Continuimg from last page of previous thread
BBC now community noted for their FakeNews article
based on the ravings of an American Assistant prof of English
And there was and and I suspect very many others believing that black and white people were exactly the same barring the skin colour, but if there are differences so profound that it is possible to tell races apart hundreds of years after death, then the previous assertions are untrue and that there are very real differences.
And the plague? Funny how it always turns up during wars and times of deprivation yet in my lifetime, I never saw anyone die from the ‘plague’. I never saw a dog plague, or a cat plague, or a horse plague. Just a plague among dummies who watch the BBC.
(1) The racist Black death arrived in London in the autumn of 1348.
(2) More than half the population of London died.
(3) Islamic people more civilised than Black Africans.
(4) Islamic people but not English people used Blacks as slaves at the time.
(5) No record of Black or Islamic people living in medieval England at the time.
(6) Any Black would have had to convert to Christianity to live in England at the time.
(7) Religious discrimination against non-Christians far more important for a burial than ‘Black British or ‘White English’ identity.
(8) Black female skulls have very small brain volume.
(9) Idiots of European Descent assumed to be Black due to white liberal positive racism and Black stupidity.
(10) Comparison On the Brain of a Bushwoman; And on the Brains of Two Idiots of European Descent:
Ending albino persecution in Africa
Governments, UN and human rights groups step up advocacy to enlighten communities
Pavithra RaoFrom Africa Renewal:
December 2017 – March 2018
Please excuse my ignorance, but when you say, ‘ratio’, do you mean that here, 4,000 normal citizens wrote and told the Beeboids that they were wrong/stupid/lying/un-researched etc., to every 500 of the troll-farm goblins?
Is that being ‘Ratioed’?
I don’t ever read any of the Beebonic Plague HYS stuff, (very apt here…), and don’t do ‘Ecks’ or ‘Bookface’, so I’m clearly being left behind all those ‘experts’, who think they know better, but usually don’t!
for us oldies its something along the lines 7m people viewed it
but only 1000 people liked it enough to press the thumbs up
and several thousand wrote scathing remarks in the comments
I urge all readers of these pages to watch this jaw dropping report from “The Hill” which is regarded as a Left leaning channel and leaked files from the British Labour party regarding their efforts to censor opposing points of view.
To that end the cite “The centre for countering digital hate” as a Labour party organisation with active party members working within it.
This organisation is being regularly used by the media to censor shape, and sometime even create the news, and yet it is always portrayed as an NGO or independant think tanks, and never as a creation of the British Labour party.
I am sure those people who watch this will be able to point to examples of the BBC using what amounts to Labour party propaganda and portraying it as independant sourced.
Have a watch of this shocking report which is not yet finalised, because you almost certainly won’t be hearing about it in Britain !
Posted again because it was at the bottom of a page!
For some bizarre reason only Leftist activists can understand, you can only be racist or make hate speech if you do it in English.
I know from experience they are openly racist in their own language. I worked with a Sikh in an office half full of Muslims once. They absolutely hated him for being friends with white people and had a special racist name for him. Needless to say they didn’t integrate with the rest of the office at all.
They hated him so much, one of them had to stop another from following him to the car park to beat him up.
Meanwhile the white people lived in fear of being accused of being racist. I was told it was instant dismissal. As a subcontractor, you can be sure I didn’t stay there long.
THAT is the extent of the hypocrisy of the Left and why I detest their lies and double standards so much. They only care about racism when they can use it against right-wing white people. Their ethics disgust me.
Comedy Gold especially when you understand there are no plagues. If you check your history you will come to the realisation they have been pulling this stunt for centuries. And the dummies fall for it every time. Get your booster!!!
Hello Scroblene – thank you for that wonderful ad . It reminded me of the great adverts which the industry used to put out – it made me want to go into the industry as a kid – but I didn’t have the ‘qualifications ‘….
Anyway – that advert would want me to by a Toyota .and reminds me of my 4×4 days in my now stolen Landy …
local BBC newsPR show did same story radio has being doing and that ITV did on Monday
“North Ferriby hotel asylum seekers praise ‘freedom’ of England”
80 migrants .. been no trouble in last year
Fact omitted: Skegness migrant’s rape trial starts on Dec 4th
Well he may well be innocent
but some lady filed the complaint
and I bet she felt great watching tonight’s happy item.
However in the way that news media seem to report exactly the same stories and omit others
there has been a sudden surprise. Asian rapists are very rarely mentioned at tea time, their convictions are usually omitted
yet local both ITV and BBC mentioned this sentencing
“Man who raped girl in back of Lincoln shop jailed”
then they named him
Waheed Ali, 28, attacked the girl in the store on 10 June
..been due to stand trial, but changed his plea to guilty at an earlier hearing.
Gang that launched savage knife attack at French village’s winter ball killing boy, 16, and injuring 17 ‘told guests “We are here to stab white people” before rampage’
Is anyone actually bothered, surely you can actually find some news to report. Eg the invading army arriving daily, and hold the government to account – instead of promoting the illegals staying here in blighty!
Summary a 4 member board sacked the boss
The employees wouldn’t accept it.
Microsoft is a big shareholder.
One person of the 4 has backtracked.
People reckon a reconstituted board will reinstate the sacked boss.
So every Muslim that goes to Mecca to celebrate the Hajj supports the Saudi regime financially by giving them money for flights and buying stuff whilst on the Hajj … thus anyone who goes, supports Saudi law thus is supporting transphobic corporation … never mind Nike etc …
Both male and female same-sex sexual activity is illegal. LGBT rights are not recognized by the government of Saudi Arabia.
All muslims should boycott Mecca until there is Justice …. Sadiq Khan and Savid Javid and Warsi and all Muslims should ban travelling until the law is changed in Saudi for LGBT.
Locals in fundamentalist Muslim province of Indonesia refuse to allow Muslim boat people
They have cordoned them off. on the beach where they landed.
“Locals in Sabang, in Aceh Province, have refused to accept the members of the persecuted Myanmar minority after they landed overnight, and were trying to push them back out to sea on Wednesday.”
Rahman said the arrivals had come from different camps in Bangladesh, and many had been in Kutupalong, the world’s biggest refugee camp.
Instead of being taken to shelter, the group — which includes 91 women and 56 children — was kept on the sand overnight without beddingThis is the third time in a week that Acehnese locals have sought to push hundreds of Rohingya refugees back out to sea after they reached the shore
Some Acehnese say their patience has been tested, claiming the Rohingya consume scarce resources and occasionally come into conflict with locals”
Was down south (Basingstoke) last night and had no option but to watch the local news. So we had:-
– An item that seemed to go on forever about a woman taking her own life after allegedly being bullied.
– Something about immigrants playing football and being really nice and integrating and butter wouldn’t melt in their mouth.
– Men dressed as women in the local pantomime.
Is the media biased against the non-lefty president of Argentina ?
“Nail biter” said AFP just before the Argentina election vote
Yet in reality Javier Milei won by miles
56% vs 44%
10 days before the election they ran a story saying he would be claiming the result was election fraud
Surely after Obama stole the US election many elections have to be looked at very carefully for fraud ….. even going back to the now deceased St JFK – his corrupt father did a lot of fixing to get the family into the White House … in Britain the election commission avoids looking for corruption in – say – postal voting ….
And hopefully in the coming UK election ID fraud might be a bit more challenged …..
More than six weeks after Hamas fighters carried out their surprise attacks in Israel and the war began, a deal has been struck which will bring a four-day pause in fighting to allow for the release of hostages held in Gaza. The agreement, signed off by Israel’s cabinet in the early hours of Wednesday, will see Hamas release 50 women and children. The release of every additional 10 hostages will extend the pause in fighting by one day. Hamas took more than 200 people hostage during their cross-border raids on 7 October. It is expected the 50 hostages will be those with Israeli nationality or dual nationals. Under the deal, mediated by Qatar, Hamas is expecting the release of 150 Palestinians held in Israeli jails.”
“Surprise! Fighters here…”
And that’s ‘some hostages’ BBC. In return for ‘fighters’.
The Dragonfly project was an Internet search engine prototype created by Google that was designed to be compatible with China’s state censorship provisions.[1][2][3] The public learned of Dragonfly’s existence in August 2018, when The Intercept leaked an internal memo written by a Google employee about the project.[4][5] In December 2018, Dragonfly was reported to have “effectively been shut down” after a clash with members of the privacy team within Google.[6] However, according to employees, work on Dragonfly was still continuing as of March 2019, with some 100 people still allocated to it.[7]
In July 2019, Google announced that work on Dragonfly had been terminated.[8]
“If you tell Google that you would like to see images of ‘Black men’ the images that come up are all portrait photos of black men. Indeed, it takes more than a dozen rows of images before anybody who isn’t black comes up in the images. By contrast a search for ‘White men’ first throws up an image of David Beckham – who is white – but then the second is of a black model. From there every line of five images has either one or two black men in the line-up. Many of the images of white men are of people convicted of crimes with taglines such as ‘Beware of the average white man’ and ‘White men are bad’.”
