‘The BBC and Getty Images have launched the BBC Kids Collection, an inclusive library of images and videos showcasing the diversity and experiences of kids, ages 0‑16, from across the United Kingdom.’
As usual, for ‘diversity’ you can freely interchange it with the words ‘racist discrimination’. As their sample images prove.
Imagine what the BBC would say if an African company run by white people set up a ‘pictures of kids in Africa’ website and filled it with pictures of white children. They would spit their Starbucks out in their rush to shout ‘racists’.
It’s the go-to platform for his boss, Keir Starmer, so why wouldn’t our little man Khan run to the Labour-curious Times to put his case: I love driving – and if Ulez didn’t work I would have scrapped it, says Khan… mayor of London has denied launching a war on motorists… In an interview with the Sunday Times, Khan said he “loves driving”… “The Tories are trying to weaponise the issue of tackling air pollution, tackling the climate emergency…”
I’ll leave readers to ponder the conundrum that Khan says he doesn’t want to ban motor cars from London per se – but he threatens that the children and – just to up the stakes – apparently, the entire planet will die if he doesn’t.
Little Man Tate, 1991, was a movie directed by Jodie Foster from a screenplay written by Scott Frank. The film stars Adam Hann-Byrd as Fred Tate, a seven-year-old child prodigy who struggles to self-actualize in social and psychological settings that largely fail to accommodate his intelligence (Thank you Wiki)
Little Man Tate was also the name of a British four-piece indie rock band from Sheffield. The band’s fourth single, “Man I Hate Your Band“, was released in 2006 – it’s a deep cut but, man, it’s a self-deprecating satirical minor classic
Don’t talk to me about money
Don’t talk to be about fame
Don’t tell me about your lyrics
Cause your songs are all the same
There’s 11 on the guest list probably more by far
Photographers and magazines and stacks of A&R
Like I said about the guest list
Don’t forget about the birds
They don’t need names and tickets for the ones in denim skirts
New highlights for the weekend
Lipstick on the teeth
Brand new tops from bottom shop
No knickers underneath
But there’s one thing that you’ll never understand
Oh there’s one thing that you gotta understand
Man I hate your band
Man I hate your band
Man I hate your band
Man I hate your band
We left that rather snide and lawyerish little man Khan putting his case for the defence at the Labour-friendly little side bar over there at the Sunday Times and instead, for balance, we now clock the case for the prosecution: As if Sadiq Khan’s Ulez war on motorists wasn’t enough, MoS is handed official documents revealing… Secret Labour plan to charge drivers by mile… London Mayor… has called for an army of experts to build a ‘sophisticated’ new pricing system for the capital’s roads (Mail on Sunday)
Climate Lockdowns, anyone? Remember folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory, if it’s true…
Will Climate Lockdowns Be Necessary to Fight the Climate Crisis? At the beginning of COVID-19, lockdowns were necessary to fight the deadly virus. To lower emissions, another type of lockdown might need to be used: Climate lockdowns. (A welcome debut hereabouts for Green Matters – ‘for people looking to live more sustainably, fight the climate crisis, and learn about environmental justice‘)
You’ll find there’s some fine alarmist headlines thereabouts
Female interest
One unfortunate effect of global warming is that it can render pregnancy tests and birth control ineffective. Here’s why that happens. (By Kate Underwood, Green Matters)
Gone viral
Viral Video Shows Woman’s Sandals Melting, Thanks to Extreme Heat Waves (By Kate Underwood, Green Matters)
And just as John Cleese offered Mr Creosote “Finally Monsieur, a waffer-thin mint?”
May I offer one more from our Kate…?
Footage Shows Texas Lawn Catching Fire on Hot Day: “This Texas Dry Heat Ain’t No Joke!” (By Kate Underwood, Green Matters)
Insomnia can be a serious health issue: Insomnia and me: ‘I’ve suffered for such a long time’ Breakfast radio DJ Daisy Maskell on her struggle with insomnia (BBC – we wish her well)
Meanwhile the Sunday Times Magazine may have a stop gap home brew palliative: Boris, Brexit, Trump & me Theresa May – yawn.
Kissgate Row.. Lionesses roar to Spain’s defence (Sunday Express)
Sexism engulfs Spain. Women’s football kiss row has turned triumph into fiasco (Sunday Telegraph)
I think we would be missing something if we hadn’t by now cottoned on to the fact that the entire point of the big media push for the Women’s World Cup was to bash blokes. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature – as they say.
Why isn’t Prince William flying to Australia to watch the Lionesses? Row breaks out over royal’s absence as he and Rishi Sunak remain in Britain for World Cup final (Daily Mail) – that was some of the best gaff-avoidance defensive PR decisions those two ever made – considering there’s more minefields that feminists have laid for men in women’s football than the Ruskies have laid for the Ukrainians in the Donbas.
The female attitude – as portrayed in our media – flits between universal victim and avenging sexless matriarch in character.
It’s a female voice that oddly reminds one of that annoying earworm record from 2008 by The Ting Tings “That’s Not My Name”
They call me hell
They call me Stacey
They call me Her
They call me Jane…
They call me quiet
But I’m a riot
Always the same
That’s not my name
That’s not my name
That’s not my name
That’s not my name
For so many reasons, headline of the week award has to go the Daily Star that frets: Twitchers have been warned that Robin Hood’s merry men in tights have been replaced by naked ramblers and sex-mad swingers at Sherwood Forest – hitting the bullseye of a headline: Put yer Little Johns away!
‘The man, described as white and in his early 20s, entered a Dollar General store and opened fire, triggering a standoff with police.’
It stands out because the BBC NEVER identify the colour of a murderer if he is black. Quite the opposite : they go to great lengths to hide it.
‘There have been over 28,000 gun deaths in the US so far this year, according to the Gun Violence Archive website.’
It’s no concidence that the site the BBC link to does not break it down by ethnicity. Because if it did, the reader would discover that more than half of those are by black people who only constitute 10% of the population.
But the main point here is that when you drive a racist wedge through society as the Democrats and the MSM have done, you are going to cause these events to happen. There are plenty of people right on the edge of sanity who will be pushed over the edge and do things like this. Of course he had mental issues – he shot himself afterwards. But that ‘excuse’ is reserved for terrorists by the BBC. They never mention it when the perpertrator is white.
