He paints shoplifters as overwhelmingly poor mothers trying to get Calpol etc for their children who end up getting slammed by the Tory Justice system
Well Mr Jones, I can tell you the truth….My wife works in a major supermarket and I can tell you that Calpol is probably the last item targeted.
Every day they are faced with cocaine, weed, crack addicts and just greedy people stealing only high value items to sell for cash to fund their habits.
My wife is instructed by her employer not to confront anyone seen shoplifting for her own safety. The thieves often work in concert with one trying to distract the staff while their accomplice fills their jogging pants with champagne, meat etc. Always items that will sell down at the pub.
Another trick is to have one robber accomplice outside while the second collects the goods. The stooge would be standing outside the “in” door and will trigger the door to open to let their mate run out. When the door closes no one is able to follow them as the door only automatically opens from the outside.
It’s an industry, a career and a way of life for these people and the police are effectively not overly interested and the culprits are probably on their third supermarket down the line by the time they arrive, if the do arrive.
The net result is that law-abiding shoppers are forced to pay more for their goods to cover the supermarkets losses.
I know lefty journalist are not interested in facts only causes but Owen Jones inane comments are both stupid and dangerous.
Next time Owen, have a word with the supermarket bosses and security before spouting this activist nonsense.
It is this short-sighted and biased attitude that is now filling US cities with crime, theft and murder as the villains are painted by the lefties as hard-done-by citizens and the police are obliged to take a soft touch approach to avoid being slammed by the left activists.
2012 – DRAW IT EARLY …. Lord Tony Hall to earn £532,000 as new BBC boss by drawing pension on top of salary
New BBC director-general,Tony Hall, has already been drawing his BBC pension for a year.
It’s worse than that Jim – I think mark steyn pointed out that Barb is partly funded by the BBC – and the science of viewing figures is based on random groups with coloured boxes on the viewing devices ….
I’d love for Barb Or the raja? Radio monitor to show they’re working out … R4 seems to think the Asian network doesn’t exist judging by the amount of pro Islam type stuff pumped out every day .
To me having a separate ‘Asian network ‘ does support the inclusivity mantra the BBC favours – if – however – the suggested a ‘fed up network ‘ I’d strong support it – but it might look a bit like ‘yesterday ‘ … or anything before 2000 ….
MM, is that figure for the over-75s before they fall asleep. I know someone who used to say “There’s a programme I want to watch at 8 p.m..” They would be in place before the set in the lounge and would start to watch the programme at 8 p.m.. About five to ten minutes later they would have dozed off, whereupon one of the children would put a hand on the shoulder to wake up the person aged under 60 years of age. “Dad, you wanted to watch this.”
I see black female judge Tanya Sue Chutkan appointed by Obama is going to be in charge of Trump’s latest trial.
She has already judged against Trump when he tried to stop his records being released to a house committee for Jan 06 protests and has been busy trying cases about that and giving out the toughest sentences of any judge.
Sounds fair and impartial to me. In the same way the BBC are (according to Sopel).
This is categorically stating that they are not women.
Where is the uproar ?. Where are the BBC headlines calling them intolerant bigots ?.
Simple : they are keeping quiet because when the ideology hits the real world, you can’t bluff it with leftist mob mentality. And this shows absolutely that men and women are different.
So all the virtue-signalling hypocrites and activists will ignore this and carry on as if it never happened.
Who is that ? Russia imposing an embargo on Britain in retaliation for supporting Ukraine ? Maybe the Russians an embargo the cross channel invaders . Muddled . The economic damage putin has already imposed of the EU UK is enough …
Does anyone care more than that ? No US UK bodies being bought back from Ukraine ….
….headline of the day – picture of elderly coloured chap – but no picture of player or ( her?) chest . the sun to follow up…
Daily mail ‘sets pulses racing – pictures pages 2, 3 ,4 ,5 …
Looks like president trump is using the democrat show trial as part of his re election strategy with plenty to dazzle and upset the msm – will the BBC get a seat in the court – Sarah smith wetting herself with the glee of the spectacle – then a speech outside the court will a full broadside from the USS Trump ….
.. maybe he will be a Reagan class aircraft carrier …
Trudeau (I’m a feminist) hails “ (Muslim) sisters upstairs” at sex-segregated mosque
Canadian PM Trudeau Shares Call to ‘End White Supremacy’ After Somali Refugee’s Terror Attack {.informationliberation.com 02oct2017}
‘Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau responded to news of a Somali refugee’s terrorist attack in Edmonton by sharing a call to “end white supremacy” and insisting “our diversity is our strength.” ‘
As ‘The Sun’ chap says, it’s the ‘groupthink’ which is permeating all these sparkling minnows who sick out their undermanagers’ leftie views.
I guess that as beeboids just hate ‘The Sun’, this’ll be another little tapeworm in the guts of their foul anti-Britishness. Hopefully, we’ll be reminded about this disgraceful description of many brave mens’ work to win WW2, time and time again, especially when their next tax-paid cock-up happens!
Boris Johnson ‘looking at’ abolishing TV licence fee for BBC
This article is more than 3 years old
Remarks came amid row over PM’s refusal to look at a picture of a sick boy in hospital
An interesting quip I heard about BBC bias regarding their use of complaints from both sides.
How many dedicated websites to BBC right wing bias are there ?
That is an observation so fundamental as to blow the ‘we must be doing something right ‘ right out of the water . lefties reading this please point up the the ‘biased bbc ‘ site telling us how `right Wing the BBC is ,,.no wonder the trolls have died painful slow deaths …
Nigel Farage has put up a piece showing the corrupt nat west – corrupt information commissioners office have refused to release the personal data on him ‘before October ‘ well outside normal timescales ….. the anti brexit / Farage stance of these bodies is there for all to see …. I’m pretty sure this won’t be reported on the EU MSM …
BBC 10 o’clock news. They are totally sold out on the get Trump crap. The newscaster actually got away with the statement “We are all used to Donald Trumps lies”.
Disgusting, I say what are those lies?”.
We are looking at a conspiracy of slurs by the left and the BBC are a fully signed up member.
Do they not have even one staffer who is prepared to look at and analyse the actual evidence rather than try to ram home their warped lefty mantra at all costs.
They are all juvenile zombies and it’s overdue they are gone as our national broadcaster or we risk following the US into the mire of a lefty manipulating elite mafia running politics.
A video of BBC staff suffering from ‘Trump derangement syndrome’. BBC zombies in a two-minute hate mantra. Note the lefty manipulating elite Mafia, running politics, at the front of the crowd. INGSOC stands for International Globalism & Socialism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=969xVMkuon8
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 –
TOADY Watch #3 – ahem, I think you might have trouble passing a GCSE in Physics, Jonathan
Jonathan Amos is a BBC Science Correspondent! On TOADY this morning he claimed that the dense bones of ‘Perucetus colossus’ would give it bouyancy in water. Er, no, Jonathan. Dense means you sink, not float. I guess he got a lot of phone calls and e-mails from children who had just sat their Physics GCSE exams and were nervously awaiting the result. Hopefully they knew their science better than Jonathan.
Sopels replacement showing she is just as out of touch and living in some bizare far-left bubble as he was.
A truly shockingly biased article. You can sense how much she despises Trump.
‘Yet it is once again Mr Trump who is defining the terms of the debate.
And making it all about him.’
No you stupid bint. He’s making it about political persecution. You are so obviously blinded by your hatred and contempt, you cannot see it. Absolutely typical leftist.
I see she’s never worked anywhere except at the BBC, Channel 4 or Channel 5.
Surely president trump must be charged with wasting the court time by pleading not guilty ? His conviction is already assured . Even if Obama wasn’t able to fix the election he’d ensure sentencing was fixed for inauguration day …. And a prison sentence of -say – 4 years .
Had that in mind when I wrote it – as well as the cell visit by the firing squad …..
….forcing myself to listen to some of today – usual green fear crap – and apparently the NHS is going to be privatised – sorry – they are buying private health – happy days for the money motivated medical mafia .
One might wonder why pay for private health insurance if one is competing with the NHS ….
On the upside – the country is about to be covered in more electricity pilons and wind farms – all in nice places of course . The test will be – if you look at a nice view there will be 20 pilons on it …all in the name of green crap …chuck an ULEZ in at the same time
The whole state has gone efffing mad – mad
Ocean heat record broken, with grim implications for planet
Scientists say they are “nervous” about the timing of a new ocean heat record . The average daily global sea surface temperature hit 20.96C this week, beating a 2016 record, according to the EU’s climate change service Copernicus. That’s far above the average for this time of year, with experts saying March should be when the seas are warmest. They’re worried how much warmer the oceans may get between now and next year. Warmer waters have less ability to absorb carbon dioxide, meaning more planet-warming gas will stay in the atmosphere. It can also speed up the melting of glaciers, leading to sea levels rising further. Read the full story to see what else this means for our planet, including how it could affect food chains and animal behaviour.
