It looks like the BBC has decided to target the blue Labour Home Secretary over her true comments about the attitude the met plod has towards different groups .
The comrade Robinson sneer – previously deployed against nut nut when he was PM – is now being used against Braverman – who is illustrating the attitude toward Hamas suppprters versus say – vaccine campaigners , brexiters , football supporters – another free ride is given to BLM idiots
When the Hamas demo on 11 11 goes bandy the blame will go from the Met commissioner to the Home Secretary to the PM – if the Far Left BBC get their way …
This story is being used as a distraction from the ‘trouble ‘ in red labour where varioud hanas supporting MPs and councillors are moaning / resigning …..
Perhaps they’ll all show solidarity by going to Palestine and tearing up their UK passports .
Tommy Windsor – the former chief of the police inspectorate throws his tuppence worth into the 11 11 Hamas March – personally – after years of politically biased policing ( to the left – anti white ) the blue labour government has woken up to the woke met plod .
Too late .
New soo Ella has decided to point the differences out – the Far Left – such as allies in the BBC don’t like it of course – and lefty chief plods like rowley will get uncritical support from red labour …..
How has it come to this in our failing state – for which so manu died and suffered for …
In this day and age.It’s great to be able to get info on line
from opposing stand points. For the war in the Middle East we can log on to I24 the Israeli English news channel. Or
for the opposing view .The media outlet for Hamas in the
west the BBC. With Jeremy Bowen in Israel and that
beautiful Irish lass Orla Gueron in Lebanon.We know that
we can trust the BBC to gives us all the facts about how
good folk Hamas and Hezbelah are.All they want is peace.
A piece of Israel from the river to the sea.
A BBC investigation earlier this year exposed claims of a toxic workplace culture at McDonald’s. More than 100 current and recent staff made allegations of sexual assault, harassment, racism and bullying. Since then, 160 people have contacted the BBC with new allegations of abuse. And now, a group of ex-workers are taking the company to court, accusing it of failing to protect them. The fast food chain said it was “determined” to root out behaviour that fell below the high standards it expected of staff.”
The word ‘investigation’ in the hands of the BBC always cranks an eyebrow.
This on top of ‘crimes’ created by idiotic legislation’policed’ by men in high heels and lesbian nana SWAT teams.
Now it is some silly girls, and a few women in cubicles getting emails from disaffected ‘sources’ unhappy with their McNuggets.
Hence ‘claims’ and ‘allegations’.
Unlike actual predatory behaviour proven in W1A over and over.
Guest Who, McDs is a franchise so I cannot see that class action succeeding. The BBC were helpfully trawling for more ‘victims’ to come forward. The BBC love a nice victim.
Toady hands over to the Jeremy Bowen Show – no neutrality with Jeremy – the IDF takes foreign journos into Gaza (why ?) and bowen if ready to express his ‘displeasure ‘ at Israel defending itself …. Lucky a Hamas comrade sniper didn’t get him ….
TOADY Watch #1 – BBC busy bashing Braverman – I wonder why – no I don’t, I know
“Izzit cos I is black” asks the Home Secretary, Suella Braverman. No, it is because you are a Brexiteer and because you are a Conservative. The BBC interviews Sir Tom Winsor as part of the BBC’s Bashing Braverman Day. Did you listen? I thought I heard (Sir) Tom drop (Sir) Mark Rowley, who he knows well (Kosy K’s together) from his time as Police Regulator, in it and fatally undermine the BBC’s Bashing of Braverman.
I think I heard Tom Winsor say of the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Sir Mark Rowley, “He is political.” Oooops! Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.
Morning quiz: What links Boris Johnson, Suella Braverman and Kemi Badenoch? Skin colour? Very definitely no. Politics? Sort of. I’ll give you a clue. It is why they are hated by the BBC; Bojo, Braverman and Badenoch. Might be to do with the letter B and a word starting with ‘B’.
Braverman accuses Met of bias over Gaza marches
‘The home secretary comes under fire after saying the force often ‘plays favourites’ when policing protests.
Surely that should be the Met under fire there BBC ?. You’ve completely twisted it around.
So I went to check who is ‘firing’ at her:
Yvette Cooper – Labour hard Left
Sadiq Khan – Labour Muslim
Lord Greenhalgh being interviewed by BBC newsnight said:
‘Any relationship where you’re holding a police service and the Met to account – that means supporting and challenging the Met – that’s got to be done on the basis of trust,”
Sounds like another 100% out-of-context selective quote after some leading questions.
Hardly Braverman ‘under fire’ from that set.
I’m looking forward to the Gaza protests and I hope they give these terrorist supporters enough rope to hang themselves.
No matter what happens, the problem we have with these people is not going to get better. It’s going to get a lot worse as their numbers increase and they elect themselves into government. It’s time we let them do something the likes of ther BBC cannot censor with their lying by omission.
That journalist was in Gaza city. Clearly close friends with Hamas is he was safe.
This whole situation where the ‘reporters’ are actually members of the community they are reporting on and are most definitely Hamas supporters is just ridiculous.
And the fact the BBC hide those facts when presenting their reports show their bias too.
It should be clear that their reporters live in communities which openly support Hamas and that Hamas are terrorists. One of the elephants in the room here is that there are no white BBC reporters in Gaza. That’s probably because they would be in more danger from Hamas than Israel. What a shame Bowen is such a coward – I would love to see him in there with that one going between bombsites and giving us half the story. Shortly before being kidnapped and taken into a tunnel.
“There is no justification for the terrible events taking place in Gaza now, where hundreds of thousands of innocent people are being killed indiscriminately, without having anywhere to flee or hide from the bombing. When you see blood-stained children, dead children, the suffering of women and old people, when you see medics killed, of course, it makes you clench your fists as tears well in your eyes.”
…. Putin
Just read that Lord Soames , grandson of Winston Churchill, says the Palestinian/Hamas March must go ahead on Armistice Day. The reaction in the UK to the Israeli/Hamas conflict tells us so much about members of our ruling elite.
Firstly, and I must say surprisingly, Starmer is holding the line against a lot of opposition amongst his MPs , that Israel has every right to pursue Hamas even if there are ‘civilian’ casualties as a result. Sooner or later Starmer will be gone as a result.
Secondly , the division within the Tories is right along the wet/ dry lines of Mrs Thatcher’s era. They tend to waffle on about freedom of speech and freedom to demonstrate and yet they all vote for the On Line Safety Bill and don’t seem to notice that if there was an anti Muslim demo spouting stuff as inflammatory as the anti Jewish tropes said by thousands at these Palestinian rallies there would many arrests. British tolerance has been our downfall. A crackdown on Islam was required many years ago but our cowardly politicians ducked the issue.
Thirdly, it is clear that this government and police either don’t have the courage or the ability or the wish to prevent these marches. In short when faced with a Muslim mob they turn and run. I suppose that they may be able to contain one single March but they fear what retribution the Muslims will take elsewhere in the country. In other words we are too frightened of Islam to control our own streets and yet more and more arrive every year. Surely this signals that our country has been captured for Islam.
It’s worth remembering that until the Palestine Mandate, the British elite (sic) was staunchly pro-Arab and pro-Muslim. The Foreign Office and associated departments were stuffed with members of the upper class and lower aristocracy who spoke Arabic, understood the culture, were sympathetic to Arab nationalist aspirations and fantasised about being T.E.Lawrence. The main driving force behind this was Britain’s desire to replace the failing Ottoman Empire in the Middle East, tinged with elements of anti-semitism triggered by the arrival and success of Jewish migrants in 19th Century Britain. Further afield, Britain supported Muslim aspirations in India, partly as a ‘divide and rule’ strategy to counter the Hindu majority, partly because Muslims provided the majority of recruits to the Indian Army and were considered manly and martial (Hindus were considered weak and effete). Such sympathies have never really gone away in certain sections of British society, and indeed are spreading further down the food chain e.g into the Labour Party, which is dependent upon the Muslim vote in more than 50 parliamentary constituencies.
No I’m sure that Nigel Hawthorne ( acting the role of sir Humphrey brilliantly) only wore them for the part. Charles wears them either out of conviction or to curry favour and get another bag stuffed with notes. Either way he isn’t my King.
SERCO is a massive company and one of the things they do is run the warehousing of prisoners. These companies are building massive private prisons. Law breaking is good for business.
Set one group against another and kerching, kerching.
This goes right through our rotten and corrupt country. The bBC, media, politicians, lawyers, courts, universities etc etc.
Soames led the turnaround of the outsourcing business Serco during eight years in charge between 2014 and 2022. He was boss of support services firm Aggreko before that and has also held senior roles at software company Misys and weighing machine manufacturer Avery Berkel.17 Feb 2023
Double – I think the next time they stick a Palestine / Hamas flag on the cenotaph it will tell the British people who is in charge now …
…………..and they might not be best pleased – a problem is that any ‘fire ‘ people might have had has been groomed from them by dependency culture – now strictly on ice ..
