Cancel your TV licence – save the money
Nigel Farage has opened a new front against the main stream media – it is the viewing measuring mechanism called BARB – which apparently is funded by the Main Stream Media so ‘marks its own homework ‘. I am sure BBCOFCOM will do its’ best to suppress investigation of BARB …well done to GBNewx for winning TV awards – voted for by viewers ….
Nigel Farage won a media award last night. The audience of MSM drones heckled and booed him, demonstrating exactly where they stand politically. Needless to Say old Nigel got the better of them all.
“And they’re not laughing now”…………….
BBC best book Mad Al on QT again.
Don’t overthink it Campbell is just copying the Trump line “Lock her up” to play to his base
cos it was a very effective line for Trump.
Campbell dosn’t apply truth or logic, it’s just a slogan
Putin’s visit to No 10 in April 2000. Alastair Campbell, defended the visit of Putin. He said Mr Blair “was not going to apologise for developing a good relationship with an important world leader”.
Evidence against OFCOM censorship: Five million vaccine injured and dead in Europe.
More Pfizer Documents censored by the BBC have been released. Not in the USA or Australia, but by a FOIA request to the European Medicines Agency (EMA). They were subsequently published on March 4. However, once published, no European English-language media outlet appears to have reported on them. BioNTech to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) reveal a total of 4,964,106 adverse events among people who received the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. The documents, dated Aug. 18, 2022, and marked “confidential,” present data collected between Dec. 19, 2021, and June 18, 2022:
Tumbleweed time at the bbc today with Farage winning a national award…
unbiased ? hmm
instead a search reveals this from Nov 2022:
“Why Nigel Farage is wrong about London being ‘minority white'”
The ONS count Gypsies, Roma and “others”as white. Are Roma white? And “Others”? I would suggest some racial groups are self identifying as white even though they aren’t. There is undoubtedly large numbers of illegal and undocumented immigrants who won’t be part of the census or other statistics
Farage’s comments might be considered as racist but but the ONS are collating racial data, for what purpose?
“Asylum seeker, 33, is charged with raping local woman in Skegness park just 40 days after arriving in the UK by dinghy: Attacker ‘dragged stranger into bushes’ during ordeal”
Daily Mail
Has it been reported by Al Beeb’s “news hounds” ?
Too busy lighting candles, sing along Kumbaya etc
Ghastly Gummer opines and the BBC scamper to big him up…
Ukraine war: Countdown has begun to end of Putin, say Kyiv officials
“The drama over the border in Russia has hardened the view in Kyiv that Mr Putin’s time as Russia’s president is coming to an end”
The drama hey, the bbc reports this and most likely nothing will come of it and buried in a few weeks. Its more like wishful thinking on the bbcs output
andy, that lengthy article makes me feel uncomfortable because it is an absolutely pointless compilation of absurd rhetoric and propaganda which has come from nowhere.
Why would the BBC write such a ridiculous article as this and make it the front page headline for the world ?.
It makes me worry that some unpleasant escalation is about to happen because of the complete failure of the Ukranian counter-offensive after all the billions of dollars of Western assistance for training and weapons.
Hopefully it’s just the BBC Muslim-terrorist-supporter Jeremy Bowen feeling he isn’t getting the column-space he thinks he deserves.
I have to say that Putin has made a miraculous recovery from the cancer we were told he had.
Hello JohnC
I used to look at the bbc website daily for news
Now its all about campaigning, whether its today the white man is racist and tomorrow women are hard done by, or speculation – todays speculation is about Russia – the armed forces of Russia far exceed what Ukraine has and is a nuclear power. The west should be careful how far it pushes Putin
bbc has had its day
I never watch its output on the tv, but unlike when I was a kid its all the family would watch
As for funding it, they will never get a penny from me
Larry Johnson is an ex CIA analyst:
I wonder how many of the BBC staff even understand what is actually going on in Ukraine while they continue to support this war like activist 6th-formers.
They were far more interested in showing fake pictures of women holding rifles ‘ready to fight’ or an old woman whose house has been demolished.
This whole situation disgusts me more than I can say. The BBC don’t care one bit about those Ukranian soldiers being killed and maimed. It’s all just a vehicle to be used for their own agendas.
Prigozhyn in Belarus with many of his gang of murderous hoodlums? A ruse?
Given the signal from the Kremlin, ready to march south on Kiev in conjunction with many missile (including tactical nukes) aimed at other cities in Ukraine. Redressing a massive failing of the Russians earlier in their invasion?
I would like to recommend looking at the latest podcast from the Uncommon Knowledge series from the Hoover Institute featuring Victor Davis Hanson . There are two parts both about an hour long both are good but part two , titled the Contrarian Agrarian , is brilliant. In it VDH explains why the US , but also the West in general, is decaying , he pulls no punches and makes his centre right interviewer distinctly uncomfortable at times with his excoriating denunciation of the Woke establishment . He finishes up with some hope for the future but knows that getting out of the mess we are in will be a long and difficult road .
