Weekend 16th September 2023

Lots of Danger – dangerous concrete – dangerous floods – dangerous escaped prisoner -dangerous dogs – and the next danger is ….?

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256 Responses to Weekend 16th September 2023

  1. Up2snuff says:

    Oh oh first again, is that two in a row? I just happened with family to be at the entrance to a factory about to have a guided tour at the beginning of September. The factory was near RAF Leuchars and we were holidaying in Scotland before the dreaded SNP in Government days. At the RAF base they were practising for their Battle of Britain Commemoration display.

    A pilot in a Phantom stood the craft on its tail and went straight up on full-reheat (a.k.a. full throttle). The females in the family were reduced to gibbering idiots and tears. I just stood there with a silly smile on my face saying “Wow!” and wondering whether the heat from the engines would reach us on the ground. It didn’t but it was a warm, sunny day in Scotland which can be unusual.

    I wonder if the BBC acknowldged the debt that we owe to ‘the few’ today of all days?


    • digg says:

      I went to Farnborough Air show many, many years ago as a ten year old boy….

      Three of the then new atomic bomb carrying V bombers, a Vulcan, a Valient and a Victor took off side by side on the runway and went into a vertical climb in close formation firing full on reheat!

      The idea being that they could escape an incoming nuclear attack in minutes and then hit back with nukes as a deterrent.

      It made my ears pop and my chest vibrate but also made me proud to be an English lad!


      • BRISSLES says:

        I remember in the late 60s trundling off to Biggin Hill with mates in a 4 seater Morgan (will never forget that journey – another story), and the highlight was being able to sit in Guy Gibson’s seat in his Lancaster. Few times have I been humbled in my life and that was one of them. Despite its size there was very little room in this plane, and as for the rear gunners space at the back, I was amazed they could do their job in such a cramped space.
        You see photos of this young man and what he achieved before dying at 24, and then you look at 24 year olds you know, and there is simply no comparison


        • Richard Pinder says:

          My Grandad was the Experimental Design Engineer for the Blackburn Buccaneer Project at Brough, East Yorkshire


          • JohnC says:

            I worked at Brough for many years in the airborne software team.

            Before that I was in the RAF and did an ‘experience’ trip to RAF Conningsby where I got to climb inside the intake of a Phantom not long after it had landed. Hot, shiny and smelled of parafin as I remember. I also saw a Jaguar tickle a target with it’s gun on the range there before an A10 came and demolished the whole lot :-).

            Happy days …


            • Up2snuff says:

              JohnC, that was an experience, climbing in an intake. I seem to recall someone recently getting too close to the intake of an idling about-to-take-off commercial aircraft and getting sucked in to the engine where they were shredded by the blades. Cleaning that lot up must have been an unwelcome task for some engineers and ground staff.

              Those Grummans Wartgogs are fairly evil, aren’t they. I was weekending down on the Kent coast, long before I came to live in Kent. There was a perceptible wooshing sound from the turbo fan engines before this black, sinister, craft carrying US markings and full complement of ground attack weapons flew by at low level. Eerie! I guess it was stationed at one of the US bases or at Coltishall as it was the 1980s and things were a bit fragile in Eastern Europe at the time.


          • Up2snuff says:

            Richard, I built a Buccaneer (in plastic!) and it had its place on the wire strand system across picture rails in a childhood bedroom. Mind you it had to fight for space with WW2 monoplanes and a biplane (Gloster Gladiator, heroic fighter from Malta) but by the time I was ten, eleven or twelve years old I had developed an obsession with WW1 aircraft for which I blame W.E. Johns.

            Airfix must have made a fortune out of me.


            • Scroblene says:

              The Beaufighter had wheels which actually turned on an axle!

              The Gladiator was the best one to make though!

              Did you paint yours before you stuck them together? I couldn’t wait for the paint to dry, and at two bob a pop, those kits were going to get a right seeing to, then I’d paint them if I felt they needed it! After all, they were mostly grey anyway…

              Happy days…


              • Up2snuff says:

                Scrobie, I built one of those also. Seem to recall that Biggles ‘Went East’* on a mission with some Beaufighters. I used to paint the pilots, I was that much of an addict.

                There was a TV series, can’t remember what it was called, that featured the Lysander (built by Westland, was it?) taking agents to France to help the French resistance in WW2 but also pick up ‘downed aircrew’ from improvised airfields. I recall the Lysander being very tricky to make with the high-wing monoplane and the ‘wheel arch’ extensions. Very easy to end up with a wonky wing Westland!

                Just remembered the TV programme title: ‘Moonstrike’.

                (* cannot remember the book title, I probably still have it somewhere.)


                • Up2snuff says:

                  Scrobie, my defective memory kicked in while I was making some scrambled eggs for tea. (Rather better than the BBC’s pathetic attempt: https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/techniques/how_to_cook_scrambled_eggs)

                  The W.E. Johns book was called ‘Biggles in Borneo’, set toward the end of WW2.


                • Scroblene says:

                  Aaaah! The Lysander – the plane to drop the ‘spies’ in France!

                  Yes, it was a tricky one to make, and I can now remember , after all these years, my good friend Davidson Minor explaining how beautiful a plane it was despite the odd, angular wing structure!

                  My dad bought me a PE jet model kit oce, and it only had a couple of wings and a tail to stick together! I was not impressed!


          • BRISSLES says:

            My great Uncle (Herbert Weaver) was in the RAF during the war, and ended up running The Buccaneer pub in Brough !!


        • Up2snuff says:

          Brissles, my dear old thing (well, it was the cricket season and Englands thumping of NZ got a passing mention before the footy and rugger and nags), a Morgan 4+4, wow! And to Biggin as well. Been there a couple of times, taking my youth group on one occasion and then going alone for a significant anniversaire of the Battle of Britain. Am deeply envious of you getting to sit in Guy Gibson’s seat! Yes, the planes were incredibly cramped. WW2 Aircrew were heroes and yoof of today just no comparison.

          My favourite Biggin memory is of a supercharged Spitfire (can’t remember the Mk. no.) doing a strafing demo. It went up to about 500 feet (height limit ‘cos Biggin is on a route into Gatwick or Heathrow or both) and came screaming down with guns blazing (firing blanks) and dummy charges were detonated along the sides of the runway to simulate bullet strikes. I remember it gave me the shivers and if I had been a German infantryman I would have thrown my gun away and surrendered immediately.


          • Up2snuff says:

            Brissles, the Buccaneer as an aircraft was quite versatile, could be carrier borne at sea or land based.


        • Scroblene says:

          Try this for a sight of the Air Aces and many more…

          Worth a view again!


      • Up2snuff says:

        digg, the V bombers on full reheat didn’t half make a racket. When I was younger I used to like that sort of thing. Now I find dogs yapping and helicopters chattering an annoyance.