Regarding Suella mentioning the lefty police and their favouring lefty protests but going against right wing ones.
If the police do anything to the lefty protests such as Palestine and blm they could easily be done for racism whereas the right are mainly British protestors so they can go in without any fear of being charged for any ‘ism or ‘phobia.
Basically, the police can hit the British but dare not do anything to the diverse multiculti enrichers.
Having said that, all the police bosses at the top are totally woke and far left, plus, if I am correct, you need a degree to be a policeman now which means they are all brainwashed at Uni and are also woke lefties.
I guess from a MSM point of view it is much better to delay and let a disaster become an even bigger disaster because they it sells more papers. Where is their moral compass?
Lucy, in that video put up by vlad earlier in this Thread, Douglas Murray, in his interview with John Anderson, let slip that he had been a journalist in the past and had been to the Middle East.
Douglas is wrong here as Gaza never elected Hamas they shared power with Fatah, and Hamas then seized power in violation of the promises they made in their sacred city of Mecca.
He certaintly has a point that population growth is an issue, but these are people who are effectively in a prison camp, it’s not surprising they are pissed off.
Yes it’s a prison camp alright but the guards are Hamas and HQ is in Tehran who regard the suffering of the Palestinians as their best weapon in the war against Israel.
So it will all kick off between those Hamas supporters and the remembrance crowd.
Then will start the blame game. The PM will blame the Met. The Met, the mayor, Labour, BBC, MSM will blame the home secretary for inflaming the situation. The PM too weak to sack her.. Blah Blah, Blah.
Apparently this country is the most racist ever! It is riddled by hard right fascist thugs consumed with Islamophobia desperate to attack any member of the religion of peace. The police have over 1 million hard right potential terrorists on their watch list.
The incoming Labour government , once rid of the Jew loving Starmer, will pass legislation requiring everyone who is white and over the age of ten to attend a week long course designed to deprogramme the attendees minds from the racist Islamophobia which runs through it like a sewer. They will receive a free prayer mat and a signed copy of the Koran .
TOADY Watch #2 – I don’t believe it! Did I hear right? I can’t believe my ears.
Bojo is back in favour with the BBC! Ah, there is a small qualification – Boris is back in favour with the BBC because he is bashing the current PM, Rishi Sunak. Apparently, shock! horror!, someone at the BBC has been (forced to?) listening to/watching Boris’s new show on GB News. And in that show, in an interview with Nadine Dorries about her book, Boris claimed that the Tories were ‘drifting to defeat’ under Rishi Sunak.
Well they were rushing headlong to defeat under Boris! He had a massive majority and used it to massively increase immigration and bring forward the Net Zero date. Utterly useless and absolutely against what those who voted for him actually wanted. His majority was gained under false pretences , just a con man. We are well shut of him even though it sticks in my throat that it was the blob that did it. As for Sunak , a WEF apparatchik if ever I saw one.
“While we celebrate our diversity, what surprises me time and time again as I
travel around the constituency is that we are far more united and have far more
in common with each other than things that divide us.”
Jo Cox MP, 3 June 2015 (Maiden speech to the House of Commons)
The Labour Party is not overrun by antisemitism, Islamophobia or other forms of racism.
To recap my key recommendations are as follows:
“The Party should increase the ethnic diversity of its staff.”
The Suella Braverman v Palestine supporters mob is beginning to remind me very much of one of my most favourite old black and white Western films….
“High Noon” with The wonderful Gary Cooper as the sherif of a small western town.
A gang of ruthless desperadoes are on their way to the town he looks after to create havoc and free one of their gang from the jail. The train they are coming on is due to arrive at Noon, hence the film title. As the clock ticks, town support for the sherif starts to evaporate as one by one his deputies (or in the current case, fellow MP’s) go yellow and resign rather than face the baddies. The quivering town mayor reminds me very much of the Met head honcho.
He is left with just the support of one very old man with a shotgun and his own girlfriend but despite getting shot in the ensuing gunfight he manages to neutralise the villians.
The townsfolk all gather round at the end to congratulate him but he throws his star into the dust and leaves town with his girl on a wagon…
I believe the film runs in real time which was a brilliant touch! If you haven’t seen it I would recommend it 100%.
We will see how the modern version plays out come the eleventh hour of the eleventh day……
Former cab min: She’s trying to get sacked, I hope she succeeds. Aside from the politics, supposing there’s a riot on Sat, has she helped or hindered? She’s the first HS to contribute to public disorder. On top of homelessness remarks, it’s pushed a lot of in party over the edge
Mummer probably handed them his keys, a source close to Toenails’ (yawn) actual toenails has claimed. Reportedly.
The Tories have lost it, yes, but once the Civil Service and media get Labour in the undermining of Starmer won’t take long and then there will an all diverse government and zero questions asked or answered.
I accidentally had BBC1 news on earlier. They are indeed really going for Braverman. The “reportage” is slanted and biased, news readers and reporters are basically telling the public that Braverman is a nasty bigot rather than suggesting that what she is saying is actually true.
No she hasn’t gone too far she is only speaking the truth and the BBC know that but it doesn’t fit the Agenda.
Most of the general public knew the police were very biased despite msm and bbc narrative
Sweller is on the way out. This is a serious stage. The government’s surrender to Islam is incompatible with her stance regarding the Quisling plod. But there is worse; if this note from TR is genuine then the extent of government/legal corruption in silencing people raises serious questions. Much more than the Mail and GBNews attack on patriots.
From TR Abridged …
“I recently came back from Spain and announced by intention to launch a new street movement. I have been active reporting on important news again, like the recent Charlene Downes memorial.
“All of the above has caused absolute panic in the corridors of Westminster. The last thing they want is TR back on the streets rallying this nation when millions of Brits are increasingly angry and disillusioned.
“So what have the crooks at Westminster dreamed up to sabotage me? What’s their reaction to my reappearance? What have they resorted to to de-rail me just as I am getting started again?
“In response to my recent successes, they have decided to launch a full-frontal, brutal attack on me personally. Please, let me explain, this is horrific news for me, so it must be explained properly. Only a few days ago, I received the following letter in the post (below).
“They have basically started ‘contempt of court’ proceedings against me because of the leak – by the Americans – of the documentary ‘Silenced’, the documentary that exposed the truth about the ‘Syrian boy who was waterboarded’. This is far more serious than I thought previously.
“As they state in this letter, I am now looking at 2 years in prison! Because of the way the legal system works, they have to increase the punishment given to me last time they convicted me of ‘contempt of court’ – for simply filming M. groomers outside Leeds Crown Court.
“That will be 2 years in solitary confinement in a stinking, rotten prison cell at HMP Belmarsh. That will be 2 years locked away from my children and family. That will be 2 years locked in a tiny 10-foot-by-10-foot concrete cell subjected to extreme isolation and boredom.
“It will be one of either two scenarios:
“Either I will be put into ‘general population’ with other prisoners, in which case I will be relentlessly attacked by Islamist prison gangs (not for the first time either). Or I will be put into total ‘solitary confinement’ again, like the last time in Belmarsh.
“Either of these situations would be a literal ‘hell on earth’ for me. By the time I get out of prison, my young children will be a foot taller and I would have missed several years of their young lives.
I waited to send this email, because last night I had a brutally honest sit down with my solicitor and barrister. They both gave me the message I was dreading: I am in deep, serious legal trouble, and it’s highly likely that I will end up doing the 2 years in Belmarsh. I am not exaggerating the seriousness of this situation. Everything I have said is the honest truth.
“They want to grind me down with another long, isolated prison sentence.
Remember when I was released from HMP Onley after winning my appeal for false imprisonment? I came out as a weakened, dishevelled wreck.
“It took me months to recover physically, and even longer mentally. And that was from being in isolation for only a few months. Imagine what two years is going to do to me. But, I am not going to take this lying down. I am not the type of Englishman who cowers and quivers when persecuted or attacked.
“I am going to fight this with every ounce of strength I can muster. I am going to make them drag me to prison kicking and screaming. I am going to fight this injustice with all means available, despite the odds I am facing.
“In the letter I received from the Attorney General’s office, they have given me till this coming Tuesday 14 November to reply, and set out my legal defence. Then they will launch full legal proceedings against me.
“My solicitor and barrister have confirmed they are going to launch a full-scale legal assault on me, and the first letter I received was the ‘opening shot’. Thanks to this new onslaught of persecution, I am fighting for my freedom and for justice again.
“They put me in prison for a long time for simply livestreaming outside of a court. Imagine what they will do to me this time? My only option is to fight, and fight I will. If they think that the previous ‘Free Tommy’ protests outside the Old Bailey were huge, they haven’t seen anything yet.
“Another small consolation is that, when they proceed with this prosecution, millions of new people will be so outraged, they will end up watching the ‘Silenced’ documentary, whereas before, they wouldn’t have.
