The supposed ‘row back’ from net zero implementation dates is window dressing designed to save a few votes and seats. If by a miracle the Tories retain power it will be reversed. Sunak is a globalist and will comply with the WEF plans.
There is ludicrous article in the Telegraph today by the climate Secretary, Coutinho, about taking the public with them on Net Zero . It’s widely derided by readers in the comments section who are sick of being propagandised about climate change and it’s supposed causes.
But the ‘row back’ will help us identify which Tory MPs are still ‘sound’ ( few) and which are globalist ( many) . It’s very similar to Brexit in that regard.
The advice must remain as vote for any candidate who is right of centre and don’t vote for anyone from LibLabCon unless they are one of the few above. If there aren’t any suitable candidates on the ballot just write None if the Above. But do vote against LibLabCon they must be made aware of how much they are despised by the people.
Absolute proof that the UK government is involved in trying to shut down Russell Brands freedom of speech, and the right of people like us to hear that speech because it goes against the Marxist principles of the uniparty.
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2018 … **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**
I can’t understand why the caretaker king has gone to France . The French will never be our friends – as witnessed by their exporting of their third world trash . They should be treated accordingly ….
The British crown has a claim on the throne of France after the battle of Agincourt – something for which the French bear a grudge (and don’t mention Crecy!)
Henry V married the mad French Kings daughter, and took the Fleur de Lys as a heraldic symbol incoroprated with the three lions.
Alas then we had a first mad kind in Henry VI who founded the rotten school at Windsor and lost all his French territories, although he was allegedly crowned King of France his retinue scarpered immediately afterwards.
The Government hasn’t realised yet that Brits are on the cusp of ignoring any legislation that Government clings on too. Eventually, will we see the UK’s “Ceaușescu” moment ?
I disagree – that’s one of the national weaknesses – which I share – the ability to moan a lot but not do much – or anything – about it .
Only exceptional errors by the political class – the brexit referendum – demonstrated the gulf in ‘democracy ‘ between the desire of the people versus that corrupt political class .
Remainers point to the 52/48 result but that was in the face of a propaganda onslaught by the likes of the BBC
Only shortages will drive protest – but that is as likely to be against each other as opposed to a corrupt undemocratic British State
“Warning petrol ban delay may hit electric car sales”
IMHO they were being “hit” anyway . They were far too expensive and unreliable due to lack of charging points and facilities.
he head of Insulate Britain has called himself a “hypocrite” – adding he “doesn’t care” about insulating homes.
Liam Norton is behind the series of road-block protests in recent weeks. One of the main objectives of the protests is calling on the government to insulate all social housing by 2025 – therefore reducing the amount of wasted energy pumped out of people’s homes.
TOADY Watch #1 – the BBC in a total tizzie over Rishi’s rollback
Evidence, if it were needed, that the BBC are fully involved in the Climate Cult came this morning with the concentration on ‘Rishi’s Rollback’ and Nick’s interview with the PM. No sense of humour, unlike Chris Packham, their very own BBC brownie‘greenie’. Thanks & h/t to ajs.
Contrast this with Nick Robinson’s Climate Change interview with a gentleman from the BTO, that’s British Trust for Ornithology, Fed. Nick teed up questions for the BTO interviewee and unlike his interview with the PM, Nick did not break the first rule of radio interviewing and talk over the BTO interviewee. It was full on BBC Climate Cult cosy chat with the BTO bod.
“UK interest rate decision set to be close call after inflation ”
Consider this scenario : Interest rates go up, houses get repossessed, the Home Office buys up, or rents the said houses and fills them up with the all the “illegals” that are presently languishing in all the 4 Star hotels?
“Stop the Boats” we are full.
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
Now health professionals are urged to call vaginas ‘bonus holes’ to avoid offending trans or non-binary patients
EXCLUSIVE: Women’s rights campaigners say term is misogynistic and wrong
It appears in a glossary of words for health professionals to think about using
PUBLISHED: 09:31, 8 July 2023 | UPDATED: 16:27, 8 July 2023
What a way to run a Country, we are governed by idiots, Britain is on the road to ruin. The drive to net zero is a ridiculous farce driven by global business interests, climate hysteria fanatics and devious politicians.
Energy security has been compromised, energy costs have soared. The 2030 drive to stop production of diesel and petrol cars only was so obviously and laughably unachievable that it’s obvious that the people driving this agenda don’t have a clue, putting this back by five years is insignificant. There are so many issues in creating the infrastructure that will take decades to make this goal achievable. EV’s will never be able to provide all transport needs. There will always be a need for IC vehicles.
Heat pumps? Expensive nonsense. Expensive to install and run On a large scale heat pumps can’t be supplied without huge investment in electrical supply infrastructure.
What shocks me is the degree to which climate propaganda has created hysteria which seems to have stripped people of objective and reasonable judgement. Most of the people promoting this green stuff come from the metropolitan middle classes.
Perhaps because science, engineering and technological knowledge is so sadly lacking in the general population and ruling classes it’s been possible for a ruthless cadre of climate fanatics to take over the agenda.
“What shocks me is the degree to which climate propaganda has created hysteria which seems to have stripped people of objective and reasonable judgement. Most of the people promoting this green stuff come from the metropolitan middle classes.”
At BIT we improve lives and communities by helping all levels of government, private sector and philanthropy businesses tackle their biggest challenges.
We offer a selection of behavioural science consultancy and services to help clients across multiple sectors to gain an understanding of their audience and create strategies that will help them to scale their business effectively.
It is called ‘nudge’ after the book by Richard Thaler (who went on to win the Nobel prize in economics) and Cass Sunstein which set out how people are not the rational economic actors beloved of conventional economic theory – but can be influenced by “choice architecture” into making better choices in their own interests.
“Perhaps because science, engineering and technological knowledge is so sadly lacking in the general population and ruling classes it’s been possible for a ruthless cadre of climate fanatics to take over the agenda.”
No ‘perhaps’ about it Flotsam.
Blair HATED (hard) science and engineering with a vengeance, or perhaps he simply distrusted something which was way beyond his (very limited) understanding. Music and ‘Cool Britannia’ he felt he understood, and although I’m sure he didn’t understand ‘the city’ he believed it could churn out lots of nice ‘clean’ cash, unlike ‘dirty’, ‘old’ manufacturing.
I vividly New Labour’s rather strange campaign questioning why engineers were ‘so well paid’ in the late 90s. Being a recently qualified, young, graduate engineer at the time, I didn’t really understand what all the ‘old lags’ were so up in arms about him and why New Labour were so reviled. I do now, 25 years later.
People blame Thatcher for the ‘destruction of UK industry’, maybe, maybe not, it doesn’t really chime with my personal experience. It was under the Tories (and Thatcher’s policies) that I was sponsored to study science and engineering, and I recall the aging British manufacturing industries of the late 80s/early 90s being forced to modernise and deunionise, but still full of optimism and potential.
It was Blair’s government that seems to me, to have been the death knell of British industry, almost entirely due to the exportation of it all to the Far East – mostly China, some to Malaysia, or Korea, and to a lesser extent to Mainland Europe, as encouraged and funded by the EU.
It was sudden and it was drastic, in the late 90s there were still plenty of potential employers in the local region for someone like me, by the early 2000s there were pretty much only half a dozen options within commutable range (one of whom I ended up with). There was also a noticeable decline in pay within the sector, which hasn’t changed in the last 20, odd years. To the extent what was once a well paid and respected profession is now below average in terms of both.
In the same period I’m sure I’ve noticed (maybe I’m just more aware) a drastic ‘dumbing down’ of politicians. A reversion? To ‘Old Etonians’ representing ‘old money’ and privilege, rather than inspired individuals raised up from us masses by their own abilities, the kind of people who would logically include scientists and engineers.
