This thread covers the 15th of September – which I’m sure the BBC would like British People to Forget ,,, and if you don’t know what 15th September commemorates – the wokes have succeeded … lest we forget .
Midweek 13th September 2023
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There is also footage circulating of a comely Spanish TV reporter – live on air – being accosted by some chap in broad daylight …
The footage is interesting in that the young lady tried to play it down whilst the male father figure anchor in the studio rightly had a WTF moment …. The groper ( sex offender ) has since been arrested …
WHY does he bang on the back doors, Instead just get out of the way?
Looks like he wants to get run over.
Vile is one training wheel short of stability.
The red labour leader seems to think he will be able to do a deal with the French enemy to stop illegal invasions into England
Every time there has been a discussion about physically stopping the boats on enemy French beaches ‘the terrain is too difficult ‘ ‘not enough enemy French plod ‘ – so how can it be different with red labour ? It can’t . Unless we start to physically stopping them to getting to the English coast by sinking boats or pushing them back of putting into floating prisons in the channel for deportation to the Falklands – nothing will change …
Jeremy Vile crash.
What the hell was he doing?
Despite some professor on YouTube saying the opposite Vine’s traffic light was on red. I don’t know the junction, people claim the van made an illegal right turn, I’m not convinced. However Vine sounds his horn a number of times before going through his red light. From my knowledge of road collisions, if you have time to sound the horn you should have applied the brakes and stopped, he ploughed on regardless. I’m not certain but the van may have been making a legal turn and thought Vine’s horn was telling him something was wrong so stopped and reversed
It’s noticeable that Vine’s horn is very loud indeed, it seems he needs it to be.
The outgoing PM is looking as though none of his 5 pledges will be met . Inflation won’t be halved – in fact with oil prices rising inflation could stay higher too . The NHS remains a parasite on taxpayers – borders won’t be controlled – he must be looking forward to LA and US citizenship
Sarah Everard: Vigil protesters’ emotional on-camera reunion
Could so easily have been for Sabina Nessa who also initially got the vigils – but not for long because they stopped the instant the activists discovered it wasn’t a white male as expected but a man called Koci Selamaj.
“…they stopped the instant the activists discovered it wasn’t a white male as expected but a man called Koci Selamaj.”
Koci Selamaj was charged with the murder of Sabina Nessa on 26th September 2021.
A vigil for Sabina Nessa was held in Eastbourne nine days later on 5th October 2021.
It seems to be a common feature amongst racists that they feel the need to excuse their own bigotry by projecting it onto others. Why do you think that is, John? Some sort of cognitive dissonance perhaps?
Maxi got the Thursday night shift again – defend your BBC
maxi – leave the cut and paste crap for another time.. your superiority thing is tedious …
Strong words from someone with the ethics of a forum troll there maxi.
Show me some posts where I say something specifically racist. And none of your usual out-of-context lies.
My posts usually highlight the racist left. Which is you.
Of course in your blinkered little bubble, it’s not possible to be racist against white people is it ?.
‘Racism is discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity.’
Would you say – for example – deliberately over-representing black people in situations which would be white people (like every TV program, advertisement and the pictures the BBC select from Getty these days) is racist maxi ?.
Take a look in a mirror before you call anyone else racist.
BBC UK front page: I can see picture of:
8 white women, 2 BAME women and 1 white male.
Look at the ‘random’ picture the BBC chose for the article about cutting hospital waiting lists:
Look carefully : there is nobody on the table.
A complete lie made up simply to be sexist AND racist. Total hypocrites. Just about sums you and the BBC up maxi.
Crawl back under your rock where trolls belong.
Hey JohnC – I think you meant crawl back into your Petrie dish.
lol, he can go anwhere as long as he takes his toxic hate-cloud with him.
Contexts there … People use rhetoric to make their point
Making firm statements such as “that all stopped” is asking for trouble .
Here the comparisons are a bit apple vs oranges
– Sarah Everard : huge protest DURING COVID on 13 March AFTER perp was arrested, fueled by fact he was a policeman
– Sabina Nessa : nurmerous vigils BEFORE suspect was arrested Sep 26, 2021
.. then just ONE vigil afterwards with 200 people, an that was cos it was in the town the perp lived
There was a vigil in Eastbourne on Oct 5th
There was a special reason in that case
And that was cos Koci Selamaj, lived in Eastbourne and was arrested there.
I think John’s general point was that BEFORE Koci Selamaj was arrested on September 26 in Eastbourne
the vigils for Sabina Nessa seemed frequent and large
then after the momentum seems to drop off
with the one vigil being 200 people at Eastbourne
That’s what I see on a Twitter search
Vigils prior to the arrest
Sep 25, 2021 #Edinburgh vigil for Sabina Nessa.
Sep 24, 2021 Pegler Square London “full to the brim of people” “At least 500 people”
Sep 24, 2021 Cardiff “dozens”
Sep 24, 2021 Stroud “about 50 people joined a vigil”
Sep 24, 2021 Brighton “hundreds”
Whereas Sarah Everard’s vigils were large
And occurred 33 hours AFTER the perp was arrested
You can’t say that was cos the perp was white, but rather him being a police officer led to there bing more people at the vigils
– 14 March 2021: “vigils held across country”
Even a week later there were vigils : 20 March 2021: Exeter Cathedral
One guy sums up the difference
Sarah Everard case “It’s not a vigil it’s a left wing protest.”
I think if you looked at lefty Twitter accounts you would have seen them tweet a lot about the Sabina Nessa a lot
and then after the non-white guy was arrested their twets almost stopped
Thanks for that Stew.
I was going on my recollection of the events, not on any specific record. Your explanation sums up what I remember perfectly.
