Jeremy Paxman: Are you seriously claiming there are Muslim gangs raping young girls across the North of England?
Tommy Robinson; Yes
Newsnight October 2013.
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.26 Aug 2014
I wish that sneering condescendingly and disbelievingly were a crime, and Tommy could sue the arse off that unctuous Paxman.
Is he still alive, by the way? I see the awful Rajan has replaced him at UC. Well of course, like Myrie at Mastermind – how predictable of the racist BBC.
Ep. 37 The two defining tragedies of our time — the war in Ukraine and the presidency of Joe Biden — are both finally coming to an end.
TIMESTAMPS: (00:17) Glenn Greenwald joins (05:41) Will the Ukraine War Hawks ever apologize? (07:25) Using foreign wars to punish Americans…
Israel’s military received orders to shell Israeli homes and even their own bases as they were overwhelmed by Hamas militants on October 7. How many Israeli citizens said to have been “burned alive” were actually killed by friendly fire?
If it transpires that bodies of either side are lying in the streets of London on the eleventh the least I would expect is the immediate resignation of Rowley… as not fit for purpose and endangering life as a minimum.
It has already cost one old man his life. But this apparently does not represent a threat, unbelievable!
Anti-lockdown demonstrations – banned
Opposition to Channel Invaders – banned
Women complaining about being murdered by rogue policemen – banned
Anti-abortion demonstrations – banned
There we are: four allowed, four banned. Totally balanced, just like the BBC.
I think the coming weekend will finally – finally – show the population of the UK that the UK is being lost – the finger will be pointed at anyone professing support for their own country – for instance – by showing the English or UK flag —
Any wrongs committed by Islamic Hamas will be excused by references to the ‘far right ‘ …. By both plod and of course the Hamas BBC broadcasting corporation ….
Peter Liddle ? Of course is right …. But it’s getting late ….
The Last American Vagabonds
The Last American Vagabond was established to allow a free flow of information in regard to current issues that face the world. The focus being on many such issues that are purposefully and discreetly culled by those who stand to lose, either financially or professionally, due to their relevance. It is this site’s primary objective to bring these issues to an open forum and or bring about awareness of these topics of paramount importance.
“he Māori Government has sentenced Christopher Hipkins, Andrew Little, Ashley Bloomfield and Christopher James to 10 years in prison for committing crimes in response to the covid pandemic. The court also sentenced 118 Members of Parliament to prison for supporting and facilitating the four criminals’ actions.
After hearing all the evidence, the Māori Government issued a statement prohibiting the importation, sale and use of the mRNA BioNTech medical technology and all derivatives in New Zealand.”
“The next pandemic, dubbed the ‘Big One,’ could be ‘simmering in the background,’ waiting to unleash the most contagious and deadliest diseases known to humanity.”
Our benighted Met Chief and Woody Allen lookalike is perplexed about the meaning of Jihad.
It means Holy War, dummy, and once they’re done with the Jews, you’re next.
Perhaps he (and the BBC) should read the Hamas Charter:
Article 7: the Day of Judgment will not come until the Muslims fight and kill the Jews. “Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: ‘O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.”
Article 13: There is no negotiated settlement possible. Jihad is the only answer.
Article 15: “The day that enemies usurp part of Muslim land, Jihad becomes the individual duty of every Muslim”. It states the history of the Crusades into Muslim lands and says the “Palestinian problem is a religious problem”.[1]
Article 30: Calls on “writers, intellectuals, media people, orators, educators and teachers, and all the various sectors in the Arab and Islamic world” to pursue jihad.
Article 33: calls upon Muslims worldwide to work for liberation of Palestine.
Quite independently of Palestine, ceaseless, relentless Jihad is enjoined upon all muslims until the whole world is islamic, or in subservient dhimmitude to our islamic masters.
Easy and hygenic to talk about the liberation of Palestine because the truth is the destruction of the state of Israel and anihilation of the Jews.
Alas Nettenyahu is working to achieve that end through his criminal actions
Bowne is back on the typewriter – always amusing to read what he has to say. And none of the reasons he IS amusing are complimentary.
Today he’s belittling the Israelies and promoting Hamas as being better:
‘Israel’s Defence Minister Yoav Gallant says the leader of Hamas is in his bunker not talking to anybody – he doesn’t actually know that with certainty.’
‘The Israeli military was not able to pick up the intelligence that Hamas was going to carry out the massacre on 7 October. So I think we need to take their claims of certain knowledge and intelligence with a quite a large pinch of salt.’
Bit like comparing apples with oranges there Jeremy – but never mind. Lets see what he has to say about Hamas:
‘So even though Israel has all the heavy weaponry, the question is whether or not they can defeat the Hamas fighters who have been releasing videos of themselves running around and popping out of tunnels, and firing various kinds of anti-tank missiles at the Israeli armoured vehicles going into Gaza City.’
I suspect many of those ‘heros’ are now dead. How many tanks did they destroy Jeremy ?. They claim 6 without a single picture of one.
Hamas in Gaza city are going to get wiped out Jeremy. Deal with it. The leader of Hamas has probably fled already : I’ve noticed in Islam, the leaders don’t share this certainty that death on the battlefield brings them 72 virgins to rape.
Marky – since the 7 October slaughter was so well planned – surely Islamic Hamas would have known what the Israeli response would be – and prepared for it
…. But Israel still has to do what it is doing ….
Satellite images show Palestinians heading south, and even uses bbc Verify. bbc shows a picture of some people walking down a road, honestly
Can’t the likes of the bbc just report this, does it really need Verify, to Verify!
