Met Police an hour before they arrested Tommy Robinson
The right of the press to freely report on protests is no less important than the right to protest itself.
They should be able to do so without facing intimidation or aggression.
Officers spoke with the journalist and her team following this incident.
An investigation is underway.
If not I recommend finding “Wolves and Finance” on You tube and seeing his compilation on the Jan 6th protests. “Shocking New Jan 6 Footage”
I find this man quite credible.
What happened yesterday to TR from the cowardly scum police is enough, I have personal experience of how brave they feel when they outnumber you, bit like the muslims, all big and tough then.
I hope he files a complaint as GB news were repeatedly followed and harrassed by a pro palestinian twat with a megaphone who verbally abused the reporter and the cowardly scum police ?
what did they do ?
they …. “moved him on” !!!!
We are undoubtedly at war and under attack, as we watch Christians regularly attacked at Speakers Corner.
There are some in this country, that, when the muzzies feel they outnumber enough and start targetting them, as they will, I would happily stand and watch and say “told you so”.
That includes ANY police officers, judges, memebers of the left and mainstream journalists and their wives and children, police are increasingly being outnumbered and attacked in muzzie gettoes, tough sh’t mates, remember that when you libelled and slandered TR, drove TR out of a number of towns, arrested and jailed him for telling the truth about muslim rape gangs and sharia law.
I also hope TR and all his colleagues do the same.
“Article 4 (equal privileges of subjects)
That the Subjects of the United Kingdom of Great Britain shall from and after the Union have full Freedom and Intercourse of Trade and Navigation to and from any port or place within the said United Kingdom and the Dominions and Plantations thereunto belonging. And that there be a Communication of all other Rights, Privileges and Advantages which do or may belong to the Subjects of either Kingdom except where it is otherwayes expressly agreed in these Articles.”
Unless of course the wet police believe that some hamas terrorists and also stabbers of Hatun at Speakers Corner have more rights to move freely in Londonistan than do others.
Anyone with any experience of lazy, incompetent yet tefflon, sack proof tick box staff will understand this relentless, racist drive towards mediocrity, perfected by so many racist, sexist fascist local authorities especially :
“Board of The Tudor Trust charity all face being sacked for being ‘white and privileged’ amid an anti-racism diversity drive.
Charity stopping all grants for 20 months while it ‘re-thinks’ its future. Staff will learn about ‘racial justice’ and ‘white supremacy culture’ ”
“Iran-backed Houthi rebels fire MISSILES at US destroyer off Yemen in ‘significant escalation’ after American troops freed Israeli-linked tanker from pirates.
The rebels, from Yemen’s Houthis, were officially recognized as a terrorist organization in the US under the Trump administration – until Biden removed the militants from the list in 2021. ”
“The school where teachers are so scared they’ve gone on STRIKE: Parents and staff reveal the horror of facing racial abuse, threats of sexual assault against female teachers, a warning one would have her throat cut and gang fights galore.
‘We’ve had enough,’ as Lisa — who doesn’t want to give her surname — puts it. ‘We are collectively striking because there have been too many incidents of violence and threats of violence against staff.
‘We have had chairs thrown; been pushed and shoved… physically assaulted. We have the n-word used on a regular basis to our black teachers.’ These are children remember — many as young as 11 or 12.
The crisis at Oasis Academy coincides with the release of school watchdog Ofsted’s annual report. In her final report as its chief, Amanda Spielman, stated that absenteeism and disruptive pupil behaviour is becoming more commonplace. She also warned that secondary schools are plagued by a growing number of children playing ‘internal truancy’, where they wander corridors and hang out in toilets instead of going to lessons.
The walk-out in Kent is believed to be the first time teachers in England have gone on strike because of the fear of pupil behaviour (last month their peers at Caldicot Secondary School in Monmouthshire, Wales, walked out over three days due to what they called the ‘violent and aggressive behaviour’ of some pupils).
An underlying theme of the strike action in Kent — a ‘last resort’ — is also the threat of violence from pupils, following four physical assaults in the past two weeks alone, the Mail has learned.
They range from threats of sexual violence against female staff and gang fights, to large groups of children attacking one student, and pupils throwing tables and chairs at staff.
Mr Millar professed himself baffled by a multi-million pound spend that had made the school entirely open plan.
‘Open-plan classrooms can work in some instances, but when they are the only main spaces you have and they have to be used at once with different year groups and subjects going on with no barrier between them, it’s just not workable,’ he said.
‘Some pupils told us they ‘have had enough’ of being jostled and hurt in corridors or verbally abused,’ the report stated.
It also said inspectors found pupils using ‘foul, homophobic, racist and sexist language’ and exchanging nude pictures without understanding the legal implications.
They also cited ‘rife’ vandalism, offensive graffiti, poor behaviour and bad language.
given the eyewitness testimony of Lisa, who last week spoke about the daily dramas she and her colleagues face. ‘We have situations where hordes of children run after one child to beat them up,’ she told the KentOnline news site. ‘Constantly being called the c-word, constantly being told to eff off. The kids are out in the corridors, refusing to come into classrooms.
‘They’re kicking the doors in so they come off their hinges in order to either run around like maniacs in classrooms they’re not supposed to be in… or beat up a student or threaten a teacher.
‘You ask someone to stand in line, you get threatened with death. It happens on a daily basis. On an hourly basis. There’s probably about 50 students in each year group who constantly do this.”
Good news for a change – the UAE has been using those green crap meetings ( cop something ?) to discuss oil sales – thus saving on additional flights and transport …. And to add to it more hydrocarbons will be burnt … isn’t that great ..? Poor old Justin rowlatt nearly blew an artery through woke indignation …… burn that diesel ..
As Justremainin’ is part of the problem, he DIDN’T say to Rowlatt-
‘Well what did you expect ? All the right people already there, in person, so they discuss what they normally discuss over ‘zoom’ because the world has to keep going and not revert to the stone age !
“None wished to be named, and some of them say they are afraid to send their children there. ‘We don’t know how to keep him safe at school,’ said the father of one 11-year-old pupil.
‘He started in September and has been the victim of at least ten attacks by pupils. Most of these have happened in class, most have been witnessed, and only a small number have been acted upon.’
The parent revealed that on one occasion a child had entered his son’s classroom and head-butted him. They had then left class but came back five minutes later and punched his son. ‘Nothing was done,’ he says. Another parent, a mum called Louise, said her own children repeatedly told her about the chaos at the school.
‘My youngest refused to go to his classes because the children from Year 8 kept coming into his lesson,’ she says. ‘He told me the older children were told to leave on multiple occasions, but they’re loud and don’t listen.
‘A few weeks ago I was told there was a fight, and the kids made a sort of blockade and wouldn’t let the teachers get through to break it up. It is quite frightening to see what the children do to each other — it’s almost savage.’
Another parent said her daughter — who has now left the school — could only get any work done by wearing earphones in class.
‘She used to get in trouble for it, but she wore them because she wanted to concentrate,’ the parent said. ‘She used to ring me up during class and hold her mobile out and say, ‘This is my English lesson’, and it would be like a zoo. There was so much shouting, screaming and disruption.”
And still our Tory government refuses to curb hyper-immigration edition
When we voted way back in 2016 to come out of the European Union with its open borders – and were instead in favour of some points-based immigration policy, we certainly did NOT intend for our politicians to go with an all-are-welcome Eurovision Song Contest-style “Nul Points” system: Sunak’s deal with Braverman revealed… agreed to raise the salary threshold for migrants to £40,000… proposed to close down the graduate visa route, restrict the number of dependants and prioritise Russell Group university applicants… Mrs Braverman cited the Prime Ministers failure to stick to their deal (Telegraph)
Post Brexit you can’t travel on the London tube without being regaled by advertising from a plethora of corporations offering cheap and easy money transfers to the third world, despite (as they like to say) migrant workers’ apparent beneficial contribution to the UK economy
If taxation-keen Jeremy Hunt insists he still needs to raise money, then how about something along these lines: A Proposed New Tax, Mainly On Latinos, To Pay For Trump’s Border Wall… a 2 percent tax on all person-to-person wire transfers to Mexico, the rest of Latin America and the Caribbean. (NPR)
Afterall, what’s good for the goose must be good for the gander, right: Effective from October 1, 2023, the tax rate on outbound remittances from India will rise from five percent to 20 percent. This increase will impact funds sent abroad for purposes such as vacations, investments, and gifts (India Briefing)
Of course the Guardian and their ilk won’t be happy about this new tax: ‘Pulled from both sides’: Britons who send money abroad face living costs squeeze… With inflation also high in many developing economies, overseas remittances are more vital than ever… “Sending money home is something I have to do, it’s not an ‘I would like to do this’ says Toyin Oshinowo.”… But lately sending money back home has got much harder, as food and energy prices in the UK continue to soar, forcing Oshinowo to cut back on spending to continue supporting relatives” (Some special pleading there methinks from Mabel Banfield-Nwachi, in the Guardian – note the tell tale phrase ‘back home’)
Whatever happened to the notion of immigrants coming here for a better life? Apparently the motivation is instead for a better life for the folks back home.