        • Lunchtime Loather says:

          No V bombers were fitted with re-heat.


        • Scroblene says:

          I went to some Kent business bash at the old Folkestone Racecourse some years ago, and we were given seats at the top of the stand to watch a Lancaster, a Spitfire and a Hurricane fly by at GL!

          It was just fantastic, we were almost looking down into the cockpits!

          Not as scary as seeing the Vulcan bomber at Biggin though – it all went dark when it went over and frightened the life out of me and the family!


          • Up2snuff says:

            Scrobie, not long after I moved to Kent, I went up to a classic car show on Tankerton slopes and the ‘Battle of Britain’ flight were scheduled to make an appearance in the afternoon. They came past in a formation of wing across ie side by side. Then the Lancaster made a very slow turn and nearly collected either the Hurricane or Spitfire in the rear gun turret or tailpane. I imagine the RT traffic was ‘a bit fruity’ after the fighter had to take evasive measures to jink out of a collision.


            • Scroblene says:

              They’ve been flying over us all weekend, Uppers! (We’re South-East of T.Wells), and even after lunch, I was walking the dog with a chum, and he recognised a Spitfire Merlin engine from miles away, and then we spotted it over Rolvenden!

              I’m sure I heard the growl of a Lancaster a day or so ago, but the trees got in the way for a sighting, sadly!

              Haven’t seen any balloons this year though…


              • Up2snuff says:

                I occasionally had a personal display from a Spit carrying D-Day markings; a pair of black bars under each wing near the fuselage. In reality I suspect it was performing at a display or show somewhere in the Canterbury, Faversham and Lenham triangle.

                Canterbury High Street on Friday 15th near the Marlow Tower sitting on the bench talking to an old guy, heard the sound of a Merlin and looked up and a Spitfire plus another fighter which I couldn’t see very well (wrong spectacles! no binos) but probably a Hurricane as it had round ends to the wing tips together flew over the Cathedral, or so it seemed.


          • BRISSLES says:

            Scrubs, there’s a Vulcan insitu at Duxford near me, and it looks like the Darth Vader of the skies. Scary but quite a sexy design.


            • Scroblene says:

              Aaah, Duxford…

              Years ago, I was chasing the construction deal to build that, as the designers were based in Block D in Cambridge.

              The guy who was supposed to be the ‘lead’ of the ‘team’ was a bit wet, to say the least, and after one particularly evasive discussion with him, where he decided to give me the brush off, I slammed the phone down on the receiver and yelled a very rude four-letter description of him, to the surprise of everyone in the office!

              But I missed the phone cradle by several inches and the line was still live…

              Didn’t get that job – I wonder why?

              (I wanted to develop a hotel on the officer’s mess site opposite a few years ago, but met with a similar sort of bureaucracy – did it ever get built)?


            • Mrs Kitty says:

              Don’t know why but I keep watching the Vulcans on YouTube just love that Vulcan howl, makes me shiver all over.


              • Guest Who says:

                I stood in a field facing the wrong way for two hours thanks to an inaccurate fly by post.

                A mate got a tip, perched on an hill above a valley, and a shot to be proud of as it came along the Wye, over Kerne Bridge and then went vertical above his head on full power.


              • Fedup2 says:

                When I was a kid in London – before it became ‘istan’ every so often I’d see a formation of victor valiant Vulcan – lightnings and phantoms fly into town … what a sound …


                • Up2snuff says:

                  Fed, probably on their way over Buck House for either a significant Royal occasion (Jubilee) or a 25, 50 years on from D-Day, end of WW2 or Battle of Britain.


    • Doublethinker says:

      Oh happy days. What a mess we have made of this country. It’s heartbreaking to see the decline in Britain over the past thirty or forty years. And it seems to me that it was all predictable from the policies that were adopted by politicians from both parties.
      But in a democracy you get the politicians that you deserve. The term democracy probably applied until Blair came to power , after that it has been steadily subverted and now at best we live in a shamocracy if not a dictatorship of the hyperglobalists.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Double – I agree – but wonder about the progress of the decline . Lots of hope is being invested in the next red labour government – particularly if they get a big majority ….
        But what happens when it struggles even more than the current rabble ? – which cannot achieve anything – not even banning an evil dog ?

        Will it be the usual shrug of the shoulder – and give the other lot another go in – say 2029 ? Or will conditions decline so much that the inevitable serious civil unrest really gets going ?

        Personally – as long as there are few shortages – and free money for the ‘vulnerable ‘- trash celebrity TV – I suppose it will just be the same ….

        However – the pound will decline – who would want it ? And green crap taxes as well as addictive welfare will take its toll and more higher tax payers ( not me ) will find an easier country to live in – and finally give up UK to the 3rd world …


        • Doublethinker says:

          Fed Up,
          The British governing class were once , decades ago, champions of the individual over the collective, whether that collective be communist or Facist . I suppose those who they governed weren’t particularly interested as long as the long term trend of their standard of living was generally upwards.
          But Blair was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He disguised the revolutionary nature of New Labour and covertly changed the rules of our unwritten constitution to one where the individual lost their rights to the collective and empowered a Supreme Court to be able to overrule Parliament making it very tough to turn the clock back. Mind you the Tories haven’t even tried to push back they have gone along with it and become almost as New Labour as New Labour without the revolutionary aspect. ( whether they even now understand what they have done is debatable)
          Now we live in a collectivist state and , as always in such states , it is run by apparatchiks. They are hyperglobalists who are loyal to their class globally and disdain nation states but seek to control everyone else .
          Brexit , a revolt against the collectivist EU, showed them that the spirit of individualism was not dead in the UK so they were determined to reverse Brexit, crush individualism using measures such Covid, Net Zero, hate speech laws and install their rule permanently over the country .
          The question is whether , as Net Zero makes us all poorer , which it will big time, the people realise who their enemies actually are. Will they realise that it’s not about climate, or the well being of the planet a hundred years from now but just about the a small group , less than 0.1% of the population seeking to dominate the rest of us?


          • Fedup2 says:

            Double – the problem is that the whole state is now subverted – every aspect of public life is now ‘approved ‘. Those who are not approved are targeted and one way or another expunged .

            I don’t think there is a remedy – only fundamental strain on people might make them do something – I mean – by fundamental strain – loss of basic life support such as power – Petrol – loss of iPhone could be the end …!


            • Up2snuff says:

              Double and Fed, I was in Canterbury City Centre yesterday and so were Extinction Rebellion hoping to attract some recruits. There was a youngish oik holding up a Climate in Crisis sign. Had things to do so couldn’t hang around to argue or see what response they got.


              • Fedup2 says:

                Why would you bother arguing ? These are fully groomed disciples of the green crap religion – you just don’t understand that The World Is In Danger Because of Us ….

                However – if they were real Believers they’d end themselves to cut CO2 output …. And of course save ‘nature ‘….

