UK based Muslim terrorism/criminology lecturer says terrorism surveillance is racist. The FBI no fly list has been leaked, showing 350,000 names with various spellings of:
– Mohamed
– Ali
– Mahmoud
“This report once more reveals the troubling reality of the FBI’s watchlist system, and the #Islamophobia that systemically dominates counter-#terrorism in the US and beyond which urgently needs dismantling.”
Troubling reality = yes
Islamophobia = no
A hacker found the FBI’s secret “No-Fly-List” list on an unsecured airline company server, and leaked it to the web.
Let us all stop funding UK terrorism! It would seem Khalid Masood (Westminster Attack 22.03.2017 5 Innocents Killed) was on benefits which comes out of National Insurance payments by the workers of the UK. Thus, it would seem prior to these findings the workers in the UK were unknowingly funding terrorism. But now we know terrorists operate using welfare benefits it would seem we are knowingly paying terrorists.
Can I suggest that the Government please make sure NI payments by UK workers don’t go into the hands of terrorists by removing the terrorists in the first place. Can you also calculate how much we have/are funded terrorism via welfare benefits by simply getting all known terrorists (left,right,islamic) arrested to-date and those on the watch list and check welfare payments made to them or their immediate family (under various names possibly).
Another example is where imams preaching intolerance such as Anjem Choudary (preached hate 1999-2016) to his hundreds of worshippers (5 times a day, everyday), can all imams be checked if they are on welfare benefits, paid by UK workers, and these payments be stopped immediately. It is the community that needs to fund the imams if they want religious teachings, similar to how the Church of England was funded with donations in the past.
The father-of-four (Anjem Choudary preaching hate 1999-2016) takes home more than £25,000 a year in benefits and lives in a £320,000 house in Leytonstone
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers…give it up or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
I thought I saw a herd of unicorns stampeding across Salisbury Plain the other day, a vision so beautiful it reduced me to tears, it’s fantastic they’ve reintroduced them from Lalaland.
“Unicorn companies are those that reach a valuation of $1 billion without being listed on the stock market and are the dream of any tech startup.”
Rishi was weaned in the financial sector and doesn’t seem to understand that most of us live in the real world. Never forget, the bankers wanted him for PM, no one else had a say – democracy my arse.
Sunak accused of ‘rewriting history’ by saying No 10 ignored lockdown harms
This article is more than 9 months old
Tory leadership hopeful says he was prevented from raising negative effects of Covid measures
Maybe some AI involved … I saw some tweets yesterday (related to the Vogue piece) with a naked pouting Miriam – no sound or smell thankfully – bad enough tho.
The BBC like Gargoyles… can’t put my finger on whether it’s her (far) leftwing politics, rants about heterosexual white men, or loud and proud endorsement of her own lesbianity.
Just one more reason (among many), I’m not likely to start reading Vogue any day soon.
National Trust 09/06
10 great pet products and services to show your furry friends you care
British couple who moved with family to Australia told they are ‘too old’
Prince Harry and William finally talk about their sister Laura who no one knew existed
Russia army on brink of civil war after Chechens launch vicious attack on Wagner
Chris Evans ex Billie Piper says marriage was being ‘drunk with an old man’
by Taboola
‘Disgusting!’ Miriam Margolyes horrifies This Morning fans as she breaks wind live on air
MIRIAM MARGOLYES horrified This Morning viewers on Monday after Phillip Schofield revealed the Harry Potter star had broken wind live on air.
00:13, Tue, Nov 16, 2021 | UPDATED: 19:39, Tue, Nov 16, 2021
I don’t think we have a branch of, “The 65 Project” here. Just think of Tommy Robinson and the BBC and mainstream media and it is obvious they fulfil that role.
Bit rich this coming from Chris Mason in his usual anti-Conservative rant…
“Remember, today isn’t about parties during Covid.
It is about the fundamental pillars upon which public life – and society at large – is constructed.
If beebolics were’nt such cheats with the news and didn’t lie by omission, they’d get a few more taxpayers on their side, but as they have nothing to do with these four issues, it’s yet another nail in their coffin.
Hello Scroblene – I think the whole thing shows to gap between the views of the swamp ( and what it thinks is important ) and what the Great British Public think .
The problem ? A lot of people like nut nut – ‘a character ‘ – they know what he is like – and accept it .
The big disappointment was that he wasn’t a conservative – could do detail – and had poor support – ie the people who do the real work and keep on the straight and narrow ( impossible ?)
People wanted a human being – not a ‘career politician ‘ like Cameron – rishi – May – truss – and they accepted his imperfections .
What we have now is ‘moral high ground crap ‘ being spouted by the scum ginger girl and the like . Parliament is just a dump .
I think many people thought Boris was flawed, but upbeat, intelligent, and unusually among politicians, something of a ‘doer’. He likes to clown around, has a natural charisma, and a ‘common touch’, he’s massively self confident and an excellent public speaker (Peppa Pig excepting) – how much is real, and how much coaching/an act, who knows?
He was deeply unlucky with Covid (both in terms of timing and personally), and dropped the ball on Brexit – having battled nearly all the way to the touchline against the odds with it first.
Despite many attempts, they haven’t managed to dig up much dirt, other than he’s had a number of affairs (with adult women, mind), which suggests to me he probably has less to hide than many public figures.
There have been plenty of worse MPs, and worse PMs, he could have done better, he could have been so, so much worse – and, at least he wasn’t Corbyn!
The coming ‘debate’ on Monday about the report promises to diminish politicians even further ( hopefully) .I’m guessing Harmon will be keeping quiet until then – although that will be tough for her.
But I suppose convention is to address the commons rather than the taxpayers …
Fed, “he wasn’t a conservative – could do detail – and had poor support”
I might agree on the first but Bojo could not do detail but even with good support of Dominic Cummings and Lee Cain and David Frost he still could not do detail enough to get a proper Brexit done and dusted!
Apologies – that was a typo – he couldn’t do detail – he blagged his way and got away with it via the buffoon / classics act . Such a shame – such a hard struggle to flush the bercow parliament into the sewer and then a huge majority wasted .
Anyone who must have tried to brief him must have torn their hair out because of his ADHD thingy ….
Covid is used as an excuse – he could have ring fenced other bits of his ‘aims ‘ to get on with stuff whilst the virus was kicking – especially after it became apparent that the losses would be in hundreds of thousands not millions …..
I’ve worked for similar types and had the ‘briefing job’ on complex and detailed subject matter . There is nothing worse than trying to explain complex stuff in a simplistic way knowing the attention span wasn’t there and stuff was going in one ear and out the other .
I’ve then sat in the background in a public forum watching my work be wasted … no wonder his staff didn’t hang around …
As I said before – I think the Monday commons show will be politicians at their worst ….
Men can have a cervix (c) Starmer – follow the science!
The NHS Test and Trace app did not cost £37 billion
This is the total budget for the entire NHS Test and Trace programme in its first two years. In the 2020-21 financial year, the app cost around £35 million.