I guess with the intern kidults in charge over the weekend sexy stories about the US are bound to be picked up . A body count of 3 is quite modest for a mass US shooting but in the absense of the pre notting hill drive bye it will have to do .
Chuck the whitey as shooter in and every one gets a box tick .
This is the second time in the last few weeks that I have noticed WW2 Germans described as ‘Germans’ when it suits the narrative. Here these poor souls were shot by the French resistance after D Day.
Now normally, these days, the bbbc (and other lefties) refer to WW2 Germans as Nazis, just so we don’t think they could ever be associated with our lovely modern European allies. No, just a bunch of vicious fascists Jack-booting their way around and blitzkrieging anything that moved.
Now they are Germans again because some of their soldiers were executed in cold blood. (Of course, you don’t get any indication of who did it from the clickbait headline but we know who they want us to think did it….don’t we??)
Not much is ever mentioned of the 1.5 million German soldiers the Russia killed in the Gulags, or the 1 million starved at the Eisenhower’s Rhine Meadows Death Camps at the end of WW2.
The myth of the Nazi is just that. Allies were just as bad if not worse.
I got sat next to a mercenary flying home from Syria one time and used it to gain as much ‘real’ information as I could.
I asked who played the most dirty over there expecting him to finger the Russians. He said that the USA and Russia were more or less the same. And after watching them sacrifice hundreds of thousands of young men in their quest to bleed Russia dry, I now believe him.
What stuns me the most at the moment is how the MSM (and particularly the BBC) seem to have no interest whatsoever in the actual war and the hundreds dying every day. They don’t report any of it – but we get front page headlines if one or two cicivlians get killed.
I often wonder how the Ukranian soldiers doing all the dying feel about that – or if they even know. One thing is for sure : we won’t be told.
I also got sat next to an extreme Muslim man once who looked like he had just come out of a cave in Afghanistan and THAT was an interesting talk. But for another day. The most interesting thing was that he had no hate : he absolutely believed he was doing the will of God.
👀 Glenn Greenwald Warns of the Government’s Plan for ‘Total and Complete Control’ Through Surveillance & Censorship
“Look, I spent two and a half years of my life reading through hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of the most sensitive documents produced by the most secretive agency of the world’s most powerful government. That’s what I did when I got that archive by Edward Snowden…Their goal is that kind of total and complete control.”
A 6 month review of the ULEZ expansion will show it is a great success with many other cities and towns looking to their own version
The above paragraph is from a BBC article to be published in march of 2024.
Any dissent from this will be done by right wing fascists and brexiter white pride followers who must be removed from the Emirs’ country …
( to avoid causing confusion the opening paragraph is my prediction)
This agrees with work I heard about from a researcher five years ago who had done the same thing and taken a pollution monitor to Londonistan. When she went into the tube it apparently went off the richter scale warning about high pollution levels.
On talk tv last night there was a panel talking about, for one example, the slavery reparations and that we should be paying somebody £18 trillion.
I’ve noticed a few times this lefty trick where if another person is either making a good point or about to say something which the lefties will not like, they start talking over the person.
That Amy girl was constantly interrupting and talking over Alex Armstrong. The other lefty, Alby somebodyorother was also keen to talk over any right leaning comments.
When two or more of them are talking over each other it’s just noise (which is what the lefties want) and you can’t understand what’s being said.
Last night Alex Armstrong was about to make a point about the modern day slavery still going on and the two lefties didn’t want that so they started talking over him.
It’s very rare that a right leaning person behaves this way and Alex didn’t interrupt any of the others at any time, it’s a lefty tactic. They ruin talk programs.
I never see Moggy or Neil Oliver rudely talking over their guests.
Looks like the political class is drifting back to londonistan … Rachel reeve – the incoming red labour chancellor has said the new government won’t be putting up property taxes .
I haven’t read the exact words but usually the incoming party will just say ‘we don’t know until we see the books ‘ as the normal get out from commitments .
It will be interesting to see how any ‘independent ‘ economists will square the need for more money – if only to service the rising debts … but that’s for another time …
Readers might recall that I posted the song by Oliver Anthony here a few days ago together with how the Fascist Left and the media had reacted to it.
Well now the fake protest singer and establishment rich man Billy Bragg has taken the song, santised it, taken away the anger and the rawness and turned it into something the Guardianistas can accept, in which he attacks Oliver Anthony in subtle ways because Bragg is an establishment figure designed to placate angry and violent lefties, and he does a good job of fooling them.
Oliver Anthony lives in s $750 second hand camper van, he works an industrial job on shifts every day. Billy Bragg lives in a multi million pound mansion and doesn’t work at all, simply churning out other peoples tunes with bastardised lyrics for a simple minded bunch of followers too brain dead to see through it.
It was only an ‘opeless fancy.
It passed like an Ipril dye,
But a look an’ a word an’ the dreams they stirred!
They ‘ave stolen my ‘eart awye!
The tune had been haunting London for weeks past. It was one of countless similar songs published for the benefit of the proles by a sub-section of the Music Department. The words of these songs were composed without any human intervention whatever on an instrument known as a versificator. But the woman sang so tunefully as to turn the dreadful rubbish into an almost pleasant sound. He could hear the woman singing and the scrape of her shoes on the flagstones, and the cries of the children in the street, and somewhere in the far distance a faint roar of traffic, and yet the room seemed curiously silent, thanks to the absence of a telescreen.
Please comment on this obvious manipulation and tell the proles to open their eyes to what is being done to them.
I have to say Braggs hypocrisy really has annoyed me, it puts me in mind of Richard II speech after crushing the peasants revolt
“You wretches detestable on land and sea: you who seek equality with lords are unworthy to live.
Give this message to your colleagues: rustics you were, and rustics you are still; you will remain in bondage, not as before, but incomparably harsher.
For as long as we live we will strive to suppress you, and your misery will be an example in the eyes of posterity. However, we will spare your lives if you remain faithful and loyal. Choose now which course you want to follow.”
It’s been fascinating watching the reaction of the lefty Western MSM including of course the BBC over the “plane crash” in Russia which took out a top combatant who had been having a hissy fit against Putin,
On the one hand they are slavering to paint Putin as Rasputin and an evil executioner of anyone who stands up to him.
But their fire is somewhat drawn because the poor victim has had a history of smashing Ukrainian troops to pieces without mercy.
