News in the past month -suella – Schofield – Harry – Crankie (look away) -Nottingham – boris – the BBC News sweet shop just uses the pick and mix technique …dump the licence please ….
This is a superb write-up of the disinformation that @mariannaspring appears to be deliberately spreading. There has been no comment or retraction from her or the BBC yet. #BBCverify
“Glasto, Jon, and don’t spare the horses. Jeremy is playing the SWP stage and we have BBC passes…”
When you’ve finished your “End of the World is Nigh” protest for the day, it’s time to kick of the mules, clean off the greasepaint, pack up the 4×4 and head off back to the Cotswolds for a beer. You driving Jeremy?
Channel 4 news trying as hard as they can to get a Greek guy to admit that they caused the immigrant boat to sink and did nothing to assist….
I fail to grasp why supposedly intelligent media people cannot grasp that if people overload any ship to multiple times it’s designed capacity then sail it for hundreds of miles across a major sea for money they are both asking for disaster and are fully responsible for the consequences.
This was entirely caused by the coupling of unscrupulous gangsters and willing idiots.
The poor Greek official being interrogated in the same manor as the Nuremberg trials by the bitchy C4 news bloke kept his cool remarkably well.
What is it with these Cromwellian news nobodies in the British media?
The tragic deaths resulting from this disaster, and all the others resulting from the (usually overcrowded and unseaworthy) vessels carrying these illegal migrants sinking is entirely on the lefty wokeists, as are any hardships suffered by these people – rape, murder, abduction, ransoming, trapped in horrible camps, suffocating in the back of lorries etc… and I despise them for it.
RE: those arriving in the UK.
IF we had properly manned borders and simply turned these chancers around and escorted them back to the last country they left (France in most cases), or put them on the first plane home, which is what we SHOULD do, far, far less would make the risky trip in the first place.
IF we had done this from day one very few would be risking their lives in this way attempting to come into the UK.
The Greeks, Italians, Hungarians, Poles, Danes… etc… all understand this is ultimately the only approach that works.
IF I’m a teacher, or a parent, and let the children in my charge get away with behaviour which endangers themselves, or others, who is to blame when some of them end up hurt, or dead? You could blame the kids – if they’re old enough they should know better, but they’re just pushing their luck most of the time, and ultimately the adults in the room are responsible for maintaining order and applying common sense.
The problem with wokeists is they ARE all still (mental) children, and aren’t to be trusted with anything requiring any degree of common sense.
This is possibly the worst story of murder I have ever read.
37 children : 20 hacked to death with machetes and 17 burned alive.
And the word ‘terror’ only appears in this BBC article once as a quote from someone else.
Yet on their news ‘home’ page, it is a very small sub-pane on the far right hand side.
I am stunned by this and it shows without any shadow of a doubt that all their ’empathy’ for children in Ukraine etc is completely fake. They don’t give a shit if children are murdered in this most horrific way if their story doesn’t help the BBC’s leftists agenda.
I am truly sickened by the BBC and what they really are when you spot it between the lines. Again.
Yet this story does make the front page:
‘Court artists on their three, very different Trumps’
We absolutely need to shut these far-Left scum down. They won’t last a year if they have to survive on public support.
It’s such a gruesome attack (on children!) you’d think it would get more than a brief nod in the news, wouldn’t you? But, no… once again, tells you all you need to know.
“We absolutely need to shut these far-Left scum down. They won’t last a year if they have to survive on public support.”
I am afraid we need a new government to do that , the present mob are working ‘hand in glove’ with them.
Perhaps he’ll screw more money out of the local taxpayers. That is, over and above his ‘fines’ for motorists. God, when are Londoners going to reach the stage when they demand he steps down from office?
Western media is infatuated with pride messaging. Increasingly the pride message is also infiltrating a large part of the West’s infrastructure.
I and probably quite a few people on here will not be around to see the end game.
Pride in my opinion is in fact a systematic toxic rot of society and is now firmly established in the Western World with politicians, luvvies and business people lining up to get on board. Not to mention the so called police and armed forces.
So the future?
China, Russia and certainly many other nations with traditional and sensible values will wait until the rot has weakened the West to such an extent that they are able to flood in and take control unopposed.
That will be the end of pride, gay, lesbian, trans and all the other weird constructs that have been artificially infected into Western life and rotted it from the roots up.
Under the circumstances probably a good thing for the future of the entire planet?
Your frills and makeup will not save you from a horde of determined Chinese shock troops my dear!
As we know, the BBC loves illegal immigration, and the EU.
Which might explain why they’re not reporting this: “Polish ruling party passes resolution condemning EU migrant relocation plan and announces referendum”.
Possibly against my better judgement I listened to the repeat of Any Questions after the 1 p.m. News today. One interesting thing that struck me was how Sir Jake Berry MP eviscerated the House Privilege Committee report into whether Boris Johnson misled Parliament. However, two of the other three panellists, Dan Jarvis MP (Lab) and Anita Sethi (writer) did not describe the report as good or accurate but ‘important’.
My mistake was the tired old week in Westminster where the same old characters are disinterred . Michael Howard again – celebrating British democracy that the British didn’t take to the streets when there were 2 coups over replacing PMs.
He thought the Boris truss richi show demonstrated the ‘strength ‘ and ‘stability ‘ of the system – no demos – not a shot fired sez Michael ….
…. I guess his read of it shows the distance between what punters think and rubbish like him . Maggie becket was also dug up . She’s off to the lords after the next election – injected with formaldehyde- an odour which must be dominant in that corrupt retirement home .
I can’t remember the rest of it – although a couple of the girls who got in at bi elections licked each other about their campaigns – all very swamp and of no value to ordinary punters paying the price at all …. Self serving swamp crap ….
Found dead at a flat in Hounslow.
Michal Wlodarczyk, 39, Monika Wlodarczyk, 35, Maja Wlodarczyk, 11, and Dawid Wlodarczyk, aged three, have been named by police.
Over in Canada, their Supreme Court has upheld an agreement with the USA dating back to 2004. In the agreement the USA is recognised as a safe country, and asylum seekers/ economic chancers cannot claim asylum by crossing the border. They have to register in the first country. The other country can immediately send them back if they do not.
Here’s the woke bit. Some leftists argued that this law was illegal and unconstitutional because the USA was not a safe country for illegals!!!!!!
This is an international scandal and proves the conspiracy of the msm who play it down or ignore it when this should be international headlines:
“Babbling Biden tells Connecticut crowd ‘God save the queen, man’ at end of baffling speech where he joked about being 110 and said ‘don’t make me a dog-faced lying pony soldier’
“The dirty truth behind what happens to that dress you give to a charity shop: Donating rarely worn clothes might give us a virtuous glow – but this devastating account reveals how it can wreck the lives of the very people we think it helps”
A great article. It’s a real insight both into charities use of donations and the waste industry generally. Domestic waste is indeed only a minor issue. The real headache is the electronic waste stream. The electronics industry from start to finish is one of the dirtiest industries, far from the supposedly clean industry it’s generally thought to be . Large quantities of extremely noxious chemical wastes are generated in semiconductor and general electronic manufacture. Apart from the more serious issues it’s remarkable what charity shops throw away in their own waste bins.
Unlike household waste, industrial waste is not taken to be weighed and processed at a materials recovery facility. Instead, it is amassed on private land, in landfills, effluent ponds and slag heaps. It is also flushed into rivers and expelled into the air. Very little data exists on it: what it is, where it is, how toxic it might be.
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) breaks down household waste for every person in America every year, but does not publish regular data on industrial waste.
Even a definition is disputed. The EPA defines ‘non-hazardous industrial wastes’, but excludes waste left over from oil and gas production, coal ash, and all mining waste, despite these amounting to the largest source of waste, by weight.
In the UK, ‘commercial and industrial’ wastes amounted to 43.9 million tons in 2018, plus a further 57.5 million tons of ‘non-hazardous construction and demolition wastes’. Household wastes, by contrast, totalled just 26.4 million tons – that is, just 11.8 per cent of the total.”
