Allegations of sexual depravity involving a famous male BBC presenter continue to circulate with various highly paid employees being suggested as the ‘suspect ‘. This is even being reported on BBC News . The spectre of Jimmy Saville echoes down the years …
Start the Week 10 July 2023
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TWatO Watch #2 – rural constituency by-election time in Selby
Guess who the BBC find forAlex Forsythe to interview? Part-wrong; she did not have a high squeaky voice but she was American. An American artist in Selby and Ainsty. Do we not have enough British artists of our own? The so-called ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ gets name checked a few times, “agenda what agenda” © the late James Callaghan, former United Kingdom PM in the 1970s.
A rich seam over my lunch time burger.
Don’t really feel JO’bsworth gets enough coverage, given his unique insights.
OK it is strange that Andrew Neil tweets to promote a story saying that Mhairi Black is lazy
when LBC have another story that Nadine Dorries hasn’t spoken in Parliament for 1 year.
Strange is exciting.
I have no idea what goes on in that cess pit, but Brillo knows more than many.
I thought the delectable Ms. Sniff was off, as is Doreen.
I do know that the SNP say a lot there and it is mostly utter tripe.
Maybe Nads is a busy Bee for her constituents? I doubt it on evidence.
Only the first half of this video is worth watching, the rest is an advert for a salt mine, but what he has to say in those 6 minutes is well worth listening to.
Is Hew Edwards on the list of deniers?
Is it true that Edwards is a climate denier? I am very surprised if he is one. The questions if he is one , are how long has he been a climate denier and and secondly how did he get away with it for so long in an organisation known for its absolute obedience to the doctrine of climate orthodoxy? Keeping a secret such as this in an organisation such as the BBC must have been nerve wracking unless of course there was a ring of such deniers who shared their secret and covered up for each other.
What is needed is… a poll!
Nice one, GB.
Ok, a proper one.
Springster will need more munchkins.
And, back to JO’bsworth…
While this spot of internal bother is raging, what will ole BBGreen Justin go with to work up the greenies?
Cee-cee likely on Jolyon’s speed dial too. Not the most successful alleged lawyer though.
Now, what’s this?
Seems more significant, somehow, in the great scheme of things.
Or, maybe, go with trusted activist types of old.
Lunctimes new main narrative “top media people are VICTIMS
and the main evil is people speculating about them on social media”.
Huw Edwards
Huw he?
I’m so poor I have the equivalent of parliamentary privilege.
I made the mistake of tuning in to R5 earlier, only to hear Naga Munchetty and feminist writer Caitlin Moran chatting about how society now needs to ’champion boys’… which was about how things needs to change for males… which was about bonding more with other men… which was about sharing our personal problems in the way that women do.
Being two enlightened women working for the BBC and the Guardian, they’d already decided what remedies were needed. I was reminded of the saying ‘when your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail’.
It was a bit like when government think tanks decide what people really need is more strategic policy intervention in their lives, instead of, say more time off to potter round the shed on your own so you don’t have to listen to interfering nutjobs all day.
My favourite nutjob policy of all time was from the green baroness. The one with looks that would turn you to stone.
She wanted all men to be curfew-ed after 6:00pm. That was a cracking idea. At 6:00pm on the dot we all report to the nearest pub where we have free beer and sports on TV (not the BBC) for the rest of the evening until 12:00 when we are let out to stagger home.
Champion girls are of course the future.
Another church in France gone (not the same as the one that got destroyed on June 7th). Won’t be hearing much globalist pro-immigration analysis on these coincidences.
Hindustan Times covers these stories on YT, although in this video they do prejudge the death of Nahel M by calling it murder.
Thanks TC, I’ve noticed the Indian media showing more interest in these things, for obvious historical reasons they are more alert to warning signs than our press
Huge damage but it didn’t” burn to the ground”
“Saint-Georges church in the town of Descartes. 500m2 of roofing ignited, probably due to a storm.
Works of art and objects of worship have been saved.”