People forget Thatcher was a Chemistry graduate, from a very ordinary background, she understood science, and she wouldn’t have had any ‘net zero’, or ‘just stop oil’, or ‘war on plastic’ crap. I didn’t appreciate her when she was in power – her foolish ‘poll tax’ was ill thought through and presumably rushed. As a penniless teenager at the time, how did she think I was going to pay it, or my equally squeezed (interest rates through the roof) parents for me? But, is what we’ve got any different really? At least I didn’t have ludicrous university fees to pay.
– end of rant, but yes, Flotsam, our ‘elite’ (self appointed and anything but) show a dismal lack of understanding of real science, or engineering (and many other things).
I’ve been in engineering all my life. Pay and status have always been low. I have a friend who did an electronic engineering degree about 20 years ago. He went into industry but found the deal poor, we often talked about his situation and I basically suggested he did something else. He re-trained as a Solicitor and now has his own thriving practice.
On the recent Sunak climb down, the fact that he’s made the changes he has does discredit the level of competence of the Government’s advisors and stupid legislation. Decisions to go “green”, wreck the economy and turn us into paupers are driven by the most spurious of unscientific claims.
I notice that the green zealots point to us losing the leading edge in green jobs and industry. From what I can see most of the consumer facing companies working in the green sector are run by spivs, con-men and rip off merchants subsidised with taxpayer money, I include the big energy companies.
Windmills? made in Denmark and Germany.
EV’s? China.
Solar cells? China.
It’s such a shallow con – but now accepted as unholy writ . There can be no question – no challenge – an undemocratic 2050 picked out of the fresh air – dominating our time and sending the kids to mental treatment because they are being told they are doomed .
As for engineering – the country stopped producing people who could teach engineering . Instead – media studies – and lawyers and PPE …..
Another reason why the UK is rapidly heading to the third world ….. as the third world heads for us
Blair HATED (hard) science and engineering with a vengeance, or perhaps he simply distrusted something which was way beyond his (very limited) understanding.
I’d not heard that before – but I did see some video of Obama hosting a white House reception for STEM kids. His obvious arrogance, ignorance and clear distaste for engineering and solid tech was not edited out of the segment I saw – he was sneering and dismissive.
I recall BAAS doing a Westminster MP questionnaire (multiple choice) where something like 90% of respondents couldn’t pick the correct number for the boiling point of water.
Video site Rumble has hit out at a UK Parliamentary committee that asked if it would cut Russell Brand’s income in the wake of sexual assault allegations.
Dame Caroline Dinenage, chair of the House of Commons media committee, wrote to Rumble to say she was “concerned” that he could profit from his content.
But Rumble said that was “an extremely disturbing letter” and that the company would not “join a cancel culture mob”.
We will establish an ‘LGBT Implementation Fund’ to deliver this
action plan. The Government (TAX PAYER) Equalities Office will allocate £4.5 million
of funding, which will be available until the end of the Spending Review
period in March 2020, and will seek additional funding in future years.
This funding will be used to deliver the commitments in this plan, and
enable public, private and voluntary sector organisations to deliver
projects that respond to the findings from the survey
The Muslim rape gangs target white girls who show flesh and wear make-up because they think they deserve it.
You will never see that simple fact on the BBC – even though it strikes to very core of their feminist agenda. Because they are the most stupendous of double-standard hypocrites.
The word ‘chooses’ in that plaque is an insult to most Muslim women who wear it because they have to. The only strength she knows is her husband’s – who she was probably forced to marry.
That piece of ‘art’ is appropriately ugly for a tribute to oppression, and reminiscent of the brutalism of monuments to Stalin.
I wonder who is paying for that cr*p?
Meanwhile, women are dying for the right not to wear the hated hijab.
Not interested in the article : I don’t trust anything the BBC tell me now. I know it’s not lies because they will be caught out, but it will certainly be deliberately misleading to the casual reader who doesn’t spot their careful wording.
I’m more interested in the HYS these days and the Leftist troll farm the BBC willingly allow.
This comment:
‘Rich Tory donors gain from both.’ has 111 upticks and 116 downticks.
If the troll farm was engaged, I guarantee it would be 400 upticks to about 30 downticks.
That’s the kind of ‘democracy’ the Left like and is one of the many reasons I am certain they cheated at the last election in the USA.
This time it is likely they will use the legal system to do it. By ‘legal system’ I mean the same one they are using against Brand – the totally corrupt one. It has already started against Trump.
“..I think you (Mark Carney) have become politically involved (UK’s EU Referendum), in a way, you have quite clearly said you would not in a General Election…” – Jacob Rees-Mogg – {independent – may2016 @0:50}
“I don’t think it’s worth a reply.” – Mark Carney’s response
UK Government internet censorship under the pretext of protecting children from on line “harm” but quite OK with trans pervs grooming children in libraries and sexualising children in schools.
“…the Government is minded that media appearances, books or journalism should in due course be formally exempted from the business appointment rules (whilst still maintaining duty of confidentiality requirements). This recognises also the importance of the rights to free speech within the law. This ‘minded to’ approach is therefore guiding in the assessment of appropriate steps on this particular issue.”
“This recognises also the importance of the rights to free speech within the law. This ‘minded to’ approach is therefore guiding in the assessment of appropriate steps on this particular issue.”
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2018 … **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**
I noticed a lot of the usual commentariat getting very animated about Wishy Washy’s decision to delay “net zero”.
Of course, all the usual suspects, including our former tubster PM, think this is an absolute disaster…while others think it’s a wonderful and brave decision…As if…
I can’t get excited about it. He’s still committed us to net zero, he’s just slightly delayed it.
In my opinion we shouldn’t be indulging in these green fantasies anyway. Leave those to neurotic teenagers and George Moonbat. Grown-ups should be making grown up decisions. We’re built on coal, oil and gas and we have nuclear potential; all tried, tested and trustworthy.
Anyway, nothing we do will make the slightest difference to the overall carbon output. It’s like saying we’re not going to piss in the Pacific, big deal. This is grandstanding with the welfare of our poorest citizens at stake.
The only difference between Wishy and Starmer is the speed they’re going. Both are driving us (in solar powered vehicles, of course) towards the same destination; net zero. Starmer is in the fast lane, while Sunak has taken his foot off the throttle and we’re pootling along at 60mph.
“American culture has been sent adrift. In a new short film, I show how a strange new pattern of psychopathologies has deranged our institutions and plunged our public life into hysteria, narcissism, and moral theatrics—all in the name of “care.”
“Chris is a plumbing and heating engineer in Birmingham. Speaking to the BBC’s Radio 5 Live, he says ‘change needs to happen’ but is unclear how to make it work for everyone.
He was on call at a house fixing a boiler when he called the radio, and questions how the residents are going to afford a heat pump or a ground source. “We’ve just got to keep progressing, haven’t we?” he says. “But the problem we’ve got is how do we progress and include everybody.”
The one plumber in the country who’s worried about inclusion and social justice. What are the odds?
Heat Pump prices
Heat pump prices vary considerably but for an air source heat pump you are probably looking at something in the range of £12-£15,000 inclusive of system design and installation. That is before the £5,000 in government funding under the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) is taken into account. So, the actual amount typically paid is between £7-£10,000.
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
Stocks of certain fuel oils including heating oil are running low. Russia has reportedly closed refineries for ‘maintenance’ and because the corrupt elites are completely corrupt they have decided we don’t need sufficient refining capacity and need to import diesel other more enlightened states produce in the their countries.
