Defund the Far Left Anti British BBC please ..
how will the BBC deal with the arrest of one of their approved favourites – Nichola Sturgeon ? Will it displace the resignation of Boris Johnson and his gang ? A civi war inside the governing Party ?
Defund the Far Left Anti British BBC please ..
how will the BBC deal with the arrest of one of their approved favourites – Nichola Sturgeon ? Will it displace the resignation of Boris Johnson and his gang ? A civi war inside the governing Party ?
Notts Police did a white hands in handcuffs tweet
They got a bashing .. so first hid replies
then turned off replies
but eventually deleted it altogether
Oh breaking it was “A Black man with dreadlocks and a white wrists”
If you look at the tweets around this one it would seem Christian churches around the world that have stood for hundreds of years are spontaneously combusting:
Must be climate change …
A load of lib mob people are tweeting
“So why is him being black relevant?”
… just like they did about George Floyd was arrested and died …/sarc
Personally my beef is not with mental health people, cos for many reasons they may not have full faculties
My beef is with largely white media/authority figures who selectively suppress info.
You CAN say the van was WHITE
You CANNOT say the driver was BLACK
Breaking BBCnews saying it was Artifical Intelligence self driving van
“Apparently it was the white van that attempted to run people over and not the black, dreadlocked driver at the wheel “
Plod are doing themselves no good sticking with the idiotic wording – some senior officer is only going to compound the wokery aren’t they ?
Grady Judd could usefully do a UK speaking tour.
He’s prolific, that video is 9 months old
He’s been at it for 8 years but still convicting fellow police officers, judges and volunteers
and calling juries weak for not using the death penalty.
Soros Junior has ambition….
Full WSJ Interview
Channel 4 England (male) football
Wall to wall bloody wimmin
One advert before the start – collect points at ‘McDonald’s ‘
( other sources of obesity are available )…