The outgoing PM and MP for Santa Monica is heading off to California for a weeks ‘ holiday.. only a year before rishi becomes a permanent US citizen ..
Just back from visiting Beverley East Yorkshire, on Yorkshire Day. Flags everywhere. However not Yorkshire Flags but Rainbow Flags all over the town. Two fingers up from sexual perverts, to Yorkshire Day, as well as to Christian and Islamic tourists, from the towns Council and Chamber of Commerce. Just the Curry house refusing to comply with the decadent white locals.
There are children in hospitals across our city fighting for their next breath.
Making the decision to expand the ULEZ wasn’t easy, but I believe we must do everything we can to save the lives of Londoners and protect them from the dangers of toxic air.
— Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan (@MayorofLondon) August 2, 2023
“I’m sure there are more kids in hospitals across London fighting for their next breath after a knife attack than there is kids fighting for next breath due to toxic air.” (zero)
BTW asthma attacks in London correspond to grass pollen releases
“If you want to save the lives of Londoners, issue them all with stab proof vests.”
‘There are children in hospitals across our city fighting for their next breath’
For a moment there, I thought Sad Dick Khan was talking about the NHS Maternity services in places like Telford, Bristol, and Maidstone.
But no. He’s playing the pathetic sentimentalist absolutist card,
where balance and proportionality go out the window in the favour of the political agenda. Allow me to educate him.
Man, 35, charged with murder after Barnet fatal stabbing
By Josh Salisbury
Teen charged with attempted murder after Walthamstow bus stabbing
By Josh Salisbury
Two men left seriously injured in separate east London stabbings
By Josh Salisbury
Man stabbed in stomach during ‘aggravated burglary’ in Camden
By Josh Salisbury
This is a good example where Greenpeace have used a figure ’40K deaths’, but the interviewee says it’s ’40K premature deaths’. But they don’t say that it’s lives cut short – i.e. pollution takes say 30 days off live expectancy.
Andrew Neil vs Greenpeace – Air Pollution (car crash interview)
Take a figure which shows shortened life expectancy (which is hard to determine because obesity etc), total these bits up (days) and convert it into a single person’s life (this is the bad maths bit) then use it in a term ’40K premature deaths’ and then remove the ‘premature’.
So you end up with driving your car to work is killing 40K people a year – think of the children’s lungs @2:18 . Won’t anyone think of the children!
Just had a thought and have been checking some ‘Pride’ videos. Just watch this one from the BBC:
‘All ages, colours, genders have come out’ we are told.
But the wide shots of the video tell us it’s about 80% female and almost all white.
The BBC NEVER go near the homophobia built into Islam. And where are the 1 in 3 blacks we see on TV now ?. Clearly they have absolutely no interest in ‘integrating’ with whites.
But of course we knew all of this already. I just watched it for confirmation.
I skipped forward and found what I was looking for : despite none in the crowd, the BBC still found a black woman to interview.
Shameless double-standard racist hypocrites. ‘The agenda is more important’.
NHS gender clinic, the Tavistock Centre, could face legal action over alleged ‘failings in care’
The new group claim seeks to unite people who may have been “started on a treatment pathway that was not right for them”.
A Mensa member says “The Unified Theory of Climate is the only theory since Kepler, Newton, Maxwell, Einstein and Planck to be based on the observable facts. All modern theories are fear hypothesis looking for the evidence for a theory, and not finding it. Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller are derided as lowly lumberjacks by the morons who agree with Greta. But the theory is based on the observations and proven by the fact that the average temperature at the one bar pressure points on each of the planets, is the same, adjusted for distance from the Sun, despite the different main gases, Nitrogen for the Earth & Titan, Hydrogen for Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn & Uranus and Carbon Dioxide for Venus.”
Meanwhile -so – Katie Hopkins re spins 3 media stories .
Apparently america has 59 demographic categories- and in all 59 – those of a Republican bent all – all – support Trump as next president – hence the ongoing political trials
Andrew Neil is desperate to be ‘relevant’ following the cancellation of his dismal c4 show – so has become a terf?
I am disappointed in the Guido Fawkes website because I would have thought it would have appeared on his site. Just heard on Nigel Farrage on GBNews that Sheldon Mills, a director on the FCA, was Chair at Stonewall. I assume that whenever ESG is being discussed at the FCA that he declares an interest and recuses himself.
TWatO Watch #1 – laying it on as thick as possible, BBC
Yes, the-cost-of-living-crisis was being ladled over listeners to the depth of several metres by the News reader and Jonny Dymond at one point. Yet as andyjsnape pointed out earlier today @ 6.55 a.m. and followed up very aptly by Scroblene @ 9.23 a.m. why is the UK taxpayer being held responsible for what happens in Africa.
If the-cost-of-living-crisis is so severe why are the BBC not in full approval of, and agreement with, the cut in the UK’s Foreign Aid budget?
The Katie Hopkins video of the Government leaflet telling illegals how to get more of our taxes has now reached the Express and will gain much more traction!
It’s bad enough paying the poll tax and getting very little return, but I do seethe when I see so many undeserving illegals just cashing in on what we should be spending on our own health service and the education of British children.
The waste in the NHS could be a starter…
In some hospitals, where crutches, Zimmer frames etc are not needed after a patient recovers, they’re chucked out as scrap as they may be ‘contaminated’! The blood-pressure wraps are one-patient use only so are also chucked after just a few tests! Miles and miles of plastic tubing is thrown away every day!
When I sold precast concrete to builders and merchants back in the seventies, I used to have the buyers coming at me from all directions, especially as the motorway network was getting going in earnest! But they were commercial, they knew how far to go to get a deal – and I knew that as well. I wonder how the purchasing people in the NHS deal with every new edict, new drug etc., new diversity requirement? Maybe the cuts should come from those top departments, while the real professionals can get on with their jobs on the ground?
Scrob, when I worked in the NHS the maintenance costs went through the roof after ditching “in house” teams, and giving contracts to outside firms, who were onto a winner with this cash cow. £350 was quoted to put a shelf up in the small photocopying room. And I saw a skip piled high with perfectly good chairs from a reception area. Not forgetting the numerous bags of sheets that were thrown away – because they had the mark of a laundry that was no longer used. My colleague took them home and made nighties and umpteen pillow cases from them.
So dont talk to me about waste in the NHS.
I promise I won’t Brissles, as you know, I’ve just seen it first hand, and got the tee-shirt…
I’m sure the old boy who unblocked a rather natty sink must have been in-house, as he was pleasant, retired (almost certainly), and capable of doing the job pretty damn quick!
The nurse nearly exploded when I told her about chucking crutches, and she went off on a long tirade about the rest of the stuff which she’s told to heave-ho, which left me somewhat abashed…
I assume skip-diving was prevalent from your description…
Oh God, yes !! I even dived in myself as did colleagues to retrieve a few chairs! Older relatives were well chuffed at the “high” chairs that came their way.
8:30pm episode 2 which started at Keadby has finished
episode 1 is starting. it will end in Keadby
Ah there was a sudden last minute change of schedule
People on Twitter are complaining the 8pm Jay Blades, Repair Shop was cancelled
8:30pm was supposed to be The Travelling Auctioneers
An advert. Immigrant. Actually not quite. In fact it was a play on words, thus I’mMigrant.
The advert extolled all the ‘virtues’ of immigration AND then……encouraged the said migrants to send their surplus earnings back to their families in their home nations.
BBC still playing fast and loose with climate facts–
New paper outlines corporation’s “tall tales”-
Press Release
“London, 2 August – A new paper from Net Zero Watch shows that the BBC is still misleading its viewers and listeners about the facts of climate change.
From sea-level rise to bird migration, from hurricanes to heatwaves, the corporation’s climate narrative is never knowingly bothered by facts, context or nuance.”
I get hacked off at the amount of publicity the host Jay Blades get. Referring to his “team” – when those repairers have more talent in their little finger than he has. But he does have a website Jay & co furniture which has refurbished chairs for exorbitant prices.
As president, Donald Trump normalizing hate and racism against Black Americans.
So, as I write in my latest column, I'm amused that he'll have to recognize the authority of a Black woman as he goes to court for his latest indictment.
One of the worst pieces of faeces on the TV, Mark Austen of Sly News had his arse handed to him tonight on the 6pm broadcast.
The sneering, condescending leftie prick was loving the Trump indictment story, and interviewed a pro Trump American expecting an easy ride.
He was arrogant, rude, talking over the top of his guest, and sat shaking his head at everything the guy said.
He then moved to paint him as a lunatic, implying the downplaying of the Jan 6 ‘insurrection’ should be considered criminal, and then very angrily accused him of being Qanon, and asked if he believed in ‘wild conspiracy theories’ about satanic paedophile rings in Hollywood who drank the blood of children.
The guy simply replied ‘you mean like Jeffrey Epstein?’
Austen then started losing his temper and then just cut the guy off whilst shaking his head and then cut to adverts.
A vile excuse for a human being, possibly only kept off the top sport by Jeremy Vine or James O’brien
If America is a Banana Republic, then Trump will end up in Guantanamo Bay, DeSantis will fall out of plane, Kennedy will be assassinated by the CIA, and domestic terrorists will be banned from voting. Biden will win, but be embalmed by the FBI, in a process of preserving his body, by delaying the natural effects of death, so he can serve his next four year term in office. This will then be followed by a man born on the 23rd November 1963, with a scare on his forehead (in the same position as the bullet hole on President John F Kennedy’s head) becoming President of the United States.
Richard – the ‘reverse accusation method ‘ being used by Obama to fight Trump surely is pure Russia – accuse trump of the very thing the democrats did . It was so planned – the evidence destroyed – the cover ups complete –
A whole series of political show trials aimed across the years to disrupt trump and maybe sooner or later get a democrat judge and jury to convict trump …
It’s all so obvious if you want to see it – but too many Americans and British accept the collective msm liberal lies .
Meanwhile – somehow – as Biden generally declines they have to keep him away from any conversation with even the most friendly press during the election campaign – or kill him .
If they can find a means of permanently avoiding live press conferences (Covid II?), then they can ‘elect’ an AI ‘president’, who can ‘live’ forever, and never stumble over words, or floor again.
He sniffs everyone he meets to see if their glands would be suitable for vital energy rejuvenation.
His left eye twitches when he finds one and the secret service haul them away for ‘extraction’.
An item about more ‘terror activity ‘ amongst the young . The kidult reporter – an air head – or very clever – managed not to mention what proportion of the children plotting to kill the infidel are Muslims – she mis spoke and mentioned at the end that it was 80% of around 1200 last year .
It seems thar children are researching issues and finding their own version of the world – which in or one party state is forbidden – approved thought only ….
‘Far Right ‘ kids must be a lot easier to deal with because the English language element but that doesn’t get a mention …
Papers reporting continuing decline in bbc use – Ken Bruce took 2 million R2 listeners with his when effectively fired – with his popmaster proving a success elsewhere . Even the Guarian BBC propaganda sheet admits this .