And apparently the Al Quds hospital in Gaza City is going to run out of fuel, AGAIN. I wonder if any hospital have actually run out of fuel as reported for weeks by the bbc, that fuel would run out within 24 hours most days
“Possession of nitrous oxide, also known as NOS, has become a criminal offence in the UK.
Now categorised as a class C drug, possession of laughing gas for its “psychoactive effects” will carry a sentence of up to two years in prison”
Tired of seeing those big canisters littering in lay-bys, parks etc
Story has Nitrous Oxide users Ali and Halima,
🤔 Might it be mainly a Muslim problem?
Of course the story needs the usual qualification and public education on Islam.
“We grew up as Muslims. Any form of intoxication is a no no,” says community worker Naveed Sadiq.
“Mark Drakeford has been forced to correct the record after telling the Welsh Assembly he did not use WhatsApp. After it emerged yesterday that Welsh Government officials may have deleted their WhatsApp messages, he claimed had never deleted anything, as he didn’t use WhatsApp. Turns out the Welsh leader does in fact have the app”
Imran Hussain is not a widely known name beyond Bradford or Labour politics.
But his resignation from Sir Keir Starmer’s frontbench team matters, because of where the logic of his leap will leave others on the frontbench we know are sympathetic to his view.
Name of donor: (1) Majlis Ash-Shura (Parliament) (2) Al-Noor Travels and Tours Ltd
Address of donor: (1) AL-Yamamh Palace, Majlis Ash-Shura, 8006, Al-Hada, Unit: 3, Riyadh 12911 – 4021 (2) 66 Killinghall Road, Bradford BD3 8HN Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): (1) Flights, accommodation, internal travel and meals, value £11,750 (2) Accommodation in Madinah between 16 and 20 February 2023, value £515
Destination of visit: Mecca, Madinah and Riyadh
Dates of visit: 11-21 February 2023
Purpose of visit: APPG for Hajj and Umrah visit to meet with the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah to discuss challenges specific to British Muslims, and the UK Mission in Riyadh, Ambassador and UK Consul General covering Mecca and Madinah. Plus meetings with the Deputy Minister for Madinah and holy sites stakeholders.
(Registered 15 March 2023)
Vile race-baiting academic clearly reckoned she might get ahead of this one.
I was unaware of the evil atrocities happening in Congo – makes my blood boil.Congo is literally bleeding💔
Who are credible sources you would suggest I follow to learn more about the #CongoGenocide? The West’s mainstream media isn’t covering Congo or Sudan like Israel & Ukraine
Being in various tv studios constantly, especially Vile’s, it is possible she didn’t know squat about anything outside her unicolour prism, but as a black African heritage gob with a doctorate it seems… unlikely.
As it does to commenters, some pointing out they told the idiot.
It might have better to keep schtum, which for her is a physical impossibility. Vile really surrounds himself with quality.
“Motorist shoots dead two environmental protesters blocking a road: Driver caught in traffic gets out of his car and guns down demonstrators when they refuse to move in Panama”
She was so out they had her on QT as a special guest quotee.
The writing was already on the wall, as only so many DM posts gushing how pneumatic she is could convince anyone, so she is already manoeuvring to be a darling of the gibbering JO’bsworth Class idiots who think they might have a chance.
She used to be an intelligent woman, but she’s all tits and botox now, and (calm down chaps) has enrolled in the Amanda Holden school of the scantily dressed.
It’ll be interesting to read who will be the object of her wrath once Labour gets in.
Not BBC but NBC: “Refugees report new spate of ethnically driven killings in Sudan’s West Darfur […] The war in Sudan has caused a major humanitarian crisis and the displacement of more than 6 million people, according to the International Organization for Migration.”
Arabic Sudanese in the gov/military are killing non-arabs in large numbers. Any interest from the pro-Palestine marchers on this ethnic cleansing, or chants from sixth-form activists to liberate the Masalit people?
A notice to everyone on this good site that tomorrow, 9th November, is ‘Social Media Kindness Day’:
“We are asking you to pledge to play your part in making social media a kinder place for all. This means, if you see unkindness on social media, you kindly point it out – rather than scroll on by and let it magnify!”
I’ll be trying my best to act with grace and compassion for a full 24 hrs before reverting to far-right hooligan status in time for the weekend.
It seems that the emir of londonistan has more pull on the Met police commissioner than the PM / conservative government .
Maybe they might put direct control back to the elected government ….. but in the meantime – if there is trouble on Saturday Sunday – I really hope that Rowley will resign by Monday – but we know he won’t …..
Jews and Christians need not apply … London mayor Sadiq Khan Thursday shared photographs of himself from his visit to Makkah and Madinah — two of Islam’s holiest sites in the world.
I guess that Metplod will all be on overtime this weekend, paid for by the ulez or some other of the useless Londonistan Mare’s fiddles.
I might just turn on my untaxed TV to watch how the fuzz piss off in the opposite direction, directly a raghead appears with a knife…
Naah, I’ll wait until we get the truth from YouTube or summat, because the Beebolics will all be cowering in their cubicles, watching it all from somewhere safe, like they do in other shitholes where a few manic murderers gather to create mayhem.
I would add things like:
Making airline flight a misery with all those security queues.
The dimmification of the bBC.
Paying the jizya tax (for all the freeloaders)
etc etc etc
According to Wiki, “between 1979 and May 2021, at least 48,035 Islamist terrorist attacks took place worldwide, causing the deaths of at least 210,138 people.”
