Cancel your TV licence – save the money
Nigel Farage has opened a new front against the main stream media – it is the viewing measuring mechanism called BARB – which apparently is funded by the Main Stream Media so ‘marks its own homework ‘. I am sure BBCOFCOM will do its’ best to suppress investigation of BARB …well done to GBNewx for winning TV awards – voted for by viewers ….
Number of MPs with criminal convictions
In 2012 reports confirmed 243 (43%) of Parliamentary MPs out of 650, had criminal records over a wide range of offences and included “prison terms” in some cases.
What is the situation in 2018 after the last General Election of 2016?
IPSA does not hold any information relating to criminal offences MPs have been charged with or convicted of, as they are not obliged to disclose this information to us.
This concludes our response to your request.
4 Feb 2013
Out of order: politicians who ended up behind bars
By Brian Whelan
Chris Huhne is not the first serving politician to end up in trouble with the law, statistically MPs are more likely to have a criminal conviction than the average member of the public.
As far back as 1906 UK politicians have faced jail time for scandals while they are supposed to be acting as public representatives. Liberal party MP Jabez Balfour was locked up for property fraud at the turn of the last century.
More recently, the MPs expenses scandal saw a large number of politicians jailed; in the aftermath of the scandal four MPs and two peers were sent to prison for fiddling expenses, leading to the startling statistic that in 2011, while 0.13 per cent of the general population was in jail, a shocking 0.61 per cent of House of Commons members were in prison.
Ex-Labour MP David Chaytor was jailed for 18 months for fraudulently claiming more than £20,000 in expenses. Jim Devine was jailed for 16 months for claiming more than £8,000.
Ex-environment minister Elliot Morley was sent to Ford open prison for fiddling to the tune of £30,000. Eric Illsley was released after just four months of a year-long sentence and claimed he was a “scapegoat”.
MP Margaret Moran was spared prison and given a supervision order instead. None of the imprisoned MPs has returned to politics
Lord Taylor of Warwick was sent down for 12 months after claiming more than £11,000 from the taxpayer. He was joined by peer Lord Hanningfield who said he went through “hell” before he was jailed over his expenses. Both men repaid expenses they claimed illegally.
Losing your seat
The scandal meant that an MP elected to parliament in 2010 was four times more likely to be jailed than the average member of the public. However, the House of Commons still does not hold records of criminal convictions related to MPs.
Under the Representation of the People Act any MP detained in the UK for more than a year is disqualified from membership of the House of Commons and their seat will be vacated.
The rule was brought in after hunger striker Bobby Sands was elected as MP for Fermanagh and South Tyrone while imprisoned.
Chris Huhne is now facing the prospect of a jail sentence; if imprisoned he could have lost his seat – earlier today he resigned stating “the only proper course of action is now for me to resign my Eastleigh seat in parliament, which I will now do very shortly”.
As you cannot technically step down under parliamentary rules, Huhne will be assigned two “offices of profit” to fulfil legal requirements.
A number of abstentionist Sinn Fein MPs have spent time in prison for IRA activity before being elected, including Northern Ireland Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness. Similarly a number of Unionist MPs have spent time in prison.
Perjury convictions
In 2001, Conservative peer and millionaire novelist Lord Archer was jailed for perjury and perverting the course of justice, for lying during a libel case against the Daily Star, ending his political career. He served half of his sentence before being released on licence.
Tory MP and former cabinet minister, Jonathan Aitken, was convicted of perjury and served a seven month sentence in 1999. On release he became an outspoken advocate of prison reform and contributes to prison newspaper Inside Time.
Huhne could now face being stripped of his Privy Council membership, which allows him to use the title “Right Honourable.” Jonathan Aitken voluntarily gave up his membership.
Also rans
One of few MPs to be imprisoned for taking a moral stand was Terry Fields, a supporter of the Militant Tendency, who refused to pay his £373 poll tax bill.
The most bizarre Westminster jailing involved Labour junior minister John Stonehouse, who faked his own death in 1974. He was arrested by police in Copenhagen who suspected he was Lord Lucan.
On his return he endured a 68-day trial for 21 charges of fraud, theft, forgery, conspiracy to defraud, causing a false police investigation and wasting police time. More than 20 years after his death, it was claimed he had been a communist agent.
United Kingdom parliamentary expenses scandal
David Chaytor
David Chaytor (Labour) appealed along with Jim Devine and Elliot Morley to the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom that his actions were protected by parliamentary privilege. The Supreme Court ruled against them and he subsequently pleaded guilty to charges of false accounting a total of £18,350, and was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment.[182]
Jim Devine
Jim Devine (Labour) pleaded not guilty and was found guilty on two counts but cleared of a third (relating to £360) on 10 February 2011.[183] He had fraudulently claimed a total of £8,385 and on 31 March 2011 was sentenced to 16 months imprisonment.[134]
Eric Illsley
Eric Illsley (Labour) pleaded guilty to charges of false accounting totalling £14,000 and was sentenced at Southwark Crown Court to 12 months imprisonment.[184]
Denis MacShane
Denis MacShane (Labour) was jailed for six months on 23 December 2013 for expenses fraud, after admitting submitting 19 fake receipts amounting to £12,900, making him the fifth MP to get a prison sentence as a result of the scandal.[185]
Freedom of information request reference no: 01.FOI.21.018072
I note you seek access to the following information:
How many current serving Metropolitan Police Officers have criminal convictions?