                Personally – the the doomsters of CO2 are right – nothing the UK will do will have the slightest effect compared to expanding consumption in thr 3rd world including India or China or South America ….but maybe come back in a few lifetimes – say 500 years – to see if they were right … but I think the world population will have drastically been reduced by nuclear weapons by then …


              • Scroblene says:

                Uppers, the Canterbury City Centre has for many years been the place for useless idiots, chuggers and crusties, all of whom are an absolute waste of space!

                Having spent over twelve years there I got to know who to avoid, who to sneer at, and who to get well away from when walking around, as depite the influx of so many studes, (and a daughter was at C4 for three years before it got pretty involved), the pedestrian centre was just awful to walk around! The staff at some of the shops used to stand in the doorways and wonder what on earth was going on, and I was often asked for some ‘spare change’ by some smelly twat grasping a can of ‘Special Brew’!

                Still, the Cafe Des Amis is still around, so there’s some justice..;0)


    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      Was that the Eden Mill factory ?


  2. Eddy Booth says:

    Just found this old BBC play, to watch this weekend.
    I vaguely remember seeing it as a teenager in the 70s, well one scene only, where Glover challenges another canal barge man to a fight, to see who gets to use the lock first🙂 , but I might be wrong..

    Play for Today – Shakespeare or Bust (1973)

    “…the 3 Yorkshire miners, Art (Brian Glover), Ern (Ray Mort) and Abe (Douglas Livingstone) , are on a canal trip down to Stratford-upon-Avon to take in ‘Anthony & Cleopatra’, as a kind of pilgrimage to Shakespeare.
    Like a road movie on water, it’s a gentle comedy, with some coarser jokes, and plenty of political commentary.”


  3. Eddy Booth says:

    “Killer dogs that mauled hero, 52, to death as he protected his elderly mother ‘had attacked another woman just weeks before’ as neighbours say horror was ‘an accident waiting to happen’ ”
    Daily Mail


    “Ian Price,(deceased) pictured with Claire Balding ”

    (Apparently a BBC star reporter – sports )


    “An armed police officer carrying a rifle is seen patrolling the cordon in Stonnall where Mr Price was brutally killed by the two animals”

    Is it really necessary to have armed police?
    Why not park a tank there too.
    I guess the para-militaries will patrol the area until moral improves..


    “These are the dogs believed to have been involved in the attack, according to locals”
    + archetypal chav owner.


    Another picture of dogs, open window and a boy- with a brown paper bag on his head?


    • StewGreen says:

      Tweeted yesterday 20 hours BEFORE Sunak;s order to ban the dogs

      Update from Lichfield Police
      “We have been given more time to question a man after the death of Ian Price who was attacked by two dogs in Stonnall yesterday.”


      • StewGreen says:

        Oh that tweet ends
        “We can’t keep going on like this. Something has to change.
        The Government has to act.
        We said we would reserve tweeting for serious incidents only – the fact it’s taken us less than 24 hours should tell you everything about the crisis we are currently in.”


    • G says:


      Children? ‘Just don’t eat it all at once, leave some for tomorrow.’


    • Northern Voter says:

      I know a joke about brown paper bags on heads, unfortunately it’s not right for this site!


  4. StewGreen says:

    @EdmundGemmell leader of the Climate Party is on GBnews
    He comes across as a rightly slimey slick salesman
    He made me want to eat more meat
    and recycle less
    and never BUY green gimmicks


    The intro mentioned he organised the Millennium Bridge.
    “Queue for Climate” protest #Q4ClimateNature
    fronted by Chris Packham and Deborah Meaden


    • Richard Pinder says:

      City Midwits queue for Nature on the Millennium Bridge in the middle of the biggest urban area in Britain. So Midwits cannot be as intelligent as Farmers who live with nature in the countryside. Midwits desire to be seen as agreeable and therefore strongly want to conform and follow the rules. Such people are easier to brainwash than farmers and geniuses. Midwits make willing foot soldiers for the global élite and rise through the ranks to positions of influence in government subsidised businesses. These are the people who have been pushing wokery and climate alarmism in public and private institutions and corporate boardrooms. They believe their opinions will inevitably be right, even though they are conformists and rarely display any ability to think outside of the box. Midwits are the most ardent supporters of Net Zero and are also well represented in organisations such as Just Stop Oil, as they aren’t bothered about the effects the policies they support will have on people and businesses that are not funded by the taxpayer subsidies. The Midwit is a worthless unproductive social parasite on society and on the real businesses that provide the products and services that people want. Their intellectual limitations are, however, painfully exposed when confronted with the type of scientists who signed the World Climate Declaration which says there is no climate emergency and calls the current scaremongering “dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy and the wellbeing of billions of people”. This powerfully illustrates the weakness of the Midwit. Censorship and no-platforming of scientists are their weapons of choice because they are not capable of engaging with a truly original, principled thinker. Deep down, they know they don’t have the intellectual capability so to do. Such people also tend to live in bubbles of like-minded people, which is another weakness. In their little echo chambers of what they call the ‘Consensus’, they do not realise how out of touch they are with reality.


      • G says:

        The next war will sort them out……………

        Starting with the conscription papers dropping on the front door mat. Now male and female. The latter? Thanks, Midwit’s.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Unfortunately the next war might be so short that we never knew it happened ….


          • G says:


            Correct. But with the ‘elites’ leading the West, their erraticism and ignorance can only result that way.


  5. digg says:

    As supermarkets scramble to polish their credentials, (yes I mean you M&S!) by introducing paper bags for carrying shopping out of the store I just wonder about the total hypocrisy.


    Just go into any supermarket, including M&S and navigate to the cleaning product aisle. You will be faced with an endless display of shelf after shelf of cleaning products and ALL in plastic bottles. Yard and yards of them. not to mention ready meals and meats etc. all dumped in plastic containers.

    So how can supermarkets feel they are being holy and the good by obliging customers to have only paper bags when they are happy to have groaning shelves in the cleaning section stuffed with numerous almost always plastic bottles, all of which are no doubt high level profit makers and much more pernicious for the environment for every shopper?

    A plastic shopping bag can be reused many times and often is whereas for instance a plastic washing up liquid bottle is only used once before getting chucked in the bin and going to landfill.

    I hate this virtue signalling gesture doogoody shit with blind eyes to the real culprits which no doubt accrue silent huge profits for every supermarket!


    • StewGreen says:

      plastic is mostly harmless
      except when it’s in the form of plastic bags suffocating animals
      Unfortunately some louts drop plastic bags

      The same same louts rarely drop plastic bottles of cleaning solutions
      rather such bottles go in to waste reprocessing
      and can be safely incinerated at high temperature to make energy


      • digg says:

        Sorry but the M&S virtue crap is nothing more than checkout porn!