I think the last one was similar to
ie much was saved
Nope, that first one was destroyed ..
List of vandlaism against French churches was updated in June
List of media reports of church fires
last updated in Feb, when the 4 year tally was 29
I wonder when it will start happening here. Or maybe they just get turned into mosques, cafes, whatever
They will if our dhimmi Archbishop of Canterbury has anything to do with it.
‘Eritrean Cultural Festival’ in Germany results in 26 police officers injured.
“Police arrested nearly 100 people and had to stop traffic in the town centre […] protesters threw bottles and stones at police, damaged some vehicles and ripped down fencing around the festival venue. They also threw stones at buses carrying participants to the festival…”
Same thing happened last year, so authorities tried to stop it going ahead but were overruled by the local court. Diversity for the win.
You will also notice this (immigration) is a one way street. Not once in my adult life have I heard anybody say that the thing that Eritrea (Africa) needs most is an injection of Welshmen. They could do with some Welsh cooking or singing. ” Douglas Murray {@7:24 youtube}
The presenter story is useful to show the method the bbc uses to deflect – this time it is ‘bigging up ‘ a stabbing in a school not in londonistan . From the level of coverage the stabber is white …
Pity the BBC doesn’t give such attention to the run of the mill slaughter from day to day in londonistan ….
The BBC is so woke I’m surprised their weather forecast doesn’t have a special migrant boat crossing forecast.
Be careful what you wish for, Flotsam.
I think most readers here are aware how corrupt the mafia calling itself the Democrat party is, and nowhere is it more apparant than the proxy war in Ukraine where corrupt wealthy Jewish Democrat supporters are buying up land in Ukraine in massive quantities, clearly believing they are going be able to exploit it and it not fall under Russian control.
A web site is dedicated to the criminality:
I followed your link Thoughtful, and saw an article about buying farmland in Ukraine. I didn’t see anything about their faith but maybe because I was too upset to read it properly. For some years a U.K. charity has been raising funds for shoes for children and medications for the elderly in Ukraine. It is known as tzedakah. It is what Jews do.
I wish they’d get this BBC presenter thing sorted.
Having that ‘Cliff Richard’ helicopter on standby must be costing a fortune.
I presume that the big delay between the BBC getting the complaint and the complainer going to The Sun was the time when the BBC themselves applied for this super-injunction to keep everybody quiet about it.
One does wonder why such a pervert in their midst deserves such special consideration. Maybe there are many more who think they might next. Because one thing is for sure : the BBC are a very unpleasant and nasty set of people behind their veneer of hypocrisy. It’s all part of the character make-up of the kind of shallow narcissistic people (ie Lefties) who want to work in ‘showbiz’.
I will be interested to know if Huw Edwards is reading the news tonight. If anybody watches it, let us know. Can’t stomach it myself.
“Putin meets Prigozhin: Getting to grips with latest twist in Wagner saga”
“By Steve Rosenberg
Russia Editor, Moscow.
So, let me get this straight.
Yet another twist and turn in a story that’s already surpassed Dostoyevsky for levels of surprise and mystery.”
Did Dostoyevsky really use surprise and mystery in his books ?
“‘this was no “kiss and make up”.
So that’s all clear then. Not.
I wish I knew.”
Basically a grown man that writes like a teenager, doesn’t understand the culture of where he’s living, but dislikes Putin.
Re Scampton protests
BBC news said one arrested when there were anti and pro migrant demos
They gave no details
There is a guy called English Bulldog who was on video getting arrested after being pushed by a policeman and calling a Kn*bhead
The magistrate just bailed him until Oct 2nd
When he came out of court he has an arm in a sling “dislocated shoulder” ..
5 min Twitter vid
He looked OK during arrrest.
The other week Abi Roberts was arrested outside the Covid Inquiry
after an officer challenged her to say Fk again
She was later release but not charged AFAIK
I came up that handcuffing her was against the rules
And in another fine example of equality at Wimbledon.
