335 Responses to Start the Week 17th July 2023

  1. MarkyMark says:

    What are nudges?
    Nudges mean thinking harder about the way people approach decisions and using those insights to design policy. In 2010, the Institute for Government set out some of those approaches in its MINDSPACE report, which suggests that both the messenger and the message were important and that defaults mattered. It remains the Institute’s most downloaded report.

    The approach depends a lot on experimentation, and the Nudge Unit has championed wider use of experiments in government.

    Click to access MINDSPACE.pdf

    Winston Churchill wrote: ‘We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape
    us.” The built environment presents a series of ‘clues’ to the public and
    effectively gives them permission to do certain things or behave in certain
    ways. Whether it is the corporate employer which creates social spaces to
    encourage informal collaboration across disciplines inside its office
    building, or the transport operator which deliberately denies passengers
    even surfaces on which to place and discard coffee cups on the subway
    system, organisations have used design to encourage behaviours best
    suited to their mission.
    Today one the leading-edge areas in which design can influence behaviour
    change is in relation to safeguarding the environment. Having welldesigned recycling facilities can support greater recycling by communities,
    for example; giving home owners immediate and understandable visual
    feedback on the amount of energy they are consuming can encourage a
    reduction in energy use.
    Jeremy Myerson, Helen Hamlyn Professor of Design, Royal College of Art

    15 minute cities will enslave us all!
    : ‘We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape


  2. MarkyMark says:

    We overweight small probabilities.
    Economic theory assumes that we treat changes in probability in a linear way – the
    change from 5% to 10% probability is treated the same as the change from 50% to
    55%. But evidence suggests that people place more weight on small probabilities
    than theory suggests.38 There are some obvious implications of this for
    government: lotteries may act as a powerful motivation (since people overweigh
    the small chance of winning), while people are likely to overemphasise the small
    chance of, say, being audited, which may lead to greater tax compliance than
    rational choice models predict.

    Click to access MINDSPACE.pdf


  3. Docmarooned says:

    Only connect back on already. Pleasantly surprised see a “normal” quota of contestants. Unpleasantly surprised by what followed namely Amol Rajan trying to look sophisticated!! on university challenge – off switch.


    • Lunchtime Loather says:

      I was going to write “Very disappointed with AR on UC last night” but, thinking about it, a more accurate statement would be “Very disappointed with AR” and leave it at that.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Here are 128k emails from the Biden Laptop, which is a modern Rosetta Stone of white and blue collar crime under the patina of “the Delaware Way.” Prior to the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, a number of ancient languages were mere gibberish and hash marks. Similarly, the emails on the Biden Laptop illuminated previously convoluted webs of the people you see leading the charge for global governance; truly, the emails can be considered a translation tool for Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) gathering.



      Could not find a reference to biasedbbc.tv at all – these are fake! HA HA


      Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook restricting a story about Joe Biden’s son during the 2020 election was based on FBI misinformation warnings.

      The New York Post alleged leaked emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop showed the then vice-president was helping his son’s business dealings in Ukraine.

      Facebook and Twitter restricted sharing of the article, before reversing course amid allegations of censorship.

      Zuckerberg said that getting the decision wrong “sucks”.



  4. Dickie says:


    • StewGreen says:

      I still think that like Greta the “vulnerable female” is a shield and brand used by PR tricksters to push their agendas , without proper scrutiny
      Does Mike Wendling pull the strings or some team even bigger ?


    • pugnazious says:

      Spring time for Hitler…..she spends all her time hating on people and trolling them as far-right and calling them looney conspiracy theorists using the enormously powerful BBC platform to smear them…. but anyone who criticises her is, er, a hater and a troll and social media is a dangerous, uncontrolled cesspit of meanness that must be shut down…..maybe we should shut down the cesspit that is the BBC.


  5. MarkyMark says:

    European migration is ‘increasing’ UK’s productivity claims Matthew Lesh

    2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012

    2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015

    2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018



  6. Dickie says:

    So the BBC have decided to show a Panorama programme dealing with the sexual shenanigans of MPs in Parliament. Nothing like a cynical attempt to divert attention away from Huw Edwards and the rest of the pervs that they have a habit of employing.


    • MarkyMark says:

      The BBC missed at least five opportunities to stop the abuse

      The Dame Janet Smith report into Jimmy Savile and the BBC has been published. It contains the following key points:

      At least 72 people were sexually abused by Savile in connection with his work at the BBC, including eight victims who were raped. There was also one attempted rape. The youngest rape victim was 10 years old
      The offending took place from 1959 to 2006, mostly in the 1970s
      The largest number of victims was in connection with Savile’s work on the BBC’s Top of the Pops programme
      Like Savile, former BBC broadcaster Stuart Hall was a serial sexual predator, targeting and grooming young girls
      Hall abused at least 21 victims, eight of whom were girls under the age of 16. The youngest was 10
      Both men used their fame and positions of celebrity to engage in “monstrous behaviour”
      The culture of the BBC enabled Savile and Hall’s offending to go undetected for decades

      The BBC missed at least five opportunities to stop the abuse



    • MarkyMark says:

      A “common thread” was that taxi drivers had been picking the children up for sex from care homes and schools.[b] The abuse included gang rape, forcing children to watch rape, dousing them with petrol and threatening to set them on fire, threatening to rape their mothers and younger sisters, as well as trafficking them to other towns.[20] There were pregnancies (one at age 12), pregnancy terminations, miscarriages, babies raised by their mothers, in addition to babies removed, causing further trauma.[21][22][23][24]



    • StewGreen says:

      Ended with Mhairi Black
      She’s a butch lesbian that deliberately tries to look like a man
      is she really a victim of great sexual harassment ?



  7. Thoughtful says:

    The Left in America is not happy about the movie “The Sound Of Freedom” which for those who don’t know is a true story of paedophile abduction and a desperate father searching for his kids.

    Virtually all the media are banding together to brand this a Q anon conspiracy film, but it is nothing of the kind.

    In contrast they eulogise the movie “Cuties” which shows sexualised children in adult make up and clothing displaying themselves for the camera.

    Here is a discussion about the film and the media (including the Grauniad) comments about the “conspiracy” and the contrast between the two, followed by the trailer for the film.

    Remember this film out grossed the latest Indiana Jones film !


  8. digg says:

    So we have Chris Packam resurrected as son of David Attenborough….


    What could have been an interesting look back at an imagining of the Earth’s evolution rapidly turned into relentless global warming PR bollox again.

    They are bloody unhinged!

    These nutters just can’t leave it alone.


    • BigBrotherCorporation says:

      Pwakum is the new Saint Attenboogie?!

      Glad I don’t have a TV license, everything the BBC produces now sounds dreadful – I’d pay NOT to be forced to watch it.


