Cancel your TV licence – save the money
Nigel Farage has opened a new front against the main stream media – it is the viewing measuring mechanism called BARB – which apparently is funded by the Main Stream Media so ‘marks its own homework ‘. I am sure BBCOFCOM will do its’ best to suppress investigation of BARB …well done to GBNewx for winning TV awards – voted for by viewers ….
Wankanda will arise!
Comments under video …
“Soon on any train near you.”
“The social contract has been torn.”
“Diversity in full swing”
“They have privilege. You just have to suck it up….. Or do you.”
Ah, diversity. Dontcha luv it?
A little bit of humour😁
Nigel Farage has had all his bank accounts closed in an attack which must have originated at a high level in the corrupt Socialist British government.
I don’t think people realise the extent our country is ruled from America. Believe me it is shocking when you find out the level of control the US government excercises over the UK government.
Biden and his mafia party are terrified of Trump and are corruptly using the machinery of the state to prevent him running for a second term they know he will win by such a margin that their election rigging won’t be able to cope with.
Farage is a big Trump advisor and a huge weapon in the election arsenal, if the criminal Biden Democrat Cabal can stop him, then they will use any means at their disposal.
Alex Salmond worked for Russia TV?
Most of Gazprom had German ex-PMs working for them?
“‘If they can do it to me, they can do it to you too’: Nigel Farage claims his bank accounts have been SHUT as he denies accusations that he’s taken money from Putin’s Russia and blasts ‘serious political persecution’
The former Brexit Party leader suggested he was being forced out of the UK ”
Nigel Farage’s full statement on the closure of his bank accounts
I’ve been living with something for the last couple of months that may well fundamentally affect my future career going on from here and even if I can stay living in this country.
I have been with the same banking group since 1980. I’ve had my personal accounts with them since that date and my business accounts right through the 1990s when I worked in the City of London and in recent years too. I’m with one of the subsidiaries of this big banking group, one with a very prestigious name, but I won’t name them just yet.
I got a phone call a couple of months ago to say ‘we are closing your accounts’. I asked why, no reason was given. I was told a letter would come and explain everything. The letter came through and simply said we are closing your accounts we want to finish it all by a date, around about now. I didn’t know what to make of it. I complained, I emailed the chairman who phoned me to say it was a commercial decision which I have to say I don’t believe for a single moment.
I’ve been to seven banks, asked them all if I can have a personal and business account, and the answer has been no in every single case. There is nothing irregular or unusual about what I do. The payments that go in and out every month are pretty much the same. I maintain in my business account a pretty big positive cash balance which I guess with interest rates where they are is pretty good for the bank too.
So why is this happening to me? One explanation is that a few years ago the European Union came up with the definition of Politically Exposed Person (PEP) – this can range from anybody from a Prime Minister down to a local councillor. I think the reason for it was ‘were people in politics open to bribery from foreign governments in Ukraine or China or wherever else it may be, pumping money into the accounts of corrupt politicians’. I understand and get that. But it’s all about interpretation, isn’t it?
What the banks argue is that to maintain an account for a PEP gives them increased costs of compliance. Now, I have spoken to the city minister in this country and there’s some hope that this EU definition which came into British law may be moderated in some way, we’ll have to see. But any bank or organisation can choose to interpret a PEP and whether they want the account in any way they choose. To my knowledge I don’t think anybody has been treated like me in the world of politics.
But the banks themselves are part of the big, corporate structures in this country, the organisations who did not want Brexit to happen. In my case, probably the corporate world will never, ever forgive me. They know if I hadn’t done what I did, without the help of thousands of people in our people’s army, there never would have been a referendum, let alone the victory. I’m the one that is to carry the blame. That’s the second possible reason why I can’t get a bank account: prejudice that comes from our institutions.
But I think there’s a third reason. A few months ago, in the House of Commons, Sir Chris Bryant, chairman of the Priviliges Committee said using parliamentary privilege that I have received large sums of money directly from the Russian government and named the calendar year he said it happened. The truth is I didn’t receive a penny from any source with even any link to Russia. And yet because he said it, it stands. I wrote to the Speaker, I demanded an apology, but nothing has been forthcoming from Sir Chris Bryant. I wonder if that is what’s given me part of the problem.
I have employed a top firm of London lawyers, I’m going through a series of subject access requests to find out what is held on me by the international agencies and the bank that wants to close me down.
Think about it, without a bank account, you effectively become a non-person, you don’t actually exist. It’s like the worse regimes of the mid-20th century, be they in Russia or Germany, you literally become a non-person. You don’t any more have a right to be entitled to a bank account.
There is a possibility, through a fintech company that I could find some means of receiving and paying money, which could be a little bit of a lifeline. But it’s not a bank account because I won’t be able to earn any interest on positive cash balances. I won’t be able to borrow money if I need to at any point, or take out a mortgage should I so desire, that will be completely denied to me. I won’t be able to have a debit card linked directly to my account. I won’t really be able to exist or function in a modern 21st century Britain.