BBC News
There seems to be a ‘characteristic ‘ of the “news ‘ where if something unapproved is going on – such as riots in Paris by third worlders – they’ll use some attack in Ukraine to divert attention .
This is strange because usually the BBC approves of all things european and especially French – who are allowed to facilitate mass illegal invasion of the UK from its shores .
I’ve developed an aural filter for the bbc news reports – cost of living green crap – school crap – as featured today is socialist pap demanding more of taxpayers ‘ – your – cash – .
There was an inevitable one on AI today – kiddie porn – which upsets the BBC in a way organised pakistani gangs attacking thousands of white children doesn’t .
If you listen to the socialist news today it is just a list of ‘give me ‘ ‘news ‘ …such as ‘off the books ‘ loans and the consequences .
More generally – since new technology tends to be exploited by criminals well ahead of the ability of states to respond I wonder what harm is coming ? Will the online banking system survive ? Just musing .
Lastly Strangely the bbc doesn’t celebrate the ‘break through ‘ of GBNews getting awards at some incestuous TV bash ….whereas if the BBC had won something they’d be crowing all day .
I bet the voting arrangement for those awards will be fixed next time . Someone as unapproved as Nigel Farage cannot be allowed to grow his viewing numbers – however fixed BARB makes them ….
The DT highlights the confused by referring to wimmins ‘ sport the same way as real chaps ‘ sport such as the ‘ashes .’ Certainly – as one mildly interested in footy hearing results where wimmins footy isn’t referred to is somewhat confusing and encourages going elsewhere for ‘results ‘….
Farage kicked out of major TV awards before beating Eamonn Holmes and Piers Morgan to gong
‘Nigel Farage slams hecklers as he’s booed during acceptance speech after winning News Presenter of the Year at the TRIC Awards’
‘But the victory did not come before some controversy with rhe TRIC Awards main sponsors kicking him out of the drinks reception area before the event got underway.
Mr Farage later received an apology.
But before going in he joked on video that many of the people in the awards had interviewed him and “treated me like a war criminal.”‘
Does anybody still doubt they tried to rig the poll ?.
And of course not reported by the BBC.
Dirty Leftist scum. I usually say that nobody hates like the Left, but I think I have the wrong word. ‘Despise’ is much better.
‘Hate is defined as intense dislike. But despise means you not only dislike the person extremely, you also look down on them. If you despise someone, you see them as not worthy of your liking.’
Hitler – another famous ideologically driven socialist – called people who didn’t share his convictions ‘Untermensch’ which meant basically the same thing.
If you watch the footage of Farage making his speech – the smiling bouncers come up and put their hands on him ….
… it’s a pity there was no award for silenced journos – Mark Steyn would have won hands down ….
Today watch
I think it’s one of those ‘quiet news ‘ days – I’ve just hit the off switch because some bloke with Parkinson’s can play the guitar again . I’d rather hear about a conservative government cutting taxes and public spending on overseas give aways – but that’s not gonna happen ….
Strangely the ‘evidence ‘ Hancock gave at the covid whitewash yesterday doesn’t feature much – I think the bbc has to stay silent because the did exactly what he told them to do during the covid psychosis …
No lessons will be learnt
I see stuff like the Tweet below and wonder at the hundreds of Just Stop Oil and XR Tweets that wash (uninvited) through my Twitter accounts
Riots in Paris last night ? Anyone?
I sense that the ‘state ‘ is so worried about disorder spreading – particularly by Muslim invaders – that they’ll do all they can to non report the truth …
Perhaps they calculate that most of the time this will work – but suppressing the truth by non reporting just devalues the likes of the BBC with even more punters – so maybe a good strategy after all …..and the need for the BBC to have overt propaganda stuff like VERIFY. or ‘why you can trust the BBC ‘ ( 1984 style ) is an indicator ….
The police shot a 17-year-old French Algerian.
Not covered by BLM and very awkward for the BBC considering how they are reluctant to tell us anything about immigrant-based trouble or public discontent in the EU. It might put people off wanting to go back in – so they just keep it quiet.
Just another reason BBC news is worthless without an independent way to check what they wrote (or didn’t write).
If I had a skeleton in my closet, he’d look a lot like Barry?
Guest, Barry who?
Boss girl slips to her watery demise edition
No, this has nothing to do with: Nicola’s death was accident (giveaway Metro)
Meet the new supers (they’re ‘goal models’) shouts the Times.
They’re super smart, super successful — and super stylish. … Jodie Comer, Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Zadie Smith are our new “goal models”.