― Douglas Murray, The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity
Not related to anything in particular except tangentially to the report the other day that a UN climate lunatic criticised the UK for putting some eco-protestors in jail. And apologies if covered months ago and thus common knowledge.
It turns out that Justin Rowlatt, the famous impartial climate change BBC correspondent has a sister, Cordelia.
Will the COVID Inquiry be asking the scientists about other countries, who go it right and wrong and reasons?
Its all about bashing the UK government at the time.
Nothing will be learnt at all.
Listening to the live coverage again yesterday and again there is a chasm between the BBC and the actual hearing. Bad news for the BBC. There was no real gotcha moment.
Whitty I thought gave a good account, a little too civil servant oily for my liking but with nuance and balance. Mild-mannered, he regularly put the chief prosecutor in his place.
The chief prosecutor, I say that because this whole exercise is so obviously an anti-government hatchet job, barely laid a finger on him. Not that he wasn’t trying. The s***-stirring, the dancing on the head of a pin, the extreme minutiae, he was trying to catch Whitty out and get him to fess up that everything was awful at all times. But he didn’t.
Why were copious minutes not taken at every meeting, asked the prosecutor? Because it would have been a waste of time and other things were rather more pressing, said Whitty in terms, unless of course for the benefit of some later public enquiry. Hahahaha.
The key moment was when Keith himself said something in terms that the situation was extremely difficult and the decisions were extremely difficult. Yes. Precisely. So why the fake trial then?
A total waste of taxpayers money. Or rather a vast redistribution of wealth from the poor (ordinary taxpayers) to the rich (wealthy lawyers).
I’m interested in what all those banks of staff sat at laptops do behind him. Same at parliamentary enquiries- lots of young people looking at screens behind those being interviewed. Doing what exactly ?
Back in the mists of time I would sit alone with a pad and pencil taking minutes at a board meeting of a dozen people !
Jacket worn by Palestinian football team in Chile last week
That is strangely close to the design wore by the University Challenge contestant
Now we know she wasn’t making a statement about this war cos she’d got the jacket months ago before the filming in March
but it is like the Zara designer was inspired by Palestinian sportswear.
Maybe contestant Gorgianeh bought it for that reason.
Even if it wasn’t about the war, the blue octopus was still an intentional anti-Jewish racist dig. And in conjunction with the jacket, it was most certainly deliberate.
‘A blue octopus is a Nazi trope for anti-semitism. A 1938 Nazi cartoon depicts the Jews as an octopus, its tentacles wrapped around the globe. Nothing to do with climate change or the Israel/Palestinian conflict. Pure, old fashioned, race hatred of the worst kind.’
This is the pathetic BBC response:
‘The mascot is one of many chosen by the team during the course of the series and is one of their favourite animals.’
Normally the BBC are very quick to show racist events like this when they are so current.
But this one seems to be the old ‘basic facts only’ report they use when they are only reporting it because they have to and it’s nowhere to be seen on the front UK page.
This is one of their dirtiest tricks Andy : they know they have to report it otherwise it will show their bias to their enemies (like us). So they produce a report – but make sure you have to go looking for it to find it.
I’ve even noticed a few time now where they have some agenda item – like enrichment children stabbing each other – they bury it somewhere you would not expect. So if you check ‘London Violence’ for example, you don’t see it. They’ve done it recently for the war in Gaza as well (which I made a comment about here).
Now I know how dirty the BBC are, I don’t believe for one second it’s not deliberate.
The Search box on the bbc webshte is useless. You can ready something day 1, and never find it again. Probably helps with bbc case to say they told the population something at 3am, but gone by 3.10am, and only 30 people noticed it
Do you remember those good old days when our government used to make our laws for us?
It was a funny old system. We would vote MPs into parliament and off they’d go to Westminster, busily writing bills and enacting them to become the law of the land. What a quaint way of doing things that was.
Children will be allowed to change their gender identity at school… ministers ruled out a ban on “social transitioning”, where pupils adopt the name, pronoun or uniform of the opposite sex, after deciding it would not be legally possible to bring one in (Telegraph)
As far as I can make out the west fought a war in Afghanistan for 20 years, after Bin Laden had fled, so that girls could go to school. Now we can’t even define what a schoolgirl is? How the Taliban must be smiling.
We’re fighting Russia now, so that… babies can be killed – before they are born?
Conservative Russia – complains the FT: War hardens Russians’ attitudes to abortion… the Soviet Union had become the the first state to legalise it in 1920… Russia’s liberal abortion laws are falling victim to the turn to socially conservative values… (FT)
We can’t be having that
Rheinmetall’s sales surge… The German arms maker expects its sales to have doubled by 2026 (FT) – no sign of any lasting ceasefire there then?
…as it benefits from soaring demand on the back of the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, as well as Asia-Pacific tensions (FT)
Mind you, there’s such a thing as too much of a good thing…
German spending freeze… Berlin has frozen new spending commitments, including €8bn in military aid pledged to Ukraine, in a move that exposes the depth of the budgetary crisis triggered by a court ruling last week (FT)
There we go again. Lawyers interpreting laws so as to apparently overrule the elected politicians. Or perhaps our politicians are happy to shirk their responsibility for making the difficult decisions?
Stunning is our word of the day
You join us on a day when the popular press, every man jack of them, share a domestic car crash tragedy: So Tragic…Camping Pals Horror (Mirror) and reproduce a snap of the Princess of Wales flashing a bit of leg as she exits a limo: Toned… How Kate gets those stunning sculpted legs (Daily Mail)
In contrast with the female interest Mail, the blokey Sun don’t need no beauty tips as cover excuse for their frontcover: Royal Picture Special… Stunning… Kate arrives at Palace yesterday
Even the socialist Daily Mirror tugs a forelock as Princess Kate dons a Corbyn/Starmer red outfit: M’lady in red… Stylish Kate in London yesterday
The Rishi lackey loyalist Express prefers formality and ditches stunning for dazzling dressing their Kate in formal court evening dress: Dazzling Kate steals the show
And honestly folks, if our popular media confined itself to glamour pictures of princesses hitching their skirts up high getting out of cars and tragic car crash reports then my work here would be done. But wait for tomorrow when the police, schools, carmakers, or the Tories or whoever, get the blame – for the car crash, I mean.
Lets wrap this one up with an awkward juxtaposition of reports from the FT’s news Briefing column – which having already set us off this morning with two compare and contrast stories from Germany, proves a veritable goldmine of parallel report facepalm moments today…
NHS England has signed a deal worth up to £350mn with US data analytics group Palantir to develop a patient data platform that brings together key records in one place (FT)
Hackers lift library data… a cyber attack on the British Library last month that led to system wide outages. The stolen data is being auctioned online (FT)
Mr AsI recalls watching some BBC news and current affairs show many years ago – it might have been Nationwide – in which the car coat-wearing microphone-clutching reporter (looking like he was fresh out of a Dick Emery sketch) was rushed to the scene of some sudden event to garner impromptu voxpop reactions. One has always treasured the insight of some passerby who informed our intrepid reporter: “This was the inevitable thing, that just might happen”
And that, for me, is a good enough definition of the news
NHS England has signed a deal worth upto £350mn with US data analytics group Palantir to develop a patient data platform that brings together key records in one place (FT)
The NHS lost almost £7.5 billion to fraud over the last six years, while the NHS Counter Fraud Authority achieved only half its target last year, according to Labour Party analysis.17 Feb 2023
An abandoned NHS patient record system has so far cost the taxpayer nearly £10bn, with the final bill for what would have been the world’s largest civilian computer system likely to be several hundreds of millions of pounds higher, according a highly critical report from parliament’s public spending watchdog.17 Sept 2013
I looked at the coverage of princess kate having a state visit – but I complained that the pictures were spoiled by a Chinese looking couple who kept getting into the pictures – who were they ? Were they the ‘help ‘?
“The allegory is one in which a scorpion depends on the frog for its passage across a flooded river, by hitching a lift on the frog’s back. The frog distrusts the scorpion; but reluctantly agrees. During the crossing the scorpion fatally stings the frog swimming the river, under the scorpion. They both die.”