I will tell you more about this on GB News at 7pm tonight, but I’m beginning to think that perhaps life in the United Kingdom is now becoming completely unliveable because of the levels of prejudice against me.
“The British people will no longer indulge the polite fiction that we have a duty or infinite capacity to support everyone in the world who is fleeing persecution… it is unfair on taxpayers who foot the hotel bill […] for people who’ve broken into this country. It’s unfair on those who play by the rules, and who want to see an asylum system that is fit for purpose. That our current system is exploited, and turned against us by those with no right to be in the UK. It’s unfair on those most in need of protection… This is madness, Mr Speaker, and it must end.”
Our goals are to:
cut crime and the harm it causes, including cyber-crime and serious and organised crime
manage civil emergencies within the remit of the Home Office
protect vulnerable people and communities
reduce terrorism
control migration
provide world-class public services and contribute to prosperity
maximise the benefits of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union,%2C%20counter%2Dterrorism%20and%20police.
I can see Tory MPs migrating to the Reform Party before the next GE , if they know what’s good for them?
Then reform will turn into the Tory Party.
Well, at the moment there is NO Tory Party.
Labour’s Yvette Cooper said the policy is “completely unravelling” and called it “unworkable, unethical and extortionate”.
Yvette Cooper
Yvette Cooper
Yvette Cooper
Yvette Cooper Hasn’t Taken In Refugees Yet – Why?
10 June 2016, 09:05 | Updated: 3 August 2016, 12:33
Why doesn’t the government just put a great big asylum centre right in the middle of her constituency.
And then explain why to her constituents.
Garland Nixon – veteran radio and tv political analyst:
Doctor’s claim he caught nurse mid-attack ‘wrong’
This is an example of how the BBC now write their articles to make people assume something which is absolutely not necessarily the truth.
I glanced at this and thought ‘Oh, the nurse is innocent’. Then a bit later I realised ‘wrong’ is between apostrophes so I checked the article.
And entirely as expected, I was being misled. It was what the defence lawyer for the nurse said.
It’s a dirty trick and the BBC use it a lot.
This one intrigues…
Rwanda plan scuttled for now….
When did UK law get handed over to dubious charities who no-one in the UK has ever voted for and have no idea who is behind them?
When “Stop The Boats Sunak” became the PM .
“RAF diversity targets discriminated against white men”
‘Initiatives to increase the numbers of women and people from ethnic minorities in the RAF led to illegal positive discrimination, an inquiry has found.
The head of the RAF has admitted some men were discriminated against.
The internal inquiry was sparked by the resignation of a female RAF Group Captain who told her superiors the policy penalised white men.’
‘illegal positive discrimination’ has a positively Orwellian feel to it, and is surely an oxymoron?
Well, bravo unnamed ‘female RAF Group Captain’ (why do we need to be told she’s female?). Honestly, whoever she is, she deserves a heartfelt thank you for standing up for straight white, British males (at a time when most apparently view us as unspeakably vile, ignorant untermensch), it was clearly a major battle for her and seems to have cost her career.
It does leave me wondering, how much of this goes on (anecdotal evidence would suggest a great deal in both the public and private sectors in recent decades), and how often those asked to apply such ‘illegal positive discrimination’ (almost universally HR women of a specific world view) protest about it… and how often they relish their work?
In view of the third world war now starting in France – has the FCO advised those people who go to France for their holidays ( ugh ) not to go because it is as dangerous as Rwanda ?
Burn baby burn
Madonna has released a new single:
“We are living in a bacterial world and a I am a bacterial girl”
More of this please
It seems reg Dwight played France on Wednesday night – with macron in attendance – hits included ‘sorry seems to be the hardest word ‘ ‘Saturday nights alright for fighting ‘ ‘funeral for a fiend ‘ ‘ I’m still standing ‘ ‘ticking ‘ …
I’m reading Farage’s family have also had their bank accounts closed because of association.
W.T.A.F is going on?
Father to be?
Absolutely no comment ….
Watching Question Time. Horrible panel. Wild-eyed, Muslim virago Rosena Allin-Khan and equally wild-eyed, ugly-voiced, piss artist and sapphic nosepicker Mhairi Black. They really don’t like the Rwanda idea.
Fiona Bruce asked the “predominantly Conservative” audience if there was anyone who supported it. No hands. Fiona put on her astonished face. Proof of something, surely.
Yeah, I thought, proof that in a roomful of loud and highly aggressive, hyper-empathic, pathologically compassionate, refugee-loving, woke lesbians, ordinary conservative voters feel intimidated.
But then one guy put up his hand and said something like, “Are you saying France is not a safe country?”
At that point there was an obvious edit in the recording. It was as if that guy had never existed.
What was it about Mama Doc and SNiffer that first attracted the BBC production team as getting Mad Al back so soon would have looked too obvious?
What gets invited on BBC QT, stays on BBC QT.
They don’t always tell lies. Sometimes they invite on folk they can rely on to tell them for them.
BBC TNI partner NBC planning a QT version?