So heaping blame on Putin effectively would effectively take a stand and show sympathy with the deceased bloke, not something that would sit happily with our keyboard lefty MSM warriors.
At the same time they are unable to show any support for the other bloke who might have ended his bloody Ukrainian killing spree.
I think Putin is probably a genius even if he is a tad mad. He appears to have the western media by the balls on this one.
As ‘the west ‘ gets increasing bored with Ukraine – and the expectation that the Ukrainians will be forever bankrolled with borrowed tax cash – im sure putin can see the long game paying off – he hasn’t run out of money or kit or people – and the current ‘ offensive ‘ which can only have a few weeks left before winter – has had what success ?
Also – I wonder what the casualty figures are like – as I’ve said before mother Russia can afford more losses that the Ukrainians ….
I solemnly promise so to do. Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgements? I will. Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel 6 May 2023
Prince Charles to get funding from ‘blot on the landscape’ windfarms
This article is more than 11 years old
Upkeep of Clarence House and some travel costs to be paid from income on crown estate, which rents out land for turbines
The teacher was forced to flee his home in Batley with his partner and four young children and since then has been living in a secret location outside the Yorkshire area, reports claim. The teacher, who was head of RE at Batley Grammar, has also been given a new identity.8 Mar 2023
You might think that the greenies have achieved their objective when the expanded ULEZ comes into force soon.
Not a bit of it. A scientific report has ben released supposedly proving its effectiveness.
However the shady figures behind ULEZ have nowhere near finished their puritan push. If you read the report, The same group pushing ULEZ are next planning to set their sights on other areas, notably agriculture and farming, construction and for homeowners directly the banning of wood burning stoves etc, are planned to become the next wave of fall guys.
So it is obvious that the pressure for the introduction of ULEZ is coming from a small group of green activist pseudo scientists, probably funded by Globalist organisations such as WEF, WHO and the UN, hell bent on turning the whole of the UK into a non-car owning, none meat-eating hippie soy-boy paradise.
No doubt these specimens travel at the expense of their masters or have jobs they can do from home unlike the vast majority of workers, are more likely to be Vegan and can easily afford such niceties as heat pumps etc,
I read an article about King Richard who announced after quelling the peasants revolt that henceforth they would have even less comforts and will be forced to submit to the diktat of their betters or else. This is exactly what these new green emperors are up to today.
Of course these things have a habit of the common man deciding they have had enough of this shit and that is when the gallows and the Guillotine are dragged out again to take these pedagogues down.
The NHS having a push for older people to get the shingles vaccine.
Unlike almost every other ad campaign I have seen over the past year or two, all the models used in the adverts are white, usually older white people.
Does this mean that certain ethnic groups do not need the vaccine….?
Not a bit if it, researching the vaccine shows that a major component is derived from a substance called porcine. Which is almost certainly derived from pigs.
So there you have it, we mustn’t upset a certain religious bunch amongst us should we!
Albinos are socially alienated and stigmatised. They are often called derogatory terms like ‘ghosts’ and ‘white goats’, says Fundikila Wazambi of the Legal and Human Rights Centre in Tanzania. The stigmatisation means that they aren’t able to fully participate in socio-economic activities or access essential social services, and that their freedom of movement is limited. They are blamed for natural disasters like famine, drought or locust invasions by those who believe that albinos are cursed.
BORIS believes in freedom of HIS speech – not others – HA HA HA HA 2023 ….
EXCLUSIVE: Teacher suspended after showing pupils a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed during RE lesson at West Yorkshire school nearly two years ago has a new identity but is STILL in hiding, his family reveals
Family says teacher is still in hiding two years after showing pupils cartoon
Teacher and partner changed their mobile numbers and are not on social media
Sources refused to reveal if he still remains in the teaching profession
2023 … The teacher was forced to flee his home in Batley with his partner and four young children and since then has been living in a secret location outside the Yorkshire area, reports claim. The teacher, who was head of RE at Batley Grammar, has also been given a new identity.8 Mar 2023
BBC local newsPR Saturday
#1 PRasNews for 999 saying be careful with kids and inflatables in the North Sea
#1 PRasNews for Lincoln Steam Punk Festival
6 mins but it is a global scale event
BBC local newsPR Saturday
#2 PRasNews : Smiley and enthusiastic presenter now “Scunthorpe Gay Pride … looks great”
5 mins for a NON-Global event
It did look quite busy for the ever more derelict Scunthorpe town centre which is a don’t-bother-go zone for many
Similar to Hull Gay Pride it looked like someone had taken the council annual kids gala and put a Gay Pride front on it
Rain held off as well
There are other big Bank Holiday events in different places in Scunthorpe they were not PROMOTED in the news bulletins
Countryfile starts “Here we are in Wales
in the bad old days the EVIL EVIL English made everyone call this Brecon Beacons National Park
Now thank God for Glorious Welsh Labour it’s called BannauBrycheiniog”
both presenters smiling
“Countryfile starts ‘Here we are in Wales in the bad old days the EVIL EVIL English made everyone call this Brecon Beacons National Park. Now thank God for Glorious Welsh Labour it’s called BannauBrycheiniog’… Well it looked like PRasNewsfor Welsh Labour”
maxincony, here is something far more important for you to consider about taffland …………Great Britain faces the biggest invasion of our shores since 1797 and the BBC hardly mentions it .
“Stop the Boats” Rishi , “Stop the Boats” Rishi!
Our taffmen stopped it back then then .
Over to you Rishi & maxi …….
Maxi Did you seriously think that was a direct quote
and not rhetorical parody of the enthusiastic actual words that the programme started with ?
Watch it on Iplayer as long as you have paid your TV Poll tax
Both smiley smiling
“The Brecon Beacons NP, but now it goes by a different name !
Bannau Brycheiniog !
Bannau Brycheiniog !
Great pronunciation mate !”
.. then obvious political PR words from the Park Authority
“…rhetorical parody of the enthusiastic actual words…”
Well perhaps you should of made clear that the “actual words” didn’t include anything about “the English” or “Welsh Labour”, before stating that; “it looked like PRasNewsfor Welsh Labour”. Which was a lie based on nothing more than your own… “parody”.
The BBC report most things maxi because they have to in order to appear unbiased – and let trolls like you go on forums to preach how impartial they are.
