Allegations of sexual depravity involving a famous male BBC presenter continue to circulate with various highly paid employees being suggested as the ‘suspect ‘. This is even being reported on BBC News . The spectre of Jimmy Saville echoes down the years …
Start the Week 10 July 2023
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The default opening pages of web browsers seems to have become an information battleground – the incredible tosh delivered is now beyond even the level of kerrapp that Reach plc deliver online to anybody foolish enough to click a link to one of their local rags…
Reach have made the reading of any article on a low end tablet a task of infinite patience, waiting for all the ads and links to load before the actual article you clicked on in the first place. I mostly don’t bother nowadays.
I don’t follow any articles on my pad now : the screen is quickly swamped with ads scrolling up and down, obliterating what I’m reading just as I get started and every other trick they can think of to force me to engage with them.
It is completely counter-productive for them to do it. Now I close it immediately it starts to happen.
In an idle, nay playful moment, I find myself wondering if it’s BBC policy to raise the blood pressure of everyone on this, and similar, sites, so they die off and the BBC can have an easy ride. Apologies to anyone who has it of course ( I do).
Hemlock: Anger after poisonous plant found near Bucklesham school
How about just cutting if down, instead of making this “news”
Luckily the 4×4 is available, and can be used to bypass the path
The by-line on that story:
By Vikki Irwin & Stuart Bailey
BBC Radio Suffolk political reporter
They’ve a pretty wide definition of “political” in Suffolk.
I saw carrot related hemlock has been washing up on beaches in NI – it’s obviously Brexit.
Here’s a story which should have been given headline status, but the corrupt MSM hasn’t even covered it. Maybe if they are reading this they might like to dwell on the fact that even the far Left Deomcrat supporting comic the New York Times can manage to cover the story.
This is of enormous importance because the man stating that “The greatest threat to World Stability” is not some nobody but one Richard N. Haass the president of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Who are they you might as, well “In an article for the Washington Post, Richard Harwood described the membership of the CFR as “the nearest thing we have to a ruling establishment in the United States”
So one of the most important influential leading figures in America makes a statement like that, and no news media in the UK covers it?
It’s a massive story. The US are no longer the good guys, but a global bully boy who goes around attacking the weaker nations just for the hell of it, and when a stronger one like Russia appears weak enough the Americans under the corrupt Democrats decide they will take a pop at them too so they can sieze their immovable assets, mineral wealth, energy and agriculture and allow their supporting corporations to get their greedy hands on it just as they are doing in Ukraine.
It’s truly sickening, but of course the media love Biden and hate Trump because ihe isn’t corrupt like they are. Have a read of the article, it’s worth knowing
A by-line free Mediterranean migrant tale ‘Europe or death’ – the teenage migrants risking it all to cross the Med that reads like a copy ‘n paste from an NGO PR screed.
I guess the poisonous plants in the provinces thing is a centrally contrived vein of scary squeezed out of Portland Place HQ team?
The BBC web landing page has a link to the Suffolk Hemlock:
That’s belladonna – Deadly Nightshade – which is very similar to hemlock in that it’s a plant. And it’s poisonous. Or the berries are, though hemlock doesn’t have berries. Never mind, they will all be extinct soon anyway.
HERE WE GO …. soon to be mandatory ….
Open your homes to asylum-seekers to help cut hotel bills, report urges Britons
Ukrainian refugees-style sponsorship scheme for people from other nations should be adopted, according to study backed by Brandon Lewis
Charles Hymas,
11 July 2023 • 8:00am
Yvette Cooper Hasn’t Taken In Refugees Yet – Why?
10 June 2016, 09:05 | Updated: 3 August 2016, 12:33
Also in the Telegraph:
Ah, our Rolls-Royce public servants showing their mettle – looks a bit like Nightingale hospitals from here….
They could’ve asked Eavis to keep the Glasto site open and paid people to leave their tents behind and retained the caterers…
Revealed: scores of child asylum seekers kidnapped from Home Office hotel
This article is more than 5 months old
Call for inquiry after Observer investigation uncovers scale of trafficking by criminal gangs
2018 … You will also notice this (immigration) is a one way street. Not once in my adult life have I heard anybody say that the thing that Eritrea (Africa) needs most is an injection of Welshmen. They could do with some Welsh cooking or singing. ” Douglas Murray {@7:24 youtube}
Having worked at one time or another in places many of these migrants come from the idea of travelling / moving in the opposite direction has often occurred to me to have some positives…
The primary problem I’ve seen is an epic indulgence of the local kleptocrats by the developed nations – usually related to the likelihood of being called waycist etcetera…
tomo, the thought occurs that Zimbabwe used to have a white PM, so the nice Africans there cannot be racists. Maybe some youngsters should move out there from the UK?