In a damning report published today the Public Accounts Committee says “NHST&T has not achieved its main objective to help break chains of COVID-19 transmission and enable people to return towards a more normal way of life” despite being handed an “eye watering” budget of £37 billion over two years – and not managing to spend £8.7 billion of the first year’s allocation. Instead, since the end of October 2020 “the country has had two more national lockdowns and case numbers have risen dramatically”.
I notice nobody’s been around looking at UK NGO and The Green Party and BBC “office climate mitigation” installations (i.e. heating and cooling)
We know they’re screeching hypocrites – be nice to have some evidence.
German Greens – who junked their no emissions nuclear power in the middle of an energy crisis to 'Save the Planet' – can't get a heat pump to work in their own HQ building
The Rowlatt’s the BBC Eco Activist family : him, wife, sister.
The Times : The BBC’s climate editor has been labelled a “campaigner” by colleagues after he was found in breach of editorial rules for the second time in less than six months.
Justin Rowlatt, the BBC’s first climate editor, was spoken to by executives after he reported misleading claims about extreme weather in a Panorama documentary last November.
The unit concluded last December that he gave an “inaccurate” impression of wind farm subsidies
Rowlatt, 55, has family members involved in climate-change activism. Cordelia Rowlatt, his sister, was fined for participating in an Insulate Britain protest on the M25 last year.
Bee Rowlatt, his wife, an author and former BBC journalist (20 years) , has been present at Extinction Rebellion protests, including one in 2018 in which Oxford Circus was blocked on Black Friday.
“Best thing about #blackfriday is Extinction Rebellion bringing Oxford St to a halt,” she tweeted next to a picture of protesters holding a banner reading “Rebel for life
I’ve read that F16’s are only really valuable when they are used as part of the USA’s larger air-defence network and it’s unlikely Ukraine will ever get them.
But the BBC’s defence reporter seems to have missed that vital point.
IMHO they made themselves completely ridiculous by choosing the word ‘pride’.
I doubt anyone is actually ‘proud’ to be gay or transsexual. Just as I am not ‘proud’ to be heterosexual. It’s just agenda-based hypocrisy which seems to be norm these days.
Those who make a big song and dance about it (literally) seem to think it’s something to be proud about, and to shove down everyone s’ throats.
Meanwhile, plenty of gay people just quietly getting on with life, no big deal really (so long as they keep it to themselves – no one wants to know about my heterosexuality either), no idea about the ‘T’ etc… lot, don’t think I’ve ever met any (what percentage of the population are they again?), but have this possibly inaccurate notion that they’d make sure I knew within two seconds of meeting… like vegans.
Well he does like to advertise his own newsletter but he has some valid points about the corruption of the Left and the ‘Green’ credentials some companies have proving ESG is little short of a scam.
Confession time. I’m listening to all TWATO’s offerings today because I think I missed a point in the headline summary at 1300.
It seems that trees are starting to grow at a higher level in the Monroes’ in Scotland. I tuned out at that stage because it was likely to become: “Unprecedented rise in temperatures” etc. However, half-tuned in, I just half registered another point. I’m sure the announcer said, or in effect, that Rowan trees are ‘returning’ to these altitudes.
Update: they obviously ran out of time with a the lying Boris stuff so no mention of, “Returning”.
“He published a video along with his comments that showed the two men with several aides in front of map, but BBC Verify has found a number of inconsistencies in the clip that indicate it may have been manipulated.”
Don’t you feel reassured that so many bodies full of home working civil servants are busy ensuring the cause of truth, justice and plain good old British fair play are in such good hands? OFGEM, OFCOM…
The Nottingham killer – named as -Valdo Calocane- doesn’t look like a candidate for the ‘mental issues ‘ card the bbc like to play to disappears unapproved stories …..time for another vigil …
“A Nottingham University brochure listed Calocane as a 2022 graduate in mechanical engineering”
“known to MI5 because he turned up to the agency’s London headquarters in August last year. and tried to get in.
He was told to move on and his name was taken down when he arrived at Thames House”
If true. that seems mental.
GUINEANA ..Guinea Bissau internet search success
Look how the government and civil servants give away taxpayers money, and brag about it.
Next they’ll give Ford and Renault £50m each, mistaking them for struggling start up companies.
In what universe is Creative Assembly (an 800 employee strong company that's owned by Sega and has been around ~35 years) a start up that requires taxpayer money??
According to official UK bilateral aid statistics, the UK spent £68.4 million on aid to China in 2019, up from £44.7 million in 2015. Table 1 presents the breakdown of this aid by department or fund over the period from 2015 to 2019.
This kind of rhetoric by Biden gives credance to claims that they rigged the last election and is about as far away from ‘democracy’ as you can possibly get.
It’s ignoring things like this which show the BBC for what they actually are.
Many of these articles should provoke a debate on the consequences of quota-based hiring policies. But of course the BBC will never go near that one despite being the best example of how it drastically lowers the overall quality of a service.
Gaddafi wants EU cash (£4bn) to stop African migrants { aug2010}
“Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a ‘black Europe’.
… ‘We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,’ Col Gaddafi said…
He told them that Islam should become the religion of Europe and gave them free copies of the Koran, after he had lectured them for an hour on the freedoms enjoyed by women in Libya.”
Aug 2010 … fast forward … Nov 2016
Migrant crisis: Turkey (Erdogan) threatens EU with new surge (EU Tax Payers are paying Erdogan £2.6 billion) { nov2016}
“Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that he will let hundreds of thousands of migrants travel on to Europe if pushed by the EU.
‘Listen to me: these border gates will be opened if you go any further,’ he warned the EU on Friday.”
Sluff – why did they (NGOs?) burn the rubber boats (environmentally a bad idea) when they could just rip a hole in the middle to sink it?
– European Union is using UK’s money to keep African’s from leaving their own country!
The BBC love choosing voices who are more activist than scientist
Simon Webb in his new video takes aim at Adam Rutherford
accusing him of
#1 Big cherrypicking, whilst accusing others of cherrypicking
throwing mud at righties whilst shielding his lefty mates.
#2 Stealth editing his book
a BBC tactic
Seems key parts were changed between the hardback and paperback
Webb states the paperback was published after George Floyd and appears to be BLM compliant.
new tweet from the NHS Race & Health Observatory @NHS_RHO
\\ Our CEO @DrHNaqvi hosted a session with Adam Rutherford on race, scientific racism, and medicine.
“Race is not biologically meaningful but has biologically meaningful consequences.” //
Whingeing, gleeful, dribbling, bilious, anti-Conservative crap from one of the biggest bullshitters the taxpayers have to fork out for!
What an arsehole this little prick is (maybe a ‘Doctor’ could explain this medical conundrum, perhaps it could be a new trend in the qwertyuiop mob’s HQ somewhere in a shithole up in a crap part of Khan’s devastated Londonistan)!
I’m so glad that I don’t pay his exorbitant wages any more; he’s never been very good anyway, but that’s the standard in W1AA these days – second-rate autocue-reading, third-rate undermanagers, leftie twonks on the top floor!
Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in
order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends.
Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to
outside individuals or organisations that might seek to influence them in the performance of their
official duties.
In carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding contracts, or
recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of public office should make choices
on merit.
Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must
submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office.
Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that they
take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public
interest clearly demands.
Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and
to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest.
Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and example.
MPs may currently claim up to £103,812 to employ
staff to support their parliamentary duties
MPs may employ members of their own families
using public funds.
MPs will no longer be allowed to use the staffing
allowance to fund the employment of family
members. Transitional arrangements will allow
existing family members to remain in their posts for
one more Parliament.
before:MPs could claim not only for basic
costs such as utilities, council
tax, and building and contents
insurance but also for services
such as cleaning and gardening
and for items such as white
after:MPs will only be able to claim
for basic costs such as utilities,
council tax, and contents
The good thing about the weather is that I can rise early enough to wonder what is still going on yesterday, and anyway, the dog needs to go out for a wee and sometimes a tom-tit, and it also gives Senora O’Blene a chance to stretch out and enjoy another hour or so of shut-eye!
Actually, it was the heat AND a glass of comforting red…
BBC local newsPR
item : a 5 min long ADVERT for thie first ever Scunthorpe LGBTQ+ Pride.
If you and 4 friends had an event to promote, the BBC might allow you a few seconds.
Here BBC staff have spent a lot of time crafting the piece
masses of archive footage with brainwashing background music.
The Boris Partygate inquiry debacle demonstrates that the left have taken a lesson from the Dems in the US.
They have realised that they can now “take-out” people they don’t like simply by getting the legal vultures onside who tend to be lefty sympathisers anyway.
This is simply a new and totally undemocratic pseudo-legalise-political weapon, devised in the US to crucify Trump and now picked up by the unscrupulous power hungry mongers on the left in the UK.
It is a trend that can only eventually lead to uproar on both sides of the pond. Reminiscent as it is of the criminal politicking for gain that swept through the corrupt in Italy and Spain in the past. Not to mention Germany in the 1930’s.
The absolute joke that is BBC Verify has descended into the World of crazy….
They publish a report on the BBC-claimed dire situation for the public in North Korea as fed to them by their own “sleepers” planted in the country and decide to use false names and cartoon images to “protect their sources”.
Apart from the obvious fact that there is no way anyone can verify these “sleepers” exist the only outcome that I can envisage coming from North Korea is a harder lock down and a hunt for any infiltrators spreading these stories to the West. This of course may easily lead to innocent citizens in NK being punished.
And all thanks to the BBC’s virtue signalling childish attempts to claim to be professional truth hunters.
North Korea sends “state-sponsored slaves” to Europe – rights group
By Emma Batha, Thomson Reuters Foundation
LONDON, July 6 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – North Korea has sent hundreds of workers to labour as “state-sponsored slaves” in EU nations as Pyongyang seeks to circumvent international sanctions aimed at starving it of money over its nuclear weapons programme, rights campaigners said on Wednesday.
“Nationwide latest lender to raise mortgage rates again”
As mortgage rates rise and the subsequent house possessions take place, will the present government fill the vacant houses with illegal boat people ? The cost of hotels is now becoming prohibitive and an embarrassment to the ‘government’.
The corrupt landlords that buy up the repossessions, will be singing “When the boat comes in ” when the government rent them using British taxpayers money .
Roll on Reform UK !
Taffman – I think unless rates go up to nearer -say 8% – repossessions are going to be less than last time because of 35 year -40 year mortgages ….. where everyone plays the system … the banks get their remortgage ‘fees ‘ – people will think they can pay off their 35 year mortgage earlier than their 70th birthday ….
The ECB raised .25% today and looking at another 0.25% in July – suggesting the UK raises by 0.25% next week when it really should be much much more – …
Letters: A progressive consensus at the BBC is at odds with its aim to be impartial
(Re: Nick Robinson on BBC impartiality claim).
I worked for five years in a relatively senior position at the BBC and observed that it was necessary to keep a copy of The Guardian on show at all times as proof of my acceptability to the corporation’s ethos.
The BBC and its friends provide all the partisan propaganda necessary for ensuring that they can broadcast the output they wish thanks to the income raised by the public that funds them.
So true and yet, the BBC Nick Robinson (et al) seek to claim that they are under threat for their famous BBC brand of ‘impartiality’, unique they say! Except its an identikit CNN and New York Times premix localised with Socialist dogma flavored for the UK market. This they call ‘impartiality’. That and/or surrender to the EU, so the UK should no longer exist as a nation. This the BBC, claim is ‘value-for-money’ at just 69p per day. Even though we turned off a long time ago when we realised what they are doing. They are still at it, the liberal masters of the MSM media, all 8% of them (who call themselves liberals) are a danger to the wider public who do not share the doom and apocalypse the BBC presents daily as the only news in the world. Its worse than perverse – it has an agenda. Its only purpose is to pervert.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – now that is an interesting adjacency ….
…. was it deliberate BBC? On the Business Page, we have an item about New Zealand slipping into recession because of high interest rates. Immediately to its right and alongside it has our Chancellor saying “UK has no alternative to interest rate rises”.
“The Taliban have done it again: implementing a nearly complete ban against cultivation of opium poppy — Afghanistan’s most important agricultural product — repeating their similarly successful 2000-2001 prohibition on the crop. But the temptation to view the current ban in an overly positive light — as an important global counter-narcotics victory — must be avoided”
United States Institute of Peace…🤡
I’m certainly no Taliban fan but you’ve got to give them credit now and again.
Bit late.
But must mention that on TWATO they covered the Boat sinking off Greece without mentioning that it was full of illegal migrants. It could have been a cruise liner!
Only at the end was there a passing inference of the type of cargo carried, mainly young men!
Typical BBC playing down the asylum seeker flood.
But wait.
Later we hear It may have been carrying huge numbers of children down in the hold.
Manna from heaven for the sentimentalist leftists.
Better let them all in.
After all, one child is one too many.
An extremely friendly article by the BBC (as expected) which doesn’t go anywhere near the reasons for Meghans popularity ratings. They spend more words telling us how great it was than why it failed.
‘It follows Spotify’s announcement last week that it was cutting 200 jobs in its podcast division after a period of heavy investment in the medium, saying it was embarking on a “strategic realignment”.’
Meaning of course that Spotify have just learned what ‘Go woke, go broke’ actually means.
I’m sure the BBC has $20 million of other peoples’ money to dosh out to the American actress . Maybe a ‘crowdfunding ‘ thing to prevent her suffering hardship … the long slide in finances …..
….. but I’m still bugged …. The Nottingham murders . X3 in a day …… lots of vigils …. Black arm bands …..
But the bugging ? On the same day in londonistan there were x3 murders using knives …. Just an ordinary day – no vigils – no speeches by families – vicarious grief for people never met . Just saying really ….
….. the third worlder must be due to be charged late Friday / Saturday when no one is looking ….
No ambiguity there. AI is going to save the planet.
‘It’s hoped the pilot project in Devon will help improve water quality at the seaside resort of Combe Martin, making it a better place for swimming.’