        • Doublethinker says:

          But M&S are lovely. So woke they have half life size card board cuts outs of Africans each October advertising Black History month. I reckon if you accidentally rammed one of these with your trolley you could be visited by the police to check your thinking prior to being charged with a hate crime!
          Our local building society branch has had a refurbishment and now we have huge photos on the walls of happy black folks , brown folks , yellow folks and an off white one. Whenever I visit the customers are always white. I’m sick to death of it.
          Stable and successful Multiracial societies are rare and only work if everyone adopts a common set of values . Multicultural societies, with no common value set, have never been tried before . Good luck everyone.


    • Deborah says:

      I am watching the contortions British Agriculture is making to ‘reach net zero’. It adds a huge cost to production and is based on the flakiest science. It is being done to keep the politicians and the greens off farming’s back. But we know it won’t be enough for the zealots. It angers me that these stupid people in Westminster don’t understand science and all these efforts by farmers are a waste of time. Not least farmers know that the climate is only changing in the way it always has.

      A few years back we were forced to give up free carrier bags in the supermarket. I would use them, having brought my shopping home in them, for all sorts of things such as putting dirty shoes into the car after a walk to collecting windfall apples. One 4 litre milk container must contain the equivalent of several of those bags. How many plastic toys would each child have to give up each year to have kept me in bags?

      But as Mrs Mop I don’t think I am ready for flash in a bar.


      • BigBrotherCorporation says:

        It went from a slightly dubious ‘scientific theory’, to ‘EVERY scientist says it’s true’, to ‘it’s proven beyond all reasonable doubt’, to a fanatical cult where if you dare to disagree you’re likely to be (figuratively) burnt at the stake, remarkably quickly.

        There is no science behind 99% of the green wash we’re daily soaked in, plastics come in an almost infinite variety of different shapes and forms (that’s the wonder of polymers – so easily tailored to different purposes), and the vast majority of it causing any problem has been dumped in the local river/sea in countries that might have ‘modern’ industries, but clearly no idea of dealing with waste (or looking after the environment).

        Without modern agriculture we’d not be able to feed the population of the world, without plastics we’d not be able to feed the population of the world, and without oil we’d also not be able to feed the population of the world (at least until a workable alternative is available).

        These people live in the clouds, they really need bringing back to earth, and have WAY too much clout thanks to our loony MSM and useless, pig ignorant government.


        • kingkp says:

          Actually, the deception goes back way further. Do you think it is a coincidence that the Royal Society is fully on board with the climate crp and the covaids nonsense? Many people will claim that the RS has become corrupted over time. This is entirely incorrect. The RS was primarily set up by the state and intelligence services and has been used as a tool to control the narrative as Yuval Harari would say. In fact, I believe in one of his books he stipulates the official narrative and it pretty well much follows the narrative of what we call the ‘Enlightenment’, which itself is an archonic deception. The end goal is transhumanism and the ‘scientists’ and ‘experts’ have been on board with this since the very start. The climate change crp and ‘pandemics’ are merely useful tools to baffle the ignorant and steer them to their doom. The cult has been there for centuries. It is simply revealing itself more and more and people are beginning to recognise a monster.


      • Northern Voter says:

        You say, flash in a bar, as a young lad in the Navy, I was given a bar of Pussers Hard. A 9inch long bar of soap used for everything, dhobying, scrubbing decks, washing pots and pans. It’s uses were myriad. I see to remember a civvy version of it, though the name escapes me.


        • Deborah says:

          I don’t know what your soap was Northern Voter, but someone recommended Wright’s coal tar soap to my Dad, (a manual worker) and it stripped the skin off him.


        • Scroblene says:

          Northern, can you enlighten me on the song, “Crabs is beef” please?

          My great chum in the FlyNavy used to sing it, but he’s gone away, sadly!


          • Northern Voter says:

            Scrubs, unfortunately being a skimmer, and not involved with the WAFU’S I must admit I’ve never heard this ditty, however I do know many other dirty ditties, sung around the world in some disreputable places, whilst showing the flag, amongst other things.


      • BRISSLES says:

        Deb, I agree with you. Since the advent of plastic being akin with the anti-Christ, I always questioned that most kids toys are big and bulky plastic that take up room, and all end up in landfill. Nice.


      • Deborah says:

        Far too late to edit – but Mr D has pointed out that I should have spelled ‘Flash’ with an upper case ‘F’ to make clear that I meant I didn’t want my household cleaning products in a solid block, rather than someone taking off their clothes in somewhere where you can purchase a drink!


        • Northern Voter says:

          I thought you were talking about the very swift super hero in a red onesie!


          • Scroblene says:

            There was a great band called ‘Flash and the Board of Directors’ some years ago!

            They sang this song, and I still whistle it, especially the ‘sound’ of the telephone, and the dog likes it as well…

            John Peel was so good way back then, playing new bands, well before the Beeboid suits and frillies ruined the wireless!


  6. StewGreen says:

    Mr WGAP is spot on about the BBC’s racism
    clip includes 3 examples
    .. https://youtu.be/60kwsYXgvMo

    won’t embed here “age restricted” it says
    …FFS it’s a clip based on BBC **kids** TV


  7. JohnC says:

    First there was ozone.
    Then there was CO2.

    And now we have a new supervillain !! …


    Major UK methane greenhouse gas leak spotted from space

    ‘A major leak in the UK of the extremely potent greenhouse gas methane has been spotted from space for the first time.’

    ‘Methane has a global warming potential 28 times greater than carbon dioxide over 100 years.’

    What an amazingly convoluted sentence.

    ‘The leak from a pipeline in Cheltenham, revealed exclusively to the BBC, was discovered in March.’

    ‘Exclusively’, because nobody else was interested. It was direct contact to the soft-touch BBC for some free publicity.

    The BBC magnificently manage to give us no context whatsoever as to what this ‘major leak’ represents in the overall figure of global methane release.

    The article then goes on to list various organisations and gives contact details for each one.

    So yet another publicity piece looking for funding while using the idiots at the BBC for free advertisement.

    But what almost made me laugh out loud was this sentence tucked away at the end:

    ‘Wales and West Utilities said they became aware of the leak after a member of public reported the smell of gas. ‘

    And all became clear. They found out about the leak then have been ‘reverse engineering’ it since March to find it in the satellite pictures and produce their report to imply they actually found it themselves and thus can find others.

    More lies for funding.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      Putting aside the whole hysterical nonsense about trace gases such as CO2 in the atmosphere and, of course, ignoring water vapour, which is a greenhouse gas which is far more prevalent…

      When the BBC claim that ‘Methane has a global warming potential 28 times greater than carbon dioxide over 100 years’, they are referencing something called Carbon Dioxide equivalents (CO2e). The idea here is for a common metric for greenhouse gases, based upon the (alleged) impact of a ton of a gas over 100 years when compared to CO2.