Something for the ladies…? – as comic Al Murray in his pub landlord persona would tend to offer
These are the women we want to be now, says Harriet Walker (Times)
To be fair Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s new role as the all-knowing kick-ass boss girl set to replace male pale stale Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones is receiving mixed reviews
Indiana Jones 5 director James Mangold pushes back against bad reviews… has pushed back against the underwhelming reviews for Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. (Independent)
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny review: ‘Gloomy and depressing’ final act… Harrison Ford and Phoebe Waller-Bridge can’t lift a film that is “a depressing reminder of how much livelier his past adventures were”, writes Nicholas Barber. (BBC)
Reviews SLAM Feminist Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s Indiana Jones 5 performance! Another Disney FAILURE! (Twitter) – The word Disney there fast becoming a stand in for an expletive.
For some reason the lyric of that song Won’t Get Fooled Again by rockers The Who comes to mind: “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss”
Boss of Thames Water steps down… Sarah Bentley was part of a new team at the water company, which has faced repeated recriminations over dumping sewage and hosepipe bans – the Telegraph rather downplaying our Sarah’s boss girl role as Chief Executive, no less.
Sewage and hosepipe bans… that ain’t the half of it: Thames Water chief in sudden departure amid struggle with £14bn debt pile… Bentley, who joined Thames Water three years ago with a £3.1mn golden hello, will be replaced on an interim basis by former Ofwat chief executive Cathryn Ross, who is now director of strategy and internal affairs at Thames… Bentley’s predecessor Steve Robertson left in 2020 with a £2.8mn pay-off. (FT) – new boss girl boss just like the old bad boy boss – but a bit more so.
Our crumbling infrastructure… the pressures built up over years are now threatening to burst
Bentley’s sudden exit will add to fears over the company’s financial resilience and raise concerns that the government and Ofwat might need to step in. Any financial collapse could have a “domino effect” and lead other water companies to topple, one chief executive of another water company warned. In December, Ofwat said it was concerned over the financial resilience of Thames Water, Yorkshire Water, SES Water and Portsmouth Water. (FT)
Water bills will rise by 40% amid crises – the female friendly Times opts not to lead with the demise of the girl boss of Thames Water but instead goes with a generic third person media cliché crisis headline – but note the plural ‘crises‘: Spills and climate change need cash, say bosses
The BBC – passing up on a chance to bang on about climate change instead goes down the down and dirty route: Thames Water boss quits after sewage spills
Climate change, blah, blah, blah
Tuvalu is one of the countries most likely to be affected by climate change. Its people fear rising tides threaten to overwhelm their homes and poison supplies of freshwater, making their islands uninhabitable. (BBC)
Tuvalu: Pacific nation turns down Chinese islands… The tiny South Pacific nation of Tuvalu has rejected offers from Chinese firms to build artificial islands that would help it deal with rising sea levels, its foreign minister says (BBC)
But what are our UK water worries? Lack of investment and rising demand – by some credible estimates there’s now up to 80 million of us on this little island busy drinking and excreting – and the Chinese won’t offer to build us a new one
Last year the owners of Thames Water, a clutch of private equity, pension and infrastructure funds, invested £500mn in the company — the first equity injection since privatisation (FT)
As predicted hereabouts the regime-appointed Covid Inquiry is set to recommend the Starmer solution: [Sooner, harder, longer]: Lockdowns must come earlier, says Hancock (Telegraph)
And of course they will try to blame Brexit: UK deferred pandemic planning as no-deal Brexit loomed, inquiry hears… the civil servant who subsequently took charge of emergency preparedness and health protection at the DHSC, Emma Reed, said “there was no discussion with me about quarantining” and “there was no discussion with me about track and trace”… Hugo Keith KC, counsel to the inquiry, challenged Reed over the priorities. He said that given a significant number of care home residents would probably die in a flu pandemic, “why did no one say we cannot afford to stop the pandemic preparedness?” She said no-deal Brexit had been a “real and present and credible threat” while a pandemic was “the risk of a threat” (Guardian)
And in sports news
Which Ashes are which stumps pundits… the desire to pay due recognition to the rise of women’s cricket has led to confusion… BBC contributers confess they have been left stumped by the gender-neutral title adopted by the broadcaster (Telegraph) – pity the poor confused audience.
As a woman I could ask whether Sarah Bentley got the job at Thames Water because she is a woman. She was obviously not up to the job. And what are the Board doing, throwing about the odd million pounds here as a golden hello, and the odd million pounds there as a goodbye? Some Thames Water users had to work hard for the money.
There’s always John Lewis.
Yes another tick box on the way to failure …
All part of the new breed of thought leader soft in the head power buzzword bingo between folk who talk about stakeholders but forget the public, the most important one of all.
Inspiring the Next Wave of Innovation: TBD Media Launches the Innovation and Disruption Leaders Campaign
“Disruption has become the new normal in today’s business landscape”
Certainly true of a few established brands of late.
“Yes, Blodwyn?”
“A press release has come in from our besties in Cardiff”
“Just copy and paste it”
Guest Who
I can assure you all that a lot of taffmen are not happy about this. They all long for the day it is kicked into touch like Covid and facemasks . “Lessons to be learned”? not so with Hancock and his ‘bluffers’.