“You’ve all known me for many years, you know I am not going to go to prison for two years without a huge fight back. My biggest concern, right now, is, once again, getting my legal team organised and paid so they can begin the fight back, legally.
“I have until next Tuesday to set out my legal defence to the Attorney General’s office. I cannot do that, only my solicitor and barrister can do it. This time, it’s deadly serious for me, so I need your help. My supporters are my only line of defence against the establishment locking me up for two years.”
‘Some might say ‘…. Braverman is signalling her intention to be shadow PM in the next parliament – taking her party back to being Conservative …..
She knows the sort of noises she is making will be very popular with huge numbers of the British population – particularity if this weekend goes really badly …..
Sadly the atmosphere is going to be less than the reverential it should be at armistice …. And maybe just a few more people will realise the country is being lost …..
2018 … China allegedly has weaponized the electronics supply chain and America is vulnerable. A stunning Bloomberg report outlines how China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) may have compromised the computer chip supply chain, snaring major US corporations, including Apple and Amazon. The report asserts that the PLA imbedded minute microchips on motherboards manufactured by Supermicro Computer. These chips theoretically provide Beijing clandestine access to the compromised servers, an ability to bypass software security, and an open a backdoor to those networks for Chinese operatives.
I’ve always thought that certain American tech companies are given an easy ride and preferential treatments by their Government in exchange for providing data and back doors unto their systems. I’m thinking of .Microsoft, facebook etc.
R5 just now rewriting history, so disturbing that I had to rewind to hear it again.
Adrian Chiles on Suella & protests in general is told by Tom Symonds (BBC Home Affairs): “the public really self-policed during [covid]; there were a lot of people who didn’t like the regulations — there was a healthy online debate about them of course — but there was no rebellion against them…”
No rebellion? The BBC purposefully erased, Stalin-style, coverage of multiple anti-lockdown protests in 2020 and 2021 attended by hundreds of thousands. I know because I was on many of them and checked the media blackout on each one. ‘Healthy online debate’ is a view only a BBC reality-denier can have in the face of the mass censorship by the government and media which has been well documented for 3 years.
Tom does reveal however that he was on the BLM protest — he says it was mostly peaceful. The one that broke lockdown regulations but nevertheless was rewarded with plenty of coverage.
Andy the BBC did more than just give a free pass to BLM protests during lockdowns, they promoted the worst kind of race activism. I’m about to break Social Media Kindness Day rules if I say anything more!
….. “Anna Soubry: If White British Community Learned More From Muslims Then UK Would Be A Better Country”
{ sep2017}
…. Comment by Danni, South Africa
Each person is entitled to their own religion, belief or culture, but when that same thinking such as witchcraft in South Africa, encourages people to rape three-month-old babies to ‘cure’ them of HIV, people should rethink their views.
I wonder if the scrumptious Anna means that stabbing, beheading, burning, whatever, your enemies makes life a lot easier for you? She may well have a point.
“This film, by Yasmine Perni, was made in 2013 and is a strong testimony to the brutality undertaken by Zionists to create Israel. The film is unique because it focuses on the suffering of Palestinian Christians, from 1948 to today, whose plight is largely unknown, and by extention it is a chronicle of the suffering of all Palesitinians who have been rendered faceless so that their agony may be the more easily ignored.”
We’ve seen how the conservatives have changed their leader (our PM) a few times recently and we now have a PM that nobody apart from a few conservatives have voted for.
When labour get in next year, Starmer will have done his job (keeping quiet) and they will be replacing him, just as the conservatives have done with Boris and Liz.
Can we expect PM Lammy or Angie?
Will they go for an enricher or someone even further left. After all, they voted for Corbyn as leader and he would have been PM.
So then, how long before Starmer is dumped and labour install the PM they really want.
EG – I guess the life expectancy of Starmer as a PM depends on the size of the majority – 100 – 200 – meaning a lot of backbenchers won’t have government jobs under his regime so some female far left ethnic will start forming the internal red labour opposition … it’s a game – the country will still be bust though …
Not paying the TV Tax because of ethical belief’s, and you get locked up.
Shout pro terrorists slogans on the streets of London. Or glue yourself to the road and stop ambulances. Nothing happens.
Table 1: Sentenced admissions(1) for non-payment of a TV Licence fine, and average sentence length given (days); by sex, 2018, England(2)
Total 5
Of which:
Male 1
Female 4
Average sentence length (days)(3) 19
(1) Sentenced admissions provide a count of prisoners that are classified as sentenced (i.e. the custodial punishment has been decided for the offender) following a court hearing for the first time in the reporting period. This group includes fine defaulters.
(2) There were no sentenced admissions for non-payment of TV Licence fine to prisons in Wales during 2018 – as such the figures cover England only.
(3) A gender split for ‘average sentence length’ has not been provided because of small numbers of prisoners.
Data sources and quality
The figures in these tables have been drawn from administrative IT systems which, as with any large scale recording system, are subject to possible errors with data entry and processing.
I think it’s because she is a member of the Cabinet and not a dodgy backbencher ….the test is going to be whether she stays silent – or whether Sunak is waiting until after Sunday to show he is ‘in command ‘ – to be replaced by a standard woke … how about Dinnage?
I get the feeling the Powers That Be , BBC , wet Tories( blue Labour) et al aren’t really denying what she said , but want to deny her saying those things in public.
Jeeesus H Christ how thick as shit are our stoodents ?
Indoctrinated by marxist teechas ?
“‘I need to be more clued up’: Students quizzed at pro-Palestine protest reveal how little they know about Israel-Hamas conflict – and aren’t even aware that terror group launched bloody slaughter on October 7.
British students who were out protesting at a Pro-Palestine rally said they had ‘not seen anything that shows’ Hamas invaded Israel on October 7.
The two young women, who appear to be in their young twenties, were stopped at a protest march in London this month for a quick interview.
But despite holding up a home-made sign – complete with sketches and stickers – condemning the British government, the women admitted they weren’t sure about the Hamas attacks.
In a video shared to X – formerly Twitter – by Campaign Against Antisemitism, an interviewer stops the girls and asks: ‘When Hamas invaded Israel on the 7th October, what was your initial reaction to that?’
The girl on the left, holding the sign, replied: ‘I don’t believe they did, did they?’
Looking at her friend for reassurance, she asked: ‘Hamas?’
Her friend on the right replied: ‘I think so?’, lingering on her answer.
She continued: ‘Honestly I think I need to be a bit more clued up on everything that’s going on. So I feel like I’m not really qualified to answer that too well.’
Putting forward her views, the girl on the left then says: ‘I mean, I’m not sure if I’ve seen anything that shows that that’s actually happened or that’s correct’.
The camera filming then pans round to her home-made sign, with cut-out images and drawings, reading: ‘Rishi, Keir, U must be invertebrates cause ur spineless! Call 4 a ceasefire’.
A spokesperson for Campaign Against Antisemitism said: ‘This footage showcases the toxic combination of ignorance and support for terrorism that motivates too many of the protesters on these marches. ”
I don’t believe it Zephir,
I thought those students were going to be found to be ignorant of the 3 times The Palestinians refused a 2-state solution. Or that Jews were a Hebrew-speaking people of ancient Middle-Eastern origin.
“‘Hamas terrorists gang-raped Israeli woman before one shot her in the back of the head as he was still having sex with her’: Horrifying account revealed as police gather evidence of sex assaults during October 7 attack
Israeli police are collecting evidence to prosecute captured Hamas terrorists.
While gathering evidence, Lahav 433 also took testimony from a woman who said she witnessed the gang-rape and murder of another young woman.
Haaretz reports the witness told officers of how she watched the shocking attack unfold as she hid from Hamas gunmen wearing military uniforms.
‘As I am hiding, I see in the corner of my eye that [a terrorist] is raping her,’ the witness told investigators. ‘They bent her over and I realised they were raping her and simply passing her on to the next [gunman].’
The witness says the victim was ‘alive’ and ‘on her feet and bleeding from her back. But then the situation was that he was pulling her hair. She had long, brown hair.’
The woman told officers one of the Hamas gunmen ‘shot her in the head while he was raping her… didn’t even lift his pants’.
Her testimony has been reported in a number of Israeli news outlets. It was one of thousands of pieces of evidence gathered by the police.
Another male witness said he didn’t see the rape itself, but confirmed the other witness told him at the time what she had seen.
Until now, reports of sexual violence carried out by Hamas terrorists were based on testimonies from first responders, who arrived in settlements on October 7 in the aftermath of the attacks.
Once there, they said they found bodies of naked women, with signs of abuse.
Zaka rescue and recovery personnel, the ultra-Orthodox volunteer organisation that helped to retrieve and identify bodies, have detailed a number of atrocities, including sex attacks.”
I’d like to correct the language used by the Daily Mail- the Hamas terrorist wasn’t having sex with the woman, he was raping her. Important distinction.
‘One of Labour’s favourite lines of criticism of Rishi Sunak is he is weak.
So can Mr Sunak let Suella Braverman get away with this?’