I’ll await my apology from maxi.
It is like Rayner, who is allowed (except by Brillo) to ignore a question and gobble out ‘what I am saying is…’ when she doesn’t know herself.
ITV local news
very little real news
PRasnews #1 Tomorrow is World Afro Day
.. FFS hardly anyone in the Hull Lincoln region has afro hair
PRasnews #2 Someone local raised some money for charity
PRasnews #3 It was the Parliamentary Dog Show today
I had the misfortune to be in the same room as ITV local news last night-
– illegal migrants complaining about their accommodation. This includes a room wired up for computers for them to use- but no computers! Oh the horror! The usual bedwetting liberals wringing their hands in sympathy.
– NHS staff feeling sorry for themselves- what’s new?
– wimpy males getting uptight about their mental health- join the Army ffs, that will sort you out.
-best of all, black women feeling sorry for themselves and their afro hair- and no less than five minutes devoted to afro hair day which is today apparently.
The only real news was two minutes given to A la Ronde, the local National Trust property. Even then one of those interviewed was wearing a mask.
I could not believe the level of cr*p shown by this programme. I expect the BBC is like it every day.
On Dewbs tonight they were talking about the 20mph zones.
The leftie said they reduce pollution.
Nobody picked him up on that.
If you travel at 20mph instead of 30mph the journey will take 50% longer so you are running your engine for longer.
For example, if your journey is 30 miles it will take one hour but at 20mph it will take one and a half hours. (I know speed varies but you get the idea)
You will also be in a lower gear meaning higher revs.
Anyway, we all know it’s not about pollution or accidents, it’s all about getting ever more money from the easy targets, motorists.
Also, why do people say they have nobody to vote for (tonight it was because the main three are more or less all pro mass immigration) when there is Reform and UKIP plus some other smaller Parties who WILL tackle these problems.
Not true. The constituency I live in almost always just has LibLabGreenCon. In other words, no choice at all.
Emmanuel Goldstein,
“If you travel at 20mph instead of 30mph the journey will take 50% longer so you are running your engine for longer.”
That might be true on clear roads out in the countryside but in built up areas you’re just going to spend more of your journey sat still, in a queue behind other cars.
Average traffic speeds in inner London are currently 12.5 mph.
Nice reply maxi.
Unfortunately it has nothing whatsoever to do with 20mph limits vs 30mph limits. And anyway, most modern cars will stop the engine while you are queueing so it WILL run for a shorter time.
Both Maxi and Emmanuel Goldstein are wrong there
The average speed in London and the cruising road speed limits are two different things
cos the journey doesn’t not just consist of only CRUISING,
but also WAITING at junctions/traffic lights/stuck in traffic
and PULLING-away time
If you raised the speed limit to 100mph then the speed in cruising sections would speed up, but not the waiting time or pulling-away times
So going from 30mph to 20 You can’t just assume roadspeed drops by a third
If a 30 min journey consists on 10 min cruising, 10 mins waiting, 10 mins pulling away
The cruising section would take 15 minutes instead
of 10
ie overall journey time is 35 mins vs 30
The pollution/fuel does go uP
It is close to zero for waiting, same for pulling away as for 20 and 30
but higher each minute cruising at 20mph , cos it’s a less efficient burn .. and you are taking 15 mins instead of 10
I actually betting most fuel use is in the pulling-away section
Say twice as much as cruising So fuel use was 2 units plus 1 unit
may well be 2 units plus 1.4 units
Call that a 10% overall fuel/pollution rise
“……it’s all about getting ever more money from the easy targets, motorists.”
Not forgetting the Council Tax payers for the signage and Counclil workers/materials/cameras.
CO2 is 0.04% of our atmosphere. So this Aussi is saying what is all the fuss about:
He also nails the climate panic people nicely.
CO2 is 96.5% of Venus’s atmosphere, and astronomers know how to calibrate the warming. Venus with a quarter of a million times more carbon dioxide than the Earth provides the best answer to the problem. The temperature on Venus at the altitude that has identical pressure to that on the Earth’s surface is 1.176 times the Earth’s average surface temperature. The radiating temperature of Venus is 1.176 times that of the Earth, proving that input from the Sun and a change to thermal inertia due to pressure as a precise function of altitude are all that is needed to calculate the atmospheric greenhouse effect on Venus:
So we have warming by molar mass, not by radiative forcing. On Earth Nitrogen is the main Greenhouse gas at 100.6 Kelvin and Oxygen imparts 30.3 Kelvin. Argon is third accounting for 1.7 Kelvin, and Water vapour is fourth accounting for 0.3 Kelvin. Carbon Dioxide only produces 0.0532 Kelvin by molar mass. But we have only 4 percent of the 400ppm of CO2 being man-made and volcanic. That’s 10ppm for Volcanic and 6ppm for Man-made CO2 which has contributed only 0.0008 Kelvin to Global Warming. So if Britain is responsible for 1.1 percent of the 0.0008 Kelvin. Then Britain has contributed 0.0000088 Kelvin to Global Warming.
So then what causes the Climate to change? Astronomers from William Herschel onwards had known about correlation’s between Climate Change and Sun Spot numbers, this was followed by more accurate correlation’s with Solar Cycle Length and then finally, the Hale Magnetic Solar Cycle. By 2018 it had been established that these correlation’s are caused by the speed of the centre of the Sun relative to the centre of mass or barycentre of the Solar System, which determines the length of the solar cycles, or more importantly the Hale Magnetic Solar Cycle. This in turn is caused by the orbits and masses of the Planets:
Here’s the video Atlas_shrugged mentioned above
It was Alan Jones on May 20, 2019
Lefties asked for fact checks
Alan spoke 100% truthfully
The crooked Biden family exposes are landing all over the place. What the hell will it take to get the BBC to come clean on this evil family who have the most powerful country in the Western World under their control. And what will it take to make the US public wake up and smell the coffee?
