Allegations of sexual depravity involving a famous male BBC presenter continue to circulate with various highly paid employees being suggested as the ‘suspect ‘. This is even being reported on BBC News . The spectre of Jimmy Saville echoes down the years …
Start the Week 10 July 2023
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Woo hoo. I’m back at the top.
I am sensing things are starting to get desperate for the USA and NATO in Ukraine.
Ultimately they will have the choice : intervene directly or let Russia have the Eastern half. And if Russia have won the Eastern half by force -and with the state the Ukranian army will be in by then – they might well feel confident enough to go for the whole country.
I strongly suspect that in retrospect, drawing a new boundary now to stop the war would have been by far the best option. But the USA will not let that happen because the objective here has nothing to do with Ukraine. It’s about defeating Russia.
What a shame the virtue-signallers at ‘Stop The War’ seem to be on holiday. I find it amazing how the ‘principles’ of these people can evaporate when they don’t have a soft liberal target like our government to go at.
I thought four in a row would annoy Brissles too much. Don’t want to set back her recovery. You deserve it JohnC, keep going.
If you had, then I have would repaired to a darkened room to lie down with a wet tea towel on my head.
🙂 x 10
(I used to have a colleague who always said that, around exam time, as he failed his ‘finals’ a couple of times and came close to becoming ‘time barred’.)
Thanks Up2. A lesser man would cry ‘Suck it up losers’.
But fortunately for all I am better than that. I will take the achievement with modesty and humility.
JohnC, its now your turn to go for three in a row and I can retire early. 😉
Noooo you can’t retire – who else can I have a moan at ? 🙂
You can moan at JohnC, my dear old thing, and you certainly brought the England Test team some luck, well done for that!
Would people kindly stop posting spoilers on Biased, as I’m very much looking forward to the series (unmasking) finale, having been unable to rule out any BBC employee myself.
Isn’t it odd how everybody is toeing line and keeping both the pervert AND the gender of the ‘victim’ secret ?.
Clearly they all know.
It makes me wonder just how ‘free’ our press is these days.
Carried from the last thread:
There might well be some kind of legal requirement for them to keep quiet until charges of some kind are brought. So far as I am aware the victim is male and the mother appears to be either after money or perhaps has been blackmailing the man.
She has complained the man sent money, but how does tens od thousands of pounds get transferred to a minor without the collusion of an adult? Minors cannot have a bank account and the amounts being discussed here are not small.
The parent claims the son used the money to buy crack cocaine, but again doesn’t say how he managed to get hold of so much cash.
The amount being alleged was £35K which appears an awful lot for a few seedy photos and even a scene getting undressed on video is an enormous amount of money.
I think there is an awful lot more to this than has been disclosed, and at this stage I have some grave reservations over the story this parent has told, and it isn’t the ‘victim’ who has complained so there is every chance it is an attempt to get money from someone which has gone further than they expected.
Have you a link to where anyone has even claimed the ‘victim’ is male ?.
As I said in the earlier thread, I don’t care one bit about this. It’s as relevant to the real world as Partygate. What has grabbed my attention is how tightly the media have been controlled about it. And whenever that happens with the BBC involved, I smell a big dirty rat. Usually they are delaying the specifics until the story has died down.
‘Unfortunately’ I think they have made it 10 times worse for themselves :-).
Have you a link to where anyone has even claimed the ‘victim’ is male ?.
That’s the point. The fact that the gender hasn’t been stated is what practically confirms the ‘victim’ is male, and that this is almost certainly another case of a middle-aged homosexual man with an unhealthy interest in young men. That’s not to say that all or a majority of middle-aged homosexuals fall into such a category, but it’s certainly a recognised ‘thing’. The media are certainly aware that this particular stereotype is not appreciated by the public at large, particularly coming so shortly after the Philip Schofield revelations.
I think we should have a sweepstake on who the mystery BBC personality is, my bet is Stephen Fry.
Thoughful – skating on the edge of defamation thin ice ? The Anna brees video on the twitter is a 1 minute 48 second work of art at non naming ….
But seriously it is interesting how long the suspect can be ‘unnamed ‘ …. And I’m sure it will feature on the 6 o clock news …
Having teenage children Thoughtful, minors can get bank accounts these days, mine each had accounts from around the age of 12, gradually ‘upgrading’ them as they got older and were granted more ‘freedoms’ (by the building society, not us, their parents!) At 17, they seem to be able to do everything an adult with an account can – except take out loans, and they don’t need parental permission for any of it either, and we (parents) have no access to their accounts without their permission, so can’t automatically see what is going on in them.
You might not be aware, but as parents you don’t get a lot of say over your own children in quite a few areas, especially once they’re over 12/14/16 (for different things). For example, once they’re 12, they can go to see a Dr without your permission, and you’re not notified about it – in fact, if you turn up at the GP surgery, they do everything they can to dissuade you from going in with your child – the child literally has to insist they want their parent with them, especially if you’re the father of a teenage girl.