I expect many people will be thinking now “I don’t have a diesel car so this won’t affect me”
Think again.
Everything you buy is delivered by a truck or a van which runs on diesel, and even if it doesn’t run short the price of it will rise sharply causing prices to follow accordingly.
This will cause inflation to rise, and well, you know how that ends.
Queues at filling stations for diesel will affect those who want to buy Petrol too!
I wouldn’t worry. All vans and lorries will be electric by the end of next year. We’ll be seeing road trains, like in Australia. The last trailer will be carrying the cargo and the other 5 will be carrying the batteries. Charging will take a week but will be free, at all times, because of a massive surfeit of wind and solar power, available 24 hours a day.
Closure of UK’s largest gas storage site ‘could mean volatile prices’
This article is more than 6 years old
Shuttering of Rough facility off Yorkshire coast by British Gas owner Centrica will increase dependence on imports, say critics
Adam Vaughan
Tue 20 Jun 2017 19.32 BST
Amber joined the Board on 10 January 2022 and is a member of the Nominations Committee, Remuneration Committee and the Safety, Environment & Sustainability Committee.
The Countryside Alliance were more sympathetic, saying “The PM is right to provide significantly more time for people to transition to heat pumps, understanding that in some circumstances it just won’t work.”
What you can get
You can get one grant per property. Grants are available for:
£5,000 towards an air source heat pump
£6,000 towards a ground source heat pump (including water source heat pumps and those on shared ground loops)
£5,000 towards a biomass boiler
You cannot get a grant for a hybrid heat pump system (for example a combination of gas boiler and air source heat pump).
The system you install must meet certain standards, such as minimum efficiency levels (your installer can advise you on these).
The system’s maximum capacity must be less than 45kWth – anything over is not eligible.
Heat Pump prices
Heat pump prices vary considerably but for an air source heat pump you are probably looking at something in the range of £12-£15,000 inclusive of system design and installation. That is before the £5,000 in government funding under the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) is taken into account. So, the actual amount typically paid is between £7-£10,000.
“I assume ‘flags intended for ambush marketing’ doesn’t include the Union Jack. Perhaps CCHQ can clarify. Otherwise it’s obvious what will happen: those poor souls tasked with having to interpret and enforce this rule will err on the side of caution and ban all flags. So we’d have yet more bans and regulations, and this time quite an unpatriotic one, from a Party that’s supposed to be about freedom of thought and expression, not to mention pride in our country!”
Isis flag raised at Syrian camp holding jihadi families
Raising of flag is one of many similar incidents at camp in recent weeks
Richard Hall
Middle East correspondent
Wednesday 17 July 2019 13:48
American culture has been sent adrift. In a new short film, I show how a strange new pattern of psychopathologies has deranged our institutions and plunged our public life into hysteria, narcissism, and moral theatrics—all in the name of “care.”
From John Gatto, it’s not just children that don’t want to know about the real working world anymore. Swap child for adults in the following article …
The children I teach are indifferent to the adult world. This defies the experience of thousands of years. A close study of what big people were up to was always the most exciting occupation of youth, but nobody wants to grow up these days and who can blame them? Toys are us. … Time for a return to democracy, individuality, and family. I’ve said my piece. Thank you. { – john gatto – jan1990}
relates to Westerners: Guilty of Reading the News { 27sep2017}
– this is also why NewsPapers should link to a report if it is mentioned and not make it paywall’d
> a strange new pattern of psychopathologies has deranged our institutions and plunged our public life into hysteria, narcissism, and moral theatrics—all in the name of “care.”
The Unabomber saw this very early on and wrote a manifesto about a sickness he called ‘leftism’. I do not advocate his fix though:
Has anyone in the Welsh Assembly considered the practical downsides?
1. At 20 mph most vehicles will need to drive in a lower gear to stay within the limit. This means higher revs from the engine and thus more exhaust pollution. I invite anyone to try to drive at a steady 20mph in top gear to experience this!
2. At 20mph cars will spend an extra 33% of time moving through the area, they are also likely to be much more nose-to-tail than before as vehicles create a caterpillar of traffic moving slowly, this combined with the lower gears being used means at least an extra 33% increase in exhaust emissions per mile travelled by every single car, motor-bike, bus and lorry.
3. Road vehicles are specifically designed to be most efficient travelling in a high gear at minimum revs and this measure will cause excess engine and transmission wear over time, shortening the life of every vehicle.
4. Driving in a constant queue of slow moving traffic requires considerably more use of the brakes which can only lead to more brake dust being spewed into suburban areas of Wales.
It’s a mad, stupid and pointless exercise which will raise living costs for thousands if not millions, lower the air quality in built-up areas, deter tourists and crush local businesses. And all for brownie points with the greenies, WEF and The UN.
People of Wales! remember you have a vote, you must use it when the time comes to put a stop to and reverse this creeping overbearing totalitarian sickness in your devolved “Government”.
2022 Councils have been told to make classroom ventilation and air cleansing “absolute priorities” after teacher sickness absences due to Covid hit a fresh record high for the school year.
Amid renewed pressure on Nicola Sturgeon following claims her ministers are planning to “chop up class doors” as an airflow-boosting measure, union bosses said the latest statistics were “continuing proof” that “maximum mitigations” are needed. They also stressed they wanted to see better progress towards making the coronavirus vaccine more widely available to P1-7 pupils.
“Most of the conflict with the UK being outside of the [EU] arises inso far as the UK wants to diverge and do different things to the rest of our EU partners. Obviously the more we share values, the more we share a future together, the less the conflict. Actually different ways of solving problems become available… we don’t want to diverge, we don’t want to lower standards, we don’t want to rip up environmental standards…”
Labour conference: Wrong to say that only women have a cervix, says Keir Starmer
MP Rosie Duffield staying away from Brighton gathering over online threats
Andrew Woodcock
Political Editor
Sunday 26 September 2021 13:54
It shows that there is no separation between red and blue labour . Dinage should be ashamed to call berself a Tory getting up to such antics .
After all they are taking on a citizen who has not been charged or convicted of a crime – on the basis of a loosely formulated TV show . …..
I have no time for brand – but MPs doing such things is an abuse of power and pretty frightening really . At least Dinage will be gone with the rest of the vermin next year …
Maybe she can recruit some Labour members in jail?
Extremists will also now be banned from taking a “leading role” in religious services under the new measures. It follows a 2022 report which raised concerns about radicalisation and Islamist gangs in prisons. New Justice Secretary Alex Chalk said the changes would stop terrorists advancing “their own sinister agenda”.30 Apr 2023
Terrorists limited to two boxes of books in prison cells
30 April
“What power have you got? Where did you get it from? In whose interests do you exercise it? To whom are you accountable? And how can we get rid of you”
― Tony Benn
Seems that the outgoing chancellor has said that tax cuts are ‘virtually impossible ‘ – and this is ‘news ‘- a Tory government throwing already borrowed money around even contemplating pre election bribes ….
Red labour will really have an empty piggy bank and all the excuses in the world for increasing taxes – whatever promises they make now …..
The Libranos: What the media won’t tell you about Justin Trudeau’s corruption Paperback – 5 Sept. 2019
Justin Trudeau’s term as prime minister has been a disaster, but you wouldn’t know it if your only source of news was the Media Party — the liberal-leaning clique of reporters and commentators who would rather take a selfie with Trudeau than ask him a tough question.
It’s gotten even worse as the few remaining independent newspapers in Canada signed up for Trudeau’s $600 million media bail-out.
Here’s their theory: they claim that because my book criticized Trudeau, it was campaign propaganda and had to be registered with the government. Even though Canada’s election laws specifically exempt books and the promotion of books.