Rishi is insisting his plan to stop the boats is working, and that he “fully” expected crossing numbers to rise over the summer months with the improved weather conditions. Speaking to hacks on the way to Vilnius for the NATO leaders’ summit, the PM claimed it was all part of the plan:
“It is worth bearing in mind that the numbers have escalated every year. I remember when I came in that people were saying what was going to happen. If you look at the trajectory of the increase year over year over year, the numbers have been going up very sharply. The fact that they were down for five months of the year, the fact that they are still down even if it is less, compared to what people were expecting is really a much better result than anyone was expecting.”
The number of migrants detected in the Channel reached their 2023 record on Friday. The boats are accelerating, not stopping. He’s in choppy waters…
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018
In late May 1944, the British people having an instinct that things were reaching a critical stage in WW2 prayed for good weather for the potential invasion from the UK into France. It could be that the then Archbishop of Canterbury called the nation to prayer, I cannot remember what my parents told me about that.
Maybe we should be praying for bad weather to halt the invasion in the opposite direction? It is unlikely that the present Archbishop of WoKenterbury will call the nation to pray like that but when he belatedly did during the Pandemic, a year late iirc, the immediate effect was a drop in the Covid infection rate.
By all means pray for bad weather but can we wait until after the weekend? It’s the Air Tattoo at Fairford.
“…the fact that they (illegal boats) are still down even if it is less, compared to what people were expecting is really a much better result than anyone was expecting.”
fact ** bbc fact check?
better result
This is how the worlds most trusted spends the tele tax
Sussex school pupils protest over restricted toilet access
Southend grammar school installs cameras in toilets
Wiltshire head teacher defends locking school toilets
Monmouthshire: Pupils choose gender-neutral toilets at new school
and so on, seems to have a fascination with toilets
To be fair, as a % of staff, these are likely locations most editorial have great experience in, dressed or halfway.
ajs, great motorcycles, let’s make motorcycles great again.
re item no.2 “Big Brother is Watching You”
Clearly evolutions in tech, especially AI, bots in social media, have not helped, but the ThoughtsAndPrayersism of Politics has resulted in a tragic nightmare of mediocrity delivery farce.
Scores of Spads being inspired to issue statements about literally anything to score a hit, to which the reaction is almost always negative.
Of course that event was dire, along with all the others now being cited.
But cynically cherry picking so ineptly is beyond typically Surkeer and his party.
What next… ‘we’ the nation are called on to remember the victims of the Black Hole of Calcutta?
Sadiq Khan surely is the king of mediocrity delivery. He said two days ago “There is no place for crime in London.”
As empty sloganeering goes, this really is Olympic level drivel.
What a shame there wasn’t somebody about to ram a stout stick into her spokes?
Everything with these people is a bloody pose.
Oh, look at me, I’m so green, or I’ve taken in a refugee…
Or, those bloody phonies all flying in for Cop 58, or whatever it was, then preaching to the rest of us about our two weeks in Benidorm.
The worst being geriatric Joe Biden. I mean, FFS, how many bleedin’ cars does the old fool need?
It would have been more fitting if they’d come up Downing Street pushing him in a bathchair….
The 60-year-old was criticised earlier this year when it emerged she flew 5,400 miles to attend the Extinction Rebellion protest in Central London. A flight from Los Angeles International Airport to London Heathrow generates around 1.67 tonnes of CO2.26 Sept 2019
MM, Nick Robinson in Tunisia: 11 July 2023. James Naughtie in Estonia: 7 July 2023.
Who at the BBC will be next?
Talking of cycling, here’s news from BBC Sport:
“Scotland’s Katie Archibald will lead the British team at the Track World Championships in her home city of Glasgow from 3-9 August.
Archibald is joined by leading home hopes Jack Carlin and Neil Fachie in a squad that includes 21 world champions.