According to, there were 44,218 attacks just since 9/11 (2001).
Either way, that’s a helluva lot of dead people.
And if you count the wars caused by the The Religion of Hate, we’re into the millions.
The attack on Israel gave them the perfect excuse to effectively shut Islam down in the UK. Close the mosques, ban halal slaughter and deport, beginning with the criminals overcrowding our prisons and everyone without documentation.
“The first duty of government……….”
IMO they are obliged to act on Islam and immigration – all immigration not just illegals. Not doing so is treason.
They are afraid of Islam. The Irony! These same people are only too happy to smear us as “Islamophobic” if we dare to say one true word about it.
Was she an interesting person, and was she paid too much money from the TV tax?
There are so many rather weak names and faces appearing on the state broadcaster’s website, I struggle to keep up, or rather, I struggle to stop myself from yawning at the stale dross I read there, to make my credentials fit this glorious website…
Hasn’t a fooboll bloke called linker been told off yet? He should be, his crisps are crap!
Terrorism, the calculated use of the BBC by the governments behavioural scientists, to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective.
Let’s hear it for Dr Manoj Sen – a senior surgeon – according to the MailOnline report saying he has left his NHS job because of comments he made about Jews and Israel online – presumably this ‘dr’ has no excuse like booze affected rant because he is a Muslim …
Bet he’ll be on the March on 11 11 … right doc ?
Msybd he should go to a hospital in Gaza to put his support into practice…
I would like the presenters on GBN and TalkTV to ask the lefties who appear on the two channels for their definition of Far Right.
They keep coming out with it, often as a prefix for Yobs or Hooligans, yet they are never challenged.
I would like to hear what the likes of Schneider, Narinder, Amy, Femi, Crick and the other lefties think defines someone as Far Right.
Will it be everybody attending the Remembrance Service at the Cenotaph, maybe all the poppy sellers, maybe everyone who voted for Brexit, maybe all Tory voters.
Probably it is everyone who is not far left like them.
I, along with just about everyone on here must be Far Right.
So then, next time the usual lefties casually label anyone as Far Right I hope the presenter would ask them why they call them Far Right and for their definition of what being Far Right is.
Do you notice that no ‘journalist ‘,ever writes on the meaning of ‘far’ or ‘right ‘ or ‘far right ‘ … I’ve often wondered because it is used so often to dismiss the views of those the labellers describe as ‘far right ‘…
The Church of England used to be known as the Conservative Party at prayer. GBNews is increasingly the Conservative Party on the box. It’s quietly changing the British TVnews industry, with barely any debate. It’s time we had it. My piece for @NewStatesman
Seems like Sopes taught Larry the one thing he knows; snarking.
Okay – I confess – I’ve been watching the c4 news coverage of Gaza . It’s better than the Jeremy Bowen show on the BBC – it has the usual bias – but it is less about bbc presenters and more about showing stuff – including – today – footage with the IDF …. Which was vetted by the IDF …
It isn’t the empathy porn which features so prominently on the BBC ….
The story is self-explanatory : the Democrats are overwhelmingly behind the Muslims for this. Only 22 voted for her censure.
But the interesting part is the latest description of 1,400 people including hundreds of women and children being murdered in cold-blood by terrorists is now reduced to:
More than 1,400 Israelis were killed in the 7 October attack by Hamas.
And of course we get:
‘The Hamas-run health ministry says that more than 10,300 Palestinians have since been killed in Israeli attacks.’
Using what they told us about the hospital rocket as a reference, we can probably halve that. But the BBC will never go near that one.
Once again there is no mention anywhere that Hamas are terrorists. The description should be included in EVERY article which the BBC rely of Hamas supplied data for anything.
So some of the slimy rats in the Labour Party are creeping out from under the carpet to demand Labour insists Israel halt their actions in Gaza and thus at the very least sacrifice the hostages held by Hamas.
I hope the British electorate remembers this nonsense come the next election. These warped activist buffoons want to run our Country.
Would they have also demanded a halt to the RAF bombing German cities in response to the the Luftwaffe trying to flatten London and other cities in this Country?
Dealing with unhinged lunatics like Hamas means normal policies are useless as they will only ever understand either being wiped out or winning. Israel stopping its purge on them can only ever lead to further atrocities by these animals.
Everyone can demand what they like, but why do idiots believe that war mongers will take any notice of what the UK demands ?? Is Israel or Hamas really going to think “oh dear me we really ought to put down our guns because little old Britain wants us to “. Honest to God.
Not even the government of the UK, mind, but the opposition to the government of the UK!
I’m sure as soon as they hear the British Labour Party are demanding a ceasefire, the IDF and Hamas will all put down their weapons, hug each other, and start comparing baby photos… just like in the movies.
The Dailty Telegraph online is carrying stories about the Astra Zeneca vaccine being ‘defective ‘/ not as good – efficacious- as the other brands …
—msybd it shows that Mark Steyn was ages ahead in showing the harm vaccines did to some people – including killing people …perhaps GBNews will take him back … and I’ll win the lottery
An article about the reaction to comments made by Laurence Fox on GB News said “the presenter Mark Steyn” was among the first of the channel’s staff members “to express their disgust” at Fox’s comments. This reference should have been to Mark Dolan, not Steyn, who left GB News in February 2023 (Rare climbdown by ‘home of free speech’, 28 September, p2).