“Grim implications for the planet.” I get scared reading the BBC website. So thanks for the link to that Florida article, Guest.
I keep hearing them claim that the average temperature is rising faster than ever before in Earth’s history. That is presented as a fact.
It’s not. It is actually impossible to say but it is extremely probable that the temperature has risen faster on innumerable occasions during Earth’s history. We can only talk about the period since 1880 with any degree of certainty.
When looking at the distant past scientists can only get an idea of the temperature at 60,000 year intervals. The apparent speed of climate change appears slower the longer the time period over which changes in temperature are observed. During such long periods there are many fluctuations when the temperature rises, drops or remains constant. We know nothing about the speed of short term fluctuations in the past.
Nobody should be saying with any degree of confidence that the temperature is rising at an unprecedented rate.
Another small point I find interesting. The BBC are concerned that whales may have to move to cooler waters to find food. Well, I am sure they will adapt. Most of us have to relocate at some point in our careers. Fifty million years ago, when the average temperature was 10° C warmer than it is today, the ancestors of the whales decided to move from the land to the sea and become aquatic creatures.
Lucky Rachel didn’t open her mouth isn’t it ? The body language of the lady at the end suggested she doesn’t want to vote labour ( the blink ) ….
There’s no difference – pray – at best for a hung parliament unable to do anything – vote for my ‘no government party ‘
My manifesto – more referendums – no green crap – a dewoke agenda -cut back on devolution – secure the borders – visas for all – cut the state – charge EU citizens an annual residency fee – encourage depopulation – cut corporation tax – withdraw from harmful treaties – sell the House of Lords – reform ‘honours ‘ – half universities – have a military again -death penalty – oh yes end the BBC charter and sell off to the highest bidder –
Labour councillor is accused of offering to help illegal migrants stay in the UK in an online video.
A Labour councillor has been accused of offering to help illegal migrants stay in the UK in a video posted online.
Immigration solicitor Irim Ali, who sits on Newcastle City Council, said she would assist anyone in the country who was ‘illegal’, ‘without a valid visa’ or had ‘overstayed their visa’.
She offered to help submit an application to the Home Office using human rights laws, warning of an ‘extremely hostile environment for overstayers’.
Last night party sources said Mrs Ali has been spoken to by Labour officials and she has now taken down the video.
Former Ukip leader Nigel Farage said: ‘Labour’s Irim Ali openly admits helping illegal migrants to stay in the UK, and even gives advice to submit applications based on human rights laws.
‘Does Keir Starmer support the actions of this elected Labour councillor?’
Tory Party deputy chairman Lee Anderson said it was an example of the attitude that made him leave the party.
In the video, Mrs Ali, who sits as the Cabinet member for a dynamic city on the council, said: ‘Do not fear, Irim Ali is here. It is extremely important to make sure you become legal in the UK.
Is anyone surprised? Most of the immigration lawyers are of an ethnic background, helping their own get here. The UK in 100 years (nay 50 years) will be unrecognisable, and it’s this generation with its woke ideology who can take the blame.
Is Trump running for president mostly to avoid prison? (BBC)
“Curiouser and curiouser!” cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English) (Lewis Carroll)
Sarah Smith, BBC North America editor, putting the cart before the horse there. In fact pass that peculiar BBC notion back through to the real world side of the BBC looking glass – take it out of BBC wonderland, so to speak – and you’ll understand Trump is being threatened with prison ‘mostly’ in hopes of avoiding his running for president.
Charges will guarantee my election victory, says Trump… ‘I need one more indictment to ensure my election. In 2024, it will be our turn’ – contends The Donald in The Telegraph and on that note and on this side of the pond we fondly recall: Farage Tells MEPs: ‘You’re Not Laughing Now’… as he was jeered and booed at an emergency meeting of the European Parliament to discuss Brexit. (Sky News, June 2016)
And the establishment still haven’t quite tarred and feathered, bound and gagged and de-banked him just yet: ‘He’s tapped into something’: banking row gives Nigel Farage a new crusade – admits the Guardian recently.
Trump’s Michigan election fraud claims actually proved true… Trump practically made a career on spreading lies about widespread voter fraud in 2020. Now a recent Michigan signature scandal proves true – sort of (admits no friend of Trump, MSNBC, apparently grudgingly – except it goes on to claim this is fraud by Republicans in 2022)
The unimpeachable (pun intended) American election process can be admitted by the media as being just possibly open to fraud – but only when those benefitting have an ‘R’ after their name.
The left in general and the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper in particular know who it likes and no matter what they happen to do they can’t get bad press: Relationships How to divorce well… I still love my ex-husband – here’s what Justin Trudeau needs to know for a good mid-life divorce (‘i’)
Even so, there’s a slight note of refreshingly British cynicism – a sting in the tail for that most super-earnest of all earnest Canadians: As public statements go it’s about as reasoned and mutually regardful as any splitting couple, likely aided by their PR team, could conjure up. (‘i’) – Meow!
Getty Images gets it right for once.
Seat-warmer for Starmer, Rishi Sunak, may be: Leaving his troubles behind… kicked off his summer holiday in California (Telegraph) and Keir Starmer has sensibly gone to ground but no matter – the frontpage of the Labour-supporting Mirror complains on his behalf: Another Tory Tebbit (there’s one for the teenagers) Hard-up? On yer bike… Glib minister tells struggling over-50s to get takeaway delivery job – Glib… that was the word Mr AsI ought to have applied to Justin Trudeau rather than earnest, but I digress.
One referenced Getty Images but from wherever the Mirror sourced their pic of a Robin Egg blue-clad Deliveroo cyclist his bare ankles attest to the fact that he’s as black as your hat – which is a true reflection of reality on our modern streets. Although how our own over-50s are supposed to compete with the sheer mass of pedal powered potential Deliveroos arriving on our shores and gifted visas supposedly to take up university courses remains unexplained by the Tory minister: Mel stride said “There are lots of great opportunities out there” (Mirror)
Is the truth out there?
That would be advice to get out on your bike and get to work in the same broken economy they broke with their recent demands our elder citizens stay at home: Over 50s and obese people could be put back into lockdown, minister warns (Liverpool Echo, August 2020)
Economy is caught in a trap, says chancellor (Telegraph)
We’re caught in a trap – so sang Elvis Presley on the track Suspicious Minds [1969]
When Roland Rat is away the mice will play – you’ll have noticed Rishi is a Roland Rat lookie likie.
How on earth could this be allowed to happen? A major security row erupted last night after eco-activists scaled the roof of Rishi Sunak’s mansion without being challenged (Daily Mail)
Clearly the authorities didn’t see that coming – or did they?
The science of forecasting extreme weather – purports the FT. When Mr AsI was a lad he was taught one couldn’t predict the weather due to Chaos Theory and the Butterfly Effect
…the butterfly effect is derived from the metaphorical example of the details of a tornado (the exact time of formation, the exact path taken) being influenced by minor perturbations such as a distant butterfly flapping its wings several weeks earlier (Thank you Wiki)
Of course current climate alarmism demands that old bit of science wisdom is forgotten and weather forecasters (read climate experts) can indeed predict the weather (read predict the climate)
…what a humiliating symbol of our supine tolerence of a tiny, self-obsessed bunch of zealots who disrupt everday life with impunity – strong words but is the Daily Mail commenting on those eco-protesters or does this rant apply equally to the politicians who swallowed all the eco guff as an excuse to raise our taxes and by the way to line their own pockets and those of their corporate cronies?
What Nigel, and Don, have tapped into Graun, is that ordinary folk recognise elite power play stitch ups when over egged… even if BBC N America is to cretinous to do so.
This utter crap about air pollution is totally shown up by the statistics. Look at this and try and explain Sad Dick Khan’s zealotry. Exactly. You can’t. Therefore it’s got nothing to do with air pollution.
I think the fact that it has taken Nigel Farage to expose the woke vindictive conduct of banks says something about the msm in general . Take their Saint – Martin Lewis – where was he on this ? Or that socialist weekly known as ‘moneybox’ ?
More particularly Coutts- why does the taxpayer still own 40% of that bank? – if it is part of the corrupt RBS rescue – surely it should be gone before the next banking crisis ?