When the West ship their waste over to places like Bangladesh, India , and other Third World countries, that’s exactly what it becomes in their local Sea/Ocean: a mere drop (verb) in the ocean.
“The great recycling myth: We spend hours sorting our plastic, cardboard and glass, but less than HALF is actually recycled – and, as a new book reveals, we throw away 20million slices of bread a day and a quarter of clothes are never even sold”
“a new book reveals, we throw away 20million slices of bread a day”
Reveal = GUESS …. there
It’s not like they have been through our bins and counted
So the 20 million slices is a guess
Of course some supermarket bread is not sold before the sell by date
But even then is it thrown away ?
I ‘d eat bread 3 days after sell by, so it must be safe for animals like pigs/sheep.
The average number of slices per loaf, between large/small/wholemeal etc., is about 15, and as you say, it’s fine for several days after the ‘use-by’ date, which is only printed there to fool customers into thinking it’s going to be bad!
Customers are also cheated, because they’re also paying for the bread which will be chucked into the food banks, so the supermarket wins every time!
Being a ‘tight-arse’, I often freeze the last few slices if they’re getting a bit frail, then toast them on another day when we feel like some!
This silly little goon is incapable of considering that most normal citizens don’t believe the crap he’s dribbling!
People say “WRAP say it so it must be true”
“@WRAP_UK Climate Action NGO”
They are not big on quoting the source
but one of their posters says “according to Love Food Hate Waste survey”
Doh, that org is a division of Wrap
I went into the PDF
“The survey calculates food waste by focusing on four key products that WRAP estimates to be among the most significant
(bread, chicken, milk, and potatoes) and asking respondents to estimate
– for the last time they purchased each – the percentage thrown away uneaten.”
.. #NotScientific
I worked for a charity shop one, well known in this area and if a book was not sold in TWO WEEKS it was sent for pulping, a ridiculous timescale, especially as a book lover.
We get all our books on Ebay, via great re-sellers like World of Books and Music Magpie, and just for a fraction of the original cost!
I always have a laugh when they arrive, and find that they were chucked stock from somewhere like Walsall Public Library, or with the original price of 20p still stuck on, but I saves me having to drive all the way there, and all the way back…
We often buy our books from the local charity shop, (a local hospital, not a quango/political bunch like the RNLI or Oxfam), and when we’ve read them, they can have them back for resale!
In admiration of the single-minded relentless determination of the left edition
You have to hand it to our BBC, when it picks a position it sticks to it and pushes it regularly and relentlessly: She was denied an abortion in Texas – then she almost died – a somewhat sloganised tabloidesque abbreviated headline there – being a well-brought up young man one recalls one’s mother’s caution: Who’s She, the cat’s mother?
She was a British women’s monthly magazine that ran for 56 years, from 1955 to September 2011 (thank you Wiki)
No apparent BBC reluctance or reticence with the use of pronouns there, eh?
Keep your eyes on the prize… was an anthem of US civil rights campaigners adapted from a hymn by activist Alice Wine in 1956
Time’s up for Johnson, Trump and Berlusconi, but the damage they have caused lives on (Simon Tisdall writes in the Observer)
How dare you! – to borrow from Greta – how dare anyone vaguely right of centre raise their head above the leftist orthodox political parapet or peer out from the leftist Overton window.
Poor old Silvio and his brazen brand of unashamed bunga-bunga partying have certainly died a death – they can anathematise you for far smaller beer and cake these days (and there’s a more than generous helping of that later)
But seriously Silvio has died whereas Boris and The Donald ain’t quite out for the count just yet surely? – unless our Simon knows different?
‘Just an ex-MP’: Sunak’s allies pour scorn on beaten Johnson – how interesting that the Observer seems so keen to bury Boris and apparently regards Rishi Sunak as far less of a threat. Just a seat-warmer for Starmer?
Speaking of determined single-minded striving in a particular partizan direction: Macron trying to block Wallace from Nato chief role… to block Ben Wallace… because the UK left the EU (Sunday Telegraph) – one has little sympathy for our warmongering “full tonto” Wallace: Senior Conservative and former Scots Guards officer Ben Wallace claimed Russia’s president has gone “full tonto” and risked being “kicked in the backside”… “We’re in a pretty good position to deliver any type of aid pretty quickly to Ukraine, no matter what that aid is.” (The Press & Journal) – how’s that pretty good position working out for you, Ben?
What is the current state of the British armed forces? As a US general warns the British Army is no longer a top-level fighting force and calls for greater defence spending, we take a look at data… UK defence spending as a proportion of GDP has halved since the 1980s – leading to a decline in equipment and a drop of one in six military personnel… Back in November 2022, Ben Wallace told the parliament that the British Army would now be reduced to 73,000 by the middle of the decade. (Sky News January 2023, By Saywah Mahmood, data journalist )
Closer to home and some more rather un-British sounding names: Four people found dead in Hounslow flat named… Michal Wlodarczyk, 39, Monika Wlodarczyk, 35, Maja Wlodarczyk, 11, and Dawid Wlodarczyk, aged three… no other parties were currently being sought. (BBC) – so that’s likely the last we’ll hear of that.
Whereas… we just can’t have enough of: Lockdown video bombshell… Partygate tapes… The first-ever footage of Tories breaking rules (Sunday Mirror)
Mirror exclusive perhaps – but our BBC are on it like the proverbial car bonnet: Video emerges of Tory staff partying during Covid… A video has emerged showing some Conservative Party workers drinking and dancing at a Christmas party during the Covid pandemic. (BBC) – Party… in case you missed the intended operative word… Party! Mr AsI however, being somewhat of a contrarian – wonders more about another word and its varients: emerges… emerged?
The video, taken at the Conservative party’s headquarters in Westminster, dates from December 2020 when London was in Tier 2 restrictions. This meant people were banned from socialising indoors, except with members of their household or a support bubble. (BBC)
Of course in a sane world what ought to have happened by now is that our politicians should have admitted that science tends to prove all that Lockdown nonsense was medically ineffective, cost benefit untested, authoritarian, made in China tosh.
But there’s been too much political capital invested in Lockdown – particularly by the socialists
Labour’s Angela Rayner said the attendees had “openly mocked” the rules of Covid pandemic. (BBC)
Lest we forget
Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner cleared by Durham police of breaking lockdown rules… Labour leader will stay in post after pledging to resign if fined for having a beer and takeaway curry with staff (Guardian. And thank goodness the public have a goldfish-like memory… This article is more than 11 months old)
Ive got a big right and wrong thing going on – and i remember 14 days in solitary because of government rules .
So if those blue labour people broke their law it must be fines and career ends …
Same with MPs who cant keep their hands to themselves . And id drug test them all ..
If this shocking piece in the Daily Mail is even half true some people in the teaching profession are actually grooming children and are guilty of child abuse in the worst possible way.
There must be grounds to bring the groups pushing this vile stuff into schools and the teachers pushing it on the children to court and I am amazed it’s not happened yet.
Myocarditis stats from Korea post “Covid vaccinations”. Well compiled. When with the UK Government come clean and do likewise? I don’t think so.
I was in around the time that the home PC took off. At my start point, I worked in DOS and the during transition to the introduction of the first Windows and right up to what we’ve now, Win 11?. Lost track. However, my point is, the similarities between any introduction of a new pc operating system and the introduction of the Covid MRNA vaccines. Both introduced without adequate human testing and relying on the public being exposed and used to ‘test’ the drug/operating system. With the likes of Bill Gates & Co. playing a part in the decision making orders from the WEF, you can see the utter and blatant disregard for life. Vaccines now treated as if there will be a “patch” issued shortly to tidy up the failures of a new product.
Good news is, past about 42 days post vaccination, you should be ok. Moral of the tale: don’t take the vaccine !
1) Covid is a relatively minor respiratory tract issue with potentially serious issues for a small number of people with co-morbidities.