Education is going the same way, parents evenings are a thing of the past now, and what’s replaced them is totally inadequate. You’re not told a lot of what goes on in your childrens’ school, mine tell me, but if they didn’t (as many parents say) you’d have no way of knowing – it’s quite scary really. I’m glad mine are leaving in next couple of years.
Like many children, mine often get gifts of money from grandparents, as birthday presents, paid for holiday work etc… , sometimes quite large sums, and those are very easily paid directly into their accounts by direct debit, or bank transfer by these parties… presumably, some filthy old nonce could do the same, without any problem, and the child’s parent/s would be none the wiser.
Fortunately, I trust my kids… you have to, but how heartbreaking for the mother in this case, doesn’t sound as if there is a father around?
I’d also heard it was a boy, and two names are particularly being bandied around in the international press – one would surprise me to be honest, the other, not at all, but the BBC, being what it is, there’s no shortage of contenders!
“You might not be aware, but as parents you don’t get a lot of say over your own children in quite a few areas, especially once they’re over 12/14/16 (for different things). For example, once they’re 12, they can go to see a Dr without your permission, and you’re not notified about it – in fact, if you turn up at the GP surgery, they do everything they can to dissuade you from going in with your child – the child literally has to insist they want their parent with them, especially if you’re the father of a teenage girl.”
Indicative of the stages over time that the Marxists have been at work destroying the fabric of British society.
Suggestions in the comments on Guido virtually all come up with the same name.
As mentioned in the last thread, if it’s a girl, then that’s about 40% of the Beebolic Plague’s workforce, and roughly the same percentage is for the blokes!
The other 20% can be anyone according to the ridiculous new ‘identities’!
Hopefully the odds on one of the above will qualify, (well, it’s got to be some sort of bloke/blokette hasn’t it) but it’ll take ages as the lawyers have now been put on red alert!
More taxpayer’s money to be poured into the cesspit in Langham Place…
Watching GB News’ take on the current BBc debacle, I turned to web versions of former broadsheets to see other views on this Savilesque drama.
My interest in person X soon disappeared when I ventured to the Tegrelaph website:
At my age – 67 – the thoughts that ran quickly through my head were of any comedy programme from the 60’s through to the 90’s, that would have had audiences rolling in the aisles at such a comment.
Mrs.Sceptic survived this awful disease several years ago and rarely swears.
But her reaction to this Tegrelaph story, made even me blush.
I would be too embarrassed to go to my doctor (if I could get an appointment) and use that term. Should the occasion arise, I will use the term in old anatomy books. I would even be too embarrassed to use the term here.
“Bonus hole” – catchy, makes it sound like something you’d find on a pinball machine.
Why not “f*ck hole”, that would be more accurate when describing anatomically incorrect man wenches, it’s not as if it’s a “baby hole” as I vaguely recall women in the family describing its function to my sisters as youngsters.
Just had a thought Debs, don’t they mean ‘Boner-sore’?
The spelling in British schools is appalling these days…
Why can’t citizens say, ‘Front bottom’, ‘middle bottom’ or ‘back bottom’, which is the British method? Perhaps the influx of illegals has diminished the proper ways to describe the pants’ interiors!
Which BBC presenter has the initials G.N. ?
No need to speculate names will come out in due course
Not the one on the Guido comments.
I remember a few years ago that dirty Den, Leslie Grantham, was guilty of exposing himself on a video cam to young girls. And wasn’t Jonathan King the dj sent down for similar acts? Clearly something in the water coolers at the Beeb.
This article, in of course the Guardian more perhaps than any other I have read for a long time illustrates the childish nonsense vomiting out of the mouths of the “liberal” entitled class. It oozes with putrid ill thought out bile and really makes one wonder what the hell these specimens are doing staying in a country they despise so much…. I for one would be heartily glad to see the back of them so that people with their feet on the ground could get on with their lives without this irritating background noise.
Guardian tweet got ONE like
I thought the Orkneys were voting themselves out of Scotland, rather than the UK?
Still wonder if there isn’t something in breaking up the union, after relocating all the whinging remoaners to the far North first, of course.
van der Linden has just been on GBnews promoting his book
‘I can help the world fight misinformation’
Sadly we do have ask if people are the wolf in Red,Riding hood ?
The very opposite of what they claim
video GBnews just put their Linden video up
This interesting thread says he works with BBC Disinformation unit
It’s #NudgeUnit stuff ie driving opinions
What’s that Labour front group that tries to cancel voices they don’t like ?
It’s not called #StopFundingNonces
nor #StopFundingNonceProtectors
I think Mark Dolan on GBNews overdid the BBC ‘crisis’ tonight. But to his and GBNews credit they had on Michael Crick, John Sargent and Anne Widdecome who gave excellent perspective to the story.
I might add Mark is now on 12 days on the trot covering for Dan Wooten. That is hard work.
