This week is likely to witness even more death and suffering in the Middle East . Views may get even stronger . So as moderator – I’m asking for a bit of moderation in advance . .. thoughts and prayers really are with those affected …
Start the week 23rd October 2023
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‘Global warming and climate change responsible for reduced numbers of press photographers’
I make this not obvious assertion because having been following the Storm Babet flooding news I note that for the last 2-3 days the same photos get used over and over again on the BBC webshite. There are few, if any, new ones.
So I conclude a. The flooding is far less widespread and severe overall than has been implied on the BBC news or b. there just aren’t enough BBC photographers to go round.
But since all weather events reported by the BBC are due to climate change which is making such events more common and of greater intensity, the reason must be b.
In my area we had a bit of a downpour on Thursday, but it’s been blue skies and sunshine since ! So much for the weather maps showing my region having biblical rainfall for endless days.
Shared appreciation mortgages: The 1990s deals that became a nightmare
Families have spoken of their shock after they discovered relatives agreed to shared appreciation mortgages (SAM) as a way of releasing some of the equity in their homes.
bbc get over it, people knew what they were doing. Its just relatives who are annoyed
It’s not just conservative outsiders who decry the BBC’s bias.
Insiders, who know the inner workings, also denounce it.
Danny Cohen, ex-Director of BBC Television, wrote a scathing article in the Telegraph. Some extracts:
“The BBC’s deep-rooted prejudice is fuelling the poison of anti-Semitism.
Its reporting has failed both in terms of journalistic credibility and public duty. It is only making the problem worse
Since the Holocaust Jewish people have uttered the invocation “never again”. Never again will the Jewish people suffer massacres simply because they are Jewish. But on 7th October 2023 there was a pogrom in Israel. The horror of it will resonate for decades.
At times of significant crisis like this, our nation’s great institutions take on an increased importance. In the case of the BBC we expect it to provide us with accurate, unbiased reporting. But the BBC’s reporting of the Hamas terrorist attacks and subsequent conflict has been a failure of both journalistic credibility and public duty.
The pain of the deadliest day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust has been sharpened by the failures of our national broadcaster. And these failures have dangerous real-world consequences for Britain’s Jewish community.
It might seem hard to imagine that the BBC could embarrass itself more than its sickening refusal to recognise the beheading of babies, the rape of teenage girls and the kidnapping of disabled children as terrorism.
Even when its perpetrator, Hamas, is legally defined in the UK as a terrorist organisation. And even when multiple examples emerged this week of the BBC using the words ‘terrorist’ and ‘terrorism’ in its reporting of other tragedies the corporation held its line and brazenly ignored its own hypocrisy. Belatedly, two weeks after the massacre of over 1400 innocent people, and with hundreds still held hostage, the BBC gave some ground and announced it would no longer describe Hamas as ‘militants’. It will instead call them ‘a proscribed terrorist organisation’. Many will feel this is too little, too late…”
Of course, the awful BBC’s output about calling out the Hamas terrorists fits their normal agenda of getting their own opinions out first, then when the taxpayer tires of their bias, they say something which they think will appease the very same taxpayers, but by then, it’s far too late!
Why Sunak doesn’t stop farting around and get rid of them I cannot understand!
When he’s lost next year’s election and buggered off to his green card pad somewhere with his billions, we’ll all have to bear the consequences of his tiresome obstinacy, because piggy eyes will be in No 10 for ages, puppetted by his dreadful mates like Blair and Mandelson, who in turn are led by the WEF and all those other shady bunches!
God Almighty, 2024 is going to be the shittiest year we’ve seen since Gordon Brown was PM!
(Please excuse the Anglo-Saxon rhetoric ladies, I just feel so let down by this utterly stupid, incompetent crowd of self-serving numpties we have in our so-called ‘government’).
owley has told Sky News it wasn’t quite a head-to-head battle, and defended the Met’s behaviour. Instead he’s pointing the finger at MPs…
“I was explaining how we are absolutely ruthless in tackling anybody who puts their foot over the legal line. We’re accountable to the law. We can’t enforce taste or decency, but we can enforce the law. And we’ve made 34 arrests so far over the recent protests, we’ve got another 22 cases on the back of those where we are searching for individuals…
The conversation finished really around the line of the law. It’s our job to enforce to that line, it’s Parliament’s job to draw that line, and the thought that maybe events of the moment are illustrating maybe some of the lines aren’t quite in the right place…”
The Anti-Silly Police – a branch of OFCOM?