Taffman – I don’t think I like Farage that much but he has better judgement and fight than any other politician …. He or someone like him needs to do that job …
The bbc love of the emir of londonistan continues . 25 days before his hated ULEZ scheme attacks Londoners in the 20? Outer boroughs – he introduces a new meaningless wheeze – a ‘universal £2000 scrapage scheme ‘ – before it was just for the feckless and welfare junkies – now we all ‘benefit ‘.
So you have about 21 days to dump the car . Is that doable ? -no – is there questioning of it ? No – is there a demand for him to go ? No
Free pass – and what were mayors for ?a whole added layer of corruption ….
My car is already gone … I cannot ‘do’ £12.50 a day – even though I never used it much . I wish khan an early exit …
There is absolutely no commentary about those who happen to live just outside London but who may well have to go into London for work, shopping, meeting friends etc. As is well known there are few tube services south of the river and barely any anywhere on the periphery. Yet these will be hit equally hard and there is no taxpayer-funded scrappage scheme applicable to them.
My solution is to refuse to visit London as much as possible.
The losers will once again be little shop owners and private businesses, for whom Sad Dick doesn’t give a flying f***.
No one cares about them – they are just Tory voters – the ones who are going to dump the current regime and gift the failing state to red labour to finish off ….
Londonistan will become the no go zone for taxpayers and just leave illegals and welfare junkies ….
For changes to be made to this scheme 3 weeks before it comes in is just ground for dismissal ….
Yes, when the likes of Plumbers/Electricians etc start to desert because they cannot recharge the fees and offset the risks of going to Londonistan is it going to turn out like ‘Escape from Los Angeles’ with Kurt Russell?
We live c. 100 miles out of London (not that it stops homes locally being bought by commuters working in the city). Between us, we probably visit London half a dozen times a year, perhaps double that if you include trips to pick up/drop off people at Heathrow.
My little diesel is too old for Khan, and I’m not willing to pay any more to visit (it costs enough as it is), nor am I willing to pay the extortionate trainfare (if the drivers aren’t on strike). Possibly, we might go up on a coach now and again, but they run inconvenient times.
Frankly, we (as a family) are going to be visiting London much less often, multiply us by the millions of people in a similar position and you can see how Khan’s scheme is likely to work out for the city.
I’ve already mentioned a major annual conference which I know is relocating to the Midlands, am sure many other events will be doing the same.
So, why would they hate him equally as much as we do?
Perhaps it is because, eventually, he will aspire to be President of Pakistan. Londonistan? – one step on the way…………..
Looks like whizz air is gonna crash – one way or another – wonder how Wilco is going ? My local one was dire – you can feel the decay in these places with staff hiding or chatting …
Just perused the Met Offices’ forecast for my Postcode. Startling.
From the max. ‘Feels Like’ temperature of 13 C today, six days ahead it may reach the dizzy height of ‘Feels Like’ 20 C.
My alarm will be allayed when I receive, early next month, the news from the Met Office that, ‘for August, the temperatures hit the maximum recorded’. Can’t wait. Phew ! that’s all right then…………….(feel a ‘warm glow’ of assurance that sure aint’ coming from ‘weather’)
THE WEST – Episode 1: Liberty or Death? [A six-part doc. series celebrating Western Civilisation]
“Hannah Arendt, one of the greatest philosophers of the last 100 years, said that: ‘Once something can’t be said, you’re already in a tyranny.’ So, it is indisputable that we are all now living, in 2023, in a tyranny”
"Hannah Arendt, one of the greatest philosophers of the last 100 years, said that: 'Once something can’t be said, you’re already in a tyranny.' So, it is indisputable that we are all now living, in 2023, in a tyranny" https://t.co/rJuag0QmDC
A heartwarming story about motorists abusing ‘road workers ‘ for doing eff all and causing the chaos we know they love . Any little hole gets the full treatment for days or weeks or months on end . Did a hole Thursday – close the road – come back Tuesday – clear off again ….
Vile, his selected guests and filtered callers would be funny were it not for sofa sloths having the vote.
So are the countries we import so much from part of the 1% then or more realistically China? How many people in the studio have Chinese made products about their person right now?
The Wall Street Journal editorial board considers this indictment to be a "1st Amendment killer" – and they're not given to hyperbole. Here's an alternate take (from 2:05):https://t.co/LB5U5SYtWW
Who is Jeremy Hunt’s wife Lucia Guo?
Jeremy Hunt’s wife Lucia was born in the city of Xi’an in China.
She moved to the UK before meeting the Tory MP and holds British citizenship.
Lucia regularly appeared on Sky TV’s China Hour and presented her own show called Signature Flowers Of China.
Throughout their relationship, Hunt led a delegation to China while he was holding the position of Health Secretary.
Jeremy Hunt’s wife presents show on China’s state-run TV ‘that whitewashes Communist Party’s human rights abuse’
Lucia Guo, wife of Jeremy Hunt MP, regularly appears on Sky TV’s China Hour
Programme is owned by state-owned China International TV Corporation
Guo has been accused of ‘whitewashing’ the Chinese Communist Party’s abuses
PUBLISHED: 22:05, 25 December 2021 | UPDATED: 22:37, 25 December 2021
digg, the climate cultists just have to keep on talking up the fear because otherwise sane people will not believe what they say. “The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.” a very old Proverb
FINALLY, the government announces more private sector to get involved with the NHS. BUT WAIT, where is the MSM and Labour decrying? Not so long ago governments would run scared of Labour and their Unions about privatizing the NHS.
So there is hope, next stop sell off the BBC.
Coming soon …. and more often … expenses with NO LIMITS….
NHS to benefit from £13.4 billion debt write-off
Health Secretary announces over £13 billion of debt will be written off as part of a major financial reset for NHS providers.
Department of Health and Social Care
2 April 2020
Last updated
9 April 2020 — See all updates
“According to the indictment, in February 2022, Wei began communicating with an intelligence officer from the PRC who requested that Wei provide information about the U.S.S. Essex and other Navy ships. Specifically, the Chinese intelligence officer tasked Wei with passing him photos, videos and documents concerning U.S. Navy ships and their systems. The two agreed to hide their communications by deleting records of their conversations and using encrypted methods of communication.”
.. UK .. But Babu said there was a lack of will to change within the police service. During his time as a middle-ranking officer he has pursued several initiatives which have been seen to help – including increasing the number of Muslim officers in the counter-terrorism unit from eight out of 2,500 to 35 under commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson. {guardian feb2013}
.. USA .. On November 5, 2009, a mass shooting took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas.[1] Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others {wiki}
“Hasan had then gone around behind the desk and bowed his head for several seconds when he suddenly stood up, shouted “Allahu Akbar!” and opened fire”
US Army names Muslim chaplain spiritual leader of 14,000 mostly Christian soldiers {jihadwatch feb2017}
“Army Lt. Col. Khallid Shabazz, a Muslim chaplain, has accepted the job of handling the spiritual affairs of 14,000 mostly Christian soldiers.”
.. GERMANY .. Arrested German spy was a onetime gay porn actor — and a secret Islamist {washingtonpost nov2016}
“BERLIN — Two weeks ago, German intelligence agents noticed an unusual user in a chat room known as a digital hideout for Islamic militants. The man claimed to be one of them — and said he was a German spy. He was offering to help Islamists infiltrate his agency’s (In April 2016, the man began working for the BfV, assigned to monitoring potentially violent Islamists in Germany.) defenses to stage a strike.
Still doesn’t beat the kid from the Illinois national guard putting nuclear secrets on social media to impress his mate – if you’re gonna give secrets away – for god sake get some money for them – it’s the American way …we prefer oxbridge types with a red chip …
I read Rishi has ordered the government to cut all support, ties and future conversations with Greenpeace after the childish and dangerous prank they pulled off.
That went well didn’t it Greenprats?
Wouldn’t it be nice if their bank de-banked them as well?
Aid to China from the UK fell to approximately £48 million in 2021-22 – down from £82 million in 2019 – and it is expected to continue to decline rapidly in future, according to the aid watchdog.13 Jul 2023
In the lecture, Rand admonishes American businessmen for apologizing for capitalism and for, in some cases, directly funding detractors of the free market. Notably, she says that “It is a moral crime to give money to support your own destroyers.” She also answers audience questions after the lecture.
Who the government supports, with taxpayer funds, is a constant source of amazement.
But if actually getting a taste of what Joe Public does has shifted the reactive tool, so be it.
Next, every geriatric and kindergarten doctorate in Wibble Studies for UoPenge adhered to a road should be not so gently prised off with a spatula and thrown in a Viking burial barge.
