Midweek 27th September 2023

A leading BBC presenter thinks the reason the flagship ‘today ‘ programme has lost huge numbers of listeners is that they are ‘news deniers’ . It seems he has a fairly low opinion of listeners . Like so many in the BBC – he is right – the audience is wrong . far Left Group Think Rules … but the audience goes away …

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542 Responses to Midweek 27th September 2023

  1. Terminal Moraine says:

    Some background info on CEI for anyone wondering about the mechanisms responsible for companies pushing constant agendas these days.

    “Corporate Equality Index” (CEI), a sort of “woke report card” published by the far-left Human Rights Campaign that goes hand-in-hand with so-called “environmental, social, and governance,” or ESG investing and can earn companies lucrative financial commitments from woke investment banks.

    The Human Rights Campaign has long been one of the most powerful LGBTQ lobbying groups in the world, and enjoys millions of dollars in funding from liberal mega-donors like George Soros. The organization’s Corporate Equality Index, which debuted in 2002, is billed as “the premier survey benchmarking tool on how corporations across the United States and beyond are adopting equitable workplace policies, practices and benefits for LGBTQ+ employees.”



    • MarkyMark says:

      Theresa May’s equality strategy speech
      This speech was delivered on 17 November 2010. Political content has been removed and the text here is as written, not as delivered.

      Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport and The Rt Hon Theresa May MP
      17 November 2010

      I am delighted to be here today at the Coin Street Community Centre to talk about a subject which is close to my heart.

      Equality is not an aside for me; it is not an after-thought or a secondary consideration. It is at the heart of what this coalition government is about.


      Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022

      Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.

      Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show

      Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent

      Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.

      Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States


  2. MarkyMark says:

    Comments .. “Hara-kiri. What a clown show.”
    “What did he share?”
    – “His alternate opinion which isn’t allowed in the Fascist State of the UK anymore.”



    “Hannah Arendt, one of the greatest philosophers of the last 100 years, said that: ‘Once something can’t be said, you’re already in a tyranny.’ So, it is indisputable that we are all now living, in 2023, in a tyranny


  3. MarkyMark says:

    We failed as a community to stand up for Mark Steyn. If we let them do the same to Dan, it’s over. The channel will be on borrowed time, we will all be the next in the firing line. I get that people have to pay the bills. But GB News is more than a job – it’s certainly more than a chance to be on the telly – it is a mission. An opportunity to shift the dial in public discourse. To have the conversations the shills on other channels cannot or will not have. ….. Our bosses are scared. Afraid of Ofcom, afraid of the woke mob, and afraid they’re going to run out of money unless they manage to sort this advertising problem out…..” – Calvin Robinson has been suspended from GB News. This morning he shared this post on X, defending Dan Wootton after the latter’s suspension, and attacking the channel’s leadership:



    • Fedup2 says:

      I think Neil Oliver must be target number one for them – those powerful little pieces he does must be just too much .. and I think he knows … they concoct something …


  4. vlad says:

    So, the 2 sackings at GB News boil down to Fox saying some female journo was unshaggable (after she refused to take male suicides seriously) and Wootton sniggering.

    And for that there are now calls to shut down the channel?

    Worse things are said daily about men’s appearance, not to mention comments such as the unshaggable Jo Brand’s infamous battery acid ‘joke’ or calls to kill all whites.


    • MarkyMark says:

      2018 … We ‘stand by’ sex pest Brendan: Jo Cox’s sister says family of the murdered MP will stand by her widower who confessed to inappropriate behaviour ‘after drunkenly grabbing woman by throat’
      Brendan Cox, husband of murdered MP Jo Cox, admitted to being a sex pest
      Also resigned from Jo Cox Foundation and More in Common, charities he set up in honour of his late wife’s memory
      He is accused of harassing a female employee at Save The Children in London

      PUBLISHED: 11:22, 18 February 2018 | UPDATED: 12:10, 19 February 2018


    • vlad says:

      PS. I inadvertently wrote Wootton was ‘sniggering’, which is derogatory.

      How about ‘chuckling’?


  5. MarkyMark says:



  6. Fedup2 says:

    The blue labour conference next week promises to be truly gruesome and worthy of a full pop corn buy in ( buy butter kist share futures ) rishi is gonna ban the 20 mph limit and the war on motorists aka people – it’s gonna be a sell out … nokes . Dinage .. can’t wait ..


