Midweek 27th September 2023

A leading BBC presenter thinks the reason the flagship ‘today ‘ programme has lost huge numbers of listeners is that they are ‘news deniers’ . It seems he has a fairly low opinion of listeners . Like so many in the BBC – he is right – the audience is wrong . far Left Group Think Rules … but the audience goes away …

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542 Responses to Midweek 27th September 2023

  1. Terminal Moraine says:

    Jon Sopel on Suella’s comments:

    “‘Multiculturalism has failed’ says Suella Braverman who is from Kenyan and Mauritian background and married to a Jew, serving as Home Secretary in a govt led by someone whose family came from India. Wonder what multicultural success looks like…..”

    BBC sampling methods only include the success stories of politicians and those in media and entertainment. Anyone outside of this bubble doesn’t exist, because there are no migrants in this country who haven’t followed a career path beloved by Islington progressives.

    I’ll be sure to discuss Jon’s take with some of the Albanian sex traffickers pootling round my part of London in their blacked out Mercedes.



    • MarkyMark says:

      2010 … The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, has courted growing anti-immigrant opinion in Germany by claiming the country’s attempts to create a multicultural society have “utterly failed”.

      Speaking to a meeting of young members of her Christian Democratic Union party, Merkel said the idea of people from different cultural backgrounds living happily “side by side” did not work.

      She said the onus was on immigrants to do more to integrate into German society.

      “This [multicultural] approach has failed, utterly failed,” Merkel told the meeting in Potsdam, west of Berlin, yesterday.

      Her remarks will stir a debate about immigration in a country which is home to around 4 million Muslims.



      By Rebecca Seales
      BBC News

      The country has long offered migrants and asylum seekers financial incentives to leave its shores, and until 28 February 2018 it’s prepared to pay out extra.

      Individuals will get €1,000 and families up to €3,000 (£2,650; $3,540) to cover rent or resettlement costs back in their home countries – things like basic kitchen or bathroom facilities.



      Saudi Arabia: Mass Killings of Migrants at Yemen Border
      Systematic Abuses of Ethiopians May Amount to Crimes Against Humanity


    • MarkyMark says:

      “High-profile presenters should be allowed to express views on issues and policies but stop short of political campaigning, a new BBC report says.”


  2. Terminal Moraine says:

    US Select Subcommittee on C19 now stating it has info that Fauci had secret meetings with the CIA where he attempted to cover up the NIH-funded lab leak in Wuhan.

    Also 7 CIA analysts “with significant scientific expertise” received performance bonuses after changing a report to downplay concerns about a possible lab-made virus.

    MSM to ignore it all… somebody somewhere misgendered a cat…



  3. andyjsnape says:

    How distress call to BBC led to rescue of six women trapped in refrigerated lorry in France

    Thanks bbc! Can imagine from now all the invaders on the sea phoning them up and asking for help off the ex British broadcaster


    • StewGreen says:

      Same story has happened before

      Seems BBC is in contact often with lordy stowaways
      How often do the help by informing UK border force BEFORE the crossing ?
      or only when lives are in immediate danger ?


    • MarkyMark says:



  4. MarkyMark says:

    “High-profile presenters should be allowed to express views on issues and policies but stop short of political campaigning, a new BBC report says.”


    CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.

    “Lineker, 62, has been embroiled in a row over impartiality after comparing the language used to launch a new Government asylum policy with 1930s Germany on Twitter. The announcement by the BBC prompted pundit and former Arsenal striker Wright to tweet that he would not be appearing on Saturday in “solidarity”.11 Mar 2023”


    Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),

    As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.

    Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.

    ‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’

    CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.

    CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.

    CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.

    CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.

    CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.

    CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.

    CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …

    CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …

    CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19 

    Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.



  5. Flotsam says:

    Suella Braverman again.
    I suspect that her motivation regarding combatting the invasion is because she is of ethnic origin herself. She has become native, adapted British culture, and values. What she realises, more than the native British left wing is the value of what she has. She sees the invasion as a threat, again more than the wets.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Flotsam – it’s not a human being – it’s a self serving politician….


    • Guest Who says:

      Meanwhile the MPs for Tower Hamlets and like areas have learned what gets you the votes needed to stay in and screw the country to the same level as your constituency.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Some of the last troops to stand their ground take refuge in a small village, along with Calguès, an old man who has chosen to remain at his home, and Hamadura, a Westernized Indian who is terrified of his “filthy, brutish” countrymen and prides himself on having more in common with whites than Indians. The troops in this village, a total of nineteen Frenchmen and one Indian, surrounded by what they deem “occupied territory”, remain the last defense of Western values and “Free France” against the immigrants.



  6. Thoughtful says:

    A most disturbing development by the BBC has just come to my attentioni and I don’t think anyone here has posted anything about it.


    The “Trusted News Initiative”

    Anyone who needs to add ‘trusted’ into the title almost certainly should be regarded with suspicion.


    • andyjsnape says:

      Hello Thoughtful

      Good to know which ones to not trust then

      AP, AFP, BBC, CBC/Radio-Canada, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Financial Times, Information Futures Lab, Google/YouTube, The Hindu, The Nation Media Group, Meta, Microsoft, Thomson Reuters, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Twitter, The Washington Post, Kompas – Indonesia, Dawn – Pakistan, Indian Express, NDTV – India, ABC – Australia, SBS – Australia, NHK – Japan.

      Worrying times when these all sing the same tune

      Strange I can’t see the joined at the hips, special US partner of the bbc, CNN


  7. tomo says:


    • MarkyMark says:

      ‘After 12 days from the first vaccination of the AstraZeneca vaccine, you are 100% effective against hospitalisation and death’

      shares this amazing statistic with us, which you may not have heard yet.