  9. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #2 – that could mean they will be keen for a war

    TOADY this morning brought the news that youth unemployment in China is above 20%. One way of ‘soaking up’ unemployed youth is to start a war with somebdy. Any volunteers? Or maybe China will be the aggressor? Taiwan?


  10. StewGreen says:

    Most political greens don’t show up for fair debate
    cos they know they will lose
    Instead they rely on political trickery to steamroller their crazy policies through
    At least Jim Dale shows up … a lot .. on GBnews

    and then 90% of tweet replies mock him.
    .. https://twitter.com/GBNEWS/status/1681022237636190215

    And you know what . He’s like a man
    who WARNS there is a great DANGER that elephants will trample your garden,
    who also SELL advice on how to prevent elephants from getting to your garden
    Not only is he the senior meteorologist at one man band British Weather Services
    .. He’s also the only director of Acclimatised the consultancy that helps corps mitigate Climate Change

    Funnily enough the registrar has already filed to strike off that company
    cos accounts way overdue
    .. https://twitter.com/No2BS/status/1681032466381799427


  11. Terminal Moraine says:

    Had a few days off to enjoy the summer wind and rain and I see that the BBC has moved seamlessly from Covid > Ukraine > Huw Edward’s trousers > melting planet.

    Twice on the international news page: “The new normal – why this summer has been so very hot” and “Heatwaves are new normal as 50C hits US and China – UN”. From the article: “In Phoenix, Arizona temperatures above 43C (110F) have persisted for 18 days.”

    Well Phoenix in July normally averages a high of about 106F, but that’s the old normal, not the new totalitarian one. Like the great reset, we were told those whose ears pricked up at that particular turn of phrase were conspiracy theorists, because its use is definitely not a behavioural nudge about as subtle as a sledgehammer to the face.



  12. harry142857 says:

    ONLY 38%!!!!

    BBC annual staff survey shows 38% of its own employees don’t trust the corporation’s complaints process

    Large numbers of BBC staff did not back the corporation’s bullying and harassment measures, even before the Huw Edwards scandal.

    It has emerged that the broadcaster’s annual staff survey in May showed that 38 per cent of the 16,622 staff surveyed did not back the statement: ‘I believe any bullying or harassment concern I raise will be dealt with appropriately.

    Nearly 22 per cent were ‘neutral’ and 16 per cent ‘unfavourable’.

    The BBC’s handling of the Edwards situation has sparked concerns that its internal processes for flagging up allegations are flawed, although it was handled by the corporate investigations team rather than HR



  13. JohnC says:

    McDonald’s manager ‘exposed himself in front of me’

    “He pulled his pants down in the stockroom,” she said, adding the experience left her “terrified”.

    A lengthy article chock full of misandry.

    We’ve got to admire the extreme double-standards and hypocrisy of the BBC Lefty activists. They are absolutely shameless.

    BBC refuses to investigate Chris Evans ‘sex bullying’ claims: ‘Victim’ who said ex-Top Gear presenter ‘grabbed her breasts and touched himself’ asked the corporation to launch inquiry



    • Fedup2 says:

      From The Guardian – a piece about a bbc funding review – which will not change anything –

      The BBC is facing a review into its funding model with subscription, a broadband levy and even advertising touted as potential alternatives to the licence fee.

      Ministers are expected to formally announce a review of its funding model in the autumn that will assess the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

      The BBC’s annual report, published last week, revealed that the number of active licences had fallen by 500,000 to 24.4m since last year.

      A government source told the Times: “The evidence that there is a growing unwillingness to pay is shown by figures each year. The licence fee model is becoming unsustainable.”

      With the reduction in licences, the BBC made £3.74bn in fees last year, down from £3.8bn the year before.

      In the BBC’s annual report and accounts for 2022-23, the broadcaster said the “increasingly competitive” media landscape had led to increased financial pressure.

      News of the funding review comes as the licence fee faces its biggest increase for 20 years in April next year after a two-year freeze.

      The BBC’s royal charter – which sets out the corporation’s mission, purpose and funding model – is up for renewal in 2027.

      The Times reports that the review of BBC funding is expected to examine “all options” for the future of the corporation. A partial subscription model, where some premium content is paid for while the bulk of the corporation’s output remains free to air, is said to be a frontrunner.

      The review will also assess whether the BBC could make more money commercially. BBC Studios, the corporation’s production arm, made £240m in profit last year.

      Advertising, the main source of funding for commercial television channels, is also reportedly up for consideration.

      The BBC has previously floated the idea of funding its services through a levy on broadband connections. It said that linking the fee directly to an existing household bill, such as broadband, could make the licence fee easier to enforce.

      Recently, the former chair of the BBC Richard Sharp called the licence fee system “regressive” and said that wealthier families may have to pay more to access the corporation’s services, potentially through a tax on broadband bills or a household levy based on property value.

      A spokesperson for the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport said: “We remain committed to reviewing the licence fee model ahead of the next charter period to explore the potential for alternative ways to ensure the BBC remains appropriately funded over the long term.”

      Last week one of the BBC’s news presenters, Huw Edwards, was accused of paying a young person paying for sexually explicit photographs.ENDS

      So last year 500 000 licences were ‘cancelled ‘ – at that rate in 10 years no one will be paying …


      • Doublethinker says:

        Hopefully the HE scandal , despite the vigorous attempt to minimise and move on by the BBC and Guardian axis of evil, will prompt many more people to join the growing Refusenick movement. But I think that the review of BBC funding will end up with the corporation being funded out of direct taxation and so ending our ability to refuse to pay. Still it is important that we show the politicians and the MSM bubble how unpopular the BBC actually is.
        Remember they can make us pay for it but they can’t make us watch it.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Fed, guess which newspaper is missing from the BBC Blog today, along with the Sun which is often missing?


        • Fedup2 says:

          Hi up2 – I’m waiting for the BBC piece on why 500 000 people a year are no longer paying for it ?…😥

          Maybe this nonsense ‘funding review ‘ which will be carried out by an ex BBC manager is being done in order to get the red Labour Party to say ‘leave alone ‘…


          • Up2snuff says:

            “I’m waiting for the BBC piece on why 500 000 people a year are no longer paying for it ?”

            You might have a long wait, Fed.


  14. JohnC says:

    BBC pushing propaganda for the failed Ukranian counter-offensive:

    Ukraine war: Gen Oleksandr Syrskyi, the man behind Kyiv’s renewed offensive

    ‘The general says the city’s recapture would have more than just symbolic value. He argues Bakhmut is also of strategic importance – as the gateway to other key cities in the region.’

    BBC in March trying to play down Russia winning:

    Ukraine war: Why Bakhmut matters for Russia and Ukraine

    Military analysts say Bakhmut has little strategic value. It is not a garrison town or a transport hub or a major centre of population.

    As one Western official put it, Bakhmut is “one small tactical event on a 1,200-kilometre front line”.