And the infamous BBC ECU exec complaints unit say TVs infamous sally nugents description of the dambusters raid as infamous didn’t matter much …. But some might say it indicates the group think of the anti British vermin in the bbc .. miss infamous nugent gets a free pass and promotion ….
Lastly – comrade Robinson says he’s never met any who would want a Fox News in the UK . Well I’ve never met comrade robinson and never will …hopefully – some say …
BTW – oh yeah Simon jacks presenting today – maybe we ll wait for the Farage civil action / data protection report for his involvement with Coutts …
The house (more of a slum dwelling really, with black mould on the walls – can I sue retrospectively?) I shared as a student was two doors down from the local brothel (number 66 – known as ‘sexty sex’).
‘John’ spotting was always entertaining, and sometimes surprising, perhaps we should have invested in that camera, and maybe the financial returns really could have paid the rent?
In my recent experience the Darlington based TV Licensing suggests that the BBC are taking the view that people have not stopped watching and are cheating the corporation – the threatening letters have been ratcheted up in tone.
I’m sort of looking forwards to instructing any visiting clipboard wielder in some of the finer points wrt reproduction + travel.
But at least with Saudi games – after the old rich players have taken the knee – the half time entertainment will be the beheading of queers and other unbelievers – I’m waiting for that dumb idiot Rashford to go ….
The bbc seems pleased that their internet listening service has more people listening to it . There is no doubt that the BBC -n when it was the BBC – used to produce stuff worth listening to – I used to like the plays – especially the long ones ….
… but now – where will that archive come from ? So much tick box crap I don’t even bother looking – so in future years the BBC will have to depend on stuff from decades past – this century can be binned ….
The unknown deputy PM interviewed by bee lady over a secret ‘risk register ‘ now published by the outgoing regime . Apparently the biggest risk to the UK is blue labour being re elected – leading to what remains of the economy being destroyed – all the money trees chopped down – the military ended – all resources going into the NHS ….
Execrable item on Toady this morning.
The Bee Lady is in Birmingham, so the feature report is Road casualties. The council wants to blanket- reduce speed limits everywhere from 40 mph to 30 mph and have more average speed cameras. The lobotomisation and war on the motorist continues. The BBC are fully on board.
To assist in this, the government annual statistics ‘Reported Road Casualties in Great Britain’ are also being lobotomised. They are making the report more ‘user accessible’ and are even producing a version for the blind !!!!!!!! But they are starting to summarise data rather provide the full picture, and provide other data in zip files and ods files, which I can’t open on my iPad. No doubt they want to hide inconvenient truths.
But things don’t change that much year on year, although the long terms trends are downwards. So the hard copy full data version of RRCGB 2019 is still available. I particularly recommend the RAS50 tables on accidents by contributory factors.
The Bee Lady informed us of 30000 killed and seriously injured annually. But since there are 30 million cars and nearly 70 million people on our crowded island, is this actually a lot? Never asked. And of the 30,000, only about 6% are because of exceeding the speed limit. So why the sole, total focus on speed limits and average speed cameras? Far more accidents are due to pedestrians not looking. More are also due to roads being unmaintained.
Yet miraculously in BBCLand, only the motorist is to blame, because of driving ‘too fast’.
But the war on the motorist is just another socialist ploy to collectivise transport and keep council traffic departments in work.
We know someone who was killed in a road accident when he was hit by a car. The driver was arrested and was about to have the book thrown at him. Luckily another vehicle happened to have a dashcam. It showed the guy, without looking just walked straight into the path of the oncoming car. The driver had no chance to avoid him. He was totally innocent,
But since when has the state cared about the trauma suffered by such a driver? Train drivers get counselling and time off when someone jumps in front of a train. The dual standards are glaring.
Prosecutor Deanna Heer said the defendant had been “cycling with a degree of purpose” and had overtaken other cyclists in his approach to the pedestrian crossing where Mr McCombie was waiting.
Man, 35, charged with murder after Barnet fatal stabbing
By Josh Salisbury
Teen charged with attempted murder after Walthamstow bus stabbing
By Josh Salisbury
Two men left seriously injured in separate east London stabbings
By Josh Salisbury
Man stabbed in stomach during ‘aggravated burglary’ in Camden
By Josh Salisbury
Woman, 21, was walking home with friend before fatal Ealing stabbing
Police believe there may be witnesses to student’s killing who are yet to come forward
Man, 20, found stabbed to death at home in Plaistow
Kensington nightclub has licence suspended after triple stabbing
By Elly Blake
Do more to halt wave of London teen killings, minister tells the Met
By Martin Bentham
The scene on Wednesday morning
Manhunt as victim, 23, stabbed to death at restaurant in south London
By Anthony France
Now even the over-65s are ditching broadcast television: Traditional TV channels suffered their steepest EVER decline in viewers in 2022 as they turn to streaming rivals Netflix and Disney+ for their entertainment
UK extremists ‘funded by small donations’, says report (by uk gov) {bbc jul2017}
“Islamist extremist organisations (what is the definition or list of these?) in the UK receive hundreds of thousands of pounds a year, in the form of small, anonymous British-based donations, a long-awaited report has concluded….At no point does the summary refer to Saudi Arabia or any other country that has been accused of funding extremism in the UK.”
– in summary, it cannot be tracked.
– what about Sharia bonds?
– Five Whitehall buildings held by wealthy businessmen now operating under Sharia rules (including a ban on alcohol)
– Cameron admits Saudi Arabia funds extremist schools – so why are they still our allies? {express jan2016}
– what about welfare payments to terrorists – are these the small, anonymous British-based donations? Can I stop paying NI as not to pay for terrorists like Khalid Masood and Anjem Choudary
“To ask Her Majesty’s Government, in the light of reports by the BBC’s Panorama programme in 2010 that approximately 5,000 pupils in the UK are being taught the Saudi national curriculum, what action has been taken to ensure that school text books originating in Saudi Arabia which propagate hate speech and religious intolerance are not being used in schools, clubs and weekend schools in the UK. ”
“Ofsted have not found any evidence of the text books referred to in the programme being used in schools that they have inspected.” – uk government’s response
{theyworkforyou 05Dec2016}
“In a written response to the findings, the Saudi ambassador to the UK said the teachings were not endorsed by the Saudi embassy.” – Saudi Arabia’s response – {guardian nov2010}
“It claims (BBC Panorama) to have found 5,000 Muslim schoolchildren being taught that some Jews are transformed into pigs and apes and that the penalty for gay sex is execution. Some textbooks are said to teach the correct way to chop off the hands and feet of thieves. A spokesman for the programme said the pupils, aged six to 18, attend a network of more than 40 weekend schools across the country which teach the Saudi national curriculum to Muslim children.” – {guardian nov2010}
Remember when the BBC actually chased the story …
“…birthdays, remember, are the practices of disbelievers and immoral people. {bbc panorama video 2010}” @8:33
“… the books (supposed to originate from London) turn out to be the Saudi Official National Curriculum. {bbc panorama video 2010}” @22:13
“The mass internment of Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims in the camps has become largest-scale arbitrary detention of ethnic and religious minorities since World War II. Many media outlets have reported that hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs, as well as Kazakhs, Kyrgyz and other ethnic minorities, are held in the camps.”
2016 … WASHINGTON — As the votes in London’s mayoral election were being counted on May 5, almost every British Muslim I know seemed to have only one thought: Would Sadiq Khan pull it off?
He did. Mr. Khan, the son of Pakistani immigrants, was elected as the first Muslim mayor of a Western capital city, with more than 1.3 million votes, in what is being called the biggest mandate in the history of British politics. And the Labour candidate managed his landslide even after his opponent, the Conservative politician Zac Goldsmith, smeared him as a “radical” and shamelessly accused him of giving “oxygen” to extremists.
Islamophobes are tearing their hair out as they decry the Islamization of Britain. But for all the Muslim baiting, London’s new mayor is part of an encouraging trend.
In a perfect world, the faith of a TV cooking show star, an athlete or even a major politician would be irrelevant. But in our deeply imperfect — and, yes, Islamophobic — world, it isn’t. British newspapers are filled with alarmist headlines about “Muslim sex grooming” and “the rise in Muslim birthrate.” Earlier this year, Trevor Philips, the former chairman of Britain’s Equality and Human Rights Commission, accused Britain’s Muslims of “becoming a nation within a nation.”
While Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy have declared multiculturalism a failure, the truth is that their countries, Germany and France, have never tried it. As Tariq Modood, the author of “Still Not Easy Being British,” writes, multiculturalism is the “political accommodation of difference.”
[Caution: this edition contains specific claims involving fruit]
The Daily Mirror this morning encroaches on Financial Times territory with the advent of a graph on their cover page. While the FT’s famously pink frontpage classic Datawatch stats today track the so-called: Barbie bounce – power of the pink dollar, eh? Featuring a chart quantifying US and Canadian cinema box office takings (Source Box Office Mojo) – the Labour-supporting tabloid meanwhile goes graphic in an effort to spin NHS waiting lists as solely the fault of the mean Tories.
The Mirror could learn a thing or two from Datawatch – like putting some quantitative scale on their ‘Y’ axis. You’ll find the NHS has had a considerable wait list counted in the millions ever since 2007 when Rishi was yet a callow youth just progressed from his post as office boy at Goldman Sachs to the hedge fund The Children’s Investment Fund Management – just a glint in his billionaire father-in-law’s eye.
Of course the Mirror charts 2007 to 2010 as the tail end of the Blairite-Brownite glory days, despite the legendary Labour parting shot for the incoming Tories (or Parthian Shot for a classicist such as Boris Johnson): ‘I’m afraid there is no money.’ The letter I will regret for ever Liam Byrne… chief secretary to the Treasury under Gordon Brown, left a note for his successor that proved to be a gift for the Conservatives (Guardian)
2010: Tories take power – complains the Mirror as though a Niger-like coup had taken place. And from that point onward up go the NHS waiting lists.
Let me just suggest another stat with which this decline in our NHS might correlate: Net Migration 2010 estimate: 294,000, then steady incremental rises year-on-year (and remember these numbers are cumulative bumps to the immigrant population) to the 2020 estimate: 374,000 (Migration Observatory, University of Oxford) – then of course from that point on you’ll have to ask teacher for another fresh sheet of graph paper because in 2021 and 2022 the numbers go off the scale.
Of course some other causal factors may perhaps be to blame for the waiting list graph going up – one might track NHS wait lists against the rise in hours of use of social media – Facebook, TikTok and the like?
But the Mirror is playing defense (with an ‘s’ as the Americans would say) for the striking NHS unions countering: PM’s offensive claim Rishi: NHS strikes are to blame for waiting lists… YEAH, RIGHT – as the Millennials or Gen Y used to say – and it is they that now write for the formerly old Labour Mirror.