Oh. Not quite so certain then.
‘Computer systems company CGI is running the artificial intelligence project with mapping experts Ordnance Survey.’
Here we go : due to the extreme hype from the likes of the BBC whose ‘science correspondents’ who simply quote what other people (with finanacial interests) tell them, we are witnessing the next ‘funding grab’ bubble. This time for ‘AI’.
The Environment Agency is the preeminent public body tasked with “minding the water” in England.
It is an NDPB. Few seem to appreciate what that really means. Non Departmental Government Body means that while they spend nearly £2 billion pounds, there is little effective control over what they spend it on and near zero oversight or indeed control over their antics.
The EA operates thousands of water sensors across the country but integration into a system that can be used to provide meaningful oversight on the state of water to the public is resisted – they actually volunteer that they can’t find competent staff.
The primary purpose of the EA is to continue and extend the bureaucracy.
When their poisonous managers indulge in some corruption they don’t fess up – they mislead and cover up – using their lack of direct oversight / control from DEFRA to “give the finger” to other parts of government seeking to control them.
BBC collecting pictures of graves in Ukraine claiming 25000 Russian soldiers have been killed . No mention of Ukrainian graves . I remember a thing about the Russians having mobile crematoria at the beginning of the war .
25 000 dead ? Not a lot for Russia …. A lot for Ukraine ….
Unusually – and a ‘first ‘ I must complement mr rajan on the demolishing job he did on Eddie Davey – the ‘leader ?’ Of the liberals who wants a money tree to subsidise people who too out very cheap mortgages and who can’t now afford them as rates return to normal .
Mr Rajan put out 4 reasons why his idea is crap – namely it will cost 4 billion to subsidise fools who over reached on their borrowing …. Instead of – say – paying carers more or fighting inflation .
By the time rajan got through the 4 idiot reasons poor old Eddie Davy had to pivot to yap about nut nut … what a light weight …
But surely it wasn’t the bbc job to act as opposition ?
The bbc wants to canonise the Islington champagne socialist called Glenda Jackson . I’ve listened to her ‘thatcher speech ‘ .as far as I’m concerned – no loss .
I listened to some eulogising on R4 while driving last night – Glenda sounded quite sane right up to the moment Fatcha was mentioned – then the bitchy acid started to flow.
There are some people on the notional left who when confronted by the essential truth that there is no magical money tree simply loose it and resort to wallowing in hatey invective against the people simply stating reality. That shallowness is their undoing.
Yes, I heard some of that political rabbit on LBC earlier today!
People may have forgotten that when she was starting out on trying to be an MP, her meetings were PR disasters, and in one broadcast/presentation to her ‘public’, she finished up resorting to telling feeble Essex girl jokes, much to the despair of her minders and embarrassment of the dwindling audience!
Margaret Thatcher did so much for this country; there would always be the negative nay-sayers who were the eqivalent of today’s elite, but the word meant nothing back then – likewise the people who specialised in such poor rhetoric.
Then it’s time to bypass the Home Office and “Stop the boats” . Have any been stopped yet ? Who is running this country ? We are now in a state of emergency, before long all the four star hotels will be full.
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018
vladMar 14, 12:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 Douglas Murray clash with Nigel Farage & Matt Goodwin “No point in Reform without mass deportations”
tomoMar 14, 12:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 14, 12:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 UN judge claims immunity…
JohnCMar 14, 12:00 Midweek 12th March 2025 More Right vs Left Lucy. And the majority of English people have right-wing views now. The extreme response of Starmers…
taffmanMar 14, 11:54 Midweek 12th March 2025 We are being invaded ! Our jails are being filled up with foreign criminals. Time to get rid of the…
MarkyMarkMar 14, 11:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 “What was most mind-blowing, she said, was the revelation from 1993 when the FBI wiretapped Hamas members in a Philadelphia…
Fedup2Mar 14, 11:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 Good to see the UN judge convicted of slavery in Oxford has found attention in the US …. The left…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 14, 11:29 Midweek 12th March 2025 The “mountain” scenes were filmed here in Snowdonia.
vladMar 14, 11:27 Midweek 12th March 2025 “The West is facing an Islamic holy war” – Melanie Phillips. WAKE UP!!!
Another inspiring rapper has died
Mikey Roynon: Two teens charged with murder over Bath party stabbing
UK based Muslim terrorism/criminology lecturer says terrorism surveillance is racist. The FBI no fly list has been leaked, showing 350,000 names with various spellings of:
– Mohamed
– Ali
– Mahmoud
“This report once more reveals the troubling reality of the FBI’s watchlist system, and the #Islamophobia that systemically dominates counter-#terrorism in the US and beyond which urgently needs dismantling.”
Troubling reality = yes
Islamophobia = no
Far Right Ones?
Or are those who MI5 and BBC Drama are struggling to monitor?
Let us all stop funding UK terrorism! It would seem Khalid Masood (Westminster Attack 22.03.2017 5 Innocents Killed) was on benefits which comes out of National Insurance payments by the workers of the UK. Thus, it would seem prior to these findings the workers in the UK were unknowingly funding terrorism. But now we know terrorists operate using welfare benefits it would seem we are knowingly paying terrorists.
Can I suggest that the Government please make sure NI payments by UK workers don’t go into the hands of terrorists by removing the terrorists in the first place. Can you also calculate how much we have/are funded terrorism via welfare benefits by simply getting all known terrorists (left,right,islamic) arrested to-date and those on the watch list and check welfare payments made to them or their immediate family (under various names possibly).
Another example is where imams preaching intolerance such as Anjem Choudary (preached hate 1999-2016) to his hundreds of worshippers (5 times a day, everyday), can all imams be checked if they are on welfare benefits, paid by UK workers, and these payments be stopped immediately. It is the community that needs to fund the imams if they want religious teachings, similar to how the Church of England was funded with donations in the past.
The father-of-four (Anjem Choudary preaching hate 1999-2016) takes home more than £25,000 a year in benefits and lives in a £320,000 house in Leytonstone
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers…give it up or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
You know it’s not real / fake when the Biden comes over as too coherent!
Brilliant – welcome to AI😎
Saudi Arabia TV mocks Biden’s cognitive decline in ‘hilarious’ comedy skit
Saudi Arabia !!!!
160 unicorns?
Has a Boris operative put LSD on his cornflakes? – or have British boffins had an extraordinary success in genetic engineering?
Blah blah blah – green card – blah blah
I thought I saw a herd of unicorns stampeding across Salisbury Plain the other day, a vision so beautiful it reduced me to tears, it’s fantastic they’ve reintroduced them from Lalaland.
“Unicorn companies are those that reach a valuation of $1 billion without being listed on the stock market and are the dream of any tech startup.”
Rishi was weaned in the financial sector and doesn’t seem to understand that most of us live in the real world. Never forget, the bankers wanted him for PM, no one else had a say – democracy my arse.
Canal+ – That’s why the unicorns went extinct!
Unicorns ….