Here we go again. The BBC are using their usual dirty tricks now to get rid of another conservative who openly stands against their far-Left agenda.
And they are trying to force Sunak to do it by implying he should sack her but he’s too weak to do it.
I confidently predict they will now run a new headline every day to lay on the pressure.
It’s absolutely outrageous. How can this happen so many times and nobody with power will stand up against these far-Left activists ?. I can only presume they are cowards who are afraid they will be next.
It’s all because she said:
‘She claimed aggressive right-wing protesters were “rightly met with a stern response”, while “pro-Palestinian mobs” were “largely ignored”.’
That’s an even more trivial reason than what they used to get rid of Boris. And what makes it more ridiculous is that the BBC themselves accuse the police of far, far worse almost on a daily basis.
The BBC must be stopped. They are attempting to assasinate another duly elected politician they don’t like. They – and OFCOM – should be jailed for the damage they have done to this country.
Let’s hope the religion of peace give us a clear demonstration of how right Suella actually is this weekend. Though the BBC won’t report it of course because they are the most monumental of hypocrites.
Ya think? And it is the entire blob especially this harridan.
Former minister tells me: “Either she goes today or Sunday/Monday. First, it’s the insubordination, Second is the ministerial code. Everybody’s livid, there’s a lot of messaging of the chief whip saying enough is enough”
TWatO Watch #1 – Exactly how many were ignored and how many included, Sarah?
The BBC Bashing Braverman Day continues and some information has been obtained (leaked to?) by the BBC. Suella Braverman did show a draft of her Times article to the PM’s office prior to publication and some changes were suggested by the PM or a CS or a SPAD in the Cabinet Office. We do not know the number of changes or their substantial nature but the Montacutie declines to tell us because it would spoil the BBC’s Bashing of Braverman or dilute it to the point of nothingness.
Precisely. It is all ‘news’ by nudge, inference, unsubstantiated ‘quote’, etc…
As you say, no clue who in No. 10 saw what or suggested what.
What is the point of a raft of Ministers if things need approval by unelected spads running it by media editors when not leaning out a bog window taking photos for their BFFs?
Sometimes you have to be ruthless to be a good leader.
I changed the Labour Party. If I’m privileged enough to be given the opportunity, I’ll change the country too.
Great to speak to @Alex_Bilmes for @EsquireUK
#CCBGB And making points the ideological slime in media are incapable of.
“I’ve read the Home Secretary’s article – it is irresponsible.”
Mayor of London Sadiq Khan tells #R4Today it’s not appropriate for Suella Braverman to be ‘actively intervening and influencing policing decisions’ after she accused the Met of bias over the Gaza marches.
“The prime minister couldn’t stop her, tried to stop her, didn’t agree with the things that she said, but has let her say them”
Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper says Rishi Sunak looks “really weak” after failing to take action against Suella Braverman
Both into BBC studios to trot out attack lines in a safe zone.
Khan has intervened every which way. Mason is an idiot.
‘Why is the right-wing media trying to terrify poppy sellers?’
‘It speaks of a country that is absolutely crackers.’
After British Transport Police said there is no risk,
@mrjamesob asks why the right-wing media is trying to terrify poppy sellers.
Mason is nothing to JO’bsworth.
Maybe they could go on ‘the march’ and when asked questions suddenly become giggly girls when facts arise.
And for miserable idiot girl…
Here’s the Israeli strategy writ large: accuse all of those you kill, from bakers to doctors to journalists, of being in league with Hamas. There’s no way they can prove their innocence, of course, because they’re already dead.
Totally disgusted with the way the BBC News website is dealing with Suella Braverman’s comments on the the bias in the Met today. Since when have Chris Mason and his leftwing colleagues had any love of the police? Only when they’re accurately criticised for being woke. The BBC has been determined to destroy Braverman’s career for a very long time.
My ideal scenario would be for this weak liberal government to lose the next election, followed by a period (hopefully brief) of a seriously damaging Labour government, which might bring the Conservative Party to its senses and elect Braverman as leader. As Prime Minister she’d be as effective as Thatcher at dealing with the leftwing mob that holds the reigns of power currently.
It just gets worse, the collusion with terrorists:
“Israel demands answers from CNN, Associated Press and Reuters over freelance photographers ’embedding’ with Hamas to cover October 7th attack: ‘These journalists were accomplices in crimes against humanity’
Eslaiah has filed photos for CNN and The Associated Press since October 7
Some show an Israeli tank being set on fire and ransacked by Hamas militants
Photo has now emerged of him with Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar ”
tomoMar 13, 23:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Wrong costume….
tomoMar 13, 22:57 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 13, 22:53 Midweek 12th March 2025
JonathanRMar 13, 22:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 The BBC mentioned in this interesting interview
ZephirMar 13, 21:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 Claiming confusion regarding “carrots and sticks” is no defense.
Lefty WrightMar 13, 20:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 Al I had no idea that there were so many bricklayers,carpenters, plumbers etc.etc. among our Labour MPs. OK boys, girls…
tomoMar 13, 20:29 Midweek 12th March 2025
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 13, 20:16 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Handover” rather than “takeover”?
tomoMar 13, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025
Toady watch
It looks like the BBC has decided to target the blue Labour Home Secretary over her true comments about the attitude the met plod has towards different groups .
The comrade Robinson sneer – previously deployed against nut nut when he was PM – is now being used against Braverman – who is illustrating the attitude toward Hamas suppprters versus say – vaccine campaigners , brexiters , football supporters – another free ride is given to BLM idiots
When the Hamas demo on 11 11 goes bandy the blame will go from the Met commissioner to the Home Secretary to the PM – if the Far Left BBC get their way …
This story is being used as a distraction from the ‘trouble ‘ in red labour where varioud hanas supporting MPs and councillors are moaning / resigning …..
Perhaps they’ll all show solidarity by going to Palestine and tearing up their UK passports .
Well, well, well….
“Man who organised Armistice Day pro-Palestine march was working for Keir Starmer at the time – but mysteriously ‘left his job this week’
Ex-Labour aide Ben Soffa is the director of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign”
Hello Zephir
Can’t find this mentioned on the bbc, strange, but not surprising
Toady again
Tommy Windsor – the former chief of the police inspectorate throws his tuppence worth into the 11 11 Hamas March – personally – after years of politically biased policing ( to the left – anti white ) the blue labour government has woken up to the woke met plod .
Too late .
New soo Ella has decided to point the differences out – the Far Left – such as allies in the BBC don’t like it of course – and lefty chief plods like rowley will get uncritical support from red labour …..
How has it come to this in our failing state – for which so manu died and suffered for …
In this day and age.It’s great to be able to get info on line
from opposing stand points. For the war in the Middle East we can log on to I24 the Israeli English news channel. Or
for the opposing view .The media outlet for Hamas in the
west the BBC. With Jeremy Bowen in Israel and that
beautiful Irish lass Orla Gueron in Lebanon.We know that
we can trust the BBC to gives us all the facts about how
good folk Hamas and Hezbelah are.All they want is peace.
A piece of Israel from the river to the sea.
bbc campaign for disgusting behaviour
McDonald’s: ‘There’s disgusting behaviour at my branch’
Does auntie get its priorities right. Muslims in Rochdale rape kids, but this is washed under the carpet
The Moaning Emole leads…
‘There’s disgusting behaviour at my McDonald’s’
A BBC investigation earlier this year exposed claims of a toxic workplace culture at McDonald’s. More than 100 current and recent staff made allegations of sexual assault, harassment, racism and bullying. Since then, 160 people have contacted the BBC with new allegations of abuse. And now, a group of ex-workers are taking the company to court, accusing it of failing to protect them. The fast food chain said it was “determined” to root out behaviour that fell below the high standards it expected of staff.”
The word ‘investigation’ in the hands of the BBC always cranks an eyebrow.
This on top of ‘crimes’ created by idiotic legislation’policed’ by men in high heels and lesbian nana SWAT teams.
Now it is some silly girls, and a few women in cubicles getting emails from disaffected ‘sources’ unhappy with their McNuggets.
Hence ‘claims’ and ‘allegations’.
Unlike actual predatory behaviour proven in W1A over and over.
Guest Who, McDs is a franchise so I cannot see that class action succeeding. The BBC were helpfully trawling for more ‘victims’ to come forward. The BBC love a nice victim.
“The BBC love a nice victim.”
Except of course, when the victim was one of Harris’s, Page’s, Hall’s, Edwards’, and of course, Savile’s…
The Beeboids must have forgotten those people, so perhaps they were the wrong sort of victim?
Scrobie, exactly!
Toady hands over to the Jeremy Bowen Show – no neutrality with Jeremy – the IDF takes foreign journos into Gaza (why ?) and bowen if ready to express his ‘displeasure ‘ at Israel defending itself …. Lucky a Hamas comrade sniper didn’t get him ….
Iirc on one of his ‘outings’ he did cop some shotgun pellets to the helmet.
