This week is likely to witness even more death and suffering in the Middle East . Views may get even stronger . So as moderator – I’m asking for a bit of moderation in advance . .. thoughts and prayers really are with those affected …
Start the week 23rd October 2023
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“‘Eyes were gouged out, a woman’s breasts cut off and a daughter had her legs severed’: Horrific details of Hamas massacre emerge as rescue worker recounts how entire families were slaughtered
Rescue worker Moshe Melayev told how families were slaughtered in homes
“It comes as the IDF showed a 45-minute-montage of Hamas murdering, torturing and abducting Israeli civilians to journalists who have told of the horrors with which they were confronted.
The lengthy compilation, pieced together from material recorded by Hamas gunmen on bodycams and smartphones, was shown by the IDF to a closed pool of journalists in Tel Aviv yesterday.
One Breitbart journalist said audience members began weeping as they sat in their chairs, while others whimpered ‘make it stop’ after a matter of minutes.
‘There is no moment of redemption in the footage,’ he said. ‘After the video was done, we were allowed to go outside to retrieve our equipment… I had to sit down. I leaned against a wall and cried.’
Another journalist for The Atlantic said some audience members were heard retching and heaving – a violent, involuntary response to the level of evil and gore on display. ‘I certainly hope I never see any of the extra footage again,’ he wrote.
By all accounts, the footage was stuffed with clip after clip of civilians being shot, stabbed, tortured and burned.
Their corpses were arranged for all to see – bound, gagged and riddled with bullet holes and knife wounds. Others were decapitated with knives – and one pour soul was partially decapitated with a garden hoe as he lay cradling a bullet wound in his stomach.
And one young girl was seen hiding under a desk, waiting as the terrorists decided what her fate would be. Moments later they decided to gun her down from point-blank range.
The full unedited footage will not be shared with the public, Israel says, unless all of the families of those killed within view it and give permission, meaning it is unlikely the whole clip will ever be released to the world.
According to descriptions from journalists who attended the private screening, one clip showed the moment a Hamas terrorist threw a grenade at a father and his son.
The blast kills the father, who pitches forward into the turf, while the young boy is covered in his blood.
The child is dragged inside and forced to sit next to his brother, whose eye is a bloody mess – either due to shrapnel from the grenade blast or torture.
One of the boys sobs: ‘Why am I alive?’ as the ruthless terrorists stand over the body of his father.
Another dark chunk of footage showed how unsuspecting IDF soldiers were beheaded with their headless corpses left splayed in the streets, while a contingent of female soldiers were incapacitated by a grenade before being shot at near point blank range.
The journalists also shared they witnessed scenes of sheer panic, terror and devastation at the Nova music festival, where more than 250 civilians were slaughtered.
Some victims hid in skips, others in portable toilets, but all were found and either gunned down, or savagely beaten before being taken hostage.
Meanwhile, in an audio clip, a Hamas gunman is heard bragging to his family about ‘killing 10 Jews’, having stolen the phone of one of his victims.
In the call recorded by the victim’s phone, the terrorist chillingly boasts that he ‘is a hero’ after murdering Israelis with his ‘own hands’.
These are the people, so many in this country also, whining about “islamphobia”
A phobia is an irrational fear….
Jewish people in this country have genuine fear at the moment and I do not blame them, with the far left racist anti semitic marxists and their muslim friends doing their best to stir up their inborn hatred.
I see that the IDF will only release footage with next of kin approves it – so it is unlikely to be seen – which is a good thing on many levels as the Muslims will use it even more for their porn sites .
I would like to see a list of BBC staff who attended the showing – obviously Marianna will have gone to represent verify / lie – a raise suspicion of ‘AI ‘. Viewing that hoe horror might make her grow up a bit and put the hurty internet crap into perspective… the internet doesn’t scream or bleed or die ..
How long before the BBC attribute the slaughter to the Israelis, not Hamas?
It seems to me no one seems to hate quite like a good muslim
The Biased Brainwashing Corporation (BBC) and the Brainwashing Insights Team (BIT)
The Brainwashing Insights Team (BIT) was set up by David Cameron in 2010 as the world’s first government institution dedicated to using neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) to brainwash the public into supporting loony left-wing policies such as “Net Zero” making very careful use of nudging and NLP practices to create powerful cognitive dissonances in the minds of anyone engaged in “wrong think”. Today, virtually all major public policy issues have been “reframed” to nudge people into unconsciously making decisions that radically destroy not only their lives, but the very sanity of society. The Brainwashing Insights Team (BIT) produced the MINDSPACE protocol for the British Conservative Party. The MINDSPACE protocol was designed by the Cabinet office to hypnotise members of the British Conservative Party into supporting the policies of the Chinese Communist Party.
The purpose of the Conservative Party is not to represent its members, supporters and constituents opinions. But to brainwash these people using neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) so that their thought processes and behaviour are controlled by the Government using hypnotic techniques to manipulate the unconscious mind and induce mindless Groupthink support for insane policies beneficial to Civil Servants and those Members of Parliament who do not care about excess deaths or the vaccine injured.