If they get away with this shit it signals the end of the USA as a free and democratic country.
It will be reduced to a South American third world shit hole.
It practically is Digg. Look at the mess San Francisco et al are in thanks to democrat control.
You’d think the BBC might comment on Argentina ….
fat chance
I suspect they don’t know how to deal with Javier Milei – he’s going to get heavily smeared at some stage but they haven’t yet figured out how to do it and also hide Javier’s message!
But the do comment on banana republics.
“Who would have thought we’d end up like a South American banana republic”
Commons Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle reflects on the changes in Parliament since he took over in 2019
Sources close say.
Friday is Battle of Britain day . What would Blighty look like if Operation Sealion had been successful ? 1. Britain would have become part of a European Economic Community – lots of Britons would have experienced other European countries – there would be free movement – the British state would be part of Greater Europe . There would be a choice of supermarkets – perhaps LIDL and ALDI … living standards would reward Party members – people would be expected to work for a living … dissenters would be cancelled – but otherwise there’d be free speech – as long as it was ‘approved ‘ . …
In truth those who paid the ultimate sacrifice 1939 – 1945 have been betrayed by a corrupt system which shames our country .
So many lives wasted for nothing .
Finally the green deal is showing its consequences which in the case of Tata steel looks like thousands being made unemployed. I wonder how long the men in suits in the green organisations are going to get away with this absolute bollocks before Joe Public tells them to take a long walk off a short pier.
Tata is simply the beginning and I think the greenies will be very happy to see huge mass unemployment to realise their warped dream as unemployed people don’t consume resources and they, the educated greenies will be among the lucky ones to still have pseudo jobs at universities and suchlike.
What will provide the on-demand electricity to power the new electric arc furnaces ?
Does the BBC horribly distort histories ?
Unfortunately for the BBC. All the Roman Emperors have a Bust, and ‘All’ are White. Some Romans where born in North Africa. Severus was also related to the Phoenicians, who were also immigrants to North Africa. Even the native Barbarians or Berbers are white skinned natives of the Mediterranean Crescent. The Black Africans were brought to North Africa by the slave trade. First by the Egyptians up the Nile and then by the Berbers, Moors and Arabs across the Sahara Desert. The out of Africa theory means that Black people were the most advanced people 100,000 years ago, but because those who left Africa evolved into more advanced races, that created advance civilisations, they are now the most backward and least intelligent people on Earth. Its why left-wing people like them more than any other race. So the first people in Britain were primitive hunter gatherers who were then exterminated by the more advanced lighter skinned farmers who arrived 6,000 years ago.
It’s worthy of Goebbels.
“Ukraine’s Zelensky expected to meet Biden during US trip”
“US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Ukraine last week to announce the newest aid package amounting to more than $1bn (£800bn).”
Some exchange rate…
“It comes as a growing number of US Republicans – including several running for president in 2024 – voice opposition to continued assistance to Ukraine.”
I guess that’s the nearest we’re getting to calls for peace talks.
We have started to get these little ‘hints’ that Ukraine might not win after all and the groundwork is being laid to ease us into the fact that Russia are going nowhere so all this cash is being turned into ash. I would not be surprised if peace talks have already started in secret – and probably without Ukraine being involved.
Unfortunately I don’t think Russia have any intention of letting it end now unless a guarantee is given that Ukraine does not subsequently join NATO. And that will be a massive climbdown by the USA + EU.
Target to cut hospital waiting list in doubt – PM
An excellent example of what the BBC has become:
Look : Black and white female doctors doing the operation with an old whitey spectating.
Except there is nobody on the table. It is fake, sexist and racist all in one !.
How very BBC (and Getty).
Edit: I made this comment on the BBC HYS and it was VERY quickly deleted.
Apparently pointing out that the BBC have used a completely fake picture is ‘derailing the discussion onto a different topic.’.
lol – you could not make it up.
BBC typical tea drinkers.
Caption: Harrison can’t be sure how long it took to find just the right image.
There is an HYS.
Comment posted by Kat, at 16:56 14 SepKat
16:56 14 Sep
Why does the BBC think it ok to treat these marketing gimmicks as news? They might as well get paid to advertise these products, ditch the tv licence and appease the right-wing press
Here’s the author:
Who describes himself as:
‘a well-rounded and award-winning print journalist with broad experience of breaking exclusive and investigative stories.’
‘I was previously The Guardian’s Student Reporter of the Year, a reporter for The Guardian and a Scott Trust bursar.’
I can summarise what he is in 4 letters.
How the BBCnews story appears on my screen
sidebar has some black trivia news too
On that page sidebar the BBC lists 12 Feature articles
4 seem to be Black/Africa
BBC sees Grenfell as a black issue
One extra is about the Libyan dam burst, but that is actual news
The BBC makes it up all the time.
The comments are worth checking.
Seems Labour troll farms were busy with ‘relevant’, approved comments.
It’s very, very obvious now when the troll-farm has been engaged.
Out of the blue we get hundreds of comments which read like spiteful children wrote them and they get upticks in the ratio of about 10:1 in favour of the Leftist agenda.
Contrast to ‘normal’ HYS where the comments are reasonable and upticks tend to be 3:1 against the Leftist agenda.
It makes complete fools of the BBC. But their general standard of staff is so low now, I doubt they even realise.
You’re right just added a suitable comment and it’s gone….shows just how efficient the Biased BBC are !
Make sure to keep a record Charlie. If sufficient momentum ever gets going against them and their outrageous agenda bias, have the evidence on hand to add to the pot.