Likely friendly fire. Or as Corbyn would term it ‘good friendly’ fire.
Hello Fedup2
Bowen/bbc probably has an agreement with the snipers who to shoot
Enter the Whoniverse
Celebrating 60 years of Doctor Who
– there’s something for everyone
TOADY Watch #1 – BBC busy bashing Braverman – I wonder why – no I don’t, I know
“Izzit cos I is black” asks the Home Secretary, Suella Braverman. No, it is because you are a Brexiteer and because you are a Conservative. The BBC interviews Sir Tom Winsor as part of the BBC’s Bashing Braverman Day. Did you listen? I thought I heard (Sir) Tom drop (Sir) Mark Rowley, who he knows well (Kosy K’s together) from his time as Police Regulator, in it and fatally undermine the BBC’s Bashing of Braverman.
I think I heard Tom Winsor say of the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Sir Mark Rowley, “He is political.” Oooops! Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.
Morning quiz: What links Boris Johnson, Suella Braverman and Kemi Badenoch? Skin colour? Very definitely no. Politics? Sort of. I’ll give you a clue. It is why they are hated by the BBC; Bojo, Braverman and Badenoch. Might be to do with the letter B and a word starting with ‘B’.
BBC world headline:
Braverman accuses Met of bias over Gaza marches
‘The home secretary comes under fire after saying the force often ‘plays favourites’ when policing protests.
Surely that should be the Met under fire there BBC ?. You’ve completely twisted it around.
So I went to check who is ‘firing’ at her:
Yvette Cooper – Labour hard Left
Sadiq Khan – Labour Muslim
Lord Greenhalgh being interviewed by BBC newsnight said:
‘Any relationship where you’re holding a police service and the Met to account – that means supporting and challenging the Met – that’s got to be done on the basis of trust,”
Sounds like another 100% out-of-context selective quote after some leading questions.
Hardly Braverman ‘under fire’ from that set.
I’m looking forward to the Gaza protests and I hope they give these terrorist supporters enough rope to hang themselves.
No matter what happens, the problem we have with these people is not going to get better. It’s going to get a lot worse as their numbers increase and they elect themselves into government. It’s time we let them do something the likes of ther BBC cannot censor with their lying by omission.
Ever get the feeling they just copy and paste?
News agency says Gaza journalist killed alongside 42 relatives says
Wafa says Wa?
The BBC love it when they can write:
DAMNING HEADLINE – ‘said somebody else’
Lets them write anything without accountability.
That journalist was in Gaza city. Clearly close friends with Hamas is he was safe.
This whole situation where the ‘reporters’ are actually members of the community they are reporting on and are most definitely Hamas supporters is just ridiculous.
And the fact the BBC hide those facts when presenting their reports show their bias too.
It should be clear that their reporters live in communities which openly support Hamas and that Hamas are terrorists. One of the elephants in the room here is that there are no white BBC reporters in Gaza. That’s probably because they would be in more danger from Hamas than Israel. What a shame Bowen is such a coward – I would love to see him in there with that one going between bombsites and giving us half the story. Shortly before being kidnapped and taken into a tunnel.
bbc promotion for labour
Boris Johnson: Tories ‘drifting to defeat’ under Rishi Sunak
No bbc, people are turning against labour also – maybe do a Verify on that
The 2 party system has had its day
Both are imploding.
Different reasons.
Labour being left almost unanalysed by the media.
Which is what propaganda is.
Labour will win because everyone else is so disgusted by all of them, they won’t vote for any. The Lefties will vote Labour no matter what they do.
There should be a campaign to spoil the ballot paper by writing another option ‘change the system’ and voting for that.
This may be the most savage open I’ve ever seen
Vivek just absolutely torched the Media & the Republican Party
That a TNI partner at the end.
Squeaky bum time at Sopes’ bedsit?
Minister gets £11,000 data roaming bill on 7 day Morocco trip.
The BBC swerve his party affiliation and even that he is a Scottish minister in the headline.
“The Scottish public should not have to pick up this eye-watering bill for Michael Matheson.”
“Scottish public should not” – who is going to get fired for not checking this?
The clear intent in the piece is in the headline….
A “minister” spaffs public money through slovenly inattention.
I’d wager that some BBC correspondents / producers have racked up massive roaming bills – but we don’t get to hear about that.
“There is no justification for the terrible events taking place in Gaza now, where hundreds of thousands of innocent people are being killed indiscriminately, without having anywhere to flee or hide from the bombing. When you see blood-stained children, dead children, the suffering of women and old people, when you see medics killed, of course, it makes you clench your fists as tears well in your eyes.”
…. Putin
A stick to beat the present western regimes with, expertly wielded…
Just read that Lord Soames , grandson of Winston Churchill, says the Palestinian/Hamas March must go ahead on Armistice Day. The reaction in the UK to the Israeli/Hamas conflict tells us so much about members of our ruling elite.
Firstly, and I must say surprisingly, Starmer is holding the line against a lot of opposition amongst his MPs , that Israel has every right to pursue Hamas even if there are ‘civilian’ casualties as a result. Sooner or later Starmer will be gone as a result.
Secondly , the division within the Tories is right along the wet/ dry lines of Mrs Thatcher’s era. They tend to waffle on about freedom of speech and freedom to demonstrate and yet they all vote for the On Line Safety Bill and don’t seem to notice that if there was an anti Muslim demo spouting stuff as inflammatory as the anti Jewish tropes said by thousands at these Palestinian rallies there would many arrests. British tolerance has been our downfall. A crackdown on Islam was required many years ago but our cowardly politicians ducked the issue.
Thirdly, it is clear that this government and police either don’t have the courage or the ability or the wish to prevent these marches. In short when faced with a Muslim mob they turn and run. I suppose that they may be able to contain one single March but they fear what retribution the Muslims will take elsewhere in the country. In other words we are too frightened of Islam to control our own streets and yet more and more arrive every year. Surely this signals that our country has been captured for Islam.
It’s worth remembering that until the Palestine Mandate, the British elite (sic) was staunchly pro-Arab and pro-Muslim. The Foreign Office and associated departments were stuffed with members of the upper class and lower aristocracy who spoke Arabic, understood the culture, were sympathetic to Arab nationalist aspirations and fantasised about being T.E.Lawrence. The main driving force behind this was Britain’s desire to replace the failing Ottoman Empire in the Middle East, tinged with elements of anti-semitism triggered by the arrival and success of Jewish migrants in 19th Century Britain. Further afield, Britain supported Muslim aspirations in India, partly as a ‘divide and rule’ strategy to counter the Hindu majority, partly because Muslims provided the majority of recruits to the Indian Army and were considered manly and martial (Hindus were considered weak and effete). Such sympathies have never really gone away in certain sections of British society, and indeed are spreading further down the food chain e.g into the Labour Party, which is dependent upon the Muslim vote in more than 50 parliamentary constituencies.
Remember the Yes Minister episode when Sir Humphrey was dressed in his Arab robes.
Was it this episode?
No I’m sure that Nigel Hawthorne ( acting the role of sir Humphrey brilliantly) only wore them for the part. Charles wears them either out of conviction or to curry favour and get another bag stuffed with notes. Either way he isn’t my King.
I believe Soames was involved with SERCO.
SERCO is a massive company and one of the things they do is run the warehousing of prisoners. These companies are building massive private prisons. Law breaking is good for business.
Set one group against another and kerching, kerching.
This goes right through our rotten and corrupt country. The bBC, media, politicians, lawyers, courts, universities etc etc.
Soames led the turnaround of the outsourcing business Serco during eight years in charge between 2014 and 2022. He was boss of support services firm Aggreko before that and has also held senior roles at software company Misys and weighing machine manufacturer Avery Berkel.17 Feb 2023
Double – I think the next time they stick a Palestine / Hamas flag on the cenotaph it will tell the British people who is in charge now …
…………..and they might not be best pleased – a problem is that any ‘fire ‘ people might have had has been groomed from them by dependency culture – now strictly on ice ..
‘We were told the jab was safe – but it nearly cost me my life’
DT front page news about the first test case for vaccine injury from Astra Zeneca covid-19 experimental gene therapy
Should we expect the bBC to report on this?
BBC Lisa Shaw to investigate ….
Regarding Suella mentioning the lefty police and their favouring lefty protests but going against right wing ones.
If the police do anything to the lefty protests such as Palestine and blm they could easily be done for racism whereas the right are mainly British protestors so they can go in without any fear of being charged for any ‘ism or ‘phobia.
Basically, the police can hit the British but dare not do anything to the diverse multiculti enrichers.
Having said that, all the police bosses at the top are totally woke and far left, plus, if I am correct, you need a degree to be a policeman now which means they are all brainwashed at Uni and are also woke lefties.
Emmanuel, the selection process for entering the Met is vetted by a muslim on the panel. If they dont like you, you dont get in
LEAD STORY in the Daily Telegraph
AZ to be sued over ‘defective’ vaccine
I guess from a MSM point of view it is much better to delay and let a disaster become an even bigger disaster because they it sells more papers. Where is their moral compass?