You’ve breached the one hundred uploads per photo limit😃
kxxxxxxxxdxxxdc,………… ……….
xxxxxxxxxdxdo:’…………….. ….
dddddddddddl,..”,,,;;,,;;;,,,;,’… .
Didn’t quite work!
Let me guess – archers theme tune …
That’s the name count of the latest boat to cross the channel illegally!
Some of the names are recognised by Interpol, but the majority are all school children under 18!
Quote of the day: –
“You don’t need anger management. You need people to stop pissing you off”!
Mark Rowley saying, “We can’t enforce taste or decency, but we can enforce the law,” brings four words to mind.
Non-Crime Hate Incident.
Yes – online hurty words ‘ a visit ‘ encourage war against israel at a demo – plod will hold your hamas flag for you . .,, if the top is lost – imagine the ordinary woke plods
How many Muslims support Hamas surrendering to save lives?
MSM don`t ask the correct questions.
‘Gaza’s health ministry says 436 killed in a day as death toll passes 5,000’
‘We’ve had an update from the Palestinian health ministry in Gaza, which says the number of people killed in Gaza since 7 October has risen to 5,087 – an increase of 436 since yesterday.’
After quoting the Palestinian government for all the facts, figures and information about what Israel are doing since the start, the BBC have finally started adding this (at the very end of course):
‘As a reminder, the health ministry, like other government agencies in the Gaza Strip, is controlled by Hamas.’
So they are presenting figures to us as virtual fact by quoting what they have been told by a terrorist organisation !.
Explains the 500 people we were told got killed at the hospital when it was really more like 100.
They have clearly been spanked for their outrageous bias. Somebody should be taking a careful look at OFCOM for allowing it to reach a high level of public outrage before anything was done.
Of course they will do exactly the same again for the next agenda-based crisis which comes up. Its what they always do. Watch for the spiteful tone which will start appearing in the stories now when they have to admit these things – especially from the likes of Bowen.
Ofcom is a joke. It shares exactly the same groupthink as the BBC, which is no surprise as many of its employees are ex-BBC.
I don’t know the current figures, but as of last year, 10 out of 14 of the regulator’s content board members used to work at the Corporation.
Even if that proportion has changed marginally (?) the world view is the same.
Verified live..
Rishi concludes his statement that states the hospital strike was (likely) from another group, fired within Gaza. Sadly he still insists on quoting casualty figures provided by Hamas who claimed no civilians were killed in Israel on the 7th.
I switched to BBC news- verify live- duly expecting them to lead with this latest information, more so given inaccurate reporting and claims of “flattened hospitals” caused worldwide unrest and escalation. They instead lead with “Israel intensifies bombardment..”, and the need for more aid. Unsurprisingly shameless. Maybe Ofcom could persuade them to introduce some “balance”.
Israel to fire water cannons to end the drought?
3 days ago … BREAKING: Huckabee Sanders Signs Order Banning ‘Woke’ Terms Like ‘Pregnant People’ From State Govt
“Rishi Sunak has announced a further £20 million aid package for Gaza to support victims of Hamas. ”
… choose a Government that blows it’s own citizens up and up get 20 million?
The article is paywalled, so here is a further extract excoriating the BBC for its pro-Hamas, anti-Israel bias.
“This week the situation reached a new and disturbing low. Following the explosion at the Al-Alhi hospital in Gaza, the BBC rushed to judgement. Without checking, without verification, without establishing the facts, its reporters and social media feeds announced without qualification that Israel was responsible for the explosion and the tragic loss of life.
Why did they do this? Why did the BBC unquestioningly accept the word of a murderous terrorist group like Hamas? What drove this rush to blame Israel before the facts were known?
Those who took the time to investigate properly have come to the conclusion that stray rockets launched by Islamic Jihad, Hamas’s sister organisation in terrorist outrage, were the culprit. But by then, the damage was done.