  7. vlad says:

    @Marky Mark, thanks for the quote from Calvin Robinson, above.

    I’m taking the liberty of posting his whole comment as it’s an important statement about not just GB News, but the state of broadcasting today and freedom of speech.

    “I will not be appearing on Dan Wootton Tonight without Dan Wootton. Dan Wootton had a significant part to play in building GB News. He invited me along pre-launch, he also brought so many people onboard. Behind the cameras as well as on-screen talent. Including the careerist ambitious ones who are currently gunning for his job. These people are worse than the woke mob, because these vultures are giving the mob ammunition and essentially escalating the channel’s demise.

    We failed as a community to stand up for Mark Steyn. If we let them do the same to Dan, it’s over. The channel will be on borrowed time, we will all be the next in the firing line. I get that people have to pay the bills. But GB News is more than a job – it’s certainly more than a chance to be on the telly – it is a mission. An opportunity to shift the dial in public discourse. To have the conversations the shills on other channels cannot or will not have. We must do all we can to avoid GB News becoming just another MSM outlet. Which it will, if we let it. Our bosses are scared. Afraid of Ofcom, afraid of the woke mob, and afraid they’re going to run out of money unless they manage to sort this advertising problem out.

    We need to give them courage, not enable them to capitulate. If they pander to the woke mob, we are finished. Someone else might get the prime time slot for a bit, but it will not be a promotion if you jump in Dan’s grave. You’ll just be making space alongside his corpse for your own. Standing up for Dan is standing up for the very idea of GB News. If he falls, we all fall. We are about to see if people really care about the project, or they just want a better slot, with a bigger team and better pay.”



    • MarkyMark says:

      Revealed: What Really Happened In The Nightingales
      Exclusive: Government under fire as it is revealed only three of the hospitals ever treated Covid patients.
      Emma Youle
      25/03/2021 05:00am GMT
      |Updated March 29, 2021



      • JohnC says:

        One thing I learned in years of software engineering is never, ever, ever, ever let an academic make any real-world decisions.

        They simply don’t relate to it. That’s why they stayed in education in the first place.

        They had one doing the ‘risk analysis’ for the software for Ariane 5 when I worked on it. He spent all his time worrying about cosmic rays then a straightforward software error running in two ‘independent’ systems (which were running the same software) took them both out at the same time so it went out of control and they blew it up.

        And later a PhD working in the software team at BAE SYSTEMS ended up being an object of ridicule because of how absolutely useless he was. He left saying ‘you are not my kind of people’ !.


  8. tomo says:

    Tomo’s Tucker habit…


  9. MarkyMark says:


    order-order. com comments


  10. tomo says:

    I see (or rather I don’t – thanks Twitter UK ) that Megyn Kelly has watched that hot Lawrence Fox segment and opined on her show that the woman started it and her earlier comments were in fact the provocative trigger and earnestly delivered unlike Fox’s ripost.


  11. tomo says:

    I wonder, if invited – he has time to visit Dover?


    • MarkyMark says:

      “…getting all the migrants and get all the refugees here won’t solve the problem … if you say that, you see the comments on facebook, you’re a racist. Whilst what you are only saying is give them support in their own countries.”

      “GSTV. Douglas Murray over de zelfmoord van Europa”



    • MarkyMark says:



      Border walls came to symbolize Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, and were prioritized during his administration. The 400 miles of border wall that he has overseen will inflict ongoing damage upon Native American nations and border towns, fragile ecosystems and endangered species, for as long as they stand.

      President-elect Biden has been far quieter regarding his plans for border walls. When pressed during an NPR interview he said that “not another foot” would be built while he is in office, which sounds like a solid promise to cancel border wall condemnations and construction contracts on day one.

      But Joe Biden has been in the White House before, as Vice President during the Obama administration. Instead of halting construction and removing walls, they built more than 100 miles of new wall along the southwest border.