The combination of needing to salve BBCOFCOM and investors made it inevitable that GBNews would land up sounding like sky or itv or even the BBC – I dumped it after styne – and it will stay dumped …
I partly agree, but I still believe that GB News and Talk TV are head and shoulders better than the BBC and the other broadcasters, and worth defending and promoting for that reason.
I can tell you from my experience so far that quite a lot of young people view Hamas as freedom fighters rather than the crazed butchers they actually are. I believe it is all founded in the youngsters addiction to computer gaming where characters with special powers, usually wearing headbands take on the villians. In fact the garb I have seen of typical Hamas terrorists seems to have been taken straight out of Ninja Turtles……
Motorist shoots dead two environmental protesters blocking a road: Driver caught in traffic gets out of his car and guns down demonstrators when they refuse to move in Panama.
@Eddy – Nothing a BBC reporter likes better than to be filmed in flak jacket and helmet.
Quickest way to win awards and feel your useless life has meaning.
Grow up Jones, you are an absolute twat clutching at straws, it is quite obvious that left wing groups are simply going for publicity by smearing a solemn national event. It’s all about publicity and goes against everything that Remembrance Day stands for you bloody poisonous anti-British weevil!
Just looking at YouTube on the iPad.
The entry screen has, near the top of the suggested plays, a friendly James o’Brien interview and a couple of video extracts from the covid enquiry where the government are getting slagged off.
In other words, YouTube is clearly selecting left of centre anti-government content and prioritising it.
As I mentioned on Guido, my side bar is constantly showing some fabulous pictures of girls in their silk nighties and jim-jams!
So somewhere, there’s an app which noticed that I bought some kit online for Senora O’Blene, and decided that it wasn’t ‘fragrant’ enough!
But the good thing is, if I ‘make a mistake’ (?), and click on these ads, (accidentally of course, don’t you know), they’re all there yet again when I log on, so a shaky hand is all one needs, not a firm one…
taffmanMar 13, 00:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo “The one legged man in an arse kicking contest” Haven’t you learned anything during your absence?
JohnCMar 13, 00:03 Midweek 12th March 2025 First thread I see on Quora: ‘British people outraged that JD Vance accused the British government of suppressing free speech?’…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img] Putin got his battle fatigues on, looks like he means business now, He was right about Trump being unpredictable,…
KikuchiyoMar 12, 23:49 Midweek 12th March 2025 Huh?! Aren’t you excited about that? I’m just quoting what God has promised.
JohnCMar 12, 23:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 As usual you add nothing to the debate except the usual immature 12-year old spiteful rubbish. You belong on Quora…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 “From Mexico cartel safe house to US streets: BBC tracks deadly fentanyl targeted by Trump tariffs” Quentin Sommerville “The…
Jeremy Paxman: Are you seriously claiming there are Muslim gangs raping young girls across the North of England?
Tommy Robinson; Yes
Newsnight October 2013.
“Are you seriously claiming … ” –—2013
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.26 Aug 2014
I wish that sneering condescendingly and disbelievingly were a crime, and Tommy could sue the arse off that unctuous Paxman.
Is he still alive, by the way? I see the awful Rajan has replaced him at UC. Well of course, like Myrie at Mastermind – how predictable of the racist BBC.
Will Bill Gates Face Life Behind Bars For Child Abuse Charges?: His controversial ties to Epstein may be coming back to bite him where it hurts
Hello Dickie
The bbc is sponsored by Gates, they will never do an unfavourable report on him.
Unbiased, yeah right
Israel’s military received orders to shell Israeli homes and even their own bases as they were overwhelmed by Hamas militants on October 7. How many Israeli citizens said to have been “burned alive” were actually killed by friendly fire?
The Met Police are no longer a British institution.
If it transpires that bodies of either side are lying in the streets of London on the eleventh the least I would expect is the immediate resignation of Rowley… as not fit for purpose and endangering life as a minimum.
It has already cost one old man his life. But this apparently does not represent a threat, unbelievable!
Pro Palesine/Anti-Israel demonstrations – allowed
Black Lives Matter thuggery demonstrations – allowed
Extinction Rebellion/Just Stop Oil demonstrations – allowed
Child Mutilation Enthusiasts demonstrations – allowed
Anti-lockdown demonstrations – banned
Opposition to Channel Invaders – banned
Women complaining about being murdered by rogue policemen – banned
Anti-abortion demonstrations – banned
There we are: four allowed, four banned. Totally balanced, just like the BBC.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4963895-3HKGDN: Tommy Robinson: Are you reporting on him?.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Oops! Posted these on the previous thread !
I think the coming weekend will finally – finally – show the population of the UK that the UK is being lost – the finger will be pointed at anyone professing support for their own country – for instance – by showing the English or UK flag —
Any wrongs committed by Islamic Hamas will be excused by references to the ‘far right ‘ …. By both plod and of course the Hamas BBC broadcasting corporation ….
Peter Liddle ? Of course is right …. But it’s getting late ….
The License Fee will not survive much longer but sadly i think it will be replaced by the BBC being supported by direct taxation.
Maybe the BBC could be funded by Hamas!
Surely the other way around?
You know they want to…
Most people don’t really want the truth.
They just want constant reassurance that what they believe is the truth.
You Can’t Handle the Truth! – A Few Good Men (7/8) Movie CLIP (1992) HD
Macron won’t allow Rumble to be viewed in France because they (Rumble) won’t censor.
Mrs K, President Macron is turning into President Micron.