The BBC is used by BIT to induce fear, gloom, doom and public panic, using repetition to overcome rational criticism of the Government. The Office For Censorship, Obedience and Manipulation (OFCOM) is to act as a “Ministry of Truth” for the Government.
UN chief says ‘clear violations of humanitarian law’ in Gaza
You have to read into it to realise it isn’t specifically referring to Israel after all.
Here’s what the UN chief said:
‘The protection of civilians is paramount in any armed conflict’
What ?. No it isn’t. Winning is.
‘Protecting civilians can never mean using them as human shields.’
Definitely Hamas not allowing them to leave Northern Gaza.
‘Protecting civilians does not mean ordering more than one million people to evacuate to the south, where there is no shelter, no food, no water, no medicine and no fuel’
It does if you plan to turn the area they move out of into a battleground and kill zone to wipe out your enemy.
This guy at the UN is clearly another establishment idiot. Perhaps if had a bit more to say on the topic while Hamas were conducting their terrorist activities over the last however many years, this might have turned out differently. All those people who protected Hamas while they did it have this blood on their hands.
And that most definitely includes the BBC. They have more than most.
Antonio Guterres is competing with Joe Biden for “Dotard on the world stage” prize.
Twitter seems to think I should receive his every utterance – every one of which seems to ratchet up my contempt for the silly old commie.
The depths that media will plumb is matched only by their ineptitude.
Running positive headlines on the kidnapped granny soon results in some facts getting shared that show them to be utterly inept propagandists.
Note to bbc:
“‘The IDF has been collecting footage from bodycams taken by Hamas death squads as they rampaged through the communities in southern Israel, butchering everyone in sight,’ Levy said.
‘I can’t believe I’m saying this… As we work to defeat the terror organisation we are witnessing a Holocaust denial-like phenomenon evolving in real time as people are casting doubt on the magnitude of the atrocities Hamas committed against our people and in fact recorded in order to glorify this violence.’
“Israel-Palestine war LIVE: Israel demands UN chief quits after he appeared to blame their policies for Hamas terrorism – as IDF claims to have ‘thwarted’ three Hamas deputy commanders”
The Biarsed Broadcasting Corporation fails to maintain the abysmally low standards it sets itself.
More “enrichment”…is this what they mean by “vibrant” ?
“Disgusting moment fishmonger repeatedly throws frozen seafood down on to the pavement outside East London shop as council launch food hygiene investigation
The video of the fishmonger – who appears to be trying to break up blocks of frozen fish – went viral as social media users reacted in disgust”
Come on – it’s third world barking or newham or tower hamlets of Waltham Forest ….
Not Gaza Not BBC
But the head of HSBC has told a finance meeting that the level of borrowing across various governments is unsustainable . Ok – I’m simple when it comes to economics – but what states are borrowing so much that they are straining to pay the interest on loans then that’s trouble ? Right ?
Others here are warning about this – here – such as Thoughtful – but I really muse on what the consequences of widespread economic failure this time will be ? Banks failing – states failing …
This could all come on top of the urkaine ( remember that ?) and Middle East and Korea and the south China seas and god knows what ….
Sorry about the gloom again but that’s how I see it – and I’d like to use that useless term ‘ it is what it is ‘…
Well we could start a little competition with who comes out with the best suggestions for savings..
Mine: Stop the motability scam with the benefit family down the road from me given a brand new SUV but still too lazy to drive to supermarket so all delivered, and Amazon deliveries at least three times a week, lazy feckless husband allocated as a “carer” for the “disabled ” (read morbidly obese) woman who is so fat she has to walk in the door sideways and even given NHS help with someone teaching her to wallk up the road, (yes, really)
Still managed to get pregnant though and no doubt training that one to get a council house one way or another
And never fails to smirk at me as she stand outside her house chainsmoking in her dressing gown bought from Tent City or Milletts watching me defrost the car windows at 7 am going to work
In a less PC time it might have made a ‘sit com ‘ ..
How many tens of thousands this lot have stolen from the tax payer defies belief, before they got the SUV the kid was picked up every day by taxi, but also with another person there as escort.
Yet they are buying new furniture and white goods on a regular basis and even got a gardener in to raze the previous tenants flower gardens and cover it in turf so they could install a new trampoline for the child.
God help us if the feckless father should ever pick up a spade or fork, he’s got to be ready at the door for the next Amazon delivery.
Zephir – sometimes it’s healthier to be ‘blinkered ‘ …. The welfare state has destroyed the will to work in far too many in Blighty – entitlement is a serious defect now – the country is living far above its ‘ means – and not alone – America is a basket case now and thinks it can finance two wars as well as itself …. Mad …
The last time – 2008 – seemed to come out of nowhere – but it’s only a matter of time now ….
I agree, but difficult when you see it every day and pay tax.
A lot of social housing along our way and it used to be full of retired folk who had worked but on low incomes, it is now infested with twenty year old fat single mothers and the above.