  8. MarkyMark says:

    ““The Code is clear that when programmes are dealing with matters of major political controversy and current public policy, the heightened special impartiality requirements apply. Specifically, Rules 5.11 and 5.12 require that an appropriately wide range of significant views must be included and given due weight in such programmes, or in clearly linked and timely programmes.””

    Calling for the shutdown of a broadcaster because a presenter has behaved badly is an extreme stance. Despite the BBC’s roster of presenters including the likes of Russell Brand, Jimmy Saville and John Peel – all of whom behaved far worse than Laurence Fox – their misbehaviour has not resulted in calls for the station to be shut down. Newsnight’s panel did not constitute the required “appropriately wide range of significant views” as required by Ofcom. If co-conspirators want to make a complaint to Ofcom about Newsnight’s lack of impartiality they can do it here.

    BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
    BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018

    During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.



    Professor Peter Openshaw from Imperial College London, who is also a member of the UK Vaccine Network, was also interviewed on the News Channel and explained that cases of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) following the Covid vaccine are very small and the risk of complications that are seen after Covid by comparison is ‘probably 100 times greater or more.’

    We apologise that we were not better prepared at the time to challenge Dr Malhotra’s points during his interview.


  9. StewGreen says:

    The BBC has extensively pushed Cornwall’s fake drought since March
    Cornwall has just ended its ridiculous year long hosepipe ban
    Reservoir levels in 2023 have always climbed relative last year’s
    And are now at about double 2022’s & dry year 1995’s
    about 74 billion litres

    Interesting SouthWest water is answering claims of no new reservoir building.
    “three *new* reservoirs have been purchased by us in the last 15 years – Park Lake in 2007, Stannon Lake in 2008, and Hawksmoor in 2022.
    A combined 4.5 billion litres of raw water storage can be used for drinking water from these sources”

    To me they are not new reservoirs
    but rather 3 Private irrigation water reservoirs, that have been bought by SWW
    and maybe brought up in quality.

    So officially reservoir capacity has increased by 4%
    but I guess the old owners now buy off SWW instead of the other way round
    So total water storage has not really increased


  10. andyjsnape says:

    Rishi Sunak: What we learned from PM’s BBC radio grilling

    “Grilling” – What a joke, as if most people take the bbc seriously


  11. Fedup2 says:

    Seems a blue labour Mp called ‘nokes’ has said GBnews should be taken off the air . Trying to out Dinage Dinage .

    And we worry about an incoming red labour government ….

    I wonder if these Tory badged MPs know what their Party once stood for ? Inconvenient things such as ‘freedom ‘

    Blighty – is doomed …


    • MarkyMark says:

      2018 … It’s not a conspiracy if you can see it in broad daylight …

      1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765

      2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018

      1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**

      2018 … **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**



  12. Guest Who says:

    Not proving easy, so before I resort to a very possibly ‘exempted’ FOI, does anyone have data on ex-BBC staff, past and present, on the revolving door with senior positions in OFCOM?


  13. harry142857 says:

    Dame Melanie Dawes joined Ofcom as an Executive Board Member and Chief Executive on 2 March 2020.

    Prior to joining Ofcom, Melanie was Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (2015-2020). She has held senior roles across the Civil Service, working in partnership across the public and private sectors. She became the overall Champion for Diversity and Inclusion in the Civil Service in 2019.

    She started her career as an economist and spent 15 years at the Treasury, including as Europe Director. She was Director General of the Economic and Domestic Affairs Secretariat at the Cabinet Office between 2011 and 2015, and prior to that she served on the Board of HMRC as Head of Business Tax. She was Director General for Business Tax from November 2007, which involved responsibility for all the business taxes and duties as well as leadership of the department’s relationships with big business. From 2009, she also led the development of HMRC’s overall strategy as a department.

    She has held non-executive roles including with the consumer body Which? and is a trustee of the Patchwork Foundation, which promotes the participation of under-represented young people in democracy.

    Download a high-resolution photo of Melanie

    David Willis
    David Willis
    Group Director for Spectrum

    David Willis is Group Director for Spectrum, responsible for leading Ofcom’s work managing the UK’s airwaves.

    David has 30 years of technology and telecoms experience in government and industry. Before joining Ofcom, he was President of the Communications Research Centre, the Government of Canada’s research centre for advanced wireless telecommunications, spectrum management and helping to improve broadband services for Canadians.

    Before this, David led the Spectrum Engineering and Planning team at Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada. Here his work included international spectrum standards; wireless spectrum engineering and planning; satellite spectrum policy, licensing and coordination; and leading the Canadian delegation at the 2019 World Radiocommunication Conference.

    David has also held leadership roles in product management, operations and engineering at BlackBerry and Nortel Networks.

    Gill Whitehead
    Gill Whitehead
    Group Director for Online Safety

    Gill was appointed Ofcom’s Group Director for Online Safety at the end of 2022, formally taking on her role in April 2023 when the new Online Safety Group was formed. She oversees Ofcom’s new duties as the UK regulator for online safety.

    Prior to this Gill, was the inaugural Chief Executive of the UK’s Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum (DRCF) where she established the DRCF as a world-leading approach to implementing digital regulation.

    Gill spent four years as Google UK’s Senior Director of Client Solutions & Analytics, leading teams in data analysis, measurement, user experience, consumer segmentation, having previously led their Market Insights across EMEA. Gill previously worked at Channel Four and BBC Worldwide in a variety of strategy leadership and technology-driven roles, beginning her career at the Bank of England and Deloitte Consulting.