Interesting website if you’re so inclined:
The Last American Vagabonds
The Last American Vagabond was established to allow a free flow of information in regard to current issues that face the world. The focus being on many such issues that are purposefully and discreetly culled by those who stand to lose, either financially or professionally, due to their relevance. It is this site’s primary objective to bring these issues to an open forum and or bring about awareness of these topics of paramount importance.
Māori Government prosecutes four high-ranking New Zealand officials for committing crimes in response to the covid pandemic
“he Māori Government has sentenced Christopher Hipkins, Andrew Little, Ashley Bloomfield and Christopher James to 10 years in prison for committing crimes in response to the covid pandemic. The court also sentenced 118 Members of Parliament to prison for supporting and facilitating the four criminals’ actions.
After hearing all the evidence, the Māori Government issued a statement prohibiting the importation, sale and use of the mRNA BioNTech medical technology and all derivatives in New Zealand.”
“The next pandemic, dubbed the ‘Big One,’ could be ‘simmering in the background,’ waiting to unleash the most contagious and deadliest diseases known to humanity.”
Our benighted Met Chief and Woody Allen lookalike is perplexed about the meaning of Jihad.
It means Holy War, dummy, and once they’re done with the Jews, you’re next.
Perhaps he (and the BBC) should read the Hamas Charter:
Article 7: the Day of Judgment will not come until the Muslims fight and kill the Jews. “Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: ‘O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.”
Article 13: There is no negotiated settlement possible. Jihad is the only answer.
Article 15: “The day that enemies usurp part of Muslim land, Jihad becomes the individual duty of every Muslim”. It states the history of the Crusades into Muslim lands and says the “Palestinian problem is a religious problem”.[1]
Article 30: Calls on “writers, intellectuals, media people, orators, educators and teachers, and all the various sectors in the Arab and Islamic world” to pursue jihad.
Article 33: calls upon Muslims worldwide to work for liberation of Palestine.
Quite independently of Palestine, ceaseless, relentless Jihad is enjoined upon all muslims until the whole world is islamic, or in subservient dhimmitude to our islamic masters.
Easy and hygenic to talk about the liberation of Palestine because the truth is the destruction of the state of Israel and anihilation of the Jews.
Alas Nettenyahu is working to achieve that end through his criminal actions
Not so, T, think again.
Bowne is back on the typewriter – always amusing to read what he has to say. And none of the reasons he IS amusing are complimentary.
Today he’s belittling the Israelies and promoting Hamas as being better:
‘Israel’s Defence Minister Yoav Gallant says the leader of Hamas is in his bunker not talking to anybody – he doesn’t actually know that with certainty.’
‘The Israeli military was not able to pick up the intelligence that Hamas was going to carry out the massacre on 7 October. So I think we need to take their claims of certain knowledge and intelligence with a quite a large pinch of salt.’
Bit like comparing apples with oranges there Jeremy – but never mind. Lets see what he has to say about Hamas:
‘So even though Israel has all the heavy weaponry, the question is whether or not they can defeat the Hamas fighters who have been releasing videos of themselves running around and popping out of tunnels, and firing various kinds of anti-tank missiles at the Israeli armoured vehicles going into Gaza City.’
I suspect many of those ‘heros’ are now dead. How many tanks did they destroy Jeremy ?. They claim 6 without a single picture of one.
Hamas in Gaza city are going to get wiped out Jeremy. Deal with it. The leader of Hamas has probably fled already : I’ve noticed in Islam, the leaders don’t share this certainty that death on the battlefield brings them 72 virgins to rape.
“Hamas has probably fled already” – Revealed: Former Hamas chief who lives in London council house ‘is behind one of the groups planning Armistice Day pro-Palestine protest’
Muhammad Kathem Sawalha is said to have led Hamas in the West Bank
Marky – since the 7 October slaughter was so well planned – surely Islamic Hamas would have known what the Israeli response would be – and prepared for it
…. But Israel still has to do what it is doing ….
Hamas officers were ready – planning from UK!
In the words of (Notable Welshman) BSM Williams
Oh Dear, ‘ow sad, nevvah mind.
I expect pneumoboobs will find another way to milk the BBC license – the usual route would be via an external production.
If only that ex ball kicking crisp salesman had similar principles…
Her lasting success on the show led to her becoming one of the highest-paid women in Britain, ultimately earning her an estimated £1 million per year.
bbc reports on
Satellite images show Palestinians heading south, and even uses bbc Verify. bbc shows a picture of some people walking down a road, honestly
Can’t the likes of the bbc just report this, does it really need Verify, to Verify!
And apparently the Al Quds hospital in Gaza City is going to run out of fuel, AGAIN. I wonder if any hospital have actually run out of fuel as reported for weeks by the bbc, that fuel would run out within 24 hours most days
Who polices the police? Then BBC!
NHS is about to fail – send more money!
2016 … I am not kidding.
website leaves the impression the Syrian suicide bomber as a victim in a ‘German blast’.
“Nitrous oxide: Laughing gas possession becomes illegal”
“Possession of nitrous oxide, also known as NOS, has become a criminal offence in the UK.
Now categorised as a class C drug, possession of laughing gas for its “psychoactive effects” will carry a sentence of up to two years in prison”
Tired of seeing those big canisters littering in lay-bys, parks etc
Story has Nitrous Oxide users Ali and Halima,
🤔 Might it be mainly a Muslim problem?
Of course the story needs the usual qualification and public education on Islam.
“We grew up as Muslims. Any form of intoxication is a no no,” says community worker Naveed Sadiq.
“We grew up as Muslims. Any form of intoxication is a no no,” says community worker Naveed Sadiq.
