwards.

    The Equality Act 2010 says you mustn’t be discriminated against because of your race. If you’re a Gypsy or Traveller, you may be protected against race discrimination.

    Discrimination which is against the Equality Act is unlawful. If you’ve experienced unlawful discrimination, you may be able to do something about it.

    Read this page to find out more about when you’re protected against race discrimination if you’re a Gypsy or a Traveller.


  24. tomo says:

    A YouTube filmmaker with a passion for climate change and sustainability documentaries will be the most prominent new face of the BBC’s Wimbledon coverage next month when Clare Balding takes over from Sue Barker as the main presenter.

    from the comments:

    “He’s going to be rather upset then when antivaxxer science denier Novak Djokovic wins Wimbledon once again. It’s a pity there don’t seem to be any outspoken climate science deniers among the ranks of the top players. That would really rile him.”


    • MarkyMark says:

      The game of tennis dates back officially to 1873, when the first book of rules was published by Major Walter Clopton Wingfield of north Wales. But tennis has antecedents in ball games played with the hand that evolved in Europe before the Renaissance.

      Read more:

      Aluminum rackets are usually made of one of several alloys. One popular alloy contains 2% silicon, as well as traces of magnesium, copper, and chromium. Another widely used alloy contains 10% zinc, with magnesium, copper, and chromium. The zinc alloy is harder, though more brittle, and the silicon alloy is easier to work. Composite rackets may contain many different materials. They usually consist of a sandwich of different layers around a hollow core or a polyurethane foam core. The typical layers of a composite racket are fiberglass, graphite, and boron or kevlar. Other materials may be used as well, such as ceramic fibers for added strength.

      Other materials found in tennis rackets are nylon, gut, or synthetic gut for the strings, and leather or synthetic material for the handle grip. Nylon is probably the most common string material, and only a few professionals still use gut, which is made from twisted cow or sheep intestine. Synthetic gut is made from nylon which has been twisted to achieve the same effect as natural gut. Old wooden rackets usually used a leather handle grip, but modern rackets generally use a leather-like replacement such as vinyl. Rackets may have plastic parts too, such as the yoke at the base of the head and the cap at the bottom of the handle.

      Read more:


      • Up2snuff says:

        MM, real tennis (different from Lawn Tennis) dates back to the time of King Henry VIII.


  25. tomo says:

    Glasto hype spools up.

    If the weather stays like this they’re possibly going to have to turn it with one of the hundred plus diesel generators on site?


    • MarkyMark says:



    • MarkyMark says:

      Do they only turn the evening lights on when it is turning?


      • tomo says:

        nah… – don’t be daft.

        There hasn’t been any statement afaics about site power policy – including the sourcing of diesel for all those generators. There is a cleaner diesel available (GTL) – but there’s a price premium – or there was last time I looked.



        • MarkyMark says:

          Acoustic instruments only? HA HA HA HA !
          Climate Emergency – ban all fun!

          Jon Snow accused of chanting ‘F*** the Tories’ at Glastonbury festival
          ‘After a day at Glastonbury, I can honestly say I have no recollection of what was chanted, sung or who I took over 1000 selfies with,’ says veteran presenter

          Maya Oppenheim
          Wednesday 28 June 2017 10:26


      • Ian Rushlow says:

        If the wind stops blowing, they simply use the hot air coming out of the mouths of the has been pop stars and geriatric BBC employees enjoying the Glasto freebie, man.


        • MarkyMark says:

          URINALS – MENS’ & WOMEN’S There are over 700 metres of male urinals dotted across the site. There are also some lovingly decorated female urinals, cared for by WaterAid volunteers who are also on hand to assist newcomers! There are two of these sites for 2022: one at the bottom of Hen House Lane by the Pyramid Stage and one in the Kings Meadow (Stone Circle). Both female urinals will have two compost toilets set-up with washing facilities inside so that reusable sanitary products can be cleaned and used.

          Please Leave Facilities In The Condition You Wish To Find Them. Respect Each Other And The Farm.

