Cancel your TV licence – save the money
Nigel Farage has opened a new front against the main stream media – it is the viewing measuring mechanism called BARB – which apparently is funded by the Main Stream Media so ‘marks its own homework ‘. I am sure BBCOFCOM will do its’ best to suppress investigation of BARB …well done to GBNewx for winning TV awards – voted for by viewers ….
Another minute, another strange email about changing stuff.
No link as far as I can see, but sent me a newsletter.
*** EDIT
What does democracy look like?
Friends, today we are announcing the launch of The Democracy Story Unit.
You know the score.
The last few years have seen the crumbling of the post-war consensus: long held democratic norms have been challenged; the citizenry is polarising into mutually exclusive info and opinion spheres; the democracies once seen as the most stable have experienced unprecedented events such as the attempt to unlawfully suspend the British Parliament and the attack on the US Capitol. The number of DINOs (Democracy In Name Only) proliferates, with Hungary and now India joining Russia, Iran, and Nicaragua. And in countries where fair elections still happen, some populations seem ready to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
The future of democracy is up for grabs.
So it’s time to roll up our sleeves, spread our roots, plant new seeds. We are eager to find the paths not taken or long forgotten, and those being laid right now by communities all over the planet. We are burrowing into the stories of contemporary People’s Assemblies and new digital political participation models, as well as well-worn, power-sharing practices, learning from indigenous governance systems and other forms of democratic reimagining.
Our societies need change; they need new ideas, new perspectives, new analysis and new visions of the future, and who better to continue amplifying these stories than our community of independent storytellers?
That’s why we’re building on our Climate Story Unit and launching The Democracy Story Unit. That’s right. A brand new initiative at Doc Society dedicated to democracy narrative strategy.
I see words redefining ‘democracy’, or ‘unit’ or ‘citizen’s assemblies’ all my antennae start to twitch.
They are an NFP, but that lis often code for activists paid a fortune to play using nice toys in fun places.
I wonder, by whom? And who runs their stuff?
As with the Green Party or BBc eco editors, they seem to have very few actual interested engagements.
Guest Who ,
Next month I usually go to my local Steam Fair where the local Green Party hopefull has a tent ….looking forward to asking her to explain climate change , global warming , net zero blah blah blah blah…..mustn’t forget the Wests Munitions causing more pollution this year obviously . Gives me such joy to argue against her beliefs ! , I walk away content whilst she spits feathers..ha ha
“The Democracy Story Unit” is part of DOC SOCIETY
It is a front group , for who ?
Someone calling themselves Zeena Starbuck
US reporter now living in London who phoned the BBC during Taiwan earthquake
Maxyne Franklin – Founding Director – Doc Society (formerly BRITDOC
“Our major supporters : Bertha Foundation, Ford Foundation. The BBC”
“BRITDOC are at the forefront of international documentary development. From Ping Pong to Virunga they have pioneered new ways of engaging with audiences” Patrick Holland, BBC
Team photo has 3 white men
and 25 women (two thirds seem to count as BAME. 7 count as white British/American/Dutch)
They have 3 boards : UK : US :Holland
“JULIAN ETIENNE : Climate Story Fund Officer
Julián is a cultural campaigner from northeastern Mexico, lives with his wife and son in Brussels.”
The BBC #28Gate legacy pervades.
More and more and more legislation. More and more and more local committees. More and more and more local groups formed to counter more and more and more legislation and committees.
Legislation crazy. Needing more and more and more money. Where’s that coming from? …………………No prize there.
The final chapter in the story of the Fall of the Roman Empire went this same way (inter alia).
I cite the 1925 Law of Property Act as the last Act of Parliament which was well written and understandable by many including non-lawyers. Since then, sloppiness abounds, in every respect. And I’ve personally taken a hand in wording legislation to put so-called, ‘Parliamentary Counsel’ right so have personally seen how, apparently, ‘it all works’. (or not). All a big joke with little or no idea of cost and consequences.
Having *had to read* several Acts of Parliament over the last decade – I am unimpressed…
Some of the moribund, redundant ineffectual rubbish I’ve read has been simply amazing.
Laws are nothing if they aren’t enforced and I’ve seen legislation which prescribes a menu of misdeeds deserving of sanction and then simply does not elaborate any schedule of punishments for said misdeeds.
I’ve spent what feels like endless hours over a decade looking to see if there’s any legal basis for The Civil Servant’s Code of Conduct and if criminal law can be applied – since the Sir Humphreys have been careful to emasculate any laws that apply to them…
Unwritten? That would surely come under the transient heading of, “Convention” along with our so-called, “Unwritten Constitution”. The latter being of itself a “Convention” cover to simply make it up as you go along.
The sooner the better a system of voting for the public to agree to sums of money being spent by profligate Governments on X or Y hairbrain projects the quicker the voter will take control. And that’s now very long overdue.
Bearing in mind that Parliament is stuffed with Lawyers, the quality of legislation in recent years has been very poor and I agree there’s far too much of it. Quite a few Acts have had to be amended due to unintended consequences and loopholes.
I can cite as an example the Bliar Government Act that created the new version of High Court Enforcement, The Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007.
