525 Responses to Midweek 14th June 2023

  1. StewGreen says:

    Always CHECK the label !
    Is the title they give something .. the real title ?

    eg Cheltemham SCIENCE festival, seems to be the Cheltemham Festival of GuardianLand Agenda Pushing
    Multiple items on Green Protests, LGBTQA+ and from the beginning Social Change activism that minimises White Males
    In a 9 tweet thread I point out 11 Agenda pushing sessions
    and I left out yesterdays Black Activist on BBC Jim Al-Kgalili show
    .. https://twitter.com/No2BS/status/1668784315604381696

    Stories of LGBTQA+ scientists
    … suitable for all ages above 7, they say



  2. StewGreen says:

    I instantly pointed out That Marianna and her FOUR producers said untrue things about Carl Benjamin

    WGAP has edited it all together


    • Guest Who says:


      BBC hit folk and their selected Vox poppets really are not proving very credible.

      ‘The wrong side’ ©️BBC.


      • Guest Who says:

        “This is similar to her gross underestimates of the size of freedom rallies in central London, showing that she herself is more propagandist than an objective reporter of information. ”

        Seems a BBC disinformation thing.

        No doubt at all.

        Stats, darn stats, and BBC stats.


        • StewGreen says:

          TrustPilot is biased cos it only includes people who submitted reviews but show Mike them anyway
          Aren’t they 97% against the BBC ?

          (I gave the links yesterday)


  3. Eddy Booth says:

    ‘Dmitry Medvedev believes that the time has come for the West to pay for undermining the Nord Stream

    “If we proceed from the proven complicity of Western countries in undermining the Nord Streams, then we have no, even moral, restrictions left to refrain from destroying the cable communications of our enemies, laid along the ocean floor .” ‘


    Hard not to agree, the globalist filth that rule our western countries and attacks sovereign states like Russia, needs teaching a lesson.


    • StewGreen says:

      Doh Putin had a choice to not start a war
      He’s not a victim


      • Guest Who says:

        True to the second.

        Though, some out there push and push on the assumption not.

        And all around the camels’ backs are groaning.


      • Dickie says:

        The ethnic Russians in the Donbas were



      • JohnC says:

        What’s that got to do with it ?.

        Do you think Putin blew up Nord stream ?. Your argument seem to be ‘It doesn’t matter because he deserved it anyway’.

        IMHO this most cynical of acts just before Winter designed to cause suffering to civilians and countless deaths of the most vulnerable who depended on that gas (only averted because of the mild weather) was the biggest war crime of the conflict so far. And the BBC+ our own government are fully complicit.

        If you think Russia did it, please explain why because I have not seen one convincing argument why they would. But I can think of plenty why the USA would do it. The main one being to bring Germany off the fence.

        It was an act of war. I’m surprised they haven’t cut American cables already.

        ‘An Act of war is an action by one country against another with an intention to provoke a war or an action that occurs during a declared war or armed conflict between military forces of any origin’


      • Banania says:

        We had a choice whether to join in.


    • Thoughtful says:

      It won’t be them taught a lesson though, it will be us. The elites have made sure they are protected from direct accountability.


  4. StewGreen says:

    Simon Webb is doing Texas Sharpshooter fallacy
    “Told you the Nottingham guy was likely to be a Foreigner like a African Schizophrenic or South East Asian religious terrorist.. look see he was the first one”
    … em actually when I checked yesterday’s prediction video he ended by saying the guy was a terrorist

    Texas Sharpshooter fallacy = you shoot at the barn door and then paint the target bullseye over the bullethole


  5. Guest Who says:

    A bit of light relief.

    BBC heroinfootyperson goes pink to blue.


    Goes… less than well.


    • StewGreen says:

      Doh Faux outrage from anti-lefties
      The woman is her fiancee and the laugh at then end shows it’s a bit tongue in cheek
      It’s like saying “My wife the most beautiful woman in the world”


      • Guest Who says:

        This ‘Doh’ adds what?


        • StewGreen says:

          @GW Doh, … means “it’s obvious”
          ie, Doh, it’s faux outrage from anti-lefties,
          cos actually the soccer star is speaking tongue in cheek about her fiancee
          She’s NOT actually suggesting she’s a super athlete


  6. Guest Who says:

    And now, some local news.


    Well, given most appear to be staffed now by BBC ‘local democracy’ reporters, not reporting but playing activist, any wonder?

    So far. No comments. Just like our local papers now. Or local BBC.


    Also, no comment. People are past caring.

    It’s all gone a bit FT.


    • StewGreen says:

      God I’m a party pooper today
      few people in Britain pay for any kind of online news
      so it’s no surprise they don’t pay locally

      Local media are restricted cos the BBC is so dominant and has so much money
      BBC local news is the most popular show on TV


  7. Guest Who says:

    Next… OFCOM?


    Anyone recall the BBC Head of News (Hugs?) years ago bragging about having an email to nowhere for complaints to their desk?


  8. StewGreen says:

    Defund The BBC’s Rebecca Ryan Discusses ‘Diversity Targets’


    • MarkyMark says:

      Has the BBC moved from news to social engineering …. YES.
      “By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{bbc.co.uk 14sep2017}”


    • Guest Who says:

      Toby of the Daily Sceptic sees the BBC efforts via Springster as an attempt at regaining trust. A word the BBC has and still bandies about. Not with much success.

      Nick Dixon sees it more as crushing dissent.

      I agree with Nick.


      Springster, Wendy, etc are pure propaganda backed by censorship merchants.

      The £5B state broadcaster engaging in this is beyond farcical. Toby says it has to be hard to lie in the public square. Well, these guys do, and remove any from the square for simply asking them to back things up.

      And overseeing them? OFCOM.


      • StewGreen says:

        So does the BBC Vilify person
        vilify people this week ?
        yep, yep, yep

        smear , instead of giving truth


      • MarkyMark says:

        BBC fact checker says BBC verify is doing a great job backed by BBC Ofcom.