India’s toilets: Report questions claims that rural areas are free from open defecation
27 November 2019
Sounds like a BBC FOI request reply.
Holding power to account is so last charter.
The DT covers the bank account closing story but I don’t think anyone else is …. What a spooky country Britain is becoming . Fear of sanction is only going to grow – with the evil of self censorship with it …
Not exactly bbc
I find the economic coverage on the BBC as dumbed down as can be . So – thanks to ‘thoughtful ‘on here – I watch – free- the Wolf of Wallstreet on YouTube .
He highlights the difference in inflation rates across Europ – with the Reich at a high – and going up again – with Spain dropping to less than 2% ?
How does the EU react to that?
There isn’t much coverage of this on the BBC – now does the effect of increasing rates here on companies who have big borrowing on their balance sheet . We are seeing that with the water industry next – but who is next?
Is this the bit which kicks off the inevitable recession here ? Is that where jobs are lost ? And sunak – via the bbc – gets the blame ….
How many French rioters on the run will be heading for the dinghies? Europe and our government are dragging us back into the EU. We are leaderless !
At least the Muslims doing their Friday thing can get to get together to burn more stuff this weekend – I hope the churches are protected – and notra dams might have an ‘accident ‘ again …
Meanwhile, in the bbc Moaning Emole, apologies all round.
Summertime and the living is… freezing?
Speaking of energy bills, hopefully you won’t need the heating on just yet. You might have noticed that some unusually cold summer temperatures are being forecast for the coming days. Well don’t worry, it’s not just you. A technical glitch means the BBC Weather app and website are showing temperatures in single figures throughout the UK next week. BBC Weather has apologised and is working on getting the problem fixed.
French officer who killed teenager apologises
Demonstrations in France over the shooting of a teenage boy, killed by police at a traffic stop in Paris, have intensified overnight. The officer who shot the boy, named as Nahel M, has apologised to the 17-year-old’s family. He’s been charged with voluntary homicide and his lawyer says he is “devastated”. More than 400 people across France have been arrested as protesters and police clashed overnight. In Paris, shops have been ransacked and cars set on fire.
Some insincere, some likely coerced. Job done. The bbc do like an apology.
I enjoy the way the BBC spin a ‘good news ‘ story into a negative one . Take the announcement that a new prison is open – it can hold 5000. That’s good news right ? No – because the government target is 20000 places – so it’s bad news ….
I suppose ministers set targets in order to look big in parliament – knowing they won’t be in post when target achievement fails – as I think they all do .
Seems this target setting is all ‘aspirational ‘ rather than ‘real’ – we are about to see this with the NHS plan . 15 years ? It won’t make 15 months ….
The ‘royal ‘ college mafia is to kill any threat to them in the same way unapproved patients are killed off ….
Fedup2 ,
Stupidly Prisons have been closed.. Gloucester in 2013 and another on the Isle of Wight and many others because they weren’t good enough ! , complete waste of resources illegal Invaders should be held in old Prisons and not 4 Star Hotels……better still Dinghys Sunk mid channel !
As long as they don’t use this one, Charlie…
Several miles away from here, but close enough for us to have to pay for the upkeep!
Yes – similar story with plod – cut the numbers – get rid of experience – and then stock up with a whole lot of dodgy characters – another met one guilty of a sex crime yesterday – every day …..
BBC News
Sometimes there is no response apart from What the Eff WTF.
In this case it is BBC verify – which has been checking something called ‘tick-tock ( no idea ) for sites putting up human climate change ‘dissent ‘ . Tick-tock apparently has a policy of not having such dissent . And hasn’t taken these sites down .
But don’t worry – bbc verify sent tick tock the link to get the sites destroyed – which has happened .
As the newsreader read out this censorship and fight against free speech I substituted ‘ human climate change Denyer ‘ with flat earth believer .
The sceptre majority scientific view was that the world is flat . Undeniable – dissenters will be silenced by death . …. Same again.
Perhaps it’s the Englishman and deep belief in ‘free speech ‘ but the thought of the bbc doing this is frankly obscene .
If anyone needs direct evidence of what the BBC is now – there you have it .
Burn that diesel – that’s about as far as dissent can go now . …
Abso-bloody-lutely Fed!
Harrabin and Monbiot and their hangers-on are paid huge sums from the TV tax and the Guardian to deny the real science about fake global warming.
I will always keep my petrol car, (but will also use the electric bike as I need the exercise, and it gets me up hills where other bikes cannot…)!
The next generation will have to deal with the problems these swivel-eyed netzero fanatics have created, and they’ll find out the hard way on how to power-up all their electrical kit, because they’ll be paying for it themselves, as their mummies and daddies won’t be around!
My folks’ generation got the country back on it’s feet after WW2, (without the non-help of Windrush), and most of my generation tried to keep it all going. To see the mess that the politicians have got us into after all this hard graft is upsetting and deplorable and we really don’t need the likes of the Beebonics and other failing leftie crowds making it even harder for us!