Rishi Sunak yesterday blamed striking doctors for rising NHS waiting lists (Mirror) – well, let’s be honest, it won’t be helping.
Doctor, what are you doing with that placard? Be honest with me, I can take it. Tell me, will this hurt?
If Mr AsI were the examiner – in an educational test sense – marking the Mirror’s statistical presentational work, he might question a sudden dip in the apparently inexorable rise in NHS inefficiency to deal with our ailments in a timely manner – as supposedly – directly caused by Tory lack of funding. So what happened with this little dip in the waiting list the Mirror labels: 2020: Covid pandemic
Firstly, Mr AsI needs to do his editorial duty – 2020: Covidpandemic Lockdown
At that dip – did a really significant proportion of the waiting list suddenly die off? Or rather did our NHS somehow suddenly at stroke wipe hundreds of thousands off their waiting lists?
The graph certainly shoots upward after 2020. But some of us recall notices pasted on the door to our local GP’s surgery: If you are feeling unwell please do enter these premises.
2022: Strike starts – insists the Mirror.
In 1971 Marc Bolan and T-Rex released the single Bang a Gong (Get It on)
One might additionally draw up a graph charting NHS staff hubris – as quantified by the prevalence of doorstep pot-banging and media repetition of the word hero – against their propensity for withdrawal of their labour.
Mr AsI isn’t one to lightly call a conspiracy – but he can’t help noticing the model pictured in the posh jewelry advert in prime position, bottom right-hand corner, as you look at it, on the frontpage of the FT.
Graff (British multinational jeweller based in London) hitherto invariably tend to display their necklaces on the toned bare necks of beautiful models in low cut evening dresses – and we thank them for it – particularly in a world where the corporates now want to push on us images of sweaty butch Lionesses almost as though it were some new media legal requirement: Football’s £1M Superwoman… Hot shot England’s Lauren James is in demand. I am the Laur! (Mirror); The making of England’s new superstar Lauren James (Guardian) – hardly a grass roots phenomenon, I think we can agree. This is top down pressure.
How to talk to children about misogyny (‘i’)
So the Graff model in the FT suddenly gets a very plain cover-all high-necked dull grey dress over which to display the company’s gold and diamond wares. It looks odd. The image is out of character and jarring. Photo-shopped? It looks it. In any case, Graff has done a Mayor Khan on their model: Sadiq Khan moves to ban body-shaming ads from London transport… mayor wants to stop running ads that promote unrealistic body expectations and demean women (Guardian – This article is more than 7 years old)
Speaking of…
I’ll be heartbroken if Lizzo fat-shaming claims are true by Kuba Shand-Baptiste (‘i’)
One of the most shocking accusations from Arianna Davis, Crystal Williams, and Noelle Rodriguez’s lawsuit against Lizzo is that she allegedly invited dancers to eat bananas from the vaginas of strippers in Amsterdam. (Debut hereabouts for
Lizzo made graphic remarks about incorporating bananas into sex acts in 2019 interview … as sexual harassment suit filed against her includes specific claims involving fruit (Daily Mail)
I’m reminded of an incident several years back on BBC Radio 5 (I believe) when Beeboid Victoria Derbyshire (unless my memory plays tricks) was interviewing a black footballer fishing for racialist reminiscences and he came up with a tale of a banana being left by his kit in the team changing room.
Perhaps the white players were given oranges instead? Anyway, our Vicky (I do believe it was her) almost gagged theatrically on the word as she breathlessly repeated – in Oscar Wilde’s Lady Bracknell-like shock disgust and distain: “A banana?!”
Want to know the truth of the corruption behind the war in Ukraine from a real journalist?
How the corrupt silenced those who should have been expected to speak out by painting the war as being for their own ideals, and those people being so corrupt themselves they turned a blind eye when they thought the ‘homophobic’ Putin was to be overthrown?
It’s a difficult realisation, but the more people know of the utter corruption in the Wests political class the better.
It’s been a real eye-opener for me – even after Brexit + Trump.
It’s because this war is well covered by others on the internet so we can compare the truth with what the MSM tell us. And the deception is total. Right through to social media and youtube.
The syrian war had lots of videos from both sides easily available which were lengthy go-pro records of what was going on. They were unedited.
Now if I search I get the same propaganda videos which are heavily edited and never show what they say they show. They are almost always some kind of war music showing advertisement or training footage of various weapons systems scoring direct hits and I think I’m supposed to believe that’s what Ukraine are doing to Russia.
Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of brave young men (on both sides) are being blown to pieces and maimed by mines – but the MSM – and the BBC in particular – seems to care about that one bit. They are FAR more interested in showing us a baby being lifted alive from some rubble or telling us about we are helping a six year old Ukrainian girl refugee to fulfil her dream of representing her country at the Olympics.
As an ex-serviceman myself, I am ashamed at what my country has become. We are being lied to on an epic scale these days because of the Leftist/Globalist agenda. This is not what I thought I was defending.
But speaking on Monday in response to motion to resettle an extra 20,000 Syrian and Iraqi refuguees in Australia, Mr Bernardi said: “I find it a bit sanctimonious for [Green] Senator [Richard] Di Natale to bring in these emotive arguments, and particularly to characterise this as some sort of humanitarian mission by using the terrible image of that young boy who was picked up from the beach after having drowned at sea.”
For example, it cites the murder of Conservative MP Sir David Amess in 2021 in its assessment of the likelihood of the assassination of a public figure, which it puts at more than 25%.
The number of Civil Servants has risen from 510,080 to 519,780 in the year ending to March, despite government plans to reduce Whitehall headcounts “to secure value and maximise efficiency” earlier this year.
“despite government plans” Lies
“Civil Servants has risen ” reality – more non jobs
TOADY Watch #1 – really? Flutterbies have increased because winters are warmer? Really?
Hopefully, Paul Homewood on his excellent Not a Lot of People Know That will debunk that claim from a woman from a Butterfly charity, I think, that our winters are warmer. It is so long ago in a busy day (before 7 a.m.) that I have forgotten her name and charity. She chatted with the Bee Lady who is in Birmingham. I wonder if the Bee Lady goes home to Suffolk every evening in her, no doubt BBC supplied, chauffeur driven car? If so Martha is helping to warm our winters and she needs to do it a lot more. Last winter seemed to me to be very long and very cold. Hopefully Paul will tackle that claim of warmer UK winters on NALOPKT.
The Flutterby woman was all excited about the increase in Red Admiral butterflies. Trouble is they are very easily confused with other butterflies, eg. various Fritillaries, especially when they have their wings closed. As I posted on Margaret Ashworth’s article on Sunday (well worth reading) on the TCW Defending Freedom site, I have found that every year is different especially ‘since living in the countryside’ but I think I knew that when living in London.
I have noticed this year that there is a massive increase in all butterflies and moths. I have had various encounters with Peacocks, Chalk-hill Blues and Gatekeepers to name but three. Get over it, BBC, it happens! I seem to recall that you were reporting an epidemic of clothes moths some years ago. Why haven’t you noticed that there is an abundance of clothes moths this year? This is another excellent web-site to visit:
A real-life butterfly effect: How weather in Africa drives butterfly bursts in Europe
They say a butterfly’s wing could change the weather. How is the weather changing butterflies?
By Benji Jones@BenjiSJones Jun 25, 2021, 9:00am EDT
MM, yes that saying was attributed, iirc, to the flap of a butterfly wing in South America. But, that said, butterflies are known to migrate long distances, just like some birds. There was a big fuss on the BBC radio and for all I know on TV a few years ago about a rarely seen butterfly from the USA turning up here in the UK. They do have the advantage of prevailing westerly/south-westerly winds though to blow them here.
Nothing about the weird Costa Coffee tranny advert which has been covered by other news sources for the last 48 hrs. Costa Coffee chose to depict a transgender with mastectomy scars in some recent advertising.
A search on Youtube “BBC News Costa Coffee” also turned up nothing from BBC regarding the trans ad.
I ordinarily don’t have time or a care about personal sexual /life style matters – it’s private as long as the horses don’t get frightened .
But advertising like this interests me . I wonder who thought this through ? What the motivation was? What the outcome is ? – ie does it sell more coffee – does the woke stuff work ?
Certainly back in the pre sin of Pride ( a sin ) they used to talk about the ‘pink pound ‘ because sodomites tended to have more disposable income if they were not dying of AIDS .
Now there seems a stream of brands attempting to out woke each other very such as the race industry and green crap industry …
Talking of green crap – the attack on the PMs home in Yorkshire whilst away on holiday was pretty brazen – will a plod head roll?( unlikely ) but sooner or later one or more of these green crap protesters is gonna come to a sticky end …. ( will leave out the next line ….for the sake of the sensitive )….
Like you, I don’t care who does what to whom, provided they’re above the age of consent, of sound mind and they are behind closed doors.
Do any companies who intend to carry woke inspired advertising carry out any kind of internal or external research, to see how it will affect the bottom line?
Businesses aren’t known for ‘winging it’, miscalculations can cost them huge amounts. Or does the pressure from wokies within firms win out everytime?
Mik – I think it’s a kidult mental sickness where they try to outwoke each other and the client are either of the same effed up mind themselves ( see NatWest ) or want to have themselves and the brand seen as ‘progressive ‘ ‘challenging ‘ and ‘modern’ – tuned to changes in society – which for normal un effed up customers leads to ‘avoid ‘ or the revenge of the Farage ….
All the insurance crowds wanting my business, with countless flyers, emails and other dross, have mixed coloured ‘families’ (?) on their ads, so it’s an easy choice to purposely ignore them and talk with someone who treats me like an White Indigenous English Citizen!
They all know who I am as I’ve been around a damn sight longer than most of the sales teams have been; they’ve all tried all manner of tricks to get me to sign up with their stuff, but it’s a simple issue to never do business with them as they clearly do not understand their customers’ requirements, which is the first vital mantra every marketing department should understand!
Having learned so much from Philip Kotler, so many years ago, I despair at how the modern, limp-wristed woklies have been conned into thinking that they are correctly advertising what the customer wants!
Well – got that wrong – rate up by 0.25% to 5.25% – too little too late . I wonder how deep the recession will go ? Certainly housing / renting is gonna be hit – I wonder where all the new arrivals – legal and illegal – are going to go ?
So much for transient inflation ( remember that one ?) a lie …
“Certainly housing / renting is gonna be hit – I wonder where all the new arrivals – legal and illegal – are going to go ?”
Yes, that was my first thought, Fed!
I used to know all the angles on housing development, and the ways they could engineer their developments, and back then, some of them were pretty damn good, especially when they took on experienced silks to get their sites through – it was a thrilling time really!
Land banks will be a huge key in their lockers, and as planning these days is dogged by issues like Green Belts, and AONBs, there’ll be enough to go round eventually, but the big issue, (pun intended), is what will happen to the newly arrived high mortgage payers, who eventually get stuffed back where they started from…
I went by yet another McCarthy Stone Retirement home development today, and was musing about how they will deal with this news, while stuck in traffic.
