Integrity is meant to be big in the State Funded BBC . But in 2 weeks it has seen a leading Newsreader confined to a mental hospital after paying for sexual pictures of a ‘young person ‘ Now its ’ ‘business editor ‘ has been found to have received private bank details of a politician and misreported the circumstances of his cancellation by partly State owned bank .
The BBC path to self destruction is getting shorter …
Midweek 26 July 2023
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LONDON, UK. 14 Oct, 2021. Coutts private bank in The Strand celebrates Black History Month by featuring
Nat West shares are down this week by around 8%, wiping close to £1 billion off the share capital value.
Go woke, go broke.
A pattern is emerging – the Chinese virus Fear has now been fully replaced by Weather Fear .
Each News begins with a weather fear report by some approved ‘research ‘ outfit – today it is the ‘met office ‘ yesterday it was some other outfit .
Every hot day is man made – every cold day is man made . There is no doubt . The earths’ weather is now fully understood.’the science ‘ is fully understood . We must do as we are told . We much change to the approved behaviour .
When this collective madness subsides people are going to look at this time and wonder what the hell were those idiots thinking ?
Burn that oil ….
I’m 1st 🙂
Ukraine war: How the offensive in the south has stuttered
“its Stuttered” apparently
bbc just tell us the truth for a change!
I’m finding the reporting on the war in the Ukraine to be very useful to learn just how much the BBC will mislead and lie to us when it suits their agenda. The big points about this one are 1) You can’t hide a truth like this for long and 2) There are plenty of independent people on the internet who are trying to report the truth.
Of course they don’t do it directly because they would be open to fact-checking. They use their usual deceitful tricks. They simply don’t tell us the things they don’t want us to know and they present quotations from outrageously biased people as straight facts in headlines – but with single quotation marks around them.
Their final trick is when someone they don’t like says something they put ‘Without providing evidence’ at the start. When they are deliberately misleading us, they put ‘The BBC were unable to independently able to verify the claims’ right at the end of the article.
Here is a perfect example:
“Slow or not, the offensive is taking place and it will definitely reach its goal,” he says.
But of course we are not told what the goal is. It will be invented later so it matches whatever was achieved.
The BBC are ethically barren activists hiding behind the reputation of the BBC from decades ago. They are the worst kind of liars.
Nothing can upset the narrative – the great counter offensive of the summer of 2023 peters out it is realised that russia is too strong to be overcome – and just how much armour is the west providing and how long is it surviving ?
Anyway – a more important issue . I looked at the 40 page nat west file on Nigel Farage . Whoever put it together was looking for reasons to ‘out’ him – any contrary comment or allegation was recorded . I bet police files / stazi files look like this – all regarding some one being a bank customer .
There needs to be better accountability . Who exactly composes these files > how many are there ? Who has a file ?
Really can’t blame Nigel Farage for turning this into a ‘mission ‘ . People like Dame Woke – using her bank to kill her political enemies – can’t be allowed to continue without control .
I bet a lot of companies are busily deleting files
Oh yeah – Muslim Irish lefty one hit singer dies – she was approved so gets the full BBC treatment …..
I think your final sentence is brilliant JohnC!
In a few words it describes the foul organisation better than any other summary I have yet seen.
Thanks digg.
As they say, even monkeys will write Shakespeare if they keep at it long enough.
Who coined the phrase, “The first casualty of War is Truth”,5753,-21510,00.html
There are a lot of good independent investigative journalists and commentators, many with their own websites, who are out there reporting not just on Ukraine but other topics which the mainstream media will not report on. One just has to look for them. It is why governments are trying to use censorship to shut them down because they do not follow the government’s narrative. Keep the plebs ignorant as to what various governments real agendas are, hence BBC Verify in this country.