    • Guest Who says:

      ‘They don’t know they are’.

      Mike Wendling has a poll.


      • StewGreen says:

        He just tweeted
        And there’s Laura Loomer with a shirt saying “Donald Trump did nothing wrong”, a play on the neo-Nazi meme “Hitler did nothing wrong”. Loomer is Jewish so I wonder if she is aware of that, or if she really thought that one through.

        No Ockham’s Razor rule says that she likely thinks “Donald Trump did nothing wrong”
        It’s Wendling’s weird mind that is invoking Hitler

        He’s on the ropes


        • Guest Who says:

          Two people at the top of the list (thank you Philip Madoc) of those the BBC inexplicably employ and deploy still if sincere in regaining trust as impartial.

          Mad Al.



  9. JohnC says:

    Thousands join families of victims at Nottingham vigil

    I checked this article because all the previous vigils after murders when whitey did it have prominently featured demands for laws to be introduced or changed to prevent more people like the murderer doing it.

    And as I expected there is no mention of any of this whatsoever on the BBC. It is 100% empathy for the victims.

    The specifics of the killer and his probable motives are under the carpet already.

    I wonder if it’s because he is a black Muslim African immigrant.

    This story will disappear very quickly. It is ‘not helpful’ for the BBC’s Leftist agenda.


  10. StewGreen says:

    G.W.F.JUNE 14, 2023 AT 9:41 AM
    “Archbishop Welby wants Floyd George to be a saint – for diversity.”

    Can that be true ?
    Strange lack of video

    The screenshot was from Upper lip. A Parody site
    It’s the UK version of The Babylon Bee

    “Look at the other headlines on the upper lip site, really very funny.
    The shame is, it’s all too believable. :/”

    Mr Rotten Politics was taken in and put up an outrage video an hour ago
    300 comments from people who just believe it was true
    Oh 3 people call him out


    • G.W.F. says:


      Looks like a spoof. I was caught out along with several others on Twitter. Thanks for the correction.


  11. Thoughtful says:

    France looks like becoming the first European nation to join the BRICS group of nations.


    Why wasn’t this Britain? Our clueless swiveleyed unelected leader is too confused to have his own ideas and has to have them fed to him by the far Left in America or Soros.

    We could have been looking to entice German industry to the UK in the wake of American Aggression on Nordstream, but no, for clueless Rishi Washee it’s all about ekwalitee and open borders, well how much bread did those ever put on the table?

    It’s the product of decadance, of a party never having had to struggle or go without looking for windmills to tilt at never actually hitting the correct spot because they’re too busy fighting the wrong one!


  12. DamonJ says:

    The i is calling BS on Springy:


    The author Stuart Ritchie, on Twitter, calls BBC Verify’s use of statistics here “dodgy”:


  13. DamonJ says:

    Charlotte Gill of GB News – @CharlotteCGill – has been taking the wee-wee out of Dame Marianna:

    I. The most revealing thing about Marianna Spring’s disinformation report is that no one even knew there was an apparent uprising in Devon. She’s had to publicise obscure events in Totnes to show disinformation is a societal menace. Whatever next? A bit of foil in Milton Keynes?

    II. Beyond parody. Marianna Spring investigates… Totnes!!! Otherwise known as “Conspiracyland” 🙄. You’d think she’d infiltrated an ISIS layer. Given the train links in this country, I think we can all sleep easy about an uprising in Devon.

    III. “Today I’ll be doing my investigation on disinformation in Milton Keynes. It started when I met a woman called Maureen in a cafe who told me she spotted some tin foil on the floor. Using my BBC Lizard Matrix, I was able to link this tin foil to a UKIP member in an IKEA store.”


  14. DamonJ says:

    Connor Tomlinson of @lotuseaters_com – @Con_Tomlinson – has posted this:

    🚨The BBC have decided to spread misinformation with @mariannaspring’s first episode of “anti-misinformation” podcast, Mariana in Conspiracyland 🚨

    The episode contains a number of false claims about the company I work for, lotuseaters_com, and its owner, my boss and friend @Sargon_of_Akkad.

    Carl is not, nor has ever been, a “white supremacist”. Given his St Helenan heritage, this accusation is absurd. Carl has opposed involuntary racial collectivism throughout his career; and finds the category “White” to be redundant, given the adversarial cultural and military history of Europe.

    Were my boss a racist, I, a Christian, would not work with him.

    Carl has never sent a “rape threat”. To do so would be a crime; and to claim he did so is defamatory to his character.

    Neither Carl’s personal YouTube channels, nor any channel affiliated with Lotus Eaters Media, have been suspended or removed from YouTube.

    Milo Yianopolous was not with Carl in Totnes. Carl has not returned to Totnes since his first and only visit, and so could not radicalise a small Devonshire town. Nor is Lotus Eaters based in Totnes.

    Neither Carl, nor any staff members at Lotus Eaters, were contacted for comment ahead of the release of this episode. Given Lotus Eaters has a publicly available Find Us page on our website, there is no excuse for the BBC’s journalists to have avoided doing the most basic of duties, and contacting our company for comment. Doing so would have avoided the embarrassment of spouting the above misinformation.

    I have logged a complaint with the BBC directly, and will follow up with Ofcom in due course.

    I encourage all viewers to do the same, via the link below:

    Given the premise of this BBC SOUNDS series is to purportedly combat misinformation, this constitutes a grave falling short of the mission statement which Licence Fee payers are forced to fund.

    Lastly, this falling-at-the-first hurdle is a lesson: that efforts to prevent “misinformation” are often attempts to stigmatise and silence critics of establishment-approved narratives with scarce evidence — such as the need for costly Net Zero policies, the riskless efficacy of lockdowns and vaccine mandates, the irredeemable systemic racism of Britain, or that “gender-affirming care” is more helpful than harmful.

    I await the BBC’s correction and apology.

    You can find more accurate reporting on http://LotusEaters.com.