The other day there was a story on BBC news which referenced the ‘cost of living crisis’.
It was read out as if an accepted mantra. You know. If you mention ‘cost of living’, you just have to add the word ‘crisis’ now. It is a mandatory BBC instruction.
Pure bias. Foment discord then keep on repeating it, hoping it will go into the deep psyche of people.
BBCLabour in action.
Did I hear correctly that for the next election, expecting a Labour win, the BBC health and safety department are issuing a new safety course. ‘Trip hazards of Champagne bottles’?
Sluff – when the ‘crisis ‘ began – the SNP in particular prefaced it with ‘Tory cost of living crisis ‘ . They had to drop this because the advertising standards jobby said it was mis description as there no ‘tories ‘….
The amount of tax payers ‘ cash the blue labour government is throwing about – in £300 tranches – is eye watering …. And it also looks as though the triple lock is to be retained – but in a couple of years the entire country will hit the 40% tax rate … but we ll all be on the sick by then …
“STEPHEN GLOVER: The Telegraph was my first paper and has a special place in my heart. I can scarcely believe it could fall into the hands of a foreign autocrat.
The Daily Telegraph and the other publications are in play because, in June, Lloyds Banking Group took control of them. Their owners, the Barclay family, owe Lloyds a little over £1.1 billion and were unable to settle their debt.
Lloyds announced an auction, and several companies or individuals threw their hats in the ring. It is not often that a major newspaper comes up for sale. And the Telegraph is a successful and profitable title.
At the eleventh hour, with the auction already underway, the Barclays appear to have done a deal with a fund called Redbird IMI, which is backed by a member of the Abu Dhabi royal family – namely Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the emirate’s Deputy Prime Minister.
Abu Dhabi is part of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which has an appalling human rights record. It sits in 145th place in the 2023 International Press Freedom Index compiled by the group Reporters Without Borders. That is a few places below such beacons of liberty as Somalia, a failed state, and Uzbekistan, where in 2002 two prisoners were reportedly boiled alive.
According to Human Rights Watch, the UAE has detained some of its critics, including activists and academics, while Emirati laws discriminate against women, migrants and gay people. Nor are journalists universally popular.
In 2017, Abu Dhabi security forces arrested two Swiss journalists working for their country’s public broadcaster. They were held for more than 50 hours, unable to communicate with the outside world. The broadcaster claims its journalists were interrogated for up to nine hours at a time, and blindfolded as they were moved between locations. Their camera, computers and hard drives were confiscated.
We should hardly be surprised by such goings-on in a state whose official media legislation includes the following injunction: ‘The person of the President of the Republic or the rulers of the Emirates may not be criticised.’
It further warns journalists: ‘Any material which includes an incitement to, and is harmful to Islam, or the system of Government in the country, or harms the country’s interests or the basic systems on which the society is founded shall be prohibited.’
Do we really want a regime that promulgates such draconian, anti-democratic laws to be within a hundred miles of a British newspaper? Of course not. The prospect is alarming.”
“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning.”
Conrad Black and his wife, Barbara Amiel
If anyone should be gloating at the collapse and disgrace of Lord Black of Crossharbour, the absurd title with which Conrad Black invested himself on being raised to the British peerage, that someone should be me. In the mid-1980s he boasted to a reporter that he was going to buy the London Spectator in order to fire me as its Washington correspondent. When I heard the news, I thought: Here we go again, another newspaper tycoon gone clean off his trolley with megalomania. Next thing we know, he’ll have to build himself a revolving room, like Lord Northcliffe of the Daily Mail, or announce that he’s a poached egg and demand a large piece of toast to lie down on, or build an opera house in which his untalented girlfriend can sing.
In fact, shortly afterward, he did buy the Spectator, and I had to find another market for my anti-Reagan feuilletons. But Black persisted in hampering my scrabble for work.
Huxley imagined “a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not even dream of escaping. It would essentially be a system of slavery where, through consumption and entertainment, the slaves would love their servitude.” He believed that “[t]he greater part of the population is not very intelligent, dreads responsibility, and … is perfectly happy to let itself be ruled.”
Alice (not her real name) says she feels “validated” by the “outpouring of gratitude”, as people have been sharing disturbing stories about the site. She has spent years fighting to get compensation, after being randomly paired with a paedophile who made her his digital sex slave.
He knew that both poor education and perpetual crisis would enable tyranny, writing, “Children are nowhere taught, in any systematic way, to distinguish true from false, or meaningful from meaningless, statements.” And “[l]iberty, as we all know, cannot flourish in a country that is permanently on a war footing, or even a near war footing. Permanent crisis justifies permanent control of everybody and everything by the agencies of central government.”
A very Covid Christmas: The families considering disregarding the rule book for the festive season
After a second lockdown, the promise of normality by Christmas has kept many going. But with plans still uncertain Sophie Gallagher speaks to people who will have yuletide cheat day regardless
All muslims should boycott Mecca until there is Justice …. Sadiq Khan and Savid Javid and Warsi and all Muslims should ban travelling until the law is changed in Saudi for LGBT.
BBC R4 prog now is about the sexual way people view weather girls
Former BBC weather girl Raheem Khan says
“I wasn’t really aware of the cultural connotations of the stilettos and stockings”
..Jeez it’s not believable that a grown woman doesn’t know that things that show fertility have connotations
“The audience just loved it, they fell in love with my shoe collection”
I checked for what she wore
Looks attention seeking to me
Active display of thighs and cleavage
In 2013 she moved back to Pakistan
and then she got engaged to cricketer and PM Imran Khan
Camels enhanced with Botox barred from Saudi beauty contest
This article is more than 1 year old
Dozens of animals disqualified after owners manipulate their looks with hormones, fillers and facelifts
The camels disqualified in the competition, at the King Abdulaziz camel festival, were judged to have received Botox injections and other artificial touch-ups.
Stick this into your search engine and see what you get:
“is there a ‘honesty’ rating for countries populations?”
Do it while you can. Before the label ‘Racist’ is imposed when the Marxist zealots catch on and we all know what happens then.
The search outcomes will account for the rise in Fraud / mis selling / and associated crimes based on ‘Dishonesty’.
Old definition:
“Previously, to prove that someone had acted dishonestly in theft or fraud cases, the jury had to find that:
The defendant’s conduct was dishonest by the standards of ordinary, reasonable people; and
The defendant appreciated that what he or she did was dishonest by the standards of those ordinary, reasonable people.”
New definition:
“The test for dishonesty to be applied by a jury, is now straightforward; firstly, they will consider, as part of their fact-finding duty, the defendant’s knowledge or belief as to what going on i.e. what made the defendant act as they did. They will then apply the standards of ordinary reasonable people to judge that behaviour.”
Penny dropped?
“…the standards of ordinary reasonable people……” Remains integral in both.
As the population demography changes, so will the, “…ordinary reasonable” person. Like who turns out in their hundreds of thousands weekends in Londonistan?
Dylan: “The times they are a changin”. For the worse, day by day, inch (or centimetre if you please) by inch.
Government debt was equivalent to 97.8% of GDP at the end of October 2023. If we remove the Bank of England’s (BoE’s) debt, we get an alternative measure of government’s underlying debt. Government debt (excluding the BoE) was 88.6% of GDP at the end of October 2023; it was 83.7% at the end of October 2022.
Despite how he is portrayed by the marxist bbc, he seems to know a damn site more than many of our politicians and so calledjournalists, and thinks about things.
In his early writings he referred to black South Africans as “kaffirs” – a highly offensive racist slur. He also said that Indians were “infinitely superior” to black people.
From the jungle to the sea Papua will be free from fundemental muslim Indonesia ?
Wheres the support protests UK muzzies ?
“Papua rebels hold guns to New Zealand pilot’s head in chilling new video warning their hostage will be executed if their demands are not met in two months”
Cancelled, prosecuted, boycotted and career ruined immediately, please:
“Revealed: The anti-Semite tearing down posters of kidnapped children who has featured in Vogue and held an art exhibition at Fitzrovia Gallery
Anna Laurini is an artist who has featured in Vogue and the Fitzrovia Gallery.
Picasso-inspired Italian artist Anna Laurini was caught on video saying she was ‘cleaning the s*** off the street’ as she tore down posters kidnapped Israeli children in North London.
Last night, Laurini was filmed tearing down the posters by Jewish journalist Ami Kaufman, who was on his way home when he saw her and asked her why she was destroying the posters.
Laurini shouted at him in reply: ‘Are you Zionist? Are you Zionist? Are you pro genocide? Are you killing all the children?