The event will include track and para-track for the first time and take place as part of the wider combined UCI Cycling World Championships.
“I can’t wait to race at home,” said four-time world champion Archibald, 29.
The Track World Championships will take place at the Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome as part of an 11-day programme of 13 world championship events – including the Mountain Bike and Road World Championships – taking place in Glasgow and across Scotland from 3-13 August.
“It makes me so proud that Scotland’s hosting such a massive event, and as a fan of the sport, I’m really excited that such a huge celebration of cycling is happening here,” said Archibald.
… … …”
I hope Katie does well and that she is getting over the tragic loss of her partner, fellow cyclist Rab Wardell (37), last August, due to cardiac arrest at home. The BBC chooses to leave this aspect of Ms Archibald’s life out of the story. I invite readers to draw their own conclusions about why that might be.
Rachel on Team Verify is promoting her new Panorama piece ‘The Antidepressant Story’. From the blurb:
“When the current generation of drugs was launched 35 years ago, they promised a safe and effective treatment, free from the side effects of older medicines. But have they lived up to those claims? […] Panorama reveals evidence of some companies trying to conceal concerns about their drugs, following patients who have suffered serious side effects as they continue their fight to be heard.”
Meanwhile, with the gov and state media busy suppressing all manner of anomalous C19 vax data that’s been popping up she’s also promoting her 2022 talk “How to Lie with Facts – Disinformation Tactics After the Pandemic.”
Will she ever be in danger of joining the dots? Will we ever be told what scientific credentials the fact-checking teenagers have?
A 30% substitution rate of saline placebo in the Pfizer jabs?
That’s one conspiracy theory you’d think Marijuana + team might take on?
CORRECTION: it is possible for ex BBC staff to out Sopes Sopes.
Now they are freeeeeeeeeeee! to speak their, er, minds.
Corrections and Clarifications
The BBC’s responses to editorial, technical and corporate issues.
This page includes apologies, significant corrections, statements and responses. It does not include routine corrections to news stories, minor on-air apologies and schedule changes.
Corrections and clarifications are published in the order that they were issued.
One of the papers says one in six of the population know that the presenter is…. Xxxxx xxxxx …. Which means to me it’s time to lift the super injunction – right xxx?
pug, I’m amazed at how much money gets thrown at ‘Slebs’ and ‘Influencers’. I heard or read recently about some bimbo who was paid £600,000 or $600,000 a year for her posts on Instagram.
Fed, during the Montacuties little chat with the D-G, the D-G let on that everyone at the BBC knows who ‘it’ is. Nest of vipers, eh?
General question- if you have a smart tv with preset programs for live viewing plus Netflix, Amazon etc can you remove the live tv bit so as to show that you don’t watch live tv? Or just state that you don’t?
Asking for a friend ☺️
Enjoying reading the comments on Guido. A huuuge amount of information there…. plus the arrogance/stupidity of their releasing the pay details today… I even thought that maybe this was a coded way that they could reveal the celebs identity
I think you can uninstall the ‘Freeview’ element so all you have are Netflix, Amazon and the various catch-ups.
Yes Pug.
Toenails is in Tunisia, interviewing economic chancers wanting to get to Europe.
Conveniently he interviews them but their accents are so strong and English relatively poor, and sound quality poor so that very little is intelligble.
But I couldn’t help noticing there was no analysis. A couple came from Sierra Leone. Why? Apparently because their families want them to.
And isn’t it weird so many young male Muslims live in such dangerous places they need to seek asylum? Apparently their womenfolk in the main seem to manage……..
On the subject of open door immigration…
I happen to know something of a couple originally from Pakistan living in the UK. They are Muslim. He is over 90. She is just under. They have several medical issues and have spent a lot of time getting treatment and staying in hospital.
Their treatment is made difficult because they do not speak English.
Which rather begs the question…..why are they here in the first place?
It can’t be asylum. Muslims in Pakistan isn’t normally an issue, is it?
It can’t be essential occupations.
So why?
Perhaps the government would care to explain to the sucker taxpayers who pay for their medical treatment.
“Boris and Carrie Johnson have announced the birth of their third child together.”
Climate Emergency …..
Anti-natalists: The people who want you to stop having babies
They believe humans shouldn’t have children. Who are the anti-natalists – and how far are they willing to push their ideas?
