Wolfie Smith won’t change his stripes and Piers Morgan is a dung fly
This explains why Jeremy Corbyn would not agree with Piers Morgan last night that Hamas is a terrorist organisation. He thinks it an historical mistake to regard it as such. https://t.co/qEZT4YidSS
Speaking of dung flies and not going near… Toenails (yawn).
“It gives the PM a guy who knows almost every leading figure in world politics.”
David Cameron In, Suella Braverman Out.
An emergency episode of The Today Podcast with
@amolrajan and @bbcnickrobinson
Scruffy oaf loves himself.
8 actual engagements… in a day.
“The only leadership contest that Rishi Sunak faced he lost to Liz Truss, who in turn lost to a lettuce.”
Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves tells
@MishalHusain the government, under both ‘old and new’ ministers, isn’t addressing day-to-day concerns across the country.
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George Osborne, the chancellor, will on Tuesday announce plans for Britain to issue the first Islamic bond outside the Muslim world, as he seeks to turn the City of London into the “unrivalled western centre for Islamic finance”. https://www.ft.com/content/1e8c9c2c-3ff9-11e3-a890-00144feabdc0
taffman, if I recall correctly, David Cameron only went to the EU in Brussels in October or November 2015 in order to ‘renegotiate the UK’s terms of membership’ a.k.a. ‘get a new deal’. Either ‘Call me Dave’ knew in advance (as did Osborne) the answer was “No” or that only a very limited number of ameliorations would be offered. The EU obviously did not like it being left to the last minute.
“There rumours were true, GB News presenter and former UKIP leader Nigel Farage is set to be King of the jungle in I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!, becoming the highest paid star in the shows history with a reputed whopping £1.5 million. A lot more than Hancock’s £400,000, though Farage will likely be far more entertaining…”
Swedish government criticized for abandoning climate targets
The Swedish Climate Policy Council believes that measures announced by the ruling majority since October 2022 will increase emissions in the short term, rather than rapidly reducing them.
By Anne-Françoise Hivert(Malmö (Sweden) correspondent)
Published on April 6, 2023,
“The Energy Saving Trust is clear on this one: leaving a boiler on for longer will cost more […] If no one is at home all day then you can have it turn off before you leave and on again just before you get back.”
Top level analysis from the BBC. Bung another £100 on the licence fee.
“The government has announced that citizens will be entitled to use heating for up to 2 hours on days where the average air temperature drops below zero degrees centigrade for 18 hours or more in any 24 hour period. No action by citizens is required as, provided they have accumulated sufficient personal carbon credits, the Smart Meter in their residence will manage the process. Environment activists have condemned the announcement, stating that ‘this type of extravagance will make it harder to meet mandatory UN NetZero Green Austerity targets’.
In other news, British Gas, EDF Energy, E.ON, Scottish Power, and SSE have all announced record profits for the 7th year running.”
BBC seem to be increasingly going rogue on social media. R5’s Nihal here challenging Team Verify for the title of Most Naive and Lazy Knowledge Gathering:
“Israel is supposed to hold itself to a higher standard and not enact collective punishment on an entire population. I interviewed a Dr who worked at Al Shifa. He is based in Liverpool. He said he saw no evidence of Hamas activity.”
———————— https://x.com/TherealNihal/status/1724325244016410819?s=20
“Cameron won the award after he announced a £20m fund in January to teach Muslim women in the UK to speak English in order to “tackle segregation” and help them “resist the lure of extremism.” The scheme was widely pilloried within the Muslim community for picking on a small minority of women who have no link to extremism whatsoever.
The IHRC’s Massoud Shadjareh told 5Pillars: “Politicians should be challenging Islamophobia instread of going with the flow or paying lip service to it.””
The International Award went to the racist, Islamophobic French magazine Charlie Hebdo after it published a sickening cartoon which depicted the drowned Syrian toddler, Aylan Kurdi, growing up to become a sexual abuser.
Nice to have another Etonian £ running £ the country – and he can go to the WEF meetings ( Davos ) using public transport ….
I wonder how much the overseas give away is going to increase by in the next budget ? – billion extra for the NHS for winter payments to diversity managers …..
Speaking of which I understand anyone now on a state pension is now getting £600 ‘winter payment ‘ on top of the u million on credits getting their £300 on top of the last £300 ….
I wonder is blue labour thinks they can buy votes ?
jazz, £500 in my case and I have the DWP letter to confirm it. Sadly, my incompetent Utility supplier’s invoice for the first winter quarter is likely to be much larger than £500.
Our fuel benefit is £250 each this year. It used to be £100 each.
While the money allows us to be far less worried about paying the huge, unecessary amount for ‘green smokeless’ coal, I have to tell you, that today, I spent an hour collecting thirteen bags of seasoned wood from a friend who has been clearing his woodland for a building site. He has given us the wood for nothing, but of course, a couple of bottles of a decent vintage will appear on his doorstep around Dcember 12th…
It’s all still in the car, (with the seats down), and tomorrow has to be stacked in the woodshed.
I’ve just been down with the dustbins for the collection tomorrow, and noticed that all the condensation from the shower of rain we had this morning, has steamed up the car windows, and reminds me of many a Saturday night all those years ago!
I noticed a few days ago, someone with Government connections saying that the Treasury want large scale immigration. Is this a declared and debated policy? Do we have any say in this? Who are the Treasury anyway?
Yes I do know what the Treasury is and the PM is nominally First Lord of the Treasury so it must be people other than the PM, the Civil Servants, that are driving this policy.
‘The Treasury’ are generally acknowledged to be some of the most stupid people on planet Earth. They believe that there is some sort of economic benefit to mass migration, inasmuch as those migrants who work in legitimate businesses and pay taxes add to the country’s GDP. However, this conjuring illusion ignores factors such as: benefits paid to migrants; the cost of housing ten of thousands of them in hotels; the cost of providing medical facilities through the NHS; schooling and education costs; building new roads; providing new infrastructure for water, sewage and energy; additional policing to deal with increased and exotic crimes, plus prison and court costs; the loss to the economy as a result of tens of thousands of talented Britons exiting the country and paying their taxes elsewhere. To put this into some sort of context, annual net migration of more than 600,000 is equivalent to having to build a city the size of Liverpool every year and that costs a hell of a lot of money.
Bottom line: there are no economic benefits to mass migration. On the contrary, since it was implemented under the morally repugnant Blair regime it has cost trillions of pounds that could have been spent on improving the lot of ordinary British people. And given a choice, most people would be happy to do without these so-called economic benefits and have our country back the way it was. What would you choose: an extra pound a week in your pocket or having aliens fight over a medieval Middle Eastern blood feud in our cities every Saturday?
For anyone thinking they need a flu jab – and don’t get it ‘free’ ( paid for by taxpayers like me ) Superdrug do a deal for £8 with a free blood pressure test thrown in …. I had the jab yesterday – it wasn’t made by Pfizer or Astra zenaca ….
It has one of the UK’s youngest workforces, with three quarters of staff aged 16 to 25 and, for many, it is their first job.
After all the eejut teachers playing gender politics and the natural problems with bullying and poor behaviour in schools it’s amazing the figures are so low!
The BBC cubicle chimps looking to blow it up and have a pop at the hated McDonalds
Some beeboid talking head mentioned Cameron’s wealth of experience and global contacts.
It’s the word global that bothers me, sounds too much like globalist.
The BBC boast they have been “investigating” the Stephen Lawrence case for some time so obviously invested a shit load of public money and resources into it.
What are the chances they will follow this up with a similar in-depth investigation into the reasons for the butchering of Lee Rigby on the streets of London?
Zilch… he was white, male and military, all baddies for the BBC.
“A good idea or a bad one?”
Amol and Nick find out what’s being made of David Cameron’s appointment as foreign secretary.
David Cameron In, Suella Braverman Out.
An emergency episode of The Today Podcast for your Monday evening.
Another headache for Rishi Sunak, as the right rounds on new Home Office minister Laura Farris – a former Hilary Clinton staffer – for taking the knee for BLM in 2020.
Tory MP: “Many of our traditional supporters and new voters will look at in despair.”
“Farris worked as a journalist for BBC and Reuters and also worked for Hillary Clinton when she was a United States Senator for New York. She qualified as a barrister in 2007, practising mainly in employment law. Farris was appointed to the panel of counsel operated by the Equality and Human Rights Commission in 2015.”
Rishi Sunak has made the knee-taking former Hillary Clinton aide Laura Farris a minister…at the Home Office!
Please someone, make the madness stop! 🤣
Rishi Sunak has made the knee-taking former Hillary Clinton aide Laura Farris a minister…at the Home Office!
The Tory right’s revolt against Rishi’s cabinet reshuffle has gained momentum, as the New Conservatives have written a damning letter to the PM blasting him for “abandon[ing] voters who switched to us last time”. https://order-order.com/
Green Card
Having a Green Card (officially known as a Permanent Resident Card (PDF, 1.69 MB) allows you to live and work permanently in the United States. The steps you must take to apply for a Green Card will vary depending on your individual situation. https://www.uscis.gov/green-card
How can all these wokies join in the Palestinian marches with all the chanting (river to sea) the placards (swastikas and coconuts) and the almost palpable hate emanating from the seething hoardes yet if somebody says something like “Hello Guys” they get a fit of the vapours and have a mental breakdown at such offensive language.
Of course, the answer is that they are simple, illogical, brainwashed and immature. Just think, how many teachers are in with this lot for their virtue signalling and flag waving weekend jollies and then are filling young impressionable minds full of their propaganda during the school days.
Pupils, many of whom will then end up like these teachers.
In my youth we used to rebel against ‘grown ups’
It was part of growing up.
Now, they all want to conform and get ‘likes’ and be seen virtue signalling.
“LTA sack council member over his Adolf Hitler post on social media as statement released
The LTA have sacked Wasim Haq for his controversial social media post.”
“UK money to stop migrant crisis spent by France on microwaves and vacuum cleaners
British cash to stop the migrant crisis is being splurged on a horse brigade, vacuum cleaners, microwaves and mobile phone chargers by the French Government.
spending records on Monday revealed how some of the money is being wasted on everyday objects.
Analysis has revealed some £130,383 has been spent on a horse brigade in the baie de Somme, buying riding boots, helmets and care for the horses.”
Be fair. If I was being paid, say £1k a week, for something I had no intention of doing, I’d be spending it on beer and pizza. Why should the French be different?
Terrible. But could have been under the wreckage of a misfired missile from the guys actually responsible for ‘delivery’, or via bayonet and then into an oven by their colleagues.
Wherever Hamas shoot at the Israeli army, they shoot back. They don’t just shoot for the fun of it – they are professional soldiers who have learned the hard way, not terrorists.
I notice that there is NEVER any mention of this in a context to pressure Hamas not to do it. And the reason is obvious – whatever we do, we can’t upset the hundred of thousands of Hamas supporters who march through Londonistan chanting for the destruction of Israel.
Letter : “You never had any intention of keeping your promises.”
“…failed to deliver on every single one of these key policies. Either your distinctive style of government means you are incapable of doing so.
Or, as I must surely conclude now, you never had any intention of keeping your promises.”
Opinions coming in
Ben Habib : The Home Secretary had undertakings which @RishiSunak broke.
@SuellaBraverman was not guilty of breaching collective responsibility.
The PM was guilty of breaching his undertakings to her AND the country.
Sri Harsha : @SuellaBraverman You are the only politician who spoke for the UK people.
You are the only one who spoke truth even though it’s hard.
You are the only one who never bowed down to the mob.
UK has lost you when it needed you the most.
@HHepplewhite @SuellaBraverman Clarifying what we all knew.
Sunak is working for the globalist agenda not the people who voted the party into power.
All good to ensure a Labour victory next year I suppose. I wonder if they will open it for comment. If they do, I guarantee 100% the troll farm will be activated.
I wish some important people would start accusing the BBC of politically assasinating her and all the other Brexit supporters. Which they most certainly did.
Labour shadow minister Lisa Nandy said the letter was “just the latest instalment in a Tory psychodrama that’s been playing out over the last 13 years, holding the rest of the country to ransom while the Tories fight among themselves”. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-67420331
It shows us with absolute clarity what complete double-standard, racist hypocrites the Left actually are. And I like to see it confirmed from time to time.
I have noticed that the 60 man ‘BBC Verify’ team must be staffed with graduates and the useless staff they can’t put on real reporting.
Just look at the razor sharp proof that ‘Daniele Palumbo’ verifies that Israel are near a school. Not that I can see any reason for people to doubt it.
‘One of these is the premises of a school, which we found on Google Maps.’
‘We also compared the shape and outline of the vehicles with previous satellite images of Israeli military formations, and they look like tanks as well as bulldozers used to clear rubble for advancing vehicles.’
‘Also visible are clouds of smoke, including in the immediate area by the hospital where explosions have been reported.’
Well done Danielle. Mummy must be so proud of your new job title.
Here he is. Clearly another quota employee with that name and his obvious simplistic view of the world.
The kids who spend much of their time gawping at their mobiles, and becoming rather less interesting than the kids who stuffed earphones in their ears and sort of wriggled to crap music from some punk band all those years ago!
I assume they’re paid-up members who’ve graduated from the Beeboid’s Kid’s Shows from yesteryear. (The Savile Years).
(Didn’t Piggy-Mouth Cameron accuse Ed Balls of having Tourettes once? Is that the same thing)?
‘McDonald’s UK boss has admitted the fast-food chain is receiving between one or two sexual harassment claims a week following a BBC investigation.’. Whatever BBC. Considering they employ more than 170,000 people and only 157 in the last 6 months were about sexual harassment and of those, only 17 had led to disciplinary action it doesn’t sound to me like they should be sat answering questions from MP’s.
But never mind that. Lets look at BBC sexual abuse claims:
‘The BBC initially declined a request for information on sexual harassment allegations over the past five years due to alleged cost implications.’
Oh dear. Not a good start at all.
‘They then agreed to provide details over the past two years, however they refused to give details of employees involved and locations of the incidents.’
‘However they refused to disclose how much money has been spent at the BBC investigating those claims.’
Right – well there goes the ‘holier than thou’ BBC arrogance down the toilet
‘Between April 2019 until April 2020 the organisation investigated ten allegations against their employees.’
The BBC employ 21,000 people and we learn that 9 were upheld. That’s 4.5 in 6 months or 0.214 complaints upheld per thousand people.
McDonalds employ 170,000 people and 17 were upheld. Thats 0.1 complaints per thousand people.
So the BBC are twice as bad as McDonalds.
Why aren’t they investigating themselves and pushing MP’s to question THEM about it ?.
Note how they tried to hide the figures at first. How many other ‘freedom of information requests’ do they refuse for the same reasons ?. Dirty, ethically barren liars.
Here’s an author (or it might be another one because unsurpisingly the BBC seem to have several called ‘Noor Nanji’ – but they all leave you with the same overall impression).
Look at this breathless clone who is ultra serious as they go with a load of other people into a Town and get told they should leave.
I wonder if SHE jumps under a table at the first sign of trouble like all the other ‘serious BBC reporters’ these days do. She should try being on the ground in Gaza – but I notice the only people they have reporting there are locals who almost certainly support Hamas.
I presume the reason for that is that Hamas terrorists would kidnap them and use them as human shields. But they don’t tell us that.
HMS braverman fires a full broadside at USS sunak – if you enjoy a literary rant do read her letter – it is formidable – and depicts a weak indecisive semi PM unfit for the job .
Labour need only stay quiet during this civil war and bury the dead blue Labour Party at the end – no need for a marker ….
The Lords release the appeal on Rwanda on Wednesday – it will be indecisive and support all views …..
“Thank you for your phone call yesterday morning in which you asked me to leave Government. While disappointing, this is for the best.
It has been my privilege to serve as Home Secretary and deliver on what the British people have sent us to Westminster to do. I want to thank all of those civil servants, police, Border Force officers and security professionals with whom I have worked and whose dedication to public safety is exemplary. I am proud of what we achieved together: delivering on our manifesto pledge to recruit 20,000 new police officers and enacting new laws such as the Public Order Act 2023 and the National Security Act 2023. I also led a programme of reform: on anti-social behaviour, police dismissals and standards, reasonable lines of enquiry, grooming gangs, knife crime, non-crime hate incidents and rape and serious sexual offences. And I am proud of the strategic changes that I was delivering to Prevent, Contest, serious organised crime and fraud. I am sure that this work will continue with the new ministerial team.
As you know, I accepted your offer to serve as Home Secretary in October 2022 on certain conditions. Despite you having been rejected by a majority of Party members during the summer leadership contest and thus having no personal mandate to be Prime Minister, I agreed to support you because of the firm assurances you gave me on key policy priorities.
These were, among other things:
1. Reduce overall legal migration as set out in the 2019 manifesto through, inter alia, reforming the international students route and increasing salary thresholds on work visas;
2. Include specific ‘notwithstanding clauses’ into new legislation to stop the boats, i.e. exclude the operation of the European Convention on Human Rights, Human Rights Act and other international law that had thus far obstructed progress on this issue;
3. Deliver the Northern Ireland Protocol and Retained EU Law Bills in their then existing form and timetable;
4. Issue unequivocal statutory guidance to schools that protects biological sex, safeguards single sex spaces, and empowers parents to know what is being taught to their children.
This was a document with clear terms to which you agreed in October 2022 during your second leadership campaign. I trusted you. It is generally agreed that my support was a pivotal factor in winning the leadership contest and thus enabling you to become Prime Minister.
For a year, as Home Secretary I have sent numerous letters to you on the key subjects contained in our agreement, made requests to discuss them with you and your team, and put forward proposals on how we might deliver these goals. I worked up the legal advice, policy detail and action to take on these issues. This was often met with equivocation, disregard and a lack of interest.
You have manifestly and repeatedly failed to deliver on every single one of these key policies. Either your distinctive style of government means you are incapable of doing so. Or, as I must surely conclude now, you never had any intention of keeping your promises.
These are not just pet interests of mine. They are what we promised the British people in our 2019 manifesto which led to a landslide victory. They are what people voted for in the 2016 Brexit Referendum.
Our deal was no mere promise over dinner, to be discarded when convenient and denied when challenged.
I was clear from day one that if you did not wish to leave the ECHR, the way to securely and swiftly deliver our Rwanda partnership would be to block off the ECHR, the HRA and any other obligations which inhibit our ability to remove those with no right to be in the UK. Our deal expressly referenced ‘notwithstanding clauses’ to that effect.
Your rejection of this path was not merely a betrayal of our agreement, but a betrayal of your promise to the nation that you would do “whatever it takes” to stop the boats.
At every stage of litigation I cautioned you and your team against assuming we would win. I repeatedly urged you to take legislative measures that would better secure us against the possibility of defeat. You ignored these arguments. You opted instead for wishful thinking as a comfort blanket to avoid having to make hard choices. This irresponsibility has wasted time and left the country in an impossible position.
If we lose in the Supreme Court, an outcome that I have consistently argued we must be prepared for, you will have wasted a year and an Act of Parliament, only to arrive back at square one. Worse than this, your magical thinking – believing that you can will your way through this without upsetting polite opinion-has meant you have failed to prepare any sort of credible ‘Plan B’. I wrote to you on multiple occasions setting out what a credible Plan B would entail, and making clear that unless you pursue these proposals, in the event of defeat, there is no hope of flights this side of an election. I received no reply from you.
I can only surmise that this is because you have no appetite for doing what is necessary, and therefore no real intention of fulfilling your pledge to the British people.
If, on the other hand, we win in the Supreme Court, because of the compromises that you insisted on in the Illegal Migration Act, the Government will struggle to deliver our Rwanda partnership in the way that the public expects. The Act is far from secure against legal challenge. People will not be removed as swiftly as I originally proposed. The average claimant will be entitled to months of process, challenge, and appeal. Your insistence that Rule 39 indications are binding in international law – against the views of leading lawyers, as set out in the House of Lords will leave us vulnerable to being thwarted yet again by the Strasbourg Court.
Another cause for disappointment – and the context for my recent article in The Times – has been your failure to rise to the challenge posed by the increasingly vicious antisemitism and extremism displayed on our streets since Hamas’s terrorist atrocities of 7th October.
I have become hoarse urging you to consider legislation to ban the hate marches and help stem the rising tide of racism, intimidation and terrorist glorification threatening community cohesion. Britain is at a turning point in our history and faces a threat of radicalisation and extremism in a way not seen for 20 years. I regret to say that your response has been uncertain, weak, and lacking in the qualities of leadership that this country needs. Rather than fully acknowledge the severity of this threat, your team disagreed with me for weeks that the law needed changing.
As on so many other issues, you sought to put off tough decisions in order to minimise political risk to yourself. In doing so, you have increased the very real risk these marches present to everyone else.
In October of last year you were given an opportunity to lead our country. It is a privilege to serve and one we should not take for granted. Service requires bravery and thinking of the common good. It is not about occupying the office as an end in itself.
Someone needs to be honest: your plan is not working, we have endured record election defeats, your resets have failed and we are running out of time. You need to change course urgently.
I may not have always found the right words, but I have always striven to give voice to the quiet majority that supported us in 2019. I have endeavoured to be honest and true to the people who put us in these privileged positions.
I will, of course, continue to support the Government in pursuit of policies which align with an authentic conservative agenda.”
from order-order.com
If Hamas can do what they did to the party goers and kibbutz people – anybody dobbing them in for anything else is likely going have a rough time.
I listened to MSF coordinator in Jerusalem earlier on the R4 6pm radio – and he wasn’t going to be drawn on the hospital Hamas HQ question – and under the circumstances I felt a stupid effin question that only an agenda driven toxic berk like Evan would ask – send the git out to find out.
Unless you are knowledgeable about female 18th century writers, anything done by Africans, anything ethnic and lots of obscure non whites (preferably female) then you will be wasting your time if you watch University Challenge.
Something you wont hear from Orla Guerin or
anybody from Hamas’s media partner at the BBC.
Israel is providing incubators and respirators for the
Al Shifa hospital in Gaza. FACT CHECK that BBC !!!!!!!
Double standards. She was forced to lie (perjure herself) by the awful man in her life I’m frankly amazed at how she seems to be welcomed by the broadcast media including the BBC. If she was a man?
Delivered in locations throughout the UK, the world-leading programme takes volunteer recruits who have joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine with little to no previous military experience and teaches them the skills required to survive and be effective in frontline combat. ….. The course is delivered over a minimum period of five weeks and includes weapons handling, battlefield first aid, Law of Armed Conflict training, patrol tactics and rural environment training.
Since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Russia has lost over 50% of the land it initially captured following the February 2022 invasion.
As well as the major training programme, the UK continues to support Ukraine to push back Russian forces. As part of the £4.6bn worth of UK military support, we have provided long range missiles, western main battle tanks, and logistical support to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
This is in addition to the $60bn raised for Ukraine during the Ukraine Recovery Conference held in London in June.
Pest control campaigns
The Great Hanoi Rat Massacre occurred in 1902, in Hanoi, Vietnam (then known as French Indochina), when, under French colonial rule, the colonial government created a bounty program that paid a reward for each rat killed.[3] To collect the bounty, people would need to provide the severed tail of a rat. Colonial officials, however, began noticing rats in Hanoi with no tails. The Vietnamese rat catchers would capture rats, sever their tails, then release them back into the sewers so that they could produce more rats.[6]
The FASTER Act of 2021 in the U.S. was intended to aid those with an allergy to sesame in avoiding the substance by ensuring foods that contain it are labeled. However, the stringent requirements for preventing cross-contamination if the ingredients did not include sesame made it simpler and less expensive for many companies to instead add sesame to their products and label it as an ingredient, decreasing the number of sesame-free products available and creating the risk of an allergic reaction occurring from previously safe foods.[13]
atlas_shruggedMar 14, 04:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 > remit of liaising with the authorities over Muslim issues. And all because they are special. Which reminds me of…
tomoMar 13, 23:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Wrong costume…. https://twitter.com/truckdriverpleb/status/1899844358599311702
tomoMar 13, 22:57 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/ripx4nutmeg/status/1900276204302729699 [img]https://i.ibb.co/XxHFRP5W/chrome-lvnbs-Ino-Da.png[/img]
tomoMar 13, 22:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/ripx4nutmeg/status/1900276204302729699
JonathanRMar 13, 22:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 The BBC mentioned in this interesting interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtS14ZO8Q-E&ab_channel=CBNNews
ZephirMar 13, 21:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 Claiming confusion regarding “carrots and sticks” is no defense.
Lefty WrightMar 13, 20:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 Al I had no idea that there were so many bricklayers,carpenters, plumbers etc.etc. among our Labour MPs. OK boys, girls…
tomoMar 13, 20:29 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/patcondell/status/1900096045696122976
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 13, 20:16 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Handover” rather than “takeover”?
Wolfie Smith won’t change his stripes and Piers Morgan is a dung fly
True and true.
But dung flies are of use.
They reveal where not to go near even with a barge pole.
Speaking of dung flies and not going near… Toenails (yawn).
“It gives the PM a guy who knows almost every leading figure in world politics.”
David Cameron In, Suella Braverman Out.
An emergency episode of The Today Podcast with
@amolrajan and @bbcnickrobinson
Scruffy oaf loves himself.
8 actual engagements… in a day.
“The only leadership contest that Rishi Sunak faced he lost to Liz Truss, who in turn lost to a lettuce.”
Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves tells
@MishalHusain the government, under both ‘old and new’ ministers, isn’t addressing day-to-day concerns across the country.
14. Not all positive.
That’s a lot of public money down a drain.
Do you Brexiteers remember this guy ? Will he be next to make a comeback ?
George Osborne defends taking multiple paid jobs while still an MP
This article is more than 6 years old
Ex-chancellor says his work contributes to national life at launch of report that calls on PM to tackle north-south education divide
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George Osborne, the chancellor, will on Tuesday announce plans for Britain to issue the first Islamic bond outside the Muslim world, as he seeks to turn the City of London into the “unrivalled western centre for Islamic finance”.
taffman, if I recall correctly, David Cameron only went to the EU in Brussels in October or November 2015 in order to ‘renegotiate the UK’s terms of membership’ a.k.a. ‘get a new deal’. Either ‘Call me Dave’ knew in advance (as did Osborne) the answer was “No” or that only a very limited number of ameliorations would be offered. The EU obviously did not like it being left to the last minute.
Farage is joining the game for money ….
“There rumours were true, GB News presenter and former UKIP leader Nigel Farage is set to be King of the jungle in I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!, becoming the highest paid star in the shows history with a reputed whopping £1.5 million. A lot more than Hancock’s £400,000, though Farage will likely be far more entertaining…”
When should I turn the heating on?
Answer:- When I want, and what has it to do with you
Greta say no …
Swedish government criticized for abandoning climate targets
The Swedish Climate Policy Council believes that measures announced by the ruling majority since October 2022 will increase emissions in the short term, rather than rapidly reducing them.
By Anne-Françoise Hivert(Malmö (Sweden) correspondent)
Published on April 6, 2023,
“The Energy Saving Trust is clear on this one: leaving a boiler on for longer will cost more […] If no one is at home all day then you can have it turn off before you leave and on again just before you get back.”
Top level analysis from the BBC. Bung another £100 on the licence fee.
BBC news report from 2030:
“The government has announced that citizens will be entitled to use heating for up to 2 hours on days where the average air temperature drops below zero degrees centigrade for 18 hours or more in any 24 hour period. No action by citizens is required as, provided they have accumulated sufficient personal carbon credits, the Smart Meter in their residence will manage the process. Environment activists have condemned the announcement, stating that ‘this type of extravagance will make it harder to meet mandatory UN NetZero Green Austerity targets’.
In other news, British Gas, EDF Energy, E.ON, Scottish Power, and SSE have all announced record profits for the 7th year running.”
Q. What is the cost for heating the Houses of Parliament?
A. It is not possible to determine the total cost of heating the Houses of Parliament.
A. It is not possible to determine the total cost of heating the Houses of Parliament.
MM, heating the two Houses of Parliament is unnecessary in winter because they have a lot of hot air circulating when the two Houses are in session.
Its full of hot air .
What a stitch up!
BBC seem to be increasingly going rogue on social media. R5’s Nihal here challenging Team Verify for the title of Most Naive and Lazy Knowledge Gathering:
“Israel is supposed to hold itself to a higher standard and not enact collective punishment on an entire population. I interviewed a Dr who worked at Al Shifa. He is based in Liverpool. He said he saw no evidence of Hamas activity.”
That there was ever an ‘Asian Network’, created for, run by and occupied by ‘Asians’ like Nihal, was always a cruel joke.
On top of a W1A cubicle gardens, plus high % of fellow travellers across all platforms, and exes in other stations.
Plus gubmint, civserve…
David Cameron is new Foreign Secretary. He has announced his schedule:
Germany, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy, Greece……………..
Bradford City of UK Culture?
“Cameron won the award after he announced a £20m fund in January to teach Muslim women in the UK to speak English in order to “tackle segregation” and help them “resist the lure of extremism.” The scheme was widely pilloried within the Muslim community for picking on a small minority of women who have no link to extremism whatsoever.
The IHRC’s Massoud Shadjareh told 5Pillars: “Politicians should be challenging Islamophobia instread of going with the flow or paying lip service to it.””
The International Award went to the racist, Islamophobic French magazine Charlie Hebdo after it published a sickening cartoon which depicted the drowned Syrian toddler, Aylan Kurdi, growing up to become a sexual abuser.
Nice to have another Etonian £ running £ the country – and he can go to the WEF meetings ( Davos ) using public transport ….
I wonder how much the overseas give away is going to increase by in the next budget ? – billion extra for the NHS for winter payments to diversity managers …..
Speaking of which I understand anyone now on a state pension is now getting £600 ‘winter payment ‘ on top of the u million on credits getting their £300 on top of the last £300 ….
I wonder is blue labour thinks they can buy votes ?
Calm down.
Not ALL pensioners are getting £600.
The combined Cost of Living and Winter Fuel payment comes to £250 that MOST pensioners, like me, will get.
jazz, £500 in my case and I have the DWP letter to confirm it. Sadly, my incompetent Utility supplier’s invoice for the first winter quarter is likely to be much larger than £500.
Our fuel benefit is £250 each this year. It used to be £100 each.
While the money allows us to be far less worried about paying the huge, unecessary amount for ‘green smokeless’ coal, I have to tell you, that today, I spent an hour collecting thirteen bags of seasoned wood from a friend who has been clearing his woodland for a building site. He has given us the wood for nothing, but of course, a couple of bottles of a decent vintage will appear on his doorstep around Dcember 12th…
It’s all still in the car, (with the seats down), and tomorrow has to be stacked in the woodshed.
I’ve just been down with the dustbins for the collection tomorrow, and noticed that all the condensation from the shower of rain we had this morning, has steamed up the car windows, and reminds me of many a Saturday night all those years ago!
And my back bloody well hurts…
Is that the ‘HOUSEHOLD’ amount ?
If you are claiming for your ‘other half’ you get £250 x 2. and they get nothing.
I noticed a few days ago, someone with Government connections saying that the Treasury want large scale immigration. Is this a declared and debated policy? Do we have any say in this? Who are the Treasury anyway?
Yes I do know what the Treasury is and the PM is nominally First Lord of the Treasury so it must be people other than the PM, the Civil Servants, that are driving this policy.
Anyone up for a FOI?
‘The Treasury’ are generally acknowledged to be some of the most stupid people on planet Earth. They believe that there is some sort of economic benefit to mass migration, inasmuch as those migrants who work in legitimate businesses and pay taxes add to the country’s GDP. However, this conjuring illusion ignores factors such as: benefits paid to migrants; the cost of housing ten of thousands of them in hotels; the cost of providing medical facilities through the NHS; schooling and education costs; building new roads; providing new infrastructure for water, sewage and energy; additional policing to deal with increased and exotic crimes, plus prison and court costs; the loss to the economy as a result of tens of thousands of talented Britons exiting the country and paying their taxes elsewhere. To put this into some sort of context, annual net migration of more than 600,000 is equivalent to having to build a city the size of Liverpool every year and that costs a hell of a lot of money.
Bottom line: there are no economic benefits to mass migration. On the contrary, since it was implemented under the morally repugnant Blair regime it has cost trillions of pounds that could have been spent on improving the lot of ordinary British people. And given a choice, most people would be happy to do without these so-called economic benefits and have our country back the way it was. What would you choose: an extra pound a week in your pocket or having aliens fight over a medieval Middle Eastern blood feud in our cities every Saturday?
Excellent post, Ian.
For anyone thinking they need a flu jab – and don’t get it ‘free’ ( paid for by taxpayers like me ) Superdrug do a deal for £8 with a free blood pressure test thrown in …. I had the jab yesterday – it wasn’t made by Pfizer or Astra zenaca ….
Fed, so no fireworks, then. 😉 🙂

Cameron has been enlisted to drum up foreign investment in the controversial Sri Lankan project, which is a major part of Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative — China’s global infrastructure strategy — and is billed as a Chinese-funded rival to Singapore and Dubai.
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The utter scum, in msm editorial.
Gaza hospitals protected under rules of war – why are they being targeted by Israel?
Answers possibly if one clicks the link, in para 4.
Or in the comments.
This is pure propaganda dodges.
1400+ raped in one town – rape is a weapon of war!
bbc interferes and looses 18 people their jobs
McDonald’s fires 18 people after BBC investigation
After all the eejut teachers playing gender politics and the natural problems with bullying and poor behaviour in schools it’s amazing the figures are so low!
The BBC cubicle chimps looking to blow it up and have a pop at the hated McDonalds
Remember all those at the BBC who lost their jobs due to hiding Jimmy Saville?
BBC reporter who tried to expose Jimmy Savile scandal claims he has now been ‘forced out’ of his job along with other colleagues ‘on the right side of the argument’
Some beeboid talking head mentioned Cameron’s wealth of experience and global contacts.
It’s the word global that bothers me, sounds too much like globalist.
Hi rollerdex is full!
I despair
If it saves just one life.
bbc still banging on about Stephen Lawrence
Senior Stephen Lawrence officer Ray Adams was corrupt, says secret Met report
It fits the bbc agenda for them to go on and on about this. Some “news” they just ignore
iirc Ray Adams’s “bent cop” status has been known for years… two decades even….
How many statues of black people does the UK have?
15 June 2020
This statue of slave owner Robert Milligan has now been removed
The BBC boast they have been “investigating” the Stephen Lawrence case for some time so obviously invested a shit load of public money and resources into it.
What are the chances they will follow this up with a similar in-depth investigation into the reasons for the butchering of Lee Rigby on the streets of London?
Zilch… he was white, male and military, all baddies for the BBC.
ajs, so Suella Braverman was right?
If nowt else Nigel Farage has got balls.
And after 2 weeks in the jungle he will be chock full of em.
Toenails and Tarzan.
“A good idea or a bad one?”
Amol and Nick find out what’s being made of David Cameron’s appointment as foreign secretary.
David Cameron In, Suella Braverman Out.
An emergency episode of The Today Podcast for your Monday evening.
One comment every 5 hrs.
Seems like few are too bothered about hearing.
emergency – ha ha ha ha ha!
Nigeria Labour unions strike: Who join and who no join plus oda tins to know
Why does the bbc feel it can waste the tele tax money on this rubbish, pidgin
MM & ajs, dem grate Bibbycee, ‘im orl buggerrup!
Anyone checked washing machine repair call outs lately?
Until she is paid off!
Threatening … ha ha ha ha ha .. .the woman is all talk.
Guess Sunak was one of Cameron’s clients
Another headache for Rishi Sunak, as the right rounds on new Home Office minister Laura Farris – a former Hilary Clinton staffer – for taking the knee for BLM in 2020.
Tory MP: “Many of our traditional supporters and new voters will look at in despair.”
Do what now? An Obarmy RedCon LabKneel special?
“Farris worked as a journalist for BBC and Reuters and also worked for Hillary Clinton when she was a United States Senator for New York. She qualified as a barrister in 2007, practising mainly in employment law. Farris was appointed to the panel of counsel operated by the Equality and Human Rights Commission in 2015.”
Rishi Sunak has made the knee-taking former Hillary Clinton aide Laura Farris a minister…at the Home Office!
Please someone, make the madness stop! 🤣
The Tory right’s revolt against Rishi’s cabinet reshuffle has gained momentum, as the New Conservatives have written a damning letter to the PM blasting him for “abandon[ing] voters who switched to us last time”.
Green Card
Having a Green Card (officially known as a Permanent Resident Card (PDF, 1.69 MB) allows you to live and work permanently in the United States. The steps you must take to apply for a Green Card will vary depending on your individual situation.
How can all these wokies join in the Palestinian marches with all the chanting (river to sea) the placards (swastikas and coconuts) and the almost palpable hate emanating from the seething hoardes yet if somebody says something like “Hello Guys” they get a fit of the vapours and have a mental breakdown at such offensive language.
Of course, the answer is that they are simple, illogical, brainwashed and immature. Just think, how many teachers are in with this lot for their virtue signalling and flag waving weekend jollies and then are filling young impressionable minds full of their propaganda during the school days.
Pupils, many of whom will then end up like these teachers.
In my youth we used to rebel against ‘grown ups’
It was part of growing up.
Now, they all want to conform and get ‘likes’ and be seen virtue signalling.
Another arab nazi in our midst:
“LTA sack council member over his Adolf Hitler post on social media as statement released
The LTA have sacked Wasim Haq for his controversial social media post.”
“Wasim Haq, who was appointed by the governing body in 2021 to help promote diversity within tennis, was sacked on Monday ”
diversity huh ?
zephir, does lawn tennis need diversity? I would have thought it was already global.
“UK money to stop migrant crisis spent by France on microwaves and vacuum cleaners
British cash to stop the migrant crisis is being splurged on a horse brigade, vacuum cleaners, microwaves and mobile phone chargers by the French Government.
spending records on Monday revealed how some of the money is being wasted on everyday objects.
Analysis has revealed some £130,383 has been spent on a horse brigade in the baie de Somme, buying riding boots, helmets and care for the horses.”
Be fair. If I was being paid, say £1k a week, for something I had no intention of doing, I’d be spending it on beer and pizza. Why should the French be different?
Braverman Letter basically calls Sunak a traitor, a liar on Stop The Boats
saying he never intended to implement that policy.
Links to full size images of the letter
page1. page 2, page 3
10K Likes so far
70% of replies endorse her
Sheffield Ice Hockey death .. “man arrested”in manslaughter investigation
Surely could be murder due to deliberate rough play.
But did he think that his hockey bat wasn’t loaded?
The Yanks in their sordid film industry like to think that!
Ice hockey’s up there with schoolkids’ one-legged-sack-race-with-bean-bag-on-head races, Chez Scrobs!
random man? fan? why so vague bbc
VD gunning for a ‘journalism’ award?
‘Unclean and unbearable’ – Giving birth under the bombs in Gaza
Terrible. But could have been under the wreckage of a misfired missile from the guys actually responsible for ‘delivery’, or via bayonet and then into an oven by their colleagues.
If propagandising at least be smart about it.
Wherever Hamas shoot at the Israeli army, they shoot back. They don’t just shoot for the fun of it – they are professional soldiers who have learned the hard way, not terrorists.
I notice that there is NEVER any mention of this in a context to pressure Hamas not to do it. And the reason is obvious – whatever we do, we can’t upset the hundred of thousands of Hamas supporters who march through Londonistan chanting for the destruction of Israel.
Letter : “You never had any intention of keeping your promises.”
“…failed to deliver on every single one of these key policies. Either your distinctive style of government means you are incapable of doing so.
Or, as I must surely conclude now, you never had any intention of keeping your promises.”
Opinions coming in
Ben Habib : The Home Secretary had undertakings which @RishiSunak broke.
@SuellaBraverman was not guilty of breaching collective responsibility.
The PM was guilty of breaching his undertakings to her AND the country.
Sri Harsha : @SuellaBraverman You are the only politician who spoke for the UK people.
You are the only one who spoke truth even though it’s hard.
You are the only one who never bowed down to the mob.
UK has lost you when it needed you the most.
@HHepplewhite @SuellaBraverman Clarifying what we all knew.
Sunak is working for the globalist agenda not the people who voted the party into power.
My goodness : the BBC have actually reported it:
Suella Braverman accuses Rishi Sunak of betrayal in scathing resignation letter
All good to ensure a Labour victory next year I suppose. I wonder if they will open it for comment. If they do, I guarantee 100% the troll farm will be activated.
I wish some important people would start accusing the BBC of politically assasinating her and all the other Brexit supporters. Which they most certainly did.
That’s the conversation we need to have.
Labour shadow minister Lisa Nandy said the letter was “just the latest instalment in a Tory psychodrama that’s been playing out over the last 13 years, holding the rest of the country to ransom while the Tories fight among themselves”.
FFS that’s all theatre
a load of Labour piliticians resigned or threatened to resign cos Starmer wouldn’t endorse Hamas like they do.
And on Suella , Labour PR would bash her if she conforms
and they bash her if she rebels.
I like it when the Leftist activists do things like this.
When whitey does it it’s called ‘cultural appropriation’
When a black person does it it’s called ‘a triumph of diversity’
Is Zola’s use of a ‘blaccent’ parody or appropriation?
Why are people losing their heads over a black Anne Boleyn?
It shows us with absolute clarity what complete double-standard, racist hypocrites the Left actually are. And I like to see it confirmed from time to time.
Adolpha Hipster, Exekutive Führer, Nazi-onal Gesundheit Dienst, Deutschland
(Translation: Adolpha Hipster, Chief Executive, NHS Germany)
Satellite image shows Israeli positions near Gaza’s largest hospital
I have noticed that the 60 man ‘BBC Verify’ team must be staffed with graduates and the useless staff they can’t put on real reporting.
Just look at the razor sharp proof that ‘Daniele Palumbo’ verifies that Israel are near a school. Not that I can see any reason for people to doubt it.
‘One of these is the premises of a school, which we found on Google Maps.’
‘We also compared the shape and outline of the vehicles with previous satellite images of Israeli military formations, and they look like tanks as well as bulldozers used to clear rubble for advancing vehicles.’
‘Also visible are clouds of smoke, including in the immediate area by the hospital where explosions have been reported.’
Well done Danielle. Mummy must be so proud of your new job title.
Here he is. Clearly another quota employee with that name and his obvious simplistic view of the world.

Who verifies the BBC?
It’s the Trollettes, Taff!
The kids who spend much of their time gawping at their mobiles, and becoming rather less interesting than the kids who stuffed earphones in their ears and sort of wriggled to crap music from some punk band all those years ago!
I assume they’re paid-up members who’ve graduated from the Beeboid’s Kid’s Shows from yesteryear. (The Savile Years).
(Didn’t Piggy-Mouth Cameron accuse Ed Balls of having Tourettes once? Is that the same thing)?
Headquarters Of Sunni Palestinian Islamic Terrorist Armed Legion (HOSPITAL)
Paul Mason: the establishment shill who supports genocide while masquerading as a leftist
One for BBC Verify to call back in BS and Larry to confirm?
Cool Twitter handle.
McDonald’s faces up to two sex abuse claims a week
‘McDonald’s UK boss has admitted the fast-food chain is receiving between one or two sexual harassment claims a week following a BBC investigation.’. Whatever BBC. Considering they employ more than 170,000 people and only 157 in the last 6 months were about sexual harassment and of those, only 17 had led to disciplinary action it doesn’t sound to me like they should be sat answering questions from MP’s.
But never mind that. Lets look at BBC sexual abuse claims:
‘The BBC initially declined a request for information on sexual harassment allegations over the past five years due to alleged cost implications.’
Oh dear. Not a good start at all.
‘They then agreed to provide details over the past two years, however they refused to give details of employees involved and locations of the incidents.’
‘However they refused to disclose how much money has been spent at the BBC investigating those claims.’
Right – well there goes the ‘holier than thou’ BBC arrogance down the toilet
‘Between April 2019 until April 2020 the organisation investigated ten allegations against their employees.’
The BBC employ 21,000 people and we learn that 9 were upheld. That’s 4.5 in 6 months or 0.214 complaints upheld per thousand people.
McDonalds employ 170,000 people and 17 were upheld. Thats 0.1 complaints per thousand people.
So the BBC are twice as bad as McDonalds.
Why aren’t they investigating themselves and pushing MP’s to question THEM about it ?.
Note how they tried to hide the figures at first. How many other ‘freedom of information requests’ do they refuse for the same reasons ?. Dirty, ethically barren liars.
Here’s an author (or it might be another one because unsurpisingly the BBC seem to have several called ‘Noor Nanji’ – but they all leave you with the same overall impression).
Along with ‘Zoe Conway’ :

And not forgetting ‘Dearbail Jordon’

Yes – it took 3 of them.
“sex abuse claims” that is a crap metric
cos it includes keeping a sex slave for years , to saying a word you thought was innocuous.
Someone could FOI BBC on how much compensation they paid out in a set period of time.
BBC evacuated from Icelandic volcano town
Look at this breathless clone who is ultra serious as they go with a load of other people into a Town and get told they should leave.
I wonder if SHE jumps under a table at the first sign of trouble like all the other ‘serious BBC reporters’ these days do. She should try being on the ground in Gaza – but I notice the only people they have reporting there are locals who almost certainly support Hamas.
I presume the reason for that is that Hamas terrorists would kidnap them and use them as human shields. But they don’t tell us that.
HMS braverman fires a full broadside at USS sunak – if you enjoy a literary rant do read her letter – it is formidable – and depicts a weak indecisive semi PM unfit for the job .
Labour need only stay quiet during this civil war and bury the dead blue Labour Party at the end – no need for a marker ….
The Lords release the appeal on Rwanda on Wednesday – it will be indecisive and support all views …..
“Thank you for your phone call yesterday morning in which you asked me to leave Government. While disappointing, this is for the best.
It has been my privilege to serve as Home Secretary and deliver on what the British people have sent us to Westminster to do. I want to thank all of those civil servants, police, Border Force officers and security professionals with whom I have worked and whose dedication to public safety is exemplary. I am proud of what we achieved together: delivering on our manifesto pledge to recruit 20,000 new police officers and enacting new laws such as the Public Order Act 2023 and the National Security Act 2023. I also led a programme of reform: on anti-social behaviour, police dismissals and standards, reasonable lines of enquiry, grooming gangs, knife crime, non-crime hate incidents and rape and serious sexual offences. And I am proud of the strategic changes that I was delivering to Prevent, Contest, serious organised crime and fraud. I am sure that this work will continue with the new ministerial team.
As you know, I accepted your offer to serve as Home Secretary in October 2022 on certain conditions. Despite you having been rejected by a majority of Party members during the summer leadership contest and thus having no personal mandate to be Prime Minister, I agreed to support you because of the firm assurances you gave me on key policy priorities.
These were, among other things:
1. Reduce overall legal migration as set out in the 2019 manifesto through, inter alia, reforming the international students route and increasing salary thresholds on work visas;
2. Include specific ‘notwithstanding clauses’ into new legislation to stop the boats, i.e. exclude the operation of the European Convention on Human Rights, Human Rights Act and other international law that had thus far obstructed progress on this issue;
3. Deliver the Northern Ireland Protocol and Retained EU Law Bills in their then existing form and timetable;
4. Issue unequivocal statutory guidance to schools that protects biological sex, safeguards single sex spaces, and empowers parents to know what is being taught to their children.
This was a document with clear terms to which you agreed in October 2022 during your second leadership campaign. I trusted you. It is generally agreed that my support was a pivotal factor in winning the leadership contest and thus enabling you to become Prime Minister.
For a year, as Home Secretary I have sent numerous letters to you on the key subjects contained in our agreement, made requests to discuss them with you and your team, and put forward proposals on how we might deliver these goals. I worked up the legal advice, policy detail and action to take on these issues. This was often met with equivocation, disregard and a lack of interest.
You have manifestly and repeatedly failed to deliver on every single one of these key policies. Either your distinctive style of government means you are incapable of doing so. Or, as I must surely conclude now, you never had any intention of keeping your promises.
These are not just pet interests of mine. They are what we promised the British people in our 2019 manifesto which led to a landslide victory. They are what people voted for in the 2016 Brexit Referendum.
Our deal was no mere promise over dinner, to be discarded when convenient and denied when challenged.
I was clear from day one that if you did not wish to leave the ECHR, the way to securely and swiftly deliver our Rwanda partnership would be to block off the ECHR, the HRA and any other obligations which inhibit our ability to remove those with no right to be in the UK. Our deal expressly referenced ‘notwithstanding clauses’ to that effect.
Your rejection of this path was not merely a betrayal of our agreement, but a betrayal of your promise to the nation that you would do “whatever it takes” to stop the boats.
At every stage of litigation I cautioned you and your team against assuming we would win. I repeatedly urged you to take legislative measures that would better secure us against the possibility of defeat. You ignored these arguments. You opted instead for wishful thinking as a comfort blanket to avoid having to make hard choices. This irresponsibility has wasted time and left the country in an impossible position.
If we lose in the Supreme Court, an outcome that I have consistently argued we must be prepared for, you will have wasted a year and an Act of Parliament, only to arrive back at square one. Worse than this, your magical thinking – believing that you can will your way through this without upsetting polite opinion-has meant you have failed to prepare any sort of credible ‘Plan B’. I wrote to you on multiple occasions setting out what a credible Plan B would entail, and making clear that unless you pursue these proposals, in the event of defeat, there is no hope of flights this side of an election. I received no reply from you.
I can only surmise that this is because you have no appetite for doing what is necessary, and therefore no real intention of fulfilling your pledge to the British people.
If, on the other hand, we win in the Supreme Court, because of the compromises that you insisted on in the Illegal Migration Act, the Government will struggle to deliver our Rwanda partnership in the way that the public expects. The Act is far from secure against legal challenge. People will not be removed as swiftly as I originally proposed. The average claimant will be entitled to months of process, challenge, and appeal. Your insistence that Rule 39 indications are binding in international law – against the views of leading lawyers, as set out in the House of Lords will leave us vulnerable to being thwarted yet again by the Strasbourg Court.
Another cause for disappointment – and the context for my recent article in The Times – has been your failure to rise to the challenge posed by the increasingly vicious antisemitism and extremism displayed on our streets since Hamas’s terrorist atrocities of 7th October.
I have become hoarse urging you to consider legislation to ban the hate marches and help stem the rising tide of racism, intimidation and terrorist glorification threatening community cohesion. Britain is at a turning point in our history and faces a threat of radicalisation and extremism in a way not seen for 20 years. I regret to say that your response has been uncertain, weak, and lacking in the qualities of leadership that this country needs. Rather than fully acknowledge the severity of this threat, your team disagreed with me for weeks that the law needed changing.
As on so many other issues, you sought to put off tough decisions in order to minimise political risk to yourself. In doing so, you have increased the very real risk these marches present to everyone else.
In October of last year you were given an opportunity to lead our country. It is a privilege to serve and one we should not take for granted. Service requires bravery and thinking of the common good. It is not about occupying the office as an end in itself.
Someone needs to be honest: your plan is not working, we have endured record election defeats, your resets have failed and we are running out of time. You need to change course urgently.
I may not have always found the right words, but I have always striven to give voice to the quiet majority that supported us in 2019. I have endeavoured to be honest and true to the people who put us in these privileged positions.
I will, of course, continue to support the Government in pursuit of policies which align with an authentic conservative agenda.”
from order-order.com
If Hamas can do what they did to the party goers and kibbutz people – anybody dobbing them in for anything else is likely going have a rough time.
I listened to MSF coordinator in Jerusalem earlier on the R4 6pm radio – and he wasn’t going to be drawn on the hospital Hamas HQ question – and under the circumstances I felt a stupid effin question that only an agenda driven toxic berk like Evan would ask – send the git out to find out.
I wonder if Hamas would give the likes of ‘Evan ‘ a choice about which floor to be thrown from …… ( no cheating – nothing below 10) …
Unless you are knowledgeable about female 18th century writers, anything done by Africans, anything ethnic and lots of obscure non whites (preferably female) then you will be wasting your time if you watch University Challenge.
Something you wont hear from Orla Guerin or
anybody from Hamas’s media partner at the BBC.
Israel is providing incubators and respirators for the
Al Shifa hospital in Gaza. FACT CHECK that BBC !!!!!!!
Vicky Pryce is on Mogg show now
.. the ex-con
Double standards. She was forced to lie (perjure herself) by the awful man in her life I’m frankly amazed at how she seems to be welcomed by the broadcast media including the BBC. If she was a man?
5 weeks ….
Delivered in locations throughout the UK, the world-leading programme takes volunteer recruits who have joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine with little to no previous military experience and teaches them the skills required to survive and be effective in frontline combat. ….. The course is delivered over a minimum period of five weeks and includes weapons handling, battlefield first aid, Law of Armed Conflict training, patrol tactics and rural environment training.
Since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Russia has lost over 50% of the land it initially captured following the February 2022 invasion.
As well as the major training programme, the UK continues to support Ukraine to push back Russian forces. As part of the £4.6bn worth of UK military support, we have provided long range missiles, western main battle tanks, and logistical support to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
This is in addition to the $60bn raised for Ukraine during the Ukraine Recovery Conference held in London in June.
I hope the are appearing all over
HA HA HA HA HA…. “Kenya’s Ogiek people being evicted for carbon credits – lawyers Published 5 days ago”
Elton John said he paid for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s private jet to be made carbon neutral when they visited him in France, but it probably only cost $135
Pest control campaigns
The Great Hanoi Rat Massacre occurred in 1902, in Hanoi, Vietnam (then known as French Indochina), when, under French colonial rule, the colonial government created a bounty program that paid a reward for each rat killed.[3] To collect the bounty, people would need to provide the severed tail of a rat. Colonial officials, however, began noticing rats in Hanoi with no tails. The Vietnamese rat catchers would capture rats, sever their tails, then release them back into the sewers so that they could produce more rats.[6]
The FASTER Act of 2021 in the U.S. was intended to aid those with an allergy to sesame in avoiding the substance by ensuring foods that contain it are labeled. However, the stringent requirements for preventing cross-contamination if the ingredients did not include sesame made it simpler and less expensive for many companies to instead add sesame to their products and label it as an ingredient, decreasing the number of sesame-free products available and creating the risk of an allergic reaction occurring from previously safe foods.[13]