Mr Kaufman urged: ‘These are innocently people,’ but the pro-Palestine activist only screamed back: ‘No, they are not.’
she turned to me and said: “Ah, look at your nose. I see your nose.”
European Medicines Agency (EMA) last week responded in a letter to MEPs and admitted that stopping viral transmission was not considered a factor in their authorisation of the C19 vaccines.
This was already known and explained in a BMJ editorial in Oct 2020 — before the start of the mass rollout — where it could be seen that the study design was not set up to determine whether they prevented transmission (it looked at the effect on mild disease only).
From the EMA letter: “You are indeed correct to point out that COVID-19 vaccines have not been authorised for preventing transmission from one person to another. The indications are for protecting the vaccinated individuals only […] EMA’s assessment reports on the authorisation of the vaccines note the lack of data on transmissibility.”
And the WHO are looking to set up a “global digital health certification network”.
14 million children killed by zionist pigs in Palestine
and 10 million puppies and kittens too
This morning on @BBCr4today a Palestinian politician says Israel has “killed 14000 Palestinian children in this war alone” and he isn’t corrected.
Evil Scumbags at the Daily Mail protect Big Pharma with “Censorship”. Exceptional A&E waiting times caused by myocarditis induced by mRNA jabs. Censored by the “Daily Mail” is the half million vaccine injured added to the seven million people on the waiting list, and studies showing a massive increase in heart attacks. This closely matches total non-Covid excess deaths in England. Its also estimated that only 10% of the vaccine injured have reported to the yellow card system. Ivermectin is also still censored by the Daily Mail.
Everyone in UK politics who opposed a ceasefire is now… championing a ceasefire. I suppose it’s easier to take a principled stance when it’s already happening.
Beyond the wonderfully BBC ‘everyone’, it isn’t.
Let’s check with the best…
📢📢 Congratulations to @BowenBBC
Winner of the Outstanding Contribution to Journalism Award at the 2023 Wales Media Awards 🏆 🏴
Nearly 40 years of taking risks to report what’s going on the world.
This has not been greeted with universal approval.
And then over to the home of Mehdi and of course, a BBC TNI partner…
Meanwhile, NBC has similar ‘freelancer’ issues as the BBC…
Wow! An @NBCNews journalist identifies with a terrorist organization and was arrested for inciting terrorism. Will all advertisers on @NBCNews pause their advertising? These advertisers are literally supporting terrorism.
When will Media Matters gather the ad data from NBC and expose this?
Stand by for ‘.. wibble… free speech..’ from a very selective group.
First I heard of this on the BBC !. Gaza has turned out to be a perfect way to bury everything else they don’t want us to know.
But the bit which caught my eye was:
‘The defence ministry said the un-crewed aircraft (UAVs) ..’
That one line tells you the author has no clue what they are writing about.
What kind of top-drawer idiot wrote that ?.
This kind:
Clearly the BBC are now staffed with clones who are more at home with the ‘Brit Awards’ than anything in the real world. If this is the best the BBC have to report on the deadly serious business of war, they are now absolutely unfit for purpose.
Thanks for sharing, always enjoy reading your comments
I remember the bbc as a kid, it was the always to goto for news, programmes etc etc. The only time I unfortunately see any of their news is the company canteen when passing through, and can’t understand why anyone would take it as gospel
I was just talking about this with someone the other day Andy.
When you saw the BBC logo at the start of a TV program, you knew it was going to be of high quality. Now if I see it, I turn it off because I know it is going to be chock full of ‘anti-white racist’ or ‘anti-male sexist’ agenda and will be totally unbelievable in it’s context because it was written by idiots recruited for agenda reasons and not their actual ability.
I am regularly surprised how everyone I speak to has a strong view on the topic like we have here. Even those who were the staunchest BBC advocates I know can no longer watch their news.
The BBC now just represents the far-Left and BAME. They no longer understand anything outside their Londonistan metropolitan bubble.
£5 million to Imperial College to start a Fleming Centre.
Imperial College to shut joint research ventures with Chinese defence firms
This article is more than 1 year old
Exclusive: two Chinese-sponsored aerospace research centres to close after warnings of ‘sleepwalking’ into aiding Chinese military
Confession – I’ve been listening to PMQ / the Hunt statement on parliament radio – so I’ve not been exposed to the Far Left BBC propaganda spin so far .
The blue tories seem to think that what they have done today will win them the coming election – even the panic cut in NI from 1 January – which normally – if done – would come in in 24/25 ….. but taxation – generally is still a red labour levels ….
.. as for the anorak view – Hunt surprising kept it light and had the cut and paste shadow chancellor as an easy target . I counted 4 references to it in the 3 hours I have listened …
StewGreenMar 12, 21:55 Midweek 12th March 2025 The story the Daily Mail stole off me Them 23 Aug 2023 ” after *it emerged* staff might have doctored…
tomoMar 12, 21:48 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img]
StewGreenMar 12, 21:44 Midweek 12th March 2025 Twitter has this in my “Tweets for you” from : @charliersmith1 Radio producer @BBCNorfolk • bipolar, OCD & anxiety a…
StewGreenMar 12, 21:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Neighbour has an old camper van rarely used in winter of course The new road tax letter says it’s £355…
tomoMar 12, 21:27 Midweek 12th March 2025 There’s something about the way some BBC peeps absolutely fawn over gangstas – I saw a Brazilian crew of workers…
ScrobleneMar 12, 20:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I find this report utterly distasteful, and a disgraceful attempt to accuse President Trump for ‘causing the cartels some difficulties’…
DeborahMar 12, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 Christopher Hope on GB News to a woman Labour MP, ‘Starmer has had a good couple of weeks on the…
LoobylooMar 12, 19:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 BA also shaking the collection tin down the aisle in support of it too
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
tomoMar 12, 18:32 Midweek 12th March 2025 yes indeedy – I read “chip off the old block” Roderick James Nugent Stewart’s book Prince of the Marshes and…
Continuimg from last page of previous thread
BBC now community noted for their FakeNews article
based on the ravings of an American Assistant prof of English
4,000 replies call out the BBC
It’s a 8:1 ratio
And there was and and I suspect very many others believing that black and white people were exactly the same barring the skin colour, but if there are differences so profound that it is possible to tell races apart hundreds of years after death, then the previous assertions are untrue and that there are very real differences.
And the plague? Funny how it always turns up during wars and times of deprivation yet in my lifetime, I never saw anyone die from the ‘plague’. I never saw a dog plague, or a cat plague, or a horse plague. Just a plague among dummies who watch the BBC.
Ten facts to consider:
(1) The racist Black death arrived in London in the autumn of 1348.
(2) More than half the population of London died.
(3) Islamic people more civilised than Black Africans.
(4) Islamic people but not English people used Blacks as slaves at the time.
(5) No record of Black or Islamic people living in medieval England at the time.
(6) Any Black would have had to convert to Christianity to live in England at the time.
(7) Religious discrimination against non-Christians far more important for a burial than ‘Black British or ‘White English’ identity.
(8) Black female skulls have very small brain volume.
(9) Idiots of European Descent assumed to be Black due to white liberal positive racism and Black stupidity.
(10) Comparison On the Brain of a Bushwoman; And on the Brains of Two Idiots of European Descent:
Ending albino persecution in Africa
Governments, UN and human rights groups step up advocacy to enlighten communities
Pavithra RaoFrom Africa Renewal:
December 2017 – March 2018
they can tell from their skeletons they were black , lower class and suffered from racism and died of the plague because of it.
very clever stuff , question is how do they know they were women? and not trans men??
Racist rats, presumably.
Ah, but thems was black rats what spread the bubonic plague.
Seriously, how many ‘black women’ were there in 14th Century London?
My guesstimate is around zero.
Please excuse my ignorance, but when you say, ‘ratio’, do you mean that here, 4,000 normal citizens wrote and told the Beeboids that they were wrong/stupid/lying/un-researched etc., to every 500 of the troll-farm goblins?
Is that being ‘Ratioed’?
I don’t ever read any of the Beebonic Plague HYS stuff, (very apt here…), and don’t do ‘Ecks’ or ‘Bookface’, so I’m clearly being left behind all those ‘experts’, who think they know better, but usually don’t!
for us oldies its something along the lines 7m people viewed it
but only 1000 people liked it enough to press the thumbs up
and several thousand wrote scathing remarks in the comments
I urge all readers of these pages to watch this jaw dropping report from “The Hill” which is regarded as a Left leaning channel and leaked files from the British Labour party regarding their efforts to censor opposing points of view.