    Gill holds a Master’s degree at the University of Oxford’s Internet Institute and spent two years conducting academic research in her interest areas of data markets and data access.

    Gill is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants. She is a Non-Executive Director and Audit Committee Chair of Informa plc, the British Olympic Association, and Chair of the Board for The Rugby World Cup 2025.

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    Kate Davies
    Kate Davies
    Public Policy Director

    Kate Davies joined Ofcom in 2016 and has been Public Policy Director since 2021, supporting Ofcom’s work across communications, media and online sectors, and engaging with policy makers across the UK. Kate also oversees Ofcom’s work in the Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum. Previously Kate was Director of Strategy at Ofcom for three years.

    Before joining Ofcom, Kate worked in a range of roles in HM Treasury, the Department for Work and Pensions and the third sector. Kate was Head of Spending Strategy at HM Treasury, responsible for the delivery of the 2015 Spending Review.

    Kate has an MSc in Development and Population from LSE, and an MA Joint Hons in History and English from the University of Edinburgh.

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    Kerri-Ann O’Neill
    Kerri-Ann O’Neill
    People and Transformation Director

    Kerri aims to create a colleague experience which enables people to work collaboratively to build a purpose driven and agile organisation centred on respect, trust, wellbeing and excellence. Kerri leads Ofcom’s agenda for diversity and inclusion, wellbeing, reward, talent acquisition and management, culture and delivering people centred technological change.

    Prior to joining Ofcom Kerri was People Director, Culture and Organisational Effectiveness at House of Fraser and has held senior roles at Aviva both in the UK and internationally including its first Head of People Analytics and Future Workforce.

    Kerri is a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD. She was educated at Durham University where she obtained a BA in History. She studied Organisational Psychology at the University of London and Executive Education at University of Oxford – Saïd Business School and the Centre European d’Education Permanente (CEDEP).

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    Lindsey Fussell
    Lindsey Fussell
    Group Director for Networks and Communications

    Lindsey Fussell joined in Ofcom in 2016 and is Group Director for Networks and Communications, leading Ofcom’s work in the telecoms, post and network sectors, where we aim to protect consumers’ interests and promote competition. She was appointed to the Ofcom Board in December 2020.

    Before joining Ofcom, Lindsey held a range of senior leadership roles in the Civil Service. She was Public Services Director at HM Treasury, where she led on devolution, education and culture, defence and criminal justice, and was responsible for delivering key aspects of the 2013 and 2015 Spending Reviews. Lindsey is also a lay member of York University’s governing Council.

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    Luisa Affuso
    Luisa Affuso
    Chief Economist and Economics Group Director

    Luisa Affuso is our Chief Economist and Economics Group Director, leading our economists who help to ensure our decisions are underpinned by expert economic analysis.

    Luisa has over twenty years’ experience in the application of competition, regulatory, and industrial economics. She specialises in applying economic and econometric analysis to complex competition and regulatory questions.

    Luisa joined Ofcom in October 2018 from PwC, where she headed the Competition Economics advisory practice.

    Before becoming an economic consultant, Luisa was Director of Studies and Fellow in Economics at Robinson College, Cambridge; and a Research Fellow at Cambridge and then the London Business School. She is currently a Senior Member of Robinson College.

    Luisa was educated at the University of Warwick, where she obtained an MSc and PhD in Economics. She holds a BSc and Doctorate in Economics from the University of Naples (Federico II), Italy.

    Download a high-resolution photo of Luisa

    Martin Ballantyne
    Martin Ballantyne
    General Counsel and Legal Group Director

    Martin Ballantyne is Ofcom’s General Counsel and Legal Group Director. He has been a Legal Director in Ofcom’s Legal Group since 2011, and provides advice for all policy areas within Ofcom, as well as overseeing litigation when our decisions are challenged in the courts.

    Before joining Ofcom, Martin worked as a competition lawyer at the city firm, Macfarlanes. He studied law at the Universities of Exeter, and Tübingen, Germany.

    Download a high-resolution photo of Martin

    A photo of Melissa Tatton, Interim Group Director
    Melissa Tatton
    Chief Operating Officer and Corporate Group Director

    Melissa Tatton is Ofcom’s Chief Operating Officer and Corporate Group Director, overseeing our internal corporate functions, such as our Finance and People teams, Consumer Contact Centre and external relations teams.

    Before joining Ofcom in September 2020, Melissa held a range of senior leadership roles at public bodies, most recently as CEO of the Valuation Office Agency and Tax Assurance Commissioner for HMRC. Melissa was made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire in June 2016.

    Melissa is Vice Chair at Queen Mary University of London.

    Download a high-resolution photo of Melissa

    Simon Redfern
    Simon Redfern
    Communications Director

    Simon is Ofcom’s Communications Director. He’s worked for some of the world’s biggest media, consumer and tech organisations, developing and delivering their communication and political engagement strategies.

    Before joining Ofcom he ran European Public Affairs for Google. He also led comms for Salesforce EMEA, and built the corporate affairs function for Starbucks in Europe.

    Download a high-resolution photo of Simon

    Yih-Choung Teh
    Yih-Choung Teh
    Group Director for Strategy and Research

    Yih-Choung Teh is our Group Director for Strategy and Research.

    Yih-Choung was previously a Director in Ofcom’s Competition Group, where he has worked on issues including Ofcom’s strategy to encourage investment in telecoms infrastructure such as full-fibre networks.