Don’t worry Scrob we’ve got 6 days of gas storage now – an achievement …
Digital IDs
Let’s call the whole thing off or into the mouths of babes edition
The Daily Mail quotes Rishi Sunak: We should decide who comes here, not criminal gangs – well that’s a fine way to talk about our esteemed and learned liberal-minded judiciary.
But seriously: Migrant flights halted yet again as Appeal Court rules Rwanda ‘not safe’… We will appeal, says Sunak… but months of legal wrangles lie ahead (giveaway Metro) – blimey, one could be forgiven for forgetting that Parliament is supposed to be the supreme lawmaker in this country and how the Tories (for the moment) have a comfortable majority: The Conservative party forms a majority government. Their current working majority is 60. (UK Parliament)
And the Tories don’t bother to ask the opinions of judges when it don’t suit them to do so: Was Lockdown Lawful? Thoughts of a former Supreme Court Judge… Lord Sumption has this evening in his lecture entitled “Government by decree – Covid-19 and the Constitution” issued a scathing indictment not only of the political motivations and processes behind lockdown measures, but also the underlying legality of the measures, and their impact upon the long term health of our parliamentary democracy. (33 Bedford Row) – If it pleases, M’lud, you’re whistling in the wind there, Your Honour.
Whereas: Ruled out. Court thwarts Rwanda plan (FT)
Sir Geoffrey Vos and Lord Justice Underhill… the court had ruled by a majority that the policy of removing asylum seekers to Rwanda was unlawful… Lawyers for the appellants and human rights campaigners welcomed the ruling. Toufique Hossain of Duncan Lewis solicitors, who represented some of the appellants, said: “The home secretary’s ‘dream’ and ‘obsession’ is in tatters. The court of appeal has ruled by a majority that Rwanda is not a safe third country. We speak on behalf of all our deeply vulnerable clients in thanking the court for its decision.” (Guardian)
Labour gets the measure of our Rishi’s policy just about right: Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper said the government’s Rwanda scheme was “completely unravelling”… She also accused the home secretary of “wasting everybody’s time” on “ramping up the rhetoric rather than coming up with a serious plan”. (BBC)
Are we still fooled that the Tories actually want to curb hyper-immigration? And do the Tories imagine we the voters still believe in their pretence?
Perhaps former-Goldman Sachs officeboy, seat-warmer for Starmer and short-arsed manlet Rishi Sunak hasn’t had his dinner? “If you don’t have food, your brain won’t work” – that was: Poppy, 7, in meals plea to PM (Mirror) – Poppy is aged 7 of course – although they do say that soon enough in our dystopian future everyone will have a number in their name.
Our Poppy – think of her as a younger, cuter and less Swedish campaigner (than either Greta or Marcus Rashford) – for free school dinners.
What’s going on here… are families putting their kids on hunger strike until the government delivers more freebies? How about people on benefits have the cost of their kid’s free dins hypothecated by vouchers deducted out of their regular giros?
It’s not as though we didn’t have an obesity crisis in this country: NHS tells doctors to stop giving Ozempic to some diabetics. Outcry after shortages caused by people buying it for weight loss. ‘Very limited supplies’ set to remain problem until mid-2024 (‘i’)
Speaking of short-arsed globalist manlets with the repercussions of their hyper-immigration policies now blowing up in their faces: Police not racist, says local MP… We’ve heard from Prisca Thevenot, an MP for President Macron’s party, who has denied any racism in the police… “there is no kind of racism in the whole police institution. The police are not racist.” (BBC) – not like our very own irredeemably institutionally racialist UK police then?
Met Police institutionally racist, misogynistic and homophobic – report… The Metropolitan Police is broken and rotten, suffering collapsing public trust and is guilty of institutional racism, misogyny and homophobia, an official report has said. The report by Baroness Louise Casey… (BBC) – it’s just not cricket… or in fact, it is just like cricket: Racism, sexism, classism and elitism are “widespread” in English and Welsh cricket, according to a long-awaited independent report. (BBC)
But wait a minute Monsieur Macron, who said anything about these riots in France being anything to do with race? Our BBC in their coverage didn’t.
So could these riots in France be race riots?
Mind you, we can deduce. Sherlock Holmes used close observation of people, places, and events to solve his mysteries. He considered every clue he found, no matter how small, to be important. He also took time to quietly think through everything he knew: Looters break into Nike store in central Paris (BBC)
Kudos to Mr Fedup2 of this parish hereabouts amusingly referencing the Elton John standard Saturday Night’s Alright for Fighting with reports: Emmanuel Macron went to Elton John concert as riots erupted over fatal police shooting (Telegraph) – you beat Mr AsI to it fair and square.