    • DamonJ says:

      For the record, what was said on Radio 4:

      Marianna Spring:
      For Georgina and Ben, this paper from outside Totnes has been part of what has drawn people in the town towards a new way of thinking. They compared two separate visits from Carl Benjamin, a former UKIP candidate who ran a Youtube channel called Sargon of Akkad before it was suspended by the platform. He first appeared in Totnes with a former Breitbart editor, Milo Yianopolous, a man associated with the far-right. At the time, a local group in Totnes condemned Benjamin’s use of rape threats and racist tropes, as well as engagement with white supremacists.

      Georgina Allen, Green Party:
      Obviously, the whole of Totnes would have come out against them, which we did. It was like an old-fashioned standoff on the market square. We had sort of Arkon Sachad [sic] and his mates, who all looked quite heavy, on one side and shouting about freedom of speech, and then the whole of Totness on the other side, shouting him to go away. A year after the pandemic, the same guy came back with another mate, and half the people who previously had stood up against him were now with him because they had all been recruited into his way of thinking, for nothing was more important than freedom of speech. So suddenly these guys who we had all, at once, only a couple of years previously, absolutely understood as being on the wrong side, people were now slightly conflicted in standing with them and yelling at us. So for me it’s been a bit upsetting to have a town where hippies, who we thought were friends of yours, have crossed very quickly, with only the smallest of encouragement, over to the far-right.



      • DamonJ says:

        The ‘Georgina and Ben’ there were introduced by Dame Marianna as “Ben Piper, the former mayor of Totnes, and Georgina Allen, a former deputy mayor”. She added, “their friendship is immediately apparent”.

        No wonder. What she didn’t say was that Piper is an ‘eco-socialist’ councillor in Totnes and Allen is a Green Party councillor in Totnes. So probably not big fans of Ukip:



        • DamonJ says:

          Interesting thread here:


          Predictably, Marianna Spring was privately educated at London’s c. £18k+ a year Sutton School before taking a degree at Oxford. Spring’s break at the BBC was apparently given to her by Cambridge educated Emily Maitlis, thus proving diversity to be the BBC’s strength.

          While to be fair, the BBC assigning someone as a ‘Disinformation’ reporter was always going to set them up to fail, it is astonishing how biased, lazy and disingenuous the reporting in this programme is.

          For instance, Spring tells us that to find out more about the dangerous conspiracy theorists plaguing the town, she “track[s] down Ben Piper, the former mayor of Totnes, and Georgina Allen, a former deputy mayor”. Spring tells us “their friendship is immediately apparent”, but not the rather more pertinent information that Piper belongs to the Totnes Progressive Group or that Allen is apparently both a member of that group and a Green Party member.

          Despite (or because of?) Spring’s Newsnight background, this crucial detail is not only not mentioned ,but nothing that Allen (and it is mostly Allen) says during the interview that follows is challenged or even, apparently, checked for whether or not what they say is true. They are given a free platform to present their views as uncontested reality.

          Also noteworthy is this comment from Allen: “[The Light] was very much something other people had created elsewhere and then, you know, marketed it as a community newspaper – fears and concerns of Totnes. Which was, you know, absolute nonsense.” This stands out because of the reference to Carl Benjamin in Totnes, and the Totnes Together Against Hate Group that protested against his visit.

          Allen presents the whole town as turning out against Benjamin’s hate, but the chances that others were bussed in from outside are really quite high.

          Although it’s true that Yiannopolous wasn’t in Totnes that day, he had been meant to and had in fact been with Benjamin elsewhere, as in Exeter. But I guess Spring needs Totnes for the narrative of outsiders poisoning this cheery local community. / END.


  15. albion49 says:

    Headline on BBC Wales News website today: “Large Wildlife Tackled on Mountain”. An elephant perhaps? Oh – they mean ‘Wildfire’. Usual BBC shoddy journalism.


  16. StewGreen says:

    97% 3% shout RNLI
    Hmm there are a huge amount of refugee call outs it’s not credible to say it’s only 3% of RNLI resources

    2021 Annual report (A Covid year)
    National total Vessel hours 11,923 Vessel Hours Total for Ireland and UK
    South East 3,199 … Crew hours 14,534

    out of 55,543 Total for Ireland and UK

    So the Area between the Thames and Bournemouth uses about a quarter of RNLI resources,


  17. Richard Pinder says:

    The BBC and the mainstream media is the fount of all ignorance and censorship. So I buy ‘The Light’ newspaper. Sadly its monthly not daily. Marianna Spring has not really tackled the scientific content of ‘The Light’ or any of the books written by people like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. She attacks unimportant people rather than analysing the scientific data. She seems to have the same intellectual quality as Greta Thurnberg, well suited for employment by the BBC.


  18. vlad says:

    The Lotus Eaters and Andrew Lawrence demolish Marianna’s podcast.
    Surprise, surprise, it’s full of disinformation.

    ‘The BBC’s Disinformation Service Begins Disinforming’


    • Guest Who says:

      A journalistic CV up there with JezBo, BS, Mason, Simpo…


      • Fedup2 says:

        Thanks Guest Who – I think the ‘ban the bbc chap ‘ makes a perceptive point ….
        But doing that VERIFY thing – the BBC puts itself further ‘out there ‘ to be recognised for what it is ….

        .. it’s a gradual process when even the less attentive see the propaganda for the first time- and once seen not forgotten –

        Causing more and more of us to either not pay , not take its product or demand an end – let it go totally commercial – and fail


    • DamonJ says:

      This should be a major story in the mainstream media. It’s just jaw-dropping how shamefully the BBC has behaved here.

      Marianna in Conspiracyland’ is the flagship podcast of BBC Verify, the BBC’s ‘anti-disinformation’ project designed to boost trust in the BBC. It was even trailed – and placed front and centre – during BBC Verify’s Marianna Spring-presented launch on BBC Breakfast. But the section about Carl Benjamin is literally misinformation or disinformation from start to finish.

      The BBC’s critics should be tearing the BBC apart over this because the BBC has been caught banged to rights here. The BBC’s mainstream media critics should be crucifying it, especially as they have an open goal here.