‘Wealthier might have to pay more for BBC – ex-chairman Richard Sharp’
Sorry if this has already been posted, but I haven’t seen it on here, and it seems to have largely slipped under the radar – due, to more titillating stories.
Thought this was alarming:
“The licence fee system is “regressive”, he said, and could instead be replaced by a tax on broadband bills or a household levy based on property value.”
“Asked if that meant there could be different scales of the fee, linked to income, Mr Sharp pointed to different models from around the world. “There’s a broadband tax, there’s a household tax and there’s the licence fee,” he said.”
That seems to be where the BBC would like to see things headed, a tax on everyone (possibly according to means, or at least your council tax band), whether you ‘use their product’, or not!
If it comes to that, simply find out how much you are being charged for the ‘privilege’ of access to the BBC and deduct it from your payments. And make it clear to the bastards why you are doing it.
Regarding the identity of the BBC presenter I’m not sure how much I can say, so if I cross a line please delete as appropriate. Doing a bit of detective work I believe that the evidence is mounting against a particular individual. The Mail dropped a major clue by reporting this person’s presence at an awards ceremony. This is likely to be the TRIC awards and who was present can be easily found out. The same person was replaced at short notice on a BBC show last week with no explanation given. I’m also seeing the person being named on other forums including by one poster who claimed to have an insider at the Sun.
Of course I may be barking entirely up the wrong tree, but I will say this. If I’m right no injunction is going to save this guy for long because his absence is soon going to be apparent. I am really surprised that he would get involved in something like this. He is a huge BBC name and in a way I can understand if a sort of paralysis occurred at the BBC on receiving the first complaint, because this has the potential to be mightily embarrassing and damaging.
Luton – and all – thank you for your caution – I’m sure there is a super injunction – how else would the person not have been named by now ?
But as I understand it once someone’s’ name is in the ‘public domain ‘ the super injunction becomes . ..superfluous ….
Strategically I think the longer this speculation goes on the better for us because of the damage it will cause to the BBC and the behaviour of past BBC offenders ….
However I reckon some overseas publication / channel will names soon a the public better ‘informed ‘…. Schofield seems a long time ago eh ?
Luton Rehect, it does make you wonder if the reason the BBC has admitted one of their own has transgressed is because the individual hasn’t shouted out their lefty bs credentials. To get rid of a non-believer would be a typical BBC method of ‘purifying’ their staff.
Guido has nearly 700 comments up now!
I’ve never seen that many names on one post, just loving seeing the Beebolic Plague getting a well-deserved kicking!
Seems right though – we all think the same here, so who needs the MSM when proper people get their arses in gear – sorry, ‘back bottoms’ in gear…
Hahaha like this Japanese? Themed post

Meanwhile the Twitter crowd sharing an ALLEGED photo of (XXX Edited by Fedup ) with his trousers around his ankles, backside in view..
Could anyone be daft enough to pose for a webcam?
Probably not.
BBC are making fools of themselves bigtime over this.
Jim Dale often appears on GBnews billed as “senior meteorologist”
actually that’s only to differentiate him from the couple of interns that help him in his one man band company BRITISH WEATHER SVS @BritWeatherSvs
Either his children write his tweets
or he is childlike
#1 He uses terms like “97% of climate experts say” and “climate deniers”
#2 Tweets the wacky conspiracy theory that most skeptics are funded by Big Oil
Replying to @HavelockRoadBtn @LoisPerry26 and 3 others
The massive & ongoing climate induced events of late are a solid line in the baking sand.
It won’t be too long before *climate deniers* are totally banned from mainstream media
for being the fossil fuelled funded conspiracy theorists that they are.
It is coming! 👀
Folks PAY for green policies ,so they should have a SAY
not be banned
#3 Uses a wacky graph made by various splicings , including splicing IPCC extreme future forecasts
It seems to me that oil companies and big business are doing particularly well out of the ‘climate crisis’
It’s as if restricting the work of smaller companies, restricts the supply to the market
and therefore pushes up prices for the existing big players.
No one could’ve predicted that ../sarc
Something to ponder regarding the ethnic takeover of cities.
London is already there. More ethnic descent people than native British. The trend is there, whether it’s London, Birmingham, Manchester, British people are going to be the minority. British people now occupy the mostly white suburban and rural zones.
So what, you might think but there is a very subtle and serious issue to consider. Cities are the centres of politics, power and finance. Being where the ‘action’ is will mean that key positions of power will be taken over by ‘diverse’ elements. This has already happened in a lot of Cities and of course London, not called Londonistan for nothing. Ever wondered why we are getting ULEZ, nothing done about immigration etc etc?
Shame about another corporation scandal 🙂
I’m sure the teflon bbc will put its best people on the job to brush it under the carpet. Or maybe a mini drama to follow, a bit like the Jimmy Saville one with Steve Coogan in
How can things like this happen within the holier than thou organisation!
Why isn’t BBC presenter being named by the media?