By the way since the subject of Ukraine was brought up:
The bankers, the bonuses, the Tories, the bankers, the bonuses, the Tories edition – with apologies there due to Paul Whitehouse and Harry Enfield
NatWest chief forecd to quit could get payoff worth millions (Times)
On point and satirically apposite – as we’ve come to expect – cartoonist Matt in the Telegraph has a bank minion tell tell her boss at NatWest: “We’re having a collection for Dame Alison Rose and she tells me you have lots of money in your account”
The rather staid and proper editorial main headline in the Telegraph meanwhile reports somewhat mildly: NatWest may have broken law over Farage
The sub-header is pretty strong however – with sentiments not seen since the 2008 financial crash and certainly not often expressed in the Tory press: Entire board under pressure to stand down as company’s value plummets by £850m
The FT confirms: NatWest fails to stem Farage fallout as shareholders vent anger on Davies… Shares decline 4%… The bank’s chair Sir Howard Davies, was the target of investor frustration after his failed attempt to keep chief executive Dame Alison Rose in post
Rock duo Mick Jagger and Keith Richards wrote “Sympathy for the Devil” the opening track on the Rolling Stones’ 1968 album Beggars Banquet. Working titles included “The Devil Is My Name” and “Fallen Angels”
The Telegraph frontpage may carry a joke about bank staff having sympathy for their disgraced boss and having a leaving collection for the failed woke bankster and customer confidentiality breacher Dame Alison Rose. The Guardian however takes that humorous notion seriously: “There is a real sense of disquiet that political pressure has led to a midnight exit for such an important banking CEO” an official at the city regulator… told the Guardian… A Treasury source echoed the comments describing “a sence of disbelief” and “frustration” among banking bosses about the government’s handling of the row. Rachel Reeves, the shadow chancellor called out “bullying attitudes” towards Rose (Guardian)
With the Guardian’s characteristic love for – and relentless adherence to – manangerial due process in mind (when things are going smoothly in a leftward direction – which they would have been had our Nigel been quiet) – and talking of the blob: It’s astounding that period products aren’t properly regulated (Guardian)
Accusations aimed at our national broadcaster are coming thick and fast of late: Esther Rantzen I fear asbestos at the BBC may have caused my cancer (Daily Express)
There’s two sides to every war
Ukraine war: How the offensive in the south has stuttered… So far there’s little evidence that Western supplied tanks and armoured vehicles have been able to tip the balance in Ukraine’s favour. (BBC)
Kyiv’s pushback is on course, says Britain… Ukraine’s counter-offensive is going successfully… the UK’s Armed Forces minister has said (Telegraph)
His names is James H-E-A-P-P-E-Y – we know he is, we’re sure he is…
But we recall a chap nicknamed Comical Ali
Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf has also been nicknamed Baghdad Bob or Comical Ali (a play on “Chemical Ali”) for his notable and colorful television appearances as the Information Minister of Iraq. When asked where he had gotten his information, he replied, “authentic sources—many authentic sources”
Covid’s lost pupils ‘will cause huge crime wave’ Warning over ‘ghost children’ missing from school… Thousands more violent offenders will be created by ministers’ failure to get children back to school since Covid (Times) – oh dear, here we go again, now let me just fetch my teacher’s red correcting pen…
Covid’sLockdown’s lost pupils… failure to get children back to school sinceCovidLockdown – 3 out of 10, could do betterLocal news outlet Fréttablaðið has calculated that in the past few years the Icelandic judiciary has sentenced 36 bankers to a total of 96 years in prison. All of the criminal cases are linked to the notorious crash of the Icelandic banking system in 2008.7 Feb 2018
Just been reading the in-depth BBC article about Hunter Biden
No, only joking. There is however wall to wall coverage about the cause-undefined death of an Irishnlady that had a hit once, shaved her head, and converted to Islam.
The BBC Hunter Biden story is an opinion video on ….wait for it…..not on his activities but why he is so important to the Republicans !!!!! FFS.
There’s a meme familiar in conservative circles in the States that describes how their biased left-leaning media covers stories damaging to the left. Every mainstream report tends to contain some version of the formula: “Republicans Pounce”
No doubt Katty and Christian will be all over the Biden corruption – our Justin mentioned something in passing – but the fact that the department of justice / fbi / federal courts are all owned by the democrats didn’t get a mention ….
.. even in the absence of Simon jack – the business editor – the implications of the U.S. raising rates by 0.25 % again yesterday didn’t get much mention …. But wait until next Thursday when we get blubbing mortgage holders having to find an extra £400 a month as their fixed rates end ….
Zuckerberg tells Rogan FBI warning prompted Biden laptop story censorship
26 August 2022
Pity he just points out the obvious but no suggested remedy to the blob ( I don’t think there is anything other than to realise we are being played )…
—- I wonder how many media types are married to politicians …?
“… most of you are political junkies (panel members on Question Time). Most of the country isn’t.” – David Starkey @ 2:35
Times radio have their panties in a bunch about supermarket shelves being stripped by marauding gangs in Londonistan.
At the same time they report that if we do not get a generation of ghost children back to skool then we will likely experience a crime wave.
Kings of cocaine: how the Albanian mafia seized control of the UK drugs trade
Sun 13 Jan 2019 07.00 GMT
Always nice to have a ready excuse ….