If you can be bothered, report the comments which rant about the government with the complaint of their new reason-to-reject of ‘‘derailing the discussion onto a different topic.’’.
I think that they will only delete a Lefty comment if it exactly matches the reason you reported it. They won’t delete it otherwise even if it breaks every other rule in their book.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
It seems – then – that wales is going to a 20mph speed limit . So we are likely to see more accidents involving bicycles speeding past motor vehicles ….
…. But is nt 20mph a bit fast ? Surely 15 mph is safer ? And maybe people could be employed to run in front of vehicles with a red flag .
And surely every road should have a speed camera to detect anyone doing 21 mph . I bet the BBC loves this ..
Maybe roads should be done away with too …
There is a madness now
The problem with 20mph is that you spend more time checking your speedo than watching out for all those children you are expected to hit.
Surely banning cars altogether will cut road deaths to zero – the ultimate goal ?.
The madness theme is spreading – from the ULEZ to the 20 mph limit – where is the huge public demand for this ? There isn’t one. The maths used is mad . They claim lives will be saved . The NHS won’t be stressed . Following that mad argument any human activity costs the NHS – so reduce human activity . In fact reduce the number of humans as well – let’s kill off the economically unproductive – the young and the old … and child under 16 and anyone over – say 66 – no need for schools – huge savings on pensions … brilliant … good for the funeral industry …
It’s what happens when people without common sense get into positions of power. And the the Left in general have none.
What irks me is how one child being killed can change the law for the whole country if the activists turn it into a big issue to ‘make sure it never happens again’, yet dozens of children can stab and murder dozens more children in Londonistan and it all goes under the carpet because it doesn’t suit the activists other agendas.
There is, as anyone with an iota of education in physics (or a modicum of common sense) will tell you, a direct correlation between speed of impact and injury/fatality. Further, it’s not a linear correlation, but an exponential one, an impact by a vehicle traveling at 30 MPH is 10 times (or something) more likely to be fatal than one with a vehicle traveling at 20 MPH, and by the time we get to a speed of 60 MPH, frankly, you’ve had it.
Ergo, the only logical solution is to stop all vehicles from moving entirely. Incredibly at a velocity of 0 MPH, the risk of fatality, or severe injury approaches zero, although never actually reaching zero entirely, due to factors such as running headfirst into one, or tripping over and banging your head on the ground.
Therefore, I have written to Messers Khan and Drakeford proposing an immediate and complete ban on the movement of all vehicles in their jurisdictions, as the only logical approach to forever reducing the scourge that is vehicular impact injury and fatality, which has for far too long (at least the last 2000 years) plagued this country.
Reduce the population to zero net zero.
You nicely expose the SpeedCon that is being used in our cities supposedly to make things safer. It is true that in a crash at lower speed people are more likely to survive. So What?
That is not really how vulnerable people are getting killed. In many crashes the speed of all vehicles is legal and also low (e.g. less than 10 mph). It is junctions that kill people. The recent Vine crash is a good example of a low speed crash. He needs his own hyperloop tunnel then everybody would be happy.
20 mph, like speed humps, is part of the big swindle that forces people to use more fuel. Did you know it costs 10p to commute over a speed hump (according to my maffs).
don’t give Drakeford’s baboons inspiration.
Well, the Welsh did vote for the idiots in charge. They have nothing to complain about.
Dickie – I disagree – drakeford says the policy is legitimate because it was in the manifesto . Yet how often are manifestos ignored ? Or just not implemented ?
A mature approach would be to have referenda on such issues – but they’ll never happen after the brexit vote .
Also – governing parties should be challenged on how much of their manifestos was implemented – what the failed on – and what they succeeded on . But that doesn’t happen because the media prefer combat – beating up the blue labour candidates as if they are different from the red ones …
I’m going for 10mph from Monday.
Labour? – 25 years in office in Cardiff. Likely assured of another 25………
“My father and his father always voted Labour”.
Vogue world edition
In the week that our jokey, blokey, animal loving (except for the sea gulls) Daily Star frets: Stinging red fire ants dubbed ‘world’s most invasive species’ set to invade Britain… Study leader Roger Vila, of Spain’s Institute of Evolutionary Biology, said that half of the urban areas in Europe would be climatically suitable for the ‘establishment of this invasive species’ – let’s hope prof Roger Vila didn’t celebrate with a big sloppy Latin kiss on the face of his assistant Alejandra at the sucessful conclusion of their entomological research – I joke of course, it’s just that the name Roger Vila caused football to pop into my mind and our BBC has now forever implanted the thought association of transgressive patriarchal univited smooching with association football. I digress.
And what we wonder would left-leaning US corporate media giant CNN be talking about on 911 – other than: ‘We knew this day would come’: One of world’s most invasive species reaches Europe… Shown here is a close-up of a red fire ant, an invasive ant species that has spread around the world. (CNN, 11th September)
The only way to measure the success of an ant colony would tend to be by the sheer number of ants crawling around within said colony…
And so it is with modern globalist corporate political economists…
Hoots mon… the not enough true Scotsmen fallacy
Scotland population blow… The population of Scotland grew by 2.7 per cent in the past decade, the slowest rate in any part of the UK, intesifying concerns about depopulation and rural labour shortages (FT)
However, a little bit of depopulation might perhaps ease the UK’s housing crisis – among other of our manifold growing pains, just as a for instance. Yet our policy makers insist ‘Line Must Go Up !‘
Woke watch
Now even the points of the compass are racist: Why the ‘Global South’ tag is patronising Alan Beattie (FT)
The ants could soon spread all over Europe, the researchers warned, since 7% of the continent — including large urban areas like Barcelona, Rome, London and Paris — has a climate that’s suitable for the species, according to a model made by the study authors. (CNN) – Barcelona, Rome, London and Paris… I’ve heard of the tale of The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse (Aesop’s Fables) but city ants?