Estimates compiled by the World Bank show people in Britain send billions of pounds overseas each year to friends, family and other contacts… led by Nigeria, sent more than £4bn a year, and closely followed by India and Pakistan. (Guardian)
Not all migrants are good for Britain. We must only allow in those who are (Nick Timothy in the Telegraph there whistles into the wind this morning in the hallowed tradition of the columns of his sleepy old newspaper – much-ignored in liberal Tory circles)
Children on puberty blokers doubles; Starmer open to Elgin Marbles loan return; Net Zero hinders bank on inflation, say peers; Council workers moonlighting while working from home; Comfort foods begone British favourites the experts want cancelled (Telegraph) – all reported on one Monday morning frontpage under the watch of a supposedly conservative government.
You’d think from that litany of shame we must have been thirteen years into a Corbyn/Starmer-style adminstration
Millions face higher taxes until election (‘i’) – might as well vote Labour next time, eh?
And still our Tory government refuses to curb hyper-immigration
The FT may have cut its regular Datawatch feature from the frontpage but we find it replaced by a new regular item – big financial corporations cuting jobs. Previously it was 2,000 posts going at Barclays, now today: More than 2,500 jobs are at risk at Lloyds Banking Group
And still our Tory government refuses to curb hyper-immigration
Kyiv seeks more recruits… has said volunteers will not have to serve in the trenches but can choose a role that matches their skills… (FT)
And still our Tory government refuses to curb hyper-immigration
Thousands march against antisemitism in London (BBC)
And still our Tory government refuses to curb hyper-immigration
I do of course realise Rishi Sunak is nothing more than a regional district manager adminstering the UK ‘economic zone’ for the benefit of the wider international corporate interest.
Stake in nuclear site seized from Chinese could go to Abu Dhabi… Ministers have lined up Abu Dhabi investors to take a significant stake in the Sizewell C nuclear power plant… (Times)
COP28: UAE planned to use climate talks to make oil deals (BBC)
Hobson’s Choice! … Sunak or Starmer?
Despite the MSM’s & propaganda please note, that there are other Political Parties . Instead of wasting your vote, go for UKIP or Reform UK.
iirc Koreans built 2 UAE nuclear power stations in half the time and nearly half the cost that UK’s bureaucrats have taken to *not* even build one working item.
The BBC must have breathed a huge sigh of relief.
When the riots kicked off they could go into their default ‘Far Right’ narrative and so avoid any mention of tomo’s content above.
Yet another ‘benefit’ of open door immigration and the phalanx of lefty liberals in politics and the judiciary.
BBC sympathies laid bare.
On Toady, an article about bad communication in the NHS. We’ve all experienced it. Unsympathetic doctors, letters that never arrive etc. a worthwhile topic, then?
So to illustrate this, an ‘interview’ with someone with throat cancer. Guess who? Come on, it’s the BBC.
Yes, none under than Mark Steele. One of their favourite left wing comedians.
He then spent most of the ‘interview’ telling us how marvellous and ‘brilliant’ the NHS was. The ‘poor communication’ examples were downgraded to material for jokes.
No insight whatever. No attempt to critique the white elephant of the NHS. The whole article was a total waste of time.
Obviously, famous left wingers get better treatment from the NHS than the rest of us.
How very Animal Farm.
I wonder if the far left comrade Steele has written his book yet ? Having been the close relative of someone diagnosed with breast cancer – and gone through the whole awful process with them – I know too well how defective the NHS is – even when they are meant to be that area of medicine where resources are thrown at them .
As for comrade Steele – what a dreadful character – comes around goes around …
Kemi bannocks delivers a dreadful interview to our Justin – the 2022 600 000 plus migrants wasnt under the current PM( so that’s alright then) – but the 750 000 latest figure was –
The blue Labour just deserve the sewer …. And ended
One of my favourite subjects: Weather (aka Meteorology for those preferring not to slum it).
A message from, none other than the Deputy Chief Meteorologist, Dan Harris. From the middle of this week, onward: “Thereafter, confidence in the detailed forecast falls, which is typical when looking this far ahead. It does look as though there will be a trend towards something more unsettled, as areas of cloud and rain attempt to move across the UK.” “This far ahead/something”? Should hang his head in shame. No doubt the reason why the Chief Meteorologist could not put his name to this prediction.
So, expect to hear that the ‘Higher that usual Autumn temperatures’ will lead to, wait for it, the, “hottest Autumn temperature’s on Record” early in December.
That’s ‘Climate Change’ for you, totally unpredictable.
The meteorologists admit that they can’t predict the weather more than a few days ahead with any degree of certainty because it’s too complex a system, with so many interdependent variables that even a super computer can’t cope. Of course none of the public expects that the Met office forecast for ten days hence is going to be reliable , experience has taught them that it isn’t.
However the meteorologists and climate ‘scientists’ have no difficulty in predicting the climate , not just a few days of weather in one country ,but for the entire globe decades hence.
The great tragedy is that millions of ordinary members of the public believe them and are willing to spends trillions based upon these 10 or 20 or 30 year predictions.
Don’t they see the irony?
See the web site for an insightful review of the unreliability of the climate catastrophe thesis.
In the wake of MeToo and the Black Lives Matter movement, the media world has been looking hard at who it portrays and how. The BBC created the position ‘Director of Creative Diversity’ to change minority representation. But how much change is needed – and who has to make way for these new, more diverse appointments?
Panel: June Sarpong, BBC’s Director of Creative Diversity; and Matthew Syed, Sunday Times columnist and author of Rebel Ideas: The Power of Diverse Thinking.
Presenter: Amol Rajan
Studio engineer: Giles Aspen
Producer: Hannah Sander
I only found out recently that invading nazis in Europe were high on crystal meths. This allowed them to stay awake and probably not worry too much about the death and destruction they were wrecking.
So when the hamas savages attacked Israel on Oct 7th I kept an ear out for any drugs since their behavious was beyond all human decency. This is when I came across Captagon:
The Israelis do not seem to be talking about this drug even though they could autopsy the bodies of the dead savages on their territory. My guess si that they do not want any excuse to mitigate the behaviour of the terrorists.
I guess the Assads have made a tidy profit from this drug being manufactured in Syria. No doubt the Russian connection will also help to ensure that this medication is also enjoyed all over Londonistan.
Atlas – I’d heard that one used re Islamic Hamas – but since most of the killers had no idea what they were going to be doing until the early hours of that Sunday – not so sure about them being medicated …
And as for the German panzer crews being up on amphetamines – this was one of the theories used to ‘explain ‘ why they didn’t keep going at Dunkirk and capture / kill 400 000 before the evacuation got going ( ie – that the tank crews were frazzled) – btw – I don’t accept that story …
Ps – for younger readers – Dunkirk is in France – there was a war back then – it was called world war 2 …. Omg it’s so boring – do you like Britney ?
The WW2 Allies had their useful pharmaceuticals too.
RAF crews (particularly the bomber boys) had access to pills on an industrial scale I was told when I were a lad by a pal of my dad who flew to and from Sweden with SKF products for much of the war.
Would a white British person in a Civil Legal case against a Moslem, presided over by a Moslem Judge expect to be treated fairly? In many cases, possibly, but given the militaristic nature of Islam?
I’m reasonably certain that in all cases, White British Judges would be fair to both parties.
My son is a Lawyer working in personal Injury reckons personal prejudice (not racial) does bias Judges decisions. He cites an’ example of a woke greenie cycling Judge deciding a collision case between a car driver and cyclist.
When the authorities want someone cancelled they bend the law , tie it in knots if necessary, to get their way. Tommy has no chance of being treated fairly . He is being used to discourager les autres , just showing what will happen to the rest of us if we step out of line or protest too much.
Four-year-old hostage’s family ‘hoped and prayed’ for release
‘Avigail Idan was three when she was taken by Hamas on 7 October from Kfar Aza kibbutz. Her parents were killed in the attacks, but her two siblings hid and were later rescued.’
‘He tells the story of meeting a seven-year-old boy who’d lost both his parents and twin brother, asking the boy’s aunt – who now cares for him – why the child kept closing his eyes while talking:
‘She said he’s just so terrified he’s going to forget what his mum and his dad look like. So he wants to keep picturing them, not lose them in his mind as much as he has in real life.”
No such empathy for the the young girl – but are we really supposed to believe that ‘quotation’ ??. Is a 7 year old boy really closing his eyes in the middle of talking ‘to picture his parents so he doesn’t forget them’?.
More complete and utter bullshit which the BBC are happy to write – but as quotation from someone else so it doesn’t have to be true. I’d lay odds that it was completely made up by someone in the BBC.
They are about as far down in the gutter as they can get now.
Agreed. Have they parroted the gentler, considerate disembowelling kindnapper memes yet?
Learning from history, parts #48, #67, #73… choose the one that suits.
I mentioned The Defeated the other day, a series about immediate postwar Berlin. Stuck with. Okish. Seems it was planned to be two series but didn’t go beyond one. So the conclusion is, at best, messy.
I have also just watched a long doc about the Korean War on streaming. And one called ‘Could We Have Stopped Hitler?” with mostly chubby, rosy cheeked historians in very comfy studies pontificating. Neville did not do well, though, or others.
And I continue to ponder various areas of comparison, or not.
There are so many it is hard to get one’s head around.
Both involved aggressors kicking off and having ambitions beyond borders, imposed previously or otherwise, with various shaky alliances in support, against various shaky dimwits muttering about peace after the War that Cleary didn’t End anything.