If the Officer is found not guilty it should at least quieten the inevitable protests. It does seem reasonable to have shot Kaba given what we know, it’s time now to test that in Court. Unfortunately it will be an appalling ordeal for him.
Mrs Voter, needed to check the exchange rates this afternoon, (some friends returning from the UK were bringing us some goodies, and she wanted to pay in euros). So switch the telly on, we use a sky box to get satellite TV. Check the Red button on the biarsed BBC, its the one thing they can’t lie about. I digress, there was a godawful quiz programme on called The Finishing Line whilst waiting for the exchange rate to come up, they flashed a picture of a news reader and asked who it was. Pass said the contestant. It was of course Huw Edwards how are the mighty fallen.
The chair of the Culture Media and Sport has written to several online platforms attempting to demonetise Russell Brands channel which has gathered responses of it being proof positive the elites are out to get Brand for truths he has revealed they would rather were kept secret.
The defence they use is that they have in their remit an oversight of an organisations culture and whether it is suitable for public consumption.
I would suggest the fact they are attempting to extend this to US based companies is a massive over-reach.
Having said that there are allegations which as yet are unknown about Russell Brand other than the fact that at least one took place in a foreign country and is past the statute of limitations and cannot be prosecuted.
Which brings us to the BBC. If the CM&S committee are so concerned about Russell Brand and are seeking to demonetise him, why the hell didn’t they demonetise the BBC as well which not only hosted Russell Brand, but also Jimmy Saville?
Not only the BBC but several Labour councils should have been demonetised for actively covering up the rape of children by Pakistani Muslim rape gangs!
If Russell Brand needs to be demonestised because of an internal culture on internet platforms then the BBC derserves to be demonetised 100 times more !!!
Chris Evans did that many, many times to women on the Big Breakfast BBC (as well as bullying them) – but when the accusations came out and he was the Leftist darling on Radio 2, you swept it under the carpet.
But Brand did it once and it’s front-page, world headline news. Along with a picture of him right next to the headline.
“Firms still forced to sell more electric cars despite petrol ban delay”
Does it mean we will be “forced” to buy them or will they be given away free?
Well blow me down ! I thought it was caused by…….
“Two dams in the river above Derna were old and poorly maintained. Many houses had been built on the flood-plain. And when they burst, tens of millions of cubic metres of water poured into the city, sweeping away entire neighbourhoods.” ?
Well I do hope that those who read my earlier post on possible diesel shortages took action on it because a few hours ago Russia announced an export ban.
This is obviously timed to affect Europe at the worst possible time, just before Winter.
Around 95% of UK logistics relies upon diesel use in one form or another to get goods to shops, food to distribution centres etc.
This has now been reported in the Grauniad,but it might be too disturbing for the population to hear, risking panic buying and fuel hoarding.
Look after yourselves, this might be the begining of something very serious – the last time Russia had a ‘temporary’ export ban it quickly became permanent.
Fracking and GTL fuel would render the UK effectively immune to overseas fuel suppliers antics.
First off… we have to ban the ecoloons from “fossil fuels” and industrial products derived from oil – seriously – invert the present legislative intent.
Interesting… I don’t agree with everything – the idea that iif you’re an atheist you are a socialist in particular is imho just daft. That said, plenty there to concern the lefty statists and swampers …
Dickie, I read that label far too quickly and thought Alistair Cooke is dead. Then I realised there was an r in the surname. It would be interesting to have the late, great, Alistair Cooke around today and doing ‘A Letter from America’ on Biden’s presidency, the US support for Ukraine, the trials of DJT and his possible nomination for the Republican candidacy, etc.
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 After banning elected President Călin Georgescu and ruling he can never run again, Romanian authorities are now using brute force…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel it’s their best…
Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: No need to get them back. This…
The supposed ‘row back’ from net zero implementation dates is window dressing designed to save a few votes and seats. If by a miracle the Tories retain power it will be reversed. Sunak is a globalist and will comply with the WEF plans.
There is ludicrous article in the Telegraph today by the climate Secretary, Coutinho, about taking the public with them on Net Zero . It’s widely derided by readers in the comments section who are sick of being propagandised about climate change and it’s supposed causes.
But the ‘row back’ will help us identify which Tory MPs are still ‘sound’ ( few) and which are globalist ( many) . It’s very similar to Brexit in that regard.
The advice must remain as vote for any candidate who is right of centre and don’t vote for anyone from LibLabCon unless they are one of the few above. If there aren’t any suitable candidates on the ballot just write None if the Above. But do vote against LibLabCon they must be made aware of how much they are despised by the people.
Rishi is green – he has a USA Green Card.
Absolute proof that the UK government is involved in trying to shut down Russell Brands freedom of speech, and the right of people like us to hear that speech because it goes against the Marxist principles of the uniparty.
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2018 … **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**
These idiots are now shooting themselves in the foot with this juvenile rush to cancel people crap.
They need reminding that innocent until proven guilty is a standard and that in this case there are not even any charges in place.
So this is about their own feel good “saviour” status regardless of the actual facts or truth.
I would think Brand has a pretty strong case for defamation and damages against this stupid idiot screeching woman.
Have they cancelled LIZZO?
Still can’t view rumble in France, apparently the French government want them (rumble) to censor.
I can’t understand why the caretaker king has gone to France . The French will never be our friends – as witnessed by their exporting of their third world trash . They should be treated accordingly ….
The British crown has a claim on the throne of France after the battle of Agincourt – something for which the French bear a grudge (and don’t mention Crecy!)
Henry V married the mad French Kings daughter, and took the Fleur de Lys as a heraldic symbol incoroprated with the three lions.
Alas then we had a first mad kind in Henry VI who founded the rotten school at Windsor and lost all his French territories, although he was allegedly crowned King of France his retinue scarpered immediately afterwards.
United States interventions in foreign countries:
Click to access R42738.pdf
Rishi says he has given you 5 years extra to drive old tech! All praise Rishi!
The Government hasn’t realised yet that Brits are on the cusp of ignoring any legislation that Government clings on too. Eventually, will we see the UK’s “Ceaușescu” moment ?
Be warned Rich Sunak / Drakeford / Bliar et al.
Covid has shown everyone is compliant …
I disagree – that’s one of the national weaknesses – which I share – the ability to moan a lot but not do much – or anything – about it .
Only exceptional errors by the political class – the brexit referendum – demonstrated the gulf in ‘democracy ‘ between the desire of the people versus that corrupt political class .
Remainers point to the 52/48 result but that was in the face of a propaganda onslaught by the likes of the BBC
Only shortages will drive protest – but that is as likely to be against each other as opposed to a corrupt undemocratic British State
“Warning petrol ban delay may hit electric car sales”
IMHO they were being “hit” anyway . They were far too expensive and unreliable due to lack of charging points and facilities.
Apple and Google named in US lawsuit over Congolese child cobalt mining deaths
taffman, BBC not paying attention. They should abandon their fixation with the ClimateCult and start doing some investigative journalism. From Paul Homewood’s excellent Not A Lot Of People Know That, also known as NALOPKT site:
Perhaps Marianna might like to spring in to action and check Paul’s figures but be warned Marianna, he’s a former accountant and good with numbers.
Insulate Britain ringleader says ‘he doesn’t care about insulation’
he head of Insulate Britain has called himself a “hypocrite” – adding he “doesn’t care” about insulating homes.
Liam Norton is behind the series of road-block protests in recent weeks. One of the main objectives of the protests is calling on the government to insulate all social housing by 2025 – therefore reducing the amount of wasted energy pumped out of people’s homes.