“Wouldn’t it just be better to blow a hole in the side of the earth and just have done with everything?”
Thomas, 29, lives in the east of England, and although his idea of blowing up the world is something of a thought experiment, he is certain about one thing – humans should not have babies, and our species should gradually go extinct.
It’s a philosophy called anti-natalism. While the idea dates back to ancient Greece, it has recently been given a huge boost by social media.
On Facebook and Reddit, there are dozens of anti-natalist groups, some with thousands of members. On Reddit, r/antinatalism has nearly 35,000 members, while just one of the dozens of Facebook groups with an anti-natalist theme has more than 6,000.
They are scattered around the world and have a variety of reasons for their beliefs. Among them are concerns about genetic inheritance, not wanting children to suffer, the concept of consent, and worries about overpopulation and the environment.
But they are united in their desire to stop human procreation. And although they are a fringe movement, some of their views, particularly on the state of the earth, are increasingly creeping into mainstream discussion.
While not an anti-natalist, the Duke of Sussex recently said he and his wife were planning to have a maximum of two children, because of environmental concerns.
Boris Johnson confirms he is attending COP27 in Egypt
Just read about the SNP to COP a Jolly.
Meanwhile the DS continues to serve as actual news as the BBC rummages in its undies drawer. No wonder Toenails has placed some eco-distance.
Did he ever ask the central bankers questions they didn’t want to hear?
Still, at least Springster and her toy boy in the US are fully on top of IT, right? I mean the complex stuff, not trying to push Master Bates or Zux’ effort as Elon was beastly.
Then there is these guys…
“It is the only “forum” in the world of its kind designed to take on information not approved by The Ministry of Truth in real-time.”
But the MSM maintains its moments.
Most monkeys swing both ways
Scientists claim the very common behaviour of ‘same-sex mountings’ leads to improved social bonds and relationships.
No mention how many present BBC shows.
Sources say.
Domination – rather than sexual.
Given the established lad(s) seem to have cornered the market in totty, maybe it’s also how the also rans get their rocks off?
Certainly a consideration around hotels or on heaths noted for 6′ 4″ predatory lasses.
And W1A.
Chimpanzees rip apart little boy’s face after killing brother in horror attack
Dunia Sibomana was just six years old when he and his relatives were set upon by the ferocious animals while playing close to a nature reserve.
ByNaomi CorriganHannah Mackenzie Wood
15:14, 22 JUN 2022UPDATED13:38, 1 JUL 2022
Brutal Hunting Moments By Chimpanzees, Baboons And Macaques
The Fanatic
687K subscribers
MM, it is a replacement religion for Christianity.
(For some peculiar reason the site software has relegated my post to here. It was a reply to MM’s post @2.18 p.m.. I clicked on the Reply button to his post or I thought I did.)
Personally I’d like to see more revolting protests by the peasants, as we have seen in Wales, because its only this action that will jumpstart the government into getting their finger out. If you get called racist / bigot, by opposing factions, then er, so what? can’t shoot you so who cares
Unless a miracle happens in British Politics between now and the next General Election, I’ll spoil my ballot on the day. If you want to send a message, the more ‘Spoilt Ballots’ will have the desired effect. Where I am in Wales, Labour are virtually assured of a victory, “……cos my father and his father voted that way”. Let’s call it the ‘Aneurin Bevan’ effect.
In support of voting (which is what a spoilt ballot is, the following link will help:
If you are in an area of the UK where, ‘the same old, the same old’ takes place every cycle, you will be classed as a non-voter i.e. apathetic. That will not happen if your ballot is spoilt. If the ‘spoilts’ are in good numbers, no party or individual will have the credibility to, “Lead”. I appreciate that few politicians understand that term.
“Voting is an important part of the political process, it’s your chance to have your say about the future of your community or the country. However what happens if you don’t agree with any of the candidates available to you? Spoiling your ballot is one way to show your dissatisfaction.
Staying at home just makes you another statistic, it is presumed you are just uninterested, by actively going to the polling station and not selecting any candidate before submitting to the ballot box, you become a voice for the disengaged.
The number of Blank Votes and Spoiled Ballots are read out at the count, along with the results and are also included in subsequent reports. Your apathy towards the political parties will be heard not just forgotten.”
Is ‘rejected’ the same as ‘spoilt’, the wording in the link is as clear as mud.