2) The Government/Johnson implemented Covid measures based on risk assessments inflated by left wing scientific experts and the public sector.
3) The BBC and MSM stoked up Covid hysteria which the Government felt it had to respond to.
4) Covid lockdowns and other measures were capriciously and illogically implemented and enforced.
In short. The Covid lockdowns were ridiculous, the enforcement was ridiculous.
While pulling some nasty weeds this morning, an awful thought crossed my mind, and it’s been bothering me more than somewhat…
Do we realise that soon after this time next year, we’ll have a Labour government, with stary-eyed Starmer in No10, the thick Ginger Growler as Home Secretary, Diane Abbott in the Ministry of Drainage, and all those other forgetful commies in the other departments, with huge expenses and no experience whatsoever, except on how to waste even more of my hard-earned money than the useless Sunakians!
The awfull Beebolic Plague will be here forever, and Mad Ali Campbell will be DG…
It was such a depressing thought, that I had to come in and pour a cooling Shepherd Neame Bishop’s Finger ale, and I’m now starting to think about some red, as I feel just terrible…
Drink up – my prediction of huge disappointment with a busted Red Labour Government stands – with a resurgent Corbyn win demanding this that and the other ….
… I’m making personal preparations – tax wise -last year – this year and the final 2024/2025 before red labour rips into me even more than the current lot are doing ….
The ‘disappointment ‘ I refer to above is the swamp ranging from civil service – media – unions – charities – green crap – various brands of queer – coloured folk – all after their bit of a borrowed small cake ….
It really does point toward a New Right – not the dead tories – but something else … hopefully …. ( 77 brigade to note )
Our personal pension is clobbered every year, to the point that it only pays a few bills now, whereas, we used to be able to save a bit and use it for something we actually wanted, not paying for this idle bunch in government to fork out for the other idle bunches which arrive here and get to the front of the queue in all the things we used to think we’d earned while we worked our socks off.
The depression on reading your mention of all the disgraceful and wasteful spending on crap like greenery, ‘climate change’, etc’, has caused me to consider looking at the bottle of white in the fridge now, and as it’s Father’s Day, we’re expecting a call so when you next hear from me, I’ll be continuing looking forward to Monday, when I have to go to Tesco – or the food bank…
What an utter disappointment this Tory government has become – I never thought they’d be so bad for normal indigenous British Citizens…
The Soldier
If I should die, think only this of me:
That there’s some corner of a foreign field
That is for ever England. There shall be
In that rich earth a richer dust concealed;
I was thinking of Gibraltar, St Helena, or even Diego Garcia.
Covid couldn’t really be serious otherwise the government wouldn’t have increased the population and taken scarce medical resources and people to attend illegal bogus refugees.
Perhaps someone could come up with an inverse proportional formula to demonstrate that, say, every thousand invaders permitted to arrive, the NHS / Dentists / Water Supplies / Housing / DHSS / (any thing else?) deteriorates at a rate inversely proportional to the incoming numbers. Cos, it is sure happening that way…….
Of course I understand that the ‘thousand’ would be increased every week. “Cheek by Jowl”
Obviously a pal of some ‘luvvie’ at the BBC having trouble getting work because there is absolutely no reason for this license-fee payer funded ‘hello magazine’ article.
But what makes it stand out is this amazing indicator of just how extreme their racist double-standards are – and they obviously don’t even realise:
“Things have improved. Now it’s unthinkable that anyone other than someone from the African diaspora would play Othello for example,” he added.
But of course a black woman playing Anne Boleyn is absolutely fine !!!.
Brought to you by another of the BBC’s finest:
Who I presume thinks having her twitter title as ‘Mr Blobby appointed secretary of state for delicate chinaware’ is in some way witty.
If we could have a tour of BBC offices, I suspect we would find hoards of the most narcissitic, useless dregs of society who are of no use whatsoever in the real world.
The picture of Shawn Bailey and his blue labour crew posing during lockdown sum up the current state of that Sham of a party .
Bailey is now an effing peer . One of the others has an OBE – both from the discredited Johnson .
Gove having to grovel really is something . Yet the next lot will be even worse .
The mail will be desperate to get a red labour lockdown picture ….
Just been reading in the DE comment article that if the Russians blow up the nuclear plant they are currently occupying, the radiation plume could reach the UK as the prevailing winds are west to east.
This could be taken as an attack on NATO members (it would go through Poland, Germany, Netherlands and other NATO member Countries) and that an attack on one is an attack on all.
The article says NATO could then bomb Russia back to the Stone Age.
What he didn’t mention is that an undercover operation by Ukraine to blow up this nuclear power plant could be planned to make it appear that Russia done it and that could have the same result, NATO bombing Russia, which would greatly benefit Ukraine.
It’s still unclear who blew up the Baltic gas pipeline so a similar operation by Ukraine could easily do this.
If Ukraine get desperate or are losing badly this becomes an attractive option.
EG, the normal prevailing winds for the UK a.k.a. the high altitude Jet Stream, do indeed run West to East. That is the normal situation for the UK. Recently, however, the winds across the UK have been easterlies or nor’easterlies which is why it has been so chilly until early June.
Talking of nuclear power stations reminds me of the Chernobyl Disaster. After that happened it was reckoned that most of western Europe had its radiation count increased and, iirc, increased radiation was detected in Welsh sheep on hill farms. It was a big enough bang at Chernobyl for that to happen and several power plant workers sacrificed their own well being to prevent it being an even bigger explosion and worse disaster.
I’m old enough to remember Mt St Helens blowing its top in Washington State, USA and that led to a period of very good sunsets in the UK, firstly because of the prevailing winds and also because the sun sets in the west.
The electricity it generates is theirs. It makes about as much sense as them blowing up their own gas pipeline.
But of course our government would say ‘It was probably the Russians’ again.
Which is why my opinion of my own government gets more and more like a 3rd world banana republic. They are all rotten and corrupt to the core.
The West needs some kind of revolutionary change before it destroys itself. Unfortunately we are now so massively over-policed and saturated with Leftists propaganda by the MSM (with the BBC at the front), I can’t see how it will happen for the silent majority who are too busy getting on with their lives.
Which means we fester away while we are gradually displaced by people who do not share ‘our values’.
Maybe Trump getting back in will trigger it. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.
IMHO, COVID was a ‘big con’ carried out on the people of Great Britain by the government to rip us off and control us .
Some of us saw through it at the time, but we were castigated for it .
Follow the money ………………………………………….
I’d leave it as utterly irresponsible. They didn’t know what they were doing and maintained the façade of doing so (Whitty/Valance et al.) and ignoring important signs. See my post beneath.
taffman, there were the numerical equivalent of two rugby teams on the Pandemic Pitch all struggling to have their voices heard by the PM and his government and there was not a virologist among them!
As of today 18th June 2023, if you wanted an accurate summary of where the US (and World by implication) is regarding Covid vaccinations and mortality following et al., look no further than this video. Including:
‘More people died in hospital having had the ‘Vaccines’ than not’;
‘More people died having been given a bad batch of vaccine that those who took the vaccine. First batch – ok; Third batch – killer.’
‘Compounds like Curcumin (Turmeric) worked.’
‘There’s a drive (right now”) to put the vaccines wholesale into food and vegetable’s without your consent’.
More of a, “Wow” list in the YT video.
If you have the time and don’t suffer from attention deficit syndrome:
Dr. Peter McCullough –
Slowly becoming clear why our Government remains shtum over the Covid debacle.
I wonder how many of those blue labour workers were at the number 10 bashes ?let there be at least one .
Loads of people made big sacrifices to obey those dumb laws – but those in the outfit who made the rules broke them . There need to be prosecutions . Bailey needs to be dishonoured .
Even the nut nut honours list was corrupted . I bet he wanted a knighthood for his dad ..
It seems that some dogged investigators led by Comer in the US are getting closer to uncovering the Biden Families suspected corruption and the extent that they have been protected by the FBI and other agencies including the lefty main media channels which of course would include our own upright and honest BBC.