TWatO Watch #1 – there is a complete idiot in a conservancy project, Ben Adlee or Atlee with the National Trust
(Simon Jacks, diction was a bit poor, because he was gabbling at the end of the item or possibly trying not to laugh out loud at the idiot he had just interviewed.) Ben, bless him, thinks that having beavers in the UK landscape will help to combat climate change. He name checked climate change about three times while he was speaking. There are others in the National Trust who are busy planting trees to combat climate change.
I stopped doing biology before ‘O’ levels but at least I know that beavers and trees, especially young saplings, are somewhat mutually exclusive. I hope Ben Atlee or Adlee keeps his beavers firmly enclosed and doesn’t let them escape into the wild for the sake of all the National Trust trees!
I f you believe that CO2 is a magic temperature control knob, you think trapping CO2 cools the planet
Trees trap CO2 for the duration of their lifetime
However when they decay they release it all back,
unless they decay into the bottom of a swamp
There they should become peat, then coal and gas
However bacteria and micro-organisms in the ocean might actually sequester CO2 more easily.
Political greens do often go for the least efficient systems
No NBC, ABC, FOX, or CNN reporters covered the recount after thousands of votes were unexplainably found in Floyd County. They had ZERO election integrity journalists. They had talking heads that just regurgitated lies from @GaSecofState, collected a paycheck, and went home. I… https://t.co/kT2kEof9dj
Some bloke called Windsor is the government pylon czar – he has been eagerly telling us how he is going to plaster the failing state of the UK with pylons to get to net zero – his is going to bribe people to have pylons – or you’ll get them anyway – he has the list of places of outstanding natural beauty and these will be the first places to get the cheapest pylons money can borrow … together with separate wind mills and sewage farms ….
Guardian “It couldn’t be clearer that ministers are aiding and abetting anti-GRT racism.”
Police investigate Traveller sites leaflet distributed by Welsh secretary
Leaflet handed out by by Tory MP criticised as ‘bordering on racism’ by concerned Travellers and Gypsies
The title of the notice printed in capital letters on an official Conservative Party leaflet reads: “Gypsy and Traveller site coming to your area soon!” Further down it goes on to say: “Local MP David Davies believes that there will be insufficient consultation with the members of the public affected.” It then invites locals to get in touch with the Conservative party with their views on the matter. It asks three questions including: “Would you like to see a Traveller site next to your house?”
THe BBC was echoing claims Sadiq had made, as if they were on his side.
However the Compaints Unit said “In our judgement it was suggestive of the presence of Far Right groups but fell short of establishing that such groups had in fact been represented among the demonstrators. This aspect of the complaint has been upheld.”
context “A leak to Reform U.K. Mayoral candidate Howard Cox… reveals that Mr. Khan had applied pressure on the BBC over reporting the issue”
Labels like “far right”, “deniers” are PR trickery , aiming MONSTER political opponent. It’s the fallacy of poisoning the well.
The Express is, of course, a tabloid rag, like the Fail and BBC, obsessed with Carole’s peachy orbs, Lizzo’s svelte figure and Sam’s whatever it is next.
However, they can also report facts. Which is rare in the case of The BBC.
One might also suspect that as fewer and fewer rely on The BBC, such exposes might gain further traction accelerating the process.
True BBC and Global warming groupies, especially on twitter, will retort only that the not perfect centre Express is the devil’s spawn, and rely on such terms to dismiss it without actually reading.
I think it is interesting that the long term Wednesday BBC1 schedules had the Repair Shop from 8-9pm
but suddenly at the last moment for northern regions the schedule was changed to 2 episodes of Canal Boat Diaries
and in such a hurry the put the 2 episodes the wrong way round
I see The Repair Shop was similarly substituted last year too
as if something in the prog ws going to be offensive to northerners
but on Twitter no one was given an explanation.
I see our Greta has pulled out of the Edinburgh Book Festival.
Why? The Festival gets sponsorship from Baillie Gifford, a firm who invest in the fossil fuels industry.
I am glad there are firms who support cultural events like the Edinburgh Book Festival. I like the Edinburgh Book Festival. Without it my life would be diminished.
With a bit of luck Greta won’t be invited back. And if she maintains this extreme position of moral purity, she might not speak anywhere else ever again.
The festival produces around 2,000 tonnes of waste each year – or at least, that’s how much rubbish is left behind, either in bins or on the ground. Glastonbury staff’s hard work means this ends up adding up to 224 tonnes of CO2e per year.6 Apr 2023
PRtricksters like Team Greta re not honest
so we can’t be sure of the real reason she pulled out
eg it could be low ticket sales
and then she makes up an excuse about the sponsor
1. How many people come to the UK each year (including visitors)?
work visas (including dependants), up 211,285 (+76%) to 487,771
study visas (including dependants), up 161,771 (+34%) to 632,006, including sponsored and short-term students
Since their introduction in March 2022, there have been 283,366 applications for a visa under Ukraine Visa Schemes, of these 225,278 have been granted and 169,300 arrivals have been identified to the year ending March 2023.
Of the top 10 nationalities applying for asylum, nearly half have a grant rate above 80% (Afghanistan 98%, Syria 99%, Eritrea 99%, and Sudan 83%). This rise in grant rate is in part because of the low number of refusals (including third country refusals, which have been affected by the UK leaving the EU), although the overall grant rate can vary for a number of reasons.
ScrobleneMar 12, 20:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I find this report utterly distasteful, and a disgraceful attempt to accuse President Trump for ‘causing the cartels some difficulties’…
DeborahMar 12, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 Christopher Hope on GB News to a woman Labour MP, ‘Starmer has had a good couple of weeks on the…
LoobylooMar 12, 19:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 BA also shaking the collection tin down the aisle in support of it too
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
tomoMar 12, 18:32 Midweek 12th March 2025 yes indeedy – I read “chip off the old block” Roderick James Nugent Stewart’s book Prince of the Marshes and…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 18:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Gas at 56% currently https://grid.iamkate.com/ A gift from God.. . . . . .
vladMar 12, 17:56 Midweek 12th March 2025 And is that Florence of Arabia, as he’s affectionately known?
tomoMar 12, 17:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 hmmm… X is blocking this happy group photo for embedding [img]https://i.ibb.co/B5RQNx1K/chrome-Tx-Bc-Jns-Cz-U.png[/img] Bloke in the middle, in a suit -be like…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 17:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 “BBC Verify What footage from Kursk shows” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/c51ypekv9xwt “BBC Verify and BBC Monitoring have been looking at… the Russian military…
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
Hello Kaiser
Thought i’d google Butterfly Conservation, Chris Packham is quoted on 1 of the their webpages
The BBC’s climate-eco-wankery catechism mendacity just pervades everything.
“This is the clip that most enraged me on the BBC’s heatpump show last night.
It’s starts off by shitting on SMR costs. The whole point of SMR is they have a very good idea of costs from building modular reactors for defense.
But it’s the Hinkley lies that got me.”
Owen Jones pontificating on something he obviously knows sweet FA about. Nothing unusual in that I guess.
He paints shoplifters as overwhelmingly poor mothers trying to get Calpol etc for their children who end up getting slammed by the Tory Justice system
Well Mr Jones, I can tell you the truth….My wife works in a major supermarket and I can tell you that Calpol is probably the last item targeted.
Every day they are faced with cocaine, weed, crack addicts and just greedy people stealing only high value items to sell for cash to fund their habits.
My wife is instructed by her employer not to confront anyone seen shoplifting for her own safety. The thieves often work in concert with one trying to distract the staff while their accomplice fills their jogging pants with champagne, meat etc. Always items that will sell down at the pub.
Another trick is to have one robber accomplice outside while the second collects the goods. The stooge would be standing outside the “in” door and will trigger the door to open to let their mate run out. When the door closes no one is able to follow them as the door only automatically opens from the outside.
It’s an industry, a career and a way of life for these people and the police are effectively not overly interested and the culprits are probably on their third supermarket down the line by the time they arrive, if the do arrive.
The net result is that law-abiding shoppers are forced to pay more for their goods to cover the supermarkets losses.
I know lefty journalist are not interested in facts only causes but Owen Jones inane comments are both stupid and dangerous.
Next time Owen, have a word with the supermarket bosses and security before spouting this activist nonsense.
It is this short-sighted and biased attitude that is now filling US cities with crime, theft and murder as the villains are painted by the lefties as hard-done-by citizens and the police are obliged to take a soft touch approach to avoid being slammed by the left activists.