Moving on from that much-loved arena of computer modelling – which in this science alarmist iteration reads like the store front of a high fashion house: Barcelona, Rome, London and Paris – neatly to red carpet fashion photography – a firm favourite for our latterday full colour pictorial-minded media
I don’t in this context refer to the FT’s frontpage large format fan pin-up pic of: Christine Lagarde speaks in Frankfurt, Germany, yesterday… – the EU insiginia backdrop nicely provides a starry halo for the ECB president and gloablist starlet
Rather the Daily Mail takes us: Inside Vogue World… The stars align for London’s answer to the Met Gala – because of course we have to ape American culture
Bump in the night: Sienna Miller at the party (Daily Mail); Just Swell… Sienna makes an entrance… the 41-year-old actress, chose a novel way to confirm she is pregnant in an outfit revealing her bump (Telegraph) – frankly, I don’t get this celebration of the bump fashion, give me old-time modest and stylish maternity wear on my preggers bun-in-the-oven females. As for your outfit, Sienna, luv – you look as though you were just passing by a laundry and they threw a heap of rumpled old white bedsheets over you, everywhere excepting your bare midriff.
Suits you Kate Winslet at Vogue World in London (Times) – in a white pant suit with trousers apparently made for a much larger woman.
Glamour Rita Ora and Twiggy (Daily Mirror) – good to see our Rita overcoming her previous embarrassment and getting out and about again: Rita Ora still “incredibly embarrassed” over lockdown-breaking birthday party. The singer broke COVID regulations by hosting the bash in West London last year (Joe Goggins, Rolling Stone, December 2021) – and if the name Joe Goggins isn’t a made-up journalistic pseudonym, then you can ignore my hot takes.
As for: Sarry, starry night Anna Wintour… (Guardian) – I know it’s a conspiracy theory that’s out there with the death of Paul McCartney back in 1966, but I reckon that’s really Andy Warhol’s alta ego just pretending to be Anna Wintour in a silver wig hiding behind those big sunshades: Style queen: Anna Wintour last night (Mail)
And if Winslet, Miller – and even the FT’s pin-up girl, Lagarde, don’t floats yer boat all decked out in all-white outfits and sporting complexions just too white for you – the Mirror comes to the rescue with: A J Odudu – also featured in The Sun: A J’s dressed to frill (rather feaching bright purple pleated number cutaway skirt, long at the back and short at the front reminiscent of Issey Miyake. Sadly the extravagantly big ruffled top and collar makes her look as though her head is at the centre of a red lettuce salad)
And if you don’t like the high fashion news – there’s cheap Pot Noodle adverts for you frontpage of the: Express and Mirror: 70p Tesco Clubcard
Despite: Sainsbury’s and Tesco loyalty card prices not as good as seem, says Which? (BBC)
I think I’m getting addicted to going to sainsburys and doing the ‘smartshop ‘ to see if I get searched at the checkout . I achieved 6 out of 6 with one of them emptying my entire bag – and I hadn’t even nicked anything …. I wonder if I’ve been tagged as a sainsburys security risk ?
Free massage from the security guy!
The BBC very obviously thinks hyperinflation in Argentina is less important than Princess Diana’s jumper
Dove soap makes you fat?
The United Nations has announced a global effort to police the Internet for any “misinformation” that threatens the “issues and causes.”
Ok I heard a r4 trailer for ‘the re union ‘ where a Scottish production company woman called Kirsty interviews ‘the black woman art collective ‘ — i spluttered my breakfast tea with laughter … right on sistas – right on …
Race report: ‘UK not deliberately rigged against ethnic minorities’
31 March 2021
I think I know the answer. . . .
All empires and civilizations eventually come to an end.
We are living at the start of the demise of western civilization, a bit like the year 350AD in Rome. The last 400 years has been great but now its ending.
Accept it, live a happy life and just be glad we wont be around when Europe becomes South Africa.
‘An explosion’: what is behind the rise in girls questioning their gender identity?
Yes – fraid so – but at least the decline will have cleaner air ( ULEZ ) and slower cars – 10mph – down from 20mph with most road closed for Jeremy vine and the cycling nazis
Coal power plant permitting, construction starts and new project announcements accelerated dramatically in China in 2022, with new permits reaching the highest level since 2015. The coal power capacity starting construction in China was six times as large as that in all of the rest of the world combined.27 Feb 2023
August 18, 2011
Well, now: America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It was about the impending collapse of all of the Western world except America.
The good news is that the end of the rest of the West is still on schedule. The bad news is that America shows alarming signs of embracing the same fate, and then some.
NON TOADY Watch #1 – Brilliant Matt cartoon in the Telegraph!
Prince Harry celebrates birthday with beer and bratwurst in Dusseldorf
Prince Harry, who turns 39 on Friday, was taken out by his wife, Meghan, and Archewell staff in Dusseldorf as they attend Invictus Games
The Beebonc plague, at last, has been dragged to the typewriter to write something about the Biden criminal farce…
Here are the first few lines, so you’ll see the sort of content wthout bothering to read the rest of the borrocks!
“Politically speaking, there are currently two Americas.
One is outraged and horrified that the former president, Donald Trump, is facing 91 federal and state criminal charges in what they see as a deep state conspiracy orchestrated in part by Joe Biden’s Department of Justice.
The other believes that very same justice department has spent five years unfairly pursuing Mr Biden’s son, Hunter, over his tax affairs and behaviour while a self-declared and repentant drug addict.”