      Naturally, the BBC does not mention that molecules of Methane only remain in the atmosphere for up to 12 years. Or that one of the largest sources of Methane are the paddy fields used for growing rice, although presumably they wouldn’t like to mention polluters such as China and India because they tend to produce and consume vast amounts of the stuff. Or termites, which produce 10% of the worlds’s Methane emissions. Oh wait, we could follow the advice of Klaus, Bill, Geroge and Henry and eat ze bugs…


      • king crimson says:

        JohnC and Ian – Back in the day we used to call it ‘Marsh Gas’.


        • BigBrotherCorporation says:

          Yep, there will be tonnes of it produced by the ‘rewilded’ Somerset Levels, far more than the few cows that roam there now. I’m all for the return of the Somerset Levels personally, and know the amount of methane produced will have diddly squat influence on global temperatures, but the hypocrisy and ignorance confound me.


          • Up2snuff says:

            Big Bro, if the Climate Cultists really wish to get rid of methane, they could start with the humble mosquito. Not only do mosquito habitats emit methane the mozzies also bite people and give people malaria from which they die. Seem to recall Johnny Ball (used to be on the BBC a lot but not since he gave them a dose of Climate Realism) claimed that mosquitoes outweigh or outnumber the human population nine times over. Mosquitoes also breathe out CO2.


    • Kaiser says:

      and just how much gas escaped when they blew up the russian pipe line?


      • JohnC says:

        It was an ecological disaster which was not reported in the MSM.

        Which proves beyond any doubt they all know the USA did it.


        • Scroblene says:

          You’ll have to wait until Donald Trump is elected to find out, John!

          I’m looking forward to some decent reports about all those Yanks and their complicity in the disorganisation of the Western World which will be opened out for all to see!


  8. Guest Who says:

    It would be hard to despise the bbc more.


    But the comments suggest many do.

    Anyway, here’s their pro Labour propaganda.


    Ok, it is not, but the bbc endlessly fluffing Surkeer is getting silly now.

    Slick appears to be in Canada currently, having pedalled there on Lammy’s bike, to mingle with ‘leaders’.

    Apparently. Bet Saz and Lurch are excited.


  9. Guest Who says:

    Ex BBC chum gets the bbc treatment having strayed. Allegedly.



  10. Guest Who says:

    Oh, deleted…


    How’s Russell Brand handling crisis? What’s the deal with Despatches? Subscribe to #WhenitHitstheFan podcast on @BBCSounds and find out. Busy week…. 👀


    Busy, busy, busy… next up, Martin Bashir and Carl Beech discuss McAlpine on Newsnight.


  11. Fedup2 says:

    A tricky one for the BBC – islands in Italy being swamped by invaders . The Italian PM wants their EU to do something about it ……… how will the EU act regarding one of its’ own – compared to the use of the UK as the EUs sewer ?


  12. Fedup2 says:

    I think the usual reaction of the EU is to throw bribes – which is Italian culture . But the Italian PM is unapproved so it might be a bit more tricky – let’s hope it gets worse for the southern EU because it might push for real solutions ….. which the UK can link onto ….


  13. Dickie says:

    Perhaps they should all be volunteered to assist the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Zelensky would be ever so pleased as I believe the Ukies need all the help they can get on the eastern front lines.


  14. Dickie says:

    Judge Andrew Napolitano:


  15. vlad says:

    Word has gone out from the Democratic Party HQ to the tame US media to start dumping Biden and even Kamala, increasingly seen to be electoral liabilities.

    CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo are all on board with the new party line.

    The BBC don’t seem to have got the memo yet from their masters in the Democratic Party, but soon they will, at which point we can expect some ‘stunning and brave’ reporters to start asking questions like “is Biden too old?”… “Is Kamala unpopular?” etc.

    This will have nothing to do with honest journalism, just politics – to help the Dems stay in power.

    “Democrats and Media Are Turning Against President Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris”

    “New York Times and Washington Post turn on Biden”


    • Fedup2 says:

      I can’t see Joe and kamela as electoral liabilities when the result is already fixed by the Obama crew . Maybe he ll risk another ‘face ‘ to play his puppet but the fix is in

      I hear they want to prevent president trump ‘speaking ‘… who needs a constitution eh ? Is one doesn’t need an election ?


      • vlad says:

        Let’s just say that having an unpopular duo as candidates will make it that much harder to rig the election.
        I mean: a living corpse and a complete moron! That’s gonna take a whole lot of rigging.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Dun it once – easy – even had political trials of dissenters – completely compliant media – easy done . The biggest problem for Obama is selecting someone who won’t go rogue and be a president . I put 50p on his wife ….


      • Up2snuff says:

        Fed, Alexandra Occasio Cortez is old enough to run in 2024 and I suspect she will either accept a nomination from a Primary or if Mick Mulvaney suggests, after the Democratic Convention where the DNC ‘Power Brokers’ will decide who gets to run against Trump.


        • Fedup2 says:

          I think she’d be too scatty for Obama to approve her- she just could nt keep her mouth shut …. Maybe that bloke who had a stroke and can’t answer questions will make a good president ….


          • Up2snuff says:

            Fed, there have been rumours that Michelle Obama might run fro the Whie House.

            Think the Obama daughter is too young to run but Mum might keep the seat warm for her.


    • tomo says:


  16. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1 – The Illegals Edition.

    What to do about the XL Bully Dogs and to make a ban effective?

    What to do about illegal immigrants?

    What to do about pilfering in shops?

    Time to get tough on all three. But Yooman Rites lawyers seem to be thick on the ground and their ‘clients’ appear to be able to obtain sufficient funding from somewhere to pursue their case through to the highest court. I’m currently reading ‘The Way of the Strangers’ by Graeme Wood published by Allen Lane (Penguin Books) in 2017. Graeme is an American journalist and investigator of IS or Daish as they were known.

    While I don’t wish to encourage Islmaphobia, a phrase from p.126 leapt out at me as I read it: “Islam is irreducible to law, and there are aspects to the Muslim tradition – literary, mystical, cultural – that are remote from juristic discussion. But law has been central to Muslim intellectual life since the earliest days of the religion.

    I’m obviously aware of the Government in Israel’s attempts to take power away from their Courts and to place it more firmly in their democracy and the ballot box. And yes, I’m also aware of the highly fractured nature of Israeli politics in their liberal society. I’m also aware and have in mind a certain wish of some people to subvert Brexit through the UK Courts and the incredible irony of the result: “Parliament must have the final say”


  17. taffman says:

    “Small shops call for aid to tackle ‘brazen’ shoplifters”
    Perhaps they can tell us who the main perps are ?