Due to the fact that High Court Enforcement officers
were basically ripping people off, the legislation had to be amended some years later.
Then I get sent this:
CBS News embraces “solutions journalism”
CBS News effort shows the growth in solutions journalism to combat bad news fatigue
“Bornstein said solutions journalism is not “good news. It’s rigorous reporting that is examining how people are responding to problems.”
On the face of it, fine. But like all BBC TNI stuff it is easily corrupted. The BBc certainly does by carefully selecting who is associated with a story to ensure these third parties steer things with a degree of separation the way required.
Hence it becomes propaganda, not journalism.
Emotions make for good ratings, effective activism but darn poor news.
““We want to look past the who, what, where and why to asking ‘how can we help?’” said Wendy McMahon, co-president of CBS News and the CBS Television Stations. “How can we help make our communities better places to live? That’s the aspiration.”
Lord no. Helping and improving ‘communities’ is the last thing I want from journalism. We need antidotes to the social activism plague, not more contagion.
Bit bible bashy at the end but this has been picked up in the USA.
I can see why. The lady in question is a Vile regular. That is what they all feed on.
But didn’t someone… John Cleese?…. say the same thing?
I know it caused some stir in the usually suspect quarters, but I suspect this bottle blonde is extra awful to them?
Ans: Yes.
And the ‘critics are saying’ is a classic BBC/Saddo combo.
“Stowaway African huntsman spider found in Edinburgh suitcase”
Headline News! Really ?
They used to come into port in banana boxes when I was a kid .
Currently the BBc is ruling FaceBook mockery with a puppy sticking its head in a hole.
Oh, and twitter.
I did notice this, though.
Mr. Drakeford’s Party, I presume?
The dog is a remainer
And brown:
“Brown or black dogs must always be portrayed as victims. White dogs are born with white privilege and must never be shown in a positive light. If a generic picture of a dog is required, it must always be a brown or black dog and preferably a bitch. A selection of suitable photographs of Animals of Color ™ can be found on Getty” – BBC Rulebook Volume 26, Chapter 14, Section F, Paragraph 12.
“Mr. Drakeford’s Party, I presume?”
Well, living in Wales, I must wholeheartedly agree that the Welsh NHS is close on to collapse. Based on my personal experience. Right now, it is chaotic. Coughing up blood? Two years to see a consultant.
Yeah but the best part is, virtually all my new countrymen and women will continue to vote labour. “Cos my father and his father have always voted Labour” as said to me. Dickford will be pleased at the foregone result.
African ? they come from Australia as far as I am aware
Perhaps this one came from Africa ?
Lying is a skill.
Omission is the art on top.
PMQ’s. I noticed Smarmer and the SNP flunkey, Stephen Flynn, wishing all Moslems a happy Eid. Keep the virtue signalling going chaps. What percentage of the country are Moslem?
Not sure if Sunak did
Whatever the percentage actually is, it appears to be high enough to force the powers that be to protect them. At everybody else’s expense.
Bitter trans activist/presenter
Invoking OFCOM.
On current performance they will scramble for this but not actual issues of heft.
A skilled IT person likely can access, but today’s Matt cartoon about cricket seems to have the BBC in its sights.
Cheers I saw the arrest crop up,but hadn’t checked the details
I am not inclined to support her, cos she was doing bolshy protest, like XR do .. and that is not fair protest.
Howver as the replies say ..swearing is not illegal unless there is a vicctim
and precedence says the police don’t count as victims.
It was wrongful arrest.
In other shots Abi and her friend are holding up signs that taken up half the screen in a GBnews live broadcast.
Of course a direct copy of the hijacking Steve Bray does.
both are wrongful behaviour.
Could Reform’s Howard Cox be the next Mayor of London ?
Howard the Duck could.
Something for the HoP denizens, Laura K, Toenails and the rest to chew on…
Howard Cox is white
how would he get elected in London ?
I wonder if anyone can name the people booing Farage, it would be most interesting to find the intolerant bstards who also object to his comments on viewing figures being manipulated ?
Whoever, the intolerant bstards you mention are, they are clearly firmly behind the concept of no democracy or public voting. That’s the new direction of UK “democracy”. Carefully watched, no doubt by GCHQ and the 77 Brigade so, when they both and others have their ‘2020 US Election’ moment they can advise the Government how to fiddle it.
I can advise :
Object to voter identity for a start.
with 500 Mohammeds in each household, and their wives and kids.
Vaccine shedding. Sorry about the length. Lifted from UK Column Community blog
Who knows about the 1P36 gene?
Who knows about unvaxed pregnant women spontaneously miscarrying after exposure to the vaxed?
Who knows about the plummeting birth rate in most areas of the world?
Who knows about the decline in reproductive health, especially in first world nations?
Vaccine shedding is a known phenomenon and was even covered in the court-ordered Pfizer document release. But for how long is it of concern?
Given the recent discovery of the proposed Biden Whitehouse 2023 budget to explicitly continue funding nanotechnology in medical therapies ie the CV-19 jab, it also now seems irrefutable that the jabs contain nanotech. Are these nanobots then also to be found in shedding, and if so for how long after jabbing? If, as seems to be the case, that theyre self-replicating and self-assembling, will it ever stop? Can they exist outside a host?…
If the covid hoax was merely a pretext to get the real depop weapon into people, given that they were never going to be able to get everyone jabbed what secondary mechanism is in play? Is this it?