Sunak accused of ‘rewriting history’ by saying No 10 ignored lockdown harms
This article is more than 9 months old
Tory leadership hopeful says he was prevented from raising negative effects of Covid measures
Rishi Sunak, man in charge of country’s money, doesn’t know how to use contactless
tomo, unicorn is a trendy yoof name for internet related start-ups. Our PM wants to show that he is ‘down wiv da kidz’.
Of all the news going on the in the world, the bbc comes up with
Miriam Margolyes makes Vogue cover debut at 82
Vogue has sussed what gets desperation hit ratings.
BBC uses this for the same reason, via one degree of separation.
Maybe some AI involved … I saw some tweets yesterday (related to the Vogue piece) with a naked pouting Miriam – no sound or smell thankfully – bad enough tho.
Tomo – I hope you bleached your eyeballs afterwards!
The BBC like Gargoyles… can’t put my finger on whether it’s her (far) leftwing politics, rants about heterosexual white men, or loud and proud endorsement of her own lesbianity.
Just one more reason (among many), I’m not likely to start reading Vogue any day soon.
or her swearing + farting … ?
National Trust 09/06
10 great pet products and services to show your furry friends you care
British couple who moved with family to Australia told they are ‘too old’
Prince Harry and William finally talk about their sister Laura who no one knew existed
Russia army on brink of civil war after Chechens launch vicious attack on Wagner
Chris Evans ex Billie Piper says marriage was being ‘drunk with an old man’
by Taboola
‘Disgusting!’ Miriam Margolyes horrifies This Morning fans as she breaks wind live on air
MIRIAM MARGOLYES horrified This Morning viewers on Monday after Phillip Schofield revealed the Harry Potter star had broken wind live on air.
00:13, Tue, Nov 16, 2021 | UPDATED: 19:39, Tue, Nov 16, 2021
Trigger warning..
I saw the Vogue thing on Twitter 2 days ago
but decided to hold off mentioning it
to save you from the horrible photos.
“Why Donald Trump Cannot Get a Top-Tier Lawyer”
I don’t think we have a branch of, “The 65 Project” here. Just think of Tommy Robinson and the BBC and mainstream media and it is obvious they fulfil that role.
Bit rich this coming from Chris Mason in his usual anti-Conservative rant…
“Remember, today isn’t about parties during Covid.
It is about the fundamental pillars upon which public life – and society at large – is constructed.
If beebolics were’nt such cheats with the news and didn’t lie by omission, they’d get a few more taxpayers on their side, but as they have nothing to do with these four issues, it’s yet another nail in their coffin.
Hello Scroblene – I think the whole thing shows to gap between the views of the swamp ( and what it thinks is important ) and what the Great British Public think .
The problem ? A lot of people like nut nut – ‘a character ‘ – they know what he is like – and accept it .
The big disappointment was that he wasn’t a conservative – could do detail – and had poor support – ie the people who do the real work and keep on the straight and narrow ( impossible ?)
People wanted a human being – not a ‘career politician ‘ like Cameron – rishi – May – truss – and they accepted his imperfections .
What we have now is ‘moral high ground crap ‘ being spouted by the scum ginger girl and the like . Parliament is just a dump .
I think many people thought Boris was flawed, but upbeat, intelligent, and unusually among politicians, something of a ‘doer’. He likes to clown around, has a natural charisma, and a ‘common touch’, he’s massively self confident and an excellent public speaker (Peppa Pig excepting) – how much is real, and how much coaching/an act, who knows?
He was deeply unlucky with Covid (both in terms of timing and personally), and dropped the ball on Brexit – having battled nearly all the way to the touchline against the odds with it first.
Despite many attempts, they haven’t managed to dig up much dirt, other than he’s had a number of affairs (with adult women, mind), which suggests to me he probably has less to hide than many public figures.
There have been plenty of worse MPs, and worse PMs, he could have done better, he could have been so, so much worse – and, at least he wasn’t Corbyn!
The coming ‘debate’ on Monday about the report promises to diminish politicians even further ( hopefully) .I’m guessing Harmon will be keeping quiet until then – although that will be tough for her.
But I suppose convention is to address the commons rather than the taxpayers …
Lindsey Hoyle will go full berkow
Excellent summary, Big!
Who wants another failure like Major or Cameron farting around with issues they are too stupid to understand!
I wonder if there was ever a Stupid Party, who would be in the cabinet when they struggled into power…
Oh Hell, what a nightmare I’ve just described…
Names on a whole ream of copy paper please!
Fed, “he wasn’t a conservative – could do detail – and had poor support”
I might agree on the first but Bojo could not do detail but even with good support of Dominic Cummings and Lee Cain and David Frost he still could not do detail enough to get a proper Brexit done and dusted!
Apologies – that was a typo – he couldn’t do detail – he blagged his way and got away with it via the buffoon / classics act . Such a shame – such a hard struggle to flush the bercow parliament into the sewer and then a huge majority wasted .
Anyone who must have tried to brief him must have torn their hair out because of his ADHD thingy ….
Covid is used as an excuse – he could have ring fenced other bits of his ‘aims ‘ to get on with stuff whilst the virus was kicking – especially after it became apparent that the losses would be in hundreds of thousands not millions …..
I’ve worked for similar types and had the ‘briefing job’ on complex and detailed subject matter . There is nothing worse than trying to explain complex stuff in a simplistic way knowing the attention span wasn’t there and stuff was going in one ear and out the other .
I’ve then sat in the background in a public forum watching my work be wasted … no wonder his staff didn’t hang around …
As I said before – I think the Monday commons show will be politicians at their worst ….
Men can have a cervix (c) Starmer – follow the science!
The NHS Test and Trace app did not cost £37 billion
This is the total budget for the entire NHS Test and Trace programme in its first two years. In the 2020-21 financial year, the app cost around £35 million.
In a damning report published today the Public Accounts Committee says “NHST&T has not achieved its main objective to help break chains of COVID-19 transmission and enable people to return towards a more normal way of life” despite being handed an “eye watering” budget of £37 billion over two years – and not managing to spend £8.7 billion of the first year’s allocation. Instead, since the end of October 2020 “the country has had two more national lockdowns and case numbers have risen dramatically”.
I notice nobody’s been around looking at UK NGO and The Green Party and BBC “office climate mitigation” installations (i.e. heating and cooling)
We know they’re screeching hypocrites – be nice to have some evidence.
Justin Rowlatt’s missus doing a Panorama ‘Investigation’ with kindly old Dale Vince in his tribal hut?
The Rowlatt’s the BBC Eco Activist family : him, wife, sister.
The Times :
The BBC’s climate editor has been labelled a “campaigner” by colleagues after he was found in breach of editorial rules for the second time in less than six months.
Justin Rowlatt, the BBC’s first climate editor, was spoken to by executives after he reported misleading claims about extreme weather in a Panorama documentary last November.
The unit concluded last December that he gave an “inaccurate” impression of wind farm subsidies
Rowlatt, 55, has family members involved in climate-change activism. Cordelia Rowlatt, his sister, was fined for participating in an Insulate Britain protest on the M25 last year.