If any government, of any hue, loads this bunch of losers’ megasalaries and pensions on something like council tax or broadband, that is it… I’m done.
£5Billion for what? Pure tripe, inaccuracy and propaganda.
2012 – DRAW IT EARLY …. Lord Tony Hall to earn £532,000 as new BBC boss by drawing pension on top of salary
New BBC director-general,Tony Hall, has already been drawing his BBC pension for a year.
By Gordonrayner
22 November 2012 • 10:00pm
It’s worse than that Jim – I think mark steyn pointed out that Barb is partly funded by the BBC – and the science of viewing figures is based on random groups with coloured boxes on the viewing devices ….
I’d love for Barb Or the raja? Radio monitor to show they’re working out … R4 seems to think the Asian network doesn’t exist judging by the amount of pro Islam type stuff pumped out every day .
To me having a separate ‘Asian network ‘ does support the inclusivity mantra the BBC favours – if – however – the suggested a ‘fed up network ‘ I’d strong support it – but it might look a bit like ‘yesterday ‘ … or anything before 2000 ….
MM, is that figure for the over-75s before they fall asleep. I know someone who used to say “There’s a programme I want to watch at 8 p.m..” They would be in place before the set in the lounge and would start to watch the programme at 8 p.m.. About five to ten minutes later they would have dozed off, whereupon one of the children would put a hand on the shoulder to wake up the person aged under 60 years of age. “Dad, you wanted to watch this.”
I see black female judge Tanya Sue Chutkan appointed by Obama is going to be in charge of Trump’s latest trial.
She has already judged against Trump when he tried to stop his records being released to a house committee for Jan 06 protests and has been busy trying cases about that and giving out the toughest sentences of any judge.
Sounds fair and impartial to me. In the same way the BBC are (according to Sopel).
The age of innocence is over – we are all with SIN comrade.
Stephen Gardner and Max Blumenthal from the Grayzone:
I posted this earlier, great minds & all that
British Rowing: Transgender women banned from competing in female category
This is categorically stating that they are not women.
Where is the uproar ?. Where are the BBC headlines calling them intolerant bigots ?.
Simple : they are keeping quiet because when the ideology hits the real world, you can’t bluff it with leftist mob mentality. And this shows absolutely that men and women are different.
So all the virtue-signalling hypocrites and activists will ignore this and carry on as if it never happened.
British rowing has pulled a fast one , very smart
Womens events are women only
Mens events have become open
Who is that ? Russia imposing an embargo on Britain in retaliation for supporting Ukraine ? Maybe the Russians an embargo the cross channel invaders . Muddled . The economic damage putin has already imposed of the EU UK is enough …
Does anyone care more than that ? No US UK bodies being bought back from Ukraine ….
Headline “FIFA investigate allegation that Zambia Coach rubbed players’ chest “
….headline of the day – picture of elderly coloured chap – but no picture of player or ( her?) chest . the sun to follow up…
Daily mail ‘sets pulses racing – pictures pages 2, 3 ,4 ,5 …
Vick to sponsor Zambian girly team …
Looks like president trump is using the democrat show trial as part of his re election strategy with plenty to dazzle and upset the msm – will the BBC get a seat in the court – Sarah smith wetting herself with the glee of the spectacle – then a speech outside the court will a full broadside from the USS Trump ….
.. maybe he will be a Reagan class aircraft carrier …
Trudeau (I’m a feminist) hails “ (Muslim) sisters upstairs” at sex-segregated mosque
Canadian PM Trudeau Shares Call to ‘End White Supremacy’ After Somali Refugee’s Terror Attack {.informationliberation.com 02oct2017}
‘Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau responded to news of a Somali refugee’s terrorist attack in Edmonton by sharing a call to “end white supremacy” and insisting “our diversity is our strength.” ‘
The “infamous” BBC.
What’s the so-called Tory Government going to do about it ?
Nugent did another Munchetty mistake, didn’t she!
As ‘The Sun’ chap says, it’s the ‘groupthink’ which is permeating all these sparkling minnows who sick out their undermanagers’ leftie views.
I guess that as beeboids just hate ‘The Sun’, this’ll be another little tapeworm in the guts of their foul anti-Britishness. Hopefully, we’ll be reminded about this disgraceful description of many brave mens’ work to win WW2, time and time again, especially when their next tax-paid cock-up happens!
Boris Johnson ‘looking at’ abolishing TV licence fee for BBC
This article is more than 3 years old
Remarks came amid row over PM’s refusal to look at a picture of a sick boy in hospital
An interesting quip I heard about BBC bias regarding their use of complaints from both sides.
How many dedicated websites to BBC right wing bias are there ?
That is an observation so fundamental as to blow the ‘we must be doing something right ‘ right out of the water . lefties reading this please point up the the ‘biased bbc ‘ site telling us how `right Wing the BBC is ,,.no wonder the trolls have died painful slow deaths …
Nigel Farage has put up a piece showing the corrupt nat west – corrupt information commissioners office have refused to release the personal data on him ‘before October ‘ well outside normal timescales ….. the anti brexit / Farage stance of these bodies is there for all to see …. I’m pretty sure this won’t be reported on the EU MSM …
BBC 10 o’clock news. They are totally sold out on the get Trump crap. The newscaster actually got away with the statement “We are all used to Donald Trumps lies”.
Disgusting, I say what are those lies?”.
We are looking at a conspiracy of slurs by the left and the BBC are a fully signed up member.
Do they not have even one staffer who is prepared to look at and analyse the actual evidence rather than try to ram home their warped lefty mantra at all costs.
They are all juvenile zombies and it’s overdue they are gone as our national broadcaster or we risk following the US into the mire of a lefty manipulating elite mafia running politics.
A video of BBC staff suffering from ‘Trump derangement syndrome’. BBC zombies in a two-minute hate mantra. Note the lefty manipulating elite Mafia, running politics, at the front of the crowd. INGSOC stands for International Globalism & Socialism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=969xVMkuon8
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 –
TOADY Watch #3 – ahem, I think you might have trouble passing a GCSE in Physics, Jonathan
Jonathan Amos is a BBC Science Correspondent! On TOADY this morning he claimed that the dense bones of ‘Perucetus colossus’ would give it bouyancy in water. Er, no, Jonathan. Dense means you sink, not float. I guess he got a lot of phone calls and e-mails from children who had just sat their Physics GCSE exams and were nervously awaiting the result. Hopefully they knew their science better than Jonathan.
Why do I post that? Because the article here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-66384632 is very different from what Jonathan said on the news at 7 a.m. and on TOADY.
Judge Napolitano and Col Douglas Macgregor:
Oh well, watch the video on youtube
Is Trump running for president mostly to avoid prison?
Sopels replacement showing she is just as out of touch and living in some bizare far-left bubble as he was.
A truly shockingly biased article. You can sense how much she despises Trump.
‘Yet it is once again Mr Trump who is defining the terms of the debate.
And making it all about him.’
No you stupid bint. He’s making it about political persecution. You are so obviously blinded by your hatred and contempt, you cannot see it. Absolutely typical leftist.
I see she’s never worked anywhere except at the BBC, Channel 4 or Channel 5.
Mixed responses.
But they have jumped the shark.
Surely president trump must be charged with wasting the court time by pleading not guilty ? His conviction is already assured . Even if Obama wasn’t able to fix the election he’d ensure sentencing was fixed for inauguration day …. And a prison sentence of -say – 4 years .
lol – reminds me of the Blackadder trial after he ate the Judge’s (Stephen Fry) pet pidgeon.
The defence was fined just for turning up.
We are almost at that ridiculous point now. I am watching carefully how the BBC treat it.
Had that in mind when I wrote it – as well as the cell visit by the firing squad …..
….forcing myself to listen to some of today – usual green fear crap – and apparently the NHS is going to be privatised – sorry – they are buying private health – happy days for the money motivated medical mafia .
One might wonder why pay for private health insurance if one is competing with the NHS ….
On the upside – the country is about to be covered in more electricity pilons and wind farms – all in nice places of course . The test will be – if you look at a nice view there will be 20 pilons on it …all in the name of green crap …chuck an ULEZ in at the same time
The whole state has gone efffing mad – mad
bBC moaning Emole:
Ocean heat record broken, with grim implications for planet
Scientists say they are “nervous” about the timing of a new ocean heat record . The average daily global sea surface temperature hit 20.96C this week, beating a 2016 record, according to the EU’s climate change service Copernicus. That’s far above the average for this time of year, with experts saying March should be when the seas are warmest. They’re worried how much warmer the oceans may get between now and next year. Warmer waters have less ability to absorb carbon dioxide, meaning more planet-warming gas will stay in the atmosphere. It can also speed up the melting of glaciers, leading to sea levels rising further. Read the full story to see what else this means for our planet, including how it could affect food chains and animal behaviour.