#prasnews and the BBC Moaning Emole.
End Game For Putin?
Countdown has begun to end of Putin, say Kyiv officials
Did they have berets and nice moustaches as this was dictated to Clive on the rooftop?
20 MPH: Not for me. I’ve voluntarily decided to paint a poster which I will position in the rear window so those trailing can understand. Maybe even flashing lights around the sign?
It will explain why I will drive in the 20MPH areas at no more than, 10MPH which, annoyingly for Dickford will assure I never pay them a fine which is what this is all about. As the queue behind grows, I’ll simply do what the farm tractors do, just pull over and let the accumulation pass. Illegal? well 0 to 20 is just another legal number. Right?
(Te He! I’ve got a diesel so slow running is no problem)
But surely it would be safer if the limit was 10 mph.
After all, speed kills, one death is one too many, and safety is our primary concern.
But then 5 mph would be even safer.
And 3 mph more so.
Why don’t we insist that a person with a large red flag walk in front of each car to alert pedestrians?
You know it makes sense.
Dear BBC- that should read ‘driving more slowly’, not ‘driving slower’. Primary school grammar. I suppose they don’t teach much English in Wales any more.
I don’t think they teach English in England any more? Thanks to “stop the boats Sunak” and his defence of the realm. He is presiding over the demise of Great Britain .
No pots ‘n pans percussion ?
Newsnight has form.
Darkening moods, allegations and… a denial.
Job done.
Look at their engagement. The Green Party gets more.
Indoctrination right there.
A song surely worthy of a live performance to Kim Jong-Un in Pyongyang.
Chopin’s funeral march would be more appropriate
1423 or 2023?
One might suspect the EU and Klaus …?
Any signs yet of untaxed ‘98 Nissans with 6 muzzles and an imam headed for East Coast ferry ports?
Diversity does’t apply to feotuses
“…..If they are suspected…..”. There you have the hole.
The power of prayer:
Old English: Matthew 6: 6-13 But when thou prayest, enter into thy chamber: and when thou hast shut thy door, pray unto thy Father which is in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly. Also when ye pray, use no vain repetitions as the Heathen: for they think to be heard for their much babbling. Be ye not like them therefore: for your Father knoweth whereof ye have need, before ye ask of him. After this manner therefore pray ye, Our father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done even in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory for ever. Amen.
Modern English: Pray in secret and God shall reward you openly. Also do not be like the baby killers but pray for the baby on earth as you would when it goes to heaven. Forgive and pray for the baby killers to be delivered from evil, for God is the sovereign, and the power, and the glory for ever. Amen. But then find out what the Irish do with aborted babies. Do they put them in with the rubbish as the Romans did before Christianity. Or do they incinerate the body, or do they send body parts to Big Pharma for experiments? Amen.
More good news about the strong move to the right across Europe. At the weekend the right of centre government in Greece was re elected with an increased majority and right wing parties in general prospered. The forthcoming election in Spain may well see the right elected and another leftist one toppled. The driver for this trend is immigration, Europeans want their home to remain their home and want to stop the invasion.
Across the EU as a whole the right has won a string of elections in the past two years and now only a quarter of its member states have left or centre left governments. If this trend is repeated in European elections will we see a clash between the permanent Brussels Bureaucrats and the elected representatives?
Only in the UK is it likely that a government ( already hyperglobalist leftist) will be replaced by one that is even further left.
If this trend continues and democracy triumphs in Brussels we need a referendum to rejoin. But I expect that the Brussels bag of dirty tricks will find a way of neutering if not reversing the democratically expressed will of the people.
The Greek election result didn’t happen for the BBC – wrong result – no charismatic coloured lefty to shout for – Greece for the Greeks -and it showed how they really felt about drowned invaders …a few days before …
Uh huh.
Also a BBC TNi partner.
Toobin? – the guy caught jerking himself off in a Zoom meeting?
Hence the line drawing?
But absolutely not to be discussed by MSM are the Waco and Ruby Ridge massacres.
The scamdemic:
Smart cookie, trades on rep, so I presume accurate.
Then I think of all the BBC ‘news’ stories where someone has contacted the bbc or, more intriguingly, the BBC has located the person upset, and one can only wonder how that in turn gets enhanced in post.
Yes citation:
Kleck, R. E., & Strenta, A. (1980). Perceptions of the impact of negatively valued physical characteristics on social interaction. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 39(5), 861–873. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.39.5.861
but it’s weird that some lefty troll replied, saying no that’s not the study, and that it’s a weird Reddit meme
That’s a straight lie.
He’s absolutely right but all and every broadcast like that should either be prefaced or followed by: ‘This is Communism & Marxism at work and they are playing with your brain’. And, as he says, repeated constantly, at least three times for impact.
Stop press. Only joking.
BBC fail to join the dots. Yet again.
Or maybe they fear joining the dots in case it goes against their agenda.