    • MarkyMark says:

      A Pennsylvania Congressional candidate and former reality TV personality used an elephant and a mariachi band for a political stunt designed to make a point about border security. The man, Raj Peter Bhakta, who appeared on the “The Apprentice,” paraded an elephant and the band through the water near the mouth of the Rio Grande on Tuesday. “The elephant never made landfall into Mexico, but I tell you something, he could have made 15 laps back and forth, but no one showed up,”



  12. G.W.F. says:



    • kingkp says:

      “Is this even proof that COVID–19 was the murderous killer virus that the Pfizer-funded media let on? Dr. Denis Rancourt proved irrefutably that zero all-cause mortality increased until the vaccine was rolled out, with all deaths having been caused either by statistical manipulation or government-enforced policies targeting the weakest, and oldest members of society.”
      Exactly. There never was a virus. GoF is part of the psyop. They cannot produce a pathogen that can be passed from animal to animal. Germ theory was falsified over one hundred years ago. Just read the report on the experiments carried out by Milton Rosenau in 1918 on behalf of the US Treasury.
      You have to realise you are dealing with magicians who have been doing this for a long time. British intelligence is descended directly from the bowels of the master magicians of Queen Elizabeth’s court. John Dee and the rest were masters of hermeticism and the kabbalah. Guess what Dee’s code name was? 007, who would have thought it?


      • digg says:

        I am convinced by personal connection that care home managers decided and were encouraged by the NHS that it was better to end the life of “problem” inmates than risk their own staff and were given a free hand to do so by the NHS managers who wanted their own staff to be “isolated” from any contact with problem patients.

        I cannot express my hatred for those who laid down and empowered this route in any lighter terms than that they are absolute cunts and a disgrace to their profession.


  13. tomo says:

    No wonder the deep staters thinks they can act with impunity….

    – not that different here, is it?


    • MarkyMark says:

      2017 … we’ve been stupid for a long time …

      Lets take a quick look at who is empowered in the world … this list is not exhaustive, but gives you a good indication of what the World’s political landscape looks like …

      Canada Justin Trudeau sets World Record In avoiding questions – 18 Times – wastes everyone’s time in Parliament

      We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men.

      Mugabe (President of Zimbabwe since 1987) farts at summit (has also been found sleeping in Parliament, he was 89 years at the time, still holding onto power at 93)

      Krystyna Pawlowicz, a Polish MP from the ruling Eurosceptic PiS party, has written a letter to Jean-Claude Juncker (President of the European Commission), accusing him of “alcohol dependency” … Juncker apparently took a nap in the Vatican during the celebration of the EU’s 60th anniversary

      Diane Abbott (Shadow Home Secretary – UK Security) not read a major report (Harris Report) on London Attacks. Won her seat with 75% in GE2017.

      Now go and read or watch some of these people …

      Douglas Murray, Thomas Sowell, Andrew Breitbart, Carl Sagan, Thomas Paine, Christopher Hitchens, George Orwell, Mark Steyn, Trey Gowdy.

      “We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men. (link opens video)“



  14. tomo says:


  15. tomo says:

    Aren’t BBC correspondents banned from Chyna?



    • MarkyMark says:




      • tomo says:

        That belt and road map misses Gwadar, Baluchistan (part of Pakistan for the moment)


        • MarkyMark says:

          China’s big gamble
          in Pakistan: A 10-year
          scorecard for CPEC
          The monster project for the Belt and Road Initiative has a deeply troubled beginning.


          Pakistan continues to be mired in chronic economic distress. Even after CPEC investments, there are no signs of an economic turnaround but rather fears of a default on foreign debt obligations. Pakistan’s external debt has increased to $100 billion, with one-third owed to China. Although Pakistan has so far averted the risk of default on its foreign debt obligations by signing a $3 billion deal with the International Monetary Fund when its program was due to expire on 30 June, this only came after a tense eight months of negotiations. Pakistan continues to face an acute balance of payment crisis and depleting foreign exchange reserves.

          Key programmes to partner Pakistan towards a cleaner and more resilient growth path will be Building Resilience and Addressing Vulnerability (BRAVE) and the Water Resource and Accountability in Pakistan (WRAP) programmes. Between 2014 and 2022, the Multi-Year Humanitarian Programme reached over 9.5 million people with emergency and recovery assistance. Additionally, the Humanitarian Response Pakistan – 2022 Floods programme has provided immediate lifesaving, humanitarian, and early recovery support to more than 1.4 million people.