Not the bbc:
They also have some stuff about Trump, written by the same ideologically corrupt idiots.
“Grim implications for the planet.” I get scared reading the BBC website. So thanks for the link to that Florida article, Guest.
I keep hearing them claim that the average temperature is rising faster than ever before in Earth’s history. That is presented as a fact.
It’s not. It is actually impossible to say but it is extremely probable that the temperature has risen faster on innumerable occasions during Earth’s history. We can only talk about the period since 1880 with any degree of certainty.
When looking at the distant past scientists can only get an idea of the temperature at 60,000 year intervals. The apparent speed of climate change appears slower the longer the time period over which changes in temperature are observed. During such long periods there are many fluctuations when the temperature rises, drops or remains constant. We know nothing about the speed of short term fluctuations in the past.
Nobody should be saying with any degree of confidence that the temperature is rising at an unprecedented rate.
Another small point I find interesting. The BBC are concerned that whales may have to move to cooler waters to find food. Well, I am sure they will adapt. Most of us have to relocate at some point in our careers. Fifty million years ago, when the average temperature was 10° C warmer than it is today, the ancestors of the whales decided to move from the land to the sea and become aquatic creatures.
BBC has a #LabourSez from a fellow socialist traveller who sees all solved by ‘government money’.
Tories are beyond help.
Then you look at the alternatives.
Lucky Rachel didn’t open her mouth isn’t it ? The body language of the lady at the end suggested she doesn’t want to vote labour ( the blink ) ….
There’s no difference – pray – at best for a hung parliament unable to do anything – vote for my ‘no government party ‘
My manifesto – more referendums – no green crap – a dewoke agenda -cut back on devolution – secure the borders – visas for all – cut the state – charge EU citizens an annual residency fee – encourage depopulation – cut corporation tax – withdraw from harmful treaties – sell the House of Lords – reform ‘honours ‘ – half universities – have a military again -death penalty – oh yes end the BBC charter and sell off to the highest bidder –
Labour on the side of illegals, no surprise.
Labour councillor is accused of offering to help illegal migrants stay in the UK in an online video.
A Labour councillor has been accused of offering to help illegal migrants stay in the UK in a video posted online.
Immigration solicitor Irim Ali, who sits on Newcastle City Council, said she would assist anyone in the country who was ‘illegal’, ‘without a valid visa’ or had ‘overstayed their visa’.
She offered to help submit an application to the Home Office using human rights laws, warning of an ‘extremely hostile environment for overstayers’.
Last night party sources said Mrs Ali has been spoken to by Labour officials and she has now taken down the video.
Former Ukip leader Nigel Farage said: ‘Labour’s Irim Ali openly admits helping illegal migrants to stay in the UK, and even gives advice to submit applications based on human rights laws.
‘Does Keir Starmer support the actions of this elected Labour councillor?’
Tory Party deputy chairman Lee Anderson said it was an example of the attitude that made him leave the party.
In the video, Mrs Ali, who sits as the Cabinet member for a dynamic city on the council, said: ‘Do not fear, Irim Ali is here. It is extremely important to make sure you become legal in the UK.
‘There is an extremely hostile environment for overstayers here – you must make sure that you can submit an application to the Home Office, become legal and be en route to indefinite leave to remain.
Is anyone surprised? Most of the immigration lawyers are of an ethnic background, helping their own get here. The UK in 100 years (nay 50 years) will be unrecognisable, and it’s this generation with its woke ideology who can take the blame.
Glib supine tolerence edition
Is Trump running for president mostly to avoid prison? (BBC)
“Curiouser and curiouser!” cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English) (Lewis Carroll)
Sarah Smith, BBC North America editor, putting the cart before the horse there. In fact pass that peculiar BBC notion back through to the real world side of the BBC looking glass – take it out of BBC wonderland, so to speak – and you’ll understand Trump is being threatened with prison ‘mostly’ in hopes of avoiding his running for president.
Charges will guarantee my election victory, says Trump… ‘I need one more indictment to ensure my election. In 2024, it will be our turn’ – contends The Donald in The Telegraph and on that note and on this side of the pond we fondly recall: Farage Tells MEPs: ‘You’re Not Laughing Now’… as he was jeered and booed at an emergency meeting of the European Parliament to discuss Brexit. (Sky News, June 2016)
And the establishment still haven’t quite tarred and feathered, bound and gagged and de-banked him just yet: ‘He’s tapped into something’: banking row gives Nigel Farage a new crusade – admits the Guardian recently.
Trump’s Michigan election fraud claims actually proved true… Trump practically made a career on spreading lies about widespread voter fraud in 2020. Now a recent Michigan signature scandal proves true – sort of (admits no friend of Trump, MSNBC, apparently grudgingly – except it goes on to claim this is fraud by Republicans in 2022)
The unimpeachable (pun intended) American election process can be admitted by the media as being just possibly open to fraud – but only when those benefitting have an ‘R’ after their name.
The left in general and the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper in particular know who it likes and no matter what they happen to do they can’t get bad press: Relationships How to divorce well… I still love my ex-husband – here’s what Justin Trudeau needs to know for a good mid-life divorce (‘i’)
Even so, there’s a slight note of refreshingly British cynicism – a sting in the tail for that most super-earnest of all earnest Canadians: As public statements go it’s about as reasoned and mutually regardful as any splitting couple, likely aided by their PR team, could conjure up. (‘i’) – Meow!
Getty Images gets it right for once.
Seat-warmer for Starmer, Rishi Sunak, may be: Leaving his troubles behind… kicked off his summer holiday in California (Telegraph) and Keir Starmer has sensibly gone to ground but no matter – the frontpage of the Labour-supporting Mirror complains on his behalf: Another Tory Tebbit (there’s one for the teenagers) Hard-up? On yer bike… Glib minister tells struggling over-50s to get takeaway delivery job – Glib… that was the word Mr AsI ought to have applied to Justin Trudeau rather than earnest, but I digress.
One referenced Getty Images but from wherever the Mirror sourced their pic of a Robin Egg blue-clad Deliveroo cyclist his bare ankles attest to the fact that he’s as black as your hat – which is a true reflection of reality on our modern streets. Although how our own over-50s are supposed to compete with the sheer mass of pedal powered potential Deliveroos arriving on our shores and gifted visas supposedly to take up university courses remains unexplained by the Tory minister: Mel stride said “There are lots of great opportunities out there” (Mirror)
Is the truth out there?
That would be advice to get out on your bike and get to work in the same broken economy they broke with their recent demands our elder citizens stay at home: Over 50s and obese people could be put back into lockdown, minister warns (Liverpool Echo, August 2020)
Economy is caught in a trap, says chancellor (Telegraph)
We’re caught in a trap – so sang Elvis Presley on the track Suspicious Minds [1969]
When Roland Rat is away the mice will play – you’ll have noticed Rishi is a Roland Rat lookie likie.
How on earth could this be allowed to happen? A major security row erupted last night after eco-activists scaled the roof of Rishi Sunak’s mansion without being challenged (Daily Mail)
Clearly the authorities didn’t see that coming – or did they?
The science of forecasting extreme weather – purports the FT. When Mr AsI was a lad he was taught one couldn’t predict the weather due to Chaos Theory and the Butterfly Effect
…the butterfly effect is derived from the metaphorical example of the details of a tornado (the exact time of formation, the exact path taken) being influenced by minor perturbations such as a distant butterfly flapping its wings several weeks earlier (Thank you Wiki)
Of course current climate alarmism demands that old bit of science wisdom is forgotten and weather forecasters (read climate experts) can indeed predict the weather (read predict the climate)
…what a humiliating symbol of our supine tolerence of a tiny, self-obsessed bunch of zealots who disrupt everday life with impunity – strong words but is the Daily Mail commenting on those eco-protesters or does this rant apply equally to the politicians who swallowed all the eco guff as an excuse to raise our taxes and by the way to line their own pockets and those of their corporate cronies?
What Nigel, and Don, have tapped into Graun, is that ordinary folk recognise elite power play stitch ups when over egged… even if BBC N America is to cretinous to do so.
Graun digging out the Getty images to get the big audiences.
This utter crap about air pollution is totally shown up by the statistics. Look at this and try and explain Sad Dick Khan’s zealotry. Exactly. You can’t. Therefore it’s got nothing to do with air pollution.