On Toady we heard a sob story about a school crying out for investment in buildings. Blocked drains, flooded playground, asbestos in the walls, ‘greenhouse’ effect of glass-fronted classrooms in Summer. To be honest, I have some sympathy, having been there and done that.
Cue a demand for about £7 bn a year more to be spent on school building work.
But why is there so little money? And it’s true for most other public services.
Because that money is being poured into the bottomless pit that it is the NHS. Whose doctors are all on strike next month. Including consultants that even the BBC admitted last night average £125,000 per year plus the opportunity of all the private work.
We’re paying through the nose for a health service that is literally not working, whilst all the other supposed services go to rat s***.
Strangely the BBC seem not to have noticed.
Greens are worst I suspect – but similar seen in the SWUK as nabobs in council offices grasp more to pad their sinecures… and completely f-it-up. Around here town centre council car parks are empty and supermarket parking is rammed….
Greens you say?
Climate Change Committee says UK no longer a world leader
Justin gets an email. Copies and pastes.
No one cares.
Woke means broke
Green Party does not give a s*** about businesses.
Except maybe for bike shops and veggie food outlets. Oh and shops selling sandals.
I reported on the veggie foods stocked by my local Lidl three or so weeks ago. The frozen veggie food was bursting at the freezer seams, unpurchased. Yesterday, I noticed that they had cleared the lot out and replace same with ‘normal’ products. As Fed above, “Woke means broke”. Problem with that is, an extra couple of coppers on everything else to make up for losses including dumpsters to take the veggie stuff to tip.
It also proves the marketing department is a flop. Probably because one and all are veggies to boot. Probably thought everybody else was as veggie as themselves. That’s how they think.
I suspect there’s also an element of trying to force everybody to think like them. That’s if they actually do think, there appears to be growing evidence against that theory.
Green Party cares about funding – they absolutely rinsed the EU allowances for millions…
This is a feature, not a bug. Greens hate cars, they hate business and they hate people. They want us to eat bugs in the dark and cold, and to die off as soon as possible to “save the planet”.
I’m willing to let them off themselves, first, on TV, as an example to all right thinking people that believe the planet should be free of human peeps.
John Lewis sending the BBC headhunters over if the Thames Water deal fails?
Again the extremes win.
The left has its martyr and the far anti woke get, well, a lot, of examples.
But in there are a ton of folk, mostly low paid, whose jobs are out with the bathwater of this idiot’s games.
She will crop up somewhere nice. Many will not.
Now buy the victim book – Hay festival – bbc book of the week – omg soooo brave …
Yes, they’ll slide (or slither) off to another aspiring Woke outfit to carry on the good work.
Still won’t buy it. Ever.
Even when there is clear evidence of presidential corruption elections stay fixed – says Carlson …. And I agree – the next US election is fixed – Biden will win even if he is dead . ‘End of quote ‘…
Watching Carlson – no wonder he got cancelled – Steyn style ….
Mind you – I can’t understand why Carmela cannot be president ? Imagine the popcorn before the end of the world .
So Carlson tips newsom as the next president . I’d tip that bloke with brain damage to win ….
More or Less on R4 is shouting “The Scots Nationalist newspaper the Scotsman just did a fakenews headline by dropping the “stream” in tidal-stream power ..”
Yes Tidal-stream is a subset of “tidal power”
There is a lot of hype about
#1 tidal stream power
& #2 Wave power
But in practice the sea is very powerful
& tends to smash up machines
So there are huge costs
That explains why other countries don’t use that tech
And why the newspaper can say Scotland has more tidal-stream power than the whole of the rest of the world.
2 countries use a different tidal tech
(in 2 moderate projects) tidal barrage schemes, but that is very very expensive to build.
Build more dams …
So called covid (whitewash) inquiry and Midazalam Matt Hancock:
“Van life is far from glamorous on LA’s streets”
Only a BBC retard might imagine it was ..
“Some own their motorhomes. But a growing number pay rent – anywhere from $400-$1,000 (£314-£784) a month – to “van lords” who advertise motorhomes online.
Many of the vans are inoperable and some don’t even have motors. But the doors lock and they offer cheap shelter in neighbourhoods where $2,000 a month often isn’t enough for a studio apartment. ”
No doubt, a sad phenomenon coming to our streets eventually.
Article, naturally doesn’t mention immigration, or the fact it’s a Democrat state
Worth revisiting the original Robocop?
Or Judge Dredd.
Dirty Harry for me.
“Do I feel lucky – well do you punk”?
It’s already here where I live. Motorhomes parked up outside ‘certain’ residences. There’s also one near the local Tesco, usually with a genny running and a clothes dryer outside.
Maybe that’s the future – motor homes – no council tax – forever moving on ….
Probably what dodgy Sturgeon and her strange husband are up to. Another way for the SNP to fleece us.
The BBC sister outlet, the Guardian berate the Government for deaths caused by the restrictions they place on drug testing facilities at festivals.