TOADY Watch #1 – the BBC in a total tizzie over Rishi’s rollback
Evidence, if it were needed, that the BBC are fully involved in the Climate Cult came this morning with the concentration on ‘Rishi’s Rollback’ and Nick’s interview with the PM. No sense of humour, unlike Chris Packham, their very own BBC
brownie‘greenie’. Thanks & h/t to ajs.Contrast this with Nick Robinson’s Climate Change interview with a gentleman from the BTO, that’s British Trust for Ornithology, Fed. Nick teed up questions for the BTO interviewee and unlike his interview with the PM, Nick did not break the first rule of radio interviewing and talk over the BTO interviewee. It was full on BBC Climate Cult cosy chat with the BTO bod.
Will OFCOM do anything about it? No. I think not.
“UK interest rate decision set to be close call after inflation ”
Consider this scenario : Interest rates go up, houses get repossessed, the Home Office buys up, or rents the said houses and fills them up with the all the “illegals” that are presently languishing in all the 4 Star hotels?
“Stop the Boats” we are full.
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
Visitors to a new Royal Academy exhibition must squeeze between two nude models to enter it.
The unusual installation is part of a career retrospective of Serbian performance artist Marina Abramović.
There is a separate entrance for those who are uncomfortable squeezing through the nude performers.
I suppose that putting the bloke standing there with an erection is cheaper that installing a turnstile ?
Insert coins into the lady bonus hole?
Now health professionals are urged to call vaginas ‘bonus holes’ to avoid offending trans or non-binary patients
EXCLUSIVE: Women’s rights campaigners say term is misogynistic and wrong
It appears in a glossary of words for health professionals to think about using
PUBLISHED: 09:31, 8 July 2023 | UPDATED: 16:27, 8 July 2023
I suppose she is hoping to get two ‘Bonus Balls’ in the same bed?
What a way to run a Country, we are governed by idiots, Britain is on the road to ruin. The drive to net zero is a ridiculous farce driven by global business interests, climate hysteria fanatics and devious politicians.
Energy security has been compromised, energy costs have soared. The 2030 drive to stop production of diesel and petrol cars only was so obviously and laughably unachievable that it’s obvious that the people driving this agenda don’t have a clue, putting this back by five years is insignificant. There are so many issues in creating the infrastructure that will take decades to make this goal achievable. EV’s will never be able to provide all transport needs. There will always be a need for IC vehicles.
Heat pumps? Expensive nonsense. Expensive to install and run On a large scale heat pumps can’t be supplied without huge investment in electrical supply infrastructure.
What shocks me is the degree to which climate propaganda has created hysteria which seems to have stripped people of objective and reasonable judgement. Most of the people promoting this green stuff come from the metropolitan middle classes.
Perhaps because science, engineering and technological knowledge is so sadly lacking in the general population and ruling classes it’s been possible for a ruthless cadre of climate fanatics to take over the agenda.
“What shocks me is the degree to which climate propaganda has created hysteria which seems to have stripped people of objective and reasonable judgement. Most of the people promoting this green stuff come from the metropolitan middle classes.”
At BIT we improve lives and communities by helping all levels of government, private sector and philanthropy businesses tackle their biggest challenges.
We offer a selection of behavioural science consultancy and services to help clients across multiple sectors to gain an understanding of their audience and create strategies that will help them to scale their business effectively.
It is called ‘nudge’ after the book by Richard Thaler (who went on to win the Nobel prize in economics) and Cass Sunstein which set out how people are not the rational economic actors beloved of conventional economic theory – but can be influenced by “choice architecture” into making better choices in their own interests.
“Perhaps because science, engineering and technological knowledge is so sadly lacking in the general population and ruling classes it’s been possible for a ruthless cadre of climate fanatics to take over the agenda.”
No ‘perhaps’ about it Flotsam.
Blair HATED (hard) science and engineering with a vengeance, or perhaps he simply distrusted something which was way beyond his (very limited) understanding. Music and ‘Cool Britannia’ he felt he understood, and although I’m sure he didn’t understand ‘the city’ he believed it could churn out lots of nice ‘clean’ cash, unlike ‘dirty’, ‘old’ manufacturing.
I vividly New Labour’s rather strange campaign questioning why engineers were ‘so well paid’ in the late 90s. Being a recently qualified, young, graduate engineer at the time, I didn’t really understand what all the ‘old lags’ were so up in arms about him and why New Labour were so reviled. I do now, 25 years later.
People blame Thatcher for the ‘destruction of UK industry’, maybe, maybe not, it doesn’t really chime with my personal experience. It was under the Tories (and Thatcher’s policies) that I was sponsored to study science and engineering, and I recall the aging British manufacturing industries of the late 80s/early 90s being forced to modernise and deunionise, but still full of optimism and potential.
It was Blair’s government that seems to me, to have been the death knell of British industry, almost entirely due to the exportation of it all to the Far East – mostly China, some to Malaysia, or Korea, and to a lesser extent to Mainland Europe, as encouraged and funded by the EU.
It was sudden and it was drastic, in the late 90s there were still plenty of potential employers in the local region for someone like me, by the early 2000s there were pretty much only half a dozen options within commutable range (one of whom I ended up with). There was also a noticeable decline in pay within the sector, which hasn’t changed in the last 20, odd years. To the extent what was once a well paid and respected profession is now below average in terms of both.
In the same period I’m sure I’ve noticed (maybe I’m just more aware) a drastic ‘dumbing down’ of politicians. A reversion? To ‘Old Etonians’ representing ‘old money’ and privilege, rather than inspired individuals raised up from us masses by their own abilities, the kind of people who would logically include scientists and engineers.
People forget Thatcher was a Chemistry graduate, from a very ordinary background, she understood science, and she wouldn’t have had any ‘net zero’, or ‘just stop oil’, or ‘war on plastic’ crap. I didn’t appreciate her when she was in power – her foolish ‘poll tax’ was ill thought through and presumably rushed. As a penniless teenager at the time, how did she think I was going to pay it, or my equally squeezed (interest rates through the roof) parents for me? But, is what we’ve got any different really? At least I didn’t have ludicrous university fees to pay.
– end of rant, but yes, Flotsam, our ‘elite’ (self appointed and anything but) show a dismal lack of understanding of real science, or engineering (and many other things).
I’ve been in engineering all my life. Pay and status have always been low. I have a friend who did an electronic engineering degree about 20 years ago. He went into industry but found the deal poor, we often talked about his situation and I basically suggested he did something else. He re-trained as a Solicitor and now has his own thriving practice.
On the recent Sunak climb down, the fact that he’s made the changes he has does discredit the level of competence of the Government’s advisors and stupid legislation. Decisions to go “green”, wreck the economy and turn us into paupers are driven by the most spurious of unscientific claims.
I notice that the green zealots point to us losing the leading edge in green jobs and industry. From what I can see most of the consumer facing companies working in the green sector are run by spivs, con-men and rip off merchants subsidised with taxpayer money, I include the big energy companies.
Windmills? made in Denmark and Germany.
EV’s? China.
Solar cells? China.
It’s such a shallow con – but now accepted as unholy writ . There can be no question – no challenge – an undemocratic 2050 picked out of the fresh air – dominating our time and sending the kids to mental treatment because they are being told they are doomed .
As for engineering – the country stopped producing people who could teach engineering . Instead – media studies – and lawyers and PPE …..
Another reason why the UK is rapidly heading to the third world ….. as the third world heads for us
Blair HATED (hard) science and engineering with a vengeance, or perhaps he simply distrusted something which was way beyond his (very limited) understanding.