      BBC Verify didn’t verify Marianna’s false claim that Carl Benjamin’s website was suspended, or the false claim that Milo was with Carl in Totnes – both of which it’s easy to find out aren’t true. Marianna Spring, the BBC’s disinformation reporter, also repeated an outrageous falsehood about ‘death threats’ [an old smear about him]. And BBC Verify’s star reporter failed to fact-check the false claims made by a Green councillor about Carl’s non-existent second visit to Totnes – which you can check Twitter and google around and see must have been either a confused memory or a deliberate lie by the Green councillor.

      It’s so far beyond parody as to take the BBC into another universe of misreporting.

      Unfortunately, because it’s someone most people in the mainstream media will regard as ‘far-right’, probably mainly because of his association with Tommy Robinson, the dying media is unlikely to take this up – even ‘right-leaning’ outlets that would normally love to harpoon the BBC.


      • BigBrotherCorporation says:

        Damon, I don’t know the first thing about Carl Benjamin, who uses the nom de plume of ‘Sargon of Akkad’*, I think?

        Anyway, it doesn’t really matter what his views are or what he says (so long as it is legal), but even if his views are a bit controversial, you’d expect someone from the MSM or one of those quango type bodies which are supposed to govern it (OFCOM?) to quote Voltaire**: “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

        The fact none of them are going to should prove without doubt that there is no ‘freedom of speech’, and that the MSM (and OFCOM) are as utterly biased and corrupt as we all know them to be.

        *An interesting ‘nom de plume’, the first military conqueror in recorded history. Like ‘Tommy Robinson’, I suspect these monikers are chosen with tongue firmly in cheek, not for any sinister reasons, as usually implied by the MSM.

        **I know he didn’t really say that, but allegedly he implied it, and it’s usually attributed to him.


  19. digg says:

    The BBC have suddenly got very interested in the dodgy regime in North Korea….

    A TV program already this evening using all of their new repertoire of undercover professionals etc. to interview anonymous plants in the country,

    Then their website main story asking questions like only the slippery BBC can.


    Apart from trying to understand why the BBC have decided to take on the role of the human rights court in The Hague I can only imagine the ire they are stirring up in the Country let alone the potentially dangerous reaction from the security forces.

    It’s OK for you BBC you can accuse at will as you sip your lattes in W1 but this could result in N Koreans losing their lives or their freedom…..Have you considered that?

    All of this confirms the shift taking place at the BBC away from honest news reporting and directly into activism as long as it agrees with the cause.


    • Guest Who says:

      The BBC and dodgy. Horse and carriage.

      The BME…

      Inside North Korea: ‘We are stuck, waiting to die’

      The secretive state of North Korea withdrew even further from the rest of the world when the communist government sealed the borders more than three years ago to keep Covid out. Access to North Korea has always been difficult but even more so since then. For months, the BBC has been communicating with three North Koreans living in the country and they expose, for the first time, the disaster that has been unfolding there. They talk of food shortages, their constant hunger and people they know dying of starvation. There’s brutal crackdowns and people being executed for trying to escape. It is a daily uphill struggle just to get by, and their fear and worry is palpable. It is a extraordinary insight into the ordinary lives of people trying to survive the tyrannical rule of Kim Jong Un.

      After Sweeney! dropped the Uni right in it, one might assume the NK security services are well aware of all BBC Media Regime Change gets up to and is using them as Trojan Horses.

      They do have a nasty habit of getting kindly old autocrats to shoot folk they use for a story then drop.


  20. Up2snuff says:

    What short memories people have! “This is the worst mortgage crisis since the 1980s.” crow the print media as well as the BBC.

    Er, actually no, that is incorrect. They have forgotten John Major’s dalliance with the ERM and when we left the ERM interest rates went to 12% and briefly 15% if I remember correctly. Only for a brief but famous period because Norman Lamont as Chancellor was forced to instruct the Bank of England to buy £ sterling. George Soros, I think, made his first billion by ‘shorting’ the £ sterling.

    Base rate eventually remained at 12%. You can read all about here (usual disclaimers): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Wednesday. The high Base Rate caused something of a property value crash in the UK and may have led to Gordon Brown handing over the power to set interest rates to the Bank of England.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Up2… negative equity …..


      • Fedup2 says:

        The other thing that seems to be happening is ‘grooming ‘ to know that a recession must come in order to control inflation – I thought it would happen in the first quarter but forgot the cowardice of the Bank of England / hunt sunak – should add a few more red labour seats in 2024 ….


        • Up2snuff says:

          Fed, yes negative equity was a 1990s ‘thing’. But Nigel Lawson also managed to crash the housing market when everyone thought it impossible by stopping tax relief on Mortgage Interest payments. I have lived through three or four recessions plus the Bank Crash and am still here. “Don’t panic, Mr Mainwaring, don’t panic! It’s bomb, it’s a recession. Don’t panic.”

          I reckon Red Labour as you call them are doing everything possible to lose the next GE including putting up Thangam Debbonaire to represent the Party on TWatO today. She was hopeless and she is effectively a Shadow Minister.


          • Fedup2 says:

            I remember giving informal financial advice on people panicking over neg equity and how things go around come around – I didn’t get much thanks when the recovery came and they were sitting on paper profits ….

            I do remember my first repayment mortgage hitting 15% …..I was very young …


  21. Fedup2 says:

    It’s not directly the BBC

    But every so often – too often – Britain goes through a collective trauma / vicarious Grief over the deaths of the innocent .
    And sadly there is always politics . Where it is
    Nottingham – or Grenfell – or Manchester there is an outpouring of sadness – and then move on .

    But Nottingham – the failure is that of controlling – restricting – stopping – a whole variety of characters who are going to come to the UK to freeload – or at worse – to go on a killing spree .

    I’m thinking that we will never formally be told who this latest character – vermin – is . Nor what his future is. In my world he’d just be ‘gone ‘.