If possible, please also supply a breakdown by crime.
I have today decided to disclose the located information to you in full.
Please find below information pursuant to your request above.
There are 150 convictions relating to currently serving officers based on January 2021 data. This includes convictions that they received prior to joining the MPS as well as convictions whilst serving with the MPS. Where an officer has more than one incident on their record, data is given for the most serious offence e.g. an officer with two convictions for drink drive will only show in the data as one conviction for drink drive, an officer convicted for criminal damage and common assault will only show as a conviction for assault.
The range of crimes of which the officers have convictions are:
• Assault
• Criminal Damage
• Driving offences (includes dangerous driving, driving whilst disqualified, without due care and attention, failing to stop)
• Driving offences (drink drive)
• Possession of drugs
• Firearm/ Air weapon /Ammunition offences
• Public Order / Drunk and disorderly/drunk in public place/offensive weapon
• Theft/Fraud
This only includes police officers. It does not include specials, police staff, or PCSOs. It does not include minor traffic matters e.g. speeding tickets etc. It does not include cautions, PNDs.
Racial origins of criminal plods wouid be ….instructive … vetting ? What vetting ?
I did wonder, when police numbers were reduced to save money a few years ago, only to be increased again when – predictably – crime went up: was this a way of more quickly replacing the indigenous White PCs with ones of immigrant origin? I have no evidence for this, it’s just a thought. With ethnic quotas to fill, reducing then restoring police numbers would be a good way to accelerate demographic change.
I know they used to filter ex military ( white ) – by using techniques like requiring details of tattoos . Obviously times change now that every one has to have one – and a number or bar code ….
But I deeply suspect that standards were dropped hugely in order to get the third world into ‘blue ‘…
Comrade Robinson talks to a labour lord ( who?) about the nut nut dishonours list – nut nut has put a 29 year old ‘assistant ‘ (babe ?) in the House of Lords . Most people think he did it for a bet .
The other biggy is the KGB agent he made a peer . ….
Curiously there has been no mention of the Truss list to come – or nut nuts ‘ attempt to get his dad a knighthood …. Or the role of the outgoing PM nodding this corruption through – when a decent man would have torn the nut nut list up and ended this overtly corrupt practice . I’d accept an award of course …
To all the virgins out there who will be distraught at the news – Madonna 64 has been hospitalised.
In possibly unrelated news she was a big doner to the vaxxxxx campaign.
More like couldn’t sell the tickets …
A Councillor David Harrison posts on FB:
I must say, I really enjoyed the set by Elton John at Glastonbury. It was all the more moving because it might be the last time he performs in Britain.
“In common with most people, I watched it courtesy of the BBC who do a fine job covering it. When you consider it cost £345 for an entry ticket to the festival and the chance to see the show live and might be standing for hours, hundreds of yards away, you begin to realise the value of your TV licence fee.”
Clearly a fan.
Hearing a BBC spokesman saying that Glastonbury highlights all the great music from the Seventies and Eighties, I didn’t initially realise he was referring to the average ages of the performers.
I see the jerk the right, (who is he?) prefers to keep his hands in his pockets. Body language.
Lord khan of Islamabad
Understandable if all the coal fired power stations are shut down……..
The way things are shaping up, this coming winter will be a problem for many, simply heating. And then…………….there’s the first of two Green levies…………
Video with some relevant themes
At least 150 arrests in violent protests over France police killing
What a joke : lot’s of pictures of the riot police. None of the people rioting.
Same as whenever they go looting in the USA. Lots of pictures of police cars. None of the people doing the looting.
‘A tally compiled by Reuters news agency found that a majority of victims of lethal French police shootings during traffic stops since 2017 were black or Arab.’
… why BBC ?. What a disgraceful piece of ‘journalism’ absolutely intended to mislead. The only thing which matters is how many shooting were unjustified.
Why all this misinformation and omission ? – because the BBC are racists. They think their agenda is more important so it’s fine.
Well said JohnC
Always the police fault, apparently. Damned if they do, damned if they don’t
The other problem In looking for photos is that there are so many, they riot at the drop of a hat, someone looking at them the wrong way and even to celebrate. Just any excuse will do, if there’s a riot going on they’ll join in , we live in a very very rural area and the locals generally have shotguns in the homes and their view on the non whites rioting is simple they’ll wait until they turn around and get them in the backside if they try where we are.
IMHO they riot so much because it gives them an excuse to release their own racism into the faces of who they hate. And get a new pair of trainers of course.
But of course non-whites cannot be racist according to the Left so I must be wrong about that. In which case there is no explanation.