I’d not heard that before – but I did see some video of Obama hosting a white House reception for STEM kids. His obvious arrogance, ignorance and clear distaste for engineering and solid tech was not edited out of the segment I saw – he was sneering and dismissive.
I recall BAAS doing a Westminster MP questionnaire (multiple choice) where something like 90% of respondents couldn’t pick the correct number for the boiling point of water.
Repeat , who voted for Rishi Sunak ?
Who voted for mass invasion ?
Who voted for ‘Net Zero” ?
Next time vote for Reform UK or UKIP.
Video site Rumble has hit out at a UK Parliamentary committee that asked if it would cut Russell Brand’s income in the wake of sexual assault allegations.
Dame Caroline Dinenage, chair of the House of Commons media committee, wrote to Rumble to say she was “concerned” that he could profit from his content.
But Rumble said that was “an extremely disturbing letter” and that the company would not “join a cancel culture mob”.
LGBT+ Rights programme: promoting and protecting the rights of LGBT+ people
The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) invites organisations to submit by 7 August 2023 project proposals that promote and protect the rights of LGBT+ people globally.
We will establish an ‘LGBT Implementation Fund’ to deliver this
action plan. The Government (TAX PAYER) Equalities Office will allocate £4.5 million
of funding, which will be available until the end of the Spending Review
period in March 2020, and will seek additional funding in future years.
This funding will be used to deliver the commitments in this plan, and
enable public, private and voluntary sector organisations to deliver
projects that respond to the findings from the survey
Click to access GEO-LGBT-Action-Plan.pdf
Russell Brand is still front page news on the bbc website!
Honestly! any news to report other than something you want to go on and on about
Smethwick sculpture to celebrate women who wear hijabs
1 day ago
Women in Iran face 10 years in jail for not wearing hijab
UN describes draconian law passed by country’s parliament as ‘gender apartheid’
Tara Cobham
15 hours ago
Do women who wear the hijab CHOOSE to wear it (as it states in that inscription)?
Some probably, but the vast majority, definitely don’t, as proven by how quickly they ditch it given half a chance.
Would the average follower of Islam “love and respect” any woman who CHOSE to wear a miniskirt, or a bikini? Would they hell.
Quite the contrary BBC.
The Muslim rape gangs target white girls who show flesh and wear make-up because they think they deserve it.
You will never see that simple fact on the BBC – even though it strikes to very core of their feminist agenda. Because they are the most stupendous of double-standard hypocrites.
The word ‘chooses’ in that plaque is an insult to most Muslim women who wear it because they have to. The only strength she knows is her husband’s – who she was probably forced to marry.
That piece of ‘art’ is appropriately ugly for a tribute to oppression, and reminiscent of the brutalism of monuments to Stalin.
I wonder who is paying for that cr*p?
Meanwhile, women are dying for the right not to wear the hated hijab.
Which number is she on the four wife, ‘wifey’ line-up?
Has BBC Cancelled all the Lizzo content on iPlayer? If not why not?
Lizzo dancers Arianna Davis and Crystal Williams: ‘No one speaks out, they are scared’
2 August
UK interest rate decision set to be close call after inflation fall
Not interested in the article : I don’t trust anything the BBC tell me now. I know it’s not lies because they will be caught out, but it will certainly be deliberately misleading to the casual reader who doesn’t spot their careful wording.
I’m more interested in the HYS these days and the Leftist troll farm the BBC willingly allow.
This comment:
‘Rich Tory donors gain from both.’ has 111 upticks and 116 downticks.
If the troll farm was engaged, I guarantee it would be 400 upticks to about 30 downticks.
That’s the kind of ‘democracy’ the Left like and is one of the many reasons I am certain they cheated at the last election in the USA.
This time it is likely they will use the legal system to do it. By ‘legal system’ I mean the same one they are using against Brand – the totally corrupt one. It has already started against Trump.
UK interest rate decision set to be close call after inflation fall
“..I think you (Mark Carney) have become politically involved (UK’s EU Referendum), in a way, you have quite clearly said you would not in a General Election…” – Jacob Rees-Mogg – {independent – may2016 @0:50}
“I don’t think it’s worth a reply.” – Mark Carney’s response
WHITE STALE AND PALE … .. Never seen so many white faces …
UK Government internet censorship under the pretext of protecting children from on line “harm” but quite OK with trans pervs grooming children in libraries and sexualising children in schools.
“…the Government is minded that media appearances, books or journalism should in due course be formally exempted from the business appointment rules (whilst still maintaining duty of confidentiality requirements). This recognises also the importance of the rights to free speech within the law. This ‘minded to’ approach is therefore guiding in the assessment of appropriate steps on this particular issue.”
Jeremy Corbyn was paid by an Iranian state TV station that was complicit in the forced confession of a tortured journalist
Adam Payne Jul 2, 2016, 12:09 PM GMT+1
“This recognises also the importance of the rights to free speech within the law. This ‘minded to’ approach is therefore guiding in the assessment of appropriate steps on this particular issue.”
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2018 … **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**
Check out this ratio
Swamp stenographer Rachel Schraer eh?
If I see that name on a byline – it’s certain to be a warmed over copy ‘n paste job.
Wonder what the going rate for that gig is these days – £70k anybody?
No rate rise – more inflation …
I noticed a lot of the usual commentariat getting very animated about Wishy Washy’s decision to delay “net zero”.
Of course, all the usual suspects, including our former tubster PM, think this is an absolute disaster…while others think it’s a wonderful and brave decision…As if…
I can’t get excited about it. He’s still committed us to net zero, he’s just slightly delayed it.
In my opinion we shouldn’t be indulging in these green fantasies anyway. Leave those to neurotic teenagers and George Moonbat. Grown-ups should be making grown up decisions. We’re built on coal, oil and gas and we have nuclear potential; all tried, tested and trustworthy.
Anyway, nothing we do will make the slightest difference to the overall carbon output. It’s like saying we’re not going to piss in the Pacific, big deal. This is grandstanding with the welfare of our poorest citizens at stake.
The only difference between Wishy and Starmer is the speed they’re going. Both are driving us (in solar powered vehicles, of course) towards the same destination; net zero. Starmer is in the fast lane, while Sunak has taken his foot off the throttle and we’re pootling along at 60mph.
That’s it…
Driving ealier I turned Radio 4 on – the tut-tutting and censorious gormless nitwits were out in force …
IIRC sanctimonious CCC head prat Chris Stark (£159k per annum) was gobbing off unchallenged.
Doesn’t explain everything but ….
seems to explain quite a lot….
The Cluster B Society
“American culture has been sent adrift. In a new short film, I show how a strange new pattern of psychopathologies has deranged our institutions and plunged our public life into hysteria, narcissism, and moral theatrics—all in the name of “care.”
Welcome to the Cluster B Society:”
The Rufo tweet that Tomo posted seems banned from embedding
Hare is the video it contains
Live feed now:
“Chris is a plumbing and heating engineer in Birmingham. Speaking to the BBC’s Radio 5 Live, he says ‘change needs to happen’ but is unclear how to make it work for everyone.
He was on call at a house fixing a boiler when he called the radio, and questions how the residents are going to afford a heat pump or a ground source. “We’ve just got to keep progressing, haven’t we?” he says. “But the problem we’ve got is how do we progress and include everybody.”
The one plumber in the country who’s worried about inclusion and social justice. What are the odds?
Hello Terminal
Maybe the rich, such as the PM could buy Heat Pumps, and the rest of us buy gas boilers – which work fine, and more within the average persons budget
Its a step towards what the elite want. They want, they pay
Andy nice idea, I fear the ‘one planet’ mantra doesn’t include disposable income equity, we’ll be on very different planets to them.