          LEAVE NO TRACE

          LEAVE NO TRACE


          LEAVE NO TRACE

          Glastonbury Festival: Levels of illegal drugs high enough to harm wildlife found in river running through site
          During the festival levels of MDMA and cocaine in the water were so high they could affect the lifecycles of certain protected species of wildlife further downstream, researchers discovered.

          Samuel Osborne
          News reporter @samuelosborne93

          Tuesday 28 September 2021 00:48, UK

          Samples were taken from the Whitelake River both upstream and downstream of the site of the festival.

          The researchers found MDMA concentrations quadrupled the week after the festival, suggesting the long-term release of drugs from the site.


    • tomo says:

      (edit) 220 diesel generators – see below


  26. JohnC says:

    BBC Live report on the Nottingham murders:

    What do we know about the suspect?

    ‘Honestly, not very much at the moment. With this being a live investigation, police have to be careful with how many details they give out and when. For now, though, here’s what we know.

    The suspect is a man, aged 31. We don’t know if he’s from or lives in Nottingham.

    Following a report by BBC News’ home affairs correspondent Daniel Sandford, we know that the attacker, who remains in police custody, may have some mental health issues.’

    Not ‘honestly’ at all BBC. We know something very significant about the attacker. He’s black.

    Yet you have already discovered he has mental health issues !!. Remarkable work !!.

    As predicted, the entire story is about the victims, not the attacker or the attack. Standard reporting from the racist BBC while they delay talking about who did it until the story dies down.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      ‘may have some mental health issues’

      According to Fearon P, Kirkbride JB, Morgan C, et al. in ‘Incidence of schizophrenia and other psychoses in ethnic minority groups: results from the MRC AESOP Study, Psychol Med, 2006, vol. 36 (pg. 1541-50)’, there is a a 9-fold higher rate of schizophrenia among individuals of Afro-Caribbean ethnicity, and nearly a 6-fold increased risk of schizophrenia among individuals of Black African descent compared with Whites. These figures relate to the UK.

      Why would a country knowingly import people who have a higher propensity towards mental illness, given that there are genetic markers associated with schizophrenia?

      When we are told that there are benefits from immigration, does that take into account the cost of treating such conditions, and the social cost associated with the consequences of some individuals who become paranoid schizophrenics and perform violent acts?


  27. Philip_2 says:

    From the telegraph today: (by Michael Deacon)
    How the BBC can win back Tory viewers

    To help shed its metropolitan liberal image, the BBC is reportedly examining ways it can ensure that new recruits have a “diverse” range of opinions. Presumably, this will entail hiring some people who vote Tory. A nice idea. There’s just one small problem.

    Metropolitan liberals tend not to have any Tory friends. As a result, they have a somewhat distorted idea of what a Tory actually is. So I dread to think what the job interviews will be like. I have an unhappy vision of BBC executives earnestly asking candidates whether they think the Government should bring back hanging for single mothers, or whether all cyclists should be deported to the moon.

    Of course, the whole task would be perfectly straightforward if they could just ask candidates how they vote. But they can’t do that. So the BBC needs to think up a subtler way of finding out which candidates are Tories.

    Happily, I have a suggestion. As most BBC executives are doubtless aware, an awful lot of Tories these days don’t like the BBC terribly much. In fact, many loathe it with a passion.

    If the BBC wants to find out which job candidates are Tories, therefore, the question it should ask is: “Do you think the BBC should be abolished?”

    Hire all the ones who say yes!


  28. taffman says:

    When will we hear from the BBC that Brexit was to blame for Covid?


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      Taffman… I have heard there is an upcoming BBC Panorama special titled ‘How Brexit caused Covid, Global Warming and the War in Ukraine.”


  29. Guest Who says:

    Strumpet really was a perfect BBC foul mouthed slapper. A perfect partner for O’Brien.


  30. Jeff says:

    West African migrant…

    History of violence…possibly asylum seeker…in my country…

    BBC…let’s hear some more about Stephen Lawrence…


    • taffman says:

      What about Lee Rigby ?