I think they’ll just soak up the ever-ageing population and are probably fireproof, but they’ll need a longer forward development strategy to cover the losses they’ll make when Flip-Flop, Abbott and Crayons are in Downing Street next year!
Mare Khaaans’s got eough derelict stuff in his rapidly-becoming-vacant Londonistan to take in his illegals, but real commercial housing companies will be scratching their heads, if they don’t have enough sites in the can!
I can’t comment on rentals, as I never touched that market in housing and flats, but commercial rents will be disorganised for a long time now, as Canary Wharf empties back to the city!
Scroblene – I just note the hostility that landlords receive – and saw an estimate that the rental market will shrink by 10% by year end because of a mixture of increasing interest rates , more regulation from the blue labour government – and landlords having ‘enough ‘ – particularly those with only a couple – say – of properties ….
I am not and never have been a ‘landlord ‘ ….
As for land banks – these seem ripe for a ‘windfall tax ‘ in red labour land …. Although I’m sure the likes of pension funds will scream ….
But the lag on building anywhere – green – brown – in the sky will be huge compared to demand …
Any political party will have to tread very carefully with a home owning electorate if it starts mucking about with the current principal home – council tax regime … a certain one term government if home owners are screwed … again…
10% of rentals out of the market will cause huge stress, especially as these ex-rentals will be on the market for sale, and overall values will drop even further!
My old partner and I rue the day that we realised far too late, that with Blair flooding the colleges and unis with unwanted and uninterested students, (to get them off the unemployed figures), they’d need somewhere to live while they got their parents to pay for everything. We were concentrating on the other booms, retail and leisure, which did OK, but another good chum amassed well over thirty small houses in uni towns for these kids, and cleaned up when he wanted out!
All I need to do is wait for my competitors to have their woke advert aired and then I would quietly accept the extra business from all their now pissed off customers.
People will still want to buy stuff but they will avoid the woke rubbish. I would be getting extra sales and saving money by not advertising.
The numbers for bud light dropped by 10% in the US last quarter during the trannie campaign – i bet that works out to be a lot of dollars .
Its easier now – to find a brand to avoid – if on principle than anything else ..
It will be interesting to see how the arabs buying up football teams are going to deal with the booze and betting brands labelled on them ..
Scrob – no worry – I realise quilte a few people ‘dump ‘ on this site and don’t read the comments of others … I used to think this a bit ‘off ‘ particularly when I’d made the effort to share a piece from – say – the DT of relevance to the subject … but now there are so many comments that it takes up more time ….
But I’d still welcome any defender of the BBC to say why people like me are ‘wrong ‘ in the view of the BBC ….
The BBC certainly know how to ‘pick’ a story. Leading into autumn we can have nose pickers more likely to catch the common cold, then we mid-winer with nose pickers more likely to catch flu, …..etc.,. Is this crap supposed to be news? People who often pick their nose without washing hands are more likely to catch more airborne viruses. That said, if like me you come from a long line of nose pickers and bed wetters from infant-hood you will have probably built up quite a bit of immunity. Great reporting BBC, keep it up!
micknotmike, that’s going to heap more anxiety on schoolchildren. Picking out a nice greeny, grey and yellow bogey was something to enhance your playground ‘street cred’ no end!
TOADY Watch #2 – BBC are always very keen to splash the cash on the part of the taxpayer
There is a curious disconnect in the heads of the BBC: on the one hand they constantly go on about ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ but then want public money thrown at a game like chess! The BBC do not appear to realise that Governments have no money, except what they extract from corporations and individuals by way of tax or that they borrow. The subject under discussion was the government funding of chess to the tune of £one-half million, yes, £500,000 to the English Chess Federation.
Needless to say it was an opportunity for the BBC to engage in some misandry and aggressive feminism but that seems par for the course for the BBC these days. The thing that made me laugh was the claim, by – I think – a wimmin, Sarah Longson, a former British ladies champion told the TOADY Programme that chess improves the concentration skills of children. I laughed at that! Sarah has obviously never had to drag a child away from a video game or their MP3 Player or even, in my day, a book.
Bloomberg has reported that the government is to announce £500,000 of funding for the English Chess Federation, alongside plans to expand chess in schools and public parks.
Rishi Sunak’s wife has potentially avoided up to £20m in UK tax by being non-domiciled and pays £30,000 a year to keep the status – revelations that come amid growing political pressure on the chancellor.7 Apr 2022
Fed, that chess set suspiciously looks like it may be modelled on ‘Game of Thrones’ characters. Haven’t seen any episodes so it is a bit of a guess on my part.
I will take your expertise – I’ve still yet to see the final series ( or season -as the language thieves describe it ) so no spoiler alerts even though I heard it was less than it could have been .
Talking of chess – I’ve just finished the mammoth book by Alan Clarke ( much missed ) on Barbarossa . The detail is – enormous – at one stage around early 1945 if the allies had pushed the Russians might not have got as far into the Reich as they did – history eh ? Also the internal politics around hitler probably saved huge number of allied and Russian lives … funny world …
Fed, the classic argument was that if the US had given Gen Paton the OK, he would have pushed the Russkies all the way back to Moss Cow before taking out Stalin and the Politburo. Of course, I would not have then been able to enjoy the film ‘Death of Stalin’ with Andrea Riseborough doing a great job of playing Svetlana Stalina in gorgeous mode.
Up2 – yes the transferring of resources to Montgomery and the lunatic market garden ( planning ? Intel ? ) did that damage – but as for the death of Stalin – the chap who played Zhukov stole every scene ….
What a brilliant concept.
Chess applied to todays world of Tranny zealots.
I so like the idea of the King self-identifying as female and then moving like a Queen, all over the board.
What chaos it would bring to the game.
Rather like real life today, with unisex toilets, no private spaces for proper women, and where using the wrong words in the public sector becomes a disciplinary offence.
“He said that while the reported £500,000 of funding sounded like “a trivially small amount”, chess was a cheap sport so a small amount of funding could go a long way.”
Aid to China from the UK fell to approximately £48 million in 2021-22 – down from £82 million in 2019 – and it is expected to continue to decline rapidly in future, according to the aid watchdog.13 Jul 2023
Jonnie D on WATO interview some no one from the BBC Executive board . It was quite funny – if you are willing the demise of the BBC .
He reminded me of a spokesman for the white star line after the titanic lost 1-0 away to the iceberg . Numbers vary says the exec – 2 million lost from R2 is not a lot says the exec . Grown up people are not a target for the BBC says the exec
I was waiting for Jonnie to ask exec about Huw – never came
I waiting for a mention of the license tax – never came .
Fed, I was going to post something on that very interview. That Executive Board member seemed extra-ordinarily complacent. I like your Titanic simile! 🙂 x10!
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:45 Midweek 12th March 2025 Omission is the greatest lie … Transphobic scenes cut from new release of Crocodile Dundee Among the moments removed…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Repeated from above … “Tony Blair holds the Keir Starmer penis , after a visit to Lord Alli’s flat.”
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Relax – UK will not allow infiltration … Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent Barry Gardiner…
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
The outgoing PM and MP for Santa Monica is heading off to California for a weeks ‘ holiday.. only a year before rishi becomes a permanent US citizen ..
BBC now completely on board with the guilt of Donald Trump. This has to be with government cooperation.
Just back from visiting Beverley East Yorkshire, on Yorkshire Day. Flags everywhere. However not Yorkshire Flags but Rainbow Flags all over the town. Two fingers up from sexual perverts, to Yorkshire Day, as well as to Christian and Islamic tourists, from the towns Council and Chamber of Commerce. Just the Curry house refusing to comply with the decadent white locals.
German wack job Prof Karl Lauterbach minister of health in video saying we need travel restrictions because: covid / klimate emergency or whatever:
“Stats, sah… thausands of them!”
One for Springster to pass on?
“I’m sure there are more kids in hospitals across London fighting for their next breath after a knife attack than there is kids fighting for next breath due to toxic air.” (zero)
BTW asthma attacks in London correspond to grass pollen releases
“If you want to save the lives of Londoners, issue them all with stab proof vests.”
And cut the grass.
Breathe better with a hole in the lung!
‘There are children in hospitals across our city fighting for their next breath’
For a moment there, I thought Sad Dick Khan was talking about the NHS Maternity services in places like Telford, Bristol, and Maidstone.
But no. He’s playing the pathetic sentimentalist absolutist card,
where balance and proportionality go out the window in the favour of the political agenda. Allow me to educate him.
All down to our NHS heroes.
Appeal after four teenagers stabbed in ‘fight’ in south London
Man, 35, charged with murder after Barnet fatal stabbing
By Josh Salisbury
Teen charged with attempted murder after Walthamstow bus stabbing
By Josh Salisbury
Two men left seriously injured in separate east London stabbings
By Josh Salisbury
Man stabbed in stomach during ‘aggravated burglary’ in Camden
By Josh Salisbury
This is a good example where Greenpeace have used a figure ’40K deaths’, but the interviewee says it’s ’40K premature deaths’. But they don’t say that it’s lives cut short – i.e. pollution takes say 30 days off live expectancy.
Andrew Neil vs Greenpeace – Air Pollution (car crash interview)
Take a figure which shows shortened life expectancy (which is hard to determine because obesity etc), total these bits up (days) and convert it into a single person’s life (this is the bad maths bit) then use it in a term ’40K premature deaths’ and then remove the ‘premature’.
So you end up with driving your car to work is killing 40K people a year – think of the children’s lungs @2:18 . Won’t anyone think of the children!
Just had a thought and have been checking some ‘Pride’ videos. Just watch this one from the BBC:
‘All ages, colours, genders have come out’ we are told.
But the wide shots of the video tell us it’s about 80% female and almost all white.
The BBC NEVER go near the homophobia built into Islam. And where are the 1 in 3 blacks we see on TV now ?. Clearly they have absolutely no interest in ‘integrating’ with whites.
But of course we knew all of this already. I just watched it for confirmation.
I skipped forward and found what I was looking for : despite none in the crowd, the BBC still found a black woman to interview.
Shameless double-standard racist hypocrites. ‘The agenda is more important’.
NHS gender clinic, the Tavistock Centre, could face legal action over alleged ‘failings in care’
The new group claim seeks to unite people who may have been “started on a treatment pathway that was not right for them”.
Katerina Vittozzi
News correspondent @kvittozzi
Thursday 11 August 2022 01:04, UK
BBC’s Scary Climate Fairytales from, Gretel Tintin Thumb:
A Mensa member says “The Unified Theory of Climate is the only theory since Kepler, Newton, Maxwell, Einstein and Planck to be based on the observable facts. All modern theories are fear hypothesis looking for the evidence for a theory, and not finding it. Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller are derided as lowly lumberjacks by the morons who agree with Greta. But the theory is based on the observations and proven by the fact that the average temperature at the one bar pressure points on each of the planets, is the same, adjusted for distance from the Sun, despite the different main gases, Nitrogen for the Earth & Titan, Hydrogen for Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn & Uranus and Carbon Dioxide for Venus.”