The “media”, helps the bbc distance its self from this. Also why isn’t the bbc naming the person, they would normally go all out and convict the person, before the persons goes to court
If it was a high ranking Tory they would have their fangs in his neck by now with full front page detail by detail accusations and pics etc.
Foul establishment!
As the only ‘news’ in town, I merely offer the latest from the horse’s nutrition ingestion hole, the Moaning Emole.
Family ‘upset’ with BBC response to presenter photo claims
The family of a teenager allegedly paid £35,000 by a BBC star for sexually explicit photos is said by the Sun to be upset by the corporation’s response . According to the newspaper, the family said “no one from the corporation rang them for a proper interview after the initial complaint”. The Sun also claimed the BBC presenter made what it calls two “panicked calls” to the young person – who is now 20 – after the report came out. The presenter allegedly asked the young person “what have you done?” and asked them to ring their mother to get her to “stop the investigation”, the paper said. BBC News has not been able to independently verify these claims. The BBC says it is meeting with police later today to discuss the allegations and that the unnamed presenter has been suspended.
Watch: The BBC presenter story in 75 seconds
Why isn’t BBC presenter being named by the media?
Questions for the BBC after presenter suspended
Read our full report
The ‘alleged’ count high is, obi wan.
And doesn’t Lizo look stunning?
Biden officials must limit contact with social media firms
Obviously tell them what your want, but cover up the rest
All will be well once BBC TNI and partners, Getty, Master Bates, Threads and BLM control social media… for eternity!
8am Radio Humberside news
“now our Make a Difference CAMPAIGN we feature the first of the finalists Hull Sisters” (the BAME refugee charity)
but @GBnews aren’t allowed to campaign on the erasure of cash ?
Remember when cyclista Stuart Hughes actively campaigned to get Addison Lee censured?
Good to have old mates in OFCOM’s shiny central London building.
Famous 2020 BBC Springwatch Climate Change Campaign tweet
It got a kicking in the replies
Paul Homewood did an article
Do you notice that there is next to no mention of the false US president visiting the UK to get a picture with the outgoing King ?
( there’s no other reason ) the embassy will hire some kids to wave flags in the background for the folks back home .
It’s cruel that Obama is forcing Poor old Joe to go touring. Maybe they are trying to kill him in order to get someone with mental issues to cheat the next election …
With a bit of luck the visit will be a true cluster Eff …
While we are all having perverse fun over the agonies and self harm of the BBC – I’d just mention some figures put up via the excellent Liam Halligan in the DT yesterday –
Below is the sum being paid ( using out tax money ) by the government to service the debt the blue labour government has wracked up –
2022 – 2023 £112 billion
2021 – 2022 £57 billion
2020 – 2021 £25 billion
Makes you think don’t it ?
GDP is – is seems £2230 billion ….
Widely banned and other imprecise legal-ish sounding language used hereabouts edition
Meta is when something refers back to or is about itself, like a book about books or a meme about memes (thank you
Meta in terms of our news media would be when our media reports on or about itself. Particularly when there’s a certain degree of self-regard about the fourth estate breaking of the fourth wall, so to speak.
For a case in point here’s the FT’s frontpage Datawatch prize feature this morning: Ignorance is bliss… % of respondents who avoid news ‘often’ or ‘sometimes’… Source Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2023… The percentage of people who avoid news is down from last year’s 38 per cent peak to 36 per cent but still above pre-Covid levels – let me just edit that statement slightly: ….but still above
pre-Covidpre-Lockdown levelsThe globalist FT frontpage is of course up to its neck in Ukraine war news. The big cover story elsewhere: BBC rocked by scandal over misconduct claims (FT) – serious though that header suggests – merits no more than a single Briefing column inch mention – it’s the stuff of page 2 news
The Guardian is in full campaign mode for New New Labour humanising their top nobs: Rachel Reeves ‘Im a worrier and a geek’; The ‘secret’ stakes held by MPs in top UK firms – well, at least our law makers may be rigging the system to profiteer but this time it’s apparently on behalf of our own UK companies.
The Gruan goes softly softly on the corporation we tend hereabouts to term its sister media outlet – the one with the moving pictures: BBC to talk to police as presenter suspended – that should put the name under wraps for another extended period while the cops ponder charges gifting the Beeb further time for damage control plans to be put in place.
Speaking of meta: BBC presenter allegations: Urgent talks to take place… No further comment has been made since then and BBC News has asked the press office for an update. BBC News reports impartially on the corporation as a whole, and is not privy to information about it before other news outlets – 2,000 BBC employed newshound journos sitting on their hands, asleep on the biggest story in the land.
Talk about fourth wall – our BBC news hides cowering behind the Chinese wall
Presenter suspended – aserts the Daily Mirror. Errr…do what? says our BBC news: It is not known if there has been a formal suspension
The reverse Spartacus act continues around the BBC watercooler: …big name stars take to social media to deny being the individual in question (‘i’)
Perhaps the cops will have to do a BBC presenter identity parade with stars lined up in their skivvies?