1400+ raped kids say Islam is best!
Lying …. is ok for liars!
“Mark Drakeford has been forced to correct the record after telling the Welsh Assembly he did not use WhatsApp. After it emerged yesterday that Welsh Government officials may have deleted their WhatsApp messages, he claimed had never deleted anything, as he didn’t use WhatsApp. Turns out the Welsh leader does in fact have the app”
Devolved Parliamentarians of lefty Incompetence and Corruption seem to share all manner of afflictions.
Imran Hussain is not a widely known name beyond Bradford or Labour politics.
But his resignation from Sir Keir Starmer’s frontbench team matters, because of where the logic of his leap will leave others on the frontbench we know are sympathetic to his view.
Name of donor: (1) Majlis Ash-Shura (Parliament) (2) Al-Noor Travels and Tours Ltd
Address of donor: (1) AL-Yamamh Palace, Majlis Ash-Shura, 8006, Al-Hada, Unit: 3, Riyadh 12911 – 4021 (2) 66 Killinghall Road, Bradford BD3 8HN
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): (1) Flights, accommodation, internal travel and meals, value £11,750 (2) Accommodation in Madinah between 16 and 20 February 2023, value £515
Destination of visit: Mecca, Madinah and Riyadh
Dates of visit: 11-21 February 2023
Purpose of visit: APPG for Hajj and Umrah visit to meet with the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah to discuss challenges specific to British Muslims, and the UK Mission in Riyadh, Ambassador and UK Consul General covering Mecca and Madinah. Plus meetings with the Deputy Minister for Madinah and holy sites stakeholders.
(Registered 15 March 2023)
I employ my brother, Kamran Hussain, as Senior Caseworker. (Registered 10 June 2016; updated 07 July 2017)
Imran Hussain is not a widely known name beyond Bradford or Labour politics.
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): flights, accommodation and other transport with a total value of £758.72
Changes to the Register of Members’ Interests
Imran Hussain
Folk are noticing what the primary motivations are for politicians of Asian heritage.
It ain’t their constituents, or even the country.
Vile race-baiting academic clearly reckoned she might get ahead of this one.
I was unaware of the evil atrocities happening in Congo – makes my blood boil.Congo is literally bleeding💔
Who are credible sources you would suggest I follow to learn more about the #CongoGenocide? The West’s mainstream media isn’t covering Congo or Sudan like Israel & Ukraine
Being in various tv studios constantly, especially Vile’s, it is possible she didn’t know squat about anything outside her unicolour prism, but as a black African heritage gob with a doctorate it seems… unlikely.
As it does to commenters, some pointing out they told the idiot.
It might have better to keep schtum, which for her is a physical impossibility. Vile really surrounds himself with quality.
ALM – “In parts of Africa, people with albinism are hunted for their body parts. The latest victim: a 9-year-old boy”
She’s over here as I keep saying because over there they wouldn’t tolerate that gob for a second…
Has anyone been arrested yet for assaulting the 78 year old ‘Far Right’ poppy seller.
“Motorist shoots dead two environmental protesters blocking a road: Driver caught in traffic gets out of his car and guns down demonstrators when they refuse to move in Panama”
“Carol Vorderman leaves BBC radio show over anti-government social media posts”
Watch out Mr Linker ?
Dream on.
She was so out they had her on QT as a special guest quotee.
The writing was already on the wall, as only so many DM posts gushing how pneumatic she is could convince anyone, so she is already manoeuvring to be a darling of the gibbering JO’bsworth Class idiots who think they might have a chance.
Headline writers missed a trick:
“Tits out”
Zephir I would have gone with ‘Out of Vorder!’ but yours is better
She used to be an intelligent woman, but she’s all tits and botox now, and (calm down chaps) has enrolled in the Amanda Holden school of the scantily dressed.
It’ll be interesting to read who will be the object of her wrath once Labour gets in.
GB news even biasedBBC Roger Bolton said she had to lose her Radio Wales Saturday job
I still reckon Alastair Campbell really writes her tweets
Not BBC but NBC: “Refugees report new spate of ethnically driven killings in Sudan’s West Darfur […] The war in Sudan has caused a major humanitarian crisis and the displacement of more than 6 million people, according to the International Organization for Migration.”
Arabic Sudanese in the gov/military are killing non-arabs in large numbers. Any interest from the pro-Palestine marchers on this ethnic cleansing, or chants from sixth-form activists to liberate the Masalit people?
@TM : Or this:
“Why Is Pakistan Expelling 1.7 Million Afghans?
Islamabad’s policy of deporting all undocumented foreigners will have widespread repercussions.”
A notice to everyone on this good site that tomorrow, 9th November, is ‘Social Media Kindness Day’:
“We are asking you to pledge to play your part in making social media a kinder place for all. This means, if you see unkindness on social media, you kindly point it out – rather than scroll on by and let it magnify!”
I’ll be trying my best to act with grace and compassion for a full 24 hrs before reverting to far-right hooligan status in time for the weekend.
I got too hooked on Kevin Day recently.
So many Kevins to troll; so little time.
I had to look him up, he’s a comedian?
I thought looking for unkindness on social media was the sole preoccupation of our brave police?
160 pages of hilarious completely made-up content crammed with actual fake news stories, fake analyses, fake opinions, and fake advertising.
Probably sourced from all the complained stories the ECU throws out without looking at them.
It seems that the emir of londonistan has more pull on the Met police commissioner than the PM / conservative government .