But as I’ve shown here many times, if they don’t want people to see it they put it straight into ‘regions’ or put it up on the front page at midnight then remove it by breakfast.
Just one example of the ‘impartial and unbiased’ BBC’s dirty leftist trickery to lie to people without leaving anything proveable. They have many such tricks – such as a scandalously misleading main-page headline which morphs to something else when you view the page which will actually be archived.
Following on from the claim that the incoming red labour government will fund the public sector from ‘economic growth ‘ and not increasing property taxes – I wonder how that will play out .
‘Economic growth ‘ is not instant – yet the taxes needed to service the huge debt blue labour leaves behind is gonna cost –
Savings made by people during lockdown from unspent furlough cash it being used up by inflation – add to that continuing increasing interest rates and in 2024 the strain will really show …
BTW – haven’t heard much of the BRICS meeting last week – apart from the expansion in 2024….
But the nudgers say there’s nothing underhand about what they are doing. Everything is transparent – and no-one has to do anything they don’t want. Much of it is about making public services easy-to-use and personal – encouraging us to do the right thing.
do the right thing.
do the right thing.
do the right thing.
Just caught part of BBC Countryfile. Segment on dragonflies on some river. Interviewee (presumably angler) explained drop in numbers of dragonflies in that part of the river area. Apparently the little blighters are all heading north and northwest because of, er, 🤔climate change😂😂
One of those funny little juxtapositions of a couplet of news item headlines, this time from the BBC News online – where Mr AsI says write your own punchline…
Afghanistan: Taliban ban women from visiting popular national park… Afghanistan’s acting minister of virtue and vice, Mohammad Khaled Hanafi, said women had not been observing hijab inside the park
Labour rules out wealth tax if party wins next election… Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves… ruled out any version of a wealth tax on the richest in society… told the Sunday Telegraph extra money for public services would have to come from economic growth
“Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves… ruled out any version of a wealth tax on the richest in society… told the Sunday Telegraph extra money for public services would have to come from economic growth” – TOdays message can change tomorrow.
‘Notting Hill Carnival should move to HYDE PARK’: Ex-top cops warn festival creates ‘perfect storm’ for violence and should be in a private venue so it is easier to contain – as one reveller is murdered, six stabbed, 209 arrested and 74 officers assaultedhttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11159883/Notting-Hill-Carnage-Thug-punches-woman-face-shocking-video-carnival.html
Dig deeper to save the world from pollution – oh wait – ha ha ha ha
“”Our land is drying up and our water is polluted,” says Nati Machaca, one of the protesters manning a roadblock in the village of Purmamarca, high in the Andes mountains.
Ms Machaca is a spokeswoman for the indigenous groups living in Jujuy, a province in northern Argentina.
Jujuy is located in what has become known as the “lithium triangle”, a stretch of the Andes straddling the tri-border area between Argentina, Bolivia and Chile, which holds the world’s biggest reserves of lithium.”
Firefighters have called for the Scottish government to resolve concerns over school safety following reports that classroom doors could be trimmed.
The Fire Brigades Union (FBU) has requested immediate talks to address “mixed messaging” around fire safety and the ventilation required to reduce coronavirus risks.
Councils have a new fund to improve classroom airflow to slow Covid spread.
Nicola Sturgeon said cutting the bottom off some doors was “common sense”.
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:45 Midweek 12th March 2025 Omission is the greatest lie … Transphobic scenes cut from new release of Crocodile Dundee https://qnews.com.au/transphobic-scenes-cut-from-new-release-of-crocodile-dundee/ Among the moments removed…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Repeated from above … “Tony Blair holds the Keir Starmer penis , after a visit to Lord Alli’s flat.”
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Relax – UK will not allow infiltration … Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent Barry Gardiner…
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
Mini YAB gets hauled out of bed through a hedge backwards to milk this one further.
On Facebook I am getting ‘suggested for you’ posts by obscure football teams in America with hastily printed t shirts.
Graun goes Getty.
Also Graun.
Bill and Hill will be happy. Also Saz and Lurch.
I see Getty have partnered up with the BBC to make a ‘kids collection’:
‘The BBC and Getty Images have launched the BBC Kids Collection, an inclusive library of images and videos showcasing the diversity and experiences of kids, ages 0‑16, from across the United Kingdom.’
As usual, for ‘diversity’ you can freely interchange it with the words ‘racist discrimination’. As their sample images prove.
Imagine what the BBC would say if an African company run by white people set up a ‘pictures of kids in Africa’ website and filled it with pictures of white children. They would spit their Starbucks out in their rush to shout ‘racists’.
…an inclusive library of images and videos showcasing the diversity and experiences of kids, ages 0‑16, from across the United Kingdom.’
So, lots of pictures of stabbings and knives, then.
Oh wait, no, they can’t do that because all the stock photos of that feature White hands holding knives.
There’s one thing you’ve gotta understand edition
It’s the go-to platform for his boss, Keir Starmer, so why wouldn’t our little man Khan run to the Labour-curious Times to put his case: I love driving – and if Ulez didn’t work I would have scrapped it, says Khan… mayor of London has denied launching a war on motorists… In an interview with the Sunday Times, Khan said he “loves driving”… “The Tories are trying to weaponise the issue of tackling air pollution, tackling the climate emergency…”
I’ll leave readers to ponder the conundrum that Khan says he doesn’t want to ban motor cars from London per se – but he threatens that the children and – just to up the stakes – apparently, the entire planet will die if he doesn’t.