On multiple platforms the BBC had blamed Israel before the facts were known and other media organisations picked up their line. Across the world people believed Israel was responsible for the bombing of a hospital. More anti-Semitic violence and anger followed, from riots in several cities in the Middle East to the cancellation of a series of crucial diplomatic meetings with Arab leaders that had been planned by US President Biden.
The thing is mistakes happen once, maybe twice. When they happen multiple times they are not mistakes. They are institutional fault lines which reveal bias and deep-rooted prejudice.”
– Danny Cohen, ex-Director of BBC Television
Here we bloody go….
These nutters want to ship in to the UK thousands of Islamic People from Gaza, the very same people who voted Hamas into power in Gaza.
What will it take to remove the scales from these peoples eyes?
They’d be more than happy to ship in actual Hamas members, not just their supporters.
moggiemoo ,
One of the leaders of Hamas lives in a council house here……came by RNLI Taxi Service ? .
I’m voiding BBC output like the Plague as usual to keep the Blood Pressure down !
1 Libyan saved in the med 22 lost in manchester.
Mr WGAP on fire
The Israeli government tweet mentioned in the video
The bBBC and MSM in general are going into hyperbolic crap at the moment. They bring pro Palestine Muslim tossers and give then free reign to spout their intolerant bile without much response. These bastards cannot be reasoned with. They hate Israel and the jews and want them dead and the media sugar coat it. I seem to recall back in the mists of them that terrorists like the IRA were not allowed on and ludicrously had actors doing voice overs. WTF sort of government do we bloody have?
I would say a non-existent one. We have a mostly unelected shower of shit which is incapable of making a decision in favour of the legal inhabitants of this country whilst encouraging and funding an invading army which, when it reaches a percentage which can’t be long in coming, will take the country by force, probably with the full backing of plod, who will arrest anybody who disagrees.
Moggie, I posted a simliar comment a bit further up the page, but your summary is much better!
Thank you, it’s the way I see it. It would have been more scathing but I’m trying to avoid using the sort of language on here that would possibly see the site shut down. Or me arrested.
Front page.
A video!
‘At the Gaza hospital with more bodies than shrouds’.
That sentimental enough for you?
But not be outdone.
BBC1 pm news. First item.
The number of those killed in Gaza, according to that well-known independent statistical agency…….errrr…..Hamas.
Followed by slow motion coverage of missile or bomb attacks on some buildings.
The BBC/PBC trust you have got their message.
Katya Adler – yet another anti-brexit pioneer. Now spreading her blind ignorance on other matters to dazzle us with her incompetence. Where do they find these grifting eejits!
“Where do they find these grifting eejits”
Same place as most of the sordid politicians in the HoC.
Some stats lying around somewhere tell the story that there are loads of them who’ve never had a real job, or had to work for their corn, they got paid by the state as soon as they left their unis!
Politicians and Beeboids go hand in hand for general nauseous incapability.
When are these Biarsed British Corporation going to realise that the Geneva Convention refers to Countries and States? I personally have never heard of a Country or State called Hamas.
If you don’t die suddenly from spike protein induced heart damage or blood clots. Or die from auto immune disease or nanoparticle toxicity. Then over time the DNA will get into the nucleus of all your cells, randomly transforming ‘how you look’ in many unpredictable and interesting ways.
There was an unusually non messaged programme on today about how the NHS killed large numbers of people haemophilia using contaminated imported blood products .
Anyone who trusts the medical mafia is a mug . There is a public inquiry but lots of records of what happened have been disappeared …. By medics …
Being a doctor with extensive knowledge of the blood contamination fiasco – this has been lumbering on for years – see Private Eye. It appears to me that despite total guilt on the part of the NHS and also therefore our esteemed government they will probably keep the legalities running for more years until the affected patients have died thus denying compensation where it is due. There should be criminal proceedings here but most of them are retired or dead by now.
Anon blood relation died from being infected – but for some reason the UK is slow to compensate families affected – particularly when compared to other better countries .
The whole thing – the purchase of blood from American prisoners / druggies was just obscene …
Watch till the end. The BBC woman is lost for words, and despite the news is on 24/7 they are suddenly out of time 😂
Ps. Can you see a theme here. Katya lied in a interview to get a job, claiming she could speak Spanish.
Trust the BBC.