    The article from today then goes on to remind us that cluster bombs are now GOOD:

    Col Bakulin says they’re needed to “inflict maximum damage on enemy infantry”. “The more infantry who die here, the more their relatives back in Russia will ask their government ‘why?'”

    Which is a complete lie. They getting them because the USA have run out of normal 155mm shells.

    And anyway, it’s only because the Russians use them:

    “If the Russians didn’t use them, perhaps conscience would not allow us to do it too.”

    Not mentioning of course that BOTH sides already use them. Now – because of the USA – they will both use them a lot more. But we don’t mention that.

    And to nicely end this appalling propaganda article, reporter ‘Jonathan Beale’ (an assistant to an MP until 2 years ago) demonstrates how absolutely clueless he is about any of this with the following:

    ‘We meet at a secret location beside the command vehicle he uses to visit his troops and keep an eye on the battle. On top is a powerful machine gun.’

    What a complete joke the BBC have become.


  15. AsISeeIt says:

    Old-timers disease and all boxes ticked makes you the apple of the BBC’s eye edition

    One does enjoy those unintential unfortunate little juxtapositions that occur once in a while on our newspaper frontpages.

    The formerly venerable Times supplies the wry smile this morning: As custodian of the world’s largest economy, Janet Yellen… on an official trip to Beijing… US Treasury secretary, 76, surprised observers by repeatedly bowing to her Chinese counterpart, who did not recipricate… A possible cause for breaking strict diplomatic decorum has emerged with claims that she consumed several portions of a traditional dish made from mushrooms believed to have hallucinogenic properties…


    A new Alzheimer’s drug that has been proved to slow decline by up to 60 per cent was hailed as a turning point in the fight against the disease yesterday

    I don’t know whether the 80-year-old aged and confused sleepy creepy Joe Biden’s excuse for his mutiple word salad gaffs and frequent tumbles will likewise come to be the subject of a White House PR stunt claiming he’s been shrooming? That might endear him to the millennials – my money is on Old-timers disease, as we call it, diplomatically.

    Same goes for Janet Yellen another case of Old-timers, with the added ingredient of a desperate desire to kowtow to the Chinese explaining in part the excessive bowing and scraping.

    Let’s take a closer look at the BBC’s new best favourite title the ‘i’ newspaper as it fills the BBC’s online press review top spot yet again – and the old flame the Guardian is remarkable today only for its absence.

    The big headline is of course this supposed drug for Alzheimer’s and the promise it ‘could‘ be available on our failing NHS by 2025 – with the small print caution: although not a cure

    Reminiscent of that covid vax, eh? – not preventing infection and not preventing spread – wouldn’t you say?

    …treatment with donanemab is not risk-free, with brain swelling a common side effect, leading to deaths of two patients in trial – further comment would seem superfluous – as Mr AsI likes to say.

    And in the very small print – kudos where it’s due here to the ‘i’ for this: The hype about the new Alzheimer’s drug has gone too far. We’re still years from a cure (Stuart Richie on science, ‘i’)

    It may be lefty, but it’s no peacenik – happily banging its tin drum war drum: Crimea bridge attack: hated symbol of Russian occupation faces further strikes (‘i’)

    The ‘i’ newspaper is sex-obsessed. Which is all very liberal and metroplitan and anything goes and all that – but why does it so often have to come combined with the desire to involve young people?

    Drag queen story hour, anyone?

    When Mr AsI was a lad the homosexual flag was pink: PinkNews is the UK-based online newspaper marketed to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community in the UK and worldwide.

    The art-school punk new wave band Wire released the album Pink Flag in 1977: It manages to encompass self-censorship, transgender sexuality and queer slang—that ‘got you in a corner, got you in a cottage’ (Magnet Magazine)

    Meanwhile painting and singing about rainbows in Mr AsI’s youth was a primary schoolkid’s thing.

    And of course the ‘i’ does Brexit bashing – absolute catnip to our Brexit Bashing Corporation: Politics: Brexit regret growing 51% would vote to rejoin the EU, 32% to stay out (‘i’)

    How about…

    Almost 60% of Brits back the death penalty, new poll shows… A majority of 58% of voters agreed with the controversial Ashfield MP, with only 28% saying it is not appropriate. (Ominsis, February 2023) – but obviously Keir Starmer won’t be planning any upcoming post general election surprise referendum on hanging.

    Mind you, Sir Keir would no doubt prefer a poll done by You Gov: Britons don’t tend to support the death penalty… Our survey shows that four in 10 (40%) Britons support the death penalty, with half (50%) opposed and 10% unsure. (You Gov)

    Oh but what’s this, You Gov? …until you name the worst crimes… when asked about the death penalty for specific crimes, Britons are more likely than not to support for death penalty for the murder of a child, murders committed as part of a terrorist act and cases of multiple murder… 55% multiple cases of murder (You Gov) – which tends to tell us rather more than perhaps intended about one of the best tricks to taking surveys – it’s how you ask the question.

    Global warming alarmism? – that box is well and truely ticked: Tourists evacuated from wildfire holiday resorts in Greece… Global heatwaves breaking records… (‘i’)

    Did we mention the ‘i’ newspapers obsession with race – that’s another way it endears itself to the Beeb?

    Interview: ‘I was nervous about having a Black show on BBC1 primetime’ Candice Carty-Williams on her thrilling musical drama (‘i’) – Nervous, really? I’m sure you were welcomed at the Beeb with open arms. Calm down, dear.

    How about making your show an enjoyable entertaining show, luv, and you’ll do ok – make it black audience interest only and you’ll be lucky to attract… let’s think… 4.2%-ish of the UK population?


    • Fedup2 says:

      I went past a local school yesterday and noticed a great big rainbow flag and a great big ‘coloured lives matter ‘ flag . If I was a parent looking for a school I would nt need to see an ‘ofsted ‘ report ….


      • BigBrotherCorporation says:

        They all have those Fed – and I have heard from parents that the local primaries are hotbeds of indoctrination in such subjects, with the parents deliberately ‘cut out of the loop’.

        It’s a little unnerving to be honest.


    • Up2snuff says:

      AISI, Janet Yellen would not be the first ‘politician’ (she’s really the US Treasury Secretary) to get confused between China and Japan. I seem to recall Jeremy Hunt being similarly confused and he’s married to one of them, either Chinese or Japanese!


  16. tomo says:

    Chris Packham’s agent and PR company have been busy


    I see Dale Vince has spare subsidy cash….


    • Fedup2 says:

      Will there be midair recharging balloons and an airborne runway ( see captain Scarlett ) ?


      • Guest Who says:

        Any angels in the pilot seat and I am listening…

        They were also, iirc, impressively diverse if not stunning in the Lizzo sense.


    • Guest Who says:

      George of the Bungle setting up for Packster’s minion role.