… today had the chap cleared of Rape yesterday . I’m surprised there has not been more publicity about the detectives who – allegedly – fitted him up – by the sound of it – a defective defence lawyer at trial – and the rest of the system .
Luckily for Greater Manchester Plod – at least one ‘witness ‘ is dead and the forensic evidence conveniently destroyed ….
I’m thinking a few retired plod won’t be worrying too much today ….
Maybe when the judgement is published the tree might get a shake …
100+ Police protecting a pink boat = 100+ Police NOT Policing Citizens
Local news outlet Fréttablaðið has calculated that in the past few years the Icelandic judiciary has sentenced 36 bankers to a total of 96 years in prison. All of the criminal cases are linked to the notorious crash of the Icelandic banking system in 2008.7 Feb 2018
Climate change: Last year’s UK heatwave ‘a sign of things to come’
9 hours ago
The record-breaking UK heat experienced in 2022 will be regarded as a cool year by the end of this century, the Met Office says.,
A doomsday cult is a cult that believes in apocalypticism and millenarianism, including both those that predict disaster and those that attempt to destroy the entire universe.[1] Sociologist John Lofland coined the term doomsday cult in his 1966 study of a group of members of the Unification Church of the United States: Doomsday Cult: A Study of Conversion, Proselytization, and Maintenance of Faith. In 1958, Leon Festinger published a study of a group with cataclysmic predictions: When Prophecy Fails: A Social and Psychological Study of a Modern Group that Predicted the Destruction of the World.[2][3][4
The authors took a particular interest in the members’ coping mechanisms after the event did not occur, focusing on the cognitive dissonance between the members’ beliefs and actual events, and the psychological consequences of these disconfirmed expectations.
Will the government take action against all of the banks who have debanked folk for having non woke political opinions or attitudes?
They could for instance require all banks to immediately hand over to customers any dossiers that the bank has on them and if there incorrect or libellous statements in it , or if any previous customer had been debanked on the grounds of non alignment with bank policies , legal aid should be granted to allow customers to sue the bank.
My guess is that the government will make some noise but do nothing beyond slapping a few wrists. After all bankers are usually Tories. Worse the Tories are probably happy for debanking to be added to the list of ways in which trouble makers who aren’t hyperglobalists can be punished without the trouble of going to law and the government getting its hands dirty.
All of the criminal cases are linked to the notorious crash of the Icelandic banking system in 2008. Eleven of those bankers, who are former employers of Kaupþing, were sentenced to total 35 years in prison, while other seven individuals from Glitnir HoldCo. were sentenced to 25 years.7 Feb 2018
Badly thought out written legislation in the knowledge/wink that it needs to be/would be ‘gold plated’ when it came into force. All the cartel banks then jumped on it to simplify their attacks on any right thinking individual or company. Off the record to recent dates.
Legislators to blame + the Lords (with all their wide experience of life/business?) Legislation should never have been introduced.
Unless, of course, it was all intended and planned by the WEF puppets, to clamp down on anybody they didn’t like.
This year being pretty much normal in the UK weatherwise, the “experts” pushing climate change have had to fall back on last years weather for the latest scare story.
The really do think we are mugs don’t they?
The other wing of the Guardian i.e. the BBC, is running the same nonsense:
They quote some slightly different statistics, showing weather stations which have smashed records. Looking at that, the first one, Cranwell, is the site of an RAF base. So is number 6, Leeming. Number 4, Sutton Bonnington, is a mile or two away from East Midlands airport. But like the Guardian, they also reference Coningsby, which supposedly recorded the UK’s highest temperature of 40.3C. Er, that would be RAF Coningsby, an operational airbase.
Of course, anyone who thinks that vast plains of concrete and tarmac somehow absorb and radiate heat at a higher rate than, say, fields and forests is, of course, a conspiracy theorist and should have their bank account cancelled with immediate effect.
I remember summer of 76
That was a hot year, no mention of global warming back then. It was called weather.
Isn’t this just a manifestation of E=mc2?
And maybe also Binding Energy per Nucleon over time.
Summer of 76.
I remember my Nan saying the weather was smashing.
BBC Radio 4, 26 October 2022
In a discussion about the Just Stop Oil protests a contributor said ‘everyone agrees that our government’s decision to pursue new oil is a death sentence for millions across the globe.’
The presenter challenged whether ‘everyone agrees’ and went onto add that ‘no government in any country around the world of any political complexion agrees with that statement.’
To be clear, there is no universal view on whether new gas developments are good or bad. There are Governments who are opposed to new oil developments. Many people believe climate change could lead to the death of millions.
12/01/2023 – Amended for clarity.