Meanwhile the nation plays a version of that kid’s game known as Guess Who? (Smyth’s Toys UK) – you know the one – you ask a question of your opponent like is he wearing a hat, does he have rosey cheeks? Based on the answers you flip over character cards until all but one is eliminated.
Govt ‘urgent’ talks with Beeb bosses (The Sun) – just me or does this feel all wrong – why is the Tory government getting involved? Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake – so said Napoleon or Sun Tzu or was it Sir Alex Ferguson?
Meanwhile the daily ever-more emotional Mirror elevates what we used to term a newspaper campaign to the level of holy war: Lib Dems back Mirror’s FREE school meals for all crusade
With memories of spam fritters, peas and mashed potatoes followed by a choice of pink custard or a dish of semolina with a dollop of jam… I’ll pass on my free school dins, thanks all the same
Things are looking rather good for Sir Keir Starmer: firstly he’s sensibly keeping his own non-personality out of the news – putting up the odd sesible-looking proxy; secondly Rishi, his seat warmer, is mucking up on a regular daily basis; and thirdly his New New Labour Blairism is being pushed hard for a nostalgic revival: Blur are still kings of Britpop – insists the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper… things can only get better, eh?
Dubbin’ it ’til the break of dawn
Mr AsI claims to have coined the phrase hyper-immigration and dubbed the system our Mickey Mouse immigration policy: Lord Dubs blasts removal of Mickey Mouse mural at asylum centre (‘i’)
General Cluster’s last stand
All of a sudden Britain has gone way off-message on the Ukraine: Biden ‘snub’ to PM over Ukraine’s Nato bid (Telegraph); The UK and Canada are among those who voiced concern about supplying the [cluster] bombs, which are widely banned because of the danger they pose to civilians. (BBC) – widely banned? What precisely does that mean?
To your last, that is BBC EdGuds wiggle room… just in case.
I have learned. From sources. Allegedly.
Does that mean non cluster bombs are safe for civilians?
UK press gazette 30 June 2023
A man with an international public profile who is under investigation for alleged serious sexual offences has won a High Court bid for temporary anonymity ahead of a planned BBC broadcast.
In a judgment on Thursday, Mrs Justice Collins Rice said the man, who has a “high public profile”, applied for an interim injunction preventing the broadcaster from identifying him in an investigation it proposed to air into allegations of sexual misconduct made against him by multiple women.
The man – known as WFZ – is bringing legal action against the BBC and earlier this month asked for an injunction preventing him from being identified until the full civil trial in his claim.“END
Muddy those waters – a separate case …
“Initial unconfirmed reports claim the driver had a seizure or a health condition which lead to the loss of control of the vehicle”!preferred/0/package/1393/pub/1393/page/7/article/NaN
Drink and drug driving have long been illegal for safety reasons. So I wondered long ago if vaxxxx-driving was also safe. So long ago I sent the Cranebridgeshire police and crime commissioner this very question under a FOI. Strangely he has not answered this FOI question.
Perhaps I should get bBC Verify and Springster to investigate vaxxxx-driving. The answer may well be that I am a nazi.
Anna Brees has done a rather clever job of naming the BBC presenter, without facing any charges if it turns out to be wrong. Sadly, I fear she’s right…
You see, if this had been one of those preachy, pains in the @rse, like Lineker, or a whole host of others at the Beeb, I’d have been quite maliciously gleeful. “Good, he had it coming to him”, I’d have said. “He’s a bloody hypocrite and now we know he’s a nonce…”
However, this presenter, as far as I know, has never used his fame to lecture the rest of us about refugees, Brexit or taking the jab. He’s a family man, with children not far from the age this youngster must be.
While I don’t know him, I used to work close to his former home in south London and often saw him chatting amiably to scaffolders or just passersby in the street. He always seemed to have time for people. He never behaved like “the big I am”.
Yes, of course, what he has been accused of is horribly sordid and tawdry. Perhaps there may even be an element of blackmail involved, we don’t really know.
The media vultures are circling. He’s ruined his career, his reputation, his family relationships and probably his marriage.
It’s ugly and it’s desperately sad…
Jeff – I don’t know who she is but watched the piece – lol ….
On matters derriere, the whole thing seems ‘very BBC’, not in a good way.
Given its reputation, and how events of the past have played out, as little that has been attempted so far makes sense as the supposed story itself.
If revolving around the exchange of imagery, years ago our kids had a serious sermon about texting such stuff. They laughed about it as the girls likely to engage are all now single mothers to spawn of lads driving around in old bangers with modded exhausts. One might imagine senior broadcast staff might know there are many pitfalls to engaging on recording devices, at all, much less with minors.
And if gazing at imagery onscreen is the desire, one has heard of ways and means to view to one’s heart’s desire the anatomical bits and bobs of those deemed old enough to consent who could surely fit the bill?