    Before joining Ofcom, Yih-Choung worked for a strategy consultancy in the telecoms sector, providing policy and strategy advice to public and private sector clients globally.

    Yih-Choung has held an academic research post in the University of Oxford, having completed a DPhil in Mathematics, researching mathematical models of communication networks. He also has an MA in Mathematics and a Diploma in Mathematical Statistics, both from the University of Cambridge.

    Download a high-resolution photo of Yih-Choung


  14. tomo says:

    I suspect that an awful lot of people regard Goldsmith an Packham as rather dangerous nuts – but the MSM (esp. BBC) go to quite extraordinary lengths to present them as having some kind of monopoly on “the truth” – supressing robust challenges and limiting the dissemination of evidence showing Packham et al to be (at best) – liars.


    • MarkyMark says:


      Chris Packham and the eco militants: BBC Springwatch presenter discusses blowing up oil pipeline with green campaigner and praises ‘highly-intelligent’ protester jailed for bringing M25 to 40-hour standstill in new documentary
      BBC star Packham spoke to ‘How To Blow Up A Pipeline’ author Andreas Malm

      PUBLISHED: 19:16, 20 September 2023 | UPDATED: 07:56, 21 September 2023


    • MarkyMark says:



    • Fedup2 says:

      Funny how rich people – whose families have exploited the planet to make those riches – suddenly turn into green crap evangelists – telling us mere punters that we have to ‘cut down ‘ – stop certain things to ‘save the planet ‘ …


    • BigBrotherCorporation says:

      Neither Packham, nor Goldsmith (nor for that matter Cathy Newman) are climatologists, and none of them are from the kind of background which might equip them to have a clue about the science involved.

      Zoology (Packham) is a Mickey Mouse degree taken by thick kids who fail their exams in physics, chemistry, and maths, who presumably think they are going to work for BBC Bristol and be the next St. David.

      Goldsmith is a spoilt rich boy who thinks he’s cleverer than everyone else, and we all ought to do what he says, because his family are so wealthy – sadly for him he wasn’t born a couple of hundred years ago and we can all see he’s actually nothing special.

      Newman is just thick as a sack of spuds, but awfully middle class, with the right parents, drawl, and ‘opinions’.

      I’m no climatologist either, but I’m not about to be told what to think by these clowns (or a dyslexic, Swedish doom goblin).

      Would be nice to hear some proper, scientific debates between those who might know what they’re talking about on the subject, but with radically different points of view – we all might learn something useful from that.


      • Thoughtful says:

        How about listening to a few who are such as Mototaka Nakamura, ex NASA and Jamstec a climate scientist who wrote a book about the whole scam, sadly never translated from Japanese and said he was giving up because all the climate models were Mickey Mouse and had proven Wildley inaccurate.

        Or Nils Axel Morner now sadly deceased with the corrupt green lobby free to trash his legacy, who proved from his decades of research than rather than sea levels rising they had actually fallen slightly (2mm)

        Or Dr Roy Spencer ex NASA climate scientist who on retirement wrote a tongue in cheek scientific paper arguing there is more evidence to support aliens terraforming the planet than mankinds actions.



      • tomo says:

        Climatologist?- it seems we only get approved “climatologists” at the BBC, Guardian etcetera?

        Are climatologists the only people who can voice an opinion about climate?

        – I’d say absolutely not – going down that route is a straight path to Lysenkoism, the gulags and Pol Pot -ery.

        It doesn’t matter who it is opining on climate or any other topic – if they can evidence their opinion and suck it up if they are wrong then fine

        “I’m a climatologist so whatever I say about climate cannot be challenged ” isn’t a way to prove much beyond narrow minded conceit.

        Would be nice to hear some proper, scientific debates between those who might know what they’re talking about on the subject, but with radically different points of view – we all might learn something useful from that.

        When academic funding and public debate spaces are gatekeepered by rascally ideologues of the left (Marxists and Maoists) who see “science” as a topic to be suborned for the cause – that’s asking a lot…


        • BigBrotherCorporation says:

          “When academic funding and public debate spaces are gatekeepered by rascally ideologues of the left (Marxists and Maoists) who see “science” as a topic to be suborned for the cause – that’s asking a lot…”

          I know Tomo, I’m an old school scientist, educated in the old ways, where ‘the science’ of the day was sorted out by inviting all the scientists and crackpots interested in a field to a big bun fight (AKA an annual ‘conference’), and the wilder and more controversial their views the more entertaining it was to watch. Ah, those were the days (about 30 years ago now) when you could see the (verbal) fists fly and hear a few choice insults.

          Science isn’t fun anymore, and ‘climate change’ has become a religion.


          • Scroblene says:

            “‘Climate change’ has become a religion.”

            Too right, Big!

            And like all religions, where there’s money involved, they make sure they get it any way they can – fair or foul!

            As the BBC is relentless in chucking these goons around on every programme, they seem to forget that most people don’t give a tinkers cuss about ‘global grilling’, when they see their petrol prices rocket up, and food prices do the same!

            The Beeboid instinct for posturing superiority is ingrained in them whether they have any skills or not! There might even be some people there who are truthful, but don’t want to rock the boat, (like any snivel serpent) but when Marr, Maitlis and Sopel were effectively got rid of – and not before time, there was a consensus that anyone left on the staff like Robinson, Packham etc., had to play the boorish lout at every turn, and make life unbearable for the listener, because the leftie Beebonic agenda dictates this!

            Trouble is, Red Labour need them to bolster their chances next year, so they’ll never improve, sadly!


  15. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Lots of talk about integration recently.

    What sort of integration can we have.