Heat Pump prices
Heat pump prices vary considerably but for an air source heat pump you are probably looking at something in the range of £12-£15,000 inclusive of system design and installation. That is before the £5,000 in government funding under the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) is taken into account. So, the actual amount typically paid is between £7-£10,000.
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
Here is a heads up for something which might affect you personally.
Another doom and gloom post I’m afraid, but there doesn’t appear much relief at present.
Stocks of certain fuel oils including heating oil are running low. Russia has reportedly closed refineries for ‘maintenance’ and because the corrupt elites are completely corrupt they have decided we don’t need sufficient refining capacity and need to import diesel other more enlightened states produce in the their countries.
I expect many people will be thinking now “I don’t have a diesel car so this won’t affect me”
Think again.
Everything you buy is delivered by a truck or a van which runs on diesel, and even if it doesn’t run short the price of it will rise sharply causing prices to follow accordingly.
This will cause inflation to rise, and well, you know how that ends.
Queues at filling stations for diesel will affect those who want to buy Petrol too!
I wouldn’t worry. All vans and lorries will be electric by the end of next year. We’ll be seeing road trains, like in Australia. The last trailer will be carrying the cargo and the other 5 will be carrying the batteries. Charging will take a week but will be free, at all times, because of a massive surfeit of wind and solar power, available 24 hours a day.
Closure of UK’s largest gas storage site ‘could mean volatile prices’
This article is more than 6 years old
Shuttering of Rough facility off Yorkshire coast by British Gas owner Centrica will increase dependence on imports, say critics
Adam Vaughan
Tue 20 Jun 2017 19.32 BST's%20owner%2C%20Centrica%2C%20said,temporarily%20shut%20over%20safety%20fears.
Amber joined the Board on 10 January 2022 and is a member of the Nominations Committee, Remuneration Committee and the Safety, Environment & Sustainability Committee.
The Countryside Alliance were more sympathetic, saying “The PM is right to provide significantly more time for people to transition to heat pumps, understanding that in some circumstances it just won’t work.”
What you can get
You can get one grant per property. Grants are available for:
£5,000 towards an air source heat pump
£6,000 towards a ground source heat pump (including water source heat pumps and those on shared ground loops)
£5,000 towards a biomass boiler
You cannot get a grant for a hybrid heat pump system (for example a combination of gas boiler and air source heat pump).
The system you install must meet certain standards, such as minimum efficiency levels (your installer can advise you on these).
The system’s maximum capacity must be less than 45kWth – anything over is not eligible.
Heat Pump prices
Heat pump prices vary considerably but for an air source heat pump you are probably looking at something in the range of £12-£15,000 inclusive of system design and installation. That is before the £5,000 in government funding under the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) is taken into account. So, the actual amount typically paid is between £7-£10,000.
Mohammed bin Salman: ‘I don’t care’ about ‘sportswashing’ accusations
Saudi crown prince asked Boris Johnson to intervene in Newcastle United bid
This article is more than 2 years old
Mohammed bin Salman warned of damage to Saudi-UK relations if Premier League refusal not ‘corrected’
damage to Saudi-UK relations if Premier League refusal not ‘corrected’
damage to Saudi-UK relations if Premier League refusal not ‘corrected’
damage to Saudi-UK relations if Premier League refusal not ‘corrected’
“If sportswashing is going to increase my GDP by 1%, then we’ll continue doing sportswashing,” Bin Salman said.
A Tory source told Guido:
“I assume ‘flags intended for ambush marketing’ doesn’t include the Union Jack. Perhaps CCHQ can clarify. Otherwise it’s obvious what will happen: those poor souls tasked with having to interpret and enforce this rule will err on the side of caution and ban all flags. So we’d have yet more bans and regulations, and this time quite an unpatriotic one, from a Party that’s supposed to be about freedom of thought and expression, not to mention pride in our country!”
Isis flag raised at Syrian camp holding jihadi families
Raising of flag is one of many similar incidents at camp in recent weeks
Richard Hall
Middle East correspondent
Wednesday 17 July 2019 13:48
American culture has been sent adrift. In a new short film, I show how a strange new pattern of psychopathologies has deranged our institutions and plunged our public life into hysteria, narcissism, and moral theatrics—all in the name of “care.”
From John Gatto, it’s not just children that don’t want to know about the real working world anymore. Swap child for adults in the following article …
The children I teach are indifferent to the adult world. This defies the experience of thousands of years. A close study of what big people were up to was always the most exciting occupation of youth, but nobody wants to grow up these days and who can blame them? Toys are us. … Time for a return to democracy, individuality, and family. I’ve said my piece. Thank you. { – john gatto – jan1990}
relates to Westerners: Guilty of Reading the News { 27sep2017}
– this is also why NewsPapers should link to a report if it is mentioned and not make it paywall’d
> a strange new pattern of psychopathologies has deranged our institutions and plunged our public life into hysteria, narcissism, and moral theatrics—all in the name of “care.”
The Unabomber saw this very early on and wrote a manifesto about a sickness he called ‘leftism’. I do not advocate his fix though:
If I click that link will Amber Rudd contact Savid Javid and refer me to Suella Braverman for re eduction? Thanks Atlas – see you in the Gulag.
The Welsh 20mph blanket speed limit is simply a self appointed “medal” for Drakeford and his cronies with the ultra woke brigade.
This move has little to do with safety but a lot to do with the push to end private car use by Joe Public.
Has anyone in the Welsh Assembly considered the practical downsides?
1. At 20 mph most vehicles will need to drive in a lower gear to stay within the limit. This means higher revs from the engine and thus more exhaust pollution. I invite anyone to try to drive at a steady 20mph in top gear to experience this!
2. At 20mph cars will spend an extra 33% of time moving through the area, they are also likely to be much more nose-to-tail than before as vehicles create a caterpillar of traffic moving slowly, this combined with the lower gears being used means at least an extra 33% increase in exhaust emissions per mile travelled by every single car, motor-bike, bus and lorry.
3. Road vehicles are specifically designed to be most efficient travelling in a high gear at minimum revs and this measure will cause excess engine and transmission wear over time, shortening the life of every vehicle.
4. Driving in a constant queue of slow moving traffic requires considerably more use of the brakes which can only lead to more brake dust being spewed into suburban areas of Wales.
It’s a mad, stupid and pointless exercise which will raise living costs for thousands if not millions, lower the air quality in built-up areas, deter tourists and crush local businesses. And all for brownie points with the greenies, WEF and The UN.
People of Wales! remember you have a vote, you must use it when the time comes to put a stop to and reverse this creeping overbearing totalitarian sickness in your devolved “Government”.
2022 Councils have been told to make classroom ventilation and air cleansing “absolute priorities” after teacher sickness absences due to Covid hit a fresh record high for the school year.
Amid renewed pressure on Nicola Sturgeon following claims her ministers are planning to “chop up class doors” as an airflow-boosting measure, union bosses said the latest statistics were “continuing proof” that “maximum mitigations” are needed. They also stressed they wanted to see better progress towards making the coronavirus vaccine more widely available to P1-7 pupils.
Buy a hearse, perhaps?
Try pulling out on a busy roundabout within 20mph.
“Most of the conflict with the UK being outside of the [EU] arises inso far as the UK wants to diverge and do different things to the rest of our EU partners. Obviously the more we share values, the more we share a future together, the less the conflict. Actually different ways of solving problems become available… we don’t want to diverge, we don’t want to lower standards, we don’t want to rip up environmental standards…”
Diverge ….