That said, Chris Bryant has been Knighted for his pioneering work in the field, possibly other locations.
Purvo knows things.
If it is who I now think it is – it is going to be big ….and with a bit of luck profoundly damage the image of the bbc even in the eyes of the dimmest …
I know who I would want it to be – not being a Leftist Mr AsI never claimed to be a good person
On the other hand I know a bloke who knows a bloke… and if he’s correct this will be masssive
Why the Mirror gets the big audiences.
Media now is all about who you get on to talk, or not go near stuff.
I do watch John Campbell on YouTube and I know he is very concerned about excess deaths at the moment.
This is purely me wondering and nothing much to do with covid. We know there were half a million people in the UK last year than the year before. There were probably more the year before that and the year before that. With the best will in the world people die and how many out of an extra half million people would die in any year? There is also the factor that whereas the government say there are around 65 million people in this country, I understand that the supermarkets think they are feeing 80 million. Excess deaths always seem to be quoted in actual numbers rather than as a rate per 100,000. Who knows? But food for thought.
If anybody has tried to contact a GP (much less receive treatment) in circumstances where death may result from the symptoms/illness, they will know why there is excess deaths. In Wales, the NHS system appears to be in terminal decline. A patient is unlikely to get any treatment for up to YEARS ahead. Same time parameters for diagnosis. A failure of successive Governments to even think ahead much less act. A ‘new’ programme of medical training! Indeed! Bliar started the trend of running medical training into the ground whilst importing the World. It is now no wonder. ‘Dead (forgive the expression) simple’ resulting in the ‘murder’ now taking place.
As usual a day or so behind but I watched the Neil Oliver show on GBN yesterday. They was a discussion between Andrew Bridgen and a elderly GP , David Lloyd, about the efficacy and risks of Covid vaccines. The GP seemed to lose it quite quickly and started calling physicians who were producing analysis which reflected badly on the vaccines, ‘loonies’ and that there were loonies in all professions , looney TV presenters and stations , that Brexit was loonie etc etc.
A truly remarkable example of the Remainer globalist mind sets, ‘We are right and if you dare to disagree you are a loonie, And even if you produce data to prove your point we will ignore it because we know we are right’. This applies to Covid, the climate catastrophe, mass migration all of the great issues of our time.
It truly does have all the hallmarks of a religious belief rather than a considered fact based thought through position. People like Dr Lloyd seem to be in the grip of some sort of collective neurosis were they regard challenge as blasphemy and facts as easily discarded irrelevances and those who oppose their views as heretics.
I would like to remind these zealots that burning people at the stake will produce a lot of CO2, just in case.
I met up with an elderly couple I know yesterday and they were vaccinated but still caught Covid-19. The wife said, “Of course, you don’t have it so severely if you have the vaccine.” which is scientifically impossible to prove either way but just shows how propaganda can influence the thinking of mature adults. They have a daughter who has worked for the NHS, albeit as a dietician!
I watched that. Just think: A BBC controlled programme would not have that GP on again in reverse roles. At least GB News has the ‘real’ loonies on so that the thinking general population can actually see the stark difference between a loony(ies) in action and a regular thinking person. Good for GB News.
Cambridge result hailed as ‘nail in congestion charge’s coffin’!preferred/0/package/1390/pub/1390/page/26/article/NaN
Unheard of to have a tory councillor elected in the city and likely because of opposition to proposed congestion charge for vehicles.
I am starting to use the Daily Sceptic more and more, because it actually reports stuff the BBC actively avoids whilst telling us what Ms. Reeves has said. If not about staff antics.
I may even subscribe.
I see the Anna Brees Twitter has a piece which I speculated on earlier, that of a blackmail gone wrong.
I have heard now a name mentioned associated with a famous dark beer, however because I don’t watch any of the output of the vile BBC I am none the wiser.
change the suffix to “small”
This whole story has become absurd. This business of not telling us the sex of the ‘victim’ and the media keeping all details of the ‘accused’ secret is now ridiculous.
Add in the significant delay from the BBC getting the complaint to anything happening and there is clearly much more to this story.
Blackmail sounds very likely to me. The BBC turned nasty so they went to The Sun. We’ll find out later how much they got from them.
Interesting to be coming across less publicised concerns about a movie called ‘Sound of Freedom’, which has ben released in the US and the timing here might be deemed unfortunate for those here who are advising against seeing it. For some reason.
SO, we are allowed to guess who it is.
IF we guess wrong we could get sued.
IF we guess right, nothing happens?
I know who my guess is.
My trusty old lap top is finally nearing it’s demise, I posted this comment early this morning on the Weekend thread as the Start of Week thread didn’t load on my screen….very odd.
First post here in a loooong time due to personal issues.
For those of you wondering about the identity of the mystery man at the centre of the recent BBC scandal…..