They go on to quote one instance where one you girl had died….
“x collapsed and died from heart failure after taking MDMA, ketamine and cocaine”
Followed by…
“it’s pretty normal for people to take party drugs with their mates at music festivals”
They seem unable to join the dots… It’s not bloody “normal” and healthy for young girls or boys access to take a cocktail of potentially lethal drugs.
Their attack should be on the careless attitude of the takers and the greed of the pushers and not the legislation for festival organisers who would be totally unable to monitor the quality of drugs being ingested by a couple of hundred thousand festivals goers.
The organisers should have a brutal no drugs policy for festivals where no one can enter carrying drugs and anyone carrying or taking drugs can be forced to leave and banned from all future festivals.
That is common sense to me as I suspect it would be for most ‘normal’ people but not apparently to those recreational drug supporters in the Guardian and I suspect in most of our main stream media which helps normalise and sanitise the highly dangerous practice in our young people.
Hang on — a girl dies after taking a combo of ecstasy, ketamine and cocaine and the problem is that if only they’d been pure enough the girl wouldn’t have been at risk? And that’s the government’s fault.
“’We are tormented by the fact that Anya’s death was avoidable,’ her aunt, Anna Short, told the Guardian…”. Yes, it was largely avoidable by not taking three very powerful drugs at the same time.
Guardianland is full of idiots.
So far this made up story has run for 6hours as the 1st and main news on the bbc webshte
Ukraine war: Countdown has begun to end of Putin, say Kyiv officials
Ukraines says, so its made out to be true, apparently
Another day, another catastrophic failure of racist Britain. Sky reports today:
“The Black Footballers Partnership has accused English football of refusing to address the under-representation of black coaches in the game, saying the FA’s Football Leadership Diversity Code has failed.” A clearly non-biased survey that “was timed to coincide with the 75th anniversary of HMT Windrush arriving in the UK.”
Oh and now the Ashes has been interrupted by Just Stop Oil protestors. England have to be one of the favourites to win the Social Activism World Cup. Ron Atkinson as manager? Or maybe not.
So there are not enough black managers? Says who? I really could not care less.
Chris houghton – ugh –
Lack of white kids in basketball teams and the hundred yard dash ?
“Countdown has begun to end of Putin, say Kyiv officials”
Now where have I seen a fake media countdown recently, oh yes, the Titan sub..
Anyway what happened to the Putin health countdown from last year, when he was allegedly gripping the table, whilst sat down, to stop himself shaking or something,
Where’s the proof Putin was weakened by the munity, or suffered a catastrophic loss of authority?
Nearest evidence they’ve provided is Rostov on Don, where people cheered Wagner troops, but I’ve seen a Patrick Lancaster video, and the crowd were both enthusiastically pro Wagner AND pro Putin!
Which shouldn’t make sense, but then I’m not the BBC who feel they understand every other culture.
They keep telling me how Putin has been weakened and will be ousted soon.
To me he has handled the Wagner thing very well. Wagner was going after the military leaders – not Putin. Putin stepped in and it all went away. Much to the disappointment of the BBC who had already wet their panties and now are determined to drag it out as long as they possibly can with their latest ‘New headline every day’ trick they learned with Partygate.
And I am wondering if Wagner will be slowly reformed in Belarus ready to be used at a critical time against Kyiv. I have been hearing on the independent reports that Russia may well be preparing for their own major offensive in the summer. Probably once they have destroyed the new weapons Ukraine just received. That makes sense because I am beginning to sense some desperation in the BBC reports.
I have to say – reading some of the kidult columnists the likes of the DT uses – to predict the weakening of putin from the flat in Islington or Holland Park is a bit rich for me .
I’ve only been to Russia once ( note for monitors ) and only for a month . I’ve read a bit of the history – but wouid not claim to have a clue about the strength or weakness of putin . Saying that – he is Russian security through and through so isn’t gonna go too easy – if at all …
The war in Syria when Russia came to help Assad and the USA ducked out leaving all the ‘rebels’ (=more crazy Muslim extremists screaming Allah Akbar non stop) to be slaughtered (another shameful example of our media not reporting the horrific deaths of thousands upon thousands because it was against the narrative), we often got to hear Putin talking about what was going on without the need to lie.
Basically he called a spade a spade and mocked the West for it’s hypocrisy. If he sees something against the Russian National Interest, he does something about it in the typical brutal Russian style : If ISIS were in a village, they would saturate the whole village with rockets. Tough luck to everybody else. Same as these strikes on civilians we read about : I am 100% certain they go for valid military targets – but don’t care too much if they miss and hit the apartment next door – though the BBC NEVER tell us what the real target was.
Of course we aren’t told about the things the USA/Ukraine are doing. I always think about my conversation on a flight with a mercenary from Syria. I asked who was the most dirty in what they are prepared to do between Russia and the USA. He said they were about the same and seemed amused that I thought the USA were the ‘good guys’.