Bee Rowlatt, his wife, an author and former BBC journalist (20 years) , has been present at Extinction Rebellion protests, including one in 2018 in which Oxford Circus was blocked on Black Friday.
“Best thing about #blackfriday is Extinction Rebellion bringing Oxford St to a halt,” she tweeted next to a picture of protesters holding a banner reading “Rebel for life
Ukraine war: The challenges of training F-16 pilots
bbc condemns when Iran or China supply any type of weapons to Russia, but applauds when the West gives arms
Its all about the west bringing down Russia, and very little if anything in support of Ukraine
I’ve read that F16’s are only really valuable when they are used as part of the USA’s larger air-defence network and it’s unlikely Ukraine will ever get them.
But the BBC’s defence reporter seems to have missed that vital point.
BBC reparations for Caribbean – UK to ask Vatican and Vikings for money!!! HA HA HA !
Tranies and “pride”
IMHO they made themselves completely ridiculous by choosing the word ‘pride’.
I doubt anyone is actually ‘proud’ to be gay or transsexual. Just as I am not ‘proud’ to be heterosexual. It’s just agenda-based hypocrisy which seems to be norm these days.
Those who make a big song and dance about it (literally) seem to think it’s something to be proud about, and to shove down everyone s’ throats.
Meanwhile, plenty of gay people just quietly getting on with life, no big deal really (so long as they keep it to themselves – no one wants to know about my heterosexuality either), no idea about the ‘T’ etc… lot, don’t think I’ve ever met any (what percentage of the population are they again?), but have this possibly inaccurate notion that they’d make sure I knew within two seconds of meeting… like vegans.
Well he does like to advertise his own newsletter but he has some valid points about the corruption of the Left and the ‘Green’ credentials some companies have proving ESG is little short of a scam.
Energy saving to return to prevent winter blackouts
We have been warned, already
Ban watching the BBC to save the planet?
Confession time. I’m listening to all TWATO’s offerings today because I think I missed a point in the headline summary at 1300.
It seems that trees are starting to grow at a higher level in the Monroes’ in Scotland. I tuned out at that stage because it was likely to become: “Unprecedented rise in temperatures” etc. However, half-tuned in, I just half registered another point. I’m sure the announcer said, or in effect, that Rowan trees are ‘returning’ to these altitudes.
Update: they obviously ran out of time with a the lying Boris stuff so no mention of, “Returning”.
Think there’s just less sheep and deers up there eating everything in sight or something like that.
“Glenda Jackson: Oscar-winning actress and former MP dies aged 87”
Seem to vaughly remember she had a nice pair of tits she got out once, maybe on some Welsh film. Apart from that just another MP.
Could be relied upon to be a good sport for the lads on BBC2 back in the day.
But, RIP.
Women In Love with Oliver Reed.
Two commanders, one Russian, one Ukrainian have gone missing in action after getting 🤕, BBC only questioning the Russian’s ‘he’s OK’ claim.
“Ukraine war: Mystery over Chechen commander reported wounded in Ukraine”
Is he still alive and kicking?
“He published a video along with his comments that showed the two men with several aides in front of map, but BBC Verify has found a number of inconsistencies in the clip that indicate it may have been manipulated.”
And story 2
“Valery Zaluzhny, the man behind Ukraine’s counter-offensive”
Is he still alive and kicking?
“At the beginning of June, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence published several photos of Gen Zaluzhny attending a military ceremony in Kyiv.”
Guess verify was busy ..
Don’t you feel reassured that so many bodies full of home working civil servants are busy ensuring the cause of truth, justice and plain good old British fair play are in such good hands? OFGEM, OFCOM…
These are the guys the BBC can tell to sod off because… exemptions… when breaking every rule the rest of us get nailed for.
The BBC holds a vast database of people’s private information, and abuses it without qualm.
The ICO is deliberately turning themselves into an ineffective yet bloated bureaucracy – try getting them to enforce FoI rules!
Bureaucrats elsewhere…
The Wiltshire Council planners are WFH still – 10 weeks to get a build permission to get a septic tank plumbed in – now asking for 2 more weeks…
Heads really should roll.
Falling upwards big style
Farts travel to the top – lighter than air!
Why do people doubt the moon landings? 🧑🚀 #QI #iPlayer
Sean Lock giving the answers in a post on my feed today was a shock.
Now, why would the BBc be doing such a thing?
The Nottingham killer – named as -Valdo Calocane- doesn’t look like a candidate for the ‘mental issues ‘ card the bbc like to play to disappears unapproved stories …..time for another vigil …
“A Nottingham University brochure listed Calocane as a 2022 graduate in mechanical engineering”
“known to MI5 because he turned up to the agency’s London headquarters in August last year. and tried to get in.
He was told to move on and his name was taken down when he arrived at Thames House”
If true. that seems mental.
GUINEANA ..Guinea Bissau internet search success
It’s an ex Portuguese territory so I googled in Portuguese .. a couple of people with dame surname, but no other info.
The Nottingham killer is mentioned on University Graduation PDF
Note out of about 60 on his course
only 5 have British sounding names
UK universities love exploiting foreign money.
BBC call his country a Narco-state
though it’s supposed to have just become a democracy after some turmoil
Look how the government and civil servants give away taxpayers money, and brag about it.
Next they’ll give Ford and Renault £50m each, mistaking them for struggling start up companies.
if you want a seeming bottomless vat of gubbermint giveaway outrage look no further than InnovateUK’s spreadsheet of what they’ve divvied out.
According to official UK bilateral aid statistics, the UK spent £68.4 million on aid to China in 2019, up from £44.7 million in 2015. Table 1 presents the breakdown of this aid by department or fund over the period from 2015 to 2019.
This kind of rhetoric by Biden gives credance to claims that they rigged the last election and is about as far away from ‘democracy’ as you can possibly get.
It’s ignoring things like this which show the BBC for what they actually are.
“Former Met Police officer, 37, admits using the bank cards of dead people after stealing off them when called out to sudden deaths
Muhammed Mustafa Darr admitted two counts of misconduct in public office”
“Darr, of Walthamstow, east London, appeared at Southwark Crown Court wearing a brown top, grey tracksuit and trainers.”
Former Met PC admits using dead people’s bank cards
The BBC sent it straight to regions.
And used this picture:
Even though this one is widely available:
Many of these articles should provoke a debate on the consequences of quota-based hiring policies. But of course the BBC will never go near that one despite being the best example of how it drastically lowers the overall quality of a service.
Maybe an archive ECU of his cuffs on a white perp’s wrists?
Terrorism threat levels
The threat level indicates the likelihood of a terrorist attack in the UK.
National threat level
The threat to the UK (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) from terrorism is substantial.
Northern Ireland-related threat level
The threat to Northern Ireland from Northern Ireland-related terrorism is severe.
Greece boat disaster: Capsized boat had 100 children in hold, BBC told
Gaddafi wants EU cash (£4bn) to stop African migrants { aug2010}
“Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a ‘black Europe’.