      • tomo says:

        George must have one of the largest block lists on Twitter

        George doesn’t like to be challenged or to show/explain his evidence – nooo siree.

        Loves smear


      • MarkyMark says:

        Once science is settled then we cannot change our minds or look at other data?


        • BigBrotherCorporation says:

          If it is ‘settled’ and can not be questioned, tested, or debated, then it’s not SCIENCE, it is RELIGION.

          By definition scientific theories are ALWAYS open to debate, even so called scientific ‘laws’ continue to be further tested and examined, and can still be queried and refined, as no end of research papers illustrate – that is the whole point of science!

          We now live in a post-scientific age, and I say that, like many of my breed, as someone who has worked in scientific research, a field which is dying on its feet, perhaps globally. At university, around 1990, I was taught to question everything, to apply logic and reason to problems, to keep an impartial and open mind, and not to create the outcome I desired, or which fit current assumptions and fashions best, but to report what I ACTUALLY witnessed. The tried and tested ‘scientific method’ that first arose among the ancient Greeks, and which was reinvented during the Renaissance and the ‘age of reason’, and much respected throughout much of the 20th Century. It does make me an annoying pedant, and the ‘devil’s advocate’ sometimes, but it’s what I was trained to be.

          Young people (including my children), are now taught ‘science’ consists of immutable, indisputable facts, and not to query and debate these ‘facts’, indoctrination, if you will. The turning point seems to have been in the mid 90s, during Blair’s watch, and may be related to the reforms in education at the time. I also believe we copied it from the US. It is easier to teach inarguable facts, than to have each generation explore ideas for themselves and discover logic and reason – that requires brighter and harder working teachers, and more one on one time, hard to achieve with classes of 30 odd spoilt brats glued to their phones, and the generation of teachers we have today.

          Try seriously questioning subjects like: climate change, Covid vaccines, lockdowns, transgenderism (especially in children), racial/gender prejudice etc… today and see where it gets you – in trouble with the law perhaps? Certainly disdained, defriended, and sidelined by many. This makes such subjects cult beliefs, which it is heretical to query, rather than science.


          • MarkyMark says:

            “He wrote to the scientific paper saying ‘take me off your fucking mailing list’ with a diagram. They wrote back saying your paper has been accepted.”

            They wrote back saying your paper has been accepted

            They wrote back saying your paper has been accepted

            They wrote back saying your paper has been accepted


          • MarkyMark says:

            From John Gatto, it’s not just children that don’t want to know about the real working world anymore. Swap child for adults in the following article …

            The children I teach are indifferent to the adult world. This defies the experience of thousands of years. A close study of what big people were up to was always the most exciting occupation of youth, but nobody wants to grow up these days and who can blame them? Toys are us. … Time for a return to democracy, individuality, and family. I’ve said my piece. Thank you. {naturalchild.org – john gatto – jan1990}

            relates to Westerners: Guilty of Reading the News {atestoneinstitute.org 27sep2017}

            – this is also why NewsPapers should link to a report if it is mentioned and not make it paywall’d



  17. tomo says:

    Make no mistake – these creepy f-ers are very busy at the moment


    Here’s what they say about themselves:


    • MarkyMark says:

      What nudge theory got wrong
      Is behavioural public policy a distraction from finding systemic solutions?

      Now two leading behavioural scientists, Nick Chater and George Loewenstein, have published an academic working paper suggesting that the movement has lost its way. Professors Chater and Loewenstein are academic advisers to the UK’s behavioural insight group, and blame themselves as much as anyone else for what they now see as mistakes. It’s worth paying attention to what they say.


      • tomo says:

        There’s maybe 500 of them with what looks like murky funding – a bureaucracy spawned bureaucracy…

        Chater and Loewenstein are irrelevant to the blob and its MO


  18. MarkyMark says:

    Boris says he needs his WhatsApp messages to write his book to so the citizens must wait …. Boris is King Cnut stopping the tide and Covid with his mind.


  19. tomo says:

    are the BBC playing Barber’s Adagio over the weather forecasts yet?


  20. MarkyMark says:

    BBC stars react to their salaries being revealed
    19 July 2017

    He quipped his agent and commercial channels were to “blame”- possibly for his salary in the region of £1,750,000 – £1,799,999.

    “This whole BBC salary exposure business is an absolute outrage,” he went on to tweet. “I mean how can @achrisevans be on more than me?”



  21. digg says:

    Another bunch of nutters are at it again…


    Perfect doublethink and doublespeak as George Orwell described it.

    How about going the whole hog and removing everyone from the ballot sheet don’t fit in with left wing values.

    It’s then a short step to ridding the World of such wrongthink people following the manual laid down by Mao and his buddies.


  22. Flotsam says:

    I remember being in Southern Spain, in August, in the early 1980’s. There was a thermometer at the bus station which read 45C.
    Large areas of mid and Southern Spain are semi desert and have been for decades.


  23. Guest Who says:

    oh’brien uses the classic bbc sopes #1degreeofseparation trick… just in case.

    his groupies seem ok with it.


    • MarkyMark says:

      GB News Star Dan Wootton Unmasked in Cash-for-Sexual Images Catfishing Scandal
      In the first part of its three-year special investigation, Byline Times reveals the accounts of victims targeted by the powerful TV presenter

      GB News presenter and MailOnline columnist Dan Wootton hid behind fake online identities to trick and bribe scores of men into revealing compromising sexual material, Byline Times can reveal in the first part of a three-year special investigation.

      Byline Times has extensive evidence to show that, between June 2008 and 2018, Wootton – who is gay – posed as a fictitious showbusiness agent called “Martin Branning” to offer sums of up to £30,000 “tax free” to his targets, many of whom were heterosexual men

      Among them are a very senior executive at Rupert Murdoch’s News UK alongside at least six other staff at The Sun newspaper – one with close links to News UK CEO Rebekah Brooks – friends, Facebook associates and users of the dating apps Grindr and Gaydar.


      • Guest Who says:

        So this Byline ‘extensive evidence’… anything like Oh’Brien’s last ‘source’?

        And Marianna Spring, who is a BBc protected species, when she was hiding behind online fake identities…?


        • MarkyMark says:

          BBC verified fact checked news.


          • Guest Who says:

            Carl Beech fact checked news in The Critic that Toenails texted Oh’Brien.

            Newsnight Mcalpine researchers are conducting a 3 minute surf investigation on Google.


      • G says:

        “….. – who is gay – …..”. Who would have believed………………


    • G says:

      You don’t need to dig too deeply into all the backgrounds of our current crop of ‘weirdo’ presenters to find dirt. Best part about it is, they’ve all been set up for the inevitable ‘fall’ based only on perceived current levels of morality which is equally subject to gravity. Next? At the current rate, 5/10/15 years hence, expected: ‘(This Presenter) who has just been released from prison having served x years for Murder/kiddie fiddling/rape (fill in the blanks)’. Oh such accolade !