Here are a few clues from Matthew Steeples on a recent podcast…
* “Very senior presenter”
* “Works behind a desk”
* “Not a weatherman”
* “Wales will be reeling”
* “Commentated on the Coronation”
* “Well known Christian”
* “Has been open about suffering from depression”
Haven’t bothered reading the news reports but according to Steeples the victim is a 17yo girl, not boy. (Not that it makes any difference, it’s all very sordid regardless).
He also claims that the BBC will release a statement, supposedly later today, which will be preceded by a statement from the accused. He claims his source is a well known female presenter working in the BBC.
Is it true? I’ve no idea but thought I’d put it out here for others to judge.
Hello Duck – welcome back – sometimes I find this site depressing because I know how long a war this is going to be -but apart from entreating people to dump the licence ( I sound like a parrot ) what else can be done about being witness – and delighting in the current ‘difficulties ‘…
Btw – does it say how much taxpayers ‘ cash he gets ?
Apparently it’s in six figures.
Obviously not going to name him as there’s no way to be sure how accurate any of this is, but if the clues are correct then it’s certainly a surprise to me.
Hopefully we’ll find out soon and know more.
Unfortunate that Comrade Robinson has ruled himself out by going to Tunisia to tell us about all those 3rd worlders queuing up to invade us
350 Saturday – official – same yesterday ?today?…
It’s not him and he hasn’t been suspended – apparantly.
Using BBC techniques eh? I guess they deserve it.
Interesting……If true.
One of things we do know is that it definitely isn’t Jeremy Vine, which has greatly disappointed Mrs Duck!
pug, I must get around to writing a review of the one copy of The Light newspaper that I have, that Marianna dismissed as being far Far Right.
BBC and staff uses #accusedof without mercy, depending on target.
Rather coming back to bit at the moment.
I don’t like the ease with which it becomes embedded as fact when the same media use the dodge.
Or the law.
A disabled near neighbour in social housing I help with odd jobs is currently in tears as they are in a dispute with neighbours over a bunch of nasty trivia, but has now been ‘accused’ anonymously of benefit fraud, likely by one of the others, and is about to get a visit.
Seems a malicious finger point is all it takes, and like other high profile media cases, even if utterly without merit the system moves on and the real crim gets away scot free unless pursued using other means.
My innocence is such that I still have no clue.
Are they dressed ‘hard left’, to use the vernacular?
I have no clue either. Then again, I really don’t care. I would flush the whole lot of them down an industrial sized bog.
And safely getting clips off Laura Komplicit.
The Tory election strategy I am told is going to be based around this:
The Tories, yes we’re absolutely useless, terrible and incompetent, but…….. we’re not quite as bad as Labour would be.
That is a dreadful admission of how intellectually and morally bankrupt the Tories have become.
Guest Who – I reckon the 2023 /4 government borrowing cost will be £160 billion plus ….. red labour will not be able to do much with that hanging round their neck ….
IT’s the sheer lack of media commentary in response that is so blatant. They go on, intone, get nodded at then sample a clip to afford supposedly objective credibility.
Only then you read the comments from the audience at large.
Trouble is, the sheeple only see the BBC version. And the BBC version likes it diverse.
There’s always the Gree… oh, maybe not.
Mike Graham tweets
“Why is constant #BBC cheerleader @BBCRosAtkins so quiet lately? ”
In reality Atkins oftn has 5 day breaks from Twitter
he also tweets “Oh no. I’ve been blocked by the
@BBCNews Misinformation correspondent even though she’s on holiday.
Whatever could she be afraid of? #BBCscandal”
Sunday morning she’d tweeted
“Off on a troll-free holiday for a week!”
She is on holiday a lot.
Maybe… ‘undercover’?
If it is blackmail then different rules apply and they are right in not naming him.
Mirror : #Tewkesbury School in lockdown after ‘student stabbed by teacher’ as armed cops swarm scene
Must have been about 9am
cos the local paper already tweeted pics of the police cars etc.
news now says the teacher was stabbed by the pupil
What a time to be alive.
The Independent has been using fake by-lines for years…
Employers and selective targets noted.
When not flailing around making accusations, or saying ‘Oh’ to a BBc #couldfiles story as if that settles it, the gammon-hued thug is mostly still obsessed about Brexit…
JCVI ‘largely opposed’ to Covid vaccination for children under 16
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JCVI ‘largely opposed’ to Covid vaccination for children under 16
JCVI ‘largely opposed’ to Covid vaccination for children under 16
JCVI ‘largely opposed’ to Covid vaccination for children under 16
“By coincidence, the BBC aired The Unbelievable Story of Carl Beech last night, a documentary laying out how Beech’s lies destroyed so many lives. O’Brien – author of the unfortunately titled, How to be Right – has never even apologised for his role in spreading this deeply destructive conspiracy theory.”
bbc reports
When Biden called Sunak ‘Mr President’ by mistake
Video content
One memorable moment was when Biden called Sunak “Mr President”. He corrected himself and said he had “just demoted” the prime minister.