NB Most of the first 10 mins looks to be a hoax or a game intro but the later part about light activation of a GM payload within an adenovirus, is a lot more interesting and IMHO is worth a closer look
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28/06/2023 – 02:27
My VPN was connected to a UK server originally, but I was getting a “banned in you country” notice, so |I thought that this was likely to be good.
Did you get the title of this thread “The right way around”?
This sounds a little bit ‘out there’. But it has elements of things that we have heard before; Marburg, 18 GHz pulse, zombie apocalypse (Kill Gates saying that “the next one will get people’s attention”.)
I’ll have to spend a bit of time thinking about some of the things that were talked about in this, as opposed to doing it half-awake in the middle of the night.
Politicians lie when their lips move. The media never let the facts get in the way of a good story.. They provide the paint for the picture-perfect masterpiece that you will paint on the insides of your eyelids. I don’t care if I lose because my heroes did too.Ling, Hillman, Firstenberg, Tiller & McGilchrist were right.
Profile picture for user CJC
28/06/2023 – 06:36
If shedding is a ‘thing’, why has it never been raised or discussed before the covid vaxxing programme? Surely if there is a scientific basis to shedding, it would apply to previous vax programmes and the unvaxxed would have been at similar risk, albeit on much smaller scales?
I’m more inclined to think that the concept of shedding is part of a psychological tactic; divide and conquer, keep the fear factor going.
You may remember me as JC; the new forum has changed me to CJ.
The sentiment remains the same.
Keep calm and disobey.
1 user thanked author for this post.
Profile picture for user DizzyGilD
Profile picture for user CJC
28/06/2023 – 06:57
I think the key point is that the jabs are experimental “new” tech and dangers unknown. Vax shedding has been known to occur in the past but that was with the old technology of injecting an antigen, not genetic code that turn you into a toxic protein factory lipid nanotecg (both suspected harmful). There is lots of anecdotal evidence suggesting unjabbed have felt ill around recently jabbed but obviously funded research on this won’t be done or at least not widely published. I’m think one of the doctors hosted on infowars showed microscopic changes to blood in unjabbed who had had close contact with unjabbed (i think sexual contact).
I do think however though that it seems jabbing you multiple times though is needed for whatever reason as seen in the incessant booster push.
1 user thanked author for this post.
Lord charles
28/06/2023 – 11:42
its certainly something I cannot discount as a conspiracy theory, from a personal point of view I stopped meeting up in my mates “Man cave” for illicit beer drinking as they were all Jabbed I I felt constantly unwell ,sore throat the next day after being in close contact with them.
I think that there has been a bio weapon type constituent in these Jabs, so whatever we think we know about them, is maybe a mere tip of a much bigger Iceberg, think DARPA and all the dodgy stuff they are involved in that is also linked to the so called Vaccines.
Its a cull thats for sure, I know that from all the funerals I am attending recently 4 people I know simply dropped dead in may none of the 4 were previously unwell, carried excess weight or had any co morbidities
Most people don’t really want the truth.
They just want constant reassurance that what they believe is the truth.
Profile picture for user nchnickN
28/06/2023 – 12:53
Let me be clear
Shedding is not a thing
Millions have been poisoned
There was a reason for this action
You won’t like it
So you won’t look at what is obvious
Stupid is as stupid does and fear is for the fearful.
Please correct me if I am mistaken.
I think it’s time to stop thinking chivalry and start thinking artillery!
1 user thanked author for this post.
Profile picture for user Andy_FoxA
28/06/2023 – 13:03
nchnick wrote:
Shedding is not a thing
I do agree that ‘natural’ shedding is a complete fallacy. However, we are dealing with something that is completely synthetic and I think that it would be remiss of anybody to state that something could not be engineered that would create similar effects to the alleged ‘shedding’ nonsense.
Politicians lie when their lips move. The media never let the facts get in the way of a good story.. They provide the paint for the picture-perfect masterpiece that you will paint on the insides of your eyelids. I don’t care if I lose because my heroes did too.Ling, Hillman, Firstenberg, Tiller & McGilchrist were right.
Profile picture for user nchnickN
28/06/2023 – 13:16
LeoX wrote:
that would create similar effects
Anyone who might be able to ‘engineer’ a toxin ‘that would create similar effects…’ Would be paid handsomely.
They have been paid because it is bullsh*t and all scams at there very core are bullsh*t.
Once again: Please correct me if I am mistaken.
I think it’s time to stop thinking chivalry and start thinking artillery!
1 user thanked author for this post.
Profile picture for user Andy_FoxA
Profile picture for user Andy_FoxA
Andy Fox
28/06/2023 – 14:27
As promised here’s my little essay; (confession time, I haven’t watched the video)
Are the vaxxed a danger to the unvaxxed? IMO yes, but only in a couple of ways, first in an existential way, that is to say most are entrenched in their view that they were right to comply & those of us who didn’t comply are dangerous subversives who, come the next pandemic must be put into internment camps.