Seems German prisoners taken by Russians did not get exchanged too often, or come back, at all. Or treated very well. Ditto those taken by the Commies. Prisoners of those this side of ethical walls did a lot better, often to the extent of not wanting to go back, that offered the guys the other side a chance to play games on swaps. Ditto kids one way by state sanctioned action, and the other by low tech boom war consequences. Little waving or hugs to the guys with AKs, especially with family still held, if alive. A few hot lipped blondes, in hospitals. None working for BBC verify.
Once peaces got brokered in the above, they have kind of held. Bar Kims Behaving Badly with subs, and shooting missiles at the sea, often hitting it. And hitting fishing villages for just being too darn offside, and hitting them. Forgiven. Despite the kids. Interesting parallel. There have beens stories of cross border hostages taking and few returns.
Germany simmered a while over Berlin, got heavy, got an airlift, simmered and then the walls came down. Little signs of grudges resulting in suicide bombings anywhere since. Apart from imported. Ditto rapes.
Japan, once very keen on brutal massacre and divine windy stuff seems to have settled down almost as soon as the God Emperor said stand down. Short of a Tom Clancy novel all figured the best form of surrender is to get on with it. Bit of nutter related chopping and bad tube behaviour but that’s it. Done ok, since, as did W. Germany until Mutti got in charge and brought in all sorts for EU and possibly Vlad reasons.
However… the ME. Oh well. Some rushed border carving post No. 2 not quite on par with 1918 Versailles, but mostly a lot of very dodgy characters handed lot of oil to sell and becoming very rich with being part of various competing divisions of an autocracy-based, middle ages retained pyramid peon structure death cult needed a boogey place to use as an excuse for not killing each other all the time… neatly provided at their core.
Carnage in the name of a sky fairy ever since, everywhere, kept going by greed and greedy old men and a few barmy bints, everywhere.
Held to account by such as the BBC, and a cubicle gardens blooming ever more keeping the propaganda going.
I think you might enjoy a series called Babylon Berlin.
It’s set between the wars and it’s not woke. I can’t recall any enrichers for example.
Altogether there’s 4 series and I certainly enjoyed the lot.
In the first series they have Bryan Ferry with some Roxy Music songs in German…it works.
It’s on Sky, just type the name in search and the 4 series come up.
If you have a smart TV get the Cinema app. Virtually every programme you could want, all for free. Our TV is too old to be smart, we use an Amazon firestick, works a treat.
Saudi border guards have killed at least hundreds of Ethiopian migrants and asylum seekers who tried to cross the Yemen-Saudi border between March 2022 and June 2023. Human Rights Watch research indicates that, at time of writing, the killings are continuing.21 Aug 2023
Can the police explain why Femi, a devout Hamas supporter, and professional antisemite and racist, was allowed to attend the Antisemitism march, and report on it, but TR was arrested for doing the same, even though he was there in support?
I’m organising a peaceful potter around my London neighbourhood lasting for the next 25 years. I don’t want Muslims attending as their presence is likely to cause me alarm and distress.
I’ll write to the Met and ask them to intervene with tear gas if any turn up.
I’m pretty sure that will get you arrested for a hate crime. As opposed to gunning down a dozen Jews. That might get you a medal. The police have shown their hand, they are the enemy of this country. Oops, I hear a knocking at the door and see the flashing of blue lights through the window,
Beyond being invited on the BBC and Vile to ‘comment’, albeit in carefully selected unidirectional ways, what does it take to be accorded the supposed protections of being present as a ‘journalist’? Agreed all in the MSM are utterly compromised now by biases, but wandering around with an iPhone would surely qualify anyone?
Hostage Release Creating More PR Problems For Israel
Israeli and Palestinian civilians are celebrating the exchange of hostages. Wait, some might say. Israel was not holding “hostages”, they were prisoners. That is not how the Palestinians view the matter. The vast majority of people scarfed up by Israel and jailed were not afforded due process. This type of abuse is one grievance that is fueling support for Hamas and Hezbollah.
Netanyahu and his government are not happy about this deal. They were forced to accept it by a combination of domestic political pressure from the Israeli families who wanted their loved ones back and the international pressure generated by the viral images of dead Palestinian children and women. Premature babies gasping for breath did not play well across the globe. Those images produced horror and revulsion, which led many nations that were on friendly terms with Israel to break relations.
One measure of Israel’s PR problem comes via SkyNews, which normally takes a pro-Israel slant in its coverage of the battle between Israel and Hamas.
Dickie, you seem well aware of all BBC techniques.
The headline is a classic, copied directly from a BBC reporter. Hence the circle jerk passes on.
Have to love ‘some may say’. Toenails (yawn) or Bowen may err on those in counter, but those not utterly corrupted would struggle equating folk intercepted from actively going to engage in violence and kids doing nothing on their home turf kidnapped to get them back.
The bad PR is generated almost exclusively, and selectively, by the MSM. Secure that after a brief moment of grasping what Israel faces, all fell back on the old comfort zones.
Sky is ‘pro-Israel’? Normally? Uh huh.
And as to who or what sonar21 is I have never heard of them or have any intention of clicking the link, perhaps explaining your at last attempting edited highlights.
One of many of your problems is that behaving like a propagandist shill gets old, fast.
I had a bit of a news catch-up yesterday after a (roughly) 48hr break from news & political noise.
Looking at our mainstream news outlets you would think Hamas was some sort of humanitarian mission kindly delivering children & pensioners back to their families.
Not the source of the mass-murder, torture, rape and abductions.
Fox reporter says Biden “continues to face questions about his age, even here in Nantucket”
Then he plays a clip of Biden being asked, “Mr. President, are you too old to be running for reelection?”
Without disclosing that the reporter is the one shouting the question
With outfits like the BBC, CNN and SkyMSNBC around, eyewatering amounts of Qatari money and the Obamah-Biden US Democrat stable of creepy stenographers …
Larry Johnston,given his background should be contemptuous of those chimps – but he trades on his old(?) job credentials to milk them…
On the Dublin stabbing: I note how quickly terrorism was ruled out and that the dreaded far-right was invoked. How did they know — were the press out on the streets taking impromptu opinion polls next to the burning police cars?
I wonder how much info will allowed to be released on the actual details. 18 months ago there was a murder in London; the initial BBC report said the victim “was found with neck injuries”. This was later upgraded to “was found under a duvet and sheets with a cut to her throat”. That’s as far as they went.
I personally know a member of the victim’s family who told me the police had confirmed to them that the attacker (an African immigrant) had tried to decapitate her. It was surprisingly up to the Indy to report accurately that “the nature of the wound showed he had almost beheaded her.”
I can’t imagine how it must feel knowing that and then seeing your national broadcaster try to airbrush it out. BBC must realise by now that the people are seeing through their feeble coverups.
Tommy Robinson also received some stick on GB News this morning. They were discussing the pro-Israel march and one of the talking heads, some podgy munter, whose only claim to fame seems to be that she’s married to Noddy Holder (lead singer with Slade) gave us her take on events.
“I don’t want to even name him,” she intoned, “Just to say that he’s a far-right rabble rouser.” Pitiful…
Someone could have pointed out that Slade, were notorious skinheads back in the day and before they adopted all the financially beneficial accoutrements of Glam Rock and made an absolute fortune. There were always punch-ups at their gigs.
Now, I’m not saying that all skinheads were far-right racist thugs, of course I’m not.
Look hard enough – “Gandhi statue pulled down in Ghana after controversy over ‘racist’ writings
By Bukola Adebayo, CNN
2 minute read
Published 10:18 AM EST, Fri December 14, 2018”
After speaking to a member of Tommy's family we can confirm that the @metpoliceuk are prosecuting @TRobinsonNewEra and are attempting to remand him for breaching their section 35 order.
This ridiculous and way over the top prosecution comes with a three month prison sentence.…
Anjem Choudary calls Duke of Sussex a ‘Muslim killer’ and calls on jihadis to retaliate
Hate preacher said Harry’s claim he killed 25 Taliban was a ‘wake-up call’ for Muslims everywhere to ‘end the occupation of foreign forces’
Martin Evans,
8 January 2023 • 6:43pm
He’d already been released by the time you posted 1:53pm
.. There is an explanation tweet ..
He accepted draconian bail conditions , which really should accept
He’s force to stay away from London until the end of January
Since he committed no offence
why should he accept such a punishment
The photo merely shows TR having dinner with his two daughters
The warning label above, is likely to be due to Antifa types maliciously clicking the REPORT button on Twitter
Exactly the kind of story the BBC would be all over if it suited their agenda.
But it isn’t. So they ignore it. Even though any story from a UK doctor and an Italian journalist is way, way more credible than what we get from their own reporters who live in Gaza, have family in Gaza and most certainly hate Israel.
Their ‘lies by omission’ are off the scale now. They know that OFCOM will not do anything.
When I was a wee lad I remember seeing the way dissidents were treated in the Soviet Union, East Germany and South Africa.
I took immense pride in living in a free country. We could, pretty much, say what we wanted, go where we wanted and within the law, do what we wanted. Britain was a green and pleasant land.