      • digg says:

        Lee Rigby meant nothing to these creatures. he was white, male and military which basically means he has no human rights or no rights to be a human as far as these vile bastards care….

        Long my they all roast in hell!


  31. StewGreen says:

    itv local newsPR show
    yet another PRasNews item for FareShare the foodbank charity
    Is it a Labour front group ?


    • MarkyMark says:

      Why does the BBC buy more copies of the The Guardian than any other newspaper?

      “Its programmes and services have had an unparalleled impact on our culture and understanding of the world – from Planet Earth to The Archers, Match Of The Day to the World Service,” she said.

      Does the BBC suffer from a left-wing bias? Dan Wootton spoke to pro-BBC campaigner Cat Hobbs


      • Scroblene says:

        How can the Beebonics claim they need a ‘campaign’ if they’re subsidised solely by the TV Tax?

        Most normal citizens know they just fart around with the truth, often lie by omission, make excuses for failure in their ranks, and generally denigrate normal British ideals, so to have some stupid girl sitting there, waving her arms about and squawking inanities is just a waste of electricity!

        Still, the taxpayer subsidises them, so what do they care!


        • taffman says:

          “Still, the taxpayer subsidises them, so what do they care!”
          They are forced by an archaic law to pay the Telly Tax.
          If it is so bloody good they could make money by privatising it .
          Simples .
          Heads up guys !……………..



      • Up2snuff says:

        And why does the BBC find itself incapable of photographing or scanning the Guardian newspaper when it has 20,000 staff and offices in two major cities and a huge number of the Guardian newspaper delivered to both? The Guardian has been missing from the BBC Blog ‘The Papers’ over twenty times this year alone.

        Is it because they have missed out the Sun newspaper, imho not a quality newspaper, approximately fifty times this year for some peculiar semblance of editorial ‘balance’? And why, with the colossal resources of the BBC are they incapable of getting newspapers in the Blog sharp and why is it the Daily Telegraph that is usually out of focus, but not the Guardian?


      • Philip_2 says:

        But it IS their BBC, just not anybody else. When they say OUR they really mean hands off our public funded institution of TRUTH as the liberal left see the world through the social(ist) prism. They will literally go the the ends of the Earth to find the flimsiest evidence that – their own ‘clock is right twice a day’. The Met Office admits it also feeds ‘dire’ stories to the (UK) BBC as that is what they ask for.

        Its presenters by their own admission (Jeremy Vine step forward) are ‘biased’ – but say so the BBC as that is ‘balance’ in the global news feed as identified by Nick Robinson and Co, only yesterday, claimed only they, (the mighty BBC) are unbiased. Whilst in reply, next day ex BBC man Robin Aitkin said (quite rightly) that all broadcaster are in fact biased (like GB News which is like fresh air to the UK) but the BBC lied about News and encourages its staff to manipulate the truth (via edits) and put a negative left spin on it. The fact that they all read The Guardian (for inspiration), when nobody else does, as it still has the lowest newspaper circulation in the country) speaks volumes.

        That and the Left have no money of their own so rely TOTALLY on public taxes, and rely on the civil-service who are never that far away from a 3 day week!, or strike (or both). Voila BBC in a nutshell, they own it, let them have it and they can pay for it.

        No more TV subscription! Let them own that.


  32. Guest Who says:

    BBC TNI Editorial Guidelines.


    • Guest Who says:

      Saz raking in the market rate numbers.


      • Guest Who says:

        She out on bail?


      • MarkyMark says:

        July 5, 2016
        Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System
        Remarks prepared for delivery at press briefing.

        Good morning. I’m here to give you an update on the FBI’s investigation of Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal e-mail system during her time as Secretary of State.

        After a tremendous amount of work over the last year, the FBI is completing its investigation and referring the case to the Department of Justice for a prosecutive decision. What I would like to do today is tell you three things: what we did; what we found; and what we are recommending to the Department of Justice.

        As a result, although the Department of Justice makes final decisions on matters like this, we are expressing to Justice our view that no charges are appropriate in this case.