We have always been at war with Eurasia comrade. Always.
The other trick with the Climate and weather, and anything not fitting the agenda, is to change definitions. One example with social media is when the context note appears if a keyword is triggered. Climate Change brings up the UN definition citing human activity and fossil fuels as the main cause. Not what I was taught in my first degree in Geology and Physical Geography. But then we were also taught to question, research and be open minded.
Climate Heating. Cooling. Change.
‘Global Warming’ was too precise and easily disproved.
‘Climate Change’ can mean anything and everything.
Everyone knows that.
Detectives investigating the alleged rape of a teenage girl in Rotherham have released a CCTV image of a man they want to speak to.
The attack happened at about 21:00 BST on Thursday as the girl walked with friends through Eastwood Playing Fields, South Yorkshire Police said.
The man is described as white with short brown hair, between 18 to 20 years old and about 5ft 8ins tall.
Officers have said they believe he may be able to assist with their enquiries.
The man was wearing a plain grey hooded top, blue jogging bottoms with stripes down the leg, white trainers and had “a back and sides haircut”.
Anyone who recognises the man is asked to contact police.
2019 … we have always been under a dictatorship …. “lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies.” { aug2019} – the death of freedom of speech.
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2019 …Australia’s highest court has made a landmark ruling that a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies. The court rejected her claim that she had been denied a right to free speech. – Australia, 2019
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2019 … ** a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies.**
Ukraine war: Western armour struggles against Russian defences
In the DE they have an article saying Rose is in line to get a £5,000,000 sum as part of her ‘resignation’
When we hear on tv talk shows all these people saying you have to pay huge wages to get the best people (like those saying politicians should get a hefty pay rise) it’s usually those who get these top positions saying this.
It’s like a cosy game of musical chairs for them. Fail and then move on to the next top job to fail at whilst getting an enormous payout for doing a crap job. Whether it’s nhs bosses, teaching, rail or whatever, we are sliding down the charts when compared to similar Countries when once we were always at the top end of the charts.
Yes some lefty was singing the dames’ praises – but then someone far more intelligent put up the share price across the years she was in charge – flat – but there is pattern with banks – they are self serving and not too interested in the shareholders until something goes wrong …
Alison Rose, the ex NatWest Bank Chief is married to a senior UBS Banker, David Slade, Managing Director, Global Head of Debt Capital Markets and Leveraged Finance .
Cosy chats? One wonders …….
I wonder about posting this, but I shall because it’s something the media is completely ignoring as it hopes to indulge in decadent partying and lunatic Socialist rotteness until the day the ship hits the iceberg.
We are running out of time. When the ship hits the rocks it’s going to be too late to rescue this mess, especially when you don’t even know it’s coming.
The US Dollars foundations are being quietly determinedly undermined as global trade moves away, and the collapse in its value is assured, a matter of when not if.
Unfortunately the graph I have of US debt cannot be posted here, but it has become an almost vertical line as Biden has increased US national debt by around ten trillion in just two years! US Debt was at $22 trillion in September 2020 now at around $32 but official figures won’t be available until the end of September.
This is unsustainable. Now with the rise in interest rates half the US government tax take is going to service the debt and it has become the single largest item of expenditure. These debts are never going to be repaid and the world knows it.
So I beg you to usefully spend an hour of your time watching what is going on in the world in the coming months so that you can make yourself aware and take what steps you can to protect you and yours from the inevitable privations of what is coming.
Wise advice Thoughtful – will watch – and take steps
Africa pays the price as China and Russia muscle in with AFP
Est. 5min Mar 15, 2023
Projects led by China in Africa include the Standard Gauge Railway linking the Kenyan port city of Mombasa to the Rift Valley, which cost $5 billion and was financed 90% by Beijing.
It is Kenya’s biggest infrastructure project since independence and was opened in 2017. China is Kenya’s second-largest lender after the World Bank.
In December 2022, Tanzania signed a $2.2 billion contract with a Chinese company to build the final section of a railway line aimed at linking the country’s main port with its western neighbours.
All the more the merrier:
“4:14 Chinese employees will build and design infrastructure.”
According to official UK bilateral aid statistics, the UK spent £68.4 million on aid to China in 2019, up from £44.7 million in 2015. Table 1 presents the breakdown of this aid by department or fund over the period from 2015 to 2019.
World debt is a huge problem, but there’s a difference between good debt and bad debt.
Good debt is borrowings to build something of future value such as infrastructure – something which is going to facilitate trade or produce an income in itself.
Bad debt is where money is squandered on something which will never produce anything of value, such as student debt forgiveness, war, dealing with illegal migration, or the race baiting training.