To that end the cite “The centre for countering digital hate” as a Labour party organisation with active party members working within it.
This organisation is being regularly used by the media to censor shape, and sometime even create the news, and yet it is always portrayed as an NGO or independant think tanks, and never as a creation of the British Labour party.
I am sure those people who watch this will be able to point to examples of the BBC using what amounts to Labour party propaganda and portraying it as independant sourced.
Have a watch of this shocking report which is not yet finalised, because you almost certainly won’t be hearing about it in Britain !
Posted again because it was at the bottom of a page!
Good, I did post this video last week.
Current viral tweet
For some bizarre reason only Leftist activists can understand, you can only be racist or make hate speech if you do it in English.
I know from experience they are openly racist in their own language. I worked with a Sikh in an office half full of Muslims once. They absolutely hated him for being friends with white people and had a special racist name for him. Needless to say they didn’t integrate with the rest of the office at all.
They hated him so much, one of them had to stop another from following him to the car park to beat him up.
Meanwhile the white people lived in fear of being accused of being racist. I was told it was instant dismissal. As a subcontractor, you can be sure I didn’t stay there long.
THAT is the extent of the hypocrisy of the Left and why I detest their lies and double standards so much. They only care about racism when they can use it against right-wing white people. Their ethics disgust me.
There’s a BBC local radio station that is so in touch with the London population
that it’s average weekly hours of listening per Londoner is 0.1 hours
They put up this tweet 12 hours AFTER the BBCnews tweet got ridiculed
Black women of African descent were more likely to die of the medieval plague in London .
More likely than who ?
Comedy Gold especially when you understand there are no plagues. If you check your history you will come to the realisation they have been pulling this stunt for centuries. And the dummies fall for it every time. Get your booster!!!
King kp, don’t extend your rule of mad ideas to Derbyshire. Your life expectancy will not be long in Eyam and similar places where they dress wells!
The ASA set out to demonstrate what an utter shower they are.
I still think that this one is much better…
Hello Scroblene – thank you for that wonderful ad . It reminded me of the great adverts which the industry used to put out – it made me want to go into the industry as a kid – but I didn’t have the ‘qualifications ‘….
Anyway – that advert would want me to by a Toyota .and reminds me of my 4×4 days in my now stolen Landy …
Volkswagen Polo – “Terrorist” Commercial
local BBC newsPR show did same story radio has being doing and that ITV did on Monday
“North Ferriby hotel asylum seekers praise ‘freedom’ of England”
80 migrants .. been no trouble in last year
Fact omitted: Skegness migrant’s rape trial starts on Dec 4th
Well he may well be innocent
but some lady filed the complaint
and I bet she felt great watching tonight’s happy item.
After 2000 views their tweet has got 2 Likes
However in the way that news media seem to report exactly the same stories and omit others
there has been a sudden surprise. Asian rapists are very rarely mentioned at tea time, their convictions are usually omitted
yet local both ITV and BBC mentioned this sentencing
“Man who raped girl in back of Lincoln shop jailed”
then they named him
Waheed Ali, 28, attacked the girl in the store on 10 June
..been due to stand trial, but changed his plea to guilty at an earlier hearing.
He was sentenced to eight years and three months
Sing along:
“From the river to the sea, lying muzzies at the bbc”
Gang that launched savage knife attack at French village’s winter ball killing boy, 16, and injuring 17 ‘told guests “We are here to stab white people” before rampage’
Susan Sarandon on Jews and Muslims in USA!
How stupid and horrid can you get!
Ohhhhhhhhhh and I thought she was so cute.
For those who may not have got my reference, here she is in better times.
Maybe the three onlookers at the end had an inkling how she would turn out?
Under BREAKING news on the bbc webshte
Sam Altman: Ousted OpenAI boss to return days after being sacked
Is anyone actually bothered, surely you can actually find some news to report. Eg the invading army arriving daily, and hold the government to account – instead of promoting the illegals staying here in blighty!
Summary a 4 member board sacked the boss
The employees wouldn’t accept it.
Microsoft is a big shareholder.
One person of the 4 has backtracked.
People reckon a reconstituted board will reinstate the sacked boss.
Those with Power want more Power.
So every Muslim that goes to Mecca to celebrate the Hajj supports the Saudi regime financially by giving them money for flights and buying stuff whilst on the Hajj … thus anyone who goes, supports Saudi law thus is supporting transphobic corporation … never mind Nike etc …
Both male and female same-sex sexual activity is illegal. LGBT rights are not recognized by the government of Saudi Arabia.
All muslims should boycott Mecca until there is Justice …. Sadiq Khan and Savid Javid and Warsi and all Muslims should ban travelling until the law is changed in Saudi for LGBT.
Locals in fundamentalist Muslim province of Indonesia refuse to allow Muslim boat people
They have cordoned them off. on the beach where they landed.
“Locals in Sabang, in Aceh Province, have refused to accept the members of the persecuted Myanmar minority after they landed overnight, and were trying to push them back out to sea on Wednesday.”
Rahman said the arrivals had come from different camps in Bangladesh, and many had been in Kutupalong, the world’s biggest refugee camp.
Instead of being taken to shelter, the group — which includes 91 women and 56 children — was kept on the sand overnight without beddingThis is the third time in a week that Acehnese locals have sought to push hundreds of Rohingya refugees back out to sea after they reached the shore
Some Acehnese say their patience has been tested, claiming the Rohingya consume scarce resources and occasionally come into conflict with locals”
Ukraine & Poland
Was down south (Basingstoke) last night and had no option but to watch the local news. So we had:-
– An item that seemed to go on forever about a woman taking her own life after allegedly being bullied.
– Something about immigrants playing football and being really nice and integrating and butter wouldn’t melt in their mouth.
– Men dressed as women in the local pantomime.
So no actual news.
Non Snowflake- exactly the same sort of drivel here in Devon. Who cares? Give us some useful news for a change instead of tabloid guff.
Is the media biased against the non-lefty president of Argentina ?
“Nail biter” said AFP just before the Argentina election vote
Yet in reality Javier Milei won by miles
56% vs 44%
10 days before the election they ran a story saying he would be claiming the result was election fraud
Surely after Obama stole the US election many elections have to be looked at very carefully for fraud ….. even going back to the now deceased St JFK – his corrupt father did a lot of fixing to get the family into the White House … in Britain the election commission avoids looking for corruption in – say – postal voting ….
And hopefully in the coming UK election ID fraud might be a bit more challenged …..
GB News gets more viewers than BBC news and all other news programmes.
Bring back Steyn and I’ll give it another look ..
Mark Steyn show on GB News breaches Ofcom code with Covid claims for second time
9th May
@Fedup2 – I agree with the sentiment but it`s still a lot better than the beeb and worth supporting.
BBC Moaning Emole.
“ Israel and Hamas agree to pause fighting
More than six weeks after Hamas fighters carried out their surprise attacks in Israel and the war began, a deal has been struck which will bring a four-day pause in fighting to allow for the release of hostages held in Gaza. The agreement, signed off by Israel’s cabinet in the early hours of Wednesday, will see Hamas release 50 women and children. The release of every additional 10 hostages will extend the pause in fighting by one day. Hamas took more than 200 people hostage during their cross-border raids on 7 October. It is expected the 50 hostages will be those with Israeli nationality or dual nationals. Under the deal, mediated by Qatar, Hamas is expecting the release of 150 Palestinians held in Israeli jails.”
“Surprise! Fighters here…”
And that’s ‘some hostages’ BBC. In return for ‘fighters’.
Champion seems keen.
A strongly worded rebuttal here, and I do hope that the BBC are offering the woman being wrongly accused some kind of ongoing support.
Such as? Her own panel show? Seems to work for Vile, Myska, O’Brien…
Rise in Google searches around ‘climate anxiety’
The Dragonfly project was an Internet search engine prototype created by Google that was designed to be compatible with China’s state censorship provisions.[1][2][3] The public learned of Dragonfly’s existence in August 2018, when The Intercept leaked an internal memo written by a Google employee about the project.[4][5] In December 2018, Dragonfly was reported to have “effectively been shut down” after a clash with members of the privacy team within Google.[6] However, according to employees, work on Dragonfly was still continuing as of March 2019, with some 100 people still allocated to it.[7]
In July 2019, Google announced that work on Dragonfly had been terminated.[8]
Wonder what happens to searches on Epstein Island visitors or BBC propaganda?