Heating down but spending up for royal finances
“Royal staff received training under a “diversity and inclusion strategy”, with concerns having been raised after black British charity founder Ngozi Fulani faced repeated questions about where she was “really from”, at a Buckingham Palace reception”
Remember her the racist, Ngozi Fulani (or whatever her name was), where according to the likes of the bbc the lady in waiting was racist, and still reporting the above, and apparently the Royal staff need re-educating
Further tragedy given the bbc treatment.
Man and stepson die after hiking in Texas heat
I worked there digging post holes. Dry heat. But fully covered, including bandana, gloves. Constant hydration. Electrolytes. Stop and rest in shade.
Here it gets hot I sit under a tree all day with a Pimms.
0820 BBC ‘Today’ we have to hear about, I think it was a footballer, who changed career into an artist. Wow. What “News” is this then? Then we have to hear the transformed ‘footballer’ talk about taking up, ‘Arts’. I suspect hidden behind this extremely important bit of radio ‘News’ was the fact that the ‘footballer’ was black. Surprised that the Government didn’t alert the public on the new Mobile Phone alert system.
Iraqi special forces uncover plot for ‘major attack on UK by British-based terrorists’
“British” based terrorists
Honestly what are we breeding in this country, the future isn’t great. But on a bonus we have more people to fill the job vacancies!
Just like the tvl is ‘free’?
Nothing is more obvious than the fact those 4 were sat down by an adult and told to look like they were writing a letter while a media cameraman was there to take a picture.
The two on the left are not even holding their pencils anywhere near where they would writing.
This trick of the Left using children to hoodwink their agenda through using empathy is a dirty trick and ethically bankrupt. Greta is another example which is even worse because she is not normal.
But of course they would say ‘The ends justify the means’ so they lie. Extrapolate their attitude a little and you get the terrorist who says he is right to murder innocent people for the same reason.
Which of course is why they have murdered so many millions throughout history after they got absolute power.
However correct their assessment, is it not strange that none of the pro pundits eager to lambast England’s lacklustre performance at Lords, seem to make any connection with the scathing report on English cricket issued, by coincidence, the day before?
If the game you love and to which you have devoted the most productive years of your life is condemned as racist, misogynistic and elitist – and trumpeted as such by the BBC, Guardian and the like – could this not affect your concentration? Just a bit, eh?
Money on tap and nice work if you can get it edition
Thames Water in urgent funding talks amid fears of collapse… Regardless of what happens, water supplies will continue as normal – reassures our BBC, as though addressing a class of 7-year-olds
I’m oddly reminded of 1970s children’s entertainer (and not a whiff of scandal) ventriloquist Keith Harris and that peculiar bird puppet of his Orville with the catchphase “I want a drink of water”
Not that school kids these days could be relied upon to actually be present in the classroom to listen to teacher: Tenth of pupils in GCSE year absent each day (Guardian) – gosh, I wonder what government-backed policy might have encouraged such high levels of truancy? …up 70% since the pandemic… – let me just take teacher’s red pen, metaphorically, so to speak, and correct that Guardian statement for its schoolboy (or girl, or cat) error: …up 70% since the
pandemicLockdowns… B- Good effort Guardianistas but your work contains a common significant fallacy in termsThe Times acts the swotty classy joker this morning: Primary facie: Latin lessons on the rise for under-11s – so presumably we can now look forward to a huge future increase in the number of lawyers per head of population, heaven preserve us.
Where were we? Oh yes, circling the plug hole. If only Thames Water assets were more liquid.
Threat to Thames Water’s survival plans spurs interim nationalisation plans (FT) – is that Jeremy Corbyn and his nationalise-the-utilities putative chancellor John McDonnell I can hear chuckling somewhere off-stage?
Government prepares to take over water firms (Telegraph)
The giveaway freebie adsheet Metro has the best tag line: Thames on the brink… Money on tap
As former Thames boss girl Sarah Bailey finds herself flushed down the Swanee, we’ve another another boss girl to the rescue (with our money): Environment minister Rebecca Pow told MPs “There’s a lot of work going on behind the scenes… to ensure customers will not be impacted… customers should rest assured their supplies will be protected, both water and waste water” (Metro)
Not that customers and / or the tax payer won’t suffer
The nub of the problem: Southern Water… The company has one of the lowest credit ratings of all the big English water companies because of its exposure to inflation-linked debt (Times)
I’m somewhat reminded of those naively hopeful mortgage customers of the doomed bank Northern Rock back in 2008 who somehow fondly imagined that the bank’s collapse might mean their home debt was magically written off.
Crisis talks as Thames Water faces £10bn deficit – observes the Guardian whereas the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper is rather more forthright: UK taxpayers could bail out failing water firm owned by China and Abu Dhabi
Selling England by the Pound, by those posh boy prog rockers Genesis, anyone?
Windfarms drive record profits for crown estate (Guardian)
NHS doctors allowed to do private work on strike days (Daily Mail) – nice work if you can get it
Physician, heal thyself – or for our budding young latin scholars: Medice, cura te ipsum
What’s up, Doc? : NHS staff sickness hits record high in England (BBC)
What use our NHS?