There are a lot of silly editors around who take pleasure in seeing China in what they perceive to be as bad a predicament as the West.
The way media often works is that a hack is given a title or a brief and told to write an article about it. The FT did this with the BRICS currency “why it will fail” written by someone who knew nothing about the subject, and who didn’t bother to find out, and that story is now being quoted as some kind of expert assesment !
The Western media is clueless and worse wants to remain that way along with its readership.
Chinas belt and road is an insurance policy. It doesn’t matter if it is in debt, that isn’t what it’s about. China plays a very long game as opposed to Western short termism. China is not a huge maritime power like the USA, and it needs ships to bring energy and food, and to export its goods. If the US decides to blockade China in the future, China can use the Belt and Road to avoid US interdiction of its martitime traffic.
China can survive without the West.
The west cannot survive without trinkets.
Justin Bieber convinces Victoria Beckham to wear crocs?
Web Desk
|July 26, 2023
I wonder if the US will sobotage the jo burg meeting …
Why Hunter Biden is important to Republicans… in 90 seconds
Disgusting report from the bbc
Why Hunter Biden is important to Republicans… in 90 seconds
Why Hunter Biden is important to Republicans… in 90 seconds
The BBC’s Anthony Zurcher explains why the US president’s son, Hunter Biden, is looming large over the campaign trail and beyond.
Hunter Biden’s abstract art to sell for $500K to ‘anonymous’ and ‘confidential’ collectors says his ex-con agent, raising serious questions about WHO the buyers are
Just do what Bill Clinton did – “I ask you to turn away from the spectacle of the last 7 months.”
“This matter (releasing man fluids over a young intern in the white house and other sexual advances on other ladies) is between me and the two people I love most. My wife and our daughter and our God.” @2:39
That is an outrageously biased video. Especially after all the lies they went along with about the Laptop.
And particularly when they give full credance to the TWO attempts to impeach Trump as a result of SIX separate committees set up just to try and find reasons.
THEN he’s been arrested TWO times in unprecedented attempts to convict an ex-President for things previous Presidents have also done.
Do the BBC express the due outrage over this very clear political persecution the world doesn’t see outside North Korea ?.
Nope : they support them and back them up fully. Usually making a big thing that it is the first time in history it has happened – but no mention at all that they might be politically motivated. That elephant is only mentioned when they quote Trump’s response.
Luckily OFCOM are on the same side and so turn a blind eye. There are no lies there. But only 10% of the truth.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – how many BBC Verify units are there? One in every nation of the world?
Manipur: Misleading information shared about India tensions – note the author and his tag! I suspect the BBC are doing their own misleading; I find that nowhere in the article are the words ‘Hindu’ or ‘Christian’ used. The BBC rightly criticise a misleading video from Myanmar, taken a year ago. And also a ‘false flag’ claim about a murdered Meitei woman and her post mortem, said to have sparked violence.
However, BBC’s own Sunday Programme on R4 correctly pointed out that the two women who were paraded bound and naked were minority Kuki Christians. I did a little research this morning and found two Wiki pages (usual disclaimers – may not be accurate) here: and here:
You know you cannot trust the BBC.
You may instead rely on the BBC to spread their own misinformation.
Egypt calls for BBC boycott amid dispute over critical report
By Reuters Staff
CAIRO (Reuters) – Egypt’s government press center called on Tuesday for Egyptian officials and prominent individuals to boycott the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) after a report on human rights it said was “flagrantly fraught with lies”.
Why should British TV taxpayers have to subsidise this crap?
It has nothing to do with normal citizens here, so let them pay for their own misinformation over there, and we can, (if we can be ar*ed), get our ‘news’ here.
I don’t pay now anyway, and as said by numerous chums here, there are far better sources of real news than the tiresome, yappy, beeboib’s opinions!
BBC Studios (Africa) Proprietary Limited
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Tel: +27 10 020 2115
*For BBC News South Africa queries, contact:
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“The Gulf Stream system of warm ocean currents could collapse as early as 2025, a scientific study has warned.
The end of the system, which drives the Atlantic’s currents and determines western Europe’s weather, would likely lead to lower temperatures and catastrophic climate impacts. But leading scientists have reservations about the study and say it is not established science…”
Are the BBC admitting that consensus in the scientific ‘community’ is not as common as they thought? How then should we, Joe Public, go about resolving differences in modelling output and theory?
Will the MSM tell us who to trust, and specifically Georgina Rannard — whose scientific training prior to becoming BBC Climate & Science reporter were postgrad studies in Modern History?