    It’s gonna happen again – and a lot more – the British state has imported millions of hostile who want to do harm – economically by milking the system – or as happened in the night in Nottingham …. 10 million …. How many more ?


    • digg says:

      True FU2 … the bbc are instantly on the case of the flower laying relatives, the tears, the quotes of condolence but never on the root cause of asking why disaffected murderous bastards are welcomed into the country in the name of diversity who have over and over again demonstrated their deranged hate for our people and our country.

      What the F**ck is it going to take to shake these woke BBC cunts to realise what the hell is going on.

      Nothing I guess until the invaders start killing people in Kensington instead of “despicable” northern cities.


      • Fedup2 says:

        The more desperate the BBC becomes to sanitise the details of the killer – the more it is going for the emotional angle of the identity of the dead . I first noticed it at Manchester Arena – but it has been upped with this third world murder ….

        If you compare it to the way the BBC treated victims of the murdering IRA Sinn Fein – where the murdered were virtually ignored – shows how things have changed .

        But the BBC MSM got away with supporting the IRA killing campaigns so I suppose they think they can do it again …


        • Chevalnoir says:

          … imagine the sight of the wokist Nottm city and Notts county leaders telling everyone that Nottm is a lovely, safe city … and then a seasoned cabby of 50 years experience explains that Nottm has a murder every two to three weeks. The truth comes out …


  22. Flotsam says:

    Today it hit me. In a flash I understood how words are constructed to brainwash the public into accepting MMGW propaganda.

    Some local people have posted on our local web site forum that they wish to form an anti woke and anti MMGW/net zero group in the village. After a few posts in agreement someone chipped in with “Has this become a climate change denial forum?”.
    I thought about that interesting choice of words, “climate change denial”. It is as if the contributor is saying that there is (man made) climate change, I know this to be true and all who disagree are wrong. It’s basically a form of arrogance, it is of course the BBC position. The science is certain and we won’t let anyone question it.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Forgive me but MMGW ? Absolutely no idea – bit like TNI …. Or ‘gaslighting ‘


    • digg says:

      I would reply, “yes it has” because “climate change denial” is an utter shite false construct put in place by brainwashed twats determined to silence opposition.


  23. Thoughtful says:

    Dynamite just pure dynamite, why can’t we have politicians like this with passion and competence?


    • MarkyMark says:


      • Fedup2 says:

        Is that half wit back on the red labour books yet ? Please bring her back – although she shows signs of early dementia – she reminds people of the true nature of labour – as well as the scum deputy leader of course – who is likely to be wearing a gimp mouth thing for 2024v…


    • MarkyMark says:

      The disclosures came after MI5 took the rare step of issuing MPs and peers with a warning about Lee’s cultivating of British politicians to secure a “UK political landscape” that was “favourable” to China.

      Home Secretary Priti Patel said it is “deeply concerning” the Chinese Communist Party was targeting British parliamentarians.


      Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent
      Barry Gardiner said he kept security services fully informed, after MI5 warned MPs they are being targeted by Beijing.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Cruz is always impressive in his forensic approach – really really good – the Fed is just bought …the FBI ’an unlimited hubris ‘…


    • andyjsnape says:

      Hello Thoughtful

      Interesting clip from youtube

      “i’m not going to comment” – that it!

      Biden has loads to answer for


  24. Eddy Booth says:

    Nottingham… You just can’t beat a good candle lit vig, this one had all the hallmarks : flowers, teddy bears, hugging and speeches.
    Somehow no-one gets angry – people are turning into those docile future humans, in the film The Time Machine .


  25. Fedup2 says:

    They used ‘weeks ‘not months to conceal the murder …..


  26. StewGreen says:

    DamonJ and then @Vlad have mentioned Carl Benjamin doing a debunk podcast of Mariana’s on his Lotus Eaters channel
    Here’s the new promo tweet by Green councillor Georgina Allen
    .. https://twitter.com/garthur1/status/1668271253583548418
    The replies kick her

    My Summary projection is a libmob characteristic , These two Totnes councillors seem to be in a community that thinks Carl Benjamin is a super baddie. They seek to build up a story that Carl is part of a lunatic conspiracy theory world.
    As they are storytelling , not Truth telling they made mistakes
    The truth is that Carl appeared with Milo in Exeter
    but since the councillors are storytelling about Totnes they simply transfer the location to Totnes

    The irony is that their story itself is a grand Conspiracy Theory.
    To them Carl did come back a second time, but that is in their heads not the real world

    Mariana is saying she is speaking to two councillors who are telling her about Conspiracy Theorist called Carl
    whereas Marianna is actually talking to two Conspiracy Theorist councillors who are telling a fake story about Carl.


    • StewGreen says:

      Good point
      “Doubt we’ll see a report on the Socialist Worker Party, their amateur newspaper and all their dodgy connections and scandals. But the minute right populists get a tiny bit of traction, the BBC set up a whole new unit…”
      yes then there are all the other lefty Green cultish street newspapers
      .. but no BBC investigations into them

      Another guy points out Marianna was dressed up in her Star Trek fancy dress


  27. andyjsnape says:

    Greece boat disaster leaves at least 79 dead and hundreds missing

    bBC in mourning again

    the organisation would welcome the world here if it could

    True Brits say enough is enough, but aided by RNLI ferries and the border farce – what is the answer to stop this


    • taffman says:

      Change the useless government that is allowing us to be invaded. “Stop the boats”, “Stop the boats” .


      • taffman says:

        So why isn’t Rishi stopping them ?
        Does The BBC report the daily landings ?


  28. andyjsnape says:

    Remember Nottingham, where the immigrant black man murdered 3 white people

    Front page of the bbc has replaced with with a “report” on North Korea


    • JohnC says:

      The Nottingham story has been quickly dropped exactly as predicted.

      The BBC are the worst of double-standard hypocrites. They don’t care one bit about who dies. They only care if they can use it for their social agenda.

      But that ‘North Korea’ story as the main headline in the world today is simply bizarre. I think they have finally lost the plot.