I was unaware that Douglas Murray had gone to The Middle East. He makes some excellent points even though Peirs Wotsisname doesn’t make it easy.
Guess that incedent was a month ago.
They ain’t cheering any more💥
Lucy, in that video put up by vlad earlier in this Thread, Douglas Murray, in his interview with John Anderson, let slip that he had been a journalist in the past and had been to the Middle East.
Douglas is wrong here as Gaza never elected Hamas they shared power with Fatah, and Hamas then seized power in violation of the promises they made in their sacred city of Mecca.
He certaintly has a point that population growth is an issue, but these are people who are effectively in a prison camp, it’s not surprising they are pissed off.
Yes it’s a prison camp alright but the guards are Hamas and HQ is in Tehran who regard the suffering of the Palestinians as their best weapon in the war against Israel.
A prison camp with shopping centres and supermarkets filled with clothes, and various types of luxury goods.
Excellent comments by Douglas despite Morgan trying hard to avoid those unpleasant truths and keep the conversation on his own agenda.
So it will all kick off between those Hamas supporters and the remembrance crowd.
Then will start the blame game. The PM will blame the Met. The Met, the mayor, Labour, BBC, MSM will blame the home secretary for inflaming the situation. The PM too weak to sack her.. Blah Blah, Blah.
Apparently this country is the most racist ever! It is riddled by hard right fascist thugs consumed with Islamophobia desperate to attack any member of the religion of peace. The police have over 1 million hard right potential terrorists on their watch list.
The incoming Labour government , once rid of the Jew loving Starmer, will pass legislation requiring everyone who is white and over the age of ten to attend a week long course designed to deprogramme the attendees minds from the racist Islamophobia which runs through it like a sewer. They will receive a free prayer mat and a signed copy of the Koran .
All followed up by “Lessons to be learned”?
TOADY Watch #2 – I don’t believe it! Did I hear right? I can’t believe my ears.
Bojo is back in favour with the BBC! Ah, there is a small qualification – Boris is back in favour with the BBC because he is bashing the current PM, Rishi Sunak. Apparently, shock! horror!, someone at the BBC has been (forced to?) listening to/watching Boris’s new show on GB News. And in that show, in an interview with Nadine Dorries about her book, Boris claimed that the Tories were ‘drifting to defeat’ under Rishi Sunak.
Well they were rushing headlong to defeat under Boris! He had a massive majority and used it to massively increase immigration and bring forward the Net Zero date. Utterly useless and absolutely against what those who voted for him actually wanted. His majority was gained under false pretences , just a con man. We are well shut of him even though it sticks in my throat that it was the blob that did it. As for Sunak , a WEF apparatchik if ever I saw one.
They can’t break out of that bubble they live in can they? They still think all that matters is party politics.
“While we celebrate our diversity, what surprises me time and time again as I
travel around the constituency is that we are far more united and have far more
in common with each other than things that divide us.”
Jo Cox MP, 3 June 2015 (Maiden speech to the House of Commons)
Click to access Chakrabarti-Inquiry-Report-30June16.pdf
The Labour Party is not overrun by antisemitism, Islamophobia or other forms of racism.
To recap my key recommendations are as follows:
“The Party should increase the ethnic diversity of its staff.”
The Suella Braverman v Palestine supporters mob is beginning to remind me very much of one of my most favourite old black and white Western films….
“High Noon” with The wonderful Gary Cooper as the sherif of a small western town.
A gang of ruthless desperadoes are on their way to the town he looks after to create havoc and free one of their gang from the jail. The train they are coming on is due to arrive at Noon, hence the film title. As the clock ticks, town support for the sherif starts to evaporate as one by one his deputies (or in the current case, fellow MP’s) go yellow and resign rather than face the baddies. The quivering town mayor reminds me very much of the Met head honcho.
He is left with just the support of one very old man with a shotgun and his own girlfriend but despite getting shot in the ensuing gunfight he manages to neutralise the villians.
The townsfolk all gather round at the end to congratulate him but he throws his star into the dust and leaves town with his girl on a wagon…
I believe the film runs in real time which was a brilliant touch! If you haven’t seen it I would recommend it 100%.
We will see how the modern version plays out come the eleventh hour of the eleventh day……
Progressive makes it to the Gaza Strip, or something..
bbc gunning for Home Secretary
Not only running this all morning, as the main news:-
Pro-Palestinian protest in London: Row over Suella Braverman’s claim of police bias
But now:-
Has Suella Braverman gone too far this time?
Not just the BBC.
And all via nudge and wink. It’s all ‘sources’.
Former cab min: She’s trying to get sacked, I hope she succeeds. Aside from the politics, supposing there’s a riot on Sat, has she helped or hindered? She’s the first HS to contribute to public disorder. On top of homelessness remarks, it’s pushed a lot of in party over the edge
Home Secretary Suella Braverman did not make all the edits requested by Downing Street to her Times article, BBC told
Pro-Palestinian protesters scale Scottish Parliament roof
Mummer probably handed them his keys, a source close to Toenails’ (yawn) actual toenails has claimed. Reportedly.
The Tories have lost it, yes, but once the Civil Service and media get Labour in the undermining of Starmer won’t take long and then there will an all diverse government and zero questions asked or answered.
Just ‘Labour says’.
Suella? Next stop GB News……………
I accidentally had BBC1 news on earlier. They are indeed really going for Braverman. The “reportage” is slanted and biased, news readers and reporters are basically telling the public that Braverman is a nasty bigot rather than suggesting that what she is saying is actually true.
…….. and the answer to the BBC question (they love to pose their position like this), “Has Suella Braverman gone too far this time”?
Absolutely No, in fact she has not gone far enough in words and more importantly in actions.
VOTE REFORM – last chance saloon as High Noon approaches.
Words easy. Action hard. 80 seat majority 0 boats stopped.
When is he (Rishi) going to “Stop the boats “?
Rishi has a swimming pool – he can test his theories on borders and boats in real water! Inshallah!
No she hasn’t gone too far she is only speaking the truth and the BBC know that but it doesn’t fit the Agenda.
Most of the general public knew the police were very biased despite msm and bbc narrative
Sweller is on the way out. This is a serious stage. The government’s surrender to Islam is incompatible with her stance regarding the Quisling plod. But there is worse; if this note from TR is genuine then the extent of government/legal corruption in silencing people raises serious questions. Much more than the Mail and GBNews attack on patriots.
From TR Abridged …
“I recently came back from Spain and announced by intention to launch a new street movement. I have been active reporting on important news again, like the recent Charlene Downes memorial.
“All of the above has caused absolute panic in the corridors of Westminster. The last thing they want is TR back on the streets rallying this nation when millions of Brits are increasingly angry and disillusioned.
“So what have the crooks at Westminster dreamed up to sabotage me? What’s their reaction to my reappearance? What have they resorted to to de-rail me just as I am getting started again?
“In response to my recent successes, they have decided to launch a full-frontal, brutal attack on me personally. Please, let me explain, this is horrific news for me, so it must be explained properly. Only a few days ago, I received the following letter in the post (below).
“They have basically started ‘contempt of court’ proceedings against me because of the leak – by the Americans – of the documentary ‘Silenced’, the documentary that exposed the truth about the ‘Syrian boy who was waterboarded’. This is far more serious than I thought previously.
“As they state in this letter, I am now looking at 2 years in prison! Because of the way the legal system works, they have to increase the punishment given to me last time they convicted me of ‘contempt of court’ – for simply filming M. groomers outside Leeds Crown Court.
“That will be 2 years in solitary confinement in a stinking, rotten prison cell at HMP Belmarsh. That will be 2 years locked away from my children and family. That will be 2 years locked in a tiny 10-foot-by-10-foot concrete cell subjected to extreme isolation and boredom.
“It will be one of either two scenarios:
“Either I will be put into ‘general population’ with other prisoners, in which case I will be relentlessly attacked by Islamist prison gangs (not for the first time either). Or I will be put into total ‘solitary confinement’ again, like the last time in Belmarsh.
“Either of these situations would be a literal ‘hell on earth’ for me. By the time I get out of prison, my young children will be a foot taller and I would have missed several years of their young lives.
I waited to send this email, because last night I had a brutally honest sit down with my solicitor and barrister. They both gave me the message I was dreading: I am in deep, serious legal trouble, and it’s highly likely that I will end up doing the 2 years in Belmarsh. I am not exaggerating the seriousness of this situation. Everything I have said is the honest truth.
“They want to grind me down with another long, isolated prison sentence.
Remember when I was released from HMP Onley after winning my appeal for false imprisonment? I came out as a weakened, dishevelled wreck.
“It took me months to recover physically, and even longer mentally. And that was from being in isolation for only a few months. Imagine what two years is going to do to me. But, I am not going to take this lying down. I am not the type of Englishman who cowers and quivers when persecuted or attacked.