Labour conference: Wrong to say that only women have a cervix, says Keir Starmer
MP Rosie Duffield staying away from Brighton gathering over online threats
Andrew Woodcock
Political Editor
Sunday 26 September 2021 13:54
“…Rosie Duffield staying away from Brighton gathering over online threats”
Our Klaus articulating his concerns about ‘Joe Public’
With any luck, I’ll live long enough to see gallows erected on Parliament Square. We need our Ceaușescu moment to cleanse the elites.
9 jan 2023 Sir Keir Starmer says he prefers Davos to Westminster.
Five people suspected of spying for Russia are to be charged with conspiracy to conduct espionage.
China denies interfering in UK politics after MI5 alert
14 January 2022
SECURITY WARNING Former British military could face jail if caught training Chinese fighter pilots
Sophia Sleigh
Published: 0:01, 17 Sep 2023,top%20guns%20under%20new%20laws.&text=It%20comes%20in%20the%20wake,been%20training%20troops%20in%20China.
What if you lick somebody else’s?
Perhaps just a little self censorship..?
Rich Sunak and his mate, our Klaus
Barking Mad !
It shows that there is no separation between red and blue labour . Dinage should be ashamed to call berself a Tory getting up to such antics .
After all they are taking on a citizen who has not been charged or convicted of a crime – on the basis of a loosely formulated TV show . …..
I have no time for brand – but MPs doing such things is an abuse of power and pretty frightening really . At least Dinage will be gone with the rest of the vermin next year …
Only to be replaced with other vermin.
Will she be doing constituency surgeries in prison?
Maybe she can recruit some Labour members in jail?
Extremists will also now be banned from taking a “leading role” in religious services under the new measures. It follows a 2022 report which raised concerns about radicalisation and Islamist gangs in prisons. New Justice Secretary Alex Chalk said the changes would stop terrorists advancing “their own sinister agenda”.30 Apr 2023
Terrorists limited to two boxes of books in prison cells
30 April
“What power have you got? Where did you get it from? In whose interests do you exercise it? To whom are you accountable? And how can we get rid of you”
― Tony Benn
Barry Gardiner took 500K from a chinese spy … ha ha ha ah aha ha … Tony Blair set fire to the middle east … ha ha ha ha ha ……
“What is net zero”
Why the “no caps” thing?
Seems that the outgoing chancellor has said that tax cuts are ‘virtually impossible ‘ – and this is ‘news ‘- a Tory government throwing already borrowed money around even contemplating pre election bribes ….
Red labour will really have an empty piggy bank and all the excuses in the world for increasing taxes – whatever promises they make now …..
First Black faced PM!
The Libranos: What the media won’t tell you about Justin Trudeau’s corruption Paperback – 5 Sept. 2019
Justin Trudeau’s term as prime minister has been a disaster, but you wouldn’t know it if your only source of news was the Media Party — the liberal-leaning clique of reporters and commentators who would rather take a selfie with Trudeau than ask him a tough question.
It’s gotten even worse as the few remaining independent newspapers in Canada signed up for Trudeau’s $600 million media bail-out.
Here’s their theory: they claim that because my book criticized Trudeau, it was campaign propaganda and had to be registered with the government. Even though Canada’s election laws specifically exempt books and the promotion of books.
If the Officer is found not guilty it should at least quieten the inevitable protests. It does seem reasonable to have shot Kaba given what we know, it’s time now to test that in Court. Unfortunately it will be an appalling ordeal for him.
Mrs Voter, needed to check the exchange rates this afternoon, (some friends returning from the UK were bringing us some goodies, and she wanted to pay in euros). So switch the telly on, we use a sky box to get satellite TV. Check the Red button on the biarsed BBC, its the one thing they can’t lie about. I digress, there was a godawful quiz programme on called The Finishing Line whilst waiting for the exchange rate to come up, they flashed a picture of a news reader and asked who it was. Pass said the contestant. It was of course Huw Edwards how are the mighty fallen.
Here is a thought for people to chew over.
The chair of the Culture Media and Sport has written to several online platforms attempting to demonetise Russell Brands channel which has gathered responses of it being proof positive the elites are out to get Brand for truths he has revealed they would rather were kept secret.
The defence they use is that they have in their remit an oversight of an organisations culture and whether it is suitable for public consumption.
I would suggest the fact they are attempting to extend this to US based companies is a massive over-reach.
Having said that there are allegations which as yet are unknown about Russell Brand other than the fact that at least one took place in a foreign country and is past the statute of limitations and cannot be prosecuted.
Which brings us to the BBC. If the CM&S committee are so concerned about Russell Brand and are seeking to demonetise him, why the hell didn’t they demonetise the BBC as well which not only hosted Russell Brand, but also Jimmy Saville?
Not only the BBC but several Labour councils should have been demonetised for actively covering up the rape of children by Pakistani Muslim rape gangs!
If Russell Brand needs to be demonestised because of an internal culture on internet platforms then the BBC derserves to be demonetised 100 times more !!!
Woman says Russell Brand exposed himself to her then laughed about it on Radio 2 show
Chris Evans did that many, many times to women on the Big Breakfast BBC (as well as bullying them) – but when the accusations came out and he was the Leftist darling on Radio 2, you swept it under the carpet.
But Brand did it once and it’s front-page, world headline news. Along with a picture of him right next to the headline.
Shameless, double-standard hypocrite activist leftist scum.
Did I miss anything out from that description of the BBC ?.
Speaking of which, it’s ‘maxi-night’. I look forward to him making a complete ass of himself again.
Pretty sure Brand did some iffy stuff back in the day.
Thing is, it was in plain sight, via the very people now hoisting their frillies in outrage. Then was the time to address it.
If I see one more clown media share something from their own archives ‘that has resurfaced’ I will laugh myself silly.
It was leading item on bbc 6 o clock news,Wife noted she was American so delicate these Americans and litigious.
How is this headline news !!!!!
“Firms still forced to sell more electric cars despite petrol ban delay”
Does it mean we will be “forced” to buy them or will they be given away free?
“Climate change played major role in Libya floods”
Well blow me down ! I thought it was caused by…….
“Two dams in the river above Derna were old and poorly maintained. Many houses had been built on the flood-plain. And when they burst, tens of millions of cubic metres of water poured into the city, sweeping away entire neighbourhoods.” ?
So, misinformation then.
Meanwhile, this tweet has garnered attention.
Well I do hope that those who read my earlier post on possible diesel shortages took action on it because a few hours ago Russia announced an export ban.
This is obviously timed to affect Europe at the worst possible time, just before Winter.
Around 95% of UK logistics relies upon diesel use in one form or another to get goods to shops, food to distribution centres etc.
This has now been reported in the Grauniad,but it might be too disturbing for the population to hear, risking panic buying and fuel hoarding.
Look after yourselves, this might be the begining of something very serious – the last time Russia had a ‘temporary’ export ban it quickly became permanent.
Fracking and GTL fuel would render the UK effectively immune to overseas fuel suppliers antics.
First off… we have to ban the ecoloons from “fossil fuels” and industrial products derived from oil – seriously – invert the present legislative intent.
The problem is refining which has been close because of Green lunacy, now we import it from elsewhere.
Interesting… I don’t agree with everything – the idea that iif you’re an atheist you are a socialist in particular is imho just daft. That said, plenty there to concern the lefty statists and swampers …
Toenails (yawn) really living up to his rep.
Dickie, I read that label far too quickly and thought Alistair Cooke is dead. Then I realised there was an r in the surname. It would be interesting to have the late, great, Alistair Cooke around today and doing ‘A Letter from America’ on Biden’s presidency, the US support for Ukraine, the trials of DJT and his possible nomination for the Republican candidacy, etc.
Back in Alistair Cooke’s day the BBC was good.