“American journalists with ties to US intelligence have sought to justify the targeting of online influencers. Christo Grozev, the lead Russia investigator at the US government-funded outlet Bellingcat, justified the bombing of a public event at a cafe in St. Petersburg on the grounds that the target was a “propagandist.”
Similarly, Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, an American journalist and former Democratic Party operative who enlisted in Ukraine’s armed forces, filmed a phantasmagorical defense of the arrest of American Gonzalo Lira by Ukrainian intelligence agents on the same grounds. While the SBU had only publicly released images of Lira with his face blurred, Ashton-Cirllo was somehow able to produce uncensored versions”.
Old diaries are often interesting, amusing and occasionally moving to look back on. I’ve kept a diary since I was about ten years old, so I’ve got stacks of the damned things.
The early ones tend to record football results. Generally with a scoreline that included, Fulham nil…
However, coming up to July the 30th 1983 (so, forty years ago this very day) I find myself commenting on the weather. Having always been an outdoors bloke the elements have been important…and I loathe excessive heat.
“Weather cool and refreshing at the beginning of the week, but now the temperature has soared into the low 90s.” Of course, I’m using Fahrenheit, as I still do…and this translates into about 33 Celsius…or thereabouts.
Forty years ago we used to have a cheery weatherman, who would show sunny symbols and blue skies. These days, for far lower temperatures, the sky is depicted as a vivid and threatening red and there are reminders to “carry water” and “make sure you’re using protection”… blimey, what do they imagine we’re getting up to?… and these warnings are often followed by a piece telling us “This has been the hottest month since the dinosaurs roamed the planet.” I wouldn’t be surprised if the weather broadcast was played in with Elgar’s Nimrod, just so that we all got the message…
Everything is done to induce panic.
In !983; 93 degrees Fahrenheit, “It’s going to be a bit warm”.
In 2023; 25 degrees Celsius, “We’re facing Dante’s Inferno”.
Jeff, in the Bible, Proverbs chapter 29 verse 25 says: “The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.” (KJV on-line)
Fear in the Bible means, ‘respect, reverence, being held in awe’. We might add ‘being listened to with respect’ when in the week just past we have had Antonio Gutterres say “The world has reached boiling point.” and certain sections of the media – but strangely not the BBC – picked up on that fear with fear (Biblical meaning) and normally the BBC would do so likewise. The BBC are totally signed up to the Global Warming and Climate Change thing and do not usually allow any contrary opinions to be expressed.
Farage was refused by 10 Banks and we hear there are thousands being debanked.
I think just about everyone debanked will be on the Right of politics as opposed to all the Banks who appear to be full on lefty wokes.
Why doesn’t someone get a Bank started for all of us on the Right.
There’s 52% of (Brexit) voters in danger of having their accounts closed plus so many others who are seen as not woke enough.
Is there no person or group who can see this opening.
Start on line at first then go high street.
There’s the customers out there for such a Bank so surely it’s a golden opportunity for someone.
I bet the depositors would flock in to open accounts.
Why should only the left own the Banks.
As I’m paying on the cheap for the Telegraph there is a piece today on the ‘top 50 comedians of the 21st century ‘….. naturally I didn’t read the rubbish but scrolled through – wondering how that got past ‘1’ – yet alone 50 . Billy Connelly is in there but I thought he has a brain disease of some kind and retired a decade ago – I might be wrong – some one called ‘nish ‘ gets in there at a bout 25 – I only know of nish because he gets crucified here from time to time ….. I’m guessing the average of the 50 is raised a lot by the likes of billy c and thar Michael £ macintire – but otherwise I reckon the ave age it the BBC ideal -around 26 – still young enough to have not grown up or how near death can be …. Although I bet many die on stage very often and quick …
RIP bob Monkhouse , Bernard manning , Eric and Ernie , Ronnie x2 , so many ….
article “🎭The #EdinburghFringe is almost here, and our critics have picked the defining stand-ups of the century so far.
Read on for the Telegraph’s 50 funniest comedians of the 21st century”
So basically it’s a promo piece for Edinburgh , helps Telegraph get a good stock of free tickets
Obviously limiting it to 21C ie last 23 years, leaves off most classic comedians
Wonder where Roy Chubby Brown comes ?
The Telegraph under that tweets does promo tweets for
#1 Fern Brady ..some child
#2 Nish
#3 Joe Lycett
#4 🤣Eddie Izzard
All the tweets in that thread get zero Likes except Izzard who got 8
The final tweet has one reply, but Twitter suppressed it
car fire ship still not moved
“On Saturday night, the Fremantle Highway tow had to be delayed due to the windy conditions blowing toxic fumes over the tug. “
1 it’s all good – KSI from collisions is down – nobody moves
2 air quality is improving except between 0001 and 2359
3 the school run still crawls
4 councils make a fortune from closed road fines
5 wardens are the most efficient law enforcement invented
6 fines from CCTV keeps council taxes ‘down ‘
7 the 2% of road users who are cyclists are great
8 the independence cars give must be stopped
9 collective transport will be compulsory
10 bus drivers are great drivers
11 time to charge by the mile
12 time for more tolls
13 time to put more tax on fuel
14 close petrol stations – make them flats
15 introduce a ‘tyre levy ‘
16 reduce parking spaces even more
17 charge car use by the hour
18 give cyclists free money for cycling
19 make red lights redder
20 reduce speed limits 10 20 – motorways 40
I just had a million pound bet with myself, and WON !!
The BBC website has a “feature” on ” Why I took to
shop lifting because of cost of living crisis” My bet
was that when we saw the HAND of the shop lifter it
would be GETTY’S imaging showing us a WHITE hand.
And of course it was.
If you want to see a black hand , just look at Getty’s showing
us folk looking at their utility bills. Their mortgage bills.
The prices of goods in a supermarket etc. In fact any public
issue concern.