I think the fact that it has taken Nigel Farage to expose the woke vindictive conduct of banks says something about the msm in general . Take their Saint – Martin Lewis – where was he on this ? Or that socialist weekly known as ‘moneybox’ ?
More particularly Coutts- why does the taxpayer still own 40% of that bank? – if it is part of the corrupt RBS rescue – surely it should be gone before the next banking crisis ?
Nigel Farage for Prime Minister I say .
Taffman – I don’t think I like Farage that much but he has better judgement and fight than any other politician …. He or someone like him needs to do that job …
Thinking ?………………………………..
I can’t think of anyone, I give up ?
Penny Mordaunt! Close the poll.
The bbc love of the emir of londonistan continues . 25 days before his hated ULEZ scheme attacks Londoners in the 20? Outer boroughs – he introduces a new meaningless wheeze – a ‘universal £2000 scrapage scheme ‘ – before it was just for the feckless and welfare junkies – now we all ‘benefit ‘.
So you have about 21 days to dump the car . Is that doable ? -no – is there questioning of it ? No – is there a demand for him to go ? No
Free pass – and what were mayors for ?a whole added layer of corruption ….
My car is already gone … I cannot ‘do’ £12.50 a day – even though I never used it much . I wish khan an early exit …
There is absolutely no commentary about those who happen to live just outside London but who may well have to go into London for work, shopping, meeting friends etc. As is well known there are few tube services south of the river and barely any anywhere on the periphery. Yet these will be hit equally hard and there is no taxpayer-funded scrappage scheme applicable to them.
My solution is to refuse to visit London as much as possible.
The losers will once again be little shop owners and private businesses, for whom Sad Dick doesn’t give a flying f***.
No one cares about them – they are just Tory voters – the ones who are going to dump the current regime and gift the failing state to red labour to finish off ….
Londonistan will become the no go zone for taxpayers and just leave illegals and welfare junkies ….
For changes to be made to this scheme 3 weeks before it comes in is just ground for dismissal ….
Yes, when the likes of Plumbers/Electricians etc start to desert because they cannot recharge the fees and offset the risks of going to Londonistan is it going to turn out like ‘Escape from Los Angeles’ with Kurt Russell?
G, I think John carpenter had a better class of baddie in mind that the vermin of londonistan ….
Ah, but how many businesses and little shop owners are generationally London born and bred ? They all seem to be ethnically run to me.
We live c. 100 miles out of London (not that it stops homes locally being bought by commuters working in the city). Between us, we probably visit London half a dozen times a year, perhaps double that if you include trips to pick up/drop off people at Heathrow.
My little diesel is too old for Khan, and I’m not willing to pay any more to visit (it costs enough as it is), nor am I willing to pay the extortionate trainfare (if the drivers aren’t on strike). Possibly, we might go up on a coach now and again, but they run inconvenient times.
Frankly, we (as a family) are going to be visiting London much less often, multiply us by the millions of people in a similar position and you can see how Khan’s scheme is likely to work out for the city.
I’ve already mentioned a major annual conference which I know is relocating to the Midlands, am sure many other events will be doing the same.
Heavily armed convoy taking London Mayor Sadiq Khan from the border with India to the Pakistani City of Lahore.
So, why would they hate him equally as much as we do?
Perhaps it is because, eventually, he will aspire to be President of Pakistan. Londonistan? – one step on the way…………..
Marky – with respect that is clearly the A10 at tottenhamistan 😎
If some one had RPG or IED d him I’d still have me Audi …
Volkswagen Polo – “Terrorist” Commercial
Some things going unreported….
Flights cancelled with no warning and check-in staff nowhere to be found….
Looks like whizz air is gonna crash – one way or another – wonder how Wilco is going ? My local one was dire – you can feel the decay in these places with staff hiding or chatting …
My local Wilko usually has more staff than customers nowadays and I recall hearing somewhere last year that they were in trouble.
Just perused the Met Offices’ forecast for my Postcode. Startling.
From the max. ‘Feels Like’ temperature of 13 C today, six days ahead it may reach the dizzy height of ‘Feels Like’ 20 C.
My alarm will be allayed when I receive, early next month, the news from the Met Office that, ‘for August, the temperatures hit the maximum recorded’. Can’t wait. Phew ! that’s all right then…………….(feel a ‘warm glow’ of assurance that sure aint’ coming from ‘weather’)
Think the article is alluding to the fact that we in the West are buggered.
THE WEST – Episode 1: Liberty or Death? [A six-part doc. series celebrating Western Civilisation]
“Hannah Arendt, one of the greatest philosophers of the last 100 years, said that: ‘Once something can’t be said, you’re already in a tyranny.’ So, it is indisputable that we are all now living, in 2023, in a tyranny”
“He wrote to the scientific paper saying ‘take me off your fucking mailing list’ with a diagram. They wrote back saying your paper has been accepted.”
A heartwarming story about motorists abusing ‘road workers ‘ for doing eff all and causing the chaos we know they love . Any little hole gets the full treatment for days or weeks or months on end . Did a hole Thursday – close the road – come back Tuesday – clear off again ….
HAS BBC stopped playing lizzo SIZEIST MUSIC?
Vile, his selected guests and filtered callers would be funny were it not for sofa sloths having the vote.
Meanwhile the USA has…
Would she not be happier doing a Winnie in SA for that new pol in the culturally appropriated red baseball cap?
“Waiter… a set of radials and some 4*… we’re going on a farm trip….”
Who is Jeremy Hunt’s wife Lucia Guo?
Jeremy Hunt’s wife Lucia was born in the city of Xi’an in China.
She moved to the UK before meeting the Tory MP and holds British citizenship.
Lucia regularly appeared on Sky TV’s China Hour and presented her own show called Signature Flowers Of China.
Throughout their relationship, Hunt led a delegation to China while he was holding the position of Health Secretary.
Jeremy Hunt’s wife presents show on China’s state-run TV ‘that whitewashes Communist Party’s human rights abuse’
Lucia Guo, wife of Jeremy Hunt MP, regularly appears on Sky TV’s China Hour
Programme is owned by state-owned China International TV Corporation
Guo has been accused of ‘whitewashing’ the Chinese Communist Party’s abuses
PUBLISHED: 22:05, 25 December 2021 | UPDATED: 22:37, 25 December 2021
Weather seems to have rained on BBC’s doom parade…
A week or two ago they were hollering that the air was so hot due to Global Warming that the Med was on fire.
Then came the rain and cooler weather just like it does frequently and now it’s the Water in the Oceans is too hot!
Time to get some grown ups into the BBC weather department in my opinion and move the hysterical kids to CBBC.
digg, the climate cultists just have to keep on talking up the fear because otherwise sane people will not believe what they say. “The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.” a very old Proverb
FINALLY, the government announces more private sector to get involved with the NHS. BUT WAIT, where is the MSM and Labour decrying? Not so long ago governments would run scared of Labour and their Unions about privatizing the NHS.
So there is hope, next stop sell off the BBC.
Coming soon …. and more often … expenses with NO LIMITS….
NHS to benefit from £13.4 billion debt write-off
Health Secretary announces over £13 billion of debt will be written off as part of a major financial reset for NHS providers.
Department of Health and Social Care
2 April 2020
Last updated
9 April 2020 — See all updates
Two American military personnel arrested for conveying secret information to the Chinese. Guess their names?
A major drawback to the basis upon which the USA is founded – multiculturalism.
Coming to a country near you soon (if the human norm of affiliation to one’s homeland continues, unchecked).
Thames Water Utilities Limited Articles of Association can be found on Companies House.
Our external shareholders
China Investment Corporation 8.688% One of the world’s largest sovereign wealth funds 2012
Infinity Investments SA 9.900% A subsidiary of the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority and one of the world’s largest sovereign wealth funds 2011
“According to the indictment, in February 2022, Wei began communicating with an intelligence officer from the PRC who requested that Wei provide information about the U.S.S. Essex and other Navy ships. Specifically, the Chinese intelligence officer tasked Wei with passing him photos, videos and documents concerning U.S. Navy ships and their systems. The two agreed to hide their communications by deleting records of their conversations and using encrypted methods of communication.”
.. UK ..
But Babu said there was a lack of will to change within the police service. During his time as a middle-ranking officer he has pursued several initiatives which have been seen to help – including increasing the number of Muslim officers in the counter-terrorism unit from eight out of 2,500 to 35 under commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson. {guardian feb2013}
.. USA ..