They just can’t drop their hatred for Former President Donald Trump can they!
(If there are any English Language experts/pedants here who can be bothered to answer, there’s a literary term for this sort of disguised smear writing isn’t there? Answers on a Walkers Crisp packet please).
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
Sorry mate but I never buy Walkers Crisps owing to their connection with one Gary Lineker and I can’t be arsed to scour our local parks for one.
However I shall be interested to see how many cases of cardiac arrest there are among the wokery should Mr Trump win the next election.
‘Sorry mate but I never buy Walkers Crisps owing to their connection with one Gary Lineker’
lol – and I thought it was just me.
Seabrooks every time now.
Foreign diplomats owe London £150 million in congestion charge debt, junior foreign minister David Rutley has revealed. That amounts to £18.60 per Londoner, or roughly half a round at the Red Lion…
Diplomats claim the charge is a tax (understandably), which would make them exempt from paying it.
“In the interrogation bit, he gets destroyed, absolutely destroyed. At the time I thought, ‘Oh, hang on, maybe this is a bit much?’ But no, he deserved it.”
The series kicks off on 26th September. Matt claimed it was “one of the toughest physical and mental things” he’s ever done. The £45,000 check should help ease the pain…
he deserved it … laughs all way to bank … £45,000
Rishi who? Sunak slips down pecking order in G20 scramble to court India
The British PM did eventually meet his counterpart at the Delhi summit – but after a day’s wait, and without an impressive photo op
India and the UK are respectively the fifth and sixth biggest economies in the world, and the two countries’ leaders had been scheduled to meet a day earlier, at Modi’s grand residence in New Delhi. But diplomacy can be brutal and Sunak found himself, if not exactly snubbed, certainly shunted down the pecking order.
Anyone seen this:
“BBC sparks race row as it’s accused of ‘rewriting history’ – Viewers demand end of funding for broadcaster”
Absolutely, I’m not a BBC viewer (anymore), but I think an end to funding of the BBC sounds good too, in the meantime, please don’t feed the beast – end your licence payments today!
I thought this comment was so true:
There are very few recent series we watch on any of the main channels as they are historically unrealistic, and often the characters have been given 21st Century attitudes and dialogue not of the times. Deliberate mind altering and influence and completely inaccurate.”
And this reply to it:
Reply to Natterbox – view message
There is a program on Amazon Prime called the wheel of time, it’s a fantasy thing and boy is it! They have peasant villages where there are quite a variety of races, which is weird because isolated villages don’t have varied genetics!”
Have been ‘watching’ (it’s been on in the background) the ‘Witcher’ series on Netflix with the wife and kids. Back in the day (like 25 years ago) I recall reading the novels, which I felt, at the time were pretty good, written by some obscure (then) Polish writer, who gave something of a more Slavic and grown up (racy) theme to his fantasy tales.
For those who haven’t seen them, the Netflix version is rather toned down, except the characters all say ‘fuck’ a lot (don’t recall that from the novels) in that awfully middle class actor manner which just sounds pretentious.
One thing about the Netflix adaptation that really makes me laugh is the ‘woking’ of it all. I don’t recall the ethnicity of many of the characters being mentioned in the books, I kind of pictured them all as typically Slavic – in keeping with the theme. Netflix have made sure that EVERY scene has at least one member of all the world’s major ethnic groups, and at least one member of every significant sexual deviation present. I mean EVERY scene, and just to make sure you get the picture, have lingered longlngly over every gay snog and sex scene, and laid it all on, with a VERY heavy hand.
The plot often involves one of the main characters arriving in some remote hamlet, or tribal encampment, or the like, and even where the entire population consists of maybe 12 souls, cut off from the rest of the world for decades perhaps, or the last remnants of their ‘ancient race’, you have: three black, three yellow, three brown, three white, and at least half gay, or transgender, or ‘elf’, or ‘dwarf’, or whatever.
Part of the plot revolves around a great conflict between rival nations, and rather than (I would have thought cleverly) representing these nations by people of different ‘ethnicity’, nope, EVERY nation has an even and equal mix of each human ethnic group and sexuality, and each weird, non-human ‘race’. Frankly, it’s a missed opportunity and only makes a complicated plot even harder to follow as you try to recall which nation that black lady, who looks, and is dressed in a costume, very similar to two other black ladies, is supposed to be from.
Of course most of the baddies, in fact, all the ‘goons’ are white men, usually with either ‘mockney’ (vile urban scum) or ‘west cuntry’ (ignorant rural thug) accents, and presumably heterosexual – they seem to be a bit ‘rapey’ by inclination, with a liking for girls.
It’s all a complete load of tosh – I gave up trying to keep up with it weeks ago and am just waiting for it to end now, which, if I read the bored tone of the actors correctly, seems to be what most of them feel about it too.
Agree, I’m finding it almost impossible to find anything to watch on Netflix. I watch virgin river (cheesy soap opera type, but amazing British Columbia scenery) and it has become increasingly tick box – new series with new lesbian character, then the romantic couple went camping in the forest…did they come across a bear? No, some kids ran out of the trees followed by their dad and his husband!! And one was Asian 🙄 pathetic. We also watch ‘only murders in the building’ on Disney which is quite funny and Martin short and Steve Martin are v talented. But…they have this ridiculous quota of ‘fucks’ in the script – even older folk, and it’s cringey. Pandering to the youth audience.
Looby,upload an app called Cinema, it’s a bit like Talking Pictures, and believe it or not it’s free. I watched the full series of Harry Bosch by Michael Connelly. Bit sweary but well worth watching, Mrs Voter, watched an American version of Downton Abbey.