Little Man Tate, 1991, was a movie directed by Jodie Foster from a screenplay written by Scott Frank. The film stars Adam Hann-Byrd as Fred Tate, a seven-year-old child prodigy who struggles to self-actualize in social and psychological settings that largely fail to accommodate his intelligence (Thank you Wiki)
Little Man Tate was also the name of a British four-piece indie rock band from Sheffield. The band’s fourth single, “Man I Hate Your Band“, was released in 2006 – it’s a deep cut but, man, it’s a self-deprecating satirical minor classic
Don’t talk to me about money
Don’t talk to be about fame
Don’t tell me about your lyrics
Cause your songs are all the same
There’s 11 on the guest list probably more by far
Photographers and magazines and stacks of A&R
Like I said about the guest list
Don’t forget about the birds
They don’t need names and tickets for the ones in denim skirts
New highlights for the weekend
Lipstick on the teeth
Brand new tops from bottom shop
No knickers underneath
But there’s one thing that you’ll never understand
Oh there’s one thing that you gotta understand
Man I hate your band
Man I hate your band
Man I hate your band
Man I hate your band
We left that rather snide and lawyerish little man Khan putting his case for the defence at the Labour-friendly little side bar over there at the Sunday Times and instead, for balance, we now clock the case for the prosecution: As if Sadiq Khan’s Ulez war on motorists wasn’t enough, MoS is handed official documents revealing… Secret Labour plan to charge drivers by mile… London Mayor… has called for an army of experts to build a ‘sophisticated’ new pricing system for the capital’s roads (Mail on Sunday)
Climate Lockdowns, anyone? Remember folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory, if it’s true…
Will Climate Lockdowns Be Necessary to Fight the Climate Crisis? At the beginning of COVID-19, lockdowns were necessary to fight the deadly virus. To lower emissions, another type of lockdown might need to be used: Climate lockdowns. (A welcome debut hereabouts for Green Matters – ‘for people looking to live more sustainably, fight the climate crisis, and learn about environmental justice‘)
You’ll find there’s some fine alarmist headlines thereabouts
Female interest
One unfortunate effect of global warming is that it can render pregnancy tests and birth control ineffective. Here’s why that happens. (By Kate Underwood, Green Matters)
Gone viral
Viral Video Shows Woman’s Sandals Melting, Thanks to Extreme Heat Waves (By Kate Underwood, Green Matters)
And just as John Cleese offered Mr Creosote “Finally Monsieur, a waffer-thin mint?”
May I offer one more from our Kate…?
Footage Shows Texas Lawn Catching Fire on Hot Day: “This Texas Dry Heat Ain’t No Joke!” (By Kate Underwood, Green Matters)
Insomnia can be a serious health issue: Insomnia and me: ‘I’ve suffered for such a long time’ Breakfast radio DJ Daisy Maskell on her struggle with insomnia (BBC – we wish her well)
Meanwhile the Sunday Times Magazine may have a stop gap home brew palliative: Boris, Brexit, Trump & me Theresa May – yawn.
Kissgate Row.. Lionesses roar to Spain’s defence (Sunday Express)
Sexism engulfs Spain. Women’s football kiss row has turned triumph into fiasco (Sunday Telegraph)
I think we would be missing something if we hadn’t by now cottoned on to the fact that the entire point of the big media push for the Women’s World Cup was to bash blokes. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature – as they say.
Why isn’t Prince William flying to Australia to watch the Lionesses? Row breaks out over royal’s absence as he and Rishi Sunak remain in Britain for World Cup final (Daily Mail) – that was some of the best gaff-avoidance defensive PR decisions those two ever made – considering there’s more minefields that feminists have laid for men in women’s football than the Ruskies have laid for the Ukrainians in the Donbas.
The female attitude – as portrayed in our media – flits between universal victim and avenging sexless matriarch in character.
It’s a female voice that oddly reminds one of that annoying earworm record from 2008 by The Ting Tings “That’s Not My Name”
They call me hell
They call me Stacey
They call me Her
They call me Jane…
They call me quiet
But I’m a riot
Always the same
That’s not my name
That’s not my name
That’s not my name
That’s not my name
For so many reasons, headline of the week award has to go the Daily Star that frets: Twitchers have been warned that Robin Hood’s merry men in tights have been replaced by naked ramblers and sex-mad swingers at Sherwood Forest – hitting the bullseye of a headline: Put yer Little Johns away!
Jacksonville shooting: Racist gunman kills three black people in Florida store
‘The man, described as white and in his early 20s, entered a Dollar General store and opened fire, triggering a standoff with police.’
It stands out because the BBC NEVER identify the colour of a murderer if he is black. Quite the opposite : they go to great lengths to hide it.
‘There have been over 28,000 gun deaths in the US so far this year, according to the Gun Violence Archive website.’
It’s no concidence that the site the BBC link to does not break it down by ethnicity. Because if it did, the reader would discover that more than half of those are by black people who only constitute 10% of the population.
But the main point here is that when you drive a racist wedge through society as the Democrats and the MSM have done, you are going to cause these events to happen. There are plenty of people right on the edge of sanity who will be pushed over the edge and do things like this. Of course he had mental issues – he shot himself afterwards. But that ‘excuse’ is reserved for terrorists by the BBC. They never mention it when the perpertrator is white.
I guess with the intern kidults in charge over the weekend sexy stories about the US are bound to be picked up . A body count of 3 is quite modest for a mass US shooting but in the absense of the pre notting hill drive bye it will have to do .
Chuck the whitey as shooter in and every one gets a box tick .
This is the second time in the last few weeks that I have noticed WW2 Germans described as ‘Germans’ when it suits the narrative. Here these poor souls were shot by the French resistance after D Day.
Now normally, these days, the bbbc (and other lefties) refer to WW2 Germans as Nazis, just so we don’t think they could ever be associated with our lovely modern European allies. No, just a bunch of vicious fascists Jack-booting their way around and blitzkrieging anything that moved.
Now they are Germans again because some of their soldiers were executed in cold blood. (Of course, you don’t get any indication of who did it from the clickbait headline but we know who they want us to think did it….don’t we??)
What a truly repugnant outfit. (Not the Germans).
Not much is ever mentioned of the 1.5 million German soldiers the Russia killed in the Gulags, or the 1 million starved at the Eisenhower’s Rhine Meadows Death Camps at the end of WW2.
The myth of the Nazi is just that. Allies were just as bad if not worse.
We are closer to pre-1933 Germany that post.
I got sat next to a mercenary flying home from Syria one time and used it to gain as much ‘real’ information as I could.
I asked who played the most dirty over there expecting him to finger the Russians. He said that the USA and Russia were more or less the same. And after watching them sacrifice hundreds of thousands of young men in their quest to bleed Russia dry, I now believe him.
What stuns me the most at the moment is how the MSM (and particularly the BBC) seem to have no interest whatsoever in the actual war and the hundreds dying every day. They don’t report any of it – but we get front page headlines if one or two cicivlians get killed.
I often wonder how the Ukranian soldiers doing all the dying feel about that – or if they even know. One thing is for sure : we won’t be told.
I also got sat next to an extreme Muslim man once who looked like he had just come out of a cave in Afghanistan and THAT was an interesting talk. But for another day. The most interesting thing was that he had no hate : he absolutely believed he was doing the will of God.