Care homes were paid extra to take Covid patients (Telegraph)
A relative of mine was no fan of that most quintessential English summer sport – dismissing cricket with a pithy turn of phrase: Bastard leather on willow
Howzat! Bairstow catches oil protester – exclaims the Daily Express in an exuberant appeal…
However, our modern day societal umpires are not happy… we find ourselves living in the Ashes of civilisation, anyone?
English cricket is ‘racist, sexist and elitist’, says landmark report (Guardian)
Dickie Bird to be renamed Richard Women? Essex and Sussex County clubs to be renamed Es-gender and Cis-gender. Middlesex are obviously fine as they are.
Is Kim’s spicy tortilla chip bikini too hot? – so asks the Sun with an enquiry likely to be garnering more actual public engagement than that official State-stacked Covid-19 Inquiry: I tried Kim Kardashian’s Skims micro bikini — tortilla chips are bigger (New York Post)
Now we’ve got your attention
Have better sex in every decade of your life – offers the ‘i’ newspaper’s Wellbeing feature – we’ve heard that old saying: once a king, always a king, but once knight is enough for any man – but once a decade seems just a tad over abstemious?
A degree of irony to that BBC NHS headline.
Thames water – I had a dispute with Thames Water so I rang their call centre . The operator had an ‘accent ‘… I was careful – ‘are you by any chance in `south Africa ?’ Sez I ‘yes ‘ comes the reply – the Thames water call centre is in SA- or was – I rang again 2 weeks later – I was told their call centre is now in …. Engerland … just saying …
… I bet that tick box CEO is hiding by a swimming pool by now – but the DT will track her down …
I think is a great idea thar striking consultants can still do the private stuff .. now they can do AM and PM – no tedious PM NHS outpatients clinics have to deal with poor people – the ones who pay the taxes …
Those consultants not gone on their hols will double their income by striking ?
Midazalam Matt at the covid whitewash inquiry:
Sorry, I thought it was all over.
Itv takes the tape.
You see blokes who think they are wimmin Mums ) do washing up as well . I wonder if her / his daughter / son want to become a son / daughter …?
Now a piece about rising mental illness
Why not save money by cutting the water quality ? Ok it might get a bit coloured – or have the occasional outbreak of cholera and the like – but it’s all very third world – in accordance with the customer profile ….
The parliamentary kangaroo court committee has listed politicians it want to put on the naughty step – these are
Nadine Dorries, the former culture secretary (who seems to be the worst offender – four of her remarks are quoted)
Jacob Rees-Mogg, the former business secretary and former leader of the Commons (the next worst – two of his remarks are quoted)
Mark Jenkinson
Michael Fabricant
Brendan Clarke-Smith
Andrea Jenkyns
Priti Patel, the former home secretary
And the peer is Zac Goldsmith, who is a Foreign Office minister – extract from The Guardian.
Who give a toss – meanwhile the next rate rise is in August and it’s 6.5% by the start of 2024 – which maybe a very expensive year …
Looking at those names, what do you think they all have in common.
Yes, you’re right.
A word of advice. If stopped by a policeman or policewoman, especially if they are pointing a gun at you, is to behave yourself.
Do as they say. It really is common sense.
But if black, say they were racist and drive off
or they could try doing this:
I got stopped on my motor scooter the other evening – on a quiet road in a hot country – the 3 traffic police all had guns …. I apparently broke the law by not having my crash helmet strap done up …..
Anyone wanting to argue ….is mad … but 17 years olds? P—- and vinegar ….
Damning evidence of the Biden Crime Syndicate (père et fils) continues to emerge, not just exposing the extraordinary corruption of the POTUS but also involving some of the West’s greatest enemies. It should be the Scandal of the Century, dwarfing Watergate, and any real journalists should be all over it.
So what do the BBC’s crack investigators think fit to report on from Washington?
“President Biden using sleep apnoea treatment device, White House says”.
You couldn’t make it up!
Calling it the Biden Crime syndicate lessens the severity of the corruption. It’s not just the President and his family, it’t the entire Democrat party which has become more akin to the mafia than a political party.
DT headline
“ Hospital prayer room for gravely ill children plastered with LGBT flags”
No comment …l
I knew instantly that the situation in France was serious. How? because the spring bimbo and bbc verify are nowhere to be seen.
BBC must be desperate for it to spread with more dead ….
Redefining stuff is very ‘in’ currently. The BBC likes it a lot.
I see the court of appeal has reached the ‘correct’ verdict regarding the Rwanda deportations,and the sheeple are predictably wrong footed into blaming the judiciary rather than the far Left Tory party.
The media reports that it was ‘activists’ who brought the action, and that much might be true, but it doesn’t say the entire event was funded by the taxpayer through the Tory party in order to overturn their crazy plan.