  24. Dickie says:

    Free housing for migrants:


  25. MarkyMark says:

    “Hannah Arendt, one of the greatest philosophers of the last 100 years, said that: ‘Once something can’t be said, you’re already in a tyranny.’ So, it is indisputable that we are all now living, in 2023, in a tyranny”


    • Fedup2 says:

      I’ve finished re watching the 1980s version of 1984 …. And decided to reread the book – which I seem to have done every decade since the 1970s at first read . I owe my eng .lit teacher a beer for putting it on the o level reading list …


  26. G says:

    A morning of reflection in the midst of a blatant BBC ‘push +’ or, ‘nudge +’ if you will. All toward achieving the Marxists soon-to-be-realised dream of breaking the UK up in handy to achieve easy (peasy) simple steps. Destroying the UK – the founder of the so-called fictional, “Democracy” for the World to see. In ‘real time’. What an achievement! At the hands of the, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” to boot. The BBC. Credit where it is due I say. Today on R4? Well, I usually grab the headlines then the ‘off’ button. Reflection? Confession: 40 years + ago or so, ‘Today’ would have been running in the background, probably throughout the whole duration of three hours. You know, during the normal early morning routines, shaving, breakfast and all the other necessities while it runs, unchecked, in the background – a full three hours of propaganda – reinforced over and over. A historical peak of achievement any BBC marketing ‘nudge’ unit would cherish – The Irresponsible Listener who, in those ‘formative years’ gave ‘full throttle’ to the BBC’s propaganda machine. Now? Normally reduced, for me, to the essential headlines then immediately ‘off’. But not today. Why?

    My own curious measure of blatant Marxism at work induced me to listen & explore further. But why? I ask myself. Its the stark contrasts that appear when you only take snippets of the Today programme. Take for example the emphasis on the ’empty vessel’ dumbing down subject of “Music Tourism” (their description not mine). A thorough exploration of what money the UK has made by foreigners visiting the UK to partake of the recent gatherings like Glastonbury etc. and how much the country has gained from these events.

    Today’s ‘Today’ compared with the prime/’flagship’ 0800 news a few days ago when Miss Badenoch returned from signing the ABCDEFGHIJKLM …..I tire….(can there be that number of queers involved) in a, “Treaty” that’s not really? But no. Our, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” gave that low profile. More of an, ‘aside’ type of reporting. Grudging: ‘Aw, do I really have to’ style of news reporting.

    My lingering on today’s thoroughly Marsist ‘Today’ programme continued to yield Marxist ‘benefits’ (That’s not the “SurKeer” type of ‘benefits’ Today reported for black / Asian families who would predominantly qualify as a ‘family’ greater that two children’).

    No, this particular, “Sir” (Lord knows why) Mark Rowley: a detailed and cringing explanation of the next pedestal Black yoof will be elevated to. All conducted by the BBC’s ‘Nudge +’ Marxist specialist: The Bee lady inducing “Sir Mark” to take Met Confessions a little further ‘Stop ‘an Search’? “Sir Mark” stopped at the point where he would have admitted the policy of not stopping and searching any black person was initiated (let black murders by black people continue I say!). The next phase of reducing any accountability for excess black crime? Each Met officer will be equipped with a few metres of red carpet to unfurl at every crime scene where a black ‘yoof’ is involved. To absorb the blood or use later to unfurl at the nick on the entry of the black ‘yoof’ in the unlikely event a black ‘yoof’ is actually arrested if a Met ‘Officer’ has the temerity to arrest same. No, Sir Mark, give it up. You cannot win in this game of inevitable Marxism.

    Have no doubt, on the current trajectory, black ‘yoof’ is heading for total exemption for any and all crimes committed whilst needing no academic achievement to enter “Uni”. What could go wrong in this soon-to-be Marxist Nirvana?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Listening to the 3 hours is harder and harder to do . And I need a sort of purification by being bbc free for a number of days before dipping back in .

      Part of my problem is that I greatly admire clever propaganda ‘ methods of changing minds – eg in marketing . So I get more and more disappointed by the dumbed down propaganda message one now gets from the bbc – such as the stuff you report about the outgoing Met commissioner and his ‘plan ‘ .

      Perhaps if the killing of every coloured boy in londonistan was reported – which happens maybe once every 3 days on average – more attention to this unsolvable problem would be addressed – rather than the ritualised ‘not stopping coloured boys ‘ nonsense ,

      The BBC – Marxism generally – I think – has a real race issue – creating a gap which enables kids to go feral and killing each other without the feeling of any deterrence . It won’t be changing any time soon.


    • Terminal Moraine says:

      G spending time recently with friends who rotate between the Guardian and Radio 4 I struggled with the constant daily background noise, feeling it was something like Phil Spector’s ‘Wall of Sound’, except made of opinions and not musical instruments.

      According to Wiki: “The intention was to exploit the possibilities of studio recording to create an unusually dense orchestral aesthetic that came across well through radios and jukeboxes of the era. Spector explained in 1964: ‘I was looking for a sound, a sound so strong that if the material was not the greatest, the sound would carry the record. It was a case of augmenting, augmenting. It all fit together like a jigsaw.'”

      Sums it up for me.


  27. taffman says:

    “Bibby Stockholm asylum seeker barge docks in”

    “Stop the Boats” Sunak !
    “Stop the Boats”, we are full.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Moor the migrant barge outside Parliament – keep doing it!


    • MarkyMark says:

      The 222-bedroom vessel contains “basic” accommodation, with healthcare provision, catering facilities and 24/7 security, at a reported cost of £20,000 a day, the Home Office said back in May. In addition to the Bibby Stockholm, the government is seeking to use former military bases to house asylum seekers.19 hours ago


      • taffman says:

        The Home Office should be renamed The Foreign Office .
        Likewise, The National Health Service should be renamed ‘The International National Health Service’.


        • Fedup2 says:

          I heard a red labour wimmin moaning that a lot of the overseas give away budget is now used for illegal invaders . Someone in the home office / fireign office still has a sense of humour .

          Now that an army of potentially hostile young men have been imported maybe the MOD should chip in as well – instead of having an ‘army ‘…


    • Terminal Moraine says:

      BBC go to refugee campaign group Reclaim the Sea for input on the barge.

      From their blurb: “The sea itself does not discriminate between people based on their passports, or their backgrounds […] We want to explain and understand why the sea has become militarised; why borders in the sea are senseless; and how the sea could become a safe place for all. We also want to explore the exciting realm of sea & surf therapy.”

      The coast of Libya would be a great place to try some surf therapy.