So don’t watch the BBC. Instead watch the most important lesson in Climate science you are ever likely to watch:
Meanwhile -so – Katie Hopkins re spins 3 media stories .
Apparently america has 59 demographic categories- and in all 59 – those of a Republican bent all – all – support Trump as next president – hence the ongoing political trials
Andrew Neil is desperate to be ‘relevant’ following the cancellation of his dismal c4 show – so has become a terf?
I am disappointed in the Guido Fawkes website because I would have thought it would have appeared on his site. Just heard on Nigel Farrage on GBNews that Sheldon Mills, a director on the FCA, was Chair at Stonewall. I assume that whenever ESG is being discussed at the FCA that he declares an interest and recuses himself.
TWatO Watch #1 – laying it on as thick as possible, BBC
Yes, the-cost-of-living-crisis was being ladled over listeners to the depth of several metres by the News reader and Jonny Dymond at one point. Yet as andyjsnape pointed out earlier today @ 6.55 a.m. and followed up very aptly by Scroblene @ 9.23 a.m. why is the UK taxpayer being held responsible for what happens in Africa.
If the-cost-of-living-crisis is so severe why are the BBC not in full approval of, and agreement with, the cut in the UK’s Foreign Aid budget?
Thanks for the tick, Uppers!
The Katie Hopkins video of the Government leaflet telling illegals how to get more of our taxes has now reached the Express and will gain much more traction!
It’s bad enough paying the poll tax and getting very little return, but I do seethe when I see so many undeserving illegals just cashing in on what we should be spending on our own health service and the education of British children.
The waste in the NHS could be a starter…
In some hospitals, where crutches, Zimmer frames etc are not needed after a patient recovers, they’re chucked out as scrap as they may be ‘contaminated’! The blood-pressure wraps are one-patient use only so are also chucked after just a few tests! Miles and miles of plastic tubing is thrown away every day!
When I sold precast concrete to builders and merchants back in the seventies, I used to have the buyers coming at me from all directions, especially as the motorway network was getting going in earnest! But they were commercial, they knew how far to go to get a deal – and I knew that as well. I wonder how the purchasing people in the NHS deal with every new edict, new drug etc., new diversity requirement? Maybe the cuts should come from those top departments, while the real professionals can get on with their jobs on the ground?
Scrob, when I worked in the NHS the maintenance costs went through the roof after ditching “in house” teams, and giving contracts to outside firms, who were onto a winner with this cash cow. £350 was quoted to put a shelf up in the small photocopying room. And I saw a skip piled high with perfectly good chairs from a reception area. Not forgetting the numerous bags of sheets that were thrown away – because they had the mark of a laundry that was no longer used. My colleague took them home and made nighties and umpteen pillow cases from them.
So dont talk to me about waste in the NHS.
I promise I won’t Brissles, as you know, I’ve just seen it first hand, and got the tee-shirt…
I’m sure the old boy who unblocked a rather natty sink must have been in-house, as he was pleasant, retired (almost certainly), and capable of doing the job pretty damn quick!
The nurse nearly exploded when I told her about chucking crutches, and she went off on a long tirade about the rest of the stuff which she’s told to heave-ho, which left me somewhat abashed…
I assume skip-diving was prevalent from your description…
Oh God, yes !! I even dived in myself as did colleagues to retrieve a few chairs! Older relatives were well chuffed at the “high” chairs that came their way.
BBC 1 primetime resorts to a cheap trick of putting on two old episodes of the BBC4 series Canal Boat diaries
Except they have put the episodes the wrong way around
They have started with episode 2
So I presume at 8:30pm will have episode 1
He does huge great 15 mile leaps ..missing out showing us places
8:30pm episode 2 which started at Keadby has finished
episode 1 is starting. it will end in Keadby
Ah there was a sudden last minute change of schedule
People on Twitter are complaining the 8pm Jay Blades, Repair Shop was cancelled
8:30pm was supposed to be The Travelling Auctioneers
Spotted on the Londonistan tube network.
An advert. Immigrant. Actually not quite. In fact it was a play on words, thus I’mMigrant.
The advert extolled all the ‘virtues’ of immigration AND then……encouraged the said migrants to send their surplus earnings back to their families in their home nations.
It was an advert by a money transfer company.
FFS barely covers it.
Migrant workers send home £8bn to families
20 November 2018
Keeping children in school
In Ecuador, money from remittances has become important to keeping girls enrolled in school.
There has been growing recognition of the scale of remittances in a globalised economy.
There has been growing recognition of the scale of remittances in a globalised economy.
Mainly because the money transfer companies, such as Western Union et al, take a commission when funds are transferred…
BBC still playing fast and loose with climate facts–
New paper outlines corporation’s “tall tales”-
Press Release
“London, 2 August – A new paper from Net Zero Watch shows that the BBC is still misleading its viewers and listeners about the facts of climate change.
From sea-level rise to bird migration, from hurricanes to heatwaves, the corporation’s climate narrative is never knowingly bothered by facts, context or nuance.”
Apologies Richard, you had already posted it (above).
But its worth repeating…
From that Net Zero Watch article, I applaud the phrase ‘Institutional Alarmism’.
How do the BBC get black contestants onto the Repair Shop ?
Someone (their production company) pay the Voice (black newspaper) by sponsoring tweets
That Turkey carving machete got a few nicks?
I get hacked off at the amount of publicity the host Jay Blades get. Referring to his “team” – when those repairers have more talent in their little finger than he has. But he does have a website Jay & co furniture which has refurbished chairs for exorbitant prices.
Justin Trudeau splits with wife to spend more time with his mirror … or maybe if he identies as a queer he ll get more votes …
It’s about time Trudeau became the world’s first transgender PM, the BBC would love it…
The #wefiles presumption in face of facts is impressive.
The Barge, a death trap. Someone purchased wisely.
Flots, see my ‘post’ above if you want…
Buyers! Huh!
Dontcha love them…
You missed the subtlety
Actually – ahem – I did miss it, as I was still in whinge-mode about waste!
(holds head in hands and rocks backwards and forwards, muttering gibberish…).
But you’ve given me an idea…
You may get the same from your local online rags, but we get all sorts of ‘ads’ about unsold holidays going everywhere on big chartered boats!
Why can’t we get all these illegals onto these empty holiday drums, and send them off wherever for a couple of months? It muct be a cheaper option!
The barge should have a motor that sets sail for South Africa built in steered by remote control.
One of the worst pieces of faeces on the TV, Mark Austen of Sly News had his arse handed to him tonight on the 6pm broadcast.
The sneering, condescending leftie prick was loving the Trump indictment story, and interviewed a pro Trump American expecting an easy ride.
He was arrogant, rude, talking over the top of his guest, and sat shaking his head at everything the guy said.
He then moved to paint him as a lunatic, implying the downplaying of the Jan 6 ‘insurrection’ should be considered criminal, and then very angrily accused him of being Qanon, and asked if he believed in ‘wild conspiracy theories’ about satanic paedophile rings in Hollywood who drank the blood of children.
The guy simply replied ‘you mean like Jeffrey Epstein?’
Austen then started losing his temper and then just cut the guy off whilst shaking his head and then cut to adverts.
A vile excuse for a human being, possibly only kept off the top sport by Jeremy Vine or James O’brien
If America is a Banana Republic, then Trump will end up in Guantanamo Bay, DeSantis will fall out of plane, Kennedy will be assassinated by the CIA, and domestic terrorists will be banned from voting. Biden will win, but be embalmed by the FBI, in a process of preserving his body, by delaying the natural effects of death, so he can serve his next four year term in office. This will then be followed by a man born on the 23rd November 1963, with a scare on his forehead (in the same position as the bullet hole on President John F Kennedy’s head) becoming President of the United States.
This also happened to Russia.
Richard – the ‘reverse accusation method ‘ being used by Obama to fight Trump surely is pure Russia – accuse trump of the very thing the democrats did . It was so planned – the evidence destroyed – the cover ups complete –
A whole series of political show trials aimed across the years to disrupt trump and maybe sooner or later get a democrat judge and jury to convict trump …
It’s all so obvious if you want to see it – but too many Americans and British accept the collective msm liberal lies .
Meanwhile – somehow – as Biden generally declines they have to keep him away from any conversation with even the most friendly press during the election campaign – or kill him .
If they can find a means of permanently avoiding live press conferences (Covid II?), then they can ‘elect’ an AI ‘president’, who can ‘live’ forever, and never stumble over words, or floor again.
At least the President can still sniff kids.
He sniffs everyone he meets to see if their glands would be suitable for vital energy rejuvenation.
His left eye twitches when he finds one and the secret service haul them away for ‘extraction’.
An item about more ‘terror activity ‘ amongst the young . The kidult reporter – an air head – or very clever – managed not to mention what proportion of the children plotting to kill the infidel are Muslims – she mis spoke and mentioned at the end that it was 80% of around 1200 last year .
It seems thar children are researching issues and finding their own version of the world – which in or one party state is forbidden – approved thought only ….
‘Far Right ‘ kids must be a lot easier to deal with because the English language element but that doesn’t get a mention …
Papers reporting continuing decline in bbc use – Ken Bruce took 2 million R2 listeners with his when effectively fired – with his popmaster proving a success elsewhere . Even the Guarian BBC propaganda sheet admits this .
And the infamous BBC ECU exec complaints unit say TVs infamous sally nugents description of the dambusters raid as infamous didn’t matter much …. But some might say it indicates the group think of the anti British vermin in the bbc .. miss infamous nugent gets a free pass and promotion ….
Lastly – comrade Robinson says he’s never met any who would want a Fox News in the UK . Well I’ve never met comrade robinson and never will …hopefully – some say …
BTW – oh yeah Simon jacks presenting today – maybe we ll wait for the Farage civil action / data protection report for his involvement with Coutts …
Re: the return of Jacks (quietly via the back stairs), when will Huw be returning from his hols?
BBC staff basing insights only on who they have met can reveal much albeit, it seems, unintentionally.
This is a guy who gets his inaccurate scoops from The Critic magazine.
One of many campaigns by the bbc, under news section
Wellingborough: The brothel and the quiet family next door
Welcome to the UK, guess its the sort of areas that Abdul Al Jabbar, and Sultan Rauf live in
The house (more of a slum dwelling really, with black mould on the walls – can I sue retrospectively?) I shared as a student was two doors down from the local brothel (number 66 – known as ‘sexty sex’).
‘John’ spotting was always entertaining, and sometimes surprising, perhaps we should have invested in that camera, and maybe the financial returns really could have paid the rent?