    How about the way that enrichers/immigrants going to America and ‘integrating’ with the Sioux, Apache or Cheyenne.
    How did that work out for the locals. Did they say “All immigrants are welcome” before being allowed to exist on a patch of land allotted to them by the new arrivals to their Country.

    Maybe the Aboriginals in Australia had it better experiencing immigrants arriving by the boatload into their Country. How did it work out for them being enriched.
    Same for the Maori in New Zealand. All living harmoniously with their enriching immigrants.

    The lessons are all over but the lefties will not be told.

    Even nature shows what happens.
    How are our indigenous Red Squirrels getting on since the Grey Squirrels started enriching these Isles.

    Neighbouring Countries can integrate as the peoples are usually similar.
    I had a great time living and working in Germany and was fully integrated into their lifestyle.
    It works at smaller scales, say a few thousand a year coming in but if you put a few thousand Zulus into Penzance (for example) and expected a good integration to start it just wouldn’t happen.
    Put two Zulus there and it could work if all concerned wanted to make it happen. Put thousands in there and you will get division and ghettos.
    What hope with 600,000 legal plus all the illegals arriving in GB.
    Too many.
    5,000 could work.

    Finally, can we keep the only non left wing tv channel. The left have all the channels on their side but hate a tv channel which shows both viewpoints instead of just the left biased one.


    • andyjsnape says:

      What I find scary about the illegal immigrant figures, these are the known figures – then they bring over their family.

      100,000 for example easily turns into 10 times that figure, with the rest of the family that follow, including wife(s), children, etc etc

      The declared figures are bad, plus the above lot and also the lot that arrive which we dont know about 🙁


      • Emmanuel Goldstein says:


        It’s probably worse because the 600,000 is the NET figure.
        It’s something like a million coming in and 400,000 leaving with many of those leaving being indigenous Brits off to places like Australia.
        They think that giving the net number makes people think that’s the total number of non Brits when I’m certain it’s much higher.
        My guess would be upwards of 800,000 ‘immigrants’ with the rest being Brits returning to UK.


      • MarkyMark says:

        Home Office loses track of more than 600,000 people who should have left country, finds immigration watchdog
        UK border checks branded ‘shambolic’

        May Bulman
        Social Affairs Correspondent
        Thursday 29 March 2018


    • MarkyMark says:

      Muslim extremists taking over – Revisiting Luton, UK my home town


    • BigBrotherCorporation says:

      You’re right EG, integration is possible when the numbers involved are small and they’re willing to adjust to the culture of the majority (natives).

      Otherwise, it’s not integration, it’s invasion, annexation, displacement, and/or genocide and extermination.

      Funny how there is a lot of sympathy for the displaced/exterminated peoples of other cultures, but none for our own in this country.


  16. Fedup2 says:

    Disengaged from the msm at the moment … but do you notice the ritual of the msm whenever a noticeable victim of stabbing murder pops up ?

    Always thoughts and prayers ( actually not )
    MP with the ‘community ‘
    All in it together
    It’s got to stop
    Promising future – human rights student
    Vigil – flowers – candles
    What’s to be done ?
    Single ‘parent ‘ argument
    Not enough plod – good old days
    Ban something – knives – boys – men
    Absent fathers
    More laws
    Some sort of fund
    Why didn’t plod stop it
    Stop and search
    What’s wrong with Britain ?
    Charity person yaps
    More resources – yoof clubs
    Government cuts
    Tories to blame
    Can’t identify kid killer …



  17. MarkyMark says:



  18. MarkyMark says:

    Estimated cost ranges by Phase
    The National Audit Office has recommended the use of ranges for indicating cost (and schedule) forecasts for major projects.

    Phase One: £35-45bn, including contingency of £9.6bn
    Phase 2a: £5.2-7.2bn

    In line with the approach for Phase One, Target Costs for Phases 2a and 2b Western Leg will be agreed once the respective phases receive Notice to Proceed.


    The overall budget for Phase One, including Euston, is £44.6 billion (2019 prices). This includes a contingency of £9.6bn for managing the risk and uncertainties that are an inherent part of delivering major projects.


    According to recent estimates, adjusted for 2022 inflation figures, the cost of HS2 now stands at as much as £92 billion. Further cost overruns on the first phase of the project could take the overall spending envelope to more than £100 billion.3 days ago


  19. MarkyMark says:

    “The UK lags other big economies on robot use”




  20. MarkyMark says:

    Madness if true…



    • Richard Pinder says:

      Elon Musk said he’d rather go to prison than fire employees for refusing the COVID-19 shot while revealing he was nearly hospitalized after being poisoned by the mRNA Jab.


  21. MarkyMark says:

    Who will be Cinders? There will be two versions of the ballet, one with a male in the lead role and the other featuring the traditional female
    Scottish Ballet is retelling the story of the classic fairytale Cinderella – with a man in the lead role.

    Audiences attending the production of Cinders will not know until the curtain goes up whether the main character will be a man or a woman.

    “will not know until the curtain goes up ”
    You do not get to vote with you money.
    “will not know until the curtain goes up ”



  22. Guest Who says:

    “I’m afraid she’s a nasty piece of work”

    Labour MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle criticises Home Secretary Suella Braverman’s comments on asylum seekers “gaming” the system


    Abuse is ok, so long as it is the right kind of abuser.