The line of reasoning by car haters – that by dropping the speed limit – can be followed in other areas . Dogs . Dogs should be banned because they kill ‘ injure many people each year . Getting rid of dogs would improve the environment – cut air pollution and help us get to green crap zero – and dogs should be licenced – say an annual £300 fee with a chip to kill them if the fee isn’t paid …
“We were like a banana republic, says Speaker”
We are like “a banana republic” under the present politicians and because of the present politicians .
We are in a dire need of competent politicians that have real job experience and have done a real job, not wasted their time and money languishing in ‘Yoonie’
Aged 66, he doesn’t have the air of a man considering retirement; indeed, he is planning to stand again at the next general election as an MP – but as an independent, as Speakers must.
“I’m far too young to retire,” he laughs.
“I have just done my reselection, I reselected myself. I’m a party of one, it was a very easy reselection and it was unanimous.”
“I have just done my reselection, I reselected myself. I’m a party of one, it was a very easy reselection and it was unanimous.”
“Who would have thought we’d end up like a South American banana republic – and that’s what worried me.”
“I have just done my reselection, I reselected myself. I’m a party of one, it was a very easy reselection and it was unanimous.”
“Who would have thought we’d end up like a South American banana republic – and that’s what worried me.”
Second most important item on home page: Luis Rubiales in court in Spain for kissing a woman.
Buried in regions: Ziad Talibi in court in Yorkshire for raping an 11-year-old girl.
The BBC item consists of five sentences, including the headline. The first one tells us that he is a ‘Barnsley man’. The fourth one re-iterates that the accused is ‘from Barnsley’. There seems to be an undue emphasis on him supposedly belonging to Barnsley.
Let’s correct that for you, BBC. He is charged with a crime committed in Barnsley. He might live in Barnsley. He might have even been born in Barnsley (George Orwell was born in Motihari but he wasn’t a Bengali man, Eric Liddell was born in China but he wasn’t a Tientsin man, and Joanna Lumley isn’t a Kashmiri woman despite having been born there). So no, he’s not a Barnsley man.
How’s everyone celebrating World Afro Day today? I’m thinking of heading over to the hair and cosmetic shops in my bit of London and tousling some frizzy hairdos to show my appreciation.
I’ll let you all know how it goes.
Beware of being accused of ‘cultural appropriation’.
The back-to-Africa movement was based on the widespread belief among some European Americans in the 18th and 19th century United States that African Americans would want to return to the continent of Africa. In general, the political movement was an overwhelming failure; very few former slaves wanted to move to Africa.,wanted%20to%20move%20to%20Africa.
“The aim of World Afro Day is to give people with afro hair the confidence to wear it the way they like so that they don’t feel pressure to straighten it.”
I am full on ginger and I demand a World ginger day. I want to wear my hair ginger and not feel pressured to die it any other colour.
Ginger Hair Safe House | Catherine Tate | BBC Studios
“Row over Labour’s small boats plan deepens”
Our so called politicians worry and care more about ‘illegals’ than our ex -servicemen.
Don’t waste your vote by not voting, there are other parties………..
I see the family are back from their holiday in Pakistan. Next up Taqqia, the little girl tripped and fell down stairs and we all fled because we thought the racist uk cops would blame us!
This is turning into a really bad year – first I had to get rid of my car because of ULEZ- now I have to get rid of my nice XL bully dog . Fido used to love going to the park to kill some innocent poodle or similar … and I’m thinking of selling my wilko shares …
Has the BBC cancelled Marianna Spring’s licence ?
.. now more than 10 days since her last tweet
She must be on holiday with Huw Edwards
Meanwhile despite a lefty campaign Dan Wootton is still on GBnews every night
lol – I said the day after she was exposed as a liar that she would go off the radar for a while.
Her reputation is in tatters : surely she can’t continue as one of the BBC’s ‘oracles of truth’ ?.
Jimmy Saville will fix it?
Must be due to take the bee lady seat on”today “
She may be ‘unavailable’ a while longer.
On an earlier post I was saying that travelling in a 20mph zone gives out more pollution than if it was a 30mph zone.
Obviously I realise that people don’t travel at a constant 20 or 30mph for their whole journey and I thought my sentence copied below made this clear.
For example, if your journey is 30 miles it will take one hour but at 20mph it will take one and a half hours. (I know speed varies but you get the idea)
The point is that lowering speed limits will increase journey times and the timings above was just to illustrate how it works.
Maybe it would be clearer if you compared motorway speed limits where car speeds are more constant but it will be true that reducing speed limits will increase journey times and therefore will increase pollution.
I made the point 2 hours ago above
“The average speed in London and the cruising road speed limits are two different things
cos the journey doesn’t just consist of only CRUISING,
but also WAITING at junctions/traffic lights/stuck in traffic
and PULLING-away time”
Then I went through the maths
The journey time increases by about 17%
..and there’s a 10% overall fuel/pollution rise
One issue is that means roads will be 17% more clogged will ambulance and police times not be affected ?
Another discussion : Click the title to see the actual article
I like to leave the engine running that bit longer …
1.Can anyone out there get a FoI going to the biarsed BBC to find out how much they paid Shaker Khan to transport their outlying, extremely well paid staff, through his ULEZ zone? I realise it’s only a week or so, but it would give us some idea how much telly tax is going to cost annually, and how many licences it converts to.
In October 2021, we expanded the Ultra Low
Emission Zone (ULEZ) from central London
up to, but not including, the North and
South Circular roads, making it the largest
zone of its kind in Europe. This expanded
zone, alongside tighter Low Emission Zone
standards for heavy vehicles introduced in
March 2021 across London, is expected to
reduce nitrogen oxide emissions from road
transport by 30 per cent. The expansion of
ULEZ saw income rise from £77m in 2020/21
to £226m in 2021/22.