On November 5, 2009, a mass shooting took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas.[1] Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others {wiki}
“Hasan had then gone around behind the desk and bowed his head for several seconds when he suddenly stood up, shouted “Allahu Akbar!” and opened fire”
US Army names Muslim chaplain spiritual leader of 14,000 mostly Christian soldiers {jihadwatch feb2017}
“Army Lt. Col. Khallid Shabazz, a Muslim chaplain, has accepted the job of handling the spiritual affairs of 14,000 mostly Christian soldiers.”
Arrested German spy was a onetime gay porn actor — and a secret Islamist {washingtonpost nov2016}
“BERLIN — Two weeks ago, German intelligence agents noticed an unusual user in a chat room known as a digital hideout for Islamic militants. The man claimed to be one of them — and said he was a German spy. He was offering to help Islamists infiltrate his agency’s (In April 2016, the man began working for the BfV, assigned to monitoring potentially violent Islamists in Germany.) defenses to stage a strike.
Still doesn’t beat the kid from the Illinois national guard putting nuclear secrets on social media to impress his mate – if you’re gonna give secrets away – for god sake get some money for them – it’s the American way …we prefer oxbridge types with a red chip …
Tippy-toeing around the EV angle
“Disaster averted”
“We’ve ensured that the Wadden Sea and the Wadden islands aren’t hit by pollution and we’re proud of that.”
There’s going to be some smoke damaged cheap cars around Eemshaven then?
Interesting comments, especially from AKA RHS:
I imagine this story would have been very different if the perpetrator wasn’t of a certain racial background….
As would the sentencing….
I read Rishi has ordered the government to cut all support, ties and future conversations with Greenpeace after the childish and dangerous prank they pulled off.
That went well didn’t it Greenprats?
Wouldn’t it be nice if their bank de-banked them as well?
Rishi Sunak: What is a US green card and why does it matter that the chancellor held one?
Overseas applicants must declare an intention to eventually become US citizens
“government to cut all support”?
how much were they supporting them for ?
Aid to China from the UK fell to approximately £48 million in 2021-22 – down from £82 million in 2019 – and it is expected to continue to decline rapidly in future, according to the aid watchdog.13 Jul 2023
In the lecture, Rand admonishes American businessmen for apologizing for capitalism and for, in some cases, directly funding detractors of the free market. Notably, she says that “It is a moral crime to give money to support your own destroyers.” She also answers audience questions after the lecture.
Who the government supports, with taxpayer funds, is a constant source of amazement.
But if actually getting a taste of what Joe Public does has shifted the reactive tool, so be it.
Next, every geriatric and kindergarten doctorate in Wibble Studies for UoPenge adhered to a road should be not so gently prised off with a spatula and thrown in a Viking burial barge.
Met Office provide the weather forecasts for TalkTV
just now their map had 16C as bright yellow
Then it switched to night time temps
13C was bright yellow
TWatO Watch #1 – there is a complete idiot in a conservancy project, Ben Adlee or Atlee with the National Trust
(Simon Jacks, diction was a bit poor, because he was gabbling at the end of the item or possibly trying not to laugh out loud at the idiot he had just interviewed.) Ben, bless him, thinks that having beavers in the UK landscape will help to combat climate change. He name checked climate change about three times while he was speaking. There are others in the National Trust who are busy planting trees to combat climate change.
I stopped doing biology before ‘O’ levels but at least I know that beavers and trees, especially young saplings, are somewhat mutually exclusive. I hope Ben Atlee or Adlee keeps his beavers firmly enclosed and doesn’t let them escape into the wild for the sake of all the National Trust trees!
I f you believe that CO2 is a magic temperature control knob, you think trapping CO2 cools the planet
Trees trap CO2 for the duration of their lifetime
However when they decay they release it all back,
unless they decay into the bottom of a swamp
There they should become peat, then coal and gas
However bacteria and micro-organisms in the ocean might actually sequester CO2 more easily.
Political greens do often go for the least efficient systems
Some bloke called Windsor is the government pylon czar – he has been eagerly telling us how he is going to plaster the failing state of the UK with pylons to get to net zero – his is going to bribe people to have pylons – or you’ll get them anyway – he has the list of places of outstanding natural beauty and these will be the first places to get the cheapest pylons money can borrow … together with separate wind mills and sewage farms ….
2 flatbed near-killer disqualified driver cases in same region
Aug 1 Gateshead court
Aug 4 Wallsend court scrap metals guy
Aug 3 Complaints David TC Davies MP stereotyped ethnic GRT
as trouble (many aren’t) with his warning about Labour pushing through new traveller camps
A police friend said that they let GRT get away without having road tax and insurance, and that they try to stay away from the GRT camps
editing has suddenly stopped working
not that I needed it this time
Oh it came back a few mins later
Guardian “It couldn’t be clearer that ministers are aiding and abetting anti-GRT racism.”
Police investigate Traveller sites leaflet distributed by Welsh secretary
Leaflet handed out by by Tory MP criticised as ‘bordering on racism’ by concerned Travellers and Gypsies
The title of the notice printed in capital letters on an official Conservative Party leaflet reads: “Gypsy and Traveller site coming to your area soon!” Further down it goes on to say: “Local MP David Davies believes that there will be insufficient consultation with the members of the public affected.” It then invites locals to get in touch with the Conservative party with their views on the matter. It asks three questions including: “Would you like to see a Traveller site next to your house?”
THe BBC was echoing claims Sadiq had made, as if they were on his side.
However the Compaints Unit said “In our judgement it was suggestive of the presence of Far Right groups but fell short of establishing that such groups had in fact been represented among the demonstrators. This aspect of the complaint has been upheld.”
context “A leak to Reform U.K. Mayoral candidate Howard Cox… reveals that Mr. Khan had applied pressure on the BBC over reporting the issue”
Labels like “far right”, “deniers” are PR trickery , aiming MONSTER political opponent. It’s the fallacy of poisoning the well.
PR trickery? The BBC?
The Express is, of course, a tabloid rag, like the Fail and BBC, obsessed with Carole’s peachy orbs, Lizzo’s svelte figure and Sam’s whatever it is next.
However, they can also report facts. Which is rare in the case of The BBC.
One might also suspect that as fewer and fewer rely on The BBC, such exposes might gain further traction accelerating the process.
True BBC and Global warming groupies, especially on twitter, will retort only that the not perfect centre Express is the devil’s spawn, and rely on such terms to dismiss it without actually reading.
More fool them.
I think it is interesting that the long term Wednesday BBC1 schedules had the Repair Shop from 8-9pm
but suddenly at the last moment for northern regions the schedule was changed to 2 episodes of Canal Boat Diaries
and in such a hurry the put the 2 episodes the wrong way round
I see The Repair Shop was similarly substituted last year too
as if something in the prog ws going to be offensive to northerners
but on Twitter no one was given an explanation.
I see our Greta has pulled out of the Edinburgh Book Festival.
Why? The Festival gets sponsorship from Baillie Gifford, a firm who invest in the fossil fuels industry.
I am glad there are firms who support cultural events like the Edinburgh Book Festival. I like the Edinburgh Book Festival. Without it my life would be diminished.
With a bit of luck Greta won’t be invited back. And if she maintains this extreme position of moral purity, she might not speak anywhere else ever again.
The festival produces around 2,000 tonnes of waste each year – or at least, that’s how much rubbish is left behind, either in bins or on the ground. Glastonbury staff’s hard work means this ends up adding up to 224 tonnes of CO2e per year.6 Apr 2023
Perhaps the late ‘pull-out’ was all part of the plan ?
Knew the sponsor was an investor but used the late pull-out
to make her little point without even needing to turn up.
Perhaps she can arrange to not-turn-up everywhere else too !
PRtricksters like Team Greta re not honest
so we can’t be sure of the real reason she pulled out
eg it could be low ticket sales
and then she makes up an excuse about the sponsor
1. How many people come to the UK each year (including visitors)?
work visas (including dependants), up 211,285 (+76%) to 487,771
study visas (including dependants), up 161,771 (+34%) to 632,006, including sponsored and short-term students
Since their introduction in March 2022, there have been 283,366 applications for a visa under Ukraine Visa Schemes, of these 225,278 have been granted and 169,300 arrivals have been identified to the year ending March 2023.
Of the top 10 nationalities applying for asylum, nearly half have a grant rate above 80% (Afghanistan 98%, Syria 99%, Eritrea 99%, and Sudan 83%). This rise in grant rate is in part because of the low number of refusals (including third country refusals, which have been affected by the UK leaving the EU), although the overall grant rate can vary for a number of reasons.