And don’t assume this is any better one way or another because again what the media hasn’t told you is that for every asylum seeker we pay Rwanda to take, we have to take a Rwandan national as a migrant, so for the British people it’s a lose lose situation.
Spread these facts as wide as you can because the media are spinning a fake news story again a lie by omission project.
The Court of appeal has found the Rwanda plan unlawful in yet another overreach. The Government makes the law so could create a legal framework for deportations, they have chosen not to. It’s the same thinking behind not stopping the boats
They enjoy being watched fiddling around the perimeters in an attempt to be seen as, ‘doing something’. Bring back the rope.
Ah, but that’s a Rwandan person who needs serious medical treatment not available in Rwanda. Also heard that preferences will be given to those needing mental health help. That’ll help this UK shithole to deepen rather quickly.
Blacks with mental health problems? Perhaps the Government has already implemented this policy but just not told anyone. That’ll account for the number of blacks running around with machetes needing to be shot.
If any of them have health problems they will be better off staying in Rwanda where they will probably be seen quicker than by the nhs.
Just reading that back, I forgot that all these ‘asylum seekers’ jump to the front of the queue for medical and dental treatment so they will be better off coming here.
“..a host of new challenges, including online trolling, disinformation, and a less trusting and more disconnected public.”
And the impact of BBC Verify so far has been…?
Newsweek displays its irrelevance parroting stupid shit.
Tomo, speaking of dishonest media, the LA Times is now suggesting RFK’s local discussions should be blacklisted by TV networks:
“I think it just illustrates a dire need for completely rethinking what responsible coverage is,” said Gabriel Kahn, a professor at the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. “CNN was wrong and irresponsible to do a Trump town hall, and it is wrong and irresponsible for NewsNation to give one to Kennedy who repeatedly spouts demonstrably false claims and makes that the center of his campaign.”
Read this to see how desperate the legacy media are to suppress ‘problematic’ issues, seeing the preservation of their own weird bubble as far more important than democracy.
I think it just illustrates a dire need for……..a revolution. Same here.
The revolution will not be televised…
Monkey pox from gay sauna with dog to be ignored.
This is another wake-up call.
I did post something about this before when Patriotic Alternative (not a group I like) had their accounts shut down. My post met with some scepticism. I saw it as an omen of what was to come.
Won’t nobudy lissun?
Banking is getting highly politicised, like so much of the corporate world.
Just wait till our masters introduce central bank digital currency (CBDC), giving them even power and control over us serfs.
Farage should name and shame the bank in question even if, as he says, it’s ALL of them.
If that was put on today, then we might find out tonight…
Hopefully there will be many more mps and duds/nutters like Campell or Sarkar whom the banks can consider a risk!
I wouldn’t ‘risk’ a brass farthing with these idiots, and that also goes for the ‘charities’ (?) they suck up to!
I suppose all the politically active charities should also be scrutinised as they’re surely a risk, so I wonder what the real reason for the banks turning him down are?
I think I can guess…
Does Anjhem Choudary have a bank account?
Canada Ends Its Freeze on Hundreds of Accounts Tied to Protests
After a court denied bail to one arrested protest organizer, the government said it was winding up its pursuit of people involved in the unrest.
Feb. 22, 2022
Protest in China over frozen bank accounts ends in violence
This article is more than 11 months old
Authorities say some customers will start getting their money back after angry crowd in Henan was broken up by heavy-handed security guards
I’m guessing the banking group is either HSBC or Barclays – it should be named ….
I can t watch Farage Thursday night but if someone could monitor it I ( we ) wouid appreciate it .
As for scumbag Bryant – parliamentary privilege is ‘sacred ‘ so nothing legally can be done to him unless the defamation is repeated outside .
As for individuals becoming ‘unapproved ‘ – I think we are heading that way as wokeness morphs into a far more sinister version than green crap of trannie crap …
I wonder if they have have targeted his family yet – or gonna make him wear a badge …?
They cut their teeth on Tommy Robinson so now it’s a weapon in their playbook.
The US version is slamming people in prison or landing them with multiple dodgy court cases a la Trump.
I predict because the forces of law are beginning to also take sides there will be an upswell of people who realise they are the target and have less or no privileges or state protection if the incumbents decide it so will be forced to band together to resist this evil situation,
Like all leftists, the BBC despises religion (unless it’s Islam) but in America they still take their religion slightly more seriously than we do.
The Catholic church is arguably the single largest (Protestants being divided into numerous branches) and the Catholic vote can swing elections. This network regularly exposes the complete collusion of Catholic Bishops with the Democratic Party.
For a good laugh, have a look at this pretty bar graph the Labour MP has posted supposedly showing key local concerns for her Newcastle Central residents. As skewed data goes, it puts even YouGov’s ridiculous bullshit to shame.
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police,
more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country.
The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
First time this one has been reposted this week! (28 times, year-to-date).
Like the BBC – I like my repeats!
Hmmmmnnn. I think I know who our ‘MarkyMark’ is.
I am a freeman!