On no2 court at Wimbledon, in the men’s singles Eubanks has beaten Tsitipras in a 5 set thriller over 3 hours plus.
Meanwhile on Centre Court in the women’s singles, Ons Jabeur has taken the first set 6-0 against Kvitova in…errr……21 minutes.
Perhaps a ‘Trans’ player would liven things up………
Fox news saying he’s a “Network Anchor”
Does that mean a news reader?
Might be rhyming slang.
Huw Edwards still on Iplayer ??
I wonder who is going to present the Festival of Remembrance this year?
Hey – joey Biden made it a half day trip from the hated England – I guess it’s a tick box to give rishi his green card and make nice with the guy who is now the kingster… he’s already in Vilnius ….
Remember that when people spout ‘ special relationship ‘crap ….
( bbc showing live picture of joey meeting young blond girls at the airport – lip readers saying he is asking ‘how much ?”)
Now appearing that a crime might not actually have been committed by the presenter.
If an X rated app such as only fans was used which is supposed to vet the age of their participants then it would be a defence to claim a reasonable expectation the ‘victim’ was of the appropriate age.
It’s something of a silly law being an age cut off age 17 years 364 days criminal behaviour, but the following day it isn’t. I understand that there has to be a line in the sand but right from the get go something just hasn’t sat right about this claim from the mother.
She appears to have known something was going on and more money being spent by her child but done nothing about it. I can’t accept someones child can receive £35K and the parent not know especially when and if it is being spent on drugs.
The crime is obvious: a nobody being paid £450k a year to read autocue.
And still saying ‘er’ every other word.
BBC: Claims about presenter ‘rubbish’ – young person’s lawyer
Clearly something has been going on as they’ve suspended someone for it. I suspect the ‘rubbish’ just refers to a part of the claim – but the rest is true. Doesn’t sound much like what I’d expect a lawyer to write in a formal letter though.
Maybe just a dirty pervert who hasn’t actually broken any law. But still another BBC dirty pervert and who knows what else he’s been up to.
I am enjoying the shame of it all and watching carefully how the BBC manipulate it with their usual abuse of power to get it under a carpet.
Wimbledon update.
Women’s 4 th round.
Getting to the highly competitive sharp end now, eh.
Let’s check today’s results.
Jabeur wins 6-0 6-3.
Sabalenka wins 6-4 6-0
Rybakina wins 4-1 retired.
So. Another tough day at the office for the equal pay unequal work women.
In other results. Eubanks wins Men’s singles match in 5 set marathon,
3-6 7-6 3-6 6-4 6-4
From my calculation taking longer in time and with more games than the three women’s matches put together. To earn the same.
It’s pathetic.
I can’t watch most sports anymore, not even tennis.
UFC (mixed martial arts) pays the fighters regardless of their sex, just how much they help sell tickets.
I had a small bet at 4.5 to 1 on the underdog in white here.
Denise collected the $50,000 performance bonus too!
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – Faisal Islam is not in the Steffie Flanders league
Steffie would Blog every day, sometimes even twice day and her Blogs would, iirc, always be open to comments. It was what got me posting on the BBC w-s about 14 years ago. Chatting about economics with other posters. Nick Robinson was the BBC Political Editor back then and he would tend to Blog every day and again, iirc, his Blogs were always open to comments and it was a heady time with a General Election coming up, the shockwaves from 2007, 2008 and early 2009 still rolling around. The same with Robert Peston who was BBC Business Editor.
The BBC have put a Faisal Islam article on the web-site, so out of curiosity I went to see if it was open to comments. No. It is not. Mind you the BBC appear to be fortunate to get some work, any work, out of Faisal. He makes even the most dilatory Beeboid look like a workaholic.
Never, ever bought a lottery ticket (reckon I’m several thousands pounds up on those that do), and after seeing the latest “lost the ticket” advert that is unlikely to change as I am not, apparently, their target audience.
I too have never bought a lottery ticket, not one.
