397 Responses to Start the Week 13th November 2023

  1. Fedup2 says:

    Pug very strong stuff with which I completely agree – thd woke plod – bbc axis proves it can bring down elected officials …


  2. Fedup2 says:

    Again pug – great stuff – I’d just add Stop Paying For The BBC


  3. Up2snuff says:

    TWatO Watch #1 – I don’t recognise him from that description

    The Montacutie rolled out two contributors to comment on David Cameron’s return to Government. They said he had a strong sense of duty to his country. I seem to remember that when the going got tough, David Cameron took the easy way out and quit. So much for Cameron’s sense of duty to his country! Bit like weakish Rishi not backing his Home Secretary when she was proved absolutely right last week.


  4. Fedup2 says:

    I really really don’t get it . But what it does show is that ministerial posts have little value outside their own world . What are other countries to make when last weeks’ foreign secretary is charging around the Middle East – and this week he is gone … replaced by an unelected has been with a taste for money ….( even more than most ) … reallly don’t get it ..


  5. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Sky News-
    Andrea Jenkyns, the Conservative MP for Morley and Outwood, has submitted a letter of no confidence in prime minister Rishi Sunak.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Dear Sir Graham,
      Enough is enough. If it wasn’t bad enough that we have a party leader that the party members rejected, the polls demonstrate that the public reject him, and I am in full agreement. It is time for Rishi Sunak to go.
      Rishi’s Machiavellian involvement in getting rid of our democratically elected leader Boris Johnson, who bravely fought for Brexit when parliament was in deadlock. Yes Boris, the man who won the Conservative Party a massive majority, was unforgivable enough. But then to purge the centre-right from his cabinet and then sack Suella who was the only person in the cabinet with the balls to speak the truth of the appalling state of our streets and a two-tier policing system that leaves Jewish community in fear for their lives and safety.
      And the King’s Speech; we should have had a barnstorming speech that would have strongly set out our stall ready for the General Election that defines our true Conservative values. To be 20 points plus behind in the polls and by-election defeat after defeat. How long are MPs going to sit on their hands and let he and his out-of- touch advisors damage our party irrevocably?
      I therefore submit this letter of no confidence in Rishi Sunak as our Conservative Party leader.
      I do this to stand up and fight for true Conservatism, we must be a party that delivers low taxes, be trusted on the economy and turbo charge our skills to power our economy. We must be strong on law and order, take control of our borders, be energy independent as a nation and stand up for our freedom of speech. I hope other Conservative MPs follow suit, this is our last chance, to stop Starmer, the man who tried to put Jeremy Corbyn into Number Ten, we need to stop his socialist cabal, who will change the face of Britain beyond recognition“.



      • StewGreen says:

        I don’t get why Marky placed that sneering BBC lefty graphic below Jenkyns letter.

        She is smart so I doubt the way it calls her stupid.


        • MarkyMark says:

          Hi Stew, I’m trying to find the interview to see what was said – not had much luck so far.


  6. Nibor says:

    Apparently Suella was ” divisive ” – for pointing out the truth .

    So was Jesus Christ .


  7. MarkyMark says:





  8. Guest Who says:

    Evil old men not just in Qatar.



  9. StewGreen says:

    Opening the 10pm GBnews prog Patrick Christys is dropping truthbombs about Two tier policing, Channel4 lying about the Hamas march being peaceful etc.


  10. Square-Eyed says:

    The Deviousness of the EU

    Talking of evil old men (including women of course), please take a look at this urgent warning, the EU’s impending subjugation of 79 African, Caribbean and Pacific nations through the small print in a treaty.



  11. StewGreen says:

    Breaking Sunak is to bring Tony Blair into the cabinet

    … and Klaus Swab …./sarc


  12. tomo says:

    VDH on point – analysis that we should get from our fourth estate. Long, but jammed with self evident truths which the screeching baboons in the UK MSM either swerve (for a variety of reasons) or are so stupidly ignorant of that they absolutely deserve to fail.