  18. Guest Who says:

    TNi partner quotes a now favoured BBC get out phrase…


    Granholm blames “poor judgment” after staff blocked off EV charger for her trib.al/9gMipqO


  19. G says:

    Received my leaflet from the Welsh Government: “Get Ready for 20mph” & interestingly, “MOST 30mph speed limits across Wales will change to 20mph”……………….”MOST” How will we know then if the signage is not in place?

    “At 20mph its safer for everyone where we live work and play”. I imagine all recipient of the pamphlet will understand the “live work” but the “play” bit can only be reserved for the Welsh Government cos this is truly a game.

    With very short distances between villages on a main route, could see the introduction of ‘for hire’ Pony & Trap……….with local estate agents advertising “Refurbished caves for Sale”.

    I did directly ask Drakeford to comment on my Pony & Trap thinking but no reply……………Only mustered the usual: “we will reply within 10 working days” or similar.


  20. Fedup2 says:

    Sometimes I still look for humour on R4. Today it was provided by from our own correspondent – bongo bongo land – AKA Gabon – apparently had a coup and president Bongo – of the ruling bongo family has been replaced . Gabon was part of the French empire .
    Then there was another French interest – this time Morocco – which would rather let its’ people die post earth quake than accept aid from France . The Uk and Spain were ok though

    But the real fun was a chap called mark who has just finished it 9 months paternity leave on the BBC together with pedro – his husband and their surrogate child … I laughed out loud as the off switch was hit …. Ugh


  21. Fedup2 says:

    Seems that the C4 documentary tonight will make serious ( sex ) allegations against someone who is now – apparently- unapproved .
    Will a ‘man’ be arrested and released pending police enquiries ? Will there be echoes of various BBC presenters ?


  22. tomo says:

    A room full of plastic vests…


  23. JohnC says:

    Small shops call for aid to tackle ‘brazen’ shoplifters

    No mention about who is doing all this thieving and no link to the extremely relevant story about the fat black woman thief the other day.

    Luckily the CCTV tells us everything we already knew. Despite the BBC blurring out their faces.


    This is what BLM appeasement has led to. They think they are untouchable and anyone who criticises them is racist.

    I look forward to a racist black or far-left academic on the BBC news explaining to us that they are doing it because white people are racist.


    • Doublethinker says:

      Too true. I think that the a combination of the pedestal that black people have been put on by the liberals and the entire blame being put on the entire white community for slavery , not to mention the likely payment of reparations also by the liberals will create a highly dangerous situation. Blacks will believe that whites deserve retribution and that along with their reparations hand out they are entitled to behave violently towards whites.
      I don’t think that claiming you are a liberal and that you take knee or send money to this or that black charity will save you. The stupid liberals have created a monster that will consume them as well as us.


    • tomo says:

      The time for ubiquitous vigilantes is nearly here.


      • G says:


        It has already started in some places.

        Sadly, maybe the term, “the Disappeared” will return shortly. No police, just justice.


    • taffman says:

      The BBC are so amateur.


  24. JohnC says:

    Front page article headline:
    Is Ukraine trying to retake Crimea ?.

    And – as is the case with ALL the headlines the BBC write like that – the answer is no – but the BBC wish it was yes. And so try to make us think it might be true without directly saying it.

    This is a recent method they use to lie. Also their ‘live upate’ is another way to make an agenda story seem way, way more important than it actually is.


  25. tomo says:

    I doubt I’m alone in wanting the BBC London based news crews to be handed rifles , togged up and flown out to Donbas.

    Wales – <a href="!https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-66811312"methane leak

    Predictable climate bollocks angle from the deceitful cubicle morons.

    The customers will pay – I think that the managers and directors should pay out of their own remuneration – simples, end of.


  26. Thoughtful says:

    Ah, poor old AOC was trying to hold a public meeting with other leftie loonies today over the problems New York state is having as a result of Bidens open Southern border policy.

    People here might not know, but as in Britain which is a vassal state of the USA anyway, the illegals are handed far more money and resources than the people being forced to pay for them and just as in Britain they aren’t happy about it.

    So when AOC and her mates got on the steps of the Roosevelt building to spout their crap the angry people drowned out every word and they had to abandon the speeches.

    If even Democrat supporting New York which returned AOC to the Senate is doing this imagine what the rest of the country is like!



  27. tomo says:

    Is he still on the Vauxhall Cross payroll?


  28. Eddy Booth says:

    “Body found in search for UK fighter Daniel Burke in Ukraine, say police”

    Fighter,, try saying mercenary BBC.

    “Daniel Burke, of Wythenshawe, Manchester, was reported missing by his family on 16 August after he had travelled to the front line in 2022.”
    “Former Scots Guard Jordan Chadwick, 32, was found dead with his hands tied behind his back in June.”

    Western media either pretend not to know or won’t admit they’re could be a problem with the crazy mercenaries killing each other.

    September 9

    “New details of the disappearance of Daniel Burke in Zaporozhye area are popping up. They involve two mercenaries from the same AFU unit: a Lebanese-born Australian Nourine Abdelfetah, call sign Adam and James Sutton call sign Azrael from the UK.

    Adam was the last to be seen with Burke. The two spent together the night of Thursday, August 10, 2023 in Burke’s apartment in Zaporozhye city. Friday, August 11th, Burke and Adam supposedly went to a weapons range to “do some shooting”. Indeed, CCTV footage shows Burke driving his green Mitsubishi out of the city with Adam in the passenger seat at 1:45 pm.

    On 5:30 pm, CCTV footage captured Adam driving Burke’s car back into the city. Daniel was not seen in the car, Adams says because Burke was lying in the back seat due to “an upset stomach.” After this Adam kept on using Burke’s green Mitsubishi like he knew that Burke Daniel would never claim it. When police questioned Adam, his Ukrainian commander quickly pulled him from the interview. “


    • JohnC says:

      This is how we (and the USA) put troops into wars without actually being officially inolved.

      I was on a plane with an ex-army mercenary from Syria who was being paid directly by the US Department of Defense.

      There will be thousands of them. And the BBC will know all about it.


  29. Guest Who says:

    Don’t ever challenge the Establishment.

    All MSM going full ‘accused of’ to prep the ground.



    Only folk Sky know will back them up can comment, their babe having expressed the view the accusations’ are ‘disturbing’ to read.

    Looks like a ratings goldmine, then.

    Russell is toast.

    He has had a ‘colourful’ history, so no doubt there will be bits in there that will serve. Bits that may not don’t count when the media stir up the court of social media.

    I guess we shall soon find out.

    If serious, it does seem odd to have taken this long to come out, and only via an msm combo.

    Martin Bashir and James O’Brien no doubt negotiating QT gigs.


    • Deborah says:

      I hated what Russel Brand and Jonathan Ross did on their Radio 1 programme to Andrew Sachs. It was obvious that the MSM were desperate to rehabilitate Ross after that radio programme, slipping small appearances in wherever they could. And what on earth is Jonathan Ross doing on Classic FM?