Yeah, I know I’m been a trifle melodramatic but……..🤔
Second, are some of them psychologically damaged? Definitely, should people with psychological problems drive cars? As a lifelong cyclist/biker I say NO! And yes, in the last two & a bit years I’ve noticed cagers (BTW that’s a bikers derogatory term for car drivers) driving more aggressively.
Has any one the time/inclination to do a FOIA on RTA’s since the roll out of the experimental EUA chemical concoction?
Yes, all “vaccines” are poisonous, but only to those who were injected, does the body eject poisons? Of course, but those who are around the “vaxxed” while the “vaxxed” are ejecting (I hate the word “shedding”) these poisons are not at risk, think what happens when you’re peeling onions or get a lungful of smoke, you cough & your eyes run…our bodies have natural defenses…which BTW, are bypassed by the needle……….
(the following is from a previous post of mine)
………….the phycological aspect however is a whole different kettle of fish.
This from the link below;
“Fear* arises when sensory systems have determined an external threat. Threat detection circuits trigger a general increase in brain arousal and can result in anxiety disorders.
The effects of fear* on physical health include headaches turning into migraines, muscle aches turning into fibromyalgia, body aches turning into chronic pain, and difficulty breathing turning into asthma.”
* I have recently come across a new (to me) definition of fear; F.E.A.R. – False Evidence Appearing Real.
No germ theory? No pandemic treaty! Simple ay it?
1 user thanked author for this post.
Profile picture for user Andy_FoxA
Andy Fox
28/06/2023 – 14:38
As promised here’s my little essay; (confession time, I haven’t watched the video)
Are the vaxxed a danger to the unvaxxed? IMO yes, but only in a couple of ways, first in an existential way, that is to say most are entrenched in their view that they were right to comply & those of us who didn’t comply are dangerous subversives who, come the next pandemic must be put into internment camps.
Yeah, I know I’m been a trifle melodramatic but……..🤔
Second, are some of them psychologically damaged? Definitely, should people with psychological problems drive cars? As a lifelong cyclist/biker I say NO! And yes, in the last two & a bit years I’ve noticed cagers (BTW that’s a bikers derogatory term for car drivers) driving more aggressively.
Has any one the time/inclination to do a FOIA on RTA’s since the roll out of the experimental EUA chemical concoction?
Yes, all “vaccines” are poisonous, but only to those who were injected, does the body eject poisons? Of course, but those who are around the “vaxxed” while the “vaxxed” are ejecting (I hate the word “shedding”) these poisons are not at risk, think what happens when you’re peeling onions or get a lungful of smoke, you cough & your eyes run…our bodies have natural defenses…which BTW, are bypassed by the needle……….
(the following is from a previous post of mine)
………….the phycological aspect however is a whole different kettle of fish.
This from the link below;
“Fear* arises when sensory systems have determined an external threat. Threat detection circuits trigger a general increase in brain arousal and can result in anxiety disorders.
The effects of fear* on physical health include headaches turning into migraines, muscle aches turning into fibromyalgia, body aches turning into chronic pain, and difficulty breathing turning into asthma.”
* I have recently come across a new (to me) definition of fear; F.E.A.R. – False Evidence Appearing Real.
Pentos wrote:
Who knows about the 1P36 gene?
Not me, but I’m reading up on genomics i.e. RNA/DNA & my initial conclusions are that it’s based on similar pseudoscience to virology.
Here’s a couple of articles to whet your appetite……
.DNA discovery, extraction and structure. A critical review – Critical Check (
The Amino Age and The New abNormal Doctors – Northern Tracey’s scribblings (
No germ theory? No pandemic treaty! Simple ay it?
1 user thanked author for this post.
Displaying 1 – 9 of 9
Trailer for R4 Saturday drama
Apparent true story about a trans
“Born in 1912 as Elizabeth, a girl. But, from the age of 6 he has lived as boy and man. A qualified GP he has successfully amended his birth certificate and married his housekeeper “Patty”.
There was a court case by a cousin to stop him inheriting a baronetcy”
BTW the Media Show is arguing the media failed to pick up on Covid lab leak theory cos ‘you have to take the opposite position to crazy man Trump’
Is it gonna be a musical ?
Saw this a while ago, about sums up our society I think sometimes:
“What was the most disastrous comment you have ever made?
I’m a Psychologist and was doing a lot of lectures. I was asked to do a lecture for a group of social workers. When l went to the podium after being introduced I started by saying the following. “ Two social workers are walking down the street and happen upon a man lying on the ground clearly having been beaten very badly. He was bruised and bloodied and moaning. The social workers turned to each other as they stepped over him and one said to the other, “ Whoever did this to him really needs some help “ .
Absolute crickets. Not even a smile from anyone. “
And the apposite comment below the above post:
“A person was giving a talk to a group of Social Workers, and decided to get people to relax by telling a joke. “What’s the difference between a Social Worker and a Rottweiler?”
After a short pause, the person explained: “You can get your child back from a Rottweiler.” Absolute silence. After another short pause, the person commented: “Another difference is that a Rottweiler has a sense of humour.”
Oh please Ha Ha
Just patiently waiting for the accusations that Farage touched someone 10 years ago.
That mayor candidate bloke
About that.