The Gulf Stream ceasing is a hypothesis, a fancy scientific term for what is actually a guess, or less charitably, scare tactics. It would take a colossal change in the World’s environment for this to happen. Something far beyond a degree or two C temperature rise could inflict.
Modelling transparency and contingency planning will be crucial in modelling any future crisis according to Professor Ferguson OBE.
Government scientist Neil Ferguson, 51 – whose death toll projections sparked lockdown – QUITS after admitting he allowed married mistress, 38, to break stay-at-home rules to visit him for trysts
Another athlete collapses from a heart attack… Verify are on the case with an attack on their arch enemy because “An unfounded belief Covid vaccines are leading to a rise in heart problems, especially in young athletes, has been amplified by Twitter owner Elon Musk.”
Any potential link to C19 vaxx must be disinformation because Rachel — whose scientific training prior to becoming BBC Health and disinformation reporter is unknown — tells us “Pfizer and Moderna’s Covid vaccines have been linked to relatively rare cases of myocarditis, but crucially, studies suggest this does not lead to have a higher risk of having a cardiac arrest.”
Is that ‘established’ science, or there some reservations about those studies? Had a look at the Pfizer and Moderna trial data yet Rachel?
1 in 35 myocardial injury with moderna booster new active study shows:
Sly shit does projection too….
Climate Emergency – Jamie Oliver still sells pies and goes on holiday to Mauritius..
Government scientist Neil Ferguson, 51 – whose death toll projections sparked lockdown – QUITS after admitting he allowed married mistress, 38, to break stay-at-home rules to visit him for trysts
plural noun: trysts
a private romantic rendezvous between lovers.
“a moonlight tryst”
Back in 2012 the bbc website had this:-
What does being British mean?
Not sure the ex-british broadcaster would bother doing a page like this again.
Unless, being British is proud of Stormzy for example
being British is a capital full of foreigners,
being British in most cities are nothing like we reconise when we were growing up
etc etc
Bethany, Essex, England
“British is a hard thing to describe… BUT I’M PROUD OF IT!”
Also on BBC site – no Netball men’s team? Why not?
After a four year wait, the Netball World Cup returns this month!
It promises to be not only an exhilarating tournament, but also an historical one as the first time the Cup will be held in Africa.
Here is your ultimate guide to what is sure to be a show-stopping event.
I wonder when we will get the first all male wimmins football team (or netball team)
They have already taken over in some sports (and soon became record holders) so when will 11 men say they are wimmin and then win the wimmins football World Cup.
It’s only a matter of time if the wokies get their way.
*Did you know that ‘wokies’ is now a recognised word. I typed in wokes and it auto corrected to wokies.
Actor Laurence Fox has rifled many features recently after claiming on Question Time that being called a ‘white privileged man’ is racist.
His controversial comments continued when he revealed to The Delingpod podcast that he broke up with his ‘too woke’ girlfriend over her opposing views on the Gillette advert last year.
He explained: ‘I don’t know how we ended up together.
‘It was a very short relationship. We were walking down the road and she was talking about how good the Gillette advert was. I just looked at her and went, “Bye. Sorry, I can’t do this with you”.’
Viewing figures for the girly sports ? Hyping the kittens or some made up nickname ? At least the Irish are gone ….
Facebook was where Pakistan could debate religion. Now it’s a tool to punish ‘blasphemers’
This article is more than 6 years old
Laws that criminalize insulting Islam have led to a death sentence for posts, as activists worry Facebook’s commitment to Pakistanis’ ‘voice’ is mostly lip service
Co-op warns rising crime could create ‘no-go’ areas for shops
On reddit, the BBC use this image:
Which doesn’t look like any co-op to me : it looks like an off license. Are we supposed to believe that no better images from CCTV are available than this totally fake one with whitey doing the stealing ?. Just like they always have a white hand holding the knife in articles about stabbing.
We all know what the HUGE elephant in the room is about who is doing all this looting in ‘inner London’. This image from CCTV is obviously the most ‘disguised’ one they could find:
But even then, we can be pretty sure about who we are looking at from that one.
Good old BBC. Shamelessly racist as usual.
Tony Blair: “If I was back in front-line politics…”
Labour’s former prime minister on the AI revolution, the curse of Brexit and what Keir Starmer must do to win.