  13. chrisH says:

    I don’t have a TV license.
    Haven’t had one since 2009.
    And so, you know that the political theatre re ” runners and riders” , jockey silks and shades of colour is a joke.
    Bravernan spoke the truth. And ,these days, that’s enough to get her sacked..
    Whether it’s Belfield or Brand, Trump, Hopkins ,Farage and Robinson? These are our truth tellers, all transcend the clown show that is the BBC etc.
    Therefore Israel or Bravernan? It’s all liberal media crap. God is real, and despises the BBC.
    Don’t fund it, find real things to live with and laugh about.


  14. Zephir says:

    How many more times ? how much has it cost the taxpayer in police bills so far ? when does the Govt say enough is enough ?

    “Pro-Palestine protesters are set to take to the streets outside Parliament this week.

    The Palestine Solidarity Campaign has announced plans for the latest demonstration demanding a ceasefire in the Israe-Hamas conflict at 5pm this Wednesday.”



  15. vlad says:

    If the job of a Foreign Secretary is to be smarmy, diplomatic, wishy-washy and ineffectual, then I think we have our man.


  16. RightSide says:



  17. Eddy Booth says:



    “Residents line up for flour outside Al Salam Flour Plant as food supplies dwindle in Gaza”

    Line up..😟


    “Children wait to get clean water from mobile tanks in Rafah, southern Gaza”

    Can the children even carry those cans…


  18. Eddy Booth says:


    • JohnC says:

      One for snopes.


      Predictably they claim it’s false and he WAS injured but they removed the dressing just to reassure his mother. Odd how there is no sign of it.

      Then the Snopes checker decide to add this completely unrelated information to the fact check:

      ‘Other videos posted on Awad’s Instagram account were extremely graphic. His videos recorded in Gaza showed injured and crying young children at Nasser Hospital, a doctor attempting to revive a child before declaring him to be dead, emergency workers who had apparently been the victim of an airstrike while driving, Palestinian children in body bags and many other similar clips.’

      No mention of all the tunnels and weapons at the hospitals of course. Or of Hamas using ambulances to move around.


  19. Eddy Booth says:


    • JohnC says:

      I found that topic about hospitals on the BBC:

      Israel Gaza: Hospitals caught on front line of war

      ‘Israel says Hamas fighters operate in tunnels underneath the hospital – a claim which Hamas denies.’

      ‘Hamas denies it is using the hospital or that it has an operations centre underneath. Doctors inside insist there is no Hamas presence there. The BBC’s Gaza correspondent Rushdi Abualouf said that he had never seen “any military capability” inside the hospital, but acknowledged it was difficult to verify either Israel’s or Hamas’s claims.’

      Oh how useful that video would have been to give some evidence. But it seems the BBC don’t want us to see it. Instead they overwhelmingly counterbalance Israeli claims with denials from the terrorists and their reporter who lives in Gaza and it’s ridiculous to pretend he is impartial.

      But the real dirty trick for this one is that instead of putting the article in ‘Israel-Gaza War’, they have put it in ‘Middle East’. And I can’t find it anywhere on the main page. Clearly the BBC just want us to see their flood of ’empathy’ articles and not question why they are being bombed.


      • Fedup2 says:

        I wonder what will happen if the area is secure enough to bring in the ‘foreign press ‘? Will the BBC suddenly be too busy – as in the case of the Islamic hamas slaughter footage ? Will bowen and dooset and the rest not be interested ? Somehow I know the answer …

        As for the IDF – push hard to destroy Islamic Hamas before the West – as usual – bottles -and demands surrender ( cease fire ) .dealing with Islamic Hamas – wheerever it is – must be an Israeli national priority …. But at least it’s one of those few countries with a backbone these days …


        • JohnC says:

          What’s amusing me at the moment is how the word Nazis is being thrown around – but nobody is pointing out how the socalist Hitler was the ultimate antisemetic.

          It’s very inconvenient for the Left who want to use the word as a label for the Far-Right.

          They say that when you reach the extreme, the far-Left and far-Right become similar in their extreme intolerance and deal with anything using hate. But it’s the Left who always seem to end up murdering millions.


      • Fedup2 says:

        The bbc mentions the ISF footage on tunnels into Hamas Gaza hospital s but effectively rubbishes it by saying ‘the bbc has been unable to verify …’ a term the bbc does not use when citing numbers provided by Hamas ‘medical staff ‘….. Hamas is Palestine is Gaza ….