“If you tell Google that you would like to see images of ‘Black men’ the images that come up are all portrait photos of black men. Indeed, it takes more than a dozen rows of images before anybody who isn’t black comes up in the images. By contrast a search for ‘White men’ first throws up an image of David Beckham – who is white – but then the second is of a black model. From there every line of five images has either one or two black men in the line-up. Many of the images of white men are of people convicted of crimes with taglines such as ‘Beware of the average white man’ and ‘White men are bad’.”
― Douglas Murray, The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity
Someone must be growing cotton in this country😂😂
Not related to anything in particular except tangentially to the report the other day that a UN climate lunatic criticised the UK for putting some eco-protestors in jail. And apologies if covered months ago and thus common knowledge.
It turns out that Justin Rowlatt, the famous impartial climate change BBC correspondent has a sister, Cordelia.
Guess what? She is a hardline eco-activist.
Try this
Or this
Or this
Not so much ‘like father like son’ as ‘like sister like brother’
The BBC. World class in selective amnesia.
Will the COVID Inquiry be asking the scientists about other countries, who go it right and wrong and reasons?
Its all about bashing the UK government at the time.
Nothing will be learnt at all.
Listening to the live coverage again yesterday and again there is a chasm between the BBC and the actual hearing. Bad news for the BBC. There was no real gotcha moment.
Whitty I thought gave a good account, a little too civil servant oily for my liking but with nuance and balance. Mild-mannered, he regularly put the chief prosecutor in his place.
The chief prosecutor, I say that because this whole exercise is so obviously an anti-government hatchet job, barely laid a finger on him. Not that he wasn’t trying. The s***-stirring, the dancing on the head of a pin, the extreme minutiae, he was trying to catch Whitty out and get him to fess up that everything was awful at all times. But he didn’t.
Why were copious minutes not taken at every meeting, asked the prosecutor? Because it would have been a waste of time and other things were rather more pressing, said Whitty in terms, unless of course for the benefit of some later public enquiry. Hahahaha.
The key moment was when Keith himself said something in terms that the situation was extremely difficult and the decisions were extremely difficult. Yes. Precisely. So why the fake trial then?
A total waste of taxpayers money. Or rather a vast redistribution of wealth from the poor (ordinary taxpayers) to the rich (wealthy lawyers).
I’m interested in what all those banks of staff sat at laptops do behind him. Same at parliamentary enquiries- lots of young people looking at screens behind those being interviewed. Doing what exactly ?
Back in the mists of time I would sit alone with a pad and pencil taking minutes at a board meeting of a dozen people !
Jacket worn by Palestinian football team in Chile last week
That is strangely close to the design wore by the University Challenge contestant
Now we know she wasn’t making a statement about this war cos she’d got the jacket months ago before the filming in March
but it is like the Zara designer was inspired by Palestinian sportswear.
Maybe contestant Gorgianeh bought it for that reason.
Stick em on the target list …
Even if it wasn’t about the war, the blue octopus was still an intentional anti-Jewish racist dig. And in conjunction with the jacket, it was most certainly deliberate.
‘A blue octopus is a Nazi trope for anti-semitism. A 1938 Nazi cartoon depicts the Jews as an octopus, its tentacles wrapped around the globe. Nothing to do with climate change or the Israel/Palestinian conflict. Pure, old fashioned, race hatred of the worst kind.’
This is the pathetic BBC response:
‘The mascot is one of many chosen by the team during the course of the series and is one of their favourite animals.’
Gorgianeh shouldn’t be getting any nasty tweets
but the coincidence is bizarre
I think the octopus is grey
and note she chose to where a white polo neck under the jacket
The guy next to her was in a short sleeved shirt.
Lewisham: War memorial defaced with anti-Israel graffiti
Normally the BBC are very quick to show racist events like this when they are so current.
But this one seems to be the old ‘basic facts only’ report they use when they are only reporting it because they have to and it’s nowhere to be seen on the front UK page.
That means they don’t want us to know about it.
Sing along:
“From the river to the sea, lying muzzies at the bbc”
Hello JohnC
I bet the news is in the public domain, and the likes of the bbc can’t ignore it
Selective “news”, when it suits the bbc
Probably in the future War Memorials will be torn down, as this probably are offensive to some 🙁
This is one of their dirtiest tricks Andy : they know they have to report it otherwise it will show their bias to their enemies (like us). So they produce a report – but make sure you have to go looking for it to find it.
I’ve even noticed a few time now where they have some agenda item – like enrichment children stabbing each other – they bury it somewhere you would not expect. So if you check ‘London Violence’ for example, you don’t see it. They’ve done it recently for the war in Gaza as well (which I made a comment about here).
Now I know how dirty the BBC are, I don’t believe for one second it’s not deliberate.
Hello John
The Search box on the bbc webshte is useless. You can ready something day 1, and never find it again. Probably helps with bbc case to say they told the population something at 3am, but gone by 3.10am, and only 30 people noticed it
Or when any old geezers pop in the aisle for quick statement?
Stunning definition of the news edition
Do you remember those good old days when our government used to make our laws for us?
It was a funny old system. We would vote MPs into parliament and off they’d go to Westminster, busily writing bills and enacting them to become the law of the land. What a quaint way of doing things that was.
Children will be allowed to change their gender identity at school… ministers ruled out a ban on “social transitioning”, where pupils adopt the name, pronoun or uniform of the opposite sex, after deciding it would not be legally possible to bring one in (Telegraph)
As far as I can make out the west fought a war in Afghanistan for 20 years, after Bin Laden had fled, so that girls could go to school. Now we can’t even define what a schoolgirl is? How the Taliban must be smiling.
We’re fighting Russia now, so that… babies can be killed – before they are born?
Conservative Russia – complains the FT: War hardens Russians’ attitudes to abortion… the Soviet Union had become the the first state to legalise it in 1920… Russia’s liberal abortion laws are falling victim to the turn to socially conservative values… (FT)
We can’t be having that
Rheinmetall’s sales surge… The German arms maker expects its sales to have doubled by 2026 (FT) – no sign of any lasting ceasefire there then?
…as it benefits from soaring demand on the back of the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, as well as Asia-Pacific tensions (FT)
Mind you, there’s such a thing as too much of a good thing…
German spending freeze… Berlin has frozen new spending commitments, including €8bn in military aid pledged to Ukraine, in a move that exposes the depth of the budgetary crisis triggered by a court ruling last week (FT)
There we go again. Lawyers interpreting laws so as to apparently overrule the elected politicians. Or perhaps our politicians are happy to shirk their responsibility for making the difficult decisions?
Stunning is our word of the day
You join us on a day when the popular press, every man jack of them, share a domestic car crash tragedy: So Tragic…Camping Pals Horror (Mirror) and reproduce a snap of the Princess of Wales flashing a bit of leg as she exits a limo: Toned… How Kate gets those stunning sculpted legs (Daily Mail)
In contrast with the female interest Mail, the blokey Sun don’t need no beauty tips as cover excuse for their frontcover: Royal Picture Special… Stunning… Kate arrives at Palace yesterday
Even the socialist Daily Mirror tugs a forelock as Princess Kate dons a Corbyn/Starmer red outfit: M’lady in red… Stylish Kate in London yesterday
The Rishi lackey loyalist Express prefers formality and ditches stunning for dazzling dressing their Kate in formal court evening dress: Dazzling Kate steals the show
And honestly folks, if our popular media confined itself to glamour pictures of princesses hitching their skirts up high getting out of cars and tragic car crash reports then my work here would be done. But wait for tomorrow when the police, schools, carmakers, or the Tories or whoever, get the blame – for the car crash, I mean.
Lets wrap this one up with an awkward juxtaposition of reports from the FT’s news Briefing column – which having already set us off this morning with two compare and contrast stories from Germany, proves a veritable goldmine of parallel report facepalm moments today…
NHS England has signed a deal worth up to £350mn with US data analytics group Palantir to develop a patient data platform that brings together key records in one place (FT)
Hackers lift library data… a cyber attack on the British Library last month that led to system wide outages. The stolen data is being auctioned online (FT)
Mr AsI recalls watching some BBC news and current affairs show many years ago – it might have been Nationwide – in which the car coat-wearing microphone-clutching reporter (looking like he was fresh out of a Dick Emery sketch) was rushed to the scene of some sudden event to garner impromptu voxpop reactions. One has always treasured the insight of some passerby who informed our intrepid reporter: “This was the inevitable thing, that just might happen”
And that, for me, is a good enough definition of the news
NHS England has signed a deal worth upto £350mn with US data analytics group Palantir to develop a patient data platform that brings together key records in one place (FT)
The NHS lost almost £7.5 billion to fraud over the last six years, while the NHS Counter Fraud Authority achieved only half its target last year, according to Labour Party analysis.17 Feb 2023
An abandoned NHS patient record system has so far cost the taxpayer nearly £10bn, with the final bill for what would have been the world’s largest civilian computer system likely to be several hundreds of millions of pounds higher, according a highly critical report from parliament’s public spending watchdog.17 Sept 2013
I looked at the coverage of princess kate having a state visit – but I complained that the pictures were spoiled by a Chinese looking couple who kept getting into the pictures – who were they ? Were they the ‘help ‘?