By Andrew Marr
“… and mould the whole of Europe into a copy of Germany …. a good place to start is to ditch the easy historical comparison (ignore history and you will repeat it) … because Angela Merkel is a figure of our here and now and it’s vital to understand her better because she (Merkel) matters more to our future (UK) than, what, 95% of British Politicians.” – BBC’s Andrew Marr 2013
“The Making of Merkel with Andrew Marr BBC documentary 2013 about Angel Merkel imp politician” {youtube}
Little Mix singer and solo artist Leigh-Anne Pinnock has been awarded an honorary doctorate in the arts by Buckinghamshire New University.
The High Wycombe-born star was given the award in recognition of her anti-racism and racial equality work.
Little Mix naked for new Strip video to celebrate female empowerment – Mirror Online
Strip = POWER
Little Mix feared arrest after displaying Pride flag on stage in Dubai, says Jade Thirlwall
“In my mind, we either didn’t go or we’d go and make a point,” says Jade of gig in UAE, where gay sex is punishable by execution.
I know it’s a different time but it seems all these girl groups and wimmin singers all dress in a similar fashion.
I couldn’t imagine Sandie Shaw, Petula Clarke, Shirley Bassey or Joan Baez singing their hits wearing only a bra and knickers.
Lizzo poses in VERY tiny string bikini as she flaunts her famous curves during relaxing dip in her LA swimming pool
Is she sponsored by an food companies?
Would be interesting to see the result of her belly flop.
Would that not flood most of Los Amgeles?
Famous curves, she’s bloody grossly obese.
Hilarious that she couldn’t hoist herself out of the pool
Nigel Farage is going through them like “a dose of salts” !
Who is next, The BBC ?
‘Global boiling’ here says UN chief, as July set to be warmest ever
Here’s a little more on that news story we’ve just brought you, with scientists saying this July is “virtually certain” to be the world’s warmest month on record.
“virtually certain”
“virtually certain”
Actress and climate change activist Dame Emma Thompson has addressed the backlash she has faced for flying, saying while she “may well be hypocritical” she now travels by air “much less”.,Rebellion%20demonstrators%20in%20the%20capital.
Jamie Oliver has defended his controversial £5 million tie-up deal with Shell, saying that all clients ‘have their own baggage’. The 43-year-old has launched his Jamie Oliver Deli by Shell, which has seen him create 80 new products which will be available in service stations across the UK.16 Jan 2019
Even if Great Britain got to “Net Zero” it would have little or no effect on Global Warming.
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
The ‘i’ online had some tripe about record temperatures:
“July 2023 is on track to be the hottest month ever recorded, and may be the hottest month in the last 120,000 years, scientists have said.”
Note the get-out with “may be”. So their records go back to well over one hundred thousand years ago – fancy that!
“The Era of global warming has ended. The Era of global boiling has arrived.”
So all 650 MPs to give up travel and holidays and work from home eating bugs?
But his government scrapped the climate and environment ministry in October, folding it into the business ministry. The new budget, also presented in October, shows that Sweden’s spending on environment, climate and nature will decline by 60% from 2022 levels by 2025.2 Feb 2023
“The Era of global warming has ended. The Era of global boiling has arrived.” – António Guterres
“Hypocrisy” Claims As UN Climate Summit Delegates Arrive In Private Jets
Passengers on private jets produce far more planet-warming emissions per capita than those on commercial flights.
World NewsAgence France-PresseUpdated: November 11, 2022 10:43 am I
Era of ‘global boiling’ has arrived – UN chief
We’re now hearing from UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, who says the era of global warming has ended, and the era of “global boiling” has arrived.
He calls for immediate climate action to limit global temperature rise and avoid the very worst of climate change.
António Guterres is fundamentally out of his depth these days wrt climate nonsense – he’s either fundamentally dishonest or he’s lost a lot of brain cells since his undergraduate days in “physics and electrical engineering”.
Ive never heard him opine in any meaningful way which displayed any fundamental numeracy or volunteer his ignorance.
A socialist and a Catholic …. Twitter seems to think I should receive his pontifications – i feel otherwise but resist blocking him as it’s useful to hear what opinions the enemy is spewing – and boy does he spew…
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – has someone miswritten something very appropriate
The article is by Sam Cabral and Sarah Smith: Sam or Sarah has ‘misspoken’ in print in true Hillary Clinton style. How very appropriate! In the UK we would normally say thrash out a new deal or use the word negotiate. In the fifth paragraph, however, Sam or Sarah appear to point to something else. 😉 🙂 Ho ho ho.
In a statement on Wednesday, the White House said the president and first lady “love their son and they support him as he continues to rebuild his life”.
“Hunter Biden is a private citizen and this was a personal matter for him,” said press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.
MM, meanwhile Former President Trump is chased like a hardened criminal by the Democrats and their stooges in the Justice Dept. and FBI.