    • MarkyMark says:

      Hamas to build HS2 on time and completed under budget!


  20. Nibor says:

    Well listening to the BBC Radio 4 about the reshuffle and their guest interviewees ( 95% of the establishment ) one would think that drug addled politicians were being replaced by sound sober experienced statesmen who will steer Britain PLC into calmer waters .

    Nothing about democracy , truth and accountability to the ordinary Joe above kowtowing to an international elite .


  21. andyjsnape says:

    I see the remainer is back in cabinet, the bbc is keen


  22. Zephir says:

    “Revealed: Woman hunted by police over placard showing Rishi Sunak and Suella Braverman as coconuts is a teacher who grew up in a £2m Buckinghamshire home whose friends say doesn’t have ‘a malicious bone in her body’

    Marieha Mohsin Hussain was hunted by police after the pro-Palestine march
    She held a racist banner depicting Suella Braverman and Mr Sunak as coconuts”


  23. Zephir says:

    It is worth encapsulating what the informed academic said in a video posted earlier from the US:

    These people came here from an oppressive regime and were given opportunity, security, education and tolerance of their views.

    They respond by promoting the very regimes that they fled from who, if they were gay, would kill them, if they protested, would kill them, if they objected to hiding their body as a female, would kill them.

    It is completely and utterly incoherent in the extreme.

    These people, if they wish to attack and challenge the culture and views of the majority in the country that gave them safe haven , tolerance and opportunity, should return to these regimes and practice their intolerance there and take the risks associated.


  24. Zephir says:

    He also noted the presence of many muslims in Isreal working and thriving but, also, in Gaza, the many “normal” Palestinians celebrating murder, and spitting on and abusing Isreali hostages arriving there, including a 4 year old child.

    Which is why he commented that there is no longer any call for Isreali restraint even within the Democrat party and also a crackdown iin further education in the US and intolerance for ANY anti semitic racist academics.

    The IDF film of the hamas attack should be shown in the UK, including EVERY further education establishment also to open peoples eyes to the complete medieval savagery Isreal is dealing with, supported by the vast majority of the population in Palestine.

    Their “actors” pretending injury will brook no sympathy outside of their little extremist bubble. The truth is out as to their true nature and the only solution.


  25. JohnC says:

    After the far-right feeding frenzy by the Leftist MSM, I figured it would be interesting to see actually go charged for an offence.

    UPDATED: Four more charged as investigations continue into disorder in central London

    Here are their names:
    Mark Austen – Sounds like a whitey
    Raheem Ahmed – Oh dear. And he had a knife.
    Ryan Ramadan – Oh dear again. And he had another knife.
    Grigore Flutar – No idea for that one.

    From 145 arrests, only 11 have been charged with anything.
    The BBC won’t be going anywhere near that. Sounds a lot like some ‘human rights’ were violated.

    From what I saw, it was clear the police went with a heavy hand against the whiteys in order to prevent any confrontation with the intolerant Muslims. Might make sense from a ‘social order’ point of view, but hardly fair if you are white.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      The policing was intended to create the lie that Far Right Extremists ™ & (c) BBC Enterprises and Metropolitan Police, are the real problem. The ‘fact’ that ordinary concerned citizens said Far Right Extremists had to be arrested ‘proves’ that Mark Rowley was right all along and the guy from Goldman Sachs masquerading as Prime Minister had no choice other than to sack that nasty White Supremacist, Suella Braverman.