Tiny Dancer? Old Video Falsely Revived As Emmanuel Macron Dancing With His Wife… featuring a lady and a young boy… The claim with the video states that Macron, in the 30-year-old television clip, can be seen dancing with his teacher and current wife Brigitte Macron… The episode was aired in 2016 on Season 13 of So You Think You Can Dance, which also debunks the viral claim of ’30-year-old television clip’ (Boom Fact Check)
Next up – one of those little compare and contrast exercises: Kremlinology 2023. Putin’s purge escalates, as he turns on his generals (‘i’); Head of Army ‘forced out’ in row over cut to troop numbers… General Sir Patrick Sanders will step down… He publically criticised plans to cut troop numbers… the Army will be reduced to its smallest size in its history (Telegraph)
Perhaps we should consider crony corporate privatisation of the military – for G4S, Mitie, Serco, Capita, Britannia Hotel Group et al – read Wagner Group?
Not that public sector direct employment is about to shrink any time soon – they do say the NHS workforce is larger than the Chinese army – it certainly dwarfs the British army
Blueprint to boost NHS workforce by 200,000 (Times)
Rishi Sunak to recruit 300,000 new doctors and nurses in biggest shake up in NHS history (LBC)
200,000… 300,000…? You say tomato , I say tomato… let’s call the whole thing off
Think of a number – as Johnny Ball used to say
‘Anti-maths mindset’ costs UK a huge sum, Rishi Sunak claims… PM urges Britain to prize numeracy, but critics say such talk counts for nothing without a funded plan (Guardian)
Anyone who thinks that the blue labour rabble will – or deserve – to be re elected – need only to think on what positives they have achieved .
The red lot will do even worse – lots of pain – lots of disorder – but perhaps for the good…
The problem there fed is that after labour have made an even bigger mess of everything people will vote for the conservatives to get labour out.
This means that real Parties on the right such as Reform (who get my vote) will not be voted for out of fear of letting labour back in and we are then back to voting for the least worst of two useless Parties.
I can’t see the voting public moving to Reform/UKIP. They will play safe (they think) by going for the left wing Tories rather than the bit more left wing labour. The lesser of two evils.
It’s a crap system where nobody gets what they want.
E.G. If they don’t move to Reform/UKIP, who do they then move to ? They will be the “politically homeless”.
I wish the people would have the courage to vote for Reform/UKIP but I don’t think they will.
Maybe we will have a similar outcome as the Dutch Farmer’s Party which got a big vote recently but I don’t have much faith in our voters.
PR would seem to be the best for a fairer system.
EG, all depends if Reform and Heritage and other ‘Conservative Parties’ put up candidates in every constituency.
TOADY Watch #1 – what? you mean they haven’t been maintaining the narrative?
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – what? you mean they haven’t been maintaining the narrative?
Apparently the truth is not acceptable to the BBC. Meteo Group who provide the weather forecast to the BBC web-site in place of the Met Office have been under-representing temperatures on their site by six degrees. I am not told by the unscientific BBC whether they are F degrees or C degrees.
In my experience the Meteo information on the BBC web-site is pretty accurate, much better than the predecessor from the Met Office and much better than listening to a vague forecast from the even more vague Tomasz who seems to be making it up as he goes along. The Met Office have slipped since the days of the late, great, Philip Eden (hope I remembered the name right) but then he did not believe in Global Warming and Climate Change as the current Met Office bods, the BBC and BBC radio forecasters appear to do.
The BBC are holding an investigation. No doubt Marianna is Springing into action as I type. ‘Spring!’ ‘Spring!’ ‘Spring!’ ‘Spring!’ ‘Spring!’
“Oh Minnie, stop that sinful dancing in the modern style, modern Min of mine.”
tomo, it appears that Twitter don’t like twits who don’t sign up to their service. I cannot read that tweet any more. Yesterday I could read tweets. Now they have put a barrier in place.
You will have to tell me what it says.
The jerks at BBC disinformation unit go after alternate interpretations and challenges to the BBC’s shrieking propagandizing over “climate change”.
Don’t know where it was broadcast and frankly don’t care.
BBCnews tweeted that at 2am ..that makes sense NOT
They got 32 Like and were ratioed by getting 39 replies
(There are 2 Quote tweets ..but only one is visible)
“The Tik Tok guy made an interesting point about the elites doing beach front property development close to the water when we are all being told that sea levels are rising”
BBCCworld tweeted it at 9:32am 61 Likes
got 42 replies (half of which are spam)
Sceptic @BernieSpofforth tweeted the story
her stats were 15 times better than the BBC’s ..585 Likes
The BBC quoted the guy’s dangerous talk
ONe reply says the BBC do narrative
Tik Tok is clearly a TNI partner now. Barry Gardiner swing a deal for W1A?
Greta says listen …

Comrade Robinson v Rees Mogg
Robinson lost – he used the premise thar because parliament had voted for the priv committee and its; finding its cannot be criticised .
Surely even Comrade Robinson should have spotted such a dumb premise. Naturally Rees mogg hit him for 6 and put Robinson in such a bad place that he couldn’t do his usual abusive interruption .
With a big of luck when comrade Robinson listens to the interview it will hurt badly – counselling for `Robinson .
The RNLI and illegals channel pick up service:
If this video is correct then important questions need to be asked:
Who authorized entry in to French waters?
Who were the captain and crew?
Do they understand human trafficking laws?
Do they understand treason laws?