A very good question. I have always felt the terminology prejudicial.
And why I have been keen for an actual NOTA box, plus coherent contingency for that prevailing.
Perhaps they think a box labelled ‘none of the arseholes’ would actually increase the number of spoilt ballot papers?
The Electoral Commission should be so vulgar, oi vey!
“……cos my father and his father voted that way”.
G, I think that those views are becoming obsolete in taffland ?.
Remember, lots of tafflman voted for Brexit and have had a rude awakening with the dumping of “illegals” in the south west of the ‘Land of my Fathers’ . They are also cheesed off with the vast mount of bureaucrats dwelling in the Assembly, wasting all our money and lowering the voting age down to 16 year old kids.
taffman, my dream manifesto pledge for the Conservative Party or any major Party come to that: ‘If elected to Government we pledge to end devolution during our first term.’
Zelensky says Nato ‘absurd’ for Ukraine membership delay
Born to a Ukrainian Jewish family, Zelenskyy grew up as a native Russian speaker in Kryvyi Rih, a major city of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast in central Ukraine. Prior to his acting career, he obtained a degree in law from the Kyiv National Economic University. He then pursued a career in comedy and created the production company Kvartal 95, which produced films, cartoons, and TV shows including the TV series Servant of the People, in which Zelenskyy played a fictional Ukrainian president.
Ukraine let into NATO : We are decalring war on Russia and they will fully mobilise for war immediately.
Ukraine allowed into NATO as soon as the war ends : Russia will keep it going for years.
They have only one option : lie for now then let Ukraine in immediately it ends.
The memoranda, signed in Patria Hall at the Budapest Convention Center with US Ambassador Donald M. Blinken amongst others in attendance,[3] prohibited the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, “except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.” As a result of other agreements and the memorandum, between 1993 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons.[4][5]
prohibited the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan
Item 3:
‘Refrain from economic coercion designed to subordinate to their own interest the exercise by the signatory of the rights inherent in its sovereignty and thus to secure advantages of any kind.’
Surely joining NATO and the EU qualifies against that one.
Reagrdless – all of these agreements are only valid until someone breaks them. Like the American law prohibiting the export of cluster bombs. One word from Biden and it’s null and void.
There are no good guys in this war.
BBC annual report
Huw Edwards now becomes 4th highest paid
Linaker still number one
The target 16? 34? Audience continues to reduce – despite the BBC putting all its ‘ efforts into pleasing kidults …..
So the outlook for the BBC looks grim – on so many levels – if only they had to be self sufficient …..
I’ll try to read the whole thing but I’m waiting for PresenterGate to die down ( hope it doesn’t ) ….
BTW – the ‘threshold ‘ for public notification of pay has gone from above £150k pa to above £178k pa … a lot of licences pay for the wealthy ….
I think they are going all in for the 17 to 20 target demographic.
The BBC annual report doesn’t accurately show BBC top earners and their income
eg it misses off those paid by BBC studios
It misses off their side deals like : book, image, and appearance money.
Graham Norton is the actual top earner AFAIK
Christine Lee, a Chinese solicitor accused of spying on Westminster on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party, is now suing MI5 for “attacking” her reputation and undermining her human rights by publicly naming her as a saboteur. She is seeking unspecified damages in the Investigatory Powers Tribunal, after British intelligence chiefs claimed in 2022 she was performing “political interference activities” for the Chinese government. Her son worked for Labour MP Barry Gardiner, who also pocketed around £500,000 courtesy of Lee’s generosity…
Lee’s lawyer claimed today the accusations were false, and his client is not a communist spy at all:
“There has been a serious and public attack on (Lee’s) reputation without any prior finding of guilt […] Her claim is that she is a victim of the state’s actions and she seeks to protect her fundamental rights.”
MI5 continue to defend the claims, with their lawyer saying the emergency alert issued in 2022 was necessary “to protect parliamentary democracy from the threat posed by foreign political interference“.
Name of donor: Christine Lee & Co
Address of donor: 86 Holloway Head, Birmingham B1 1NB
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: the services of a Parliamentary Researcher for 5 days per week from 28 February 2020 to 30 June 2020, approx. value £11,982
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
Another one
Is Mr. Rowlatt a credible anything any more?