      It’s some weird kind of graphic-slideshow which is 99% empathy towards more women ‘victims’ and it is totally inappropriate for presenting such a story.

      I really do wonder what kind of complete f*ckwits the BBC ‘news’ offices are full of these days. They obviously have far too many staff who are ‘artistic’ and ‘full of empathy’ (both extreme Left characteristics) and nobody who can relate all of these stories to the real world and get them in proportion.


  29. Fedup2 says:

    Yes – the BBC being forced to keep the ‘story ‘ going with huge dollops of vicarious grief – in somewhere outside londonistan .

    But the details of the killings and the killer are absent . They’ll be praying for this to be gone today so that the social justice message can be restored ….

    Nothing about the killer – family – home – what benefits – the absence is as loud as the grief


  30. DamonJ says:

    You’ve got to laugh. Originally Jacob Aron, the news editor at New Scientist, fell for the BBC Verify-commissioned survey used in Episode 8 of Marianna in Conspiracyland [8. The Science Of Conspiracy. Could people in the UK conspiracy theory movement ever become violent?] calling its findings “extremely depressing”. Then he had a major ‘Hold up, wait a minute, something ain’t right’ moment.

    The more I think about it, the more I think this survey is actually just wrong, and spreading misinformation about conspiracy theories. Which is ironic for something that has come out of the BBC’s Verify unit, which is meant to combat misinformation.

    Oh dear. As someone else commented about BBC Verify here, “Amusingly, people who are concerned about misinformation are being taken in by misinformation that suits their views on misinformation.”


  31. andyjsnape says:

    Partygate report due as Johnson rails at committee

    Drip drip drip, bbc nothing better to worry about

    Due out soon, so out not yet


  32. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY WATCH #1 – BBC swearing on air? Shock! Horror!

    The BBC are very hypocritically coy at times over bad language and I can remember in the past year or two the BBC presenter has apologised for repeating the sh1t word. Apparently though, the BBC are happy to predict the long awaited report of the HoC Privileges Committee into ‘Partygate’ will be damning for Boris Johnson.

    I expect it to be something of a damp squib and most of the UK population will shrug their shoulders and say or think “Why all the fuss, is that it?”


  33. Charlie Farley says:

    BBC , SKY and all of them…..Boris is the top story and Nottingham will be the usual lessons must be learned but as others here have said nothing about the Murderering Immigrant B#stard…..situation normal then
    Always used to watch RT for a different view of the World and was surprisingly more balanced .


  34. Fedup2 says:


    Micky Fabricant – recently knighted MP being given the Robinson treatment . Robinson is a c word . There is no better unpleasant word . The BBC made flesh – superior – sneering – adhd – and more .

    Then Robinson went after Micky Howard – now an aging world weary peer – same treatment . Why blue labour people go on Today to be on the receiving end of comrade Robinson is beyond me .

    Apparently the tired old biased privileges committee report on whatever is to be published Thursday morning . Who cares ? A bubble story – who cares about parliament ?- out of touch – self serving dregs on both sides

    As for nut nut – just disappear – got rid of the EU flag but what did you achieve ? Wrecked the economy – failed to get a border – failed the old with social care – no loss – same with sunak .

    BTW – it seems that banks have dumped the Bank of England and already hiking mortgage rates – sums the mess up really ..

    Sorry – a rant


    • moggie63 says:

      “….got rid of the EU flag…” to have it replaced with the pride flag.


  35. tomo says:

    Are JSO going to stop using their plastic waistcoats, Crocs etcetera and give us all a view of what life without plastics is going to be like?


  36. Zephir says:

    Mentioned above, and seen in interview hit pieces by that Spring monster time and time again, is her obsession that those she labels conspiracy theorists are violent or potentially violent.

    She would just LOVE to find that so ther can be more effectively silenced.

    Like Antifa ?

    And some of the trans demonstrators and muslims attacking christian speakers at speakers corner


    • JohnC says:

      The BBC seem to think it’s fine for Marianna to create fake troll accounts on ‘selected forums’ to try and get quotes from white males which suit the agenda. It’s 100% dirty ‘Panorama’ style tactics.

      I’ve stumbled across Leftist forums from time to time and I am absolutely certain I could stoke the most nasty and vile vitriol you could imagine from them if I so wished.

      Even maxi has been close to letting his mask slip here occasionally (when I assume he was under the influence of something). I wonder where he went – though I’m sure he will pop up again when he’s on another down cycle and wants to vent spite at somebody.


      • Guest Who says:

        It is all going swimmingly so far, though.

        She’s a grown woman and seems to have the mental issues that require martyrdom limelight, but whoever (Wendy?) set her up for this was as cynical as they are corrupt. So yes, likely Wendy, signed off upstairs.

        They plucked some unqualified ingenue and plonked her as the acceptable face of a daft unit that has already had to have a name change it has been so universally panned by anyone not on a KoolAid drip.

        But rather than learn any lessons, they have doubled down, made her their puppet icon, launched her at a successive set of embarrassing howlers, especially in TNI USA, and can only think of blocking the world as a way to cope with folk keen to point out inaccuracy. In a social media era. If you don’t see what is on all of Twitter except the bits you want, you might be yourself getting misinformed.

        It will not end well. Though she might find a niche on OnlyFans if the Mirror doesn’t hire her as Kev’s gofer.


  37. tomo says:

    In and of itself rather odd….


    • Guest Who says:

      Amazing who ‘loses’ things or they ‘get shredded by accident’, and representatives of each other are entirely chilled.

      Back in the day.

      Professional courtesies?


  38. Fedup2 says:

    Do you ever hear yourself shouting ‘eff off ‘ at the radio ? Well try ‘thought for the day ‘ …… some woke kidult c of E ‘rev’ spouting crap about whales being like the channel invaders – confused – irrational – soppy – yes soppy – a rarely used word – but after a minute I was shouting ‘oh eff off ‘ – it was high BBC – ugh …


    • tomo says:

      yes … it started about 10 years ago


      • Scroblene says:

        Oh yes, and I emulate the proclamation of John Cleese as a member of the People’s Popular Front of Judea, at full volume…!