One thing I remember he said was that if anyone approached them on a camel, a sniper shot the camel. When they guy got up and realised they were not shooting him, he would continue walking to their checkpoint.
John – I fully understand that you have the right to be
pragmatic over what may be called the” collateral” damage
being done to Ukranian residential apartment blocks.
Having personal association with Ukranian extortion
gangs I still have to admit that I do have empathy for Ukraine
fighting to keep their independence from Russia .But
I reiterate you and others have every right to believe
that no side in this conflict has the moral superiority .
TOADY Watch #1 – UK no longer leading on climate change so UK is bad; UK schools are falling down, so UK is bad
I learned enough in the first half hour of TOADY minus the first six minutes to hit the OFF-Switch for the rest of the day. Oooh, it were grim with the BeeLady and the Harshmistress playing women’s doubles in preparation for Wimbledon. Justin Rowlatt was allowed to do his usual schtick. Groan.
I do wonder if rowlett is on meds …
Not completely BBC, but related to it.
George Orwell was a member of the Fabian Society along with his Eton tutor Aldus Huxley.
1984 and Brave New World were based on the plans that the society, along with the Freemasons, had for the future of society.
Both authors had inside knowledge of ‘The New World Order’ that so many of us thought were just conspiracy theories just a few year ago, but have seen become ever increasingly real.
The main aim of the Fabian Society is a one-world fascist government that rises from the ashes of the old – as with both 1984 and Brave New World.
Orwell turned away form the Fabian Society and I think that is the reason his book is more accurate and less ‘utopian’ than Huxley’s.
Huxley even wrote to Orwell that “there may be a large-scale biological war” which foreshadowed COVID.
I used to think conspiracy theories were far-fetched. But it is just amazing how many have come to pass, and the latest one of the destruction of the Western world in order for a one-party fascist regime to rise seems to be coming true.
Many doubt this could happen. They doubt we could ever get to such a state. But you only have to look to Germany as precedent; broken and humiliated by the French-led Versailles Agreement to see the facism was the only option they had.
RightSide, it is all in the Bible as well which predicts it all happening ‘in the future’.
“But you only have to look to Germany……….” (to see the speed at which fascism was established). Same haste right now.
it is uncanny how we are so similar to the pre-Hitler years, especially with the trans movement which was kind of the last straw for the German people.
Also similar is how the 2 political parties of that time were virtually the same – like what we have now with blue and red labour.
@G It is. I had turned away from the Bible for many years, but after witnessing the events of the last few years, I have found my faith again.
TOADY Watch #2 – you are all going to be paying a lot more tax in the future
If TOADY Watch #1 was not bad enough, the news from OFWAT is that water bills are going to rise (effectively a tax – you do not buy water, you only ‘rent it’), the schools budgets are going to rise to repair and rebuild schools or replace them entirely and whoever is PM after the next General Election will no doubt want to indulge in some ‘willy-waving’ to please Justin Rowlatt, the BBC, XR and JSO, so we will have some new environmental taxes and restrictions such as ULEZs.
Oh deep joy at this thoucus as Professor Unwin would have said!
Listening to the outgoing PM – it seems he is suddenly concerned about ‘public spending ‘. But each time he needs to defend a red labour ‘accusation ‘ he boasts of the amount of borrowed taxpayers ‘ cash his lousy socialist government has through at the issue .
Did they really think people would thank for it – for pumping up benefits ? They’ll find the degree of gratitude when they are thrown out of their jobs and get their indexed MP pensions .
The only forseeable future is higher taxes . Promises will be made by starmer about not raising taxes but then the ‘we didn’t know it would be so bad ‘ routine will be used to hike income tax – national insurance CGT and IHT … as well as the crafty VAT and stamp duty rises …..
Fed, Rishi may not be the ‘outgoing PM’. He may survive. Labour will be doing some sums and thinking ‘The next General Election may be a good one to lose.’. The Sucker in charge of Labour is already at odds with his Chancellor in waiting and now he has decreed that Labour will not increase tax on the highest paid after the next Election. Yes, I know all about pre-Election statements, promises and manifestos but it is a brave man that takes on a feisty Wimmin Shadow Chancellor when there are up to three women after the job of Leader of the Labour Party.
Up2 – surely you don’t think the blue Labour Party will get a working majority – the economy is only going south for the foreseeable future and sunak will rightly get the blame .
As I said – any election promises made by starmer can be ditched straight away with a huge working majority –
Even dumping starmer for a girl post election will little difference to what will happen …. Lots of bad medicine in thr first 18 months then promises for the next election in 2029 / 30 …
Fed, I reckon around maybe twelve seats without the help of the DUP in NI.
I think I heard that parliamentary boundaries are to be changed so that the average constituency in 73000 . Meaning Scotland and wales lose seats because they are not ‘ reproducing ‘… and that the effect could be to increase blue labour seats by 15 ….