We can only hope that the whole thing is thrown wide open which might lead the way to a cleaner and healthier atmosphere in public politics both in the USA and the West as a whole.
Of course given their track record there is a high possibility that key potential witnesses will start being rounded up on trumped up charges before they can testify.
News this morning of another video emerging from a Party of the Conservative nomenclature during the last London Mayoral campaign, implicating Sean Bailey in ‘Partygate 2’. I wonder where it came from, who filmed it? I know where it ended up, with the Daily Mirror. I have said it before but I will say it again, HMG should get Pippa Crerar checked out by ‘Five’ and maybe the Met as well.
A Senile old man who thinks he is the Governor General of the United States, said “God save the Queen, ma’am” or “God save the Queen, man” instead of “God save the King, man”
Covid-19 is a man-made patented chimaera made by Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. He sent it to the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, then on to Fort Belvoir, were the US Military Games team was training before competing in Wuhan. The United States sent a team of around 300 military soldiers to the 7th Military World Games in Wuhan. The US military team stayed at the Wuhan Oriental Hotel which is 300 meters away from Wuhan’s Huanan Seafood Market were it was released.
RP, Fauci has a lot of questions to answer. There are ‘rumours’ he got a lot of secret ‘back door’ funds out of the US Govt. to fund ‘gain of function’ research into viruses in other countries. If I recall correctly, the USA by Federal Law and International Treaty cannot fund research into ‘bio weapons’.
Fed, sorry I disagree to an extent. OK, the PM and Hancock (SoSfor Health) were daft to impose a Lockdown for more than a month. A virologist would have told them that, had they had a virologist on SAGE who’s voice could be heard above the babble. So in a sense, the PM, HMG and the Tories were hoist by their own collective petard.
I reckon it is a far greater ‘crime’ to remove a democratically elected PM and their Government by underhand means and for reasons of political revenge ie. for Brexit.
If Bojo had an organised brain he should have investigated whether it was a plot. I think Remainers in Whitehall and at the BBC cooked it up once the Lockdown Rules were put in place by Bojo on 23 March 2020. I wonder if he was unwell back then? I would love to see his medical notes.
Finally, you post @2.18 p.m. above that ‘the other lot’ will be worse. Do you really want that for the UK?
I think the pain is inevitable in order to get any real change – sooner or later there passive electorate is going to Fedup with the whole swamp – but things will need to get very bad for that to happen …. Public disorder – power loss – shortages – an even worse economy ….
The virus showed how poor the swamp is a dealing with such an issue – and I’m interested how the ‘inquiry ‘ is going to white wash the planning to deal with pandemics – and whether much ‘thought ‘ went into selecting good people to advise HMG and thus the public instead of panic and draconian measures from which we will be suffering for a long time …
As for nut nut – his lack of thinking was his downfall – along with his loopy wife …. No great loss –
Stop Press: Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger and Russell Brand have organised a conference at Central Hall, Westminster on June 22nd to discuss what they call the ‘Censorship Industrial Complex’. It’s part of an effort to create a global Freedom Alliance to tackle the international efforts to suppress dissenting opinions under the pretext of ‘protecting’ the public from ‘mis-’ and ‘disinformation’.
The assembled debating power of the BBC kindergarten mean gurlz (plus the wimmin) against these guys… that would be fun.
But one rather suspects they will stay in their cubicles ‘investigating’ and sniping horse manure and blocking.
Oh, and…
In September 2020, Susan Michie, then a member of Sage and a zealous supporter of Covid restrictions, complained on Twitter that she’d been booked on to the Today programme to discuss the Great Barrington Declaration with Professor Gupta on the understanding that the scientists behind it would be portrayed as cranks. But to her irritation, Gupta was, for once, allowed to set out her stall. “I was assured that this would not be held as an even-handed debate,“ wrote Michie. Who gave her that assurance? And why were the normal impartiality rules being waived?
Such questions will likely be refused due to ‘exemptions’. or the questioner simply blocked.
Old school Beeboid pond life like JezBo, Simpo, Humpy, etc must be so proud.
Here is the speech given by Vladimir Putin at St Petersburg, in which he calls the Western Media “Satanic”, I think very many people of the West would agree with his, and we have to wonder what on Earth has happened to us to allow this state of affairs to come to be.
As others have noted no one would be bothering to watch a speech by sleepy Joe unless it was for the gaffes and to wonder how is is managing to stay alive.
Compare and contrast a President talking about building infrastructure to increase global trade as opposed to one who sees commerce as an enemy and is spending money destroying it as quickly as possible by hard Left political imposition of diversity and equality which never put a crumb on the table.
Yes you don’t need a temazepam he does drone on & on, but it’s an important speech in which he expresses his betrayal by the West and his plans for Ukraine.
Apparantly he does have a few colloquialisms which are amusing to Russians but lost in translation.
If only Western economies had 2% inflation and 3.5% unemployment and a leader commited to private enterprise instead of socialist stupidity.
We’ve still got quite a lot of oil, plenty of coal and untapped gas…
Only difference is we refuse to use any of it. No, we’re virtuously “saving the planet” so we prefer to use solar panels and wind farms that are massively subsidised and don’t work properly.
They have no need to respond. They will wait for OFCOM to instruct them to publish an apology on that web-page buried deep within their website which nobody reads.
OFCOM basically ARE the BBC so once they’ve followed procedure, it will be instantly forgotten and nobody knows they were lying.
Story retractions should be published with the same prominance as the original article. If that’s front page then the apology should be front page too.
Ah the headline is deceptive It’s not New Forest It’s an industrial estate on the edge of Southampton
People living in caravans with white flat bed Transit vans outside marked “we collect scrap”
atlas_shruggedMar 14, 04:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 The implosion in Reform is the stuff of worst nightmares, almost as though there are hidden dirty trick forces at…
atlas_shruggedMar 14, 04:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 > remit of liaising with the authorities over Muslim issues. And all because they are special. Which reminds me of…
tomoMar 13, 23:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Wrong costume….
tomoMar 13, 22:57 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 13, 22:53 Midweek 12th March 2025
JonathanRMar 13, 22:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 The BBC mentioned in this interesting interview
ZephirMar 13, 21:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 Claiming confusion regarding “carrots and sticks” is no defense.
Lefty WrightMar 13, 20:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 Al I had no idea that there were so many bricklayers,carpenters, plumbers etc.etc. among our Labour MPs. OK boys, girls…
Seems that, now his career is really over, Sopes has found Godwin.
Interesting poster thread. Worth checking.
Will madam rock up here in person?
The BBC is, of course, exempted from answering questions… by the BBC.
Failing that, blocking like an XR luvvie in Piccadilly.
That image? Is it an AI painting?
“Glasto, Jon, and don’t spare the horses. Jeremy is playing the SWP stage and we have BBC passes…”
Channel 4 news trying as hard as they can to get a Greek guy to admit that they caused the immigrant boat to sink and did nothing to assist….
I fail to grasp why supposedly intelligent media people cannot grasp that if people overload any ship to multiple times it’s designed capacity then sail it for hundreds of miles across a major sea for money they are both asking for disaster and are fully responsible for the consequences.
This was entirely caused by the coupling of unscrupulous gangsters and willing idiots.
The poor Greek official being interrogated in the same manor as the Nuremberg trials by the bitchy C4 news bloke kept his cool remarkably well.
What is it with these Cromwellian news nobodies in the British media?
The tragic deaths resulting from this disaster, and all the others resulting from the (usually overcrowded and unseaworthy) vessels carrying these illegal migrants sinking is entirely on the lefty wokeists, as are any hardships suffered by these people – rape, murder, abduction, ransoming, trapped in horrible camps, suffocating in the back of lorries etc… and I despise them for it.
RE: those arriving in the UK.
IF we had properly manned borders and simply turned these chancers around and escorted them back to the last country they left (France in most cases), or put them on the first plane home, which is what we SHOULD do, far, far less would make the risky trip in the first place.