BBC: all the news that isn’t… eventually.
👀 Glenn Greenwald Warns of the Government’s Plan for ‘Total and Complete Control’ Through Surveillance & Censorship
“Look, I spent two and a half years of my life reading through hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of the most sensitive documents produced by the most secretive agency of the world’s most powerful government. That’s what I did when I got that archive by Edward Snowden…Their goal is that kind of total and complete control.”
A 6 month review of the ULEZ expansion will show it is a great success with many other cities and towns looking to their own version
The above paragraph is from a BBC article to be published in march of 2024.
Any dissent from this will be done by right wing fascists and brexiter white pride followers who must be removed from the Emirs’ country …
( to avoid causing confusion the opening paragraph is my prediction)
This agrees with work I heard about from a researcher five years ago who had done the same thing and taken a pollution monitor to Londonistan. When she went into the tube it apparently went off the richter scale warning about high pollution levels.
The little khant is engaging in a ‘Big Kon’.
On talk tv last night there was a panel talking about, for one example, the slavery reparations and that we should be paying somebody £18 trillion.
I’ve noticed a few times this lefty trick where if another person is either making a good point or about to say something which the lefties will not like, they start talking over the person.
That Amy girl was constantly interrupting and talking over Alex Armstrong. The other lefty, Alby somebodyorother was also keen to talk over any right leaning comments.
When two or more of them are talking over each other it’s just noise (which is what the lefties want) and you can’t understand what’s being said.
Last night Alex Armstrong was about to make a point about the modern day slavery still going on and the two lefties didn’t want that so they started talking over him.
It’s very rare that a right leaning person behaves this way and Alex didn’t interrupt any of the others at any time, it’s a lefty tactic. They ruin talk programs.
I never see Moggy or Neil Oliver rudely talking over their guests.
Spoilt what could have been a half decent show.
Looks like the political class is drifting back to londonistan … Rachel reeve – the incoming red labour chancellor has said the new government won’t be putting up property taxes .
I haven’t read the exact words but usually the incoming party will just say ‘we don’t know until we see the books ‘ as the normal get out from commitments .
It will be interesting to see how any ‘independent ‘ economists will square the need for more money – if only to service the rising debts … but that’s for another time …
Readers might recall that I posted the song by Oliver Anthony here a few days ago together with how the Fascist Left and the media had reacted to it.
Well now the fake protest singer and establishment rich man Billy Bragg has taken the song, santised it, taken away the anger and the rawness and turned it into something the Guardianistas can accept, in which he attacks Oliver Anthony in subtle ways because Bragg is an establishment figure designed to placate angry and violent lefties, and he does a good job of fooling them.
Oliver Anthony lives in s $750 second hand camper van, he works an industrial job on shifts every day. Billy Bragg lives in a multi million pound mansion and doesn’t work at all, simply churning out other peoples tunes with bastardised lyrics for a simple minded bunch of followers too brain dead to see through it.
It was only an ‘opeless fancy.
It passed like an Ipril dye,
But a look an’ a word an’ the dreams they stirred!
They ‘ave stolen my ‘eart awye!
The tune had been haunting London for weeks past. It was one of countless similar songs published for the benefit of the proles by a sub-section of the Music Department. The words of these songs were composed without any human intervention whatever on an instrument known as a versificator. But the woman sang so tunefully as to turn the dreadful rubbish into an almost pleasant sound. He could hear the woman singing and the scrape of her shoes on the flagstones, and the cries of the children in the street, and somewhere in the far distance a faint roar of traffic, and yet the room seemed curiously silent, thanks to the absence of a telescreen.
Please comment on this obvious manipulation and tell the proles to open their eyes to what is being done to them.
I have to say Braggs hypocrisy really has annoyed me, it puts me in mind of Richard II speech after crushing the peasants revolt
“You wretches detestable on land and sea: you who seek equality with lords are unworthy to live.
Give this message to your colleagues: rustics you were, and rustics you are still; you will remain in bondage, not as before, but incomparably harsher.
For as long as we live we will strive to suppress you, and your misery will be an example in the eyes of posterity. However, we will spare your lives if you remain faithful and loyal. Choose now which course you want to follow.”
Is that the revolt where the peasants spared the government?
That was their big mistake.
yep, fatal mistake in fact
It’s been fascinating watching the reaction of the lefty Western MSM including of course the BBC over the “plane crash” in Russia which took out a top combatant who had been having a hissy fit against Putin,
On the one hand they are slavering to paint Putin as Rasputin and an evil executioner of anyone who stands up to him.
But their fire is somewhat drawn because the poor victim has had a history of smashing Ukrainian troops to pieces without mercy.
So heaping blame on Putin effectively would effectively take a stand and show sympathy with the deceased bloke, not something that would sit happily with our keyboard lefty MSM warriors.
At the same time they are unable to show any support for the other bloke who might have ended his bloody Ukrainian killing spree.
I think Putin is probably a genius even if he is a tad mad. He appears to have the western media by the balls on this one.
As ‘the west ‘ gets increasing bored with Ukraine – and the expectation that the Ukrainians will be forever bankrolled with borrowed tax cash – im sure putin can see the long game paying off – he hasn’t run out of money or kit or people – and the current ‘ offensive ‘ which can only have a few weeks left before winter – has had what success ?
Also – I wonder what the casualty figures are like – as I’ve said before mother Russia can afford more losses that the Ukrainians ….
If the union flag is supposed to represent the establishment I think you’ll find it’s pointing the wrong way.
Was there a transfer fee of a few mill to her too?
The BBC won’t mention this in their Fukushima coverage.
We need to keep an eye on the UK’s teacher unions…
Certainly do need to keep an eye on those teaching Unions, seconded.
They are stridently anti Tory, militant Marxist organisations, a disgrace.
Fauci, the Covid fairy
I solemnly promise so to do. Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgements? I will. Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel 6 May 2023
King Charles
Give a suitcase of Muslim cash and he’s yours
Or some wind farms!
Prince Charles to get funding from ‘blot on the landscape’ windfarms
This article is more than 11 years old
Upkeep of Clarence House and some travel costs to be paid from income on crown estate, which rents out land for turbines
Mnd-blowing incompetence of both the Biden Administration in the US and the Labour Party in the UK, both trying to lose the next Election.