Was it actually government operatives pretending to be RNLI crew?
Can we get any information or disclosure from the RNLI under the freedom of information act about this trip?
Do the Charity Commission know about the activities of the RNLI and do they approve of them?
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
Also on Toady.
An interesting new tactic.
Between around 0715 and 0745 ‘Mumbler’ Amol Rajan twice used the phrase, in terms, ‘in the interests of impartiality I should point out that………..’
Allow me to do his job for him.
Reference the obvious BBC ploy to seek to elevate the shooting of the French banlieu youth into a George Floyd moment. In the interests of impartiality could I mention that the initial reporting of the incident, which showed said youth in a car driving off (I.E escaping) from a police stop ( was he driving? Not sure such detail has been highlighted) has been quietly dropped and is no longer mentioned.
BBC One and News Channel, Wednesday 24 June 2020
We reported that George Floyd died “at the hands of white police officers.”
George Floyd died after a police officer who is white knelt on his neck for more than seven minutes. Two of the other three police officers also in attendance are not white.
Two of the other three police officers also in attendance are not white. = BLACK
Two of the other three police officers also in attendance are not white. = BLACK
** notice how they use not white instead of BLACK!
I read that John Lewis, that beacon of “we’re all in this together” shared workers rights for its employees has realised that bleeding hearts do not sustain profits so have instead decided to become rapacious London landlords.
Meanwhile a bank has ditched Farage because of its left wing political views in particular over Brexit.
Well what goes around comes around, in a reversal of this I ditched all dealing with the Co-op Bank due to their insidious slide into lefty activism.
No action without reaction I guess.
“have *instead* decided to become rapacious London landlords”
FakeNews cos when Sharon White took office that was one of the first plans she announced .. the falling revenues came afterwards
“a bank has ditched Farage because of its left wing political views in particular over Brexit”
No proof of that .. Farage tweeted “I have been given no explanation or recourse as to why this is happening to me. ”
However the accounts recently closed are Farage, Triggernometry ITideBusiness Bank), Free Speech Union, Wings Over Scotland, Laurence Fox’s Reclaim Party (see ..
Which lefties have had their accounts closed ?
COOPbank is owned by US hedgefunds
Thread with some more info
I think PayPal has backed down a few times when their was a backlash
eg in the Free Speech Union Case etc.
And Barclays blocked a Christin org but then paid compensation of £20K
Question Time I have no doubt was 100% a BBC arranged audience stitch up…..
Lefty accounts are all tweeting this video
Stew, it is no longer possible for non-Twitterites like me to view Tweets of others. You will have to state in your post from now on what the video clip showed or describe in your post the content of the tweet.
@Up2 It used to be possible for you to right click and select open in incognito window
but today tweets won’t open that way
I can get Internet Archive to archive tweets
however video doesn’t play
Copy the replies link and paste it into, it works for me. Not video though.
2017 story – old news – to be bbc repeated soon –
BBC fails to follow up on a refugee related News story … BBC £3.5bn Search for ‘Maria Freiburg’
… sorry if this makes you feel sick or generates hatred, but why aren’t the BBC interested in Maria Ladenburge’s killer being brought to justice and why the killer did it ….
The Trial of Hussein Khavari (murdered Maria Ladenburge) Becomes Even More Sordid { sep2017}
The accused entered the courtroom with shackles on hands and feet at 9:05am. First he read out loud a letter of apology, and he asked the family of the murdered Maria Ladenburger for forgiveness, Focus reports.
“I wish I could undo everything. What I have done, I am deeply sad about that from the bottom of my heart.” (Hussein K.)
Then he went on to recount the events of the night of the murder:
He had been drinking with three friends and he had smoked hashish. Because he was extremely drunk, he was thrown out of the bar. At some time after that, he was on his way home. At the [river] Dreisam, the girl on her bicycle approached him.
He kicked against the bicycle, which caused the girl to fall off. She screamed. He held her mouth shut. Then he strangled her with her shawl until she was unconscious.
“When I saw how pretty she was, I wanted to have sex with her.” (Hussein K.)
Apparently he thought that he had already strangled her to death. The judge questioned him concerning “sex with a dead girl,” and the offender said:
“It didn’t bother me to have sex with a dead girl.” (Hussein K.)
According to his testimony he was too drunk to achieve an erection, so he inserted his hand. Since he had a previous injury from a bicycle accident, he pulled her into the river to wash his blood from her body. There he left her and fled.
BBC Last Touched on this story “Afghan murder suspect in Germany was jailed in Greece (convicted of attempted murder in Greece)” { dec2016}
Germans were outraged by the murder of Maria L, a student in Freiburg who volunteered for a refugee charity.
He was given a 10 year-sentence but was apparently freed after about 18 months.
– BBC £3.5bn News Service Search for ‘Maria Freiburg’ found wanting, the real world is just to horrible to report
– Lady Gaga reveals chronic illness, with fibromyalgia featuring in her new documentary (sales pitch!)