  26. Fedup2 says:

    I suppose the ‘justice department ‘ will appoint Muslim lawyers and judges to ‘try ‘ the whitees in political show trials before giving them 10 years for allegedly using bad words – or just fitting them up – using the US model …


    • MarkyMark says:

      Blind immigration judge ‘had no idea of the law or his own powers’ says panel after 12 out of 13 appeals against his rulings succeed
      ‘Shambolic’ immigration judge Amir Ali Majid ruled against by senior panel
      He was found to have ‘very little idea’ of his powers or the content of the law
      One more case may be allowed after it was adjourned to determine legal point

      PUBLISHED: 02:06, 2 October 2017 | UPDATED: 07:12, 2 October 2017




  27. Fedup2 says:

    Forced to witness it out of duty = comrade Robinson and meesh over the moon pleasuring themselves over the reshuffle – a remainer corrupt foreign secretary who loves overseas give aways – together with his mate Andy pleb Mitchell …..
    ….. and apparently it’s ’ elvis – the kings’ birthday – so he wants a national foodbank to feed the feckless …. including – I assume – himself …

    And a hilarious piece about ‘cyber security ‘ in the coming general election . No one spotted that it doesn’t matter who occupies number 10 – it’s a lefty fix anyway ….. but I think I’ll put another £ on a 100 majority for red labour now that the only conservative has been fired …


    • JohnC says:

      Nobody wants to talk about it – but I wonder how realistic it is that all the letters go in to the 1922 committee, Sunak gets the boot and a real Conservative is put into No.10.

      The problem of course is that the BBC are now our greatest enemy of democracy and use their power to make or break whoever they want. Until OFCOM are lined up against a wall, nothing is going to change. The fact it was politicians, not OFCOM, who pulled up the BBC for their extreme bias about Gaza speaks volumes. They are unfit for purpose.


  28. Dickie says:

    Back to Ukraine. The blue and yellow flags that people are flying in support of those democratic Nazi’s must be getting somewhat tatty by now.



  29. Fedup2 says:

    A hilarious chat between Rachel reeve and meesh …. The book was mentioned … it apparently was about wimmin who have done economic stuff ( yawn ) and that chunks of it were straight lifts from Wikipedia . Ms reeve said the copy and paste wasn’t done by her -but by a ‘research assistant ‘…. Wonder if it was a wimmin ? But maybe the whole book was written / copied by ‘research assistants ‘? Signed off by our Rachel …

    Red labour – deceit – ? Surely not .. inept red labour ? Surely not – it’s the future ….


    • StewGreen says:

      Bottomline, if Reeves can’t supervise a book with her name as the author.
      then she certainly can’t supervise a government department.


    • R P McMurphy says:

      Rachel does go on a bit about the sisterhood. Made a big thing about Alice Bacon the first female labour MP in the local rag. What she omitted to say was there were no all female short lists in those days, Alice was a natural and rose to the top. I tried to get this important fact mentioned in the rags letter page. it didn’t appear.
      I can’t confirm how Bessie Braddock was elected but it wasn’t an all female shortlist.


  30. Guest Who says:

    BBC makes sense.

    Trying to make sense of David Cameron’s return to government?
    Listen to expert analysis and insight on the latest #BBCNewscast…

    Using… ‘experts’.


    “ We speak to someone pretending to be a WW2 fighter pilot for some reason 🤷‍♀️”


  31. Fedup2 says:

    God help us – the comrade Robinson interviews the new chairman of the blue Labour mess – he gabbled and gabbled and sounded like the sort of jelly seen on ‘the thick of it ‘.
    Robinson had an easy time shredding this inept … fool …..


  32. taffman says:

    IMHO the Tory government has been creeping back to the EU . Hence the appointment of Cameron , the PM who ‘threw his toys out of the pram’ when we voted to get out of the EU, which also upset the Beeboids. Check out the BBC website under their “politics” heading. By the way, have you noticed that we are still half in the EU?
    What a mess !


  33. MarkyMark says:

    Rishi – unelected
    Cameron – unelected.


  34. Foscari says:

    If you want follow the war between Israel and Hamas from
    the Hamas perspective . May I suggest that you turn to
    Hama’s media outlet in the UK . And watch and listen
    to the number one supporter of Hamas in the UK . The
    beautiful lass from the Irish Republic,Orla Guerin on the BBC.
    On the hand if the Israeli point of view might interest
    you . Then watch I24 news on YouTube. Yes, you may not
    believe that the tunnels being shown are under Mosques and
    hospitals. Or that Israel is sending incubators for babies
    to Gaza. But the Israeli “propaganda” is diametrically
    opposite to what you see on the BBC. But I suppose you
    would expect that.
    And if you still think that the Yids are lying . And that you
    know you can trust the BBC and Orla Guerin. You can still
    wring out ” From the river to the sea,” Without having
    the slightest idea what it means.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Transgender Awareness Week begins today, leading up to Transgender Day of Remembrance 🏳️‍⚧️

      Get involved in any of the events taking place across London:”


      How much is it to transition in the UK?
      According to TransUnite, the average cost of privately transitioning is approximately £20,000 – a figure that includes aftercare. This is more money than most people earn in a year and is, for some, a completely out-of-reach cost in terms of saving.3 Jan 2022

      The cost of puberty blockers is approximately $1,200 per month for injections and can range from $4,500 to $18,000 for an implant. The least expensive form of estrogen, a pill, can cost anywhere between $4 to $30 a month, according to Simons, while testosterone can be anywhere between $20 to $200 a vial.30 Jun 2015



  35. Guest Who says:

    World Health Organization says Gaza’s Al-Shifa hospital unable to bury dead bodies


    Meanwhile, on Vile…



    • MarkyMark says:

      Clickbait bullshit by Piers Morgan. Jeremy Corbyn is not antisemitic

      🙄But why would Corbyn go on his show unprepared to neutralise usual suspect questions so he can navigate discourse to points he’s trying to make?

      He could’ve said Hamas is terrorist group & so is Israeli Govt


      Click to access Chakrabarti-Inquiry-Report-30June16.pdf

      The Labour Party is not overrun by antisemitism, Islamophobia or other forms of racism. Further, it is
      the party that initiated every single United Kingdom race equality law


  36. Guest Who says:

    Twitter is a very special place. If you take it in the right spirit.

    Fresh from the ‘triumphs’ of the hate march and Sweller getting the shaft, lefty gobs got careless trying not to look too deranged and decided a few extreme views… Corbyn, NUT members, party activists… went a bit far and did not side with these senile or screeching harpie twats.


    Already seeing, of all people… Paul Mason and James O’Brien being targeted.


  37. AsISeeIt says:

    Admitting it, like it is edition

    Back to the future – remarks the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper: PM gambles on return of David Cameron

    Back where we began – complains the 100% in the tank for Labour Daily Mirror: Same old Tories (literally)… 13 years after David Cameron walked into No10 to unleash the age of austerity.. he’s back

    Back where it belongs is the Guardian, in poll position heading up the BBC’s online press line-up: Cameron’s shock return in high-stakes reshuffle

    And in honour of Call-Me-Dave – let’s kick off this morning with a couple of trademark Calm Down Dears

    Labour fury as David Cameron tells Angela Eagle: ‘Calm down, dear’… Prime minister sparks anger after using Michael Winner advertising slogan to shadow chief secretary at PMQs (Guardian, joining the back to the future theme with their caution: This article is more than 12 years old)

    Comeback: Esther McVey is to root out wokery (Daily Mail) – good luck with that, luv… that small boat has already sailed long ago… Trans woman to lead womb health charity (Telegraph); Gay couples to have own Church blessings (Telegraph)

    My husband wept with joy at our wedding – then demanded a divorce just six months later (Daily Mail) – calm down dear

    Mr AsI has a theory that Cameron has been lofted in as Foreign Sec so there is a big hitter in place available to begin some form of negotiaton to attempt to get the west out of the deepening mire that is Ukraine. Someone preferably trusted by Brussels. Someone with more standing than the Yanks have on offer at present. Someone British to give the Americans plausible deniability. Someone who’s personal political career is already done and dusted (his political ambitions already bought and sold, so to speak). Someone the Russians might take relatively seriously. Just a thought.

    Children working as riders for food delivery apps – BBC investigation

    Was that the strains of Dvorak’s New World Symphony I imagined as the lad struggles up the precipitous cobbled street with his baker’s bike for the last stop on his round to deliver a Hovis loaf to Old Ma Pegotty? “T’was like taking bread to the top of the world!”