IF we had done this from day one very few would be risking their lives in this way attempting to come into the UK.
The Greeks, Italians, Hungarians, Poles, Danes… etc… all understand this is ultimately the only approach that works.
IF I’m a teacher, or a parent, and let the children in my charge get away with behaviour which endangers themselves, or others, who is to blame when some of them end up hurt, or dead? You could blame the kids – if they’re old enough they should know better, but they’re just pushing their luck most of the time, and ultimately the adults in the room are responsible for maintaining order and applying common sense.
The problem with wokeists is they ARE all still (mental) children, and aren’t to be trusted with anything requiring any degree of common sense.
What happens to all the illegal immigrants that get turned down?
They’re coming to a hotel near you Taff…
They are full already ?
Uganda school attack: Dozens of pupils killed by militants linked to Islamic State group
This is possibly the worst story of murder I have ever read.
37 children : 20 hacked to death with machetes and 17 burned alive.
And the word ‘terror’ only appears in this BBC article once as a quote from someone else.
Yet on their news ‘home’ page, it is a very small sub-pane on the far right hand side.
I am stunned by this and it shows without any shadow of a doubt that all their ’empathy’ for children in Ukraine etc is completely fake. They don’t give a shit if children are murdered in this most horrific way if their story doesn’t help the BBC’s leftists agenda.
I am truly sickened by the BBC and what they really are when you spot it between the lines. Again.
Yet this story does make the front page:
‘Court artists on their three, very different Trumps’
We absolutely need to shut these far-Left scum down. They won’t last a year if they have to survive on public support.
It’s such a gruesome attack (on children!) you’d think it would get more than a brief nod in the news, wouldn’t you? But, no… once again, tells you all you need to know.
“We absolutely need to shut these far-Left scum down. They won’t last a year if they have to survive on public support.”
I am afraid we need a new government to do that , the present mob are working ‘hand in glove’ with them.
Perhaps he’ll screw more money out of the local taxpayers. That is, over and above his ‘fines’ for motorists. God, when are Londoners going to reach the stage when they demand he steps down from office?
This man is a jackass supported by the influx of his kind into London and needs to be outed by common people.
Being a lawyer should be automatic disqualification from holding public office. These are professional liars completely devoid of common sense.
For more evidence I give you Tony B. Liar.
Western media is infatuated with pride messaging. Increasingly the pride message is also infiltrating a large part of the West’s infrastructure.
I and probably quite a few people on here will not be around to see the end game.
Pride in my opinion is in fact a systematic toxic rot of society and is now firmly established in the Western World with politicians, luvvies and business people lining up to get on board. Not to mention the so called police and armed forces.
So the future?
China, Russia and certainly many other nations with traditional and sensible values will wait until the rot has weakened the West to such an extent that they are able to flood in and take control unopposed.
That will be the end of pride, gay, lesbian, trans and all the other weird constructs that have been artificially infected into Western life and rotted it from the roots up.
Under the circumstances probably a good thing for the future of the entire planet?
Your frills and makeup will not save you from a horde of determined Chinese shock troops my dear!
As we know, the BBC loves illegal immigration, and the EU.
Which might explain why they’re not reporting this: “Polish ruling party passes resolution condemning EU migrant relocation plan and announces referendum”.
Possibly against my better judgement I listened to the repeat of Any Questions after the 1 p.m. News today. One interesting thing that struck me was how Sir Jake Berry MP eviscerated the House Privilege Committee report into whether Boris Johnson misled Parliament. However, two of the other three panellists, Dan Jarvis MP (Lab) and Anita Sethi (writer) did not describe the report as good or accurate but ‘important’.
That really gave the game away, did it not?
One wonders if the entire thing about WEF is provoking rebellion?
Who are the 25% left that’s all you need to ask! Then go to war!
Let them all ride 1500cc motorbikes then…
My mistake was the tired old week in Westminster where the same old characters are disinterred . Michael Howard again – celebrating British democracy that the British didn’t take to the streets when there were 2 coups over replacing PMs.
He thought the Boris truss richi show demonstrated the ‘strength ‘ and ‘stability ‘ of the system – no demos – not a shot fired sez Michael ….
…. I guess his read of it shows the distance between what punters think and rubbish like him . Maggie becket was also dug up . She’s off to the lords after the next election – injected with formaldehyde- an odour which must be dominant in that corrupt retirement home .
I can’t remember the rest of it – although a couple of the girls who got in at bi elections licked each other about their campaigns – all very swamp and of no value to ordinary punters paying the price at all …. Self serving swamp crap ….
Names of the 4 dead in Hounslow haven’t popped up yet – which of course suggests the BBC agenda kicking in ….
… now the 40 year old killed by a 20 year old in Camberwell – no vigils please…
Found dead at a flat in Hounslow.
Michal Wlodarczyk, 39, Monika Wlodarczyk, 35, Maja Wlodarczyk, 11, and Dawid Wlodarczyk, aged three, have been named by police.
New Open University TV commercial… don’t bother to apply if you ain’t black… nuff said!
Woke leftists are not confined to the UK.
Over in Canada, their Supreme Court has upheld an agreement with the USA dating back to 2004. In the agreement the USA is recognised as a safe country, and asylum seekers/ economic chancers cannot claim asylum by crossing the border. They have to register in the first country. The other country can immediately send them back if they do not.
Here’s the woke bit. Some leftists argued that this law was illegal and unconstitutional because the USA was not a safe country for illegals!!!!!!
How many people in Great Britain voted for mass invasion from the middle east ?
This is an international scandal and proves the conspiracy of the msm who play it down or ignore it when this should be international headlines:
“Babbling Biden tells Connecticut crowd ‘God save the queen, man’ at end of baffling speech where he joked about being 110 and said ‘don’t make me a dog-faced lying pony soldier’
If they are lying about this (by omission) what else are they lying about ?
This moron is incapable so who is illegally running this country ?
and how did they steal an election ?
“The dirty truth behind what happens to that dress you give to a charity shop: Donating rarely worn clothes might give us a virtuous glow – but this devastating account reveals how it can wreck the lives of the very people we think it helps”
A great article. It’s a real insight both into charities use of donations and the waste industry generally. Domestic waste is indeed only a minor issue. The real headache is the electronic waste stream. The electronics industry from start to finish is one of the dirtiest industries, far from the supposedly clean industry it’s generally thought to be . Large quantities of extremely noxious chemical wastes are generated in semiconductor and general electronic manufacture. Apart from the more serious issues it’s remarkable what charity shops throw away in their own waste bins.
Unlike household waste, industrial waste is not taken to be weighed and processed at a materials recovery facility. Instead, it is amassed on private land, in landfills, effluent ponds and slag heaps. It is also flushed into rivers and expelled into the air. Very little data exists on it: what it is, where it is, how toxic it might be.
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) breaks down household waste for every person in America every year, but does not publish regular data on industrial waste.
Even a definition is disputed. The EPA defines ‘non-hazardous industrial wastes’, but excludes waste left over from oil and gas production, coal ash, and all mining waste, despite these amounting to the largest source of waste, by weight.
In the UK, ‘commercial and industrial’ wastes amounted to 43.9 million tons in 2018, plus a further 57.5 million tons of ‘non-hazardous construction and demolition wastes’. Household wastes, by contrast, totalled just 26.4 million tons – that is, just 11.8 per cent of the total.”
Nice one Z !
When the West ship their waste over to places like Bangladesh, India , and other Third World countries, that’s exactly what it becomes in their local Sea/Ocean: a mere drop (verb) in the ocean.
“The great recycling myth: We spend hours sorting our plastic, cardboard and glass, but less than HALF is actually recycled – and, as a new book reveals, we throw away 20million slices of bread a day and a quarter of clothes are never even sold”
“a new book reveals, we throw away 20million slices of bread a day”
Reveal = GUESS …. there
It’s not like they have been through our bins and counted
So the 20 million slices is a guess
Of course some supermarket bread is not sold before the sell by date
But even then is it thrown away ?