I beleive TR is also roundly condemned for objecting to this kind of thing which is infiltrating our muslim ghettos in the UK also:
“Woman set for ‘blasphemy’ trial for condemning vile mob’s lynching of Christian student
Rhoda Jatau has been targeted by controversial blasphemy laws in northern Nigeria, where Sharia Law is applicable.
A healthcare worker charged with blasphemy laws simply for condeming the brutal killing of a student in Nigeria has today failed in her attempt to get a trial date in order for her case to be heard.
Mother-of-five Rhoda Jatau, 45, appeared at the High Court in Bauchi in the north of the country, having spent the last 18 months in prison.”
I’ve seen Sadiq Khan and Andy Burnham on BBC and ITV News today, both of them complaining that they weren’t consulted during COVID and consequently London and Manchester suffered because of it.
Pardon me but who hasn’t known a deluded twat like these two?
You know, the sort person who insists, usually with clenched fists and a mad glint in the eye, “It would all have been different if I’d been there!”
The revelations of the neglect to patients at Stafford hospital were widely considered to be deeply shocking by all sections of the mainstream UK press; for example, patients were left in their own urine by nurses.[18] In June 2010, the Cameron–Clegg coalition announced that a full public inquiry would be held.[19]
The inquiry began on 8 November 2010, chaired by Robert Francis QC, who had chaired the fourth inquiry which he had criticised for its narrow remit. The inquiry considered more than a million pages of previous evidence as well as hearing from witnesses.[20] Former chief executive Martin Yeates, who “resigned with a pay-off of more than £400,000 and a £1 million pension pot”, escaped cross-examination at the inquiry due to self-reported ill-health “with post-traumatic stress disorder, a condition often associated with soldiers returning from war zones” but did participate with a written statement.[18]
Helene Donnelly, a nurse at the hospital, complained that the two Sisters running the department had told staff to lie about waiting times. The Sisters were suspended and Helene was harassed. She subsequently gave evidence to the Francis inquiry and was later appointed[21] ambassador for cultural change at Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Partnership NHS Trust.
The final report of the Francis inquiry was published on 6 February 2013, making 290 recommendations.[22][23]
Academics at the University of Oxford and King’s College London have criticised the recommendations of the Francis inquiry to legally enforce a new duty of openness, transparency and candour amongst NHS staff, arguing that increasing ‘micro-regulation’ may produce serious unintended consequences.[24]
Medical lawyers offered their assistance to distraught and angry families who waited for proof that lessons had been learned. Many families of the victims felt that crucial questions have been left unanswered
The BBC London Historian Louise Raw sees herself as a key figure in the Labour “anti-hate” movement
She is of course very HATEY
She HATES Tommy Robinson and I spot her throwing around huge claims against him
Tommy Robinson .. his victims, like Antifascist Edel ‘Lola’ Carroll.
He harassed, doxed & stalked her at her house.
She killed herself.
The coroner found she ‘lived in fear’ due to death & rape threats.
You’d think the article she linked to backed her claims
.. It doesn’t, the article contradicts her “In a note she claimed Bedford and Kent police forces and her local mental health team had caused her death”
“A coroner concluded Ms Carroll did not mean to take her own life and died from excessive ingestion of multiple drugs”
Yes she had had threats of violence,” given six Osman warnings – which are issued by police to a potential victim that they are at risk of murder”
but the article shows the court made no clear direct connection to Tommy Robinson
just something circumstantial a note by her which said “Got into opposing racists like Tommy Robinson and the EDL and this got me battered.”
“had been the victim of a “brutal attack” by the EDL in 2015″
.. that is 2 years after TR left the EDL cos he feared it was being hijacked by racists.
Ms Carroll was on bail .. due to appear at Luton Magistrates for assaulting a constable.
The court heard she had suffered from depression and anxiety for 12 years
I see in 2021 Raw exploited Carroll’s death in her political tweets, but she got the name of her organisation wrong
and later admitted that was cos she didn’t know her case very well.
I have been in London today, unavoidably , for the first time in almost ten years. On the underground there were three Jewish chaps , in their 20’s at a guess , wearing their kippah , or should it be kippot , . I thought how brave they were . There wasn’t any sign of trouble and no one amongst the many who might have been muslim gave them a second glance but nonetheless I thought it was a very brave gesture of defiance . It made my poppy wearing look weak to say the least and made me a bit ashamed of not going down yesterday to the March .
On the train back home now .
Sky out bbcing the bbc with stories based on ‘says’.
The surgeon, who worked at both al Shifa and al Ahli hospital in Gaza, held a news conference to describe his experiences.
He says that phosphorus gas was used in Gaza.
BBC international editor Jeremy Bowen admits Gaza hospital report was inaccurate The veteran BBC journalist also said he ‘doesn’t regret one thing’ about his reporting
A veteran BBC journalist has admitted his coverage on the bombing of a Gaza hospital was inaccurate but said that he “doesn’t regret one thing” about his reporting.
BBC international editor Jeremy Bowen said he incorrectly suggested Al-Ahli hospital “was flattened” following the blast on October 17.
Speaking on the BBC News at Ten, Bowen said: “The missile hit the hospital not long after dark. You can hear the impact.
“The explosion destroyed Al-Ahli hospital. It was already damaged from a smaller attack at the weekend. The building was flattened.”
Asked about the report a month later, Bowen told the Behind The Stories programme which was aired on BBC News on Saturday as part of the corporation’s commitment to transparency: “So it broke in I suppose mid evening and to answer your question, no I don’t regret one thing in my reporting because I think I was measured throughout. I didn’t race to judgement.”
Asked specifically about the “hospital being flattened” comment, he added: “Oh yeah, well I got that wrong because I was looking at the pictures and what I could see was a square that appeared to be flaming on all sides and there was, sort of, a void in the middle. I think it was a picture taken from a drone.
“So, you know, we have to piece together what we see and I thought, ‘it looks like the whole building has gone’.
“That was my conclusion from looking at the pictures and I was wrong on that but I don’t feel particularly bad about that. It was just the conclusion I drew.”
Spoken like a true biased piece of shit. Goebbels would have had him as his depute in an instant. Should be immediately dismissed as a lying bastard as even has the brass neck to admit it. Christ – Clarkson was sacked just for thumping someone on the jaw.
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 12, 22:00 Midweek 12th March 2025 GB News lefty Christopher Hope looks like an old Harry Potter.
StewGreenMar 12, 21:55 Midweek 12th March 2025 The story the Daily Mail stole off me Them 23 Aug 2023 ” after *it emerged* staff might have doctored…
tomoMar 12, 21:48 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img]
StewGreenMar 12, 21:44 Midweek 12th March 2025 Twitter has this in my “Tweets for you” from : @charliersmith1 Radio producer @BBCNorfolk • bipolar, OCD & anxiety a…
StewGreenMar 12, 21:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Neighbour has an old camper van rarely used in winter of course The new road tax letter says it’s £355…
tomoMar 12, 21:27 Midweek 12th March 2025 There’s something about the way some BBC peeps absolutely fawn over gangstas – I saw a Brazilian crew of workers…
ScrobleneMar 12, 20:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I find this report utterly distasteful, and a disgraceful attempt to accuse President Trump for ‘causing the cartels some difficulties’…
DeborahMar 12, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 Christopher Hope on GB News to a woman Labour MP, ‘Starmer has had a good couple of weeks on the…
LoobylooMar 12, 19:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 BA also shaking the collection tin down the aisle in support of it too
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
Well im back and I’m first. Time to contribute once more !
Good to see you Halifax, I’d only been thinking about you the other day.
Halifax welcome back – hope you are okay … marky marky will put up some stuff from the last century to celebrate ….
Welcome back. As sturdy & robust as my old working Halifax Kero Lamp still used.
Freed hostage Emily Hand ‘better than expected’
So, more a holiday, really.
It’s the WokeSupremacists’ country
“Met Police = Sadiq Khan’s little shoeshine boys”
Met Police an hour before they arrested Tommy Robinson
The last time Mt Police actually acted untera Section 35, seems to be Nov 10th when the were moving street campers in Camden
I can’t see tweets from before today ever mentioning they had actually ever arrested or charged anyone with refusing to comply
On Nov 18th they did issue a Section 35 against JSO/Palestine demonstrators
“How many Police does it take to arrest Tommy Robinson
(for not committing a crime) ?
while crowds across London openly support terrorists.”
The GBnews 11pm opinion discussion roundly condemned the police as POLITICAL
Not BBC. But on the other hand I would imagine there would be more chance of me being selected for the next Prince of Wales than them showing this.
failed to embed, cos the video is age restricted
Thanks Stew,
Here is the Link
Will that work?
If not I recommend finding “Wolves and Finance” on You tube and seeing his compilation on the Jan 6th protests. “Shocking New Jan 6 Footage”
I find this man quite credible.
Nov 25th The PM of Ireland didn’t want to say a child has been KIDNAPPED by Hamas , he called her “lost”
Despite him banning replies to his tweet, it was still Community Noted and Ratioed
Then the Irish MMA star who called him out got 116K Likes
Theresa May lost 22 in Manchester. LOST!
What happened yesterday to TR from the cowardly scum police is enough, I have personal experience of how brave they feel when they outnumber you, bit like the muslims, all big and tough then.
I hope he files a complaint as GB news were repeatedly followed and harrassed by a pro palestinian twat with a megaphone who verbally abused the reporter and the cowardly scum police ?
what did they do ?
they …. “moved him on” !!!!