          Delivering Accelerated Family Planning in Pakistan (DAFPAK) which aims to increase access to quality family planning information and services, particularly to underserved groups such as rural women.

          Girls and Out of School Action for Learning (GOAL) which will support the Governments of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) to improve education outcomes for girls and the most marginalised. Since 2011, over 11 million children (5.5 million girls) in primary school and nearly 6 million children (2.5 million girls) in secondary school have benefited from UK support



        • MarkyMark says:

          Mayor of London announces historic trade mission to India and Pakistan
          Press Releases
          Mayor of London announces historic trade mission to India and Pakistan


          More than 340 companies have enrolled on the Mayor’s International Business Programme since his election. These companies have travelled to sixteen cities around the world, securing £120 million worth of investment and creating over 400 additional jobs for London’s economy.

          The UK is Pakistan’s third largest export market.


  16. Kaiser says:

    I see the MSM are going down the usual metal illness route for the rotterdam killer with a few added NAZI links

    adolf sorry

    “dutch” Fouad L. sounds like a proper old white supremacist


  17. tomo says:


    • MarkyMark says:

      “While attending a Russian language class, Dunham met Barack Obama Sr., the school’s first African student. At the age of 23, Obama Sr. had come to Hawaii to pursue his education, leaving behind a pregnant wife, Kezia, and their infant son in his home town of Nyang’oma Kogelo in Kenya.
      7:38 am · 29 Sep 2023


      • tomo says:

        … Obama promotional biography “Dreams Of My Father” being ghost written by Bill Ayers – the Weather Underground guy. Talking about search – that book seems to have been demoted in general searches for Obama biography -wonder why?

        Rich, entitled, spoiled, smug narcissists who don’t care who they hurt because of their invincible delusion.

        The “pedigree” of the former San Francisco DA who really did a job on the city is an eye opener.


  18. Foscari says:

    I have to admit that the BBC can make you paranoid.
    When you see the latest Getty’s imaging of the
    Getty’s modelling family looking at their Gas Bill. You
    say to yourself ” I cant believe it Getty’s have used
    three white models including the baby. Then you look
    at the picture at the images a bit closer. Is this really an
    indigenous British family?
    It’s if BIG BROTHER from the diversity dept of the BBC has
    told Getty’s that the BBC has been getting complaints about
    the amount of “blackwashing” in Getty’s imaging. And Getty’s
    have told them that they don’t employ any indigenous Brits as
    models. BUT for once, just once they will send what could be
    considered at least a partly European modelling family . Yes I
    have become paranoid.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Why did the BBC manipulate this genuine photograph of white voter’s hand to make it black?
      Politicians have rounded on the BBC after staff seemingly doctored the image

      PUBLISHED: 22:45, 25 August 2023 | UPDATED: 12:11, 27 August 2023


      Google Search and Douglas Murray book ‘The madness of crowds’

      Something rather sinister seems to be happening with Google. I have read the excellent Douglas Murray book ‘The madness of crowds’ and I thought it would be helpful to illustrate some of the contents of a few pages. I hope he does not mind. It is a book that every thinking person should read.


      • tomo says:

        it’s been going on for ages…

        It seems Google are working harder on skewing search than the efficacy of search itself – i.e. they don’t care about quality of service – they are now concerned primarily with politically driven perception adjustments (and milking their advertiser budgets) – that is screechingly clear when you endure the tripe served up to Android users – I don’t want Chrome to become “Google” and default to Google’s curated selection of news and interest.


        • MarkyMark says:

          Terminated … ha ha ha … hidden ….

          The Dragonfly project was an Internet search engine prototype created by Google that was designed to be compatible with China’s state censorship provisions.[1][2][3] The public learned of Dragonfly’s existence in August 2018, when The Intercept leaked an internal memo written by a Google employee about the project.[4][5] In December 2018, Dragonfly was reported to have “effectively been shut down” after a clash with members of the privacy team within Google.[6] However, according to employees, work on Dragonfly was still continuing as of March 2019, with some 100 people still allocated to it.[7]

          In July 2019, Google announced that work on Dragonfly had been terminated.[8]


  19. MarkyMark says:

    It was revealed that Good Morning Britain received the most Ofcom complaints. It received 75,623 Ofcom complaints between 2020 and 2022 – with a total share of 36.63% of all complaints.5 Apr 2023



    “We concluded our investigation into the BBC’s coverage of an antisemitic attack, issuing an Opinion that its online coverage was a significant failure to observe its editorial guidelines to report news with due accuracy and due impartiality.”

