Silvio Berlusconi died on Monday. So he must have been still warm when the script writers for this week’s Dead Ringers decided to make jokes about his corpse in one of their sketches.
If you ever needed to know how vicious the lefties are just see what is going on with their new attempt to block Boris from a soapbox gig in the Daily Mail.
They know he’s going to tear them to shreds and at the same time build a bloody huge support base using the highest circulation paper in the UK so not content with snuffing him out as an MP they want him silenced, dead and buried. (in the US read Trump)…..
This all comes across as desperation from a shitty and cowardly crowd who have ganged up to try to stitch Boris up for some time and it’s all to do with Brexit!
I salute Boris for throwing this absolute firecracker into their arses.
I couldn’t hate these weasels any more than I do already!
Sooner or later they are going to get their just deserts.
As someone famous once said… he might be a buffoon but he’s my buffoon!
They have all underestimated him and will now pay the price as he is free to expose the nasty tactics, name names and tell it like it is…
Well who chooses pervs in charge of the watchers ?
How can you expect to honestly investigate grooming gangs, when the TOP PERSON who investigates police internal sex crimes was possibly a rapist himself all along ? (nothing proven yet)
(I guess it could be a fit up by someone taking vengeance against the police)
ITV “Former Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) director general Michael Lockwood is charged with nine sex offences including the alleged rape of a girl under the age of 16 in the 1980s .”
Lockwood is 64 so in 2000 was 41 and in 1980 was 21
He has to be about mid twenties at the time of the alleged events.
If this is true it makes a total mockery of the police as a protective force for the UK, something I have increasingly suspected for the past twenty years or so.
When I look at modern coppers I see self aggrandising para militaries with a bullying untouchable attitude unlike old time coppers who took the time to understand the local population. Knew and understood the local villains and took them to book without all the hi-viz, padded, tattooed shite we see now.
Police men used to patrol in blue uniforms and speak to anyone acting oddly, usually resulting in the problem going away. Now they roll up as something out of mad max, tooled up to the hilt. It’s no wonder that the connection with Joe Public has changed and they are now seen as a threat and a problem and not the answer to a problem.
Somewhere at the top things changed for the worse and we are all paying the price.
I blame all the violent shooter computer games our modern “police” were brought up with as kids.
It’s been a week hasn’t it ? The normal slaughter in Londonistan – more unusual by a local 3rd worlder in Nottingham – and we have witnessed the assassination of an ex PM – MP – to retired MP to daily mail columnist( now published ) .
We have witnessed a parliamentary biased star chamber – led by the vile Hattie Harmon soil itself – with the promise of the Far Left further soiling itself next week – oh yeah – and a political trial in what used to be America …..
.. did I miss anything ?
Ladies and Gents , thank you for your contributions – stay warm / cool ….
I’ve caught snippets through the day of the stunts that Select Committee is pulling – they been cooking it up for months – likely with some tips from chums in the USA.
What finally curdled my yogurt was listening to a gallery of twats on R4 Any Questions as I was driving earlier – I heard that Harriet’s harpies are going to go after anybody who has the temerity to quibble with their findings – above and beyond Boris’s mistakes – they are unequivocally threatening anybody who doesn’t repeat verbatim what they claim – scum. That said – I can only dream that “my” SC – PACAC showed even 1% of the aggression that Hattie’s harpies dished out.
Trotting out the sanctimonious claptrap … I wondered if there’s been rehearsals…
After clicking OFF in exasperation- I went to top up on milk etc. at big Tesco and lo and behold there were masked up middle aged men (public sector lease car drivers I’d wager)in the dairy isle.
Lefty WrightMar 14, 16:51 Midweek 12th March 2025 Mark My problem with British celebrities is that almost all are left wing, self important twats. How I long for…
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Lefty WrightMar 14, 16:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 Mark Now I am no expert in these matters but is Dave’s picture in digital and the background in VHS…
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MarkyMarkMar 14, 15:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Islamic terrorist motive for stabbing being investigated An 18-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of wounding with intent to do…
moggiemooMar 14, 15:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Why did she need to make anything up? We all know that taxes go up when Labour get into power…
Square-EyedMar 14, 15:09 Midweek 12th March 2025 Correct me if I’m wrong, but when India achieved independence, and by virtue of partition Pakistan, wasn’t the assumption that…
BBC Radio 4 – 6:30 today Dead Ringers
Silvio Berlusconi died on Monday. So he must have been still warm when the script writers for this week’s Dead Ringers decided to make jokes about his corpse in one of their sketches.