Here in the UK Rachel Reeves has today almost guaranteed a civil war in the Labour Party ranks.
This awful… Kamala or Fick Ange?
@Pug Mail stole that from my work from 15 months ago
… https://biasedbbc.tv/blog/2022/05/01/start-the-week-2-may-2022/comment-page-5/#comment-1180203
I thought Schellenberger was above this sort of mudslinging.
New York Post : https://nypost.com/2023/08/26/new-documentary-proves-that-offshore-windfarms-kill-whales/
Releasing cherrypicked findings to support activists without linking to the research … pretty naff antics really.
UK – most tolerant country in .. oh wait …
The teacher was forced to flee his home in Batley with his partner and four young children and since then has been living in a secret location outside the Yorkshire area, reports claim. The teacher, who was head of RE at Batley Grammar, has also been given a new identity.8 Mar 2023
You might think that the greenies have achieved their objective when the expanded ULEZ comes into force soon.
Not a bit of it. A scientific report has ben released supposedly proving its effectiveness.
However the shady figures behind ULEZ have nowhere near finished their puritan push. If you read the report, The same group pushing ULEZ are next planning to set their sights on other areas, notably agriculture and farming, construction and for homeowners directly the banning of wood burning stoves etc, are planned to become the next wave of fall guys.
So it is obvious that the pressure for the introduction of ULEZ is coming from a small group of green activist pseudo scientists, probably funded by Globalist organisations such as WEF, WHO and the UN, hell bent on turning the whole of the UK into a non-car owning, none meat-eating hippie soy-boy paradise.
No doubt these specimens travel at the expense of their masters or have jobs they can do from home unlike the vast majority of workers, are more likely to be Vegan and can easily afford such niceties as heat pumps etc,
I read an article about King Richard who announced after quelling the peasants revolt that henceforth they would have even less comforts and will be forced to submit to the diktat of their betters or else. This is exactly what these new green emperors are up to today.
Of course these things have a habit of the common man deciding they have had enough of this shit and that is when the gallows and the Guillotine are dragged out again to take these pedagogues down.
but it’s for your own good
The NHS having a push for older people to get the shingles vaccine.
Unlike almost every other ad campaign I have seen over the past year or two, all the models used in the adverts are white, usually older white people.
Does this mean that certain ethnic groups do not need the vaccine….?
Not a bit if it, researching the vaccine shows that a major component is derived from a substance called porcine. Which is almost certainly derived from pigs.
So there you have it, we mustn’t upset a certain religious bunch amongst us should we!
Human trafficking /
Buried alive: Tanzania’s albinos pay the price for superstition
Albinos are socially alienated and stigmatised. They are often called derogatory terms like ‘ghosts’ and ‘white goats’, says Fundikila Wazambi of the Legal and Human Rights Centre in Tanzania. The stigmatisation means that they aren’t able to fully participate in socio-economic activities or access essential social services, and that their freedom of movement is limited. They are blamed for natural disasters like famine, drought or locust invasions by those who believe that albinos are cursed.
BORIS believes in freedom of HIS speech – not others – HA HA HA HA 2023 ….
EXCLUSIVE: Teacher suspended after showing pupils a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed during RE lesson at West Yorkshire school nearly two years ago has a new identity but is STILL in hiding, his family reveals
Family says teacher is still in hiding two years after showing pupils cartoon
Teacher and partner changed their mobile numbers and are not on social media
Sources refused to reveal if he still remains in the teaching profession
UPDATED: 16:44, 7 March 2023
2018 … Boris Johnson faces criticism over burka ‘letter box’ jibe
6 August 2018
2023 … The teacher was forced to flee his home in Batley with his partner and four young children and since then has been living in a secret location outside the Yorkshire area, reports claim. The teacher, who was head of RE at Batley Grammar, has also been given a new identity.8 Mar 2023
Not many Just Stop Oil protesters sitting in the road at Notting Hill.
That’s because the police are too busy dancing to protect them.
They don’t fancy getting stabbed up.
Glastonbury stopped due to Just Stop Oil – oh wait – they have tickets!
MM, wrong time of year for Glasto. Are you thinking of Reading or Leeds?
No, just contemplating that Just Stop Oil will stop other events but not far LEFT ones!
Corbyn declares receiving two free Glastonbury tickets
The Labour leader, according to the latest register of MPs’ financial interests, said he gave the free passes to a family member
BBC local newsPR Saturday
#1 PRasNews for 999 saying be careful with kids and inflatables in the North Sea
#1 PRasNews for Lincoln Steam Punk Festival
6 mins but it is a global scale event
BBC local newsPR Saturday
#2 PRasNews : Smiley and enthusiastic presenter now “Scunthorpe Gay Pride … looks great”
5 mins for a NON-Global event
It did look quite busy for the ever more derelict Scunthorpe town centre which is a don’t-bother-go zone for many
Similar to Hull Gay Pride it looked like someone had taken the council annual kids gala and put a Gay Pride front on it
Rain held off as well
There are other big Bank Holiday events in different places in Scunthorpe they were not PROMOTED in the news bulletins
Countryfile starts “Here we are in Wales
in the bad old days the EVIL EVIL English made everyone call this Brecon Beacons National Park
Now thank God for Glorious Welsh Labour it’s called BannauBrycheiniog”
both presenters smiling
Well it looked like PRasNewsfor Welsh Labour
“Countryfile starts ‘Here we are in Wales in the bad old days the EVIL EVIL English made everyone call this Brecon Beacons National Park. Now thank God for Glorious Welsh Labour it’s called BannauBrycheiniog’… Well it looked like PRasNewsfor Welsh Labour”
No one on Countryfile said any such thing.
No one said anything about “the English”.
No one said anything about “Welsh Labour”.
Why do you lie, StewGreen?
maxincony, here is something far more important for you to consider about taffland …………Great Britain faces the biggest invasion of our shores since 1797 and the BBC hardly mentions it .
“Stop the Boats” Rishi , “Stop the Boats” Rishi!
Our taffmen stopped it back then then .
Over to you Rishi & maxi …….
Maxi Did you seriously think that was a direct quote
and not rhetorical parody of the enthusiastic actual words that the programme started with ?
Watch it on Iplayer as long as you have paid your TV Poll tax
Both smiley smiling
“The Brecon Beacons NP, but now it goes by a different name !