    Top ten complaints:
    Love Island, ITV2, 17 July – complaints related to alleged misogynistic and bullying behaviour by some contestants in the villa.
    I’m a Celebrity…. Get me out of here!, ITV, 6-27 November – viewers objected to the inclusion of Matt Hancock in the series.
    Friday Night Live, Channel 4, 21 October – complaints related to a performance by Jordan Gray.
    Love Island, ITV2, 19 July – complaints related to alleged misogynistic and bullying behaviour by some contestants in the villa.
    Good Morning Britain, ITV, 15 February – complaints related to comments made by Richard Madeley about death threats made to Keir Starmer.


  20. MarkyMark says:

    Complaints received from Tuesday 19 to Monday 25 September 2023

    Programme Service Transmission date Number of complaints
    Good Morning Britain ITV1 20 September 2023 334
    Chris Packham: Is It Time to Break the Law? Channel 4 20 September 2023 267
    Dan Wootton Tonight GB News 20 September 2023 93

    Weekly audience report
    Report covers complaints received from:
    Tuesday 22 August to Monday 28 August 2023
    Programme Service Transmission date Number of
    Nigel Farage GB News 22 August 2023 247
    Dan Wootton Tonight GB News 24 August 2023 101
    Mark Dolan Tonight GB News 25 August 2023 74

    Click to access Weekly-Audience-Complaints-22-28-August-2023.pdf

    Weekly audience report
    Report covers complaints received from:
    Tuesday 20 December 2022 to Monday 2 January 2023
    Programme Service Transmission date Number of complaints
    FIFA World Cup Final 2022:
    Argentina v France
    ITV 18 December 2022 101
    Laurence Fox GB News 30 December 2022 74
    Loose Women ITV 22 December 2022 62
    Dan Wootton Tonight GB News 19 December 2022 53

    Click to access audience-report-040123.pdf


  21. MarkyMark says:

    jan2023 … Anjem Choudary calls Duke of Sussex a ‘Muslim killer’ and calls on jihadis to retaliate
    Hate preacher said Harry’s claim he killed 25 Taliban was a ‘wake-up call’ for Muslims everywhere to ‘end the occupation of foreign forces’

    Martin Evans,
    8 January 2023 • 6:43pm



    Among the claims made about him is that he collects Jobseeker’s Allowance (with four children he collects £25,000, or almost US$39,000 per year), and has explained “to followers how to receive government assistance they can use to fund a Muslim holy war”.


  22. MarkyMark says:

    “Ofcom launched the investigation under rule 2.3 of the Broadcasting Code, in which broadcasters must ensure material which may cause offence is justified by the context.”


    material which may cause offence is justified by the context…


    Mama Ru presides as fabulous queens aim to be the UK’s next Drag Race superstar. Who will dazzle the celeb judges and the amazing Michelle Visage? Join the party, squirrel friends!


    The trial heard Osborne became “obsessed” with Muslims in the weeks leading up to the attack, having watched the BBC drama Three Girls, about the Rochdale grooming scandal.

    BBC drama Three Girls – NOT 1400+ girls!



  23. Dickie says:


  24. Guest Who says:

    Currently Vile regular gob Doc Shola is tweeting her utter ignorance of history, and the Botoxed face of mob control groupie has spoke…


    Third GB News presenter, someone called Calvin Robinson, has been suspended

    I’ve no idea who he is, or almost all of them on there tbh 🤷🏼‍♀️ but anyway he’s been suspended

    The point being, are we witnessing a ‘new channel’ implosion?

    It’s happened before

    Don’t know who he is but you’ve blocked him!

    Seems the Boudicca PneumoBoobs of woke media is doing a bang up job showing the industry has a worrying proportion of bitter and twisted brain donors.