“I am going to fight this with every ounce of strength I can muster. I am going to make them drag me to prison kicking and screaming. I am going to fight this injustice with all means available, despite the odds I am facing.
“In the letter I received from the Attorney General’s office, they have given me till this coming Tuesday 14 November to reply, and set out my legal defence. Then they will launch full legal proceedings against me.
“My solicitor and barrister have confirmed they are going to launch a full-scale legal assault on me, and the first letter I received was the ‘opening shot’. Thanks to this new onslaught of persecution, I am fighting for my freedom and for justice again.
“They put me in prison for a long time for simply livestreaming outside of a court. Imagine what they will do to me this time? My only option is to fight, and fight I will. If they think that the previous ‘Free Tommy’ protests outside the Old Bailey were huge, they haven’t seen anything yet.
“Another small consolation is that, when they proceed with this prosecution, millions of new people will be so outraged, they will end up watching the ‘Silenced’ documentary, whereas before, they wouldn’t have.
“You’ve all known me for many years, you know I am not going to go to prison for two years without a huge fight back. My biggest concern, right now, is, once again, getting my legal team organised and paid so they can begin the fight back, legally.
“I have until next Tuesday to set out my legal defence to the Attorney General’s office. I cannot do that, only my solicitor and barrister can do it. This time, it’s deadly serious for me, so I need your help. My supporters are my only line of defence against the establishment locking me up for two years.”
We can predict the BBC and GB News’s response.
EXCLUSIVE: ISIS-supporting hate preacher Anjem Choudary bleeds the taxpayer for £140,000 in legal aid bills (and the final total will be even more)
Anjem Choudary received £140,557 to fund unsuccessful defence at Old Bailey
Put behind bars in August after being found guilty of inciting support for ISIS
Choudary is thought to have milked £500,000 in benefits from the British state
‘Some might say ‘…. Braverman is signalling her intention to be shadow PM in the next parliament – taking her party back to being Conservative …..
She knows the sort of noises she is making will be very popular with huge numbers of the British population – particularity if this weekend goes really badly …..
Sadly the atmosphere is going to be less than the reverential it should be at armistice …. And maybe just a few more people will realise the country is being lost …..
Not being, is.
2018 … China allegedly has weaponized the electronics supply chain and America is vulnerable. A stunning Bloomberg report outlines how China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) may have compromised the computer chip supply chain, snaring major US corporations, including Apple and Amazon. The report asserts that the PLA imbedded minute microchips on motherboards manufactured by Supermicro Computer. These chips theoretically provide Beijing clandestine access to the compromised servers, an ability to bypass software security, and an open a backdoor to those networks for Chinese operatives.
If we assume the Bloomberg report is accurate – which I do – this security breach could be the most significant and calamitous on record.
Barry Gardiner 500K from Chinese Spy and still an MP!
I’ve always thought that certain American tech companies are given an easy ride and preferential treatments by their Government in exchange for providing data and back doors unto their systems. I’m thinking of .Microsoft, facebook etc.
In a possible ‘crime of the century’ the door hinges in a WC cubicle of my favourite Cafe have gone missing.
Titter ye not – there is a possibility that someone ate them. Here is a Frenchman Michel Lotito who was famous for eating unusual objects including:
45 door hinges
16 bicycles
1 pair of skis
1 Cessna light aircraft
1 Coffin (with handles)
He could have been useful with wind turbine blades.
R5 just now rewriting history, so disturbing that I had to rewind to hear it again.
Adrian Chiles on Suella & protests in general is told by Tom Symonds (BBC Home Affairs): “the public really self-policed during [covid]; there were a lot of people who didn’t like the regulations — there was a healthy online debate about them of course — but there was no rebellion against them…”
No rebellion? The BBC purposefully erased, Stalin-style, coverage of multiple anti-lockdown protests in 2020 and 2021 attended by hundreds of thousands. I know because I was on many of them and checked the media blackout on each one. ‘Healthy online debate’ is a view only a BBC reality-denier can have in the face of the mass censorship by the government and media which has been well documented for 3 years.
Tom does reveal however that he was on the BLM protest — he says it was mostly peaceful. The one that broke lockdown regulations but nevertheless was rewarded with plenty of coverage.
The husband of the editor of the Guardian eh?
“Mostly peaceful” 97% maybe, only 3% did the stabbings
Andy the BBC did more than just give a free pass to BLM protests during lockdowns, they promoted the worst kind of race activism. I’m about to break Social Media Kindness Day rules if I say anything more!
‘Coronavirus or not, black people face harm all the time’
….. “Anna Soubry: If White British Community Learned More From Muslims Then UK Would Be A Better Country”
{ sep2017}
…. Comment by Danni, South Africa
Each person is entitled to their own religion, belief or culture, but when that same thinking such as witchcraft in South Africa, encourages people to rape three-month-old babies to ‘cure’ them of HIV, people should rethink their views.
I wonder if the scrumptious Anna means that stabbing, beheading, burning, whatever, your enemies makes life a lot easier for you? She may well have a point.
A poignant reminder that everything is not black or white
“This film, by Yasmine Perni, was made in 2013 and is a strong testimony to the brutality undertaken by Zionists to create Israel. The film is unique because it focuses on the suffering of Palestinian Christians, from 1948 to today, whose plight is largely unknown, and by extention it is a chronicle of the suffering of all Palesitinians who have been rendered faceless so that their agony may be the more easily ignored.”
Ed Milliband Tombstone – new addition…..
The Labour Party is not overrun by antisemitism, Islamophobia or other forms of racism.
We’ve seen how the conservatives have changed their leader (our PM) a few times recently and we now have a PM that nobody apart from a few conservatives have voted for.
When labour get in next year, Starmer will have done his job (keeping quiet) and they will be replacing him, just as the conservatives have done with Boris and Liz.
Can we expect PM Lammy or Angie?
Will they go for an enricher or someone even further left. After all, they voted for Corbyn as leader and he would have been PM.
So then, how long before Starmer is dumped and labour install the PM they really want.
EG – I guess the life expectancy of Starmer as a PM depends on the size of the majority – 100 – 200 – meaning a lot of backbenchers won’t have government jobs under his regime so some female far left ethnic will start forming the internal red labour opposition … it’s a game – the country will still be bust though …
Not paying the TV Tax because of ethical belief’s, and you get locked up.
Shout pro terrorists slogans on the streets of London. Or glue yourself to the road and stop ambulances. Nothing happens.
Table 1: Sentenced admissions(1) for non-payment of a TV Licence fine, and average sentence length given (days); by sex, 2018, England(2)
Total 5
Of which:
Male 1
Female 4
Average sentence length (days)(3) 19
(1) Sentenced admissions provide a count of prisoners that are classified as sentenced (i.e. the custodial punishment has been decided for the offender) following a court hearing for the first time in the reporting period. This group includes fine defaulters.
(2) There were no sentenced admissions for non-payment of TV Licence fine to prisons in Wales during 2018 – as such the figures cover England only.
(3) A gender split for ‘average sentence length’ has not been provided because of small numbers of prisoners.
Data sources and quality
The figures in these tables have been drawn from administrative IT systems which, as with any large scale recording system, are subject to possible errors with data entry and processing.
Source: Ministry of Justice (JSAS/FOI 190426022)
Since when did every MP’s comments have to be vetted by the PM?
“Rishi Sunak did not clear Suella Braverman’s attack on police over protests”
If so it kind of makes MP’s a bit pointless doesn’t it?
I think it’s because she is a member of the Cabinet and not a dodgy backbencher ….the test is going to be whether she stays silent – or whether Sunak is waiting until after Sunday to show he is ‘in command ‘ – to be replaced by a standard woke … how about Dinnage?
….. “Anna Soubry: If White British Community Learned More From Muslims Then UK Would Be A Better Country”
{ sep2017}
What about the black British “ community “ , the Chinese , the East Europeans , the Hindu Indians , the Sikhs ?
If only we had acted more like the Japanese then we wouldn’t be facing a predicament where we will have to act like the Chinese.
digg, one of the Four Great Offices of State, second only to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, if I recall correctly.
You make it sound like there actually is a point to MPs. I’m buggered if I can think of one.
In Re the Home Secretary’s article .
I get the feeling the Powers That Be , BBC , wet Tories( blue Labour) et al aren’t really denying what she said , but want to deny her saying those things in public.
Jeeesus H Christ how thick as shit are our stoodents ?
Indoctrinated by marxist teechas ?
“‘I need to be more clued up’: Students quizzed at pro-Palestine protest reveal how little they know about Israel-Hamas conflict – and aren’t even aware that terror group launched bloody slaughter on October 7.
British students who were out protesting at a Pro-Palestine rally said they had ‘not seen anything that shows’ Hamas invaded Israel on October 7.
The two young women, who appear to be in their young twenties, were stopped at a protest march in London this month for a quick interview.