From observations at the local Co-op I reckon lottery ticket purchasers follow a pattern pretty much all of them buy booze and cigs as well as their tickets.
It’s a Bud Lite moment, I hope.
LBC must be so proud.
A hospital radio station somewhere in the distant provinces is missing a presenter.
When is somebody going to sue this swine for rummaging people’s devices for stuff to steal and sell on?
He deserves to go to jail.
Zuckerberg tells Rogan FBI warning prompted Biden laptop story censorship
By David Molloy
BBC News
Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook restricting a story about Joe Biden’s son during the 2020 election was based on FBI misinformation warnings.
The New York Post alleged leaked emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop showed the then vice-president was helping his son’s business dealings in Ukraine.
Facebook and Twitter restricted sharing of the article, before reversing course amid allegations of censorship.
Zuckerberg said that getting the decision wrong “sucks”.
yeesh… Trump looks respectful and seems to be constantly watching that he doesn’t outpace The Queen …
Joe, on the other hand… looks – erm… lost?
What a shitshow the present US administration is.
He’s probably trying to find the Queen – ‘Lilibet her name is, or maybe Megan- I get so confused’.
81 million votes!
A small flicker of fun in the dark.
With all the serious stuff going on it’s good news that on the eve of the NATO summit Turkey has been bought off to allow Sweden to join at last ….
… will Russia put up something special on Tuesday to concentrate those with minds ?
Of course, Harvard also gave us David Lammy.
We all know this – and it isn’t voiced anywhere near often enough and the utterly miserable f-ups are glossed over >> the brain farts of deluded fractional wits like Drakeford are generally reported (esp by the BBC) as sage and wise…
Our very own ‘Joe soap’ .?
IMO Drakeford is a pure poisonous socialist. An ultra left wing in-law of mine thinks he’s great but she’s lived on handouts and benefits all her life.
The damage Drakeford is doing to Wales has become too much to easily reverse.
Vote 16
Your voice matters. If you’re 16 or 17 years old in May 2021, you can vote for the first time in the Senedd Election.
I’m Not a Monster
Radio 5 Live
Seeking to separate fact from fiction, the multi award-winning series returns. Josh Baker investigates the divisive story of Shamima Begum.
Ditto Scotland tomo!
Our NHS heroes have only gone and done it again.
This time it’s Nottingham maternity services. Some 1700 parents are to be called to the enquiry just beginning.
Would it be easier if the NHS just gave expectant mothers a short list of hospitals where they can feel safe?
Nationalised industries. Don’t ya just love them?
Newsnight item doesn’t contain the new Sun info
that the mother did report the allegations to police in May
“ BBC director-general Tim Davie likely to face questions on presenter scandal”
Likely to face questions, “likely” ?
I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m sick to the back teeth of this ‘presenter’ story already.
It’s clear now that we have scumbags on all sides who are not even worth something stuck to my shoe. The ‘victim’ is trying to protect his rich sugar-daddy, the Mother wants some money and the BBC desperately want to get it under the carpet and are using all their tricks to discredit it.
The only plus point is that it’s highlighted once again just what dirty scum the BBC are behind their tightly controlled veneer. I think of these events every time I read their ‘holier than thou’ virtue-signalling articles. They are Leftists to the core : total hypocrites.
I wonder how they got this super-injunction to keep people quiet. Nobody dare say anything – but clearly everybody knows.
I wondered how much of our money they spend on lawyers these days – and I didn’t think would ever tell us. I did a search and found someone had asked it – and guess what ! – they refused to answer.
Their ‘get out’ here is that it would cost more than £450 in labour to answer it – so they don’t have to.
We can only hope this helps us get rid of these parasites.
JohnC, cancel your TV Licence. Don’t pay the immoral TellyTax.
I use the Royal ‘we’ for the BBC : they will never get another penny from me.
Sometimes public bodies don’t even bother with FoI “get outs” – they simply don’t answer the question.
Previously the same outfit wanted £35k to provide information that was <10% of a FoI inquiry that they did reply to without charge.