How memorable! How we laughed 🙁
Fire, sorry I meant don’t fire – could get a bit messy in the future
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
Lady Isobel Barnett would have got the answer by now…
“Can you eat it…”?
“Then its a ***** **** *******”!
This will not be news to most of you it is, however, a brilliant summary of the current political situation and I urge you to send this to everybody you know who has more than three braincells.
Pretty good, though that shelf was distracting.
He could have spent more on the complementary ‘thugocracy’ that is still ‘elite’ in power to sway terms only but exists only by swearing a lot. I don’t think Rayner or Phillips went to Uni, even if Abbott and Lammy and Mahatma Brown did, but they are very much peas in the Westminster pod people mould.
They are of course mirrored in media, though I have a suspicion that Mason, O’Brien, Maguire, etc all did go to Uni but like to affect mannerisms that suggest they were raised by dwellers of unaffordable housing to appeal to the activist cheap seats.
But yes, they are all ‘very comfortable’, and intend things to stay that way in mutual self interest.
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
I think that Goodwin hits the nail squarely on the head with his analysis. He and others like him , eg Douglas Murray , are supplying the intellectual heft to power a political movement .
At present the ‘somewhere’ movement in the UK is highly fragmented into ineffective splinter groups which are easily dealt with by the elite establishment. Can they be brought together into a coherent party and will such a movement be allowed to flourish into a fully fledged electoral threat to the LibLabCon elite?
I hope that the growing success of such ‘somewhere’ or perhaps ‘homeland’ parties in Europe will make the journey easier in the UK.
The story about whoever it is broke only a day after the ex-BBC Chairman had written (in the Telegraph?) about stopping the license and adding the cost of the BBC to that tax bill of those who pay tax (ie me as well as a lot of others) and I understand increasing the amount we pay so that poorer people don’t have to.
I do hope this crisis at the BBC puts a halt to this kybosh. We do still pay the fee because Mr D cannot face the hassle if we don’t plus we do watch GB news live on the tele. But I would be furious (slow walk between the BBC and Parliament like JSO perhaps) if I have to subsidise others to watch Holly (although apparently she is on holiday for the next two months although I had read she had a holiday just a few weeks ago).
The idea that the License Fee must be replaced by a fairer more progressive tax is just a smokescreen . What the elite want is a way to fund the BBC which ensures that ordinary folk can’t avoid paying for it. Young folks don’t pay the Licence Fee and hopefully more and more older folks simply refuse to pay any longer.
By the way Deborah there isn’t any hassle if you stop paying. You can simply complete a pro forma saying you don’t watch or record live TV and they sens a letter saying they will reassess you in two years time. I haven’t d completed the form because I want to waste their time and they send me a letter every six weeks or so, I have 30 of them now , telling me that I am under investigation and an inspector will call. So far I have two visits and I just told them I didn’t need a licence they asked if they could come in and verify that I said no they couldn’t and closed the door leaving them on the door step. They soon left .
BBC has now covered its embarrassment with empty crap about Biden – 30 minute visit to number 10 – Biden sitting with his prompt cards to help Biden remember Rishi isn’t the ‘help ‘ …
Then off to Windsor to meet the queen … oh hey – they’ve got a new guy -Charlie ?
Then it’s off to trip up on the stairs at stansted and bye bye brits – up the IRA ….
Then it’s back to the ‘who is it ?” The real story – yeah ok – they’ve got a school stabbing but need a bigger story than that to hide the ‘presenter ‘ story …..
Feel the pain BBC
1pm …
BBC has Rishi’s “full confidence”
Rishi Washee might like to spend a moment considering why it is that so many people consider so many of the BBCs presenters perfectly suited to an accusation of being a kiddie fiddler.
Takes true political skill to be on the wrong side of a story more than Surkeer.
Luckily, JSO knows what stops a story stone dead.
If Springster is not dragged back from her retreat to deal with Lenny…
I’m putting up a ‘PresenterGate ‘ thread just to signpost the time that this is going on … but use as you choose or not ….
Thanks for the ‘no names ‘…. No defamation ….
If the presenter has been suspended and taken off air.
Does that include Iplayer?
Why can’t journalists ask questions like these?
TWatO Watch #1 – this could backfire against ‘soshal meejah’ – sorry tomo just seen your post above
BBC ‘SCANDALGATE’, just listening to Kelvin McKenzie being interviewed by the Montacutie and ‘soshal meejah’ could be in trouble. Kaheee Rahazzle, BBC Media Correspondent, has obviously been taking lessons on diction from her actor partner and is almost perfect. The old-style Kahee “didn’t know nuffink” but the new Katie Razzle was quite impressive.
The BBC and Sarah however played two audio clips of Nicky Campbell and Jeremy Vine, repeating what was played in the 1 p.m. News. Both refered to social media and I can see the BBC fighting back over this and calling for restrictions on sites like this.