But despite holding up a home-made sign – complete with sketches and stickers – condemning the British government, the women admitted they weren’t sure about the Hamas attacks.
In a video shared to X – formerly Twitter – by Campaign Against Antisemitism, an interviewer stops the girls and asks: ‘When Hamas invaded Israel on the 7th October, what was your initial reaction to that?’
The girl on the left, holding the sign, replied: ‘I don’t believe they did, did they?’
Looking at her friend for reassurance, she asked: ‘Hamas?’
Her friend on the right replied: ‘I think so?’, lingering on her answer.
She continued: ‘Honestly I think I need to be a bit more clued up on everything that’s going on. So I feel like I’m not really qualified to answer that too well.’
Putting forward her views, the girl on the left then says: ‘I mean, I’m not sure if I’ve seen anything that shows that that’s actually happened or that’s correct’.
The camera filming then pans round to her home-made sign, with cut-out images and drawings, reading: ‘Rishi, Keir, U must be invertebrates cause ur spineless! Call 4 a ceasefire’.
A spokesperson for Campaign Against Antisemitism said: ‘This footage showcases the toxic combination of ignorance and support for terrorism that motivates too many of the protesters on these marches. ”
I don’t believe it Zephir,
I thought those students were going to be found to be ignorant of the 3 times The Palestinians refused a 2-state solution. Or that Jews were a Hebrew-speaking people of ancient Middle-Eastern origin.
Something like that. But last month!
“‘Hamas terrorists gang-raped Israeli woman before one shot her in the back of the head as he was still having sex with her’: Horrifying account revealed as police gather evidence of sex assaults during October 7 attack
Israeli police are collecting evidence to prosecute captured Hamas terrorists.
While gathering evidence, Lahav 433 also took testimony from a woman who said she witnessed the gang-rape and murder of another young woman.
Haaretz reports the witness told officers of how she watched the shocking attack unfold as she hid from Hamas gunmen wearing military uniforms.
‘As I am hiding, I see in the corner of my eye that [a terrorist] is raping her,’ the witness told investigators. ‘They bent her over and I realised they were raping her and simply passing her on to the next [gunman].’
The witness says the victim was ‘alive’ and ‘on her feet and bleeding from her back. But then the situation was that he was pulling her hair. She had long, brown hair.’
The woman told officers one of the Hamas gunmen ‘shot her in the head while he was raping her… didn’t even lift his pants’.
Her testimony has been reported in a number of Israeli news outlets. It was one of thousands of pieces of evidence gathered by the police.
Another male witness said he didn’t see the rape itself, but confirmed the other witness told him at the time what she had seen.
Until now, reports of sexual violence carried out by Hamas terrorists were based on testimonies from first responders, who arrived in settlements on October 7 in the aftermath of the attacks.
Once there, they said they found bodies of naked women, with signs of abuse.
Zaka rescue and recovery personnel, the ultra-Orthodox volunteer organisation that helped to retrieve and identify bodies, have detailed a number of atrocities, including sex attacks.”
All of those atrocities which are in no way comparable to what Israel are doing are now just ‘people killed by Hamas’ at the BBC.
They absolutely disgust me.
I’d like to correct the language used by the Daily Mail- the Hamas terrorist wasn’t having sex with the woman, he was raping her. Important distinction.
No 10 disowns Suella Braverman article attacking police over protests
‘Home Secretary Suella Braverman is facing questions about her future after defying Downing Street over an article accusing the police of bias.’
Is Suella Braverman facing the sack?
‘One of Labour’s favourite lines of criticism of Rishi Sunak is he is weak.
So can Mr Sunak let Suella Braverman get away with this?’
Here we go again. The BBC are using their usual dirty tricks now to get rid of another conservative who openly stands against their far-Left agenda.
And they are trying to force Sunak to do it by implying he should sack her but he’s too weak to do it.
I confidently predict they will now run a new headline every day to lay on the pressure.
It’s absolutely outrageous. How can this happen so many times and nobody with power will stand up against these far-Left activists ?. I can only presume they are cowards who are afraid they will be next.
It’s all because she said:
‘She claimed aggressive right-wing protesters were “rightly met with a stern response”, while “pro-Palestinian mobs” were “largely ignored”.’
That’s an even more trivial reason than what they used to get rid of Boris. And what makes it more ridiculous is that the BBC themselves accuse the police of far, far worse almost on a daily basis.
The BBC must be stopped. They are attempting to assasinate another duly elected politician they don’t like. They – and OFCOM – should be jailed for the damage they have done to this country.
Let’s hope the religion of peace give us a clear demonstration of how right Suella actually is this weekend. Though the BBC won’t report it of course because they are the most monumental of hypocrites.
Ya think? And it is the entire blob especially this harridan.
Former minister tells me: “Either she goes today or Sunday/Monday. First, it’s the insubordination, Second is the ministerial code. Everybody’s livid, there’s a lot of messaging of the chief whip saying enough is enough”
It’s all heresay. And Beff’s groupies don’t care.
TWatO Watch #1 – Exactly how many were ignored and how many included, Sarah?
The BBC Bashing Braverman Day continues and some information has been obtained (leaked to?) by the BBC. Suella Braverman did show a draft of her Times article to the PM’s office prior to publication and some changes were suggested by the PM or a CS or a SPAD in the Cabinet Office. We do not know the number of changes or their substantial nature but the Montacutie declines to tell us because it would spoil the BBC’s Bashing of Braverman or dilute it to the point of nothingness.
The news is about the BBC reporting on the news for the news not about the news but the news is the BBC – remember to watch strickly.
Rashid is waiting for a phone call from the Muslim Council of Britain after they decide Swellers fate.
Precisely. It is all ‘news’ by nudge, inference, unsubstantiated ‘quote’, etc…
As you say, no clue who in No. 10 saw what or suggested what.
What is the point of a raft of Ministers if things need approval by unelected spads running it by media editors when not leaning out a bog window taking photos for their BFFs?
Keir Starmer
Sometimes you have to be ruthless to be a good leader.
I changed the Labour Party. If I’m privileged enough to be given the opportunity, I’ll change the country too.
Great to speak to @Alex_Bilmes for @EsquireUK
#CCBGB And making points the ideological slime in media are incapable of.
Keir Starmer: It’s wrong to say ‘only women have a cervix’
Just because it’s wrong to say it (why?) doesn’t make it less true.
The disconnect between the blob and the people…
“I’ve read the Home Secretary’s article – it is irresponsible.”
Mayor of London Sadiq Khan tells #R4Today it’s not appropriate for Suella Braverman to be ‘actively intervening and influencing policing decisions’ after she accused the Met of bias over the Gaza marches.
“The prime minister couldn’t stop her, tried to stop her, didn’t agree with the things that she said, but has let her say them”
Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper says Rishi Sunak looks “really weak” after failing to take action against Suella Braverman
Both into BBC studios to trot out attack lines in a safe zone.
“Israel agrees to 4-hour daily pauses in Gaza fighting to allow civilians to flee, White House says”
Boston Herald
Is Suella Braverman facing the sack?
@ChrisMasonBBC examines the home secretary’s latest incendiary intervention and the resulting pressure being placed on Rishi Sunak
Khan has intervened every which way. Mason is an idiot.
‘Why is the right-wing media trying to terrify poppy sellers?’
‘It speaks of a country that is absolutely crackers.’
After British Transport Police said there is no risk,
@mrjamesob asks why the right-wing media is trying to terrify poppy sellers.
Mason is nothing to JO’bsworth.
Maybe they could go on ‘the march’ and when asked questions suddenly become giggly girls when facts arise.
And for miserable idiot girl…
Here’s the Israeli strategy writ large: accuse all of those you kill, from bakers to doctors to journalists, of being in league with Hamas. There’s no way they can prove their innocence, of course, because they’re already dead.
The journalists who colluded with Hamas are not dead, and the evidence against them is pretty damning
She is, of course, a tv studio fixture.
Totally disgusted with the way the BBC News website is dealing with Suella Braverman’s comments on the the bias in the Met today. Since when have Chris Mason and his leftwing colleagues had any love of the police? Only when they’re accurately criticised for being woke. The BBC has been determined to destroy Braverman’s career for a very long time.
My ideal scenario would be for this weak liberal government to lose the next election, followed by a period (hopefully brief) of a seriously damaging Labour government, which might bring the Conservative Party to its senses and elect Braverman as leader. As Prime Minister she’d be as effective as Thatcher at dealing with the leftwing mob that holds the reigns of power currently.
It just gets worse, the collusion with terrorists:
“Israel demands answers from CNN, Associated Press and Reuters over freelance photographers ’embedding’ with Hamas to cover October 7th attack: ‘These journalists were accomplices in crimes against humanity’
Eslaiah has filed photos for CNN and The Associated Press since October 7
Some show an Israeli tank being set on fire and ransacked by Hamas militants
Photo has now emerged of him with Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar ”
A BBC TNI partner iirc.