USA/Israel geopolitics
“The allegory is one in which a scorpion depends on the frog for its passage across a flooded river, by hitching a lift on the frog’s back. The frog distrusts the scorpion; but reluctantly agrees. During the crossing the scorpion fatally stings the frog swimming the river, under the scorpion. They both die.”
The other day there was a story on BBC news which referenced the ‘cost of living crisis’.
It was read out as if an accepted mantra. You know. If you mention ‘cost of living’, you just have to add the word ‘crisis’ now. It is a mandatory BBC instruction.
Pure bias. Foment discord then keep on repeating it, hoping it will go into the deep psyche of people.
BBCLabour in action.
Did I hear correctly that for the next election, expecting a Labour win, the BBC health and safety department are issuing a new safety course. ‘Trip hazards of Champagne bottles’?
Sluff – when the ‘crisis ‘ began – the SNP in particular prefaced it with ‘Tory cost of living crisis ‘ . They had to drop this because the advertising standards jobby said it was mis description as there no ‘tories ‘….
The amount of tax payers ‘ cash the blue labour government is throwing about – in £300 tranches – is eye watering …. And it also looks as though the triple lock is to be retained – but in a couple of years the entire country will hit the 40% tax rate … but we ll all be on the sick by then …
“STEPHEN GLOVER: The Telegraph was my first paper and has a special place in my heart. I can scarcely believe it could fall into the hands of a foreign autocrat.
The Daily Telegraph and the other publications are in play because, in June, Lloyds Banking Group took control of them. Their owners, the Barclay family, owe Lloyds a little over £1.1 billion and were unable to settle their debt.
Lloyds announced an auction, and several companies or individuals threw their hats in the ring. It is not often that a major newspaper comes up for sale. And the Telegraph is a successful and profitable title.
At the eleventh hour, with the auction already underway, the Barclays appear to have done a deal with a fund called Redbird IMI, which is backed by a member of the Abu Dhabi royal family – namely Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the emirate’s Deputy Prime Minister.
Abu Dhabi is part of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which has an appalling human rights record. It sits in 145th place in the 2023 International Press Freedom Index compiled by the group Reporters Without Borders. That is a few places below such beacons of liberty as Somalia, a failed state, and Uzbekistan, where in 2002 two prisoners were reportedly boiled alive.
According to Human Rights Watch, the UAE has detained some of its critics, including activists and academics, while Emirati laws discriminate against women, migrants and gay people. Nor are journalists universally popular.
In 2017, Abu Dhabi security forces arrested two Swiss journalists working for their country’s public broadcaster. They were held for more than 50 hours, unable to communicate with the outside world. The broadcaster claims its journalists were interrogated for up to nine hours at a time, and blindfolded as they were moved between locations. Their camera, computers and hard drives were confiscated.
We should hardly be surprised by such goings-on in a state whose official media legislation includes the following injunction: ‘The person of the President of the Republic or the rulers of the Emirates may not be criticised.’
It further warns journalists: ‘Any material which includes an incitement to, and is harmful to Islam, or the system of Government in the country, or harms the country’s interests or the basic systems on which the society is founded shall be prohibited.’
Do we really want a regime that promulgates such draconian, anti-democratic laws to be within a hundred miles of a British newspaper? Of course not. The prospect is alarming.”
“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning.”
Conrad Black and his wife, Barbara Amiel
If anyone should be gloating at the collapse and disgrace of Lord Black of Crossharbour, the absurd title with which Conrad Black invested himself on being raised to the British peerage, that someone should be me. In the mid-1980s he boasted to a reporter that he was going to buy the London Spectator in order to fire me as its Washington correspondent. When I heard the news, I thought: Here we go again, another newspaper tycoon gone clean off his trolley with megalomania. Next thing we know, he’ll have to build himself a revolving room, like Lord Northcliffe of the Daily Mail, or announce that he’s a poached egg and demand a large piece of toast to lie down on, or build an opera house in which his untalented girlfriend can sing.
In fact, shortly afterward, he did buy the Spectator, and I had to find another market for my anti-Reagan feuilletons. But Black persisted in hampering my scrabble for work.
Huxley imagined “a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not even dream of escaping. It would essentially be a system of slavery where, through consumption and entertainment, the slaves would love their servitude.” He believed that “[t]he greater part of the population is not very intelligent, dreads responsibility, and … is perfectly happy to let itself be ruled.”
Alice (not her real name) says she feels “validated” by the “outpouring of gratitude”, as people have been sharing disturbing stories about the site. She has spent years fighting to get compensation, after being randomly paired with a paedophile who made her his digital sex slave.
“The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. That price has not been paid. Not at all. So here we are, at the brink.”
Take no interest in politicians, and they will not take an interest in you.
He knew that both poor education and perpetual crisis would enable tyranny, writing, “Children are nowhere taught, in any systematic way, to distinguish true from false, or meaningful from meaningless, statements.” And “[l]iberty, as we all know, cannot flourish in a country that is permanently on a war footing, or even a near war footing. Permanent crisis justifies permanent control of everybody and everything by the agencies of central government.”
2020 ….
A very Covid Christmas: The families considering disregarding the rule book for the festive season
After a second lockdown, the promise of normality by Christmas has kept many going. But with plans still uncertain Sophie Gallagher speaks to people who will have yuletide cheat day regardless
Arrest Lawerance Fox!
David Cameron’s backing of Beijing-funded development raises questions over business dealings
New UK foreign secretary’s promotion of China-backed development in Sri Lanka has increased concern he could be a pawn for Xi Jinping
Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent
Barry Gardiner said he kept security services fully informed, after MI5 warned MPs they are being targeted by Beijing.
Dear Darren Henry,
Can you reconcile these two statements please ….
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent.
The code also sets out the general ‘duties of members’ (to be faithful to the Queen, to uphold the law, to act in the interests of the nation and especially constituents…
£500K from a Chinese spy.
Act in the interests of the nation.
Yours sincerely,
Mr M,
Both male and female same-sex sexual activity is illegal. LGBT rights are not recognized by the government of Saudi Arabia.
All muslims should boycott Mecca until there is Justice …. Sadiq Khan and Savid Javid and Warsi and all Muslims should ban travelling until the law is changed in Saudi for LGBT.
BBC R4 prog now is about the sexual way people view weather girls
Former BBC weather girl Raheem Khan says
“I wasn’t really aware of the cultural connotations of the stilettos and stockings”
..Jeez it’s not believable that a grown woman doesn’t know that things that show fertility have connotations
“The audience just loved it, they fell in love with my shoe collection”
I checked for what she wore
Looks attention seeking to me
Active display of thighs and cleavage
In 2013 she moved back to Pakistan
and then she got engaged to cricketer and PM Imran Khan
Camels enhanced with Botox barred from Saudi beauty contest
This article is more than 1 year old
Dozens of animals disqualified after owners manipulate their looks with hormones, fillers and facelifts
The camels disqualified in the competition, at the King Abdulaziz camel festival, were judged to have received Botox injections and other artificial touch-ups.
She went on how after UK newspaper reported on her marriage her situation in Pakistan changed and people mocked her as dizzy
FFS in 2021 she lost a big defamation case against Zulfi Bukhari
and had to issue apology and pay damages
The R4 prog has now gone on to sneer at men who dare to criticise weather girls Global Warming campaigning
Stick this into your search engine and see what you get:
“is there a ‘honesty’ rating for countries populations?”
Do it while you can. Before the label ‘Racist’ is imposed when the Marxist zealots catch on and we all know what happens then.
The search outcomes will account for the rise in Fraud / mis selling / and associated crimes based on ‘Dishonesty’.
Old definition:
“Previously, to prove that someone had acted dishonestly in theft or fraud cases, the jury had to find that:
The defendant’s conduct was dishonest by the standards of ordinary, reasonable people; and
The defendant appreciated that what he or she did was dishonest by the standards of those ordinary, reasonable people.”
New definition:
“The test for dishonesty to be applied by a jury, is now straightforward; firstly, they will consider, as part of their fact-finding duty, the defendant’s knowledge or belief as to what going on i.e. what made the defendant act as they did. They will then apply the standards of ordinary reasonable people to judge that behaviour.”