‘We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,’ Col Gaddafi said…
He told them that Islam should become the religion of Europe and gave them free copies of the Koran, after he had lectured them for an hour on the freedoms enjoyed by women in Libya.”
Aug 2010 … fast forward … Nov 2016
Migrant crisis: Turkey (Erdogan) threatens EU with new surge (EU Tax Payers are paying Erdogan £2.6 billion) { nov2016}
“Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that he will let hundreds of thousands of migrants travel on to Europe if pushed by the EU.
‘Listen to me: these border gates will be opened if you go any further,’ he warned the EU on Friday.”
Sluff – why did they (NGOs?) burn the rubber boats (environmentally a bad idea) when they could just rip a hole in the middle to sink it?
– European Union is using UK’s money to keep African’s from leaving their own country!
The BBC love choosing voices who are more activist than scientist
Simon Webb in his new video takes aim at Adam Rutherford
accusing him of
#1 Big cherrypicking, whilst accusing others of cherrypicking
throwing mud at righties whilst shielding his lefty mates.
#2 Stealth editing his book
a BBC tactic
Seems key parts were changed between the hardback and paperback
Webb states the paperback was published after George Floyd and appears to be BLM compliant.
new tweet from the NHS Race & Health Observatory @NHS_RHO
\\ Our CEO @DrHNaqvi hosted a session with Adam Rutherford on race, scientific racism, and medicine.
“Race is not biologically meaningful but has biologically meaningful consequences.” //
Whingeing, gleeful, dribbling, bilious, anti-Conservative crap from one of the biggest bullshitters the taxpayers have to fork out for!
What an arsehole this little prick is (maybe a ‘Doctor’ could explain this medical conundrum, perhaps it could be a new trend in the qwertyuiop mob’s HQ somewhere in a shithole up in a crap part of Khan’s devastated Londonistan)!
I’m so glad that I don’t pay his exorbitant wages any more; he’s never been very good anyway, but that’s the standard in W1AA these days – second-rate autocue-reading, third-rate undermanagers, leftie twonks on the top floor!
One might imagine BBC ‘analysis’ would at least consider certain facts.
Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in
order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends.
Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to
outside individuals or organisations that might seek to influence them in the performance of their
official duties.
In carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding contracts, or
recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of public office should make choices
on merit.
Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must
submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office.
Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that they
take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public
interest clearly demands.
Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and
to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest.
Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and example.
Click to access MP_expenses_exec_summary.pdf
MPs may currently claim up to £103,812 to employ
staff to support their parliamentary duties
MPs may employ members of their own families
using public funds.
MPs will no longer be allowed to use the staffing
allowance to fund the employment of family
members. Transitional arrangements will allow
existing family members to remain in their posts for
one more Parliament.
before:MPs could claim not only for basic
costs such as utilities, council
tax, and building and contents
insurance but also for services
such as cleaning and gardening
and for items such as white
after:MPs will only be able to claim
for basic costs such as utilities,
council tax, and contents
Scroblene – Take it you don’t like him then😆😆
Yep – scored a few points there Scroblene …. It’s the heat ….
Oh sod it, it was indeed the heat, you know…
The good thing about the weather is that I can rise early enough to wonder what is still going on yesterday, and anyway, the dog needs to go out for a wee and sometimes a tom-tit, and it also gives Senora O’Blene a chance to stretch out and enjoy another hour or so of shut-eye!
Actually, it was the heat AND a glass of comforting red…
BBC catnip….’claim’.
All they need.
Plus added ‘alleged’.
BBC local newsPR
item : a 5 min long ADVERT for thie first ever Scunthorpe LGBTQ+ Pride.
If you and 4 friends had an event to promote, the BBC might allow you a few seconds.
Here BBC staff have spent a lot of time crafting the piece
masses of archive footage with brainwashing background music.
The Boris Partygate inquiry debacle demonstrates that the left have taken a lesson from the Dems in the US.
They have realised that they can now “take-out” people they don’t like simply by getting the legal vultures onside who tend to be lefty sympathisers anyway.
This is simply a new and totally undemocratic pseudo-legalise-political weapon, devised in the US to crucify Trump and now picked up by the unscrupulous power hungry mongers on the left in the UK.
It is a trend that can only eventually lead to uproar on both sides of the pond. Reminiscent as it is of the criminal politicking for gain that swept through the corrupt in Italy and Spain in the past. Not to mention Germany in the 1930’s.
The absolute joke that is BBC Verify has descended into the World of crazy….
They publish a report on the BBC-claimed dire situation for the public in North Korea as fed to them by their own “sleepers” planted in the country and decide to use false names and cartoon images to “protect their sources”.
Apart from the obvious fact that there is no way anyone can verify these “sleepers” exist the only outcome that I can envisage coming from North Korea is a harder lock down and a hunt for any infiltrators spreading these stories to the West. This of course may easily lead to innocent citizens in NK being punished.
And all thanks to the BBC’s virtue signalling childish attempts to claim to be professional truth hunters.
You could end up with blood on your hands BBC!
North Korea sends “state-sponsored slaves” to Europe – rights group
By Emma Batha, Thomson Reuters Foundation
LONDON, July 6 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – North Korea has sent hundreds of workers to labour as “state-sponsored slaves” in EU nations as Pyongyang seeks to circumvent international sanctions aimed at starving it of money over its nuclear weapons programme, rights campaigners said on Wednesday.
Would nt be the first time – see Falklands …. Giving Battle Damage Assessments via the World Service …
The UK radio stations have been unlistenable today…
Serial liar
Serial liar
Serial liar
It goes without saying that the BBC can not be listened to but all the other channels are at it as well: Talk radio, LBC, Times Radio.
On and on and on and on. Like a herd of effing sheep.
It just astonishes me that they have suddenly discovered that a politician lies. Well no sh1t sherlock.
How about banging on about Springster lying and trying to fit up an honest man trying to get the truth out (i.,e. The Light newspaper).
“Nationwide latest lender to raise mortgage rates again”
As mortgage rates rise and the subsequent house possessions take place, will the present government fill the vacant houses with illegal boat people ? The cost of hotels is now becoming prohibitive and an embarrassment to the ‘government’.
The corrupt landlords that buy up the repossessions, will be singing “When the boat comes in ” when the government rent them using British taxpayers money .
Roll on Reform UK !
Taffman – I think unless rates go up to nearer -say 8% – repossessions are going to be less than last time because of 35 year -40 year mortgages ….. where everyone plays the system … the banks get their remortgage ‘fees ‘ – people will think they can pay off their 35 year mortgage earlier than their 70th birthday ….
The ECB raised .25% today and looking at another 0.25% in July – suggesting the UK raises by 0.25% next week when it really should be much much more – …
Oooh er:
Phallic missiles?
Letters in The Telegraph to the editor… today.
Letters: A progressive consensus at the BBC is at odds with its aim to be impartial
(Re: Nick Robinson on BBC impartiality claim).
I worked for five years in a relatively senior position at the BBC and observed that it was necessary to keep a copy of The Guardian on show at all times as proof of my acceptability to the corporation’s ethos.