He seems to be on air force one and in the white house an awful lot for a private can’t have it both ways
I’d like to play croquet with Nick Robinson. Him with his head under the hoop, a dildo up his ar*e, and me with the mallet.
Dog Poo Bags
Owners clearing up after the UK’s 11 million estimated pet dogs have a bewildering array of bags from which to choose.
Some are labelled ‘degradable’, others are called ‘biodegradable’, ‘compostable and biodegradable’ or ‘recycled.’
So which ones are best for the environment? And what is the most environmentally friendly way of disposing of our dogs’ doo?
Another day – another nat west scalp ….
You’ve got to hand it to the State – to charge a bloke wrongly convicted for his prison ‘accommodation ‘ smack of that thing were the Chinese ? Send a bill for 35p for the cost of the bullet used to execute their relative ……
Disgust doesn’t quite hit it ….
I am hearing numerous disturbing reports of banks refusing transactions with bullion dealers.
We’re not talking back street rinky dink dealers either, but the top ones, these are some of the top names, nor large transactions, one was trying to buy some ‘shot’ silver coins for around £150.
Multiple banks have been involved in these reports and multiple bullion outlets, so it’s not an issue with any single bank or outlet, but across the board.
At the moment there is no reason given for why this is happening other than suspicions but it is very sinister to hear this going on.
HSBC’s U.S. division provided money and banking services to some banks in Saudi Arabia and Bangladesh believed to have helped fund al-Qaida and other terrorist groups, according to an Al-Jazeera story on the report.17 Jul 2012
It is sinister and I believe this is being done deliberately to eventually bring in digital IDs and CBDC:
got any links?
Thoughtful – speculate on the reason ? They thinking it’s laundering criminal proceeds maybe ?
Barry Gardiner of Labour £500K from Chinese spy?
This little article about banks on the BBC home page couldn’t be a bit of “got your back” pushback after the Coutts debacle could it…
Honest, just doing our job guv!
“By using what’s called the Banking Protocol staff are allowed, in very specific circumstances, to go against customers’ wishes if they believe a transaction looks suspicious.”
She then gave donations to politicians, including Labour MP Barry Gardiner, who received more than £420,000 from her.
The costs of board and lodging in prison for wrongfully convicted people should be at least in part recovered from the *individuals* who ran the original prosecution particularly if there’s any evidence of misbehaviour.
Being charitable, NatWest’s ex chief Alison Rose can’t be an idiot, in spite of doing something incredibly stupid. Something that would lead to dismissal of any Bank employee. So we have to wonder why she did it.
Arrogance? Wanted to put the boot into Farage in return for a new career. Perhaps she is about to join some woke, Remoaner organisation? The Labour Party?
Perhaps the Establishment are so concerned about Farage that they are prepared to anything to damage him. He could be a big threat in the next election. I seem to remember Farage being in an air crash……
Flotsam, maybe Dame Alison is hoping to move up a notch to Baroness? Appointed by Keir Starmer perhaps? Or Rishi? … there ain’t nothing like a Dame …..
In the sole city branch of NatWest near me they have reduced it to one teller, several cash machines, two staff hanging around with iPads to try to fob you off, and a ‘lounge’ area for consultations where they usually tell you ‘it has to be done online’. However, they do have a pride balloon arch and pride flags in the window, so we can all feel warm and cuddly that our bankers are responsibly supervising our money.
If they would just put all the staff wandering about behind the bloody counters and serve !
Itv local newsPR prog
long item about JSO and policing by Katie Ridley ITV
with an activist child called Katie, Rupert Reed, Braverman
It’s a trailer for their 7:30pm prog
“More than 60% of the public believe the government is not doing enough to stop
Climate Changeto stop Just Stop Oil” (yes they said that)@ITVTonight tweet
“58% of UK adults believe the government are doing too little to limit disruption caused by Just Stop Oil, according to an exclusive poll for ITV Tonight.
Don’t miss: “Direct Action: Should It Be Stopped?”
at 8.30pm tonight. @ITV @ITVTonight @AnushkaAsthana
Crude but an accurate comment
From 2021
Natwest admits money laundering offences
BBC in their happy place as the false president says the world faces an ‘existential’ threat from climate change. This can’t be right (1) he has no idea what it means and (2) he couldn’t say it even if he did. Double whammy for the BBC though, agenda duly promoted.
BBC can’t hide their admiration for Sinead O’Connor. She had one hit that some people remember and was an unapologetic supporter of the IRA. No loss to anyone, there are plenty of people who deserve our sympathy more.