How low can you get?
Any Glenda Jackson jokes for ‘balance ‘…. ?
The left are lower than a snakes belly and constantly strive to confirm it.
If you ever needed to know how vicious the lefties are just see what is going on with their new attempt to block Boris from a soapbox gig in the Daily Mail.
They know he’s going to tear them to shreds and at the same time build a bloody huge support base using the highest circulation paper in the UK so not content with snuffing him out as an MP they want him silenced, dead and buried. (in the US read Trump)…..
This all comes across as desperation from a shitty and cowardly crowd who have ganged up to try to stitch Boris up for some time and it’s all to do with Brexit!
I salute Boris for throwing this absolute firecracker into their arses.
I couldn’t hate these weasels any more than I do already!
Sooner or later they are going to get their just deserts.
As someone famous once said… he might be a buffoon but he’s my buffoon!
They have all underestimated him and will now pay the price as he is free to expose the nasty tactics, name names and tell it like it is…
Order your popcorn folks!
“Who watches the watchers ?”
Well who chooses pervs in charge of the watchers ?
How can you expect to honestly investigate grooming gangs, when the TOP PERSON who investigates police internal sex crimes was possibly a rapist himself all along ? (nothing proven yet)
(I guess it could be a fit up by someone taking vengeance against the police)
ITV “Former Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) director general Michael Lockwood is charged with nine sex offences including the alleged rape of a girl under the age of 16 in the 1980s .”
Lockwood is 64 so in 2000 was 41 and in 1980 was 21
He has to be about mid twenties at the time of the alleged events.
If this is true it makes a total mockery of the police as a protective force for the UK, something I have increasingly suspected for the past twenty years or so.
When I look at modern coppers I see self aggrandising para militaries with a bullying untouchable attitude unlike old time coppers who took the time to understand the local population. Knew and understood the local villains and took them to book without all the hi-viz, padded, tattooed shite we see now.
Police men used to patrol in blue uniforms and speak to anyone acting oddly, usually resulting in the problem going away. Now they roll up as something out of mad max, tooled up to the hilt. It’s no wonder that the connection with Joe Public has changed and they are now seen as a threat and a problem and not the answer to a problem.
Somewhere at the top things changed for the worse and we are all paying the price.
I blame all the violent shooter computer games our modern “police” were brought up with as kids.
I wonder what lodge he belongs to ? Same as the prosecution defence and judge?
It’s been a week hasn’t it ? The normal slaughter in Londonistan – more unusual by a local 3rd worlder in Nottingham – and we have witnessed the assassination of an ex PM – MP – to retired MP to daily mail columnist( now published ) .
We have witnessed a parliamentary biased star chamber – led by the vile Hattie Harmon soil itself – with the promise of the Far Left further soiling itself next week – oh yeah – and a political trial in what used to be America …..
.. did I miss anything ?
Ladies and Gents , thank you for your contributions – stay warm / cool ….
I’ve caught snippets through the day of the stunts that Select Committee is pulling – they been cooking it up for months – likely with some tips from chums in the USA.
What finally curdled my yogurt was listening to a gallery of twats on R4 Any Questions as I was driving earlier – I heard that Harriet’s harpies are going to go after anybody who has the temerity to quibble with their findings – above and beyond Boris’s mistakes – they are unequivocally threatening anybody who doesn’t repeat verbatim what they claim – scum. That said – I can only dream that “my” SC – PACAC showed even 1% of the aggression that Hattie’s harpies dished out.
Trotting out the sanctimonious claptrap … I wondered if there’s been rehearsals…
After clicking OFF in exasperation- I went to top up on milk etc. at big Tesco and lo and behold there were masked up middle aged men (public sector lease car drivers I’d wager)in the dairy isle.
People will talk of where they were when the news broke.
Well obviously… – not enough victimhood about then ( never is in the cubicles at Broadcasting House)
In the news report the BBC showed footage of the wrong dragqueen
“BBC News just ran a short VT about The Vivienne, but showed footage of Danny Beard…”