  28. MarkyMark says:

    Government could be forced to pay millions to police asylum barges and military bases
    Exclusive: Suella Braverman approves new police funding policy amid ‘intense’ negotiations in Dorset

    Lizzie Dearden
    Saturday 17 June 2023 17:28



    • G says:

      I long for the time when The People tell Government and Parliament (not forgetting the thought-of ‘sage’ (?) Lords) to, ‘Stand Down’, when none of you are required. And I don’t mean a General Election. Long overdue…………..


      • MarkyMark says:

        Man who called Anna Soubry a Nazi and a traitor sentenced
        “They were not interested in a debate but set out to intimidate, antagonise and bully Anna Soubry.”


        Protester James Goddard has been handed a suspended prison sentence and banned from an area around Parliament for hurling abuse at Remain-supporting MP Anna Soubry.

        The pro-Brexit campaigner, 30, was filmed calling the former Conservative a Nazi and a traitor outside the Houses of Parliament in December and January.


        • atlas_shrugged says:

          Special protection for wimmin against hurty words cos they are wimmin.

          Wimmin are poor defenseless wee beasties.

          So bBC keep plugging the wimmin as victims line. This is straight out of the cultural-marxist playbook. Let’s set one group against another.

          bBC we see you.


    • moggie63 says:

      If we’re going to house them on boats (until some British families get thrown out of their, now suddenly available, housing) why not do so on the bloody boats they came here on? Preferably somewhere in the south Atlantic.


  29. MarkyMark says:


    The government is finally set to review the BBC’s outdated licence fee funding model. According to The Times, ministers will launch the review in Autumn and will consider alternatives including subscription, a broadband levy and advertising. The move comes after the BBC’s annual reports showed the number of people paying the licence fee fell by 500,000 – with revenue also falling. Who can blame them, when overpaid stars continue to use their platforms for political preaching…

    A government source said the latest figures showed “a growing unwillingness” to pay the licence fee. They added “The licence fee model is becoming unsustainable.”

    Unsurprisingly, the Taxpayers’ Alliance welcomed the review, with chief executive, John O’Connell, saying:

    “The TV tax is long past its use by date… Retaining the licence fee would force unwilling and uninterested taxpayers to cough up for a service they may not want, while holding the BBC back from modernisation. Serious work now needs to begin to examine alternative funding models”.

    Bring it on.





    • Fedup2 says:

      The strange thing is the timing – is the funding being reviewed because some one in blue labour really thinks they are gonna win ?
      Or is it to give one of Rishi s mates a job for 12 months so that he can get a gong in the outgoing PM honours list …. They must really think we are dumb ….


      • G says:


        “…. They must really think we are dumb ….”

        Great minds and all that……………


        • Fedup2 says:

          G better played at x2 . I really wish these YouTube people would get to the point instead of ranting . ‘The people ‘ will only notice when Tescos is closed or they can’t get juice at the petrol station . The rest is internet froth .


        • MarkyMark says:

          Could you be our nudge intern?

          We have a fascinating opportunity for a University of Edinburgh undergraduate student to join our team as an intern this summer. The job has a cool title: nudge intern — or behavioural insights intern if you want to be a little more formal about it.

          If you’ve read the book Nudge — or perhaps Thinking, Fast and Slow — you’ll have come across the idea before. The nudge intern is going to help us apply behavioural science approaches to positively influence the decision-making of people using our services.

          positively influence the decision-making of people using our services (NEVER NEGATIVE)

          positively influence the decision-making of people using our services (NEVER NEGATIVE)


    • moggie63 says:

      What the hell makes anybody think the Beeb is interested in modernisation?


  30. G says:

    Well, more than half of July has been passed. Crucial times for the Met Office (herein after referred to as, “The Joke”).

    Not a day has passed without needing a duvet on the bed and thicker socks/Wolly-pully. The crucial time when the Met Office start predicting “……X month is heading/preparing for the warmest recorded X in history”.

    Can we expect, round about now, for The Joke to announce, ‘We are heading for the coldest July on record’? No fear of that one……….


  31. Guest Who says:

    Polly? can’t wait for Toenails’ or LauraK’s ‘analysis’.


    • MarkyMark says:

      VOTE for men to go into LABOUR … vote starmer ….

      Labour conference: Wrong to say that only women have a cervix, says Keir Starmer



      • G says:

        Try and be objective and look again at today’s comments here. Not many years ago, you would not believe what we were commenting on today. Spiralling out of control – ultra-fast now.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Yes – I read your comment about ‘today ‘ – the drive for ‘change ‘ certainly is speeding up . I think one of the problems is that those in charge of the BBC really don’t know what they are destroying …
          They have no institutional memory – or choose to destroy it .


        • MarkyMark says:

          Did you just mis-gender me? Hate crime alert!


      • BRISSLES says:

        I would say to Starmer, “what is usually the first thing a mother wants to know when she either has a scan or gives birth ? IS IT A BOY OR GIRL ! And not throwing a coin in the air to come up with some mixed up gender”


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      It is astonishing what the mad-marxists are allowed to get away with. Imagine if a GB news presenter had made any of these comments like Wezzzzzz?


    • MarkyMark says:



  32. Fedup2 says:

    The bbc news line on the current immigration bill is to prefix it with ‘controversial’ . I don’t think the British voters would use that word … maybe ‘tame ‘ would be betterer …


  33. s.trubble says:

    Expect the bBC to lobby for the build of future barges to be transferred to the SNP!!


  34. s.trubble says:

    The bBC are using their old tactic of under-reporting the outstanding matters surrounding the implosion of the snp;

    1) The KC whose report is awaited into the shambles ( to the extent of possible fraud) surrounding the 2 unbuilt ferries
    Now over 3X the original quote.

    2) Operation branchform into the Murrels following both their arrests into financial irregularity matters,

    3) Another KC investigation announced into the use of a department of civil servants to dream up another grievance fuelled fantasy paper on independence.

    An analysis of the achievements of “devolution” and Holyrood scottish parliament would lead even the most beguiled mind to the conclusion..”Bulldozer Please”


  35. NISA says:

    It’s Channel 4 but humour me

    Tonight a programme Is Cricket Racist?

    Why the question mark? Another kangaroo court? as it is presented by “comedian” Adil Ray with contributions from various effniK sportsmen


  36. digg says:

    BBC news just on about the heat wave in Europe. Looks like they are going to use the same scare tactics they used over Covid to force compliance. i.e footage of people lying in streets collapsed suffering etc.

    End game is to force Joe Public to bow to the climate nutters just like they helped make them bow down to the lockdown, mask mandates get the jab pressure freaks.


    • MarkyMark says:



    • pugnazious says:

      God knows how the Afghans cope…..so much of the year in the 40’s….and British troops in body armour carrying 100lbs of gear….how’d they do it?


  37. pugnazious says:

    What happens when business moves in and when business moves out….and when the comforts and conveniences of modern life are no longer available due to green diktats.