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
Smoke is racist:
The Met Office for my postcode today:
“A much brighter day for all with sunny spells and patchy cloud. Isolated showers are possible, but most places staying dry. Feeling less humid although still pleasantly warm. Quite breezy. Maximum temperature 22 °C.” “Still pleasantly warm”. “Pleasantly” if you please! Yesterday it was. “June, on its way to becoming the warmest June (inevitably) on record”. How you can predict that 4/5 days before the end of the month? Methinks, I’m not, ‘In the Know’……………….
The last three nights I have taken out and used the duvet…………
Wass “patchy cloud” then ? some cloud ?
FFS give me a job there I could do that, there will be a cloud or two
Lets all make sure that any war that we are involved in is totally “green”.
I still think that electric tank idea is a good one – no smoke or engine noise – as long as they can charge it up under artillery or missile fire…
Brilliant idea, all we need now is a 30 mile bullet proof charging cable
anyone any idea why american tanks were usesless in the second world war ?
Economics again, the cost of transporting tanks to Europe limited the size of tanks.
Petrol driven Sherman’s = ‘Tommy cookers “ = Ronsons …
Every bomb dropped Nato plants a tree! BBC verify fact checked.
The mania continues
Well, just goes to show, some intelligence and brains do go hand in hand with practical common sense. Hope none of that lot will be eventually seeking a position in a physics laboratory…………
Ah to be a child again …
A bunch of vegetable comitted to eating other vegetables
Eat a student – save the planet.
“How Green Were the Nazis?
Nature, Environment, and Nation in the Third Reich
The Nazis created nature preserves, championed sustainable forestry, curbed air pollution, and designed the autobahn highway network as a way of bringing Germans closer to nature. How Green Were the Nazis?: Nature, Environment, and Nation in the Third Reich is the first book to examine the Third Reich’s environmental policies and to offer an in-depth exploration of the intersections between brown ideologies and green practices.
Environmentalists and conservationists in Germany welcomed the rise of the Nazi regime with open arms and hoped that it would bring about legal and institutional changes. However, environmentalists soon realized that the rhetorical attention they received from the regime did not always translate into action. By the late 1930s, nature and the environment had become less pressing concerns as Nazi Germany prepared for and executed a global conflagration.”
London Mayor taking notes, no doubt
Pro Green = Anti People
I wonder if all the London based staff driving to the palace will be paying the new ULEZ in a few weeks …?
Spotted UK Has A New King And Here Are The Favourite Watches Of Charles III
A king with refined, discreet taste and his ecelectic collection of mechanical beauties.
Patek Philippe Calatrava Ref.2589 18ct 1966
What a stupid bloke KC3 is, getting onto a ridiculous ‘platform’ such as this, with a leftie nutter and a bunch of starry-eyed greens…
Stay out of it all Charlie-boy, nobody really rates you anyway, you’ve made an arse of yourself so many times before and to see you posturing with that insignificant little git is demeaning to the normal British citizens who used to worship your mum.
Stupid man – you should learn to know better.
I have observed the Guardian steadily transform itself from a main stream news outlet into a radical left-wing propaganda machine. I can only think that its editorial staff and its readership are composed largely of left leaning academic and theatrical types who have never lived in or know much about the world that most of their countrymen and women inhabit.
In a fairly short time it will be indistinguishable from The Morning Star.
As a propaganda exercise it’s actually a bit naff because it expends all of its energy and output trying to brainwash a readership which mirrors its own views anyway and is thus a pretty futile exercise.
From my own perspective I drop in on its website not so much to be informed but to see how much distortion of reality they have reached each day.
It’s so easy to write ridiculous essays when you’re paid huge sums of money Digg!
The Guardian has become such a joke these days, it’s clear that the dim-witted lefties at the BBC need some sort of sustenance, just to keep their boring agenda afloat!
I’ve never bought a Guardian rag, and I don’t even have a parrot in a cage!
The UN and the WHO sexualising children:
Climate change hoax but then we all know that apart from the gullible:
TOADY Watch #1 – LeftMob, including the BBC, are terrified he might ….
TWatO Watch#1 – LeftMob, including the BBC, are terrified he might ….
…..make a comeback in UK politics. Who is he? Boris Johnson. TOADY had a report in pole position this morning and, despite slipping down the field, the Newsreader at 1 p.m. mentioned it also. The Privileges Committee of the House of Commons has done a report into how they think they have been undermined by supporters and colleagues of Boris Johnson.
I wish the House Committee would look into the role of the Civil Service, Pippa Crerar, the Daily Mirror, Laura Kuenssberg and the BBC into what has become known as ‘Partygate’. Now that would be really interesting for the voting public and not this continual trashing of Boris Johnson and his former colleagues.
Surely nobody can be surprised at the latest developments of the comical Rwanda mess.
For a start, IF the government wanted to stop the boats it would be done. They are not stopping the boats because they don’t want to and they are pretending to go through the motions until labour take over next year when it will be scrapped anyway.
Make no mistake, the government wants this to happen, they are not on our side, the government is our enemy.
You can’t blame the young men all wanting to come as it’s made very attractive to them.