Good news “reported” by the beeb
UK traditional TV viewing sees record decline, Ofcom report says
Or could report people more and more dislike the bbc and dont watch it
Reading the article, I thought the BBC was trying to put a positive slant on it, the reality is probably far worse – good!
The real damage is reduction in licence fees – if 500 000 last year maybe 600 000 this one please – at minimum ?
In my recent experience the Darlington based TV Licensing suggests that the BBC are taking the view that people have not stopped watching and are cheating the corporation – the threatening letters have been ratcheted up in tone.
I’m sort of looking forwards to instructing any visiting clipboard wielder in some of the finer points wrt reproduction + travel.
But at least with Saudi games – after the old rich players have taken the knee – the half time entertainment will be the beheading of queers and other unbelievers – I’m waiting for that dumb idiot Rashford to go ….
The bbc seems pleased that their internet listening service has more people listening to it . There is no doubt that the BBC -n when it was the BBC – used to produce stuff worth listening to – I used to like the plays – especially the long ones ….
… but now – where will that archive come from ? So much tick box crap I don’t even bother looking – so in future years the BBC will have to depend on stuff from decades past – this century can be binned ….
The unknown deputy PM interviewed by bee lady over a secret ‘risk register ‘ now published by the outgoing regime . Apparently the biggest risk to the UK is blue labour being re elected – leading to what remains of the economy being destroyed – all the money trees chopped down – the military ended – all resources going into the NHS ….
Execrable item on Toady this morning.
The Bee Lady is in Birmingham, so the feature report is Road casualties. The council wants to blanket- reduce speed limits everywhere from 40 mph to 30 mph and have more average speed cameras. The lobotomisation and war on the motorist continues. The BBC are fully on board.
To assist in this, the government annual statistics ‘Reported Road Casualties in Great Britain’ are also being lobotomised. They are making the report more ‘user accessible’ and are even producing a version for the blind !!!!!!!! But they are starting to summarise data rather provide the full picture, and provide other data in zip files and ods files, which I can’t open on my iPad. No doubt they want to hide inconvenient truths.
But things don’t change that much year on year, although the long terms trends are downwards. So the hard copy full data version of RRCGB 2019 is still available. I particularly recommend the RAS50 tables on accidents by contributory factors.
The Bee Lady informed us of 30000 killed and seriously injured annually. But since there are 30 million cars and nearly 70 million people on our crowded island, is this actually a lot? Never asked. And of the 30,000, only about 6% are because of exceeding the speed limit. So why the sole, total focus on speed limits and average speed cameras? Far more accidents are due to pedestrians not looking. More are also due to roads being unmaintained.
Yet miraculously in BBCLand, only the motorist is to blame, because of driving ‘too fast’.
But the war on the motorist is just another socialist ploy to collectivise transport and keep council traffic departments in work.
We know someone who was killed in a road accident when he was hit by a car. The driver was arrested and was about to have the book thrown at him. Luckily another vehicle happened to have a dashcam. It showed the guy, without looking just walked straight into the path of the oncoming car. The driver had no chance to avoid him. He was totally innocent,
But since when has the state cared about the trauma suffered by such a driver? Train drivers get counselling and time off when someone jumps in front of a train. The dual standards are glaring.
Prosecutor Deanna Heer said the defendant had been “cycling with a degree of purpose” and had overtaken other cyclists in his approach to the pedestrian crossing where Mr McCombie was waiting.
Man, 35, charged with murder after Barnet fatal stabbing
By Josh Salisbury
Teen charged with attempted murder after Walthamstow bus stabbing
By Josh Salisbury
Two men left seriously injured in separate east London stabbings
By Josh Salisbury
Man stabbed in stomach during ‘aggravated burglary’ in Camden
By Josh Salisbury
Woman, 21, was walking home with friend before fatal Ealing stabbing
Police believe there may be witnesses to student’s killing who are yet to come forward
Man, 20, found stabbed to death at home in Plaistow
Kensington nightclub has licence suspended after triple stabbing
By Elly Blake
Do more to halt wave of London teen killings, minister tells the Met
By Martin Bentham
The scene on Wednesday morning
Manhunt as victim, 23, stabbed to death at restaurant in south London
By Anthony France
Now even the over-65s are ditching broadcast television: Traditional TV channels suffered their steepest EVER decline in viewers in 2022 as they turn to streaming rivals Netflix and Disney+ for their entertainment
Worth a celebration !
A bit more good news from the bbc
Rajars: Radio 2 loses a million listeners as Ken Bruce boosts Greatest Hits Radio
UK extremists ‘funded by small donations’, says report (by uk gov) {bbc jul2017}
“Islamist extremist organisations (what is the definition or list of these?) in the UK receive hundreds of thousands of pounds a year, in the form of small, anonymous British-based donations, a long-awaited report has concluded….At no point does the summary refer to Saudi Arabia or any other country that has been accused of funding extremism in the UK.”
– in summary, it cannot be tracked.
– what about Sharia bonds?
– Five Whitehall buildings held by wealthy businessmen now operating under Sharia rules (including a ban on alcohol)
– Cameron admits Saudi Arabia funds extremist schools – so why are they still our allies? {express jan2016}
– what about welfare payments to terrorists – are these the small, anonymous British-based donations? Can I stop paying NI as not to pay for terrorists like Khalid Masood and Anjem Choudary
“To ask Her Majesty’s Government, in the light of reports by the BBC’s Panorama programme in 2010 that approximately 5,000 pupils in the UK are being taught the Saudi national curriculum, what action has been taken to ensure that school text books originating in Saudi Arabia which propagate hate speech and religious intolerance are not being used in schools, clubs and weekend schools in the UK. ”
“Ofsted have not found any evidence of the text books referred to in the programme being used in schools that they have inspected.” – uk government’s response
{theyworkforyou 05Dec2016}
“In a written response to the findings, the Saudi ambassador to the UK said the teachings were not endorsed by the Saudi embassy.” – Saudi Arabia’s response – {guardian nov2010}
“It claims (BBC Panorama) to have found 5,000 Muslim schoolchildren being taught that some Jews are transformed into pigs and apes and that the penalty for gay sex is execution. Some textbooks are said to teach the correct way to chop off the hands and feet of thieves. A spokesman for the programme said the pupils, aged six to 18, attend a network of more than 40 weekend schools across the country which teach the Saudi national curriculum to Muslim children.” – {guardian nov2010}
Remember when the BBC actually chased the story …
“…birthdays, remember, are the practices of disbelievers and immoral people. {bbc panorama video 2010}” @8:33
“… the books (supposed to originate from London) turn out to be the Saudi Official National Curriculum. {bbc panorama video 2010}” @22:13
“…birthdays, remember, are the practices of disbelievers and immoral people. {bbc panorama video 2010}” @8:33
“… the books (supposed to originate from London) turn out to be the Saudi Official National Curriculum. {bbc panorama video 2010}” @22:13
I am proud to be a Pakistani, Mayor of London Sadiq Khan – Sitara-e-Imtiaz – British Pakistani – UK
Crikey – looks like the little Khant was right about global warming. Here is the proof:
P.S. Snowflake trigger warning: this is a joke.
Science news eh?
Where’s the f’ing science?
I’ll wager he’ll aslo opine in the BBC Health pages about some mental issues wrt to locking up the climate nutters.
Just Stop Oil to protest in China …
“The mass internment of Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims in the camps has become largest-scale arbitrary detention of ethnic and religious minorities since World War II. Many media outlets have reported that hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs, as well as Kazakhs, Kyrgyz and other ethnic minorities, are held in the camps.”
2016 … WASHINGTON — As the votes in London’s mayoral election were being counted on May 5, almost every British Muslim I know seemed to have only one thought: Would Sadiq Khan pull it off?
He did. Mr. Khan, the son of Pakistani immigrants, was elected as the first Muslim mayor of a Western capital city, with more than 1.3 million votes, in what is being called the biggest mandate in the history of British politics. And the Labour candidate managed his landslide even after his opponent, the Conservative politician Zac Goldsmith, smeared him as a “radical” and shamelessly accused him of giving “oxygen” to extremists.
Islamophobes are tearing their hair out as they decry the Islamization of Britain. But for all the Muslim baiting, London’s new mayor is part of an encouraging trend.
encouraging trend.
encouraging trend.
encouraging trend.
In a perfect world, the faith of a TV cooking show star, an athlete or even a major politician would be irrelevant. But in our deeply imperfect — and, yes, Islamophobic — world, it isn’t. British newspapers are filled with alarmist headlines about “Muslim sex grooming” and “the rise in Muslim birthrate.” Earlier this year, Trevor Philips, the former chairman of Britain’s Equality and Human Rights Commission, accused Britain’s Muslims of “becoming a nation within a nation.”
“becoming a nation within a nation.”
While Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy have declared multiculturalism a failure, the truth is that their countries, Germany and France, have never tried it. As Tariq Modood, the author of “Still Not Easy Being British,” writes, multiculturalism is the “political accommodation of difference.”
“While Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy have declared multiculturalism a failure”
Let’s take a closer look at the Graff
[Caution: this edition contains specific claims involving fruit]
The Daily Mirror this morning encroaches on Financial Times territory with the advent of a graph on their cover page. While the FT’s famously pink frontpage classic Datawatch stats today track the so-called: Barbie bounce – power of the pink dollar, eh? Featuring a chart quantifying US and Canadian cinema box office takings (Source Box Office Mojo) – the Labour-supporting tabloid meanwhile goes graphic in an effort to spin NHS waiting lists as solely the fault of the mean Tories.
The Mirror could learn a thing or two from Datawatch – like putting some quantitative scale on their ‘Y’ axis. You’ll find the NHS has had a considerable wait list counted in the millions ever since 2007 when Rishi was yet a callow youth just progressed from his post as office boy at Goldman Sachs to the hedge fund The Children’s Investment Fund Management – just a glint in his billionaire father-in-law’s eye.
Of course the Mirror charts 2007 to 2010 as the tail end of the Blairite-Brownite glory days, despite the legendary Labour parting shot for the incoming Tories (or Parthian Shot for a classicist such as Boris Johnson): ‘I’m afraid there is no money.’ The letter I will regret for ever Liam Byrne… chief secretary to the Treasury under Gordon Brown, left a note for his successor that proved to be a gift for the Conservatives (Guardian)
2010: Tories take power – complains the Mirror as though a Niger-like coup had taken place. And from that point onward up go the NHS waiting lists.
Let me just suggest another stat with which this decline in our NHS might correlate: Net Migration 2010 estimate: 294,000, then steady incremental rises year-on-year (and remember these numbers are cumulative bumps to the immigrant population) to the 2020 estimate: 374,000 (Migration Observatory, University of Oxford) – then of course from that point on you’ll have to ask teacher for another fresh sheet of graph paper because in 2021 and 2022 the numbers go off the scale.
Of course some other causal factors may perhaps be to blame for the waiting list graph going up – one might track NHS wait lists against the rise in hours of use of social media – Facebook, TikTok and the like?