    Spiked has two articles asking questions about the cost of going green….you know…if we stop using oil and gas and stop agriculture and no more plastics…and no more jobs….questions the BBC never asks.

    ‘The human cost of Net Zero’


    ‘The eco-elites’ insane war on farming’


    There are some other publications that ask similar questions…questions that need asking and answering. The BBC’s approach is to completely ignore these inconvenient truths that would scare the hell out of anyone listening and would put the brake on the green steamroller that is barrelling through our lives so rapidly and so destructively with nary a word of caution from the politicians who have jumped fully aboard the green band-wagon and the media that has become nothing but mouthpieces for the eco-zealots and puritans who seem to want nothing less than the killing-off of all humanity.

    Greta Thunberg is a classic example of the green steamroller…a girl with absolutely no qualifications becomes the figurehead for the eco-movement to whom world leaders grovelled and bowed down before and the media lionised and used and exploited to brainwash children into joining the new religion….no thought, no rational discussion just faith….a faith produced by scaring the hell out of the kids…..deliberately and knowingly harming their mental health and sending them home in tears because ‘the world is going to end’.

    Another example is Jeremiah Thoronka and his incredible energy creating invention….that maybe, just maybe, probably, never existed…but the BBC had no doubts….


    ‘How pedestrians are lighting homes in Sierra Leone’
    ‘Optim Energy ran a successful pilot programme in Thoronka’s local area, Kuntoluh. Using two devices, the start-up was able to provide power free-of-charge to 150 households, made up of 1,500 people, and 15 schools, with over 9,000 students.’

    Wow….why hasn’t Shell or BP scooped this up and started saving the world right now!? Such a simple, low cost, low impact solution….surely they know genius when they see it?

    Optim Energy was the start-up that Thoronka set up to field his invention……except you’ll find no presence of this Optim Energy anywhere other than in stories that all link back to the BBC’s.

    What’s curious is there are no pictures or videos of the device and nothing to show it in action…nor interviews with anyone who benefitted from it. And Spiked tells us that German journalists started asking questions and found….

    ‘ It might all be a little too good to be true. They contacted the organisers of the Youngster Green Award and Greentech Festival to find out a bit more about Thoronka’s pilot project. After all, it sounded incredible. But the organisers said that wouldn’t be possible because the pilot had since been dismantled. They asked if the device was being used anywhere else, and were told that it wasn’t. One journalist even asked if there were any videos, blueprints or other documentation of this unprecedented breakthrough. Again, nothing was forthcoming. In fact, no one could tell journalists much about the device or the pilot project at all.’

    Didn’t stop the BBC promoting the man and his invention…they obviously didn’t ask any such questions when writing their own report.

    It illustrates the problem….the likes of the BBC are all too eager to accept without question so much of the green narrative…not just daft stories like the one above but anything one of the green lobbyists say regarding climate change….just look how the BBC relentlessly promotes the killer heatwave line with dire predictions of apocalypse and death that would not look out of place in the sermon of some hellfire and brimstone pulpit-bashing preacher from centuries ago…it is the new religion…and you must not blaspheme and dare to question it.

    The BBC is, like it or not, the dominant provider of news and information in the UK….it has a massive influence either through that news, or via stealth messaging inserted into programmes or more blatantly through its programmes for schools….it is aimed primarily at capturing children’s hearts and minds for the cause but also seeks to crush and silence dissent, to make asking questions actually immoral and ‘dangerous’….being a blaphemer makes you a non-person.

    The BBC keeps telling us that it no longer needs to be impartial on climate because the consensus says….but that doesn’t mean it should shut down all critical thinking and stop asking questions of the scientists or the green zealots or of the politicians….and more especially it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t ask about the effects that the solutions demanded by the green lobby such as Extinction Rebellion, that so many politicians and BBC presenters accept as the people with the right thinking, will have on society…..what will we replace plastics with, what happens when 90% of the jobs vanish or are replaced with ones that are menial, very hard manual work and very lowly paid, when no food is grown or crops have low yields due to lack of fertiliser and pest control and there is no food…no heating, no clean water…no welfare, no schools, no NHS….all likely if Extinction Rebellion gets its way.

    War, famine, plague…extinction….all possible if we fall for the BBC narrative that mouths the eco-zealot’s message.

    Just the BBC doesn’t want you to know of course….we can save the planet…by…er…destroying your lives and humanity…all that progress from thousands of years of human thought and endeavour trashed to send us back to the stone age.


    • MarkyMark says:

      ‘ It might all be a little too good to be true. They contacted the organisers of the Youngster Green Award and Greentech Festival to find out a bit more about Thoronka’s pilot project. After all, it sounded incredible. But the organisers said that wouldn’t be possible because the pilot had since been dismantled. They asked if the device was being used anywhere else, and were told that it wasn’t. One journalist even asked if there were any videos, blueprints or other documentation of this unprecedented breakthrough. Again, nothing was forthcoming. In fact, no one could tell journalists much about the device or the pilot project at all.’

      Didn’t stop the BBC promoting the man and his invention…they obviously didn’t ask any such questions when writing their own report.


  38. Rob in Cheshire says:

    I checked out the new look University Challenge last night.

    To be honest, Amol Rajan was not as bad as I feared, though his desk seems to have grown a box for a computer. Paxman managed without one for 29 years. What’s wrong with cue cards? Sleepy Joe uses them all the time.

    What did strike me was that of the eight students, I think six were foreigners. We are being trolled yet again. Can anyone believe that out of the student populations of Manchester University and Trinity College Cambridge, only two British students were worthy of making the quiz teams? Really?

    Once again, it seems as if British people are just being airbrushed out of our own national life.

    At least the teams on Only Connect seemed like normal people, but that won’t last.


  39. Thoughtful says:


  40. JohnC says:

    US soldier held in North Korea after crossing border – reports

    What this story tells me is that the BBC have set up a dedicated ‘Live report’ team on hot-standby ready for more future political assasinations but they haven’t got much to do. Just like the 60-man ‘verify team’ I suspect.

    It warrants a small sub-pane at most. Not a full on, constantly updated ‘live report’.

    I really do wonder who the idiot in the suit is who decides what to run as main stories.


  41. BRISSLES says:

    OK, it’s a 5 year old edition, but today’s buyers on Escape to the Country are newly weds, barely 30, yet are looking in Surrey at huge country piles for their budget of 1.5 million !! !! Er how ??? I can only imagine the brides father is helping as she appears to be of Indian heritage.


  42. Terminal Moraine says:

    “The theme this year is ‘Stories to tell” and organisers say it is all about sharing and hearing stories “from a diverse and vibrant community. There are also many special events being held around the UK to mark the occasion.”

    Thinking of starting a “Leave Me Alone Month” with no events planned and no media coverage. At least it would increase diversity.