Maybe they might put direct control back to the elected government ….. but in the meantime – if there is trouble on Saturday Sunday – I really hope that Rowley will resign by Monday – but we know he won’t …..
Sad state of affairs isn’t it ?
Jews and Christians need not apply … London mayor Sadiq Khan Thursday shared photographs of himself from his visit to Makkah and Madinah — two of Islam’s holiest sites in the world.
I guess that Metplod will all be on overtime this weekend, paid for by the ulez or some other of the useless Londonistan Mare’s fiddles.
I might just turn on my untaxed TV to watch how the fuzz piss off in the opposite direction, directly a raghead appears with a knife…
Naah, I’ll wait until we get the truth from YouTube or summat, because the Beebolics will all be cowering in their cubicles, watching it all from somewhere safe, like they do in other shitholes where a few manic murderers gather to create mayhem.
Americans can never spell properly
What have islamic terrorists ever done for us?
And that is wikipedia (so it must be true).
I would add things like:
Making airline flight a misery with all those security queues.
The dimmification of the bBC.
Paying the jizya tax (for all the freeloaders)
etc etc etc
According to Wiki, “between 1979 and May 2021, at least 48,035 Islamist terrorist attacks took place worldwide, causing the deaths of at least 210,138 people.”
According to, there were 44,218 attacks just since 9/11 (2001).
Either way, that’s a helluva lot of dead people.
And if you count the wars caused by the The Religion of Hate, we’re into the millions.
Demos on Armistice Day: Sunak passes the buck, Braverman passes the buck, Khant passes the buck, Rowley passes the buck…
What a shower.
The demonstrators hate Israel, hate the Jews, and hate us.
Kick ’em all out.
An absolute shaaaaer (shower) !
I saay
The attack on Israel gave them the perfect excuse to effectively shut Islam down in the UK. Close the mosques, ban halal slaughter and deport, beginning with the criminals overcrowding our prisons and everyone without documentation.
“The first duty of government……….”
IMO they are obliged to act on Islam and immigration – all immigration not just illegals. Not doing so is treason.
They are afraid of Islam. The Irony! These same people are only too happy to smear us as “Islamophobic” if we dare to say one true word about it.
Question Time…
Er – who was Carol Vorderman?
Was she an interesting person, and was she paid too much money from the TV tax?
There are so many rather weak names and faces appearing on the state broadcaster’s website, I struggle to keep up, or rather, I struggle to stop myself from yawning at the stale dross I read there, to make my credentials fit this glorious website…
Hasn’t a fooboll bloke called linker been told off yet? He should be, his crisps are crap!
What is the true definition of terrorism?
Terrorism, the calculated use of the BBC by the governments behavioural scientists, to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective.
Let’s hear it for Dr Manoj Sen – a senior surgeon – according to the MailOnline report saying he has left his NHS job because of comments he made about Jews and Israel online – presumably this ‘dr’ has no excuse like booze affected rant because he is a Muslim …
Bet he’ll be on the March on 11 11 … right doc ?
Msybd he should go to a hospital in Gaza to put his support into practice…
I would like the presenters on GBN and TalkTV to ask the lefties who appear on the two channels for their definition of Far Right.
They keep coming out with it, often as a prefix for Yobs or Hooligans, yet they are never challenged.
I would like to hear what the likes of Schneider, Narinder, Amy, Femi, Crick and the other lefties think defines someone as Far Right.
Will it be everybody attending the Remembrance Service at the Cenotaph, maybe all the poppy sellers, maybe everyone who voted for Brexit, maybe all Tory voters.
Probably it is everyone who is not far left like them.
I, along with just about everyone on here must be Far Right.
So then, next time the usual lefties casually label anyone as Far Right I hope the presenter would ask them why they call them Far Right and for their definition of what being Far Right is.
Do you notice that no ‘journalist ‘,ever writes on the meaning of ‘far’ or ‘right ‘ or ‘far right ‘ … I’ve often wondered because it is used so often to dismiss the views of those the labellers describe as ‘far right ‘…
GBnews tweet that used that “boo word” “poison the well” label got ratioed 10 to 1
They all deserve each other.
The Church of England used to be known as the Conservative Party at prayer. GBNews is increasingly the Conservative Party on the box. It’s quietly changing the British TVnews industry, with barely any debate. It’s time we had it. My piece for @NewStatesman
Seems like Sopes taught Larry the one thing he knows; snarking.
Okay – I confess – I’ve been watching the c4 news coverage of Gaza . It’s better than the Jeremy Bowen show on the BBC – it has the usual bias – but it is less about bbc presenters and more about showing stuff – including – today – footage with the IDF …. Which was vetted by the IDF …
It isn’t the empathy porn which features so prominently on the BBC ….
Rashida Tlaib censured over Israel-Gaza comments
The story is self-explanatory : the Democrats are overwhelmingly behind the Muslims for this. Only 22 voted for her censure.
But the interesting part is the latest description of 1,400 people including hundreds of women and children being murdered in cold-blood by terrorists is now reduced to:
More than 1,400 Israelis were killed in the 7 October attack by Hamas.
And of course we get:
‘The Hamas-run health ministry says that more than 10,300 Palestinians have since been killed in Israeli attacks.’
Using what they told us about the hospital rocket as a reference, we can probably halve that. But the BBC will never go near that one.
Once again there is no mention anywhere that Hamas are terrorists. The description should be included in EVERY article which the BBC rely of Hamas supplied data for anything.
Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter.
Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes
and clever in their own sight.