I wonder if the bbc could do some research into how many hundreds of millions this costs local authorities and central Govt ?
Nice to hear of someone putting the UN in its’ box – few countries would dare do it – but Israel – quite right … maybe pull out of the UN …
Some good news:
“ITV apologises for interview with reporter who had called Hamas attack a ‘homecoming’
London-based Palestinian Latifa Abouchakra spoke to the channel’s news programme about Islamophobia”
ITV News has apologised for interviewing a reporter from the Iranian regime channel Press TV who had described the Hamas atrocities committed on October 7 as a “homecoming by the Palestinian resistance”.
ITV presented Latifa Abouchakra as a London-based Palestinian. In an interview screened on Monday, she claimed she had been a victim of Islamophobia, saying: “I’ve been called a terrorist, I’ve been asked to go back home, I’ve had people in their cars making threatening gestures.”
The reason, she went on was that “Muslims and Palestinians are inherently terrorists according to the system here, according to the narrative of the media here and according to the narrative of the politicians.”
The Board of Deputies accused ITV News of a “staggering failure of due diligence” over the report. In a letter to chief executive Dame Carolyn McCall, the Board president Marie van der Zyl acknowledged there has “undoubtedly been a significant rise in Islamophobia in this country over the past few weeks”, which she utterly condemned.
However, Van der Zyl added: “ITV’s decision to invite on Ms Abouchakra was an astonishingly bad one. As a 20-second internet search could have informed your channel’s researchers, Ms Abouchakra is a reporter for Palestine Declassified, a show produced by Press TV, the state channel of the Iranian Ayatollahs’ regime.”
And even I can find this from 2021:
“CAA submits complaint against teacher and ex-union official who referred to “dirty Zionists” and made other inflammatory remarks
Campaign Against Antisemitism has submitted a complaint against a teacher and former union official who has reportedly referred to “dirty Zionists” and made other inflammatory remarks.
Latifa Abouchakra, who works in Ealing as a Citizenship and PHSE teacher, has reportedly shared a post on social media saying that “Zionism is not just racist and genocidal. It’s stark raving mad”; described the antisemitic terrorist and Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani as a “hero”; and claimed that the antisemitic US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is “considered a threat to the Zionist and Islamophobic elite in America”.
She has also share an image of a Jewish effigy represented as the devil and a post appearing to question why the Holocaust is memorialised at the expense of other genocides. She has further reportedly described Israel as an “illegal” and “colonial” state; talked of “Zionist elites” and complained of “Zionist influence in American politics”.
She also claimed, after a football player unveiled a Palestinian Authority flag at a match, that “Apparently the dirty Zionists have been complaining to Leicester City FC re the players showing their support for Palestine”.
Ms Abouchakra is a former official with the National Education Union (NEU), which has itself repeatedly come under fire lately in connection with antisemitism. When asked about Ms Abouchakra, who is apparently still a member, the union reportedly said: “The NEU deplores antisemitism and all forms of racism and treats these issues very seriously. The NEU is aware of the concerns raised. This matter will be dealt with as a matter of urgency and will be looked into according to the union’s internal processes relating to member conduct.”
working still as a racist, for Ealing Council
Shes got a gob on her:
Hijab ban attempt is ‘racism dressed up as liberalism’, teachers’ conference told
Latifa Abouchakra, a teacher from Ealing, told the conference that such language was “just another term for racism and Islamophobia”, and made Muslims an easy target.
Abouchakra related how she had been called a “terrorist” while leading a secondary school class trip to Hampton Court.
“The conference then heard from Latifa Abouchakra, a Palestinian refugee who came to the UK during her primary school years. She resides in London, where she has completed her Law degree at Kingston University and went on to complete her PGCE at UCL. She is now a secondary Citizenship and PSHE teacher, investigative Reporter and a Trade Unionist. She has used her platform in the Nation Education Union to stand up against racist policies in the UK; most notably within education against the hijab ban attempted via Ofsted and Prevent.
Ms Abouchakra began her speech with mentioning how the Balfour Declaration symbolised to Palestinians the beginning of the destruction of their homeland. She condemned the British governments repeated celebrations of the Balfour Declarations at the taxpayers expense, and demanded the British government formally apologise for the declaration. Ms Abouchakra then spoke on the stances of all three British prime ministers who have taken power this year, and how their unwavering support of Israel and self identification as zionists is morally reprehensible.”
Shes all over the place with her racist gob
we bring in refugees and they accuse us of racism against them despite being given a full education and getting a degree and employment, they make racist remarks against jews repeateadly year on year yet no action taken against them and continue to be employed, then demand our government formally apologise ffs
All that is wrong with muslim immigrants in a nutshell
I wonder how shocked the BBC will be when the next Islamic terrorist attack takes place on a British street / aircraft … with that thought .. I introduce to you .. the midweek thread
Thanks for the moderation with regard to the evil Islamic Hamas btw …
they will just cover it up again , like the one they are currently covering up
Has anybody counted Marianna’s fingers?
Can we send Lindsay Graham to Tehran to sort out the Mullahs?