I ‘d eat bread 3 days after sell by, so it must be safe for animals like pigs/sheep.
He makes an utter ridiculous case!
The average number of slices per loaf, between large/small/wholemeal etc., is about 15, and as you say, it’s fine for several days after the ‘use-by’ date, which is only printed there to fool customers into thinking it’s going to be bad!
Customers are also cheated, because they’re also paying for the bread which will be chucked into the food banks, so the supermarket wins every time!
Being a ‘tight-arse’, I often freeze the last few slices if they’re getting a bit frail, then toast them on another day when we feel like some!
This silly little goon is incapable of considering that most normal citizens don’t believe the crap he’s dribbling!
People say “WRAP say it so it must be true”
“@WRAP_UK Climate Action NGO”
They are not big on quoting the source
but one of their posters says “according to Love Food Hate Waste survey”
Doh, that org is a division of Wrap
I went into the PDF
“The survey calculates food waste by focusing on four key products that WRAP estimates to be among the most significant
(bread, chicken, milk, and potatoes) and asking respondents to estimate
– for the last time they purchased each – the percentage thrown away uneaten.”
.. #NotScientific
WRAP recruited Nadiya Hussein to bean Ambassador for ‘Love Food Hate Waste Week’ s
so BBC dutifully amplifed it #PRasNews
WRAP is an NGO that makes OFCOM look impartial and competent.
They have spunked away millions and achieved zippy.
I worked for a charity shop one, well known in this area and if a book was not sold in TWO WEEKS it was sent for pulping, a ridiculous timescale, especially as a book lover.
We get all our books on Ebay, via great re-sellers like World of Books and Music Magpie, and just for a fraction of the original cost!
I always have a laugh when they arrive, and find that they were chucked stock from somewhere like Walsall Public Library, or with the original price of 20p still stuck on, but I saves me having to drive all the way there, and all the way back…
We often buy our books from the local charity shop, (a local hospital, not a quango/political bunch like the RNLI or Oxfam), and when we’ve read them, they can have them back for resale!
Charity begins at home and not in Albania.
Ok – my summary of the dregs of the blue Labour Party
1 Tory interns for a now tick box ‘lord ‘ so stupid as to ‘party ‘ and video it during lockdown
2 a blue labour MP standing down because of drugs booze girls – vermin
3 the woman nut nut appointed to inquire into his morality during lockdown found to be amoral herself – even though ‘in charge of morality ‘
All the signs of a rapidly declining – expiring political party
The BBC doesn’t need to be biased for that insulting crap …
In admiration of the single-minded relentless determination of the left edition
You have to hand it to our BBC, when it picks a position it sticks to it and pushes it regularly and relentlessly: She was denied an abortion in Texas – then she almost died – a somewhat sloganised tabloidesque abbreviated headline there – being a well-brought up young man one recalls one’s mother’s caution: Who’s She, the cat’s mother?
She was a British women’s monthly magazine that ran for 56 years, from 1955 to September 2011 (thank you Wiki)
No apparent BBC reluctance or reticence with the use of pronouns there, eh?
Keep your eyes on the prize… was an anthem of US civil rights campaigners adapted from a hymn by activist Alice Wine in 1956
Time’s up for Johnson, Trump and Berlusconi, but the damage they have caused lives on (Simon Tisdall writes in the Observer)
How dare you! – to borrow from Greta – how dare anyone vaguely right of centre raise their head above the leftist orthodox political parapet or peer out from the leftist Overton window.
Poor old Silvio and his brazen brand of unashamed bunga-bunga partying have certainly died a death – they can anathematise you for far smaller beer and cake these days (and there’s a more than generous helping of that later)
But seriously Silvio has died whereas Boris and The Donald ain’t quite out for the count just yet surely? – unless our Simon knows different?
‘Just an ex-MP’: Sunak’s allies pour scorn on beaten Johnson – how interesting that the Observer seems so keen to bury Boris and apparently regards Rishi Sunak as far less of a threat. Just a seat-warmer for Starmer?
Speaking of determined single-minded striving in a particular partizan direction: Macron trying to block Wallace from Nato chief role… to block Ben Wallace… because the UK left the EU (Sunday Telegraph) – one has little sympathy for our warmongering “full tonto” Wallace: Senior Conservative and former Scots Guards officer Ben Wallace claimed Russia’s president has gone “full tonto” and risked being “kicked in the backside”… “We’re in a pretty good position to deliver any type of aid pretty quickly to Ukraine, no matter what that aid is.” (The Press & Journal) – how’s that pretty good position working out for you, Ben?
What is the current state of the British armed forces? As a US general warns the British Army is no longer a top-level fighting force and calls for greater defence spending, we take a look at data… UK defence spending as a proportion of GDP has halved since the 1980s – leading to a decline in equipment and a drop of one in six military personnel… Back in November 2022, Ben Wallace told the parliament that the British Army would now be reduced to 73,000 by the middle of the decade. (Sky News January 2023, By Saywah Mahmood, data journalist )
Closer to home and some more rather un-British sounding names: Four people found dead in Hounslow flat named… Michal Wlodarczyk, 39, Monika Wlodarczyk, 35, Maja Wlodarczyk, 11, and Dawid Wlodarczyk, aged three… no other parties were currently being sought. (BBC) – so that’s likely the last we’ll hear of that.
Whereas… we just can’t have enough of: Lockdown video bombshell… Partygate tapes… The first-ever footage of Tories breaking rules (Sunday Mirror)
Mirror exclusive perhaps – but our BBC are on it like the proverbial car bonnet: Video emerges of Tory staff partying during Covid… A video has emerged showing some Conservative Party workers drinking and dancing at a Christmas party during the Covid pandemic. (BBC) – Party… in case you missed the intended operative word… Party! Mr AsI however, being somewhat of a contrarian – wonders more about another word and its varients: emerges… emerged?
The video, taken at the Conservative party’s headquarters in Westminster, dates from December 2020 when London was in Tier 2 restrictions. This meant people were banned from socialising indoors, except with members of their household or a support bubble. (BBC)
Of course in a sane world what ought to have happened by now is that our politicians should have admitted that science tends to prove all that Lockdown nonsense was medically ineffective, cost benefit untested, authoritarian, made in China tosh.
But there’s been too much political capital invested in Lockdown – particularly by the socialists
Labour’s Angela Rayner said the attendees had “openly mocked” the rules of Covid pandemic. (BBC)
Lest we forget
Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner cleared by Durham police of breaking lockdown rules… Labour leader will stay in post after pledging to resign if fined for having a beer and takeaway curry with staff (Guardian. And thank goodness the public have a goldfish-like memory… This article is more than 11 months old)
Ive got a big right and wrong thing going on – and i remember 14 days in solitary because of government rules .
So if those blue labour people broke their law it must be fines and career ends …
Same with MPs who cant keep their hands to themselves . And id drug test them all ..
If this shocking piece in the Daily Mail is even half true some people in the teaching profession are actually grooming children and are guilty of child abuse in the worst possible way.
There must be grounds to bring the groups pushing this vile stuff into schools and the teachers pushing it on the children to court and I am amazed it’s not happened yet.
Myocarditis stats from Korea post “Covid vaccinations”. Well compiled. When with the UK Government come clean and do likewise? I don’t think so.
I was in around the time that the home PC took off. At my start point, I worked in DOS and the during transition to the introduction of the first Windows and right up to what we’ve now, Win 11?. Lost track. However, my point is, the similarities between any introduction of a new pc operating system and the introduction of the Covid MRNA vaccines. Both introduced without adequate human testing and relying on the public being exposed and used to ‘test’ the drug/operating system. With the likes of Bill Gates & Co. playing a part in the decision making orders from the WEF, you can see the utter and blatant disregard for life. Vaccines now treated as if there will be a “patch” issued shortly to tidy up the failures of a new product.