Seems like attempts to delay the Israel move into Gaza ( not an attack ) is running out of VIPs – I think the Dutch PM was due either today or tomorrow followed by Macron – if they are to delay it any longer they might need a miracle – so the Pope might be up for it ( or not ) ……a few more days and the bbc will be getting bored – like they e done with Ukraine … which isn’t even a ‘thing ‘ any more …
Putin had his troops amassed around Ukraine for six months before he went it, ain’t no rush.
Flags on a map, lines and numbers – veracity only verifiable/TBD after the event?
Looks like salient / encirclement from here….
45k AFR vs. 15k UAF
No idea what tbd means..
To Be Determined
I’m guessing….to be determined.
Waiting for US support?? Not sure if this is the case.
Israel have released footage from Hamas bodycam videos.
BBC reports but will not show it.
“The 43 minutes of footage screened in Tel Aviv on Monday was distilled from hundreds of hours of footage collected since the attack, the Israeli military said. ”
Distilled? What a word to use . suggesting a manipulation of events.
BBC makes me puke.
It was an invitation for journalists, to remind them who the baddies are..
No information if BBC staff saw it ..
BBC and whatshisface go for pathos in Planet Earth III -Attenborough or Packham narrating?
Any assisted suicidal wildlife this time?
BBC Chris Packham the Hamas backing terrorist?
Perhaps it’s just me, but I’ve had quite a job getting to Biased BBC this evening. I’ve had to go right round the houses.
When I tapped in Biased BBC, I was sent to numerous sites that have sweet fanny to do with this one. Most of them were actually apologists for the Beeb, a million miles from what I wanted.
Perhaps old Jeff’s getting paranoid in his old age, but…
Maybe clear the history thingy – seems ok to me – msrky marky doing his daily repeat show …..
Anyone remember Tommy Robinson, ‘real name Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon’?
Seems like he’s back.
Oh dear! What a shock – not that I will be watching as I have only connect on then (only thing I watch on the ghastly channel) ut it about the Gaza situation. Expect a fully fair and factual offering – I think not!
Great to be immune from the law innt?
They’re hatey, they’re hatey,
…. they’re very very hatey,
There is NO CANCEL CULTURE (c) Owen Jones
Monday quiz, which female TV pundit
after seeing a tweet showing in how peaceful pro Israel marches are
tweeted this
“All white ? All pensioners ? All supporting war crimes?” .. ?
SarkharAlibhai BrownAnswer
Narinder Kaur – deport that race grifter make us all happy
The petition to “support the London Tube Driver’s Right to Express Solidarity with Palestine” has 22,000 signatures
He’s been suspended now
“CBS, the BBC’s media partner in the US, are now reporting that two hostages are being released by Hamas.”
We’ve now had confirmation from the International Red Cross that they helped to facilitate the release of two more hostages”
Ok BBC you’ve finally made a friend, no doubt one whom the British licence payers are subsidising, but no need to keep telling us about it, all of a sudden..
Last two prisoners were supposedly released for humanitarian reasons..
I mean that’s bullshit , I guess pointless wondering why the bbc aren’t asking what’s the real reason.
Red Cross “aid” money handed over?
On the home page: “Arsenal say increasing diversity a ‘key priority’ after criticism of all-white photo”
“Arsenal’s 27-strong 2023-24 squad features no black, Asian or ethnic minority players […] Fans criticised the club for having no black or ethnic minority players.”
Doubtful it’s fans of football, more likely the criticism comes from racial grievance fans aided by a BBC intern browsing Twitter.
bet there is still an overrepresentation of lesbians
….and that’s just the mens team😂😂
Not BBC but ITV trying to grind out some sympathy for ‘British Palestinian’ Latifa Abouchakra who’s struggling in these times as a Muslim woman in London.
Voiceover: “Just going about her daily business doesn’t feel safe…”
Worth taking a look at her side projects in the video linked — ITV don’t bother to mention but she’s a reporter for TV channel Palestine Declassified (as well as a teacher and trade unionist, of course).
You get more honest reporting in Viz these days.
The Guardian keeping their cards close to their chest on preferred candidates in Argentina’s election.
“An extraordinary moment as two elderly hostages released by Hamas”
Go on, I’m a sucker for click bait headlines …
‘ Eighty-five-year-old Yocheved Lifschitz identifies herself and confirms her age.