  23. Dickie says:

    Marijuana Spring and OFCON will no doubt be wetting their collective underwear over this website



  24. TrickCyclist says:

    Nothing at all to do with the BBC, this movie trailer dropped on YouTube this week.
    “Boudica” (“Boudicca” surely?), with the Iceni queen played by Ukrainian actress Olga Kurylenko. All the invading Romans seem to be played by British actors. Some sort of allegory perhaps? It’s clearly not historically accurate, there are no black Britons in it.
    (Kurylenko has played a Celtic warrior fighting Romans before, in “Centurion,” but she was mute in that one. Besides, that was a transplanted Western with the Celts as Red Indians.)


    • MarkyMark says:

      Time for a protest.

      Showcase becomes latest chain to pull ‘blasphemous’ Islamic history film The Lady Of Heaven from cinemas after furious backlash from Muslim protestors – but defiant Vue refuses to stop screenings
      EXCLUSIVE: Showcase has joined Cineworld in pulling The Lady Of Heaven from its screens after protests
      It is billed as depicting the life of Lady Fatima, who is one of the daughters of the Prophet Muhammad
      Protesters have gathered outside cinemas in Sheffield, Bolton and Birmingham that were showing the film


  25. Guest Who says:

    Fox handed them an open goal.

    Every shot so far has Rapinoed.

    This one is especially BBC.



    • MarkyMark says:

      HA HA HA!

      “I don’t go on any of their shows”

      Womens & Equalities Committee Chair, Caroline Nokes says MPs who go on GB News should ‘get on with the work in the House of Commons’


    • MarkyMark says:

      Womens & Equalities Committee Chair, Caroline Nokes says MPs who go on GB News should ‘get on with the work in the House of Commons’

      MPs who go on GB News

      Christine Lee: Labour MP Barry Gardiner says Chinese agent ‘gained no political advantage’ from him
      In an exclusive interview with Sky News, Brent North MP Barry Gardiner denies he feels “a fool” following the revelation that Christine Lee – who donated hundreds of thousands of pounds to him – has been engaged in “political interference activities”.


  26. Guest Who says:

    OFCOm has announced it is scrambling.

    You lot are criminally bad at your job. Average salary at OFCOM is over £60k. (More than investment banks)

    They graphic suggests that the BBC has been smiled on more than it likely deserves.


  27. MarkyMark says:

    Watch live: House Republicans hold first impeachment inquiry hearing of President Biden


    During her tenure as United States Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton drew controversy by using a private email server for official public communications rather than using official State Department email accounts maintained on federal servers. After a years-long FBI investigation, it was determined that Clinton’s server did not contain any information or emails that were clearly marked classified.[1]


    In July, FBI director James Comey announced that the FBI investigation had concluded that Clinton had been “extremely careless” but recommended that no charges be filed because Clinton did not act with criminal intent, the historical standard for pursuing prosecution.[7]


  28. MarkyMark says:

    Media regular Ofcom has launched an investigation into the Dan Wootton Tonight show on GB News after a sexism row sparked 7,300 complaints.

    Fox drew condemnation after insulting journalist Ava Evans, asking what “self-respecting man” would “climb into bed” with her, during Tuesday’s show.

    Ofcom said it will probe the episode under rules on offence.
    2020 Ofcom is to take no further action over Jo Brand’s controversial joke on BBC Radio 4 about throwing battery acid.


  29. MarkyMark says:

    The European Court has ruled that the UK must pay €32 million for a transgression of EU rules. Despite Government claims that we’ve left the supersate, it’s clear we are still under its thrall…






  30. Guest Who says:


    Vast organisation with many layers.

    “When you watch Brand back now… He’s disgusting and he’s not funny”

    asks Alan Yentob, former BBC Creative Director, why the BBC employed Russell Brand to ‘spew filth’ on its radio platforms.

    Brand has denied all allegations made against him.


    Let’s be absolutely clear. ‘Talent’ like Jo Brand? Frankie?


  31. MarkyMark says:


    1765 …. In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right. They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765

    2018 … “I’ve just heard: a man at the Freedom March last Sun took his children for a day out. One child told his primary school teacher who then reported the father to the police. He was then summoned to meet the police at the school. I am alerting the press of details. Story unfolding.” – Gerard Batten, 12may2018


  32. MarkyMark says:

    Online have sacked Dan Wootton with immediate effect. A DMG Media spokesman said:

    “Following events this week, DMG Media can confirm that Dan Wootton’s freelance column with MailOnline – which had already been paused – has now been terminated, along with his contract.”

    He was suspended from GB News yesterday…


    Boris Johnson’s burqa comments ‘led to surge in anti-Muslim attacks’
    This article is more than 4 years old
    Monitoring group says abuse incidents jumped by 375% in the week following PM’s article


    Angela Rayner stands by labelling of Tories as ‘scum’


    John McDonnell jokes that he would have liked to have assassinated Thatcher


    Chris Packham and the eco militants: BBC Springwatch presenter discusses blowing up oil pipeline with green campaigner and praises ‘highly-intelligent’ protester jailed for bringing M25 to 40-hour standstill in new documentary


    Jo Brand to face no further action over battery acid joke


    The Assassination of Katie Hopkins review – a musical savaging of social media


    EXCLUSIVE: After Harry’s revelation that he killed 25 Taliban in Afghanistan… Now hate preacher who inspired Lee Rigby killers tells jihadis to target British troops



  33. Fedup2 says:

    The threshold for cancellation seems to be getting lower by the week ….whole areas of comment are likely to be off limits by Christmas including – i think – even the term or concept of cancellation ….whole areas wiped just as Orwell predicted on the basis of Stalin / Beria methods ….