Isaiah 5: 20-21
So some of the slimy rats in the Labour Party are creeping out from under the carpet to demand Labour insists Israel halt their actions in Gaza and thus at the very least sacrifice the hostages held by Hamas.
I hope the British electorate remembers this nonsense come the next election. These warped activist buffoons want to run our Country.
Would they have also demanded a halt to the RAF bombing German cities in response to the the Luftwaffe trying to flatten London and other cities in this Country?
Dealing with unhinged lunatics like Hamas means normal policies are useless as they will only ever understand either being wiped out or winning. Israel stopping its purge on them can only ever lead to further atrocities by these animals.
Everyone can demand what they like, but why do idiots believe that war mongers will take any notice of what the UK demands ?? Is Israel or Hamas really going to think “oh dear me we really ought to put down our guns because little old Britain wants us to “. Honest to God.
Not even the government of the UK, mind, but the opposition to the government of the UK!
I’m sure as soon as they hear the British Labour Party are demanding a ceasefire, the IDF and Hamas will all put down their weapons, hug each other, and start comparing baby photos… just like in the movies.
The Dailty Telegraph online is carrying stories about the Astra Zeneca vaccine being ‘defective ‘/ not as good – efficacious- as the other brands …
—msybd it shows that Mark Steyn was ages ahead in showing the harm vaccines did to some people – including killing people …perhaps GBNews will take him back … and I’ll win the lottery
An article about the reaction to comments made by Laurence Fox on GB News said “the presenter Mark Steyn” was among the first of the channel’s staff members “to express their disgust” at Fox’s comments. This reference should have been to Mark Dolan, not Steyn, who left GB News in February 2023 (Rare climbdown by ‘home of free speech’, 28 September, p2).
Other recently amended articles include:
I helped Labour with its plan to ‘stop the boats’. This is why the party’s policy will work
Dianne Feinstein’s historic career began in tragedy and ended in controversy
Unless Joe Biden stands aside, the world must prepare for President Trump 2.0
‘Red Caesarism’ is rightwing code – and some Republicans are listening
AFL pips NRL in grand final ratings but Matildas still reign supreme
Yotam Ottolenghi’s recipes for quick summer cooking
Editorial complaints and correction requests can be sent to:
You can also write to: Readers’ editor, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU, or leave a voicemail on +44 (0) 20 3353 4736.
It’s very worrying to see GB News increasingly sound like the BBC in their desperate bid for ‘respectability’.
Take this headline: “Fears grow of far-Right yobs clashing with pro-Palestine march on Armistice Day,”
They could have said: “Fears grow of sterling patriots clashing with pro-Hamas yobs march on Armistice Day,”
The combination of needing to salve BBCOFCOM and investors made it inevitable that GBNews would land up sounding like sky or itv or even the BBC – I dumped it after styne – and it will stay dumped …
I partly agree, but I still believe that GB News and Talk TV are head and shoulders better than the BBC and the other broadcasters, and worth defending and promoting for that reason.
For now!
And this afternoon, one of their dopey female talking heads, referred to Hamas as “militants”.
Not good…
I can tell you from my experience so far that quite a lot of young people view Hamas as freedom fighters rather than the crazed butchers they actually are. I believe it is all founded in the youngsters addiction to computer gaming where characters with special powers, usually wearing headbands take on the villians. In fact the garb I have seen of typical Hamas terrorists seems to have been taken straight out of Ninja Turtles……
Strange isn’t it – the msm – this site – swamp – not so long ago was Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine ….. wonder what happened ?
“Jeremy Bowen and Fred Scott in Gaza”
Jeremy Bowen finally gets let into Gaza, instead of thanking the Israelis, he bitches as usual, and poses for a selfie…
Bowen, what a ***t
Motorist shoots dead two environmental protesters blocking a road: Driver caught in traffic gets out of his car and guns down demonstrators when they refuse to move in Panama.
Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
A medal for that motorist.
@harry – One can’t condone violence of course but… I bet it got the traffic flowing.
Excuse the profanity.
@Eddy – Nothing a BBC reporter likes better than to be filmed in flak jacket and helmet.
Quickest way to win awards and feel your useless life has meaning.
Good graphic but it misses out China, Sudan and other countries where muslims are at each other’s throats.
Tweet deleted cos it was fake police. not real ones
“This has been verified as an elaborate hoax”.
The odious Owen Jones tries to equate the pro Palestine marches planned for Remembrance Day to the fallen in WW1 and WW2.
Grow up Jones, you are an absolute twat clutching at straws, it is quite obvious that left wing groups are simply going for publicity by smearing a solemn national event. It’s all about publicity and goes against everything that Remembrance Day stands for you bloody poisonous anti-British weevil!
Just looking at YouTube on the iPad.
The entry screen has, near the top of the suggested plays, a friendly James o’Brien interview and a couple of video extracts from the covid enquiry where the government are getting slagged off.
In other words, YouTube is clearly selecting left of centre anti-government content and prioritising it.
All Big Tech algorithms are highly skewed to the Left, apart from Twitter / X since its takeover by Musk.
I don’t mind this ‘skewing’ one little bit!
As I mentioned on Guido, my side bar is constantly showing some fabulous pictures of girls in their silk nighties and jim-jams!
So somewhere, there’s an app which noticed that I bought some kit online for Senora O’Blene, and decided that it wasn’t ‘fragrant’ enough!
But the good thing is, if I ‘make a mistake’ (?), and click on these ads, (accidentally of course, don’t you know), they’re all there yet again when I log on, so a shaky hand is all one needs, not a firm one…