The Information Commissioner have made complaining about deliberate + obvious FoI refusals about the same as getting a same day GP appointment.
Pink door woman faces new Edinburgh council colour complaint
A few months ago the bbc was worried about a lady with a pink door, the above is an update!
Surely more things to worry about, like home grown terrorists and the mess the UK is becoming with all the amount of people arriving
I suspect this kind of story is all they can give her – and she has to be given something to do all day.
I wish I worked for a organisation that let’s it’s “talent” have two month summer breaks written into their contracts with a whole layer of backroom staff, apparently sitting on the subs bench for the other ten months doing very little stepping in to fill the void.
Then Tim Divvy pleads for more cash.
If I take a week off, no-one does my work and it takes a month of long days to catch up. The DG of the BBC seems to do nothing for years on end.
“Stop the boats “ Sunak, we are going bust !
TOADY Watch #1 – Mishal on again, I hear, but Nick Robinson is in Tunisia and he didn’t go by train
The BBC, like much of the media, are fully on-side with Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change (AGW&CC). But they are very happy to create lots of unnecessary CO2. Strange, that. You would think they would do everything to limit so-called ‘harmful’ emissions. There are perfectly good BBC Africa Correspondents in place, on-site or within easy travelling reach of Tunisia who could be interviewed by Nick while he remains in the London studio. The BBC, overpaid, over there and just plain ‘over’, I wish.
The Beeboids are still smarting from the great triumphs and expansion by GBNews of late, so any story – good or bad – that they can string out while gagging everyone, must be some sort of sordid relief for them!
I’m sure their new approach to trying to get teens and kidults into watching or listening to their dreary ‘shows’ will be impacted by this sad, grubby little episode, there’s much more interesting stuff out there than pop-up scandals on an old dinosaur’s watch in Beebolic Place, W1A…
TOADY Watch #2 – of course, the BBC would not lie to you, would it? When is extinct not extinct?
The BBC have previously transmitted on BBC R4 the wild claims of some ecologists that animal life and, especially, insect life is becoming extinct. I happen to know that is a nonsense because I take an interest in the natural world and observe all its wonders around Snuffy’s small estate.
This morning, TOADY relay some more information which demonstrates, to an extent, that the BBC have been lying to us on R4. We have the news that the NHS web-site and its telephone service have been receiving thousands of enquiries about insect bites! Wait a min, half a mo, BBC – you told us they were extinct!
I found a dead bird on my lawn this morning. I presume that, by BBC reasoning, birds are becoming extinct.
Remember when bees were going extinct?
Not this year – record number of swarms all over the country, I’ve had to deal with two myself, and when I found the number and called the local beekeeping society I was told there have been so many swarms this summer they don’t have enough hives/keepers to take them all, and are having to exterminate hundreds of ‘excess’ swarms.
Seems, when the conditions are just right, insects can multiply with remarkable speed – who would have guessed?
We’re safe with lockdowns and my mum says Welcome to the Hotel California edition
A secondary school will reopen later after it was put into lockdown on Monday after the stabbing of a teacher. (BBC)
What’s with this phrase ‘put into lockdown‘? Does the BBC mean the school was shut… it was closed? A police cordon was put around it? If so, why not say so?
Why not use some simple plain English description of the school not being open?
Let me posit a suggestion. Our BBC and their likely police and education authority interlocutors on this report rather relish the term Lockdown to describe the now standard official reflex reaction to all and any given emergency situation.
You see where this is going? Future Lockdowns of course. Or do you perhaps see what past policy this is attempting to retroactively justify? Emergency situation equal Lockdown – that official formula needs to be seared into our brains at all and any occasion.
The corporate advertising freesheet Metro takes up the clarion call and adds the vital notion of safety to the mix: School lockdown nightmare… It’s ok mum & dad… we’re safe… pupils text from class after teacher stabbed
Have you noticed that during this Ukraine war no matter how badly things are going on the battlefield, no matter the divisions between the supposed allies, in the all-important realm of the news agenda the west always tends to look victorious?