Just imagine if a Country, say Canada for example, were to welcome young British lads by offering a house, £40k per year, free everything and all they need to do is get to Canada.
A step up for our poor unemployed criminals of a similar magnitude as the step up from say Sudan to the UK.
I don’t trust our government on anything.
Everything they get involved with they make a complete dogs breakfast out of it. They ruin everything and are hopeless.
Imagine the mess they would make if they ended up running the water supplies. They are useless.
No matter where you look, everything is rubbish from crime, immigration, nhs, education, green crap/net zero/ulez and the like, housing, brexit and everything else. Nothing is working properly and it’s the governments job to get things working properly.
They have failed in everything.
Sadly EG – I’m with you on all of that . I’m glad I’m getting older and pity the British kids growing up now ….attacked and conditioned on all sides all the time …
Fed, even worse, young people today are subjected to a torrent of fear mostly by the broadcast media, especially the BBC. To me it is no wonder that the young are deserting the BBC in droves. The BBC have helped create the mental health issues and anxiety that grips many young people. It is all wrong. It is a form of child abuse. Even worse, some politicians encourage it!
We elected a government to deliver Brexit . Implicit in that was to drastically cut immigration. We , the electorate thought that Boris et al were on our side and wanted what we wanted. How wrong we were , most of them are globalists who want something approaching One World Government. In essence we were duped they and the civil service had no intention of delivering their promises .
I believe that the rapid deterioration of the standards of in public services has been deliberately organised by the Remainer establishment and blamed on Brexit. Within a couple of years They will claim that there is a popular demand for a second referendum which they will win by fair means or foul.
Our best hope is that by then the rightward anti immigration , anti globalisation trend in Europe is so much in charge that either Remainers don’t want to rejoin and don’t want a referendum , what irony, or the right leaning EU members veto a hyperglobalist immigration loving basket case , that is the UK , from rejoining.
Yes, amazing!
An elected Government that does almost the precise opposite of what the majority of those who voted for it want!
Many of those people eventually stop voting which leaves the field open to their enemy, the Leftist fanatics.
I was trying to think of any blue labour MP who is worth his her it’s rations . And I’m stumped . Usually I’d think of a couple ….
… and then there is ‘achievement ‘ – what does that look like ? Huge over spends – rubbish projects HS2 – a bust Bank – no army – a useless police – an NHS mafia – energy shortages – socialist schools – more repressive laws – not out of the EU – nationalist nazis (snp) being allowed free rein – ministers without morals – overseas giveaways – an uncontrolled race industry – and the effing bbc sailing on untouched ….
And they want your vote …..
Then vote for a different government………………………….
Click to access Reform-is-Essential-Dec2022.pdf
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – I see the BBC are persisting with this error from Le Mans
Matt Warwick of the BBC writes: “Engine overrun – a sound created when droplets of fuel escape on to red-hot exhaust pipes.”
No. No. NO! When drops of fuel escape onto a hot exhaust pipe they evaporate! Matt has written complete nonsense in that sentence. He obviously knows nothing about Motor Sport and hasn’t spoken with any of the engine engineers. If he is writing about the ‘Snap, Crackle and Pop’ so beloved of motorcyclists, then that is known as a misfire.
That occurs when fuel and air mixture escape at the wrong time inside an engine and are ignited by a spark from a spark plug. Engine engineers and race engineers do their best to eliminate that ‘Snap, Crackle and Pop’ because it means that a race engine is not working at its optimum and even worse, may face damage. When a race engine is working perfectly all you will hear from it is a beautiful and delicious “YyouoOWWLL!”.
Or, if you are standing far enough away, as I was at Silverstone for more than one GP or GP practise session (I must have been at the anti-nodal point of the sine wave or something) I would hear the yowl but also the beat of each cylinder of a Cosworth 3 litre V8 engine as it left Stowe and came down the straight to Club corner where I was spectating. That is before they installed the extra curve at Vale to tighten Club corner.
Before reading the link below, if you suffer from Climate Anxiety, please do not worry, there is a video help you get a life, sorry I mean to help you cope
UK set to have the hottest June on record
ajs, hottest June excluding the first seven days of the month. I went from several layers, including fleeces, to shirt and shorts during the following seven day period. Mid-June, I felt warm at last! 🙂 🙂 🙂
I would really prefer a more gradual transition in February, March and April each year.
bbc reports on the Paris shooting, quote:-
We have another voice to share with you now – that of another worried mother. Oleia, 32, has been speaking to Le Monde newspaper from Fresnes, Val-de-Marne – another suburb of Paris, about an hour from Nanterre where Nahel was shot.
She says it is “always the same story” with incidents like this – and the same types of children being targeted.
“The system is racist”
Targeted and racist
It dawned on me that I have no idea what percentage of crime is done by this same demographic getting shot by police.
It seems entirely relevant to the topic – but for some reason nobody is talking about it.
Are they covering it up because they are racists ?.