Then, before leaving, she turns to a masked Hamas gunman, shakes his hand and says “shalom”.’
Is that it?????
“Yocheved’s husband, eighty five year old Oded, is still in captivity. He’s a peace activist who’s reported to have spent his retirement driving Gazan cancer patients to hospital in Israel for treatment.”
Meme “It has become very apparent that
British policemen are very aggressive when dealing with the passive,
and very passive when dealing with the aggressive.
I suppose it’s because who wants to police the unpoliceable
– much easier to police the policeable
Meme image

aggressive against the passive,
passive against the aggressive
Warning, the video is harrowing even though it’s only words describing Hamas thuggery.
He says media have fueled a kind of modern Holocaust Denial
The key point of what he says to me is ‘as civilians crowd around him and scream Allahu Akbar in jubilation with pure joy on their faces taking turns to crush the corpse with their feet.’
It’s not ‘a few extremist members of a terrorist group who are oppressing the good Muslims’ as we are being told by the BBC, it’s a wider, religion-based hatred of the absolute worst kind. It’s what happens when they have the numbers and the power to do what they want.
I wonder how long it will be before they start turning up here.
Here’s the statement from the Muslim Council of Britain the day after the terrorist attacks:
‘As such, we call for an immediate end to the violence and adherence to international law, in all its aspects. The international community must uphold their obligations towards ending the illegal occupation of Palestine. We call for renewed and sincere efforts for lasting peace.’
Not a single word to condemn the terrorist massacre. It is not even mentioned. Which Muslims here will take as approval.
Meanwhile I see the BBC is continuing it’s thinly veiled support for Palestein by resorting the usual ’empathy’ reporting of small, insignificant things – which is what they do when they don’t have any moral highground – with lots of pictures like this and continuous reporting of casualty figured supplied by the terrorists themselves:
One more extremely suspicious thing I’ve noticed as that we are not being told any information whatsoever about what is being given to Hamas for these hostages who are being released. The question is not even being asked : it’s being presented as if it’s Hamas being nice. The BBC are using the empathy trick in buckets already. They’ve even managed to get to her daughter and put her on Radio 4 today:
“There’s so much, I’m going to wait for her to wake up, give her a little kiss and see how I can help her.”.
‘Sharone mentions video footage from her mother’s release that appears to show her briefly holding the hand of one of the hostage-takers.’
And even now the BBC are still presenting the hospital disaster as:
‘Hamas blamed the incident on an Israeli strike, but Israel said a misfiring Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket from within Gaza was responsible’
Always what Hamas say first.
The BBC are squirming even more now they have had their knuckles wrapped for their bias.
Looking at the statement by the Muslim mafia – looks like it was written by Corbyn about his ‘friends ‘….
How far would the US go to defend Israel?
bbc is keen
There you are – the BBC was right all along – Islamic Hamas isn’t a terrorist group – after all – it has released 2 elderly women hostages . So they are the good guys and Israel are the baddies and the nasty Israelis will kill more people if they go into Gaza .
Robinson and meesh both playing bigly on this one – excellent propaganda mouthpieces for Islamic Hamas – and paid for by people who pay that TV licence .
No mention of the slaughter…. but let’s face it – they were only Israelis. —only Jews – right BBC ….?
The BBC clearly have a policy to use the hostages for ‘good news’ only.
They didn’t even report this:
Civilian hostages in Hamas custody killed in Be’eri near Gaza border, CNN verified videos show
Lets see how they balance the inevitable hostage execution videos from Hamas when they start against the BBC reporting everything else they say as virtual truth (with caveat at the very end of the article of course).
No mention of Biden calling for a ‘cease fire ‘ then not – during a rare off autocue moment shown on YouTube …. AI wouid be a very useful help for Obama running Biden …. Imagine if either Reagan or Trump had misspoken – we’d never hear the end of repeats – wouid even outdo marky …
So the bBC are wetting themselves with excitement because the wimmin in Iceland are going on strike. The usual feminazi reasons are given: ending gender based violence, low pay, etc bleat bleat bleat.