Head of state Biden salutes ‘solid’ UK ties (FT)
However: What are cluster bombs and why is US sending them to Ukraine? More than 100 countries, including the UK, France and Germany, have signed an international treaty – the Convention on Cluster Munitions – that outlaws the use or stockpiling of these weapons due to their indiscriminate effect on civilian populations. (BBC)
Turkey backs Sweden’s Nato membership (BBC)
However: The Turkish president has tied Ankara’s approval of Sweden’s Nato membership to his country’s long-stalled efforts to enter the EU, which began in 1987 (FT)
Treading a more measured line: Ukraine to be offered ‘Nato-lite’ protection (Telegraph) – which is basically the status quo – we’ll pay for your weapons, you take the casualties – so as to defend our elite’s ‘investments’ in your country.
PM tells Nato allies: Pay up to deter Putin (Times)
Shots fired
Family of youth spent HOUR telling Beeb their fears in May… Dad: BBC are liars (Sun)
‘BBC presenter did nothing wrong’ and ‘the BBC are liars’ – that’s the BBC’s own online summary of today’s national headlines.
8 out of 10 cats?
One-in-six people know who scandal-hit BBC star is (Daily Mail)
The advertising giveaway Metro advertises the case for the BBC’s defence: My mum’s BBC star claims are rubbish, says young person
While the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper similarly takes the stand as witness for the defence: BBC presenter did nothing wrong, claims young person at centre of ‘sex photo scandal’
Treading a more measured line: BBC ‘explicit photos’ drama takes new twist after legal action (Times)
Meanwhile the flags, both rainbow and blue and yellow versions, will – metaphorically – be flying at half-mast in trendy north London: Nigella I’ve given up on posh dinner parties (Times 2)
Need to get away for a holiday?
Travel chaos ahead as easyJet cancels flights (Telegraph)
Easyjet flyers grounded (Daily Star)
Cartoonist Matt in the Telegraph gives his harassed holiday makers at the airport something to declare: “I paid extra for Priority Cancellations. We can give up and go home before the other passengers”
Are you holidaying at ‘Stop-at-holm’ this year? My old mum used to call it ‘Windowsill Bay’
I see the government has taken note of accusations concerning their supposed pandemic unpreparedness and are now extra keen not to be caught out again…
Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year (any time of year)
You can find it here…
“We are programmed to receive
You can check out any time you like
But you can never leave”
Hotels given millions to reserve beds for migrants… Rooms for 5,000 left empty as ‘buffer’ for arrivals (Times)
Grytpype: “You can have your ‘Ow’ now, Moriarty.”
Moriarty: “Thank you, Grytpype.” “Ow!”
The BBC webshite is proudly announcing its new Miss Marple adaptation, you know, set in rural 1950s England. I wonder what hue the actor is who they have chosen to promote it? Actually, it’s no surprise at all. The BBC, never knowingly underselling their agenda.
Twitter is reverting to some of their old antics – one assumes when Elon is off in Texas doing rockets.
I’m seeing replies to Tweets disappearing without explanation – usually, it has to be said – where the replies dispute an official narrative of some kind.
9am radio4 “Immigration is good for British society
Across the Red Line
Anne McElvoy and conflict resolution expert Gabrielle Rifkind invite guests Sunder Katwala and Sherelle Jacobs to debate the benefits of British immigration”
“Immigration, whether legal or illegal has been a contentious issue in Britain for the last half century. Many would argue the debate goes back far further than that.
– In today’s programme the author of ‘How to be a Patriot’, Sunder Katwala puts forward the contention that immigration is good for British Society.
– The counter argument is made by the Daily Telegraph columnist Sherelle Jacobs”
Sunder is a Labour man
Former chair of the Fabians, the Islington org that dominates Labour politics.
Both guests are children of immigrants
Sherelles father is Nigerian.
Radio 4 does Covid origins … I don’t expect much …