2017 .. about Rwanda … might be a nice place or might not be …
Paul Kagame re-elected president with 99% of vote in Rwanda election {05aug2017}
“Former guerrilla leader praised for bringing stability and growth after genocide but criticised as authoritarian wins third term”
– 99% is what World leaders dream of getting for a vote!
– Wonder what the 1% thought?
– The European Union official was very happy ….
‘“The world has important lessons to learn from Rwanda,” gushed a European Union official. Embassy observers hailed it as the most orderly vote they had witnessed in their careers.{theguardian 03jan2016}‘
Rwanda election: President Paul Kagame wins by landslide { 05aug2017}
– Notice how BBC use word ‘landslide’ rather than 98.63%. Alarm bells would ring with such a high figure.
Here’s the YouTube version
The viewing figures now must be down and down … even with the corruption of BARB …
Maybe the sheep in that fixed audience would appreciate a dose of a few thousand illegals in their towns ….
BARB figures : QT is not in their top 50
So for sure it gets less than 2.25 million viewers
(BARB misses the most viewed prog which is the daily local news shows
.. It says they are different regional shows so can’t count as one prog)
Barb website hardly mentions Question Time
“2020 average of 1.2m”
during Covid : “Question Time has also benefited from the greater audience availability in its new earlier timeslot, with an increase in its average audience of more than 2.3m to 3.5m”
The BBC is haemorrhaging viewers and The Conservatives are haemorrhaging voters.
Stew thanks for the research . Since QT is the main outlet for the BBC to do a full on hour of unfiltered propaganda i think it will continue for as long as the State Licence Tax …
But i admire anyone fair right minded who watches the crap
Just checked Newsnight’s engagement on Twitter.
For those unable to… 5, plus 46 others.
NNC’s premier wibble outlet for nobody sane.
Max impact equals max payout
According to the BBC and the idiot Zelensky only innocent women and children were killed deliberately by the horrid Russians. Having said that, there were tragically civilian casualties.
2 people were stabbed to death in delightfully diverse Archway, North London.
Police believe a large number of people witnessed the attack, yet no description is given of the attacker(s).
Usually, that can mean only one thing.
Mostly peacefully?
Amazing how things have improved globally since the WEF got control.
Michelle – the most powerful woman in the world …. once upon a time…..
Nigeria didn’t want the UK’s help when trying to save innocent girls from Islam. Why would Nigeria want to trade and have free money from Theresa May (on her Africa Tour aug 2018) via the UK citizens?
. . . .
Nigeria rejected British offer to rescue seized Chibok schoolgirls { – mar2017}
In a mission named Operation Turus, the RAF (UK Airforce) conducted air reconnaissance over northern Nigeria for several months, following the kidnapping of 276 girls from the town of Chibok in April 2014 (by Islamist militant group Boko Haram). “The girls were located in the first few weeks of the RAF mission,” a source involved in Operation Turus told the Observer. “We (UK RAF) offered to rescue them, but the Nigerian government declined.”
– Guardian UK Online Website / 4 March 2017
. . .
#bringbackourgirls – makes you wonder who Michelle Obama was asking to do this? The wife of the most powerful man in the World, with a special relationship with the Country who could have taken action, reduced to holding a piece of card for the World to read a #hashtag that did NOT bring the girls back.
Maybe there will be a match for justice ? Ideal riot weather . Is there a Nike ?
There is a reply that shows how nice the weather is at Barry and Mich’s beachside mansion, built in no small measure on what they accrued sitting at the table lying about what is needed from the peons to keep them there.
“Police believe a large number of people witnessed the attack and have put in place a Section 60 order granting additional stop-and-search powers.”
David Lammy MP says absent fathers ‘key cause of knife crime’
3 October 2012
BBC and snakes.
Tend not to click on BBc links…
Headline and caption in perfect BBC.
Maybe Toenails read it in The Critic?
In the Guardian & BBC news offices they have this tune on contant standby
🎶 Another one down
Another one down
Another one bites the dust…. 🎶
The did put up a correct tweet 45 mins later at 10am
The government’s “apathy in the face of the greatest challenge we face makes continuing in my role untenable”
Tory peer Lord Zac Goldsmith criticises PM Rishi Sunak in scathing resignation letter
actual resigntion tweet
I wonder which would be found in archive?
Or seen at the time and moved on from, or picked up and gleefully carried on by ‘reliable’ sources?
Just an average day at BBC Getty Ginger and Nuts.
A ginger man and a black woman.
I wonder what colour the children will be?
Easy, Tiger.
Doubtless Eluded oversees a Welsh NHS of dainty minxes after all that Tim-Tokking?
999 id like to report a heart attack ‘ u r in a q – your call is very important- please treat our staff with respect if they ever answer. Is the patient still breathing? If ‘no ‘ please call the coroner service . …
Going well.
Presumably the lady pictured is the one referenced, and not Doc. Rosena or one of too many W1A cubicle garden harpies?
“Srinivasan mostly presents the idea of cancel culture as confected by “Right-wing culture warriors”.”