Where may you see another white hand from Getty’s imaging
for the BBC. Knife crime?
Apparently ‘nish ‘ is really Nishant Kumar… but the Kumar was selected as an ‘English name ‘ when dad and family got of the plans from India – and he is a grammar school boy – having gone to St Mohammeds school for wokes somewhere in Londonistan …
It’s a living – right nishant ?(Instant in word thingy ) no doubt you’ve enriched our culture no end ….
Strangely a lot of those swivel-eyed loons with tinfoil hats were telling you this in March 2020 but no one listened. They are still not listening. The facts are simple
There is no SARS-CoV2. In fact, there are no viruses that harm people but that is a step too far for most.
The ‘plandemic’ was agreed upon decades ago as NGOs and intelligence services began the plans to introduce a way of gulling the masses into accepting totalitarianism for the sake of their own safety.
The HIV/AIDS scam was the template and worked so well that they knew the Covaids would be a slam dunk because despite the overwhelming evidence HIV does not exist the vast majority are incapable of understanding this fact.
The swine flu of 2009 failed because certain Governments in Western Europe were still not wholly on board with locking down their populations, in particular the nationalist Polish Government that was taken out just after in 2010. Now why do you think they chose Putin to let them cover up the bombing?
The next one will make the Covaids look like a picnic in the park.
World at 0ne – with Jimmy Naughties production company –
Green crap navel gazing . Apparently some people are not as enthusiastic about green crap as the BBC , red labour and green labour are ….
So they interview selwyn gummer now Lord Money of bribe me – a true green crap convert – and Lord Mandy of Brazilian young friends ….
… funny that they’d interview a couple of non elected has beens – but on the upside ULEZ is coming ….
I wonder if green crap is going to be the high water mark of woke – when grown ups just won’t put up with it – a few stop oil types might get killed – green protesters physically challenged …
ULEZ is in londonistan less than a month now – I really hope it hurts a lot …
Whatever anybody thinks about Nigel you have to admire him.
He took on the might of the EU and won.
Now he is taking on (all) the Banks, probably the most powerful block out there (apart from these shady and sinister groups out to run the World)
I hope I’m wrong but I fear for him. If it was in Russia he would be advised to keep away from high places or tea that glows. In the West will it be like Kennedy or David Kelly. Be careful Nige.
EG – yes agree on the ‘heart attack ‘ type incident to kill or incapacitate him – banks and governments have no morals so offing him wouldn’t even be an AOB on an agenda ….
I forgot – civil war in bongo bongo land – nig ger? Some French crap hole . So out gets rolled and plebgate Mitchell to stick the UKs nose into something not our bisiness – apparently the nigs don’t like the French – so there’s something good about them .
We were wild camping so going near a city was not on the agenda, however some necessary relly duty got us close in Glasgow.
However… one day going through it on the M8 a combination of a massive jam and an outdated satnav saw us diverted down a slip road, at the bottom of which was a discreet little sign that had something about zones. We had seen nothing else before, nor had any clue what it was, being boonie folk.
However I had the presence of mind to hang a turn immediately and go left and left to rejoin the traffic jam belching fumes from the flyer down into the zone below. A bit like 747s do over Heathrow and surrounds.
IF we get a fine I will be vexed.
As might most in Scotland working for a living as it appears a country dependent on tourists. Most of whom arrive in vehicles, often diesel. Or get into big ones, inevitably diesel.
But of course it is zero to do with keeping little moppets’ lungs clean. It is alllll about political revenue if not economically realistic revenue. Few will visit Scotland by any other means once Klaus has us in 15′ city mode. Even Jez might struggle to pedal his ego from the Gorbals to Fort William with the fam in tow.
Respect to @SadiqKhan for remaining steadfast! Children die as a result of poor air quality in cities! And it’s the poorest communities who suffer the most! https://t.co/pOCEkR2LvX
To reduce exposure to cooking fuel which is a preventable determinant of under-five mortality in Pakistan, the challenge remains to promote behavioural interventions such as breastfeeding in infancy period, keeping young children away from the cooking area, and improvements in housing and kitchen design.
Norman Lamb
Chair of
| Founder of Sir Norman Lamb Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund (http://bit.ly/32NKBc8) | Former MP | All views my own NPL.Consulting.Ltd@gmail.comJoined February 2009
2,835 Following
Since being established in November 2020, over 50 community organisations supporting more than 10,000 young people across Norfolk have joined, accessing over £500,000 worth of support.
awarded to five groups
hours of support delivered
cost per young person supported
of young people reported improved wellbeing
And looking at the above, led like the sheep they are by the ever idiotic BBC and its gaggle of editors currently soaking up the rays around the Med.
Last week, the BBC reported that seawater in Florida had reached 100°F, with much talk of records being broken. But if failed to note that just 48 hours later the water temperature had fallen to 85°F. https://t.co/EZYmCCdXqq
Remember BS’ young greek squeeze tweeting from a yacht off an island afire a few years ago as the descent into armageddohellonearthacouldbeduetoKerrysLear?
100 degrees Fahrenheit is 37.8C, nothing extraordinary. How near the sea surface are these temperatures being taken? The fact is that the water temperature will be far lower from about 2M down as anyone that’s dived will testify. I suggest these reported temperatures are meaningless.
Hello, boys: do you feel objectified? Emily Maitlis meets the Chippendales
The Chippendales strip, simulate sex and are pawed at on stage — the Newsnight presenter meets them and asks about all those handsy women
I see that Newquest UK has dereferenced a whole slew of Farage de-banking stories – Farage content simply not being found by internal search and has disappeared from local rag content – 2 stories on local front page earlier but now ‘gawn…
At least 20 articles just pfffftttt…. (using NewsQuest search)
As per usual it seems too much like hard work to immediately delete the actual pages instantly >> see:
The number of knife or sharp instrument offences recorded by the police in London rose to approximately 12,786 in 2022/23, compared with 11,122 in the previous year.