      Meanwhile Russel Brand has built himself up 6 million followers, as far as I understand it, with views that are not those of the BBC. Those views may also be against those of the deep state. Whatever the truth, this Despatches programme is being done for political reasons and I feel very uncomfortable about it.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Deborah – a barely know who mr brand is – but I shall force myself to view the TV programme – assuming it is too late for an injunction .

        In current climes it’s likely that mr brands ‘ msm career is over -if it wasn’t already – the added spice is that apparently mr brand has a live gig at the same time to documentary is on …


      • Loobyloo says:

        Same treatment as Andrew Tate. They don’t follow the narrative and are attracting too many followers. They become a threat and must be eliminated. I might not like their views but I appreciate those who won’t follow the narrative and encourage free thought. It’s deeply sinister to see this character assassination.
        See also – Laurence Fox, Dan Wootton


        • G says:


          “I might not like their views but I appreciate those who won’t follow the narrative and encourage free thought.”

          Here’s another one, making all the right and just noises. How long will this be allowed to continue for?


      • Greencoat says:

        Russel Brand – an unpleasant man whose (ex) mates have now turned on him in the true Lefty-Luvvie tradition.

        Heart of stone not to laugh and all that…


  30. Fedup2 says:

    Russel Brand – BBC statement

    BBC statement
    A BBC spokesperson said: “Russell Brand worked for a number of different organisations, of which the BBC was one. As is well known, Russell Brand left the BBC after a serious editorial breach in 2008 – as did the then-controller of Radio 2.

    “The circumstances of the breach were reviewed in detail at the time. We hope that demonstrates that the BBC takes issues seriously and is prepared to act.

    “Indeed, the BBC has, over successive years, evolved its approach to how it manages talent and how it deals with complaints or issues raised.

    “We have clear expectations around conduct at work, these are set out in employment contracts, the BBC Values, the BBC Code of Conduct and the Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy.

    “We will always listen to people if they come forward with any concerns, on any issue related to any individual working at the BBC, past or present.”


    • JohnC says:

      Except Chris Evans of course. Who was exposed as a bully and waved his willy openly at female staff (whatever crime that is these days) and they swept it under the carpet. Like they did Saville.

      The hypocrisy is what I detest the most about the Left.


  31. Philip_2 says:

    In the Papers today. An employee of the BBC denies all the allegations.. 5:13PM

    “BBC statement:

    A BBC spokesperson said: “Russell Brand worked for a number of different organisations, of which the BBC was one. As is well known, Russell Brand left the BBC after a serious editorial breach in 2008 – as did the then-controller of Radio 2.

    “The circumstances of the breach were reviewed in detail at the time. We hope that demonstrates that the BBC takes issues seriously and is prepared to act.

    “Indeed, the BBC has, over successive years, evolved its approach to how it manages talent and how it deals with complaints or issues raised.

    “We have clear expectations around conduct at work, these are set out in employment contracts, the BBC Values, the BBC Code of Conduct and the Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy.

    “We will always listen to people if they come forward with any concerns, on any issue related to any individual working at the BBC, past or present.”

    Well that’s all cleared up then!
    I wonder who that BBC controller of radio 2 might be?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Wow – 2 minute separation of the same comment – must be a conspiracy …


      • Deborah says:

        I thought I was suffering from deja vu. I might also add that my new super duper iPad doesn’t always like me tapping the ‘like’ button. So if sometimes posters feel they are short of ‘likes’, they may be more liked than they know.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Deborah – I prefer a ‘reply ‘ rather than an uptick . I think upticks are for kidults who need some reassurance …I’ve given your comments an uptick and expect to hit the magic 20 on my upticks to re assure me ….


          • Scroblene says:

            Luckily Fed, I can uptiick my own posts here, as nobody else seems to like them…

            BooHoo – Whaaaaaah




            (Er – that’s enough whingeing Scrobs – Ed)

            (Only joking, I have a glass of red, right in front of me, and feel a bit light-headed – possibly might ask Senora O’Blene if we should start another family…)!


            • JohnC says:

              Allow me Scrobs …


              • Scroblene says:

                You’re a gentleman and a scholar John!

                Thank you!

                I’m up early to take a walk around some delightful Kentish apple orchards with a chum, who will bring her two dogs with her, and I can let our dog off as well!

                That’s what I like about choosing to live where we don’t have the festering negativity of the BBC’s dire output, gaggles of unpleasant foreigners infesting the place, smelly unrecognisable food outlets, and being able to appreciate the cool of the morning, the sun glistening off the English apples and a leisurely stroll and chat!


    • tomo says:

      co-ordinated attack

      4 accusers over 7 years – all in the same story…


      • Richard Pinder says:

        Russell Brand has been famous for promiscuity and drug use and immature and provocative behaviour.

        However since the Plandemic, Brand has been critical of mainstream media propaganda and censorship, which lead to Brand’s YouTube channel increasing in popularity, and has amassed 6.5 million subscribers and more than a billion views. Brand’s new weekly views went from a weekly low of less than 500,000 in November 2020 to about 14.5 million weekly views during March 2022. In conversation with Democratic Presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr; they spoke about ending the censorship: https://rumble.com/v2y2hag-exclusive-russell-rfk-and-cheryl-hines-censorship-and-power-160-stay-free-w.html

        Like Julian Assange and Andrew Bridgen, the establishment thugs are out for revenge. All on the same day, the establishment have paid four former casual girlfriends to accused him of rape, sexual assaults, and the emotional abuse of these very sweet delicate vulnerable girls between 2006 and 2013. These sweet innocent girls are more important to the mainstream media than the half million mRNA jab injured and dead mention on Brand’s YouTube channel.


  32. Doublethinker says:

    Ah the sweet fruits , or should that be bitter fruits, of the multiculturalism experiment so beloved by our home grown idiot liberals.


  33. tomo says:


  34. Fedup2 says:

    I’m having a sneaky watch of C5 – I can’t find the remote so saw some adverts – for the first time in a long time . There was one about shingles and another about girl eating disorders – sponsored by dove soap ——I was watching the beautiful but hilariously bad ‘ Pearl Harbor ‘ with that Baldwin actor bloke who got away with killing someone – because he is ‘approved’ ..


    • TrickCyclist says:

      Maybe Baldwin used this in his defence.


      • Fedup2 says:

        I disagree – as a ‘master in law ‘ ( apparently ) I’d suggest it is evidence of previous conduct suggesting a reckless use of firearms …. But there was no trial – because he was ‘approved ‘… how did america get that way …?

        Meanwhile – send a few tweets about protesting at the Capitol – get 22 that’s twenty two Federal Years …. And that’s OK …

        22 years

        And – out of fairness – equity – if the thing was reversed – a democrat protester complains about a Republican president stealing an election – it would still be Wrong …


        • TrickCyclist says:

          The script for Pearl Harbor has Baldwin saying at one point, “I wasn’t built to be a prisoner.”
          The film might not be historically accurate but it turns out they got the future correct.