    Third world labour Deliveroo economy, more like

    Meanwhile, news from our crony capitalist neo-State-controlled Command Economy

    Carmakers have ploughed billions into electric vehicles, spurred on by tightening emissions rules and and the promise of an ocean of untapped demand… But following the zeal of early adopters, the mass market is proving less forgiving of the cars’ higher prices… Now makers have to offer deep discounts to shift models… (The FT there, admitting it, like it is)


    • Fedup2 says:

      The mr asi theory might have something in it because I just cannot see the reasoning to put him back into the government …..so maybe Obama has ordered Cameron back in to ‘decouple ‘ from Ukraine …..


  38. Guest Who says:

    This is why the bbc is a dangerous joke staffed by juveniles with eye watering budgets and undeserved global influence.

    South Korea fears Hamas-style attack from the North

    N. Korea is a state. A despotic, single party despotic dictator one, but a state. It has an army. And iron control of all within its borders.

    Any ‘attack’ across them will be state sanctioned. If Polish customs post style, suicidal. If armoured, nukes all round.

    Trying to equate with Hamas, the government of Palestine in Gaza, run from Qatar, using drugged up virgin hunters is… oh.


  39. Guest Who says:

    BBC TNI partnership brings much baggage.

    “The Post felt it had to respect the sensitivities of the, er, terrorism community. Apparently, we can’t upset #Hamas by saying they use civilians as shields, though they freely admit this.
    “It’s obvious: Hamas Lives Matter is the hot new trend on the left.”
    Hilarious, vital

    Where’s Bowen? Crafty friends Zoom with Corbyn?

    The left’s Hamas apologism is sickening. The Washington Post has now bowed to pressure to pull a cartoon that mocks Hamas’s cruelty. Can the woke sink any lower?, asks Jenny Holland


  40. MarkyMark says:



    • MarkyMark says:

      “What’s in it?”
      “I don’t know, I’m just the salesman.”
      “You drink it!”
      “Ah, gentlemen here is a non-believer”


  41. MarkyMark says:

    Diane Abbott walks away after she’s asked to explain Jewish ‘costume’ comment

    Click to access Chakrabarti-Inquiry-Report-30June16.pdf

    The Labour Party is not overrun by antisemitism, Islamophobia or other forms of racism. Further, it is
    the party that initiated every single United Kingdom race equality law

    Shami/Diane drinking


  42. andyjsnape says:

    David Cameron to return to cabinet table after seven years

    Not much mention re the Brexit vote. If the bbc didn’t like him, they would go on and on and on about it. But lets face it the bbc likes Cameron and its sponsor the eu


    • JohnC says:

      Sunak and Cameron at the helm : that’s as good as it gets for the BBC with Tories in power. They will be trying to smooth it all out as much as possible.

      I find it absolutely outrageous that Sunak has done this. And I wonder how long it has been planned with Dave already telling us he has quit all his other jobs.

      And of course it will be electoral wipeout unless Sunak is given the boot. Nobody wanted him anyway : the BBC engineered it.

      I’m looking forward to the next opinion polls. Maybe they will give them the kick up the backside they need to do it.

      Dave : a man of the people. Did a runner when he saw the camera.


  43. taffman says:

    “Storm Debi: Thunderstorm warning in place for parts of England” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-67396689
    Project Fear.
    Have we never had thunderstorms before?
    Why give it a silly NAME ?


  44. taffman says:

    Esther McVey.
    “Eye Candy” for a dodgy Tory cabinet.


  45. MarkyMark says:

    I feel safe …

    “David Cameron’s bodyguard ‘leaves gun in plane toilet’
    Passports belonging to the former prime minister and the bodyguard were also left in the toilet with the weapon, it was reported.

    Wednesday 5 February 2020 09:43, UK”


  46. MarkyMark says:

    Meanwhile in London … words hurt … or not …

    “Strictly Come Dancing’s Shirley Ballas has revealed she was told her stretch marks were “revolting” by a dance judge, six weeks after giving birth.

    “It wasn’t like it is today where everybody’s got to walk on an eggshell to tell you something,” the 63-year-old told the Radio Times podcast.

    “I went back to dancing six weeks after having my baby.

    “I was told: ‘I marked you third as I refuse to look at the stretch marks on your back. I find it revolting.'”

    She added: “I just accepted it, moved on and did what I needed to do – for me, it was character building.””