20 Jul 2023
12,786 stabbings
Their research found that in 2019, toxic air contributed to the premature deaths of around 4,000 Londoners. This includes deaths from all causes, including respiratory, lung cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Like smoking, air pollution is seen as a contributory factor, so is rarely listed on death certificates.
“It is growing (gang r*pe culture), there’s no doubt about that. A large amount of the growth in my view is about raised awareness.” – Cressida Dick @1:40 {youtube}
“I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38
Oo a new entrant in the rush to green crap industry – Alex – it’s called Summer – and your records go back to 1850 at best. So now we know the weather forecast is just another nazi propaganda tool ….
As shameful as that shirt …
And it’s 1850 years since the birth of Jesus – and apparently there were a few million years of weather before that – wanna tell us about ice ages or solar weather … ?
There’s been very little news coverage by the BBC and other MSM TV channels regarding the fire on the ship, the Freemantle Highway. A semi blackout.
The fire appears to have been caused by a battery powered EV. The reason for playing this down is pretty obvious if you think about it. What about EV’s on roll on roll off ferries? The Channel Tunnel?
The official phrase is ‘unhelpful for the agenda’.
So they just don’t tell us.
I also see the BBC reporting that Ukraine are firing missiles at Russia’s ‘symbolic centres’ Zelensky says (= Moscow and civilians) and not a murmur of ‘war-crimes’ or ‘terrorism’ to be seen.
What if your garage is part of your house.
What if you live in a multi storey block like Grenfell and there are EVs in the underground car park.
If you have an EV you should have plenty of fire alarms and an escape route. You can’t just put the fire out with an extinguisher.
If you live in a multi storey…… don’t use the lift.
I see a lot of woke-signalling in Radio4 programming
not all of it will be intentional
but added it up it seems like woke-fest radio
3pm A drama about Jan Morris book Venice
however the storyline has been rewritten so its much more about his sex change to a woman than Venice
strange cos that stuff happened years after his book.
4pm PRasNews item “our dear Stormzy is creating 50 new annual scholarships for black people at Oxbridge, actually funded by HSBC
4:02 PM Book Show has its usual black presenter and near the start he’s referencing Benjamin Zephaniah at the beginning of a list of Birmingham writers.
(the show barely mentioned black writers after that)
4:30pm Poetry show, about Medieval poetry started by saying female writers were oppressed.
Diversity at the BBC means that a BBC journalist would agree that “The world has reached boiling point”. This is because boiling point is 100 degrees, and BBC journalists have pointed out that temperatures in southern Europe have reached 100 degrees.
However due to diversity at the BBC this means BBC journalists like Marianna Spring are ignorant of the difference between 100 degrees Fahrenheit and 100 degrees Centigrade.
Therefore the idea that boiling point is 212 degrees is banned by BBC Verify and Marianna Spring, because they regard this misinformation as a right-wing conspiracy theory.
Saturday BBC local news
Half the prog was about Hull Pride gay festival
Then they featured trans shouting slogans
BBC reporter “transgender tights were a big topic today ”
sorry typo “transgender RIGHTS were a big topic today ”
I was in they city centre and saw the events was reasonably busy, but not huge huge.
It was a bit strange of course
and union corporate as city bus/police cars and fire-engines all sported big LGBTQ+ paint jobs
(paid for by magic unicorns)
– The queues had quite a lot of costumed pre-pubescent children in, as if they’d been doing a school project on it and Mum & Dad or Grandparents had taken them along
Very young families on the bus home also sported rainbow costumes and hats
seemingly taking it as a free gala and concert to go to.
Occasionally I’d see tall six ft unfeminine blokes dressed as women, accompanied by actually quite good looking younger women
Maybe it was “march with your trans dad” or something.
Just as anyone right-wing now starts as ‘far-right’ and moves to ‘right-wing extremists’, temperature reporting colours for the ‘climate crisis’ now start at orange for normal and move into various shades of red.
Activists are destroying the civilised world. And The Guardian have some left-wing-extremists of their own writing columns mixed in with their usual far-left staff. That article shows how bitter and full of hate they are.
Thinking about it though – mustn’t it be great being Green – every thing that happens is because of global warming – bus late? Global warming ? No first class air seats to green conference ? Global blah ? Waitrose empty ? Blah ….
They don’t really believe it – but the Left are such monumental hypocrites and liars, they will say anything at all if it suits their agenda.
They are so sure of their ideological superiority, they believe ‘the ends justify any means they consider fit’. As did Hitler. And Pol Pot. And Stalin.
To me Cornwall reservoir graphs have moved to the scenario where their own terms say there should be no hosepipe ban
However they still have the ban
And the levels they publish are 7 days out of date again
so my bet is the PR dept is supressing the truth that the reservoirs are even fuller.
They know water levels moment by moment there is no reason to delay stats by 7 days.
Why don’t the green crapsters all just off themselves if they think the planet in in ‘peril ‘ – they’d reduce CO2 output – prevent the breeding of more types like them – and make the roads clearer so that I can go faster and burn more oil products …
Mind you – if they did the decent thing a few thousand in Blighty wouldn’t affect the weather much – but make things much more pleasant for the grown ups …
I wonder if wokes could ever compare them selves to members of the Stalinist communist party or the hitler nazi party .
It’s the certainty . The belief that everyone else is wrong and must be won round ( or else ) this attitude seems to be getting deeper and sinister even by the day . Hot weather will be followed by heavy rain – then cold – the autumn – but all of it will be witchcraft ….
Dissenters must be punished – eg for owning a car or going on holiday or just living ….maybe in a while they ll l want to kill us off …
Fed, good sermon from Bridge Lane Chapel a.k.a. ‘The Bridge’ on 16 July 2023 in the evening: https://bridgelane.org.uk/sermons . ‘What Will Happen When Jesus Comes Again?’ There’s a great tribulation on the way soon.