    Maybe we should also list those areas the MSM won’t touch – I’ll start with an easy one –

    Obama / Biden …


    • MarkyMark says:

      “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
      ― George Orwell, 1984



      Meloni quoting Chesterton

      “Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer. We shall be left defending, not only the incredible virtues and sanities of human life, but something more incredible”
      Sep 2022 –


      • Fedup2 says:

        If you notice in that video a lot of members of the audience are looking around before they clap… names will be taken … notes will be made – right Dinage – 77 brigade …?


    • MarkyMark says:

      13:17, 24 JUN 2019 ….
      Asda man sacked for sharing Billy Connolly video on his Facebook
      He has been dismissed without notice for violating Asda’s social media policy. Asda said it was ‘gross misconduct’.

      “In mitigation, I immediately removed the item causing offence and removed the association with Asda on my profile, also removing Colleagues from Facebook friendship who may have been deeply offended by such post.

      He added: “I believe this has been a wake up call and will not be repeated. I would like the opportunity to prove that this post does not reflect who I am.”

      An Asda spokesman said: “We do not tolerate any form of discrimination from colleagues or customers and take such behaviour extremely seriously.”


      The Xinjiang internment camps,[note 1] officially called vocational education and training centers (Chinese: 职业技能教育培训中心) by the government of China,[12][13][14][15] are internment camps operated by the government of Xinjiang and the Chinese Communist Party Provincial Standing Committee. Human Rights Watch says that they have been used to indoctrinate Uyghurs and other Muslims since 2017 as part of a “people’s war on terror”, a policy announced in 2014.[1][16][17] The camps have been criticized by the governments of many countries and human rights organizations for alleged human rights abuses, including mistreatment, rape, and torture, with some of them alleging genocide.


      He added: “I believe this has been a wake up call and will not be repeated. I would like the opportunity to prove that this post does not reflect who I am.”

      officially called vocational education and training centers

      He added: “I believe this has been a wake up call and will not be repeated. I would like the opportunity to prove that this post does not reflect who I am.”

      officially called vocational education and training centers


  34. MarkyMark says:

    Why The Debate On “Free Speech” Is Based On A Lie


  35. MarkyMark says:

    BBC QUiz … “Absolutely dragulous quiz”

    Absolutely dragulous…

    RuPaul’s Drag Race UK first hit our screens in 2019 but, hieeeeeee, the BBC has been serving up realness for decades!

    Will you slay in this quiz full of archive drag acts? Or Bam! Will you have to sashay away?


    • Guest Who says:

      Or be part of the hard-bored audience that will be used as an excuse for it tanking soon?


  36. MarkyMark says:

    A 21-year-old man from Sudan has been charged with an immigration offence by the British authorities after a woman’s body was found on a beach in northern France.

    The National Crime Agency (NCA) said Howmalow Mawumd-Duop would appear in court accused of facilitating illegal immigration.

    He was detained in the English Channel port of Dover on Tuesday, the same day that an Eritrean woman was found at Bleriot-Plage, near the French city of Calais.

    The NCA said she is thought to have died attempting to cross the Channel in a small boat.

    The British and French governments have promised to crack down on people-smuggling gangs behind the crossings.



    Theresa May The Secretary of State for the Home Department 12:37 pm, 20th April 2016
    The first priority of government is the safety and security of its citizens, and the Government have always made the integrity of the UK border a priority. We will never compromise on keeping the people of this country safe from terrorism, criminality and illegal immigration.



  37. MarkyMark says:


    ROME — A year ago Italy’s right-wing coalition won the elections, allowing Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to form a government, full of dreams and promises. It is evidently a three-speed government, based on the alliance between Ms Meloni’s ‘post-Fascist’ Brothers of Italy, a rudderless Forza Italia after the death of its founder the media mogul Silvio Berlusconi, and the Northern League whose populist leader, self-styled Christian Matteo Salvini, finds it hard to conceal his jealousy of Ms Meloni’s occupying Palazzo Chigi.

    The first results have arrived, a year later and are more disappointing than could have been expected, the cost of public debt is growing again and immigration is not slowing down. Growth has slowed, sending the debt-to-GDP ratio soaring, and interest rates have risen to keep inflation in check.



  38. Eddy Booth says:


    “Deaths reported in twin Rotterdam shootings”

    I wonder who done it?

    “Press conference in around 10 minutes’ time
    We’re expecting a press conference at 18:45 local time (17:45 BST), with Rotterdam Mayor Aboutaleb as well as the Public Prosecution Service and the police.”

    Who’s he them?
    “Ahmed Aboutaleb is a Dutch politician of Moroccan origin, he is of the Labour Party (PvdA) and a journalist. He has been the Mayor of Rotterdam since 5 January 2009.”


  39. Thoughtful says:

    Unheard facts arising from the Biden nordstream pipeline destruction, such as it never having been an attack on Russia, it was an attack on Germany with the knowledge and consent of Olaf Schultz (can’t imagine him surviving that if it became common knowledge in Germany).
    That of course is treason and an attack on a supposedly friendly nation.

    And this comes after the journalist Seymour Hersh published it all two days ago and yet again not a peep from the lying mainstream media:



  40. Northern Voter says:

    “I disagree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it”

    Now F*ck off you leftwing twat!


  41. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    I wonder if, in about 100 years, whoever it is that has taken over the UK from the indigenous Brits (as they are in the process of doing in London) and the white British is a minority group, will they be as keen as ‘we’ are to give reparations for the loss of our Country.

    Just like the virtue signallers, who want to send loads of money to various islands for the descendants of those taken there hundreds of years ago. Will there be an equivalent political party or group calling for our poor future Brits to be compensated.

    Also, the person who cut down the 300 year old tree at Sycamore Gap. Maybe cut one of his legs off.