        I know there will be intense public debate in the wake of this recommendation, as there was throughout this investigation. What I can assure the American people is that this investigation was done competently, honestly, and independently. No outside influence of any kind was brought to bear.


  33. RightSide says:

    France: ‘Christian’ who stabbed children on playground turns out to be a Muslim named Selwan Majd

    Here is what is circulating from Syrians living in France and Germany who recognized the madman of Allah. And this was confirmed by relatives of Father Boulad in Alexandria…

    To be continued.

    From the beginning we said that it cannot be a Christian… and that it has the signs of being done by a Muslim…

    The assailant is said to be a Syrian refugee named Selwan Majd…

    He claimed his name was Abd El-Messih Hanoun, but his real name is “Selwan Majd,” a refugee from Al-Hasakah in northern Syria.

    He had traveled to Turkey with false papers where he met a Swedish tourist and made her believe he was a Muslim convert to Christianity.

    He married her in Sweden under the false Christian name, but the Swedish authorities doubted him and refused to grant him citizenship, later his wife separated from him.

    In France, he went to seek help in a church but the church also doubted him.

    He committed his crime by wearing a cross, claiming he was a Christian in order to hide his terrorist nature.

    Unfortunately, the European authorities have acquired a lot of false information recorded either by the refugees themselves or by the Turkish authorities.

    Thousands of people infiltrated European countries and became sleeper cells.


  34. Up2snuff says:

    BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – a welcome chance to praise the BBC!
    To my mind this is what the BBC should be doing at its finest level but so often we have to put up with the dross of the BBC with someone on the BBC payroll who cannot even dress properly for a BBC PR pic “we know how hard you have been working on this” who thinks removing democratically elected Prime MInisters is all in a days ‘work’ for a Beeboid.

    This article on the BBC web-site ‘informed’, ‘educated’ and ‘entertained’ me. It informed and educated me that Aussie Rules Football is based on Gaelic Football and that Gaelic Football is played quite widely in south-east Asia. And it ‘entertained’ me with a good read. Why don’t the BBC concentrate on doing this instead of removing Prime Ministers and Ministers from office?


  35. tomo says:


  36. davylars says:

    West African?
    Remember the Roots TV series by Alex Haley in the 70’s

    Quote: Fiddler says “you must be one of those Africans that don’t eat pig meat.”


  37. Dickie says:

    So are most western “democracies”:


  38. Up2snuff says:

    BBC WEB-SITE Watch #3 – was it taken down?

    I feel certain that I saw a photo of a woman in bed under a waffle blanket with her right forearm resting on her forehead illustrating a BBC article possibly entitled ‘Ten tips for sleeping on a hot night’ or ‘Difficulty in sleeping on a hot night?’ I was going to post a link here and deal with it under the usual head. It was a stupid photo to choose 1. because forearm on forehead only makes the head hotter, and, 2. waffle blanket, really? Why?

    Hopefully if it was ‘Ten tips for sleeping on a hot night’ the BBC had at 1. sleep just under a cotton sheet, 2. put a flannel soaked in cold water on your forehead but not your arm, and, 3. if it is really hot and there is room in the refrigerator, cool the pillow in the ‘frige’ first before trying to get to sleep on it.


    • BigBrotherCorporation says:

      4. Open windows – seriously, a ‘trick’ learned in hot countries. Always keep all your curtains drawn during hot, sunny days (it works best if they’re thermal/thermally lined curtains), and open the windows on the shady side of the house, keeping those on the sunny side closed (double glazed windows work best), if the sun moves during the day, close the windows on the sunny side and open those on the shady. Hot air should be drawn from inside the house and replaced with cooler air from outside on the shady side. In the evening, as the sun starts to abate, draw the curtains and open the windows on both sides of the house – there is normally a cooling breeze in the evening, and the air outside should cool more rapidly than that inside, making for airflow and a comfortable night.

      In really hot countries (Australia) people sometimes sleep in the bath, in a little tepid (not ice cold – especially if you have a dodgy ticker!) water, just remember you can drown in 2″(5cm). Lying in water in a t-shirt/PJs helps because the water soaks through the cloth and stops it from evaporating so quickly (same principle as the damp cloth on the forehead).