  39. AsISeeIt says:

    Little more than the news in smudges in this lazy abbreviated language edition

    Mack the Knife (or properly “Die Moritat von Mackie Messer“) is the song composed by Kurt Weill with lyrics by Bertolt Brecht for their 1928 music drama The Threepenny Opera

    The tune has been recorded by an untold host of famous singers ranging from Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald and Bobby Darin to Nick Cave and Westlife.

    The sinister name of Mack the Knife comes to mind since that old miscreant appears to be blamed once again for his misdemeanours by our media this morning…

    Our BBC likes the giveaway freesheet Metro for their top press pick in their online line-up: United in love… Courage of relatives as thousands of students remember knife victims

    The Mail too highlights the part played by: Just a jackknife has old MacHeath, babe, And he keeps it, ah, out of sight…

    Two fathers lost in grief… As the dad of Nottingham knife victim pays tribute at a shattering vigil, the one man who knows his agony offers a hand of comfort

    Our BBC meanwhile further expunges even the part played by old MacHeath and prefers the passive voice construction

    BBC: Nottingham: Look after each other, attack victim’s father urges… The fathers of two university students killed in attacks in Nottingham have paid emotional tributes

    The Guardian too prefers to remove all and any specific: Nottingham vigil… City in mourning for attack victims

    Ah… tributes – up there with vigil – those oh so very familiar but oddly unspecific modern media forms of ritual. What precisely constitutes a tribute or for that matter a vigil? That would be an ecumenical matter – as the boozy Father Jack was taught to respond to all and any difficult religious questioning he might face from visiting Bishops to the Craggy Island parochial house in the tv comedy Father Ted.

    The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper responds to the cost of living cliché (Mr AsI will from this point on substitute the word cliché for crisis)

    Hard working, do the right thing, middle England finding their mortgage repayments soaring – well obviously the response would be to vote Labour: Tories losing support from home owners – as Hunt backs new rate hike… Labour holds 15-point lead among mortgage-holders, with 44% saying they would vote for the party, up from 33% in 2019 (‘i’) – One looks at Labour’s proposed alternate policies and finds it hard to fathom the attraction or any proposed policy path to interest rate reduction.

    Equality in poverty perhaps?

    The ‘i’ has another so-called Consumer feature with a cost of living cliché implication: I haven’t worn shoes in two years. The world is better barefoot

    From MacHeath to Allister Heath in the Telegraph where there’s a conservative-flavoured fightback of sorts: The looming mortgage catastrophy proves Liz Truss was right

    The globalist FT however would have us – just like the tabloid lefties – see Starmer as the alternative: Sunak feels heat as rapid increases add to cost of living crisis [cliché]… Labour seeks to capitalise

    Socialists capitalise? I suppose they do read Das Kapital as their bible.

    Sadly the poor rendering of the FT frontpage served up for us in the BBC press line-up is too blurred to read much beyong the headlines – FT news Briefing becomes little more than the news in smudges – but the lefty liberal corporate technocrat globalism is obvious for all to see in the feature headers: Johnson pays price for radical certainty; The global space economy is coming of age

    The Daily Star is likewise out of focus but happily contains no small print news stories of any consequence: Prisoners warned… stop smoking your grundies

    And elsewhere our youngsters come under a similiar no smoking ban to convicts – in lazy abbreviated language rather akin to that habitually employed in the Star: Nip vaping by children in the bud, says head of NHS (the formerly venerable, now tabloid Times)


  40. tomo says:

    ‘coz Saudi Arabia doesn’t have much in the way of cretinous wokesters who’re on the taxpayer’s teat?


    • G says:

      Anybody that has lived in KSA or thereabouts, will know the Saudis (other Gulf States the same) import thousands of very young muslim girls who are deprived of their passports on arrival. They never leave. They are not allowed. I’ve personally witnessed their trouping on to 747’s in Indonesia/Malaysia and even seen them getting off the planes in Jeddah and Riyadh. All decked out with the identical right, ‘uniforms’

      Slavery, what slavery?…………….

      A BBC docudrama?


    • MarkyMark says:

      Many societies throughout history have practised slavery, and Muslim societies were no exception.

      It’s thought that as many people were enslaved in the Eastern slave trade as in the Atlantic slave trade.

      It’s ironic that when the Atlantic slave trade was abolished the Eastern trade expanded, suggesting that for some Africans the abolition of the Atlantic trade didn’t lead to freedom, but merely changed their slave destination.




  41. JohnC says:

    Tejaswini Kontham named as Wembley knife attack victim

    ‘A woman who was stabbed to death in north-west London has been named by police as Tejaswini Kontham.’

    Amazing what murder doesn’t even make the front page on the BBC sometimes.

    They also tell us near the end of the article – almost as an afterthought :

    ‘A second woman, aged 28, was taken to hospital with stab injuries which are not life-threatening.’

    Which I discover is reported elsewhere as:

    ‘A second woman believed to be her friend, aged 28, was also knifed repeatedly in the attack.’

    Which tells me the BBC are clearly trying to play it all down.

    They tell us:
    ‘A 23-year-old man arrested in Harrow on Tuesday evening on suspicion of murder is currently in police custody.’

    What they don’t tell us is that he is a 23-year-old Brazilian man even though that information is widely available. Yet again the BBC protect the ethnic identity of a murderer who isn’t white.

    This social-agenda based racist-discrimination is now so common on the BBC, it’s almost mundane to mention it here – but it’s got value in making sure everybody else realises the extent of how much they do it.

    Isn’t it amazing just how little anybodies life means to the BBC when the person who did it is not white. Their relentless racist double-standards prove what vile hypocrites they are.