What a brilliant idea – make it forever:
In the schools this will end wokery and poor education
In hospitals no one gets the clot shot
The workplaces will be more peaceful
HR departments can be fired
No EDI workers anymore
Productivity will rocket
Men can eat in the pub
No DV feminazis kicking men out of their homes
Holidays in Thailand to save on energy bills
TOADY Watch #1 – those Hamas terrorists are so nice and pleasant and cuddly
TOADY are at pains to point out – several times, in fact – that Mrs Lifschitz, the oldest of the two Israeli hostages recently released by Hamas, shook the hand of the Hamas terrorist & captor and said “Shalom” to him.
No, BBC. All that indicates is that Mrs Lifschitz is a very polite and gracious woman.
Brexit and an 80 seat majority = 0 conservative policies.
The current commissioner has written a woke helpless piece in the DT about why his troops are aiding and abetting supporters of Hamas – its soppy dross – but one line stuck out – this is it –
“The law does not provide for us to police based on values, principles, taste or decency.”
Perhaps rowley has no idea what his outfit does ? How it supports those who believe ‘pride’ is a good when the Bible says it is evil .
And that whole list that the wokes approve but is ready to take down the UK flag is it is ‘offensive ‘….
Like the other tax paid institutions of the UK – policing is effed .
Wait to see the jihad boys and girls on Remenbrance in a couple of weeks …
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Do Palestinians want Hamas to surrender and stop the war?
Has anyone bothered to ask them?
We’ll believe it, thousands wouldn’t in this thousands of ’em edition
Our national dailies tend to revert to form today.
Why will no one help us? – shrieks the socialistic, big government idealising, Labour-supporting Daily Mirror. The subject matter for the report could be anything under the sun but this one happens to be about: Storm Babet Nightmare
Whether the story be Covid, our NHS, the cost of living, whatever, you name it… the Mirror has a bee in its bonnet about families: Tears of devastated families left to face flooding hell AGAIN
Don’t the Mirror know left-leaning politicians have no intention to ever enact policies to promote families. In fact their ideology tends anti-family. Family is an old Labour idea. Whisper the notion of reintroducing tax breaks for married couples and they run a mile.
Long-standing leftist Guardian and now the latterly left-leaning Times cosy up ever closer and this morning share the self same frontpage feature photograph set up – near identitcal images obviously taken moments apart: The aftermath of an airstrike on the Ridwan area of Gaza city (Times, photo credit: Ali Jadallah/Anadolu/Getty Images); A woman carries a young girl through the Sheik Ridwan district of Gaza city after an Israeli airstrike yesterday (Guardian, photo credit: Ali Jadallah/Anadolu/Getty Images)
Our BBC online press review has the tact and good grace of a thoughtful hostess allocating seating to her guests at a posh dinner party, discretly separating Guardian and Times with three other titles’ frontpages.
Andy Burnham may moan about the Tories having scrapped the HS2 northern extention – but fret not Andy, Manchester Guardian and Times of London grow ever closer by the day.
In a further incidence of editorial reversion to priors, the Financial Times is in familiar mode acting as mouthpiece for Brussels: Gaza alarm EU seeks lull to allow in aid
The Telegraph, mildly EU-sceptic, has to admit Britain is the American lap dog (all bark and no bite, considering our military cut backs we’re hardly the XL Bully these days): EU clash with UK and US on ceasefire… the US confirmed it is sending more weapons and troops to the region – couldn’t we sit this one out or at least sit on the fence for once, Rishi? I’m sure the Israelis will do what they have to do just fine without the need for little Britain egging them on from the sidelines.
As Mr AsI pointed out earlier hereabouts – all this pro-Israel little man big tough talk from Sunak just serves to rile up the natives we’ve got over here: Tube driver suspended over pro-Palestinian chant (BBC)
I’m here reminded of that line from the movie Zulu [1964] spoken by Nigel Green as Colour Sergeant Bourne: “Zulus – thousands of ’em.”