Accusation, ‘report’, resignation, result.
The BBC moves on to the next…. on their list.
And that is all it takes
If there is absolutely no truth in the accusation, he should call her a liar and invite her to sue.
Unfortunately, the language he uses suggests that something did happen. Probably something that was regarded as trivial by both sexes up until recent times but also something that can now be used by politically-motivated scumbags to bring down politicians they don’t like.
In the future if you’re going out with a bird, body worn video may be a necessity to protect yourself against false accusations in later life.
Men need to be paid for sex. IVF costs about £10k so that is what men should be paid.
That way there is no doubt about consent because men would have the money.
Clearly they need to be called the ‘Sir Boaty Awards’.
Do love a BBC #accusedof
Especially when they are the investigators reporting.
BBC active in protecting those committing antisemitic abuse in Oxford Street:
“U.K. Media Regulator Investigating BBC Coverage of Oxford Street Antisemitism Incident
A spokesperson for Ofcom said: “We have reviewed the BBC’s final response to complaints about this news programme. We consider it raises issues under our due accuracy rules and have launched an investigation.”
The BBC has apologized over its coverage of an antisemitic hate incident in central London following an internal investigation.
The BBC’s Executive Complaints Unit (ECU) investigated both a BBC website article and a broadcast report that critics said “victim-blamed” a bus full of Jewish students who were abused on London’s Oxford Street shopping district while celebrating Hanukkah.”
That bbc news tweet about Kanye isn’t news
It’s PR for the upcoming BBC documentary.
10 years ago some woman says her breast was felt – only now does it warrant examination – her accusation is unworthy of further comment – victimhood to the sistas –
She should at least get them out for the lads to see if it was worth it
She’s bound to have some scandal in the closet. Look at her picture, at some stage she must have gone to a fancy dress party; blacked up she’d pass for dianne abbott.
Let’s just wait for the next general election and all say together, to the media and NOT the police:
Starmer touched my bottom once.
That, apparently, is all that is required.
BBC 6 pm.
Money – grows-on -trees edition.
Thames Water is going bust. Calls to nationalise it. It has debts of £14 bn.
Next up, from nowhere I.E not really news but the BBC’s latest campaign ……..schools need billions as many are falling apart and need re-building.
Followed by……climate change. What is the government doing to install more heat pumps? ( clue -huge financial subsidies presumably required).
Not mentioned. a. Where is all this money going to come from? b. What there is is gobbled up by the NHS, is this sensible?
The BBC. The go-to benchmark in bias by selectivity
Bishop of Dover: Migration concerns only for ‘brown people’
‘The Bishop of Dover says she believes some British people are only concerned about immigration of “brown people” but would open their homes to others.’
Not ‘brown people’ you ignorant racist woman, they don’t want people who are from a backward, 3rd-world stone-age culture – who bring it with them along with all it’s morals and ethics.
Their skin colour is irrelevant.
Here is said ‘Bishop of Dover’:

And here is the generic BBC clone who wrote it:

Who have never seen a woman in western clothes and are unable to control themselves as the latest rape by an “asylum” (AKA benefit ) seeker has shown.
“Asylum seeker, 33, charged with raping a woman in a Skegness park late at night was staying at taxpayer-funded hotel housing migrants on the seafront after ‘arriving in the UK by dinghy just 40 days ago’
“Trans rights ‘whistleblower’ with sign saying ‘stop female erasure’ is attacked at NYC Pride March while naked men on bikes ride past children in Seattle as millions gather for LBGTQ+ events across the US
The rowdy crowd surrounded the woman and began smacking her sign from all directions, as she screamed ‘stop f****** touching me’
Completely naked adults were seen riding bikes past children in a Seattle Pride march, as their exposed genitalia were on full display ”
Katie Hopkins on Lord Deben and climate change:
I wonder what happens to the like of selwyn gummer ? Is it the need to make money from the Left ? Willets is the same – Ken Clarke is a wet lettuce .
Katie always hits the spot though ….
And those of us who have been spared – so far – the side effects of the activities of Astra Zeneka / psfizer – should count out blessings …
But what about daisys’ breasts ?
We should spare a thought for daisys’ breasts which have suffered in silence for these past 10 years having been touched in an unauthorised way by a potential londonistan Mayor ( it is alleged – some say – there are reports of -named locally ) ….
Apparently Martha the bee lady is in hot water if challenging daisy’s mammery memories whether her babs were touched at all . No comment from the husband – if there is one …
After ten years of being “touched” on the breast she complains ?
What on earth has she been for ten years, in a coma ?
But does not and did never complain to the police or her employers until an election.
If he didn’t resign, the conservatives now know the BBC will run a new headline every day to pile on the pressure until he does. Meanwhile all the activists at ‘i’, The Guardian, The Independent etc will latch on to it and express lots of fake outrage.
They’ve done it many times now – and always at Tories.
It’s completely outrageous and OFCOM should be sacked en-mass because they are absolutely unfit for purpose.
I saw this video and the woman, supposed victim continually attacked the man verbally in public, who patiently stood there until he “lost it” with her, you can also watch and judge, he then turned to violence after warning her mutiple times, not the best response to hit her but a death sentence approved by blacks ?
What about the police similarly attacked ? hmm what do they have to say about that ?
“Nicki Minaj praises Chicago boy, 14, who was ordered by mom to SHOOT man dead after he beat her up at hot dog stand as a ‘true hero’ and offers to pay for his college”
Carlishia Hood, 35, had been accused of getting her son, 14, to shoot dead Jeremy Brown, 32, on June 18.
Charges against the two were ditched after Cooks County State Attorney Kim Foxx announced her office had backtracked on the charges.
Posting on Instagram, Minaj said: ‘That 14 year old boy that backed dat hammer out when that grown ass man was punching his mother in the face as if she were a man is a true hero.
‘If he wants to go to college, I’d love to help. It’s what any son should’ve done for their mother.’
Minaj, whose husband is a convicted sex offender, continued: ‘She raised a dope kid and should be so proud. Also, God knew before she knew that she’d be attacked that day and made sure they had protection on deck. God is GOOD.’
Ms. Minge was, I believe, and may still be a lucid source of advice to one Biden, J, who has a role of certain import.
I have also been subject to that kind of female bullying when objecting to their kid barging into me repeatedly whilst screaming and shouting.
Eees got adh / autistic innit they shout at me
A smack in the mouth, oh I wish sometimes
But, of course you then deserve to be shot and the shooter congratulated by fellow blacks.
Just remember that, blacks of America the next violent black thug that gets shot after assaulting police or the general public.
“14 year old boy that backed dat hammer”
Send your bloody self to college, they teach English there sometimes.
Was there, before or after… walking?
No rainbows, I see, or trans pride activists within a 20 mile radius
No “thousands” to be seen. If the BBC thought that were true, we’d see thousands………….
Half the country has booked to go there from Luton.
Well, Tick. E. Taboo.
Hopefully JO’bsworth had a moment.
BBC muzzies biting their lips…..
although the sword and it’s location bringing back fond memories.
I can almost hear their collective comments:
“Lets just stick with the Jews and Hindus for the’s working so far”
“Beaten and humiliated by Hindu mobs for being a Muslim in India”
“Navratri: Outrage as Delhi meat shops shut for Hindu festival”
“Hindu Violence in India”
“Hindu Militancy in India”
“The New Hindu Fundamentalists”
“Hindus, do we have a caste problem?”
“The extreme Hindu nationalists inspired by alt-right memes”
“Uttar Pradesh: The right-wing brigade in pursuit of a Hindu state”
Of course, one could subtstitute the word “muslim” for “Hindu” in ANY of the above headlines and it would be completely relevant, and most certainly many, many more examples from around the world more violent and intolerant, not just India which all the above only refer to.
But…never at the bbc.
“The footage shows two police officers leaning into the driver-side window of a yellow car before the vehicle pulls away.
One officer then fires toward the driver. The car is later seen crashed into a post nearby.”
Time and time again, in the UK and elsewhere we see this, refusing to stop when asked to by police and resisting aresst and ….
Certain elements in our society have zero respect for the police or other authorities. One can see this every day, during covid with mask wearing obligatory, on the tube multiple examples of a certain ethnic element refusing to comply.
Electric scooters banned in many places and a certain ethnic element continue to use them.
It seems the 110% inept governor of the Bank of England has told the annual ECB bash that interest rates will be at 6.25% by year end – so the 10% mortgage is looking good to go .
So what happened to rates dropping in midsummer ? Or inflation being ‘transitory ‘ …. Surely telling such lies should cost him his job ? But it seem the blue labour want to keep him as the one to blame when the time is right ….
Meanwhile changes in rental laws – making it more difficult to get rid of problem tenants is pushing landlords to fast track rent rises / evictions now ….
Prince William is gonna cure ‘rough sleeping ‘ yeah right …
Met Police get ratioed 16:1
some point out Tatchell is in record as saying under 16 yo can consent to sex with adults
Mail reports the likes of linaker – that queer Irish bloke and other big cost items have been poached by ITV . let’s celebrate free market wage costs which might encourage State funded rates to be more respectable …. I guess the linaker show on itv will be sponsored by walkers / Coca Cola crisps ….
Lovely fresh young meat …
“Bournemouth locals say beach resort is ‘like the Wild West’ after spate of sexual assaults including of two schoolgirls, aged 10 and 11, as they swam in the sea leave residents fearing for their children’s safety
Bournemouth beach has seen a spate of sex attack on youngsters this summer
“Girls aged ten and 11 ‘are sexually assaulted in sea off Bournemouth beach’ as man, 43, is arrested
The girls’ allegations are the latest reports of sexual assault in the seaside town.
Earlier this month, police said they were looking for a group of men after a 17-year-old boy claimed he was sexually assaulted in the sea.
Welcome here, remember that. from 2022:
Illegal immigrant, 31, who sexually assaulted two women in the sea at packed Bournemouth beach while his friends watched and laughed is jailed for 18 months
Kuku Machhal, 31, sexually assaulted two women on busy Bournemouth beach
He groped the women in the sea on two separate incidents on July 23 last year
It came days after girl, 15, was raped in Bournemouth sea in unconnected attack
Macchal was sentenced to 18 months’ imprisonment and is facing deportation
He came to UK illegally from India in 2015 and has been living in Southall since.
“Three men have been arrested on suspicion of kidnap after a 13-year-old girl went missing from a birthday party.”
“Three men, all aged in their 20s, have been arrested on suspicion of kidnap”
Tuesday Night on r4 Arts Show : Black trans writer with his black trans musical
Now Wednesday : queer
BBC cancels you if you don’t toe the trans line (GC = Gender Critical)
replies rail again the BBC
Uusually invited onto Radio 4 … long defended the BBC.
Radio silence for new novel … attacking the BBC.
Is there any group of people in this world who are more hypocritical, shallow, greedy and narcissistic as those in ‘the arts’ ??.
‘The Telegraph’ has long been a bastion of feminism and misandry. I wonder if they still publish ‘Bryony Gordon’ who wrote the most ridiculous, narcissistic nonsense and got absolutely panned in the comments – but kept coming back like a bad smell.
BBC giving it large about financial problems at Thames Water.
Cue demands for nationalisation and attacks on greedy shareholders.
But who owns Thames Water?
Step forward ……..the BT Pension Scheme and …..wait for it …….the Universities Superannuation scheme!!!!!!!! Not quite the ‘greedy capitalists’ then. The main owner is a Canadian pension scheme. Pension schemes usually buy long term low risk reliable dividends type assets. They’re clearly not high risk get rich quick merchants.
Still. Don’t want the BBC to spoil it’s politics of envy narrative do we?
Other owners include the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, the Kuwait Investment Authority and the China Investment Corporation. The three of them are definitely in it for the money. Before the current owners, it was owned by German utility company RWE, also in it for the money. They sold it to Kemble Water Holdings Ltd, a consortium put together by Australia’s Macquarie Group, a financial services group. They are also in it for the money, and transferred £2 billion of debt to Thames Water.
A lot of people, regardless of political viewpoint, feel deeply uncomfortable about the foreign ownership of water companies, and that profits are being taken out at the expense of under-investment and high prices for British consumers.
“Climate Change Committee says UK no longer a world leader”
Time to kick the Net Zero Greens along with the present Government and its carbon footprints into touch.
They are destroying the economy of this country !
I did a calculation for Mensa, calibrating carbon dioxide warming using molar mass, as proved by Venus, which has a quarter of a million times more carbon dioxide that the Earth.
So my question was: In calibrating Carbon Dioxide Warming using NASA data and the proven method, how much does Carbon Dioxide contribute to the Greenhouse effect on Earth. The Answer is this: Nitrogen is the main Greenhouse gas at 100.6 Kelvin and Oxygen imparts 30.3 Kelvin. Argon is third accounting for 1.7 Kelvin, and Water vapour is fourth accounting for 0.3 Kelvin. Carbon Dioxide only produces 0.0532 Kelvin by molar mass. But then isotopic evidence says that only a maximum of four percent of CO2 in the Atmosphere could be man-made or volcanic, that’s 10ppm for Volcanic and 6ppm for Man-made CO2, so therefore in two hundred years, man-made CO2 has contributed only 0.000798 Kelvin to Global Warming. So if Britain is responsible for 1.1 percent of the 0.0008 Kelvin. Then Britain has contributed 0.0000088 Kelvin to Global Warming.
However according to this calculation which shows that a doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentration from 280ppm to 560ppm will cause an undetectable global warming of 0.004 Kelvin. This is 0.004 Kelvin for 280ppm, while my much more simpler calculation is 0.0532 for 400ppm or 0.03724 Kelvin for 280ppm. Ten times more warming than this more complex caculation:
However this ignores atmospheric loss to space which is running at 100,000 tons a year.
I did a calculation on the back of a fag packet, if you rely on wind energy:
Aberdeen and Cornwall become the new Saudi Arabia. having weekly meetings to set energy prices.
Mayfair casinos full of hairy old men in rubber fishing trousers trying to drive ferraris in wellington boots
Some stuff above about the Green party.
I have said before but have no shame repeating, drawing attention to some disturbing aspects of their manifesto:
MG100 The Green Party wants to see a world without borders, until this happens the Green Party will implement a fair and humane system of managed immigration where people can move if they wish to do so.
MG101 The Green Party believes that migration is not a criminal offence under any circumstances.
MG500 For the purposes of this policy, visa residents are defined as migrants who have a non-visitor visa, do not have settled status and are not British citizens.
MG501 All visa residents will have the right to vote in all elections and referendums.
MG502 Access to the NHS will be free and comprehensive for all visa residents.
MG503 Any No Recourse to Public Funds conditions will be abolished and visa residents will have access to welfare benefits or Universal Basic Income.
MG103 The Green Party is opposed to forced migration and forced repatriation unless standard exclusions apply.
MG200 The Green Party seeks to establish a system that recognises that all migrants are treated as citizens in waiting and therefore supports and encourages them to put down roots in their new home.
MG201 The Green Party accepts we all have a collective responsibility for the climate emergency and that the UK has a duty to support people forced to move due to the changes in their home environment, whether internally or from abroad.
MG901 The Green Party will recognise the contribution of migrants and their descendants to the UK by making the 1st Monday on or after 22nd June, Windrush Day, a public holiday.
MG902 The Green Party supports the teaching of the history of empire and colonialism, including from the viewpoint of those who were colonised.
Many, on here at least, understand that economics rules all.
“a world without borders” the British taxpayer paying for the whole world to descend upon it on benefits, as required by the Green Party….
It is bad enough living in an area with road after road of economically inactive size 22 single muvvas with multiple children in social housing, who have never done a days work in their sorry lives, all paid for by those that work.
Just wait for the Green Party to make it ten times worse.
They love the word sustainability, in terms of ecology, but never apply that word to the financial burden required for their policies.
If you want their bubble world laid bare, just do a little comparison, have a look at your local authority jobs page, and the salaries offered, all paid for by the council tax.
Then your local job agency, compare and contrast.
Informing indeed.
Emergency Planning & Resilience Manager, Brent Council
Salary range: £52,929 – £56,022 p.a. inc.
Head of Service – Access Information and Long Term Support
£82,691 – £101,260 p.a. inc.
Service Development and Assurance Manager – Adult Social Care
£60,402 – £63,684 p.a. inc
Emergency Planning & Resilience Manager….
no emergency what does that f@cker do all day ?
As for the other job titles, Jesus wept….
Money to burn, as they say,
I strongly suspect the south American cocaine cartels would blush watching the waste of cash
And, I have experience of seeing these twats turning up for work at 10 am THEN having breakfast at their desks and in meetings, sitting there slurping yoghurt after turning up for a 10 AM meeting at 10;15
And, in the private sector:
Regional Operations Manager Base Salary: £37,000
Bookkeeper/Accountant From £14.50 to £16 per hour Lunch and soft drink served free
Try turning up for work at 10 am and then eating a bowl of cereal at your desk in one of the above positions.
I see the bbc reporting on the 150 arrests in France
Mostly black or arab
Import the 3rd world become the 3rd turd
Why should the west lower its standards to these people who think they are above the law
There may be a reason why Saddam Husein was,and Syrias Assad is renouned for their brutality, similar in Africa.
can anyone think what that reason may be ?
When these animals are confronted by our police they must be laughing, then, once in a while, they get the same treatment they would of got at home and they don’t like it.
Maybe, when you have a two tier civilisation in your country one is tempted to propose a similar two tier police force.
The brutality of daily stabbings in London, albanian no go areas in our country etc as prime examples.
British Media.
I particularly like the helpful Mail caption.
Scientists, with no access to razors, probably climate change
Or maybe all part of the charge towards neanderthal and paleolithic living demanded by Tarquins in mummies SUV with their latest i phone
for others, not them
Possibly a new euphemism being the bbc, but if not they win this morning.
“GANGSTERS’ PARADISE How blight of Albanian gangs is turning the South East of England into a European crime hotspot”
The sensational claims come in a new book by acclaimed crime investigator Wensley Clarkson.
He has seen first-hand how Albanians are controlling sex workers in the South East, even using a shipping container as a torture chamber.
On Wednesday, The Sun reported how National Crime Agency stats show that one in ten foreign prisoners in our jails is now Albanian.
BBC enjoying the ‘difficulty ‘ of Thames Water – the regulator has allowed water firms to rack up Huge debt . So it’s money tree time – let’s buy the water companies ( back ) .
The theory of privatisation versus reality – foreign ‘owners ‘ exploiting the stupidity of civil servants / politicians allowing borrowing to go uncontrolled knowing in the end the customers/ taxpayer will have to pick up the tab ….
It seems – too – the people who are the ‘regulators ‘ go from one regulator to another on a Money train ….
Surely not, with a wimmin in charge???
Chief Executive of Reading-based Thames Water to step down with immediate effect.
Ms Bentley, who was appointed in 2020, said in May that she would give up her bonus after the company’s environmental and customer performance suffered.
But even after giving up the bonus, the chief executive managed to double her pay, raking in £1.5 million.
At the time Gary Carter, a national officer at the GMB union, said that Ms Bentley’s plan to give up the bonus was “nothing more than a flimsy PR stunt”.
More incestuous swamp stuff
This time it’s the Hattie Harmon privileges kangaroo court . I’d like to know how many MPs on that were Remainers – obviously the likes of Harmon and Bernard Jenkins hates nut nut so wouid be bound to get him – but the other dummies ?
A new report is published today to comments on those who supported nut nut .
It’s the sort of swill which comes at the end of a tired lost overwhelmed parliament – and another attack line to get us back in thr ReichEU .
Nov 7, 2021
‘7 Labour MPs given jail sentences!’ Marr skewers Starmer over attacks on Tory sleaze
KEIR STARMER was brutally skewered by Andrew Marr for comments about Tory sleaze despite his own party seeing seven MP’s handed jail sentences in just ten years.
A really good one – usual thing – lefties wanting more taxpayers ‘ money . This time it’s for taxpayers paid school meals ( they are not free )
Apparently they need more money to feed the darlings because of inflation . I’d say cut the size of the meals . Anyway it seems that overnight an increased ‘per head ‘ sum has been announced . Neither of the lefty experts had heard of this so they were basically left looking ‘lefty dumb ‘…..
Money tree after money tree …