“This means that democracy does not know how to defend itself. And that any authoritarian country, if it has a capacity to fight, will always win.”
NHS services
How to find an NHS gender dysphoria clinic
Trans and non-binary people’s general health needs are the same as anyone else’s. But trans people may have specific health needs in relation to gender dysphoria.
Back in the mists of time I used to love Wimbledon with great stars such as Laver,Borg etc and yes even Dan Maskels commentary.
Now I can barely register an interest. The bBBC coverage with its fawning sycophantic attitude turns me off completely. Never heard of the majority of todays so-called talent. Also the continual bloody obligatory shot of non entity celebs is appalling – Christ -they have just shown Martin Keown -FFS!
BBC weather photos: editors pick.
Our favourite Weather Watchers photos nearby.
I wonder why..

ITV local NewsPR “we could see more empty shelves in the Autumn”
“So difficult to export into the UK”
..”climate change”
They love their scare stories
It’s syndicated nationally.
In completely non news Apparently the Queen and Prince Phillip didn’t share a bed
and neither do charles and camilla whoop de doo
radio five had a quick discussion about it with a couple of women one who did one who didnt , yawn
they still managed to find a couple of lesbians to get on the air
Do the lesbians share a bed? … just asking for a friend, actually, honestly, I don’t care a hoot, whose business is it whether couples share a bed, or not?
A few years back the missus had what she thought was Covid (happily turned out to be another of those currently very popular ‘mystery bugs’, but even more happily, not one of the fatal, but definitely NOT vaccine related ones). Anyway, it had some very unpleasant side effects of the gaseous kind… I was quite happy to sleep on the sofa.
Maybe some clown will do the naming during PMQs on Wednesday when their parliament gets its biggest popcorn audience ….
Just watching Farage and despite the programme being classed as “live”, I’m wondering if it actually is. Tonight he said “half an hour ago we heard that a second complainant has come forward……” yet that information was 3 hours old, not the first time I’ve noticed his info was old news.
He lives near Sevenoaks, yet when he finishes his show at 8pm he can sometimes be shown in his home an hour later on someone else’s show – he must use a magic carpet to get through the slow moving traffic out of London, unless his show is recorded earlier.
Actually he said at minute 26 Farage said “An hour and a half or so we heard”
I’m pretty sure that during the show he reads out tweets that just came in (not tonight, but there was a live segment to Surbiton protest)
GBnews “I’d like to apologise for the language we can hear in the background from Antifa”
.. they seemed to be mostly masked too.
News from VIlnius that Sweden is going to join NATO and presumably that means Erdogan has withdrawn his objection probably because his demands have been met.
Erdogan was objecting to Sweden joining unless Turkey was allowed to join the EU. Today he has been bad mouthing Putin, and Sweden is joining Nato.
So what concessions have been made in order to secure this about face?
Turkey is filled with all manner of migrants and refugees from all corners of the world, and joining the EU would give all of those plus all Turkeys citizens free movement rights into and across the EU.
This will be the end of the EU as the populations of many of the countries simply will not stomach this, particularly Eastern Europe.
Fortunately the Uk is no longer an EU member or you can bet Spineless Sunak (AKA Rishi Washee) would be voting in favour of them joining.
Meanwhile – life goes on – one . Dariusz Alexander, 49, a detective in the Met police dismissed from the force for indecent exposure on Hampstead Heath – the report doesn’t say if he was a ‘pride ‘ type ..
Plods seem to be falling every day ….. what went wrong ?
New thread is up …
… thanks to all posters for their restraint in not naming xxxxxxxxxxxxx as the ‘presenter ‘….
“How many more horror stories such as Croydon, Slough, Thurrock, and…the shocking case of Woking council are there remaining undetected?”
“Of the 10 councils wilth with £1bn debts – 7 are large areas.
The others?