          • Fedup2 says:

            Yeah – the Brand Assassination – a rape allegation from 2012 and one from 2006 – using footage of his sexual attitudes …

            Watch it . I don’t know who Brand is – but I understand he is a ‘personality ‘- but so far … enough for a court ? No …

            One victim suggested that the age of consent should be increased . Perhaps 21 is a better age . But there’d need to be a lot more prisons ..


            • Fedup2 says:

              Ok – so the brand piece has got to 30 minutes – then a n advert for the co op and Chase bank – then more . I’m sure the victims have made statements supporting their allegations and arrest will follow …


              • Fedup2 says:

                Ok – 50 minutes into Brand – various policy declarations by those involved in the 2004 – 2007 allegations around ‘big brother ‘ .. echoes of jimmy saville – but no under age allegations yet. ….


                • Fedup2 says:

                  Ok – one hour into the brand assassination – Amex – best heating – 1 minute of adverts – then brand in 2010 in the US …a story of an AA meeting in 2023 where ( she ) admits sleeping with him ‘willingly ‘ .. should go well in court …she claimed to witness x5 sex encounters a day ..l now I know I can do that but lesser men – not so sure … WTF


                  • Fedup2 says:

                    I was thinking about switching to match of the day but the brand show is just as entertaining as spurs v Sheffield


                • BRISSLES says:

                  Why am I reminded of Rasputin the mad monk when I see wild eyed Brand ?


                  • Fedup2 says:

                    Brissles – yes – you nail it . This is a bloke going public about his ‘tendencies ‘ but still having consensual exposure – in various forms – to ladies wishing ‘ agreeing to be exposed to him … fame – sex – blah –


                    • Fedup2 says:

                      1 hour 15 – the brand assignation finds a ‘comedian ‘ the old only – with general allegations – with a Nescafé advert in between … 2217 – and not so much …


  35. Fedup2 says:

    So… having seen the allegations against mr brand 5 women over the age of consent – having various claims of ‘consent ‘ – there will now be the arrest and prosecutions … or maybe not … I don’t know what ‘mr brand is ‘ nor ‘big brother ‘ but I suppose kidults will care…


  36. BRISSLES says:

    If his Wilkepedia page is to be believed, then he hasn’t had the greatest upbringing – abused by his tutor and his father taking him to experience the delights of Thailand. But he still looks like Rasputin and talks like an oik.


  37. BigBrotherCorporation says:

    If that’s the worst they can throw at Mr Brand, it’s a bit pathetic really, the question now is if it is enough to see him neutered… if so, there will be a lot of others out there keeping their heads down, and maybe that’s what it’s really about?

    I never liked him anyway, but this mob rule by modern day sans culottes and tricoteuses is alarming.


  38. tomo says:


    • Eddy Booth says:

      He’s creepy, never liked him either.

      “Russell Brand: I had Gay Sex in Pub Toilet
      The British comedian revealed the gay encounter, which he filmed for RE: Brand in 2002
      “Russell Brand once pleasured a man in a pub bathroom as part of his documentary about social taboos.”
      “I thought, ‘I think of myself as heterosexual but perhaps that’s ’cause of the environment that I grew up in where homosexuality may have been difficult for me to express.'” he told fans.

      “I trawled around Soho (in London)… going (to) various gay bars, gay gyms, trying to pick people up with a film crew. I went in this pub and I goes (sic): ‘Anyone want me to **** them off?’ And this bloke goes, ‘Yep…’ So we goes to the lavvy (restroom) – me, him, the director.”


    • tomo says:


      • Fedup2 says:

        Nice bit of prejudicial heading from the Mail ‘ police urge victims to come forward ‘ …. Not much innocent until proven guilty there …

        Can’t they just stick with Huw or that schofeld fella ?


    • Guest Who says:



      A cool mill to run a ‘charity’ and fly to Canyadayada to mingle with global leader Lammy and his boss and Justin.


  39. tomo says:


  40. tomo says:


  41. tomo says:


  42. AsISeeIt says:

    Yesterday it was dangerous dogs…

    Today it’s the revenge of the groupies

    That was your news, now back to politics and we ask why can’t everyone just be a bit nicer and more understanding toward Keir Starmer: Laura Kuenssberg: Labour – damned if they dare, damned if they don’t? (BBC)


  43. Fedup2 says:

    It will be interesting to see how long the Brand Show runs – will it be a day or will other women who wanted to associate with this character come forward for their pay out via a ‘legal team ‘ .
    The C4 hugely over long and over dramatic 90 minute documentary showed the sexual nature of the Brand stage act . There was no ‘hiding in plain sight ‘… he was just there ….


    • taffman says:

      “Bread and circuses” .It keeps our mind off the mess that our government is making in our country while we are being invaded.


    • Thoughtful says:

      I have no doubt this is a revenge attack by the very Left Wing Channel 4 as Brand has been something of a thorn in their sides of late with his You Tube show.


  44. Fedup2 says:

    There’s a government ? Really 😎

    As for brand – there must be desperation to get someone under 16 to ‘Fess up ‘ from 15 years ago …


  45. Guest Who says:

    24 hrs is a long time in news cycles.

    Never much cared for Mr. Brand after the Wossie stunt, but as with other oddballs like Assange, there is the person and the facts, and now of course, the agenda.

    But if you are seeking to destroy a thorn in your side, it might be better to have it done by something other than Ch4.


    After Ms. Newman self destructed with Jordan Peterson, it became a national joke on top of the ideological professional credibility gap of St. Jon the Impartial and KGM.

    As I mentioned yesterday, the source material is likely there in abundance, but the paucity of what has been trotted out would make a Panorama investigative team blush.

    ‘Investigation’ in the hands of today’s msm is now no more than selecting a target and setting up the hit. From the sound of it these inevitably anonymous sources of allegation did not come in, but were sought out, and groomed for the show.

    James O’Brien will be in awe.


    • Thoughtful says:

      “After Ms. Newman self destructed with Jordan Peterson”

      I think that was the last nail in the coffin of the Tory party for me, when the woke idiots came out backing Kathy Newman, and saying she was a very good interviewer it became clear they were irredemably hard Left and not Tory at all.


  46. Guest Who says:

    ‘Working’ in media?


    Careful, guys and gals, the crocodile is always hungry.


    An all-Muslim council’s decision to block the display of Pride flags on city property in a small Michigan town has angered allies and members of the LGBQT community, who feel the support they provided immigrant groups has been reciprocated with betrayal.

    And now, back to the young lovelies ‘dancing’ with the beach refugees…


  47. Guest Who says:

    Times like this you hark back to other BBC explainers, like BBC Young Reporter and their good friend Huw…


    Currently off air.