      • Up2snuff says:

        BBC, you are right. But maybe even better, pay someone to fit the exterior blinds like those some shops still have, to your lounge and bedroom and maybe kitchen as well because they can be pulled down to create exterior shade on windows.


  39. Terminal Moraine says:

    Gary proving he’s in touch with the sentiment of the country this afternoon by tweeting about “Africa Rising”.

    People in the UK today are largely concerned about another kind of Africa rising — not a telly programme gushing over vibrant young creatives presented by a Guardian writer. Still, have another million, eh Gary?


    • Docmarooned says:

      The replies are superb.


      • MarkyMark says:

        “Glad you liked the film last night Gary! Much appreciated.”

        “How about making a program ‘Africans stabbing’ – the West African migrant who has just killed Nottjngham students is welcomed in by people like you.
        You have more energy & emotion in favour of these immigrants than you do for the dead & their families – shocking”

        “Dear Gary ,do you think that all violent immigrants should be deported ASAP.?”


    • MarkyMark says:

      very few former slaves wanted to move to Africa.

      The back-to-Africa movement was based on the widespread belief among some European Americans in the 18th and 19th century United States that African Americans would want to return to the continent of Africa. In general, the political movement was an overwhelming failure; very few former slaves wanted to move to Africa.,wanted%20to%20move%20to%20Africa.



    • digg says:

      Mr Lineker lives in a World of cushioned luxury, a lofty tower from where he can pontificate without fear of attack or injury. To him, people who pay the price for third world violence do not figure in his bubble.

      My theory is that he is secretly ashamed of the hideous riches he has had bestowed for basically sweet fuck all and wants to pretend that he really cares about everyone else who hasn’t to cleanse his soul.


    • digg says:



    • StewGreen says:

      Well apart from The new Afua Hirsch show the media continued it’s near total banning of people who are London black

      Well except that Channel 5 had a documentary by that well known historian Jay Blades

      and when I flipped on R4 Jim Al-Khalili show hos guest was on about being in the Channel5 BLACKtoFront shows

      “Anne-Marie Imafidon on fighting for diversity and equality in science”


      It was PR for her campaigning


  40. Terminal Moraine says:

    Paris (from yesterday):


  41. Jeff says:

    I fully expect to see the activists of Black Lives Matter out on the streets, following the recent tragedy that involved a young black man in Nottingham.

    Or maybe not…


  42. tomo says:


  43. Up2snuff says:

    TWatO Watch #1 – are the BBC to, at last, feel the pressure from their critics?

    I missed the start of TWatO and when I started listening the Montacutie was talking to an autistic gentleman about a play he had written that seems to be about Winston Churchill’s spat with the then new BBC during the General Strike of 1926. I had this strange feeling that the BBC had launched a campaign to retain the BBC Licence Fee and their independence from Government.

    Anyone else hear it and think the same?


  44. Up2snuff says:

    BBC WEB-SITE Watch #4 – dangerous, BBC, you are heading down a dangerous path!
    No mention in the article that although the two teens killed were both over the age minimum age limit to ride an e-Bike (or pedelec as some people call it) that two on a bicycle is breaking a Highway Code rule if not the law. The BBC appear to me to be very anti-police, even in the devolved administrations where they come under the control of Police & Crime Commissioners and the devolved Governments.


    • tomo says:

      imho that was an illegally high powered bike. I have several ebikes and two-up, doing that speed I’d guess it was at least 2x the allowed 250W – morelike 3x… (yes, I have one that’s 750W- off road obviously…)

      The two lads involved prior record of plod scrapes seems to have gone MIA.


  45. StewGreen says:

    Dan Wootton “GB news is the only network brave enough to report the assailant is a Nigerian immigrant with a history of violence”


  46. StewGreen says:

    The BBC Trust Pilot reviews have dramatically improved since I checked 3 years ago

    ….. No only joking just another new 3,000 reviews bashing the beeb

    The thread has another section under that second tweet