Or, as the BBC (referenced, not in a good way later) prefers; ‘far’ or ‘hard’, vs. ‘progressive’ or ‘mostly not loons’.
As an aside:
Self-regarding academics defend it in bad faith
Tautology overload!
Diane Abbott: Chairman Mao “on balance did more good than harm”
“A technical glitch means the BBC Weather app and website are showing users unusually low temperatures for their area.
next week, visitors to BBC platforms are being told to brace for an autumnal 7C or 8C.
.. A problem at a third party supplier is to blame for the issue and engineers are working to fix it.”
So the raw data comes in and today it’s been interfered with
Do we believe the data is un-interfered with on a normal day ?
Data, Raw Data, and BBC #28Gate data.
Stew, the Meteo site is currently showing 20°C for this area and the sensor of the temperature measuring device by my shoulder (influenced by body heat and the fact that I have just consumed a hot coffee) shows 24.1°C. Don’t know how accurate my Jacob Jensen (bought s/h years ago) thermometer is but if I grasp the sensor between thumb and forefinger temp reading immediately leaps to 26°C and it was briefly showing 27°C at one point. I will try and check it against a certified mercury thermometer.
Reuters: “A third night of unrest rocks France”
I post this as I read it at the same time a radio bimbo DJ is coyly suggesting my forty winks may have been troubled by the heat.
I was fine.
However, if a horde of enrichers had stormed the property, knocked the shoe rack and torched the car outside, I would have indeed been ‘unrested’.
Guest, it was a chilly night in the wilds of Canterbury, Kent. I may have to get a duvet out for tonight.
The Abi Roberts arrest
The law used was Public Order Act 1986. Section 5
an offence to use “threatening, abusive or insulting* words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour” or to display “any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening, abusive or insulting” within the hearing or sight of a person “likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress thereby”.
(BTW Court precedent has already removed the word insulting)
Is a court doorman likely to be distessed by someone shouting Fk fk 10 meteres away
Numerous cases got dropped previously
I haven’t found many successful prosecutions recently for swearing in the street
TNI, meany, miny, boo.
“The BBC has been strangely silent about the cold weather that hit India’s capital this May.”
Because they know what to run, and what not.
There is dual plank media thick.
Then there is Burley box of rocks with a bat guano jus topping thick.
Jeremy Hunt’s wife presents show on China’s state-run TV ‘that whitewashes Communist Party’s human rights abuse’
Lucia Guo, wife of Jeremy Hunt MP, regularly appears on Sky TV’s China Hour
Programme is owned by state-owned China International TV Corporation
Guo has been accused of ‘whitewashing’ the Chinese Communist Party’s abuses
PUBLISHED: 22:05, 25 December 2021 | UPDATED: 22:37, 25 December 2021
Cost of living crisis – cancel BBC to save £159 and feed the kids – this message is supported by all BBC Labour party members and Keir Starmer with a Cervix.
Dylan Mulvaney and scores of celebrities including Amy Schumer and Alyssa Milano call for social media giants to CENSOR ‘malicious lies’ about ‘medically necessary’ gender transition therapy for kids in letter organized by LGBT group GLAAD
The group of more than 250 famous faces have called for Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok to censor the ‘disinformation’ surrounding trans healthcare
Dakota Fanning, Dylan Mulvaney, Gabrielle Union-Wade, Hailey Baldwin Bieber, Jamie Lee Curtis and Jonathan Van Ness have also signed the letter
PUBLISHED: 14:38, 28 June 2023 | UPDATED: 16:28, 28 June 2023
I access mostly which offers a different view of what they feed international viewers. 3rd most important item on the home page now is “Colosseum: Man who carved names on ancient Rome amphitheatre is UK tourist, Italian police say.”
Footage shows it’s a white bloke (rumoured to be from Bristol) scrawling a couple of names onto the brickwork. BBC says “the incident prompted widespread condemnation in Italy and across the globe.” The world needs to know that urban destruction isn’t just the province of African immigrants in France. The brits are just as bad. Hate knows no borders.
I wonder if KIng Charles, the church leaders or any parliamentarians have ever researched what ‘JIHAD’ means.
Will they ever understand that it is not limited to “a small group of radicals”
I’m still reeling from the reaction to the Nottingham stabbing, where two sets of parents were parading out a very public message of love and inclusivity at a time that you’d expect most parents to be privately consumed by grief. This video claims to show the mother of the French teenager killed.
What to make of all this? We are in very weird times.
French teenager? FRENCH teenager? He may have lived in France, spoke the language, may have been born in France, maybe even his parents and grandparents were. But the people in the videos we have seen are not wearing berets and striped t-shirts, carrying baguettes, smoking Gauloises and shouting ‘Sacre bleu!’. They choose not to integrate and assimilate, but instead identify with their ancestral homelands in North Africa and elsewhere, and live and behave according to the standards of those places. They are, in essence, colonists.
The commenter suggesting people handle grief different ways has a future as a BBc twitter sub.
That moped sounds like it could maybe manage one blue haired land whale from a JSO demo towed behind it if on roller-skates.