If this is true – maybe the red labour majority will only be 100…..
Yes, totally agree. National Debt? 103.7% of GDP. That simply means the debt is 3.7% higher that what the country totally earns in a year. Which also means that if every earning person in the country turned over to the state, every penny earned in a particular year, the country would still be 3.7% short of covering the debt.
And the debt is rising by £2252 PER SECOND. Interest on that debt? > £71 Billion PA. Let me write that again:£71,006,965,392 Billion. With a population of >67 million that means every citizen owes to the National Debt almost £39,000. I would love to tell you what that sum really meant i.e. the proportion of the population paying tax (I’m one) to cover those who are not. Like residents of 4*hotels et al. I won’t speculate but you get the picture.
A total disaster is looming. A melt-down.
G, and ‘some people’ still think Governments cause inflation to pay back their debt more quickly!
PS: Agree with you that disaster is looming which is why I think Labour will not want to win.
PPS: UK popn. probably about 75 million. ONS say 70m this year.
G – the debt burden is only going to rise bigly – which ever regime is in power . What will they use to service the debt and have money left to raise benefits ( again ) chuck `£900 of cost of living payment soon 8000 000 ? People on various benefits ?
Maybe it’s just more borrowing to ensure future generation are still paying for it in 2223 …. 2323 ….
“Placebos” suggest inert substances – really not-so-bad if taken. Recently, I heard that a good proportion of the vaccines were actually defective and people were made very ill if not, died. Can’t remember the source of information some weeks ago but I would have published the source here at the time.
“Say Scientists”: “Placebos” Is that now what they are calling a deadly defective shot? Not the beginning of a distortion of truth?…………..
Pfizer scientists? Upstanding World citizens I’ll have you know.
While making a sandwich, I overheard ITV were talking to some bloke in Manchester who was expecting to be kicked out of his house (or flat) because the rent is going to go up.
He described how people like him could not afford anywhere to live because all the houses were being bought, dormers added then 20-30 people were living in them.
I was waiting for the word immigrants to be used but of course they never went near it.
This is exactly the kind of thing which made so many of us vote for Brexit. Unfortunately we have been utterly betrayed. The BBC have managed to oust every minister who was linked to Brexit and repeatedly removed Prime Ministers until they got this one in who will say one thing, but do what his globalist masters tell him to.
Of course remainers being shallow, greedy creatures will only ever talk about the economy because that’s all they care about.
Here is a very interesting (but lengthy) definition of ‘fascism’ which is far more credible than all the modern ones in websites taken over by Leftists who specifically put ‘far-right’ in the definition. It describes the fascism we are now living under with the likes of the BBC:
Here’s a bit of it:
‘The fascist leaders’ antagonism to communism has been misinterpreted as an affinity for capitalism. In fact, fascists’ anticommunism was motivated by a belief that in the collectivist milieu of early-twentieth-century Europe, communism was its closest rival for people’s allegiance. As with communism, under fascism, every citizen was regarded as an employee and tenant of the totalitarian, party-dominated state. Consequently, it was the state’s prerogative to use force, or the threat of it, to suppress even peaceful opposition.’
Their example of a typical socialist fascist is Mussolini.
Just like Hitler, yet another notorious fascist who was an extreme socialist right up to the point he started doing bad things – then miraculously changed to be far-right according to the kind of people who write wikipedia entries.
This one?
So quick, he died with his boots on.
Careful wokeies far and wide, you might well end up the same way.
WATO has to cover 2 unapproved stories – trouble in France with Algerian Muslims – and more importantly -the killing of hundreds of victims at gosport hospital where opiates were used to kill patients . … 1987 ? To 2001 …
.. don’t forget to clap ….
The police have gone truly Inspector Clouseau. Arresting someone outside the enquiry who is causing no harm or crime, meanwhile inside the enquiry sits the greatest mass murderer/fraudster/psychopath etc.
Kind of reminds me of the bank robber sketch from the Pink Panther:
Bob Moran piles in for Abi too:
@GBnews major investigation into black London charity AccessUK
loads of issues
Thames water is going down the pan – if you are a customer – panic buy water now – before we are all cut off … lol
@TRICawards first deleted their tweet their Tweet of Farage winning their award
but after a backlash out up this new one 48 mins later
and have locked the replies
Tht replaces the original deleted tweet which had the two sponsors names on
I bet there won’t be any GBNews nominees next time round – and someone will be fired for allowing GB news to get anything …
I don’t like the look of that pint………..
GBNews ..ridiculous PRasnews for Trussel Trust the foodbank corporation
Presenters/actors earnestly doing an intro by reading ridiculous PR lines off the autocue
Paris: Macron calls police killing of teen ‘unforgivable’
How long will it be before the police say enough is enough, and give up the thankless job
Dammed if you do, dammed if you don’t
How long will it be before the police say enough is enough, and give up the thankless job
If one didn’t know better, one might say it appears to be part of the plan.