Whites are the only race I know where one ideological group consider themselves superior to the others and treat them like a lower class. It’s absolutely typical of the Left : Hitler called them ‘Untermensch’ : ‘considered racially or socially inferior’.
These people are the new Nazis.
Saw the lunchtime news earlier.
Rita Chakrabarti in the BBC studio used the word ‘protests.’
Over on ITV James Mates in Paris said ‘demonstrations.’
Reporting of the ‘mostly peaceful’ variety.
TC, on TWatO a little bit more info was offered by the BBC on the Paris shooting. Nahel was in a Mercedes(!) (I think) on Polish number plates. Was it borrowed? Was it stolen? Did the lad have a valid driver’s licence and insurance?
I think we should be told.
What’s happened to Nigel Farage, possibly instigated by that vile, creepy old queen, Chris Bryant, is nothing short of horrific and deeply soviet.
You know, I was born at a time when the peoples of this island considered themselves free. We looked across at the eastern block and shook our heads in dismay. These folk spied on each other. They had to watch what they said in public and even in private their conversations were monitored. We felt sorry for them.
We, after all, were free born Englishmen.
Not any more…
There’s something fishy going on in this country before our very eyes. The government has lost control and is not in charge.
Someone petition Parliament !
Furious Nigel Farage fears foul play as viral congratulatory tweet DELETED by Tric Awards
Now there is absolutely no doubt. They tried to rig the poll so he wouldn’t win.
This is beyond a joke now. As I said earlier, we are witnessing the rise of the new Nazis. Their methods change with the times but the ideology driving them and the depths they are prepared to sink to are exactly the same.
The media. TNI and otherwise.
“..woe is us, what’s wrong with everyone, and trusted news gatekeepers are crucial to “our democracy” (whenever that term is used it is always referring to “their” democracy…”.
“On her first day as acting chair, Closs Stephens spoke to the BBC’s Tina Daheley about the way forward for the broadcaster.”
In depth then.
No mention of the image down by BBC Verify to a tanking reputation either.
Trust them.
And, just in time.. a late addition.
“…simply observe what can actually happen when the media does its job”
BBC N. America there?
“..we’ve got these brains that tend to prioritize loyalty to our modern “tribes” like our nation, our religion, our ideological factions and our pet causes.”
And BBC hiring policies depend on this.
Where are taxes actually go.
Thanks to the D. Telegraph. via Yahoo
Taxpayers will have to pay an extra £3bn to cover the cost of honouring “gold-plated” public sector pensions, as high inflation triggers a second bumper pay rise in a row for retired civil servants.
The Government has faced calls to shake-up the generous public sector pension system, which legally binds it to increase ex-public servants’ retirement income each year in line with the previous September’s inflation figure, which last hit a 40-year high of 10.1pc.
Forecasts suggest that inflation will average 7pc in the third quarter this year, which could push the public sector pension bill up by another £3.1bn next spring, according to estimates from Canada Life.
It means the inflation link could cost taxpayers an additional £7.6bn this year and next year, Canada Life suggested.
End quote.
All animals are equal but civil servants are more equal than others.
Have a guess !!!!
The London borough that has way more rats than anywhere else in the capital
Humans and rats have a fraught history. Ever since the Black Death, rats have been synonymous with the spread of disease and all-round unsanitary conditions.
But now the most rat-infested boroughs in the capital have been revealed, according to And it transpires that one borough in particular is estimated to have thousands more rats than number two.
East London’s Tower Hamlets has the most rats by some way – totalling at around 30,000. This is followed by North West London’s Brent, which has 19,978. Camden and Lambeth came joint third, with around 13,558 rats scuttling about. After which came Ealing at 12,240.
hen it’s over to East London again, as Redbridge is thought to have 9,859 rats, and Newham at 9,331. Hackney has a whopping 8,896, and Islington with 8,741.
Then comes South London’s Wandsworth which has 7,898. Rats are very dangerous to have around and can cause fires as they chew through electricity cables.
They also breed at such a high rate that a small problem can quickly escalate into a big one. The rodents are also often disease-ridden and so can have serious health impacts.
Integrumservices also reports that one reason London has such a high rat rate is due to our tight living conditions, as well as abundance of food to choose from the likes of litter, and rubbish bins that are not secure.
It added that it is thought there are two rats for every Londoners. And as reports the population to be 9,648,000, that would mean there are a terrifying 19,296,000 rats calling the capital home.
Rats. No different to the majority of politicians, banksters, globalists, the WEF, the BBC and mainstream media journalists. I’m sure the list could be added to. Feel free.
lol, I just posted something on a BBC HYS and went back to copy it for when they delete it.
It said ‘We’re just double checking this comment’
Seems I’m on a screening list now to stop anything I write being seen by the students. They have absolutely no justification to delete the ones I just wrote – but I bet they do. The usual excuse in these situations is ‘off-topic’ or ‘offends somebody’.
.. Dear Winston Smith of the BBC Historical Corrections Department,
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4963895-3HKGDN: Tommy Robinson: Are you reporting on him?.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.