“‘The National Public Diplomacy Directorate in the PMO views with utmost gravity that photojournalists working with international media joined in covering the brutal acts of murder perpetrated by Hamas terrorists on October 7th in the communities adjacent to the Gaza Strip.
‘These journalists were accomplices in crimes against humanity; their actions were contrary to professional ethics.”
Murray telling it loud and clear, as usual.
Saying the sort of things the BBC wouldn’t dare, but everyone knows to be true.
He’s mad as hell and he’s not gonna take it anymore.
“Lock up big bearded fellas shouting Jihad”
(If possible, please watch on YouTube and ‘Like’ the YouTube clip to show support for him.)
It isn’t that the BBC wouldn’t dare to say the things that Douglas says , rather it’s that they don’t want to say them. The BBC prefers Muslims to Brits.
Reading the ‘opinions’of the latest Beeboid creation of fantasy by a bloke who should know better, I’d say that Langham Place is bracing itself for being as far wrong as it ever could be about the proposed mayhem this weekend!
Mrs Braverman doesn’t need to notice any of the leftie tittle-tattle they rely on in the BBC, she’s just gone out and said what most normal citizens of Great Britain are thinking. It’s going to be a bloodbath this weekend, and she knows it!
Of course, any feeble Beebolic narrative will try and undermine her authority, which to my mind is a darn sight more extensive that Sunka’s! (sorry – typo and keyboard now stuck – how sad, never mind).
BBC 6 pm tv news.
First carefully selected story. The synthetic furore over the Home Secretary accusing the Met of bias by allowing the pro-Palestinian marches. Sacrilege.
She may be wrong in law but let’s check out who supports and organises the pro-Palestinian matches.
And apologies for repeating points from earlier posts.
Even the BBC had to admit the police taking the knee for BLM protests was clearly biased.
And they even noted how hard the Cops came down on anti-vax demonstrations – as opposed to their attitude now.
So Braverman seems to have a point worthy of consideration.
It’s just that the BBC thinks it distinctly inconvenient.
And PS. Appalling laughable BBC bias. At 1815 Jeremy Bowen ‘interviews’ a Palestinian guy, who in Arabic, critics the UK for potentially preventing pro-Palestinian marches. What happened to freedom of speech he asks,
FFS. This on the main news of our impartial state broadcaster.
Next up. A review of life in Gaza over the last few weeks.
Relentless appalling bias.
Israel wasn’t allowed to affiliate with the Red Cross and Magen David Adam was formed. MDA runs the Israeli ambulance service and will take injured to hospital whatever their ethnicity.
I’ll share my experiences with the red cross if you’ll take a moment.
I used to contribute to “Help for Heroes” but stopped when Tommy Robinson did a walk through the occupied areas of London. He sent them around £5000, which they sent back as he doesn’t fit the correct savior mould. I like to contribute my bit, so I was pondering who to support, when…..
A chap rang my doorbell, and was collecting for the red cross. I invited him in, and said that if he had the bank form, I would donate £10 a month for 12 months. I don’t think he was expecting that sort of a welcome.
“However”, I said, “I will give you three strikes. If I get three calls asking for increased “Dig a little deeper, sir” payments, I will cancel. He nodded sagely and I remarked that he wasn’t making a note of this. He didn’t seem concerned.
Three weeks later, first “Could you afford £20?” I told the caller about my “three strikes” caveat, and he didn’t seem bothered. A few weeks later, I told the third caller the same, and then immediately cancelled the standing order.
I think they got £10 or £20 max. I continue to engage with callers and collectors on the street to explain why they aren’t getting a bean. I think my experience is typical. You reach a point where you are being made to feel guilty for not giving more and more.
“Chuggers” as a term seems out of fashion – they were getting cash bounties for each direct debit victim. So much so that a busking musician I know decided that chugging was more to his taste and a whole lot less work too…
It’s a real shame that the fakecharities.org collection of larcenous politicised scum didn’t last as it’s now needed more than ever.
New stories are SPUN
How come they spun the Armistice Day march thing to be focussed on the weird idea that the Home Secretary should not have the right to free speech ?
To me the focus should be whether the pro Hamas demonstrators right to free expression
(We cannot really call them pro Palestinian demonstrators cos people who care for them Palestinians don’t want Hamas , they want Hamas to surrender and release the hostages)
Anyway those demonstrators do have the same rights to expression as the rest of us
And those rights depend on not impacting others
If they go all over the cenotaph they are impacting others .
If they behave in a manner which is harassment they are impacting others .
The news focus should be on them staying away from the location and staying away from the time. And whether they are trying to force some kind of takeover of London and Britain
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – guess what the BBC do not mention, what is missing from this article?
I looked through this article for the name of of the radio/TV station that Boris Johnson made his interview with Nadine Dorries into an attack on the PM, Rishi Sunak, that has got the BBC licking their lips and smiling.
@Up2snuff, Surely you mean TalkTV cos that is where Nadine Dorries works
Actually seems to me that there wasn’t a TV interview with Boris
but rather she interviewed him for her book
Then today she has been on BBC and all MSM talking about it.
It’s possible that the next few days will reveal whether the unholy alliance of islamo-fascism and Far-Left has overreached itself and finally, finally, provoked a pushback from the too-long silent majority; or that the said alliance has won, and the normal, patriotic conservative majority are cowed into obsequious acquiescence, aided and abetted by politicians, police and of course the BBC.
In my part of Londonistan the local Christian churches are encouraging parishioners to attend a ‘Vigil for peace and a ceasefire’. Note that. Ceasefire. We all know what that implies.
It’s to show ‘solidarity with the local community’ apparently. Their words.
There you have it. The Church of England is anti-Semitic and supports Islam.
They are signing their own death warrant and are too stupid to realise it.
When Archbishop Welby became the Archbishop, he thought his father had been Jewish. I could feel his relief when he discovered otherwise. One look in the mirror should have told him that no Jewish blood flowed through his veins.
They would rather dance around tea lights singing Kumbyah than say anything that might ‘give offence’ , in the hope that the crocodile will eat them last
“My son,” said the Norman Baron, “I am dying, and you will be heir
To all the broad acres in England that William gave me for share
When he conquered the Saxon at Hastings, and a nice little handful it is.
But before you go over to rule it I want you to understand this:–
“The Saxon is not like us Normans. His manners are not so polite.
But he never means anything serious till he talks about justice and right.
When he stands like an ox in the furrow – with his sullen set eyes on your own,
And grumbles, ‘This isn’t fair dealing,’ my son, leave the Saxon alone.
“You can horsewhip your Gascony archers, or torture your Picardy spears;
But don’t try that game on the Saxon; you’ll have the whole brood round your ears.
From the richest old Thane in the county to the poorest chained serf in the field,
They’ll be at you and on you like hornets, and, if you are wise, you will yield.
“But first you must master their language, their dialect, proverbs and songs.
Don’t trust any clerk to interpret when they come with the tale of their wrongs.
Let them know that you know what they’re saying; let them feel that you know what to say.
Yes, even when you want to go hunting, hear ’em out if it takes you all day.
They’ll drink every hour of the daylight and poach every hour of the dark.
It’s the sport not the rabbits they’re after (we’ve plenty of game in the park).
Don’t hang them or cut off their fingers. That’s wasteful as well as unkind,
For a hard-bitten, South-country poacher makes the best man-at-arms you can find.
“Appear with your wife and the children at their weddings and funerals and feasts.
Be polite but not friendly to Bishops; be good to all poor parish priests.
Say ‘we,’ ‘us’ and ‘ours’ when you’re talking, instead of ‘you fellows’ and ‘I.’
Don’t ride over seeds; keep your temper; and never you tell ’em a lie!”
Thanks – msrky – what happened to your Barry gardiner Chinese bribe thing ?
Mr fox is right of course – if the reckoning doesn’t come soon – it will come later ….
Westminster is this week reeling from the news that a British citizen working as a parliamentary researcher for MPs is under arrest on suspicion of spying for Beijing. Two men, one in his 20s and another in his 30s, were arrested under the Official Secrets Act in March, police confirmed, after the news was reported in the Sunday Times.
There is a Stop the War coalition. You will see them on Saturday.
But my memory is not what it used to be. So try as I might I just do not remember a Stop the War demo against the mass murder of 1400 Israeli civilians by Hamas a few weeks ago.
Was there one but the BBC did not cover it?
Maybe Stop the War does not extend to demonstrating agains attacks on Jews.
Or maybe there exists a Start the War coalition and it is they that demonstrated shortly after the Hamas terrorist attacks.
I do wish the BBC would enlighten me. But all their correspondents seem to be holed up in Gaza reporting on each and every injury to anybody especially children………..
2017 … not so long ago … FIFA lifts ban on poppies on football kits
The footballing body releases new guidance that means home nations can carry the flower on their shirts to mark Armistice Day.
Isn’t it strange that all the left wing commentators agree that the police do not favour the left and are fair to both right and left.
These must be the same people that think the bbbc is impartial.
I had an email from John Lewis inviting me to use a link to get an early preview of the advert. I think this was only 24 hours before general release. I am not so short of things to do that watching an advert’early’ is a treat. Or that stupid.
“The horrors of Hamas laid bare: Israel screens horrific footage of October 7th atrocity to journalists in NYC – as Consul General says: ‘After 9/11, no one told the US to restrain itself. We will not restrain ourselves'”
“BBC boss admits mistakes over coverage of Middle East conflict at synagogue talk, as he concedes there are ‘dangers and risks’ to Jewish community from its inaccuracies”
The BBC seems to be using the same method to cancel the Home Secretary as they did with Boris nut nut Johnson – ‘calls for he replacement ‘ was now led for 2 0r 3 News cycles .
Killing her political career is clearly more important than what is happening in Gaza or indeed Ukraine – or anywhere else .
Maybe if the bbc gets her fired the blue Labour Party will split and a Conservative Party come out of it – leaving thr lefties in blue to be destroyed at the next election .
if a real Conservative Party forms at least we will get a real choice with different views and beliefs ….
As for plod – a dangerous lefty organisation now used to suppress anyone unapproved …. Third world indeed
I rather hope that Suella Braverman, and some other like-minded heavyweights in the Conservative party will be eventual members of Reform.
Of course, we’ll have to put up with several years of Starmer on the fence between No10 and Horseguards, but when they do get kicked out for sheer incompetence and even more economical mis-management, we’ll probably have a three-way split and a decent normal government.
Then the awful BBC won’t know whether to have a s**t or a haircut!
Toady 2
I’ve been listening to Today for over half hour – I think it needs to be renamed as ‘the sack suella braverman show ‘ with comrade Robinson in his vile hangman role – just for fun …
Quite Fed ; As I predicted yesterday, it’s now a daily onslaught by the BBC until the pressure on Braverman becomes so great, she has to resign just so they can carry on government. They’ve done is several times now.
And of course all the other Leftists hacks hang on to the BBC headlines to run their own anti-Tory rhetoric.
Who have they dug up to say is pushing the PM to sack her ?
‘former Tory attorney general Dominic Grieve thinks her position is untenable.’.
While being interviewed by BBC newsnight where I’m quite certain the questions were loaded.
Grieve – lest we forget – was a Liberal and tried his very hardest to sabotage Brexit. As a result, our ‘democracy’ meant he was booted out from his seat. He’s not even a member of Parliament.
So why do the BBC think what he says is cause for a front-page headline ?.
This is absolutely outrageous abuse of power AGAIN by the rotten BBC. One can only hope this period of extreme political bias will result in their destruction and reform of OFCOM who are even worse as they are supposed to be regulating them against their charter.
It’s a sign of how complete the takeover of the MSM by the Left now is. The BBC should be under a lot of fire for what they are doing.
Thing is, John, what havoc could Braverman bring to the back benches in the House? She really could cost the Conservatives the next Election. And if Rishi resigns as a defeated leader would be expected to do, will Braverman stand in a leadership Election?
Reversed America sneezes – they’re going to love LTNs and ULEZs aren’t they?
the elite push to end middle class vehicle ownership is less about protecting the environment and more about what a car represents to the average person. it’s an affordable luxury that provides escape as well as an extension of one’s autonomy. moving freely scares them. https://t.co/rA456ljvlE
Watch 3,000 Jews and Muslims sing together, just five years ago—the music, and their spirit, reassuring us that we (who want to live in peace) SHALL overcome
“Long term Biden family benefactor” gets Kyiv gig”
Just to put a face to the name of fat cat John Hynansky .. here he is with the crown prince of Euromaiden and the @CIA's guy in Kiev, @Vitaliy_Klychko. https://t.co/vXYbTldflY
Ep. 38 The First Amendment is done. Douglass Mackey is about to go to prison for mocking Hillary Clinton on the internet. We talked to him right before his sentencing. Remember as you watch that this could be you.
‘Boris laid the foundations of Tory failure.
His arrogance is absolutely astonishing.
Removed from office = sacked.
A liar and a cheat.’
365 upticks, 37 downticks.
Totally out of kilter to normal BBC HYS comments. 100% left-wing troll farm engaged and considering the BBC are trying to discredit him now he’s going to GB News, I’m now certain the BBC are complicit in getting these comments trolled.
The BBC have been transforming into a wannabe fascist state information controller – but the progress seems to be accelerating.
…. and helped by the prints. BBC still Bashing Braverman. Nick Robinson observes that a majority in the country feel that Suella Braverman is correct in her observations about the Police. Those of us without dementia or memory loss can remember all those ‘reports’ into the Police Forces in the UK: sexist, racist and homophobic to say nothing of the murder of Sarah Everard by a serving officer.
Suella Braverman is quite correct in her views of the Police Forces of the UK.
Toady. Friday morning.
The BBC attack dogs are out again to get Suella who has committed the cardinal sin of saying what we all think.
Pro-Palestinian. No interference.
Extinction Rebellion. Protect the pink boat not the public.
Just Stop Oil. Lazily wait around and do nothing.
BLM . Take the knee.
Walk round a lake with a coffee during covid. Get arrested.
Tommy Robinson, Get him off the streets.
…..and don’t, whatever you do, say hurty words like ‘Go back to Bahrain’ or comment on gay or trans or BAME issues.
Then you will feel the full force of the law.
The BBC Moaning Emole, subbed by the inevitable blonde bimbo headlined…
Is Suella (that would be the Home Sec, love) facing the sack?
PM pushed to sack Braverman over protest stance
It was the lead story in yesterday’s newsletter and it rumbles on today. Rishi Sunak is under pressure to sack his Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, who has accused the Metropolitan Police of being biased in the way they deal with protests. In an article in The Times – which hadn’t been cleared by Downing Street – Ms Braverman claimed aggressive right-wing protesters were “rightly met with a stern response”, while “pro-Palestinian mobs” were “largely ignored”. Get the background to the row and some analysis from our political editor Chris Mason.
Quick guide to Suella Braverman
A classic bbc hit para.
It was the ‘lead story’ because…the bbc and Labour want it to be.
It ‘rumbles on’ for the same reason.
Sunak is ‘under pressure’ from the BBC and Labour. And mystery Tories cited by Beff.
Since when do articles need to be cleared by a building?*
‘Claim’ that is not a claim and easily verified.
‘Analysis’ from a Mason 😂
*And a guide around a person.
The Tories deserve all they get for letting this poisonous entity get away with this.
And how much will this cost the taxpayer to let racist chanting immmigrants, socialists and marxists run riot for yet another weekend ?
“Police to form Armistice Day ‘ring of steel’: Met chiefs cancel leave, extend overtime and draft in 1,000 more officers from across Britain to quash any hint of trouble around minute’s silence and protests”
What we can say for certainty is that the costs of this circus will not be factored in when the media and politicians drone on about the economical benefits (sic) of mass immigration. As with any mafia, the accounts have to be carefully managed and kept away from prying eyes.
“Liz Philips, the organiser of the Great Resist Conference due to be held on Saturday, alerted me last night that the Holiday Inn in Liverpool had cancelled the booking with less than three days to go. The management said hosting the conference would might make them ‘appear to take sides on political matters’.
Well it looks very much as if they have taken sides with an activist group that has been campaigning against the Conference, an outfit called Liverpool Against Hate with its 524 followers.”
New wet Tory broom for the home office, after Suella’s brush with the law edition
“You’re a Braverman than I am, Gunga Din”
Is how Mr AsI likes to mock Rishi Sunak’s attitude toward his home secretary, apologies due to Rudyard Kipling of course.
We tend to associate underhand, behind the scenes political machinations and subtle manoeuvring of the type exposed of late by Nadine Dorries with the name Machiavelli, the sixteenth century Italian dipolmat and author. These days there are political pundits who speak of 4D chess: If someone is described as playing 4D chess, that means they are incredibly smart and making political moves that cannot be understood by ordinary people. (Linguaholic.com)
The none too brain-taxing subtle assumed device in this case being our squishy Rishi Blairite Tories – running the country as a side gig, meanwhile busy selling England by the Pound (as prog rock Genesis would have it back in 1973): Wm Hill in US crosshairs… US betting group DraftKings discussed a bid… (FT); Data challenge for Hunt… Productivity has barely grown since the financial crisis, figures show… (FT) – just to keep the natives (that’s us) quiet the Tories enjoy having just the one right-leaning conservative spokesperson in post as a distraction for us plebs.
And our left-leaning media together with the compliant vaguely right-leaning media, such as it is, fall for this pantomime trick every time.
4D chess? Our media pretend we can’t even think in two dimensions.
No 10 disowns Suella Braverman article attacking police over protests (BBC)
Let’s just remind ourselves of the Braverman original sin, so to speak.
Giveaway corporate ad-sheet the Metro is our BBC’s top pick for their online press line-up, and it naturally, reflexively, attacks the Tory fall guy with their scare quote screamer: ‘Give Suella marching orders’ – that will be the freebie rag meanwhile offering: Win £1,000 every day this week… Simply name the advertiser on page 3 of today’s Metro… enter by lunchtime today… You can enter by text, by phone or by ordinary post – ordinary post, by lunchtime… how will that work? But we digress.
Credit where credit is due – the Metro does spell out for us the true thing our Braverman ought not to have said out loud: …she claimed the police were ‘playing favourites’ by allowing a pro-Palestinian march to go ahead on Armistice Day… Met chief Sit Mark Rowley would be tougher on a right wing protest – and even policing of football fans was harsher than ‘politically connected minority groups favoured by the left’ (Metro)
Well, we say she ought not to have said it – but in the 4D chess scenario she has licence to say it.
Let’s take a breather with a quick Calm Down Dear
Lorraine Kelly on her PTSD (Telegraph)
Yep, she’s had it hard, up there with: Incredible story of SAS founder ‘Gentleman’ Jim (Daily Express)
So I suppose we’ll need to run through a summery of two-dimentional headline takes on the Braverman 4D game play
The Labour-curious formerly patriotic Times can’t seem to see the red raw meat offering through the trees in their forest of Keir Starmer interviews: Braverman’s fate in balance… Future of home secretary in doubt as row erupts over ‘unapproved’ article attacking police – interesting that the word unapproved got the scare quotes, eh?
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper – our pound shop junior Guardian (by the way, has a foreign consortium put in a bid of a dollar for the Poundshop yet?) habitually enjoys taking a peculiar pseudo-Tory stance in their headlines.
Tories accuse home secretary of fuelling UK far-right anger – was yesterday’s claim – no names no pack drill for these so-called Tories, obviously. Today, similarly there’s a dramatic pseudo-Tory POV construction: Sack me if you dare: Braverman defies PM’s authority… Senior Tories accuse Sunak of being ‘weak’ if he fails to sack… Two ministers tell ‘i’… ‘She has to go’
Pause for an anti-family feature care of the Times: ‘I’ve found life interesting without being a mother’ Harriet Walter (Times2) – it’s almost a pity when they pass up a golden opportunity for a despite: ‘I’ve found life interesting, despite not being a mother’
“Making Your Mind Up” was a song by the British pop group Bucks Fizz. It was the winner of the 1981 Eurovision Song Contest
The Rishi lackey loyalist rag the Daily Express (formerly patriotic for Ukraine but now having struck the blue and yellow colours from the masthead and apparently no longer United With The People Of Ukraine) frets in sympathy with their man’s (in fact he’s just a manlet) supposed dilemma: Suella’s future teeters on the brink (Express)
Occasional but mainly sleepy conservative Daily Telegraph notices: Sunak faces calls to sack Braverman
Time for some music – or not – in this case: Yoko Ono’s best songs Ranked!– exclaims the Guardian – and, as they say, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
Pressure grows on Sunak to sack Braverman over clash with police (Guardian)
The Daily Mail decides there’s some mileage in the opposite point of view: Come for Suella and you come for us all
The Labour-supporting Mirror tries to square the circle with some of what George Orwell termed double-think: They fought and died for our freedom… freedom of speech and thought… and protest. To Suella Braverman… how dare you try to take that away (Mirror)
Lockdown compliant Mirror can’t see sense in the Palestine protests taking one day off?
Nice to see the Mirror come out strongly defending the rights of far-leftists and recent immigrants to brandish foreign flags through our steets and chant anti-semetic slogans each and every weekend – even on our semi-sacred Armistice Day
Respect – is the Mirror’s shouty headline. Which only serves to put me in mind of the catchphrase of Sacha Baron Cohen’s comic creation Ali G.
And we’ll close with a PR agent’s bad dayat the office
Not just assault, punching his girlfriend in the face.
“Staff at the £200-a-night four-star Kimpton Angler’s Hotel called police when Andrea walked through reception with a bloodied nose after a night out.”
After thinking about it – although braverman was right to highlight the left bias of plod – so often illustrated here- I think her timing was wrong .
This is because what ever the Hamas mob do or say on Saturday / Sunday- the blame will be put on her and deflected from our enemy .
As for examples of kidults demonstrating with little or no knowledge of Hamas Gaza – was it ever thus – it’s the group think developed at school and carried on into the bbc – education – other non jobs where it is the only acceptable view ….
I think such a weekend is horribly tainted by where we are – and often think all that sacrifice and loss really might not have been worth it …..
Just think – if we had stayed out of the Great War – they’d not have been a second one …
I know that some of the contributors on this website
don’t pay their TV tax. BUT for the millions of us that do.
Is about time that the BBC were told that we will not
accept them being the media outlet in the UK for Hamas.
And if they don’t stop it. We will STOP our direct debits
to them!!
This one had ‘Elephant in the room’ written all over it so I took a look ..
Sure enough we start with a reference to the Nazis.
‘He was speaking at an event to mark the anniversary of the November pogroms of 1938, sometimes known as “Kristallnacht.”‘
‘There is real anguish in Germany, rooted in its past, that Jewish people don’t feel safe.’
Have you ever seen a pictures on the BBC of a demonstration which have so obviously been picked because of how little they shows the demonstrators ?
The REAL story here is that these attacks on Jews have nothing whatsoever to do with Nazis. They are a result of the mass immigration of Muslims. And that point is never mentioned once.
The whole point of the article seems to be criticising Germany for not speaking out against the Jews!!.
Another epic FAIL of the honesty of the BBC.
Let’s see who wrote it:
No surprise there whatsoever. The BBC are now 100% left-wing activists.
Excellent post, JohnC, if I may so. It is a wonderful example of a post that perfectly highlights BBC bias using evidence, analysis and insight. Exactly what the creators of this site must have envisioned, I imagine. Must try and keep my posts so sharply focussed instead of drifting off into abstract realms and irrelevant tangents.
Well, George Soros should be pleased. Open society/open borders etc:
Hezbollah is really burning down all the monitoring stations, leaving the border completely open. Two decades of construction, 10s of billions of dollars, completely gone. pic.twitter.com/dNOVwH6fg1
(3:12) The Hillary Clinton meme
(4:20) Hillary’s reaction
(6:38) FBI raid
Mackey is currently raising funds for his appeal.
Ep. 38 The First Amendment is done. Douglass Mackey is about to go to prison for mocking Hillary Clinton on the internet. We talked to him right before his sentencing. Remember as you watch that this could be you.
I’ve heard the pratt Bowen refer to, “The Laws of War” and the IDF failures to comply. Often. So, the IDF needs to comply with the, ‘Laws of War’ and, as a corollary, Hamas needs to comply with – um – the……….’Rules of Terrorism'(?) and neer the twain shall meet.
RepJamesComer issued additional subpoenas to:
Hunter Biden’s Business Associates
◾️ Eric Schwerin
◾️ Mervyn Yan
Hunter’s Art Gallerist
◾️ George Bergès
Hunter’s Art Patron & Major Dem Donor
◾️ Elizabeth Naftali
In addition, Chairman Comer requested a transcribed interview with a
former Americore Holdings, LLC representative regarding “loans” the
Bidens received.
🚨 BREAKING 🚨@RepJamesComer issued additional subpoenas to:
Hunter Biden's Business Associates ◾️ Eric Schwerin ◾️ Mervyn Yan
Hunter's Art Gallerist ◾️ George Bergès
Hunter’s Art Patron & Major Dem Donor ◾️ Elizabeth Naftali
atlas_shruggedMar 14, 04:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 The implosion in Reform is the stuff of worst nightmares, almost as though there are hidden dirty trick forces at…
atlas_shruggedMar 14, 04:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 > remit of liaising with the authorities over Muslim issues. And all because they are special. Which reminds me of…
tomoMar 13, 23:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Wrong costume…. https://twitter.com/truckdriverpleb/status/1899844358599311702
tomoMar 13, 22:57 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/ripx4nutmeg/status/1900276204302729699 [img]https://i.ibb.co/XxHFRP5W/chrome-lvnbs-Ino-Da.png[/img]
tomoMar 13, 22:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/ripx4nutmeg/status/1900276204302729699
JonathanRMar 13, 22:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 The BBC mentioned in this interesting interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtS14ZO8Q-E&ab_channel=CBNNews
ZephirMar 13, 21:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 Claiming confusion regarding “carrots and sticks” is no defense.
Lefty WrightMar 13, 20:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 Al I had no idea that there were so many bricklayers,carpenters, plumbers etc.etc. among our Labour MPs. OK boys, girls…
“‘The National Public Diplomacy Directorate in the PMO views with utmost gravity that photojournalists working with international media joined in covering the brutal acts of murder perpetrated by Hamas terrorists on October 7th in the communities adjacent to the Gaza Strip.
‘These journalists were accomplices in crimes against humanity; their actions were contrary to professional ethics.”
CCTV shows Tom Daley’s husband Dustin Lance Black in nightclub scuffle
Can anybody explain to me why the BBC consider this complete non-story to warrant a SECOND front-page headline ?.
What kind of idiots are in charge there now ?. Defund and sack the lot of them. What a joke.
Murray telling it loud and clear, as usual.
Saying the sort of things the BBC wouldn’t dare, but everyone knows to be true.
He’s mad as hell and he’s not gonna take it anymore.
“Lock up big bearded fellas shouting Jihad”
(If possible, please watch on YouTube and ‘Like’ the YouTube clip to show support for him.)
Sometimes I get frustrated and go about the streets with my fist in the air shouting
“inner struggle! inner struggle!
We’ve all been there, Lucy.
Just the other day, I thought I’d really like to inner struggle some of those terrorists.
It isn’t that the BBC wouldn’t dare to say the things that Douglas says , rather it’s that they don’t want to say them. The BBC prefers Muslims to Brits.
6pm bbc news
1 braverman and biased plod
2 Mac Donald’s employment tribunal
3 ?
4? I’d switched off – bored with Ukraine BBC ? Bored with Gaza ? Need a new war ?
Reading the ‘opinions’of the latest Beeboid creation of fantasy by a bloke who should know better, I’d say that Langham Place is bracing itself for being as far wrong as it ever could be about the proposed mayhem this weekend!
Mrs Braverman doesn’t need to notice any of the leftie tittle-tattle they rely on in the BBC, she’s just gone out and said what most normal citizens of Great Britain are thinking. It’s going to be a bloodbath this weekend, and she knows it!
Of course, any feeble Beebolic narrative will try and undermine her authority, which to my mind is a darn sight more extensive that Sunka’s! (sorry – typo and keyboard now stuck – how sad, never mind).
BBC 6 pm tv news.
First carefully selected story. The synthetic furore over the Home Secretary accusing the Met of bias by allowing the pro-Palestinian marches. Sacrilege.
She may be wrong in law but let’s check out who supports and organises the pro-Palestinian matches.
And apologies for repeating points from earlier posts.
Palestine Solidarity Campaign.
NB this website went through a very unusual security check
Stop the War Coalition
Socialist Worker
Mmmmm. Not exactly politically impartial!
Even the BBC had to admit the police taking the knee for BLM protests was clearly biased.
And they even noted how hard the Cops came down on anti-vax demonstrations – as opposed to their attitude now.
So Braverman seems to have a point worthy of consideration.
It’s just that the BBC thinks it distinctly inconvenient.
And PS. Appalling laughable BBC bias. At 1815 Jeremy Bowen ‘interviews’ a Palestinian guy, who in Arabic, critics the UK for potentially preventing pro-Palestinian marches. What happened to freedom of speech he asks,
FFS. This on the main news of our impartial state broadcaster.
Next up. A review of life in Gaza over the last few weeks.
Relentless appalling bias.
What the F has got into The Red Cross?
Red Cross – Red Crescent!
Israel wasn’t allowed to affiliate with the Red Cross and Magen David Adam was formed. MDA runs the Israeli ambulance service and will take injured to hospital whatever their ethnicity.
I’ve read some personal accounts of Magen David Adam treating injured Lebanese and Syrians.
Greta Thunberg I guess
Hopefully more folks are realising that they are businesses not charities, with political aims
I’ll share my experiences with the red cross if you’ll take a moment.
I used to contribute to “Help for Heroes” but stopped when Tommy Robinson did a walk through the occupied areas of London. He sent them around £5000, which they sent back as he doesn’t fit the correct savior mould. I like to contribute my bit, so I was pondering who to support, when…..
A chap rang my doorbell, and was collecting for the red cross. I invited him in, and said that if he had the bank form, I would donate £10 a month for 12 months. I don’t think he was expecting that sort of a welcome.
“However”, I said, “I will give you three strikes. If I get three calls asking for increased “Dig a little deeper, sir” payments, I will cancel. He nodded sagely and I remarked that he wasn’t making a note of this. He didn’t seem concerned.
Three weeks later, first “Could you afford £20?” I told the caller about my “three strikes” caveat, and he didn’t seem bothered. A few weeks later, I told the third caller the same, and then immediately cancelled the standing order.
I think they got £10 or £20 max. I continue to engage with callers and collectors on the street to explain why they aren’t getting a bean. I think my experience is typical. You reach a point where you are being made to feel guilty for not giving more and more.
Greed, I think it’s called.
“Chuggers” as a term seems out of fashion – they were getting cash bounties for each direct debit victim. So much so that a busking musician I know decided that chugging was more to his taste and a whole lot less work too…
It’s a real shame that the fakecharities.org collection of larcenous politicised scum didn’t last as it’s now needed more than ever.
BBC headline:
“The Home Secretary is facing questions about her future over her incendiary article about protests.”
“Incendiary”, BBC? Is that a fact or your opinion?
Incendiary to beeboids, perhaps, but perfectly reasonable to the majority of the country.
New stories are SPUN
How come they spun the Armistice Day march thing to be focussed on the weird idea that the Home Secretary should not have the right to free speech ?
To me the focus should be whether the pro Hamas demonstrators right to free expression
(We cannot really call them pro Palestinian demonstrators cos people who care for them Palestinians don’t want Hamas , they want Hamas to surrender and release the hostages)
Anyway those demonstrators do have the same rights to expression as the rest of us
And those rights depend on not impacting others
If they go all over the cenotaph they are impacting others .
If they behave in a manner which is harassment they are impacting others .
The news focus should be on them staying away from the location and staying away from the time. And whether they are trying to force some kind of takeover of London and Britain
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – guess what the BBC do not mention, what is missing from this article?
I looked through this article for the name of of the radio/TV station that Boris Johnson made his interview with Nadine Dorries into an attack on the PM, Rishi Sunak, that has got the BBC licking their lips and smiling.
Funny, no mention of GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News, GB News that I can see.
Good, it shows the BBC are scared of GB News’ growing popularity.
Can GB News sue for non-attribution of sources?
Sadly if GBN gets too popular the BBC will get their friends and ex employees over at OFCOM to close it down.
@Up2snuff, Surely you mean TalkTV cos that is where Nadine Dorries works
Actually seems to me that there wasn’t a TV interview with Boris
but rather she interviewed him for her book
Then today she has been on BBC and all MSM talking about it.
This hatey propaganda account has 230K followers
It’s possible that the next few days will reveal whether the unholy alliance of islamo-fascism and Far-Left has overreached itself and finally, finally, provoked a pushback from the too-long silent majority; or that the said alliance has won, and the normal, patriotic conservative majority are cowed into obsequious acquiescence, aided and abetted by politicians, police and of course the BBC.
from order-order.com … no Christian population for 1400+ raped kids …. doused in petrol … Bradford City of Satanic Verses Burning … HA HA HA HA
The latter I fear.
In my part of Londonistan the local Christian churches are encouraging parishioners to attend a ‘Vigil for peace and a ceasefire’. Note that. Ceasefire. We all know what that implies.
It’s to show ‘solidarity with the local community’ apparently. Their words.
There you have it. The Church of England is anti-Semitic and supports Islam.
They are signing their own death warrant and are too stupid to realise it.
When Archbishop Welby became the Archbishop, he thought his father had been Jewish. I could feel his relief when he discovered otherwise. One look in the mirror should have told him that no Jewish blood flowed through his veins.
‘There you have it. The Church of England is anti-Semitic and supports Islam’
I wonder what Jesus, a Jewish preacher, would think about that.
Is the Church anti Jesus?
They would rather dance around tea lights singing Kumbyah than say anything that might ‘give offence’ , in the hope that the crocodile will eat them last
Norman and Saxon
A.D. 1100
“My son,” said the Norman Baron, “I am dying, and you will be heir
To all the broad acres in England that William gave me for share
When he conquered the Saxon at Hastings, and a nice little handful it is.
But before you go over to rule it I want you to understand this:–
“The Saxon is not like us Normans. His manners are not so polite.
But he never means anything serious till he talks about justice and right.
When he stands like an ox in the furrow – with his sullen set eyes on your own,
And grumbles, ‘This isn’t fair dealing,’ my son, leave the Saxon alone.
“You can horsewhip your Gascony archers, or torture your Picardy spears;
But don’t try that game on the Saxon; you’ll have the whole brood round your ears.
From the richest old Thane in the county to the poorest chained serf in the field,
They’ll be at you and on you like hornets, and, if you are wise, you will yield.
“But first you must master their language, their dialect, proverbs and songs.
Don’t trust any clerk to interpret when they come with the tale of their wrongs.
Let them know that you know what they’re saying; let them feel that you know what to say.
Yes, even when you want to go hunting, hear ’em out if it takes you all day.
They’ll drink every hour of the daylight and poach every hour of the dark.
It’s the sport not the rabbits they’re after (we’ve plenty of game in the park).
Don’t hang them or cut off their fingers. That’s wasteful as well as unkind,
For a hard-bitten, South-country poacher makes the best man-at-arms you can find.
“Appear with your wife and the children at their weddings and funerals and feasts.
Be polite but not friendly to Bishops; be good to all poor parish priests.
Say ‘we,’ ‘us’ and ‘ours’ when you’re talking, instead of ‘you fellows’ and ‘I.’
Don’t ride over seeds; keep your temper; and never you tell ’em a lie!”
Kipling fan eh?
Ha! I only started appreciating him after … Manchester students deface poem by ‘racist’ Kipling
Published 19 July 2018
Other poems are available ..
He does write exceedingly good poems.
“The Law when not applied equally is not the Law, it is a political weapon….”
Thanks – msrky – what happened to your Barry gardiner Chinese bribe thing ?
Mr fox is right of course – if the reckoning doesn’t come soon – it will come later ….
Errr Fedup2 – nothing happend – Barry say he very naughty boy and let’s move on and get an Chinese…errr… Islamic … errr Labour Government in …..
Shock and recriminations as Chinese spy scandal rocks UK parliament
Rishi Sunak under pressure to toughen stance on Beijing.
Westminster is this week reeling from the news that a British citizen working as a parliamentary researcher for MPs is under arrest on suspicion of spying for Beijing. Two men, one in his 20s and another in his 30s, were arrested under the Official Secrets Act in March, police confirmed, after the news was reported in the Sunday Times.
King Charles wore a black poppy. Well, of course he did: nothing too woke or stupid for Charles.
Incredible – beyond surprise really – another waster – at least he won’t be on their throne too long …he sounded old delivering the sunak speech …
He could wear a black tampon
There is a Stop the War coalition. You will see them on Saturday.
But my memory is not what it used to be. So try as I might I just do not remember a Stop the War demo against the mass murder of 1400 Israeli civilians by Hamas a few weeks ago.
Was there one but the BBC did not cover it?
Maybe Stop the War does not extend to demonstrating agains attacks on Jews.
Or maybe there exists a Start the War coalition and it is they that demonstrated shortly after the Hamas terrorist attacks.
I do wish the BBC would enlighten me. But all their correspondents seem to be holed up in Gaza reporting on each and every injury to anybody especially children………..
2017 … not so long ago … FIFA lifts ban on poppies on football kits
The footballing body releases new guidance that means home nations can carry the flower on their shirts to mark Armistice Day.
By Philip Whiteside, News Reporter
Monday 25 September 2017 09:21, UK
The war in Gaza has so drained the BBC political machine that we have been spared the usual level of climate crisis propaganda for the last few weeks.
But you can’t keep a bad organisation down. So on the webshite front page tonight we have the following headline.
Lightning fires threaten planet-cooling forests
They are just totally desperate.
Isn’t it strange that all the left wing commentators agree that the police do not favour the left and are fair to both right and left.
These must be the same people that think the bbbc is impartial.
John Lewis Christmas ad….
If they want to destroy Christmas for Christian children why do they even bother to join in to use it as a money spinner?
Why not instead just push Ramadan instead which is where they are really headed?
I had an email from John Lewis inviting me to use a link to get an early preview of the advert. I think this was only 24 hours before general release. I am not so short of things to do that watching an advert’early’ is a treat. Or that stupid.
Nadine Dorries basically calls Nick Robinson an effing liar for the way he tried to explain the gotcha line he tried to use at the end of his interview with her
.. https://twitter.com/NadineDorries/status/1722685773730693157
He talked aboiut Gold Wallpaper in Downing St
when he knows damn well there’s never been any gold wallpaper.
“The horrors of Hamas laid bare: Israel screens horrific footage of October 7th atrocity to journalists in NYC – as Consul General says: ‘After 9/11, no one told the US to restrain itself. We will not restrain ourselves'”
No sh@t Sherlock:
“BBC boss admits mistakes over coverage of Middle East conflict at synagogue talk, as he concedes there are ‘dangers and risks’ to Jewish community from its inaccuracies”
The BBC seems to be using the same method to cancel the Home Secretary as they did with Boris nut nut Johnson – ‘calls for he replacement ‘ was now led for 2 0r 3 News cycles .
Killing her political career is clearly more important than what is happening in Gaza or indeed Ukraine – or anywhere else .
Maybe if the bbc gets her fired the blue Labour Party will split and a Conservative Party come out of it – leaving thr lefties in blue to be destroyed at the next election .
if a real Conservative Party forms at least we will get a real choice with different views and beliefs ….
As for plod – a dangerous lefty organisation now used to suppress anyone unapproved …. Third world indeed
I rather hope that Suella Braverman, and some other like-minded heavyweights in the Conservative party will be eventual members of Reform.
Of course, we’ll have to put up with several years of Starmer on the fence between No10 and Horseguards, but when they do get kicked out for sheer incompetence and even more economical mis-management, we’ll probably have a three-way split and a decent normal government.
Then the awful BBC won’t know whether to have a s**t or a haircut!
Toady 2
I’ve been listening to Today for over half hour – I think it needs to be renamed as ‘the sack suella braverman show ‘ with comrade Robinson in his vile hangman role – just for fun …
… it’s pretty sickening stuff really -off switch
Quite Fed ; As I predicted yesterday, it’s now a daily onslaught by the BBC until the pressure on Braverman becomes so great, she has to resign just so they can carry on government. They’ve done is several times now.
And of course all the other Leftists hacks hang on to the BBC headlines to run their own anti-Tory rhetoric.
Suella Braverman: PM pushed to sack home secretary over protest stance
Who have they dug up to say is pushing the PM to sack her ?
‘former Tory attorney general Dominic Grieve thinks her position is untenable.’.
While being interviewed by BBC newsnight where I’m quite certain the questions were loaded.
Grieve – lest we forget – was a Liberal and tried his very hardest to sabotage Brexit. As a result, our ‘democracy’ meant he was booted out from his seat. He’s not even a member of Parliament.
So why do the BBC think what he says is cause for a front-page headline ?.
This is absolutely outrageous abuse of power AGAIN by the rotten BBC. One can only hope this period of extreme political bias will result in their destruction and reform of OFCOM who are even worse as they are supposed to be regulating them against their charter.
It’s a sign of how complete the takeover of the MSM by the Left now is. The BBC should be under a lot of fire for what they are doing.
Thing is, John, what havoc could Braverman bring to the back benches in the House? She really could cost the Conservatives the next Election. And if Rishi resigns as a defeated leader would be expected to do, will Braverman stand in a leadership Election?
The long arm of Brexit reaches into politics even in 2023.
How foolish we were to join the EC in 1972.
How foolish John Major was to refuse a public Referendum on the Maastricht Treaty that formed the EU.
We now know that Major was a closet Europhile.
How many others are there in the House of Commons and House of Lords and in the Civil Service?
Reversed America sneezes – they’re going to love LTNs and ULEZs aren’t they?
Watch 3,000 Jews and Muslims sing together, just five years ago—the music, and their spirit, reassuring us that we (who want to live in peace) SHALL overcome
That’s an odd video. They look more like actors in a scene from a feel-good film.
“Long term Biden family benefactor” gets Kyiv gig”
Unbeleivable and Kafkaesque in the extreme, 7 police turn up at 7 am, handcuffed and put into leg irons for joking on Twitter.
… and for insulting Mrs Clinton too!
Mzzzzzzzzzz Clintoon is a ‘Pur Defenceless Weeeee Beastie’
When an old analog clock stops there are two ways to correct the time. One to go backwards, but sometimes it is quicker to push it forwards.
I look forward to the demise of feminism and all the other ‘isms. The backlash is going to make ‘The Handmaids Tale’ seem like a Teddy Bears picnic.
Boris Johnson: Tories ‘drifting to defeat’ under Rishi Sunak
And what a surprise, opened for comments.
Top comment:
‘Boris laid the foundations of Tory failure.
His arrogance is absolutely astonishing.
Removed from office = sacked.
A liar and a cheat.’
365 upticks, 37 downticks.
Totally out of kilter to normal BBC HYS comments. 100% left-wing troll farm engaged and considering the BBC are trying to discredit him now he’s going to GB News, I’m now certain the BBC are complicit in getting these comments trolled.
The BBC have been transforming into a wannabe fascist state information controller – but the progress seems to be accelerating.
TOADY Watch #1 – BBC still bashing away ….
…. and helped by the prints. BBC still Bashing Braverman. Nick Robinson observes that a majority in the country feel that Suella Braverman is correct in her observations about the Police. Those of us without dementia or memory loss can remember all those ‘reports’ into the Police Forces in the UK: sexist, racist and homophobic to say nothing of the murder of Sarah Everard by a serving officer.
Suella Braverman is quite correct in her views of the Police Forces of the UK.
Toady. Friday morning.
The BBC attack dogs are out again to get Suella who has committed the cardinal sin of saying what we all think.
Pro-Palestinian. No interference.
Extinction Rebellion. Protect the pink boat not the public.
Just Stop Oil. Lazily wait around and do nothing.
BLM . Take the knee.
Walk round a lake with a coffee during covid. Get arrested.
Tommy Robinson, Get him off the streets.
Dual standards. Clearly proved.
…..and don’t, whatever you do, say hurty words like ‘Go back to Bahrain’ or comment on gay or trans or BAME issues.
Then you will feel the full force of the law.
Top of the BBC web page
– they think they can drive the timorous Tories eh?
80 seat majority. 0 boards stopped. Tents to be banned! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Party of Law and order!
Priti Patel hails Conservatives as ‘the party of law and order’
The BBC Moaning Emole, subbed by the inevitable blonde bimbo headlined…
Is Suella (that would be the Home Sec, love) facing the sack?
PM pushed to sack Braverman over protest stance
It was the lead story in yesterday’s newsletter and it rumbles on today. Rishi Sunak is under pressure to sack his Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, who has accused the Metropolitan Police of being biased in the way they deal with protests. In an article in The Times – which hadn’t been cleared by Downing Street – Ms Braverman claimed aggressive right-wing protesters were “rightly met with a stern response”, while “pro-Palestinian mobs” were “largely ignored”. Get the background to the row and some analysis from our political editor Chris Mason.
Quick guide to Suella Braverman
A classic bbc hit para.
It was the ‘lead story’ because…the bbc and Labour want it to be.
It ‘rumbles on’ for the same reason.
Sunak is ‘under pressure’ from the BBC and Labour. And mystery Tories cited by Beff.
Since when do articles need to be cleared by a building?*
‘Claim’ that is not a claim and easily verified.
‘Analysis’ from a Mason 😂
*And a guide around a person.
The Tories deserve all they get for letting this poisonous entity get away with this.
The country does not.
Note – it does not effect them …. “Why the migrant crisis is a self-inflicted catastrophe for the European political establishment”
A time of austerity ? cost of living crisis?
And how much will this cost the taxpayer to let racist chanting immmigrants, socialists and marxists run riot for yet another weekend ?
“Police to form Armistice Day ‘ring of steel’: Met chiefs cancel leave, extend overtime and draft in 1,000 more officers from across Britain to quash any hint of trouble around minute’s silence and protests”
An FOI request RE the cost would be interesting
What we can say for certainty is that the costs of this circus will not be factored in when the media and politicians drone on about the economical benefits (sic) of mass immigration. As with any mafia, the accounts have to be carefully managed and kept away from prying eyes.
Have they arrested Tommy Robinson yet?
Compare and contrast to the virus / lockdown protests eh?
The Labour Party sits on the sidelines ….
Regarding TR they will be examining every single word he utters, unfortunately, he often does himself no favours there, maybe he has learned by now…..
tomo, Labour, especially Starmer, will be wondering how many votes will be gained or lost by any policy move, anything they do or say.
“Liz Philips, the organiser of the Great Resist Conference due to be held on Saturday, alerted me last night that the Holiday Inn in Liverpool had cancelled the booking with less than three days to go. The management said hosting the conference would might make them ‘appear to take sides on political matters’.
Well it looks very much as if they have taken sides with an activist group that has been campaigning against the Conference, an outfit called Liverpool Against Hate with its 524 followers.”
Interesting “Here’s our letter on the likely politics of the conference”
Likely politics?
Likely politics?
Likely politics?
New wet Tory broom for the home office, after Suella’s brush with the law edition
“You’re a Braverman than I am, Gunga Din”
Is how Mr AsI likes to mock Rishi Sunak’s attitude toward his home secretary, apologies due to Rudyard Kipling of course.
We tend to associate underhand, behind the scenes political machinations and subtle manoeuvring of the type exposed of late by Nadine Dorries with the name Machiavelli, the sixteenth century Italian dipolmat and author. These days there are political pundits who speak of 4D chess: If someone is described as playing 4D chess, that means they are incredibly smart and making political moves that cannot be understood by ordinary people. (Linguaholic.com)
The none too brain-taxing subtle assumed device in this case being our squishy Rishi Blairite Tories – running the country as a side gig, meanwhile busy selling England by the Pound (as prog rock Genesis would have it back in 1973): Wm Hill in US crosshairs… US betting group DraftKings discussed a bid… (FT); Data challenge for Hunt… Productivity has barely grown since the financial crisis, figures show… (FT) – just to keep the natives (that’s us) quiet the Tories enjoy having just the one right-leaning conservative spokesperson in post as a distraction for us plebs.
And our left-leaning media together with the compliant vaguely right-leaning media, such as it is, fall for this pantomime trick every time.
4D chess? Our media pretend we can’t even think in two dimensions.
No 10 disowns Suella Braverman article attacking police over protests (BBC)
Let’s just remind ourselves of the Braverman original sin, so to speak.
Giveaway corporate ad-sheet the Metro is our BBC’s top pick for their online press line-up, and it naturally, reflexively, attacks the Tory fall guy with their scare quote screamer: ‘Give Suella marching orders’ – that will be the freebie rag meanwhile offering: Win £1,000 every day this week… Simply name the advertiser on page 3 of today’s Metro… enter by lunchtime today… You can enter by text, by phone or by ordinary post – ordinary post, by lunchtime… how will that work? But we digress.
Credit where credit is due – the Metro does spell out for us the true thing our Braverman ought not to have said out loud: …she claimed the police were ‘playing favourites’ by allowing a pro-Palestinian march to go ahead on Armistice Day… Met chief Sit Mark Rowley would be tougher on a right wing protest – and even policing of football fans was harsher than ‘politically connected minority groups favoured by the left’ (Metro)
Well, we say she ought not to have said it – but in the 4D chess scenario she has licence to say it.
Let’s take a breather with a quick Calm Down Dear
Lorraine Kelly on her PTSD (Telegraph)
Yep, she’s had it hard, up there with: Incredible story of SAS founder ‘Gentleman’ Jim (Daily Express)
So I suppose we’ll need to run through a summery of two-dimentional headline takes on the Braverman 4D game play
The Labour-curious formerly patriotic Times can’t seem to see the red raw meat offering through the trees in their forest of Keir Starmer interviews: Braverman’s fate in balance… Future of home secretary in doubt as row erupts over ‘unapproved’ article attacking police – interesting that the word unapproved got the scare quotes, eh?
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper – our pound shop junior Guardian (by the way, has a foreign consortium put in a bid of a dollar for the Poundshop yet?) habitually enjoys taking a peculiar pseudo-Tory stance in their headlines.
Tories accuse home secretary of fuelling UK far-right anger – was yesterday’s claim – no names no pack drill for these so-called Tories, obviously. Today, similarly there’s a dramatic pseudo-Tory POV construction: Sack me if you dare: Braverman defies PM’s authority… Senior Tories accuse Sunak of being ‘weak’ if he fails to sack… Two ministers tell ‘i’… ‘She has to go’
Pause for an anti-family feature care of the Times: ‘I’ve found life interesting without being a mother’ Harriet Walter (Times2) – it’s almost a pity when they pass up a golden opportunity for a despite: ‘I’ve found life interesting, despite not being a mother’
“Making Your Mind Up” was a song by the British pop group Bucks Fizz. It was the winner of the 1981 Eurovision Song Contest
The Rishi lackey loyalist rag the Daily Express (formerly patriotic for Ukraine but now having struck the blue and yellow colours from the masthead and apparently no longer United With The People Of Ukraine) frets in sympathy with their man’s (in fact he’s just a manlet) supposed dilemma: Suella’s future teeters on the brink (Express)
Occasional but mainly sleepy conservative Daily Telegraph notices: Sunak faces calls to sack Braverman
Time for some music – or not – in this case: Yoko Ono’s best songs Ranked! – exclaims the Guardian – and, as they say, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
Pressure grows on Sunak to sack Braverman over clash with police (Guardian)
The Daily Mail decides there’s some mileage in the opposite point of view: Come for Suella and you come for us all
The Labour-supporting Mirror tries to square the circle with some of what George Orwell termed double-think: They fought and died for our freedom… freedom of speech and thought… and protest. To Suella Braverman… how dare you try to take that away (Mirror)
Lockdown compliant Mirror can’t see sense in the Palestine protests taking one day off?
Nice to see the Mirror come out strongly defending the rights of far-leftists and recent immigrants to brandish foreign flags through our steets and chant anti-semetic slogans each and every weekend – even on our semi-sacred Armistice Day
Respect – is the Mirror’s shouty headline. Which only serves to put me in mind of the catchphrase of Sacha Baron Cohen’s comic creation Ali G.
And we’ll close with a PR agent’s bad dayat the office
Rashford bro nicked for assault (The Sun)
Not just assault, punching his girlfriend in the face.
“Staff at the £200-a-night four-star Kimpton Angler’s Hotel called police when Andrea walked through reception with a bloodied nose after a night out.”
After thinking about it – although braverman was right to highlight the left bias of plod – so often illustrated here- I think her timing was wrong .
This is because what ever the Hamas mob do or say on Saturday / Sunday- the blame will be put on her and deflected from our enemy .
As for examples of kidults demonstrating with little or no knowledge of Hamas Gaza – was it ever thus – it’s the group think developed at school and carried on into the bbc – education – other non jobs where it is the only acceptable view ….
I think such a weekend is horribly tainted by where we are – and often think all that sacrifice and loss really might not have been worth it …..
Just think – if we had stayed out of the Great War – they’d not have been a second one …
I know that some of the contributors on this website
don’t pay their TV tax. BUT for the millions of us that do.
Is about time that the BBC were told that we will not
accept them being the media outlet in the UK for Hamas.
And if they don’t stop it. We will STOP our direct debits
to them!!
Je Suis Hamas!
Jewish fears as German support for Israel is challenged on streets
This one had ‘Elephant in the room’ written all over it so I took a look ..
Sure enough we start with a reference to the Nazis.
‘He was speaking at an event to mark the anniversary of the November pogroms of 1938, sometimes known as “Kristallnacht.”‘
‘There is real anguish in Germany, rooted in its past, that Jewish people don’t feel safe.’
Have you ever seen a pictures on the BBC of a demonstration which have so obviously been picked because of how little they shows the demonstrators ?
The REAL story here is that these attacks on Jews have nothing whatsoever to do with Nazis. They are a result of the mass immigration of Muslims. And that point is never mentioned once.
The whole point of the article seems to be criticising Germany for not speaking out against the Jews!!.
Another epic FAIL of the honesty of the BBC.
Let’s see who wrote it:

No surprise there whatsoever. The BBC are now 100% left-wing activists.
Excellent post, JohnC, if I may so. It is a wonderful example of a post that perfectly highlights BBC bias using evidence, analysis and insight. Exactly what the creators of this site must have envisioned, I imagine. Must try and keep my posts so sharply focussed instead of drifting off into abstract realms and irrelevant tangents.
‘I need to be more clued up’: Students quizzed at pro-Palestine protest reveal how little they know about Israel-Hamas conflict and don’t even know terror group launched bloody slaughter on October 7 – as others insist killers are ‘freedom fighters’
Activists denied Hamas massacre while others voiced support for terror group
PUBLISHED: 19:43, 9 November 2023 | UPDATED: 07:18, 10 November 2023
Day 1: Stop questioning of Islam using Islamophobia (which has no legal definition).
Day 2: Promote the Hijab as a choice for girls aged 9, being told by their parents to wear it.
Day 3: Promote the Burka, to show you are more Godly than those in Hijabs.
Day 4: Promote the NIqab, to show you are more Godly than the other people wearing Burkas.
Day 5: Demand those not wearing Niqab wear a Hijab at least (see Day 1).
Student is first hijab-wearing Miss England finalist {bbc.co.uk 08sep2018}
This is my favourtie:
Utterly, utterly clueless. Yet feel strongly enough to go out and protest about it. Welcome to the world of the woke.
Reminds of the student demonstrator before Brexit being asked what the best thing the EU gave us was and replied ‘The NHS’.
Well, George Soros should be pleased. Open society/open borders etc:
NetZero – level playing field – build back better!
(3:12) The Hillary Clinton meme
(4:20) Hillary’s reaction
(6:38) FBI raid
Mackey is currently raising funds for his appeal.
I’ve heard the pratt Bowen refer to, “The Laws of War” and the IDF failures to comply. Often. So, the IDF needs to comply with the, ‘Laws of War’ and, as a corollary, Hamas needs to comply with – um – the……….’Rules of Terrorism'(?) and neer the twain shall meet.
Do these clowns ever listen to themselves……………
Other subpoenas also:
RepJamesComer issued additional subpoenas to:
Hunter Biden’s Business Associates
◾️ Eric Schwerin
◾️ Mervyn Yan
Hunter’s Art Gallerist
◾️ George Bergès
Hunter’s Art Patron & Major Dem Donor
◾️ Elizabeth Naftali
In addition, Chairman Comer requested a transcribed interview with a
former Americore Holdings, LLC representative regarding “loans” the
Bidens received.
The former boss of NatWest, Dame Alison Rose, will lose out on £7.6m after she admitted to discussing the closure Nigel Farage’s bank account.
Dame Alison will receive her £2.4m fixed pay package, but will not benefit from share awards and bonuses she had been previously entitled to.
As Nat West CEO she would have received a pay package of more than £10 million.
And people wonder why it is not possible to find a competent governor of the Bank of England when the pay is less than 5% of that !