But the Mirror is playing defense (with an ‘s’ as the Americans would say) for the striking NHS unions countering: PM’s offensive claim Rishi: NHS strikes are to blame for waiting lists… YEAH, RIGHT – as the Millennials or Gen Y used to say – and it is they that now write for the formerly old Labour Mirror.
Rishi Sunak yesterday blamed striking doctors for rising NHS waiting lists (Mirror) – well, let’s be honest, it won’t be helping.
Doctor, what are you doing with that placard? Be honest with me, I can take it. Tell me, will this hurt?
If Mr AsI were the examiner – in an educational test sense – marking the Mirror’s statistical presentational work, he might question a sudden dip in the apparently inexorable rise in NHS inefficiency to deal with our ailments in a timely manner – as supposedly – directly caused by Tory lack of funding. So what happened with this little dip in the waiting list the Mirror labels: 2020: Covid pandemic
Firstly, Mr AsI needs to do his editorial duty – 2020:
CovidpandemicLockdownAt that dip – did a really significant proportion of the waiting list suddenly die off? Or rather did our NHS somehow suddenly at stroke wipe hundreds of thousands off their waiting lists?
The graph certainly shoots upward after 2020. But some of us recall notices pasted on the door to our local GP’s surgery: If you are feeling unwell please do enter these premises.
2022: Strike starts – insists the Mirror.
In 1971 Marc Bolan and T-Rex released the single Bang a Gong (Get It on)
One might additionally draw up a graph charting NHS staff hubris – as quantified by the prevalence of doorstep pot-banging and media repetition of the word hero – against their propensity for withdrawal of their labour.
Mr AsI isn’t one to lightly call a conspiracy – but he can’t help noticing the model pictured in the posh jewelry advert in prime position, bottom right-hand corner, as you look at it, on the frontpage of the FT.
Graff (British multinational jeweller based in London) hitherto invariably tend to display their necklaces on the toned bare necks of beautiful models in low cut evening dresses – and we thank them for it – particularly in a world where the corporates now want to push on us images of sweaty butch Lionesses almost as though it were some new media legal requirement: Football’s £1M Superwoman… Hot shot England’s Lauren James is in demand. I am the Laur! (Mirror); The making of England’s new superstar Lauren James (Guardian) – hardly a grass roots phenomenon, I think we can agree. This is top down pressure.
How to talk to children about misogyny (‘i’)
So the Graff model in the FT suddenly gets a very plain cover-all high-necked dull grey dress over which to display the company’s gold and diamond wares. It looks odd. The image is out of character and jarring. Photo-shopped? It looks it. In any case, Graff has done a Mayor Khan on their model: Sadiq Khan moves to ban body-shaming ads from London transport… mayor wants to stop running ads that promote unrealistic body expectations and demean women (Guardian – This article is more than 7 years old)
Speaking of…
I’ll be heartbroken if Lizzo fat-shaming claims are true by Kuba Shand-Baptiste (‘i’)
One of the most shocking accusations from Arianna Davis, Crystal Williams, and Noelle Rodriguez’s lawsuit against Lizzo is that she allegedly invited dancers to eat bananas from the vaginas of strippers in Amsterdam. (Debut hereabouts for
Lizzo made graphic remarks about incorporating bananas into sex acts in 2019 interview … as sexual harassment suit filed against her includes specific claims involving fruit (Daily Mail)
I’m reminded of an incident several years back on BBC Radio 5 (I believe) when Beeboid Victoria Derbyshire (unless my memory plays tricks) was interviewing a black footballer fishing for racialist reminiscences and he came up with a tale of a banana being left by his kit in the team changing room.
Perhaps the white players were given oranges instead? Anyway, our Vicky (I do believe it was her) almost gagged theatrically on the word as she breathlessly repeated – in Oscar Wilde’s Lady Bracknell-like shock disgust and distain: “A banana?!”
Want to know the truth of the corruption behind the war in Ukraine from a real journalist?
How the corrupt silenced those who should have been expected to speak out by painting the war as being for their own ideals, and those people being so corrupt themselves they turned a blind eye when they thought the ‘homophobic’ Putin was to be overthrown?
It’s a difficult realisation, but the more people know of the utter corruption in the Wests political class the better.
It’s been a real eye-opener for me – even after Brexit + Trump.
It’s because this war is well covered by others on the internet so we can compare the truth with what the MSM tell us. And the deception is total. Right through to social media and youtube.
The syrian war had lots of videos from both sides easily available which were lengthy go-pro records of what was going on. They were unedited.
Now if I search I get the same propaganda videos which are heavily edited and never show what they say they show. They are almost always some kind of war music showing advertisement or training footage of various weapons systems scoring direct hits and I think I’m supposed to believe that’s what Ukraine are doing to Russia.
Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of brave young men (on both sides) are being blown to pieces and maimed by mines – but the MSM – and the BBC in particular – seems to care about that one bit. They are FAR more interested in showing us a baby being lifted alive from some rubble or telling us about we are helping a six year old Ukrainian girl refugee to fulfil her dream of representing her country at the Olympics.
As an ex-serviceman myself, I am ashamed at what my country has become. We are being lied to on an epic scale these days because of the Leftist/Globalist agenda. This is not what I thought I was defending.
Aylan Kurdi died because his father wanted dental treatment, claims Australian politician Cory Bernardi
But speaking on Monday in response to motion to resettle an extra 20,000 Syrian and Iraqi refuguees in Australia, Mr Bernardi said: “I find it a bit sanctimonious for [Green] Senator [Richard] Di Natale to bring in these emotive arguments, and particularly to characterise this as some sort of humanitarian mission by using the terrible image of that young boy who was picked up from the beach after having drowned at sea.”
Just when you thought the doom-and-gloom that is the BBC’s Project Fear had run out of steam………we have this webshite front page headline
‘Future pandemic and extreme weather among key threats to UK’
The just can’t help themselves………..until Labour win the election of course…….then the good news will just be overflowing.
For example, it cites the murder of Conservative MP Sir David Amess in 2021 in its assessment of the likelihood of the assassination of a public figure, which it puts at more than 25%.
The number of Civil Servants has risen from 510,080 to 519,780 in the year ending to March, despite government plans to reduce Whitehall headcounts “to secure value and maximise efficiency” earlier this year.
“despite government plans” Lies
“Civil Servants has risen ” reality – more non jobs
TOADY Watch #1 – really? Flutterbies have increased because winters are warmer? Really?
Hopefully, Paul Homewood on his excellent Not a Lot of People Know That will debunk that claim from a woman from a Butterfly charity, I think, that our winters are warmer. It is so long ago in a busy day (before 7 a.m.) that I have forgotten her name and charity. She chatted with the Bee Lady who is in Birmingham. I wonder if the Bee Lady goes home to Suffolk every evening in her, no doubt BBC supplied, chauffeur driven car? If so Martha is helping to warm our winters and she needs to do it a lot more. Last winter seemed to me to be very long and very cold. Hopefully Paul will tackle that claim of warmer UK winters on NALOPKT.
The Flutterby woman was all excited about the increase in Red Admiral butterflies. Trouble is they are very easily confused with other butterflies, eg. various Fritillaries, especially when they have their wings closed. As I posted on Margaret Ashworth’s article on Sunday (well worth reading) on the TCW Defending Freedom site, I have found that every year is different especially ‘since living in the countryside’ but I think I knew that when living in London.
I have noticed this year that there is a massive increase in all butterflies and moths. I have had various encounters with Peacocks, Chalk-hill Blues and Gatekeepers to name but three. Get over it, BBC, it happens! I seem to recall that you were reporting an epidemic of clothes moths some years ago. Why haven’t you noticed that there is an abundance of clothes moths this year? This is another excellent web-site to visit:
A real-life butterfly effect: How weather in Africa drives butterfly bursts in Europe
They say a butterfly’s wing could change the weather. How is the weather changing butterflies?
By Benji Jones@BenjiSJones Jun 25, 2021, 9:00am EDT
MM, yes that saying was attributed, iirc, to the flap of a butterfly wing in South America. But, that said, butterflies are known to migrate long distances, just like some birds. There was a big fuss on the BBC radio and for all I know on TV a few years ago about a rarely seen butterfly from the USA turning up here in the UK. They do have the advantage of prevailing westerly/south-westerly winds though to blow them here.
Google search this morning: “all the latest content about Costa Coffee from the BBC” Returns these news items.
Nothing about the weird Costa Coffee tranny advert which has been covered by other news sources for the last 48 hrs. Costa Coffee chose to depict a transgender with mastectomy scars in some recent advertising.
A search on Youtube “BBC News Costa Coffee” also turned up nothing from BBC regarding the trans ad.
Actual pic of the one van the images is on
Seems about 8 inches of a 4 foot by 4 foot square
.. The mural has been on about 1 years before anyone protested
“I checked out the Costa Coffee rammy so you don’t have to. It’s about a mural painted on a Costa van that was part of Brighton Pride a year ago. The artist is trans.”
BBC Homepage
Costa Coffee
Apology after patient given test results in café
19 July19 Jul
The Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guildford
Costa follows Pret with third pay rise in a year
6 March6 Mar
Milk being poured in to a Costa mug in-store
Costa cappuccino has five times more caffeine than rival
1 February1 Feb
Costa coffee cup
Costa Book Awards to end as sponsorship finishes
10 June 202210 Jun 2022
Costa Book Awards – the winners
Costa hikes pay for some staff and recruits 2,000
9 September 20219 Sep 2021
A Costa Coffee barista making a drink
‘Utterly original’ mermaid tale wins Costa prize
26 January 202126 Jan 2021
Monique Roffey
Costa Coffee warns up to 1,650 jobs at risk
3 September 20203 Sep 2020
costa branch in London
Starbucks bans reusable cups in response to virus
6 March 20206 Mar 2020
Stock image of reusable coffee cup
Why cafe culture has rich Italian flavour in Wales
12 February 202012 Feb 2020
Servini’s in Aberdare in 1934
‘Lost’ story of Auschwitz hero wins Costa Prize
29 January 202029 Jan 2020
I ordinarily don’t have time or a care about personal sexual /life style matters – it’s private as long as the horses don’t get frightened .
But advertising like this interests me . I wonder who thought this through ? What the motivation was? What the outcome is ? – ie does it sell more coffee – does the woke stuff work ?
Certainly back in the pre sin of Pride ( a sin ) they used to talk about the ‘pink pound ‘ because sodomites tended to have more disposable income if they were not dying of AIDS .
Now there seems a stream of brands attempting to out woke each other very such as the race industry and green crap industry …
Talking of green crap – the attack on the PMs home in Yorkshire whilst away on holiday was pretty brazen – will a plod head roll?( unlikely ) but sooner or later one or more of these green crap protesters is gonna come to a sticky end …. ( will leave out the next line ….for the sake of the sensitive )….