The BBC and its friends provide all the partisan propaganda necessary for ensuring that they can broadcast the output they wish thanks to the income raised by the public that funds them.
So true and yet, the BBC Nick Robinson (et al) seek to claim that they are under threat for their famous BBC brand of ‘impartiality’, unique they say! Except its an identikit CNN and New York Times premix localised with Socialist dogma flavored for the UK market. This they call ‘impartiality’. That and/or surrender to the EU, so the UK should no longer exist as a nation. This the BBC, claim is ‘value-for-money’ at just 69p per day. Even though we turned off a long time ago when we realised what they are doing. They are still at it, the liberal masters of the MSM media, all 8% of them (who call themselves liberals) are a danger to the wider public who do not share the doom and apocalypse the BBC presents daily as the only news in the world. Its worse than perverse – it has an agenda. Its only purpose is to pervert.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – now that is an interesting adjacency ….
…. was it deliberate BBC? On the Business Page, we have an item about New Zealand slipping into recession because of high interest rates. Immediately to its right and alongside it has our Chancellor saying “UK has no alternative to interest rate rises”.
BBC royalty.
Raking in the audience too.
Some actual reporting from the east….
“The Taliban’s Successful Opium Ban is Bad for Afghans and the World”
“The Taliban have done it again: implementing a nearly complete ban against cultivation of opium poppy — Afghanistan’s most important agricultural product — repeating their similarly successful 2000-2001 prohibition on the crop. But the temptation to view the current ban in an overly positive light — as an important global counter-narcotics victory — must be avoided”
United States Institute of Peace…🤡
I’m certainly no Taliban fan but you’ve got to give them credit now and again.
‘Terror based law enforcement’
Always more effective than the threat of 20 hours community service they would get here.
Bit late.
But must mention that on TWATO they covered the Boat sinking off Greece without mentioning that it was full of illegal migrants. It could have been a cruise liner!
Only at the end was there a passing inference of the type of cargo carried, mainly young men!
Typical BBC playing down the asylum seeker flood.
But wait.
Later we hear It may have been carrying huge numbers of children down in the hold.
Manna from heaven for the sentimentalist leftists.
Better let them all in.
After all, one child is one too many.
Harry and Meghan: Spotify ends podcast deal with couple
An extremely friendly article by the BBC (as expected) which doesn’t go anywhere near the reasons for Meghans popularity ratings. They spend more words telling us how great it was than why it failed.
‘It follows Spotify’s announcement last week that it was cutting 200 jobs in its podcast division after a period of heavy investment in the medium, saying it was embarking on a “strategic realignment”.’
Meaning of course that Spotify have just learned what ‘Go woke, go broke’ actually means.
I’m sure the BBC has $20 million of other peoples’ money to dosh out to the American actress . Maybe a ‘crowdfunding ‘ thing to prevent her suffering hardship … the long slide in finances …..
….. but I’m still bugged …. The Nottingham murders . X3 in a day …… lots of vigils …. Black arm bands …..
But the bugging ? On the same day in londonistan there were x3 murders using knives …. Just an ordinary day – no vigils – no speeches by families – vicarious grief for people never met . Just saying really ….
….. the third worlder must be due to be charged late Friday / Saturday when no one is looking ….
AI to stop water pollution before it happens
No ambiguity there. AI is going to save the planet.
‘It’s hoped the pilot project in Devon will help improve water quality at the seaside resort of Combe Martin, making it a better place for swimming.’
Oh. Not quite so certain then.
‘Computer systems company CGI is running the artificial intelligence project with mapping experts Ordnance Survey.’
Here we go : due to the extreme hype from the likes of the BBC whose ‘science correspondents’ who simply quote what other people (with finanacial interests) tell them, we are witnessing the next ‘funding grab’ bubble. This time for ‘AI’.
The Environment Agency is the preeminent public body tasked with “minding the water” in England.
It is an NDPB. Few seem to appreciate what that really means. Non Departmental Government Body means that while they spend nearly £2 billion pounds, there is little effective control over what they spend it on and near zero oversight or indeed control over their antics.
The EA operates thousands of water sensors across the country but integration into a system that can be used to provide meaningful oversight on the state of water to the public is resisted – they actually volunteer that they can’t find competent staff.
The primary purpose of the EA is to continue and extend the bureaucracy.
When their poisonous managers indulge in some corruption they don’t fess up – they mislead and cover up – using their lack of direct oversight / control from DEFRA to “give the finger” to other parts of government seeking to control them.
Not a lot to like about the EA
BBC collecting pictures of graves in Ukraine claiming 25000 Russian soldiers have been killed . No mention of Ukrainian graves . I remember a thing about the Russians having mobile crematoria at the beginning of the war .
25 000 dead ? Not a lot for Russia …. A lot for Ukraine ….
All heroes according to the Daily Mail.
Today watch
Unusually – and a ‘first ‘ I must complement mr rajan on the demolishing job he did on Eddie Davey – the ‘leader ?’ Of the liberals who wants a money tree to subsidise people who too out very cheap mortgages and who can’t now afford them as rates return to normal .
Mr Rajan put out 4 reasons why his idea is crap – namely it will cost 4 billion to subsidise fools who over reached on their borrowing …. Instead of – say – paying carers more or fighting inflation .
By the time rajan got through the 4 idiot reasons poor old Eddie Davy had to pivot to yap about nut nut … what a light weight …
But surely it wasn’t the bbc job to act as opposition ?
Today again
The bbc wants to canonise the Islington champagne socialist called Glenda Jackson . I’ve listened to her ‘thatcher speech ‘ .as far as I’m concerned – no loss .
I listened to some eulogising on R4 while driving last night – Glenda sounded quite sane right up to the moment Fatcha was mentioned – then the bitchy acid started to flow.
There are some people on the notional left who when confronted by the essential truth that there is no magical money tree simply loose it and resort to wallowing in hatey invective against the people simply stating reality. That shallowness is their undoing.
Yes, I heard some of that political rabbit on LBC earlier today!
People may have forgotten that when she was starting out on trying to be an MP, her meetings were PR disasters, and in one broadcast/presentation to her ‘public’, she finished up resorting to telling feeble Essex girl jokes, much to the despair of her minders and embarrassment of the dwindling audience!
Margaret Thatcher did so much for this country; there would always be the negative nay-sayers who were the eqivalent of today’s elite, but the word meant nothing back then – likewise the people who specialised in such poor rhetoric.
Thought for the day
“We are half way through pride month – Miriam mar….. “off switch ____ ENDS
D Day. Pride Month. Black awareness 13 months a year.
Ah, Miriam Gargoyles. She with the face that looks like a bulldog licking urine of a thistle.
Question time dream team
D abbot
A Campbell
M gargoyle
Owen the commee
Scum ginger
Venue -Oxford ring road university
“Home Office admits asylum plans in doubt,”
Then it’s time to bypass the Home Office and “Stop the boats” . Have any been stopped yet ? Who is running this country ? We are now in a state of emergency, before long all the four star hotels will be full.
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018