Woking , just bankrupt,
Warrington (bought a bank and lost loads of money, Together Energy crashed),
Spelthorne (apparently making some money .. but just ruled illegal
From twitter / Guido – the pay of those on the high moral BBC ground …
Today presenters
Amol Rajan – £339,999 (+3%)
Mishal Husain – £319,999 (+14%)
Justin Webb – £284,999 (+10%)
Nick Robinson – £279,999 (+2%)
Martha Kearney – £264,999(+2%)
World at One
Sarah Montague – £249,999 (NC)
Evan Davis – £284,999(+4%)
BBC News at Six and Ten
Huw Edwards – £439,999 (+6%)
Sophie Rayworth – £369,999 (+19%)
Gerge Alagiah – £339,999(+3%)
Clive Myrie – £289,999 (+12%)
Reeta Chakrabarti – £219,999 (+7%)
Question Time
Fiona Bruce – £399,999 (-4%)
Victoria Derbyshire – £299,999(+22%)
Kirsty Wark – £284,999(+14%)
I wonder if the super injunction ‘presenter ‘ is amongst that lot of oh so valuable ‘journalists’ / propaganda merchants ?
Your tax money is used by the SNP to make out that Scotland is a foreign country
so driving in Scotland is so different to driving in England.
Twats of the very first order! They are the sort of idiots who start from a position of regarding everyone else as imbeciles and only themselves as having any sort of life skills.
BBC News
“I just think it is really important to expose our children to as much diversity as possible.”
Northamptonshire mum paints stretch marks on Barbie for daughter
1 day ago
No word as yet whether the bbc has hired RuPaul as Stretch Mark Editor to cover the outrage from faux mothers of color.
Note story top right:
LiveLIVEJeremy Vine calls on BBC presenter to name himself
Rather funny subbing.
Of many #CCBGB examples, this has done well.
“Cool; an insecure, deranged, middle-aged person spoils their child’s toy and is given publicity for it 👍”
She seems a shoo in for the Vile Show. Or QT.
BBC N. America going to get TNI partner Sopes back in to explain the importance of editorial definitions?
Luckily, the pols are handling matters.
Australia’s own ‘Ministry of Truth’
A draft ‘disinformation bill’ has been introduced to combat the spread of ‘fake news’ effectively restricting free speech online – some are calling it a 1984 style Ministry of Truth.
Meanwhile comrade Robinson is in the med being a fan of illegal entry by thousands – millions of the third world into Europe .
BBC verify is ‘investigating ‘ the Greek coastguard because an unknown number of criminals drowned trying to get into Europe ….
I bet the Greeks are not to pleased having the British state broadcaster going after them .
Need more sharks …
‘Investigating’… getting press releases from activists.
Hope Toenails has layered the Factor 50 on the shiny dome as the BME advises:
Deadly heatwave hits Europe
And another few hundred thousand hit Luton to bask.
Hello Guest
The cancer has spread country wide. I drove from Birmingham to Nottingham last weekend, on the journey I noticed its not just Birmingham that is overrun but most streets/towns the Brits are the minority. The takeover wont be much longer
“ When the feeling’s gone and you can’t go on”
With luck, non breeding variety.
Luckily, Haitch has taken up painting. Sources say.
God .
Science students?
Thick as a f****ing plank comes to mind!
any Twitter users here seeing a wave of “volunteer for Ukraine” “charity” tub-thumping and tin rattling this morning?
The BBC are gradually changing the narrative. It’s no longer a story about a senior powerful BBC-ite running amok with young males abusing his position and his family including his wife, it’s now about a good but mentally suffering man having his future besmirched by towrags In popular news outlets.
You just could not make this shit up but they are sticking to the powerful man mantra and will do all they can to save his arse because next time it could be any number of their coterie.
Not that I have seen QT for a long time – but I suspect the new BBC narrative will be laid out by the usual ‘random audience ‘….
I just hope the ‘other sides’ story comes out …
It does make one wonder who else is Auntie hiding under her apron.
[Here is my post from the Presenter thread, if anyone missed it.]
“Is anyone else reminded of the strange case of another Welshman, Ron Davies, around a quarter of a century ago?
Here’s a cut-and-paste from Wiki:
“… … He stood down citing “an error of judgement” in agreeing to go for what he said was a meal with a man he had met while walking on Clapham Common in London, which is a well-known gay meeting place. He was mugged at knifepoint. The full details of the incident (which he infamously called a “moment of madness” at the urging of Tony Blair’s Press Secretary Alastair Campbell) have never emerged.[3] He later acknowledged that he is bisexual, and was receiving treatment for a personality disorder which led him to seek out risky situations.[4] ”
What strikes me is that we are – once again – asked to sympathize with some mental problem only AFTER tabloid revelations have made it impossible for the pretence to continue.”