Well, the fact is we’ve imported ourselves muslims, millions of ’em – and they come with a growing voice: 2021 Census: As UK Population Grows, So Do British Muslim Communities… the Muslim population is 3.87 million, or 6.5 % of the total… in the decade 2011-2021… contributing to 33% of the increase. (Muslim Council of Britain)
And now we see a developing cultural clash with our own native population exemplified by the present spat over: Sunak: Chanting ‘jihad’ is threat to our democracy (Times)
Turns out our lame western liberal institutions are in no position to face the challenge of an aggressive newcomer presence and for liberalism to fight back aganist the crazies: Met chief: Chasm exists between the law and public expectation… over how to police pro-Palestinina protesters… (Telegraph)
And in our last and final reversion to form, the Rishi lackey loyalist Daily Express parrots his master’s squeaky ineffective little voice through a would-be big megaphone: PM blasts Met police for not acting on ‘jihadi’ chants
Oh, lest one forgets, the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper is the super coronaphobic title: Covid jab in pregnancy protects newborns Science – ok, we’ll believe it, thousands wouldn’t
“Met chief: Chasm exists between the law and public expectation… over how to police pro-Palestinina protesters”
To Hell With the Archbishop of Canterbury { feb2008}
In the midst of this dismal verbiage and euphemism, the plain statement—”There’s one law for everybody and that’s all there is to be said”—still stands out like a diamond in a dunghill. It stands out precisely because it is said simply, and because its essential grandeur is intelligible to everybody. Its principles ought to be just as intelligible and accessible to those who don’t yet speak English, in just the same way as the great Lord Mansfield once ruled that, wherever someone might have been born, and whatever he had been through, he could not be subject to slavery once he had set foot on English soil.
Quentin letts gives an account of Sunak reporting to the defective commons about Gaza – the hospital explosion was caused by Islamic terrorists – official – any comment BBC – any comment BBCOFCOM ? DG ?
Mr letts describes the body language on the red labour benches . And it reminded me that there is not pure equivalence between red and blue labour .
This is because in blue labour – MPs only believe in one thing -themselves . Whereas in red labour there are a lot who believe in other things such as the destruction of Israel – Corbyn – sultana – the rest of the Muslim mafia … and will always be a danger pushing for Muslim interests over those of decent people .
The end of the Mail article
“For Sir Keir Starmer, the Israel-Hamas war is a particular nightmare.
An opposition leader this far ahead in the opinion polls never welcomes upheavals, especially when plenty of members of his own party are soft on the terrorists involved.
Sir Keir again tried to tread the tightrope of acknowledging Israel’s right to defend herself while also sounding pro-Palestinian, but it becomes trickier for him by the day.
He was obliged to sit there for the rest of the session.
His left toecap kept swivelling as a succession of Labour MPs made coded anti-Israel noises.
Sir Keir is some distance from his party on this issue.
When a water-skier overtakes the motorboat, it seldom ends well.
Labour MPs went rigid during Sir Keir’s speech. Vicky Foxcroft (Lewisham Deptford) was nodding but apart from her there was little evident support for his efforts to sound pro-Israeli.
Afzal Khan (Manchester Gorton), one of Sir Keir’s own frontbenchers, studied his mobile phone
A line of anti-Zionists at the back of the chamber had their arms crossed.
Yvette Cooper’s right eyebrow was hooked like a bishop’s crook, alive to the drama.
It was striking how many backbenchers had suddenly become tremendous experts in international law.
During contributions from the likes of Zarah Sultana (Coventry South), Mohammad Yasin (Bedford) and Kim Johnson (Liverpool Riverside), the Starmer toecap whizzed at high speed.
Jeremy Corbyn had a go. Mr Sunak dealt with him crisply by recalling that Mr Corbyn had once hailed Hamas as ‘friends’.
No one enjoyed that putdown more than Sir Keir’s neighbour David Lammy, who laughed and nodded.
Things are bad in Israel-Gaza but there’s not much peace and love in the Labour Party, either.
Ukraine war: Avdiivka civilians cling on amid Russian assault
A rare report on the war in Ukraine and it’s a bit bizarre.
If you read the report, it’s an empty Town with a few pensioners which the Russians are firing missiles at and ‘breaking every window every day’.
Once again it’s 100% empathy. No mention whatsoever about the thousands of Ukrainan soldiers there must be occupying all the buildings which are being hit. A trick I have learned is what the BBC do to distract you when they don’t want to tell you the truth.
And the truth here is clearly that the Russians are back on the offensive and are winning.
And which ‘expert’ at the BBC brings you this news from Ukraine ?. This one who – amongst other things – also reports about Royal Weddings:

Why the long face?
Thatch, “Why the long face?” no Vit C and no immunity! Need zinc for immunity.