Like you, I don’t care who does what to whom, provided they’re above the age of consent, of sound mind and they are behind closed doors.
Do any companies who intend to carry woke inspired advertising carry out any kind of internal or external research, to see how it will affect the bottom line?
Businesses aren’t known for ‘winging it’, miscalculations can cost them huge amounts. Or does the pressure from wokies within firms win out everytime?
Mik – I think it’s a kidult mental sickness where they try to outwoke each other and the client are either of the same effed up mind themselves ( see NatWest ) or want to have themselves and the brand seen as ‘progressive ‘ ‘challenging ‘ and ‘modern’ – tuned to changes in society – which for normal un effed up customers leads to ‘avoid ‘ or the revenge of the Farage ….
All the insurance crowds wanting my business, with countless flyers, emails and other dross, have mixed coloured ‘families’ (?) on their ads, so it’s an easy choice to purposely ignore them and talk with someone who treats me like an White Indigenous English Citizen!
They all know who I am as I’ve been around a damn sight longer than most of the sales teams have been; they’ve all tried all manner of tricks to get me to sign up with their stuff, but it’s a simple issue to never do business with them as they clearly do not understand their customers’ requirements, which is the first vital mantra every marketing department should understand!
Having learned so much from Philip Kotler, so many years ago, I despair at how the modern, limp-wristed woklies have been conned into thinking that they are correctly advertising what the customer wants!
They b****y well don’t!
Well – got that wrong – rate up by 0.25% to 5.25% – too little too late . I wonder how deep the recession will go ? Certainly housing / renting is gonna be hit – I wonder where all the new arrivals – legal and illegal – are going to go ?
So much for transient inflation ( remember that one ?) a lie …
“Certainly housing / renting is gonna be hit – I wonder where all the new arrivals – legal and illegal – are going to go ?”
Yes, that was my first thought, Fed!
I used to know all the angles on housing development, and the ways they could engineer their developments, and back then, some of them were pretty damn good, especially when they took on experienced silks to get their sites through – it was a thrilling time really!
Land banks will be a huge key in their lockers, and as planning these days is dogged by issues like Green Belts, and AONBs, there’ll be enough to go round eventually, but the big issue, (pun intended), is what will happen to the newly arrived high mortgage payers, who eventually get stuffed back where they started from…
I went by yet another McCarthy Stone Retirement home development today, and was musing about how they will deal with this news, while stuck in traffic.
I think they’ll just soak up the ever-ageing population and are probably fireproof, but they’ll need a longer forward development strategy to cover the losses they’ll make when Flip-Flop, Abbott and Crayons are in Downing Street next year!
Mare Khaaans’s got eough derelict stuff in his rapidly-becoming-vacant Londonistan to take in his illegals, but real commercial housing companies will be scratching their heads, if they don’t have enough sites in the can!
I can’t comment on rentals, as I never touched that market in housing and flats, but commercial rents will be disorganised for a long time now, as Canary Wharf empties back to the city!
Scroblene – I just note the hostility that landlords receive – and saw an estimate that the rental market will shrink by 10% by year end because of a mixture of increasing interest rates , more regulation from the blue labour government – and landlords having ‘enough ‘ – particularly those with only a couple – say – of properties ….
I am not and never have been a ‘landlord ‘ ….
As for land banks – these seem ripe for a ‘windfall tax ‘ in red labour land …. Although I’m sure the likes of pension funds will scream ….
But the lag on building anywhere – green – brown – in the sky will be huge compared to demand …
Any political party will have to tread very carefully with a home owning electorate if it starts mucking about with the current principal home – council tax regime … a certain one term government if home owners are screwed … again…
10% of rentals out of the market will cause huge stress, especially as these ex-rentals will be on the market for sale, and overall values will drop even further!
My old partner and I rue the day that we realised far too late, that with Blair flooding the colleges and unis with unwanted and uninterested students, (to get them off the unemployed figures), they’d need somewhere to live while they got their parents to pay for everything. We were concentrating on the other booms, retail and leisure, which did OK, but another good chum amassed well over thirty small houses in uni towns for these kids, and cleaned up when he wanted out!
Good for him!
Religion of peace, again
Preston teenager Mohammed Afzal jailed after counter terrorism investigation
BBC – Bradford city of culture.
If I had a business I would stop all advertising.
All I need to do is wait for my competitors to have their woke advert aired and then I would quietly accept the extra business from all their now pissed off customers.
People will still want to buy stuff but they will avoid the woke rubbish. I would be getting extra sales and saving money by not advertising.
The numbers for bud light dropped by 10% in the US last quarter during the trannie campaign – i bet that works out to be a lot of dollars .
Its easier now – to find a brand to avoid – if on principle than anything else ..
It will be interesting to see how the arabs buying up football teams are going to deal with the booze and betting brands labelled on them ..
Fed and Emmanuel – sorry I posted similar thoughts just a few sentences above!
Perhaps I should work backwards from the latest comments in future!
Scrob – no worry – I realise quilte a few people ‘dump ‘ on this site and don’t read the comments of others … I used to think this a bit ‘off ‘ particularly when I’d made the effort to share a piece from – say – the DT of relevance to the subject … but now there are so many comments that it takes up more time ….
But I’d still welcome any defender of the BBC to say why people like me are ‘wrong ‘ in the view of the BBC ….
‘Defender of the BBC’…
Just spotted another tumbleweed rolling down the deserted highway, Fed…
Can’t get any Windolene anywhere……………..
bbc first with the big news :-
“Nose pickers more likely to get covid” Study shows.
I’m in a high risk category; noses run in my family.
The BBC certainly know how to ‘pick’ a story. Leading into autumn we can have nose pickers more likely to catch the common cold, then we mid-winer with nose pickers more likely to catch flu, …..etc.,. Is this crap supposed to be news? People who often pick their nose without washing hands are more likely to catch more airborne viruses. That said, if like me you come from a long line of nose pickers and bed wetters from infant-hood you will have probably built up quite a bit of immunity. Great reporting BBC, keep it up!
Well, if your nose runs and your feet smell, you’re clearly built upside down…
(MAD Magazine, c1963)…
Sad isn’t it!
micknotmike, that’s going to heap more anxiety on schoolchildren. Picking out a nice greeny, grey and yellow bogey was something to enhance your playground ‘street cred’ no end!
And an excellent hobby …
They were called ‘Grollies’ back in the village I inhabited!
That’s b*****ed my enjoyment of a half-decent Pinot…
Subject change .
TOADY Watch #2 – BBC are always very keen to splash the cash on the part of the taxpayer
There is a curious disconnect in the heads of the BBC: on the one hand they constantly go on about ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ but then want public money thrown at a game like chess! The BBC do not appear to realise that Governments have no money, except what they extract from corporations and individuals by way of tax or that they borrow. The subject under discussion was the government funding of chess to the tune of £one-half million, yes, £500,000 to the English Chess Federation.
Needless to say it was an opportunity for the BBC to engage in some misandry and aggressive feminism but that seems par for the course for the BBC these days. The thing that made me laugh was the claim, by – I think – a wimmin, Sarah Longson, a former British ladies champion told the TOADY Programme that chess improves the concentration skills of children. I laughed at that! Sarah has obviously never had to drag a child away from a video game or their MP3 Player or even, in my day, a book.
Bloomberg has reported that the government is to announce £500,000 of funding for the English Chess Federation, alongside plans to expand chess in schools and public parks.
Rishi Sunak’s wife has potentially avoided up to £20m in UK tax by being non-domiciled and pays £30,000 a year to keep the status – revelations that come amid growing political pressure on the chancellor.7 Apr 2022
Not black and white then ….. can chess pieces self indentify as another piece ?
Hello Fedup
Dont tell anyone, but I heard the King is a Queen
The pawns are addicted to porn …
A Knight goes up two then does one sideways – does that beat the beeboid’s watershed values or not?
I reckon Castleing is a euphemism for ‘Dogging’, after all, the actions are the same…
Once a king always a king, but one a knight is enough.
Fed, that chess set suspiciously looks like it may be modelled on ‘Game of Thrones’ characters. Haven’t seen any episodes so it is a bit of a guess on my part.
I will take your expertise – I’ve still yet to see the final series ( or season -as the language thieves describe it ) so no spoiler alerts even though I heard it was less than it could have been .
Talking of chess – I’ve just finished the mammoth book by Alan Clarke ( much missed ) on Barbarossa . The detail is – enormous – at one stage around early 1945 if the allies had pushed the Russians might not have got as far into the Reich as they did – history eh ? Also the internal politics around hitler probably saved huge number of allied and Russian lives … funny world …
Fed, the classic argument was that if the US had given Gen Paton the OK, he would have pushed the Russkies all the way back to Moss Cow before taking out Stalin and the Politburo. Of course, I would not have then been able to enjoy the film ‘Death of Stalin’ with Andrea Riseborough doing a great job of playing Svetlana Stalina in gorgeous mode.
Up2 – yes the transferring of resources to Montgomery and the lunatic market garden ( planning ? Intel ? ) did that damage – but as for the death of Stalin – the chap who played Zhukov stole every scene ….
What a brilliant concept.
Chess applied to todays world of Tranny zealots.
I so like the idea of the King self-identifying as female and then moving like a Queen, all over the board.
What chaos it would bring to the game.
Rather like real life today, with unisex toilets, no private spaces for proper women, and where using the wrong words in the public sector becomes a disciplinary offence.
Small amount – it all adds up – £500,000 ….
“He said that while the reported £500,000 of funding sounded like “a trivially small amount”, chess was a cheap sport so a small amount of funding could go a long way.”
Aid to China from the UK fell to approximately £48 million in 2021-22 – down from £82 million in 2019 – and it is expected to continue to decline rapidly in future, according to the aid watchdog.13 Jul 2023
Check out the end story – HA HA HA HA HA
“The prime minister shares a love of chess with Labour’s shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves, who was a junior chess champion.”
Please everyone – disappoint everyone.
“Net zero sceptics warm to Rishi Sunak’s climate shift”
Chancellor Rishi Sunak held US green card until last year
8 April 2022
Jonnie D on WATO interview some no one from the BBC Executive board . It was quite funny – if you are willing the demise of the BBC .
He reminded me of a spokesman for the white star line after the titanic lost 1-0 away to the iceberg . Numbers vary says the exec – 2 million lost from R2 is not a lot says the exec . Grown up people are not a target for the BBC says the exec
I was waiting for Jonnie to ask exec about Huw – never came
I waiting for a mention of the license tax – never came .
Fed, I was going to post something on that very interview. That Executive Board member seemed extra-ordinarily complacent. I like your Titanic simile! 🙂 x10!
bbc experts
How to spot fake reviews online
How about this, or not
Wales’ first disabled drag troupe take to the stage
more butterflys
good news surely
ohhh nooooo
seems there are some migrants the bbc want to go home after all