Good news is, past about 42 days post vaccination, you should be ok. Moral of the tale: don’t take the vaccine !
Covid party issues:
1) Covid is a relatively minor respiratory tract issue with potentially serious issues for a small number of people with co-morbidities.
2) The Government/Johnson implemented Covid measures based on risk assessments inflated by left wing scientific experts and the public sector.
3) The BBC and MSM stoked up Covid hysteria which the Government felt it had to respond to.
4) Covid lockdowns and other measures were capriciously and illogically implemented and enforced.
In short. The Covid lockdowns were ridiculous, the enforcement was ridiculous.
While pulling some nasty weeds this morning, an awful thought crossed my mind, and it’s been bothering me more than somewhat…
Do we realise that soon after this time next year, we’ll have a Labour government, with stary-eyed Starmer in No10, the thick Ginger Growler as Home Secretary, Diane Abbott in the Ministry of Drainage, and all those other forgetful commies in the other departments, with huge expenses and no experience whatsoever, except on how to waste even more of my hard-earned money than the useless Sunakians!
The awfull Beebolic Plague will be here forever, and Mad Ali Campbell will be DG…
It was such a depressing thought, that I had to come in and pour a cooling Shepherd Neame Bishop’s Finger ale, and I’m now starting to think about some red, as I feel just terrible…
Drink up – my prediction of huge disappointment with a busted Red Labour Government stands – with a resurgent Corbyn win demanding this that and the other ….
… I’m making personal preparations – tax wise -last year – this year and the final 2024/2025 before red labour rips into me even more than the current lot are doing ….
The ‘disappointment ‘ I refer to above is the swamp ranging from civil service – media – unions – charities – green crap – various brands of queer – coloured folk – all after their bit of a borrowed small cake ….
It really does point toward a New Right – not the dead tories – but something else … hopefully …. ( 77 brigade to note )
It really is depressing, isn’t it Fed!
Our personal pension is clobbered every year, to the point that it only pays a few bills now, whereas, we used to be able to save a bit and use it for something we actually wanted, not paying for this idle bunch in government to fork out for the other idle bunches which arrive here and get to the front of the queue in all the things we used to think we’d earned while we worked our socks off.
The depression on reading your mention of all the disgraceful and wasteful spending on crap like greenery, ‘climate change’, etc’, has caused me to consider looking at the bottle of white in the fridge now, and as it’s Father’s Day, we’re expecting a call so when you next hear from me, I’ll be continuing looking forward to Monday, when I have to go to Tesco – or the food bank…
What an utter disappointment this Tory government has become – I never thought they’d be so bad for normal indigenous British Citizens…
Courage mon brave …
The Soldier
If I should die, think only this of me:
That there’s some corner of a foreign field
That is for ever England. There shall be
In that rich earth a richer dust concealed;
I was thinking of Gibraltar, St Helena, or even Diego Garcia.
Covid couldn’t really be serious otherwise the government wouldn’t have increased the population and taken scarce medical resources and people to attend illegal bogus refugees.
Perhaps someone could come up with an inverse proportional formula to demonstrate that, say, every thousand invaders permitted to arrive, the NHS / Dentists / Water Supplies / Housing / DHSS / (any thing else?) deteriorates at a rate inversely proportional to the incoming numbers. Cos, it is sure happening that way…….
Of course I understand that the ‘thousand’ would be increased every week. “Cheek by Jowl”
Exactly !
Ever diminishing living standards for the British people . All being paid for by the British people .
We have been betrayed.
Sir Mark Rylance: ‘Acting used to be more accepting of oddballs’
Obviously a pal of some ‘luvvie’ at the BBC having trouble getting work because there is absolutely no reason for this license-fee payer funded ‘hello magazine’ article.
But what makes it stand out is this amazing indicator of just how extreme their racist double-standards are – and they obviously don’t even realise:
“Things have improved. Now it’s unthinkable that anyone other than someone from the African diaspora would play Othello for example,” he added.
But of course a black woman playing Anne Boleyn is absolutely fine !!!.
Brought to you by another of the BBC’s finest:
Who I presume thinks having her twitter title as ‘Mr Blobby appointed secretary of state for delicate chinaware’ is in some way witty.
If we could have a tour of BBC offices, I suspect we would find hoards of the most narcissitic, useless dregs of society who are of no use whatsoever in the real world.
Comrade £ Rylance – bet he turns up at comrade Glenda s £ funeral where we can play spot the rich luvvie comrade ….
Mirror, mirror on the wall. Bet she turns into Miriam Gargoyles at midnight.
The picture of Shawn Bailey and his blue labour crew posing during lockdown sum up the current state of that Sham of a party .
Bailey is now an effing peer . One of the others has an OBE – both from the discredited Johnson .
Gove having to grovel really is something . Yet the next lot will be even worse .
The mail will be desperate to get a red labour lockdown picture ….
Just been reading in the DE comment article that if the Russians blow up the nuclear plant they are currently occupying, the radiation plume could reach the UK as the prevailing winds are west to east.
This could be taken as an attack on NATO members (it would go through Poland, Germany, Netherlands and other NATO member Countries) and that an attack on one is an attack on all.
The article says NATO could then bomb Russia back to the Stone Age.
What he didn’t mention is that an undercover operation by Ukraine to blow up this nuclear power plant could be planned to make it appear that Russia done it and that could have the same result, NATO bombing Russia, which would greatly benefit Ukraine.
It’s still unclear who blew up the Baltic gas pipeline so a similar operation by Ukraine could easily do this.
If Ukraine get desperate or are losing badly this becomes an attractive option.
Wouldn’t the prevailing winds need to be east to west or have I misunderstood this?
Moggie, you’re right. It did say east to west but I put it the wrong way round and can no longer edit.
EG, the normal prevailing winds for the UK a.k.a. the high altitude Jet Stream, do indeed run West to East. That is the normal situation for the UK. Recently, however, the winds across the UK have been easterlies or nor’easterlies which is why it has been so chilly until early June.
Talking of nuclear power stations reminds me of the Chernobyl Disaster. After that happened it was reckoned that most of western Europe had its radiation count increased and, iirc, increased radiation was detected in Welsh sheep on hill farms. It was a big enough bang at Chernobyl for that to happen and several power plant workers sacrificed their own well being to prevent it being an even bigger explosion and worse disaster.
I’m old enough to remember Mt St Helens blowing its top in Washington State, USA and that led to a period of very good sunsets in the UK, firstly because of the prevailing winds and also because the sun sets in the west.
lol, why on Earth would Russia blow it up ?.
The electricity it generates is theirs. It makes about as much sense as them blowing up their own gas pipeline.
But of course our government would say ‘It was probably the Russians’ again.
Which is why my opinion of my own government gets more and more like a 3rd world banana republic. They are all rotten and corrupt to the core.
The West needs some kind of revolutionary change before it destroys itself. Unfortunately we are now so massively over-policed and saturated with Leftists propaganda by the MSM (with the BBC at the front), I can’t see how it will happen for the silent majority who are too busy getting on with their lives.
Which means we fester away while we are gradually displaced by people who do not share ‘our values’.
Maybe Trump getting back in will trigger it. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.
Depleted uranium shells generously donated to Ukkraine by the UK government doesn’t help matters either.
IMHO, COVID was a ‘big con’ carried out on the people of Great Britain by the government to rip us off and control us .
Some of us saw through it at the time, but we were castigated for it .
Follow the money ………………………………………….
I’d leave it as utterly irresponsible. They didn’t know what they were doing and maintained the façade of doing so (Whitty/Valance et al.) and ignoring important signs. See my post beneath.
Wasn’t Professor Neil Ferguson advising them ?
Yes he was. I think, (unlike Whitty/Valance with their important medical input), Ferguson was providing guidelines on public control.
At least Fergie and Half Minute Hancock got to Roger some power groupies.
taffman, there were the numerical equivalent of two rugby teams on the Pandemic Pitch all struggling to have their voices heard by the PM and his government and there was not a virologist among them!