Page 86 … “Moving London forward safely,
inclusively and sustainably
Annual Report and Statement of Accounts
2021/22 27 September 2022”
Click to access tfl-annual-report-and-statement-of-accounts-2021-22.pdf
Just had a drive through the local Town (Hull) and noticed all the bus shelters have been painted with pictures reflecting local life.
Some had Rugby players, some had Ferries, some had ships and some had paintings of people !.
Can you guess what colour the people were ?.
On a completely different issue : did you know the population of Hull is only 1.2% black ?. BAME don’t come here as a rule because there is no money to be had.
We’re the bus shelters painted black and white on Hessle Road, and red and white on the wrong side of Hull.
Not wanted posters then ?
They aren’t there to want Fed. Which is what makes it so farcical. Almost as bad as a modern episode of Dr Who.
You do get that feeling that things are going mad
* the bBC caught changing white hands to black ones
* bBc removing a cartoon of ” limo Lorna, a green Hypocrite sent up in spittin image style …she is the minister for things going ” round and round” with a penchant for Limousines and private ferries ( to the Isles)
* Nuttery from the nutter in Chief, Humza Useless now claiming
that if they win the most seats he will unilaterally declare “independence” talks with the UK! even more nuts than wee Burney,s de facto referendum.
* and a worrying level of nuttery coming out of all areas of our burgeoning and failing public sector
here,s hoping a new force will arise with a manifesto declaring
a commitment to reduce the public sector as a percentage of GDP to 10% and abolish the Licence fee.
2021 .. BBC is racists.
BBC bans white people from applying for £18,000 trainee job on Springwatch and The One Show
BBC is advertising a one-year trainee production management role in Glasgow
The position is ‘only open to black, Asian and ethnically diverse candidates’
Positive discrimination is illegal but ‘positive action’ is allowed for trainee roles
PUBLISHED: 22:01, 19 June 2021
My dog got bitten by an out of control dog a couple of days ago, in the local park. It was a hefty labXmutt type, and just bolted out of nowhere and attacked mine, who was on his lead at the time, minding his own business.
I had to lay into it quite hard with my wellie, whilst trying to lift mine out of reach (not easy, he’s a big hound with very long legs). The owner, an older guy, maybe in his late 60s, came running up, out of breath, and pulled the dog off, he was really panicking that I’d been bitten. I hadn’t, and at the time couldn’t see any injuries on my dog, so told him “not to worry” and left it at that.
Missed a trick there didn’t I? Should have rolled on the floor holding my ankle and screaming, am sure it would have got on the BBC. Turns out my dog did get an injury, mind, didn’t notice till we got home, am just hoping it doesn’t get infected, like the last time – that was a pricey vet’s bill.
As anyone who knows dogs knows, there are dogs and there are dogs, and there are owners, and there are owners. Most dogs would never dream of turning on a human, and most owners would never let them be out of control enough to do so, but there are some dogs, and some breeds you just can’t trust. We always had a dog, or three, growing up in the country, and my mother always said if any of them ever went for a person (other than those trying to break in), or attacked livestock or another dog, she’d have it put down immediately.
The reality of keeping dogs is that YOU (their owner) are 100% responsible for anything they do, and 100% responsible for keeping them under control, so if they attack someone, it’s 100% on you. If they cause serious harm to someone, unless that person is a burglar breaking into your house, you should face jail time, just as if you’d attacked them yourself – if you can’t accept that, don’t keep a dog.
Me – if the owner was present I’d shoot the dog first – then the owner – but that’s Fed World .. hope you and nice dog not too traumatised ….
I just don’t like dogs . The term owners use ie ‘don’t worry he won’t hurt you ‘ doesn’t carry any weight with me ….
A prize for the first sighting of the chief fact checker ….or Huw ….
As I walk through our local parks and alleyways I do have to sometimes wonder if the occasional fecal waste observed there is a gift from a dog or a dog owner but I have to admit that it is only occasional.
Tomo – theres a bit of me not wanting to thank you
Saz and Wendy clinging to the Dems until the last?
Weekend shift of remedial kids kicking in.
It’s not BBC – but it’s ‘related ‘ C4 has a ‘dispatches special ‘ listed for Saturday Night ? 90 minutes ? Anyway the far left guru Murphy has tweeted ‘somethings up ‘ on X only to take it down an hour later ….
I reckon it’s a desperate attempt to bump the ratings – the mystery of what the programme might be about …. Yawn …. We could waste time putting up suggestions of the ;scandal ‘ it covers – but why bother ? It will just be a blue labour spoiler of outgoing MPs taking bungs in a sting ….
New exciting thread due pretty soon ….
More delusional crap from the Daily Telegraph:
A bunch of degenerates and perverts, stormed a US house office to demand they have the backing of the government to be supported with their depraved lifestyle and attack anyone who protests with the full force of the law and government.
What a sad, sad state the US Government is now in when they afford protection and succour to these perverts through fear and crack down on anyone saying anything against. It is very, very wrong.
It will take a very, very strong American to put these nutters back in their box now and I believe that successive governments have bowed to this shit from these degenerates to try to garner votes for so long its an impossibility now.
Basically it’s the end of true democracy in the USA.
Contrast with the actions they took after the white house gathering.
America is a lost cause and is badly festering from end to end. I think has reached the stage where even leader with balls like Trump would be unable to save it.
I have a relative in Boston who is pushing hard for me to visit but there is absolutely no way I would ever set foot in that country. I think it and its deranged citizens are the core and reason of everything that has gone bad thoughout the Western World over the last 10 years and yes I do mean normalising and acclaiming and even celebrating abnormal sexual behaviour.
God help Americas kids is all I can say!