Penny dropped?
“…the standards of ordinary reasonable people……” Remains integral in both.
As the population demography changes, so will the, “…ordinary reasonable” person. Like who turns out in their hundreds of thousands weekends in Londonistan?
Dylan: “The times they are a changin”. For the worse, day by day, inch (or centimetre if you please) by inch.
Arabs believe economy is weak under democracy
6 July 2022
Arabs are losing faith in democracy to deliver economic stability across the Middle East and North Africa, according to a major new survey.
Nearly 23,000 people were interviewed across nine countries and the Palestinian territories for BBC News Arabic by the Arab Barometer network.
Most agreed with the statement that an economy is weak under a democracy.
^^ maybe they need more white diversity?
“Most agreed with the statement that an economy is weak under a democracy.”
Well, the sheeple are brainwashed into thinking the unaccountable are preferable to the accountable running the show………
More Netflix Less Democracy.
Very interesting.
Government debt was equivalent to 97.8% of GDP at the end of October 2023. If we remove the Bank of England’s (BoE’s) debt, we get an alternative measure of government’s underlying debt. Government debt (excluding the BoE) was 88.6% of GDP at the end of October 2023; it was 83.7% at the end of October 2022.
Conservative Government!
@3:58 – the state does not create wealth – it destroys wealth.
Despite how he is portrayed by the marxist bbc, he seems to know a damn site more than many of our politicians and so calledjournalists, and thinks about things.
Harry Maguire: Ghana MP Isaac Adongo sorry for mocking Manchester United star
Is this really news worthy bbc
Someone in Ghana
Ghana rip down the statues …
‘Racist’ Gandhi statue removed from University of Ghana
13 December 2018
In his early writings he referred to black South Africans as “kaffirs” – a highly offensive racist slur. He also said that Indians were “infinitely superior” to black people.
Takes a month for this to turn up….
Says a lot about the fog of war
From the jungle to the sea Papua will be free from fundemental muslim Indonesia ?
Wheres the support protests UK muzzies ?
“Papua rebels hold guns to New Zealand pilot’s head in chilling new video warning their hostage will be executed if their demands are not met in two months”
Cancelled, prosecuted, boycotted and career ruined immediately, please:
“Revealed: The anti-Semite tearing down posters of kidnapped children who has featured in Vogue and held an art exhibition at Fitzrovia Gallery
Anna Laurini is an artist who has featured in Vogue and the Fitzrovia Gallery.
Picasso-inspired Italian artist Anna Laurini was caught on video saying she was ‘cleaning the s*** off the street’ as she tore down posters kidnapped Israeli children in North London.
Last night, Laurini was filmed tearing down the posters by Jewish journalist Ami Kaufman, who was on his way home when he saw her and asked her why she was destroying the posters.
Laurini shouted at him in reply: ‘Are you Zionist? Are you Zionist? Are you pro genocide? Are you killing all the children?
Mr Kaufman urged: ‘These are innocently people,’ but the pro-Palestine activist only screamed back: ‘No, they are not.’
she turned to me and said: “Ah, look at your nose. I see your nose.”
Sounds quite nuts – a vocal David Icke fan with trimmings apparently …
European Medicines Agency (EMA) last week responded in a letter to MEPs and admitted that stopping viral transmission was not considered a factor in their authorisation of the C19 vaccines.
This was already known and explained in a BMJ editorial in Oct 2020 — before the start of the mass rollout — where it could be seen that the study design was not set up to determine whether they prevented transmission (it looked at the effect on mild disease only).
From the EMA letter: “You are indeed correct to point out that COVID-19 vaccines have not been authorised for preventing transmission from one person to another. The indications are for protecting the vaccinated individuals only […] EMA’s assessment reports on the authorisation of the vaccines note the lack of data on transmissibility.”
And the WHO are looking to set up a “global digital health certification network”.
so… they weren’t / aren’t “vaccines”
The CDC changed their definition of vaccine to provide ‘protection from a disease’ (previously ‘immunity to’).
Ditto definitions of herd immunity and pandemic… all changed by public health bodies during C19.
Mandy Rice-Davies applies
Pfizer exec confirms the above at the EU Parliament:
I think the strings in BBC pearls will need reinforcing!
It’s running on about 20% of the pre-roll ads here even today.
The British Red Cross must have spent a small fortune with YouTube carpet-bombing users with this advert over the last two weeks.
14 million children killed by zionist pigs in Palestine
and 10 million puppies and kittens too
Over 120,000 patients died last year on NHS waiting lists as backlog soared: Official data
BBC and Daily Mail Censorship Warning
Evil Scumbags at the Daily Mail protect Big Pharma with “Censorship”. Exceptional A&E waiting times caused by myocarditis induced by mRNA jabs. Censored by the “Daily Mail” is the half million vaccine injured added to the seven million people on the waiting list, and studies showing a massive increase in heart attacks. This closely matches total non-Covid excess deaths in England. Its also estimated that only 10% of the vaccine injured have reported to the yellow card system. Ivermectin is also still censored by the Daily Mail.
The Daily Mail is “Fake News”
Presumably the home of verity corrected this?
Mind you they do field such as…
Everyone in UK politics who opposed a ceasefire is now… championing a ceasefire. I suppose it’s easier to take a principled stance when it’s already happening.
Beyond the wonderfully BBC ‘everyone’, it isn’t.
Let’s check with the best…
📢📢 Congratulations to @BowenBBC
Winner of the Outstanding Contribution to Journalism Award at the 2023 Wales Media Awards 🏆 🏴
Nearly 40 years of taking risks to report what’s going on the world.
This has not been greeted with universal approval.
And then over to the home of Mehdi and of course, a BBC TNI partner…
“…pointing out that the exact opposite is true, that Israelis cannot enter areas under control of the Palestinian Authority or else they will die”
Quite a lot of that in the ME.
Meanwhile, NBC has similar ‘freelancer’ issues as the BBC…
Wow! An @NBCNews journalist identifies with a terrorist organization and was arrested for inciting terrorism. Will all advertisers on @NBCNews pause their advertising? These advertisers are literally supporting terrorism.
When will Media Matters gather the ad data from NBC and expose this?
Stand by for ‘.. wibble… free speech..’ from a very selective group.
‘Waves’ of Russian drones attack Kyiv for second night in a row
First I heard of this on the BBC !. Gaza has turned out to be a perfect way to bury everything else they don’t want us to know.
But the bit which caught my eye was:
‘The defence ministry said the un-crewed aircraft (UAVs) ..’
That one line tells you the author has no clue what they are writing about.
What kind of top-drawer idiot wrote that ?.
This kind:

Clearly the BBC are now staffed with clones who are more at home with the ‘Brit Awards’ than anything in the real world. If this is the best the BBC have to report on the deadly serious business of war, they are now absolutely unfit for purpose.
Hello JohnC
Thanks for sharing, always enjoy reading your comments
I remember the bbc as a kid, it was the always to goto for news, programmes etc etc. The only time I unfortunately see any of their news is the company canteen when passing through, and can’t understand why anyone would take it as gospel
I was just talking about this with someone the other day Andy.
When you saw the BBC logo at the start of a TV program, you knew it was going to be of high quality. Now if I see it, I turn it off because I know it is going to be chock full of ‘anti-white racist’ or ‘anti-male sexist’ agenda and will be totally unbelievable in it’s context because it was written by idiots recruited for agenda reasons and not their actual ability.
I am regularly surprised how everyone I speak to has a strong view on the topic like we have here. Even those who were the staunchest BBC advocates I know can no longer watch their news.
The BBC now just represents the far-Left and BAME. They no longer understand anything outside their Londonistan metropolitan bubble.
£5 million to Imperial College to start a Fleming Centre.
Imperial College to shut joint research ventures with Chinese defence firms
This article is more than 1 year old
Exclusive: two Chinese-sponsored aerospace research centres to close after warnings of ‘sleepwalking’ into aiding Chinese military
Confession – I’ve been listening to PMQ / the Hunt statement on parliament radio – so I’ve not been exposed to the Far Left BBC propaganda spin so far .
The blue tories seem to think that what they have done today will win them the coming election – even the panic cut in NI from 1 January – which normally – if done – would come in in 24/25 ….. but taxation – generally is still a red labour levels ….
.. as for the anorak view – Hunt surprising kept it light and had the cut and paste shadow chancellor as an easy target . I counted 4 references to it in the 3 hours I have listened …
Fuel prices up tomorrow ? And then in January ….?
It’s just a show … a sham …
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year