    • MarkyMark says:

      “Consanguinity is common in south Asian families locally and 53% of all south Asian children who died due to category 7 as a whole are from families who have married their cousin.” Other risk factors in child deaths included obesity and smoking.15 Feb 2019


    • JohnC says:

      We should call it the ‘Stop ramming it down my throat’ month in tribute to the plethora of ‘pride’ events. And it should run every third month to make space for the plethora of ‘blacks are great, whites are racists’ events.

      Apparently there are 180 ‘pride’ events planned for the UK in 2023.


    • Guest Who says:

      Maybe a ‘The bit with many BBC W1A relatives still shuttling to and from’ Month?


    • Up2snuff says:

      TM, South Asians? Oh, only Sri Lankans then. Isn’t that a bit exclusionary? Not very diverse and vibrant.


  43. Guest Who says:

    Many activist media have special sections with special editors. Bloomberg, BBC…

    Bloomberg Green
    Don’t call it a tax

    Akshat Rathi
    Senior Reporter:Climate

    Mr. Rathi rather giving the game away.

    When media are complicit in such things, they are beneath contempt.


    “To sell the policy to Canadians, McKenna also got support from California’s Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger:

    I was trying to get anyone who didn’t look like an environmentalist, because my problem wasn’t with people who believed environmentalists. My problem was people didn’t believe in environmentalism and didn’t want anyone them telling them what they needed to do. So I got Arnie, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who put a price on pollution in California, and it was bipartisan. I was trying to reach folks who liked The Terminator or it was quite cheesy, but I was like, “we need to terminate climate change!”

    Arnie has been an utter political tool for decades, and an eco-hypocrite of epic levels.

    And California is a basket case with the nu-guy’s efforts on the same topic.

    You add a skim off to anything, it will end up coming out of one person, the taxpayer… eventually.

    And when such a lien, or toll, or whatever, mostly goes on millions of overpaid pen pushers pushing fantasy notions less the vig… it is a tax, and a stupid one. Trillions down the pan using fear.

    Media used hold such things to account.

    Now state system renamed, and then repackaged by the global TNI partners.


    • Guest Who says:

      Maybe call it a Carbon Licence Fee?

      Because everyone is utterly fooled by that.


  44. JohnC says:

    January this year:

    Terrorism: Police concern over teen far-right extremism

    An article stressing how extreme the right-wing terrorism threat is. Unfortunately the very worst offender they could dig up only had:

    ‘A Nazi dagger and documents on how to make explosives and poisons were found by police at his home.’

    Meanwhile today we find out the REAL situation from the government:

    UK terrorism risk is rising – Suella Braverman

    In the strategy, the Home Office states: “In the UK, the primary domestic threat comes from Islamic terrorism, which accounts for approximately 67% of attacks in 2018, about three quarters of MI5 caseload and 64% of those in custody for terrorism-connected offences.”

    The far-Right don’t even warrant a mention.

    That would make you liars then BBC to try and push the narrative to your own political agenda.

    Where are you OFCOM ?. Oh – busy going after Right-wing news outlets on technicalities.

    At the end we get the quotation:

    “The attacks by prisoners inside HMP Whitemoor, the 2019 Fishmongers’ Hall and 2020 Streatham and Reading attacks by those on probation, demonstrate the significant threat that offenders may continue to pose both in custody and on release.”

    What the BBC omit there is that they were ALL Muslim attacks. You can be sure we would have been told if they were Right-wing.

    It’s clear how few actual attacks they have got because they ALWAYS bring up Joe Cox as the example of far-right terrorism. Even though it is well known the guy had mental health problems prior to the attack.


    • MarkyMark says:

      2017 … BBC Search ‘Yusuf Islam’ .. this is what your TV License has paid for, whether you want to or not, various interviews and shows promoting ‘Yusuf Islam’ on BBC …

      Afternoon Edition: 14/09/2017: Sarah Brett and Nihal Arthanayake meet Yusuf Islam to find out about his new
      Robert Elms: With Beverley Knight, Delroy Williams and Yusuf Islam
      BBC One Sessions: Yusuf Islam: he artist formerly known as Cat Stevens gives his first full concert in nearly three decades, in this exclusive performance recorded for the BBC at the Porchester Hall, London.
      A Little Later: Paul Simon/Yusuf Islam
      Singer-Songwriters at the BBC: Series 2: Episode 1
      The First Time With…: Yusuf Islam
      Something Understood: Inside Out
      The One Show: 21/04/2015
      Front Row: Cat Stevens, Northern Soul, William Morris, Ken Burns
      Simon Mayo Drivetime: Yusuf/Cat Stevens
      Jo Whiley: Album Review
      In Concert: Cat Stevens
      The One Show: 10/12/2009
      BBC – Maida Vale at 75
      imagine…: Spring 2006: The Artist Formerly Known as Cat Stevens: lan Yentob presents a documentary telling the story of Yusuf Islam
      Top of the Pops: Annie Lennox: blues and jazz standards. We also hear from the singer Yusuf Islam, who is better
      Later… with Jools Holland: Series 28: Episode 3
      Saturday Live: Lulu
      Music Week: 15/11/2009
      Johnnie Walker’s Long Players: Series 1: Cat Stevens’ ‘Tea for the Tillerman’ and Van Morrison’s ‘Moondance’ : The former broke Yusuf Islam
      Outlook: Ebola Nun Helps Save Spanish Nurse: Yusuf Islam – also known as Cat Stevens – was inducted into the Rock & Roll
      Simon Mayo: 07/07/2009
      Later… with Jools Holland: Series 28
      In Concert: 07/07/2007
      Later… with Jools Holland: Series 34: Episode 3
      Later… with Jools Holland: Series 34 Live: Episode 3
      The Documentary: 13/08/2010
      Keep on Running: 50 Years of Island Records
      Faith and 9/11
      BBC – Radio 3 – Late Junction – 6 July 2004
      BBC – Radio 1 – Established 1967
      Good Morning Sunday: 21/10/2007

      – But the BBC fail to report on the renewal in 2016 of the Fatwa for a death bounty on an author that ‘Yusuf Islam’ agreed was right to enact as a Muslim.
      – BBC, how can I remove the platform you provide for these people without going to prison?



    • MarkyMark says:

      A leading organiser of Stop Funding Hate, the group who arranged an advertising boycott of GB News, has a history of sharing “anti-Semitic” content online.



  45. MarkyMark says:

    “The children I teach are indifferent to the adult world. This defies the experience of thousands of years. A close study of what big people were up to was always the most exciting occupation of youth, but nobody wants to grow up these days and who can blame them? Toys are us. … Time for a return to democracy, individuality, and family. I’ve said my piece. Thank you. ”
    {naturalchild.org – john gatto – jan1990}



  46. Dickie says:

    A collection of videos for Marijuana Spring to mull over😂😂