Bannau Brycheiniog !
Bannau Brycheiniog !
Great pronunciation mate !”
.. then obvious political PR words from the Park Authority
“The name Brecon Beacons became ascendant
until earlier this year when the park authority decided to reclaim its Welsh identity “
““The name Brecon Beacons became ascendant…”
Still no mention of “the English” or “Welsh Labour”, Stew; despite your frantic scrambling.
“…rhetorical parody of the enthusiastic actual words…”
Well perhaps you should of made clear that the “actual words” didn’t include anything about “the English” or “Welsh Labour”, before stating that; “it looked like PRasNewsfor Welsh Labour”. Which was a lie based on nothing more than your own… “parody”.
maxi, have you paid your telly tax yet?
“the BBC hardly mentions it…”
What does Rishi Sunak’s promise to stop the boats mean?
How is the UK stopping Channel crossings…
Small boats: Sunak to outline plan to stop migrant crossings
Ministers face renewed pressure over boat crossings
How many people cross the Channel in small boats?
Stopping small boats is ‘priority’ for British people, says Rishi Sunak
Rishi Sunak: Hurdles in the race to pass Illegal Migration Bill
Government introduces a new plan to stop migrants coming to the UK illegally
Introduce refugee visa to curb Channel boats, urges charity
Sunak says he is up for the fight on illegal Channel crossings
Rwanda policy: Government committed to deportation plan – Braverman
Small boat arrivals to be swiftly removed – Suella Braverman
Will illegal migration bill stop the boats?
On the move: Small boats, big numbers
UK to give £500m to help France curb small boat crossings
Migrant Channel crossings top 10,000 this year
The BBC report most things maxi because they have to in order to appear unbiased – and let trolls like you go on forums to preach how impartial they are.
But as I’ve shown here many times, if they don’t want people to see it they put it straight into ‘regions’ or put it up on the front page at midnight then remove it by breakfast.
Just one example of the ‘impartial and unbiased’ BBC’s dirty leftist trickery to lie to people without leaving anything proveable. They have many such tricks – such as a scandalously misleading main-page headline which morphs to something else when you view the page which will actually be archived.
Thankyou, you beat me to it .
maxincony has given us a long list of the Tory government’s failure to defend our land and people .
Er – sorry what ‘Tory government ‘…?
Following on from the claim that the incoming red labour government will fund the public sector from ‘economic growth ‘ and not increasing property taxes – I wonder how that will play out .
‘Economic growth ‘ is not instant – yet the taxes needed to service the huge debt blue labour leaves behind is gonna cost –
Savings made by people during lockdown from unspent furlough cash it being used up by inflation – add to that continuing increasing interest rates and in 2024 the strain will really show …
BTW – haven’t heard much of the BRICS meeting last week – apart from the expansion in 2024….
BBC admits COVID Vaccine is to blame for 2022 being Worst Year for Excess Deaths in Half a Century
Lisa Shaw death: Legal action ‘only option’ for husband
5 April
How politicians learned the power of the gentle nudge
22 July 2015
But the nudgers say there’s nothing underhand about what they are doing. Everything is transparent – and no-one has to do anything they don’t want. Much of it is about making public services easy-to-use and personal – encouraging us to do the right thing.
do the right thing.
do the right thing.
do the right thing.
Just caught part of BBC Countryfile. Segment on dragonflies on some river. Interviewee (presumably angler) explained drop in numbers of dragonflies in that part of the river area. Apparently the little blighters are all heading north and northwest because of, er, 🤔climate change😂😂
“If you phoned Countryfile and said I can make a 30 second statement saying “Climate Crisis”, but I’m in Australia”
They’d probably say “great we’ll fly you over to speak”
Mini YAB is quite the frustrated shrew.
Spain has vast lakes. Apparently.
One of those funny little juxtapositions of a couplet of news item headlines, this time from the BBC News online – where Mr AsI says write your own punchline…
Afghanistan: Taliban ban women from visiting popular national park… Afghanistan’s acting minister of virtue and vice, Mohammad Khaled Hanafi, said women had not been observing hijab inside the park
Labour rules out wealth tax if party wins next election… Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves… ruled out any version of a wealth tax on the richest in society… told the Sunday Telegraph extra money for public services would have to come from economic growth
“Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves… ruled out any version of a wealth tax on the richest in society… told the Sunday Telegraph extra money for public services would have to come from economic growth” – TOdays message can change tomorrow.
Super-rich prepare to leave UK ‘within minutes’ if Labour wins election
This article is more than 3 years old
Wealthy see potential taxes imposed by Jeremy Corbyn as bigger threat than Brexit
Any nice men in frocks?
‘Notting Hill Carnival should move to HYDE PARK’: Ex-top cops warn festival creates ‘perfect storm’ for violence and should be in a private venue so it is easier to contain – as one reveller is murdered, six stabbed, 209 arrested and 74 officers assaultedhttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11159883/Notting-Hill-Carnage-Thug-punches-woman-face-shocking-video-carnival.html
Dig deeper to save the world from pollution – oh wait – ha ha ha ha
“”Our land is drying up and our water is polluted,” says Nati Machaca, one of the protesters manning a roadblock in the village of Purmamarca, high in the Andes mountains.
Ms Machaca is a spokeswoman for the indigenous groups living in Jujuy, a province in northern Argentina.
Jujuy is located in what has become known as the “lithium triangle”, a stretch of the Andes straddling the tri-border area between Argentina, Bolivia and Chile, which holds the world’s biggest reserves of lithium.”
The metal is used to make rechargeable batteries for everything from smartphones to laptops.
It has become especially sought after as electrical cars, which also use lithium in their batteries, are becoming increasingly popular.
Biden’s Busybodies strike again.
Funny how healthy air circulation during the various lockdowns during the covid pandemic has gone out of the window with the Democrat’s ceiling fans!
MADNESS …. 4 February 2022
Firefighters have called for the Scottish government to resolve concerns over school safety following reports that classroom doors could be trimmed.
The Fire Brigades Union (FBU) has requested immediate talks to address “mixed messaging” around fire safety and the ventilation required to reduce coronavirus risks.
Councils have a new fund to improve classroom airflow to slow Covid spread.
Nicola Sturgeon said cutting the bottom off some doors was “common sense”.
It’s a sad day in America when a mobster is more credible than politicians.