  42. BRISSLES says:

    Is it my tele ?, but since 6pm the GBNews has had a black screen with a bit of headline, now it’s black again.


  43. BRISSLES says:

    Just when I thought my opinion of our younger generation couldn’t sink any lower, along comes along yet another example of delinquency.
    Some little shit of a 16 year old has felled with a chainsaw an iconic tree on an estate in Nottingham. This tree stood alone in a dip and has been the subject of various paintings, was once voted Tree of the Year, and featured in the film Robin Hood with Kevin Costner.

    He’s been arrested, but the little git did the deed at dead of night. God I’m having a moment where I hate kids.
    (Sorry EG I see you’ve mentioned it above)


    • taffman says:

      What punishment will await the little toerag if found guilty –
      Flogging with a feather duster ?


    • StewGreen says:

      No not Nottingham
      “The Sycamore Gap Tree or Robin Hood Tree, next to Hadrian’s Wall in Northumberland, England.
      One of the most famous trees in Britain, it won the 2016 Tree of the Year award.
      It was felled by chainsaw early this morning.
      A teenager has been arrested in connection with the crime.”


      • Guest Who says:


        I was flagged in Aldi buying a paintbrush.

        And I’m past my teens a bit.


      • BRISSLES says:

        Yes Stew of course you’re right. I was just in an ear steaming rage that all sense left me. The sight of a magnificent tree being reduced to firewood brought the old red mist down.


        • BigBrotherCorporation says:

          I’m a great believer in the punishment fitting the crime, and ‘making an example’ of idiots who think they’re above the law.

          In this case, the little turd should have one of his legs amputated with his chainsaw, ideally without any anesthetic, although I think we probably ought to apply a tourniquet after. I’m kind, so I’d let him choose which leg.

          I am OF COURSE, only joking…. amputating teenagers legs with chainsaws is NOT clever… an axe would be much better…

          Briss, I have two around the same age, and whilst neither is a perfect little angel, they are as horrified as you (and me) about this lovely old tree – it was my daughter who told me about it. Not ALL the younger generation are as bad as you may be led to believe.

          Mind you, no one else seemed to care when I had a little rant at the workmen (sorry guys) chainsawing down a much beloved (by me, and me alone, I guess?) row of beeches along one of the lanes I regularly walk, which must have been at least a couple of hundred years old, and which (if I may wax lyrical) ‘raised up my tired and broken spirit’ on frosty winter mornings, with their dead leaves crunching underfoot and silver bark shining in the mist. Why were they felled? So an access road can be put in to throw up another couple of hundred grotty little ‘executive’ (?!) Persimmon homes, for ex-Londoners fleeing the ‘black tide’, and their oversized, country lane hogging SUVs.


          • BRISSLES says:

            BBC I share your despair.
            Much is written about the disappearing rain forest in Brazil – the lungs of the earth, but with the endless new housing estates, and the route of HS2, we are becoming just as bad in our reckless destruction of trees.


            • BigBrotherCorporation says:

              Briss, I think there is a blind spot regarding problems close to home, which a certain (generally loud-mouthed, entitled, and opinionated) class in this country seem to share, and confusingly they’re often issues which they’re constantly banging on about in other countries.

              Destruction of the natural environment is one of those.
              Denigration and eradication of the native culture is another.
              Prejudice and discrimination against the indigenous people, and against certain groups (white, heterosexual males perhaps?)
              I’m sure there are quite a few others?

              It’s strange, isn’t it? But, they seem to be blissfully unaware of their own hypocrisy.


  44. taffman says:

    Anything on Al Beeb’s National headlines
    yet about the student terrorist been found guilty of designing and building a “kamikaze” drone capable of delivering a bomb or chemical weapon for so-called Islamic State ?
    Perhaps it will enlighten us all, once they see this post?


  45. StewGreen says:

    ITV local newsPR is obsessed with pushing wokeSupremacist PRasNews

    Every 6 months activist campaigning group Black British Voices puts out PR like a survey or something
    and ITV super-promote it.

    Tonight’s item was very long
    and included a live segment from a meeting in Parliament
    where the whole room seemed to be black people.

    The numbers of black people is very low .. less than 1% I think


  46. Jeff says:

    Sad IQ Knan’t has spouted his usual mantra regarding the latest knife crime fatality in London. “One death is one too many” FFS, change the bleedin’ record, mate…

    He came out with this when his fake figures were exposed around the ULEZ debacle.

    I’d be interested to know just how many knife deaths there have been since this useless git has been mayor. Certainly more than have perished due to any of the imaginary climatic catastrophes that are supposed to be slaughtering us.

    He’s not in favour of “Stop and Search” because it “disproportionately targets young black men”.

    Yes…there’s a reason for that…


  47. Guest Who says:

    Funny, ironic…


    Frustrating, typical…

    UPDATE: A co-conspirator points out Ofcom will only investigate a BBC-related complaint once the BBC complaints procedure has been exhausted.

    And there is a link, to the BBC pit of doom. See above.

    Rather puts all the arguments that OFCOM is not a BBC crisis PR tool to bed.


  48. micknotmike says:

    The bbc, as you might expect, are laying into Braverman big-time as she speaks the truth and most of the country is nodding in agreement.
    She’ll be hounded out of office now for sure. She’d fit right into Reclaim from what I’ve seen. She’ll snuggle down in bed this evening, after a nice mug of cocoa, and she will be visited by the ghost of Enoch Powell :-

    “They didn’t listen to me either.”

    “I have been proved right, and so will you be, sooner than you think.”