    • TrickCyclist says:

      They don’t just show their prejudices with things like murders, either. On the BBC News at Six yesterday they covered the discovery of the wreck of the submarine HMS Triumph, one of the navy’s most successful of WWII. Perhaps someone else can confirm but I’m sure I heard Sophie Raworth say it went down with “64 people” on board. “People,” eh? Are we meant to assume that the crew of the Triumph were 50% wimmin, 15% LGBT etc?
      Let me correct that for you, Soph.
      They were 64 men.


      • Guest Who says:

        BBC Drama presents: ‘Going Down, the true story of the women who dressed as sailors and fought, and died, in the silent service’.


  42. JohnC says:

    Banksy to stage first solo exhibition in 14 years in Glasgow

    Anybody going ?. A bet a few from the BBC will be there on full expenses.


    One of the clear indicators of how our society is disintegrating. It’s what happens when you give the minorities the megaphone (or a job at the BBC).


    • MarkyMark says:

      Now show two islamic women in Hijabs!


      • Fedup2 says:

        The picture of Mohammed ‘banksy’ will never do ……some boundaries are not pushed – so here is my picture of ‘mo’😱


  43. andyjsnape says:

    I wonder what Greta is upto
    I wonder what HRH King Charles is upto

    Neither seem to get mentioned by the likes of the bbc lately

    Maybe Gretas on a 5star holiday, jet setting off to half war around the world, or a diesel ferry somewhere


  44. G says:

    I suspect that all here or mostly all, have had deep suspicions about the mad rush to all things green. At the outset there was scant unbiased information available on which to make a judgement on the veracity of those, who saw only death and destruction if the World did not pour trillions of dollars into the so-called, “Green Revolution”. Good to know our gut-feelings were totally accurate.

    I have reported here before about the dearth of exquisite materials available to fuel the “Green Revolution”. Like Rare Earths. Here’s another one to add to the list. Silver. Used in electronic / electrical devices like solar panels. No comparable material available. The World is RUNNING OUT OF SILVER. Mexico is the largest supplier apparently and they will have no more in A COUPLE OF YEARS TIME.

    Pride yourself in confirming, no doubt again, your gut feelings are on or close to the mark.

    Can we expect a BBC docudrama (they’re all docudramas) on the subject?——-


    • Thoughtful says:

      Loads of people have talked about this and there have been several attempts to corner the silver market, they cause the price to spike, but if you do buy into this be aware that the price will spike but the fall is going to be as rapid as the rise.

      It’s unlikely Silver will do this without a rise at the same time in gold which won’t be as pronounced, and won’t fall as quickly.


      • G says:

        ‘Chalk and Cheese’

        Gold is currency and VAT / CGT free. Silver is not, VAT on transactions in the UK.


    • Guest Who says:

      My bad.

      But we are taking the threat of Werewolves seriously, given Moonbat’s influence on policy.


  45. Zelazek says:

    The BBC report that trees have been found growing at record altitudes in the Scottish Highlands.

    It is treated as a good thing. And it is. Good for the environment, for wildlife, and for humans too. It could lead to flood risk reduction, among other things.

    They just fail to mention what must be causing this. So what could that be?

    Sssh! It’s our old friend global warming/climate change.

    The BBC don’t like to consider that there may be benefits for humans and the rest of nature if average temperatures rise. They prefer the purely apocalyptic, monocular Greta-vision of the future.


  46. Zephir says:

    Woke UK:

    “employers are now being urged to relax dress codes and allow staff to work at cooler times of the day to help them cope with the current heatwave.”


    Although it has always grated with me that dress codes only generally seem to apply to males in the workplace.

    I vividly recall being berated once for wearing a shirt with black. clean jeans, whilst a woman working next to me was in linen pajamas and sandals.

    My son says it is the same where he works, men are required to wear a business suit and wimmin can turn up in what they like.

    Where is the bbc outrage over this sexism ?


    • micknotmike says:

      Morning Z,
      I’m working from home in my little office at the bottom of the garden. I’ve got a nice breeze passing through and I’m wearing a pair of shorts, that’s it. The company has a massive air-conditioned office thirty miles from here which is usually set to around 25°C (Or at least it feels like it). That’s way too hot for me. Colder than that and the chorus of “It’s too cold in here” from a certain gender who always get their way.
      Dress code? No thanks, i’ve got my own.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      Thank goodness we never had any crazy ideas in the past like ruling India or half of Africa. It gets a tad warm in those places and we wouldn’t have lasted two minutes. In fact, it’s so bad that the natives have had to come here to escape the inhuman heat.


  47. G says:

    Anyone here receive unsolicited emails from, ‘Unredacted’ or, ‘Save Britain’? Well, they are promoting a product from ‘Tactical Britain’ described as, “Portable AC Unit…”. (“CoolMePro”). Apparently it uses, “the latest technology for high-performance portable cooling”

    Anyone with a really basic understanding of physics will recognise the, “….latest technology….” as, as, pure and simple – evaporation!
    But with a fan behind it. Cost before discounts? 69 Euros.

    As I recall, it was the Romans that discovered that water stored in porous clay urns remained cooler by evaporation on the outside of the urns. But hey! this “latest technology” is bound to convince the current flock of sheeple that it works.


    • Zephir says:

      Well, APART, from cooling water, what did the Romans ever do for us ??


    • moggie63 says:

      I currently use a small shelf model. One that I had in the past, 25 years ago or so, was a room size version and it was very good. And not massively expensive. I would love a proper portable AC unit but they are expensive to buy, expensive to run and need venting so not particularly practical.


  48. Fedup2 says:

    Having a media free day by the Med – am i missing the hideous hattie harman spouting on about ‘integrity’?

    Will any one ask her about her defence of paedophiles back in the NCCL days? I think not…

    As for nut nut – who cares?


  49. Terminal Moraine says:

    Via the Sun — Nottingham suspect turned up at MI5 HQ last year:

    “… and demanded to be let in. The man was ‘moved on’ and his name taken after the bizarre incident […] A security source said: ‘He turned up one day and literally started banging on the door. He was moved on and logged.'”

    BBC have stopped asking questions, now they can churn out the ‘could the security services have done more?’ hand-wringing articles and phone-ins.