  25. tomo says:


  26. JohnC says:

    Calvin Robinson suspended as GB News presenter

    ‘Calvin Robinson has become the third GB News presenter to be suspended in a matter of days after he shared his support for Dan Wootton online.’

    ‘Watch: Ava Evans calls insults on GB News ‘really nasty’ and says she’s since received threats online’

    No thanks BBC. She is a vile creature who would fit in well with you.

    But as for the headline: Good God – WTF is going on ?.

    This is all very clearly part of a larger plot to get rid of GB News altogether. It’s Orwellian in the extreme. It’s nothing less than an attempted news-coup by the Left.

    We live in a time where things happen I can scarcely believe – but the check-and-balance of the ‘free press’ is nowhere to be seen because now the Left have infested it, THEY are right in the middle of causing it.

    The left are the classic definition of fascists. I am beginning to think civil war is inevitable. Starting in the USA then spreading to here when the silent majority finally follow their example and do something about it.


    • digg says:

      “Received threats online” is twaty lefty twonk speak for having messages that don’t support her and they think she’s a twat!


    • Up2snuff says:

      JohnC, did I hear it or am I imagining it; Ava Evans has been posting misandrist posts on Twitter a.k.a. X before she made the statement that got Laurence Fox all worked up?


      • Kaiser says:

        oh shes much worse than just that

        shes one of those shouty lefty mouthpieces stations have to employ for balance on any “right” wing issue

        mens health and high rates of suicide being a “right” wing issue


    • digg says:

      Looks like time for another real truth channel to arrive, maybe RealGB News?

      So many rabbits in the headlights with no backbone in these organisations.

      To win against shitty lefties will take a kind of courage that these people so far have not exhibited.


  27. digg says:

    Watching the trailers for the upcoming Channel 4 political hit job “Partygate” I would hope that Boris has his legal advisors watching closely. It is obvious from the ludicrous trailers that this is a ridiculous pantomime hoping to coat Boris in as much faeces as possible.

    However they only need to put one little foot wrong to hand Boris massive grounds for legal action and massive personal damages.

    I hope this is the way it goes, I would love to see them dragged into court and heavily spanked.

    If you are listening Boris, you have more people on your side than you could ever imagine!


    • JohnC says:

      Sadly digg I think Boris is more concerned with his own future than getting even. He won’t cross any of these people.

      I realise now that the driving force for what we got was all Cummins. Once Princess NutNut took over at the wheel, Boris became his real self.


  28. Dickie says:


  29. tomo says:

    Well, I needed a chuckle and, sad sack that I am, inadvertent electric shocks is usually a good start


  30. tomo says:

    They just can’t stop themselves – can they?


    • BigBrotherCorporation says:

      David Attenborough, the TV presenter who became a preacher.
      Chris Packham, the TV presenter who became a terrorist.
      Huw Edwards, the News presenter who became a crazy pervert.
      Phil Schofield, the Childrens’ TV presenter who became a twisted pervert.
      Jimmy Saville, the Childrens’ TV presenter who became a predatory mass paedophile…

      The list of BBC ‘talent’ and their new career choices goes on and on…


  31. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #2 – whoopee, thinks the BBC, we have a golden opportunity to rubbish Donald Trump

    And did they take it? A Churchill dog moment: “Oh, yessss!” Apprently, former President Trump (to give him his correct title) did not turn up for the first Republican Party Candidate debates in California. Maybe he was preparing for a Court appearance?


  32. BigBrotherCorporation says:

    What is happening to Adam Boulton’s face? He looks like the bug from Men in Black when it was wearing the Edgar suit…


  33. tomo says:

    The Green Mayor of Glastonbury is an XR (and offshoots) activist.

    Certainly irony in having lots of voters turn up at a council meeting protesting “15 minute Glasto” who’d been fobbed off with farcical, self aggrandising, pompous streamed council meetings (manipulating the public contribution being something we’ve seen in West Wiltshire)

    Scroll to 36:25 Only her and her mates can protest – and local people who’ve taken time out to attend are “a mob” (conspiracy theorist and far right etc., etc.)

    There’s that invincible delusion again… and I’d say quite a self awareness fail.

    Greens locally had a good go at subverting streamed council meetings with plants and “local members of the public”


  34. tomo says: