Admire the logic of little weasel Mayor Khunt: “Braverman’s words will encourage the ‘far-right’ to turn out over the weekend and cause trouble.”
In other words the islamo-fascists can invade our streets, chant their violent antisemitic war-cries, intimidate the public and disrespect Remembrance Day. But if anyone has the audacity to object, then THEY are the problem.
This is like accusing someone who resists an attack of being violent. Talk about ‘blaming the victim’. A woman being raped should just lie back and let the rapist have his wicked way.
“Politicians should be bringing communities together, uniting people bla bla”, he whines. That’s code for ‘doing absolutely nothing while our country is destroyed by savages’.
The little weasel is preparing the ground so if the islamo-fascists do cause trouble, he can say: See? I told you, it’s the far-right and the EDL. The BBC, of course, will be happy to play along with the lie.
He’s only gobbing what an ex plod said on a Beebolic fantasy trip…
“Former Met Police Ch Supt Dal Babu noted the previous large-scale protests in central London in recent weeks have passed without public disorder.
He told BBC Breakfast the situation involving Mrs Braverman is “very troubling”. “Normally these conversations would be held behind closed doors,” he said.
“The danger with the kind of language the home secretary has used – she talks about hate marches and she has been very derogatory about policing – is it will make far right groups more bold and possibly come out when there was no intention to do so.
“This is unprecedented and I hope people will use calm heads and calm voices to not to stoke up any potential disorder.”
Nothing original ever comes out of that little runt’s rather limited vocabulary, but he’s a cert for being chucked out when the next ‘vote’, (or collection of spurious bits of paper with foreign names scrawled all over them), is counted!
You only need a few reasons never to visit London, and he’s at least three of them…
“Two Jewish schools in Montreal were hit overnight by gunshots, police said Thursday. Staff members discovered bullet holes on the exterior of the buildings when they arrived Thursday morning. Nobody was inside at the time of the shootings, police said.”
Trudeau responds: “That’s not who we are as Canadians. We are a country that has done better than just about any other country at understanding and respecting different perspectives.”
BBC report: “A Hindu family say they are afraid to leave their home after being subjected to what they believe to be hate crime motivated by their race and religion… [they have] doorbell camera footage of youths kicking their front door, and calling them ‘kafir’, an offensive term used to question someone’s religion.”
The usual Take-A-Break style high emotion, and the quite deliberate omission of which religion uses ‘kafir’. They also shamefully try to pretend its utterance is a universal theological criticism, rather than an insult used by Muslims trying to kick someone’s door in.
West Midlands police say “the youths had admitted harassment, and shown remorse, but there was insufficient evidence to treat it as a racially aggravated offence.”
Sadly, we have reached a tipping point where, because of sheer numbers, the police and politicians are afraid of calling out the Islamofascists.
It will only get worse.
The war is lost, but still we must resist the invaders, like a sort of Resistance. Better to die on one’s feet than live on one’s knees.
The Macpherson inquiry into the murder of the black teenager Stephen Lawrence said a “racist incident is any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or by any other person”.
I perceive the incident to be a racist incident and I’m any other person.
Right, plod, pull your finger out and deal with it properly.
14 December 2022, received £200,892.86 from Aditya Birla Management Corporation PVT Ltd, Aditya Birla Centre, C Wing 3rd Floor, S.K. Ahire Marg, Worti, Mumbai, India, via London Speakers Bureau, 235 Kensington High Street, London W8 6SF, for a speaking engagement. Transport, food and accommodation provided for me and two staff members. Hours: 8 hrs. (Registered 10 January 2023)
23 December 2022, received £3,000 from The Spectator, 22 Old Queen Street, London SW1H 9HP, for an article. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 20 January 2023)
A politician representing the views of, I am sure, the majority of those who elected her…….lambasted by the bbc who never represent the views of the majority only the views of the far left minority in this country:
“Seven times Suella Braverman enraged No10 by saying ‘what people think’
Rishi Sunak is said to be considering sacking Suella Braverman as Home Secretary in a reshuffle but her only fault may be she is too politically honest.”
This is a random selection of Suella Braverman’s votes.
Consistently voted for raising welfare benefits at least in line with pricesShow votes
2 votes for, 0 votes against, in 2022.
Consistently voted for a referendum on the UK’s membership of the EUShow votes
4 votes for, 0 votes against, between 2015–2016.
Generally voted for reducing central government funding of local governmentShow votes
3 votes for, 0 votes against, 4 absences, between 2016–2021.
Voted against removing hereditary peers from the House of LordsShow votes
0 votes for, 1 vote against, in 2016.
Voted against a wholly elected House of LordsShow votes
0 votes for, 1 vote against, in 2016.
Generally voted for a reduction in spending on welfare benefitsShow votes
27 votes for, 3 votes against, 4 absences, between 2015–2022.
Nuclear attack ? China and the US at war ? Who cares ? What really matters is for the BBC to get rid of a coloured female Home Secretary ….. it goes on and on – leading the 1pm news today – tomorrow – to 2024 …..
Who cares apart from the swamp ? But it takes a certain high level of bias by plod for a Home Secretary to see it and say something about it …..
I’m sure the red labour will legislate against (criticising )plod – in the name of ‘community safety ‘ – which we will hear even more about in coming red labour years
Meanwhile in local londonistan news -we patiently await the result of the Hackney £ mayoral £ election – turn out ? 20% ____that’s twenty %
“When I went into Gaza a couple of days ago with the Israeli army, they continuously made the point that Hamas hides themselves behind the civilian population.
It’s an old tactic of insurgencies in asymmetric warfare, to hide away, and swim in the sea of the people.”
Trying to make breaking the Geneva convention sound poetic..
They’re hardly insurgents, it’s the Hamas government’s army.
Do the assembled ideological clowns of the Londocentric MSM not find it the least bit curious how each other are simply getting in and/or quoting the same bunch of disaffected opportunistic pig thick twerps doing the rounds of their studios, or running ‘sourced’ versions if incapable of having their names attached?
As with the shaky requirements of democracy… one person; one vote, vote in person, vote in secret, no threats or cheating, independent media, losers’ consent, etc, almost everything has been up for grabs since Tony and Mad Al rubbed the country’s collective nose in their ambitions. Equally the not very niceties of combat. Wars now, even between states, are seldom declared. Uniforms are worn or discarded at whim. A soldier can become a civilian and back in the change of a Camcorder battery. All can be arranged in the pre-pro, and sorted in post. How can you honourably fight a foe with no honour, secure that they will get a pass from the media?
But as ever, the options are not black and white if they can credibly exist at all, though corruption of the spirit of some decent stuff has made the practice downright unmanageable.
Like ‘the right to protest’. It seemed to work out sort of ok until the turn of the century, when it went beyond the individual to getting into mass media. Jumping under horses to gluing yourself to tarmac in a hundred years.
How often? How many? How noisy? How dominant? How threatening? How balanced? How credible?
I have long since dismissed most protests, polls, petitions, etc as failing across the board, not least when the MSM went from observer to enthusiastic promoter to outright organiser on a propaganda backed by selective censorship basis.
How well do we recall Paul Mason being less Economics at Newsnight than Anger and Protest Editor anywhere, anytime a fire extinguisher was being lobbed off a roof? Often anywhere but in the UK. CNN of course is currently a bit sheepish at not just getting a tip pre kick off, but being in with one team.
There are relatively few national events in this country, despite social media trying to make a ‘day’ out of everything, including Kevin the Carrot.
But one has been held sacred, justifiably, no matter what, through thick and thin, and that is Armistice Day. Sombre, poignant, important. My Dad served and survived, but I think of him and those he lost alongside to create the world I was brought into especially on this day.
So for a rag tag collection of disaffected f-wits from Khan to Jones, to Warsical, to Champion to Corbyn, deliberately hijacking this day to make some stupid point on top of all the other stupid points they make everywhere, all the time, about anything, outside of the national secret ballot, makes me see red.
All ‘supported’ by silly bimbos educated to the point they only know who they hate and not why, egged on by truly evil folk in media and politics, and allowed to by the weak or complicit or cowed in politics if not the cynical cowards driving dissent and division.
I agree with the poster above the Home Sec was poor in timing, but when is ‘good timing’?
As to the rest, the whole sorry leftislam cabal can do one. Their brown eyed blood stained poster boys inspired this, directed by their Lear jetting masters in Qatar.
And no pathetic attempts to call the decisions made in this country since anything to do with ‘peace’ will sway me from that simple fact.
I think it’s in bad taste for ( foreigners?) to march through ethnically cleansed Londonistan demanding a homeland for some foreigners somewhere else .
Purple haired, nose pierced, stoodent silly bitch of the day award:
“‘The continuing existence of Israel is a war crime’: Pro-Palestinian protesters reveal what they really think as they call Hamas ‘freedom fighters’ ahead of Armistice Day march”
The BBC lunchtime ‘news ‘( propaganda piece ) described someone as a ‘Hamas spokesman ‘- once the BBc denies that Hamas is a terrorist gang – such tittles of ‘respectability ‘ can be used …
…. I wonder why the BBC doesn’t fall back on its ‘ favoured ‘Hamas freedom fighters ‘ – ….how can any one inconscience pay that licence ?
“Israel reveal why they have sent troops into Gaza to destroy Hamas’s terror tunnels once and for all to end the war: ‘These sons of bi***es are hiding under houses and hospitals to maximise civilian casualties. It’s pure evil'”
“The tunnels are a living, breathing force – and they need fuel and oxygen to function. One of the reasons Israel has been so reluctant to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza is its knowledge that Hamas is siphoning off badly-needed supplies to keep the tunnels operational.
The situation is both stark and brutal: Hamas has massive stockpiles of fuel to light its tunnels, while ordinary Gazans are rushed to hospitals that have barely enough electricity to power their equipment.”
“An important question remains: how is Hamas able to spend millions of pounds acquiring the thousands of tonnes of concrete, millions of kilowatts of electricity and millions of litres of fuel and oxygen needed to build all this when Gaza is supposedly under total lockdown by Israel?
The answer is as simple as it is depressing. ‘For years the international community has been sending cement into Gaza for housing and Hamas has been stealing it,’ says the senior Israeli official.
‘And of course, no one can stop them because they are the only people in Gaza with guns. If they want something, they just take it. We have seen this with fuel and other humanitarian support flowing into the strip.'”
2021 … Thousands of armed Palestinian Hamas soldiers parade in Gaza for anti-Israel rally – a week after a ceasefire between the two countries came into force
Thousands of Hamas terrorists held a military parade Friday in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, on Friday
Masked members of the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the armed branch of Hamas paraded through
Riding pick-up trucks, the fighters showed off a military arsenal including rocket launchers and a drone
Groups of people, including women and children, cheered them on amid a fragile ceasefire after conflict
Palestinians with masked militants from the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, a military wing of Hamas, hold their national flags while marching in a football stadium, in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip Friday, May 28, 2021
‘For years the international community has been sending cement into Gaza for housing and Hamas has been stealing it,’
I recall about a decade ago a video report from Gaza – some poor truck driver bringing in a premix concrete truck having to pay a bribe to border officials at a crossing.
If the likes of the BBC actually wanted to turn the Palestinians against Hamas, this is the only chance they will ever get.
There’s a chance that if the MSM (especially the disgusting BBC) laboured every example of Hamas such as hiding in hospitals, under refugees, stealing all the Western aid just as they want etc etc etc and made them as unacceptable as possible to the rest of the world then perhaps someone might feel they have the support to stand against them.
But no. We get the exact opposite. The BBC are portraying them as the victims and deliberately not reporting all these things they do because it negates the ‘victim status’.
Their excuse is that ‘they won’t get access to Muslim societies if they upset them’.
An excellent example of how the Left don’t care one bit about the suffering, misery and deaths of any of these people. Only the agenda matters. This blood is on their hands : never has the phrase ‘silence is violence’ been more appropriate.
“IDF surround Gaza’s biggest hospital ‘where Hamas hides its underground HQ’ as the terror group says civilians were hit by Israeli strike on the medical centre overnight
Officials in Hamas-run Gaza have accused IDF of striking Al-Shifa hospital”
Scratch the surface of a green screamer and what do you find? Yep, a good old Marxist…
George Monbiot in the Guardian lets his climate cloak of invisibility slip and yes, a raging Marxist appears as if by magic. The level of pure left wing hate and spite in this article is astounding!
The really do have some stuff on The Guardian which is chock full of hate and spite. Often it is extreme misandry but the Right get their share as well.
But a great made up press story about new Beatles fans getting on the DLR and going to ‘Abbey Road ‘ SE something. as opposed to upmarket NW3? Which I think is even on the album cover ….
Somehow there’s a killing to be made –
People are just not going to be nudged or bribed or harassed into the Net Zero lifestyles that the dull green technocrats have designed for us, no matter how many £billions they waste on their schemes.
“Hannah Arendt, one of the greatest philosophers of the last 100 years, said that: ‘Once something can’t be said, you’re already in a tyranny.’ So, it is indisputable that we are all now living, in 2023, in a tyranny”
"Hannah Arendt, one of the greatest philosophers of the last 100 years, said that: 'Once something can’t be said, you’re already in a tyranny.' So, it is indisputable that we are all now living, in 2023, in a tyranny"
The Western World is living in a tyranny all right – a Woke tyranny and our tyrants see themselves as victims egged on by extremely wealthy left wing millionaires. No names no pack drill but you don’t have to be a genius to figure out who these extremely wealthy haters of the Western way of life are.
Maybe they fell of their mother’s knees as babies which produced a massive chip on their shoulders or, more likely, they were just born to hate and their dosh allows them to destroy all that displeases them.
There are some extremely disturbing and weird things going on in the world at the moment.
For instance the address 33 Liberty Street New York isn’t going to mean much to many, but its the main US Gold reserve deposit, along with Fort Knox which everyone has heard of.
Would someone like to offer an explanation as to why this building admin recently placed a huge order for freeze dried food (shelf like 25 years plus), and not the ordinary stuff, only the best for them.
Of course a gold bullion deposit under New York would make an excellent fallout shelter should the worst ever happen, but this isn’t a repeat order, it’s the first time one has been placed
So may odd things which shouldn’t be happening which only really have one possible explanation.
“SNP minister who racked up almost £11,000 in iPad data roaming charges (which is being paid for by taxpayers) while on holiday in Morocco ‘told to change his SIM card more than a year before his trip'”
I’ve been wondering about this. Not tomorrow but the Sunday Remembrance parade in London. The wreath laying. Saturday the royals might be living in palace luxury behind the horse guards & blokes in bearskin hats. But if Saturday is a bloodbath will The Green King come out on the Sunday? We’ve already been told the police don’t give a _ _ _ _ about stopping hate marchers.
Will he come out surrounded by MI5 & guards with guns while the eldery retired servicemen march unprotected? Or will he throw in the towel altogether?
This is unbelievable. Even for Corbyn.
Hundreds of young Israelis were slaughtered at a music festival on Oct 7.
And he wants a ceasefire to let their murderers get away with it?
Answer : Det Ch Supt James Dunkerley, head of Counter Terrorism Policing North- East, said: “We are satisfied that this individual acted *in isolation* and our quick response prevented this escalating further
Tweets which miss important context are disinformation
The CPS tweets omits this “He was also jailed after being convicted at a separate trial of multiple rape offences and coercive control of a teenage girl”
#2 Jones and pals seek to blame Braverman yet she was appointed only AFTER his offences in 2022
#3 Muslims who joined ISIS did act out their VIOLENCE fantasies.
This guy didn’t get around to it.
CPS “and but for *apprehension* intended to carry out the attack”
#4 The judge said Metcalfe recently told a probation officer preparing a pre-sentence report that he had converted to Islam.
He told them: “I’m really sorry about what I have done, I’m no longer a threat to anyone. I’m Muslim,” the court heard.
Who radicalised him? The followers of a violent, intolerant, misogynistic, antisemitic, terroristic, homophobic, supremacist, barbaric medieval death cult – that’s who.
Apologies if shown by others.
A friend put me on to the following astonishing yet somehow informative video snippet.
Watch and gape at the pig ignorance on offer by pro-Palestinian marchers.
From the Telegraph.
Clueless’ pro-Palestinian protesters ‘not sure’ Hamas invaded Israel
Two activists who were interviewed about the terrorist assault on Israel on Oct 7 admitted to having little knowledge about the conflict
Reach plc to cut 450 jobs
in the local newspaper operation
by centralised offices which cutNpaste material into 50 newspapers at a time
a lot of PRasNews stuff often GreenDream PR.
(the parent company used to be called Mirror Newspapers… it also owns the Daily Express and Daily Star)
Reach output is simply abysmal – their web sites are so poorly run that actual content is near wholly strangled by stupid adverts *ALL* the time and their riters are wubbish.
I doubt they consider who reads their kerrapp at all.
They took over struggling but just about solvent local rags and killed them with incompetence.
How does our local Reach plc report the stitchup whereby the establishment suddenly announced that Scunthorpe would switch away from proper blastfurnace ironmaking to 100% electric arc furnaces fed by scrap , without open discussion or consultation ?
“Jobs hope as council and British Steel announce advanced manufacturing park plans at steelworks”
“It is estimated up to 3,000 jobs could be created as a result of the park’s development on 300 acres of surplus steelworks land – on the same day fears were raised for 2,000 roles at the site”
That to me reads like clear PR from the Tory Council PR dept
cos they do write like that.
There was a Second article similar article in the print edition , which is not in the online version
At a glance this looked like Green Dream PR too
Every time I hear the news on the BBC it’s about the Home Secretary and should she have said what she said – sometimes her critics blame her timing.
But they don’t refute what she said .
Friend of mine predicted the death of Vladimir Putin today, two weeks ago, then we read this from the heir apparant:
“The Secretary of Russia’s Security Council: “Tired of the dashing 1990s, [Russian] society was waiting for the solution of social and economic problems and strengthening of national security.
”It required a leader who could put the welfare of the population at the top of the agenda, display the highest human and organisational qualities, will, and dedication.
Vladimir Putin death rumours surge after ‘successor’ refers to him entirely in past tense
Vladimir Putin’s rumoured death has been a huge source of speculation over recent weeks with claims body doubles are being used in his place.
Vladimir Putin’s rumoured death has taken a stunning new twist after his top security aide and the man tipped to succeed Russia’s president referred to him entirely in the past tense during a bizarre speech.
Speculation has swirled around Putin after General SVR, a Telegram channel thought to be left by a Kremlin insider, claimed he died from a heart attack and that body doubles had been put in his place. The Kremlin has furiously denied the rumours.
The Russians are pretty experienced at disinformation and playing with Westerners don’t you think ? I would have thought Biden is nearer to be deader than president putin ….
AlthepalerpMar 13, 16:13 Midweek 12th March 2025 Lets do the Maths.. . . Labour even now say they will build 1.5m homes in this parliament. First 6…
tomoMar 13, 16:13 Midweek 12th March 2025 ABSURD – but… as an indicator of how far WEF, Brussels and Soros goons et al will go to do…
LoobylooMar 13, 14:43 Midweek 12th March 2025 Surely he’s out by now with good behaviour or the early release scheme? Or does that not apply to this…
tomoMar 13, 14:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 US Democrats ≆ UK Labour Party…. [img][/img]
Lunchtime LoatherMar 13, 13:54 Midweek 12th March 2025 I refuse to have any sympathy for the abominable Vine, but this is just yet another chapter in the BBC…
wwfcMar 13, 13:44 Midweek 12th March 2025 They will never ever learn…..
Fedup2Mar 13, 13:38 Midweek 12th March 2025 Im guessing a cosmetic effect of closing quangos is part of the DOGE fashion …. But anyone sensible enough will…
moggiemooMar 13, 13:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Job cuts will save millions of pounds, Streeting says” … which we can then spend anywhere in the world but…
AlthepalerpMar 13, 12:40 Midweek 12th March 2025 Duterte’s first night in a jail cell is a pivotal moment for the ICC Going after someone who fought against…
Admire the logic of little weasel Mayor Khunt: “Braverman’s words will encourage the ‘far-right’ to turn out over the weekend and cause trouble.”
In other words the islamo-fascists can invade our streets, chant their violent antisemitic war-cries, intimidate the public and disrespect Remembrance Day. But if anyone has the audacity to object, then THEY are the problem.
This is like accusing someone who resists an attack of being violent. Talk about ‘blaming the victim’. A woman being raped should just lie back and let the rapist have his wicked way.
“Politicians should be bringing communities together, uniting people bla bla”, he whines. That’s code for ‘doing absolutely nothing while our country is destroyed by savages’.
The little weasel is preparing the ground so if the islamo-fascists do cause trouble, he can say: See? I told you, it’s the far-right and the EDL. The BBC, of course, will be happy to play along with the lie.
Londonistan is now our gaza.
Even the bBC are moving out.
He’s only gobbing what an ex plod said on a Beebolic fantasy trip…
“Former Met Police Ch Supt Dal Babu noted the previous large-scale protests in central London in recent weeks have passed without public disorder.
He told BBC Breakfast the situation involving Mrs Braverman is “very troubling”. “Normally these conversations would be held behind closed doors,” he said.
“The danger with the kind of language the home secretary has used – she talks about hate marches and she has been very derogatory about policing – is it will make far right groups more bold and possibly come out when there was no intention to do so.
“This is unprecedented and I hope people will use calm heads and calm voices to not to stoke up any potential disorder.”
Nothing original ever comes out of that little runt’s rather limited vocabulary, but he’s a cert for being chucked out when the next ‘vote’, (or collection of spurious bits of paper with foreign names scrawled all over them), is counted!
You only need a few reasons never to visit London, and he’s at least three of them…
You think things are bad?
Wait till Labour get in next year.
We have Blue Labour – Diane Abbott as chancellor will be comedy gold every day!
D’you mean ‘Two shoes of the same foot’?
The BBC want Braverman out, pronto.
How DARE she speak the truth!
Coverup 1 —
“Two Jewish schools in Montreal were hit overnight by gunshots, police said Thursday. Staff members discovered bullet holes on the exterior of the buildings when they arrived Thursday morning. Nobody was inside at the time of the shootings, police said.”
Trudeau responds: “That’s not who we are as Canadians. We are a country that has done better than just about any other country at understanding and respecting different perspectives.”
BBC don’t think it worth reporting.
Perhaps it was those Ukranian nazis, you know, the ones that the whole Canadian parliament stood up and clapped.
Coverup 2 —
BBC report: “A Hindu family say they are afraid to leave their home after being subjected to what they believe to be hate crime motivated by their race and religion… [they have] doorbell camera footage of youths kicking their front door, and calling them ‘kafir’, an offensive term used to question someone’s religion.”
The usual Take-A-Break style high emotion, and the quite deliberate omission of which religion uses ‘kafir’. They also shamefully try to pretend its utterance is a universal theological criticism, rather than an insult used by Muslims trying to kick someone’s door in.
West Midlands police say “the youths had admitted harassment, and shown remorse, but there was insufficient evidence to treat it as a racially aggravated offence.”
Both BBC and police lying.
Sadly, we have reached a tipping point where, because of sheer numbers, the police and politicians are afraid of calling out the Islamofascists.
It will only get worse.
The war is lost, but still we must resist the invaders, like a sort of Resistance. Better to die on one’s feet than live on one’s knees.
Vlad, still planning to live on my feet. It ain’t over until the fat lady sings the adhan…
“doorbell camera footage of youths kicking their front door, and calling them ‘kafir’, an offensive term used to question someone’s religion.”
“but there was insufficient evidence to treat it as a racially aggravated offence”
Maybe they were just hungry and thirsty, saying…
“Is there a caff ‘ere?
“Alan’s snack bar is”!
The Macpherson inquiry into the murder of the black teenager Stephen Lawrence said a “racist incident is any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or by any other person”.
I perceive the incident to be a racist incident and I’m any other person.
Right, plod, pull your finger out and deal with it properly.
“Jeremy Hunt on Suella Braverman comments: “Not words I would have used”
Jeremy Hunt’s wife presents show on China’s state-run TV ‘that whitewashes Communist Party’s human rights abuse’
When The BBC is not out hunting quotes it is digging the bottom of the pile to get them.
I’m on #bbcAntiSocial on @BBCRadio4
for the next hour discussing whether political expression is OK in the workplace.
The guy is an utterly discredited laughing stock, so perfect for them.
POLITICS AT WORK – check out Magic Majid –
14 December 2022, received £200,892.86 from Aditya Birla Management Corporation PVT Ltd, Aditya Birla Centre, C Wing 3rd Floor, S.K. Ahire Marg, Worti, Mumbai, India, via London Speakers Bureau, 235 Kensington High Street, London W8 6SF, for a speaking engagement. Transport, food and accommodation provided for me and two staff members. Hours: 8 hrs. (Registered 10 January 2023)
23 December 2022, received £3,000 from The Spectator, 22 Old Queen Street, London SW1H 9HP, for an article. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 20 January 2023)
A politician representing the views of, I am sure, the majority of those who elected her…….lambasted by the bbc who never represent the views of the majority only the views of the far left minority in this country:
“Seven times Suella Braverman enraged No10 by saying ‘what people think’
Rishi Sunak is said to be considering sacking Suella Braverman as Home Secretary in a reshuffle but her only fault may be she is too politically honest.”
This is a random selection of Suella Braverman’s votes.
Consistently voted for raising welfare benefits at least in line with pricesShow votes
2 votes for, 0 votes against, in 2022.
Consistently voted for a referendum on the UK’s membership of the EUShow votes
4 votes for, 0 votes against, between 2015–2016.
Generally voted for reducing central government funding of local governmentShow votes
3 votes for, 0 votes against, 4 absences, between 2016–2021.
Voted against removing hereditary peers from the House of LordsShow votes
0 votes for, 1 vote against, in 2016.
Voted against a wholly elected House of LordsShow votes
0 votes for, 1 vote against, in 2016.
Generally voted for a reduction in spending on welfare benefitsShow votes
27 votes for, 3 votes against, 4 absences, between 2015–2022.
Nuclear attack ? China and the US at war ? Who cares ? What really matters is for the BBC to get rid of a coloured female Home Secretary ….. it goes on and on – leading the 1pm news today – tomorrow – to 2024 …..
Who cares apart from the swamp ? But it takes a certain high level of bias by plod for a Home Secretary to see it and say something about it …..
I’m sure the red labour will legislate against (criticising )plod – in the name of ‘community safety ‘ – which we will hear even more about in coming red labour years
Meanwhile in local londonistan news -we patiently await the result of the Hackney £ mayoral £ election – turn out ? 20% ____that’s twenty %
Jeremy Bowen
“When I went into Gaza a couple of days ago with the Israeli army, they continuously made the point that Hamas hides themselves behind the civilian population.
It’s an old tactic of insurgencies in asymmetric warfare, to hide away, and swim in the sea of the people.”
Trying to make breaking the Geneva convention sound poetic..
They’re hardly insurgents, it’s the Hamas government’s army.
“The guerrilla must move amongst the people as a fish swims in the sea”. – Mao
“It’s an old tactic of insurgencies in asymmetric warfare, to hide away, and swim in the sea of the people.” – Bowen
Don’t worry Jeremy, you’ve altered it sufficiently to avoid copyright problems.
Bowen is beyond saving.
Speaking of which, Suella.
Do the assembled ideological clowns of the Londocentric MSM not find it the least bit curious how each other are simply getting in and/or quoting the same bunch of disaffected opportunistic pig thick twerps doing the rounds of their studios, or running ‘sourced’ versions if incapable of having their names attached?
As with the shaky requirements of democracy… one person; one vote, vote in person, vote in secret, no threats or cheating, independent media, losers’ consent, etc, almost everything has been up for grabs since Tony and Mad Al rubbed the country’s collective nose in their ambitions. Equally the not very niceties of combat. Wars now, even between states, are seldom declared. Uniforms are worn or discarded at whim. A soldier can become a civilian and back in the change of a Camcorder battery. All can be arranged in the pre-pro, and sorted in post. How can you honourably fight a foe with no honour, secure that they will get a pass from the media?
But as ever, the options are not black and white if they can credibly exist at all, though corruption of the spirit of some decent stuff has made the practice downright unmanageable.
Like ‘the right to protest’. It seemed to work out sort of ok until the turn of the century, when it went beyond the individual to getting into mass media. Jumping under horses to gluing yourself to tarmac in a hundred years.
How often? How many? How noisy? How dominant? How threatening? How balanced? How credible?
I have long since dismissed most protests, polls, petitions, etc as failing across the board, not least when the MSM went from observer to enthusiastic promoter to outright organiser on a propaganda backed by selective censorship basis.
How well do we recall Paul Mason being less Economics at Newsnight than Anger and Protest Editor anywhere, anytime a fire extinguisher was being lobbed off a roof? Often anywhere but in the UK. CNN of course is currently a bit sheepish at not just getting a tip pre kick off, but being in with one team.
There are relatively few national events in this country, despite social media trying to make a ‘day’ out of everything, including Kevin the Carrot.
But one has been held sacred, justifiably, no matter what, through thick and thin, and that is Armistice Day. Sombre, poignant, important. My Dad served and survived, but I think of him and those he lost alongside to create the world I was brought into especially on this day.
So for a rag tag collection of disaffected f-wits from Khan to Jones, to Warsical, to Champion to Corbyn, deliberately hijacking this day to make some stupid point on top of all the other stupid points they make everywhere, all the time, about anything, outside of the national secret ballot, makes me see red.
All ‘supported’ by silly bimbos educated to the point they only know who they hate and not why, egged on by truly evil folk in media and politics, and allowed to by the weak or complicit or cowed in politics if not the cynical cowards driving dissent and division.
I agree with the poster above the Home Sec was poor in timing, but when is ‘good timing’?
As to the rest, the whole sorry leftislam cabal can do one. Their brown eyed blood stained poster boys inspired this, directed by their Lear jetting masters in Qatar.
And no pathetic attempts to call the decisions made in this country since anything to do with ‘peace’ will sway me from that simple fact.
I think it’s in bad taste for ( foreigners?) to march through ethnically cleansed Londonistan demanding a homeland for some foreigners somewhere else .
Bradford City of Culture to separate from the UK and join Je Suis Hamas!
Purple haired, nose pierced, stoodent silly bitch of the day award:
“‘The continuing existence of Israel is a war crime’: Pro-Palestinian protesters reveal what they really think as they call Hamas ‘freedom fighters’ ahead of Armistice Day march”
“This woman said that Hamas are not terrorists but America and Israel are”
“This activist said that Hamas launching its barbaric attack was ‘a beacon of hope for me'”
“Another pro-Palestine activist said that the ‘continued existence of Israel’ was a ‘war crime’ ”
“This woman said of the October 7 Hamas attacks: ‘It’s controversial but I think Hamas are freedom fighters”
“Despite holding up a home-made sign condemning the British government, the women admitted they weren’t sure the Hamas attacks happened”
Have you noticed that those with/and sharing that view all have pieces of metal drilled into their faces one way or another.
Climate Emergency – ban all useless metal!
The BBC lunchtime ‘news ‘( propaganda piece ) described someone as a ‘Hamas spokesman ‘- once the BBc denies that Hamas is a terrorist gang – such tittles of ‘respectability ‘ can be used …
…. I wonder why the BBC doesn’t fall back on its ‘ favoured ‘Hamas freedom fighters ‘ – ….how can any one inconscience pay that licence ?
“Israel reveal why they have sent troops into Gaza to destroy Hamas’s terror tunnels once and for all to end the war: ‘These sons of bi***es are hiding under houses and hospitals to maximise civilian casualties. It’s pure evil'”
“The tunnels are a living, breathing force – and they need fuel and oxygen to function. One of the reasons Israel has been so reluctant to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza is its knowledge that Hamas is siphoning off badly-needed supplies to keep the tunnels operational.
The situation is both stark and brutal: Hamas has massive stockpiles of fuel to light its tunnels, while ordinary Gazans are rushed to hospitals that have barely enough electricity to power their equipment.”
Find entrance – fill with nearby sand – repeat.
Sea water is quite nearby.
How about some more fuel for them?… for instance a few hundred gallons of petrol followed by a lit match….
I would put knockout gas in before sending the Commandos in, just in case any hostages present.
French bed bugs?
Wonder why ordinary Gazans are being rushed to hospital🤔
“An important question remains: how is Hamas able to spend millions of pounds acquiring the thousands of tonnes of concrete, millions of kilowatts of electricity and millions of litres of fuel and oxygen needed to build all this when Gaza is supposedly under total lockdown by Israel?
The answer is as simple as it is depressing. ‘For years the international community has been sending cement into Gaza for housing and Hamas has been stealing it,’ says the senior Israeli official.
‘And of course, no one can stop them because they are the only people in Gaza with guns. If they want something, they just take it. We have seen this with fuel and other humanitarian support flowing into the strip.'”
2021 … Thousands of armed Palestinian Hamas soldiers parade in Gaza for anti-Israel rally – a week after a ceasefire between the two countries came into force
Thousands of Hamas terrorists held a military parade Friday in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, on Friday
Masked members of the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the armed branch of Hamas paraded through
Riding pick-up trucks, the fighters showed off a military arsenal including rocket launchers and a drone
Groups of people, including women and children, cheered them on amid a fragile ceasefire after conflict
Palestinians with masked militants from the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, a military wing of Hamas, hold their national flags while marching in a football stadium, in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip Friday, May 28, 2021
I recall about a decade ago a video report from Gaza – some poor truck driver bringing in a premix concrete truck having to pay a bribe to border officials at a crossing.
If the likes of the BBC actually wanted to turn the Palestinians against Hamas, this is the only chance they will ever get.
There’s a chance that if the MSM (especially the disgusting BBC) laboured every example of Hamas such as hiding in hospitals, under refugees, stealing all the Western aid just as they want etc etc etc and made them as unacceptable as possible to the rest of the world then perhaps someone might feel they have the support to stand against them.
But no. We get the exact opposite. The BBC are portraying them as the victims and deliberately not reporting all these things they do because it negates the ‘victim status’.
Their excuse is that ‘they won’t get access to Muslim societies if they upset them’.
An excellent example of how the Left don’t care one bit about the suffering, misery and deaths of any of these people. Only the agenda matters. This blood is on their hands : never has the phrase ‘silence is violence’ been more appropriate.
“IDF surround Gaza’s biggest hospital ‘where Hamas hides its underground HQ’ as the terror group says civilians were hit by Israeli strike on the medical centre overnight
Officials in Hamas-run Gaza have accused IDF of striking Al-Shifa hospital”
Scratch the surface of a green screamer and what do you find? Yep, a good old Marxist…
George Monbiot in the Guardian lets his climate cloak of invisibility slip and yes, a raging Marxist appears as if by magic. The level of pure left wing hate and spite in this article is astounding!
Moonbat is very simply a nasty piece of work….
No redeeming features where his ideology is in play.
A firm BBC favorite where an attack dog is scripted.
The really do have some stuff on The Guardian which is chock full of hate and spite. Often it is extreme misandry but the Right get their share as well.
Nobody hates like the Left.
Hamas ? But it seems like they’re heading in that direction.
And the chief Guardian lefty spitemaster who probably schools the rest?… in my opinion the unsavoury John Crace……
He can always be relied on to spew bile in every article he creates, all anti establishment of course like any good Marxist would!
But a great made up press story about new Beatles fans getting on the DLR and going to ‘Abbey Road ‘ SE something. as opposed to upmarket NW3? Which I think is even on the album cover ….
Somehow there’s a killing to be made –
That is the cost of an aircraft carrier. Remember that when people tell you we cannot afford them.
Dear Darren Henry,
Parliament’s £13 billion restoration.
HS2 £150 billion, original budget £36 billion.
Track and Trace £37 billion – no tracking or tracing where this money went.
£1.1bn of COVID small business loans identified as fraud
£4 billion of unusable PPE bought in first year of pandemic will be burnt “to generate power”
13 + 150 + 37 + 1.1+ 4 = £205 billion
Nuclear reactor = £6 billion
Yours sincerely,
Who’s going to be the first biasedbbc commenter to get a knock on the door? – or has it already happened?
“Hannah Arendt, one of the greatest philosophers of the last 100 years, said that: ‘Once something can’t be said, you’re already in a tyranny.’ So, it is indisputable that we are all now living, in 2023, in a tyranny”
The Western World is living in a tyranny all right – a Woke tyranny and our tyrants see themselves as victims egged on by extremely wealthy left wing millionaires. No names no pack drill but you don’t have to be a genius to figure out who these extremely wealthy haters of the Western way of life are.
Maybe they fell of their mother’s knees as babies which produced a massive chip on their shoulders or, more likely, they were just born to hate and their dosh allows them to destroy all that displeases them.
“The average person thinks he isn’t.” – Father Larry Lorenzoni
There are some extremely disturbing and weird things going on in the world at the moment.
For instance the address 33 Liberty Street New York isn’t going to mean much to many, but its the main US Gold reserve deposit, along with Fort Knox which everyone has heard of.
Would someone like to offer an explanation as to why this building admin recently placed a huge order for freeze dried food (shelf like 25 years plus), and not the ordinary stuff, only the best for them.
Of course a gold bullion deposit under New York would make an excellent fallout shelter should the worst ever happen, but this isn’t a repeat order, it’s the first time one has been placed
So may odd things which shouldn’t be happening which only really have one possible explanation.
“SNP minister who racked up almost £11,000 in iPad data roaming charges (which is being paid for by taxpayers) while on holiday in Morocco ‘told to change his SIM card more than a year before his trip'”
Here @DouglasKMurray gives the bluntest of messages to Hamas supporters & Islamists. Your hair will stand up on end.
I’ve been wondering about this. Not tomorrow but the Sunday Remembrance parade in London. The wreath laying. Saturday the royals might be living in palace luxury behind the horse guards & blokes in bearskin hats. But if Saturday is a bloodbath will The Green King come out on the Sunday? We’ve already been told the police don’t give a _ _ _ _ about stopping hate marchers.
Will he come out surrounded by MI5 & guards with guns while the eldery retired servicemen march unprotected? Or will he throw in the towel altogether?
This whole situation makes me sick.
are the London Metropolitan Police controlled by a *Jewish man* called Sadiq Khan ?
That might explain a pro Israel, anti-Hamas bias in policing
This is unbelievable. Even for Corbyn.
Hundreds of young Israelis were slaughtered at a music festival on Oct 7.
And he wants a ceasefire to let their murderers get away with it?
BBC Radio 1 getting in Guns and Roses?
A refreshing riposte from a fellow journalist…
More of this please
Someone tells OJ
“Tell us who radicalised the hundreds of Muslims jailed for terrorist offences
and those who commit offences at ProbHamas rallies.”
OJs tweet has 4,500 Likes
yet almost 100% of replies oppose him
That suggests mosts Likes come from bots.
Answer : Det Ch Supt James Dunkerley, head of Counter Terrorism Policing North- East, said: “We are satisfied that this individual acted *in isolation* and our quick response prevented this escalating further
Tweets which miss important context are disinformation
The CPS tweets omits this “He was also jailed after being convicted at a separate trial of multiple rape offences and coercive control of a teenage girl”
#2 Jones and pals seek to blame Braverman yet she was appointed only AFTER his offences in 2022
#3 Muslims who joined ISIS did act out their VIOLENCE fantasies.
This guy didn’t get around to it.
CPS “and but for *apprehension* intended to carry out the attack”
#4 The judge said Metcalfe recently told a probation officer preparing a pre-sentence report that he had converted to Islam.
He told them: “I’m really sorry about what I have done, I’m no longer a threat to anyone. I’m Muslim,” the court heard.
Who radicalised him? The followers of a violent, intolerant, misogynistic, antisemitic, terroristic, homophobic, supremacist, barbaric medieval death cult – that’s who.
Apologies if shown by others.
A friend put me on to the following astonishing yet somehow informative video snippet.
Watch and gape at the pig ignorance on offer by pro-Palestinian marchers.
From the Telegraph.
Clueless’ pro-Palestinian protesters ‘not sure’ Hamas invaded Israel
Two activists who were interviewed about the terrorist assault on Israel on Oct 7 admitted to having little knowledge about the conflict
Reach plc to cut 450 jobs
in the local newspaper operation
by centralised offices which cutNpaste material into 50 newspapers at a time
a lot of PRasNews stuff often GreenDream PR.
(the parent company used to be called Mirror Newspapers… it also owns the Daily Express and Daily Star)
Reach output is simply abysmal – their web sites are so poorly run that actual content is near wholly strangled by stupid adverts *ALL* the time and their riters are wubbish.
I doubt they consider who reads their kerrapp at all.
They took over struggling but just about solvent local rags and killed them with incompetence.
The kidult so called journalists are also collectively obsessed with the word “stunning” and use it as their go to adjective in most every “story”.
Here we go, Cambridge News just now:
“One of the best ways to enjoy the autumn and winter months is to go on walks through the stunning Cambridgeshire countryside.”
How does our local Reach plc report the stitchup whereby the establishment suddenly announced that Scunthorpe would switch away from proper blastfurnace ironmaking to 100% electric arc furnaces fed by scrap , without open discussion or consultation ?
“Jobs hope as council and British Steel announce advanced manufacturing park plans at steelworks”
“It is estimated up to 3,000 jobs could be created as a result of the park’s development on 300 acres of surplus steelworks land – on the same day fears were raised for 2,000 roles at the site”
That to me reads like clear PR from the Tory Council PR dept
cos they do write like that.
There was a Second article similar article in the print edition , which is not in the online version
At a glance this looked like Green Dream PR too
Every time I hear the news on the BBC it’s about the Home Secretary and should she have said what she said – sometimes her critics blame her timing.
But they don’t refute what she said .
Talk about shoot the messenger.
rather than REPORTING
It takes info and curates and spins it rather than merely reporting facts
Friend of mine predicted the death of Vladimir Putin today, two weeks ago, then we read this from the heir apparant:
“The Secretary of Russia’s Security Council: “Tired of the dashing 1990s, [Russian] society was waiting for the solution of social and economic problems and strengthening of national security.
”It required a leader who could put the welfare of the population at the top of the agenda, display the highest human and organisational qualities, will, and dedication.
Vladimir Putin death rumours surge after ‘successor’ refers to him entirely in past tense
Vladimir Putin’s rumoured death has been a huge source of speculation over recent weeks with claims body doubles are being used in his place.
Vladimir Putin’s rumoured death has taken a stunning new twist after his top security aide and the man tipped to succeed Russia’s president referred to him entirely in the past tense during a bizarre speech.
Speculation has swirled around Putin after General SVR, a Telegram channel thought to be left by a Kremlin insider, claimed he died from a heart attack and that body doubles had been put in his place. The Kremlin has furiously denied the rumours.
The Russians are pretty experienced at disinformation and playing with Westerners don’t you think ? I would have thought Biden is nearer to be deader than president putin ….
Time for the new thread …