I always wondered whether the Germans put him into a gas chamber . I often read the gospels and try to decode them for the current time . It’s weird because – having received a 100% RC education at fairly decent schools – I stopped the religious stuff as basic life got in the way .
But one day -when I least expected it – someone dying on me asked me to pray for them . So back to the RCs I went . As anyone reading me on this site would testify I am far from a full Christian
But I do know that Satan – in various forms is doing very well at the moment – just look at the BBC ….
I also find the Pride thing deeply offensive and of course sinful … but that’s me …
As for another return – I don’t think the human race deserves its….just fast forward to Revelation …
Fed, the Germans would have done before and during WW2. The Olivet Discourse is very interesting: recorded by Matthew (chapter 24) and Mark (chapter 13) and later researched by Luke who would have had to rely on the good memory of others (chapter 21).
What you have to do is read through all three and work out what relates to the time of AD70 (Romans destroying Temple), what relates generally to the whole of history, what relates to WW2 and Communism, and what relates to now and the future now. We have been privileged to avoid WW2 but to see the creation of the state of Israel (an important sign mentioned in the Bible in the Old Testament) and also to see the Berlin Wall come down.
As for ‘Pride’ and all that, Romans chapter 1 applies, verses 26 and 27. It also applies to the Anthropomorphic Global Warming and Climate Change thing: see Romans 1v25. The Eco-Fanatics worship trees and solar panels and wind turbines and sacrifice landscapes and seascapes to them respectively. Instead of putting their faith in God, it is placed in solar panels, wind turbines, heat pumps, green hydrogen, electric cars and better insulation.
Up2 – thank you – I need to screen shot your comment to ‘research ‘ – very theologian – sometimes / often I ask The Boss what the Plan is … and I’m still trying to work out -why – with all those Apostles – he still needed Paul ..?
But on a mundane level – I always ask my guardian Angel to be on duty when I’m on the bike …. ..
Time for a new thread
The swamp is now off to its collective Dacha – the reds planning on their new government job – the blues trying to decide which bribes are newspaper generated and what to do as an Ex MP …
In the meantime – the interns are running the BBC ..
Monday sees the only politician worth anything start his campaign to get the banks to be Banks … the resistance will be rabid and as fiery as a Rhodes barbie … which would frighten Oppenheimer … ( see what I dun ?)
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:45 Midweek 12th March 2025 Omission is the greatest lie … Transphobic scenes cut from new release of Crocodile Dundee https://qnews.com.au/transphobic-scenes-cut-from-new-release-of-crocodile-dundee/ Among the moments removed…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Repeated from above … “Tony Blair holds the Keir Starmer penis , after a visit to Lord Alli’s flat.”
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Relax – UK will not allow infiltration … Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent Barry Gardiner…
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
Liverpool hosts Kyiv Pride in The Guardian
Excerpt from the Grayzone website:
“American journalists with ties to US intelligence have sought to justify the targeting of online influencers. Christo Grozev, the lead Russia investigator at the US government-funded outlet Bellingcat, justified the bombing of a public event at a cafe in St. Petersburg on the grounds that the target was a “propagandist.”
Similarly, Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, an American journalist and former Democratic Party operative who enlisted in Ukraine’s armed forces, filmed a phantasmagorical defense of the arrest of American Gonzalo Lira by Ukrainian intelligence agents on the same grounds. While the SBU had only publicly released images of Lira with his face blurred, Ashton-Cirllo was somehow able to produce uncensored versions”.
Give guns to others not me?!
Old diaries are often interesting, amusing and occasionally moving to look back on. I’ve kept a diary since I was about ten years old, so I’ve got stacks of the damned things.
The early ones tend to record football results. Generally with a scoreline that included, Fulham nil…
However, coming up to July the 30th 1983 (so, forty years ago this very day) I find myself commenting on the weather. Having always been an outdoors bloke the elements have been important…and I loathe excessive heat.
“Weather cool and refreshing at the beginning of the week, but now the temperature has soared into the low 90s.” Of course, I’m using Fahrenheit, as I still do…and this translates into about 33 Celsius…or thereabouts.
Forty years ago we used to have a cheery weatherman, who would show sunny symbols and blue skies. These days, for far lower temperatures, the sky is depicted as a vivid and threatening red and there are reminders to “carry water” and “make sure you’re using protection”… blimey, what do they imagine we’re getting up to?… and these warnings are often followed by a piece telling us “This has been the hottest month since the dinosaurs roamed the planet.” I wouldn’t be surprised if the weather broadcast was played in with Elgar’s Nimrod, just so that we all got the message…
Everything is done to induce panic.
In !983; 93 degrees Fahrenheit, “It’s going to be a bit warm”.
In 2023; 25 degrees Celsius, “We’re facing Dante’s Inferno”.
Take your pick…
Jeff, in the Bible, Proverbs chapter 29 verse 25 says: “The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.” (KJV on-line)
Fear in the Bible means, ‘respect, reverence, being held in awe’. We might add ‘being listened to with respect’ when in the week just past we have had Antonio Gutterres say “The world has reached boiling point.” and certain sections of the media – but strangely not the BBC – picked up on that fear with fear (Biblical meaning) and normally the BBC would do so likewise. The BBC are totally signed up to the Global Warming and Climate Change thing and do not usually allow any contrary opinions to be expressed.
There is a glaring gap in the market.
Farage was refused by 10 Banks and we hear there are thousands being debanked.
I think just about everyone debanked will be on the Right of politics as opposed to all the Banks who appear to be full on lefty wokes.
Why doesn’t someone get a Bank started for all of us on the Right.
There’s 52% of (Brexit) voters in danger of having their accounts closed plus so many others who are seen as not woke enough.
Is there no person or group who can see this opening.
Start on line at first then go high street.
There’s the customers out there for such a Bank so surely it’s a golden opportunity for someone.
I bet the depositors would flock in to open accounts.
Why should only the left own the Banks.
Something tells me that the Consocalists are reading & nicking The Reform party’s ideas and manifesto.
Somehow, it would probably be strangled at birth.
As I’m paying on the cheap for the Telegraph there is a piece today on the ‘top 50 comedians of the 21st century ‘….. naturally I didn’t read the rubbish but scrolled through – wondering how that got past ‘1’ – yet alone 50 . Billy Connelly is in there but I thought he has a brain disease of some kind and retired a decade ago – I might be wrong – some one called ‘nish ‘ gets in there at a bout 25 – I only know of nish because he gets crucified here from time to time ….. I’m guessing the average of the 50 is raised a lot by the likes of billy c and thar Michael £ macintire – but otherwise I reckon the ave age it the BBC ideal -around 26 – still young enough to have not grown up or how near death can be …. Although I bet many die on stage very often and quick …
RIP bob Monkhouse , Bernard manning , Eric and Ernie , Ronnie x2 , so many ….
article “🎭The #EdinburghFringe is almost here, and our critics have picked the defining stand-ups of the century so far.
Read on for the Telegraph’s 50 funniest comedians of the 21st century”
So basically it’s a promo piece for Edinburgh , helps Telegraph get a good stock of free tickets
Obviously limiting it to 21C ie last 23 years, leaves off most classic comedians
Wonder where Roy Chubby Brown comes ?
The Telegraph under that tweets does promo tweets for
#1 Fern Brady ..some child
#2 Nish
#3 Joe Lycett
#4 🤣Eddie Izzard
All the tweets in that thread get zero Likes except Izzard who got 8
The final tweet has one reply, but Twitter suppressed it
car fire ship still not moved
“On Saturday night, the Fremantle Highway tow had to be delayed due to the windy conditions blowing toxic fumes over the tug. “
Burn baby burn ….
Will probably use it eventually to house illegals.
Here are the findings from the traffic review –
1 it’s all good – KSI from collisions is down – nobody moves
2 air quality is improving except between 0001 and 2359
3 the school run still crawls
4 councils make a fortune from closed road fines
5 wardens are the most efficient law enforcement invented
6 fines from CCTV keeps council taxes ‘down ‘
7 the 2% of road users who are cyclists are great
8 the independence cars give must be stopped
9 collective transport will be compulsory
10 bus drivers are great drivers
11 time to charge by the mile
12 time for more tolls
13 time to put more tax on fuel
14 close petrol stations – make them flats
15 introduce a ‘tyre levy ‘
16 reduce parking spaces even more
17 charge car use by the hour
18 give cyclists free money for cycling
19 make red lights redder
20 reduce speed limits 10 20 – motorways 40
Their job done – country eff Ed
In case you missed it:
BBC’s REAL Salaries
8490 licences for linaker
Zoe ball 6163 licences
Sheerer – 2798 licence
2735 licences – huw Edwards
2485 licences Fiona Bruce
1855 licences Nicki Campbell
I just had a million pound bet with myself, and WON !!
The BBC website has a “feature” on ” Why I took to
shop lifting because of cost of living crisis” My bet
was that when we saw the HAND of the shop lifter it
would be GETTY’S imaging showing us a WHITE hand.
And of course it was.
If you want to see a black hand , just look at Getty’s showing
us folk looking at their utility bills. Their mortgage bills.
The prices of goods in a supermarket etc. In fact any public
issue concern.
Where may you see another white hand from Getty’s imaging
for the BBC. Knife crime?
Apparently ‘nish ‘ is really Nishant Kumar… but the Kumar was selected as an ‘English name ‘ when dad and family got of the plans from India – and he is a grammar school boy – having gone to St Mohammeds school for wokes somewhere in Londonistan …
It’s a living – right nishant ?(Instant in word thingy ) no doubt you’ve enriched our culture no end ….
Farage GB News Show TROUNCES Entire Mainstream Media
Strangely a lot of those swivel-eyed loons with tinfoil hats were telling you this in March 2020 but no one listened. They are still not listening. The facts are simple
There is no SARS-CoV2. In fact, there are no viruses that harm people but that is a step too far for most.
The ‘plandemic’ was agreed upon decades ago as NGOs and intelligence services began the plans to introduce a way of gulling the masses into accepting totalitarianism for the sake of their own safety.
The HIV/AIDS scam was the template and worked so well that they knew the Covaids would be a slam dunk because despite the overwhelming evidence HIV does not exist the vast majority are incapable of understanding this fact.
The swine flu of 2009 failed because certain Governments in Western Europe were still not wholly on board with locking down their populations, in particular the nationalist Polish Government that was taken out just after in 2010. Now why do you think they chose Putin to let them cover up the bombing?
The next one will make the Covaids look like a picnic in the park.
Bidens handler and the death of his chef:
Damn those mobile phones with cameras….
Jerk Chicken not to taste?
Senior Dem pol staff and colleagues and chums do come a cropper when close and personal in earshot of the wheelers and dealers.
Guess a window was out of the question.
“But it doesn’t hurt to question, to examine the “coincidences” that life throws our way.”
Eh, Sopes, Lurch, Saz…?
World at 0ne – with Jimmy Naughties production company –
Green crap navel gazing . Apparently some people are not as enthusiastic about green crap as the BBC , red labour and green labour are ….
So they interview selwyn gummer now Lord Money of bribe me – a true green crap convert – and Lord Mandy of Brazilian young friends ….
… funny that they’d interview a couple of non elected has beens – but on the upside ULEZ is coming ….
I wonder if green crap is going to be the high water mark of woke – when grown ups just won’t put up with it – a few stop oil types might get killed – green protesters physically challenged …
ULEZ is in londonistan less than a month now – I really hope it hurts a lot …
Burn that oil …
Whatever anybody thinks about Nigel you have to admire him.
He took on the might of the EU and won.
Now he is taking on (all) the Banks, probably the most powerful block out there (apart from these shady and sinister groups out to run the World)
I hope I’m wrong but I fear for him. If it was in Russia he would be advised to keep away from high places or tea that glows. In the West will it be like Kennedy or David Kelly. Be careful Nige.
EG – yes agree on the ‘heart attack ‘ type incident to kill or incapacitate him – banks and governments have no morals so offing him wouldn’t even be an AOB on an agenda ….
But don’t forget it’s a free democracy …
World at one update
I forgot – civil war in bongo bongo land – nig ger? Some French crap hole . So out gets rolled and plebgate Mitchell to stick the UKs nose into something not our bisiness – apparently the nigs don’t like the French – so there’s something good about them .
Let’s hope the French get a kicking there ….
Niger is a leading producer of Uranium – just saying….
So who gets it ? China or Russia ? Maybe that’s where the war gets real …
Nice bunch of reactors you have there – be a shame if they ran out of fuel.
The same Andrew Mitchell that urged – indeed forced – M.P.s on both sides of the HoC to leave, just as Andrew Bridgen got up to speak sense?
Will enjoy seeing Mitchell lose his seat – even though the entitled twat will be high on the peerage list …. Vermin
ULEZ if you want to.
Seems twitter is afire with two camps… Labour pols, Labour media and Labour groupies vs…. the public.
Just back from a lovely trip in a rented camper.
Bar a few things.
We were wild camping so going near a city was not on the agenda, however some necessary relly duty got us close in Glasgow.
However… one day going through it on the M8 a combination of a massive jam and an outdated satnav saw us diverted down a slip road, at the bottom of which was a discreet little sign that had something about zones. We had seen nothing else before, nor had any clue what it was, being boonie folk.
However I had the presence of mind to hang a turn immediately and go left and left to rejoin the traffic jam belching fumes from the flyer down into the zone below. A bit like 747s do over Heathrow and surrounds.
IF we get a fine I will be vexed.
As might most in Scotland working for a living as it appears a country dependent on tourists. Most of whom arrive in vehicles, often diesel. Or get into big ones, inevitably diesel.
But of course it is zero to do with keeping little moppets’ lungs clean. It is alllll about political revenue if not economically realistic revenue. Few will visit Scotland by any other means once Klaus has us in 15′ city mode. Even Jez might struggle to pedal his ego from the Gorbals to Fort William with the fam in tow.
Household air pollution from use of cooking fuel and under-five mortality: The role of breastfeeding status and kitchen location in Pakistan
To reduce exposure to cooking fuel which is a preventable determinant of under-five mortality in Pakistan, the challenge remains to promote behavioural interventions such as breastfeeding in infancy period, keeping young children away from the cooking area, and improvements in housing and kitchen design.
Norman Lamb
Chair of
| Founder of Sir Norman Lamb Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund (http://bit.ly/32NKBc8) | Former MP | All views my own
NPL.Consulting.Ltd@gmail.comJoined February 2009
2,835 Following
Sir Norman Lamb Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund
Since being established in November 2020, over 50 community organisations supporting more than 10,000 young people across Norfolk have joined, accessing over £500,000 worth of support.
awarded to five groups
hours of support delivered
cost per young person supported
of young people reported improved wellbeing
Did I mention ‘the media’? Of course I did.
And looking at the above, led like the sheep they are by the ever idiotic BBC and its gaggle of editors currently soaking up the rays around the Med.
And ‘interpreting events’ through their teeth.
Remember BS’ young greek squeeze tweeting from a yacht off an island afire a few years ago as the descent into armageddohellonearthacouldbeduetoKerrysLear?
100 degrees Fahrenheit is 37.8C, nothing extraordinary. How near the sea surface are these temperatures being taken? The fact is that the water temperature will be far lower from about 2M down as anyone that’s dived will testify. I suggest these reported temperatures are meaningless.
Did I mention Bronzed Strumpet?
Of course I did. She of a predictable fanbase.
I wonder if she is joining Simpo around the paella fire later?
Be a shame if her bank account got removed whilst topping up the tan.
Hello, boys: do you feel objectified? Emily Maitlis meets the Chippendales
The Chippendales strip, simulate sex and are pawed at on stage — the Newsnight presenter meets them and asks about all those handsy women
And that Blindle women demands that our sons should be sent to camps to be instructed how to treat women.
The hypocracy is unbelievable.
Why is the middle bloke fully dressed?
I see that Newquest UK has dereferenced a whole slew of Farage de-banking stories – Farage content simply not being found by internal search and has disappeared from local rag content – 2 stories on local front page earlier but now ‘gawn…
At least 20 articles just pfffftttt…. (using NewsQuest search)
As per usual it seems too much like hard work to immediately delete the actual pages instantly >> see:
– it’s enough to make you paranoid
I’m guessing ‘On the buses’ is banned in South Yorkshire. “I ‘ate you, Butler”
Banned too in Belize Park, as in “I hate your butler”.
Tomo tweet the dead stories
with a hashtag like #NewsquestMemoryhole
cos that will serve as a Wiki that lists all their deleted stories
It’s being proposed that facial recognition cameras should be used to combat shoplifting. Colour cameras ideal for the task.
The number of knife or sharp instrument offences recorded by the police in London rose to approximately 12,786 in 2022/23, compared with 11,122 in the previous year.
20 Jul 2023
12,786 stabbings
Their research found that in 2019, toxic air contributed to the premature deaths of around 4,000 Londoners. This includes deaths from all causes, including respiratory, lung cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Like smoking, air pollution is seen as a contributory factor, so is rarely listed on death certificates.
“It is growing (gang r*pe culture), there’s no doubt about that. A large amount of the growth in my view is about raised awareness.” – Cressida Dick @1:40 {youtube}
“I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38
Still counting your blood money Cressida ?
Georgie also has extreme hyperbole nailed.
I preferred it when he got himself covered in liquid pig shit on Newsnight. Now that was comedy gold.
Lush Larceny…
I’m surprised they didn’t bung Surkeer’s crew a wedge.
Is that how NFP’s work too?
Hmm… wonde if this’ll embed
Oo a new entrant in the rush to green crap industry – Alex – it’s called Summer – and your records go back to 1850 at best. So now we know the weather forecast is just another nazi propaganda tool ….
As shameful as that shirt …
And it’s 1850 years since the birth of Jesus – and apparently there were a few million years of weather before that – wanna tell us about ice ages or solar weather … ?
There’s been very little news coverage by the BBC and other MSM TV channels regarding the fire on the ship, the Freemantle Highway. A semi blackout.
The fire appears to have been caused by a battery powered EV. The reason for playing this down is pretty obvious if you think about it. What about EV’s on roll on roll off ferries? The Channel Tunnel?
The official phrase is ‘unhelpful for the agenda’.
So they just don’t tell us.
I also see the BBC reporting that Ukraine are firing missiles at Russia’s ‘symbolic centres’ Zelensky says (= Moscow and civilians) and not a murmur of ‘war-crimes’ or ‘terrorism’ to be seen.
What if your garage is part of your house.
What if you live in a multi storey block like Grenfell and there are EVs in the underground car park.
If you have an EV you should have plenty of fire alarms and an escape route. You can’t just put the fire out with an extinguisher.
If you live in a multi storey…… don’t use the lift.
I see a lot of woke-signalling in Radio4 programming
not all of it will be intentional
but added it up it seems like woke-fest radio
3pm A drama about Jan Morris book Venice
however the storyline has been rewritten so its much more about his sex change to a woman than Venice
strange cos that stuff happened years after his book.
4pm PRasNews item “our dear Stormzy is creating 50 new annual scholarships for black people at Oxbridge, actually funded by HSBC
4:02 PM Book Show has its usual black presenter and near the start he’s referencing Benjamin Zephaniah at the beginning of a list of Birmingham writers.
(the show barely mentioned black writers after that)
4:30pm Poetry show, about Medieval poetry started by saying female writers were oppressed.
Imagine the listening figures …
Presumably that bird headed out from NatWest has signed off on it running seminars at every branch?
Diversity at the BBC means that a BBC journalist would agree that “The world has reached boiling point”. This is because boiling point is 100 degrees, and BBC journalists have pointed out that temperatures in southern Europe have reached 100 degrees.
However due to diversity at the BBC this means BBC journalists like Marianna Spring are ignorant of the difference between 100 degrees Fahrenheit and 100 degrees Centigrade.
Therefore the idea that boiling point is 212 degrees is banned by BBC Verify and Marianna Spring, because they regard this misinformation as a right-wing conspiracy theory.
Lucky she’s never heard of Kelvin – although she knows a chap called Kevin …
Saturday BBC local news
Half the prog was about Hull Pride gay festival
Then they featured trans shouting slogans
BBC reporter “transgender tights were a big topic today ”
sorry typo “transgender RIGHTS were a big topic today ”
I was in they city centre and saw the events was reasonably busy, but not huge huge.
It was a bit strange of course
and union corporate as city bus/police cars and fire-engines all sported big LGBTQ+ paint jobs
(paid for by magic unicorns)
– The queues had quite a lot of costumed pre-pubescent children in, as if they’d been doing a school project on it and Mum & Dad or Grandparents had taken them along
Very young families on the bus home also sported rainbow costumes and hats
seemingly taking it as a free gala and concert to go to.
Occasionally I’d see tall six ft unfeminine blokes dressed as women, accompanied by actually quite good looking younger women
Maybe it was “march with your trans dad” or something.
The heir to Attenborough
Over Sir Boaty’s dead bo…
Just as anyone right-wing now starts as ‘far-right’ and moves to ‘right-wing extremists’, temperature reporting colours for the ‘climate crisis’ now start at orange for normal and move into various shades of red.
Activists are destroying the civilised world. And The Guardian have some left-wing-extremists of their own writing columns mixed in with their usual far-left staff. That article shows how bitter and full of hate they are.
Thinking about it though – mustn’t it be great being Green – every thing that happens is because of global warming – bus late? Global warming ? No first class air seats to green conference ? Global blah ? Waitrose empty ? Blah ….
They don’t really believe it – but the Left are such monumental hypocrites and liars, they will say anything at all if it suits their agenda.
They are so sure of their ideological superiority, they believe ‘the ends justify any means they consider fit’. As did Hitler. And Pol Pot. And Stalin.
To me Cornwall reservoir graphs have moved to the scenario where their own terms say there should be no hosepipe ban
However they still have the ban
And the levels they publish are 7 days out of date again
so my bet is the PR dept is supressing the truth that the reservoirs are even fuller.
They know water levels moment by moment there is no reason to delay stats by 7 days.
Tweet : Today the awful #BBCSundayShow had a pice on the ‘far-right’ & ‘nationalsits’ mostly lifted from BBC radio4 report the way @BBCRadioScot does.
No mention of a UKGovt warehousing asylum seekers in barges, no mention of illegal deportations to Rawanda
R4doco is now about modern slavery in care homes/carwashes etc
em if the borders were properly policed the modern-slaves wouldn’t have got in the country in the first place.
It’s not good that after reporting the government automatically gives them the right to stay in the UK
‘modern slavery’ now means illegal immigrants taking any work they can get without any formal documentation.
All because of leftist-driven (and particularly the BBC) policies of course – but they will NEVER admit it. It’s always someone else’s fault.
Itv news 5 min PRasNews for Prince William’s, Earthshot burgers
“Oh look here’s Prince William serving behind the winner’so stall’
‘Veggie burgers, grown in India, cooked over biomass from Kenya instead of charcoal’
…doh charcoal is biomass too
ITV “wettest July since XXXX”
BBC 6:58pm “It’s been a wet July”
Countryfile starts
“And Tom Heap will be investigated our HEATWAVES”
Expert beardy man “We need to do something now this is really urgent ”
Doh that’s pure PR BS
UK reducing CO2 in 2023 is not going to change world weather in 2024″
Why don’t the green crapsters all just off themselves if they think the planet in in ‘peril ‘ – they’d reduce CO2 output – prevent the breeding of more types like them – and make the roads clearer so that I can go faster and burn more oil products …
Mind you – if they did the decent thing a few thousand in Blighty wouldn’t affect the weather much – but make things much more pleasant for the grown ups …
BBC Gonzo “climate” journalism
Heatwave: How hot is too hot for the human body?
30 mins later that tweet no longer exists
GW what did it say ?
I have tumbled to a seemingly insignificantpp but actually very significant realisation in the past few months.
Formerly when given the option of paying by cash or card the question would be “cash or card?”
Since the covid extravaganza it has morphed into simply
I would put down money that this sort of lingual societal shift is a direct result of the shady “nudge” unit working behind the scenes.
In ‘truly devastating news’ the Brighton pride trains have been cancelled next week due to the train overtime bans.
To quote David Kurten:
“marxists 1 : Cultural marxists 0”
How are londonistan bBC staff going to cope?
Atlas – I think you’ll find a lot of them are ‘residents ‘…
activist Tom Heap talking to fellow activist about how they can change “the will” of the people
Heap and Packham are high on my “wish they would drop dead” list amongst many of their fellow loathsome woke zealots.
I wonder if wokes could ever compare them selves to members of the Stalinist communist party or the hitler nazi party .
It’s the certainty . The belief that everyone else is wrong and must be won round ( or else ) this attitude seems to be getting deeper and sinister even by the day . Hot weather will be followed by heavy rain – then cold – the autumn – but all of it will be witchcraft ….
Dissenters must be punished – eg for owning a car or going on holiday or just living ….maybe in a while they ll l want to kill us off …
Fed, good sermon from Bridge Lane Chapel a.k.a. ‘The Bridge’ on 16 July 2023 in the evening: https://bridgelane.org.uk/sermons . ‘What Will Happen When Jesus Comes Again?’ There’s a great tribulation on the way soon.
I always wondered whether the Germans put him into a gas chamber . I often read the gospels and try to decode them for the current time . It’s weird because – having received a 100% RC education at fairly decent schools – I stopped the religious stuff as basic life got in the way .
But one day -when I least expected it – someone dying on me asked me to pray for them . So back to the RCs I went . As anyone reading me on this site would testify I am far from a full Christian
But I do know that Satan – in various forms is doing very well at the moment – just look at the BBC ….
I also find the Pride thing deeply offensive and of course sinful … but that’s me …
As for another return – I don’t think the human race deserves its….just fast forward to Revelation …
Fed, the Germans would have done before and during WW2. The Olivet Discourse is very interesting: recorded by Matthew (chapter 24) and Mark (chapter 13) and later researched by Luke who would have had to rely on the good memory of others (chapter 21).
What you have to do is read through all three and work out what relates to the time of AD70 (Romans destroying Temple), what relates generally to the whole of history, what relates to WW2 and Communism, and what relates to now and the future now. We have been privileged to avoid WW2 but to see the creation of the state of Israel (an important sign mentioned in the Bible in the Old Testament) and also to see the Berlin Wall come down.
As for ‘Pride’ and all that, Romans chapter 1 applies, verses 26 and 27. It also applies to the Anthropomorphic Global Warming and Climate Change thing: see Romans 1v25. The Eco-Fanatics worship trees and solar panels and wind turbines and sacrifice landscapes and seascapes to them respectively. Instead of putting their faith in God, it is placed in solar panels, wind turbines, heat pumps, green hydrogen, electric cars and better insulation.
Romans chapter 1 is very 21st century!
Up2 – thank you – I need to screen shot your comment to ‘research ‘ – very theologian – sometimes / often I ask The Boss what the Plan is … and I’m still trying to work out -why – with all those Apostles – he still needed Paul ..?
But on a mundane level – I always ask my guardian Angel to be on duty when I’m on the bike …. ..
Just had to share this.
Facebook pushed some pathetic far-left nonsense post in front of me and it had 3.8k comments.
So I opened them at random, picked one comment at random and looked to see who made it.
Here is who it was:
What the hell has happened to the world ?.
JohnC, “Mummy it hurts! Please make it stop.”
Too many Tamales
I bet she sits next to me on the plane …. I’m off to see the netball ? Or is it kickball ? … bbc still pushing that crap ?
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – what is truly important in the world at present?
According to the BBC, it is this: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/66352632 Shame that Nouhaila doesn’t know how to kick a football: great extension but bad feet placement!
‘She was an unused substitute during her country’s opening game against Germany, which they lost 6-0.’
Good old BBC. Bringing their politics into sport as they bring them into everything else.
They wouldn’t know a REAL ethic if you hit them in the face with one.
Time for a new thread
The swamp is now off to its collective Dacha – the reds planning on their new government job – the blues trying to decide which bribes are newspaper generated and what to do as an Ex MP …
In the meantime – the interns are running the BBC ..
Monday sees the only politician worth anything start his campaign to get the banks to be Banks … the resistance will be rabid and as fiery as a Rhodes barbie … which would frighten Oppenheimer … ( see what I dun ?)
Can’t think what would cause a world cup soccer player to clutch her chest and collapse during training:
Would bBC verify know why this might have happened? There seems to be a lot of it about.
A very tight bra? Climate change. The war in Ukraine. Couldn’t be the jab, could it. Nah.