Event 201 …
They practised it.
As of today 18th June 2023, if you wanted an accurate summary of where the US (and World by implication) is regarding Covid vaccinations and mortality following et al., look no further than this video. Including:
‘More people died in hospital having had the ‘Vaccines’ than not’;
‘More people died having been given a bad batch of vaccine that those who took the vaccine. First batch – ok; Third batch – killer.’
‘Compounds like Curcumin (Turmeric) worked.’
‘There’s a drive (right now”) to put the vaccines wholesale into food and vegetable’s without your consent’.
More of a, “Wow” list in the YT video.
If you have the time and don’t suffer from attention deficit syndrome:
Dr. Peter McCullough –
Slowly becoming clear why our Government remains shtum over the Covid debacle.
I wonder how many of those blue labour workers were at the number 10 bashes ?let there be at least one .
Loads of people made big sacrifices to obey those dumb laws – but those in the outfit who made the rules broke them . There need to be prosecutions . Bailey needs to be dishonoured .
Even the nut nut honours list was corrupted . I bet he wanted a knighthood for his dad ..
It seems that some dogged investigators led by Comer in the US are getting closer to uncovering the Biden Families suspected corruption and the extent that they have been protected by the FBI and other agencies including the lefty main media channels which of course would include our own upright and honest BBC.
We can only hope that the whole thing is thrown wide open which might lead the way to a cleaner and healthier atmosphere in public politics both in the USA and the West as a whole.
Of course given their track record there is a high possibility that key potential witnesses will start being rounded up on trumped up charges before they can testify.
News this morning of another video emerging from a Party of the Conservative nomenclature during the last London Mayoral campaign, implicating Sean Bailey in ‘Partygate 2’. I wonder where it came from, who filmed it? I know where it ended up, with the Daily Mirror. I have said it before but I will say it again, HMG should get Pippa Crerar checked out by ‘Five’ and maybe the Met as well.
Up2 – don’t care it’s just wrong – they need to be gone ….
A Senile old man who thinks he is the Governor General of the United States, said “God save the Queen, ma’am” or “God save the Queen, man” instead of “God save the King, man”
Covid-19 is a man-made patented chimaera made by Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. He sent it to the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, then on to Fort Belvoir, were the US Military Games team was training before competing in Wuhan. The United States sent a team of around 300 military soldiers to the 7th Military World Games in Wuhan. The US military team stayed at the Wuhan Oriental Hotel which is 300 meters away from Wuhan’s Huanan Seafood Market were it was released.'intentionally-released-Covid-virus-in-Wuhan'-EU-summit-told
RP, Fauci has a lot of questions to answer. There are ‘rumours’ he got a lot of secret ‘back door’ funds out of the US Govt. to fund ‘gain of function’ research into viruses in other countries. If I recall correctly, the USA by Federal Law and International Treaty cannot fund research into ‘bio weapons’.
Fed, sorry I disagree to an extent. OK, the PM and Hancock (SoSfor Health) were daft to impose a Lockdown for more than a month. A virologist would have told them that, had they had a virologist on SAGE who’s voice could be heard above the babble. So in a sense, the PM, HMG and the Tories were hoist by their own collective petard.
I reckon it is a far greater ‘crime’ to remove a democratically elected PM and their Government by underhand means and for reasons of political revenge ie. for Brexit.
If Bojo had an organised brain he should have investigated whether it was a plot. I think Remainers in Whitehall and at the BBC cooked it up once the Lockdown Rules were put in place by Bojo on 23 March 2020. I wonder if he was unwell back then? I would love to see his medical notes.
Finally, you post @2.18 p.m. above that ‘the other lot’ will be worse. Do you really want that for the UK?
I think the pain is inevitable in order to get any real change – sooner or later there passive electorate is going to Fedup with the whole swamp – but things will need to get very bad for that to happen …. Public disorder – power loss – shortages – an even worse economy ….
The virus showed how poor the swamp is a dealing with such an issue – and I’m interested how the ‘inquiry ‘ is going to white wash the planning to deal with pandemics – and whether much ‘thought ‘ went into selecting good people to advise HMG and thus the public instead of panic and draconian measures from which we will be suffering for a long time …
As for nut nut – his lack of thinking was his downfall – along with his loopy wife …. No great loss –
The BBC and Campbells.
Lucky they managed to ram the place with the aggressive men.
The scramble bell being rung at W1A Very Fey Unit?
Stop Press: Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger and Russell Brand have organised a conference at Central Hall, Westminster on June 22nd to discuss what they call the ‘Censorship Industrial Complex’. It’s part of an effort to create a global Freedom Alliance to tackle the international efforts to suppress dissenting opinions under the pretext of ‘protecting’ the public from ‘mis-’ and ‘disinformation’.
The assembled debating power of the BBC kindergarten mean gurlz (plus the wimmin) against these guys… that would be fun.
But one rather suspects they will stay in their cubicles ‘investigating’ and sniping horse manure and blocking.
Oh, and…
In September 2020, Susan Michie, then a member of Sage and a zealous supporter of Covid restrictions, complained on Twitter that she’d been booked on to the Today programme to discuss the Great Barrington Declaration with Professor Gupta on the understanding that the scientists behind it would be portrayed as cranks. But to her irritation, Gupta was, for once, allowed to set out her stall. “I was assured that this would not be held as an even-handed debate,“ wrote Michie. Who gave her that assurance? And why were the normal impartiality rules being waived?
Such questions will likely be refused due to ‘exemptions’. or the questioner simply blocked.
Old school Beeboid pond life like JezBo, Simpo, Humpy, etc must be so proud.
Here is the speech given by Vladimir Putin at St Petersburg, in which he calls the Western Media “Satanic”, I think very many people of the West would agree with his, and we have to wonder what on Earth has happened to us to allow this state of affairs to come to be.
As others have noted no one would be bothering to watch a speech by sleepy Joe unless it was for the gaffes and to wonder how is is managing to stay alive.
Compare and contrast a President talking about building infrastructure to increase global trade as opposed to one who sees commerce as an enemy and is spending money destroying it as quickly as possible by hard Left political imposition of diversity and equality which never put a crumb on the table.
Speech starts at 1 hour 23 minutes – economics first to 1 hour 40 minutes … then I gave up – Vlad doesn’t do laughs …
.. I notice he doesn’t do the ‘western thing ‘ of having a bunch of gimps sitting behind him clapping and whooping ….
Speech end at 2 hours 40
Yes you don’t need a temazepam he does drone on & on, but it’s an important speech in which he expresses his betrayal by the West and his plans for Ukraine.
Apparantly he does have a few colloquialisms which are amusing to Russians but lost in translation.
If only Western economies had 2% inflation and 3.5% unemployment and a leader commited to private enterprise instead of socialist stupidity.
Having a huge land mass and a shed load of oil helps a bit ….
We’ve still got quite a lot of oil, plenty of coal and untapped gas…
Only difference is we refuse to use any of it. No, we’re virtuously “saving the planet” so we prefer to use solar panels and wind farms that are massively subsidised and don’t work properly.
Oh…and then we have to import energy from abroad.
Go figure…
Apologies folks if this has already been posted:
They have no need to respond. They will wait for OFCOM to instruct them to publish an apology on that web-page buried deep within their website which nobody reads.
OFCOM basically ARE the BBC so once they’ve followed procedure, it will be instantly forgotten and nobody knows they were lying.
Story retractions should be published with the same prominance as the original article. If that’s front page then the apology should be front page too.
It’s all entirely by design.
1st world prices, third world service!!
Happy Fathers Day or alternatively if you are b***k Happy, er Sunday.
Sorry, stolen from
Is that photo really real ?
Like how could the pile get so big before it was reported ?
Ah the headline is deceptive It’s not New Forest It’s an industrial estate on the edge of Southampton
People living in caravans with white flat bed Transit vans outside marked “we collect scrap”
Alex Christoforou from The Duran