We are undoubtedly at war and under attack, as we watch Christians regularly attacked at Speakers Corner.
There are some in this country, that, when the muzzies feel they outnumber enough and start targetting them, as they will, I would happily stand and watch and say “told you so”.
That includes ANY police officers, judges, memebers of the left and mainstream journalists and their wives and children, police are increasingly being outnumbered and attacked in muzzie gettoes, tough sh’t mates, remember that when you libelled and slandered TR, drove TR out of a number of towns, arrested and jailed him for telling the truth about muslim rape gangs and sharia law.
I also hope TR and all his colleagues do the same.
“You let your country down”
TR Has a freedom to travel
Act of Union 1707
“Article 4 (equal privileges of subjects)
That the Subjects of the United Kingdom of Great Britain shall from and after the Union have full Freedom and Intercourse of Trade and Navigation to and from any port or place within the said United Kingdom and the Dominions and Plantations thereunto belonging. And that there be a Communication of all other Rights, Privileges and Advantages which do or may belong to the Subjects of either Kingdom except where it is otherwayes expressly agreed in these Articles.”
Unless of course the wet police believe that some hamas terrorists and also stabbers of Hatun at Speakers Corner have more rights to move freely in Londonistan than do others.
What is wrong with this country in a nutshell:
Anyone with any experience of lazy, incompetent yet tefflon, sack proof tick box staff will understand this relentless, racist drive towards mediocrity, perfected by so many racist, sexist fascist local authorities especially :
“Board of The Tudor Trust charity all face being sacked for being ‘white and privileged’ amid an anti-racism diversity drive.
Charity stopping all grants for 20 months while it ‘re-thinks’ its future. Staff will learn about ‘racial justice’ and ‘white supremacy culture’ ”
Vehemently: ‘DIVERSITY is our strength!!!’
Cluelessly: ‘Why is our country so DIVIDED???
Boycott “The Tudor Trust”
More importantly, tell them why.
“Iran-backed Houthi rebels fire MISSILES at US destroyer off Yemen in ‘significant escalation’ after American troops freed Israeli-linked tanker from pirates.
The rebels, from Yemen’s Houthis, were officially recognized as a terrorist organization in the US under the Trump administration – until Biden removed the militants from the list in 2021. ”
Is there anything that the Biden admin does, or has done – that isn’t poisonous?
UK 2023:
“The school where teachers are so scared they’ve gone on STRIKE: Parents and staff reveal the horror of facing racial abuse, threats of sexual assault against female teachers, a warning one would have her throat cut and gang fights galore.
‘We’ve had enough,’ as Lisa — who doesn’t want to give her surname — puts it. ‘We are collectively striking because there have been too many incidents of violence and threats of violence against staff.
‘We have had chairs thrown; been pushed and shoved… physically assaulted. We have the n-word used on a regular basis to our black teachers.’ These are children remember — many as young as 11 or 12.
The crisis at Oasis Academy coincides with the release of school watchdog Ofsted’s annual report. In her final report as its chief, Amanda Spielman, stated that absenteeism and disruptive pupil behaviour is becoming more commonplace. She also warned that secondary schools are plagued by a growing number of children playing ‘internal truancy’, where they wander corridors and hang out in toilets instead of going to lessons.
The walk-out in Kent is believed to be the first time teachers in England have gone on strike because of the fear of pupil behaviour (last month their peers at Caldicot Secondary School in Monmouthshire, Wales, walked out over three days due to what they called the ‘violent and aggressive behaviour’ of some pupils).
An underlying theme of the strike action in Kent — a ‘last resort’ — is also the threat of violence from pupils, following four physical assaults in the past two weeks alone, the Mail has learned.
They range from threats of sexual violence against female staff and gang fights, to large groups of children attacking one student, and pupils throwing tables and chairs at staff.
Mr Millar professed himself baffled by a multi-million pound spend that had made the school entirely open plan.
‘Open-plan classrooms can work in some instances, but when they are the only main spaces you have and they have to be used at once with different year groups and subjects going on with no barrier between them, it’s just not workable,’ he said.
‘Some pupils told us they ‘have had enough’ of being jostled and hurt in corridors or verbally abused,’ the report stated.
It also said inspectors found pupils using ‘foul, homophobic, racist and sexist language’ and exchanging nude pictures without understanding the legal implications.
They also cited ‘rife’ vandalism, offensive graffiti, poor behaviour and bad language.
given the eyewitness testimony of Lisa, who last week spoke about the daily dramas she and her colleagues face. ‘We have situations where hordes of children run after one child to beat them up,’ she told the KentOnline news site. ‘Constantly being called the c-word, constantly being told to eff off. The kids are out in the corridors, refusing to come into classrooms.
‘They’re kicking the doors in so they come off their hinges in order to either run around like maniacs in classrooms they’re not supposed to be in… or beat up a student or threaten a teacher.
‘You ask someone to stand in line, you get threatened with death. It happens on a daily basis. On an hourly basis. There’s probably about 50 students in each year group who constantly do this.”
Good news for a change – the UAE has been using those green crap meetings ( cop something ?) to discuss oil sales – thus saving on additional flights and transport …. And to add to it more hydrocarbons will be burnt … isn’t that great ..? Poor old Justin rowlatt nearly blew an artery through woke indignation …… burn that diesel ..
You beat me to it Fed.
As Justremainin’ is part of the problem, he DIDN’T say to Rowlatt-
‘Well what did you expect ? All the right people already there, in person, so they discuss what they normally discuss over ‘zoom’ because the world has to keep going and not revert to the stone age !
“None wished to be named, and some of them say they are afraid to send their children there. ‘We don’t know how to keep him safe at school,’ said the father of one 11-year-old pupil.
‘He started in September and has been the victim of at least ten attacks by pupils. Most of these have happened in class, most have been witnessed, and only a small number have been acted upon.’
The parent revealed that on one occasion a child had entered his son’s classroom and head-butted him. They had then left class but came back five minutes later and punched his son. ‘Nothing was done,’ he says. Another parent, a mum called Louise, said her own children repeatedly told her about the chaos at the school.
‘My youngest refused to go to his classes because the children from Year 8 kept coming into his lesson,’ she says. ‘He told me the older children were told to leave on multiple occasions, but they’re loud and don’t listen.
‘A few weeks ago I was told there was a fight, and the kids made a sort of blockade and wouldn’t let the teachers get through to break it up. It is quite frightening to see what the children do to each other — it’s almost savage.’
Another parent said her daughter — who has now left the school — could only get any work done by wearing earphones in class.
‘She used to get in trouble for it, but she wore them because she wanted to concentrate,’ the parent said. ‘She used to ring me up during class and hold her mobile out and say, ‘This is my English lesson’, and it would be like a zoo. There was so much shouting, screaming and disruption.”
And still our Tory government refuses to curb hyper-immigration edition
When we voted way back in 2016 to come out of the European Union with its open borders – and were instead in favour of some points-based immigration policy, we certainly did NOT intend for our politicians to go with an all-are-welcome Eurovision Song Contest-style “Nul Points” system: Sunak’s deal with Braverman revealed… agreed to raise the salary threshold for migrants to £40,000… proposed to close down the graduate visa route, restrict the number of dependants and prioritise Russell Group university applicants… Mrs Braverman cited the Prime Ministers failure to stick to their deal (Telegraph)
Post Brexit you can’t travel on the London tube without being regaled by advertising from a plethora of corporations offering cheap and easy money transfers to the third world, despite (as they like to say) migrant workers’ apparent beneficial contribution to the UK economy
If taxation-keen Jeremy Hunt insists he still needs to raise money, then how about something along these lines: A Proposed New Tax, Mainly On Latinos, To Pay For Trump’s Border Wall… a 2 percent tax on all person-to-person wire transfers to Mexico, the rest of Latin America and the Caribbean. (NPR)
Afterall, what’s good for the goose must be good for the gander, right: Effective from October 1, 2023, the tax rate on outbound remittances from India will rise from five percent to 20 percent. This increase will impact funds sent abroad for purposes such as vacations, investments, and gifts (India Briefing)
Of course the Guardian and their ilk won’t be happy about this new tax: ‘Pulled from both sides’: Britons who send money abroad face living costs squeeze… With inflation also high in many developing economies, overseas remittances are more vital than ever… “Sending money home is something I have to do, it’s not an ‘I would like to do this’ says Toyin Oshinowo.”… But lately sending money back home has got much harder, as food and energy prices in the UK continue to soar, forcing Oshinowo to cut back on spending to continue supporting relatives” (Some special pleading there methinks from Mabel Banfield-Nwachi, in the Guardian – note the tell tale phrase ‘back home’)
Whatever happened to the notion of immigrants coming here for a better life? Apparently the motivation is instead for a better life for the folks back home.
Estimates compiled by the World Bank show people in Britain send billions of pounds overseas each year to friends, family and other contacts… led by Nigeria, sent more than £4bn a year, and closely followed by India and Pakistan. (Guardian)
Not all migrants are good for Britain. We must only allow in those who are (Nick Timothy in the Telegraph there whistles into the wind this morning in the hallowed tradition of the columns of his sleepy old newspaper – much-ignored in liberal Tory circles)
Children on puberty blokers doubles; Starmer open to Elgin Marbles loan return; Net Zero hinders bank on inflation, say peers; Council workers moonlighting while working from home; Comfort foods begone British favourites the experts want cancelled (Telegraph) – all reported on one Monday morning frontpage under the watch of a supposedly conservative government.
You’d think from that litany of shame we must have been thirteen years into a Corbyn/Starmer-style adminstration
Millions face higher taxes until election (‘i’) – might as well vote Labour next time, eh?
And still our Tory government refuses to curb hyper-immigration
The FT may have cut its regular Datawatch feature from the frontpage but we find it replaced by a new regular item – big financial corporations cuting jobs. Previously it was 2,000 posts going at Barclays, now today: More than 2,500 jobs are at risk at Lloyds Banking Group
And still our Tory government refuses to curb hyper-immigration
Kyiv seeks more recruits… has said volunteers will not have to serve in the trenches but can choose a role that matches their skills… (FT)
And still our Tory government refuses to curb hyper-immigration
Thousands march against antisemitism in London (BBC)
And still our Tory government refuses to curb hyper-immigration
You seem to believe the government has a say in what happens in this country.
I do of course realise Rishi Sunak is nothing more than a regional district manager adminstering the UK ‘economic zone’ for the benefit of the wider international corporate interest.
Stake in nuclear site seized from Chinese could go to Abu Dhabi… Ministers have lined up Abu Dhabi investors to take a significant stake in the Sizewell C nuclear power plant… (Times)
COP28: UAE planned to use climate talks to make oil deals (BBC)
And he’s even rubbish at that.
He’s doing OK as seat-warmer for Starmer.
Surely you mean a ‘fence-warmer’?
It doesn’t have to be “Starmer”?
Hobson’s Choice! … Sunak or Starmer?
Despite the MSM’s & propaganda please note, that there are other Political Parties . Instead of wasting your vote, go for UKIP or Reform UK.
He’s more like David Brent.
iirc Koreans built 2 UAE nuclear power stations in half the time and nearly half the cost that UK’s bureaucrats have taken to *not* even build one working item.
well, gosh …
– be interesting to see who those NGOs were? (and which bit of government or the Soros octopus(?) is sustaining them?)
The BBC must have breathed a huge sigh of relief.
When the riots kicked off they could go into their default ‘Far Right’ narrative and so avoid any mention of tomo’s content above.
Yet another ‘benefit’ of open door immigration and the phalanx of lefty liberals in politics and the judiciary.
22 lost in Manchester … 1 picked up in Libyan picked up in med.
“with the help of NGOs” …
Who are accessories to attempted murder IMHO.
And still not named – or charged ? – or is there an injunction ….
He was an Irish citizen!
Who are you going to believe, Leo Varadkar or your lying eyes?
BBC sympathies laid bare.
On Toady, an article about bad communication in the NHS. We’ve all experienced it. Unsympathetic doctors, letters that never arrive etc. a worthwhile topic, then?
So to illustrate this, an ‘interview’ with someone with throat cancer. Guess who? Come on, it’s the BBC.
Yes, none under than Mark Steele. One of their favourite left wing comedians.
He then spent most of the ‘interview’ telling us how marvellous and ‘brilliant’ the NHS was. The ‘poor communication’ examples were downgraded to material for jokes.
No insight whatever. No attempt to critique the white elephant of the NHS. The whole article was a total waste of time.
Obviously, famous left wingers get better treatment from the NHS than the rest of us.
How very Animal Farm.
I wonder if the far left comrade Steele has written his book yet ? Having been the close relative of someone diagnosed with breast cancer – and gone through the whole awful process with them – I know too well how defective the NHS is – even when they are meant to be that area of medicine where resources are thrown at them .
As for comrade Steele – what a dreadful character – comes around goes around …
Anybody know why the natives are restless in Ayreshire to the point of deployment of riot police?
Some poor whitey probably said a hurty word as a joke.
Kemi bannocks delivers a dreadful interview to our Justin – the 2022 600 000 plus migrants wasnt under the current PM( so that’s alright then) – but the 750 000 latest figure was –
The blue Labour just deserve the sewer …. And ended
One of my favourite subjects: Weather (aka Meteorology for those preferring not to slum it).
A message from, none other than the Deputy Chief Meteorologist, Dan Harris. From the middle of this week, onward: “Thereafter, confidence in the detailed forecast falls, which is typical when looking this far ahead. It does look as though there will be a trend towards something more unsettled, as areas of cloud and rain attempt to move across the UK.” “This far ahead/something”? Should hang his head in shame. No doubt the reason why the Chief Meteorologist could not put his name to this prediction.
So, expect to hear that the ‘Higher that usual Autumn temperatures’ will lead to, wait for it, the, “hottest Autumn temperature’s on Record” early in December.
That’s ‘Climate Change’ for you, totally unpredictable.
The meteorologists admit that they can’t predict the weather more than a few days ahead with any degree of certainty because it’s too complex a system, with so many interdependent variables that even a super computer can’t cope. Of course none of the public expects that the Met office forecast for ten days hence is going to be reliable , experience has taught them that it isn’t.
However the meteorologists and climate ‘scientists’ have no difficulty in predicting the climate , not just a few days of weather in one country ,but for the entire globe decades hence.
The great tragedy is that millions of ordinary members of the public believe them and are willing to spends trillions based upon these 10 or 20 or 30 year predictions.
Don’t they see the irony?
See the web site for an insightful review of the unreliability of the climate catastrophe thesis.
My story is pretty straightforward – the UAE planned to use the COP28 climate talks to make oil deals.
a) duh
2) nothing the bbc is involved in is straightforward
C) will he be there to snag a hug with Sofe?
With a bit of luck he ll only need a single ticket to the UAE….
BBC is criticised for spending more than £600,000 on ‘diversity and inclusion’ staff as critics slam taxpayer money being spent on ‘woke nonsense’
BBC employs 15 staff members in roles relating to ‘diversity, equity or inclusion’
June Sarpong: What is diversity?
The Media Show
The BBC’s Director of Creative Diversity on why change is needed.
In the wake of MeToo and the Black Lives Matter movement, the media world has been looking hard at who it portrays and how. The BBC created the position ‘Director of Creative Diversity’ to change minority representation. But how much change is needed – and who has to make way for these new, more diverse appointments?
Panel: June Sarpong, BBC’s Director of Creative Diversity; and Matthew Syed, Sunday Times columnist and author of Rebel Ideas: The Power of Diverse Thinking.
Presenter: Amol Rajan
Studio engineer: Giles Aspen
Producer: Hannah Sander
Meanwhile Huw Edwards is still receiving his full BBC Salary.
Maybe recruiting white British males would be a start, they are also in the vast minority at all London local authorities
I only found out recently that invading nazis in Europe were high on crystal meths. This allowed them to stay awake and probably not worry too much about the death and destruction they were wrecking.
So when the hamas savages attacked Israel on Oct 7th I kept an ear out for any drugs since their behavious was beyond all human decency. This is when I came across Captagon:
The Israelis do not seem to be talking about this drug even though they could autopsy the bodies of the dead savages on their territory. My guess si that they do not want any excuse to mitigate the behaviour of the terrorists.
I guess the Assads have made a tidy profit from this drug being manufactured in Syria. No doubt the Russian connection will also help to ensure that this medication is also enjoyed all over Londonistan.
you might find this informative:
Atlas – I’d heard that one used re Islamic Hamas – but since most of the killers had no idea what they were going to be doing until the early hours of that Sunday – not so sure about them being medicated …
And as for the German panzer crews being up on amphetamines – this was one of the theories used to ‘explain ‘ why they didn’t keep going at Dunkirk and capture / kill 400 000 before the evacuation got going ( ie – that the tank crews were frazzled) – btw – I don’t accept that story …
Ps – for younger readers – Dunkirk is in France – there was a war back then – it was called world war 2 …. Omg it’s so boring – do you like Britney ?
The WW2 Allies had their useful pharmaceuticals too.
RAF crews (particularly the bomber boys) had access to pills on an industrial scale I was told when I were a lad by a pal of my dad who flew to and from Sweden with SKF products for much of the war.
Would a white British person in a Civil Legal case against a Moslem, presided over by a Moslem Judge expect to be treated fairly? In many cases, possibly, but given the militaristic nature of Islam?
I’m reasonably certain that in all cases, White British Judges would be fair to both parties.
My son is a Lawyer working in personal Injury reckons personal prejudice (not racial) does bias Judges decisions. He cites an’ example of a woke greenie cycling Judge deciding a collision case between a car driver and cyclist.
Manchester police probe Hamilton theatregoers’ fight
Not much happened in the very short “report”, but the bbc thought they would tell us about it
Maybe the bbc is sponsored to advert it
BBC radio 2 – all about the presenters starring in PANTO – BUY TICKETS – PROMOTIONS – BBC don’t advetise.
Even the right of medialand is LondonSupremacist and WokeSupremacist
10:25 tweet to JHB You just said that Tommy Robinson said “racist things” that’s totally untrue.
Never again – 3 teachers hide in Batley – ha ha ha ha ha!
The police reckon they can keep TR in jail
I am not aware where someone has been kept in prison for stepping on the street
How about for loitering on a Zebra Crossing , walking on the cracks in the pavement, or even urinating in a public convenience ?
From what I can see – sitting around in a cafe, waiting for Constable Savage and his mates.
Hate crimes! Hate thoughts!
When the authorities want someone cancelled they bend the law , tie it in knots if necessary, to get their way. Tommy has no chance of being treated fairly . He is being used to discourager les autres , just showing what will happen to the rest of us if we step out of line or protest too much.
From the BBC’s live feed:
Four-year-old hostage’s family ‘hoped and prayed’ for release
‘Avigail Idan was three when she was taken by Hamas on 7 October from Kfar Aza kibbutz. Her parents were killed in the attacks, but her two siblings hid and were later rescued.’
‘He tells the story of meeting a seven-year-old boy who’d lost both his parents and twin brother, asking the boy’s aunt – who now cares for him – why the child kept closing his eyes while talking:
‘She said he’s just so terrified he’s going to forget what his mum and his dad look like. So he wants to keep picturing them, not lose them in his mind as much as he has in real life.”
No such empathy for the the young girl – but are we really supposed to believe that ‘quotation’ ??. Is a 7 year old boy really closing his eyes in the middle of talking ‘to picture his parents so he doesn’t forget them’?.
More complete and utter bullshit which the BBC are happy to write – but as quotation from someone else so it doesn’t have to be true. I’d lay odds that it was completely made up by someone in the BBC.
They are about as far down in the gutter as they can get now.
Agreed. Have they parroted the gentler, considerate disembowelling kindnapper memes yet?
Learning from history, parts #48, #67, #73… choose the one that suits.
I mentioned The Defeated the other day, a series about immediate postwar Berlin. Stuck with. Okish. Seems it was planned to be two series but didn’t go beyond one. So the conclusion is, at best, messy.
I have also just watched a long doc about the Korean War on streaming. And one called ‘Could We Have Stopped Hitler?” with mostly chubby, rosy cheeked historians in very comfy studies pontificating. Neville did not do well, though, or others.
And I continue to ponder various areas of comparison, or not.
There are so many it is hard to get one’s head around.
Both involved aggressors kicking off and having ambitions beyond borders, imposed previously or otherwise, with various shaky alliances in support, against various shaky dimwits muttering about peace after the War that Cleary didn’t End anything.
Seems German prisoners taken by Russians did not get exchanged too often, or come back, at all. Or treated very well. Ditto those taken by the Commies. Prisoners of those this side of ethical walls did a lot better, often to the extent of not wanting to go back, that offered the guys the other side a chance to play games on swaps. Ditto kids one way by state sanctioned action, and the other by low tech boom war consequences. Little waving or hugs to the guys with AKs, especially with family still held, if alive. A few hot lipped blondes, in hospitals. None working for BBC verify.
Once peaces got brokered in the above, they have kind of held. Bar Kims Behaving Badly with subs, and shooting missiles at the sea, often hitting it. And hitting fishing villages for just being too darn offside, and hitting them. Forgiven. Despite the kids. Interesting parallel. There have beens stories of cross border hostages taking and few returns.
Germany simmered a while over Berlin, got heavy, got an airlift, simmered and then the walls came down. Little signs of grudges resulting in suicide bombings anywhere since. Apart from imported. Ditto rapes.
Japan, once very keen on brutal massacre and divine windy stuff seems to have settled down almost as soon as the God Emperor said stand down. Short of a Tom Clancy novel all figured the best form of surrender is to get on with it. Bit of nutter related chopping and bad tube behaviour but that’s it. Done ok, since, as did W. Germany until Mutti got in charge and brought in all sorts for EU and possibly Vlad reasons.
However… the ME. Oh well. Some rushed border carving post No. 2 not quite on par with 1918 Versailles, but mostly a lot of very dodgy characters handed lot of oil to sell and becoming very rich with being part of various competing divisions of an autocracy-based, middle ages retained pyramid peon structure death cult needed a boogey place to use as an excuse for not killing each other all the time… neatly provided at their core.
Carnage in the name of a sky fairy ever since, everywhere, kept going by greed and greedy old men and a few barmy bints, everywhere.
Held to account by such as the BBC, and a cubicle gardens blooming ever more keeping the propaganda going.
I think you might enjoy a series called Babylon Berlin.
It’s set between the wars and it’s not woke. I can’t recall any enrichers for example.
Altogether there’s 4 series and I certainly enjoyed the lot.
In the first series they have Bryan Ferry with some Roxy Music songs in German…it works.
It’s on Sky, just type the name in search and the 4 series come up.
Tx. Sadly, for legal reasons elsewhere, Sky is off the menu.
We have noticed Netflix starting to soar too.
If you have a smart TV get the Cinema app. Virtually every programme you could want, all for free. Our TV is too old to be smart, we use an Amazon firestick, works a treat.
Snow In County Durham & Cumbria ! , what next ice – whatever happened to “Global Warming”?
Noting that the Indy, once home of Amol and read by dozens, also has a piece there headed ‘5 reasons to be happy with Corbyn’s win’.
BBC SAY EAT BUGS .. whilst in the real world …
The United Arab Emirates planned to use its role as the host of UN climate talks as an opportunity to strike oil and gas deals, the BBC has learned
Saudi border guards have killed at least hundreds of Ethiopian migrants and asylum seekers who tried to cross the Yemen-Saudi border between March 2022 and June 2023. Human Rights Watch research indicates that, at time of writing, the killings are continuing.21 Aug 2023
I’m organising a peaceful potter around my London neighbourhood lasting for the next 25 years. I don’t want Muslims attending as their presence is likely to cause me alarm and distress.
I’ll write to the Met and ask them to intervene with tear gas if any turn up.
I’m pretty sure that will get you arrested for a hate crime. As opposed to gunning down a dozen Jews. That might get you a medal. The police have shown their hand, they are the enemy of this country. Oops, I hear a knocking at the door and see the flashing of blue lights through the window,
Beyond being invited on the BBC and Vile to ‘comment’, albeit in carefully selected unidirectional ways, what does it take to be accorded the supposed protections of being present as a ‘journalist’? Agreed all in the MSM are utterly compromised now by biases, but wandering around with an iPhone would surely qualify anyone?
Is it because he is black?
Hostage Release Creating More PR Problems For Israel
Israeli and Palestinian civilians are celebrating the exchange of hostages. Wait, some might say. Israel was not holding “hostages”, they were prisoners. That is not how the Palestinians view the matter. The vast majority of people scarfed up by Israel and jailed were not afforded due process. This type of abuse is one grievance that is fueling support for Hamas and Hezbollah.
Netanyahu and his government are not happy about this deal. They were forced to accept it by a combination of domestic political pressure from the Israeli families who wanted their loved ones back and the international pressure generated by the viral images of dead Palestinian children and women. Premature babies gasping for breath did not play well across the globe. Those images produced horror and revulsion, which led many nations that were on friendly terms with Israel to break relations.
One measure of Israel’s PR problem comes via SkyNews, which normally takes a pro-Israel slant in its coverage of the battle between Israel and Hamas.
SkyNews – sponsored by Qatar airways! HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Dickie, you seem well aware of all BBC techniques.
The headline is a classic, copied directly from a BBC reporter. Hence the circle jerk passes on.
Have to love ‘some may say’. Toenails (yawn) or Bowen may err on those in counter, but those not utterly corrupted would struggle equating folk intercepted from actively going to engage in violence and kids doing nothing on their home turf kidnapped to get them back.
The bad PR is generated almost exclusively, and selectively, by the MSM. Secure that after a brief moment of grasping what Israel faces, all fell back on the old comfort zones.
Sky is ‘pro-Israel’? Normally? Uh huh.
And as to who or what sonar21 is I have never heard of them or have any intention of clicking the link, perhaps explaining your at last attempting edited highlights.
One of many of your problems is that behaving like a propagandist shill gets old, fast.
I had a bit of a news catch-up yesterday after a (roughly) 48hr break from news & political noise.
Looking at our mainstream news outlets you would think Hamas was some sort of humanitarian mission kindly delivering children & pensioners back to their families.
Not the source of the mass-murder, torture, rape and abductions.
Fox reporter says Biden “continues to face questions about his age, even here in Nantucket”
Then he plays a clip of Biden being asked, “Mr. President, are you too old to be running for reelection?”
Without disclosing that the reporter is the one shouting the question
Bri highlights a practice. Who else does this?
Most people don’t really want the truth. They just want constant reassurance that what they believe is the truth.
Israel’s PR problems ?
With the Anglosphere media?
With outfits like the BBC, CNN and SkyMSNBC around, eyewatering amounts of Qatari money and the Obamah-Biden US Democrat stable of creepy stenographers …
Larry Johnston,given his background should be contemptuous of those chimps – but he trades on his old(?) job credentials to milk them…
On the Dublin stabbing: I note how quickly terrorism was ruled out and that the dreaded far-right was invoked. How did they know — were the press out on the streets taking impromptu opinion polls next to the burning police cars?
I wonder how much info will allowed to be released on the actual details. 18 months ago there was a murder in London; the initial BBC report said the victim “was found with neck injuries”. This was later upgraded to “was found under a duvet and sheets with a cut to her throat”. That’s as far as they went.
I personally know a member of the victim’s family who told me the police had confirmed to them that the attacker (an African immigrant) had tried to decapitate her. It was surprisingly up to the Indy to report accurately that “the nature of the wound showed he had almost beheaded her.”
I can’t imagine how it must feel knowing that and then seeing your national broadcaster try to airbrush it out. BBC must realise by now that the people are seeing through their feeble coverups.
Judgement day is coming. Beelzebub’s Broadcasting Corporation can’t get get away with their vile efforts to conceal evil forever.
HA HA HA HA …. “Boris Johnson fires shot at BBC with hint at scrapping licence fee”
Tommy Robinson also received some stick on GB News this morning. They were discussing the pro-Israel march and one of the talking heads, some podgy munter, whose only claim to fame seems to be that she’s married to Noddy Holder (lead singer with Slade) gave us her take on events.
“I don’t want to even name him,” she intoned, “Just to say that he’s a far-right rabble rouser.” Pitiful…
Someone could have pointed out that Slade, were notorious skinheads back in the day and before they adopted all the financially beneficial accoutrements of Glam Rock and made an absolute fortune. There were always punch-ups at their gigs.
Now, I’m not saying that all skinheads were far-right racist thugs, of course I’m not.
But Slade certainly had that sort of following.
I wonder what Noddy Holder thinks about Tommy…
Look hard enough – “Gandhi statue pulled down in Ghana after controversy over ‘racist’ writings
By Bukola Adebayo, CNN
2 minute read
Published 10:18 AM EST, Fri December 14, 2018”
Anjem Choudary calls Duke of Sussex a ‘Muslim killer’ and calls on jihadis to retaliate
Hate preacher said Harry’s claim he killed 25 Taliban was a ‘wake-up call’ for Muslims everywhere to ‘end the occupation of foreign forces’
Martin Evans,
8 January 2023 • 6:43pm
He’d already been released by the time you posted 1:53pm
.. There is an explanation tweet ..
He accepted draconian bail conditions , which really should accept
He’s force to stay away from London until the end of January
Since he committed no offence
why should he accept such a punishment
The photo merely shows TR having dinner with his two daughters
The warning label above, is likely to be due to Antifa types maliciously clicking the REPORT button on Twitter
“Our language is being watched” says chief international corespondent
on covering the Israel-Gaza conflict – she’s never been under greater scrutiny.
There is a reason for that, lies.
UK doctor who worked at Shifa confirms Gaza hospital used for ‘non-medical purposes’
Exactly the kind of story the BBC would be all over if it suited their agenda.
But it isn’t. So they ignore it. Even though any story from a UK doctor and an Italian journalist is way, way more credible than what we get from their own reporters who live in Gaza, have family in Gaza and most certainly hate Israel.
Their ‘lies by omission’ are off the scale now. They know that OFCOM will not do anything.
Talking outside the police station
When I was a wee lad I remember seeing the way dissidents were treated in the Soviet Union, East Germany and South Africa.
I took immense pride in living in a free country. We could, pretty much, say what we wanted, go where we wanted and within the law, do what we wanted. Britain was a green and pleasant land.
Not any more…
f00k da po lice as our guests would say
I beleive TR is also roundly condemned for objecting to this kind of thing which is infiltrating our muslim ghettos in the UK also:
“Woman set for ‘blasphemy’ trial for condemning vile mob’s lynching of Christian student
Rhoda Jatau has been targeted by controversial blasphemy laws in northern Nigeria, where Sharia Law is applicable.
A healthcare worker charged with blasphemy laws simply for condeming the brutal killing of a student in Nigeria has today failed in her attempt to get a trial date in order for her case to be heard.
Mother-of-five Rhoda Jatau, 45, appeared at the High Court in Bauchi in the north of the country, having spent the last 18 months in prison.”
I’ve seen Sadiq Khan and Andy Burnham on BBC and ITV News today, both of them complaining that they weren’t consulted during COVID and consequently London and Manchester suffered because of it.
Pardon me but who hasn’t known a deluded twat like these two?
You know, the sort person who insists, usually with clenched fists and a mad glint in the eye, “It would all have been different if I’d been there!”
Is the same Andy Burnham who was Secretary of State for Health whilst the Stafford NHS scandal occurred.
The Andy Burnham who “drove the getaway car”
utter scum
Public inquiry
The revelations of the neglect to patients at Stafford hospital were widely considered to be deeply shocking by all sections of the mainstream UK press; for example, patients were left in their own urine by nurses.[18] In June 2010, the Cameron–Clegg coalition announced that a full public inquiry would be held.[19]
The inquiry began on 8 November 2010, chaired by Robert Francis QC, who had chaired the fourth inquiry which he had criticised for its narrow remit. The inquiry considered more than a million pages of previous evidence as well as hearing from witnesses.[20] Former chief executive Martin Yeates, who “resigned with a pay-off of more than £400,000 and a £1 million pension pot”, escaped cross-examination at the inquiry due to self-reported ill-health “with post-traumatic stress disorder, a condition often associated with soldiers returning from war zones” but did participate with a written statement.[18]
Helene Donnelly, a nurse at the hospital, complained that the two Sisters running the department had told staff to lie about waiting times. The Sisters were suspended and Helene was harassed. She subsequently gave evidence to the Francis inquiry and was later appointed[21] ambassador for cultural change at Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Partnership NHS Trust.
The final report of the Francis inquiry was published on 6 February 2013, making 290 recommendations.[22][23]
Academics at the University of Oxford and King’s College London have criticised the recommendations of the Francis inquiry to legally enforce a new duty of openness, transparency and candour amongst NHS staff, arguing that increasing ‘micro-regulation’ may produce serious unintended consequences.[24]
Medical lawyers offered their assistance to distraught and angry families who waited for proof that lessons had been learned. Many families of the victims felt that crucial questions have been left unanswered
The BBC London Historian Louise Raw sees herself as a key figure in the Labour “anti-hate” movement
She is of course very HATEY
She HATES Tommy Robinson and I spot her throwing around huge claims against him
You’d think the article she linked to backed her claims
.. It doesn’t, the article contradicts her
“In a note she claimed Bedford and Kent police forces and her local mental health team had caused her death”
“A coroner concluded Ms Carroll did not mean to take her own life and died from excessive ingestion of multiple drugs”
Yes she had had threats of violence,” given six Osman warnings – which are issued by police to a potential victim that they are at risk of murder”
but the article shows the court made no clear direct connection to Tommy Robinson
just something circumstantial a note by her which said
“Got into opposing racists like Tommy Robinson and the EDL and this got me battered.”
“had been the victim of a “brutal attack” by the EDL in 2015″
.. that is 2 years after TR left the EDL cos he feared it was being hijacked by racists.
Ms Carroll was on bail .. due to appear at Luton Magistrates for assaulting a constable.
The court heard she had suffered from depression and anxiety for 12 years
I see in 2021 Raw exploited Carroll’s death in her political tweets, but she got the name of her organisation wrong
and later admitted that was cos she didn’t know her case very well.
(link for that last bit .. )
I have been in London today, unavoidably , for the first time in almost ten years. On the underground there were three Jewish chaps , in their 20’s at a guess , wearing their kippah , or should it be kippot , . I thought how brave they were . There wasn’t any sign of trouble and no one amongst the many who might have been muslim gave them a second glance but nonetheless I thought it was a very brave gesture of defiance . It made my poppy wearing look weak to say the least and made me a bit ashamed of not going down yesterday to the March .
On the train back home now .
Sky out bbcing the bbc with stories based on ‘says’.
The surgeon, who worked at both al Shifa and al Ahli hospital in Gaza, held a news conference to describe his experiences.
He says that phosphorus gas was used in Gaza.
BBC international editor Jeremy Bowen admits Gaza hospital report was inaccurate
The veteran BBC journalist also said he ‘doesn’t regret one thing’ about his reporting
NOVEMBER 27, 2023 18:01
A veteran BBC journalist has admitted his coverage on the bombing of a Gaza hospital was inaccurate but said that he “doesn’t regret one thing” about his reporting.
BBC international editor Jeremy Bowen said he incorrectly suggested Al-Ahli hospital “was flattened” following the blast on October 17.
Speaking on the BBC News at Ten, Bowen said: “The missile hit the hospital not long after dark. You can hear the impact.
“The explosion destroyed Al-Ahli hospital. It was already damaged from a smaller attack at the weekend. The building was flattened.”
Asked about the report a month later, Bowen told the Behind The Stories programme which was aired on BBC News on Saturday as part of the corporation’s commitment to transparency: “So it broke in I suppose mid evening and to answer your question, no I don’t regret one thing in my reporting because I think I was measured throughout. I didn’t race to judgement.”
Asked specifically about the “hospital being flattened” comment, he added: “Oh yeah, well I got that wrong because I was looking at the pictures and what I could see was a square that appeared to be flaming on all sides and there was, sort of, a void in the middle. I think it was a picture taken from a drone.
“So, you know, we have to piece together what we see and I thought, ‘it looks like the whole building has gone’.
“That was my conclusion from looking at the pictures and I was wrong on that but I don’t feel particularly bad about that. It was just the conclusion I drew.”
Spoken like a true biased piece of shit. Goebbels would have had him as his depute in an instant. Should be immediately dismissed as a lying bastard as even has the brass neck to admit it. Christ – Clarkson was sacked just for thumping someone on the jaw.